สัมภาษณ์ “คุณจรีพร จารุกรสกุล”เปิดเกม WHAเล็งออกดิจิตอลโทเคน | gig economy คือ

สัมภาษณ์ “คุณจรีพร จารุกรสกุล”เปิดเกม WHAเล็งออกดิจิตอลโทเคน

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สัมภาษณ์ “คุณจรีพร จารุกรสกุล”เปิดเกม WHAเล็งออกดิจิตอลโทเคน

The gig economy: when algorithms decide your pay

There will be an estimated 78 million gig workers in 2023, up from 43 million in 2018 many of them paid by tech platforms like Uber and Lyft.
But how is this new platformdriven economy affecting the people who do the jobs? And is the law doing enough to protect them?

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The gig economy: when algorithms decide your pay


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The Gig Economy: WTF? Precarity and Work under Neoliberalism | Tom Nicholas

Unlike most developments in the employment market, the Gig Economy has received a great deal of press attention and established itself firmly as a point of reference in the popular consciousness. In recent years, increasing numbers of people have turned to services such as Uber, Lyft, Deliveroo, Just Eat, TaskRabbit and Fiverr as either a side hustle or their main source of income.
Following on from my video on neoliberalism and neoliberal capitalism, in today’s episode of What the Theory?, we look deeper into how the gig economy (or sharing economy) works and what differentiates it from the rest of the economy. We ask whether the gig economy is truly an opportunity for those wanting a more flexible work arrangement or whether it is simply a means for multinational corporations to circumvent hardwon workers rights and labour laws.
Finally, we also consider whether there might be some historical precedents to the sharing economy in the early industrial period and look at some of the challenges facing those attempting to organise Deliveroo riders, Uber drivers and other gig economy workers into trade unions in order to negotiate for better rates of pay and conditions.
If you’d like to support my channel then please do check out my Patreon page at http://patreon.com/tomnicholas
Further Reading
Riding for Deliveroo: Resistance in the New Economy by Callum Cant
US: https://amzn.to/2F1MKGb
UK: https://amzn.to/2SCR1aZ
Humans as a Service: The Promise and Perils of Work in the Gig Economy by Jeremias Prassl
US: https://amzn.to/2rDIjhx
UK: https://amzn.to/2SABp7M
Hustle and Gig by Alexandrea J Ravenelle
US: https://amzn.to/359evHo
UK: https://amzn.to/2sAxw8e
[The above are affiliate links. I receive a small kickback from anything you buy which, in turn, helps to support the channel.]If you’ve enjoyed this video and would like to see more including my What The Theory? series in which I provide some snappy introductions to key theories in the humanities as well as video essays and more then do consider subscribing.
Thanks for watching!
Twitter: @Tom_Nicholas
Website: www.tomnicholas.com

The Gig Economy: WTF? Precarity and Work under Neoliberalism | Tom Nicholas

Grab Conversation – Gig Economy in Southeast Asia (FULL)

Technology has challenged longstanding labour dynamics and fueled the gig economy’s exponential rise since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. For many across Southeast Asia, the gig economy has not only become a lifeline, but also a viable option for those seeking to supplement their incomes to make ends meet during a crisis. Yet, it is not without its share of concerns: whether the promise of flexible, “onyourownterms” work is more realistically characterized as lowquality work that affords few protections and little autonomy or representation for gig workers.
Global discussions on the gig economy, including its potential regulatory responses and approaches, have been largely driven out of contexts in the West. Relatively less attention has been given to how the issues may play out in other contexts that are markedly different. Southeast Asia, with its diversity of countries that span the spectrum in levels of development, provides an interesting lens to examine this.
In this special edition of Grab Conversations (which took place on 24 June 2021), we tackle the pressing topic of the gig economy in Southeast Asia. With the help of leading thinkers from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and those at the forefront of shaping the future of work, we will consider how the issues central to the gig topic translate across contexts, and how this may impact our view of the most relevant challenges, including how best to tackle them.
Speakers (in order of appearance):
Tan Hooi Ling, Grab CoFounder
Uma Rani, Senior Economist at the Research Department, International Labour Office (ILO)
Lim Yew Heng, GroupManaging Director, Public Affairs, Grab
Pandu Sjahrir, Chairman SEA Indonesia
Trevor Sworn, Director Enduring Consultancy and Board Member of Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations
Adrian Tan, Strategist Future of Work at Institute of HR Professionals in Singapore
Sara Elder, Senior Economist at the International Labour Office (ILO)
Tan Sri Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali, Executive Director of the National Economic Action Council of Malaysia
Moderated by:
Ilaria Chan, Group Advisor for Tech and Social Impact at Grab
Sara Elder, Senior Economist at the International Labour Office (ILO)

Grab Conversation - Gig Economy in Southeast Asia (FULL)

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