Top 11 How To Save A Joint Top Answer Update

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Without the burning plant matter, the J will go out, and you can store it for later. To flick correctly, hold the joint gently in one hand and flick the tip toward the ashtray with the bottom of your lighter, a finger on the opposite hand (try using your fingernail), or some other hard object.Storing In A Mason Jar

This is a particularly excellent option if you have a large number of joints that you would like to store for a certain amount of time. You can even insert moisture absorbing packets into the jar as an additional way to ensure your rolls do not become stale or, worse yet, get covered in mold.The best way to keep your half-smoked joints fresh as long as possible is with a glass doob tube. These portable containers can get stinky, but most do a great job of keeping the scent contained.

Can you preserve a joint?

Storing In A Mason Jar

This is a particularly excellent option if you have a large number of joints that you would like to store for a certain amount of time. You can even insert moisture absorbing packets into the jar as an additional way to ensure your rolls do not become stale or, worse yet, get covered in mold.

How do you preserve a joint after smoking?

The best way to keep your half-smoked joints fresh as long as possible is with a glass doob tube. These portable containers can get stinky, but most do a great job of keeping the scent contained.

How do you store a used joint?

The key to maintaining that freshness is proper storage. There are a few simple ways to do that: keep them in an airtight container, keep them from getting damaged and avoid over-exposure to light and moisture.

How do you make a joint last all day?

Light the joint evenly

Remember that joints don’t burn like cigarettes; hold the joint over the lighter flame and rotate it as it is being lit. Also, while lighting up, take smaller, even puffs, and don’t inhale the first draw. Taking deep breaths will likely encourage a faster burn right away.

Can joints go bad?

If you store a joint out in the open air, it will last for a little while, but will eventually start to degrade and lose its potent taste and smell.

Why do my joints burn out so fast?

If you have too much air flowing through your joint, it will cause it to burn quickly and unevenly. Therefore, rolling your joints tightly will improve their burn. In order to roll a tight joint, you’re going to want to take your time with the “packing” stage of joint rolling.

Should you lick a joint?

It’s a horrible experience and must be avoided at all costs. There’s a refined technique of not sliming the roach by toking the joint with the dry part of the lips. Never lick your lips before toking the J. Also, as a last resort to avoid sliming or being slimed, you can hold the joint in a “chillum” position.

Can you double roll joints?

Can you double-wrap joints? Double-wrapping a joint can slow the burn and make the joint last a little longer. Rolling with an extra layer of paper can also help direct airflow properly and minimize an uneven burn.

Why twist the end of a joint?

The rolled tip helps to create paper overlap, which in this case, is actually a good thing. This overlapping paper burns more slowly and allows you more time to make sure your joint is lit and burning evenly. There’s nothing worse than lighting a joint and seeing the tip light up in a flame.

How do you put honey on a joint?

Just roll a regular joint from the size you want, and once your joint is ready, cover the outside of the joint with a thin layer of honey. Instead of covering the joint with a thin layer, you could also just make a simple honey line on the outside of the joint.


How To Put Out A Joint And Save It For Later – Honest Marijuana

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How To Put Out A Joint And Save It For Later – Honest Marijuana Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How To Put Out A Joint And Save It For Later – Honest Marijuana Updating Learning how to put out a joint is an essential skill for all cannaenthusiasts. Here, we discuss several ways to extinguish your J and save it for later.
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How To Put Out A Joint

How To Save A Joint For Later

Learning How To Put Out A Joint Starts With What You Put In

How To Put Out A Joint And Save It For Later - Honest Marijuana
How To Put Out A Joint And Save It For Later – Honest Marijuana

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How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis

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  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis Updating Wondering how to store pre rolled joints? Read this article for some tipe on keeping your joints fresh and other important information.
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Ways To Keep Pre-Rolled Joints Fresh

Benefits Of Pre-Rolled Joints

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How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis

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How Long Do Pre Rolled Joints Last? – Pure Oasis

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  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How Long Do Pre Rolled Joints Last? – Pure Oasis Updating Wondering how long do pre rolled joints last? Read this article to find out tips and way to keep them staying fresh longer.
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What Happens If A Pre-Rolled Joint Goes Stale

Tips On Keeping A Pre-Rolled Fresh

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How Long Do Pre Rolled Joints Last? – Pure Oasis

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How to make a joint burn more slowly | London Free Press

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How to make a joint burn more slowly | London Free Press

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How To Put Out A Joint (And Save It For Another Time) – AMSB

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How To Put Out A Joint (And Save It For Another Time) – AMSB Tapping the burning end using your finger until it burns out, after which you blow it a couple of times to ensure it is entirely off. · Place the unfinished … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How To Put Out A Joint (And Save It For Another Time) – AMSB Tapping the burning end using your finger until it burns out, after which you blow it a couple of times to ensure it is entirely off. · Place the unfinished … How To Put Out A Joint , the best way to put out a joint
  • Table of Contents:

Why would you want to put it out

The best ways to put out a joint

Keeping Your Joint Fresh

Safety Precautions When Disposing of A Burning Joint

Be sure that you do not start a fire!

3 ways to put it out without saving it

8 Tips on rolling a join

Final Thoughts

How To Put Out A Joint (And Save It For Another Time) - AMSB
How To Put Out A Joint (And Save It For Another Time) – AMSB

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How do you put out a joint and save it for later?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How do you put out a joint and save it for later? How do you put out a joint and save it for later? Store it inse an airtight container to keep it fresh for next time. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How do you put out a joint and save it for later? How do you put out a joint and save it for later? Store it inse an airtight container to keep it fresh for next time. How do you put out a joint and save it for later? Store it inside an airtight container to keep it fresh for next time. Glass mason jars are the best for it, as long as they have an airtight lid. The packaging tubes of your pre-roll joints and Doob tubes are portable and airtight, hence ex…
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How do you put out a joint and save it for later?
How do you put out a joint and save it for later?

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Best way to extinguish a joint mid-way through? : StonerProTips

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Best way to extinguish a joint mid-way through? : StonerProTips i personally keep sand in my ashtray, just put it in the sand cherry first and it snuffs it out. if you are out and about, keep your thumb and … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Best way to extinguish a joint mid-way through? : StonerProTips i personally keep sand in my ashtray, just put it in the sand cherry first and it snuffs it out. if you are out and about, keep your thumb and … 30 votes, 13 comments. I’ve been in several situations where I’ve wanted to either save part of a joint for later or I need to extinguish it very …
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Best way to extinguish a joint mid-way through? : StonerProTips
Best way to extinguish a joint mid-way through? : StonerProTips

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How to Put Out a Joint | Botany Farms

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How to Put Out a Joint | Botany Farms Glass mason jars are the best for it, as long as they have an airtight l. The packaging tubes of your pre-roll joints and Doob tubes are … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How to Put Out a Joint | Botany Farms Glass mason jars are the best for it, as long as they have an airtight l. The packaging tubes of your pre-roll joints and Doob tubes are … If you don’t know how to put out a joint, this simple guide is your map. Read our blog to learn how to correctly save your joint for later.
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How to Put Out a Joint

How to Put Out a Pre-rolled Joint

How to Put Out a Joint for Later

How to Take Care of an Unfinished Joint

How to Put Out a Joint | Botany Farms
How to Put Out a Joint | Botany Farms

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How To Light A Joint (Yes, There’s A Right Way To Do It) | Weedmaps

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  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How To Light A Joint (Yes, There’s A Right Way To Do It) | Weedmaps Updating Lighting a joint is not as simple as it may seem, especially if you’re new to smoking weed. Here you’ll learn the correct way to light a joint, along with the safest and healthiest flame sources for your next smoke session.
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What is the correct way to light a joint

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How do you put a joint out to save it for later

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How To Light A Joint (Yes, There's A Right Way To Do It) | Weedmaps
How To Light A Joint (Yes, There’s A Right Way To Do It) | Weedmaps

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How To Store Rolled Joints For Maximum Freshness – Zamnesia Blog

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How To Store Rolled Joints For Maximum Freshness – Zamnesia Blog BEST JOINT storage methods · SAVERETTE · CIGAR TUBES · TORPEDO CONE TUBES · PILL BOTTLE · ZIP BAG. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How To Store Rolled Joints For Maximum Freshness – Zamnesia Blog BEST JOINT storage methods · SAVERETTE · CIGAR TUBES · TORPEDO CONE TUBES · PILL BOTTLE · ZIP BAG. Storing your joints in the right way is critical in terms of keeping them fresh, tasting nice, smelling good and to prevent them from getting damaged.
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BEST JOINT storage methods

How To Store Rolled Joints For Maximum Freshness - Zamnesia Blog
How To Store Rolled Joints For Maximum Freshness – Zamnesia Blog

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How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis A cigar tube offers an airtight seal that shields joints from damage and moisture. Depending on the size of the tube, you may even be able to … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis A cigar tube offers an airtight seal that shields joints from damage and moisture. Depending on the size of the tube, you may even be able to … Wondering how to store pre rolled joints? Read this article for some tipe on keeping your joints fresh and other important information.
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Ways To Keep Pre-Rolled Joints Fresh

Benefits Of Pre-Rolled Joints

Speak To An Experienced Recreational Cannabis Dispensary

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How To Store Pre Rolled Joints - Pure Oasis
How To Store Pre Rolled Joints – Pure Oasis

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How To Put Out A Joint And Save It For Later

Learning how to put out a joint and save it for later is an essential skill for all cannaenthusiasts. In fact, it’s right up there with the likes of packing a bowl, using a grinder, and cleaning a dab rig.

But, how, exactly, should you extinguish your joints for best effect? And how can you save the leftovers for later?

In this article, the all-things-cannabis experts at Honest Marijuana answer those questions and walk you step-by-step through the process of learning how to put out a joint.

How To Put Out A Joint

1) Leaving

The easiest way to learn how to put out a joint is just to leave it sitting in an ashtray.

Before you say, “Great!” and click away, this isn’t the absolute best way to extinguish your J because the bud inside will continue to burn just a little bit. It won’t burn a lot because there won’t be enough airflow to really ignite, but it will still smolder before going out completely.

Try this method to see if it works (and how you feel about it). Just be sure to ALWAYS leave the smoldering joint on or in an inflammable container like an ashtray, a metal can, a plate, or a glass cup.

2) Blowing

This is one of our favorite ways of learning how to put out a joint for the simple reason that it’s so completely counterintuitive. You wouldn’t think that it’d work, but it does!

Here’s how to do it: Blow into the joint for 10 seconds. That’s it!

The air blowing out the burning end of the joint isolates the cherry from the fuel (the ground plant matter), makes it burn faster, and, basically, causes the tip to consume itself.

3) Stubbing

Stubbing is, perhaps, the most familiar way of learning how to put out a joint.

It’s similar to the technique employed by cigarette smokers: press the tip of the joint against a flat, hard surface.

The only difference is that you should be gentler with a joint because the paper is thinner and more liable to break. If you stub too hard, you’ll squash the skunk stick and ruin its shape.

4) Flicking

The goal of flicking is to physically separate the burning cherry from the rest of the joint. Without the burning plant matter, the J will go out, and you can store it for later.

To flick correctly, hold the joint gently in one hand and flick the tip toward the ashtray with the bottom of your lighter, a finger on the opposite hand (try using your fingernail), or some other hard object.

5) Grazing

In terms of how to put out a joint, grazing is similar to stubbing, but with a lot less force.

To graze your joint out, position it horizontally and then gently rub the burning cherry (left to right or up and down) against the walls of the ashtray.

Doing this will cause the burning plant matter to fall away, extinguish the joint, and allow you to save it for later.

6) Cutting

A surefire way to extinguish your burning Js so you can save them for later is to cut the cherry off the tip with a pair of sharp scissors or a knife.

You can either hold the joint in one hand and snip or cut with the other hand. Or, you can place the joint on a plate or ashtray and perform a bit of simple surgery to separate the burning plant matter from the rest of the roll.

How To Save A Joint For Later

Once you’ve learned how to put out a joint, the next step is saving it for later. But you shouldn’t just leave your doobies lying around exposed to the elements for days on end. That’s a recipe for ruination.

The best way to preserve a half-smoked doobie for later is to store it correctly.

Effective Storage Methods


A glass canning jar with a lid is perfect for storing half-smoked Js. Mason jars are impermeable to oxygen, aren’t affected by residual humidity, and are inert to temperature fluctuations.

In addition, glass doesn’t secrete any chemical compounds that will kill the fresh aroma of the terpenes (e.g., humulene and myrcene) in your joint.

Unfortunately, most clear mason jars won’t protect your ganja from becoming dry and brittle due to sunlight or heat damage. That’s why opaque or dark, tinted glass jars are always a good option.

If you can’t find dark glass jars, just use clear glass and store it in a closet or cabinet away from residual heat sources.


If you can’t find a glass container with a lid, an airtight container made of titanium is your next best option to preserve your half-smoked joints.

And the container doesn’t have to be huge. A simple titanium tube with a lid — a cigar– or cigarillo-sized container, for example — is sufficient to store the leftovers once you’ve learned how to put out a joint.

You don’t need a lot of room to store multiple joints because you’re going to come back and finish that sucker off today or tomorrow, right?

Resealable Cans

Another good option for long- or short-term storage after you learn how to put out a joint is a resealable can.

Honest Marijuana, for example, sells its loose bud in metal containers that are about the size of tuna cans. The idea of preserving food and other perishables in metal cans has been around for more than 200 years, so you know it works.

HMJ’s cans even come with a resealable plastic lid that locks in the freshness and keeps the bud (or the joint) inside from going bad. You can use empty cans to store all kinds of pot-related material — from half-smoked joints to leftover wax and shatter.

Avoid Plastic Bags

Whenever you can, avoid storing your joint — extinguished or otherwise — in a plastic bag.

Plastic is positively one of the worst ways to save a J for later. The most notorious culprit is the plastic baggie.

Plastic baggies do absolutely nothing to keep light, air, heat, cold, or moisture out of your marijuana. You’d be better off just leaving the joint sitting on the windowsill and saving the plastic baggie for your munchie mix or olive loaf sandwich.

In addition, plastic is a horrible material for keeping pot fresh because it has a static charge that can pull precious trichomes from the plant matter onto the plastic and create a fine, sticky, powdery mess that you’ll never be able to get out of the bag back into the J.

As we mentioned earlier, if you’re going to blaze the rest of the joint in a couple hours, you’ll be fine just leaving the remains lying in the ashtray. No need to toss it in a plastic bag.

If you’re going to wake and bake before breakfast and may need to put the joint out halfway through, plan to store the remains in a glass jar, titanium container, or resealable can.

Learning How To Put Out A Joint Starts With What You Put In

When you’re learning how to put out a joint, make it easier on yourself by thinking about what you put in the joint at the start. Whether you buy a J at the local dispensary or roll your own at home, always use the best bud whenever possible.

Anything less than the best, and you run the risk of having a bad trip. No one wants that.

Plus, the best weed burns better and smoother and will go out easier when it’s time to toke and run.

And what exactly is the best?

It’s fresh, high-quality, organically-grown cannabis, like the ganja gold we grow at Honest Marijuana.

Sure, you could save some dough by buying regs or mids, but they’re going to deliver an unsatisfying experience that will ruin the moment.

Instead, always buy the best beasters whenever possible— or, better yet, headies if you can swing it — to make the whole joint-smoking experience better.

Plus, with a high-quality, organic strain like those grown at Honest Marijuana, you’ll need less weed to experience the effects you’re after. A toke or two from high-quality bud goes a long way.

Then, you can put out the joint and save it for later.

To get the most out of the experience, always choose a high-quality, sustainably-sourced, organically-grown cannabis bud for inside your joint.

Not sure how to go about finding said high-quality, sustainably-sourced, organically-grown cannabis? Just ask for Honest Marijuana.

At our Rocky-Mountain-based grow facility, we employ world-class organic growing methodologies to provide cannabis connoisseurs with the purest marijuana experience on the planet.

We grow our plants the way Mother Nature intended: in organic soil without chemicals or pesticides. We even hand-trim our plants so that they’re organic from the ground up.

With Honest Marijuana, you’re guaranteed to get the freshest, tastiest, highest-quality strain possible with which to learn how to put out a joint once you’ve had enough.

Not only does bud from HMJ make all your smoking, dabbing, and edible experiences infinitely better, but it also means that the joints you roll are better, tastier, and well worth the effort.

So, don’t settle for an inferior strain. Get the best strains on the planet — the Honest Marijuana strains — learn how to put out a joint correctly, and experience cannabis the way it was meant to be.

For more information on all things cannabis and to check out our 100% all-natural marijuana products, visit today.

How To Store Pre Rolled Joints

Cannabis consumption has been legalized and become increasingly popular in many states over the last few years, for medical or recreational purposes (or both). This is hardly surprising, given that it is known to induce relaxation and, according to some studies, may help combat anxiety and depression. However, if you decide to use marijuana in plant form, it’s important to know how to properly store your pre-rolled joints in order to keep them fresh.

Ways To Keep Pre-Rolled Joints Fresh

There are some very creative ways to ensure pre-rolled cannabis joints remain fresh; however, there are three different methods for doing this that are highly effective.

Storing In A Mason Jar

Although glass mason jars are typically utilized for storing dried flower buds or things such as vegetables and baking materials, they can also be used to keep cannabis joints fresh. This is a particularly excellent option if you have a large number of joints that you would like to store for a certain amount of time. You can even insert moisture absorbing packets into the jar as an additional way to ensure your rolls do not become stale or, worse yet, get covered in mold.

According to research from the United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crime, cannabis loses approximately 16% of its THC (the primary psychoactive compound found in the plant) after just one year. As time goes on, the percentage of THC lost becomes progressively higher, up to 41% lost after four years.

Using Empty Cigar Tubes

A cigar tube offers an airtight seal that shields joints from damage and moisture. Depending on the size of the tube, you may even be able to insert multiple joints into it. As long as you have no issue with your joints carrying a cigar scent, this is a perfect storage option to consider. Portable humidors, which are some of the most sophisticated types of cigar tubes due to their ability to keep cigars humidified even whilst traveling, can serve as particularly effective storage containers. With these tubes, you will likely not need to worry about moisture levels.

Enjoy Them Now!

This is perhaps the most evident way to ensure your cannabis rolls stay fresh. If your lungs have the tolerance for several marijuana joints within a short timespan, smoke them now. That way, you won’t need to worry about finding a place to store them. All you have to do is make sure you are consuming cannabis in a legal and safe location so that you avoid costly consequences. Also, be sure to regularly eat food, drink water and if at all possible, have another person with you when you smoke your joints so that there is someone to help you in the event that you feel mentally or physically unwell.

Ultimately, you should remember that if marijuana feels spongy or crumbles, this is a sign that it is likely not fresh. If you notice mold on your joints (e.g. fuzzy spots), be sure to throw them out because moldy cannabis can potentially lead to minor health issues such as vomiting, nausea, and coughing, especially among people with weak immune systems.

Benefits Of Pre-Rolled Joints

One notable benefit of pre-rolled cannabis joints relates to the simple fact that they look neater and are thus easier to hand off to another person or transport. Additionally, pre-rolled joints typically offer greater consistency than, for instance, a bowl or a bong, which often needs to be cleaned. Finally, pre-rolled joints can also sometimes be relatively more inexpensive than other hemp products.

Speak To An Experienced Recreational Cannabis Dispensary

Reach out to the professionals at Pure Oasis in Boston for more information about effective methods for storing pre-rolled joints. We are the first recreational cannabis dispensary in Boston and are dedicated to helping customers obtain high-quality products that induce a variety of effects. We carry several varieties of sativa, indica, and hybrid marijuana flower and sell joints, cannabis-infused edibles, concentrates, as well as vape pens, creams and lotions, and cannabis accessories.

Regardless of what you are seeking, the team at Pure Oasis will always do our best to help you. However, we recommend beginning with the lowest dose for any new product. Our pre-rolled joints and blunts can be infused with concentrates and be mixed with virtually any kind of strain to generate all types of experiences. With pre-rolls, you can expect to experience the corresponding sensation within 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the joint’s contents. Call Pure Oasis today at (617) 420-6837 or contact us online to learn more about our cannabis products.

How to put out a joint and save it for later

Putting out a joint (to relight later) is an important skill for any stoner (Shutterstock)

The joint is an iconic cannabis delivery method, and one of the first things most people think of when they think of weed.

Rolling and smoking a joint is one of the first tests for a new smoker. But when you inevitably roll a joint that’s too big for one sitting, what should you do? Don’t toss it away; you can smoke half the joint and save the rest for later!

Putting out a joint (to relight later) is an important skill for any stoner. Too rough and you could ruin what’s left of the joint beyond saving. Too little and the fire inside keeps burning away all of your precious cannabinoids and terpenes.

So what exactly is the best way to put out a joint or blunt to save it for later?

Can I save a joint if I don’t finish it?

Yes, you can save a joint if you don’t want to smoke it all at once (if you stub it out properly.) But know that it won’t taste the same when you light up for round two.

When you light up, the crushed bud interacts with oxygen at high heat to burn and produce smoke. This is a process known as combustion, which is important for both the activation and delivery of your weed, but combustion also produces smoke byproducts. Many of these compounds are known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are small, stinky particles of gas.

PAHs are commonly produced in the process of burning things, from cigarettes to gasoline – and smoking cannabis is no exception. The amount of PAHs produced can vary a lot depending on the consumption method chosen; dry herb vaping produces fewer PAHs than smoking a joint. These small molecules are also harmful to our health, known to be carcinogenic and pro-inflammatory.

The smell of these PAHs is absorbed and held in by the joint paper and the remaining herb. Since smell and taste are heavily linked senses, the new aroma will affect the taste of the joint. PAHs have no known effects at low levels, and you encounter them in other places like grills and wood fires.

What happens to the cannabis in the half-smoked joint?

During the combustion process, there’s a lot is happening in your weed! The cannabinoids undergo decarboxylation, where THCa and CBDa are transformed into THC and CBD. The terpenes and flavonoids are being transformed or destroyed, and all of the chemical compounds are being vaporized – all at once.

These changes are happening quickly, so by putting out your joint properly, you can halt the process and save some of these compounds for later. But it’s not just heat that causes chemical changes in your weed- time can also cause degradation. Letting any joint, let alone a half-smoked joint, sit out for any period of time can cause it to lose some potency. Even more so, any half-smoked joint has already lost a lot of its moisture. So when you relight it, expect it to be a harsher, dried, less tasty smoke.

Changes in your joint:

Terpenes and cannabinoids will exist in different concentrations when you relight the joint. Each compound within cannabis has a different boiling point, and only certain parts of the joint are burning at one time. Behind the ember (or “cherry”) of the joint, the heat will vaporize some of the lighter terpenes faster than the heavier ones and cannabinoids. These varying concentrations will affect the smell, taste, and effects of the weed.

Cannabinoids like THC will still be present, but some may have converted to CBN.

Tars can form during the combustion process, and as it rapidly cools it gets “stuck” on the paper and cannabis further down the joint. This accumulation of resins can majorly affect a joint, making the second half of the joint taste much different than the first half.

PAHs form during combustion and have a distinct aroma, also changing the taste of your weed for any future smoking.

How to put out a joint or a blunt without destroying it

When putting a joint out carefully, the most important part is the cherry. The cherry of the joint is the section where it’s lit before it turns to ash and falls off.

There are several routes you can take to put out your joint without destroying it. The easiest method is by suffocating the joint, cutting off the air supply to the cherry. This method works best with a glass doob tube, but you can also use sand. Avoid using plastic doob tubes, because a still-warm joint can melt the plastic.

Other ways to put your joint/blunt out for later:

Stub it . Press the lit tip of the joint against a flat, hard, (and fireproof) surface to extinguish the fire. Be gentle with the joint so you don’t bend or break it.

. Press the lit tip of the joint against a flat, hard, (and fireproof) surface to extinguish the fire. Be gentle with the joint so you don’t bend or break it. Knock it . Dislodge the cherry by knocking the joint against the side of an ashtray. Take care not to smush the joint.

. Dislodge the cherry by knocking the joint against the side of an ashtray. Take care not to smush the joint. Graze it . Gently graze the cherry against the side of an ashtray until it falls out.

. Gently graze the cherry against the side of an ashtray until it falls out. Flick it . Hold the joint between your fingers and flick the bottom (or the tip) to knock the cherry out.

. Hold the joint between your fingers and flick the bottom (or the tip) to knock the cherry out. Drown it . If you want to put the cherry out rather than remove it, use a small amount of water to extinguish the cherry. Take care not to get the rest of the joint wet or it won’t be able to light again.

. If you want to put the cherry out rather than remove it, use a small amount of water to extinguish the cherry. Take care not to get the rest of the joint wet or it won’t be able to light again. Cut it. Using scissors, a cigar cutter, or any sharp blade, slice the cherry off and place the rest of the joint in an airtight container.

Once the joint is out, you can save the rest of it in a glass doob tube.

How long will a joint or a blunt stay fresh once lit?

If you’re going to save your joint, it’s better to spark up again sooner rather than later (Shutterstock)

The sooner you light up a joint (or blunt) after putting it out, the better it will taste. When put out and stored properly, you can relight a dry joint from up to several days ago.

Relighting a joint is not an area of scientific interest, and as such there are no specific studies to guide the degradation of a half-smoked joint. So common sense prevails and in general, the longer you let a half-smoked joint sit out, the drier and less potent it will be.

The best way to keep your half-smoked joints fresh as long as possible is with a glass doob tube. These portable containers can get stinky, but most do a great job of keeping the scent contained.

In the cannabis industry, some believe intensely in the integrity of cannabis flavors and disparage relighting joints. While it’s true that the flavor won’t be the same as it was when you first lit it, if all you’re looking to do is refresh your high or extend your stash, the flavor of the weed is probably a secondary consideration.

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