Top 47 How To Stop Hedgehog From Pooping In Wheel 25484 Good Rating This Answer

You are looking for information, articles, knowledge about the topic nail salons open on sunday near me how to stop hedgehog from pooping in wheel on Google, you do not find the information you need! Here are the best content compiled and compiled by the team, along with other related topics such as: how to stop hedgehog from pooping in wheel hedgehog for sale, do hedgehogs poop a lot, hedgehog poop color, hedgehog poop boots, hedgehog poo pictures, hedgehog cage, hedgehog pee

One of the best ways to discourage wheel pooping is to wait a couple of days after you take your hedgehog home before putting in its wheel. Allow your hedgehog some time to hopefully establish a litter pan routine. Wheeling and hedgehogs is comparable to potty training toddlers at the park.In the wild they poop while they run and it gets left behind, but in captivity as pets it stays on the wheel and make a mess. This is just a part of owning a hedgehog that you will have to get used to.Hedgies poop, a lot! And if your hedgehog has a wheel, as they run on their wheel, they’re going to end up running through their own poop, creating “poop boots.” Don’t despair though, Squeaky Clean is great for soaking and cleaning your wheel effectively but without using harsh or dangerous chemicals.

Why does my hedgehog keep pooping on his wheel?

In the wild they poop while they run and it gets left behind, but in captivity as pets it stays on the wheel and make a mess. This is just a part of owning a hedgehog that you will have to get used to.

Is it normal for hedgehogs to poop a lot?

Hedgies poop, a lot! And if your hedgehog has a wheel, as they run on their wheel, they’re going to end up running through their own poop, creating “poop boots.” Don’t despair though, Squeaky Clean is great for soaking and cleaning your wheel effectively but without using harsh or dangerous chemicals.

Do hedgehogs poop when they run?

This physiological arrangement also answers, ‘Do hedgehogs poop when they run? ‘ Yes. Yes they do. But not always (more on that later).

How many times a day do hedgehogs poop?

However, it only takes about 12-16 hours for food to pass through a hedgehog’s digestive tract. Hedgehogs don’t have a cecum, the lower portion of the intestine, like humans and other animals. It’s hard to say how often hedgehogs poop, but experienced hedgehog owners agree that these little critters poop constantly.

Do hedgehogs poop when scared?

Like many other animals, hedgehogs can stress poop.

What do hedgehogs do with poop?

If you are thinking about getting a hedgehog for your home, you might have heard the rumors about them eating their poop and want to know if it’s true. Unfortunately, it is true. Your hedgehog will eat its poop.

How do I know if my hedgehog is happy?

If a noise is loud to you, it is probably too loud for your hedgehog as well. Observe the sounds your hedgehog is making towards you as well. If he is purring, he is happy and content.

How often should I clean my hedgehog’s wheel?

Most hedgehogs tend to urinate and poop a lot in their wheels. The monthly deep cleaning is by far the most work-intensive. You need to clean the whole cage with everything in it once in a while and now is the right time.

How often should you clean your hedgehogs wheel?

I suggest doing a full clean, spraying down the walls etc, at least once a week, but liners/bedding should be changed more like twice a week, and the wheel needs cleaning just about every day. Our cages all get a full clean, including the whole thing wiped down, every 3 days.

Can I use baby wipes on my hedgehog?

Baby wipes can also be used on quills to reduce odor and prolong the time between needed baths. Full Baths: Full baths should be reserved for really dirty hedgies, aim for once a month as needed. Only use hedgehog branded shampoos or baby wash (not shampoo).

Do hedgehogs need a running wheel?

Hedgehogs require a wheel because they love to run and can actually run up to 12 miles at 12 MPH! But, you have to be careful when choosing a wheel. There is proof that some hedgehog exercise wheels cause injury to backs, legs, and feet. To avoid that, a good wheel should be 10.5″ or 12″ in diameter.

Do hedgehogs poo in one place?

Hedgehogs are not territorial and don’t use poo for territorial scent marking. They don’t use “latrines”, or go back to the same place to poo like badgers and deer. Hedgehogs seem to poop pretty much wherever the urge takes them. Quite often literally on the run, like horses.

Why do hedgehogs smear poop on themselves?

It may function as a form of scent camouflage, to mask their own scent with the new scent in the environment. Hedgehogs are resistant to many toxins and one theory is that hedgehogs spread toxins on their quills as added protection.

Do hedgehogs eat poop and rub it on themselves?

If you are thinking about getting a hedgehog for your home, you might have heard the rumors about them eating their poop and want to know if it’s true. Unfortunately, it is true. Your hedgehog will eat its poop.

Do hedgehogs smear poop on themselves?

It may function as a form of scent camouflage, to mask their own scent with the new scent in the environment. Hedgehogs are resistant to many toxins and one theory is that hedgehogs spread toxins on their quills as added protection.

Do hedgehogs need a running wheel?

Hedgehogs require a wheel because they love to run and can actually run up to 12 miles at 12 MPH! But, you have to be careful when choosing a wheel. There is proof that some hedgehog exercise wheels cause injury to backs, legs, and feet. To avoid that, a good wheel should be 10.5″ or 12″ in diameter.

What color should hedgehog poop be?

The poo of a healthy hedgehog is black to dark brown in colour. Each poo is around 1.5 to 5 centimetres long. They are sausage shape, with one or both ends slightly pointed. They are often almost sparkly due to the bits of beetle skeleton they contain.

Most hedgehogs will poop on their wheel 🦔💩
Most hedgehogs will poop on their wheel 🦔💩

Hedgehog 411 – Messy Wheels and Wheel Cleaning

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Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends

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    Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends
    Updating Over the years, we have compiled several facts about hedgies we wish that all potential hedgehog owners knew. We hope these facts are useful and entertaining, whether you’re a long-time hedgie owner, adopting your first hedgehog, a hedgie-admirer, or just shopping for the hedgehog-lover in their life.
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Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew

Before Getting a Hedgehog

		Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends
Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends

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Hedgehog Care Tips: Keeping a Clean Wheel – YouTube

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  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Hedgehog Care Tips: Keeping a Clean Wheel – YouTube Updating A very useful trick taught to me from a breeder up in Massachusetts. Really cheap, easy and effective to quickly run through a daily chore with your little h…Hedgehog, Shnitzel, cute, wheel, clean, pointy, sharp, awesome, ball, water, dish, food, food dish, running wheel, excercise wheel, keeping clean, quick
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Hedgehog Care Tips: Keeping a Clean Wheel - YouTube
Hedgehog Care Tips: Keeping a Clean Wheel – YouTube

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The Complete HedgeHog Pooping Guide – Small Pet Site

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about The Complete HedgeHog Pooping Guide – Small Pet Site They poop all the time. Young hedgies are quite fond of pooping while doing their chores like while roaming around or playing on their wheel. But, as they grow … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for The Complete HedgeHog Pooping Guide – Small Pet Site They poop all the time. Young hedgies are quite fond of pooping while doing their chores like while roaming around or playing on their wheel. But, as they grow … My friends know I own a pet site, so one of them was having a problem, and he asked me whether a hedgehog would be…
  • Table of Contents:

Why do hedgehogs poop

Does their poop smell Do hedgehogs smell

How to get rid of the hedgehog smell

How to avoid getting poop all over your body

How to solve the problem of pooping by hedgehogs

How to potty train a hedgehog

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The Complete HedgeHog Pooping Guide – Small Pet Site
The Complete HedgeHog Pooping Guide – Small Pet Site

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Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends

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    Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends
    Hedgies poop, a lot! And if your hedgehog has a wheel, as they run on their wheel, they’re going to end up running through their own poop, … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for
    Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends
    Hedgies poop, a lot! And if your hedgehog has a wheel, as they run on their wheel, they’re going to end up running through their own poop, … Over the years, we have compiled several facts about hedgies we wish that all potential hedgehog owners knew. We hope these facts are useful and entertaining, whether you’re a long-time hedgie owner, adopting your first hedgehog, a hedgie-admirer, or just shopping for the hedgehog-lover in their life.
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Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew

Before Getting a Hedgehog

		Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends
Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew – Hedgehogs and Friends

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Do Hedgehogs Poop In Their House? (Complete Pooping Guide) – African Pygmy Hedgehogs

  • Article author:
  • Reviews from users: 5021 ⭐ Ratings
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Do Hedgehogs Poop In Their House? (Complete Pooping Guide) – African Pygmy Hedgehogs The running wheels need to be cleaned regularly, to stop the levels of poop building up and hedgehogs need their feet cleaned regularly to … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Do Hedgehogs Poop In Their House? (Complete Pooping Guide) – African Pygmy Hedgehogs The running wheels need to be cleaned regularly, to stop the levels of poop building up and hedgehogs need their feet cleaned regularly to … Hedgehogs do poop a lot and as nocturnal animals they may find that when they are inside their house, it easier to go for a poop than go outside. Maybe the cage temperature outside their house is too cold for them to venture out, so having a poop in the corner of their warm house makes more sense.
  • Table of Contents:

Can you toilet train a hedgehog to use a litter box

How To Toilet Train Your Hedgehog

Will a Hedgehog Use a Litter Box as a Bathroom

Do Hedgehogs Poop Everywhere

Do Hedgehogs Poop When They Run on Their Running Wheel

Why Does My Hedgehog Keep Pooping on Me

Why Does My Hedgehog Poop on Me

What Does It Mean When a Hedgehog Poops on You

Do Hedgehogs Poop When Scared

Do Hedgehogs Poop Where They Sleep

Do Hedgehogs Rub Poop on Themselves


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Do Hedgehogs Poop In Their House? (Complete Pooping Guide) – African Pygmy Hedgehogs
Do Hedgehogs Poop In Their House? (Complete Pooping Guide) – African Pygmy Hedgehogs

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Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew

We created Hedgehogs and Friends to make it easy for hedgehog lovers to find great and safe products for their quilled best friends. This desire to offer hedgehog-specific products was born out of our interactions with potential hedgehog owners-to-be in our breeding program. Over the years, we have compiled several facts about hedgies we wish that all potential hedgehog owners knew. We hope these facts are useful and entertaining, whether you’re a long-time hedgie owner, adopting your first hedgehog, a hedgie-admirer, or just shopping for the hedgehog-lover in their life.

Top 10 Things We Wish Potential Hedgehog Owners Knew

Before Getting a Hedgehog

1. Hedgehog poop is not like gerbil/rat poops. They’re not pellets, instead they’re like mini dog poop.

This may come as a shock to new hedgehog owners, but you’re probably going to get pooped on! Because hedgehogs are not vegetarians, their poop is very different from the pellet-like poop of rodents. Luckily, we have found that a high-quality food, such as our Really Good Hedgehog Food, helps promote better, less smelly poops.

2. Speaking of poop, have you heard of poop boots?

Why are poop related things the first two items on our list? Sorry, but we’re just keeping it real! Hedgies poop, a lot! And if your hedgehog has a wheel, as they run on their wheel, they’re going to end up running through their own poop, creating “poop boots.” Don’t despair though, Squeaky Clean is great for soaking and cleaning your wheel effectively but without using harsh or dangerous chemicals. Afterwards, Hogwash is great for soaking those gross, poopy feet clean. Just say no to “poop boots”.

3. Hedgehog Food isn’t great for hedgehogs.

MOST brands of hedgehog food are nutritionally inappropriate for hedgehogs. It’s sad but true. Many brands of hedgehog food are actually just bird feed with a hedgehog on the label! We’ve had new owners tell us their hedgehog is thin and lethargic, and most of the time it’s because the food they thought was suitable was actually one of these inappropriately marked “bird food” brands. This is what sparked us to create Really Good Hedgehog Food and name it what we did. We wanted to make it really easy for hedgehog owners to feel confident in what they were feeding their darling hogs. Our food isn’t for everyhog however (hedgies like people have likes and dislikes), so remember to feed a high-quality cat food if you’re not feeding one of the few good hedgehog foods on the market. We’ve fed Blue Buffalo Adult Chicken in the past with great success, for example.

4. Hedgehogs need warm ambient temperature around their cages.

As desert animals, hedgehogs NEED it to be warm. A heating pad doesn’t warm the air around their cage, so if your home is kept below the minimum temperature hedgies need to be safe (74°F), a non-light emitting ceramic bulb is necessary to keep the air around the cage warm. The non-light emitting part is important because constant light all day and night will throw off your hedgie’s sleep schedule, which is terrible for their health.

5. Hedgehog quills are not like porcupine’s, they don’t shoot them at people!

They’re like very prickly hairbrushes, and goodness help you if you step barefoot on a shedded quill! Ouch! But no, they’re not going to shoot their quills at you. (We’ve found that this typically is a question coming from the parent or significant other of the new hedgehog owner we’re meeting with.)

6. Hedgehogs do not need roommates.

In the wild, hedgehogs are solitary creatures, so they do not need a roommate. In fact, hedgehogs housed together can and will fight. Sometimes mother/daughters and sisters can be housed together successfully, but they don’t need or crave the company of other hedgehogs. In fact, housing them together can make it challenging to notice if one hedgie isn’t eating or drinking enough.

7. There is no difference between the friendliness of male versus female hedgehogs.

A majority of hedgehog owners and breeders agree that there aren’t any major differences in temperament between males and females. However, there is about a 4:1 ratio of male to female hedgehogs in our breeding experience, so those waiting for female hedgies hoping they are more friendly tend to have to wait longer. So forget the battle of the sexes, when it comes to hedgehogs either sex can make a great pet 🙂

8. The bigger the cage, the better!

We’ve had some new owners think that a hedgehog can be housed in a hamster-sized cage. In the wild, our hedgehogs would be traveling many miles a day and they really need as big a habitat as you can provide. Hamster-size isn’t going to cut it, in fact, it would be dangerous for the health and wellbeing of your pet hedgehog for them to live in such a small habitat. They need at minimum 6 square feet of floor space. (You can calculate this by multiplying the width by the length of your container.) Large rubbermaid containers (the long ones) can provide this minimum of space. Bonus is that they’re inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to clean!

9. Your hedgehog may get mites, but please don’t use Ivermectin to treat it.

Mites can unfortunately happen when you use aspen or pine shavings, even when you work hard to keep the cage clean and buy kiln-dried shavings or put the shavings in the freezer. It’s just the nature of shavings. Mites can cause big problems if left untreated, but are thankfully typically easy to treat! Just ask your vet for a prescription for kitten Revolution. In our experience, most vets are going to try to recommend Ivermectin. They’ll tell you that it’s safe and effective, but in our experience (and many others) Ivermectin is NOT safe for hedgehogs, not even the spray version. We’ve had hedgehogs sadly die after being treated with Ivermectin when our vet insisted we use it. Now we draw a hardline and demand a prescription for kitten Revolution (luckily we’ve found a vet that listens to us and we no longer have to push on this point). It only takes one safe dose of Revolution in most cases to successfully treat a mite infestation. Make sure to speak up if you find yourself needing to treat for mites, and be the best advocate you can be for your hedgie.

10. Check the ball bearing of your water bottle every day!

For all the great things about water bottles (they’re more sanitary than bowls, they can’t be tipped so you can track how much water your hedgie is drinking, and if you use ours, they don’t leak) one important downside is that the ball bearing of any water bottle can get stuck. If the ball gets stuck, your hedgehog will not be able to drink and could suffer fatal dehydration. We recommend checking the ball bearing for debris and making sure the ball bearing is loose everyday to ensure that your hedgie has constant access to fresh water to prevent dehydration. An added benefit is you will learn how much water your hedgehog drinks each day and you’ll notice if they suddenly stop drinking for other reasons, which can alert you in time to treat a major health concern.

What did you think of our Top 10 list? What are some things YOU think are important for potential hedgehog owners to know? Let us know on our Instagram by using the hashtag #hedgehog411.

Why Do Hedgehogs Poop So Much?

It’s not unusual for people who are considering getting a pet hedgehog to ask, “Why do hedgehogs poop so much?” Hmmmm. The goofball in me wants to say, “Because they can!” But seriously, we understand your concern. Most of that fear is due to slightly over-exaggerated comments and pictures on the Internet. We’re here to give you the straight scoop on all the poop. Since this is a pretty crappy topic, we’re going to try to lighten it up with humor and occasional jokes. Jokes will be found in the litter boxes throughout (stick around – you’ll see).

Acknowledgement: Our sincere gratitude goes to Ryan Douglas for sharing his hedgie, Yams, with us. We love him, poop boots and all!

Hedgehog Poop Boots?!

Perhaps you’ve seen the multitude of pictures on the internet of hedgehog poop boots. You know – the cute little hedgies with faces that melt your heart, but with their poop feet sticking up in the air (in hedgehog circles, that’s called poop boots). On one hand, here’s this incredibly precious pet hedgehog. But on the other hand, there’s these nasty little feet embedded with crap. And then their owner tells you all that poop is from just ONE night of their hedgehog running on their wheel!

Have you seen that new movie “Constipated”? It hasn’t come out yet

At that moment, all color drains from your face and you wretch at the thought of taking care of a hedgehog poop machine. How is it that a hedgehog can poop so much? And why would somebody take care of something that pooped that much?

Most of us hedgie owners also have hedgehog humor. We already know that the taboo topic of poop, and talking about copious amounts of it, are going to cause THAT very reaction by someone who has never owned one. And trust me, we’re laughing our butts off at it. What can I say? We’re crazy hedgehog people!

Satire: wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly Merriam Webster Dictionary

What Goes In Must Come Out

Hedgehogs have a very short body with a short digestive system that lacks a cecum. If you read our article, The Best Hedgehog Food List, we mentioned that hedgehogs lack the cecum that is necessary to efficiently process cellulose. For such a small animal, it almost seems inconceivable that they “have more than a metre (over three feet) of guts and a very large stomach“. Since pet hedgehogs usually eat cat kibble and that processes much faster than cellulose, what goes in also comes out sooner. Surprisingly enough, it only takes 12-16 hours for what they eat to traverse their digestive system [Reeves, N Hedgehogs pg 53]. For comparative purposes, it takes humans roughly 24 to 72 hours to process food through theIr digestive system (depending on what was eaten of course).

POOP is a crappy palindrome

As a refresher from your biology classes back when you were in school, let’s examine what the small and large intestines do. The small intestines do most of the nutritional absorption. And the large intestine finishes absorbing whatever nutrients remain, along with the moisture from the food. Oh – and let’s not forget – It also forms the poop. Our animated hedgehog digestive system above shows that a hedgie’s poop factory 💩 is very short and extremely close to their anus. This physiological arrangement also answers, ‘Do hedgehogs poop when they run?’ Yes. Yes they do. But not always (more on that later).

Why Hedgehogs Poop SO Much When They Run

Our gratitude goes to Jennifer Bosse for allowing us to use her picture of this positively nasty, poopy wheel. She also has our sincere sympathy for having to endure the mess from a hedgehog that poops so much.

We’re well aware that this poopy running wheel is disturbing to see. If it’s any consolation, this wheel is well outside the norm for a hedgehog to produce overnight. Sometimes shock is the best way to get someone’s attention. Have we gotten your attention yet? Good! Let’s move on.

What do you call a hedgehog that escapes getting poop boots from their running wheel? Poodini

Let’s examine the mechanics of why a hedgehog poops so much while running and how they get the poop boots. Imagine a hedgehog racing on their wheel, while dropping a load. All that movement also helps move what’s in their large intestine right on out. Plop! Now it’s on the wheel! And they run surprisingly fast in spite of having such short little legs. Before you know it, the turd on the wheel track has come full circle and they’ve trampled right through it! Gasp! And around and around it goes! Now poop boots have been born.

So Do Hedgehogs Poop Everywhere?

Hmmmm. Define everywhere. Put it this way…there is the potential for them to be prolific poopers. However, with diligence and persistence, most hedgehogs can be trained to poop in a litter pan or a litter area. Sometimes the two become one. The picture above shows Quilly’s litter area. We recently rearranged his cage so the wheel was on the lower level over his main litter pan.

He’s litter trained. However, even though he will hop off his wheel to relieve himself, you can see that poop happens. It’s very rare that he has an accident on his wheel, but it can and does happen from time to time (like shown). His litter training didn’t happen overnight either. If you haven’t litter trained your poop monster yet, we suggest you give our article on How To Litter Train a Hedgehog a good read. We also recommend reading about the different types of litters there are as you embark on the litter training journey.

What do you put in a hedgehog’s litter pan to make it smell better? Poopouri

Why Do Hedgehogs Poop So Much: Final Thoughts

The phrase “so much” is relative and for some, a hedgehog clearly isn’t the animal for them. This is what we have found in over twenty years of experience with hedgehogs…like children, they’re going to poop and in the early stages, it’s never going to be an opportune time. And like children, they can be potty trained. Where a hedgehog poops is something that can be taught.

Statistically, there are more women that own hedgehogs than there are men. Perhaps the maternal instinct kicks in and they’re better equipped to deal with poop situations. I personally don’t think that hedgehogs poop a lot, but I’m biased. Ultimately it’s up to each person to decide how poop sensitive they are. I guess the question is, are you going to let some poop come between you and a hedgehog’s incredibly cute face?

If you found this article educational or entertaining…. Please consider supporting our efforts to educate people like you about hedgehogs. We don’t want donations, but it would help us if you buy the supplies you already need for your hedgehog (or other pets you may have) from our sponsors. It won’t cost you anything additional, but we can possibly get a small commission based on your purchase. Thank you for being a loyal and supportive reader here at Heavenly Hedgies. Buy Small Pet Bedding & Litter Today – Shop over 1,000 Brands at Chewy!

If you haven’t read enough about hedgehog poop, here’s good info about :

Hedgehog Poo and The Clues In It

Can You Stop a Hedgehog From Pooping in Its Wheel?

Hedgehogs are notorious for creating insanely messy wheels during their nightly marathons. This can vary slightly from hog to hog, my current hedgehog will poop anywhere and everywhere in the cage and especially while running on his bucket wheel. Other hogs will hop off the wheel to do their business in a dedicated corner of the cage.

Can You Stop a Hedgehog From Pooping in Its Wheel?

I have some bad news for anyone hoping to cease the nightly wheel scrubbings. It is not possible to stop a hedgehog from pooping on their wheel.

In the wild, hedgehogs defecate while they run, and that behavior is simply not going to disappear when you place them in a cage.

It can feel overwhelming to wake up every morning to a trashed wheel and the stinky aftermath of an enthusiastic night of running!

You might not be able to stop the act itself, but I have quite a few tips and tricks to make cleanup a breeze that have made my personal cage cleanup routine so much easier

How I Keep My Hedgehog Wheel Clean!

Method 1:

Strong dish degreaser sprays and extremely hot water are going to be your best friend! I wait until the afternoon when my hedgie is asleep and won’t miss his wheel and spray it down heavily with soap to soak either in the yard or in lying on its side in my bathtub (depending on how nasty he’s gotten it). After around 30 minutes of soaking the previous night’s mess easily rinses away.

Method 2:

Another easy way to keep things clean is to apply a layer of Glad Press’n Seal Plastic Wrap directly to the surface of the hedgehog wheel. You can tear off a long strip to cover the entire wheel and then easily peel it off at the end of the night with zero scrubbing.

I’ve had amazing results with using press n seal with my hogs. If you use plastic wrap you absolutely must keep a close eye on the wheel to ensure your hog doesn’t try to chew on it. I’ve had zero issues with my hedgehog trying to eat the plastic and I switch it out every 2-3 nights. Some hedgehogs will chew on anything and everything in their vicinity while others don’t care about new additions to the cage. If your hog likes to nibble on everything I don’t advise using a cling wrap like this, a fleece cover would be a safer option for curious hedgehogs.

Method 3:

If you prefer a zero-waste option that can be reused, you can also buy reusable fleece wheel covers for sale on Etsy that make cleanup a breeze! These are easily attachable and completely cover the plastic wheel and can be tossed into the washing machine.

You’ll be cleaning your hedgehog’s wheel constantly so it’s very important that it’s easy to clean! Hedgehogs are rarely bothered to hop off of their wheel before doing their business and will just keep happily trundling along through their mess. When picking a hedgehog wheel it absolutely must be made of one solid piece. Having a great wheel is an important part of keeping your hedgehog healthy, check out my wheel guide here if you’re in the process of picking one out.

So you have finished reading the how to stop hedgehog from pooping in wheel topic article, if you find this article useful, please share it. Thank you very much. See more: hedgehog for sale, do hedgehogs poop a lot, hedgehog poop color, hedgehog poop boots, hedgehog poo pictures, hedgehog cage, hedgehog pee

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