Top 46 How Much Is An Acre Of Timber Worth 2021 Best 228 Answer

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How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth? Pine Timber Values/Acre ; Year. Plantation*. Natural ; 2017. $1,542. $1,618 ; 2018. $1,694. $1,738 ; 2019. $1,566. $2,055. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth? Pine Timber Values/Acre ; Year. Plantation*. Natural ; 2017. $1,542. $1,618 ; 2018. $1,694. $1,738 ; 2019. $1,566. $2,055. To determine how much money an acre of timber is worth, we need to understand the law of supply and demand ultimately drives the price of timberland.
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How Much Is An Acre Of Timber Worth?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How Much Is An Acre Of Timber Worth? Depending on the type of trees and the market when the timber is sold, you could earn $500 to $2000 per acre (at $1500, you would be looking at … …
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How Much Is An Acre Of Timber Worth?
How Much Is An Acre Of Timber Worth?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about The Business of Selling Timber—Understanding Tree Volume and Value | Extension Each grade increase can add dramatic value that far exceeds the increase in … old forest will have produced 80 tons of wood on every acre. …
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How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth?

Recent swings in wood fiber demand resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic are vivid examples of the importance of staying up to date with developing trends in timber markets.

For instance, the huge demand shift for tissue products coupled with the slowdown in construction over the last several months presented an ideal time to market and sell timber from young pine stands. Likewise, there will also be good sales opportunities for older pine sawtimber as new home construction gets back on track over the next few months.

Based on these tremendous shifts in the market, I wanted to draft an update of our most popular blog post ever (How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth?) to provide some revised trends, context, and related information about the value of pine timber per acre. Since we’re talking dollars and cents, it’s always instructive to stay abreast of market movements during periods of significant turbulence.

The original blog post analyzed values based on a rolling 12-month time frame. This new update will provide more detail by looking at values over a full 3-year period (2017-2019). In keeping with the format of the original post, the information below includes pine stumpage[i] values from timber sales across the US South for both natural and plantation stands that were harvested either in thinning (selective tree removal) or clearcut (complete harvest) operations.

What Drives Timber Prices?

Before we can determine how much an acre of timber is worth, we first need to understand the law of supply and demand ultimately drives the price of timber. Demand is heavily influenced by location, surrounding mill types, proximity to those mills, and the volume and type of timber products consumed in a given area. The volume and types of products available on a tract of timber will therefore determine the value per acre.

For example, larger pine logs used to manufacture top-quality grades of lumber are more valuable in a region with multiple sawmills than are smaller logs that are converted to woodchips to make pulp and paper products.

Timberland owners in the US South who manage their land for timber production predominately manage for the growth of large pine logs. These pine timber stands most often go through even-aged management regimes where the majority of the trees present are the same age (+/- a couple of years). Even-aged plantation pine stands typically experience 1-2 commercial thinnings and one final commercial harvest, or clearcut. When following this model, thinnings typically remove smaller trees at younger ages and clearcuts remove the remainder of the larger trees at older ages.

As a result, the size of the trees removed during thinnings and clearcuts are quite different and therefore vary in value. In general, pine logs fall into one of the following categories:

Logs 5”-7” diameter at breast height (DBH) are considered “pulpwood”

Logs 8”-11” DBH are considered “chip-n-saw” (CNS)

Logs 12”+ DBH in diameter are considered “sawtimber”

For this new analysis, I analyzed US South prices for plantation pine stands on a per-acre basis by harvest type (thinning vs. clearcut) and age class (less than 15 years old, 16-20 years old, 21-25 years old and 26+ years old). I also analyzed US South prices for natural pine stands by harvest type (concise age class data is unavailable for these harvests).

With that said, let’s explore the question…

How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth?

Plantation Pine Stands

Not surprisingly, first thinnings of young timber brought lower prices from 2017-2019 due to the smaller trees that were removed; only pulpwood and smaller logs that fall into the chip-n-saw category are harvested at this time. However, second thinnings in the 21-25 age class typically remove more than just pulpwood, including larger chip-n-saw logs and smaller-diameter sawtimber.

Clearcuts, on the other hand, typically carry a higher price per acre due to the average size of the trees and the volumes of material removed. Most landowners prefer to clearcut their timberland when it is in the 26+ age class, since a majority of the trees have reached the higher-value sawtimber category.

However, it is important to note a clearcut will remove all standing timber on a tract of land, which, even in the case of a managed forest in the 26+ age class, will include both pulpwood and chip-n-saw logs. This mixture of harvested timber products will ultimately affect the price per acre.

Some obvious and expected trends can be detected from the data above, namely, clearcut harvests of older timber are more valuable per acre. However, there are a couple of notable trends as well:

Thinnings of CNS and small sawtimber in the 16-25 ages classes command a higher price per ton than pulpwood, but the price differential between the age classes is minimal. This is typically governed by the fact that thinnings in higher age class stands are less common and usually yield less volume per acre, which results in a lower price per acre.

Thinning values per acre for CNS and small sawtimber in the 16-25 age classes were up in 2018 but dropped markedly in 2019—a sign that supply of these products outpaced demand in that year.

Like thinnings, clearcut values per acre for timber in the higher-value age classes all decreased in 2019, also a sign that supply outstripped demand.

Natural Pine Stands

Individual age class data is unavailable for natural stands of timber, however, the harvest information of natural pine stands illustrates similar price-per-acre ranges as the plantation pine harvest data. There are a couple of considerations to keep in mind when analyzing the natural pine data:

Naturally regenerated stands of pine timber often have a higher density of trees than do plantations. During thinnings on natural stands, more material is therefore typically removed, resulting in an increase in volume and price per acre.

The clearcut price per acre on natural pine stands is slightly higher due to the presence of some hardwood sawtimber that is harvested along with the pine during a clearcut, which carries a higher price than pine in the current market. Older timber stands also typically allow for larger trees, which can affect the total stand volume or the price per tree. The increased timber volumes combined with a mix of hardwood sawtimber will result in a higher price per acre.

In the chart above, the expected higher stumpage value for clearcut timber sales is evident. Unlike the plantation data, there is a clear trend of increasing stumpage prices over the three-year period for both clearcut and thinning timber sales on natural stands.

For a quick comparison of the two, the table below illustrates clearcut values of sawtimber-sized logs from both plantation and natural timber stands over the last three years.

Pine Timber Values/Acre

Year Plantation* Natural 2017 $1,542 $1,618 2018 $1,694 $1,738 2019 $1,566 $2,055 *Average of all age classes excluding <15 (clearcut) Importance of Current, Reliable Pricing Data This kind of information can be very useful in determining emerging market trends, which can be used to guide operational and strategic planning for both sellers and purchasers of pine timber. For sellers, a trained forester is essential to provide insight into local market dynamics and help determine an accurate amount of merchantable wood that exists on an acre of timberland. Prices for timber products can vary considerably even from county to county in a specific region based on demand. As detailed in the data above, there can be significant yearly swings in timber prices based on product type, age class and harvest type. Forest2Market’s direct market price data and specific harvest volume information provide the most complete and accurate timber pricing service in the southern US. Our timber price database is continually updated and contains comprehensive sales data from more than $6 billion in actual timber transactions across the entire region. [i] “Stumpage” is the term used for the purchase price of standing timber and the rights to harvest that timber. In the South, stumpage is most often quoted in dollars per ton of wood, so we used that measurement to arrive at our values.

How much is an acre of timber worth?

Pine Timber Values/Acre Year Plantation* Natural 2018 $1,694 $1,738 2019 $1,566 $2,055

How much money can you get for an acre of timber?

The average stumpage price is $300/MBF, or $1,800 per acre total value. May 8, 2008

How do you calculate the value of timber?

The more mature trees you have, the more likely it is that your timber is ready for harvest. To estimate the value of your timber, take the volume, divided by 1,000, and multiply it by the price quoted in your states standing timber stumpage report.

How much is 5 acres of pine trees worth?

“If a landowner plants five acres of pine trees today and manages it the way it should be managed, he or she can expect a return of $25,000-plus — it could be much more than that — when it matures at 35 years of age,” Traugott said. “Timber buyers routinely purchase tracts of five acres or less.” Mar 31, 2005

How much will loggers pay for trees?

The value of this tree would be $195.00 for an average of $866.00 per thousand board feet. A fourteen inch Red Oak with a grade 3 rating would be worth $12.00 for an average price per thousand board feet of $265.00. Sep 24, 2012

How much is an acre of pine trees worth?

How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth? Pine Timber Values/Acre Year Plantation* Natural 2018 $1,694 $1,738 2019 $1,566 $2,055 *Average of all age classes excluding <15 (clearcut) 1 more row • Jul 14, 2020 Depending on the type of trees and the market when the timber is sold, you could earn $500 to $2000 per acre (at $1500, you would be looking at $60 per year in income if you were to annualize it over 25 years). What tree is worth the most money? The most valuable species are black walnut and white and red oak trees that have grown large enough to yield high quality veneer butt logs. Nov 2, 1998 Are timber prices up? The current run-up in finished lumber prices is a temporary reaction due the uncertainty caused by an extraordinary event: COVID-19. … In the US South, the inventory of standing timber has risen unimpeded since the onset of the Great Recession in 2007, which has resulted in an oversupplied market. Aug 24, 2020 How much do pine logs sell for? Hardwood pulp would be around a thousand. High grade hardwood logs would be much higher. … How much is a load of pine logs worth? Species & Product Recent Range Hardwood Mat Logs $225.00 to $300.00 per MBF Misc. Hardwood Pulpwood $8.00 to $20.00 per ton 2 more rows • May 8, 2020 How much does an acre of land cost 2020? Agricultural Land Values Highlights The United States farm real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, averaged $3,160 per acre for 2020, no change from 2019. The United States cropland value averaged $4,100 per acre, no change from the previous year. Aug 6, 2020 How much is White Pine worth? Appalachian Hardwood Sawtimber Pricing by Species Species Price – $MBF Misc. $125.00 Tie/Low Grade/Pallet $125.00 White Pine $70.00 Yellow Pine $55.00 16 more rows How much does it cost to plant a pine tree per acre? A Loblolly Pine tree plantation costs average between $150 and $250 per acre depending on how many acres are planted per project – more acres lowers the cost. An average of 500 trees per acre is common. What trees are worth logging? Walnut trees are always one of the most demanded trees in the wood industry. Oaks, maples, cherry, and ashes are also valuable trees. A high-quality veneer tree with a large diameter can be worth a lot but they are rare. A common rule is the bigger the log, the more it is worth. How do I sell my trees for timber? Find a Professional Forestry Partner A forester who sells trees for a living and practices within your sale area would be your best partner; he or she will know timber product grades and values and be familiar with local timber buyers and the market. Private foresters usually offer their services for a fee. Oct 19, 2019 Do loggers make good money? Typical Logging Worker Salary They earned a median $21.46 per hour or $44,650 per year as of May 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The median salary is the midpoint, so half of fallers earned more than this amount. Fallers are among the highest-paid logger jobs. Will someone buy my pine trees? The easiest way to find a buyer for your trees is to contact your state’s forestry department. Every state maintains a list of timber buyers, sawmills, and professional foresters you can contact to sell your trees. Dec 16, 2020 Are my trees worth money? As a general rule, the taller the tree, the more valuable it is. Tall trees with no branches along most of the height of their trunk will be the most valuable and sold as sawlogs for wood veneer. … Hardwoods are almost always worth more than hardwoods with the exception of tall, large diameter branch free white pine. How much does it cost to clear 1 acre of wooded land? Average Cost to Clear 1 Acre Wooded Lot You will pay between $500 and $2,000 per acre for lightly wooded lots, and between $3,000 and $5,600 per acre for heavily forested land. For a single tree clearing cost, you can expect to pay an average of $700. Aug 12, 2020 What is stumpage price for timber? When talking about the value of your timber, one of the terms you’ll hear is “stumpage” or “stumpage price.” Stumpage refers to the price a timber buyer will offer a landowner for their trees standing “on the stump.” In most cases, landowners typically like to see high stumpage values, and the timber buyers try to … May 18, 2018 Can you make a living selling firewood? Make Money Selling Firewood The biggest challenge you’ll face in selling firewood is getting inventory. If you simply have some extra firewood from a fallen tree and you see an opportunity to make some money, that won’t be a problem. … However, if you do have access to excess firewood, you can make money. Is timber a good investment? Timber has shown to be an effective hedge against inflation, especially unexpected inflation. … Mostly, investors own land through real estate investment trusts, timber investment management organizations, The Timber ETF, and direct ownership. What is the most valuable timber? THE MOST EXPENSIVE WOOD IN THE WORLD Grenadil, African Blackwood. This wood is one of the most expensive on the planet. … Agar Wood. Agar wood is a valuable plant found in tropical forests of Southeast Asia. … Black wood (Ebony) … Sandalwood. … Amaranth, Purple Heart. … Dalbergia. … Bubinga. … Bocote, Cordia (Bocote, Cordia) Feb 1, 2020 Do loggers replant trees? The logging industry needs big logs, that have huge roots and cover a large area with the shadow of their leaves. This means there is an ecosystem around these trees. … Logging companies replant trees only if they are forced to do so (because it costs money). Will the government pay you to plant trees? If the land you own qualifies–and if pine stands help achieve the program’s goals in your region–you can get paid for agreeing to plant them. Government funds may also pay for part of the cost of buying trees and planting. Jul 21, 2017 Why are lumber prices so high 2020? Why Strong Demand and Tight Supply Have Caused Lumber Prices to Soar. … New numbers from the National Association of Home Builders shows that since mid-April of 2020, lumber prices have risen by 130%, and those increased costs have increased the cost of single-family homes more than $16,000 on average. Will lumber prices go down in 2020? When we expect to see the price of lumber decline Since the last time we touched on the subject in early September of 2020, the cost of lumber has already started to decrease substantially. It has dropped from $948 per thousand board feet in September to now $565 per thousand board feet in early November. Nov 12, 2020 How many tons of timber equals an acre? Forest2Market data from timberland type demonstrate that: Average volume of natural pine clearcut: 86 tons per acre. Average volume of plantation pine clearcut: 99 tons per acre. Aug 13, 2018 What is a good price per acre? The United States farm real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, averaged $3,160 per acre for 2019, up $60 per acre (1.9 percent) from 2018. The United States cropland value averaged $4,100 per acre, an increase of $50 per acre (1.2 percent) from the previous year. Aug 6, 2019 What state has the cheapest land to buy? Key Takeaways. Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia are three of the most inexpensive places where you can buy land. New Mexico and Arizona are popular places for retirees. Jun 25, 2019 Where is the cheapest land per acre? Tennessee, Arkansas, and West Virginia consistently rank as the cheapest places to buy residential land. Tennessee offers diverse geography, from mountains and lakes to acres of rural flat ground, and of course the iconic landmarks and attractions like Graceland and Nashville, the heart of country music. Sep 14, 2018 How much is a large white pine tree worth? Up until about 50 years ago, only a few large specimens of this tree where found growing in farm woodlots and private parkland but these too are gone. If a 300-foot old growth White Pine was found today it could be worth $30,000 or more. How long does it take to grow pine timber? Many landowners plant pines with the intention of harvesting them at some point in the future. When pulpwood markets are favorable, a complete stand harvest within 15 to 20 years is possible and may bring an acceptable return. What is White Pine Good For? Common Uses: Crates, boxes, interior millwork, construction lumber, carving, and boatbuilding. Comments: Eastern White Pine is one of the most common and widely used timbers for construction lumber in the northeast United States. … The long, straight trunks of Eastern White Pine were once prized for use as ship masts. Is planting pine trees a good investment? Economic analysis has shown that returns on investment when planting pines on old fields will generate REAL rates of return between 10 and 17 percent, depending on site quality. Yes, planting pines on old fields is an excellent investment for landowners. How much do pine tree farmers make? “It gives the grower options. At close spacing, pine stands can generate about $500 per acre from each pine straw harvest as soon as 8 years after planting. How long does a pine tree take to grow to full maturity? around 25 to 30 years How long does it take for a pine tree to grow to full size? In terms of when they reach full height, this is usually between 50 and 145 feet, though dwarf species, such as the Siberian Dwarf, only reach a maximum of 10ft. Pine is considered mature enough for wood harvest at around 25 to 30 years. Feb 23, 2020 How do I calculate the value of a tree? The formula is: Tree Value = Base Value x Cross-sectional Area x Species Class x Condition Class x Location Class Base Value is the dollar amount assigned to 1 square inch of a tree’s trunk cross-sectional area and is typically based on the cost of the largest available replacement plant of the same species. Nov 9, 2015 How much is a big oak tree worth? The total volume of the tree would be 225 board feet. The value of this tree would be $195.00 for an average of $866.00 per thousand board feet. A fourteen inch Red Oak with a grade 3 rating would be worth $12.00 for an average price per thousand board feet of $265.00. Sep 24, 2012 What percentage does a logger take? In logging contracts, payment is most often based on either dollars per unit or a percentage of the value of the wood. Historically, loggers have worked on a percentage basis, and 50 percent of the value of the wood was standard operating proce- dure. Is there money in logging? While loggers do not technically add value to the timber they process and deliver, they do turn trees into logs. Without them, no wood would be available to the mills that do add value by converting timber to lumber, paper, or furniture. What are logs worth? The top log in the pile and the second log up in the tree has about 200 bf. in it and would be worth about $175. Most high-dollar logs are veneer-quality logs. Almost all of the stories of logs selling for high prices are for veneer-quality logs. Mar 8, 2018 How many loggers die a year? Fatality Rates Over this 10-year period, an estimated 1,492 of these deaths occurred in the logging industry, where the average annual fatality rate is more than 23 times that for all U.S. workers (164 deaths per 100,000 workers compared with 7 per 100,000). What is the highest paying job? Here is a look at the top 100 highest-paying jobs: Cardiologist. National average salary: $351,827 per year. Anesthesiologist. National average salary: $326,296 per year. Orthodontist. National average salary: $264,850 per year. Psychiatrist. National average salary: $224,577 per year. Surgeon. … Periodontist. … Physician. … Dentist. More items… • Nov 23, 2020 How much do professional loggers make? The median annual wage for logging workers was $41,230 in May 2019. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,720, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $61,920. Sep 1, 2020 How much is a ponderosa pine worth? Case studies show existing pine stands can earn an average of about $100 to $150 per acre per year. … How much is a ponderosa pine worth? Species January 2020 June 2019 Ponderosa Pine $350 (6-7″) – $375 (12″+) $350 (6-7″) – $375 (12″+) Lodgepole Pine $380-$430 $380-$430 Western White Pine $390-$420 $390-$420 1 more row • Apr 24, 2020 How much is a big walnut tree worth? The most valuable trees I’ve seen in my 35-year career have been over 30 inches in diameter and larger.” For example, a black walnut that is Grade A veneer at 19 inches diameter will be worth about $700 or $800. If you add another 6 inches of diameter, that price can nearly double. Oct 14, 2016 Is tree farming profitable? It’s earth-friendly and more profitable than you might imagine when you grow high-value trees. … This means growing Christmas trees makes a tree farmer about ten times more profit per acre. There are other fast growing trees that can produce a regular income from boughs, shoots, sap, cones, fruit or nuts. Jul 8, 2019 Does anyone cut trees down for free? Contact a reputable logging company about cutting and removing your trees. Many small companies will do this for no charge, provided there are enough trees – usually 20 or more — to make it worth their while. … In some cases, the logging company may not only remove your trees but will also pay you.

The Business of Selling Timber—Understanding Tree Volume and Value

As trees in your forest grow, they become more valuable. A larger tree can be more valuable because it has more volume to make more product. The bigger your trees are, the more they are worth—but that’s not the whole story. As trees grow, they can also increase in grade (quality). Each grade increase can add dramatic value that far exceeds the increase in value from volume growth alone.

The following table shows example of what the values of each grade might be. Grades and their value are quite complex. They vary significantly depending on location, species, market demand and more. There are often many more grades than the four shown. This information is intended to be “in the ballpark” to illustrate a point.

Product Grade Stumpage Value ($/Ton) Pulpwood 8 Ties 40 #1 and #2 300 Veneer 600

Stumpage value is the amount a landowner receives for standing trees that will be harvested. It is striking to see the different values a ton of wood can be worth. The more high-grade trees you grow, the more your forest is worth. Again, the differences can be dramatic.

Consider that an average New Hampshire woodlot will produce about a ton of merchantable volume per acre per year. This continues every year throughout the life of a forest. So, an 80-year old forest will have produced 80 tons of wood on every acre. If that production is all pulpwood, the produced value would only be about $640 per acre. If that same volume only produced veneer, the produced value would be about $48,000 per acre!

Now before I lead you down a misleading path, a forest with volume only in veneer is impossible (Though sadly because of no management or mis-management there are many woodlots that produce only pulpwood). Veneer and other grades each make up a portion of the total harvest. It would be reasonable to expect a well-managed forest on good soil to produce enough veneer and grade logs to yield $5,000 per acre in those 80 years. On the other hand, forests that have not been managed to maximize this value would contain very little veneer and grade logs, yielding perhaps only $600 per acre in those 80 years. If those numbers are not compelling enough, consider if you own 100 acres. Then, we are looking at ½ million dollars versus $60,000.

This discussion is a very simplified version of how forests produce timber value. The more important point is that when forests are managed to maximize the amount of grade logs, the gain to the landowner (and the forest industry) is dramatic.

Preparing your forest to grow top grades will pay huge dividends in the future. It makes sense to be as thoughtful as you can to realize this benefit. You may sell timber only once or twice, and success—or failure—depends on how you prepare. NH licensed foresters possess knowledge and skills to assess the value of trees based on current and local markets. A forester will identify the best strategy to maximize the long-term value of your forest.

To get started, contact your County Forester for a woodlot walk to explore options and discuss strategies. This is a free service brought to you by UNH Cooperative Extension and your County government.

Brendan Prusik is the Coös County Forester with UNH Cooperative Extension. He has worked in Coös County forests for nearly 30 years. To learn about forest management and more visit

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