How To Hook Up On Instagram? Best 51 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to hook up on instagram“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

How do you hook up with someone on Instagram?

Send someone you’re interested in a direct message (DM).

Write a specific comment about something they’ve posted—don’t be random or too suggestive. Make yourself stand out by trying to authentically relate to them. Asking an open question is a good opener because it prompts them to reply with a more thoughtful answer.

Does Instagram have a dating site?

– The New York Times. Style|Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too.

How do you hit random girls on Instagram?

How to Slide Into a Girl’s DMs on Instagram (with Examples)
  1. Respond to their story.
  2. Ask a noninvasive question.
  3. Lean on a mutual interest.
  4. Hit her with a joke.
  5. Try a more creative approach.
  6. Send her a compliment.
  7. Be straight up and ask her out.
  8. Go for a cheesy pickup line.

Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

DMing a girl you like for the first time can be pretty intimidating, but it’s a totally great way to start a good conversation! There are many ways to go about this, but whichever you choose, aim to bring in some of your IRL personality. She probably has some other guys in her DMs texting her about her looks, so do something a little different and have fun with it!

How do you talk to random girls on Instagram?

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl on Instagram: 10+ Tips to Get Her Chatting
  1. Comment on her pictures.
  2. Reply to her story.
  3. Introduce yourself.
  4. Reference your mutual followers.
  5. Send her a meme.
  6. Talk about something from her page.
  7. Pick up an in-person conversation.
  8. Send a flirty selfie.

Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

Starting a conversation with someone in IRL is hard enough — but figuring out what to say on Instagram might be even harder. If you stumble upon someone who seems super cool but just doesn’t know what to say, you’re not alone! Luckily, there are many different ways you can start a dialogue with a girl.

Here are 11 foolproof ways to start a conversation with a girl you like on Instagram.

How do I ask a girl out on Instagram?

20 Ways to Ask a Girl for Her Instagram
  1. Make her an offer she cannot refuse. This is the most straightforward way to get a girl’s Instagram. …
  2. Ask her friends. …
  3. Get creative with emojis. …
  4. Ask her teacher. …
  5. Know the lingo(s) …
  6. Show that you’re tech-savvy. …
  7. Solve her problems. …
  8. Have a slow and relaxed conversation about it.

Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

There are times when you want to ask the girl you like about her Instagram but can’t find an effective way to do it. She may not feel comfortable sharing her account and might even block you. Here we list 20 ways you can easily ask a girl about her Instagram:

1. Make her an offer she can’t refuse

This is the easiest way to get a girl’s Instagram. Ask her about it directly. You might plan on following her anyway, so why not ask about it. This has no long-term effects and you can easily ask for someone’s Instagram. Be careful with this trick. Women are very smart and can sense when someone is using them on their Instagram account. It’s better to use the other 19 ways unless you’re really confident it will work.

2. Ask her friends

Ask one of her friends if she has an Instagram account and if so, ask her to give you the username. If her friends don’t know, you can also ask her to speak to the girl for you. You will most likely agree. This method is pretty easy and doesn’t involve many risks, unless of course she has an account on a private network and her boyfriend might get in trouble if he tells you about it.

3. Get creative with emojis

Use the specific girl icon along with a camera, filter, or Instagram icon to ask her if she has an account. This trick is quite effective and not many people are aware of it. There were times when girls asked for my Instagram just because I used the emoji trick on them! So it’s definitely worth a try.

4. Ask her teacher

If you are in the same class, just ask your teacher for her Instagram account. You can even do this by finding an excuse why you need to know about it. The only problem with this is that she might get annoyed if other people use this trick on her too and end up finding out that you asked for her Instagram.

5. Know the jargon(s)

People usually have an Instagram account because it’s cool or popular at the moment. Using this knowledge, you can find out the girl’s username. Try to leave a comment about how pretty their pictures are and how much you enjoy looking at them. Most people don’t expect this and may find it flattering, so they will most likely tell you about their account.

6. Show that you are tech-savvy

You can ask her if she has an Instagram account using a series of emojis along with the camera icon to communicate this message. This is more effective if you are familiar with emojis. Otherwise, try this method to find out if she has an account and proceed with one of the other methods listed here.

7. Solve their problems

If you want to make a good impression on a girl, it’s a good way to solve her problems. You can let her know that you can help her get more followers on Instagram. You can even ask for her username and then provide some excellent tips to help her gain more followers herself.

8. Have a slow, relaxed conversation about it

As you talk to the girl, slowly bring up the topic of Instagram and how you like following people there. Ask her for her personal account and she might give you the username right away! This trick works really well when you’re feeling confident or know each other fairly well.

9. Make a deal with her

You can make a deal with the girl that if she follows you on Instagram you will do the same for her. She’s more inclined to give you her username if she knows she can be tracked by you too. This is a pretty elegant way to achieve your goal, as long as the girl is okay with it.

10. Ask for her number and then her Instagram

If you really want this girl’s Instagram account, this might be the way to go. If you’re confident and flirt with her a bit, she might actually give you her number and then ask for yours. That way, she can decide whether or not she wants to follow you.

11. Send her a funny picture on Instagram that has nothing to do with the girl

You can bypass the Instagram issue by sending the girl a funny picture and then asking her if she has an account. You can even like some of their pics first to help the conversation flow.

12. Say you have the same interests as her

If you’re playing with that fact, you can also ask if she has an Instagram account by telling her that you like following people on Instagram too. This works especially well if you have something in common with the girl, so she might just agree with that.

13. Say you want to follow her because she’s cool

Girls love being told they’re cool, so it works really well for them. Follow the above steps and ask her if she has an Instagram account. You can even say you want to follow her because she seems like a cool person and she might be flattered to give you her username!

14. Ask for her username as a token of your appreciation

If you’re trying to get a girl’s Instagram but think it won’t work well, you can always ask her for her username as a token of your appreciation. She might think you’re just being nice and tell you her username, so give it a try!

15. Pretend you want another Instagram account

When she asks if you have an Instagram account, instead of telling the truth, pretend you want another account but don’t know which username to choose. Say that and she might offer you her own Instagram username!

16. Ask for their email address instead of username

If you’re shy, this is a great way to ask about her Instagram account. Instead of asking for their username, just ask for their email address instead. You can change your mind later and ask for their username even if you already have their email address.

17. Look for posts related to them

If she posts photos related to something related to your life or hobbies, then she might be the perfect person to follow on Instagram! You can say that the girl looks cool and you wanted to follow her, so ask for Instagram account.

18. Do something that will make her notice

If you want to ask a girl’s Instagram username but are just too shy, try this trick instead. Do something she’ll notice — like give her a rose — and then take out your phone. She may ask for your Instagram account when she notices you have a smartphone, so give her the number!

19. Pretend you don’t know what Instagram is or how it works

Girls love guys who are innocent enough not to understand simple things, which means this trick will work just fine. Ask her if she has an Instagram account — or better yet, say you don’t know what Instagram is. Girls will love this and it might actually work!

20. Asking about hers after you’ve told her yours

After telling the girl your own username, ask for hers as well. She’ll think it’s only fair that you ask too, so she’ll happily give you her username in return. If you’re asking for the username, try one of the lines above.

If none of these tricks work, you can always ask for their Instagram account directly — although it’s a bit of a hassle. When all else fails, use your charm and wit to try and get her Instagram account without directly asking for it.

And you? What do you think of these ways to ask a girl for her Instagram username? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

How can I find a hot girl?

Where to Meet Girls: The 15 Best Places to Meet Single Women
  1. Look for Specific Types of Events That You Enjoy. View this post on Instagram. …
  2. Art Classes/Groups. …
  3. Co-Ed Sports Teams. …
  4. Community Volunteer Events. …
  5. Local/Small Concerts. …
  6. Local Social Gathering Groups. …
  7. Yoga Class. …
  8. Private Parties.

Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

There was a time in my life when I was so frustrated with dating that I seriously wanted to give up.

I went to the gym, lost weight, read, worked on myself, built my business, and did whatever I needed to do to attract a precious girlfriend.

And yet I just didn’t meet women.

I rarely seemed to meet anyone I thought was “date-worthy.”

And even on the rare occasions that I did, nothing ever seemed to come of it.

Why didn’t it work?

Well, one day I came across a super simple concept that really challenged my perspective on the situation.

And that realization forever changed the way I look at dating, meeting women, and navigating the sex market.

You need to grow your social circles organically

That was the crucial component that I was missing.

I had to expand my social circles on purpose.

You see, a lot of people get this wrong. They think it’s all about their looks, how “slick” they are at the club, how much money they make, or how they deliver the perfect one-liner when they actually meet a woman.

Many men believe that if they are successful at these things, women will flock to them with genuine sexual interest.

But that’s not true.

You need to make “expanding your social circles” a fundamental part of your dating experience if you really want to be successful.


Because as you become a better man and learn to walk in a truly manly frame, you become more of a ‘niche’ product.

Some women will love you and admire you more than you have ever been loved or admired by anyone and some will not.

It’s a bit of a numbers game, but not quite.

It’s actually a lifestyle optimization game.

So the goal is to meet the types of women that you truly and authentically desire.

And this post tells you exactly how to do it.

First things first: What kind of woman are you looking for?

If you are like most men, you have a specific type of woman in mind that you would like to date.

You probably prefer a certain body type. Maybe you prefer a certain hair color – you might even want a certain, specific “mood”.

I can understand that. I’ve always had a soft spot for small, skinny, angular, free-spirited hippie girls.

In fact, my current girlfriend fits right into those preferences.

She’s a fiery little redhead with dreadlocks and a horror movie fetish – and I love it.

But if you’re looking to meet a specific type of woman, it’s important to understand this crucial concept:

You need to optimize your social networks and lifestyle in a way that puts you in touch with the types of women you actually want to date.

So, step one, start by making a list of the ideal qualities you are looking for in a partner – and figure out exactly what kind of woman you want to meet.

This will help you master the following steps and successfully expand your social networks in the right direction.

It will also help you avoid wasting time on the wrong types of women.

Where to Meet Girls: The 15 best places to meet single women

I’ve met women in bars, in classes, at group events, at concerts, at parties, and even at sporting events.

Case in point, you can meet women just about anywhere if you’re willing to keep your eyes open and develop enough courage to approach and get involved.

But here’s the thing:

If you never go out and do anything, you will never expand your social circles.

And you won’t meet women either.

So get out of your bedroom, spend time with people, and practice expanding your social network.

These are the 14 best places to start.

1. Look for specific types of events that you enjoy

The first rule of thumb is:

When you decide what you can do to expand your social circles, don’t just do things that you think you’ll meet women.

Do things that you really enjoy.

Are you into spiritual meditation? Go to such events.

Do you like to play billiards? Join a pool league.

Start looking for events based on things you’re passionate about.

You never know how these kinds of social adventures open up opportunities for you to meet new people — including potential dating partners.

But it has to be organic. You can’t force it.

Otherwise you’ll give off a desperate vibe – and it just won’t work.

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2. Art Classes/Groups

Art classes are really cool because they allow you to be creative with other people.

Did you know that Pablo Picasso was a serious womanizer?

In fact, women find creative men very attractive, sometimes even rating them as “more attractive” than better-looking “uncreative” men.

Classes or groups that give you the opportunity to interact creatively with women will give you a tremendous advantage in your quest for genuine connection and intimacy with potential dating partners.

3. Co-ed sports teams

Exercise is a powerful aphrodisiac for women.

And mixed sports teams/leagues provide the perfect opportunity to spend some time getting “hot and sweaty” with beautiful, fun, athletic ladies.

Join a volleyball league, soccer team, or mixed basketball team.

It’s a fantastic way to meet women.

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4. Community Volunteer Events

Did you know that volunteering makes people happier?

But it goes even deeper.

Women are most attracted to men who have a purpose — who strive to make a meaningful difference in the world.

This makes volunteering a great way to not only pursue your own purpose and passion, but also expand your social circles and meet incredible women who share those passions as well.

5. Local/small concerts

I don’t mean big concerts by big record companies.

I mean – go to small concerts in seedy local places.

The ones where people drink and hang out at the bar as much as they do listening to some awful local music.

I’ve had some incredible experiences meeting women at local concerts like this.

Just be friendly and talk to people about music. If you play your cards right, you’ll be invited into someone’s loft for a beer and smoke some green.

6. Local social gathering groups

If you go to and search for events near you, you’ll find all sorts of unique “local social” groups to join.

Exploration Groups, Fun Things To Do Groups, Hiking Groups, Walking Tour Groups, etc.

These tend to be a bit on the “generic” side. But they’re great for meeting other socially minded people and expanding your networks.

7. Yoga class

I once had a friend who started taking hot yoga classes.

He was a super tall scruffy rocker dude with long hair, facial piercings and tattoos.

And yet the women loved him and hit him constantly.

Yoga classes give you a huge advantage when it comes to meeting women.

First off, the female-to-male ratio is extremely female-biased.

Second, the women are often fit and attractive.

Also, the whole “Zen” aspect of yoga means you’re more likely to meet women who are holistic, down to earth, and internalize the concept of “Zen” in their own lives.

It’s a perfect combination if you’re so inclined.

8. Private parties

Private parties are fun – but also provide an opportunity to meet more people on a more personal level – including women.

Think twice before declining the next party invitation.

Stop by, have a drink or two, mingle and shake a few hands.

You never know who you might meet.

9. Improv evenings

When I was in high school, I took an acting class.

It was a balanced mix of boys and girls – and we did all sorts of improv activities to “practice” our acting technique. It was a lot of fun and there was a lot of flirting.

Improvisation also gives you a huge opportunity to show women that you are funny, witty and quick on your feet. Women are more attracted to men who make them laugh, and there’s no better way to show off your strong social skills.

10. Public Speaking Groups

In some cities, you’ll find groups dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and public speakers improve their public speaking skills.

1 Million Cups is one such organization and they have chapters in most major US cities.

These types of groups give you the opportunity to appear in front of everyone and talk about things that are close to your heart.

What better way to meet beautiful, professional women and show off your purposeful mindset?

11. Talk Groups

Went on a coffee date… almost passed out in the store. I guess you could say he literally stopped my heart…

Just last week I went to a meditation and mindfulness discussion group. We talked about meditation, conflict resolution, family dynamics – all sorts of interesting things.

I didn’t meet any women at this particular event. But in the past I’ve met some incredible women in groups like this. The open discussion forum gives you the opportunity to engage and connect organically.

Plus, you can talk about things you love and are passionate about, while also learning about everyone else.

This is an atmosphere where real attraction occurs between well-matched people.

12. Church

I would not recommend this as a place to meet women unless you actually have religious beliefs that at least somehow align with the beliefs of the church you wish to attend.

But as long as you meet that requirement, you should consider joining the largest, “hottest” church in your area.

These communities often have groups that you can join to build friendships and relationships – and the activities you participate in with such groups give you a great opportunity to meet other like-minded women who share the same religious beliefs as you.

13. Ladies Nights at Clubs, Bars and Local Venues

The club/bar scene is a hit-or-miss place to find quality women. Still, whether you’re looking for a relationship or a date, it’s no secret that women flock to the bars and clubs to date their girls, have fun, and meet potential romantic partners.

Ladies nights give you an especially big advantage, as women often get free coverage, free drinks, or other perks — increasing the likelihood that the clubs and bars will be packed with women looking to have a good time.

14. Speed ​​Dating Events

Speed ​​dating events are not my favorite way of meeting women.

I think they’re almost too “goal oriented” for senior men because it’s an event specifically focused on the mission of “finding a woman to spend time with” and I think in general Don’t get bogged down in the idea of ​​making a woman a “mission” in your life.

Besides, there’s an old saying, “You never look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Speed ​​dating events are usually organized with the specific intention of helping men and women expand their dating pool/social circles quickly and efficiently.

So if you have the opportunity to attend one, you might find it useful.

15. Business Networking Events

Believe it or not, business networking events are one of my favorite places to meet high quality professional women.

As a man of purpose, you should already be investing time and energy in building your own business or sideline. So why not go to business networking events, socialize and meet women doing the same?

I’ve met some of the most incredible women I’ve ever met through business networking events. Later, schedule a margarita meetup with some of your contacts and start making real connections.

When there is attraction, things will happen.

Where to meet older women

Whether you’re an older man looking to meet older women or a younger man interested in meeting older women, finding the right places to socialize can be difficult.

My favorite places to meet older women are:

Business networking events Art classes/groups Church events Bars catering to an older, more professional crowd Local social gatherings such as city walks, tours, discussion groups, etc.

Remember that older women generally care more than just looks.

They want to build wealth, have intelligent conversations, learn new things, and meet men who can stimulate them intellectually.

They’re far more likely to spend their time doing things that lead them to such goals — which is why you’re less likely to meet older women in nightclubs or trendy college bars.

Where to Meet Nerdy/Gamer Girls

As a man who got his first taste of gaming with the original Nintendo NES gaming system, my generation was one of the first serious “gaming” generations.

And as such, I have a special place in my heart for nerdy/gamer girls.

(And don’t even get me started on sexy cosplay.)

But where do you meet these types of women?

First off, it’s important to understand that most of these types of women tend to lead introverted lives of seclusion, hiding in their hot/nerdy/messy girls’ rooms where they watch their favorite shows and play video games.

You’re much more likely to meet nerdy/gamer girls:

In college classes On dating apps On local gaming conventions/events In local stores that sell the kinds of products nerdy gamer girls would buy

These types of women are usually working toward some type of degree, hence college courses.

When they date, they tend to use dating apps – because they’re efficient and don’t require any outdoor/extraverted adventures.

But serious gamer girls don’t miss the opportunity to go to gaming conventions.

My number one advice? Go to as many gaming/comic/anime conventions as possible and be brave enough to engage with attractive women at such events.

Your chances of meeting a nerd/gamer girl in such cases are much, much higher.

Your second best chance? Approach these types of women coldly in department stores.

Yes, it takes some guts – but it’s one of the best ways to meet the specific type of gamer girl you’re into in everyday situations.

Where to meet women online

Meeting women online has become a mainstream dating style.

It’s not perfect – but it has its perks.

Personally, I find dating apps like Tinder and Bumble to be the best dating apps out there.

But Hinge, OKCupid, and are also popular.

Facebook Dating is easy to use — but in my opinion it’s not that good because people just don’t take it that seriously.

That being said, dating apps aren’t necessarily my favorite way of meeting women online.

How to meet women online without using dating apps

I always prefer organic social media to mission-driven online dating.

I think that’s more in line with the alpha male mentality.

Apart from that, my favorite ways to meet women online are as follows:

Use to find local events to attend. Use Facebook Events to find nearby events to attend in these groups

This approach may seem less “mission-oriented”, but that is its strength.

As strong, manly, self-actualized men, it’s in our best interest to pursue our purpose – while meeting cool people and expanding our social networks as a side effect of this overarching, increasingly important pursuit.

How to approach a woman in public: 11 actionable tips

So you’ve met a woman – or at least you’re seeing one from across the room.

You want to approach her and introduce yourself.

But you’re also afraid of screwing it up.

This fear is very common. So let’s go through 11 quick tips that will help you minimize your chances of disaster.

1. Approach when she is comfortable

According to my favorite human body language expert, Vanessa Van Edwards, you should only approach a woman if she looks relaxed and seems to be in a positive mood.

Women in such a mood are much more likely to welcome a conversation.

2. Approach when you notice her looking/smiling at you

Has she looked at you and/or smiled at you more than once?

Or better yet – did she look at you, smile and then quickly turn her head away – and show you the vulnerable side of her neck/shoulder?

This is the classic “come here” look and is probably an indication that she’s inviting you to engage with her.

3. Approach from the front or the side – never from behind

Women don’t like being approached from behind.

It catches them off guard and not in a good way.

Approach from the front or side. If she sees you coming before you reach her, you’re much more likely to get a positive reaction.

4. Proceed with confidence

As it turns out, women rate male confidence as sexier than just looks.

Do you want to improve your chances of a successful interaction with her?

Proceed with a confident attitude and posture.

Hold your head up, pull your shoulders back, smile and look her in the eyes.

5. Don’t “hang” around them unnecessarily without making a move

Kezia Noble speaks extensively on this topic in her book The Noble Art of Seducing Women.

“When my friends and I go out, we always laugh among ourselves (well, I don’t, of course, since the nature of my work makes me a bit more likeable) at the guy who hovers aimlessly around us, head bobbing uncomfortably out of sync with the music. Every time one of us looks over, they almost always look away and then back.”

She goes on to say that women are very aware of these guys and that when they approach, they basically don’t stand a chance.

The problem?

It doesn’t look confident.

What should you do instead?

If you wish to approach, approach immediately with boldness, confidence, and as much “gentleness” as you can muster.

6. Don’t overlook the “bitchy” girls

Some women put on a “bitchy” facade to ward off weaker men.

These women are not for the faint of heart, but don’t let that put you off if you really want to get close.

Kezia Noble also talks about it in her book. She calls it a “Bitch Shield” and also gives men the necessary steps to destroy it:

They have to stay cool and not get infected by their defences. They need to break their pattern and take control of the conversation. The best way to break this pattern is with a well-placed compliment by “worming your way” into her psyche. and disarm them

If you’re brave enough, “bitchy” girls can be the best women to turn to – because no other man is brave enough to do so.

7. Don’t overlook girls out with their boyfriends

Some men are reluctant to approach women who are with their boyfriends.

But the truth is that if you don’t take your chances in these kinds of situations, you may be missing out.

Yes, you have to be braver to approach a woman surrounded by her female compatriots.

In situations like this, I usually start by hiring a woman from the outskirts of the group and talking to her about something innocuous.

“I couldn’t help but hear you sing along with the music. Are you a fan of *band name*?”

This is how you start a conversation and get “access” to the group.

Then introduce yourself to everyone and use this as an opportunity to show your confidence and focus on the woman you set your sights on first.

You killed two birds with one stone.

You made a positive impression on her friends. And you managed to introduce yourself to her without looking out of place.

8. Approach with open body language

I once had a nice date with a woman that ended with me asking her to come back.

But to my surprise, she said “no”.

I later texted her asking why she didn’t accept my offer as we seemed to be having so much fun together.

She responded with an answer that forever changed the way I thought about “body language” during a date.

“Well, when you asked me to come to your house, your arms were crossed and you seemed closed off. It made me feel like you didn’t really want it.”

That blew my mind, but she was right.

Always approach women with open, welcoming body language—open arms, feet pointed toward you, chin up, with a relaxed posture.

That makes all the difference in the world.

9. Try to match their energy level

Be aware of her energy level before approaching her.

If she’s super energetic, it’s in your best interest to reach that high energy level.

If she’s relaxed and relaxed, approach her with the same type of vibe.

This is not always a necessary, hard and fast rule. But it’s useful not to overwhelm them or seem “boring.”

A man trying to pursue a woman can be many things and get away with it — but “boring” isn’t one of them.

10. Don’t take it too seriously

Many men take women far too seriously.

They have a “do or die” philosophy that makes them afraid of rejection and trying too hard to succeed.

Just relax and be yourself.

What if she doesn’t take the bait?

As strong, confident men, we don’t need a “yes” every time to feel good.

So go out there, do your thing and don’t take it too seriously.

Relaxing a little will make you seem a lot more confident and attractive anyway.

11. Don’t overthink it

3 characteristics of an overthinker:

1. You connect different thoughts in a row.

2. They search for the deeper meaning of each thought.

3. You have a low tolerance for certain unwanted thoughts.

If you have these traits, you are dealing with #OverThinking somewhere. — Worthy Psychology (@WorthyPsycholgy) January 22, 2021

Ultimately, you don’t have to be perfect to successfully approach women.

You don’t even have to do it “right”.

You are far more likely to be successful if you do it “wrong” without thinking about it than if you overthink it while trying to do everything perfectly.

So be you. Be real. Every time you try to approach a woman, improve your approach a little.

With practice, you’ll soon be a master.

Don’t sweat it and don’t think about it.

Other things to consider when meeting women

1. Learn to read body language

Learning body language will help you drastically improve your approach game.

Read the book Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People by Vanessa Van Edwards for serious insight into body language.

2. Nervous? Give her “Negative Signs” before approaching

One way to overcome approach anxiety is to give a woman “10 points” before approaching her.

Think of the hottest, sexiest woman who ever lived. This woman is a 10.

Then compare this woman to her.

Where does it fall short?

Mark them with a dot for each mistake – and then add them up.

This will change your way of thinking and give you more confidence – because suddenly you will realize that she is not perfect. And that will make them appear far less intimidating.

This is actually another tactic Kezia Noble teaches in The Noble Art of Seducing Women — and it works.

3. Don’t rely too much on can openers

Googling “pick-up lines” will yield quite a few results.

You’ll quickly gain access to hundreds, if not thousands, of different opportunities.

But should you be using this type of “canned” material?

Here’s the thing.

yes it can work

But I’ve had a lot better luck just being myself and saying the first thing that came to my mind.

Also – forgetting canned stuff in the middle of your approach sets you up for a pretty awkward encounter and has the potential to send your anxiety through the roof.

4. Maintain a masculine frame at all times

Maintaining the male frame while approaching women is crucial.


appearing needy

Come across as clingy

Act desperately

Act like you’re scared of her

Put her on a pedestal

Act like you want to prove yourself to her

Act like you think she’s out of your league or better than you

fear of rejection

Shower her with compliments

Just be easy. Be quiet. Be confident.

Be a man who assesses her calmly and confidently.

Deep down, women desperately crave validation from men of value.


Because when they succeed, it feels like a conquest to them.

5. Have a reason to approach her

If there’s anything you want to rehearse before approaching her, this should be it.

Approaching someone works much better when you give them a legitimate reason to do so.

“Hey, I couldn’t help but notice your shoes. Where did you get the? I love her.”

“Excuse me – do you know anything about coconut pad thai? I’m trying to make something and I’m not sure what to get.”

“Hey! You have great style so I was wondering if you could maybe help me with a problem. I need to buy a gift for a friend and I’m not sure what to get her…”

6. Become proficient in simple conversation skills

My colleague is such a smooth talker, I wish I had his skills. That’s why I’m a bad cop and he always gets to play the good cop on the team! #lifegoals #charm #smooth #socialskills – Dr. Victoria Rose (@VW7772) January 21, 2021

If you’re struggling with the art of conversation, consider getting a copy of Dale Carnegie’s classic book How to Win Friends & Influence People.

Improving your conversational skills will allow you to connect with women and stimulate their minds through connective communication.

7. Don’t back down – Go for the number

One of the biggest mistakes I see in men is being too scared to pounce on the number once they have the confidence to approach it.

Sure, it’s scary to approach. Aber nach der Nummer zu fragen (sogenannter „Abschluss“) ist beängstigender – denn das führt zu einer echten Ablehnung.

But let’s face it. Sie müssen diesen Schritt gehen. Lassen Sie sich nicht verarschen.

Wenn Sie sich die Mühe gemacht haben, auf eine Dame zuzugehen und sich vorzustellen, sind Sie es sich selbst schuldig, den nächsten Schritt zu tun und zum Abschluss zu gehen.

Übung macht wirklich den Meister, wenn es darum geht, Frauen anzusprechen

Sie wissen das vielleicht nicht – aber Frauen genießen es tatsächlich, angesprochen zu werden – solange die Männer, die die „Annäherung“ machen, wissen, was sie tun, und es nicht komisch machen.

Mit diesen Tipps sollten Sie jetzt in der Lage sein:

Finden Sie die Arten von Frauen, mit denen Sie ausgehen möchten, und nutzen Sie Ihre neu entdeckten Fähigkeiten, um sich zu nähern und die Vorstellung zu machen

Denken Sie nur daran, es nicht zu überdenken.

Be yourself.

Selbst wenn du es wirklich vermasselst, mag deine aufrichtige, ehrliche Energie sie immer noch ansprechen.

You never know what might happen.

But one thing is certain:

Nichts wird passieren, wenn Sie es nie versuchen.

Walk with grace, my friends, and never give up your power.

frequently asked Questions

Wo kann ich tagsüber Frauen treffen? Die besten Orte, um Frauen tagsüber zu treffen, sind alle Orte, an denen sich Menschen treffen, um Kontakte zu knüpfen. Sie können Frauen offensichtlich fast überall treffen: im Lebensmittelgeschäft, im Café, in der Bibliothek usw. Aber Sie werden feststellen, dass die besten Orte, um potenzielle Dating-Partner zu treffen, die Orte sind, an denen die Sozialisierung bereits eingebaut ist Anfang. Zum Beispiel: Kurse, Diskussionsgruppen, Buchclubs, Freiwilligengruppen usw. Diese Art von Orten bringt Sie mit Gleichgesinnten zusammen und fördert gleichzeitig die offene Kommunikation – was eine Annäherung viel einfacher macht. Wo ist ein guter Ort, um eine Freundin zu finden? „Girlfriend-Material“ ist schwieriger zu finden als „Sex“-Material – wie es sein sollte. Ich finde, dass das Ausgehen in die Bars und Clubs etwas glanzlos ist, wenn Sie nach echtem „Girlfriend-Material“ suchen. Konstruieren Sie stattdessen die Arten von Orten, an denen Ihre „ideale Freundin“ Zeit verbringen könnte. Wenn Ihre ideale Freundin eine Intellektuelle ist, ziehen Sie College-Kurse oder Studiengruppen in Betracht. Wenn deine ideale Freundin sportlich und in Form ist, ziehe es in Betracht, einer örtlichen gemischten Sportliga oder einem Yoga-Kurs beizutreten. Wie lernt man Mädchen in einem Café kennen? Frauen lieben Kaffee. Und Cafés können ein ziemlich cooler Ort sein, um sich zu treffen und zu engagieren. Here’s how you do it. Sie gehen hinein und bestellen Ihren Kaffee. Sie halten Ausschau – und wenn Sie eine attraktive Frau entdecken, finden Sie einen Vorwand, um mit ihr zu sprechen. Sie unterhalten sich kurz mit ihr, während Sie auf Ihre Bestellung warten. Sie suchen nach Anziehungszeichen. Wenn Sie sie sehen, ist sie wahrscheinlich interessiert – was bedeutet, dass Sie zum Abschluss gehen sollten. Wenn der Barista deinen Namen ruft, sagst du: „Hey, ich muss rennen, aber es war toll, dich kennenzulernen. Hier ist mein Telefon. Trage deine Nummer für mich ein. Ich würde dieses Gespräch gerne später fortsetzen.“ Dann verabschieden Sie sich und setzen Ihre Reise fort. Welche Stadt hat die meisten alleinstehenden Frauen? In den Vereinigten Staaten tendieren Metropolen an der Ostküste und im Südosten dazu, Männern die besten Chancen zu geben, mehr alleinstehenden Frauen zu begegnen. In diesem Teil des Landes gibt es deutlich mehr alleinstehende Frauen als alleinstehende Männer. Denken Sie an New York City, Washington DC, Atlanta usw. New York ist bei weitem die beste Wahl – mit etwa 200.000 alleinstehenden Frauen mehr als Männern. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die Städte im Westen des Landes tendenziell besser für Frauen. Zum Beispiel haben San Diego und Seattle weit mehr alleinstehende Männer als alleinstehende Frauen.

How do you use the Instagram dating app?

Your Instagram dating strategy starts with a profile that makes her want to meet you IRL. Unlike Tinder, there’s no mutual opt-in to match scenario, and you’re also targeting women who aren’t necessarily thinking of you as boyfriend material – yet.

Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

With over a billion active users worldwide, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks – and also a gold mine when it comes to meeting women.

But using Instagram for dating takes some finesse — there’s no swiping, so you’ll have to work a little harder to pique her interest.

Don’t worry — whether it’s making your profile “date-worthy” or how to start a conversation with a girl you like, these 5 Instagram dating tips have the actionable advice you need to jump-start your dating life !

Start with…

#1: Optimize your Instagram profile for dating

Her Instagram dating strategy starts with a profile that will make her want to meet you IRL. Unlike Tinder, there’s no mutual opt-in for the matching scenario, and you’re also targeting women you don’t necessarily consider boyfriend material — not yet.

Your profile needs to draw (and hold) her attention long enough to steer her thoughts in a more romantic direction. And if you’re interested in a girl who has a lot of followers, the best way to start a conversation with her is to make sure your profile is worthy of her attention.

To fully optimize your Instagram profile for dating, we break it down into three components:

Profile Photo Username Bio

Tips for Instagram profile photos

Creativity and Instagram usually go hand in hand, but don’t get too wild with your main photo when using Instagram for dating.

The human brain tends to find simple images more attractive than complex ones — and you can apply this advice to your main photo on any social media platform where you want to be more likeable, from Instagram to LinkedIn to Tinder.

For maximum appeal, make sure your primary profile photo has a low cognitive workload. In other words, it “bangs” instantly:

Since you want her to start looking at you as dating material and not just someone to follow, pay attention to what your profile picture signals.

Everything from the clothes you wear to your facial expression, body language and what’s going on in the background contributes to their overall impression of you.

For example, let’s say you select a primary photo taken indoors with poor, unflattering lighting.

Such a photo could unintentionally signal:

You don’t get out much You don’t care about the impression you make Hanging out with you probably wouldn’t be that much fun

On the other hand, choosing a photo where you’re outside, smiling, and looking directly at the camera signals that you’re confident and happy — two very attractive qualities in a potential date.

Not sure which photo should be your primary profile picture? Check out these dating photo tips!

Instagram username tips

Instagram usernames need to be under 30 characters, and to be effective, you want them to actually mean something. A meaningful username resonates more, and that instant connection is essential when using any social media platform for dating, be it Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

People tend to find simple language more appealing. So if you want more likes, simplicity is key. Choose a username that is immediately understandable, without random characters.

Want more username ideas? Check out these great examples of boy usernames!

Instagram Bio Tips

When trying to attract women on Instagram, it helps to think of your bio like your brand — you want to sell yourself, but in a low-key, subtle, and attractive way.

The perfect “I’m here for dating” Instagram bio contains 3 key pieces of information:

Your location

Your job

A few hobbies and/or achievements

#1: Location

Location is a key factor in deciding if someone is data compatible, and if she’s getting DMs from all sorts of random types, yours will stand out more if you’re literally in her neighborhood.

#2: Profession

Listing your occupation adds weight to your bio, and describing your job in a powerful way makes it even more appealing.

For example, let’s say you work for the EPA. Instead of just writing something pretty boring like, “I’m testing water,” make it effective. It connects much more with a description like this:

“I help make the environment safe for the animals you love.”

#3: Hobbies/Interests

Listing a few hobbies has several benefits. You could establish a connection over a common interest and give her an insight into your daily life. It’s also a subtle way of highlighting qualities that she might find attractive in a partner.

If she reads that you enjoy hiking, kitesurfing and surfing, she will probably also get the impression that you are adventurous and physically fit.

Yoga is another interest that carries a lot of weight – not only does it imply fitness, the word itself implies mindfulness, dedication and an interest in general health. All attractive qualities in someone you date, right?

You can also set hobbies as goals, like “training for my next marathon,” “getting my SCUBA certification,” or “perfecting my shrimp ceviche recipe.”

As you write your bio, think about the type of woman you want to attract and adjust your choices accordingly. You only have 150 characters, so count every word.

#2: Set your profile to public

If she can’t see who you are, why would she reply to your DM?

And to look even more reputable, you can also try to get a verified badge. A verified profile works better. So if you get the badge, it will help you secure more quality data.

That’s a big IF, of course. Similar to Tinder verification, Instagram verification badges are generally given to socialites, celebrities, and brands. But there’s no harm in trying.

How to verify your profile on Instagram:

Sign in to the account you want to verify. From your profile page, tap the 3 lines in the top right corner. Tap Settings, then Account, then Require Verification. Enter the requested information and upload a photo of your ID

Requiring verification is not a guarantee that you will receive it, you just have to wait and see.

#3: Be strategic about what you post

The first 6 to 9 above the fold photos generally form the basis of their first impression and typically have the greatest impact on their decision to follow or reply to your message.

When your IG is good, it gives you a lot more perceived value. The more value she feels for you, the more likely she is to show up for the first date.

So how do you build your perceived value? Find a balance between posts and good stories.

You can be more “dated” on Instagram by posting pictures that:

Show off some of your hobbies, interests, and passions

State your goals and ambitions

Show your adventurous side

Bring a smile to her face (think adorable animals)

Increase your social value (e.g. group shots)

When choosing what content to share on Instagram, you should go through these 5 themes:

#1. Clever

Share something you are passionate about or have a lot of expertise in. The possibilities here are endless – content can be something you read or learn about, fix your car, tackle a DIY project, try a new recipe, etc.

#2. certainly

Give her a taste of your goals and ambitions. Examples could be a future vacation or relocation destination, a positive physical transformation like losing weight or training for a marathon, or even an arena or other venue if you are an aspiring musician.

These posts can be taken from the web, just add captions like “My goal for the next 2 years” or “I’ll be playing here in a few years, watch me”

#3. Adventurous

As the name suggests, these are your “action” shots. Physical hobbies and interests like hiking, biking, paddling, scuba diving, skydiving are Insta Gold if you use it for dating. This is also the place in your posting sequence where you would include travel footage.

#4. Animals

Researchers have found that when you take a picture with a dog—any dog—not only do people who look at this photo perceive you as more attractive, they also make you feel more relaxed, happier, and approachable. That’s a pretty big incentive to post some puppy pics.

And owning pets in general shows that you are both responsible and loving/caring, two qualities that are pretty high on most women’s “must have qualities in a boyfriend” list.

Also, there’s a reason why there are a lot of animal pictures on the internet. People just can’t resist a cute one, and taking advantage of that will give her a reason to keep coming back to you.

#5. social value

This is where you show that you have lots of social currency – interesting friends who want to spend time with you and lots of exciting things going on in your life. You don’t have to post a lot of group photos, just sporadically enough to make the right impression.

In addition to group shots, you can also use pictures of you with a member of the opposite sex. Just make sure it’s not always the same girl, for example if one of your best friends is one. If your Instagram makes it seem like you’re already in a relationship, chances are your latest crush is wondering why you’re DMing other women.

No matter what image you use, adding a small caption to each post makes it more relevant to you. This, in turn, makes you appear more sincere and authentic, and building attraction and trust is key to meeting her face-to-face with you.

Use the filters and photo editing tools to e.g. B. Adding saturation to make the colors pop a bit, or adding brightness. But don’t get too crazy when you’re in the photo.

These are dating photos now and heavy edits can turn off.

And it should go without saying, but whenever you post a picture, you’re in it – you have to look good. She doesn’t know you (yet), so her emotional involvement is low. A mediocre picture might make them want to move on.

#4: Master the art of “Following”

Getting a woman you’re interested in to follow you is the equivalent of matching them on a dating app like Tinder.

Lots of followers make you seem like a stronger prospect as it is an indicator of your “social proof”. You’re interesting enough for all these people to follow you, so they might not miss it.

Regularly rotating through the 5 topics you just learned will help make your Instagram followable.

Now that you’ve revamped your Instagram profile to reflect your goals, you’re ready for the fun part – finding women to date on Instagram!

How to meet women on Instagram

Step #1: Make a list of places in your city that you love to visit. Then navigate to her IG page, go to her followers list and find any women you might be interested in.

Alternatively, tap Places and then enter the name. You’ll see every post from other people who have marked this venue as their location.

Being a fan of the same place not only creates a bond with her, it can also be the perfect first date suggestion. Suggesting a place she is already familiar with can increase the likelihood that she will agree to meet you there.

Step #2: Dig into the profiles of women that intrigue you. When looking at the list of followers, go into the profile of any woman that catches your eye. “Like” 2-3 of her most recent pictures (preferably the ones with the fewest likes) and one picture that doesn’t actually show her.

Then follow her. All of this activity will show up in their newsfeed and hopefully you’ll notice.

Repeat this for everyone you want to meet, and assuming you’ve followed the rest of the advice in this article, some of them should follow you.

You have the option to unfollow women who don’t follow you back or reply to your message to keep your relationship balanced.

If she follows you on Instagram, a funny comment on one of her stories is a great way to start a conversation. It’s relevant and has been on her mind since she recently posted it.

#5: Slide into her DMs like a pro

Don’t try to start a conversation on Instagram by commenting on their physical appearance. This rarely works, even on Tinder.

Instead, what better way to elicit a reaction than by DMing a reaction to a girl’s Insta story. Researchers have found that people post photos and videos on social media because they want both attention and a reaction.

Here’s where it works in your favor: Giving her the validation she’s looking for in the form of a like or a comment releases dopamine in her brain. You’ve literally just made her feel good, and you’re giving her the feedback she craves for even posting the story.

Exactly what you say in your first DM depends on what you’re commenting on, so every situation is unique.

You can also use matching on a dating app as a reason to DM her on Instagram. But stay away from using it as a second chance with someone who swiped you left.

Commonly known as tindstagramming, breaking this Instagram dating rule is annoying for many single women because they haven’t swiped right for a reason and are generally unenthusiastic when you pop up on another platform.

Examples of Instagram dating openers

But assuming you’ve matched on Tinder or Bumble, start the conversation on Instagram with an opener like this:

#1 Instagram Opener:

Hi [NAME], I know I’m breaking the Bumble Rules by messaging first, but we matched and thought I’d say hello as I rarely check.

#2 Instagram Opener:

Hey [name] 👋 We originally matched on Tinder but I took a break from the app so thought I’d say hello here 🙂

Immediately send a follow up message asking her a question as it is the easiest way to hugely increase your response rate on any dating app. Not only does it make it much easier for her to come up with an answer, but you gave the conversation a direction to go.

Ask for something in one of their recent posts, or say something like, “So how has this little red app been treating you so far?” (replace “yellow” if you agree on Bumble).

Get inspiration for your questions from her content, or check out these examples of good questions to ask a girl you like on a dating app if you still don’t know.

Know that you know how to use Instagram for dating…

The question is, should you?

There’s no question that using Instagram to meet women is becoming increasingly popular. But there’s one major downside – if you don’t already have a strong IG presence, it might not be the right choice for you.

Instagram is build-as-you-go, not like a Tinder profile that you can create all at once. Building an attractive Instagram presence takes months and even years of posting photos and building your social capital.

Anyone looking at your Instagram can instantly see your follower count, whether someone is commenting on your posts or not, etc. It’s basically a glimpse into your social media and social life, and that’s hard to fake if you’re not are already an avid user.

If you’re hoping for Instagram to magically work where apps like Tinder and Bumble failed, why not save yourself the frustration and let VIDA Select’s team of modern dating experts help?

Thanks to VIDA’s years of online dating experience and expertise, you’ll be meeting incredible local singles in no time. And the best part is that you don’t have to worry about a thing – your profile, your photos and even all your messages are managed by professionals!

When you’re ready to start dating quality singles who have been handpicked because they meet all of your must-have criteria, it’s time to tune in to VIDA. It’s easy to see if you qualify for our modern matchmaking service – just go here!

How do you do the Who are you in love with on Instagram?

Go to @astrida_03’s Instagram profile. Select her “addyoursticker” highlight. Click through to the “Who Are You in Love With” highlight (12th highlight in). Tap Add Yours to add the sticker to your Instagram story.

Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

It goes without saying that we’re grateful for the ones we love, but this Instagram trend proves it in a cute way. Whether it’s a pet, your partner, a BFF, or a celebrity crush, this nifty Who Are You In Love With trend requires nothing more than an IG story of you (or your pet) with the “Who Are You in Love Mit” sticker. Simple enough, right? Something like that… There’s a catch. The sticker used in the trend isn’t one of those other Instagram story stickers and was invented by a user of his platform (in other words, it will take some digging to get it.) Created by @astrida_03, you must go to her profile to use this famous sticker in your story – here’s how:

How to do the “Who are you in love with?” Instagram trend

Go to @astrida_03’s Instagram profile. Select your addyoursticker highlight. Click through to the highlight “Who are you in love with?” (12. Highlight in). Tap Add your own to add the sticker to your Instagram story. Finally, add a picture of you and a loved one.

That’s it! Show your love and gratitude for that special someone by capping on this fun trend; We guarantee it will make your loved ones blush (pets included).

How to Meet Girls from Instagram – From DM to the Date (+Conversation Examples)

How to Meet Girls from Instagram – From DM to the Date (+Conversation Examples)
How to Meet Girls from Instagram – From DM to the Date (+Conversation Examples)

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How to Meet Singles on Instagram: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

{“smallUrl”:”https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/9\/9c\/Meet-Singles-on-Instagram-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/ v4-460px-Meet-Singles-on-Instagram-Step-1-Version-2.jpg”,”bigUrl”:”\/images\/thumb\/9\/9c\/Meet-Singles-on-Instagram- Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid11912419-v4-728px-Meet-Singles-on-Instagram-Step-1-Version-2.jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth “:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”

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How to Meet Singles on Instagram: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.

Side note: sometimes you will receive unwanted attention that can lead to harassment or bullying. In such cases, ban the user and report them to Instagram.

.@Romeo and @Juliet are sitting in a tree. First come the likes, then come the comments and DMs.

If you want your Dulcinea to know that you’re categorically interested, you need to do more than check their stories and post thirst traps. Visit her profile page where you can also see all her photos. Giving a compliment on Instagram is as easy as liking a few photos. “A ‘like’ might be, ‘I happened to like your stuff,'” Mr. Keller said. “Two is, ‘I like two of your photos.’ Three is: ‘I’m intentionally trying to get your attention’. It’s like staring at someone in a bar.”

“Commenting would be tantamount to walking up to someone and saying a very simple hello,” said Mr. Keller. “The DMing is the official ‘I’m here and I’m not messing around.'” Ms. Fisher agreed, “Once they’re in your DMs and commenting on things, they try to make a move.” As in real life, reciprocity is important . “They obviously have to wait a bit to see if they like your photos,” said Mr. Keller. “It’s the same as when you look at someone in the club and they don’t look back.”

Another factor to keep in mind in the era of Insta fame is how many followers your romantic interest has. “Someone over 75,000 probably won’t notice you if you like their stuff,” Mr. Keller said. “If they like your stuff, that’s a different ballgame because it means they’ve put their best effort into it. Then it’s ‘Ding, ding, ding’.”

And while Instagram can offer more depth than an abbreviated Tinder, Bumble, or Grindr profile, don’t forget that it’s still a curated highlights reel. “I’ve seen guys who straight away refuse to believe I’m me,” said Kris Kidd, 24, a Los Angeles-based author and model with more than 24,000 followers on Instagram. When men meet him IRL, they’re surprised to find that his real-life persona isn’t as overblown as his Instagram persona. “It’s a two-dimensional platform, which means we can’t see everything. It would be really unhealthy to show us all on social media.”

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