Barber Pushed My Hairline Back? The 154 Detailed Answer

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Getting Your Hairline Pushed Back

Getting Your Hairline Pushed Back
Getting Your Hairline Pushed Back

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My barber pushed my hairline edges back. I have … – Quora

My barber pushed my hairline edges back. I have been growing my hair out for 3 months and my hairline hasn’t grown back fully. What should I do?

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Shave it. Get a trimmer. T-Blade Trimmer He was lining up your hairline. It’s a common practice. A lot of men like it because it looks neat …

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3 tips that fix line up when barber messed up hairline –

Below is a few reasons why your barber keeps pushing your hairline back. Receding hairline; Wet or oily hair; Relining already pushed back hairline; Constant …

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3 tips that fix line up when barber messed up hairline

This means the hairline is unevenly sloped or crooked. The hairline may even be pushed back further …

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My barber pushed my hairline edges back. I have been growing my hair out for 3 months and my hairline hasn’t grown back fully. What shoul…

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3 tips that fix line up when barber messed up hairline –

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Almost every black man who has gone to the hairdresser has experienced a messy hairline at some point. A pushed-back hairline is as bad as having food slapped out of your hand when you’re starving. Both are enough to annoy someone for life.

A messed up haircut isn’t bad for your self-esteem; it can affect body image, personal life, and even work performance. It’s human nature to feel more confident when you look good, especially if you’re a man, and it can even make you appear more professional to your peers.

But how easy is it to fix a Zeeked haircut? Surprisingly, it’s a lot easier than you think. With simple tricks and tools, you can improve your messed up hairline in minutes.

What does it mean when a barber ruins the hairline or has a bad edge?

A bad lineup is when a barber messes up the hairline during a haircut. This means that the hairline is unevenly sloped or crooked. The hairline can even be pushed back further than the client would like. Another reason for bad shape is when the corners of the hairline are rounded or not parallel to each other.

The front hairline is one of the most difficult parts of hair cutting to master. Bad edge-up can occur due to inexperience, lack of skill, or simple negligence. In some cases, improper tools can also cause bad haircuts and deformation.

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Don’t panic, there are a few ways you can save your hairline if your barber messes up your shape. I’m going to teach you how to improve your lead in this article!

Why do hairdressers insist on pushing back the hairline?

There are several reasons why your barber keeps giving you a pushed back lineup. I know we all expect our barbers to work their magic, but a bad hairline may not be your barber’s fault. Here I give you an example!

When I was in college, I cut my roommates’ hair to earn extra income. I remember one instance where I messed up someone’s hairline. It wasn’t because I didn’t know what I was doing, it was because my client sneezed when I ruffled his hair. The sudden movement then caused a bad hairline. Obviously in this case he messed up his hairline. He was upset, but even more so about himself!

Below are some reasons why your barber keeps pushing your hairline back.

receding hairline

Wet or greasy hair

Lining already pushed back hairline

Constant movement in the barber chair.

Absolutely bad hairdresser

As you can see from the list, some of these are unavoidable. If you ask your stylist what the top three reasons for poor form are, they will provide each of the examples above. I bring this up to point out each side of the spectrum and encourage rational thinking before blaming your barber.

How do I prevent a pushed back hairline?

You can do a few simple things to prevent bad form from your barber. As my mother used to tell me, “It’s a lot easier to prevent than to correct.”…I love you mom and all your wise quotes!

So it’s a good idea to let your hairstylist know what you’re expecting even before they turn on their clippers. Tell your hairstylist about tricky spots in your hairline. They can give you alternative options.

Here are a few tips to avoid an uneven shape!

The simple tips can help avoid things like a crooked front hairline and high hairline:

Ask your hairstylist to pre-outline your hairline

Using a pencil or eyeliner pencil, ask your hairstylist to outline your edge towards the top. It may sound ridiculous but believe me; You’ll be glad you asked. Nobody is perfect, no matter how good your hairdresser is. It’s difficult to stay on track with a person’s hairline. Therefore, a simple outline can provide order. Your barber won’t be offended if you ask for a pre-line; You are the paying customer. Feel free to ask before the hairdresser starts cutting.

Communicate what you want

I’ve never understood why so many men are afraid to tell their barber what they want. Your barber is happy to take the pointer. Consider that your hairstylist would rather get it right the first time than try to match your hairline.

Sit straight on the barber chair to avoid tangled hairlines and haircuts

This is one I can’t stress enough, sit up straight with your chin up. I see people bending over or looking at the phones while the barber tries to straighten their hairline. It’s even crazier to see the same guys getting upset and asking the barber to fix their lining.

Your barber has access and a wider range to work with when seated upright. If you follow this rule, your hairline will come out crisp and sharp.

Stop distracting your barber

It’s good to voice concerns and point out tricky spots in your hairline. However, it’s no good cracking jokes or talking about god knows what to find a distractible barber.

If you talk to your hairstylist too much, they can lose focus and even become overwhelmed. If you notice that your barber is having trouble multitasking, you’re better off staying calm and letting him do the work.

Follow the simple step above to prevent your hairline from being pushed back by your barber!

Cut your own hair at home.

Sometimes the easiest way to effectively avoid a bad lineup or haircut from a barber is to do it yourself. There are many online resources that you can use to learn how to cut hair yourself. The best part is that most of it is free!

Once you learn how to cut your hair, you have the opportunity to cut your own hair. You can fade your hair at home and even give yourself a perfect edge. Think about it, once you level up your skills you can line up with a T-Outliner and a Razor.

Read this in-depth guide to buying the top 10 best black hair edgers!

The best way to deal with a barber messed up hairline.

As harsh as it may sound, it’s best to keep calm when your hairstylist messes up your edge. Most people’s first reaction is to freak out and act like an idiot. Believe me, acting crazy or getting angry only leads to a confrontation. This will not fix a bad haircut!

I’ll give you an example of how things can get out of hand. A few days ago there was a shooting at a hair salon because a customer was dissatisfied with her son’s haircut. Check out the news clip about the shoot.

There should never be any reason for it to come to this when a barber has messed up the hairline. Of course, this incident is extreme and rarely happens. While not all altercations with barbers result in gun violence, they can result in threats and physical altercations.

Tips to Solve Messy Hairline Peacefully!

I understand that your hairline is one of the first things people notice when they see you and it’s frustrating when your hairline gets messed up. Here are a few things you can do to avoid problems with your barber.

Take a deep breath and relax

Ask the barber to correct your lineup

Claim your money back

Avoid going back to this barber

Fix your own shape at home

At the end of the day, your hairstylist is human and will eventually make mistakes. So the next time your barber gives you a bad lineup, take the time to go through the steps listed to avoid an argument.

If you decide to fix your front hairline yourself, consider purchasing a BabylissPro MetalFX T-Blade from Amazon to fix or straighten crooked linings. It is important to have the right, quality equipment to get the results you seek and seek.

Is it permanent if the barber pushes the edge up backwards?

I’m sure you’re wondering if that Jefferson hairline your barber just gave you is permanent. Luckily it’s not permanent… It will grow back as long as you don’t have a receding hairline. You’ll look a little crazy for a while, but it’s not the end of the world.

I still remember being on the bad end of clippers. My older sister went to cosmetology school and decided to use me as a guinea pig. She thought it would be a good idea to give me a bowl haircut and touched my hairline. Imagine you are a nine year old boy with a bad haircut and you have to go to school in Brooklyn New York with either a bad hairline or a bad haircut. Let’s just say kids are cruel men!

How long does it take for my hairline to grow back after a bad line up?

I’m letting you know that a crooked forehead hairline will feel like it’s going to take forever to grow back. I can assure you it won’t take that long. It usually takes about two to three weeks for a bad fringe to grow back.

During the regrowth period, you have to deal with looking like a tramp. Your hairline will look terrible, but if you can handle it for a short time, your hairline will go back to normal.

The goal is not to disrupt the growth process of your hairline by getting in shape. You have to be patient and give your hairline time to grow back.

Does bad form lead to a receding hairline?

The question that arises is, does a pushed back line cause a receding hairline? Contrary to popular myth, a raised rear edge does not result in a receding hairline. A receding hairline is genetic, not a haircut.

If your maternal grandfather has a receding hairline or is bald, the likelihood of hair loss is more likely.

3 tips to correct the line-up!

A bad hairline isn’t the end of the world; There are a few things you can do to correct a crooked shape. In most cases, most people won’t even notice a slightly uneven lineup. In such a case, you are better off just leaving your hairline alone. In the case of an obviously uneven upward edge or a pushed-up shape, here’s what you should do to make the imperfection less noticeable.

Get a Low Cut – By lowering your hair to a low-grain cut or even going completely bald, you can hide your bad hairline. For men with long hair or curls, this option will not suit you.

Use Hairspray – Consider using a hair fiber spray like Toppik Hairline Spray to camouflage your crooked hairline. This option is well suited for men with long hair and double line dreads!

Keep Your Head Covered – For extreme cases of pushed-back lining, you may want to wear a hat, durag, or headscarf on your head to hide your hairline.


It’s not the end of the world if your hairstylist messed up your hairline. The key is to keep your composure and work out the issues with your barber to improve your shape. There is no point in arguing or fighting with your barber about your hairline.

There are ways to fix your edge if you find yourself on the wrong end of the clippers. YOUR HAIR WILL GROW AGAIN!!

It is important to avoid misalignment by following the steps above. Remember, avoid distracting your barber while gaining an advantage. Again, it’s a lot easier to prevent than it is to improve your form!

Follow me on IG KingZoe44

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3 tips that fix line up when barber messed up hairline

How long does it take for my hairline to grow back after a bad line up?

The best way to deal with a barber messed up hairline

Almost every black man who has gone to the barber has experienced a messy hairline. Seriously, a bad line up is as bad as having food slapped out of your hand when you’re starving. Both of these can cause you to hold grudges for life.

What does it mean when a barber messed up the hairline or edge?

Read more: how to fix a push back hairline

(*3*) A bad lineup is when a hairdresser messes up the hairline when cutting a hair. This means that the hairline is unevenly sloped or crooked. The hairline can be pushed back even further than the client deems acceptable. Another reason for bad shape is when the corners of the hairline are rounded or not parallel to each other.

(*3*)Sign up for our great newsletter!

Don’t panic, there are a few ways you can save your hairline if your barber messes up your shape. In this article I will teach you how to improve your lead!

Why do hairdressers insist on pushing back the hairline?

There are several reasons why your barber keeps giving you a pushed back lineup. I know we all expect our barbers to work their magic, but a bad hairline may not be your barber’s fault. Here I give you an example!

When I was in college, I cut my roommates’ hair to earn extra income. I remember one instance where I messed up someone’s hairline. It wasn’t because I didn’t know what I was doing, it was because my client sneezed when I ruffled his hair. The sudden movement then caused a bad hairline. Obviously, in this case, he messed up his own hairline quite a bit. He wasn’t the only one upset with him.

Below is a list of some of the reasons why your barber keeps pushing your hairline back.

receding hairline

Wet or greasy hair

Lining already pushed back hairline

Constant movement in the barber chair.

Absolutely bad hairdresser

As you can see from the list, some of these are unavoidable. If you ask your stylist what the top three reasons for poor form are, they will provide each of the examples listed above. I bring this up to show each side of the spectrum and encourage rational thinking before blaming your barber.

How do I prevent bad edging?

There are a few simple things you can do to prevent bad hairdresser form. As my mom used to tell me, “It’s a lot easier to prevent than to correct.”…I love you mom and all your wise quotes!

With that said, it’s a good idea to tell your hairstylist what you’re expecting even before they turn on their clippers. Let your stylist know about any difficult spots in your hairline so they can explore your options.

Here are a few tips to avoid an uneven shape!

Ask your hairstylist to pre-outline your hairline

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Using a pencil or eyeliner pencil, ask your hairstylist to outline your edge towards the top. It may sound ridiculous, but trust me, you’ll be glad you asked. Nobody is perfect, no matter how good your hairdresser is. It’s difficult to stay on track with a person’s hairline. It is possible to organize things by following a simple outline. Your barber won’t be offended that you ask for a pre-line, plus you’re the paying customer. Feel free to ask before the hairdresser starts cutting.

Communicate what you want

I’ve never understood why so many men are afraid to tell their barber what they want. Your barber is happy to take the pointer. Think about it, it’s better for your barber to get it right the first time than to waste time adjusting your hairline.

Sit up straight in the barber chair

This is one I can’t stress enough, sit up straight with your chin up. I see people bending over or looking at the phones while the barber tries to straighten their hairline. It’s even crazier to see the same guys getting upset and asking the barber to fix their lining.

By sitting in an upright position, your barber has access and greater reach to work. If you follow this rule, your hairline will come out crisp and sharp.

Stop distracting your barber

It’s a good idea to voice concerns and point out tricky spots in your hairline. However, it’s not a good idea to crack jokes or talk God knows what with an easily distracted barber.

If you talk to your hairstylist too much, they can lose focus and even become overwhelmed. If you notice that your barber is having trouble multitasking, you’re better off staying calm and letting him do the work.

Follow the simple step above to prevent your hairline from being pushed back by your barber!

Cut your own hair at home

Sometimes the easiest way to effectively avoid a bad lineup or haircut from a barber is to do it yourself. There are many online resources that you can use to learn how to cut hair yourself. The best part is that most of it is free!

Once you learn how to cut your hair, you have the opportunity to cut your own hair. You can fade your hair at home and even give yourself a perfect shine. Think about it, once you level up your skills you can line up with a T-Outliner and a Razor.

(*3*)Read this in-depth guide to buying the 10 best black hair edgers!

The best way to deal with a barber messed up hairline

As harsh as it may sound, it’s best to keep calm when your hairstylist messes up your edge. Most people’s first reaction is to freak out and act like an idiot. You will get into trouble if you act or get angry. This will not fix a bad haircut!

I’ll give you an example of how things can get out of hand. A few days ago there was a shooting at a hair salon because a customer was dissatisfied with her son’s haircut. You can find the news clip about the shooting here.

There should never be any reason for it to come to this when a barber has messed up the hairline. Although this is rare, it does occasionally happen. While not all barbershop disputes lead to gun violence, they can lead directly to threats or physical altercations.

Tips to Solve Messy Hairline Peacefully!

Also See: How to Cut Lemon Flavor From Any Dish – 6 Tried and Tested Methods

I understand that your hairline is one of the first things people notice when they see you. It’s extremely frustrating when your hairline gets messed up. Here are a few things you can do to avoid problems with your barber.

Take a deep breath and relax

Ask the barber to correct your lineup

Claim your money back

Avoid going back to this barber

Fix your own shape at home

At the end of the day, your hairstylist is human and will eventually make mistakes. So the next time your barber gives you a bad lineup, take the time to go through the steps listed to avoid an argument.

Is it permanent if the barber pushes the edge up backwards?

I’m sure you’re wondering if that Jefferson hairline your barber just gave you is permanent. (*3*) Luckily it’s not permanent… As long as you don’t have a receding hairline, it will grow back. You’ll look a little crazy for a while, but it’s not the end of the world.

I can still remember being on the wrong end of the clippers. My older sister went to cosmetology school and she decided to make me her guinea fowl. She thought it would be a good idea to give me a bowl haircut and touched my hairline. Imagine you are a nine year old boy with a bad haircut and you have to go to school in Brooklyn New York with either a bad hairline or a bad haircut. Let’s just say kids are cruel men!

How long does it take for my hairline to grow back after a bad line up?

I’ll let you know that a crooked hairline feels like it’ll take forever to grow back. I can assure you it won’t take that long. It usually takes about two to three weeks for a bad fringe to grow back.

You will feel like a tramp during the regrowth period. Your hairline will look awful, if you can get through this period your hairline will be back to normal.

The goal is not to disrupt the growth process of your hairline by getting in shape. You just have to be patient and give your hairline time to grow back.

Does bad form lead to a receding hairline?

The question is, does a pushed-back line cause a receding hairline? Contrary to popular myth, a raised rear edge does not result in a receding hairline. A receding hairline is genetic, not a haircut.

If your maternal grandfather has a receding hairline or is bald, you are more likely to experience hair loss.

3 tips to correct the line-up!

A bad hairline is not the end of the world, there are a few things you can do to fix a crooked shape. In most cases, most people won’t even notice a slightly uneven lineup. In such a case, you’re better off just leaving your hairline alone. In the case of an obviously uneven edge up or a pushed up shape, here’s what you should do so the imperfection isn’t so obvious.

Get a Low Cut – By lowering your hair to a low-grain cut or even going completely bald, you can hide your bad hairline. For men with long hair or curls, this option will not suit you.

Use Hairspray – Consider using a hair fiber spray like Toppik Hairline Spray to camouflage your crooked hairline. This option is well suited for men with long hair and double line dreads!

Keep Your Head Covered – For extreme cases of pushed-back lining, you may want to just wear a hat, durag, or headscarf on your head to hide your hairline.


As you can see, if your hairstylist messed up your hairline, it’s not the end of the world. The key is to keep your composure and work out the issues with your barber to improve your shape. There is no point in arguing or fighting with your barber about your hairline.

There are ways to fix your fringe if you find yourself on the bad end of the clippers. YOUR HAIR WILL RETURN!

It is important to avoid misalignment by following the steps above. Remember, avoid distracting your barber while gaining an advantage. Again, it’s a lot easier to prevent than it is to improve your form!

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