Cut Him Off He Will Miss You? The 55 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “cut him off he will miss you“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

No Contact Rules To Ensure He Will Return And Miss You (Doing These Wrong Can HURT You)

No Contact Rules To Ensure He Will Return And Miss You (Doing These Wrong Can HURT You)
No Contact Rules To Ensure He Will Return And Miss You (Doing These Wrong Can HURT You)

See some more details on the topic cut him off he will miss you here:

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: 6 Reasons Why It Really Works!

Cut him off, he will miss you because people don’t value what they have until it’s gone. Hard times require hard decisions. If you have made the …

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Date Published: 3/2/2021

View: 821

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You, or Will He Just Move On?

When You Walk Away From a Man, He Will Come Back … The reason why cutting him off can make him miss you, is because you have to get your ex to …

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Date Published: 1/13/2021

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Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: Does It Truly Work? – Think aloud

Sometimes, men make irrational decisions that lead to breakups even if you weren’t even aware of any problems prior to this.

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Date Published: 10/2/2022

View: 3546

If You Cut Him Off, Will He Miss You? (Answered & Explained)

Yes, cut him off and he will miss you because it hurts to be rejected or removed from someone’s life as long as he had some degree of …

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Date Published: 1/22/2021

View: 8160

Cut Him Off He Will Miss You – The Secret His Ex Never Tells …

It means that when you cut somebody out of your life, he can get seriously injured enough to perpetually miss you and even sometimes, …

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Date Published: 1/19/2021

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Dating Experts Explain: “Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You”

The answer is yes: Most men will miss you if you cut them off, since it hurts to be rejected or removed from someone’s life, especially if they had some sort of …

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Date Published: 6/4/2021

View: 3970

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: 18 Reasons Why It Works.

Reasons cutting him off will make him miss you: 1. He’s still used to you being around: 2. Your Goodness toward him: 3. You are taking away his …

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Date Published: 2/4/2021

View: 5244

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: 14 Reasons Why it Works

Cutting him off will make him miss you if he has feelings for you. It will add uncertainty to his life by implementing a shift like cutting him off. That degree …

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Date Published: 8/10/2022

View: 2454

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You – True Or False?

Cutting him off will prevent his ego from inflating and make him face life issues on his own. It will show him that he no longer has your …

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Date Published: 8/4/2021

View: 1584

How Do Guys Feel When You Cut Them Off? (The Truth)

There are several explanations why he will miss you if you cut him off. The amount of time it needs for an ex-partner to miss you is entirely dependent on …

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Date Published: 7/21/2021

View: 3203

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: 6 Reasons Why It Really Works!

After years and multiple failed relationships, dozens of never-explained situations, some really bad heartaches, a million questions, and the same number of sleepless nights, I’m sure of one thing:

People only appreciate what they no longer have.

So you broke up with him. Maybe he was the one who decided to break up. Maybe you instigated the breakup because he treated you badly. Whatever the situation, you miss him like crazy.

And god help me you want your ex back so bad! Or no wait… you want him to want you back!

You want him to realize what an extraordinarily amazing wife he had… and lost.

I was there. And honestly, I still occasionally fight the urge to post this picture and make him suffer!

But darling, proving your worth to someone will only make you feel worse and ruin your self-esteem in the long run. If they haven’t seen it before, what will change now?

Cut him off, he will miss you! I swear by no contact, and I’ll tell you why you should too.

Cut Him Off, He’ll Miss You: 6 Reasons You Should Do It NOW

No contact doesn’t mean you stop reaching out to him on WhatsApp, but keep him on Instagram. No contact means the man is banned on all platforms out there.

Since I’ve done it many times (more than I’m willing to admit), I’ll give you the basic rules: Block his number, his Instagram, and if necessary, his best friend’s Instagram. You don’t spy on your mutual friends hoping to find out something about them.

This probably isn’t the first time you’ve promised to cut him down. But this time you should really do it. I’ll tell you why

1. He will notice your absence

Maybe you’ll make him regret losing you if you post a murderous Instagram story. Or if you text him to wish him a Merry Christmas, he’ll realize you’ve been so good to him…

Then you post a bombshell selfie and everyone goes crazy over how hot you are. Everyone but him. He’s doing this on purpose, isn’t he? He ignores you, but deep down he’s dying?

The answer is no. No matter what you do, he won’t notice. You were as beautiful and amazing then as you are now. If he didn’t appreciate it then, he won’t appreciate it now.

However, one thing will not go unnoticed: your absence!

I’m not saying you should obsess over how he feels and what he thinks, but if you’re out to make your ex miss you, interrupt him.

2. He will wonder what is happening

While you were both official, you often felt that he didn’t value you enough. He took you for granted, assuming you would be there forever.

Now that you are no longer a part of his life and he doesn’t have access to you, he will desperately want to know what’s going on in your life.

Are you dating someone new? Are you happy? How come you don’t want to see what’s happening in his life? Wait, you’re not even jealous that he’s dating someone new?

Nothing will hurt his ego more than knowing that you don’t care. Indifference hurts.

3. He will miss you

This is what my experience has taught me: if you want to make a man miss you, you have to show him that you don’t miss him.

People generally take things (and people) for granted. Once we get used to something, we begin to perceive it as something permanent. We only understand the true value of things when we lose them.

It happens all the time, especially in long-term relationships. Partners stop noticing little things about each other and often focus on things they don’t have. The grass is always greener on the other side…

By breaking him up, you’re taking away from him something he’s become accustomed to: your presence, your texts, your calls, your love for him. And when he doesn’t have those things anymore, then he’ll start missing them.

4. You will save yourself from torment

That’s one of the top reasons to cut it off completely. Do it for the sake of your peace.

Why should you look at his social media? Every time you see him happy, having fun, and living his best life, you will be sad and despondent.

You mean so little to him, don’t you?

Instead of wasting your energy stalking your ex-boyfriend, focus on your own life. You know I don’t have to tell you this.

Now click the Unfollow/Unfriend/Block button and start enjoying your day. Or at least pretend. Fake it ’til you make it, they say.

5. You will feel powerful

Every time you chase people who don’t want you or beg for love and attention, you are taking your own power. Every time you put someone on a pedestal and let their actions dictate how you feel about yourself, you are giving them full power over you.

Breaking up with him doesn’t just mean he misses you. It’s more about protecting yourself now, when you’re most vulnerable, and bringing your power back. It’s about putting himself first and letting him see what he’s lost.

Being able to cut the cord will give you a sense of immense power and strength.

6. You will look strong

When you feel strong and confident, you look amazing.

In his eyes you will look like the most confident and strongest girl in the world.

He expected you to cry and hit rock bottom. He expected you to be all over his social media, maybe even calling and texting him.

But look at you, live your best life, mind your business and prosper. He will want a second chance with you in no time.

When should I cut it off completely?

There are instances where a break is mandatory, I would say: if a guy has cheated on you, if he’s abused you in some way, or if he’s disrespected you. We discuss each case.

First, let’s be clear that you don’t have to be on radio silence with every man you’ve broken up with. That’s not the level of badassery we’re trying to achieve.

Personally, I think cutting back on communication with your ex is definitely a must, especially right after a breakup.

But if you ended up on good terms and the breakup didn’t hurt you (more than normal) or upset you, you don’t need to erase it from the face of the earth.

However, abuse, cheating, or partners who treat you badly don’t deserve a chance to even get a glimpse of your life.

1. He abused you

There is no reason, under any circumstances, to keep in touch with someone who has hurt and abused you. Whether the abuse was physical or emotional, you should eliminate that person completely.

First and foremost, you should do this for your own safety.

The second thing is that you don’t want him to think that you’re broken and devastated. Show him that you don’t need him and that he has no power over you.

I would never recommend giving an abuser a second chance. What he has done in the past he can do again. And most likely, when you get the chance, you will.

2. He cheated on you

Scammers don’t deserve to be around you or even peek into your life. Despite all the excuses and explanations he offers (and believe me, he will find many), betrayal is non-negotiable.

Any contact with an ex who cheated on you will be a signal that you want him back. He will use it and try to get you to forgive him.

He will text you the next day saying how he feels about you and that he has never loved anyone more than you. The truth is he doesn’t feel bad about cheating – he feels bad about getting caught.

That’s why you have to cut it off immediately. You don’t need explanations because there is no justification for his actions. He needs to lose you to really understand what he did.

3. He showed no respect

You gave him a hundred chances and accepted a hundred excuses. He made tons of promises and broke just as many. It’s the same story over and over again.

He claims that he loves you, he says he cares, but his actions are not implemented.

In this case you can only switch it off. It’s only when he’s faced with the possibility of losing you that he’ll start to think about his behavior.

Stop him, he will miss you. Show him you don’t tolerate disrespect and he will ask you to get him back.

But think carefully before making a decision. Will he really change?

We can’t say for sure. It depends on many factors.

How much does he really care about you? Was it a year-long relationship or a month-long relationship? Who was the first person to initiate the breakup?

I did it once with a guy I was in a long distance relationship with. Within the next 48 hours he was at my door. But the guy was a scammer so I didn’t take him back.

I also did the same thing with a guy who wasn’t really sure about his feelings for me. He was hot one moment and cold the next. The result: I cut him off and never heard from him again.

You see, everything is possible. If he didn’t care about you and actually wanted a chance to get out of the situation, he wouldn’t bother reaching out to you.

But if he has feelings for you, you will probably hear from him in the next few days.

What should I do if he doesn’t miss me?

Nothing. You shouldn’t do anything. Let go and focus on yourself. The “cut him off, he’ll miss you” rule only works when a man has feelings for you and is attached to you to some extent. This is something over which you have no control.

Love is a matter of choice and cannot be forced on anyone. If he cares about you and is genuinely afraid of losing you, breaking up with him can increase the likelihood that you two will get together.

But it only works when there are feelings and attachments at all. If not…well, there’s not much you can do about it. You cannot force anyone to love you and take care of you.

What you can do is move on with your life and love yourself enough to know that you deserve better. If they don’t miss you after you die, be thankful for the answer and move on with your life.

The right person will know your worth and fight for you.


Cut him off, he’ll miss you because people don’t appreciate what they have until it’s gone.

Hard times call for hard decisions. When you’ve made the decision to break up with someone completely, it means you’ve been through a lot with that person. If there is another way to fix the situation, you would have done it already.

The thing is, breaking up with him doesn’t mean you necessarily want him back. What you want back is your power and control. You don’t want to look desperate and miserable.

No contact will give you space and time to regain your strength and clarity.

If you show him that you’re perfectly capable of moving on without him, he’ll get mad about you all over again.

If not, that means there was no growth potential at all. You win either way. Much luck!

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You, or Will He Just Move On?

Photo by Judeus Samson

When a guy you care about breaks up with you or takes you for granted, it might feel like breaking up with him is the only step left to make him see your worth and him make me miss you

At the same time, you might be hesitant to let go because it might happen if it doesn’t work.

What if he doesn’t come back…?

I know exactly how it feels to be stuck in this very tricky position because I’ve been there myself.

My now husband, who runs this blog with me, broke up with me three times in the first two years of our relationship.

When he did it the third time I was devastated, but I was also at my LIMIT.

Yes, I wanted him back, but I was also so hurt that I didn’t want to see or speak to him.

I didn’t really cut him off completely at the time, but I did limit our contact a lot.

Back then, I didn’t follow any strict plans or rules. I just listened to myself and set boundaries that felt right to me.

My doing all of this made us want to get back together in about a month.

Since then I have helped many other women get their ex back.

Also, so many of you have shared your stories with me, and that’s how I’ve learned that the no-contact rule can seriously backfire.

If you do it right, it will miss you when you cut it off.

If done wrong, it will only push him further away and make him move on faster.

In this post, I will explain the subtle differences between these two approaches. I also give you tips on what you can do to make him want you back. (Without screwing up your chances.)

If you walk away from a man, he will come back

The reason a breakup can make him miss you is because you need to make your ex lose you in order for him to see your true worth to him.

As long as he feels safe and secure that he can always have you back no matter what, the true impact of the breakup will never hit him!

He will also have no reason to fight for you and try to win you back.

Therefore, you have to walk away from him at least to some degree in order for him to come back to you.

As I mentioned earlier, there are two ways to do this.

If you cut him off right, he’ll miss you when you’re gone.

If he doesn’t make contact the wrong way, he’ll just keep moving faster.

How NOT to cut it

I’ve observed a pattern in how women react to the breakup.

First, they chase their ex and try to prove how much they care and how special the relationship was by apologizing, writing letters, etc.

But when all their efforts are unsuccessful, they inevitably burn out.

And then they cut him off as a last-ditch effort to make him want her again.

Unfortunately, here are two big mistakes that many women make when they don’t socialize that only motivate men to withdraw more and look for a new relationship.

Cutting it off without warning or explanation will only do more damage

The first big mistake is: suddenly losing contact without warning or explanation.

You don’t communicate with your ex, you just don’t answer anymore or even ghost him.

The thing about treating someone that way is that it’s a huge breach of trust.

It just breaks things and creates more problems, often in an already difficult relationship that’s hanging by a thread.

In his mind, your ex thinks you still care about him, at least to some extent. Interrupting him in this way communicates that you’re not doing it anymore.

Men don’t respond well to this kind of rejection.

He will think:

“It was right that I split up. If she doesn’t care about me anymore, I’ll go and find someone else to do it.”

If you cut him off completely, you give up all control of the situation

The second big mistake women make when they turn their backs on their ex is that they stop all communication altogether.

Ironically, many dating and relationship experts recommend that you go completely contactless for a period of time.

I disagree with this approach.

The problem with this is that cutting him off completely means relinquishing all control over what he does and who he sees.

Yes, once you’ve broken up, you can’t theoretically stop your ex from dating other women anyway.

But breakups are messy, and most of the time men don’t know what they’re really doing.

Your ex might start doing things just to provoke you. However, if you are in full no-contact mode, you will not be able to respond to it in any way.

Additionally, since you are no longer interested in him, he will read your behavior and take it as a cue for him to really leave you and try to move on.

How to turn him off so he misses you

Now that you know the biggest pitfalls that being contactless can lead to, let’s finally talk about how to do it in a way that will get you the results you’re hoping for.

Two extremely important things to do when you turn him off are: tell him why you’re doing it and also leave some kind of open channel of communication.

When Gabriel broke up with me for the third time, he actually wanted to meet up the next day. At the time, I was just too angry and hurt to want to see him. So I told him I need space.

I made it very clear to him why I’m turning him off and that he can still reach me if he needs to.

He knew I still cared about him, but I was just upset.

My communication that totally changed the power dynamic between us, he felt bad and apologized.

After that exchange, we hardly spoke to each other for a few weeks.

We had an open channel of communication. He got in touch with me a few times to check in, have a quick chat, clarify things, etc.

It didn’t make him change his mind about the breakup right away.

Cutting him off had no immediate effect. In fact, it rarely does.

BUT today, when we talk about it, he agrees that if I cut ties with him, he might just have moved on because he wouldn’t have had a chance to realize that he missed me.

Which brings me to my next point…

How long does it take for a man to realize he misses you?

Boys can be very stubborn. Once they decide they want to break up, they tend to stick with it for at least a few weeks.

Just as you will go through certain stages after a breakup, so will he.

At first he will be happy with his newfound freedom. At the same time, he will also miss you as soon as he realizes that you are gone.

He might even start sending you subtle hints that he’s waiting for you to get you back.

But whatever his reasons for breaking up, they will outweigh the benefits of having you in his life. At least at the beginning.

Therefore, you can assume that he will remain distant and reserved in the first phase after the breakup.

This is especially true when you know your ex is emotionally unavailable.

Different people take different amounts of time to break out of this stubborn mindset.

But judging from my coaching experience, it typically takes two weeks to a month after the breakup for an ex to realize they miss you enough to want to get back in touch with you regularly.

However, this period can be much longer if you’ve been together for a few years and the breakup happened because you fought too much or because of some other serious relationship issue.

In general, the bigger the problem, the longer it will take for your ex to let go of their vigilance and show you that they still care.

Also, in most cases, cutting him off will NOT be enough to get him to come back to you and commit to you again.

Making him want you back after cutting him off

I know many of you are hoping that staying away is all it takes for your ex to suddenly realize they made a horrible mistake, do a complete 180, apologize and beg you to take them back.

I get it, I felt the same way after we broke up.

It’s hard to deal with rejection. It’s only natural that you would want him to take everything back and admit he was wrong.

Sometimes it doesn’t happen that way, but unfortunately they are very rare.

In most cases, getting your ex back isn’t so much a sudden event as it is more of a gradual process.

On the one hand, you need to set boundaries and cut him off from his friend’s privileges.

But at the same time, you also need to catch up with him so he can break out of his stubborn shell.

If you are feeling lost and a little hopeless in the face of this whole situation, we can help you with ex back coaching.

Here we listen carefully and find out what is the best course of action for your specific case.

We then provide you with actionable tips on what to do and write to make your ex not only miss you but reconnect with you.

Click here to view the ex back coaching.

If you want to know more about how Gabriel and I got back together, check out my other post: How I Got Him Back – 5 Ways to Make Your Ex Want You Again

And if you have any questions, leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you!


Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: Does It Truly Work?

Interrupt him and he will miss you, I can promise you that.

When a relationship ends, be it a steady one or a complicated one, you might still be wondering what to do to make them miss you.

I believe this is a natural human desire. You can’t just move on and then never look back after spending so much time with that person. If anything, you will miss him.

It doesn’t matter how much he hurt you, you will still think about the few good memories you made with him. Or maybe there were even so many good moments that you can’t even bring yourself to be angry with him for hurting you.

Your heart feels like it’s broken into tiny pieces that you can’t put back together once he’s gone. His absence is like torture. But you know you can’t and shouldn’t want your ex back.

This is exactly why you want him to miss you. You want to see him suffer as much as you do so he knows what he’s causing you.

However, he seems to be living his best life. Whenever you see a post from him on social media, you feel like you’re missing out because you’re not a part of his life anymore.

Do you want him to miss you miserably so he can’t walk away from you? Then read on and let’s find out together.

Why does he miss you when you break him up?

First let’s find out why you need to do this. You may not realize the importance of breaking up with your ex after the breakup.

We all want to keep in touch with our ex-boyfriends just to keep track of what they’re up to. Sometimes you don’t even have to stalk him because his posts are right there.

Additionally, having this continuous access to his social media accounts gives you the freedom to message him whenever you like.

If you miss him like crazy, you really want to talk to him. You’ll probably regret it the next day, but right now you feel like you’re doing what’s best for yourself.

That’s why you need to understand why interrupting him to make him miss you is so important. You could also try other ways but this one is definitely the most effective solution to your problem.

1. You take away its meaning

He probably thought he was more important to you, so you’re sure to shock him with this action. He’ll feel like you moved on before he even knew it was possible.

This man actually thought you would want to snoop around on his profiles and not have time for your own life. But if he realizes that you cut him off, blocked him, or that you’re not begging him to come back to you, then he’ll know that you’re really over him.

This will frustrate him to no end. If you interrupt him, he will suddenly miss you because he wasn’t ready for it yet.

He thought he was more important in your life and that you couldn’t just kick him out. What he doesn’t know is that you’re doing this strategically – he has no idea what you’re up to.

I guess you could say he’s desperate to find out why and how you moved on so quickly.

2. You will not appear jealous

If you decide to block your ex, he will realize that you no longer want to be a part of his life. It also means that you won’t be following him to see who he’s spending his time with.

If you keep following your ex and staying in touch with him, you will always be looking for the girls he is dating. You will end up stalking these girls too, even if it wasn’t their fault you broke up.

Then you will even start asking him questions about it and he will know for sure that you are not over him. He will also be very happy that he left you and broke up with you. If he sees that you are super jealous, he will be proud of himself.

Jealousy is a lousy thing to show your ex when he seems like he’s over you. He won’t miss you when he sees you obsess over everyone he hangs out with.

You should definitely interrupt him to show him that you don’t care who he spends his time with.

3. You don’t give him an ego boost

If you choose not to cut him off, he won’t miss you. He will see his involvement in your life as a victory. He will think he has you wrapped around his pinky and that you could never find anyone better than him.

If you break him up, he can’t even know if you’ve met someone new. It may take him some time to realize that you took this step to lower his ego, or he may not even figure out what’s going on.

If you have been in a long term relationship there is no way he will not believe that he is the best thing that has ever happened to you. So you don’t have to be a relationship expert to know that when he finds out he no longer has that place in your heart, his ego will be extremely bruised.

He will think about you all the time, so he will end up missing you before you know it. When you break a man’s ego, you break his heart and hurt his self-esteem.

4. You seem very confident

You finally put yourself above him. When a woman lifts her ex off the pedestal and stands there, she comes across as the most confident woman in the world.

It’s important that you appear confident now, because he’ll be looking for the slightest sign that you desperately need him and his attention. He will even look for misery and heartbreak in every single one of your posts.

Don’t let him get that satisfaction. Show him that you love yourself and that you are confident in yourself.

He will miss that confidence and your uncompromising demeanor. He will miss the girl you were before he started breaking your spirit. The girl he fell in love with will resurface and he’ll be crawling back to you before you know it.

5. He will not graduate

You know how hard it is to break up with someone when you don’t have a degree at all. You have more questions than answers and you just want to know what really happened so you can move on.

Of course, this can only happen if you recently broke up and you haven’t spoken to him for a while. Then he will feel like you jumped out of his life like nothing ever happened between the two of you.

It doesn’t matter if it was a five-year relationship or if you only dated a few months, this guy is going to want his closure. Even if he’s the one who broke things off.

So don’t downplay the importance of cutting it off; it will definitely mess with his head.

6. You will save face

Your ex has probably already lost all respect for you for some reason. After all, he had to have a valid reason to walk away from you and hurt you.

You’ve lost your worth in his eyes, so he doesn’t care about you anymore.

I know that’s extremely difficult to hear. Since I don’t know the real reason for your breakup, I can’t even understand what’s actually going on in his head.

But when a man decides to leave you, it’s probably because he no longer sees you as someone worthy of his time. And that doesn’t mean it had to be a committed relationship to mean anything.

Even in situations you have to wonder what’s going on when someone decides to just walk away from you. You spent a lot of time together, saw your future together and wanted it all to come true.

If you beg him and ask for his attention, he definitely won’t miss you. You must be wondering if silence can really make a man miss you. Although you may feel that this is not possible, I can promise you that if you decide to break up with him, he will miss you.

When is it okay to break up your ex?

There are some instances when breaking up with your ex is perfectly fine. To be completely honest with you, I think breaking up with your ex is always a good idea. However, sometimes your ex grabs you and you just want to reconnect with them.

You don’t even think about a new guy in these situations because your ex is clouding your mind forever. But it doesn’t matter how awesome he was when you two were together, if he did any of these things, you should definitely interrupt him:

1. When he cheated on you

This is child’s play. You shouldn’t have anything remotely close to being friends with an ex who has decided to cheat on you. He threw your love and trust down the drain because he was too selfish to really consider your feelings.

There is no plausible explanation as to why anyone would think cheating is okay. Especially if he has convinced you that he loves you and really wants to be with you.

No matter what you say, everyone deserves someone better than a scammer. No karma in this world makes you deserve such a horrible experience.

So if your ex really cheated on you then cut him off and trust me the guy will miss you. He will spend hours and hours thinking about you and what he did wrong.

He may even regret his decision because he will feel like he has lost you forever. Of course, you can decide whether or not to trust him again, but for now, make sure you enforce the no contact rule and let him suffer in radio silence.

2. When he gassed you

When you are with a gas lighter, you may feel like going crazy. You don’t trust your own emotions and you’re crazy when you finally try to take back control of your life.

He was the one in control and he never tried to validate your feelings or your decisions.

This happened to me when I experienced my last breakup. I had to turn my ex off because I felt like I was going insane just because he kept checking on me after we broke up. I saw him thrive in my misery and loved to see me cry for his validation.

That’s when I decided it was enough. Of course I stopped him months later because I didn’t know what was going on at the time. I never intended to be the girl who ran after the guy, but I never intended to cut him off either.

But I had to do it for my own health. I can promise you this has been extremely difficult for me and I understand how you are feeling right now, but you have to do this for yourself.

I’ve asked myself several times, “Is he coming back?” But eventually you just stop caring.

3. If he abused you in any way

It should be common sense that you should shut your ex up for good if he has abused you. If that’s the case, you shouldn’t think for a second about getting back together with him.

Your ex wants to see you traumatized and completely broken. So don’t let him see you like that! You thought you saw him fall in love with you, but all he actually found was a victim.

You should just interrupt him and be sure that he will miss you – he will miss being able to hurt and manipulate you. So never think about falling into his arms again.

His words and actions hurt you. The hands that were meant to be your sanctuary were the same hands that caused you so much pain.

Don’t do that to yourself again.

4. When he left you without even considering your feelings

Sometimes men make irrational decisions that lead to a breakup, even if you weren’t even aware of the issues beforehand.

If you interrupt him, he will miss you because he obviously didn’t think his decision through.

If you didn’t see a problem in your relationship, chances are he was trying to find problems where there weren’t any. He tried to make up problems just so he could walk away from you.

Does that mean he never loved you? Not necessarily.

Chances are he actually felt too much and things got a little too real for him. Well, does your ex miss you because you’re a perfect match? I do not know. But he will definitely feel a sense of loss.

You should interrupt him in this situation because he didn’t even have the decency to talk to you and work things through. He just ran away. How youthful can a grown man get?

how do you cut it

We’ve talked about how breaking up your ex is a good idea, but we haven’t really gotten into how you should go about it. And the easiest way is to just stop any kind of contact you might have with him.

When you first receive a message from him, you will feel an insatiable need to reply. You will feel like crying if you don’t.

But hold on. Because days later, you’ll actually be very glad you didn’t.

Cutting him off includes things like blocking him on all social media platforms or just unfollowing him. You don’t have to go the extra mile to block his phone number, but you definitely shouldn’t keep in touch with him.

I know you feel like you’ve lost your best friend, but you can’t reply to your ex-boyfriend’s text messages without showing him that you still care about him.

Instead, be strong and just ignore anything he might send you. You are better than him and you shouldn’t fall for his pathetic little attempts to get you back.

If you break him up, he will miss you because he no longer has access to you.

Another thing you can do is stop going to places you know you will encounter. This way you make sure that you don’t fall into the hands of temptation and he can’t corner you.

How long do you have to turn it off?

It depends. Every relationship ends on different terms, so you’ll have to make a choice between giving him a second chance or keeping him out of your life.

If you broke up because he cheated on you or did something so absolutely unforgiving and horrible that you would rather cry alone than have him in your life, then so be it.

You are the one removing him from your life. If you break him up, he will realize that you are gone from his life, that he has lost an amazing woman, and then he will start missing you.

But that doesn’t mean that he will change after he comes back to you.

Just because he misses you doesn’t mean he automatically wants to be the perfect friend who will treat you the way you deserve. If he promises you something like this, it just means he is lying to you to get you back into his life.

If he just walked out of your life for something trivial, then you might reconsider getting back together with him.

When he starts missing you, he will realize that he needs you and that you were the love of his life. He’ll probably feel like he made a big mistake, so he’ll want to redeem himself and ask for your forgiveness.

I’ve heard of people in long distance relationships getting back together because the girl cut off the guy and he missed her so much he booked a flight just to see her.

I think that should set the bar high. Don’t lower your standards just so you’re not alone. If anything, he will miss you and try to contact you.

If he sees that he can’t reach you, he will try to find another way. At the end of the day, you might even open the door one day to see him standing right there and beg you to get back together with him.

Of course, that will happen if he cares about you. He won’t do that once he left you because he feels like your whole relationship was a big mistake. He doesn’t have to go back to the girl he doesn’t love.

While this may sound extremely harsh, heed what I’m telling you. You can’t just make someone love you – you are not the deciding factor in such situations.

He is the one who needs to be able to see and love all your qualities as well as see all your flaws and decide to help you overcome them. You can’t make someone love you just by doing anything for them.

Unfortunately, that’s not how love works.

There is a greater chance that he will come back to you after you break up with him because he will miss you and want to see what happened that made you change your mind.

This only works if he thinks the breakup was a mistake. If he feels his life is better without you, then he will just be grateful to have you out of his life forever.

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