Add Me To Mailing List? Top 89 Best Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “add me to mailing list“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

What does it mean to be added to a mailing list?

A mail list is a discussion groups over the Internet that links a group of people together with common interests via e-mail. If you belong to a mailing list, you receive every message posted to that list via e-mail as they are posted. Or, all combined messages at the end of the day.

How do I add an email to my mailing list?

Fire up a web browser and head on over to Google Contacts. Once here, hover over the contact you want to add to the mailing list and then click on the checkbox to select it. Repeat for every contact you want to put on the list. Make sure each contact you add has an email associated with it.

How do I use a mailing list in Gmail?

Email a contact or contact group from Gmail:
  1. In Gmail, click Compose.
  2. In the To field, start typing the address of the person or contact group. A list of matching addresses appears as you type. …
  3. Click the address you want. For contact groups, each group member is added to the To list.

How do I get a free direct mailing list?

6 Quick Ways to Build a Free Mailing List
  1. White Pages.
  2. Yellow Pages.
  3. Referrals.
  4. LinkedIn.
  5. FaceBook.
  6. Free Mailing Lists from Mailing List companies.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

Building free mailing lists can take some time and patience, but they can help you grow your business exponentially without spending a penny.

But if you don’t have time to create your own free mailing lists, you can always buy a mailing list online.

6 quick ways to create a free mailing list

You can create a free mailing list in several ways:

White Pages Yellow Pages Referrals LinkedIn Facebook Free mailing lists from mailing list companies

Mailing lists are an essential part of building a successful marketing campaign. So it pays to find and build a mailing list that is accurate and up-to-date, or it could be a huge waste of time. However, if you can find an accurate free mailing list, it could help you attract new customers and increase sales without breaking the bank!

White pages

You can build your own free consumer mailing list by using online white page directories. Many of the online directories with white pages allow you to search for people and verify their mailing addresses for free. For example, PhonesBook allows you to view name, mailing address, and phone number completely free. You can search by first name, last name, or by an entire city.

Some popular directories with white pages are:

Yellow Pages

You can build your own free business mailing list by using free business directories online. Some popular Yellow Pages directories are:


Referrals can be a quick and easy way to collect new leads and build your free mailing list. You can get referrals from your current customers by emailing them or by asking them in person. Offer a discount or special offer to entice your customers to share their friends’ names and addresses; the recommendations will roll in! (e.g. $10 off your next order for each new referral)

“People are four times more likely to buy when referred to a particular business by a friend.” Forbes


LinkedIn is a great resource for creating small, targeted mailing lists for free. You can search for professionals by location, current company, previous company, and industry.


You can use FaceBook to connect with people quickly and grow your free mailing list.

One idea is to post a message on your site or other company’s sites asking for referrals. If you give people a really good incentive, they might be willing to exchange their personal information (name, mailing address, email address) or their friends’ information in exchange for your great discount/offer.

Free mailing lists from mailing list companies

Some mailing list providers offer free mailing lists. Sometimes the free mailing list comes with the purchase of another product, so it’s not really “free”, but you can take advantage of this nice offer if you’re already planning to buy the other product.

However, some mailing list companies offer free sample mailing lists without requiring you to purchase anything from them in return.

LeadsPlease offers free mailing list templates.

We offer sample mailing lists for both consumers and businesses so our customers can see exactly what they’re getting before committing to a mailing list purchase.

Give us a call or fill out a contact form on our website to request your free mailing list! 1 866 306 8674

Is it legal to add people to mailing list?

US law. Under the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act, you do not need consent prior to adding users located in the US to your mailing list or sending them commercial messages, however, it is mandatory that you provide users with a clear means of opting out of further contact.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

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A newsletter is an incredibly powerful marketing tool. It’s an inexpensive way to build and maintain a relationship with your customers, but it can also cost you if you don’t meet your legal obligations. If you are planning or currently managing an email newsletter, you are required by law to have a comprehensive privacy policy as you collect personal information.

Legal requirements in general

Most laws require that you inform users of your data processing activities (usually via a privacy notice) and – depending on the region – that you obtain users’ consent and/or provide them with an easy way to withdraw consent.

In general, these laws apply to all services aimed at residents of the region, which effectively means they can apply to your business whether it’s located in the region or not. This is even more relevant if you are using a purchased email list, as in such a case you may not know the recipient’s country of residence. For this reason, it is always advisable to approach your data processing activities taking into account the strictest regulations in force.

Read more about which laws apply to you here, or read our general legal overview here.

Inform users about your data collection activities

The vast majority of laws require that your privacy policy informs your users of your data collection activities in a way that is easy to understand, clear, and accessible.

It must contain information on the following points:

what data you process;

how you process it;

Purpose of processing (e.g. sending a newsletter or market analysis);

All Third Party Interests;

The user’s rights in relation to their data;

How to handle requests related to your rights;

The communication mechanisms actually used (e.g. email, paper mail);

How to protect your data

Third Party Requirements

Third-party apps and services must also comply with the law. Because of this, it is often imperative that all partners and customers using their services comply with regulatory standards. The vast majority of reputable newsletter management platforms have made it mandatory for users of their services to have a comprehensive privacy policy in place that clearly discloses their involvement and is compliant with the regulations.

Here is an excerpt from Mailchimp’s Terms of Service:

Will clearly describe in writing how you intend to use the data collected, including for your use of Mailchimp. You will receive express consent to transfer data to Mailchimp as part of this process and will otherwise comply with the privacy policies you have posted.

And one more thing from the Campaign Monitor Terms of Service:

You adopt and maintain a policy that complies with all applicable data protection laws and that is at least as strict as our Privacy Policy (as amended by Campaign Monitor from time to time). You acknowledge that any personal information that you provide to us has been collected with the consent of the individual concerned and that you have informed the individual of the purpose for which that information was collected and that you will give us that information for the purposes may provide use in relation to the Services. You acknowledge that we may store the personal information you provide to us on servers in the United States of America and you warrant that you have obtained the consent of those individuals to store and transfer their personal information in this way to have.

Where should you place your privacy policy

Generally, regulations require your privacy policy to be prominently visible and easily accessible throughout your website or app site, so simply having it in your footer can be enough. However, as part of transparency (which is itself typically one of the primary purposes of data laws) it is advisable that you also make your privacy policy available where appropriate; For example, link to it in both your signup form and email newsletter.

🎙️ Ask Our Experts Live Watch live demos and get your questions answered in real-time by attending one of our free English webinars. They are all practical and designed to really help you understand and achieve compliance of your websites or apps. Join our free webinars

Legal obligations when adding users to your mailing list

US law

Per the FTC’s CAN-SPAM law, you do not need consent before adding US users to your mailing list or sending them commercial messages. However, it is imperative that you provide users with a clear way to opt out of further contact.

EU law

As newsletter sign-up forms are data collection tools, EU law (namely the GDPR) makes it mandatory that you obtain the user’s informed consent before subscribing them to the service. Under EU rules, obtaining consent can be viewed as a two-part process, involving informing the user and obtaining verifiable consent through affirmative action.

If you notify the user, you must:

Be precise.

You must clearly state the type of email that the user will consent to;

Be clear and unambiguous.

The average user should be able to easily understand who they are consenting to;

Make it clear that signing up is optional.

Consent must be “voluntary”; You may not force users to join your mailing list or make it appear that joining the list is mandatory. For this reason, you must make it clear that signing up is optional. This is especially relevant if you offer free white papers (or e-books) for download. While the user’s email address is required to provide the service, signing up for your newsletter is not required. In such a case, you must not give the impression that subscribing to the newsletter list is mandatory and make it clear that it is optional.

So in practice, for example, if you also want to add people who download your e-book to your newsletter list, you should include something similar to the following under the e-book download form:

As can be seen in the example, users must be made aware that consent is in fact optional and not mandatory.

obtain consent

The act of consent must be explicit and verifiable.

The process for obtaining user consent must be straightforward and include a clear “opt-in” action. This means that mechanisms such as pre-ticking newsletter sign-up boxes at checkout are not allowed, as the EU regulation specifically prohibits pre-ticking boxes and similar “opt-out” mechanisms.

However, you can use any method that requires the user to take a direct positive action (this can include any verifiable consent action, including sending an email or clicking a checkbox).

You must provide users with the ability to withdraw consent.

According to the GDPR, users have the specific right to withdraw consent. This means you need to make withdrawing consent just as easy as giving it. This can easily be achieved by including a visible and valid unsubscribe link in your newsletter. Users should also be able to manage their email preferences from their account.

The consent obtained must be specific to the type of content being sent.

This means that the newsletter should only contain information that the user has agreed to. For example, if the user has only opted in to receive emails about your new products, you should not send them promotional emails about partner/third party offers.

In cases where you want to send more than one type of email to your users, you will need to obtain additional consent specifically for those uses, as you will need to have multiple consents for multiple purposes.

This does not have to be an additional form. In practice, you can simply add multiple gdpr checkboxes that will inform the user of any additional purpose and allow them to give their consent for those cases.

This applies in particular to direct email marketing communications (emails whose sole purpose is to directly promote products or services). In the case of DEM communications, you must obtain additional consent when sending emails about third-party products/services in addition to your own.


There are some exceptions to the requirement for the type of active consent mentioned above. The exceptions are as follows:

Soft opt-in (where the recipient provided their email address when purchasing a product or service). If the email address was collected as part of a previous sales process on your website, you may use the information collected to send promotional emails about similar products and services. However, this only applies if the user has been adequately informed of this incident (e.g. by a notice on the sales page) and he does not object to this use.

Explicit form (when the purpose of the login mechanism is clear). So, for example, in a scenario where your website has a popup that invites users to sign up for your newsletter with a clear phrase like “Subscribe to our newsletter for access to discount coupons and product updates!” A promotion that the user executes by entering their email address would be considered valid consent.

Records of Consent

Because consent is such an important issue under the GDPR, it is important that you keep clear records of consent received. Records of consent should contain at least the following information:

The identity of the user giving consent;

When they agreed;

What disclosures were made (what they were told) when they consented;

Methods for obtaining consent (e.g. newsletter form, during the ordering process, etc.);

Whether they have withdrawn consent or not

While maintaining valid records is mandatory, it can present a technical challenge. Our consent solution simplifies this process and makes it easy for you to view, manage and export your recorded consents. You can read more about it here.

Single opt-in vs. double opt-in

While “single opt-in” only requires users to submit their information to be added to your list, “double opt-in” requires users to first validate their email address before being added to your mailing list . Validation is performed when users click on a specific link contained in a “verification” message sent to their email address.

This method allows you to ensure that the email address receiving your communication actually belongs to the person who gave consent, further ensuring you avoid high unsubscribe rates, the integrity of your list and the reputation of your preserve address. This registration method is considered best practice in many countries, especially in Germany and in the EU in general.

In several cases, German courts have ruled that a one-time opt-in procedure is not sufficient to demonstrate prior consent. An example of this would be the Celle Higher Regional Court, judgment of May 15, 2014:

In principle, the sender of (e-mail) advertising must state that consent has been given and that this has come in particular from the addressee… The sender of advertising e-mails can comply with this requirement using the so-called opt-in procedure”… in a reasonable manner way for each individual email address.

Legal obligations related to newsletter content

US law

Depending on where your customers live, certain laws regarding spam may apply. In the US, the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act sets rules for sending commercial messages, including email.

The main requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act are as follows:

Use truthful header information.

Your name, email address, and routing information (including domain) must be correct and correctly identify the sender of the message.

Don’t use misleading subject lines.

Subject lines must accurately reflect the message content.

Identify the message as an advertisement.

There is no specific method for doing this, but disclosure must be “clear and conspicuous”.

Let recipients know where you are.

You must provide your valid physical mailing address.

Monitor what others are doing for you.

Even if you’ve outsourced your email marketing to another company, the law can hold both you and the other company accountable.

Inform users about this and provide a visible opt-out option.

The “unsubscribe” option must be easy to identify and include a clear explanation of how the user can opt-out of receiving future emails from you. The notice must be easy for an average user to see, read and understand. A handy way to implement this would be to simply include an “unsubscribe” link along with an explanation informing the user of the option. For example, your statement could read: “You are receiving this business communication from [company name] because you have expressed an interest in our products and services]. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, you can unsubscribe by clicking here”. Under CAN-SPAM, the option to unsubscribe should be free of charge and should not follow a registration process. This means that users must be able to unsubscribe without incurring any fees, without having to log into their account. The FTC states: You cannot charge a fee, require the recipient to give you personally identifiable information beyond an email address, or get the recipient to take any action other than sending a reply email or visiting a single page of an Internet website as a condition of fulfilling an opt-out request.

unsubscribe requests

The unsubscribe link must be valid for at least 30 days after the email was sent;

You must respond to unsubscribe requests within 10 days


Some types of email are exempt from most CAN-SPAM law requirements and are only subject to the requirement for truthful routing information.

These exceptions include emails whose primary purpose is to:

Transactional: These are emails related to transactions that have already been agreed, or emails that deliver goods or services as part of a transaction that the user has already agreed to (e.g. license key or e-book delivery) .

Relationship: These are emails notifying users (who already have a relationship with your service) of changes to product/service terms, features, or account information; this includes warranty, recall, safety or security information about a product or service.

Other (non-commercial) emails.

EU law

In the EU, the ePrivacy Directive sets general guidelines that are implemented individually by member states, however some elements (such as the ability to withdraw consent) fall within the scope of the GDPR.

In general, EU anti-spam regulations usually require that you:

Include an unsubscribe link in the email.

The withdrawal option must be clear, visible and easily accessible. This element falls within the scope of the GDPR and in particular the right to erasure; Therefore, you have a maximum of 30 days to honor user withdrawal requests. However, it’s worth noting that while the law can give you up to 30 days to comply with these requests, most subscribers don’t. It is therefore advisable to comply with opt-out requests promptly or risk being flagged as spam and jeopardizing the entire legitimacy of your associated address.

Clearly state the identity of the sender.

Disguised sender identities are prohibited; The information must be clear and simple.

Provide a physical company address.

A valid return address must be provided.

Clearly identify and specify the nature of the message.

You should clearly indicate the nature of the message being sent (e.g. promotional or not).

Avoid using incorrect or misleading expressions in your text.

Advertising in any form (including commercial messages) must not be done in a way that is likely to mislead the people to whom it reaches.

Some jurisdictions (e.g. Germany and Australia) may also require you to provide information to contact the sender. It’s always best to either simply follow the strictest laws, or check local anti-spam requirements specific to your recipients’ location.

Below is an example of a commercial communication that includes all the basic elements. The example includes elements such as name and address at the top of the email, but placement is entirely up to you, provided the information is visible and easy to find.

John’s Store Ltd [address] [city] [state] [zip code] [country] [Return email address (e.g. [email protected])] [Subject: New Arrivals for Spring! [your site name] [Type of email (e.g. advertising)] “Dear customer, we are pleased to be able to offer you our latest spring products. See something you like? You can purchase any of these items by clicking directly on the products in this email and you will be taken to our website where you can pay securely.” [Opt-out] If you no longer wish to receive communications from us, click click here to unsubscribe.

The terms described here also apply to other marketing methods that use electronic messages, including direct email marketing messages and viral marketing communications (eg, asking users to forward a marketing message to their friends).

consequences of non-compliance

Legal consequences

The legal consequences of non-compliance include hefty fines, ranging from tens of thousands to millions, in both the EU and US. But perhaps equally worrying are the other potential sanctions that may be imposed on organizations found to be in breach. These sanctions include administrative reprimands (for first-time violations), regular privacy audits, and liability damages.

In particular, the GDPR gives users the express right to complain to a supervisory authority if they believe that the processing of their personal data is unlawful. For example, if a case of legal infringement is reported to the authority, the authority can decide to carry out an audit of your data processing operations. If it turns out that some processing activities have been carried out unlawfully, not only will a fine be imposed, but you may be prohibited from further using both the data of the request and the data collected through similar mechanisms. This means that you risk being banned from using the entire associated email list if the use of the violation involved email address collection.

Regarding liability damages, both EU and US laws give individual users the right to compensation for damages resulting from an organization’s failure to comply with regulations. This means that you may face potential litigation if you break any regulations.

Other Consequences

loss of services

Some third-party services may make compliance with legal requirements part of their terms of service. In such cases, a violation of legal regulations can also be considered a violation of their provisions; Such violations may result in termination of service or possible permanent bans.

reputational damage

Failure to comply with your legal obligations can lead users to perceive your business as either incompetent or malicious. This can result in significant and lasting damage to public trust and your organization’s reputation.

Steps to legally compliant design of your newsletter process

What you need to do In terms of compliance, it is always advisable that you approach your data processing activities in accordance with the strictest applicable regulations. Regarding the newsletter process, compliance requires at a minimum that you put into practice the following: Define: your services;

the data collected from you;

the purposes of the collection;

the specific types of communications you may send;

your shipping method. Inform users about: any third-party service providers involved in your newsletter management process and include links to their privacy documents;

involved in your newsletter administration process and provide links to their privacy documents; their rights in relation to their data (including the right to withdraw consent). If you use Direct Email Marketing (DEM) for the German market, you must add a statement to your privacy policy that specifies the companies and the types of goods and services that are advertised through the newsletter. Obtain prior consent (depending on local law) that: is based on clear positive action;


Specific. Provide a means to withdraw consent that is: available in the newsletter itself;

easy to see and understand;

easy. Keep valid records of the consents collected: If you fall within the scope of the GDPR (which you probably do), you need to collect and keep valid records of your consents. Without these records, the consent you have obtained will be deemed invalid. Your consent records should include when and how individual user consent was obtained; exactly what the user was told at the time; and what conditions/legal documents were in force at the time consent was obtained.

Sending GDPR Consent Emails: Necessary or Bad Idea? With the enforcement of GDPR, many companies have been filling users’ inboxes with requests to renew their consent to marketing communications and data processing. Because of this, sending GDPR consent emails is difficult and should be handled very carefully. In general, consent is one of the six legal bases for processing user data. The others are: legal obligation, contractual requirements, vital interests, public interest and legitimate interests. If you already lawfully process (i.e. collect, access, store or otherwise interact with) personal data on the basis of one of these other legal bases, there is no need to send consent request emails – provided that this processing basis has been stated in your privacy policy and that users had easy access to the notice before processing their data. If this information was not available to users at the time, but one of these legal bases may currently lawfully apply to your situation, it is best to ensure that your current privacy policy meets the requirements so that you can continue to process your user data in a legally compliant manner. Can consent be transferred? Whether the consent is “transferrable” – i.e. there is no need to obtain a new consent or to rely on another legal basis – depends on whether the consent was obtained in a GDPR-compliant manner and whether you can prove this. Here are some questions to ask yourself: Was the user properly informed at the time? (Was there an easily accessible privacy statement that included all the relevant information, including the purpose of the processing, the processing method, any third parties that might be involved, and the rights of the users in relation to their data?)

Was consent given by verifiable affirmative action? (Was it given via a clear opt-in mechanism like clicking a checkbox? Quick note: if your opt-in process included pre-checked boxes or a mechanism that prompted the user to opt out instead of opting out, then it was Your method is not compliant and you must either rely on another legal basis – if applicable – or obtain a new valid consent).

Was the consent given voluntarily? (Did you realize that signing up is optional and not mandatory?)

Was the consent specific? (Have you clearly stated in detail which users will be consented to, and has consent been obtained specifically for each individual purpose? See example here)

Have you given users the ability to withdraw their consent?

Do you have appropriate records of these consents? (Were the consents and data protection notices documented for the users at the time of collection; can you prove that the consents were obtained in a compliant manner?) If the consents I have obtained in the past have not been GDPR-compliant, what are my Possibilities? Using consent as a legal basis in the past does not mean you need to do so now. It might even be inadvisable to do so, especially if you are not entirely sure how you collected the contact information/data in the first place (e.g. illegitimately acquired email lists) or if you cannot prove that you have collected them in a legally compliant way. To be clear, if you are contacting users to ask for their consent when you currently have no legitimate legal basis at all to obtain their data/contact information, you are not only violating the GDPR, but also the existing data protection directive. Another reason for assessing whether or not another legal basis may apply as a ground for processing in these cases is that, strictly speaking, if you do not have the necessary consent to contact users, you probably do not have the necessary consent either to ask for their consent via email. If no other legal basis is acceptable in your case, you may need to seek consent again. A notice on your website or social media posts are some of the legitimate ways you can let users know that they need to sign up if they want to keep in touch. Note Legal bases cannot be “chosen” as such, as they must lawfully apply to your situation. When considering whether or not a legal basis is applicable, please be sure to review it with your solicitor as determining the correct legal basis can be very important and difficult.

How iubenda can help

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator makes it easy for you to meet your disclosure obligations by enabling you to provide your users with comprehensive information and to define the necessary details in a legally compliant manner.

The process is straightforward and intuitive. Just click to add your services, enter your web/app owner and contact information and integrate.

1. Add your services

Click Add Service and start typing the name of the service you want to add. In this case, it’s Newsletter;

and start typing the name of the service you want to add. In this case it is ; Wählen Sie die Mailingliste oder die Newsletter-Klausel aus und passen Sie sie an, indem Sie einfach die spezifischen Arten von personenbezogenen Daten hinzufügen, die Sie sammeln (unsere von Anwälten erstellten, vorgefertigten Klauseln enthalten automatisch die relevanten Offenlegungen von Benutzerrechten und Servicedefinitionen basierend auf Ihren Eingaben hier);

Klausel und passen Sie sie an, indem Sie einfach die spezifischen Arten von personenbezogenen Daten hinzufügen, die Sie sammeln (unsere von Anwälten erstellten, vorgefertigten Klauseln enthalten automatisch die relevanten Offenlegungen von Benutzerrechten und Servicedefinitionen, basierend auf Ihren Eingaben hier); Wenn Sie im Rahmen Ihres Newsletter-Verwaltungsprozesses einen Drittanbieterdienst verwenden, z. Mailchimp, Constant Contact usw., sollten Sie diese Dienste von Drittanbietern ebenfalls hinzufügen (Sie können gegebenenfalls auch ein „E-Mail-Anmeldeformular“ oder andere Erfassungsformulare hinzufügen);

Wenn Sie in irgendeiner Weise über Ihren E-Mail-Newsletter für Dienste/Produkte von Drittanbietern werben, sollten Sie sich die Klausel für direktes E-Mail-Marketing ansehen und sie gegebenenfalls hinzufügen.

Klausel und fügen Sie sie hinzu, falls zutreffend; Wenn Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Klausel hinzufügen möchten, klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche „Benutzerdefinierten Dienst erstellen“ und füllen Sie das integrierte Formular aus.

2. Geben Sie Ihren Web-/App-Eigentümer und Ihre Kontaktdaten ein

Name und vollständige Adresse eingeben;

E-Mail Adresse eingeben.

Congratulations! Ihre Richtlinie wurde erstellt. Prüfen Sie einfach, ob alle Angaben stimmen, dann:

3. Einbetten

Passen Sie das Aussehen Ihrer Schaltfläche an oder wählen Sie einfach einen Textlink aus;

Wählen Sie die Einbettungsmethode zwischen Fußzeilen-Widget, direktem Link und Text im Text;

Einfach einbetten, wo immer Sie möchten! Wie oben erwähnt, müssen Sie einen Standort auswählen, der für Benutzer leicht zugänglich und sichtbar ist. Im Sinne der Transparenz sollten Sie auch erwägen, die Richtlinie auch in Ihren Newsletter einzubetten.

Weitere Informationen zu den Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie hier.

Aufzeichnungen über die Einwilligung, die Sie einholen

Unsere Einwilligungslösung vereinfacht den Prozess der Erfassung und Pflege konformer Einwilligungsaufzeichnungen. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, jeden Aspekt der Zustimmung (einschließlich der rechtlichen oder Datenschutzhinweise und des Zustimmungsformulars, das dem Benutzer zum Zeitpunkt der Einholung der Zustimmung vorgelegt wurde) und die damit verbundenen Präferenzen des Benutzers zu verfolgen.

Aktivieren Sie zur Verwendung einfach die Consent Solution und holen Sie sich den API-Schlüssel, installieren Sie ihn dann über die HTTP-API oder das JS-Widget, und Sie sind fertig; Sie können Einwilligungen jederzeit abrufen und auf dem neuesten Stand halten.

Für eine Liste aller Funktionen der Einwilligungslösung klicken Sie hier, lesen Sie die Übersichtsanleitung hier, oder für ein praktisches Tutorial mit einem gängigen Szenario lesen Sie unsere Anleitung zur Verwendung der Einwilligungslösung mit Kontaktformular 7.

Denken Sie daran, dass sich diese Compliance-Schritte speziell auf die Anforderungen für E-Mails und Newsletter beziehen. Wenn Sie weitere Informationen zu den allgemeinen Website-Anforderungen wünschen, lesen Sie hier unseren Leitfaden „Erste Schritte“.

→ Lassen Sie sich Ihre Fragen live beantworten und erfahren Sie mehr über den Generator für Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinien und die Cookie-Lösung, indem Sie an einem unserer kostenlosen englischsprachigen Webinare teilnehmen.

See also

How do I collect email addresses?

16 Easy Ways to Collect Email Addresses — Expert Tips
  1. Make sure there’s something in it for them (and never, ever, spam) …
  2. Offer useful resources. …
  3. Use Facebook ads. …
  4. Offer free tutorial videos. …
  5. Promote your newsletter signup throughout your website. …
  6. Get personal. …
  7. Use popups to promote special offers. …
  8. Host contests!

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

If you’re looking for tips on growing an email list, you’ve come to the right place. We asked a handful of business owners and marketers for their tips and tools for collecting email addresses that they can then use to generate new leads and stay in touch with existing customers.

Here are 16 easy ways to collect email addresses so you can build a valuable list.

1. Make sure there’s something for them (and never spam)

Think about the emails you open and immediately delete. I suspect you don’t open an email that you don’t think will benefit you or your business in any way. So if you’re asking for a customer’s email address, make sure you’re offering them something of value in return. Whether it’s a coupon or early access to a new product or offer, an e-book or other thoughtful content, or a chance to win a prize, if you ask for someone’s email address, make sure there is something of value in it for them. ~ Doug Churchill, CEO, ShortStack.

2. Offer useful resources

“Offer ‘knowledge products’ to collect email addresses, including interviews with industry leaders, tips and presentations. The resources also give me information to offer in slide presentations at my talks. I also include the saying “If you found this email useful, please forward it to a friend” in every email, which has grown my list by 50 percent.” ~ John Paul Engel, Knowledge Capital Consultancy.

3. Use Facebook ads

“Without question, the cheapest and most cost-effective way to build a list of leads for email marketing is through Facebook Ads. We’ve easily generated 7-figure sales in the last 12 months using direct targeted Facebook ads to capture leads (name and email). The user base for Facebook is at an all-time high and the age range of its users is ideal for most businesses these days. The user base aged 30-55+ has seen massive growth, while the 13-25 age group has declined significantly.

Whether you’re a solopreneur, a medium-sized business, or a large corporation, Facebook is an amazingly powerful way to generate new leads. Even with a modest budget, you’ll win dozens of new leads every day. And the best part is, they are leads who are willing to buy what you are selling. You can target them very specifically based on their age, geographic location, behavior and even their online purchase history.

Our company achieved a good 7-digit turnover, just through Facebook leads. On average, we capture between 50 and 150 leads per day with targeted Facebook ads. The good times will only last until the user base moves on to something new. Now it’s time to dive in full force and hit while the iron is hot.” ​​~ Corey Robert, Director of Marketing, Black Card Books Publishing.

4. Offer free tutorial videos

“At Deskbright we collect email addresses to use for marketing purposes by offering our users free Excel tutorials and lessons via email. We’ve developed a massive repository of free online content that attracts users through referrals from other sites and a solid organic search presence. Visitors who find our free articles helpful can sign up to receive more information and courses via email as we update and add content to our site. Our users are kept up to date with the latest free content on our site, and we can collect valuable email addresses to market our paid products.” ~ Sam McIntire, Founder of Deskbright.

5. Advertise your newsletter signup throughout your site

“I collect email addresses through newsletter signups that I include on my website. The place I get most signups is in a popup on my blog, but visitors can also sign up by checking a box on any form. It’s the best way to put it in front of visitors, so put an option to opt-in in front of visitors every chance you have. My favorite tool is Mailchimp because it connects well with WordPress websites and is extremely easy to manage subscribers and campaigns. It makes it easy to create beautiful newsletters and auto-send my latest blog posts. I’ve used contests to get subscribers in the past, but when using this method, make sure subscribers can opt-in and out of your newsletter, otherwise you’ll get a lot of unqualified subscribers who aren’t really interested what you have to say.” ~ Nick Leffler, Founder of Exprance.

6. Get personal

“Instead of bulk mailing your entire database, segment your lists based on recipient interests. For example, if you are a pet food wholesaler and have a database of cat owners, you can send a mailer to that database with details of a special cat offer on your website. It’s always useful to create your database’s demographics so you can market more effectively through segmentation.

Consider this a “boutique” mailing. Pick a small list of people you want to build a relationship with. For example, people who match the profile and personality of your perfect customer. You’re not texting thousands of strangers here, you pick just the right ones because you know they’ll love doing business with you and they’re right in your wheelhouse. Make sure the piece you send them is highly personalized so they will never forget it. With today’s variable data digital printers, the only limit to personalizing a mailer is how much you know about the recipient. Don’t settle for just personalizing their name in the salutation; In your message, include the company name and the type of business you are in.” ~ Victor Clarke, Be Better, Do More.

7. Use popups to promote special offers

“The strongest email harvesting method we’ve experimented with is using lightbox popups. Since email opt-in forms are usually nested in a website’s footer or sidebar, lightbox popups make it very easy for users to subscribe to your emails if they choose to do so. We’ve seen success with including strong offers like exclusive discounts in our lightbox popups. We also learned a lot through channel segmentation and experimenting with different lightbox popups based on how the user arrived at our site.” ~ Randy Stocklin is co-founder and CEO of One Click and its three global eyewear brands:, Sunglass Warehouse and felix + iris.

8. Hold competitions!

“We’ve had amazing success with ongoing competitions lately. Each month we give away a cash prize of $250-500 and 5-10 items from our shop. We do a lot of advertising on social media and average over 100 new signups per day. The fantastic thing is that we use a platform so when entering the customer gets extra points for social sharing on their network. The results were off the charts!” ~ Candice Galek, CEO and Founder, BikiniLuxe.

9. Make it really easy on yourself

“In addition to collecting addresses at all touchpoints, put up signs announcing your ‘text to join’ information, add opt-in boxes to your website and all social profiles, and be sure to collect cards as you network . If you receive a card, be sure to ask the person if they’d like to be added to your email list – don’t add cards you receive without asking. It’s important to remember that these are PEOPLE, not just email addresses, and treat them with respect – like you would any customer in real life!” ~ LisaMarie Dias of LisaMarie Dias Designs works Partnering with business owners to leverage social media for profitable growth.

10. Offer free resources relevant to your target customer

How do I find my email contact list?

So let’s get started.
  1. Step 1: Open Gmail. Go to your Gmail account and look at the home page. …
  2. Step 2: Open your apps. Click on that square, and you’ll see a dropdown menu containing all your available apps. …
  3. Step 3: Click that contact icon and manage your contacts. …
  4. Step 5: Explore what else you can do with your contacts.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

If you’re still getting used to the new Gmail, you might be wondering where your contacts have gone. Fear not – they are easy to find once you know where to look.

In this step-by-step guide we’ll go over the following:

Here’s how to get to Gmail and find your contacts

How to add new contacts (two ways)

How to manage your contacts (check for duplicates, create labels/groups)

How to import and export your contacts

So let’s start.

Step 1: Open Gmail

Go to your Gmail account and look at the home page. In the upper right corner you will see a square of nine dots (these are your apps):

Welcome to Gmail 🙂

Step 2: Open your apps

Click on that square and you will see a drop down menu with all your available apps. The Contacts app may not be at the top, but you can drag the apps into any arrangement you like.

If you don’t see a Contacts app, click More below and add it.

Your Gmail apps

Once you click on the blue “Contacts” icon you will be taken to this screen (you may or may not have more than one contact – or you may not have one yet):

Gmail’s contact page

If you already have a set of contacts, you can find them here. More on that below (in step 5).

If you don’t have any contacts yet or want to add new contacts, you’re also in the right place.

You can create a new contact in several ways. The first way to create a contact, which you use if you haven’t already emailed the person you want to add, is to click the “Create Contact” button:

One way to create new contacts in Gmail – click the “Create Contact” button.

When you create a new contact using this button, you will be asked for some information to complete the contact entry. You can fill out as much or as little as you like – a name and email address are usually very helpful.

New contact information in Gmail

Then click “Save” and you’re good to go! New contact created.

But there’s another super easy way to create a contact – if you already have an email from the person. Just hover over the email address in your inbox and wait for the box to appear as below:

A second way to create a new contact in Gmail – hover over the email address

Then click “Add to contacts” and voilà – you’ll be taken to the same create contacts screen (see above).

If you’ve already added this person to your contacts, you’ll see “Edit contact” instead of “Add to contacts”.

Note: After adding some new contacts this way, you may need to refresh your browser to see those contacts.

You can do a lot more on the contact page. Let’s take a closer look.

First, you can see the people you email most often under the “Frequently Contacted” tab in the left sidebar menu.

Other ways to manage Gmail contacts – “Frequently Contacted” and “Duplicates”

Next, you can search for duplicate contacts in the Duplicates tab. Gmail will clean up duplicates for you so your contact list doesn’t get cluttered, but you can find those duplicates here.


You can also create groups of contacts that you email frequently—like your team at work, your family members, friends, and so on.

To create a labeled group, go to the “Captions” tab in the left sidebar menu and click on “Create Caption” – then name it whatever you want. Like the core team of freeCodeCamp Unicorns. Then save it.

The Label tab in Gmail contacts

Now when you go to your contacts and hover over a contact’s profile picture, it becomes a checkbox. If you want to add this contact to the group, just check the box.

How to create a label (like a group) in Gmail contacts

Next, click the Manage Labels tab at the top and select the label you want to use:

The Manage Labels tab in Gmail Contacts

Once you select this label, all of these tagged contacts will be added for your future emailing pleasure.

If, for whatever reason, you want to delete someone from your contacts, it’s easy. Just hover over that contact/line and click on the three vertical dots that appear on the right:

How to delete a contact in Gmail contacts

Then click on the “Erase” option and confirm. Bye.

You might want to import new contacts in bulk, and you can do that using the import feature (in the same left toolbar menu).

Just click the “Import” button and then select a contact list you want to import to Gmail (in CSV or vCard format):

How to import contacts into Gmail

You follow a similar procedure if you want to export your Gmail contacts as a CSV or Outlook file:

How to export contacts to Gmail

As simple as that!

If you need to manage your contacts in any other way – update an entry, delete an entry or whatever you want to do – just go back into that contact list and edit it.


There are a few super quick and easy ways to get to your contacts.

If you don’t already use Gmail, just visit in your browser. You can even bookmark it for easier access. If you’re already in Gmail, you can use a keyboard shortcut (if you have it enabled, check in your settings menu). Just type G followed by C and the contact page will open.

Or at least a much wiser hobbit.

How do I add names to my Gmail mailing list?

Add a new contact:
  1. Open Contacts and click. Create contact.
  2. Enter the contact’s name and add any contact information.
  3. (Optional) If you want to add additional information such as a nickname or their mailing address, click More fields and fill in your details.
  4. Click Save.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

Create a new contact group label: Under Labels on the left, click Create Label . Enter a name and click Save.

Add contacts to a group label: Check the box next to each contact name to select it. Click Manage Labels in the top right. Select the group or groups you want to add the contacts to. A check mark appears next to the selected groups.

Remove contacts from a group label: Click a group name on the left. Choose an option: To remove a contact, check the box next to the contact, click Manage Labels in the upper-right corner, and then click the group name.

and click on the group name to remove a contact. Click More next to the contact and click the group name to remove a contact.

How can I get mailing addresses?

You can buy or rent a mailing list from those companies. Look in the yellow pages under “lists” or “mailing lists” or do an on-line search for list providers in your area. Refer here to learn more about how a list provider can help you target your exact audience.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

Get an address list

There are many keys to a successful mailing: knowing what your message is, knowing who your target audience is, and getting your message across to your target audience. If you don’t already have an address list for your message, you’ll need to build, buy, or rent a mailing list.

The Postal Service does not maintain a database of personal or business customers and does not sell mailing lists. However, the Postal Service has products and services to help shippers verify and standardize their addresses (e.g. whether 123 MAIN is an ST, AVE or DR) and keep their lists up to date (e.g. Provision of additional services for senders know whether addressees have moved).

There are companies that collect and sell information about consumers and businesses. You can buy or rent a mailing list from these companies. Look under “Lists” or “Mailing Lists” in the Yellow Pages, or search online for list providers in your area.

Read here to learn more about how a list provider can help you target exactly your audience.

Whether you maintain your own list or buy or rent a list, the next important step is to verify the accuracy of the addresses on your mailing list.


How much does it cost to mail 1000 Flyers?

Direct Mail Costs Per Thousand
Average Price Price per 1,000
Design $100 $100
Mailing Lists $0.14 per contact $140
Printing $1 to$2 per flyer $1,000
Delivery $0.17 per mail $170

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

When you run a business, you need to run marketing campaigns. There are different types of campaigns you can run, from email to video. Direct mail marketing is one of the traditional methods of business marketing and it still remains one of the most reliable. Of course, when it comes to marketing, the first question that business owners ask themselves is: How much is it going to cost?

The average direct mail cost can be $1.50 per mailpiece for a direct mail campaign. Direct mail cost per 1000 is $1,500. However, direct mail costs can range from $0.50 to $3.00 per piece of mail. Marketing campaigns are flexible and their costs can vary. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to direct mail campaign costs.

Direct Mail Costs

Direct mail campaigns have many moving parts, so they have different costs. We’ll break down the cost of each type of expense you’ll encounter with a direct mail campaign. A single mailing campaign can be subdivided

advertising texts


mailing lists

To press


We assume the expected costs for each part of the campaign. Note that the numbers used here are averages and your actual costs may vary.

Costs for writing texts

The first thing to consider is the cost of copywriting. After all, you can’t run a marketing campaign if you don’t have a copy. Most copywriters charge per word. The typical price for a mid-level copywriter is around $0.10 to $0.20 per word. So you can expect to spend between $100 and $200 on the actual text of your marketing copy. Actual copywriting prices depend on the writer’s skill, text complexity, creativity, keyword usage, and more. Top marketing copywriters can charge up to $2,000 a piece.

The good thing about writing marketing copy is that it’s a one-time cost. Once you have the actual text you want to use on the pages, you can easily reuse and modify it for all parts of your direct mail campaign. It is important to have good copy as it is the central component of your entire direct marketing campaign.

Design Cost ($0.25 to $2.00 each)

When choosing a design, you have several options. You can create the design yourself and save money, or you can buy a template online for as little as $1 for a professionally designed template. More detailed and flexible templates cost more, ranging from $20 to $40 per template. You can expect to pay an average of around $10 per template.

If you hire a professional, you will have to pay more money. Advertising and freelance graphic design costs around $25 per hour. Designing a single direct mail marketing campaign shouldn’t take more than 4 hours from a professional, so we estimate you’d only need to spend around $100 for a professional design.


These have similar visibility benefits to the postcard option discussed below, but cost a little more. The prices for this group vary really a lot as there are many sizes, folding options, tabs or even fugitive glue. Just remember that the larger the mailer, the more it costs. The more folds are required, the higher the costs.

The cost of services without postage or design generally ranges from $0.30 to $2.55 per item. Remember that special finishes such as textures, embossing, etc. will increase prices. Quality will also be a factor as the more you do the cheaper the price per piece will be.


If you prefer to take advantage of the cheaper option, postcards are the most suitable option. Postcard prices mainly depend on your preferred size, ranging from 4×6 to 6×11 in postage category Letter Rate. On average, you should expect to spend between $0.25 and $1.75 each, not including postage or design costs.


There are many options in letters that are not just personalized or generic. You can have multiple inserts, window envelopes, or regular envelopes. In general, letters are the most expensive category. The costs of envelopes and inserting add up.

The cost of services excluding postage or design generally ranges from $0.35 to $3.10 per item. Remember that each insert increases your costs and the right personalization also contributes to your total. Quality will also be a factor as the more you do the cheaper the price per piece will be.

mailing lists

Experts say that 40% of your campaign’s success depends on your mailing list. If you already have a working mailing list, then you’re in luck here and don’t have to spend anything. Otherwise, the best way to find a mailing list is to buy information from another company in the industry.

Another option is to purchase a direct mail address list from a list broker. List brokers compile information about customers from different demographic groups to sell to marketing campaigns. Costs can vary depending on your mailing provider and the specifics of the list you want to build, but custom lists from list brokers typically cost between $0.03 and $0.25 per record.

So if you’re buying a whole new mailing list with 1,000 records, you could expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $250. In general, you don’t want to underpay per record. Low-quality lists can be full of contacts that go nowhere and don’t convert.

printing costs

All other things being equal, the printing will probably be the most expensive part of the project. Printing costs can vary greatly depending on the type of paper, ink, size, lettering and total quantity. Printing costs are also affected by the complexity of the design and the resolution of the images.

Overall, you can expect to spend anywhere from $0.03 per paper side to as much as $2.00 per thicker laminated flyer. Most of the time you can print cheaper per unit if you buy more units. For example, printing 1,000 units per unit may be more expensive than printing 10,000 units.

The size of the printed materials also plays a role. There are 3 main types of prints for direct mail campaigns, postcards, letters and folded self-mailers. Postcards are the simplest and are available in small (4.25″ x 6″) and large (9″ x 12″) sizes.

Letter-size paper is a standard size of 8.5″ x 11″ or a slightly larger size of 8.5″ x 14″. Finally, folded self-mailers are larger, measuring 8 inches by 20 inches. Folded self-mailers have enough space to add a reply area at the bottom.

Here’s a hypothetical marketing campaign to illustrate some numbers. Let’s say you want to print 1,000 flyers for $1.20 per flyer. That would add up to $1,200 for the printing cost alone. Choosing services with low printing costs is essential to save money on direct mail campaigns.

Shipping cost (0 to $0.30 per record)

Last but not least, there are the shipping costs. Shipping costs are not constant and may vary based on current postage rates. The shipping costs are divided into postage costs and delivery costs. As of 2021, the unit cost of USPS stamps is $0.58. Postage alone for 1,000 direct mail flyers costs around $60 to $70.

The other half is the actual shipping cost. The bigger and heavier your direct mail flyers are, the more expensive things get. The USPS currently uses its Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) system for promotional flyers and direct mail letters. USPS currently charges between $0.16 and $0.19 per delivery per mail piece.

So if you if you want USPS to deliver 1,000 marketing flyers through their EDDM service, you would have to pay between $160-$190 for the shipping cost.

Direct mail cost per thousand

We provide a brief breakdown of the cost of a 1,000 unit direct mail campaign.

Average price Price per 1,000 copy $100 $100 Design $100 $100 Mailing lists $0.14 per contact $140 Print $1 to $2 per flyer $1,000 Delivery $0.17 per mail $170

As you can see, when you add up all the costs, you can expect to spend about $1,500 for a 1,000-unit direct mail campaign.

volume and cost

As with most other types of marketing campaigns, the more shipping units you order, the less you pay per unit.

Consider the difference between a 1,000-unit campaign and a 10,000-unit campaign. A 1,000 unit campaign might cost you $1 per unit, while a 10,000 unit campaign will cost less than $0.10 per unit. It can often be a good idea to buy a larger quantity of units so you can take advantage of lower prices for bulk buying.

Other cost factors

You may incur additional costs when running a direct mail marketing campaign. Here are some of them.


Unless you create your own template or print it yourself, you will most likely need to personalize some of your mailing cards as well. Non-personalized mail is cheaper, but personalized mail is far better for your marketing opportunities.

integration costs

If you attempt to integrate direct mail campaigns with other campaigns, you may be required to pay additional integration fees. Integration fees include any type of CRM or automation tool used to stitch campaigns together.


Most of the time, when you pay for a marketing campaign, you’re not just paying for the marketing materials. You also pay for data tracking and analysis, so you can change your marketing approach to be more successful.

Tips for buying direct mail

Don’t compromise when copying

If you need to cut costs in your marketing campaign, start by choosing cheaper materials or printing fewer flyers. Don’t slash the cost of your copywriter budget, though. Your marketing copy is the central part of your overall campaign, so you want to make sure it’s as effective as possible.

Good marketing copy is defined by its ROI, so don’t compromise on the quality of your copy.

Get quality lists

Experts recommend that a significant part of the success of your marketing campaign depends on the quality of the lists you maintain. So don’t be afraid to spend a little more to get quality contacts.

One extremely effective method is building lists from emails and form campaigns. The last thing you want is to spend money on a contact list that doesn’t help you.

address regular customers

Direct mailing campaigns do not only serve to acquire new customers. Repeat customers are among the most responsive recipients of direct mail campaigns. The best marketers find ways to connect with previous customers and keep them in the long term.

Run hybrid campaigns

Few companies today rely solely on direct marketing campaigns. The optimal approach is to run multiple marketing campaigns in parallel to work together. Marketing campaigns can also influence each other.

For example, direct mail campaigns can lead to social media and other digital campaigns. Running hybrid campaigns can save you money over the course of your campaign by multiplying your ROI.

Track your results

You can’t just run a marketing campaign and leave it at that. You need to track the results so you can change your campaigns. There are several ways to track direct mail campaigns. You can track them using phone numbers or use unique coupon codes. Modern marketing campaigns also use unique QR codes to track flyer response rates.

If you keep track of your marketing results, you’ll learn two things. It shows you the ROI of your campaign and also areas where you can improve your campaign.

frequently asked Questions

How much does a direct mail campaign cost?

All other things being equal, you can expect to pay anywhere from $0.50 to $3.00 a piece for a traditional direct mail campaign.

What are the costs of direct mailings?

Direct mail campaigns include expenses for design, copywriting, postage, mailing, listing fees and printing costs. You can express the cost of direct mail in terms of how much you end up paying per mailpiece. Direct mail costs can be split between copywriting, design, printing, listing costs, printing and postage.

What is the average response rate for direct mail campaigns?

Across all industries, the average response rate for direct mail campaigns is around 0.04%. That means you can expect a response to 1 in 20 direct mail flyers.

What is the average ROI for direct mail campaigns?

According to a recent DMA study, the average ROI of a direct mail campaign is around 29%. That means the average direct marketing campaign generates $29 for every $1 spent. That’s a high ROI, surpassed only by email marketing ROI (127%).

Get free direct mail quotes


Direct mail is definitely an “older” marketing technique, but there’s a reason it’s stood the test of time. Direct mail campaigns are one of the most effective types of marketing campaigns after email marketing.

So if you are considering a marketing campaign, direct mail campaigns are a good choice. They are effective and inexpensive. Make sure you do your research so you can save the most on marketing costs. You may also be interested in the cost of large format printing.

How much do mailing lists cost?

On average, a mailing list can cost anywhere from $60.00 to upwards of $250.00 per 1,000 Names & Addresses. Costs differ from company to company, but in general, the cost of a mailing list depends on the following: Type of List (ex. Direct Mail or Email)

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

If you’re looking to buy a mailing list, you want to know how much it costs. On average, a mailing list can cost anywhere from $60.00 to more than $250.00 per 1,000 names and addresses.

Costs vary from company to company, but in general the cost of a mailing list depends on:

Type of list (e.g. direct mail or email) Audience Quantity Usage Additional information

What kind of mailing list do you want?

Looking to buy a direct mailing list for a direct mail campaign? Or do you want to buy an email address list for email marketing?

Which target group do you want to address?

Want to send your marketing campaign to consumers/people? Or would you like to address companies?

In general, consumer mailing lists cost less than business lists.

How many addresses would you like to buy?

Some companies charge a flat fee per address. That means no matter how many addresses you buy, they charge one price per address.

Other companies charge less if you buy larger quantities.

Before you buy a mailing list, double-check if the company rewards you for buying more addresses. Sometimes there can be big discounts, and it can make sense to buy a larger mailing list.

What are the Terms of Use? How often can you use the mailing list?

Most mailing lists can be purchased as a single-use mailing list, a double-use mailing list, or an unlimited-use mailing list.

Before you buy your mailing list, ask the mailing list broker how many times you can use the list.

What additional information does your mailing list contain?

Some mailing list brokers allow you to add “additional information” to your list. For example, if you are looking to buy business mailing lists, you may want to know how many employees each company has or what the company website URL is.

But be careful! Some companies will charge you extra for adding additional information to your list.

At LeadsPlease, we don’t charge you extra for adding demographics.

Can I get a list of email addresses?

You can add email addresses to your list.

We offer 3 listing options:

Direct Mail Direct Mail + Email Direct Mail + Email where available

For more information and pricing, please visit this page: Buy Email Lists and Email Address Lists

Do you have questions about list prices?

Please chat with us or call us if you have any questions. We’re here to help. 1 866 306 8674

Other Helpful Resources

What are the benefits of a mailing list?

Mailing List Benefits
  • Communicates directly with your audience. …
  • Low Cost. …
  • Broader Audience than Social Media. …
  • Faster word-of-mouth. …
  • Look for a great email marketing service. …
  • Think of a great initial offer for your mailing list. …
  • Create an opt-in form and put it on your website. …
  • Get your subscribers!

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

A lot of people tend to think that mailing lists are relics when it comes to internet marketing. While many businesses today are focusing on social media marketing, email remains the most effective tool when it comes to online marketing.

Email has been around since the dawn of the internet, and it’s also easy to use. For businesses, email marketing has proven to be one of the best ways to increase online and in-store sales.

Advantages of the mailing list

A good mailing list has many positive benefits for your business. Here are some of them:

Communicates directly with your audience

A good mailing list allows you to connect directly with your customers. Often, these people have chosen to subscribe to your mailing list so that it’s easier for you to forward your message.

Because of this, mailing lists have a high conversion rate. This is a big reason why many ecommerce sites like Amazon or Lazada still rely on email marketing when they want to offer you something.


Unlike brochures, flyers, and traditional mail, email marketing requires little money to be effective. While your promotions and designs still require a small budget, email marketing is really inexpensive compared to the other options mentioned.

Wider audience than social media

Social media has become one of the hottest online marketing tools. However, when it comes to getting your message across the internet, email marketing remains king.

Think about it, you probably know a handful of people who aren’t on social media, but you’d have a hard time thinking of someone without an email address. This is backed up by actual facts.

According to Optinmonster, there are about 2.6 billion email users compared to 1.7 billion Facebook users. Additionally, 77 percent of people prefer email over social media when it comes to permission-based messaging.

Faster word of mouth

Mailing lists are made up of people who are your target demographic and who are most likely to buy what you’re selling. A major advantage of mailing lists is that these customers are more likely to share your offer with other potential customers.

Buzz is one of the most valuable phenomena for a small business. Having a mailing list full of people who have volunteered to join your email list will most likely get the word out faster than other online marketing tools.

Guide to building your mailing list

If you’re convinced of the benefits of a mailing list outlined above, it’s high time you created one for your business. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating your mailing list.

1. Look for a great email marketing service

Before you start thinking about the rewards you can reap from a mailing list; You must first choose an email marketing service.

You must choose one that best suits your business needs, especially the size of your audience. Email marketing services offer different pricing models depending on the size and needs of your marketing. If you want to test the waters, start with Mailchimp. They have a freemium option for up to 2,000 subscribers, where you can send 12,000 emails per month, which is up to 6 email blasts to your 2,000 subscribers.

2. Come up with a great initial offer for your mailing list

The transfer of an email address is based on trust. People get hundreds of offers every day. You need to entice them with a compelling offer that will engage the right potential audience to join your list.

There are many ideas you can implement to make growing your mailing list easier. You can give them access to a webinar, give them promotional coupons, or give them something for free. The key is to give your prospects something valuable to trust you with their email addresses.

3. Create an opt-in form and place it on your website

An opt-in form is something you can place on your website for customers to sign up. A good opt-in form can make or break your mailing list. Ask too many questions and you run the risk of people not signing up at all. If this is your first time creating an opt-in form, a field for a name and email address should suffice. You can also use a tool like OmniKick to make your life easier.

Image by social triggers

It is also very important where you place it on your website. According to Social Triggers, the best places to place your opt-in forms for a higher conversion rate are the following:

In a feature box (see Social Triggers feature box above)

At the top of your sidebar

After each blog post

In the footer of your website

On your about page

In a small bar at the top of your page

In a popup box

4. Get your subscribers!

You can now start collecting emails and building your list. If your website gets a lot of traffic (check out our online marketing services), your opt-in form should have no trouble sending emails to you. Otherwise, there are other ways to grow your mailing list.

One idea is to use other people’s lists. You may know of complementary companies with a similar customer profile to yours who have already amassed an extensive list. You can contact them for a joint venture! Joint ventures are common in online businesses because advertising on each other’s lists can be beneficial to both businesses. Want more ideas for growing a mailing list? Ask us in the comments!

Follow these guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to building a great mailing list for your business. Email marketing is also something we help our clients with at 2Stallions, so get in touch if you’re interested.

Streamline Your Email Marketing (BONUS!)

While the previous steps should serve you well to start building your mailing list, at some point you will also want to improve conversions from your email marketing. Optimizing your email marketing should be your next step in making your emails more effective. Below are three basic tips for optimizing email marketing.

1. Test your subject lines

According to a survey published in Hubspot, 33% of email recipients open emails based on what’s in the subject line. That alone should be enough to tell you how important a good subject is to your email marketing. This is a trial and error process and will take some time. Try A/B testing your emails by splitting your list in two. Send them the same content with different subject lines and track which version gets better open rates. Your results over time will help you figure out the words and phrases that resonate more with your audience and get your subscribers to open your emails.

2. Segment and personalize

As your marketing list grows, your subscribers will begin to differentiate themselves. Instead of sending out one unified bulk email, try creating smaller groups of subscribers based on categories like gender, location, and past purchases. This allows you to sell more effectively by sending each segmented group of subscribers what they really need. A study found that the more targeted your emails, the better the engagement and response.

3. Social sharing buttons in emails

According to Marketing Charts, emails with social sharing buttons have a CTR (click through rate) of 115% compared to those that don’t. By integrating social media sharing, your email marketing has the potential to reach a much wider audience.

We’ve given you more than enough reasons to stop worrying and take action on your own mailing list. As a proven marketing method, email remains the most reliable and effective tool you can put your company resources on.

If you have any mailing list tips and experiences you’d like to share, we’d love to hear them. Our comments section below is waiting for your feedback.

What is a mailing list for college?

The mailing list at any school is something you want to be on. Basically, it means that you give the school your email address and then they send you news and info about their school. What it really means is that they know you are interested and you are then on their radar.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

The mailing list at every school is something you want to be on.

Basically, this means that you give the school your email address and they then send you news and information about their school.

What it really means is they know you’re interested and then you’re on their radar. This has several great advantages for you!

Why join the mailing list:

1. You show interest in the school by joining the mailing list. Schools like to know who is really interested so you can stand out from the crowd.

2. Find out about new programs and offers on campus. This is how you can determine whether the school suits you or not. The college will send you messages that can really tell you a lot about what it’s like to go there.

3. You find out when this college will be in your city or near you. That’s great because then you can go to the events and meet the actual people who will read your file and decide whether or not to attend. These guys are the best people to answer all your deepest questions about college, so it’s great to meet them!

To join the mailing list:

1. The easiest way to join the mailing list is to click the red “Request Info” button on your college list on CollegeMapper and you will be automatically added to the college mailing list.

2. If there is no red button next to the college name, you can join the mailing list by going to the admissions page of their website. Click “Request Information” and enter your contact information.

It’s never too late to join the mailing list, but you can start signing up anytime during and after the first year! Before that, it might seem a little strange to think about college, but once high school starts, it’s completely normal! Joining the mailing list is a great way to get in touch with your target universities!

How do email lists work?

It’s a collection of email addresses used by an individual or an organization to send marketing material to multiple recipients. In simple terms, an email list refers to the total amount of subscribers you have, which basically is a synonym to “the mailing list”, or “subscriber’s list”.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

Have you ever subscribed to an email newsletter on a website to receive weekly emails or free eBooks?

Then you are on the mailing list of that particular website.

But have you ever wondered, “What exactly is an email list and how does it work?”

The answer is pretty simple and once you understand everything on the subject, you can start building your own email list.

What is an email list?

An email list is a collection of emails you have received through your blog or website.

It is a collection of email addresses used by an individual or organization to send marketing material to multiple recipients.

Simply put, an email list refers to the total number of subscribers you have, which is basically a synonym for “the mailing list” or “subscriber list”.

What Makes an Email List Valuable?

If you’ve been around long enough, you probably know that email marketing has a higher ROI compared to all other marketing methods.

Fan Fact: Did you know that for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return exceeds $38?

This applies to most industries and basically shows how much you can earn if you decide to sell products/services to your subscribers.

In the long run, this makes email marketing one of the best digital marketing methods you can use to grow your business.

And while a solid ROI is often enough to persuade most people to take up email marketing, there are other reasons that should make list building a priority:

1. Email allows for more personalization

When emails are collected organically, businesses know the person is interested in their product and/or industry.

And depending on the signup process and other metrics, those subscribers can be further segmented into different email lists, making email marketing more personalized.

For example, if you offer a lead magnet called “Email Marketing Beginner’s Guide,” you can assume that everyone on your list will be a beginner.

On the other hand, if your lead magnet is a guide that talks about “best email marketing practices for Brazilian restaurants,” chances are your new subscriber owns or works at a Brazilian restaurant.

And just like that, you can break down your list into more specific subsets to send out more personalized emails with a CTA that takes into account the audience’s current struggles and challenges.

Apart from that, Mailigen allows for more personalization thanks to its large number of template designs.

2. Email keeps things professional

Even though many companies are currently using social media, email is still the preferred way to reach support teams.

Apart from that, email contact is also considered to be more professional when it comes to inquiries, complaints, partnerships and other reasons.

Finally, when it comes to product promotion, platforms like Instagram or Facebook will not get as much attention as personalized emails, since there is a large amount of automated and spam messages.

Different Types of Email Lists

A simple answer to the question “what is an email list” won’t get you very far. It’s important to understand the different types of lists and how they work best.

An email list can be created, purchased or rented for campaigns.

How to build an email list

Any email marketing expert will tell you that organic email lists built over time produce the best results.

And by that I mean your campaigns will get higher open rates, great click-through rates, and more sales.

For this reason, we will explain this step in more detail.

There are three main points to consider when creating an organic list. These are, in no particular order:

Quality – You want to make sure your emails are going to real people, who check their emails regularly.

Relevance – Your subscribers should belong in your niche and show interest in your industry.

Volume – Throughout the process of building your list, remember that the frequency of your email campaigns needs to stay the same. Changing volume as your email list grows can negatively impact your key metrics.

Step One: Start Early

Good advice to ensure effective and timely building is to start building your mailing list early. This allows your results to amplify over time while reducing the time you spend on email marketing efforts.

Step two: Use your existing contacts

Import all contacts of your existing customers that you have in your CRM system. This should give you a decent working start for your email list.

Start your list by sending emails to everyone on your contact list. You may have email addresses from previous campaigns or contact details from previous clients.

So use them.

Import them all into Mailigen and you’ll be one step closer to building a great organic email list.

Step three: add an opt-in incentive

Finally, find a creative way to “earn” your readers’ email addresses. The best way to do this is to create a lead magnet that users can use or download by providing their email address.

Most often, a lead magnet can be a free ebook, checklist, or short guide that solves one or more of your reader’s problems.

If you’re trying to build a listing for a software product, you can also offer free trials or discounts for your audience to take advantage of.

Renting an email list

Another option, mostly used by businesses looking to promote their products, is to rent an email list.

With this particular method, you never get an actual copy of the rented email list.

That means you never see the email addresses you want your campaign sent to.

Instead, the list owner is responsible for delivering your email.

Additionally, listing rentals sometimes provide extra exposure as you may be featured as a sponsor or partner in the renter’s newsletter for the listing.

Buying an email list

You can also buy an email list. The list of addresses you receive includes people who have never heard of you or your brand and may not be interested in your product.

Aside from very low open rates and minimal click-through rates, using purchased email lists can quickly lead to increased spam scores that can be devastating to your business.

Not to mention the legal issues you might encounter along the way.

The worst thing about bought email lists is that they just don’t work because:

They are overused (lots of people buy and send to the same list)

You do not have permission (emails are not collected with user consent)

they do not contain quality email addresses

Submitting to third-party lists is bad email marketing practice

Summarizing everything

In this article we aim to explain what an email list is and voila, there you have it.

If you’ve suffered from information overload and just want to remember one thing…

Then remember – essentially, an email list is a collection of emails that you can use to keep in touch with your fans and community.

You can either:

Build an email list

Rent an email list

Or buy an email list (not recommended)

From there, it’s all about testing to find out which method works best for you and your brand.

Now it’s your turn – build your email list.

And let us know your questions in the comments section below.

What are the two types of mailing list?

There are two general kinds of mailing lists: lists used for one-way distribution of information (e.g., announce-only lists, newsletters) and discussion lists.

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

Organizations sponsor mailing lists so their geographically dispersed members can collaborate through email and web-viewable list archives. Mailing lists may be used to distribute information in the form of newsletters or announcements, or to engage in ongoing discussions. Mailing lists can be created to serve an endless variety of purposes such as: a temporary list used by a team working on a specific project or task, or a discussion forum used by thousands of members of the organization and the interested public. Mailing lists are very similar to aliases used to route administrative requests.

Kavi Mailing List Manager relies on ezmlm software for configuring the list types on which its mailing lists are based. These ezmlm list type configuration options are used to set rules that control which messages are forwarded (i.e. posted) to the mailing list, based on whether or not the email was sent from a subscribed account, and whether messages are addressed to moderators sent and not posted directly to the mailing list. Other options can be set to enable list archives, digests, and ezmlm email commands that allow users to subscribe to the list or get archives via email, etc.

A mailing list is an email alias, but a mailing list can do more than just relay messages. The mailing list maintains multiple lists of email addresses, one for each subscriber type (e.g., regular, moderator, etc.), called subscriber lists. Users generally have different levels of access to the list depending on whether they are subscribed or not, and if so, whether they are a regular subscriber or a moderator.

An alias is simply an email address that automatically forwards every message it receives to a list of other email addresses called the alias list. If you’ve ever added multiple email addresses for a single name (sometime called a “nickname”) to your personal email address book, then you’ve created an alias. Like this alias, aliases used in Kavi Mailing List Manager and other applications provide a convenient way to send an email to a single address and forward it to multiple email addresses instantly. The alias does not act as a mailbox and therefore does not store emails sent to it.

Basically, a mailing list is an alias with added bells and whistles, so they’re pretty much alike. Kavi Mailing List Manager provides centralized management of aliases and mailing lists used by Kavi applications across your organization’s website.

How aliases are used

Most aliases displayed in Kavi Mailing List Manager forward emails to support staff, administrators or list moderators. Alias ​​names often include terms like “support,” “admin,” or “moderator” that indicate the purpose of the alias. When you submit a web-based support request form or post a message to a moderated list, the request or message is emailed to an alias and then forwarded to all recipients on the subscribers list.

When you send a message to a mailing list, you are actually sending the message to an alias. If it’s a moderated mailing list, the message will be forwarded to moderators. Because this is a mailing list and not just an alias, the system saves a copy of the message in a moderation queue. If the list has three moderators, each receives a copy of the message for review. If a moderator approves the message, it is sent to an alias that forwards the message to all email addresses in their subscriber lists. If the mailing list has a digest, the approved message is added to the messages included in the next digest. For more information, see the Mailing List Moderation concept document and the Summary section of the List Capabilities document in the appendix.

An alias can be subscribed to another alias. For example, administrators often monitor support requests, so the head office alias may have subscribed to the support alias. For more information, see the appendix under Standard E-Mail, Mailing List and System Aliases.

cPanel Tutorials – Mailing Lists

cPanel Tutorials – Mailing Lists
cPanel Tutorials – Mailing Lists

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Add Me To Your Mailing List

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What is a Mail List?

mail list

A mailing list may refer to:

1. A mailing list is a discussion group on the Internet that connects a group of people with common interests via email. If you belong to a mailing list, you will receive every message sent to that list by email as soon as it is published. Or all combined messages at the end of the day.

2. A mailing list can also be used to describe a list of email addresses.

Distribution List, Email, Email Terms, Internet Terms, Listserv, Majordomo, Newsletter

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

If you send emails to the same group of people on a regular basis, you can reduce time wasting by building an email list to use in Gmail. While not inherently obvious, here’s how to create a mailing list.

Build an email list with Google contacts

In typical Google fashion, all of the contacts you see and access in Gmail are managed by a separate Google app: Contacts. To create a contact list that you can use in Gmail, you need to go to the Google Contacts web app.

Launch a web browser and go to Google Contacts. Once here, hover over the contact you want to add to the mailing list, then click the checkbox to select it. Repeat for each contact you want to add to the list.

Make sure each contact you add has an associated email address. Otherwise, they won’t appear in the label when you email them later.

After selecting all the contacts, click on the label icon and then click on the “Create Label” button.

Give the label an easy-to-remember name, then click Save to create the contact list.

To add contacts to an existing label, select the contact, click the label icon, click the label you want to add it to, and then click the Apply button.

After you save the label, you can create another label for a different list or close the tab.

Send an email from the email list in Gmail

Now that you’ve created and labeled a list, go to your Gmail inbox to send an email to the entire group of contacts.

Once the page loads, hover over the plus sign (+) and click the compose button when it appears to start a new email.

In the New Message window, start typing the name you gave the label, then click the suggestion when it appears below the text box.

After choosing the label, fill out the email and then click the send button when done to send it to everyone in the group list.

While you could use this to run a small business or marketing campaign, your free Google account only allows up to 500 emails sent and received per day. If you reach this limit within 24 hours, you may receive an error message letting you know you’ve exceeded it.

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