Adrenal Gland Reflexology Chart? 300 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “adrenal gland reflexology chart“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

Can reflexology help adrenal glands?

Reflexology for adrenal fatigue relief

Our reflexology treatment will help you improve your energy, quality of sleep and your ability to focus and concentrate as well as help avoid adrenal fatigue and other problems that can arise as stress maladaptations.

Where are the adrenal gland located for reflexology?

Place your thumb under the ball of your foot (use this as a spacer) and then another thumb underneath that, and that is the adrenal gland reflex. In some people, you can often feel quite a ‘bulge’ here.

Can reflexology lower cortisol levels?

Massage and Reflexology Treatments can be highly effective in restoring this balance, decreasing unwanted cortisol levels and increasing levels of endorphins and also ‘happy hormones’ – serotonin, oxytocin (especially during pregnancy treatments).

What does it mean when a reflexology point hurts?

Reflexology will often hurt when the congested reflex areas are treated and in no way resembles a foot massage. As the condition improves with several reflexology sessions, so will the soreness on the corresponding reflexes.

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Reflexology: What You Need to Know September 21, 2015 Live a healthy, fit body

Did you know that elephants use their feet to hear? Even with those huge ears – they pick up the vibrations of the earth through the soles of their feet!

Our feet work hard every day, and we usually don’t think twice about it until they complain. As humans, our feet reflect our overall health, including conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, nervous and circulatory disorders; can show their first symptoms in your feet. Certain areas on the feet and hands are believed to be connected to other areas and organs of the body. The concept of “zone therapy” was further developed in the 1930s by the American physiotherapist Eunice Ingham into today’s reflexology.

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably at the end of your tether when it comes to pain. One of the most popular of all alternative therapies, reflexology treats a wide range of medical conditions. Would you like to know more?

What is reflexology and is it painful?

The underlying theory behind reflexology is that there are “reflex zones” on the feet that correspond to specific organs or parts of the body. For example:

• The tips of the toes reflect the head.

• The heart and chest are around the ball of the foot.

• The liver, pancreas and kidneys are located in the arch of the foot.

• The lower back and viscera are directed towards the heel.

There are more than 7000 nerve endings in the human foot and by targeting these nerve endings the reflexologist can aid in the flow of energy throughout the body to areas affected by illness or stress.

In medical or clinical foot reflexology massage, targeted thumb, finger and hand techniques – usually with deep pressure – are applied to the various clogged reflex zones. This holistic approach optimizes blood, lymph and nerve flow to a specific area, minimizing pain and muscle tension and facilitating the body’s natural healing and detoxification process.

Reflexology often hurts when treating the clogged reflex zones and is in no way similar to a foot massage. As the condition improves with multiple reflexology sessions, so does the pain in the corresponding reflexes. Pain at a particular reflex is always brief and lasts only as long as the reflexologist applies pressure. The pain is always kept at a tolerable level. The well-trained reflexologist adapts his pressure to the patient’s pain perception. He will also teach the patient techniques of deep breathing (deep breathing releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers) to reduce the sensation of pain.

What are the advantages?

This treatment is used for a variety of ailments. It is not only a useful tool for relaxation and stress relief, but also improves blood circulation, relieves pain and acts as a stimulator of the immune system and nervous system.

Many people with conditions such as allergies, chronic sinus problems, migraines, anxiety, depression, back pain, headaches, arthritis, digestive issues, insomnia, asthma, PMS, and period pains – to name a few – have found tremendous relief from reflexology.

Most people describe a deep feeling of relaxation and increased energy after their session.

What reflexology and reflexologists are not

Although reflexology has been shown to be beneficial for a variety of issues, your reflexologist cannot diagnose or claim to cure any disease. They are not medically trained. Reflexology can help restore balance and encourage your body to heal itself.

Reflexology is recommended as a complementary therapy and should not replace any medical treatment. Consult your doctor before making your reflexology appointment.


DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have symptoms or need health advice, please consult a doctor.

Does foot reflexology release toxins?

Reflexology can remove some toxic substances from the body very quickly. If they are not released fast enough, or if the treatment is overdone, one can experience some mild toxic effect that usually disappears quickly.

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Reflexologists work to unclog energy pathways clogged by toxins by stimulating specific reflex zones on the feet that correspond to different organs and energy pathways in the body. This optimizes the functioning of the organs by improving blood flow to them and increasing the movement of lymphatic fluid to get rid of toxins. There are many toxins in the environment such as pollution, radiation, chemicals, pesticides and medicines. This leads to a build-up of toxins and energy blockages in our bodies. When toxins build up, our body warns us in the form of pain and other symptoms.

Reflexology for detoxification is helpful when you have symptoms that may affect your quality of life, before and/or after a medical procedure (medication or surgery), during and after a stressful period, or when you have pain, infection, or swelling. It can also help before, during or after radiation and chemotherapy, emotional stress or fertility problems.

You may need reflexology if you notice:

Low or inconsistent energy


digestive problems

Frequent headaches or migraines

Cravings for sugar

Skin problems Gas or bloating

caffeine addiction

Binge eating or drinking

Mood swings, irritability, anxiety

Brain fog or difficulty concentrating

fluid retention

Reflexology focuses on stimulating the colon, urinary tract, liver, lymphatic system, and lungs. This stimulates the body to eliminate toxins. Eliminating toxins brings your body back to homeostasis, maximizing your ability to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It can also increase your energy levels and motivation. As well as helps the skin, hair and eyes.

Reflexology can remove some toxic substances from the body very quickly. If they are not released quickly enough, or if treatment is overdone, a mild toxic effect can occur, which usually disappears quickly.

Detox symptoms can include:






Increased bowel movements or diarrhea

Increase urination

gas release

Emotional release of emotions feeling cold

Funny taste in the mouth




change in sleep patterns

eyes water

Temporary rash

relief from pain

The worse the symptoms, the more toxic the body is.

Cleansing reactions or detoxification are adaptations of the body to remove waste from within. The elimination of stored toxins is part of the body’s healing process. During detoxification, the body’s waste products are removed from the body through the digestive system, urinary tract, skin, etc.

Detoxifying the body helps rebuild your immune system so it can fight the bacteria and viruses that cause infections, colds, flu, and fevers. It also helps in weight loss by speeding up metabolism, preventing chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, asthma, acute bronchitis, etc. and improving mental clarity.

Avoid heavy meals, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, and minimize caffeine intake for the rest of the day after a treatment. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water or herbal teas, to relieve the discomfort. Staying well hydrated also helps remove toxins from the kidneys, bladder, and liver.

If you require reflexology, please contact The Ultimate Health Clinic at (905) 251-0162. We are based in East Gwillimbury and serve patients from across GTA.

What does hard skin on feet mean in reflexology?

Hard Skin or Callouses may represent an area of protection, e.g. an emotion from a long time ago that you have buried. Corns can also be a sign of protecting a specific issue. Bunions means you do too much for others and not enough for yourself. Itchy Skin, especially on the sole of the foot, could indicate irritation.

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They tell you something about how you feel both on the outside and on the inside. One of our goals at Revs Store is to give you the shoes that help you achieve optimal health and wellness through physical and emotional healing and balance.


Red – Anger Yellow – Full Blue – Hurt or hurting White – Exhausted Calluses or calluses may represent an area of ​​protection, e.g. an emotion from long ago that you buried.

can represent a protected area, e.g. an emotion from long ago that you buried. Corns can also be a sign that a specific problem is being protected

can also be a sign of protecting a particular issue. Bunions means you are doing too much for others and too little for yourself

means you do too much for others and too little for yourself Itchy skin, especially on the soles of your feet, can be a sign of irritation

, especially on the soles of the feet, could indicate irritation

suggests that there are obstacles you must overcome before moving on. Rough skin can mean you’re going through a rough time

can mean you are going through a difficult time. Damp skin can be a sign of anxiety or a detoxification reaction

can be a sign of anxiety or a detoxification reaction. Warts are usually a sign of a deep rooted problem

are usually a sign of a deep-rooted problem. Athlete’s foot is a sign that someone is getting on your nerves, disturbing or doubting you and preventing you from achieving your own goals

is a sign that someone is getting on your nerves, disturbing or doubting you and preventing you from furthering your own goals

– someone rubs you up the wrong way and you’re the one most affected. Dry skin – a need for more warmth and love

– Need for more warmth and love Exfoliation – indicates the need for a fresh start

– shows the need for a fresh start Edema or swelling in the reflexes – this shows a long-term emotion that has built up over a long period of time

in the reflexes – this reveals a long-term emotion that has built up over a long period of time. Flat Feet – You are very sociable and enjoy the support of others

You are very sociable and enjoy the support of other High Archers – you are independent, find it difficult to accept help and need more time to yourself

The first thing to consider with any condition affecting your feet is: Does the area or reflex point where the condition resides represent a physical imbalance, e.g. If you have calluses in the shoulder area of ​​your foot under the little toe, is this due to a shoulder injury or pain? Or it could be due to posture, gait, posture, weight, or even poor footwear. If none of the above applies and there is no physical cause for the reflex in question, then we can consider a mental imbalance as the reason for dry spots on the feet.

By understanding if there is an emotional cause, it will help you release that emotion and create more harmony in your body and life.


Red – anger

Yellow – full

Blue – hurt or hurting

White – exhausted

This should give you food for thought. If you find that you experience tenderness, tingling, itching, or swelling when wearing Revs®, think about what might be causing it. For example, a red swelling of the heart reflex could represent anger at giving or receiving love.


It is generally accepted that the right foot is over while the left foot is present. For example, if you have suffered from a chest infection – it shows up initially on the left foot reflex, but moves to the right when you recover, as a past infection. Emotions present themselves in a similar way. When you are affected by an emotion in the present, it affects your left foot. and if there is a more deeply rooted problem from the past, it would show up in your right foot.

Another consideration is that the right foot is also considered the “male foot” and the left foot is considered the “female foot”. This related to feminine and masculine energy and also how we relate to men and women. So if you can’t relate to emotional issues, consider whether the connection between man and woman could be a reason for the reflex imbalance, e.g. If the right foot suffers from any imbalances or is uncomfortable, it could be a lack of masculine energy in your life or an area of ​​conflict with a man. Similarly, when the left foot is affected, there may be a lack of feminine energy or conflict with women, be they friends or family. Interestingly, in women with menstrual cramps, especially during menopause, the entire left foot can be more sensitive.

Another thing to consider about the differences between left and right foot is that right foot reflexes can be processing and left foot elimination. Again, this is more of a food for thought and we encourage you to reflect on what may or may not be the cause of your sensitivity in your reflexes so that you clear any blocks and move away from past fears, conflicts, guilt, regret, anger or sadness, whatever it may be


Remember to also read our Revs® wearing recommendations to ensure you get the most out of your reflexology shoes and bring happiness, harmony and balance into your life. If Revs® can help make or transform your feet into soft, comfortable, happy feet, then we’re just as happy as you are. Revs® is a journey with every step and every thought you make.


What does the second toe represent in reflexology?

The point on the inner toe corresponds to the liver. The second toe contains a meridian point on the left side. This corresponds to the middle of the stomach. The fourth toe contains a meridian point on the left side that connects to the gallbladder.

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Foot reflex zone tables show the location of the reflex points on the feet. Physical and psychological complaints can be healed by applying pressure to these points. With practice, you can use a reflexology chart to determine how specific points on the feet correspond to specific areas of the body’s anatomy.

Interested in taking one of our Reflexology courses in London? Here are some simple tips to familiarize yourself with therapy before you begin…

1: The basics

The right foot corresponds to the right part of the body and the left foot corresponds to the left side of the body. For example, the stomach is on the left side of the body, so pressing on the left foot can help improve stomach discomfort.

The toes relate to the head and neck. Many reflexologists apply pressure to the toes to help a patient with a neck or headache.

The insides of the feet are connected to the spine.

The area just under the toes corresponds to the chest.

The thinnest part of the foot (usually the middle) is called the “waist line” in reflexology. Parts of the foot that connect to the stomach are above the waistline. Parts related to the gut can be found below.

The sole of the foot is connected to the pelvic area.

2: Understand toe charts.

Toe charts give a little more insight into reflexology. Toes contain what are known as “meridian points”. These are small pressure points related to specific parts of the body. There are five meridian points on each foot.

Two meridian points are located on either side of the big toe. The point on the outside of the big toe corresponds to the spleen. The point on the inner toe corresponds to the liver.

The second toe contains a meridian point on the left side. This corresponds to the middle of the stomach.

The fourth toe contains a meridian point on the left side that connects to the gallbladder.

The little toe has a left meridian point that connects to the bladder.

These simple tips provide an introductory way to understand the basics of reading a foot reflexology map. Contact us today to find out more about reflexology or our reflexology courses in London at Richdales. If you are interested in reflexology, we look forward to hearing from you!

Do massages release cortisol?

Cortisol is released when pain and stress levels rise, worsening their effects. During massage, a decrease in cortisol levels occur. A decrease in cortisol levels helps to reduce stress. A reduction in stress helps to relieve symptoms of pain and increase relaxation.

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A common benefit obtained from massage is reduced cortisol. Decreased cortisol is the reduction in stress-related hormones circulating in the body. A variety of techniques can be used during a massage to lower cortisol. Cortisol is most commonly known as the stress hormone because it often increases the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Our massage therapists at use massage to lower cortisol to reduce stress, reduce anxiety and increase relaxation.

What is reduced cortisol?

Cortisol is a negative hormone that is transported throughout the body in the bloodstream. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal gland, which is located above the kidneys. A part of the brain called the hypothalamus stimulates the release of cortisol. Cortisol is released into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body, increasing stress levels. Small amounts of cortisol can be healthy for a person as it is used to maintain homeostasis and the “fight or flight” response. Too much cortisol can negatively affect a person in many different ways. The negative effects of cortisol include increased anxiety and depression, suppression of the immune system, and a decrease in bone formation. When cortisol decreases, any negative effects it can have on a person are reduced and feelings of relaxation can occur. A massage helps reduce the negative effects of cortisol on a person and replace the negative hormones with positive ones.

What Are the Benefits of Reduced Cortisol?

When cortisol is reduced, several benefits can be achieved. The most common benefits of reduced cortisol are:

Above: Deep tissue massage can help boost endorphins and lower cortisol levels. Above: Deep tissue massage can help boost endorphins and lower cortisol levels.

Decreased cortisol can speed up healing. Cortisol is often known to suppress the immune system and decrease the body’s response to injury. Reducing the body’s response to injury means that the inflammatory response and healing of injuries is slowed and prolonged. A massage helps to lower cortisol levels in the body. Decreased cortisol levels mean that both the body’s immune system and response to injury are improved. Improving the immune system and response to injury can speed healing by accelerating the inflammatory response and healing process.

Stress can be reduced when cortisol is lowered. Cortisol is best known as a stress hormone. Because when too much cortisol is released into the bloodstream, there is an increase in symptoms such as stress, anxiety, pain and restlessness. During a massage, the vegetative nervous system is stimulated. The autonomic system triggers the release of positive hormones in the body that help replace negative hormones. The replacement of the negative hormone cortisol lowers the levels circulating in the body. A reduction in the cortisol circulating in the body helps reduce stress and other negative symptoms of cortisol.

Increased relaxation is a general benefit achieved when cortisol is reduced. Cortisol is known to increase stress and pain, which prevents a person from relaxing. When cortisol is lowered, stress and pain are also reduced. A reduction in stress and pain then allows a person to relax mentally. Increasing relaxation can improve a person’s sleep, energy levels, and overall positive mood.

What Techniques Are Used To Lower Cortisol?

A wide range of techniques are used to lower cortisol. Techniques commonly used to lower cortisol include:

Above: Massage can lower cortisol levels in the body, which is closely linked to stress and anxiety. Above: Massage can lower cortisol levels in the body, which is closely linked to stress and anxiety.

Deep hits are often used to lower cortisol. Deep strokes use flattened hands and fingers to apply deep, firm pressure to the skin. Deep stroking movements help reduce muscular strain and tension-relieving pain. Pain can increase stress levels because it restricts a person from certain movements and normal daily activities. Cortisol can often be released in response to increased stress. When cortisol is released, pain and stress can increase further. Because deep punches reduce pain, cortisol levels released by stress are also reduced. Deep hits can therefore lower cortisol.

Cortisol can be lowered by compression. Compression is a technique used to increase blood flow and reduce tension, stress and tension in the muscles. Firm pressure is applied within the compression, allowing the therapist to penetrate deeper into the muscle tissue. Compression promotes an increase in relaxation as blood flow is improved. An increase in relaxation occurs when levels of positive hormones such as serotonin and dopamine are increased. Positive hormones can replace the negative hormone cortisol to reduce stress and depression and increase relaxation. Boosting positive hormones from compression helps lower cortisol.

Wrestling can decrease cortisol. Wrestling involves pulling soft tissues in opposite directions with flattened hands and fingers. Wrestling helps reduce tension and limitations that can increase pain. Stress is increased when pain occurs. An increase in stress occurs due to an increase in cortisol levels, which are produced in response to pain. Wrestling relieves pain by reducing muscle tension and constraint. A reduction in pain lowers the levels of cortisol produced. Decreased production of cortisol results in less cortisol being excreted and circulated within the body’s bloodstream.

In what situation would reduced cortisol help?

Decreased cortisol can help in many ways. Some of the most common situations where reduced cortisol can help include:

Decreased cortisol can help relieve acute pain. Pain can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common causes of pain are injuries, surgeries and muscle strains. Acute pain can limit movement and make normal daily activities difficult. Restricted movement can increase stress levels. Increasing stress can further increase the pain. Cortisol is released when pain and stress increase, making its effects worse. During the massage, there is a decrease in cortisol levels. Reducing cortisol levels helps reduce stress. Reducing stress helps relieve pain symptoms and increase relaxation.

Muscle tone can be reduced when cortisol is reduced. High muscle tone can negatively affect a person as muscles tend to be full of tension and often very tight. When muscles are tense and full of tension, the range of motion that the muscle normally has is reduced. When range of motion is reduced, an increase in cortisol is released due to increased stress levels. An increase in cortisol causes tension and tension to continue to rise, which increases muscle tone. A reduction in cortisol helps reduce tension and tightness by relieving stress. A decrease in tightness and tension reduces muscle tone.

Decreased cortisol can help after an injury. When cortisol levels are high, inflammation and healing times increase. After an injury has occurred, the body’s natural response to repair damaged tissues is poor and inefficient. Reducing the levels of cortisol circulating in the body helps reduce the healing time from injuries. Decreased cortisol also allows the repair phase of the healing process to work more efficiently and increase its effectiveness. Both the inflammatory and repair phases of the healing process accelerate, reducing the effects of injury more quickly.


Decreased cortisol is the reduction in the negative hormone circulating in the body. A number of benefits can be achieved when cortisol is reduced, including improved healing, reduced stress and relaxation. Techniques such as deep punches, compression, and wringing are commonly used to lower cortisol. Decreased cortisol can help with acute pain, high muscle tone, and post-injury. Our massage therapists at lower cortisol through massage to reduce stress, relieve pain and relieve depression.

How can I schedule a sports massage to lower cortisol?

The easiest way to book a sports massage to lower cortisol levels with is to email us at [email protected] or call us on 0800 033 7800.

Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

We offer a 7-day service and offer home and clinic appointments.

What diseases affect the adrenal glands?

What are some types of adrenal gland disorders?
  • Adrenal Gland Tumors. Most adrenal gland tumors—abnormal growths on the adrenal glands—are not cancerous. …
  • Adrenocortical Carcinoma. …
  • Cushing Syndrome. …
  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) …
  • Pituitary Tumors. …
  • Pheochromocytoma. …
  • Adrenal Gland Suppression. …
  • Addison’s Disease.

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The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain. It releases hormones that affect many bodily functions. These hormones include adrenocorticotropic (pronounced a-DREE-noh kawr-tuh-koh-TRO-pic) hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol.

Sometimes benign (noncancerous) pituitary tumors, or less commonly cancerous tumors1, can grow on the pituitary gland, which can cause a variety of problems. Some pituitary tumors release too much ACTH, which in turn can cause the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol. Cushing’s disease refers to pituitary tumors that cause Cushing’s syndrome.

Can reflexology help fatigue?

Foot reflexology had a larger effect on fatigue and sleep and a smaller effect on pain. Conclusion: This meta-analysis indicates that foot reflexology is a useful nursing intervention to relieve fatigue and to promote sleep.

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Is massage good for adrenal fatigue?

Because hormones and neurotransmitters have such wide-spread impact on our health and well-being, the benefits of massage can be powerful indeed. It’s absolutely vital for adrenal fatigue sufferers to take extra care in helping their bodies manage stress on a daily basis.

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Are you feeling burnt out? You could have adrenal fatigue. How massage can help:

You are constantly tired, feel like you are dragging yourself, and even minor stress leaves you feeling overwhelmed. They depend on caffeinated beverages, sodas, and salty foods to get through the day and maintain a stable mood or energy level. And at the end of the day, no matter how tired you were, you find yourself with a “second wind” of energy to keep you up at night. Sound familiar? You may be among 80% of the population suffering from Adrenal Fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue means more than just fatigue, it actually weakens your adrenal function and can cause many unwanted side effects ranging from weight gain to hair loss.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Your adrenal glands are two glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They help regulate almost every hormone in your body, one of which is the stress hormone cortisol. When you undergo a period of prolonged or chronic stress, your adrenal glands may become too overwhelmed to properly regulate your hormones, including cortisol.

When your body doesn’t regulate stress properly, you get irritated by small things. Instead of being energetic during the day and tired at night, fluctuations in cortisol make you feel exhausted at work and suffer from insomnia at night.

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal Fatigue doesn’t happen overnight. The Mayo Clinic reports that long-term chronic stress is the most likely cause of adrenal fatigue. The belief is that under prolonged chronic stress, your adrenal glands can’t keep up with your body’s constant fight-or-flight response. Because of this, they cannot properly regulate your body’s hormones. Other possible causes of adrenal fatigue can include: surgery, trauma or injury, chronic inflammation, infection, illness or pain, overwork including physical or mental stress, or prolonged sleep deprivation.

What are the Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal insufficiency can be diagnosed with a test called an ACTH stimulation test, which measures changes in cortisol levels in the blood. A cortisol test will determine if the levels of this hormone in your body are normal. Common symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue include: Chronic fatigue, feeling tired all day but getting a “second breath” around 11pm, tremors or increased heart rate as an overactive response to minor stress, Frequent insomnia, Reduced libido, Difficulty losing weight , Excessive weight, thirst, chronic pain or body aches, constant cravings for salty foods, hair loss, muscle weakness or a weakened immune system.

How massage can help you recover

Because hormones and neurotransmitters have such wide-ranging effects on our health and well-being, the benefits of massage can be powerful indeed.

It is absolutely vital for sufferers of adrenal fatigue to help their body deal with daily stress. Recovery from adrenal fatigue involves taking stock of your physical and mental well-being and making significant lifestyle changes that promote regular sleep patterns, proper nutrition, and a reduction in stimulus from stressful situations.

A few simple changes in your lifestyle

Of course, massage alone can’t fix adrenal fatigue—it’s part of a larger whole for a mindful lifestyle that takes care of your needs and supports your body in the healing process. A few changes you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help your adrenal glands recover:

1. Do a caffeine detox. Eliminate all caffeine from your diet until your adrenal glands are normal. This will help reset your cortisol levels.

2. Redesign your diet. Eliminate excess sugar from your diet. Eating excess sugar causes blood sugar spikes and dips that cause the adrenal glands to work harder. Focus on eating regular meals that include colorful vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

3. Create a regular, early bedtime. Try to get to bed by 10am before you get a second cortisol spike. Practicing “proper sleep hygiene” is an idea that’s becoming increasingly important in our fast-paced world, and part of it involves maintaining regular bedtime schedules so you train your body to sleep better.

4. Meditate. Try to be more proactive in managing stress. Instead of waiting until something upsets you to try and calm yourself in the moment (which can be difficult, especially when your adrenals are strained), start each day with a 10-minute meditation. This will regulate your breathing, calm your mind and body, and help you better manage stress coming your way before it overwhelms your adrenal glands.

5. Massage therapy has been extensively studied and discussed in the medical literature. It lowers cortisol levels and increases serotonin and dopamine – perfect for defusing the adrenal-fatigue brain on high alert (fight or flight) so your hormones can return to a more normal balance. (Source: The International Journal of Neuroscience)

If you suspect you may be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, try some of these natural treatments and be your own advocate with your doctor. If anything, adrenal fatigue shows us that the way we take care of our bodies and minds can have a huge impact on our health.

Body & Soul Massage in Salem Ma offers the highest quality massage and bodywork. For more information about our services or our monthly meditation group, visit our website: or call 978-825-0040.

How can you get rid of cortisol in your body?

Stressed? 10 Ways To Lower Your Cortisol Levels
  1. Eat a whole-food, plant-based diet. …
  2. If needed, add supplements. …
  3. Take deep breaths. …
  4. Reduce your caffeine intake. …
  5. Get adequate sleep. …
  6. Exercise regularly. …
  7. Write in a journal. …
  8. Indulge in hobbies.

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It’s always important to take care of your mental well-being, but especially now when anxiety around COVID-19 is high. Long-term stress and anxiety can damage both your physical and mental health.

Here’s why: Cortisol (also known as the stress hormone) is produced in the adrenal glands. It’s elevated when we’re experiencing heightened anxiety or stress, and lower when we’re in a relaxed state. When cortisol levels rise, all of the body’s energy goes into dealing with the stressor rather than regulating other bodily functions such as the digestive and immune systems.

The analogy I like to use is being chased by a lion. If you are being chased by a lion, do not be afraid to catch a cold or defecate. So cortisol normally helps regulate weight, appetite, body metabolism, blood pressure and glucose, but when you are under chronic stress you may experience increased anxiety or depression, headaches, memory problems, brain fog, digestive problems, a weakened immune system, weight gain, insomnia, prediabetes and more.

But I know that managing anxiety is easier said than done, so I’ve outlined several ways you can lower your cortisol levels and maintain a calm state of mind during this uncertain time of our lives. And these aren’t pandemic-specific tips — they’re lifestyle changes you can take with you throughout your life.

Eat a wholesome, plant-based diet. Eating an unhealthy diet high in added sugar and processed foods raises cortisol levels, increasing the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber (fruits and vegetables are great sources) as fiber helps regulate gut bacteria, which in turn helps regulate hormones. Diet is really important – it’s 80% of the fight. Add supplements as needed. Dietary supplements should not replace a balanced diet and should be supervised by a doctor. But if recommended, the main mineral we use in our clinical practice is magnesium, which helps regulate cortisol levels. Vitamin B12, folic acid and vitamin C can also support cortisol metabolism. Take a deep breath. Several studies show the benefits of breathing exercises for at least five minutes, three to five times a day. Research shows that it helps lower cortisol levels, relieves anxiety and depression, and improves memory. First, try using a breathing app like Insight Timer or Calm. Reduce your caffeine consumption. People with chronic stress can experience what is colloquially called adrenal fatigue, which occurs when cortisol levels are out of whack. It makes them extremely tired, so they often rely on caffeine to get them through the day. It’s a vicious circle: the caffeine wears off and you’re exhausted again. Caffeine can raise cortisol levels and doesn’t address the root of the problem, which is balancing hormone levels. Get enough sleep. In order for the body to heal, we need at least seven to eight hours of sleep. It’s so important, but often put on the back burner in our busy lives. Do sports regularly. Thirty to 50 minutes daily is the standard recommended by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. And walking your dog doesn’t count — you should be taken to a boundary where you can talk, but not sing, during exercise. Write in a diary. Sometimes it helps to put your thoughts on paper. If they’re happy thoughts, you can relive them, and if they’re stressful thoughts, you can erase them so you don’t keep going through them in your head. pursue hobbies. Playing an instrument, drawing, crafts, gardening—taking part in activities you enjoy are helpful distractions from stressful thoughts and situations. go outside Just being in nature among trees, flowers, birds and plants can have a calming effect on the mind. If you can, take a walk around the block, sit on your porch. As the weather warms up, it becomes easier to take breaks and spend time outdoors. Don’t lead with fear. Putting fear first can be distracting. It allows us to make inappropriate, impulsive decisions that we wouldn’t otherwise make. Being mindful, taking deep breaths – engaging in the tips above – will help you lead positively.

You don’t have to tackle all of these tips at once – I know it can seem overwhelming. The best way to make lasting, positive change is to do it little by little. Incorporate one or two at a time into your routine until they become a habit, and slowly add others. Slow and steady often wins the race.

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dr M. Elizabeth Swenor leads the Functional and Lifestyle Medicine team and treats patients at Henry Ford Medical Center in Bloomfield Township. Learn more about dr. Swenor and read her articles.

Is massage good for adrenal fatigue?

Because hormones and neurotransmitters have such wide-spread impact on our health and well-being, the benefits of massage can be powerful indeed. It’s absolutely vital for adrenal fatigue sufferers to take extra care in helping their bodies manage stress on a daily basis.

Stress and Me

Are you feeling burnt out? You could have adrenal fatigue. How massage can help:

You are constantly tired, feel like you are dragging yourself, and even minor stress leaves you feeling overwhelmed. They depend on caffeinated beverages, sodas, and salty foods to get through the day and maintain a stable mood or energy level. And at the end of the day, no matter how tired you were, you find yourself with a “second wind” of energy to keep you up at night. Sound familiar? You may be among 80% of the population suffering from Adrenal Fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue means more than just fatigue, it actually weakens your adrenal function and can cause many unwanted side effects ranging from weight gain to hair loss.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Your adrenal glands are two glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They help regulate almost every hormone in your body, one of which is the stress hormone cortisol. When you undergo a period of prolonged or chronic stress, your adrenal glands may become too overwhelmed to properly regulate your hormones, including cortisol.

When your body doesn’t regulate stress properly, you get irritated by small things. Instead of being energetic during the day and tired at night, fluctuations in cortisol make you feel exhausted at work and suffer from insomnia at night.

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal Fatigue doesn’t happen overnight. The Mayo Clinic reports that long-term chronic stress is the most likely cause of adrenal fatigue. The belief is that under prolonged chronic stress, your adrenal glands can’t keep up with your body’s constant fight-or-flight response. Because of this, they cannot properly regulate your body’s hormones. Other possible causes of adrenal fatigue can include: surgery, trauma or injury, chronic inflammation, infection, illness or pain, overwork including physical or mental stress, or prolonged sleep deprivation.

What are the Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal insufficiency can be diagnosed with a test called an ACTH stimulation test, which measures changes in cortisol levels in the blood. A cortisol test will determine if the levels of this hormone in your body are normal. Common symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue include: Chronic fatigue, feeling tired all day but getting a “second breath” around 11pm, tremors or increased heart rate as an overactive response to minor stress, Frequent insomnia, Reduced libido, Difficulty losing weight , Excessive weight, thirst, chronic pain or body aches, constant cravings for salty foods, hair loss, muscle weakness or a weakened immune system.

How massage can help you recover

Because hormones and neurotransmitters have such wide-ranging effects on our health and well-being, the benefits of massage can be powerful indeed.

It is absolutely vital for sufferers of adrenal fatigue to help their body deal with daily stress. Recovery from adrenal fatigue involves taking stock of your physical and mental well-being and making significant lifestyle changes that promote regular sleep patterns, proper nutrition, and a reduction in stimulus from stressful situations.

A few simple changes in your lifestyle

Of course, massage alone can’t fix adrenal fatigue—it’s part of a larger whole for a mindful lifestyle that takes care of your needs and supports your body in the healing process. A few changes you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help your adrenal glands recover:

1. Do a caffeine detox. Eliminate all caffeine from your diet until your adrenal glands are normal. This will help reset your cortisol levels.

2. Redesign your diet. Eliminate excess sugar from your diet. Eating excess sugar causes blood sugar spikes and dips that cause the adrenal glands to work harder. Focus on eating regular meals that include colorful vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

3. Create a regular, early bedtime. Try to get to bed by 10am before you get a second cortisol spike. Practicing “proper sleep hygiene” is an idea that’s becoming increasingly important in our fast-paced world, and part of it involves maintaining regular bedtime schedules so you train your body to sleep better.

4. Meditate. Try to be more proactive in managing stress. Instead of waiting until something upsets you to try and calm yourself in the moment (which can be difficult, especially when your adrenals are strained), start each day with a 10-minute meditation. This will regulate your breathing, calm your mind and body, and help you better manage stress coming your way before it overwhelms your adrenal glands.

5. Massage therapy has been extensively studied and discussed in the medical literature. It lowers cortisol levels and increases serotonin and dopamine – perfect for defusing the adrenal-fatigue brain on high alert (fight or flight) so your hormones can return to a more normal balance. (Source: The International Journal of Neuroscience)

If you suspect you may be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, try some of these natural treatments and be your own advocate with your doctor. If anything, adrenal fatigue shows us that the way we take care of our bodies and minds can have a huge impact on our health.

Body & Soul Massage in Salem Ma offers the highest quality massage and bodywork. For more information about our services or our monthly meditation group, visit our website: or call 978-825-0040.

What diseases affect the adrenal glands?

What are some types of adrenal gland disorders?
  • Adrenal Gland Tumors. Most adrenal gland tumors—abnormal growths on the adrenal glands—are not cancerous. …
  • Adrenocortical Carcinoma. …
  • Cushing Syndrome. …
  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) …
  • Pituitary Tumors. …
  • Pheochromocytoma. …
  • Adrenal Gland Suppression. …
  • Addison’s Disease.

Stress and Me

The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain. It releases hormones that affect many bodily functions. These hormones include adrenocorticotropic (pronounced a-DREE-noh kawr-tuh-koh-TRO-pic) hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol.

Sometimes benign (noncancerous) pituitary tumors, or less commonly cancerous tumors1, can grow on the pituitary gland, which can cause a variety of problems. Some pituitary tumors release too much ACTH, which in turn can cause the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol. Cushing’s disease refers to pituitary tumors that cause Cushing’s syndrome.

What are the benefits of reflexology?

Reflexology has many health benefits*
  • Relaxation. …
  • Improvement of Your Nerve Functions. …
  • Improvement In Your Brain Power. …
  • Increased Blood Circulation In Your Body. …
  • Eliminating Your Body’s Toxins. …
  • Boosting Your Metabolism & Energy Level. …
  • Reducing Your Headaches. …
  • Relieving discomfort from Menstruation & Pregnancy.

Stress and Me

Reflexology has many health benefits*


Reflexology is known to open up nerve pathways and flood the nervous system with neuron activity, bringing the body into a more relaxed state. By providing an abundance of relaxation in your system, reflexology can induce a state of calm in your body and mind. With this phenomenon, reflexology can be used to heal sleep disorders like insomnia and help your body return to its normal, healthy circadian rhythm.

Improving your nerve functions

As the body ages, the nerve endings in the extremities of our body become less and less sensitive. Opening and clearing nerve pathways can help improve the functionality and flexibility of nerves and cells in various organs in the body. Neural pathways are essentially like muscles, keeping them active is extremely beneficial and crucial to your health.

Improving your brain power.

By stimulating your nerves and opening up your neural pathways, information will flow to your brain much faster and more effectively, which would help your brain process the information faster, resulting in much faster cognitive and physical reactions and an increase in your memory.

Increased blood flow in your body

Arguably the most well-known benefit of reflexology is an improvement in blood circulation throughout the body, meaning blood along with oxygen is circulated and transported throughout the body more efficiently. Improving blood flow also means more oxygen is getting to vital organ systems, optimizing their function and further increasing metabolism. The flow of oxygen throughout the body also leads to faster healing and faster growth of damaged cells.

Eliminate your body’s toxins

By improving blood flow, reflexology improves bladder function, which helps reduce the possibility of urinary tract problems. This results in a more efficient system for eliminating toxins and other foreign substances, protecting your body from various diseases and health conditions that can often arise as a result of an impaired urinary system.

Increase your metabolism and energy levels

Proper reflexology can improve the functionality of many organs in your body, which would result in a higher metabolism, which in turn helps generate more energy in your body. If you’re feeling low or need a boost of energy, book your next reflexology session with one of BAO Foot Spa’s California-certified therapists now.

Reduce your headaches

One of the most common uses of reflexology is to relieve the severity of migraines and headaches by relieving tension in the muscles that often lead to such conditions. Since stress and psychological factors often manifest themselves in the physical symptoms of a migraine, stress-related headaches can also be eliminated with foot reflexology.

Relief of discomfort from menstruation and pregnancy

Reflexology can be very beneficial for women during pregnancy, especially with regard to the length of labor, women’s need for analgesics during labor, and recovery time after childbirth. Additionally, due to many of the health benefits listed above, reflexology can reduce the likelihood of postpartum depression, help the body heal itself, and return to normal metabolic activity more quickly.

Can reflexology help hypothyroidism?

The premise for treating thyroid conditions with reflexology is that opening the energy flow through the thyroid gland can balance both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid conditions by supporting the gland in regulating homeostasis, the body’s ideal state of equilibrium.

Stress and Me

Reflexology for thyroid health

Foot reflexology is a gentle complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy that applies pressure to reflex points on the feet, lower legs, hands, face or ears. A reflex map identifies different reflex points and corresponding regions or systems throughout the body. A certified reflexologist uses specific touch and pressure patterns to stimulate these points.

The theory behind reflexology is that stimulating reflex points opens the flow of energy (referred to as life force or chi) and nutrients throughout the body. Reflexology is believed to harness the body’s natural healing process by enhancing the function of the lymphatic system (a major part of the immune system), which helps move fluids and waste products from tissues into the circulatory system for eventual elimination from the body Body.

In general, reflexology is suitable for everyone from newborns to those being cared for at the end of life. A reflexologist customizes each session, taking into account both physical and emotional factors that may be affecting you. Reflexologists aim to work alongside allopathic and holistic health practitioners to promote the well-being of their clients.

CAM researchers have studied reflexology for a variety of health conditions, including breast cancer, diabetes, anxiety, back pain, menstrual cramps, post-operative recovery, chronic fatigue and thyroid dysfunction. The premise of treating thyroid disease with reflexology is that opening the flow of energy through the thyroid gland can balance both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism by helping the gland regulate homeostasis, the body’s ideal state of balance. In some studies on thyroid goiter or cancer, reflexology reduced pain and promoted relaxation, which may promote healing.

Although there have been promising results in many case studies (of just one person or a small group), more research is needed to definitively demonstrate the effectiveness of reflexology in treating disease.


How to Find and Work the Adrenal Glands – (Tricky Reflexes Series – Part 7)

How to Find and Work the Adrenal Glands – (Tricky Reflexes Series – Part 7)
How to Find and Work the Adrenal Glands – (Tricky Reflexes Series – Part 7)

See some more details on the topic adrenal gland reflexology chart here:

2 effective Reflexology points to reduce Stress and Anxiety …

I’d like to share 2 Reflexology Points with you today that may well change all this around for you. The Solar Plexus Point & the Adrenal Point

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Adrenal Fatigue – Serene Reflexology

Adrenal fatigue is a syndrome e.g. a collection of signs and symptoms that results when the adrenal glands are too overworked from producing cortisol – the …

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Adrenal Exhaustion and Reflexology – Saga2Wellness

The reflexes for the adrenal glands can be palpated on the feet. When they are tight and tender, the adrenals are depleted. The pituitary reflex is also given …

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Place your thumb under the ball of your foot (use this as a spacer) and then another thumb underneath that, and that is the adrenal gland reflex.

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The adrenal glands, which are small glands sitting on the top of your kneys, respond to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol and …

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5 power points in Reflexology – Balancing Touch

Many ailments and most tension can be dispersed with proper breathing. Working both the solar plexus and adrenal gland reflexes is extremely …

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3 Chinese Reflexology Points to Boost Your Energy

This is similar to your body where there’s an adrenal gland perched atop … get free Chinese Reflexology charts when you sign up for your free lessons.

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Observations on pancreas (63M) and adrenal gland (58M …

Download scientific diagram | Observations on pancreas (63M) and adrenal gland (58M) reflexology areas at the pre- and post-reflexology therapy sessions.

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Serene Reflexology

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal Fatigue is a syndrome i.e. a collection of signs and symptoms that result when the adrenal glands become too overworked by producing cortisol – the stress hormone – to keep up with the regulation of other necessary hormones. Elevated cortisol levels impair learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart disease, and more. With each reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in your body becomes more affected. Adrenal fatigue is most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress. Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels also increase the risk of depression, mental illness and reduced life expectancy. This syndrome is known by many other names such as: B. Non-Addisonian hypoadrenia, subclinical hypoadrenia, neurasthenia, adrenal neurasthenia, adrenal apathy and adrenal fatigue.

according to dr James Wilson, D.C., N.D., Ph.D. and author of Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Syndrome: “People are losing their jobs, their homes, their investments and their health in this economic crisis that has now become a stress crisis. The onset of adrenal fatigue is usually preceded by periods of stress.”

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue?

One of the functions of the adrenal glands is the release of adrenaline and cortisol in response to stress, e.g. “Fight or flight response. During times of short-term stress, this stress response is beneficial. However, during chronic stress, this system can be detrimental. Chronic stress leads to consistently high levels of cortisol in the adrenal glands, leading to adrenal fatigue.

What are the Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue may include:

Stress (emotional stress, environmental stress, …)



Low sex drive

body aches

Lower back pain

Unexplained weight loss/weight gain

Low blood pressure


loss of body hair

Skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation)

Treatments for Adrenal Fatigue at Serene Reflexology

If you wake up extremely tired even after a long night’s sleep, feel like your energy levels are at a persistently lower level than they used to be, find that the slightest amount of stress makes you feel overwhelmed, or craving salty foods, then you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. At Serene Reflexology, we can help you take action to support the adrenal glands and other endocrine glands affected by stress.

Reflexology to relieve adrenal fatigue

Our reflexology treatment will help you improve your energy, sleep quality, and ability to focus, as well as avoid adrenal fatigue and other problems that can occur as stress misadjustments.

For more information on how our treatments can help you fight adrenal fatigue, visit

Reflexology Treatment at Serene Reflexology –

Reflexology for Stress Relief –

Indian head massage to relieve adrenal fatigue

An Indian head massage works with the Ayurvedic concept, which goes beyond the limits of healing and values ​​balance. Working on the chakras through Indian head massage has a powerful effect to rebalance the energy of the body. Our Indian Head Massage instantly relieves stress and promotes relaxation by targeting the body’s symptoms, allowing for a deeper sense of well-being and relaxation, opening your body for better recovery. For more information on our Indian Head Massage visit

Combination of reflexology and Indian head massage to relieve adrenal fatigue

Serene Reflexology also offers a combined reflexology and Indian head massage treatment that combines the benefits of reflexology and Indian head massage for effective relief from adrenal fatigue. To book your “Combo” Adrenal Fatigue Relief treatment today, please click here.


Reflexology is an ancient practice that involves stimulating reflex points on the feet and hands. These reflex points correspond to different areas, organs and systems of your body. By working on these reflex points, we can have a balancing, harmonizing and relaxing influence on these parts of the body. Reflexology puts you in a deep state of relaxation, bringing your awareness deep within and where you are open to whatever suggestions you may allow yourself. Similar to a hypnotic state, you enter a receptive place where you allow your heart’s desires to expand and manifest.

Here are 5 reflex points that will relax your nervous and endocrine systems. Two systems of the body that directly affect and are involved in the stress response. Use a little oil and move through the sequence while taking some long deep breaths.

1. Solar Plexus

Directly under the ball of your foot – right in the middle. In fact, you can almost see that there is room for your finger here. Push in here and move in a circular motion.

2. Diaphragm

Just below the ball of the foot – the diaphragm moves along this line across the entire foot. Massage in a line across your foot. Move in both directions.

3. Thyroid

The thyroid reflex point is the ball of the foot. Massage with your thumb, going up, down and over this area. Sometimes this can be quite delicate – almost like glass, so tread carefully when it is.

4. Adrenal Gland

Put your thumb under the ball of your foot (use this as a spacer) and then another thumb under it and that’s the adrenal reflex. In some people you can often feel quite a “bulge” here. Press and move in a circular motion.

5. Pituitary gland

Draw an imaginary cross on your big toe. The center of the cross is your pituitary reflex. Sometimes it can almost feel like pushing a tiny button. Push and hold here and move in a circular motion.

Reflexology is available in the studio with Saori and Jess.

Jess is available every Wednesday in August at a reduced price of £45.

To book the studio send an email to: [email protected]

Stress and Me

What does stress do to us?

I think we all know that stress has a negative impact on our physical and mental well-being. In an emergency, our body’s response to stress can be positive: our instincts direct us to be quick and act with our “fight-or-flight” response. However, being in “fight or flight mode” all the time can tire our body and brain too, cause cortisol levels to spike and also cause undue stress on our muscles. Stress has such a powerful impact on us physically and mentally; It can feel overwhelming even trying to switch off from it. We all know that massage and reflexology can help with stress as most of you book with me for this very reason. So I thought I’d just dig a little deeper so we can all understand why that is…

The Science Bit – Cortisol Levels

Our adrenal glands produce vital hormones, like the hormone cortisol, that control how our bodies respond to stress. In my reflexology patients who are struggling with stressful situations, I often notice a great deal of tension in the adrenal reflex. Reflexology can be a wonderful way to encourage our body’s natural ability to rebalance and release tension. When I find an area of ​​tension in reflexology, I spend more time there and slowly build more pressure to encourage your body to release and recover.

We will always need levels of cortisol in our bodies, but the key is to keep those levels balanced. Massage and reflexology treatments can be very effective in restoring this balance, lowering unwanted cortisol levels and increasing endorphins and also “happy hormones” – serotonin, oxytocin (especially during pregnancy treatments).

Stress and muscle tension:

As I wrote in my last blog, Where We Hold Our Tension And Why, stress can manifest itself anywhere in our body. Our muscles can latch on to this tension, begin to work differently, become difficult to relax and over time begin to form adhesions and hence pain and discomfort.

Most of my clients find that stress lodges in their upper back and neck, and sometimes moves further into their head to cause tension headaches. Deep tissue massages are a great way to release this tension as we work into the deeper layers of the fascia to release as much tension from the muscles as possible.

However, I firmly believe that deep tissue massages should also be relaxing. The more secure we feel, the warmer our muscles are, the more our body knows it’s not in a fight-or-flight situation, the more our muscles can relax and be ready to release that tension. If they are stressed during the massage, these muscles will hurt, bruise and possibly be damaged even more during the treatment. Just to be clear, a massage should never cause bruising! I absolutely believe that! My job is to create a relaxed atmosphere for you.

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