Can Gerbils Eat Almonds? The 84 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can gerbils eat almonds“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 474 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

Almonds make good gerbil food. The only issues are their price and their lack of shell. Those are the only reasons why you should consider peanuts over almonds.Don’t give your pets grapes or rhubarb, as these are poisonous to rodents. Avoid excessive amounts of certain seeds (such as sunflower), as they’re fatty and can cause obesity.Don’t feed any salted or roasted nuts but opt for nuts in their raw state. Hazelnut, pistachio, cashew, walnut, peanut, Brazil nuts and pine nuts can all be offered safely in small quantities for your gerbils. “

Nuts That Gerbils Should Not Eat
  • Salted nuts.
  • Cooked nuts.
  • Flavored nuts.
Gerbil Food To Avoid
  • Crisps.
  • Cakes.
  • Biscuits.
  • Chocolate.
  • Sweets.
  • Meat.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lettuce.

What nuts can gerbils not eat?

Nuts That Gerbils Should Not Eat
  • Salted nuts.
  • Cooked nuts.
  • Flavored nuts.

What foods are poisonous to gerbils?

Don’t give your pets grapes or rhubarb, as these are poisonous to rodents. Avoid excessive amounts of certain seeds (such as sunflower), as they’re fatty and can cause obesity.

What foods should gerbils avoid?

Gerbil Food To Avoid
  • Crisps.
  • Cakes.
  • Biscuits.
  • Chocolate.
  • Sweets.
  • Meat.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lettuce.

Can gerbils have raw almonds?

Almonds make good gerbil food. The only issues are their price and their lack of shell. Those are the only reasons why you should consider peanuts over almonds.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Nuts are widely considered nutritious and contain high levels of energy, vitamins and minerals. But gerbils shouldn’t normally eat human food in case they get sick from it.

Nuts are high-protein and high-fat snacks. Gerbils can eat monkey nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, pecans, macadamia nuts, and pine nuts. Raw peanuts have a wide range of nutrients, minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. Raw peanut shells also make good chew toys.

Nuts are densely packed with protein and fat, so they should only be considered as a healthy snack. If they are fed regularly, i.e. every day, your gerbil will become overweight.

Can gerbils eat nuts?

Gerbils enjoy eating nuts, both in captivity and in the wild. Nuts grow on trees and shrubs, but can also grow underground (which peanuts do). They are nutrient dense because they are a type of fruit and the seeds in nuts need nutrients to grow into trees.

Gerbils live in a place where there are not many trees, so there are not many nuts around. However, they will eat whatever nutrient-dense foods they can find. For this reason, gerbils eat tiny insects when given the opportunity.

The fact that some seeds are hard is not a problem for gerbils. Gerbils and all rodents have hard teeth that are perfect for breaking open objects. So the shell of a nut is not a problem for a gerbil.

Are nuts good for gerbils?

Nuts are very nutritious, making them an excellent food for gerbils. They contain plenty of carbohydrates for basic energy. This will help your gerbil keep going throughout their highly active day.

However, what makes nuts stand out is their fat and protein content. Consider for a moment the other things that gerbils would eat in the wild: plant roots and grains, for example.

These foods, which make up the bulk of a gerbil’s diet, are low in protein and fat. Both are essential to the health of all animals. Nuts also contain many minerals and vitamins that generally benefit a gerbil.

The point is that nuts are a healthy snack for gerbils. If your gerbil was allowed to eat monkey nuts or sunflower seeds all day, it would get fat from all the excess fat content it is eating.

While you don’t want your healthy gerbil to get fat, you could feed an underweight gerbil nuts. This would help him gain both fat and muscle and your gerbil would be healthier as a result.

Nuts are also good for a gerbil’s teeth. Gerbils, like all rodents, have teeth that are constantly growing. They must wear down their teeth or they can cause injury. Nuts often have crackable shells and are relatively solid themselves.

What Nuts Can Gerbils Eat?

Nuts share a common nutritional profile, so they are usually suitable for gerbils. The only issue is whether the nuts have been cooked, coated, or otherwise altered from raw.

Can gerbils eat monkey nuts?

Monkey nuts are peanuts that are still in their shells. You may also know them as peanuts. That’s because, unlike many other nuts, peanuts grow underground.

Monkey nuts are the perfect gerbil snack. First, your gerbil’s outer shell provides something to chew on, which is good for their teeth. Peanut shells make great chew toys because they’re so fibrous and chewy.

They’re also not bad for your pet if they accidentally ingest some while chewing. This means they are superior to plastic chew toys, which cause internal damage if ingested.

If you don’t give your gerbil something to chew on, she will chew things she shouldn’t, like the bars of her cage. So here you can kill two birds with one stone. They offer something nutritious alongside something for your gerbil to gnaw its teeth on.

According to the nutritional value, the peanut in it is also nutritious. Peanuts are high in fat and protein, as well as:





B vitamins

Feel free to leave the mussels in your gerbils’ enclosure for a while after they’ve finished eating. You can gnaw at it for quite a while.

The only problem is if your gerbils have never had them before. You may not realize at first that the nuts are food because they are covered in an inedible shell. So first show your gerbils how to open it and that there is food inside.

Can Gerbils Eat Brazil Nuts?

Brazil nuts are much larger than most other nuts. They grow in large fruits that look almost like an orange, with the nuts arranged like orange slices.

They make good gerbil food because, like all nuts, they are high in fat and protein. Apart from that, they have many vitamins and minerals like calcium, zinc, vitamin E and some B vitamins. They also contain magnesium, which is good for gerbils.

An article in the Journal of General Psychology states that magnesium helps prevent seizures in gerbils. Seizures affect between two and five out of ten gerbils. Magnesium reduces the frequency and severity of these attacks.

However, like all nuts, Brazil nuts should only be fed as a snack. If you want to feed them to your gerbils, only give them one at a time.

Can gerbils eat pistachios?

Pistachios are a type of green nut that belongs to the cashew family. You can find them in nature in Central Asia, as well as in the Middle East. Like most nuts, they grow on trees and have hard shells – harder than those of peanuts.

Pistachios are high in fat, making them a good food for underweight gerbils. They also serve as an excellent snack. Their health benefits stem from their vitamin B6, potassium, iron and magnesium content.

Pistachio shells are much harder than those of peanuts. They make excellent chews. However, because they’re tougher, they can be bad for your gerbil if it accidentally eats some.

That’s because the harder, sharper parts of the shell could cause internal damage. In contrast to the chewy and fibrous but not sharp texture of peanut shells.

So if you are feeding your gerbil pistachios, do not feed them the shells.

Can gerbils eat pine nuts?

Pine nuts come from pine trees. Depending on where you come from, you may know them as pine nuts, piñón, pinole, or pignoli. All of these names refer to the same type of nut.

Pine nuts don’t have a similar nutrient spectrum to the other nuts on our list. Other nuts have a lot of vitamins A, C and D, pine nuts have almost none. What they have is lots of iron and magnesium, which are good too.

If you know a few things about gerbils, you may already know that gerbils are allergic to pine wood. Because of the oils in the wood, your gerbil is allergic to it, either as bedding or as something to chew on.

However, this allergy does not apply to pine cones. Pine cones do not contain the same aromatic oils as pine wood. So, pine cones make a good chew toy. Pine nuts are okay because they come from pine cones.

A good way to feed your gerbil pine nuts is to offer it pine cones. You must harvest the cone before it opens and leave it open and drying for as long as it takes. The pine nuts should then be ready to eat. This serves as a long-term chew toy and food.

Can gerbils eat pecans?

Pecans come from the pecan tree, a type of hickory. This tree is native to the southern United States and Mexico. But pecans are eaten all over the world and can be found in almost every store. However, they can be expensive.

In any case, like most other types of nuts, pecans are high in fat. They’re also high in vitamin E, copper, and manganese (but not as much magnesium).

According to the Nutritional Requirements of Laboratory Animals, no studies show how much of these nutrients gerbils need. Although your gerbil is likely to need small amounts, it probably doesn’t need a lot.

Another big difference between pecans and other nuts is their thin shell. When they open on the tree, pecans look a bit like cashews, albeit a different color. This shell falls off when the nuts are harvested.

Also, pecans are soft compared to other nuts like Brazil nuts or pistachios. You will not help your gerbil gnaw its teeth. Pecans are not the healthiest nut to feed your gerbils.

Can gerbils eat macadamia nuts?

Macadamia trees are unique to Australia. Aborigines have been eating the nuts of the macadamia tree for thousands of years. Today they are exported all over the world and can fetch a high price. Their shells are famously hard.

Macadamia nuts are similar to pecans. They’re high in fat and some protein, but not a lot of vitamins and minerals. They contain a small amount of magnesium, which is good. But other than that, they don’t contain much.

So there is little reason to feed gerbils macadamia nuts. This is especially the case since peanuts are so much cheaper.

Can gerbils eat almonds?

Almonds originated in Iran in the Middle East but are now grown worldwide. Their cultivation is very resource-intensive as they require a lot of water.

Almonds are high in fat and protein, at levels comparable to peanuts. But like pecans, they are high in copper and manganese, which is not beneficial for gerbils. Other minerals have good amounts of:



zinc and iron

Almonds make good gerbil food. The only problems are its price and lack of peel. Those are the only reasons you should choose peanuts over almonds.

Can gerbils eat salted nuts?

Most nuts that you can buy in stores are salted. This means that the nuts have been coated with a light salt dust. This is because salt helps bring out the flavor of the nuts.

However, it is not a good idea to feed gerbils salted nuts. They contain high levels of salt, even for humans. So they contain way too much salt for gerbils to stay healthy. Several problems arise due to excessive salt intake:

Elevated blood pressure. This increases the risk of heart disease, which gerbils are prone to anyway.

. This increases the risk of heart disease, which gerbils are prone to anyway. dehydration . When you eat too much salt, it builds up in your body. Your body needs you to dilute it by drinking more. Given that gerbils don’t drink much water, this can be a problem.

. When you eat too much salt, it builds up in your body. Your body needs you to dilute it by drinking more. Given that gerbils don’t drink much water, this can be a problem. General poor health. Aside from these problems, excess salt can cause stroke and heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and kidney disease. This applies to gerbils as well as humans.

Nuts have very little salt content unless the salt is added. Unfortunately, almost all nuts that you can buy in stores contain some salt. So do not feed gerbils salted nuts.

Can gerbils eat flavored nuts?

If the nuts you buy from a store are not salted, they may have extra flavor. Some of the different flavors you might find include:





all-purpose seasoning

These flavors may or may not be bad for your gerbil. However, what they definitely do is change the nutrient profile of your gerbil’s diet. These nuts are often roasted or cooked in oil. This adds more fat to the food without adding anything useful.

Also, it’s a good idea to stick to foods that aren’t heavily processed. The more natural something is, the more likely it would make good gerbil food.

Can gerbils eat roasted nuts?

There’s nothing wrong with simply feeding a gerbil roasted nuts. The roasting process itself does not significantly change the fat, carbohydrate, or protein content in a given food.

However, there is a difference. Frying food significantly reduces its water content. During cooking, the water in the nut evaporates. This has both positive and negative effects.

On the one hand, this gives the nuts a crunchier consistency. This makes them more pleasant to eat and is perfect for your gerbil’s teeth.

But at the same time, gerbils need to get their water from food. Gerbils rarely drink and rely on moisture in vegetables and similar foods. This is how they survive in the wild, where water sources are scarce.

Another problem is that roasted nuts are usually seasoned in one way or another. It’s rare to find roasted nuts that aren’t coated in a spicy aroma. Therefore, it is better and easier to feed your gerbil plain nuts instead.

What nuts should you feed a gerbil?

Peanuts are a good choice. That’s because each peanut is small, making portion sizes easy to control. Their shells make great chew toys and are available almost everywhere. Only get the unsalted, unroasted variety, though.

However, be careful not to feed your gerbil too many nuts. They are so high in fat that eating too many of them can make your gerbil unhealthy. Obese gerbils may experience the following:

Difficulty moving quickly and labored breathing

higher blood pressure

Stroke or heart failure as a result of high blood pressure

Therefore, in addition to your pet’s gerbil feed mix, only feed them nuts as a snack. The gerbil feed mix should contain all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that gerbils need anyway. Even if you feed your pet the same mix every day, it should still be healthy.

What can gerbils chew on?

Gerbils like to chew on wood and other natural materials. Household items like toilet rolls, cardboard egg boxes, and corrugated cardboard are also good options. Gerbil food mix and vegetables are part of your pet’s natural diet, and these will also help wear down your gerbil’s teeth.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Gerbils need to wear down their teeth to keep them from growing too long. So if you don’t give your gerbil anything to chew on, it will start chewing on its cage.

Gerbils like to chew on wood and other natural materials. Household items like toilet paper, egg cartons, and corrugated cardboard are also good options. Gerbil mix food and vegetables are part of your pet’s natural diet and also contribute to wearing down your gerbil’s teeth.

Plastic, if swallowed, will make your gerbil sick. Also, pine and cedar contain oils that are toxic to gerbils. Anything that is printed, like newspapers and cereal boxes, is harmful due to the use of ink.

What do gerbils chew on?

Gerbils and all rodents like to chew. This is a behavior you will see frequently, both in the wild and in captivity. In the wild, gerbils and other rodents need to chew through things like roots.

Many rodents eat roots and vegetables. They may also have to chew through a tree root when digging a burrow, which gerbils are known for. This is why rodents chew on wires in your house, instinctively mistaking them for roots in their burrow.

Your gerbil will chew on any solid material it can find in its cage. This natural behavior does not stop when the gerbil is no longer in the wild.

It’s your job to stop your gerbil from chewing something bad for it. Certain types of wood are toxic, as are plastics. That’s because your gerbil, either accidentally or on purpose, will ingest some of what it’s chewing on.

Why do gerbils chew on everything?

Gerbils chew on things because it helps wear down their teeth. Rodents have different teeth than other animals. The term rodent even comes from Latin and means “to gnaw,” showing how important their teeth are.

Rodent teeth are incisors like the ones we have in the front of our mouths. But according to Cell Reports, rodent teeth have no roots and grow continuously.

This presents a unique problem: if a gerbil doesn’t wear down its teeth, its teeth will continue to grow. According to Nature, this has been a problem for two hundred million years.

This can make eating difficult and even lead to serious injury. Finally, the lower teeth can pierce the upper jaw, or the upper teeth could pierce the lower jaw. This can be deadly, so they have to grind their teeth.

Some rodents do this by grinding their teeth like humans. This keeps the tips of their teeth sharp and flat, perfect for gnawing. Another tactic is for the rodent to chew on hard things to gradually wear down its teeth. For this reason, a gerbil will sometimes bite the bars of its cage.

The problem is that rodent teeth are as solid as rock. They’re tougher than iron, which is why rodents can chew through unlikely things like metal pipes. That’s why rodent bites hurt so much, even though the animals are quite small.

Are there safe things for gerbils to chew on?

If you don’t give a gerbil something to chew, it will chew things it shouldn’t. Examples of things a gerbil will chew on that it shouldn’t contain:

The bars of his cage

The plastic walls of his cage (although gerbils should not be kept in plastic enclosures)

Electrical cords throughout the house if your gerbil is allowed out of its enclosure

Plastic makes gerbils sick. The problem is that gerbils ingest some of the things they chew. Plastic should not be ingested by any animal.

You must also avoid chewing on things that are too hard. They don’t want to break their teeth just to wear them down. So things like solid rocks would be way too hard for your gerbil to chew on.

What can I give my gerbil to chew?

Your gerbil, of course, won’t have much in its enclosure to chew on. It will have its food, which is good for gnawing but will not suffice on its own. The substrate you have provided is not suitable for chewing. Other things might be too hard, like metal and glass.

If you don’t provide anything, your gerbils will start chewing on the bars or walls of their enclosure. You can even escape if you don’t, which shows how important this is. So what’s good for gerbils to chew on? The following things are a good place to start.

Food for gerbils to chew on

Gerbil food is specially formulated to meet your pet’s nutritional needs. But it is also perfect for chewing. Gerbil feed mixes usually contain:

Solid hay pellets

Sunflower seeds that need to be broken open to be eaten

Soybean hulls and similar fibrous materials that can be chewed and gnawed

Different types of nuts

The fruits and vegetables that gerbils can eat are also good for gnawing. Take carrots and pumpkin, for example. Carrots are quite firm when fresh. Pumpkin has a soft inner part that is tasty. It also has a tougher skin, which is also suitable for gnawing.

You don’t have to drastically change your gerbil’s diet to achieve this. Gerbil mix mixes are what you should be feeding your gerbils anyway, and vegetables make a tasty treat.

Can gerbils chew their food bowl?

Most people give their gerbils a food bowl, although it’s better to spread the food out. If the food bowl is plastic, he will chew and gnaw on it regularly. You can mistake this behavior for eating if you don’t look carefully.

This is something to avoid as plastic is not safe to digest. According to EFSA, the absorption of plastic through the intestine is almost impossible. Even microplastics are ingested by rodents at only 0.04% to 0.3%.

If you must provide a feeding bowl, get one made of ceramic or glass. Ceramic and glass are two materials that a gerbil cannot destroy, no matter how hard it chews them.

What natural wood can gerbils chew on?

Wood is neither too hard nor too soft. If it were too hard, your gerbil’s teeth would break completely instead of wearing down. If it was too soft, their teeth wouldn’t sharpen at all. Wood is in the middle.

However, not all types of wood are suitable for rodents. Some can be toxic. It’s easy to confuse different species of wood, which means you shouldn’t give your gerbil species of wood unless you can confirm which species it is.

Avoid giving your gerbil any wood that has been processed or treated in any way. You may have been sprayed with something that may not match your gerbil. Any wood used for building or eating may have been sprayed with something like this.

This type of wood can also contain glue. Any home decor or tiny wooden toys were likely glued. If they weren’t glued, they would contain nails or screws. These could also harm your gerbil, so you should avoid them.

You should also avoid certain types of wood (pine and cedar). These contain aromatic oils that have a distinctive taste and smell. When ingested in large amounts, these oils are toxic to animals, including us.

Popsicle sticks for gerbils to chew

Popsicle sticks work well for gerbils to chew on, although there are three caveats to keep in mind.

Sticks used for popsicles, corn dogs and the like are usually made from birch. This material is safe for gerbils to chew on. However, there is no guarantee that this is the material used. So you can’t be sure.

Also, popsicle sticks have sticky residue from your popsicle. Before offering it to your gerbil, you should wash the stick. This will prevent your gerbil from eating something it shouldn’t, such as something too sugary.

In addition, popsicle sticks can splinter. If you’ve ever chewed on one yourself, you know that for sure. Because it’s so dry, these splinters are pretty sharp. You shouldn’t let your gerbil chew on these splinters for too long, as they could injure their gums.

But other than that, popsicle sticks are good for gerbils to chew on. Something similar you could use are unused coffee stirrers. These are less likely to splinter and injure your gerbil because the wood is thinner.

You can even buy popsicle sticks online. This is the better idea as you can check that they haven’t been treated with chemicals. You can also check what type of wood they are made of.

Twigs and sticks for gerbils to chew on

If you want safe wood for gerbils to chew on, branches and sticks are usually fine. In the wild, they would certainly chew any wood they could find in their habitat.

However, there are some things you need to watch out for. Some types of wood can be toxic to gerbils, so it’s best to avoid them.

Another problem that can arise is that the twig may contain fungus, lichen, parasites or bacteria. You should avoid introducing any of these things into your gerbil’s environment.

By keeping your gerbil in captivity in an enclosure, you protect it from parasites. For example, it cannot catch any of prepared food. And there are no animals around to catch parasites from. And with antibacterial spray, kill bacteria and fungi before they make the enclosure uninhabitable.

But if you introduce a stick into your gerbil’s environment, you could be introducing these things unknowingly. To avoid this, bake the stick in the oven at medium temperature. This will kill anything that might be inside. Alternatively, you can freeze the stick.

You can then keep the stick and only break off parts when your gerbil needs them.

Pine wood for gerbils to chew on

You must avoid giving your gerbil pine wood to chew on.

Pine contains various chemical compounds that are not suitable for gerbils or other animals. For example, turpentine is extracted from pine. Pine essential oils are, too. Both have a distinctive wintergreen odor and can cause rashes when applied to the skin.

These substances are dangerous if ingested. If you chewed jaws, you would ingest small amounts of these substances, which would be bad for you. If you were the size of a gerbil, the consequences of eating anything would be worse and you could become seriously ill.

Pine is not the only wood that has these properties. There are other woods that do this to a lesser or similar degree. Cedar is one of them. You want to avoid wood from trees in the Pinaceae (pine) family.

This is of course easier said than done. Unless you’re an expert, you won’t be able to tell what type of wood it is just by looking at it. That means it might be wise not to give your gerbil wood unless you know exactly what it is.

Pine cones for gerbils to chew on

Pine cones come from pine trees, but they don’t contain the same aromatic compounds as the conifers they come from. They are therefore safe for gerbils to chew on.

Are pine cones a good chew toy for gerbils? They definitely do because they have lots of individual scales/seeds on them for your gerbils to chew on. Your pet will scrape each of these off by chewing them one at a time.

Pine cones make a suitable chew toy and are also nice to look at in a gerbilarium. But before you put one in your gerbil’s enclosure, make sure it’s free of pests and bacteria. Freeze or bake it before offering it to your gerbil.

Household items for gerbils to chew on

If you don’t want to bring anything from nature into your gerbil’s enclosure, that’s fine. There are good reasons why you should avoid it. But that leaves you with fewer options.

There are still household items you could offer them. Most are healthy and natural, but some are more processed than others. The less processed something is, the easier it is for a gerbil to chew.

Toilet paper rolls for gerbils to chew on

Toilet paper rolls are an excellent choice for a gerbil chew toy. They are made of a material that is not hard enough to damage your teeth. They are also fibrous, which gerbils enjoy chewing.

Toilet paper rolls are also untreated, meaning it’s safe for your gerbil to chew on. If something is swallowed by the reel, it will not harm your gerbil in any way.

The only problem with toilet paper rolls is that they are too soft. Your gerbil can’t grind his teeth enough on toilet paper. It takes something sturdier, like a solid wooden stick, to grind your teeth.

Cereal boxes for gerbils to chew on

Cereal boxes are more of a gray area than other types of cardboard. Although they are made from the same type of card as other things, the card has been treated in different ways:

The box has been coated in a glossy protective coating that contains chemicals your gerbil probably shouldn’t be eating

The box was printed with ink, which in turn was not intended to be ingested

It may have been glued together and dried glue is still stuck to the card.

Aside from that, people have reported allowing their gerbils to chew on cereal boxes with no ill effects. It’s probably best to play it safe.

This is especially true when you consider that there are so many better, more natural things to offer your gerbil to chew on. Even if you only choose from household items, you don’t have a choice.

Corrugated cardboard for gerbils to chew on

Corrugated cardboard is better for gerbils than other types of cardboard. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, corrugated cardboard is the type that has two outer sheets of cardboard with a corrugated sandwich layer between them. You can tell by cutting it and looking at its cross section. In any case, corrugated cardboard is a good choice because it:

Usually not bleached or inked

Freely available and you will often have some laying around

Stiffer than other options like toilet paper rolls

The only problem is if you use recycled corrugated cardboard. This usually contains leftover inks from the recycling process, as newspapers are often recycled. However, there is nothing to say that this would harm your gerbil.

Can gerbils chew freezer boxes?

Cardboard freezer boxes are similar to cereal boxes. They are printed with inks that should not be ingested, which will happen if your gerbils chew on them.

Also, they are coated to prevent the card from falling apart in the freezer. This waterproof coating is similar to that of cereal boxes. They are not suitable for your gerbils.

Egg cartons for gerbils to chew on

You should not offer your gerbil plastic egg cartons. Plastic is a material that should be avoided altogether. Instead, consider offering your pet the lightweight carton that some eggs are packaged in.

These are typically made from the same type of recycled cardboard as corrugated cardboard. But they have a different nature. They’re good for chewing, but not the best, although your gerbil will still enjoy them.

Overall, they’re a good option, but your gerbil will also need something a little more robust from time to time.

Newspaper for gerbils to chew on

Newspaper is not suitable for gerbils. The main reason is the ink. Ink should not be ingested as it can cause poisoning. Since gerbils are small, they are more susceptible to this than a human if they ingest the same amount.

An additional problem is that the ink in newspapers tends to rub off. The ink in cereal boxes is contained under a protective layer. And even with that layer removed, the card that the ink is sprayed onto is thick enough to hold on to.

With newspapers, the paper is so thin that this is not the case. You can see this in action by smearing the letters printed on newspaper. If you do this, a swab will be left on your thumb.

This will make it easier for your gerbils to pick up. It will also stain their coat or casing, especially if it gets wet. Therefore, as a rule, avoid giving your gerbil newspaper to chew.

Don’t offer your gerbil anything to chew on other than the items listed above. Stick to what you know is safe for you. There is no need to give them a lot of variety, because the gerbils don’t care. As long as your pet can grind their teeth, there is no problem.

What is A gerbils favorite treat?

Gerbils will enjoy small amounts of dried banana, pumpkin seeds, nuts, millet (the kind sold for budgies and other birds), crispy vegetables such as raw broccoli and carrot, small amounts of fruit, such as apples and grapes (but break the skin so the gerbil can easily see the moist interior), alfalfa, and hay.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Wild gerbils are amazing creatures, getting almost all of the moisture they need from the vegetation, seeds, and small insects they eat. This is an adaptation to life in arid areas. They even eat carrion on occasion. This non-vegetarian lifestyle is another adaptation, as the meat has good moisture levels in an environment where fresh water is extremely scarce.

However, gerbils still need fresh water and properly formulated gerbil food to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. There’s no point exposing them to the extremes of life in the wild – they may be adapted to a bit of harshness, but they don’t enjoy it!

Gerbils like to try fruits and vegetables to supplement their dry food diet

Gerbils, being omnivores by nature, will taste most foods you offer them, but they will thrive on a diet largely based on mixed pet store gerbil chow. However, small portions of extras like veggies and apple slices will keep them and their taste buds stimulated.

Gerbils tend to prefer dry or crunchy foods. Oilseeds like sunflower and flaxseed are favorites, and they love millet; However, these should be fed sparingly, as gerbils do not need as much fatty food as hamsters, for example. Sunflower seeds, for example, are a firm favorite, but the gerbils eat them at the expense of other foods and can then become overweight.

You can offer non-veg foods like mealworms and bugs, but not all gerbils will take on the taste, and from a nutritional standpoint, you don’t have to as long as you feed them a proper gerbil kibble mix.

Gerbil Treats

Gerbils will like small amounts of dried bananas, pumpkin seeds, nuts, millet (the kind sold for budgies and other birds), crunchy vegetables like raw broccoli and carrots, small amounts of fruits like apples and grapes (but break the skin) with them gerbil can easily see the damp interior), alfalfa and hay.

Only feed these treats in small amounts and remove fresh food as soon as the gerbils lose interest. Uneaten food is stashed by the gerbils, rots and can potentially pose a health risk to the animals.

to avoid foods

Toxic vegetables include:


citrus fruits





Wildflowers, weeds, foliage and houseplants unless told they are suitable by an expert

All unripe fresh foods

All overripe fresh foods

This bread and cheese house looks like a good idea – but neither should be fed to gerbils!

Other foods not suitable for hamsters

Any processed “human food”




Chocolate (unless made specifically for hamsters)

Dairy products, including cheese (too salty and greasy)

jams and preserves



gerbil water

Although gerbils drink little fresh water in the wild and very little in captivity, and get most of the water they need from their diet, they should have access to water at all times. A fresh supply is as important as fresh food. Older, pregnant or nursing gerbils need a lot. Use a water bottle as gerbils tend to bury their water bowls!

Can gerbils have cheese?

Gerbils can eat cheese, but only in small quantities as they’re lactose intolerant. It has too much fat and protein and not enough carbohydrates. Cheese has nutrients like vitamins A, B2, and B12, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, which offer health benefits.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Cheese is a food made from milk. It doesn’t occur in a gerbil’s natural habitat, so it’s not something a wild gerbil would ever encounter. But that doesn’t mean your pet can’t eat it.

Gerbils can eat cheese but only in small amounts as they are lactose intolerant. It has too much fat and protein and not enough carbohydrates. Cheese contains nutrients like vitamins A, B2 and B12, calcium, phosphorus and zinc that provide health benefits.

Lactose intolerance can cause diarrhea, gas and discomfort. So provide your gerbil with snacks that are more nutritious and will not cause digestive problems.

Can gerbils eat cheese?

The problem is that gerbils are lactose intolerant after weaning. Weaning is the process all mammalian babies go through in which they stop drinking their mother’s milk. In gerbils, this happens after about four to five weeks.

Once a gerbil is weaned, it will regularly eat solid foods like adult gerbils do. It will then never drink milk again for the rest of its life. This is partly an evolutionary choice and partly a physical necessity. The gut stops processing lactose, a type of sugar found in milk.

Cheese isn’t as bad as milk for an adult gerbil. Aged cheese, like cheddar, has gone through a process where bacteria eat lactose and replace it with lactic acid. Lactic acid can also be digested by animals with lactose intolerance.

Do gerbils like cheese?

Like most rodents, gerbils will eat almost anything. Gerbils live in a wild part of the world that doesn’t have much food. So they must eat what they can if they can find it.

They are particularly attracted to foods that contain a lot of calories in a small bite. Cheese is high in fat and protein, which means eating just a little can fill your pet up. So gerbils like to eat it.

Can gerbils eat cheddar cheese?

Cheddar cheese is the most common type of cheese. You can find it in almost every store, and you may already have some in the fridge. It’s an aged cheese, which means it has to mature for a long time.

Cheddar is one of the better cheeses gerbils can eat. The aging process allows bacteria to process the lactose in cheddar. It’s converted into something your pet can digest instead (lactic acid). Also, much of the whey is drained off before the cheese is made. Whey contains most of the lactose.

Other types of cheese are also low in lactose. These include Parmesan and Swiss cheeses, as well as cottage cheese and ricotta. If you’re unsure whether a certain type of cheese is high in lactose, check the ingredients. The less lactose, the better.

Can Gerbils Eat Cheese Puffs?

Cheese Puffs do not contain real cheese, so lactose intolerance is not a problem.

One problem is that cheese puffs are empty calories. They are high in carbohydrates, which is not a problem for gerbils. They also contain no vitamins or minerals.

So they cause no side effects, but they are not suitable for gerbils at all. It is advisable to feed your pet something else. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all better choices.

Can gerbils eat cheese and onion chips/chips?

Cheese and onion crisps/crisps and any similar variety are identical to cheese puffs. They are high in calories but lack the nutrients that gerbils need. They don’t have enough protein or the minerals and vitamins that gerbils need.

Another disadvantage is that chips contain the wrong amount of fat for a gerbil. Gerbils need between 5 and 10% fat, which is much less. So chips can make your gerbil fat.

Chips contain far too much salt for a healthy diet. This is made worse by the fact that gerbils don’t drink much water and salt is drying.

Nutritional value of cheese for gerbils

Cheese is nutritionally different from a gerbil’s normal diet. Milk is formulated to be baby-friendly, which means it contains a lot of protein and fat, but hardly any carbohydrates. Animals do need protein and fat, but not as much as milk.

This problem applies to cheese, which has roughly the same nutritional composition as milk. According to nutritional information, the following nutrients are found in cheddar cheese:

Amount of nutrients per 100g Carbohydrate 3.1g Protein 23g Fat (and saturated fat) 33g (19g) Fiber 0g Water 37g

These numbers mean that cheddar cheese is 3% carbohydrate, 23% protein, and 33% fat. These ratios are far from what a gerbil needs. A gerbil needs a maximum of 15% protein and 5-10% fat in its diet. The rest of its energy should come from carbohydrates, which cheese almost doesn’t have.

So feeding your gerbil a lot of cheese would be unhealthy. If you feed it as part of your pet’s regular diet, they would quickly become overweight. You shouldn’t feed it often, if at all.

Vitamins and minerals in cheese

One area where cheese excels is in the vitamins and minerals it contains. Dairy products are high in minerals and vitamins because babies need them and cannot get them anywhere else unless they are in milk. But the same vitamins and minerals are good for adults too. Cheese contains the following:

Amount of vitamins/minerals per 100 g Vitamin A 1242.00 IU Vitamin B2 0.428 mg Vitamin B12 1.10 mcg Calcium 710 mg Phosphorus 455 mg Selenium 28.5 mcg Sodium 653 mg Zinc 3.64 mg

The physical amounts of each of these nutrients are tiny. But cheese contains a lot more of it than many other foods. It also contains traces of other vitamins and minerals, such as:

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6

Vitamin D

vitamin E

vitamin k



Cheese has many minerals and vitamins that are good for an animal. It contains far more than other gerbil snacks, e.g. B. Fruits and vegetables. So cheese isn’t the worst snack you can feed your pet.

Health Benefits of Cheese for Gerbils

Cheese does not have any particular health benefits that other foods do not have. It does contain protein and fat, both of which gerbils need, but it contains way too much. If your gerbil ate nothing but cheese, it would become unhealthy.

In addition, gerbils seem to get all the vitamins and minerals they need from regular food. They don’t need “superfoods” or supplements like humans do.

The only mineral gerbils need is magnesium. This mineral is crucial for brain health. Gerbils can have seizures, especially when they are young. But magnesium can help prevent this.

Side effects of cheese for gerbils

Cheese isn’t toxic to gerbils, so it won’t kill or hurt your pet. But it can cause digestive issues that are uncomfortable and painful.

These digestive problems are caused by lactose intolerance. At the root of the problem is the body’s inability to digest lactose, a type of sugar found primarily in milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

According to Nutrients magazine, the body has enzymes called “lactase” present in the gut. Lactase is needed to break down lactose into two other sugars called glucose and galactose. These enzymes are produced in an infant’s body, but the body stops producing them when it stops eating dairy products.

When a gerbil weans (stops drinking its mother’s milk), it also stops producing lactase. This means that lactase travels through the intestines undigested. This causes problems including:



bloating and cramps

A feeling of nausea

This is as true for gerbils as it is for humans, since the underlying mechanism of intolerance is the same. These side effects will not kill your gerbil, but they are not pleasant. Diarrhea can also cause infection, which is another problem.

How much cheese can you feed a gerbil?

If you’re familiar with lactose intolerance, you know it’s variable. This depends on the intolerance, which depends on how much lactase the body produces. This can range from none at all to enough to fully digest dairy products (complete tolerance).

Your gerbil is probably completely intolerant because it hasn’t eaten dairy since weaning. His gut probably doesn’t contain any lactase at all. If that’s the case, then even a small amount of cheese will cause the side effects listed above.

But some cheeses don’t have much lactose. Aged cheese doesn’t, because the bacteria that make it eat the lactose. The lactose is converted into lactic acid, which can be digested without any problems.

Even people with lactose intolerance can eat these specific types of dairy products. Quark, for example, is a type of cheese that is not aged at all. It is formed by curdling cheese and draining the whey and then pressing the curds. Since the lactose is in the whey (the liquid), this cheese contains almost no lactose.

If you fed your gerbil a low-lactose dairy product, the above problems would not occur. But even then, cheese should only be fed as a snack, as it has the wrong nutrient composition. Gerbils need more carbohydrates. So don’t feed your gerbil more than half a teaspoon of cheese/half of their food in one sitting.

How Often Should You Feed a Gerbil Cheese?

So, can gerbils eat cheese? Because it’s not the healthiest food, you should only feed it to your pet once a week. You can feed your gerbil some cheese as a snack along with their regular diet.

If you fed your gerbil cheese more frequently, it would gain weight. Because the high fat and protein content in cheese can quickly make your pet heavier. But if you rarely feed cheese, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Ideally, do not feed your gerbil any dairy products at all. The problem of lactose intolerance and the high fat content of cheese make it an unsuitable food for gerbils.

Can gerbils eat popcorn?

Popcorn is safe for gerbils to eat. However, gerbils should only eat plain popcorn, made without butter, oil, salt, sugar, or flavorings. Popcorn has little nutritional value for gerbils, so it should only be given as an occasional treat.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Popcorn is a healthy snack. Because it’s plant-based and whole grain, you can also feed popcorn to gerbils. But you must prepare it properly and offer it sparingly.

Popcorn is safe for gerbils. However, gerbils should only eat plain popcorn made with no butter, oil, salt, sugar, or flavorings. Popcorn has little nutritional value for gerbils, so it should only be given occasionally. Gerbils can also eat unpopped corn kernels, but be warned they can pose a choking hazard.

Let’s take a closer look at whether popcorn is good for gerbils. We explain how to make popcorn for gerbils at home and how much to give them. You will also learn if gerbils can eat uncooked kernels and corn on the cob.

Is popcorn safe for gerbils?

Popcorn is a puffy, starchy snack made from corn kernels. The variety used to make popcorn is called Zea mays everta. The kernels must be dried before popping.

When popcorn kernels are heated, pressure begins to build up inside. Eventually the outer shell tears and the soft interior bursts out. The resulting popcorn chunks are over 20 times larger than before.

Gerbils can eat popcorn as long as it is completely clear. You will often find corn-based products marketed to gerbils and even in gerbil feed mixes. However, most types of popcorn contain additives, such as:





artificial sweeteners

Herbs, spices and flavors

These spices are bad for gerbils. Butter and oil are high in fat. Along with sugar, excess fat can cause your gerbil to become overweight.

Gerbils should also avoid too much salt in their diet. According to the International Journal of Cancer, gerbils fed a high-salt diet are more likely to develop stomach cancer. To be on the safe side, you should buy plain, unseasoned popcorn kernels and pop them yourself.

Popcorn can pose a choking hazard to humans, but it is not dangerous to gerbils. They nibble their food thoroughly before swallowing it. But avoid giving them hard or burned bits, just in case.

What is the nutritional value of popcorn for gerbils?

According to research from the University of Scranton, popcorn is a good source of fiber and high in antioxidants. It also contains small amounts of micronutrients such as:




Vitamins B1, B3 and B6



These are all important nutrients for gerbils. However, because popcorn expands so much as it cooks, it reduces its nutrient density. In other words, a gerbil would need to eat a lot of popcorn to get any nutritional benefit.

And when a gerbil eats too much popcorn, it no longer has an appetite for other foods. This would increase the risk of developing malnutrition. Popcorn is low in protein and lacks important nutrients like vitamin C and calcium.

Plain popcorn isn’t unhealthy, and it’s okay to give your gerbils some occasionally. But it should be offered as a treat and not as an essential part of your gerbils’ diet.

How to make popcorn for gerbils

If you’re giving popcorn to gerbils, it’s best to make your own. Pre-made popcorn and microwave popcorn bags usually contain flavorings, salt, sugar, and oil or butter.

Luckily, it’s easy to make gerbil-friendly popcorn at home. You can cook it on the stovetop or in the microwave. If you have leftovers, you can season and eat them yourself.

The stovetop method

To make popcorn for gerbils on the stovetop, you need a non-stick pot. This is crucial as you won’t be using any oil or butter to keep the popcorn from sticking. The pot must have a tight-fitting lid to keep the popcorn from spilling out. How to cook it:

Preheat the pot over medium-high heat for a few minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of popcorn kernels and close the lid. Stay close to the pot and listen for the popping sound. At some point it will slow down. When there’s a one-second break between each pop, turn off the stove. Wait for the popcorn to cool completely

Select only the fully popped pieces to feed to your gerbils. Discard any unpopped or partially popped kernels.

The microwave method

To make gerbil popcorn in the microwave, you’ll need a clean brown paper bag. How to prepare it:

Place two tablespoons of popcorn kernels in the paper bag. Fold the top of the bag over twice. Microwave on high heat for about one to two and a half minutes. Stop the microwave when the popping has slowed to a one-second pause between each pop. Wait a minute for the popcorn to cool. Remove the pouch from the microwave and open it with the opening facing away from you. Pour the popcorn onto a plate and let it cool completely before feeding it to your gerbils.

Store leftover popcorn in an airtight ziplock bag, removing as much air as possible. Store in a cool, dry place such as B. in the pantry. It can be kept for up to two weeks.

How Often Should I Feed Gerbils Popcorn?

Popcorn should not be a significant part of a gerbil’s diet. It makes a good treat as gerbils love the taste. It’s high in carbohydrates but relatively low in all the nutrients gerbils need to stay healthy.

But like us, gerbils often overeat treats. Most gerbils will gorge themselves on popcorn if given the chance. It fills them up and avoids their “boring” healthy food.

This could lead to a nutrient deficiency that could be harmful. According to Diabetologia, gerbils with free access to food can also become obese and develop diabetes. While popcorn isn’t bad in small batches, you should limit the amount you offer.

A small handful of popcorn a week is more than enough for a gerbil. You can also give your gerbil other treats, like small pieces of fruit, vegetables, eggs, and cheese. Gerbils benefit from a varied diet that provides them with many different nutrients.

Can gerbils eat popcorn kernels (unpopped)?

Unpopped corn kernels are unsuitable for humans because they are too hard. But small animals, like gerbils, love to chew on them.

Gerbils’ teeth are constantly growing. You have to hold them by chewing on hard things like wood. Unpopped corn kernels are a fun change from regular gerbil chews.

Some gerbils prefer popcorn when it’s popped, others are more interested in unpopped kernels. Try offering your gerbils a mix to see what they prefer.

You can buy dried corn on the cob treats that are safe for gerbils. You can give them to your gerbil as is or you can microwave them. Gerbils love to tear off the grains one by one. The leftover corn on the cob is also great for chewing.

However, there is a potential choking hazard if you give your gerbils small, hard objects. If your gerbil accidentally swallows a whole kernel, it could get stuck and cause an obstruction. Be sure to carefully supervise your gerbil when offering unpopped corn kernels.

Can gerbils eat fresh corn on the cob?

Fresh corn on the cob is also suitable for gerbils. But like popcorn, fresh corn should only be offered as a treat. This is for two reasons.

The sugar content of fresh corn is quite high. Too much sugar can cause gerbils to gain weight or develop diabetes.

Fresh corn on the cob also has a high water content. Gerbils are desert animals, so they don’t need a lot of water. They conserve most of the water they consume through food and drink. If a gerbil’s diet contains too much water, it can lead to health problems such as diarrhea.

A study in Experimental Neurology also found that gerbils are particularly susceptible to water intoxication. This occurs when the body’s electrolyte balance is disrupted and the brain is unable to function as it should.

Don’t feed your gerbil a whole ear of corn at a time. Instead, cut off some chunks of corn and give them sparingly as a reward. A few pieces once or twice a week is perfectly safe for gerbils.

Gerbils like both raw and cooked corn. To cook corn for gerbils, you can steam or boil it until tender. Wait for it to cool completely before placing it in your gerbil’s cage.

Avoid canned sweetcorn. This is often packaged in salt water or has other additives that make it unsuitable for gerbils.

Can you overfeed A gerbil?

Do not overfeed your gerbils,” warns Anastasi. “They may regulate the total amount of food they eat, but not the kind of food. In fact, if they’re being overfed they will search for and eat the high-fat goodies and leave the uneaten high-protein, low-fat pellets and grains.”

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Are you ready to make a commitment to these lovable, curious animals? Read this Petful gerbil care guide.

Gerbils make great pets. If you’ve thought about adding gerbils to your household and can safely do so, go to your local animal shelter and give a gerbil a loving home.

With that said, the details of gerbil care might be a bit unclear to you. This is completely normal – there is a lot to consider.

So here is a handy guide to help you create a welcoming home for your gerbil.



When it comes to a gerbil habitat, go for sturdy and roomy.

“Think of your gerbils as intrepid explorers armed with a strong pair of hind legs and powerful incisors,” says the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

Your naturally curious gerbil wants to explore the world around them, even if it means giving them a comfortable living space. Gerbils can jump surprisingly well, are voracious chewers, and love to dig. All of these personality traits need to be considered when choosing your gerbil’s habitat.

Your gerbil needs a large enough space to be comfortable, and the enclosure size should increase as you bring more gerbils home. The American Gerbil Society recommends the following:

1-2 Gerbils: 10 gallon tank

3 gerbils: 15 gallon tank

4 Gerbils: 20 gallon tank

6 Gerbils: 30 gallon tank

If you decide to use a cage or a plastic enclosure, just go with the appropriate size. A 10 gallon tank would measure 24 x 9 x 13 inches.

When choosing the right habitat for your gerbil, you have several options:

wire cage


Good ventilation

Easy to clean

Poles allow for easy accessory attachment

Easy to move/carry



Gerbils often kick litter out of cages

The openings need to be small – no more than half an inch wide (or your gerbil may squeeze out)

Flat bottoms mean that gerbils cannot dig

Gerbils can’t resist chewing on the bars

Plastic Habitat


Built in tunnels and play areas

Attractive/appealing to gerbil parents

Easy to move/carry


The plastic is chewed and destroyed

The case tends to smell

Poor ventilation

Often not big enough for 2+ gerbils

Check out these gerbils having fun roaming free at home:



Prevents small children or other pets from bothering your gerbil

Glass sides allow visibility for your gerbil and yourself

Glass, unlike wire or plastic, cannot be chewed

Easy to clean


Can be difficult to move

Poor ventilation

Water bottle requires special attachment

A net cover must be purchased and held firmly in place to prevent escape/harassment

The HSUS and American Gerbil Society recommend aquariums so your gerbil can see what’s going on in the world while feeling protected from those who want to “play” with them.

In Gerbils: The Complete Guide to Gerbil Care, Donna Anastasi shares a few more tips:

“Gerbils need to live indoors in a moderate temperature range (68-78 degrees). Since they come from an arid environment, living in a humid area like a basement is out of the question. They need a spot away from drafts and direct sunlight, and not too close to heaters or windows. Do not place the case directly on the floor where the temperature can vary greatly. Your gerbils home needs to be on a sturdy piece of furniture or stand.”

There is a lot to consider, so take the time to choose the right habitat and location for your gerbil.


Bedding not only provides comfort, but also absorbs the urine of the gerbils.

It also needs to be deep for burrowing gerbils, so the American Gerbil Society recommends filling the enclosure one-third full with bedding material.

The best bedding materials are Aspen, Carefresh, and Corncob, all of which can be found at local pet stores or online. You can also use blank shredded paper, but it tends to get quite smelly quickly.

Whatever you do, don’t use cedar or pine bedding – this can cause gerbils to have breathing problems.

water bottle

Most water bottles require a special clip so you can hang them securely on the gerbil’s enclosure. Check the water daily for freshness and make sure the bottle is full.

Here are a few more tips:


Use an 8 oz. water bottle.

Glass is great for discouraging your pets from chewing the bottle, but plastic can also work well and is more commonly sold in pet stores.

Make sure your gerbil can reach the sipper.

Hold the tip of the water bottle well over the litter area. “If the tip comes in contact with the bedding or other material, it will drain within a few hours. Although gerbils are desert animals, they need clean, fresh water at all times,” advises the American Gerbil Society.

Now that the habitat is set up, you’re well on your way to creating a comfortable and safe environment for your new furry friend.

Next, in our pet gerbil care guide, we discuss feeding, handling, and playing with new pet gerbils.

Now that you have your gerbil’s habitat ready, it’s time to talk about gerbil care.

Before you bring your gerbil home, ask questions about their current habits, from eating and sleeping to play preferences and more. This will help you keep things familiar for your gerbil as it makes the transition to its final home.

food and feeding

Many retailers sell premixed gerbil food that contains the minerals, protein, vitamins, and bulk your pet needs.

There are instructions on the branded packaging that you should follow for how much to feed your gerbil, but also pay attention to their appearance over time. Like humans, gerbils love their fatty foods.

“Don’t overfeed your gerbils,” warns Anastasi. “They can regulate the total amount of food they eat, but not the type of food. When overfed, they seek out and eat the high-fat treats, leaving the high-protein, low-fat pellets and grains uneaten.”

Gerbils don’t need a food bowl – just place their food directly on top of their bedding and let them forage. Just remember to throw out the food when it gets old or when you’re cleaning up its habitat. If you prefer a bowl, use one that’s heavy, and ideally ceramic, so your gerbil can’t chew it into pieces or tip it over.

Gerbils also enjoy snacks, such as:

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds (but not too many – these are high in fat)

Apple pieces (no cores please, they contain cyanide)






Remember to check the habitat daily and remove any uneaten parts of fruit or vegetables to keep them from rotting.

toys and games

Gerbils are crazy about games. You can buy gerbil toys at a pet store or online, but you can also just use a few items from around the house. Your gerbil will love tubes of toilet paper – they’ll spend hours running around and gnawing it to pieces.

If you’re skilled, you can build your own gerbil playground with holes and tunnels, but make sure to use untreated wood. Your gerbils will gnaw on the wood, so expect it to look “popular” relatively quickly.

Handle with care

When you first bring your gerbil home, they will be scared. After all, it’s a new environment full of unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells.

The HSUS recommends covering the habitat with a light cloth for the first few days to allow the gerbil to gradually become accustomed to it. Keep people from picking them up and dealing with them. After the first few days, offer your gerbil a treat out of your hand. Gradually transition to giving them small pets and then picking them up. Every gerbil is different, so progress will vary.

Gerbils are also social animals. Once they get used to you, your gerbil will be happy to be around you. They will also do better with other gerbils as playmates. If you are worried about babies, get 2 gerbils of the same sex.

Children should be closely monitored when interacting with gerbils – they often don’t realize that gerbils are fragile and, as Anastasi says, “A gerbil can be treated more like an action figure than a living being. However, unlike GI Joe, GI Gerbil will fight back under duress. And repeated rough handling can cause your gerbil to develop a habit of nibbling.”

Adults can also mistreat your gerbil, so take precautions to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Check out this awesome maze built for a curious little gerbil:

Gerbils and the Law

In fact, gerbils are still considered exotic pets and are currently illegal in Hawaii and California due to farming and ecosystem concerns should they escape.

“If you want to vacation in one of those sunny spots…leave your gerbils at home,” says Anastasi.

Check with your state and county to make sure gerbils are allowed. And also do some research with local vets to find one with gerbil experience.

Many gerbils can be found at your local animal shelters, so check there first before visiting a pet store — which often overbreeds animals to fill their “stock.”

If you are looking for a pet that is fun, smart, engaging, and fun, then a gerbil could be just the thing for you.

Can gerbils eat egg shells?

Your gerbil can eat eggshells. It doesn’t contain anything poisonous or toxic. It won’t cause any side effects or illness.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Eggs are commonly considered a healthy food. However, they are not commonly fed to most pets, so you may not know if eggs are good or bad for gerbils.

Gerbils can eat boiled or scrambled eggs, but they may not recognize raw eggs as food. Egg shells contain minerals and gerbils like them because they are crunchy and wear down their teeth. However, eggs are too high in fat and protein to be a normal food. They should only be offered as a snack once or twice a week.

Gerbils that eat eggs frequently can gain weight. Also, eggs lack important minerals like magnesium that are essential to their health. You should feed your gerbils other foods, but you can give your gerbil an egg.

Can gerbils have eggs?

Gerbils can eat eggs because there is nothing poisonous or poisonous in them. They don’t cause diarrhea in gerbils like other snack foods, but there are other problems with feeding gerbil eggs.

One is that your gerbil may not identify eggs as food. Few animals regularly eat eggs and wild gerbils certainly do not. They eat plant roots, nuts, seeds and insects, but not eggs. No animals eat boiled eggs, so your gerbils won’t be familiar with them.

Eggs are too high in protein and fat for gerbils to eat. Gerbils need more carbohydrates than they can get from eggs. Eggs should therefore only be offered as a snack, if at all.

Can gerbils eat boiled eggs?

Eggs are an unnatural food. No other animal cooks and eats eggs in the same way. Some animals eat raw eggs and little else but eggs.

Gerbils will eat a boiled egg, but you must first break it into smaller segments. A whole egg would be far too much food, even for a group of gerbils.

Feed the yolk and egg white in equal parts, as they each contain different nutrients.

Can gerbils eat scrambled eggs?

Scrambled eggs are nutritionally similar to other types of eggs. They are high in fat and protein, low in carbohydrates and high in water. This means that they are unsuitable food for regular consumption by gerbils, but can serve as a snack.

If you have some scrambled eggs to give to your gerbil, be careful. You may have added way too much salt. Gerbils are not allergic to salt, but it is not healthy.

Can gerbils eat egg shells?

Humans don’t eat eggshells as they are too crunchy and spicy. But according to the New York Times, that doesn’t mean they can’t be eaten. Many animals that eat eggs also eat the shell.

Your gerbil can eat eggshells. It does not contain anything poisonous or poisonous. It will not cause any side effects or diseases. Better yet, it contains nutrients not found in the egg. So if you feed your pet eggs, consider leaving the shell on.

Egg shells are also good for your gerbil’s teeth. Gerbils like to nibble and gnaw on things. For all the properties that an egg has, it is not crunchy and hard. But the shell is. Egg shells not only contain nutrients, they also contribute to wearing down your gerbil’s teeth.

Can gerbils eat raw eggs?

You should not feed gerbils raw eggs. There is a risk that the egg contains salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria that causes cramps, diarrhea, bloody stools, fever and vomiting. The chance of salmonella being in an egg is very small. However, it is best avoided.

When an egg is pasteurized, it does not contain salmonella. That’s because the egg is heated to a temperature that kills all bacteria, including salmonella. A pasteurized egg can be sold either as a runny egg product or in the shell.

This all ignores the fact that a gerbil is unlikely to eat raw eggs. Raw egg is sticky and difficult to eat. It’s unappetizing and cold. Your gerbil probably won’t want to eat it anyway.

Health benefits of eggs for gerbils

Eggs have a unique nutritional profile. They are completely different from most other types of food. Unfortunately, they are also completely different from the type of food that a gerbil eats regularly.

They contain a lot of high-calorie fats and proteins. Because eggs are intended for hatchlings. When an animal grows inside its egg, whether it’s a bird or a reptile, it needs to gain muscle mass and fat. Almost the entire egg is made up of fats and proteins.

Are eggs good for gerbils? (Nutritional table)

Eggs are not good for gerbils. Although they are high in vitamins and minerals and an abundance of protein, they are unhealthy. According to the nutritional value, eggs contain the following:

Amount of nutrients per 100g Carbohydrate 0.72g Protein 13g Fat (and saturated fat) 9.5g (3.1g) Fiber 0g Water 76.15g

Eggs are mostly made up of water. That’s a good thing, because gerbils like to absorb water from their food.

However, it is the lack of carbohydrates that is a problem. By getting more calories from fats and proteins, your gerbil will become overweight.

That’s because the gerbil’s natural habitat doesn’t contain many high-fat and high-protein foods. It is dry as a desert and all that grows there are grasses.

Vitamins and minerals in eggs

Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals that are hard to come by elsewhere. Here’s another chart showing exactly how much they have:

Amount of vitamin or mineral per 100 g Vitamin B5 1.533 mg Vitamin B2 0.457 mg Vitamin B6 0.17 mg Vitamin B12 0.89 mg Iron 1.75 mg Phosphorus 198 mg Selenium 30.7 mg Zinc 1.29 mg

Eggs contain many trace vitamins and minerals. They contain small amounts of vitamins E and B1, D and A as well as trace elements such as calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium.

They are not entirely lacking in these things. Some highly processed foods are almost devoid of vitamins and minerals and need to be fortified. not eggs. But unfortunately, this supply of vitamins and minerals is overshadowed by the macronutrient deficiency of carbohydrates in the egg.

Side effects of gerbils eating eggs

The main problem with your pet eating eggs is weight gain. Eggs are full of protein and fat. There’s nothing wrong with protein or fat, but fats are higher in calories than carbohydrates.

According to the USDA, there are about nine calories in one gram of fat. But there are only four calories in a gram of carbohydrates. One gram of protein equals one gram of carbohydrates at four calories.

So if you eat a plate of 80% fat, you’ll get more calories than a plate of 80% carbs.

That doesn’t mean your gerbil shouldn’t eat fats at all. It takes something for a balanced diet. But the optimal amounts in your gerbil’s diet are around 5% fat and 15% protein. Any more than that and your gerbil would start gaining weight.

How much egg can gerbils eat?

Gerbils should not eat a lot of eggs because they contain too many calories. While your gerbil needs fats and proteins, it doesn’t need as much of it as it gets from an egg.

If you still want to feed your pet an egg, do it only as a snack. It cannot be part of your gerbil’s daily diet as it lacks vital nutrients such as magnesium and contains too much fat. If you only feed your pet eggs, it would become unhealthy due to a lack of these nutrients.

These snacks should be small. Feed them the snack along with their regular food. So let’s say you feed your gerbil a heaping tablespoon of food every day. You can substitute egg for half of that tablespoon as a snack.

If you were to feed more, your gerbil would be missing out on the nutrients from its regular food. But feeding only a small amount of it won’t do much harm.

You should feed your gerbil eggs once a week at most. Twice is the maximum. This small amount will ensure that your gerbil does not get sick if it does not eat its regular food.

Can gerbils eat avocado?

Foods to avoid: citrus fruit and peels, potatoes, chocolate, avocado, rhubarb, kidney beans, onions, shallots and apple seeds. A bit of dandelion is okay, but many other flowers are toxic to gerbils.

What To Feed Your Gerbils


Liby Hannah

and Cathy Bickel

The core of your gerbils’ diet should be a high-quality commercial gerbil chow, a breeder-developed formula, or a home recipe from a reliable source. Gerbil chow should contain at least 14% protein. Many commercial formulas labeled “hamster and gerbil food” contain less than 14% protein. These formulas are fine for hamsters, but gerbils need heartier foods. You may be able to find better, quite suitable foods sold as the “rat and mouse formula”. Avoid those with lots of green alfalfa pellets, which gerbils will ignore. Some commercial rabbit mixes contain antibiotics that gerbils should not have.

Choose a commercial food that contains a mix of grains and seeds, such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Formulas with a preponderance of tiny millet seeds are generally not of very high quality, although gerbils occasionally love a millet spray you can buy in the aisle. Corn is considered a second-rate food by some breeders, but some gerbils enjoy it. Consider mixing regular supermarket oatmeal with your commercial food. In addition to the seed mix, your gerbil will enjoy and benefit from small amounts of timothy hay, green vegetables and fruit. Gradually add green foods to your gerbils’ diet; initially maybe twice a week, gradually increasing to daily if you wish. Gerbils like to eat small pieces of things intended for the dinner table: raw romaine lettuce, kale, beet greens, Swiss chard, or spinach; cooked sweet potato or broccoli; a blueberry, strawberry or a piece of apple; even an occasional piece of cooked pasta with no sauce.

Foods to Avoid: Citrus fruits and peels, potatoes, chocolate, avocado, rhubarb, kidney beans, onions, shallots and apple seeds. A little dandelion is fine, but many other flowers are poisonous to gerbils. They shouldn’t have a lot of cheese, as lactose is difficult for them to digest. The exception with cheese is when the gerbil is having trouble eating regular food due to dental problems: eating a little cheese with its other soft food is better than starving yourself. If you wouldn’t eat a food raw, you probably shouldn’t be giving it to your gerbils.

Gerbils don’t need a food bowl; You simply fill the bowl with bedding. The food can be dumped directly onto the bedding to help them find food while digging, which gerbils do instinctively when they are hungry.

Can gerbils have chestnuts?

Regular chestnuts are edible and not poisonous to gerbils. Horse chestnuts are toxic when eaten raw but can be cooked and made safe.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Chestnuts are a popular type of nut in winter. Sweet and tasty, you might want to share a few slices or crushed chestnuts with your gerbil.

Gerbils can eat chestnuts because they contain the optimal proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Chestnuts are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, B vitamins, iron, copper, manganese and phosphorus.

Properly prepared and fed in moderation, chestnuts are good for gerbils. A quarter tablespoon is the maximum you should give your gerbil. If you regularly feed more than this along with other foods, your gerbil may gain weight.

Are Chestnuts Safe for Gerbils?

Two primary types of chestnuts grow in the United States: the American chestnut (found in the eastern states) and the American chinquapin, also known as the dwarf chestnut. This species is found in southern and eastern states.

According to Country Living, another species of chestnut is the horse chestnut, originally from Europe. It has since been imported into Canada and the United States. It is often cultivated as an ornamental tree, but also grows wild in some places.

Regular chestnuts are edible and non-toxic to gerbils. Horse chestnuts are poisonous when eaten raw but can be cooked and made safe. There are many ways to prepare them.

Can gerbils eat sweet chestnuts?

Once the chestnut is cooked, peel it to eat. The inside is sweet and slightly firm. It is high in fat and protein. The outer layer is exceptionally tough and fibrous. Your gerbil can chew on it.

There are several ways to cook a chestnut. You can boil or roast them. The result of both types of preparation is edible.

Are sweet chestnuts poisonous to gerbils?

All chestnuts can be poisonous. This applies to sweet chestnuts and horse chestnuts.

Chestnuts do not contain poison, but tannic acid. This won’t kill your gerbil, but it will damage its digestive system. Acidic foods will cause diarrhea in your gerbil.

You can get rid of the tannic acid in chestnuts by cooking them. This completely removes the acid and makes them safe to eat.

Can gerbils eat horse chestnuts?

Horse chestnuts look similar to regular chestnuts. That’s why they have the same name, even though they don’t grow on the same tree species. But although they look similar, they cannot be eaten.

According to PubChem, horse chestnuts contain a chemical called esculin. Raw chestnuts, chestnut rind and leaves all contain it. Esculin causes severe gastroenteritis when ingested. This leads to nausea and diarrhea. Large-scale consumption can cause:

lack of coordination

Pull out




muscle weakness

paralysis and unconsciousness

This also applies to your gerbil. You won’t buy horse chestnuts in stores, but you will see them growing wild. So, feeding your store-bought chestnuts will completely avoid this problem.

Can gerbils eat chestnut puree?

Chestnut puree is a mashed mixture of chestnuts that is commercially available. Like regular chestnuts, they are only found during the holiday season. The chestnuts are usually roasted and then blended until smooth.

Chestnut puree may or may not be suitable for your gerbil. It depends on what ingredients have been added.

In some cases, the puree is made from pure chestnuts mixed with a little water to give them the right consistency. This is good for your gerbil.

But if a lot of ingredients have been added, it’s not good. Added salt and sugar make a puree less suitable for your gerbil. So be sure to check the ingredients before feeding anything to your pet.

Are chestnuts good for gerbils?

Chestnuts contain many of the things that gerbils need, as well as large amounts of carbohydrates and fiber. Although they should not be fed as a normal part of a gerbil’s diet, they make a good snack.

Here is a table explaining the pros and cons of feeding chestnuts:

Advantages Disadvantages Chestnuts are high in carbohydrates. Gerbils need carbohydrates to function properly. Chestnuts are high in calories. If you regularly feed your gerbil chestnuts, it will become fat. Chestnuts contain a lot of fiber. Dietary fiber is necessary for bowel function. Chestnuts must be properly prepared before feeding them to your pet. Otherwise, they could make your gerbil sick or kill it. Chestnuts have the right ratio of protein and fat to carbohydrates. So your gerbil will not get fat if it eats reasonable portions. It’s easy to confuse wild horse chestnuts with regular sweet chestnuts. These are poisonous. Chestnuts are about 40% water. This means they won’t give your gerbil diarrhea. Chestnuts have a variety of vitamins and minerals. They also contain a lot of nutrients for their weight.

The balance of these points means chestnuts are healthy for your gerbil. However, they should only be fed irregularly and in small amounts.

Carbohydrates, fat and proteins in chestnuts

Chestnuts have about the right amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for a gerbil. Here is a table of nutritional data explaining what they contain:

Nutritional Information Amount per 100g Carbohydrate (and Sugar) 53g (11g) Fat 2.2g Protein 3.2g Total Calories 245

A gerbil gets 80% of its calories from carbohydrates, 15% from protein and 5% from fat. For chestnuts, these proportions are 87%, 4% and 7% respectively. That’s not too far away.

Despite this, chestnuts are still a high-calorie food. That means they contain a lot of calories per gram. So the fact that they have the right balance doesn’t mean anything if you’re still overfeeding your pet.

Vitamins and minerals in chestnuts

However, what makes chestnuts a suitable snack is their vitamin and mineral content. Sweet chestnuts contain a wide variety and high amounts of different micronutrients. Most foods contain only one or two.

Here’s another chart showing exactly what micronutrients chestnuts contain, again using data from Nutrition Value:

Amount of vitamins/minerals per 100 g Vitamin B3 1.342 mg Vitamin B5 0.554 mg Vitamin B2 0.175 mg Vitamin B1 0.243 mg Vitamin B6 0.497 mg Vitamin C 26 mg Vitamin K 7.8 mcg Copper 0.507 mg Iron 0.91 mg Magnesium 33 mg Manganese 1 .18 mg Phosphorus 107 mg Potassium 592 mg Zinc 0.57 mg

Chestnuts are particularly high in manganese, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin B1. The high concentrations of a variety of important micronutrients are good for your gerbil. Magnesium, in particular, is important because it promotes brain health.

Your gerbil should be getting everything it needs from its gerbil mix food. But most snacks don’t have as many nutrients as this one. So, by feeding chestnuts, you make sure your gerbil doesn’t miss out when it gets a snack.

How Many Chestnuts Should Gerbils Eat?

Gerbils should eat little or no chestnuts. This is because they are so high in calories that overfeeding your pet will make them fat.

Most owners feed their gerbils one tablespoon of food per day. For most snacks, give your pet 1/2 tablespoon of regular food and 1/2 tablespoon of snacks.

But chestnuts are so high in calories that you shouldn’t feed them too much. A quarter tablespoon is as much as you can feed at one time.

How Often Should You Feed Gerbils Chestnuts?

Gerbils snacks should only be fed once a week. Twice a week is the maximum, and more than that will make your pet overweight. Play it safe here, too, because chestnuts are very high in calories.

You don’t have to feed your gerbil chestnuts at all. Although it is rich in nutrients, you do not need to give your gerbil any additional minerals and vitamins. It should get everything it needs from its feed mix.

Can gerbils eat popcorn?

Popcorn is safe for gerbils to eat. However, gerbils should only eat plain popcorn, made without butter, oil, salt, sugar, or flavorings. Popcorn has little nutritional value for gerbils, so it should only be given as an occasional treat.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Popcorn is a healthy snack. Because it’s plant-based and whole grain, you can also feed popcorn to gerbils. But you must prepare it properly and offer it sparingly.

Popcorn is safe for gerbils. However, gerbils should only eat plain popcorn made with no butter, oil, salt, sugar, or flavorings. Popcorn has little nutritional value for gerbils, so it should only be given occasionally. Gerbils can also eat unpopped corn kernels, but be warned they can pose a choking hazard.

Let’s take a closer look at whether popcorn is good for gerbils. We explain how to make popcorn for gerbils at home and how much to give them. You will also learn if gerbils can eat uncooked kernels and corn on the cob.

Is popcorn safe for gerbils?

Popcorn is a puffy, starchy snack made from corn kernels. The variety used to make popcorn is called Zea mays everta. The kernels must be dried before popping.

When popcorn kernels are heated, pressure begins to build up inside. Eventually the outer shell tears and the soft interior bursts out. The resulting popcorn chunks are over 20 times larger than before.

Gerbils can eat popcorn as long as it is completely clear. You will often find corn-based products marketed to gerbils and even in gerbil feed mixes. However, most types of popcorn contain additives, such as:





artificial sweeteners

Herbs, spices and flavors

These spices are bad for gerbils. Butter and oil are high in fat. Along with sugar, excess fat can cause your gerbil to become overweight.

Gerbils should also avoid too much salt in their diet. According to the International Journal of Cancer, gerbils fed a high-salt diet are more likely to develop stomach cancer. To be on the safe side, you should buy plain, unseasoned popcorn kernels and pop them yourself.

Popcorn can pose a choking hazard to humans, but it is not dangerous to gerbils. They nibble their food thoroughly before swallowing it. But avoid giving them hard or burned bits, just in case.

What is the nutritional value of popcorn for gerbils?

According to research from the University of Scranton, popcorn is a good source of fiber and high in antioxidants. It also contains small amounts of micronutrients such as:




Vitamins B1, B3 and B6



These are all important nutrients for gerbils. However, because popcorn expands so much as it cooks, it reduces its nutrient density. In other words, a gerbil would need to eat a lot of popcorn to get any nutritional benefit.

And when a gerbil eats too much popcorn, it no longer has an appetite for other foods. This would increase the risk of developing malnutrition. Popcorn is low in protein and lacks important nutrients like vitamin C and calcium.

Plain popcorn isn’t unhealthy, and it’s okay to give your gerbils some occasionally. But it should be offered as a treat and not as an essential part of your gerbils’ diet.

How to make popcorn for gerbils

If you’re giving popcorn to gerbils, it’s best to make your own. Pre-made popcorn and microwave popcorn bags usually contain flavorings, salt, sugar, and oil or butter.

Luckily, it’s easy to make gerbil-friendly popcorn at home. You can cook it on the stovetop or in the microwave. If you have leftovers, you can season and eat them yourself.

The stovetop method

To make popcorn for gerbils on the stovetop, you need a non-stick pot. This is crucial as you won’t be using any oil or butter to keep the popcorn from sticking. The pot must have a tight-fitting lid to keep the popcorn from spilling out. How to cook it:

Preheat the pot over medium-high heat for a few minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of popcorn kernels and close the lid. Stay close to the pot and listen for the popping sound. At some point it will slow down. When there’s a one-second break between each pop, turn off the stove. Wait for the popcorn to cool completely

Select only the fully popped pieces to feed to your gerbils. Discard any unpopped or partially popped kernels.

The microwave method

To make gerbil popcorn in the microwave, you’ll need a clean brown paper bag. How to prepare it:

Place two tablespoons of popcorn kernels in the paper bag. Fold the top of the bag over twice. Microwave on high heat for about one to two and a half minutes. Stop the microwave when the popping has slowed to a one-second pause between each pop. Wait a minute for the popcorn to cool. Remove the pouch from the microwave and open it with the opening facing away from you. Pour the popcorn onto a plate and let it cool completely before feeding it to your gerbils.

Store leftover popcorn in an airtight ziplock bag, removing as much air as possible. Store in a cool, dry place such as B. in the pantry. It can be kept for up to two weeks.

How Often Should I Feed Gerbils Popcorn?

Popcorn should not be a significant part of a gerbil’s diet. It makes a good treat as gerbils love the taste. It’s high in carbohydrates but relatively low in all the nutrients gerbils need to stay healthy.

But like us, gerbils often overeat treats. Most gerbils will gorge themselves on popcorn if given the chance. It fills them up and avoids their “boring” healthy food.

This could lead to a nutrient deficiency that could be harmful. According to Diabetologia, gerbils with free access to food can also become obese and develop diabetes. While popcorn isn’t bad in small batches, you should limit the amount you offer.

A small handful of popcorn a week is more than enough for a gerbil. You can also give your gerbil other treats, like small pieces of fruit, vegetables, eggs, and cheese. Gerbils benefit from a varied diet that provides them with many different nutrients.

Can gerbils eat popcorn kernels (unpopped)?

Unpopped corn kernels are unsuitable for humans because they are too hard. But small animals, like gerbils, love to chew on them.

Gerbils’ teeth are constantly growing. You have to hold them by chewing on hard things like wood. Unpopped corn kernels are a fun change from regular gerbil chews.

Some gerbils prefer popcorn when it’s popped, others are more interested in unpopped kernels. Try offering your gerbils a mix to see what they prefer.

You can buy dried corn on the cob treats that are safe for gerbils. You can give them to your gerbil as is or you can microwave them. Gerbils love to tear off the grains one by one. The leftover corn on the cob is also great for chewing.

However, there is a potential choking hazard if you give your gerbils small, hard objects. If your gerbil accidentally swallows a whole kernel, it could get stuck and cause an obstruction. Be sure to carefully supervise your gerbil when offering unpopped corn kernels.

Can gerbils eat fresh corn on the cob?

Fresh corn on the cob is also suitable for gerbils. But like popcorn, fresh corn should only be offered as a treat. This is for two reasons.

The sugar content of fresh corn is quite high. Too much sugar can cause gerbils to gain weight or develop diabetes.

Fresh corn on the cob also has a high water content. Gerbils are desert animals, so they don’t need a lot of water. They conserve most of the water they consume through food and drink. If a gerbil’s diet contains too much water, it can lead to health problems such as diarrhea.

A study in Experimental Neurology also found that gerbils are particularly susceptible to water intoxication. This occurs when the body’s electrolyte balance is disrupted and the brain is unable to function as it should.

Don’t feed your gerbil a whole ear of corn at a time. Instead, cut off some chunks of corn and give them sparingly as a reward. A few pieces once or twice a week is perfectly safe for gerbils.

Gerbils like both raw and cooked corn. To cook corn for gerbils, you can steam or boil it until tender. Wait for it to cool completely before placing it in your gerbil’s cage.

Avoid canned sweetcorn. This is often packaged in salt water or has other additives that make it unsuitable for gerbils.

Can gerbils have cherries?

Fruit gerbils can be eaten

Fresh fruit, such as: Apple. Bananna. Cherry.

What To Feed Your Gerbils

Pet gerbils eat a variety of different things, but what is and isn’t healthy for your pet gerbils is another matter. Gerbils eat foods like:





These are all healthy for gerbils. There are some foods that are not healthy for gerbils and should be avoided at all costs, since the foods in the above foods are bad for your pets and gerbils, gerbils can eat strawberries for your pet’s health and well-being. The bad foods listed below will be preferred and more common foods for your gerbils.

Seeds that gerbils can eat

Seeds are another food that gerbils love, seeds, such as:




other seeds

They are an ideal choice for a healthy diet hamster, although the one shown with gerbil nuts applies here,




Seeds are not the best choice and can be toxic to gerbils.

Another note is that flower seeds, like the sun, have a soft shell and seeds can be left in the shell, like a gerbil, chewing through them while wearing their teeth like they would in their natural environment.

If you’re feeding your seed or nut store gerbils, it’s always a good idea to read the ingredient list and packaging to make sure it’s not part of their flavors.

Nuts that gerbils can eat:

Nuts are delicious gerbils, but when you give them walnuts, it depends on what you give them, so…while walnuts are nuts in general, safe foods that humans can eat, and walnut gerbils can eat something else.

Dear gerbils:







Nuts as much as the next person, these are very healthy for gerbils too! What to look out for is the fact that most nuts in the regular grocery section are:




and all these things are not good for gerbils, in fact these things can often be poisonous and sometimes fatal to gerbils. Cooked nuts are the least objectionable, above are still unhealthy for pet gerbils, salty is the second worst on the list while nutty flavor takes the lead with the worst nut to give a gerbil.

Note on apples:

While apples are a great treat for pet gerbils, apple seeds are actually toxic to gerbils. Feel free to have some skinny pet gerbils that have a juicy part of the apple, don’t give them your heart, the seeds are poisonous.

Gerbils can be eaten

Fresh fruit such as









They’re a gerbil’s delight! They love, are healthy for them and keep their skin clean and coat shiny. It also keeps your mind active and you stay active and ultimately healthy.

Vegetable gerbils can eat

Vegetables like:






Green bean




They are all very healthy for gerbils, eat vegetables like gerbils do from disease and keep rotts clean and healthy.

Store bought gerbil food

Store bought mixes are great food for gerbils, gerbils should actually be fed.

Compounds that they say are made for gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs are all good compounds for gerbils. Check out gerbil food, which is high in nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

food preparation:

Fruits and vegetables need to be washed to remove harmful surface substances or pesticides from the surface they produce. Wash clean hot water, brush to remove dirt.

Note: Remove all fresh food after 2-4 hours of caging to prevent gerbils from eating rotten produce.

Nuts, seeds and mixes bought from the store need to be placed in the freezer for at least 5 hours, preferably overnight, before sending them to the gerbil. This is because (especially store bought brands) there can sometimes be small mistakes in the mix, or eggs, put food in the freezer to kill bugs or eggs that may or may not be there. Yes, gerbils get these insects which can cause ailments, illnesses and extreme cases, even death, so please use caution and freeze food.

Amazing squirrel eating almond nuts

Amazing squirrel eating almond nuts
Amazing squirrel eating almond nuts

See some more details on the topic can gerbils eat almonds here:

Can gerbils eat almonds? One variety can kill your gerbil

Gerbils can eat almond flakes and roasted almonds as long as they’re not salted or oil roasted. Bitter almonds are poisonous and fatal to gerbils. Other foods …

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Date Published: 11/29/2021

View: 4452

Can Gerbils Eat Almonds? [ What You Need To Know ]

Bottom line, gerbils can eat and enjoy almonds! Gerbils love the taste of almonds, similar to many rodents, although their size may only allow them to eat one …

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Date Published: 11/21/2021

View: 4630

Can Gerbils Eat Almonds?

Yes they can in small amounts just one or two at the most on an occasional basis, and they can eat them salted or unsalted. If they have more …

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Date Published: 1/10/2022

View: 1706

can gerbils have almonds?? – The Gerbil Forum

Oh yes. They love them. I give mine raw diced almonds as treats sometimes. Just make sure they are not salted or anything.

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Date Published: 10/12/2021

View: 432

Can Your Gerbil Eat Almonds?

While protein may do your gerbil good, fat won’t. The latter will make your gerbils gain substantial weight, …

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Date Published: 12/18/2022

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What Can Your Pet Gerbil Eat? Feeding and Diet … – PetHelpful

What Can Your Pet Gerbil Eat? Feeding and Diet Recommendations.

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Date Published: 9/15/2021

View: 1143

Can Gerbils Have Almonds? Which One Can Kill Your Gerbil?

Gerbils can eat blanched almonds, but should only do so in moderation as they are high in fat. Like all nuts, almonds …

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Date Published: 9/23/2021

View: 6383

Can you give gerbils nuts that are in shells? (ex. almonds …

YES YES AND YES!!! They love them! It is also helpful with their teeth growth. BTW make sure to poke a hole in the nuts so they have a place …

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Date Published: 9/9/2022

View: 9146

Can Gerbils Eat Almonds? You Need To Know This!

What other types of nuts can gerbils eat? Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, and pecans are all great nuts to feed your gerbil. Brazil nuts …

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Date Published: 9/1/2021

View: 5886

What Nuts are Safe for Gerbils? (Brazil, Monkey, Pistachio, Pine + Pecan)

Nuts are widely considered nutritious and contain high levels of energy, vitamins and minerals. But gerbils shouldn’t normally eat human food in case they get sick from it.

Nuts are high-protein and high-fat snacks. Gerbils can eat monkey nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, pecans, macadamia nuts, and pine nuts. Raw peanuts have a wide range of nutrients, minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. Raw peanut shells also make good chew toys.

Nuts are densely packed with protein and fat, so they should only be considered as a healthy snack. If they are fed regularly, i.e. every day, your gerbil will become overweight.

Can gerbils eat nuts?

Gerbils enjoy eating nuts, both in captivity and in the wild. Nuts grow on trees and shrubs, but can also grow underground (which peanuts do). They are nutrient dense because they are a type of fruit and the seeds in nuts need nutrients to grow into trees.

Gerbils live in a place where there are not many trees, so there are not many nuts around. However, they will eat whatever nutrient-dense foods they can find. For this reason, gerbils eat tiny insects when given the opportunity.

The fact that some seeds are hard is not a problem for gerbils. Gerbils and all rodents have hard teeth that are perfect for breaking open objects. So the shell of a nut is not a problem for a gerbil.

Are nuts good for gerbils?

Nuts are very nutritious, making them an excellent food for gerbils. They contain plenty of carbohydrates for basic energy. This will help your gerbil keep going throughout their highly active day.

However, what makes nuts stand out is their fat and protein content. Consider for a moment the other things that gerbils would eat in the wild: plant roots and grains, for example.

These foods, which make up the bulk of a gerbil’s diet, are low in protein and fat. Both are essential to the health of all animals. Nuts also contain many minerals and vitamins that generally benefit a gerbil.

The point is that nuts are a healthy snack for gerbils. If your gerbil was allowed to eat monkey nuts or sunflower seeds all day, it would get fat from all the excess fat content it is eating.

While you don’t want your healthy gerbil to get fat, you could feed an underweight gerbil nuts. This would help him gain both fat and muscle and your gerbil would be healthier as a result.

Nuts are also good for a gerbil’s teeth. Gerbils, like all rodents, have teeth that are constantly growing. They must wear down their teeth or they can cause injury. Nuts often have crackable shells and are relatively solid themselves.

What Nuts Can Gerbils Eat?

Nuts share a common nutritional profile, so they are usually suitable for gerbils. The only issue is whether the nuts have been cooked, coated, or otherwise altered from raw.

Can gerbils eat monkey nuts?

Monkey nuts are peanuts that are still in their shells. You may also know them as peanuts. That’s because, unlike many other nuts, peanuts grow underground.

Monkey nuts are the perfect gerbil snack. First, your gerbil’s outer shell provides something to chew on, which is good for their teeth. Peanut shells make great chew toys because they’re so fibrous and chewy.

They’re also not bad for your pet if they accidentally ingest some while chewing. This means they are superior to plastic chew toys, which cause internal damage if ingested.

If you don’t give your gerbil something to chew on, she will chew things she shouldn’t, like the bars of her cage. So here you can kill two birds with one stone. They offer something nutritious alongside something for your gerbil to gnaw its teeth on.

According to the nutritional value, the peanut in it is also nutritious. Peanuts are high in fat and protein, as well as:





B vitamins

Feel free to leave the mussels in your gerbils’ enclosure for a while after they’ve finished eating. You can gnaw at it for quite a while.

The only problem is if your gerbils have never had them before. You may not realize at first that the nuts are food because they are covered in an inedible shell. So first show your gerbils how to open it and that there is food inside.

Can Gerbils Eat Brazil Nuts?

Brazil nuts are much larger than most other nuts. They grow in large fruits that look almost like an orange, with the nuts arranged like orange slices.

They make good gerbil food because, like all nuts, they are high in fat and protein. Apart from that, they have many vitamins and minerals like calcium, zinc, vitamin E and some B vitamins. They also contain magnesium, which is good for gerbils.

An article in the Journal of General Psychology states that magnesium helps prevent seizures in gerbils. Seizures affect between two and five out of ten gerbils. Magnesium reduces the frequency and severity of these attacks.

However, like all nuts, Brazil nuts should only be fed as a snack. If you want to feed them to your gerbils, only give them one at a time.

Can gerbils eat pistachios?

Pistachios are a type of green nut that belongs to the cashew family. You can find them in nature in Central Asia, as well as in the Middle East. Like most nuts, they grow on trees and have hard shells – harder than those of peanuts.

Pistachios are high in fat, making them a good food for underweight gerbils. They also serve as an excellent snack. Their health benefits stem from their vitamin B6, potassium, iron and magnesium content.

Pistachio shells are much harder than those of peanuts. They make excellent chews. However, because they’re tougher, they can be bad for your gerbil if it accidentally eats some.

That’s because the harder, sharper parts of the shell could cause internal damage. In contrast to the chewy and fibrous but not sharp texture of peanut shells.

So if you are feeding your gerbil pistachios, do not feed them the shells.

Can gerbils eat pine nuts?

Pine nuts come from pine trees. Depending on where you come from, you may know them as pine nuts, piñón, pinole, or pignoli. All of these names refer to the same type of nut.

Pine nuts don’t have a similar nutrient spectrum to the other nuts on our list. Other nuts have a lot of vitamins A, C and D, pine nuts have almost none. What they have is lots of iron and magnesium, which are good too.

If you know a few things about gerbils, you may already know that gerbils are allergic to pine wood. Because of the oils in the wood, your gerbil is allergic to it, either as bedding or as something to chew on.

However, this allergy does not apply to pine cones. Pine cones do not contain the same aromatic oils as pine wood. So, pine cones make a good chew toy. Pine nuts are okay because they come from pine cones.

A good way to feed your gerbil pine nuts is to offer it pine cones. You must harvest the cone before it opens and leave it open and drying for as long as it takes. The pine nuts should then be ready to eat. This serves as a long-term chew toy and food.

Can gerbils eat pecans?

Pecans come from the pecan tree, a type of hickory. This tree is native to the southern United States and Mexico. But pecans are eaten all over the world and can be found in almost every store. However, they can be expensive.

In any case, like most other types of nuts, pecans are high in fat. They’re also high in vitamin E, copper, and manganese (but not as much magnesium).

According to the Nutritional Requirements of Laboratory Animals, no studies show how much of these nutrients gerbils need. Although your gerbil is likely to need small amounts, it probably doesn’t need a lot.

Another big difference between pecans and other nuts is their thin shell. When they open on the tree, pecans look a bit like cashews, albeit a different color. This shell falls off when the nuts are harvested.

Also, pecans are soft compared to other nuts like Brazil nuts or pistachios. You will not help your gerbil gnaw its teeth. Pecans are not the healthiest nut to feed your gerbils.

Can gerbils eat macadamia nuts?

Macadamia trees are unique to Australia. Aborigines have been eating the nuts of the macadamia tree for thousands of years. Today they are exported all over the world and can fetch a high price. Their shells are famously hard.

Macadamia nuts are similar to pecans. They’re high in fat and some protein, but not a lot of vitamins and minerals. They contain a small amount of magnesium, which is good. But other than that, they don’t contain much.

So there is little reason to feed gerbils macadamia nuts. This is especially the case since peanuts are so much cheaper.

Can gerbils eat almonds?

Almonds originated in Iran in the Middle East but are now grown worldwide. Their cultivation is very resource-intensive as they require a lot of water.

Almonds are high in fat and protein, at levels comparable to peanuts. But like pecans, they are high in copper and manganese, which is not beneficial for gerbils. Other minerals have good amounts of:



zinc and iron

Almonds make good gerbil food. The only problems are its price and lack of peel. Those are the only reasons you should choose peanuts over almonds.

Can gerbils eat salted nuts?

Most nuts that you can buy in stores are salted. This means that the nuts have been coated with a light salt dust. This is because salt helps bring out the flavor of the nuts.

However, it is not a good idea to feed gerbils salted nuts. They contain high levels of salt, even for humans. So they contain way too much salt for gerbils to stay healthy. Several problems arise due to excessive salt intake:

Elevated blood pressure. This increases the risk of heart disease, which gerbils are prone to anyway.

. This increases the risk of heart disease, which gerbils are prone to anyway. dehydration . When you eat too much salt, it builds up in your body. Your body needs you to dilute it by drinking more. Given that gerbils don’t drink much water, this can be a problem.

. When you eat too much salt, it builds up in your body. Your body needs you to dilute it by drinking more. Given that gerbils don’t drink much water, this can be a problem. General poor health. Aside from these problems, excess salt can cause stroke and heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and kidney disease. This applies to gerbils as well as humans.

Nuts have very little salt content unless the salt is added. Unfortunately, almost all nuts that you can buy in stores contain some salt. So do not feed gerbils salted nuts.

Can gerbils eat flavored nuts?

If the nuts you buy from a store are not salted, they may have extra flavor. Some of the different flavors you might find include:





all-purpose seasoning

These flavors may or may not be bad for your gerbil. However, what they definitely do is change the nutrient profile of your gerbil’s diet. These nuts are often roasted or cooked in oil. This adds more fat to the food without adding anything useful.

Also, it’s a good idea to stick to foods that aren’t heavily processed. The more natural something is, the more likely it would make good gerbil food.

Can gerbils eat roasted nuts?

There’s nothing wrong with simply feeding a gerbil roasted nuts. The roasting process itself does not significantly change the fat, carbohydrate, or protein content in a given food.

However, there is a difference. Frying food significantly reduces its water content. During cooking, the water in the nut evaporates. This has both positive and negative effects.

On the one hand, this gives the nuts a crunchier consistency. This makes them more pleasant to eat and is perfect for your gerbil’s teeth.

But at the same time, gerbils need to get their water from food. Gerbils rarely drink and rely on moisture in vegetables and similar foods. This is how they survive in the wild, where water sources are scarce.

Another problem is that roasted nuts are usually seasoned in one way or another. It’s rare to find roasted nuts that aren’t coated in a spicy aroma. Therefore, it is better and easier to feed your gerbil plain nuts instead.

What nuts should you feed a gerbil?

Peanuts are a good choice. That’s because each peanut is small, making portion sizes easy to control. Their shells make great chew toys and are available almost everywhere. Only get the unsalted, unroasted variety, though.

However, be careful not to feed your gerbil too many nuts. They are so high in fat that eating too many of them can make your gerbil unhealthy. Obese gerbils may experience the following:

Difficulty moving quickly and labored breathing

higher blood pressure

Stroke or heart failure as a result of high blood pressure

Therefore, in addition to your pet’s gerbil feed mix, only feed them nuts as a snack. The gerbil feed mix should contain all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that gerbils need anyway. Even if you feed your pet the same mix every day, it should still be healthy.

What Can Your Pet Gerbil Eat? Feeding and Diet Recommendations

Cam has had gerbils for a number of years and enjoys supplementing her pets’ diets with the occasional healthy treat.

Gerbils love healthy snacks, but what fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts are safe to eat? My name via Unsplash

What foods are healthy for gerbils?

Like most rodents, gerbils will eat almost anything we consider food, but what’s healthy for our pets is another story entirely. Their diet should consist primarily of formulated gerbil mixes and pellets. Some common types of food that gerbil owners use as healthy treats for their pets are:

Nuts Seeds Fruits Vegetables

Within these categories, there are many specific foods that are healthy for gerbils. However, there are some foods that fall into these categories that should be avoided at all costs as they can be harmful to your gerbils’ health. Some “good” and “bad” foods from each of these categories are listed below.

Nuts are a great treat for gerbils, but avoid nuts that are prepared with salt or flavoring. Robert Owen Wahl via Pixabay

1. What nuts can gerbils eat?

Nuts are tasty for gerbils, but you need to be careful when choosing what types to give them. While nuts are a safe food overall, there are differences between the types of nuts that humans can eat and the types of nuts that gerbils can eat.

Healthy Nuts





macadamia nuts

brazil nut

The above nuts are all very healthy for gerbils in small amounts. However, many packaged nuts sold in regular grocery stores are prepared in a way that makes them unhealthy for gerbils.

Nuts that gerbils should not eat

Salted Nuts

Boiled Nuts

Flavored Nuts

Cooked, salted, or flavored nuts are often toxic and sometimes fatal to gerbils. Cooked nuts are the least offensive of the above, but they’re still unhealthy for pet gerbils. Salted is the second worst on the list. Flavored nuts are the worst kind of nut to feed a gerbil.

Gerbils can eat many types of seeds, but fruit seeds should be avoided as some are difficult to digest and many are toxic. Maniago, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

2. What seeds can gerbils eat?

Seeds are another healthy food that gerbils enjoy. Seeds with soft shells can be given to gerbils with shells still intact. Gerbils will chew through them, wearing down their ever-growing teeth in the process, much like they would if consuming seeds in their natural environment.

Healthy seed



Sunflower (in moderation – sunflower seeds are high in fat)

Seeds of grasses, bulbs and herbs

The above seeds are all very healthy for gerbils. However, like nuts, many packaged seeds sold in stores are prepared in a way that makes them unhealthy for gerbils.

Seeds that gerbils should not eat

Salted Seeds

Flavored Seeds

Boiled Seeds

Fruit seeds (many fruit seeds can be poisonous to gerbils)

If you’re feeding your gerbils store-bought seeds or nuts, it’s always a good idea to read the packaging and ingredient list to make sure the nuts are plain, raw, and free of cooking, salt, and flavoring.

Gerbils love apples, but be careful to keep the seeds out of their reach as they contain toxic cyanide. Robert Owen Wahl via Pixabay

3. What fruits can gerbils eat?

Like humans, gerbils find most fruits delicious. However, due to the sugar content, the fruits should only be fed occasionally and in small amounts to bred gerbils.

Healthy Fruits








All of the above make great treats. Gerbils have a sweet tooth and fruits can help them keep their fur clean and shiny. Fruits can also keep your mind and body active.

Fruits that gerbils should not eat

Avocados (these can cause poisoning and death in gerbils)

Grapes (some sources report that grapes can be poisonous to rodents)

Apple seeds (apples are fine, but their seeds contain cyanide and are toxic to gerbils)

Other fruit seeds (many other fruit seeds also contain cyanide, and almost all are very difficult to digest)

Fresh vegetables like carrots are healthy and tasty snacks for gerbils. Frankieleon, CC BY 2.0 via Flickr

4. What vegetables can gerbils eat?

Vegetables provide important vitamins and minerals to humans and can benefit gerbils in the same way.

Healthy vegetable




Green bean



corn (in small amounts)

Cabbage (in moderation, the high water content can have a laxative effect)

Lettuce (in moderation, the high water content can have a laxative effect)

The above are all very healthy for gerbils in small amounts. In addition to providing important vitamins and nutrients, vegetables can help keep gerbils’ teeth clean and free from decay and disease.

Vegetables that gerbils should not eat

Rhubarb (some sources report that rhubarb can be poisonous to rodents)

Garlic and onion (these can cause blood abnormalities in some rodents)

raw potato

Product Safety Remove fresh fruit or vegetables 4-5 hours after placing them in the cage to prevent your gerbils from eating rotten produce.

food preparation

Fruits and vegetables need to be washed to remove pollutants or pesticides from their surfaces. Wash the products in warm, clean water, then scrub to remove dirt.

Nuts, seeds, and store-bought feed mixes should be placed in the freezer for at least five hours (ideally overnight) before feeding them to your gerbil. These can sometimes contain small insects or insect eggs. Putting the food in the freezer will kill any bugs or eggs that may or may not be there. When your gerbils come into contact with certain bugs, they can experience discomfort, illness, and in extreme cases, even death. Please be careful and freeze your food.

Store-bought gerbil foods

Store-bought mixes make fantastic food for gerbils. These should make up the majority of your pet’s diet. Ideally, look for gerbil mixes that contain a large quantity and variety of nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.


This article is accurate and truthful to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not intended to replace diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription or formal and individual advice from a veterinarian. Animals showing signs and symptoms of stress should be presented to a veterinarian immediately.

Silvia on 08/07/2020:

I have 4 gerbils (14) weeks old. You eat no fruit or vegetables. Is that in order? Many Thanks

Lucy on February 13, 2020:


Evelyn on 09/05/2018:

It’s really helpful and easy to set up. One question… Why do food manufacturers allow bugs into their products?

Many Thanks


Rena from Ohio, USA on February 04, 2017:

I started feeding my gerbil some pumpkin seeds. They have been roasted but not salted. My gerbil was usually friendly and I was able to hold and pet it every day. If I can catch her now, she’ll be scared, fighting like a banshee to get away, and that includes biting me. I can’t hold her at all. It doesn’t seem logical that this behavior is related to diet, but both happened at almost the same time. Does anyone know why my gerbil went nuts on me?

Archieb3 on June 14, 2012:

Thank you for this information! Having gerbils when I was 12 and having them now in my 50’s is challenging. Anyway enjoy, gift for my nephews, we started with 2 males, 2 females and 15 in total! The boy’s interest is lost, so uncle has the last four!

I will continue to refer to this page in the future!

Kiren on May 01, 2012:

My 9 year old Michah just got 2 gerbils from the neighbors today and it was lovely to come onto this website and find out what she eats until we get to a pet shop. Thanks.

Ally on April 20, 2012:

I’m so excited to get a gerbil and this website really helped me prepare! TTTHHAAANNNKKK YYYOOOUUU SSSSOOOOO MMMUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHH!!

Vanessa on 04/07/2012:

Thank you very much! I just got a new black gerbil and wanted to give him several things. Thank you for your effort in creating this website. 🙂

nina on January 31, 2012:

I have 2 VERY VERY VVEEEEAAAARRRRYYYY FAT gerbils and my babies like that even though I’m only 9 but they look in shape now but I’ve also heard that you shouldn’t just use sunflower seeds for your gerbils but thanks a lot! !!! !Thanks to HubPages!!!!!

Aspen on January 24, 2012:

Wow thanks, I’ll be using a lot of this information

Emily on June 15, 2009:

Thank you very much!! I had to find this because I’m getting two new gerbils and I need to be prepared! Thank you Hubpages!!

What To Feed Your Gerbils

A healthy diet for gerbils

Feed your gerbils the right food to keep them happy and healthy. Here’s what your gerbils need for good nutrition.

gerbil food

Gerbils naturally feed on seeds of various grasses, flower bulbs and a range of leaves and herbs. Kept as pets, your gerbils need a high quality, balanced gerbil specific diet that should provide all the nutrients and minerals they need. This can be in the form of compound pellets or a mix of different seeds, but if you choose commercial gerbil food you know it’s formulated to meet their biological needs. Remember:

Follow the manufacturer’s directions for how much to feed your gerbils.

how much you should feed your gerbils. Sprinkle food directly on the surface of the litter to avoid fights. This also allows them to forage for food naturally.

to prevent quarrels. This also allows them to forage for food naturally. Give them plenty of variety – fruits (like pears, melon, apples, oranges) and vegetables (like cucumbers, carrots, squash, and fennel) can be used to supplement your gerbils’ food pellets.

– Fruits (such as pear, melon, apple, oranges) and vegetables (such as cucumber, carrot, pumpkin and fennel) can be used to supplement your gerbils’ food pellets. Pumpkin seeds are a healthy treat. Gerbils like to sit up and hold pieces of food to gnaw on.

Beware! Do not give grapes or rhubarb to your pets as they are poisonous to rodents. Avoid excessive amounts of certain seeds (like sunflower) as they are fatty and can cause obesity.


Your gerbils should always have fresh, clean drinking water available in a drinking bottle with a metal spout. Check the water bottle daily for leaks or clogs and change the water regularly. Be sure to clean the bottle and nozzle well every time.

A few things to keep in mind when feeding your gerbils

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