What is VBScript? | ข่าวสารล่าสุดเกี่ยวกับ vbscript คือ

What is VBScript? | vbscript คือ.

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สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ vbscript คือ หรือข่าวที่เกี่ยวข้องอื่นๆ โปรดไปที่: เรา การกระทำ

What is VBScript? และรูปภาพที่เกี่ยวข้องvbscript คือ

What is VBScript?
What is VBScript?

Dr Bee อธิบายว่า VBScript คืออะไรและเหตุใดจึงเป็นภาษาโปรแกรมเริ่มต้นที่ดีในการเรียนรู้ ..

>>> สามารถหาข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจอื่นๆ ได้ที่นี่ chewathai27.com

vbscript คือ – การค้นหาที่เกี่ยวข้อง.


Technology,VBScript,Learning Programming,Dr Bee

What is VBScript?

vbscript คือ.

หวังว่า ข้อมูล ในหัวข้อ vbscript คือ นี้จะ นำความรู้ มาสู่คุณ ขอบคุณมาก.

26 thoughts on “What is VBScript? | ข่าวสารล่าสุดเกี่ยวกับ vbscript คือ”

  1. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    wshshell.run "notepad.exe"

    wscript.sleep 1000

    wshshell.sendkeys "{I}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{ }"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{s}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{ }"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{y}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{u}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"

    wscript.sleep 1000

    wshshell.sendkeys "^s"

    wscript.sleep 500

    wshshell.sendkeys "warning"

    wscript.sleep 100

    wshshell.sendkeys "{enter}"

  2. hi sir

    this is Srikanth v I have a doubt in VBScript in a piece of code can u help me out

    and here is my no +91 7989878631.

    the main concept of this code is to convert the format of the document from ppt to pptx

    input will be provided as ppt and the will come in the form of pptx.

  3. I wrote a .vbs file while I was at high school.
    What it did was simply open and close the disk drive repetitively.

    I set up the file on the library computers but stupidly left my USB plugged into the computer.

    When I came back to retrieve the USB, the librarian knew I was the owner of the USB and was not happy.
    She sent me to the head of IT.

    Once I arrived to the head of IT I was panicking, mad anxiety.
    He looked at me, read what I did at the library then let me go as if nothing happened.

    It took me awhile to realise why he let me go.
    Oh man, I miss High School.

  4. Sir , I trying to make Vbscript where i am trying to remove the network drive then connecting the network drive and if the map drive "z" is available in system its works but if drive not available it throwing me the error me error the. The error is the network drive not available:.
    I am using the below script : Please help me to resolve it

    Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("@t")


    WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "Z:", "\@ttest", True

  5. To make a more advanced "hello world" do this:
    X=MsgBox("Hello World", 1+16 ,"My First Program")
    | Warning! | — | X |
    | My First Program |
    | Hello World ( ? ) |
    For anyone wondering the "Warning!" Is the 1 (1+16)
    And the "( ? )" is the 16 (1+16)


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