Artik Cloud Documentation | Introducing Samsung Artik Cloud 34 개의 정답

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d여기에서 Introducing Samsung ARTIK Cloud – artik cloud documentation 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Samsung Electronics announces the SAMSUNG ARTIK Cloud™, an open data exchange platform designed to connect devices and applications. The SAMSUNG ARTIK Cloud provides easy-to-use, open APIs and tools to securely collect, store, and act on any data from any connected device or cloud service. Using these APIs and tools, companies can quickly bring new Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and services to market, tap into new revenue streams, and grow their business. The SAMSUNG ARTIK Cloud is commercially available today with a tiered pricing model that developers can start using it for free at

artik cloud documentation 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Samsung Artik Cloud API – RapidAPI

Check out the Samsung Artik Cloud API on the RapAPI API Directory. Learn more about this API, its Documentation and Alternatives available on RapAPI.

+ 여기에 더 보기


Date Published: 12/8/2022

View: 6017

ARTIK & ARTIK Cloud tutorial – Balena

Connect to the ARTIK Cloud and push data to it. … image . Consult the ARTIK documentation for specifics on pin mapping.

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Samsung IoT Cloud – Index – Wilson Mar which steps you through connecting a “SAMI Gear Fit” type device …

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ARTIK Cloud Ruby SDK –

ArtikCloud::DevicesApi, get_device_token, GET /devices/deviceId/tokens, Get Device Token ; ArtikCloud::DevicesApi …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


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Samsung Artik Cloud: Quick Start Guide / Sudo Null IT News

Features Samsung Artik Cloud as the platform of the Internet of Things. … API is very well documented, and the MQTT API documentation needs some work.

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ARTIK Development. A third strategy to using the ARTIK platform, is to start from the developer portal which documents both module and cloud IoT …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 artik cloud documentation

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Introducing Samsung ARTIK Cloud. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Introducing Samsung ARTIK Cloud
Introducing Samsung ARTIK Cloud

주제에 대한 기사 평가 artik cloud documentation

  • Author: Samsung IoT
  • Views: 조회수 13,421회
  • Likes: 좋아요 48개
  • Date Published: 2016. 4. 29.
  • Video Url link:

Samsung Artik Cloud API (Overview, SDK Documentation & Alternatives)

5/5 – (1 vote)

This public API was created by Samsung. The Samsung Artik Cloud API endpoint is located at You can find the Samsung portal / hompage here. If you need Samsung Artik Cloud API support, you can visit developer support here, contact support directly at [email protected], or reach out to their Twitter account at @artikcloud. The Samsung Artik Cloud API requires OAuth 2 authentication. For more information, check out their API Documentation. The Samsung Artik Cloud API is not currently available on the RapidAPI marketplace. Click “Request this API on RapidAPI” to let us know if you would like to access to this API. Meanwhile, you can check out the top APIs that currently available for developers.

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Samsung Artik Cloud API Twitter Acvitiy

ARTIK & ARTIK Cloud tutorial

Yesterday, during the opening keynote for SDC we released official support for the Samsung Artik 10 & 5. With the help of our partner we put together a live demo which you can watch below.

In this post, we’ll run through a minimalist version of our onstage demo to illustrate how to update your ARTIK with speed and safety.

In particular, we’ll learn how to:

Getting Started

Have your ARTIK(5 or 10) an SD card and your proximity sensor(optional) handy.

Sign up with . If you already have an account skip ahead

Next, create an app, name whatever you like and select the device type Artik 5 or 10. Then download your device OS, add your network configurations. Once the resinOS has downloaded burn it to an SD card using etcher or your image flasher of choice.

Setting Up Your Device

SW2 dip switch to position 1:on and 2:on , as shown below. In order to get the resinOS up and running on our ARTIK we need to first set it up to boot from our SD card rather than it’s internal eMMC memory . To do this we need to set the tinydip switch to positionand, as shown below.

Note: This resinOS will completely write over the existing eMMC.

We can now insert the 5VDC power cable and flip the power switch, labelled PWR SW , to the on position. We should now have some glowing LEDs indicating a sign of life. Next, we need to press and hold the SW3 POWER push button for 1 or 2 seconds, this starts the boot from the SD Card.

After a few seconds, you should see your ARTIK appear on the dashboard. If it still hasn’t appeared after 1 or 2 minutes, double check your ethernet connection or that you entered the right wifi credentials at download time. If you still can’t get it online, contact us on [email protected]

Note: In order for the wifi to work correctly, you need to set jumpers for (ARTIK 5 J20 and J33 ) and ( ARTIK 10 J20 and J36) towards the edge of the board.

Your ARTIK will now flash resinOS onto the internal eMMC so that you can remove the SD. This will take 2 or 3 minutes. Once it has finished it will shut itself down and you will see the device on the dashboard in a Post-Provisioning state. At this point you need to:

Flip the power switch off position. Remove the SD Card. Set the SW2 dip switches to 1:off and 2:off .

After all of that we flip the PWR SW back on and once again hold down the SW3 POWER button for a second or so. If all goes according to plan we should now have a freshly provisioned sitting in an IDLE state on our dashboard.

Connecting the sensor

Connect the sensor as shown below:


Consult the ARTIK documentation for specifics on pin mapping.

Configuring Artik Cloud

There are two portals to manage your Artik cloud. The developer portal and the user Portal . The developer portal provides an interface for you to create and manage device types and applications where as the user portal allows you to manage devices and their data.

So first we’ll need to create a device type. To do this you’ll need to create a Manifest. A Manifest is just a set of instructions that describe the device data to Artik Cloud. For instance:

{ “name”: “reading”, “type”: “CUSTOM”, “valueClass”: “Integer”, “isCollection”: false, “tags”: [] }

Manifests also allow you to interpret that data and trigger actions, but that’s out of the spec for this tutorial. For more information on this you can consult the documentation

For your convenience we’ve included manifest.json

resinArtik and upload the So name the device type anything you like e.g.and upload the manifest.json we have provided.

Select the cog icon and generate a device token.

Grab your newly generated device token and device ID and add them as device environment variables in your device view.

Ensure they are named accordingly: ARTIKCLOUD_DEVICE_ID ARTIKCLOUD_DEVICE_TOKEN .

default = 250 ) pushing the event to ARTIK Cloud. As I mentioned we’ll be pushing is a stripped down our demo , in short it’s a little node app that take’s a reading from the proximity sensor, if you don’t have a sensor connected it’ll randomly generate one. If said reading exceeds a threshold () pushing the event to ARTIK Cloud.

The first thing you’ll notice is the presence of a `Dockerfile.template, this is because builds and runs all applications in the form of a docker container. We use containers for a variety of reasons, it allows us to support every language and update the devices in a safe atomic way while still maintaining a lightweight footprint on the device. It has also become the defacto way to update applications on the web so why not use it on embedded devices.

# base-image for node on any machine using a template variable, # see more about dockerfile templates here: FROM resin/%%RESIN_MACHINE_NAME%%-node Save source folder RUN printf “%s

” “${PWD##}” > SOURCEFOLDER Move to /usr/src/app WORKDIR /usr/src/app Move package to filesystem COPY “$SOURCEFOLDER/app/package.json” ./ Install NodeJS dependencies via NPM RUN JOBS=MAX npm i –unsafe-perm –production && npm cache clean Move app to filesystem COPY “$SOURCEFOLDER/app/index.js” ./ Start app CMD [“node”, “/usr/src/app/index.js”]

This file is relatively short, but there a few important points to take away:

We use resin’s official base image. The %%RESIN_MACHINE_NAME%% allows us to dynamically pull images from’s Dockerhub so it can be replaced automatically with artik5 or artik10 depending on which device you are using. Unsurprisingly it also has node pre-installed. We run NPM install before adding the rest of our source, this allows us to make changes to our index.js without invalidating builder’s cache of /node_modules . This is a performance enhancement so don’t worry if it’s not completely clear right now. Everything before the CMD command runs on our builders, the complete container is then downloaded to the device and the CMD command is executed, starting our application.

The Application logic is, for the most part self-explanatory, As I mentioned it has a fallback in case you don’t have a sensor connected.

function getReading(cb){ // got a sensor ? read_adc0(function(reading){ if (reading != 0) { // sensor connected cb(reading) } else { // no sensor connected so generate a value cb(generateRandomVal(sensor_threshold)) } }); }

When the sensor_threshold is exceeded it pushes the event data to the cloud.

/* Function that enables and reads proximity sensor */ function enable_proximity_sensor() { console.log(‘Monitoring for movement’); setInterval(function() { getReading(function(reading){ console.log(‘Sensor reading: ‘ + reading) if (reading > sensor_threshold) { console.log(‘pushing event to ARTIK Cloud’); push2ArtikCloud(reading); } }) }, poll_interval); }

Push the code

Okay, let’s deploy. Luckily it’s a simple three-step process: Clone, add remote, push . Start off by cloning this repository.

git clone && cd resin-artik-cloud-publisher

Navigate to your app on the resin dashboard and copy your devices endpoint top right.

git add git push resin master

Once you see the unicorn in the build logs it means you’re container has been built, after which it will download to all devices in your application. You can see the progress from you dashboard.

Once the application has started running. Take a look at ARTIK Cloud to view the live events stream.

note: We have tested this against the following versions of the ARTIK. Artik10: Dev. Board10, VER. 0.5 (2015.12.23), Artik5: TYPE 5, VER. 3.2 (2015.10.22)


So here’s what we’ve accomplished:

We’ve taken an app and deployed it to a piece of hardware using a web-like workflow, futuristic high-five!

We used Environment variables to remotely provide runtime configuration for the ARTIK devices.

We poked our heads into the ARTIK Cloud and sent some basic event data.

Samsung IoT Cloud

It can take it

This is a hands-on narrated tour on how to make use of Samsung’s IoT cloud.

It helps if you have already absorbed the tutorial about IoT ideas.

I want you to feel confident that you’ve mastered this skill. That’s why this takes a hands-on approach where you type in commands and we explain the responses and possible troubleshooting. This is a “deep dive” because all details are presented.

Like a good music DJ, I’ve carefully arranged the presentation of concepts into a sequence for easy learning, so you don’t have to spend as much time as me making sense of the flood of material around this subject.

Sentences that begin with PROTIP are a high point of this website to point out wisdom and advice from experience. NOTE point out observations that many miss. Search for them if you only want “TL;DR” (Too Long Didn’t Read) highlights.

Stuck? Contact me and I or one of my friends will help you.


In an internet browser, look at the various businesses described at

Samsung’s modules (IoT device hardware)

(IoT device hardware) Samsung’s TIZEN operating system

IoTivity communications

Samsung’s ARTIK Cloud, which Samsung calls an “open data exchange platform that enables any device or sensor to push its data to the cloud”.

QUESTION: What does ARTIK stand for? It’s rebranded from SAMI in 2016. In a new tab/window, look at Samsung’s home product page: Click PRICING to see that Hobbyists get free access, but data is kept only 3 months. PROTIP: Part of the design and task of any system is analytics over time. Many organizations extract the information for display using Tableau or other corporate-standard analytics tool to more easily integrate other corporate data into a single “pane of glass” common among Marketing, Finance, Operations, etc. Click SIGN-UP and type your email to get their newsletters. Click DEVELOPER on the right side of the menus for has lots of great articles about applications.

The above you only need to do once.

Samsung projects

Samsung’s Challenge sends winning participants $100

Add Samsung device type

You need to do this for each type of device you use.

If you select DASHBOARD > DEVICE TYPES from the website, you get to click another button to really add NEW DEVICE TYPE at This is for adding types of devices. There is also a list at The wish list of device types to include: To select a known device type, open a new tab/window at

to look at the many device types ARTIK already supports. QUESTION: Is there a menu from the website that takes you here? Scroll to select SAMI Gear Fit. The device is used in

which steps you through connecting a “SAMI Gear Fit” type device even though one doesn’t need a physical device. PROTIP: Add a number in the name suggested. You may have more than one, or want different variations later. Click CONNECT DEVICE… This takes you to Samsung API console Open yet another tab/window

PROTIP: You’ll come back to this often, so bookmark it on your browser. Click “Accept” to allow Samsung the permissions listed: The application API Console is requesting the following permissions to be granted: Read all your data. Write and modify all your data. Read data from devices of types: Send data to devices of types: Read your profile information Internal use only. Edit your profile information Click “Accept” to dismiss the cookie message at the bottom. API List in SDKs The Java/Android SDK has these classes making API calls: DeviceTypes of manifests with versions and properties

of manifests with versions and properties Devices have their tokens

have their tokens Export of messages

of messages Messages





Users and their devices and device types and properties

For example, “” is equivalent to “” in Python. Swift, Scala, Ruby, PHP, C#, JavaScript, etc. have their own variation of name. Additional classes in the Console but not in client samples: notifications by subscription

trials for applications

trial devices and devicetypes

trial invitations to participants by administrators

scenarios ???

manifests are used to interpret the content so that it can be stored properly, or be sent to targeted devices correctly. Libraries of manifest models:

import cloud.artik.model.ManifestVersionsEnvelope;

import cloud.artik.model.DeviceTypeEnvelope;

import cloud.artik.model.DeviceTypesEnvelope;

import cloud.artik.model.ManifestPropertiesEnvelope;

The libraries that operate on the classes in the Java SDK are: import cloud.artik.client.ApiCallback;

import cloud.artik.client.ApiClient;

import cloud.artik.client.ApiException;

import cloud.artik.client.ApiResponse;

import cloud.artik.client.Configuration;

import cloud.artik.client.Pair;

import cloud.artik.client.ProgressRequestBody;

import cloud.artik.client.ProgressResponseBody;

A full description of Samsung’s REST API is here. Swagger definitions are supposed to be at but there is a 503 error at time of writing. API Map

Let me know if this artwork helps you visualize Samsung’s API:

Words in bold are the first level names in the path. Words in italics are variables.

TODO: Create illustration programmatically using

Get Samsung user access token

Click the “GET” associated with /users/self. Service end-point Click TRY IT! button for the website to issue a request using the API endpoint shown: BTW, there are other end-points for other protocols: COAP:// MQTT: TROUBLESHOOTING: If you get the following message, it means you need to login again: {“error”:{“code”:401,”message”:”Please provide a valid authorization header”}} The request’s HTTP header contains the OAuth2 calculated by the client JavaScript: “Content-Type”: “application/json”, “Authorization”: “Bearer 471dd09f20f140888a650f3aeec70xxx” The docs say messages sent to ARTIK Cloud may not be bigger than 1 KB. QUESTION: How long does the 32-character token live? A access token can be used (refreshed) for up to 14 days. The response HTTP header: { “allow”: “*”, “content-type”: “application/json; charset=utf-8”, “x-rate-limit-limit”: “100/1000”, “x-rate-limit-reset”: “1472315008/1472342400”, “x-rate-limit-remaining”: “99/999”, “access-control-allow-origin”: “*”, “access-control-allow-headers”: “Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Referer, User-Agent, Authorization”, “access-control-allow-methods”: “POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS”, “date”: “Sat, 27 Aug 2016 16:22:28 GMT”, “content-length”: “249”, “connection”: “close” } PROTIP: Have your client read the “x-rate-limit-remaining”: (“99/999”) and not send more traffic if it’s down to zero. THANK YOU Samsung. Many other API services do not have this useful feature. userId The response HTTP body reflects information about the user: { “data”: { “id”: “075fddff2a984cda87f2d718f4d04xxx”, “name”: “sa4fb30b78564a73884af4e03dcc40xx”, “email”: “[email protected]”, “fullName”: “WILSON MAR”, “saIdentity”: “pigg1dynic”, “accountType”: “SAMSUNG”, “createdOn”: 1470056152000, “modifiedOn”: 1470056152000 } } The “createdOn” and “modifiedOn” are the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 (the epoch). The last 3 of the 13 digits are always zeros. PROTIP: Convert back to human-readable date/time using the online tool at PROTIP: The userId is a persistent value. Once assigned, it is not changed. The system’s reference to the userId enables the user fullName to change. Highlight the id’s value from the response for use later in this tutorial. Developers working on API client code would copy the id to a properties file such as the one in folder src/test/resources/ user1.fullname=Maneesh Sahu user1.token=fa460261b858484583097ecb331faaa8 [email protected] user1.aid=b6951bf387b84f63b38911ae35d65e28 user1.createdon=1406839290000 The same file also contains id and tokens for each device. BLAH: Samsung’s API does not make use of the “HATEOS” pattern, which returns with each request a list of calls next permissible. Samsung User Properties Highlight and copy into your Clipboard (with Ctrl+C) the value of “id” (“075fddff2a984cda87f2d718f4d04xxx” in the example above). This is what the API calls your userId. The application ID is specified in the JSON payload.

Samsung’s own IoT Device modules

Samsung manufacturers IoT devices sold online by electronics distributor Digikey

The $150 ARTIK 10’s quad-core ARM video and image processors are powerful enough for autonomous vehicle navigation, intensive 3D graphics or large immersive displays. All in a form factor of 29 x 39 x 1.3 mm. More importantly, its hardware works with the ARM TrustZone® and Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to provide “bank level” security end-to-end for 5GHz WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.1 + LE, ZWave, and ZigBee 802.15.4 Thread planned radios.

(No snooping the snoopers for you!)

The $99 ARTIK 5 has the same radios, but in a 30 x 25 mm footprint.

Ships with Fedora 22. The devices Samsung offers have a microphone and speaker port, so make it speak. Introduction to Eclipse Che: Customizable, RESTful Developer Workspaces Eclipse Foundation platform for Home Automation

Samsung Device Simulator

Docs about this is here.

Make sure you have Java JDK v8 update 77 or higher. In a Terminal shell window: java -version The response (30 Aug 2016): java version “1.8.0_102” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode) Upgrade if necessary. See my Java install on Mac tutorial. Download Samsung’s Device Simulator Java program from

into your Downloads folder. Open a new Terminal window, navigate to the Downloads folder to construct the command: cd ~/Downloads

java -jar device-simulator.jar -token= Temporarily return to the API webpage to copy and paste the 32-character user id token highlighted earlier. PROTIP: Move the jar file to a separate folder and create a shell script to do this if you’ll be doing this. TROUBLESHOOTING: If you get the message “Error: Unable to access jarfile device-simulator.jar”, do a pwd to see if the jar file is there to use. The response begins with this ASCII art: _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ / \ _ __| |_(_) |/ / / ___| | ___ _ _ __| | / _ \ | ‘__| __| | ‘ / | | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | / ___ \| | | |_| | . \ | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | /_/ \_\_| \__|_|_|\_\ \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| Welcome to ArtiK Cloud Device Simulator console An example of the rest of the response: Hello sa4fb30b78564a73884af4e03dcc40xx! your UID is 075fddff2a984cda87f2d718f4d04xxx and your email is [email protected] 🙂 Please enter a valid command or ? for help. utf- at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.forOutputStreamWriter( at at jline.console.ConsoleReader.( at jline.console.ConsoleReader.( at jline.console.ConsoleReader.( at simulator.Console.init( at simulator.Main.main( QUESTION: If the “data: id” token was entered, the response is: cloud.artik.client.ApiException: Unauthorized at cloud.artik.client.ApiClient.handleResponse( at cloud.artik.client.ApiClient.execute( at cloud.artik.api.UsersApi.getSelfWithHttpInfo( at cloud.artik.api.UsersApi.getSelf( at simulator.Console.whoami( at simulator.Console.init( at simulator.Main.main( The access token is not valid or expired. Please enter a valid command or ? for help. utf- at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.forOutputStreamWriter( at at jline.console.ConsoleReader.( at jline.console.ConsoleReader.( at jline.console.ConsoleReader.( at simulator.Console.init( at simulator.Main.main( Device Emulator commands If successful, commands can be entered. ?

Samsung cloud connectors

At time of writing, the clouds at include most of the early cloud APIs:


Nettamo (France) elegant indoor face recognition cameras and CO2 sensor stations



Instagram ?





Runkeeper smartwatches and scales

Nest Thomstate (Google)

Philips Hue

### OpenWeatherMap # using an Arduino Uno running Sketch collecting from a DHT11 Temperature sensor and a Raspberry Pi running Node.js.



An ARTIK Cloud trial is a way for a trial administrator (user) to invite other users to share their data for a controlled amount of time and set of device types. by now redirects to

Docs about this are under the “Advanced” section.

View charts

Check it out

Export from ARTIK

Check it out


Twitter: @ARTIKCLoud, @SamsungIoT,

Email: [email protected]

answered by Developer Evangelists

Jeanine (Swatton) Jue of the Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center.

LinkedIn jobs shows Samsung America being based in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington. Smart Home in Mountain View, California. Home Appliances in Rigefield Park, New Jersey and Minneapolis, Minnesota. is the user forum.

Dan Gross, Director of Technical Support, Samsung

Wei Xiao, Tech Evangelist, Sr. Staff Engineer, Samsung

More on IoT

This is one of a series on IoT:

NOTE: Pages about GE’s Predix have been removed.

File: README — Documentation for artikcloud (2.2.3)

ARTIK Cloud Ruby SDK

This SDK helps you connect your Ruby scripts to ARTIK Cloud. The SDK exposes a number of methods to easily execute REST API calls to ARTIK Cloud.

Package version: 2.2.3


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build artikcloud.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./artikcloud-2.2.3.gem

(for development, run gem install –dev ./artikcloud-2.2.3.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem ‘ artikcloud ‘ , ‘ ~> 2.2.3 ‘

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem ‘ artikcloud ‘ , :git => ‘ ‘

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

require ‘ artikcloud ‘ ArtikCloud . configure do | config | config . access_token = ‘ YOUR ACCESS TOKEN ‘ end api_instance = ArtikCloud :: DeviceTypesApi . new device_type_id = ” device_type_id_example ” begin result = api_instance . get_available_manifest_versions ( device_type_id ) p result rescue ArtikCloud :: ApiError => e puts ” Exception when calling DeviceTypesApi->get_available_manifest_versions: #{ e } ” end

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description ArtikCloud::DeviceTypesApi get_available_manifest_versions GET /devicetypes/deviceTypeId/availablemanifestversions Get Available Manifest Versions ArtikCloud::DeviceTypesApi get_device_type GET /devicetypes/deviceTypeId Get Device Type ArtikCloud::DeviceTypesApi get_device_types GET /devicetypes Get Device Types ArtikCloud::DeviceTypesApi get_device_types_by_application GET /applications/appId/devicetypes Get Device Types by Application ArtikCloud::DeviceTypesApi get_latest_manifest_properties GET /devicetypes/deviceTypeId/manifests/latest/properties Get Latest Manifest Properties ArtikCloud::DeviceTypesApi get_manifest_properties GET /devicetypes/deviceTypeId/manifests/version/properties Get manifest properties ArtikCloud::DevicesApi add_device POST /devices Add Device ArtikCloud::DevicesApi delete_device DELETE /devices/deviceId Delete Device ArtikCloud::DevicesApi delete_device_token DELETE /devices/deviceId/tokens Delete Device Token ArtikCloud::DevicesApi get_device GET /devices/deviceId Get Device ArtikCloud::DevicesApi get_device_presence GET /devices/deviceId/presence Get device presence information ArtikCloud::DevicesApi get_device_token GET /devices/deviceId/tokens Get Device Token ArtikCloud::DevicesApi update_device PUT /devices/deviceId Update Device ArtikCloud::DevicesApi update_device_token PUT /devices/deviceId/tokens Update Device Token ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi create_tasks POST /devicemgmt/tasks Create a new task for one or more devices ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi delete_server_properties DELETE /devicemgmt/devices/did/serverproperties Deletes a device’s properties. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_all_by_did GET /devicemgmt/devices/did/tasks Returns the list of tasks for a particular device id with optional status filter. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_device_types_info GET /devicemgmt/devicetypes/dtid Read a device type device management information. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_manifest_properties GET /devicemgmt/devicetypes/dtid/manifest/properties Get a device type’s device management manifest properties ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_properties GET /devicemgmt/devices/did/properties Read a device’s properties. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_statuses GET /devicemgmt/tasks/tid/statuses Returns the details and status of a task id and the individual statuses of each device id in the list. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_statuses_history GET /devicemgmt/tasks/tid/statuses/history Returns the history of the status changes for a specific task id, or for a specific device id in that task. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_task_by_id GET /devicemgmt/tasks/tid Returns the details and global status of a specific task id. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi get_tasks GET /devicemgmt/tasks Returns the all the tasks for a device type. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi query_properties GET /devicemgmt/devices/properties Query device properties across devices. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi update_device_types_info PUT /devicemgmt/devicetypes/dtid Updates a device type information ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi update_server_properties POST /devicemgmt/devices/did/serverproperties Updates a device’s server properties. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi update_task PUT /devicemgmt/tasks/tid Updates a task for all devices – For now just allows changing the state to cancelled. ArtikCloud::DevicesManagementApi update_task_for_device PUT /devicemgmt/tasks/tid/devices/did Updates a task for a specific device – For now just allows changing the state to cancelled. ArtikCloud::DevicesSharesApi create_share_for_device POST /devices/deviceId/shares Share a device ArtikCloud::DevicesSharesApi delete_sharing_for_device DELETE /devices/deviceId/shares/shareId Delete specific share of the given device id ArtikCloud::DevicesSharesApi get_all_shares_for_device GET /devices/deviceId/shares List all shares for the given device id ArtikCloud::DevicesSharesApi get_sharing_for_device GET /devices/deviceId/shares/shareId Get specific share of the given device id ArtikCloud::DevicesStatusApi get_device_status GET /devices/deviceId/status Get Device Status ArtikCloud::DevicesStatusApi get_devices_status GET /devices/status Get Devices Status ArtikCloud::DevicesStatusApi put_device_status PUT /devices/deviceId/status Update Device Status ArtikCloud::ExportApi export_request POST /messages/export Create Export Request ArtikCloud::ExportApi get_export_history GET /messages/export/history Get Export History ArtikCloud::ExportApi get_export_result GET /messages/export/exportId/result Get Export Result ArtikCloud::ExportApi get_export_status GET /messages/export/exportId/status Check Export Status ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_aggregates_histogram GET /messages/analytics/histogram Get Normalized Message Histogram ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_field_presence GET /messages/presence Get normalized message presence ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_last_normalized_messages GET /messages/last Get Last Normalized Message ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_message_aggregates GET /messages/analytics/aggregates Get Normalized Message Aggregates ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_message_snapshots GET /messages/snapshots Get Message Snapshots ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_normalized_actions GET /actions Get Normalized Actions ArtikCloud::MessagesApi get_normalized_messages GET /messages Get Normalized Messages ArtikCloud::MessagesApi send_actions POST /actions Send Actions ArtikCloud::MessagesApi send_message POST /messages Send Message ArtikCloud::MonetizationApi create_pricing_tiers POST /pricing/devicetypes/dtid/pricingtiers Define devicetype’s pricing tiers. ArtikCloud::MonetizationApi get_pricing_tiers GET /pricing/devices/did/pricingtiers Get a device’s pricing tiers ArtikCloud::MonetizationApi get_the__pricing_tiers GET /pricing/devicetypes/dtid/pricingtiers Get devicetype’s pricing tiers. ArtikCloud::MonetizationApi get_upgrade_path GET /pricing/devices/did/revenueshare/upgradepath Get upgrade path ArtikCloud::MonetizationApi set_pricing_tier PUT /pricing/devices/did/pricingtiers Set a device’s pricing tier ArtikCloud::RegistrationsApi confirm_user PUT /devices/registrations/pin Confirm User ArtikCloud::RegistrationsApi get_request_status_for_user GET /devices/registrations/requestId/status Get Request Status For User ArtikCloud::RegistrationsApi unregister_device DELETE /devices/deviceId/registrations Unregister Device ArtikCloud::RulesApi create_rule POST /rules Create Rule ArtikCloud::RulesApi delete_rule DELETE /rules/ruleId Delete Rule ArtikCloud::RulesApi get_rule GET /rules/ruleId Get Rule ArtikCloud::RulesApi update_rule PUT /rules/ruleId Update Rule ArtikCloud::SubscriptionsApi create_subscription POST /subscriptions Create Subscription ArtikCloud::SubscriptionsApi delete_subscription DELETE /subscriptions/subId Delete Subscription ArtikCloud::SubscriptionsApi get_all_subscriptions GET /subscriptions Get All Subscriptions ArtikCloud::SubscriptionsApi get_messages GET /notifications/notifId/messages Get Messages ArtikCloud::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription GET /subscriptions/subId Get Subscription ArtikCloud::SubscriptionsApi validate_subscription POST /subscriptions/subId/validate Validate Subscription ArtikCloud::TagsApi get_tag_categories GET /tags/categories Get all categories ArtikCloud::TagsApi get_tag_suggestions GET /tags/suggestions Get tag suggestions ArtikCloud::TagsApi get_tags_by_categories GET /tags Get all tags of categories ArtikCloud::TokensApi check_token POST /accounts/checkToken Check Token ArtikCloud::TokensApi refresh_token POST /accounts/token Refresh Token ArtikCloud::TokensApi token_info GET /accounts/tokenInfo Token Info ArtikCloud::UsersApi create_user_properties POST /users/userId/properties Create User Application Properties ArtikCloud::UsersApi delete_user_properties DELETE /users/userId/properties Delete User Application Properties ArtikCloud::UsersApi get_self GET /users/self Get Current User Profile ArtikCloud::UsersApi get_user_device_types GET /users/userId/devicetypes Get User Device Types ArtikCloud::UsersApi get_user_devices GET /users/userId/devices Get User Devices ArtikCloud::UsersApi get_user_properties GET /users/userId/properties Get User application properties ArtikCloud::UsersApi get_user_rules GET /users/userId/rules Get User Rules ArtikCloud::UsersApi list_all_shares_for_user GET /users/userId/shares Get User shares ArtikCloud::UsersApi update_user_properties PUT /users/userId/properties Update User Application Properties ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi delete_vdid DELETE /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist/vdid Delete a vdid from the devicetype whitelist. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi delete_whitelist_certificate DELETE /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist/certificates/cid Delete a whitelist certificate associated with a devicetype. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi enable_whitelist PUT /devicetypes/:dtid/whitelist/enable Enable or disble whitelist feature of a device type ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi get_rejected_row_list GET /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist/uploadId/rejectedRows Get the list of rejected rows for an uploaded CSV file. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi get_upload_status GET /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist/uploadId/status Get the status of a uploaded CSV file. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi get_whitelist GET /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist Get whitelisted vdids of a device type. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi get_whitelist_certificate GET /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist/certificates Get whitelist certificate of device type. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi get_whitelist_status GET /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist/status Get the status of whitelist feature (enabled/disabled) of a device type. ArtikCloud::WhitelistingApi upload_csv POST /devicetypes/dtid/whitelist Upload a CSV file related to the Device Type.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


Type : OAuth

: OAuth Flow : implicit

: implicit Authorization URL :

: Scopes : read:artikcloud: Read from ARTIK Cloud write:artikcloud: Write from ARTIK Cloud


More about ARTIK Cloud

If you are not familiar with ARTIK Cloud, we have extensive documentation at

The full ARTIK Cloud API specification can be found at

Check out advanced sample applications at

To create and manage your services and devices on ARTIK Cloud, create an account at

Also see the ARTIK Cloud blog for tutorials, updates, and more:

License and Copyright

Licensed under the Apache License. See LICENSE.

Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung Artik Cloud: Quick Start Guide

Features Samsung Artik Cloud as the platform of the Internet of Things.

We master the work with Artik Cloud in practice:

Creating a new type of device Data simulation Retrieving data from the cloud using the REST API.

Features of Samsung Artik Cloud as an Internet of Things Platform

Software platform – Artik Cloud – this material is dedicated to it,

Hardware platform – Artik microcomputers.


Democratic pricing

Several different APIs






Beta stage

Incomplete documentation

We master the work with Artik Cloud in practice

Account creation

Creating a new type of device

Field names (in our case lat and long )

and ) Units of measurement (there are already standard units for this).

Device creation

Device simulation

Getting data from the cloud

Call is the address to which the request will be sent,

Request Headers – headers to be sent with the request,

200 is the response code.

Javascript code

varxmlhttp=newXMLHttpRequest(); varcall = “” ; ‘GET’ ,call, true ); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader( “Content-Type” , “application/json” ); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader( “Authorization” , “Bearer fc851ddb484842788daa19569b326951” ); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange= function ( ) { if (xmlhttp.status== 200 ){ alert(xmlhttp.responseText); } };


Sending data to the cloud via REST API,

Interaction with the cloud through other interfaces, such as MQTT,

Actions (Device Actions),

Rules (Rules Engine).

The subject of the Internet of Things platforms is now on the “HYIP” wave, which is confirmed by the Gartner curve of the main technological trends : since 2016, the “Internet of IoT Platforms” replaced the “Internet of Things” on the chart.Today we will talk about what Samsung offers, and, above all, about the Samsung Artik Cloud.Content:The IoT platform, as a rule, is understood as a ready-made integrated solution of several components that helps speed up the process of bringing the IoT product to the market.What components should such a platform ideally have? According to the author of the article “5 Things To Know About The IoT Platform Ecosystem” from IoT Analytics, the platform should consist of 8 functional components:Table. one.At the moment, not all platforms of the “Internet of Things” possess the listed components. As a rule, focus is on some of them: for example, Amazon AWS doesn’t have an ordinary database in which a permanent virtual “Shadow” of the device is created, IBM Bluemix has the ability to use the Watson analytics service, and in PTC ThingWorx you can easily create a graphical interface applications.In 2016, Samsung released the Artik family, which currently includes:An interesting point: Samsung releases under a single name both a software platform and a hardware solution, and at different levels: from the smallest and computationally weak Artik 0, to powerful and productive Artik 7.Another interesting point: most recently, in 2017, the company Samsung announced the unification of several technologies under the general name SmartThings Cloud: Samsung Connect (specialized routers of the Smart Home), SmartThings (home automation solutions) and the Artik family. In this case, all existing functionality will be preserved.The official website of the product is on the link If we consider the Samsung Artik Cloud from the point of view of the list of functional components (see Table 1), we get the following:Table 2Of the key components, there is currently no analytics and machine learning component. But this year, Samsung announced the opening of an additional 4 new research centers of artificial intelligence around the world. So there is every reason to believe that work in this area is included in the company’s strategic plans.Everything is simple. Up to 100,000 messages per month can be sent for free. Unlike other similar services, you do not need to tie a bank card before use. They will not demand it from you at all. You will have to pay only if you decide to use Artik Cloud in a real task, where the number of messages per day and per month is critical – in this case the cost of 1 million messages will be $ 15.That is why Artik Cloud is great for teaching students: if you use it only in class, the chances of exhausting the quota are very small.At the moment, you can interact with Artik Cloud in four ways at once:Noteworthy is the support of two protocols at once, which are widely used precisely on the Internet of things: MQTT and CoAP.Artik Cloud is still a young product (it appeared in 2016). Some features are still in Beta. For example, in the device simulator you cannot work with more than one device.Documentation is evolving. For example, now the REST API is very well documented, and the MQTT API documentation needs some work.And now we suggest you create a virtual device – a GPS tracker that will generate random data. Then we will access this data from the computer.Go to the site There are several registration options. The easiest is to use an existing Google account. Spam will not be sent! Tested on personal experience.You will be taken to the user page Here you can add devices to your system, watch logs, set interaction rules. Now, almost nothing can be done on it, because the devices and sensors we need are not among the options offered. Immediately go to the developer page: Create a new type of device.Next you need to come up with a name and a unique identifier – you will need it if you later want to share your virtual device with the community.You will be prompted to create a “Manifest” in which the device fields are defined.You will see the manifest creation window open in the first tab: Device Fields. As we are doing an example for a GPS tracker, create two fields for latitude and longitude. I called them(latitude) and(longitude).You can ask:Click Next. There is no need to set “Actions” (Device Actions) in this example, so immediately after that proceed to the activation of the manifest.Now you can create a new type of device by returning to . Click + Add Another Device …Let’s try an interesting function – data simulation. It is useful for testing.At the rectangle that indicates the device, click “…”, and then – Simulate Device Data.A window will appear in which you can set the simulation parameters for each field. For example, the interval of issuing values, boundaries, distribution (in our case, random is chosen).After that, you can click on the Start Simulation button.Data began to appear. You can see them on the chart. To do this, open the Charts tab in the top menu.You will see in real time the values ​​of longitude and latitude in the range you specified:This schedule is quite easy to use. It can be scaled, back off the story, change the type of chart. As you can see in the screenshot, you can also make a column and scatter diagrams:If you want to see the metadata, it is convenient to use the Data Logs tab. Here you will see the generation date, the acquisition date and the internal presentation of the data – this is a familiar JSON format.Let’s try to pull out our simulated data from the “Cloud”. We will use the REST API – this is logical, because we will write the code to get the data in JavaScript.Click on the device name in the menu.In the window that opens, you will see various device keys, of which two are important: Device ID and Device Token. When accessed from outside, these keys work as a login and password. Very soon you will need them.How to find out which request to send? For this there is a very handy developer tool – API-console . It allows you to view and learn examples of various API queries. Look at the GET request (Get Last Normalized Messages):To execute such a request, you need to specify which device we are- here you need to substitute the device identifier obtained in the previous step), the fields of interest (), and how many values ​​we want to get ().Fill in the fields and click the Try it! You will receive information sufficient to complete the request:Here is a sample JavaScript code that will receive a message from the cloud and display it on the screen.Of course, thestring and theauthorization parameter need to be replaced with your own ones, obtained in the last step.The result of the operation of this code in the Mozilla browser:This is a JSON string, in which, among other things, there areandsearch coordinates . It remains only to parse the string using the JSON parser, and the data is yours!Based on this example, you can easily apply labels to a geographic map using the Yandex Maps API.So what have we implemented? A simple example: creating a device in the cloud, simulating its data and retrieving this data to your computer.Behind the brackets are:For those who are interested to continue, these questions can be studied independently, using the official documentation

Platform for cloud and module based IoT

ARTIK 5 antennas amplifying 5 RF circuits

ARTIK 10 computer and breadboard

Optimised endgame for product engineering

ARTIK5 and 10 are based on Exynos5 SOC, board is shipping : NIC, WiFi, BT, BLE (GATT PXP and HRP profiles)


For reference please head to the official documentation at :

The purpose of this page is to give complimentary information that really matters to developers, like sharing R&D recipes, and share knowledge and efforts to provide the best support for favorites OS.

Cloud or Modules

ARTIK is positioned to facilitate rapid IoT development, but does so with two strategies. Namely, the ARTIK brand refers to a cloud technology (software service) as well as a module technology (hardware integration.) According to the top level ARTIK website, Your IoT journey starts here. Choose one or both:

ARTIK Development

A third strategy to using the ARTIK platform, is to start from the developer portal which documents both module and cloud IoT technologies.

Samsung ARTIK Discontinuation

We regret to inform you that Samsung has decided to discontinue the ARTIK product line effective December 16th, 2018. Samsung is still highly committed to the IoT market but has determined that the ARTIK modules business will no longer continue. Samsung anticipates continuing to make current ARTIK modules available through June 2019 and assisting its current customers to minimize any disruptions that may be caused due to this discontinuance. Samsung anticipates the following modules will continue to be available until June 28, 2019: ARTIK 710, 710s, 530, 530s, 530s 1G, 520, 520s, 305s, 053, 053s, 055s, 030 and 020 Modules.

Supported OS

Hardware Specs and Platform Status

ARTIK is an IoT enthusiast’s dream, but includes hardware circuits for which no software device drivers exist. While 802.3, 802.11, and Bluetooth (even 4.1!) logic is built into the kernel and works out of the box, 802.15.4, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, Z-Wave, LPWA, and SigFox only work sparingly or not at all. A partially complete list of hardware features follows.

ARTIK 10 hardware implemented features Hardware circuit Driver status 5EA Camera input 3L2 Camera input J33 Display Micro SDHC slot Working 3.5mm audio socket Output working 3.5mm audio socket Input unverified Onboard microphone Working Arduino shield assembly USB 2.0 connector USB 3.0 connector USB debug micro connector Working (UART) HDMI output connector 802.3 Ethernet RJ45 connector Working ZigBee SMA connector SigFox SMA connector Z-Wave SMA connector WiFi SMA connector Working

Ethernet / NIC : AX8817X USB NIC : supported by asix.ko


Bluetooth / BLE

GPU : ARM Mali


Fedora / IoT Messaging

Out of the box, ARTIK module boards include messaging brokers in their eMMC based OS. In addition to Mosquitto, it’s easy to install RabbitMQ and ZeroMQ with the dnf(1) (fork of yum) package manager.

Messaging software Application Protocol Mosquitto MQTT RabbitMQ AMQP ZeroMQ ØMQ


A hypothetical business work flow leading to a market viable IoT product starts with a ARTIK 5 or 10 hardware computer on which all supporting circuitry is optimized away, except for the ARTIK module itself and a subset of peripheral devices (maybe power management or non module circuitry like the Atmel 8520 chip for SigFox RF.)


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