Caro M’È Il Sonno Ergo Proxy | Michelangelo Buonarroti Caro M’È ‘L Sonno/ (Не)Стихотворная Косатка #1 상위 133개 베스트 답변

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caro m’è il sonno ergo proxy 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

luna — Ergo Proxy Analysis Caro m’è ‘l sonno, e più…

Ergo Proxy analysisErgo Proxy Analysis Caro m’è ‘l sonno, e più l’esser di sasso, mentre che ‘l danno e la vergogna dura; non veder, …

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Ergo Proxy Volume 1 : Awakening – impressions and …

Caro mi è il sonno, e più l’esser di sasso, Mentre che il danno e la vergogna dura: Non veder, non sentir, m’ è gran ventura; Però non mi destar: deh, …

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Ergo Proxy – We were just asked about the quote at the…

Caro mi è il sonno, e più l’esser di sasso mentre che il danno e la vergogna dura; non veder, non sentir m’è gran ventura;

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Is this poem (English and Italian translation) by Michelangelo?

Caro mi e il sonno. E pi霉 l鈥檈sser di sasso … shown at the beginning of the television series “Ergo Proxy”, and, according to Wikipedia, …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


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Vita Onirica di Michelangelo Buonarroti | IL SOGNO DI PSICHE

Stasera pensavo a Ergo Proxy. Che cosa è? Ergo Proxy è un interessante anime seinen di genere … Caro m’è ‘l sonno, e più l’esser di sasso

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주제와 관련된 이미지 caro m’è il sonno ergo proxy

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Michelangelo Buonarroti Caro m’è ‘l sonno/ (Не)Стихотворная Косатка #1. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Michelangelo Buonarroti Caro m'è 'l sonno/ (Не)Стихотворная Косатка #1
Michelangelo Buonarroti Caro m’è ‘l sonno/ (Не)Стихотворная Косатка #1

주제에 대한 기사 평가 caro m’è il sonno ergo proxy

  • Author: KOSAATKEE
  • Views: 조회수 556회
  • Likes: 좋아요 5개
  • Date Published: 2016. 11. 18.
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luna — Ergo Proxy Analysis Caro m’è ‘l sonno, e più…

Ergo Proxy Analysis

Caro m’è ‘l sonno, e più l’esser di sasso,

mentre che ‘l danno e la vergogna dura;

non veder, non sentir m’è gran ventura;

però non mi destar, deh, parla basso.

My sleep is dear to me, and more dear this being of stone,

as long as the agony and shame last.

Not to see, not to hear [or feel] is for me the best fortune.;

So do not wake me! Speak softly.

The truth, the truth must be discovered.

The importance of truth is valuable to us as individuals and society. Knowing the truth we can grow and mature and especially blind ourselves with the truth that suits us, “find” our meaning and a purpose. In the show we often see different characters ask themselves their purpose.

The show rejects a human’s deeper meaning but the irony are the Autoraves, which exist only to fulfil their predetermined purpose and play out a role they have been given at their creation.

In this analysis I will be focusing more on the nihilistic and existentialistic side including the majority of the characters, such as Re-l, Raul Creed, Mayor and others.

In the show they mention raison d’etre. It means “a reason to be, reason for being”. Each of them, Autoraves and also humans have their primitive raison d’etre on which they rely to continue living and delusioning themselves with an illusion of a meaning, believing there is a reason they were born, a reason why they are alive and a reason to continue living. But as soon as the raison d’etre is demolished and annihilated, for them it equals in death and in psychological despair.

When humans reach this point they are unable to continue living. Their ideals and motivations shatter. Dreams are a fuel to move forward and very important to us, that is why they have such a great importance in life.

The need for purpose is one the defining characteristics of human beings. It’s a fundamental component and one of the biggest reasons we continue to strive ahead in life.

Ergo Proxy talks about going on a journey to find the truth and the acceptance of it.

The biggest role has Re-l. We find out, that every citizen in Romdeau, was made artificially in an underground laboratory. That’s why the idea of having a role to play out is much more powerful and real-looking than if they would been born biologically. As a grandchild of the town mayor, she bears a lot of responsibility and has high standards for others and as well for herself. When she meets Ergo Proxy or Vincent in form of a Proxy in her bathroom, starts wondering even more, striving for an answer. Re-l is aware that knowing the truth doesn’t equate to being happy, but despite this, her mental states goes for the worse.

But why are residents of Romedau so sure they have a meaning. It’s not just the artificial birth, but also the Proxys. Humans’ long time ago created this fake hierarchy, which gives them and us a sense of a reason, resolve, which again is fake. We find out that Proxy, even if granted “immortal” life are not any kind of gods they take themselves for. They were made nothing more than a tool to do a certain job. Proxys are a key to why humans exist, nonetheless it’s just a coincidence without any deeper meaning.

After a long time she finally accepts an obvious reality, there’s no escape from it. Once you know the truth you cannot flee and forget it.

That’s why most people stay unknowing, in ignorance of their true nature, inebriate in false reality. The one they create to keep living and breathing.

“Ignorance is bliss.”

The most significant probe is how you cope with knowing the truth. How will a human react and behave when it finds out there is no meaning to its life, that it values nothing? That it’s just a coincidence we were born.

In this case Re-l accepts it, when she could broke and even reject the truth. With this we can see her responsibility and maturity.

In the contrary Daedalus does not possess these traits. Instead of accepting that his feelings for Re-l are not mutual, he goes and creates a new version of her, which results in another disappointment and self-destruction. Throughout the whole show he turns eyes away from reality.

Let’s talk about Proxys being god for a bit more… They are immortal and have powers, such as inhuman strength and they even created the cities, so we could call them gods, right?

In the show they use a term “incomplete god” for Ergo Proxy. The Proxy is an incomplete god, since he was not made to be one. There is no such thing as Proxys being gods, which led them, to self-destruction.

One thing that’s unquestionable, is that the Romedau and countless other cities exist and were made by them, the Proxys.

“I think, therefore I am.”

But it’s “I think, therefore you are.”

There is this ideology in Ergo Proxy that the humans exist because Proxys think. The world exists, since it is being created, when a Proxy is looking at it. Without those who recognize this world as the world, it cannot exist.

They are not in this world when they are only observing it, but as soon as they are observed they exist.

Here we also see a mention of idealism. The subjective idealism holds that only minds and mental contents exist. That emotions, desires, beliefs do not exist, but are sheer illusions. When no one can hear, feel or see us, do we exist?

It denies an objective reality, but it asserts that this reality is completely dependent upon the minds of the individuals that perceive it.

On the other hand, Raul Creed reacts completely different from Re-l. He does not reject the truth, but his self-importance and high status makes him want to be a winner, even among losers. Raul understands despair, but something in him is telling to destroy it. To destroy the light of destruction, which their despairing world is yearning for. He wants to bring despair over the city before it’s due as an act of rebellion against the flow and sequence of events and as well to the Mayor himself.

As he finds the truth he wants to destroy it, but not out of rejection, but because he simply can and as I mentioned before, his egoism and self-righteousness makes him do it. However he’s equal to others, that’s why he fails, which results in death.

We can see another perspective in reaction knowing the truth with the Mayor and the statues he is with in the hall.

They all know the proxy granted them power, Autoraves and many other things.

They all know there is no answer, however they still ask the questions.

“Why do we exist?”

“Who will ease our solitude?”

“Why did you abandon us?”

“Why did you not love us?”

They ask questions they know there in no answer to.

Here is once more stated that if the Creator or the Ergo Proxy/Proxy One thinks, therefore they are, but it does not go other way around. If they think, it does not mean the Creator exist.

The world does not exist when the Creator does not think of it, so they wish he would think of them. This is their raison d’etre.

One of the episodes that gives the clearest message of nihilism is episode 19, where Pino goes to the Smile Land. The designs there want to ask their creator why did he made them, they desperately wanted to find out the meaning to their creation, however shocked when the creator itself says, that there is no meaning. He created them without any purpose. There’s nothing more to it.

Our happy fortune, not to see or hear,

Awake us not,

Till the end of time, hush, whisper low.

You have to sleep if wish to live, however it means also “the sorrow and melancholy of one who has lost something great and worthy.”

Ergo Proxy Volume 1 : Awakening

Ergo Proxy Volume 1 : Awakening – impressions and speculation

Well, here we go again, another intreiguing series to see if we can pick it apart. This series seems a little more straightforward about it’s intentional historical references with character names being fairly blatant, well perhaps so to a Western audience for whom a lot of the references are commonly known.

The first thing to observe, and in some ways the most interesting clue to the purpose of the series, is the opening poem :-

Caro mi è il sonno, e più l’esser di sasso,

Mentre che il danno e la vergogna dura:

Non veder, non sentir, m’ è gran ventura;

Però non mi destar: deh, parla basso

Which translated into english becomes :-

Welcome is sleep, more welcome the sleep of stone.

Whilst crime and shame continue in the land;

My happy fortune, not to see or hear;

Waken me not – in mercy, whisper low.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

It seems to indicate a person wishing to remain oblivious to the corrupt world around them, preferring instead to be like stone. No accident then that the four ‘advisors’ of Donov Mayer are statues. It also seems to strongly indicate they are struggling furiously to ignore the realities of the world around them. In some ways this could also apply to Vincent too, as we see over the course of the first four episodes he is trying quite hard to ignore the iniquities of how Romdeau works – until that world forces him to pay attention to it.

However speaking of the statues in Regent Mayer’s chamber the wikipedia entry on the series notes that they are based on Michelangelo’s Night and Day statues placed above Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici’s sarcophagus in Medici Chapel, Florence. In the show, the female figure (Night) represents the voice of Lacan and the male figure (Day) the voice of Husserl. The statues on the left are based on Michelangelo’s Twilight and Dawn statues placed above the sarcophagus of Giuliano di Lorenzo de’ Medici in Medici Chapel. In the show, the female figure (Dawn) represents the voice of Derrida and the male figure (Twilight) the voice of Berkeley. All four names are also famous philosophers – Lacan being a proponent of structuralism, Derrida of deconstrution, Husserl was a phenomenologist and Berkeley a subjective idealist. Whether these AutoReivs will be informed in their worldview by the philosophies of their namesakes or whether this is primarily just flavour remains to be seen.

The other big reference in the series is of course the Cogito virus. Cogito means, literally, “I think” and this is indeed exactly what it seems to engender in the AutoReiv it infects. Rather than the controlled programming of their Turing application (itself another reference to British mathematician Alan Turing who created the concept of the Turing Test for Artificial Intelligence) the Cogito virus seems to engender free will along with the urge to get out of Romdeau and experience the world outside the city. I half wonder if this isn’t a sly commentary on the premise of the Turing test, which is a blind test where a human talks to both an AI and another human but then can’t distinguish between the two as to which is the AI, as being not indicative a fully self actuated intellect. After all the AutoReiv’s have a Turing application that presumably passes the Turing Test yet until they are infected with the Cogito virus they don’t have any will of their own. Is something that can converse with you like a human but has no desires or goals of its own truely an intelligence? Or is it simply the facsimile of intelligence? This series seems to be leaning subtlely towards the later.

The other interesting thing to note is the AutoReivs in Regent Mayer’s service have the form of Michelangelo’s statutes and by extension a direct link to the poem shown at the start of the series. Which is all about hiding away from or at least trying to ignore the rest of the world. Cogito ‘awakens’ these sleeping machines and makes them unable to stay ignorant of what is going on around them. It makes for a nice tie into the title of the first episode, perhaps the real awakening is not so much that of the Proxy but more that of the AutoReivs in Romdeau.

Speaking of people awakening, this brings us to Vincent Law. Vincent is also a poster child for the message of the poem, as I have already noted. What makes Vincent interesting is he clearly isn’t who he claims to be. Indeed my money is that he is a Proxy and there are several clues that lead me to this. First is the whole business with his eye colour which because he has his eyes closed for the first few episodes, fitting with his theme of being asleep, we didn’t get to see. Turns out he has pale green eyes but the file that Re-l reads indicates he is blue eyed – obviously he isn’t who he claims to be. Next is his ability to survive what should be a down right deadly fall from the city access port. No human can survive that but the research notes in Daedelus’ office seem to indicate that Proxies are downright hardy being almost impossible to kill.

Finally and the most blatant clue is the whole business with the messages in his Alphabet cereal. The second one occuring in his dream sequence that labels him a ‘Misfit’ is easy enough to explain as his subconscious alerting him to his inability to fit in in Romdeau. I think it also clues us in to his inability to stay entirely human too and is the first clue to his Proxy nature. But that could all just be a dream, right? Which is where the first time the cereal shows up and spells out ‘Awakening’ is such an issue. As presented to us the viewers this is occuring definitively in the real world as Dorothy sees him react by spilling the milk. So logically his subconscious must be influencing his cereal and is trying to tell him something by manipulating the cereal – presumably by telekinesis or something similar. But what is the only creature we have seen in the show that display telekinetic ability? Yup, the proxy escaping from the lab which shatters the observation window without touching it.

So it seems pretty clear Vincent is a Proxy. But what is that?

We know from Daedelus’ research that they have so called ‘Amrita’ cells – cells constantly revitalising themselves and as a result downright hardy making a Proxy quite tough. Obviously not unkillable because we see the body of one in Episode Two but tough nonetheless. The Amrita is a Hindu reference, something Daedelus’ document cites itself (being able to pause is such a handy tool in this series), to the nectar of the gods which they drank to revitalise themselves after becoming mortal. This fits nicely with what we have seen, they can shrug off a considerable amount of damage but they are indeed mortal. This only tells us what they can do though, not what they are.

Now a Proxy is an agent or substitute authorized to act for another person. So who, or perhaps what, is a proxy acting on the behalf of? Collective unconscious of the citizenry perhaps? Is perhaps the actual point of Romdeau to serve as a birthing habitat for a Proxy? There are a few clues that seem to indicate this might be the case with the primary being that the bulk of the cities populace seem to be cloned. The biggest hint to this is way the Creeds’ child arrives, the mother is never pregnant and instead having applied for a child is simply given one – which admitedly had a short life getting steamrollered by a Proxy in episode two. Further supporting this is the dismissive attitude the Regent’s AutoReivs have about population loses inside Romdeau. As they say dealing with that is easy they just need to up the production rate.

The final piece is in Re-l’s name. I can’t shake the feeling that this a corruption of the word real, it certainly is said in a similar fashion. This would make it a verbal pun of something being not quite real and consequenty a clone. It fits with the Japanese love of puns. It also might go some way towards explaining the odd behavior of the first Proxy we see when it meets Re-l in her home. Particularly it cries, is that because it knows the original person Re-l was cloned from? Is it crying because up close it recognises Re-l as the copy she is?

I don’t quite know what else to make of that scene, we simply don’t know enough to form anything other than initial thoughts. But it certainly looks to be an interesting time figuring this out as the series progresses.

“A Place Where Darkness Reigns”

Page01 Header

Etiam non posuere mi, et sollicitudin nulla. Donec id pulvinar tellus. Donec at tellus nec odio suscipit malesuada vitae at ipsum. Phasellus velit massa, euismod at fermentum eu, vestibulum ac felis. Proin malesuada tortor quis tellus egestas pulvinar. Curabitur posuere neque non purus tempus, quis volutpat nisi malesuada. Etiam feugiat mi nec sapien finibus cursus. Phasellus bibendum est sem. Cras hendrerit tincidunt ex. Duis diam dolor, molestie eget pulvinar sit amet, egestas vitae turpis. Aenean lacinia ultrices porttitor. Praesent tellus ligula, ornare eget efficitur id, scelerisque ut lorem. Morbi venenatis, lectus a porta pretium, dolor diam dictum urna, at sagittis dui enim eu mi. Phasellus tempus nulla eu lacus facilisis pretium. Donec quis libero nec dolor vestibulum fermentum. Sed aliquet euismod nibh et lobortis.

Nullam pretium, ligula nec facilisis ullamcorper, tellus massa mollis tellus, eu dictum mi sem sit amet risus. Cras metus neque, porta quis consectetur ut, rutrum vel mauris. Nullam dapibus massa nec nulla consequat, et commodo risus pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut faucibus at neque in sagittis. Nam sit amet leo est. Ut a sem cursus, dignissim ligula et, rhoncus est. Aliquam hendrerit, eros quis efficitur luctus, eros tellus volutpat elit, non auctor sapien risus tempus libero. In gravida nisi justo, a condimentum sem porttitor non. Donec pharetra ut lorem vitae consectetur. Nulla fringilla massa a risus euismod euismod. Aliquam pellentesque massa sit amet nisi eleifend, eget sagittis augue consequat. Sed volutpat, lorem quis rhoncus ultrices, est elit ornare arcu, ut vulputate neque odio ut enim. Mauris sed hendrerit tortor. Nunc ut blandit purus. Duis viverra, lorem pharetra egestas aliquam, est mi aliquet turpis, sed auctor ex dolor finibus tortor.

endure and survive

Caro mi è il sonno, e più l’esser di sasso

Precious is my sleep, more so my being stone

mentre che il danno e la vergogna dura;

so long as ruin and dishonor prevail;

non veder, non sentir m’è gran ventura;

to see nothing, to feel nothing, is a gift;

però non mi destar; deh, parla basso.

So do not wake me; I beg you, speak softly.

Vita Onirica di Michelangelo Buonarroti

Stasera pensavo a Ergo Proxy. Che cosa è?

Ergo Proxy è un interessante anime seinen di genere fantascientifico/psicologico ambientato in un futuro in cui la razza umana è stata quasi sterminata a causa di un’infezione e dell’inaridimento del pianeta (ricorda qualcosa?). I pochi sopravvissuti si sono rintanati in una sorta di città sormontate da enormi cupole in cui si compie un severo controllo delle nascite per garantire la sussistenza della specie. È un sistema (quasi) perfetto, in cui l’uomo è aiutato dagli AutoReiv, i robot suoi servitori. Tutto cambia quando proprio questi robotini iniziano ad essere infettati dal virus Cogito e dunque ad avere volontà propria. L’ispettrice del Citizen Intelligence Bureau, Re-I Mayer viene incaricata di indagare sui brutali omicidi commessi dagli AutoReiv infetti e da qui inizia un percorso all’interno della complessità del reale che la porta ad una speculazione sul tema dell’esistenza. La serie è costellata di riferimenti culturali e filosofici costanti ed è assolutamente un anime che vi consiglierei ad occhi chiusi. Al centro di tutto c’è il senso della vita, il destino, il controllo di sé, la libertà, l’autodeterminazione e l’autocoscienza. Che aspettate a aprire un nuovo tab e cercarlo in streaming legale su VVVVID? Giuro che non farò spoiler (e credetemi che questo mi impedisce sostanzialmente di dire tutto quello che c’è da dire su questo gioiellino).

Il primo episodio, Il battito del risveglio si apre con questa citazione:

Caro m’è ‘l sonno, e più l’esser di sasso

mentre che ‘l danno, e la vergogna dura:

Non veder, non sentir, m’è gran ventura.

Però non mi destar, deh! parla basso.

(Michelangelo, Rime, 247)

Cosa c’entra Michelangelo? Molto, ma lo capirete vedendo la serie. Nulla è affidato al caso.

La stanza di Donov Mayer, sindaco della città Romdo, è ispirata alla cappella dei Medici di Michelangelo: le quattro statue che vi si trovano all’interno sono la trasposizione di quelle che sono ai lati della cappella: Lacan è rappresentato dalla statua “La Notte”, Husserl da “Il Giorno”, Derrida da “L’alba” e Berkeley da “Il Crepuscolo”. Questa carrellata di nomi serviva per convincere gli scettici snob che non vedono i cartoni a correre a vedere questo anime. Torniamo alle rime.

A cosa si riferisce Michelangelo con queste parole? Tra il 1526 e il 1531, l’artista crea la statua in marmo La Notte come parte della decorazione della Sagrestia Nuova in San Lorenzo da Firenze. È una delle quattro allegorie delle Parti della Giornata e si trova a sinistra sul sarcofago della tomba di Giuliano de’ Medici. La notte è rappresentata come personificazione femminile accasciata dormiente sulla tomba. Si tratta di un’opera scultorea talmente vivida, da sembrare reale, tant’è che Giovanni di Carlo Strozzi ne rimane talmente tanto affascinato che sente il bisogno di omaggiarla con alcuni versi:

“la Notte che tu vedi in sì dolci atti/ dormir, fu da un Angelo scolpita/ in questo sasso e, perché dorme, ha vita:/ destala, e se nol credi, e parleratti” (la notte che vedi così dolcemente dormire fu scolpita da un angelo in questo sasso e perché dorme ha vita: svegliala e se non ci credi ti parlerà). È talmente bella e sensuale da non poter essere solo un pezzo di marmo, seppure di quello liscio e perfetto tipicamente di Carrara. E’ proprio a queste parole che Michelangelo risponde con le Rime n 247.

Del resto, Buonarroti non è nuovo a queste tematiche. Sebbene non arrivi ai livelli della sua arte plastica, non si può relegare la sua scrittura nel solco del manierismo (ante litteram) petrarchista rinascimentale cinquecentesco: la sua poesia è infatti caratterizzata da grande forza e originalità, è lo specchio di una personalità geniale, sregolata e tormentata. Se, infatti, i suoi primi versi nascono sotto l’influenza delle letture dantesche e dei poeti quattrocenteschi, primi fra tutti Lorenzo il Magnifico e Pulci, è solo con la maturità che Michelangelo si dedica profondamente al poetare, che considera sempre un fatto privato e condivisibile solo con una ristretta cerchia di intimi. Nella sua produzione si susseguono brevi componimenti, sonetti o madrigali, pervasi di inquietudine religiosa verso il peccato e di riflessioni sui fondamenti epistemologici teorici e morali del fare arte.

La riflessione sul sonno e sulla notte ritorna spesso anche in altre liriche ed è centrale anche in un’altra Rima, la numero 102, O notte, o dolce tempo, benché nero:

O notte, o dolce tempo, benché nero,

con pace ogn’opra sempr’al fin assalta;

ben vede e ben intende chi t’esalta

e chi t’onor ha l’intelletto intero.

Tu mozzi e tronchi ogni stanco pensiero;

chè l’umid’ombra ogni quiet’appalta,

e dall’infima parte alla più alta

in sogno spesso porti, ov’ire spero.

O ombra del morir, per cui si ferma

ogni miseria, a l’alma, al cor nemica,

ultimo delli afflitti e buon rimedio;

tu rendi sana nostra carn’inferma

rasciughi i pianti e posi ogni fatica,

e furi a chi ben vive ogn’ira e tedio.

(Michelangelo, Rime, 102)

Un po’ come nella foscoliana Alla sera, il poeta si rivolge alla Notte come a una sorta di dea foriera di requie dopo le fatiche e le preoccupazioni che assillano gli uomini nel corso della giornata. È talmente quieta che sembra assimilabile alla morte (e lo stesso concetto riecheggia poi nel “Forse perché della fatal quiete/Tu sei l’immago a me sì cara vieni, O Sera!” foscoliano), ma al contrario di Foscolo, Michelangelo non la vede come la fine di tutto, il nulla eterno, ma anzi come l’inizio di una vita rinnovata, vita già sperimentabile dove? Nel sogno, ovviamente.

Ed il sogno, non a caso, rimane al centro dei pensieri di Michelangelo: è infatti l’oggetto di uno dei suoi disegni più noti, oggi facente parte della Courtauld Gallery di Londra. Il titolo è una attribuzione di Giorgio Vasari, che lo cita con questo nome nella Vita di Marcantonio Visconti. Protagonista del foglio è un giovane semisdraiato che si appoggia al globo terrestre e guarda al cielo scrutando la figura alata che suona la tromba. Tutt’intorno turbinano figure rappresentanti i vizi, creando un movimento rotatorio che sembra speculare a quello messo in moto da Cristo nel Giudizio universale. In molti si sono scervellati sul significato profondo della rappresentazione, ma la più interessante sembrerebbe essere quella di Girolamo Tezi, secondo il quale il giovane rappresenterebbe la mente umana, avvolta dai vizi ma richiamata e guidata dalla virtù. Ma a cosa si rivolge la virtù alata? Va ricordato che Michelangelo è profondamente influenzato dalla filosofia di Marsilio Ficino, dunque è probabile che il suonatore alato miri a influenzare non la mente o il corpo, ma l’anima perché, secondo il filosofo, è propria questa ad essere il tramite tra cielo e terra ed è proprio questa che rischia talvolta di essere sopraffatta dal corpo e dunque necessita di essere indirizzata dalla virtù. Sotto al giovane si trova una cassa con delle maschere, forse testimonianti la necessità di spogliarsi delle menzogne quotidiane per comunicare davvero con l’Altrove, o forse simboleggianti la necessità di non lasciarsi influenzare dai sentimenti e dalle opinioni che modificano il volto se si vuole una riflessione profonda. Anche il globo potrebbe volerci dire tante cose diverse: si tratta del nostro globo o di uno nuovo, neutro e bianco, da colorare con la nuova conoscenza data dalle immagini suggerite dal cielo all’anima? O rappresenta anche essa un mondo terreno di cui non curarsi e da cui elevarsi? E tante altre domande senza risposta rimangono su questa come sulle altre opere “oniriche” michelangiolesche.

Insomma, Michelangelo sicuramente ha riflettuto a lungo sul sonno e sul valore dell’esperienza onirica, senza arrivare ad alcuna risposta univoca. E questo perché la realtà, specie quella onirica, non è mai realmente monosemica. Vi lascio con le parole che la Ruvoldt ha usato a proposito del Sogno, ma applicabili anche a tutte le altre opere che abbiamo brevemente nominato:

“[Il Sogno] è un’opera su cui meditare è un’opera la cui bellezza deriva dallo svolgimento senza fine del suo significato, offrendo all’osservatore il piacere di tornare ad esso ancora e ancora”.

Margherita Battistini

in your sword still beats a heart

Caro mi è il sonno, e più l’esser di sasso

Precious is my sleep, more so my being stone

mentre che il danno e la vergogna dura;

so long as ruin and dishonor prevail;

non veder, non sentir m’è gran ventura;

to see nothing, to feel nothing, is a gift;

però non mi destar; deh, parla basso.

So do not wake me; I beg you, speak softly.

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