Chokes From Back Mount | 5 Different Collar Chokes From Back Mount Using The Same Grip 최근 답변 127개

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d여기에서 5 Different Collar Chokes from Back Mount Using The Same Grip – chokes from back mount 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

In today’s BJJ technique video I share 5 different collar chokes you can use in BJJ using the same grip on the lapel. I’m showing this series so that if you ever get to back mount and you have trouble finishing a collar choke you’ll have some other options to throw into the mix.
Now of course, this is not all of the chokes you could use, but it’s a handful to mix into your training and rolling.
I also give some useful tips on how to have a stronger grip for collar chokes in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, so pay attention to that detail on folding the lapel over.
Enjoy the video and happy hunting for your techniques on the mats.
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Fighting for grips/chokes on back mount : r/bjj – Reddit

Fighting for grips/chokes on back mount · Patience. Secure the position. · Keep the over under / seatbelt grip until you’re ready to attack. · Use your “under” arm …

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No Gi BJJ: Triangle Choke From Mount and Back Mount

Mar 18, 2020 – One of the most popular and iconic submissions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the Triangle Choke. You can check out our 5 Nerdy Details veo for …

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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 5 Different Collar Chokes from Back Mount Using The Same Grip. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

5 Different Collar Chokes from Back Mount Using The Same Grip
5 Different Collar Chokes from Back Mount Using The Same Grip

주제에 대한 기사 평가 chokes from back mount

  • Author: Chewjitsu
  • Views: 조회수 26,267회
  • Likes: 좋아요 1,189개
  • Date Published: 2021. 6. 14.
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What is the best choke in BJJ?

As we’ve previously established, the Rear-Naked Choke is possibly the most common and dominant choke in all of BJJ and MMA. Because the back is such an aggressive position, it allows for attacks to take place with little retaliation. Whilst the RNC is a great way to finish from the back, it is not always available.

Can you rear naked choke in Jiu Jitsu?

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the rear naked choke is a very important attack. To apply this attack, start in the rear mount position, controlling your opponent with the over-under grip. It’s important that your bottom hand grabs your top wrist and not the other way around.

What is a bulldog choke?

The bulldog choke is basically a mix of an RNC with no hooks and a guillotine choke. It also looks a bit like a No-Gi clock choke. You clasp your arms around the opponent’s neck and cut off their blood flow. It is also a bit of an air choke.

What is an anaconda choke hold?

An anaconda choke is an arm triangle from the front headlock position. The performer threads his or her arm under the opponent’s neck and through the armpit, and grasps the biceps of the opposing arm.

Why is the rear-naked choke so effective?

The “palm-to-palm” or “clasping hands” rear-naked choke has the hand of the choking arm clasp the hand of the supporting arm. This method applies more pressure to the neck but results in reduced control of the opponent’s head.

3 Best BJJ Chokes from the Back

John Danaher demonstrating a Rear-Naked Choke on Bernardo Faria

The back is – without a doubt – the most powerful position you can be in as a grappler as that’s where your opponent is weakest- they have no offence – so therefore can only focus on defence. Back control is a tough spot to get out of, mainly because of three things, one is the rotational control of the hips, the second is the restriction over the shoulders, and the third is the constant threat of submission; mainly consisting of strangles. This makes being on someone’s back an incredibly good position to be in, and also a great position to start subbing from.

Chokes or ‘Strangles’ as otherwise (more aggressively) referred to, are usually my go to submissions in BJJ because I’m frequently the smaller and weaker opponent, so as long as the choke is on right – it doesn’t actually need that much power. If your partner has really good defense when someone is on their back it can be difficult to finish them, but once you have the position, you’re already one step ahead in the game – take your time and find the finish. Below will behold three of the best BJJ chokes from the back, that are all applicable in both the Gi and No-Gi – therefore MMA as well.

Rear-Naked Choke (RNC)

Miesha Tate submits Holly Holm with a rear-naked choke for her bantamweight championship at UFC 196 at the MGM Grand Garden on March 5, 2016, in Las Vegas.

This is the choke you will see used the most; on films, in the cage, and on the mats; it’s the most commonly used choke because it’s easy to understand and it’s quick to come on. The RNC is a finish you will see a lot in MMA. As soon as the fighter has their opponents back, very rarely will they mess around – they’ll be looking to secure that RNC – ASAP. During the first 168 UFC events the RNC made up the highest percentage of submission victories at 32%. The RNC is also the second highest percentage finish in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (after the armbar).

There’s a few defenses people can do to prevent you from getting their neck like grip fighting and shoulders up, chin down, but the video below demonstrates some great counters to the defense and some useful tips to help strengthen your RNC’s.

Below is an in-depth RNC breakdown with John Danaher and Bernardo Feria. In the video, Danaher goes into detail about; the attack, the defense, and further counters to the defenses. A simple choke which is incredibly effective.


The Short-Choke is a smooth adaptation from the RNC. If you’ve managed to swoop your arm across to the shoulder but are struggling to get your forearm for the RNC, you can still finish your opponent – with one arm – or if you can get your other arm to their back and go palm on palm you can finish your opponant with a choke called the short-choke. This particular choke is the perfect fall back option if you’re failing at an RNC/Collar Choke from the back. However, it can also serve as a set up for the RNC, as well as a fall-back option. The Short Choke BJJ submission is just that – a Short Choke. To finish it, all you need is a forearm across the neck – you can even do it with one arm if you like.

As we’ve previously established, the Rear-Naked Choke is possibly the most common and dominant choke in all of BJJ and MMA. Because the back is such an aggressive position, it allows for attacks to take place with little retaliation. Whilst the RNC is a great way to finish from the back, it is not always available. Against more experienced grapplers, they will often grip-fight and defend as much as possible. With this in mind, a different, yet similar, alternative option may be to go for the Short Choke.

Finishing the Short Choke BJJ strangle requires you to get a palm to palm grip over the shoulder, and place the elbow of the free arm behind the back. This creates a strong frame which makes it incredibly difficult for the opponent to move. For a tight finish, it is not just about the squeeze – you also need to pull across, in the direction of the elbow of the arm that’s across the throat.

It is unexpected, difficult to defend, and requires very little time to learn. Below you can see the Short-Choke explained in full effect with a transition to the back from a Head-in-Arm set-up. The instructor also shows and explains the difference between a RNC and a Short-Choke.

Arm-In Ezekiel

The set-up to get the Arm-In Ezekiel choke, again, is similar to the RNC/short-choke – but with an arm in. The Ezekiel is an incredibly versatile choke and can seemingly be done from most positions – including when you’re in someone’s guard. Aleksei Oleinik is a UFC fighter that has not only pulled off the Ezekiel choke twice but also did it from the bottom of the mount. Yes, that’s right, the first-ever UFC Ezekiel choke submission was actually from the bottom mount. Watch below:

The Ezekiel is commonly used in Gi but can also be done in No-Gi, and from many different positions – as proven by Aleksei Oleinik. In the Gi, the attacker grips their own Gi sleeve to secure the set-up but in No-Gi you use your bicep. You then do a scissoring motion that blocks the opponent’s trachea and/or the carotid arteries. The choke became highly popular in BJJ during the 1990’s as it is one of the few chokes/attacks that a top fighter can safely attempt from inside the guard of his opponent. The Ezekiel choke has many variations, the ‘Arm-In Ezekiel’ being one of it’s most commonly seen in high level competition.

The Arm-In Ezekiel works whenever you’re having a difficult or strenuous time finishing an arm triangle, or a choke from back control. However, the choke – albeit – mainly done in the Gi, can be done in No-Gi and it too is also incredibly effective like the two chokes mentioned previously in the article. The Grappling Academy show how the savage arm-in Ezekiel choke can be done from the back – Watch video below,

Basic Gi Chokes From the Back: A BJJ Tutorial

Andrew Smith is a 3rd-degree BJJ black belt based out of Richmond, VA (Revolution BJJ). He runs BJJ Path, a video tutorial website.

Original art from Revolution BJJ student Aaron Hollander Revolution BJJ

About Gi Chokes

Very early on in your Brazilian jiu-jitsu training, you are likely to learn that the back is one of the most dominant position—if not the most dominant position—in all of grappling. Not only can you attack your opponent with near impunity, but your opponent can’t effectively attack you or even see where the attacks are coming from.

As you progress through the ranks in BJJ, one thing will remain constant; being on someone’s back is a great place to be. Here are some very good, basic options for finishing the lapel choke from the back.

Sliding Lapel or Okuri-Eri-Jime

Here’s the first option for finishing a gi choke from the back’ the “sliding lapel” choke. In judo, this is called okuri-eri-jime, and you will see a large number of matches finished with this powerful choke, not only from the back with hooks, but also from the turtle position. Note that it’s important to start all of these from a “seat belt”, “harness”, or “over/under” grip from the back, starting with phenomenal control and never relinquishing it until you have the submission.

Start each of these chokes by opening the lapel with your left hand (the one that is under the arm of your partner), and then turn the lapel out, so you can reach very deeply with your right hand. Once you have a firm grip, your second hand can go to work. While the first hand pulls across the neck (think about a combination of “Jack the Ripper” and casting a fishing line), your left hand pulls down, tightening the lapel. It’s helpful here to see the lapel for what it is: one piece of fabric, not two. If you take the slack out of one side, the other side will tighten as a consequence. Finally, leaning back into the choke and using your body’s position really helps stretch your partner out, making the choke super tight.

Kata-Ha-Jime, the Single Wing Choke

This is a classic, dominant finishing position. Starting from the same position as before (over/under or “harness” position), your partner is defending the second lapel grab with your left hand. This time, you’re simply going to pull your arm upward against your partner’s elbow, elevating their arm up above their head (and, by the way, completely negating their ability to defend with their left hand). From here, you just need to “karate chop” behind their neck, closing their neck’s ability to move backward, and making your right hand’s lapel grab incredibly tight, incredibly quickly. Expect your partner to tap or go to sleep within 2 or 3 seconds.

Bow and Arrow Choke

Here we see the most popular choke finish in all of sport Brazilian jiu-jitsu competition, the bow and arrow choke. Start with the same grip, but this time, you are unable to grab your partner’s lapel or hook under their arm for one of the previous options. In this case, all you have to do is reach down with your free left hand (your right hand is in their lapel as before), and grab the outside of your partner’s pants, preferably right at the knee. This will keep your partner from being able to defend the choke by turning into it. Before you start making the “bow and arrow” pulling motion, you need to create an angle. Start by stepping on their hip with your right foot, and then follow up by swinging your left foot to replace your right foot. Try to hook their hip with your “live toes” if possible (this will make it insanely difficult for them to catch your foot in a “half guard” type position).

While you may be able to get the submission with a simple angle (and keep in mind that this is a very, very powerful choke), it might be helpful to step over their far shoulder with your free right leg (the one that isn’t hooking their hip). Note that the arms do very little work with the finish; it’s actually the straightening of your left leg that ends up applying the choke. Always use your body positioning and maximize your leverage any time you can to finish a submission!

All Levels

These three chokes work at all levels of sport BJJ, but as you work up the hierarchy from white to black belt, you will likely find that your opponent’s defenses evolve quickly. For this reason, the bow and arrow is the preferred finish for black belts on other black belts, and this is evident when watching jiu-jitsu competition videos. Keep working on the fundamentals, developing a deep understanding of the basics, and you will be well served along your jiu-jitsu journey! For a more advanced way to get to the back in the first place, check out BJJ Kimura Grip Rolling Back Take.

© 2015 Andrew Smith

3 Best BJJ Chokes from the Back

John Danaher demonstrating a Rear-Naked Choke on Bernardo Faria

The back is – without a doubt – the most powerful position you can be in as a grappler as that’s where your opponent is weakest- they have no offence – so therefore can only focus on defence. Back control is a tough spot to get out of, mainly because of three things, one is the rotational control of the hips, the second is the restriction over the shoulders, and the third is the constant threat of submission; mainly consisting of strangles. This makes being on someone’s back an incredibly good position to be in, and also a great position to start subbing from.

Chokes or ‘Strangles’ as otherwise (more aggressively) referred to, are usually my go to submissions in BJJ because I’m frequently the smaller and weaker opponent, so as long as the choke is on right – it doesn’t actually need that much power. If your partner has really good defense when someone is on their back it can be difficult to finish them, but once you have the position, you’re already one step ahead in the game – take your time and find the finish. Below will behold three of the best BJJ chokes from the back, that are all applicable in both the Gi and No-Gi – therefore MMA as well.

Rear-Naked Choke (RNC)

Miesha Tate submits Holly Holm with a rear-naked choke for her bantamweight championship at UFC 196 at the MGM Grand Garden on March 5, 2016, in Las Vegas.

This is the choke you will see used the most; on films, in the cage, and on the mats; it’s the most commonly used choke because it’s easy to understand and it’s quick to come on. The RNC is a finish you will see a lot in MMA. As soon as the fighter has their opponents back, very rarely will they mess around – they’ll be looking to secure that RNC – ASAP. During the first 168 UFC events the RNC made up the highest percentage of submission victories at 32%. The RNC is also the second highest percentage finish in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (after the armbar).

There’s a few defenses people can do to prevent you from getting their neck like grip fighting and shoulders up, chin down, but the video below demonstrates some great counters to the defense and some useful tips to help strengthen your RNC’s.

Below is an in-depth RNC breakdown with John Danaher and Bernardo Feria. In the video, Danaher goes into detail about; the attack, the defense, and further counters to the defenses. A simple choke which is incredibly effective.


The Short-Choke is a smooth adaptation from the RNC. If you’ve managed to swoop your arm across to the shoulder but are struggling to get your forearm for the RNC, you can still finish your opponent – with one arm – or if you can get your other arm to their back and go palm on palm you can finish your opponant with a choke called the short-choke. This particular choke is the perfect fall back option if you’re failing at an RNC/Collar Choke from the back. However, it can also serve as a set up for the RNC, as well as a fall-back option. The Short Choke BJJ submission is just that – a Short Choke. To finish it, all you need is a forearm across the neck – you can even do it with one arm if you like.

As we’ve previously established, the Rear-Naked Choke is possibly the most common and dominant choke in all of BJJ and MMA. Because the back is such an aggressive position, it allows for attacks to take place with little retaliation. Whilst the RNC is a great way to finish from the back, it is not always available. Against more experienced grapplers, they will often grip-fight and defend as much as possible. With this in mind, a different, yet similar, alternative option may be to go for the Short Choke.

Finishing the Short Choke BJJ strangle requires you to get a palm to palm grip over the shoulder, and place the elbow of the free arm behind the back. This creates a strong frame which makes it incredibly difficult for the opponent to move. For a tight finish, it is not just about the squeeze – you also need to pull across, in the direction of the elbow of the arm that’s across the throat.

It is unexpected, difficult to defend, and requires very little time to learn. Below you can see the Short-Choke explained in full effect with a transition to the back from a Head-in-Arm set-up. The instructor also shows and explains the difference between a RNC and a Short-Choke.

Arm-In Ezekiel

The set-up to get the Arm-In Ezekiel choke, again, is similar to the RNC/short-choke – but with an arm in. The Ezekiel is an incredibly versatile choke and can seemingly be done from most positions – including when you’re in someone’s guard. Aleksei Oleinik is a UFC fighter that has not only pulled off the Ezekiel choke twice but also did it from the bottom of the mount. Yes, that’s right, the first-ever UFC Ezekiel choke submission was actually from the bottom mount. Watch below:

The Ezekiel is commonly used in Gi but can also be done in No-Gi, and from many different positions – as proven by Aleksei Oleinik. In the Gi, the attacker grips their own Gi sleeve to secure the set-up but in No-Gi you use your bicep. You then do a scissoring motion that blocks the opponent’s trachea and/or the carotid arteries. The choke became highly popular in BJJ during the 1990’s as it is one of the few chokes/attacks that a top fighter can safely attempt from inside the guard of his opponent. The Ezekiel choke has many variations, the ‘Arm-In Ezekiel’ being one of it’s most commonly seen in high level competition.

The Arm-In Ezekiel works whenever you’re having a difficult or strenuous time finishing an arm triangle, or a choke from back control. However, the choke – albeit – mainly done in the Gi, can be done in No-Gi and it too is also incredibly effective like the two chokes mentioned previously in the article. The Grappling Academy show how the savage arm-in Ezekiel choke can be done from the back – Watch video below,

GB Technique : How To Choke From Back Mount

This week on Gracie Barra Blog we are looking at some techniques to choke from the back mount by some Gracie Barra’s most experienced black belt instructors from Gracie Barra schools throughout the GB Network.

The best position in the jiu-jitsu positional hierarchy is the back (also called rear mount) where you have complete control over your opponent. Furthermore, the undisputed King of Submissions in jiu-jitsu is the Rear Naked Choke.

In hi level competition, we see the majority of the submissions coming by way of different variations of collar strangles. Today on GB Technique we are going to dive deep into chokes from the back mount.

Let’s take a look at some choke / strangle techniques from the back mount as taught by top Gracie Barra black belt instructors.

1) Rear Naked Choke and Rear Collar Choke

Let’s start with looking at the 2 primary chokes from Back Mount with Prof’s Diego and Flavio

2) Rear Naked Choke N0-Gi

Prof. Joe Scarola from Gracie Barra Long Island goes deeper into the King of submissions: The Rear Naked Choke

3) Single Wing Strangle from Back Take / Pegada das Costas c/ Finalização (partindo da Imob. Lateral)

The key to this variation of the sliding collar strangle is the use of your non-choking hand which applies a powerful counter pressure making the choke extremely tight.

4) Lapel Strangle from the back / Estrangulamento partindo da Pegada das Costas

When your opponent is savvy enough to protect their own collars, you can sneak in your own lapel for this Bow and Arrow Choke Variation

5) Foot Assisted Lapel Strangle / Estrangulamento c/ lapela

I’ll bet that you haven’t seen this variation of choke from the back mount. Note the foot-assisted leverage that creates a very powerful choke.

See also on Gracie Barra : GB Technique : Attacking the Turtle

Credits: Mark Mullen

Gracie Barra Black belt based in Asia

Two Great Gi Chokes from the Back


Knowing how to attack from the back is one of the most important elements of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. If you get to someone’s back you have a massive advantage so it would be a shame not to capitalize on it. Before learning back attacks, you need to learn how to control the back, if you are still having difficulty with back control check out our article “Take the Back, Keep the Back.”

Moving forward, there are many advantages to the gi when it comes to back attacks. It is easier to finish your opponent from the back in the gi because of the variety of chokes. Two of the best chokes from the back, and in bjj are the Bow & Arrow choke, and the double lapel choke from the back.

The Bow & Arrow Choke

The bow & arrow choke may be the best choke in Jiu Jitsu, assuming you are wearing a gi. Why is that? The bow & arrow choke utilizes so many different factors to become so powerful. You engage several different muscle groups when properly executing the choke.

With a good bow & arrow choke you are using your back, core, arms and legs. The choke happens when the arm over your opponent’s shoulder grabs the cross lapel, your other hand will grab their leg or underhook it. This will give you an excellent angle, similar to an arm bar. You will pull the lapel and your opponent’s leg as you extend your legs and back. This is why it is so powerful. You are engaging virtually every major muscle.

The bow and arrow is a gi only choke but if you’d like to touch up your rear naked choke, check out our article “Simple ways to make your rear naked choke better.” Also, check out this great instructional on proper application of a bow & arrow choke.

The Double Lapel Choke

The double lapel choke is EXTREMELY similar to the bow and arrow making it just as effective. The main difference is that instead of underhooking your opponent’s leg, you will use that hand to control the other lapel. This will allow you to have both lapels.

With this choke there are several ways to finish it, one is to get the angle and finish it just like the bow & arrow. This is the best way to do it because you are utilizing more of your body. This is also a great choking option because it is not necessary to create angles, you can stay right under your opponent and apply the choke, it also allows you to maintain a seat belt grip so if they defend, you can keep the back. It is less risky. Check out this half guard to back take and the double lapel choke finish.

If you want to enhance your bjj as a whole and work on your back attacks as well, check out Luiz Panza’s 4 DVD set “Hidden BJJ Secrets.”

Sliding Collar Choke From The Back Mount – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques

Take your left hand under your opponents left arm-pit and grab the other side of their collar. This hand is used to make sure there is no slack in the collar when you apply the choke.

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 5 Different Collar Chokes from Back Mount Using The Same Grip

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