Double Rations For Kids Frostpunk | These Kids Want Double Rations?! 113 개의 자세한 답변

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d여기에서 These kids want DOUBLE RATIONS?! – double rations for kids frostpunk 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

#shorts Demi considers giving kids double rations after they’ve been forced into child labour in FROSTPUNK

double rations for kids frostpunk 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Event choices not having a long term effect? : r/Frostpunk

Double Rations stops ks from being hurt in safe jobs. Slowing Autos stops people from being AutoSquashed. Giving wood stops discontent from …

+ 여기를 클릭


Date Published: 2/28/2021

View: 5823

[Challenge] Child Labor only run, proof of concept – Frostpunk …

Double rations for working ks? HAHAHA NOPE. Day 5- running out of piles, forced to sign child labor all jobs although I also need …

+ 여기에 보기


Date Published: 6/24/2022

View: 7156

How much does one Citizen eat a day? – r/Frostpunk

1 Person = 1 Meal per Day. Citizens in Care Homes will eat half, children will eat double if you pass Double Rations for working ks. You can …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 11/10/2022

View: 3749

Frostpunk – Some Basic Hints and Tips – Game Guides

Double Rations (With good Raw Food output it is rare to suffer from rations issues. Double Rations significantly reduce the time needed for ill …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 4/22/2021

View: 1897

Is it worth to assign children to work in Frostpunk?

Instead, after signing “Child Shelter” law, you can dece who will receive children’s help: doctors or engineers. Thanks to that you can raise …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 5/24/2021

View: 8025

주제와 관련된 이미지 double rations for kids frostpunk

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 These kids want DOUBLE RATIONS?!. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

These kids want DOUBLE RATIONS?!
These kids want DOUBLE RATIONS?!

주제에 대한 기사 평가 double rations for kids frostpunk

  • Author: Demi Mirai
  • Views: 조회수 53회
  • Likes: 좋아요 3개
  • Date Published: 2021. 10. 17.
  • Video Url link:

Is child labor good for Frostpunk?

Child Labor is a trap. Been seeing this a lot lately, people talking about Child Labor like it’s a good choice. It isn’t. It’s a temporary boost to production that is outclassed by being able to tech up sooner with Apprentices.

What do children do in Frostpunk?

Children. Children make a small portion of your populace. They are unable to perform any jobs unless the child labour law is signed. Provided the relevant laws are signed, children can perform most jobs workers can – however, they cannot work as hunters, as scouts, or as guards/Faith Keepers.

Where can children work in Frostpunk?

After introducing this law, children can be sent to work at “safe” jobs that don’t require Engineers.

  • resource piles and Gathering Posts (including the coal piles generated by Coal Thumpers)
  • Cookhouse.
  • Hothouse.
  • House of Healing.
  • Field Kitchen.

Will there be a Frostpunk 2?

Frostpunk 2 was officially announced in August of last year and, assuming full development is underway, could likely release before the internal 2024 release date. Moreover, quite a few release dates in the SteamDB leak are also false, such as Kerbal Space Program 2 slated for release in 2021.

Do multiple workshops increase research speed Frostpunk?

Each one past the first only adds slightly faster research time: Your first workshop provides the full 100% Research Rate. Your second workshop provides 30% Research Rate, for a total of 130% Research Rate. Your third workshop provides 20% Research Rate, for a total of 150% Research Rate.

How do you cheat on Frostpunk?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately there are no cheat codes available in Frostpunk for players. But there are many community Frostpunk mods that you can use to enable different God-like mods for you. There are even mods that enable you to turn off heat necessity for buildings in your base.

Why is Frostpunk mature?

Frostpunk is rated M for Mature with Blood, Mild Sexual Themes, Mild Violence, and Strong Language. It’s not rated M because of graphic violence or sex, however, but moreso the mature themes and issues you’re forced to deal with.

How do you send scouts Frostpunk?

You must click the scout icon on the map and then click the location. Once you click the location you want them to go to, there will be an X or a green arrow. Click the green arrow to confirm that they should go there.

How do you Unsign a Frostpunk law?

Just like in real life, you can’t EVER change laws once they’re enacted. EVER under any circumstances.

How do gathering posts work Frostpunk?

Gathering posts handle multiple resource piles by assigning individual workers to each resource pile. Each worker will be assigned to one resource pile, starting at the resource pile closest to the post and moving outward, and then repeating.

How do you get to Tesla City?

Tesla City is Northeast of your city within the first scenario. You need to explore more and more to the Northeast (more east than north, really), and you’ll eventually get to it. Once you see the Dreadnought Landing, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

How do gathering posts work Frostpunk?

Gathering posts handle multiple resource piles by assigning individual workers to each resource pile. Each worker will be assigned to one resource pile, starting at the resource pile closest to the post and moving outward, and then repeating.

How do you get to Tesla City?

Tesla City is Northeast of your city within the first scenario. You need to explore more and more to the Northeast (more east than north, really), and you’ll eventually get to it. Once you see the Dreadnought Landing, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

How do you get food in Frostpunk?

Raw food can be obtained by:
  1. having an active Hunter’s Hut or Hunters’ Hangar.
  2. researching the Hothouse at the Workshop (after researching Drawing Boards (Technology), which unlocks the Hothouse option).
  3. exploring certain on Scouting Missions.
  4. establishing an Outpost at specific site (e.g., a fishing village).

[Challenge] Child Labor only run, proof of concept

Following up on child labor run idea suggested here.

I thought this would be extraordinarily difficult so I started with ANH Normal. I think I could do it on Hard, and it’s quite possible that someone more skilled could pull it off on extreme.


So the main exceptions to child labor were adult-only jobs: scouts, workshop researchers, public house/prostitutes, and faith keepers. Plus the Winterhome automaton, which spent almost the entire run on a hothouse.

These are my complete notes from the run:

Forgot to gather coal on day 1, lost like 24 people to freezing to death overnight. Wound up getting banished cause I couldn’t sign corpse disposal. Mullligannnn…

Trying again. Rotating 24h shifts seem to work well. Managed to get my corpse pit this time to put the scripted 24h death. Gathering posts are essential with so few kids at start. Rushed faster gathering then beacon.

“I hope I don’t freeze to death on duty.”

“Don’t worry mama, we got this!”

Double rations for working kids? HAHAHA NOPE.

Day 5- running out of piles, forced to sign child labor all jobs although I also need overcrowding and organ transplants.

Got the automaton, put it on the hothouse. Only 21 kids after all.

Since we need labor efficient means of getting resources, wall drills+charcoal kiln seems to be the way to go.

Putting some more research into scouting because what else can I use workers for?Gloomy cave took 6 (!) attempts.

House of pleasure? Don’t mind if I do. This is the ONLY time I will allow workers to work anywhere…

Got to Winterhome so now we can start Faith.

Didn’t remember Freshwater Springs had 7 kids. That’ll put me up to 32 when they get back.

Starting to run out of coal because of not enough kids. Those 7 got here just in time. Now to hit the jackpot, er, I mean, Winterhome kid cave…

On the tech front, time to get Shrines, push for House of Healing so we can pediform our healthcare system.

Tesla exiles—another 7 kids.

The house of healing is %#[email protected] enormous (Order main here). Didn’t realize how huge faith buildings were.

Now dismantling all medposts to maintain concept compliance.

7 hours to the shrouded cave and a ton of extra work—er… laborers.

THIRTY FIVE KIDS at the shrouded cave. Doubling my workforce in one scout trip.

Upside to no outposts: dismantling the crap out of them all for resources.

57 Londoners, oh my. I guess Faith Keepers will be another exception to the rule. After all, those unruly children need discipline.

Public Penance, because corporal punishment is cool.

This is almost too easy. Will have to tighten the constraints or increase difficulty next time.

Down to 2 Londoners. I signed almost everything though.

No Londoners!

First group of refugees, and not a child among them. Tsk. Second group has 22 kids though.

Going into storm prep now on Day 30 with a pretty good economy. Just lots and LOTS of sick.

Food theft with kids manning the cookhouse. Yeah, I guess some adult supervision is gonna be required here.

Going into the storm with 5.5k rations and 21k coal. Ending labor force was 145 kids plus 10 workers in the pub and 10 engis in faith keepers.

246 sick on day 43. 271 by the end. Not too bad though, only deaths were the 24 shift, the old man, and the faith keeper—all scripted. Wonder how this would go on hard difficulty.

Child Labor is a trap. :: Frostpunk General Discussions

Child Labor is a trap.

Been seeing this a lot lately, people talking about Child Labor like it’s a good choice.

It isn’t.

It’s a temporary boost to production that is outclassed by being able to tech up sooner with Apprentices.

In games like this, it’s important to understand what your “Gates” are, the mechanics that restrict your ability to meet your Win Condition.

Now, there are many ways to “solve” Frostpunk, but generally speaking, if your goal is to have as many warm, happy, healthy people as possible, then it’s helpful to recognize where your Gates/Bottlenecks are.

The 3 biggest Gates are Steam Cores, Tech Upgrades and Steel.

For all intents and purposes, this is a 4x game, and typically a 4x game is going to continuously cycle 3 stages – Growth, Stablization and Efficiency.

A Growth stage is where you expand your empire to harvesting more resources.

A Stablization stage is where you lock in your ability to sustain your empire at it’s current state indefinately(roughly speaking).

An Efficency stage is where you find ways to overproduce in your stable state so you can start the cycle again (this is not Growth, it’s not about having more dollars, it’s about getting your dollar to do more for less((Example: You mine coal 10% faster, boosting the productivity of an existing mine as opposed to aquiring another mine)).

Frostpunk is not The Roman Empire, which is to say, it isn’t a pyramid scheme.

It’s not a house of cards that tumbles down if you stop expanding, meaning that it follows the model I just outlined instead. (Child Labor might actually be [mechanically] useful if this were an expantionist game, but it isn’t.)((Rome fell because it stopped expanding and could not find a stable state, step 2))(((There are models for continously expanding empires, but they do not apply to this game for mechanical reasons.)))

That said, now we can understand our Gates.

The Gates prevent progress, and ANYTHING you can do to widen those Gates and allow more progress to flow through them, is usually the most important thing you can do if your current state is stable.

So, in general, a checklist for you to keep refering to while you play(daily for example):

Am I stable, and if not, how do I become stable? If yes then –

Can I harvest Steam Cores faster/sooner, if so, how? If no then –

Can I Tech Up faster, if so, how? If no then –

Can I boost Steel Production, if so, how?

I promise you, if you are holding these priorities in mind, and work to meet these goals, your City will be stupid efficient in no time.

Assuming these are proper Gate identifications, it should be clear that Apprentices are superior to Child Labor because one solves our gates directly while the other one can ONLY affect our gates indirectly, if at all.

You have been illuminated, go forth and prosper.

Edit: A roughball way to determine Gates is to continually ask “What am I waiting on right now?”, and typically, this will identify your different gates over time. The more a specific answer pops up over the course of a game, the higher it’s priority as a Gate is. Example: I was waiting on Steel a lot more than I thought I would that game, it must be a higher priority Gate than I thought it was, next game I should try and get more Steel before I need it.

How much does one Citizen eat a day?

I’m trying to calculate optimal amount of workers in hothouse for my city so could anyone tell me how much does an adult eat in frostpunk, and if children eat less. Also i wonder if a Citizen starves for 1 day will he eat double rations when he will get the food?

Some Basic Hints and Tips

It is not easy to survive the cold and ever-encroaching dread of freezing do death, but alas, all is not lost. With clever planning, beneficial use of scarce resources and some foresight you can get through all fine and dandy, no matter the circumstances. The game suffers a little bit from lack of proper information handling. There are some things that requite an informed red to understand or simple observation to make a conclusion. Below you will find a collection of hints and tips that made the game a breeze in its basic form – achievement hunting though requires different strategies and won’t be covered here. Hopefully, these guidelines will help you win your first games. Here we go!

Tips And Tricks

Build 2-3 Workshops

Yup. This one is the basic omittance of most new players. One workshop research rate is way, way too slow for you to get a handle of all them juicy technologies before the cold gets you. But every extra manned workshop speed it up significantly. (Bonus: If you can handle and man 4 Workshops, an achievement will be unlocked.)

Research Additional Scout Team And Their Speed As Soon As Possible

Scout teams are crucial. They are pretty much your only way of getting new people and precious Steam Cores. They also often grant you lump sum of various resources and are important for various objective. Simply put, having two faster teams is a bare minimum.

Don’t Build Only Tents / Bunkhouses In The First Circle Around The Generator At The Start Of The Game!

This one is often not a huge mistake but can be troublesome early on. Simply put, people will fall ill and your first medical post might be outside the ring of warmth, making it an issue to heal people up. Safe some place at the first ring of heat from your generator for the Medical Post. It will take some time to get enough coal for Steam Hubs / research extra heat range from Generator.

Understand Gathering Posts And Resource Depots

Gathering posts have a sphere of influence, and every resource pile within that sphere will be gathered at by workers put into the post. The benefits are multitude! First, you don’t need to assign workers to a specific pile. Second, the building can (and should) be heated, cutting down time when workers walk in the cold, which makes them less prone to sickness. It also cuts down the workers travelling time between the piles and a resource drop-place. Resource Depots are a must as well. Sooner or later you will find your storages getting full, and any surplus production will be discarded. Resource Depots will take care of that – remember, that you don’t have to keep it warm!

Thumpers Need Gathering!

One of the most common mistake I see is lack of understanding how Coal Thumpers works. They are very beneficial, but workforce heavy. Their main benefits are cheap cost to produce (and no Steam Core needed!) and the fact, that they can be build anywhere (do not need a resource plot field). However, Thumpers do not produce coal straight to the storage, but instead create an ever-growing pile of coal in front of them (indicated by the 3 icons of coal on the building outline, when placing it). This pile need to be worked by workers or Automatons to gather the resource. The best way to doing so is by building Gathering Posts around the thumpers.

Micromanage – Disable And Dismantle

One of the key feature that is vastly underused is the ability to dismantle and disable buildings. A Sawmill run out of wood around its radius? Dismantle! You have stored rations for a week forward? Disable the Cookhouses and free these workers! Micromanagement allows you to maximize the productivity of your people and ensure the best usage of the precious ground around your Generator and Steam Hubs.

Automatons Don’t Care About Cold

So, you have your Coal mines, Wall Drills and Steelworks. They are also located near the wall, far, far away from your Generator. Sure, you can put Steam Hubs and put people to work, but why not use Automatons? They don’t care for the cold and so you don’t have to keep the workplaces warm at all.

Steam Hubs Refuel Automatons

Alternatively, if your coal situation is good, building steam house need the major work nodes of your automatons will cut down their downtime, as they will walk to the nearest Steam Hub to refuel.

Build Outposts Early… Or Not At All

Outposts are very powerful and generate an easy, steady influx of resources, which is splendid. Unfortunately, in the main scenario they will not work during the incoming Storm – so either get them early to benefit from the stream of extra income, or just ignore them whatsoever.

No Bad Way To Make Coal But Be Dedicated To A Way You Pick

Coal Thumpers, Coal Mines, Kilns… All these methods work and are more than enough to provide you coal through thick and thin, but once you decide on your method, I’d advice to keep a focus on it and not experiment or shift to another one during the game. It might not be a mistake, and might even be a satisfactory progress, but usually the extra time needed to gather new resources to build new buildings, research way more Resource techs and provide extra Steam Cores for the advanced buildings to function… It is oft not worth it, unless your city has a massive population and require enormous resource banks.

Extended Shift > 24 Hours Emergency Shift

Pushing laws into Extended Shift is one of the great benefits you can get. When Emergency Shift can save you in a pinch, it produces amazing amount of discontent, have some nasty events plausible to trigger and is put on a cooldown after use. Extended Shift though expands workhours for any of your workshops by a hefty 4 hours. You have full control which building will get extended shift, it has no cooldown and discontent gained by pushing your workforce like that is not too straining. Putting Workshops on lengthy shifts, for example, can vastly speed up your research!

There Is No Heat Zone Overlapping

So whenever you place a new steam Hub, make sure there is no overlap to cover the most land that was previously unheated.

Some Powerful Early Laws Include:

Child Labor (Gain 15 workers instantly at the start of the game. Shelter is great for later game, but this first kicstart is pretty massive). Sustain Life (It is troublesome at first, but it limits the number of Amputees and reduce the amount of people biting the dust – later in game you will gain technologies and buildings that will be able to heal the sick properly, retaining your workforce). Double Rations (With good Raw Food output it is rare to suffer from rations issues. Double Rations significantly reduce the time needed for ill people to get better, which is crucial in ensuring your workforce efficiency). Fighting Arena (Cheap, simple, quick and effortless way to reduce discontent). Faster Gathering (Cheap tech that can be useful entire game, if you rely on Thumpers for Coal).

OverdriveSteam Level Juggle

In a tight spot when the coal is draining out and massive cold takes over, you need to learn a simple technique of Juggling the two settings of your Generator. With a proper tech (Overdrive Couplings) putting your Generator into Overdrive rise the temperature in its heat zone by 2 levels, nearly instantly. That means you can reduce your Generator Steam Level by two when the Overdrive is on. Then, when Generator Stress is getting dangerous, be sure to NOT turn it off yet, but first raise the Steam Level to the one you need and give it a bit of time before it heats up to that level. Than disable the Overdrive and let it cool. You can efficiently manage this two settings to significantly manage your coal burning.

Houses Are Powerful As Heck

And last one for now. Houses. Gosh you want houses. Houses + House Insulation tech gives a huge passive Heat level for your living places, greatly reducing the requirements for your Generator heat output to keep them above the freezing level even at the most outrageous cold.


More Frostpunk guilds

Is it worth to assign children to work in Frostpunk? – Frostpunk Game Guide

Is it worth to assign children to work in Frostpunk? Frostpunk Guide

Children are an important aspect of the world of Frostpunk. They are, in a sense, the source of hope for the city. Because of that each decision related to them has a huge impact on discontent and hope bars. A decision to send them to work depends on your city’s situation.

Avoid assigning children to work if your city has enough workers and you are sure that this won’t change. Instead, after signing “Child Shelter” law, you can decide who will receive children’s help: doctors or engineers. Thanks to that you can raise efficiency in certain buildings without negative consequences.

Children are classified as a separate working group. This means that you are fully aware of giving them jobs.

Let them work if your city suffers from not having enough working force. The first version of this law allows children to work only in certain places – Cookhouse or basic buildings that excavate resources. Here, it is better to order children to work in a Cookhouse. A risk of accident is much lower (child accidents aren’t welcome by your society).

As a final resort, you can update the law and let children to work everywhere. After that they become full-fledged workers. This law should only be used in critical situations when your city’s survival is in danger. Try to assign children to less demanding buildings and jobs. Adults should work in various mines.

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