Enraged Zakum Helmet | See What They Did To My Zakum Helmet – Maplestory M 최근 답변 127개

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Enraged Zakum Helmet | MapleWiki – Fandom

Dropped by, Chaos Zakum. Sold for, 1 meso. Notes. This equipment is a Boss Reward, granting it additional Bonus Stats compared to normal equipment.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: maplestory.fandom.com

Date Published: 6/18/2022

View: 918

Maplestory Enraged Zakum’s Helmet | iTzDarkVoid

Maplestory newest patch, Maples Eleven has revamped the Zakum Boss. Here’s whats new. Continue reading →. Search. Search …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: itzdarkvoid.wordpress.com

Date Published: 9/26/2022

View: 8409

Enraged Zakum or Immortal belt? : r/MapleStoryM – Reddit

I don’t have immortal ring, but I have black bean eye acc… so obviously for now I go with Zakum, but if I got immortal ring would I swap …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.reddit.com

Date Published: 4/9/2021

View: 2721

Enraged Zakum Cape – Official MapleStory Website

… I generally thought that all Chaos Zakum related gear are level 150 since I had obtained a Enraged Zakum Helmet a while ago and also …

+ 더 읽기

Source: forums.maplestory.nexon.net

Date Published: 10/22/2021

View: 2782

Enraged Zakum Helmet – MapleStory.Wiki

Enraged Zakum Helmet. STR45; DEX45; INT45; LUK45; HP400; MP400; Weapon Attack2; Magic Attack2; Weapon Defense300; Magic Defense300; Accuracy200 …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: maplestory.wiki

Date Published: 3/11/2022

View: 5334

MapleStory Zakum Guide – DigitalTQ

Once the most feared boss in MapleStory, Zakum is now one of the … party up to take him down and earn powerful drops such as Zakum Helmet.

+ 더 읽기

Source: www.digitaltq.com

Date Published: 10/30/2021

View: 6924

주제와 관련된 이미지 enraged zakum helmet

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 See what they did to my Zakum helmet – MapleStory M. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

See what they did to my Zakum helmet - MapleStory M
See what they did to my Zakum helmet – MapleStory M

주제에 대한 기사 평가 enraged zakum helmet

  • Author: JS Leow
  • Views: 조회수 28회
  • Likes: 좋아요 없음
  • Date Published: 2021. 7. 9.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gle3j-6DN_U

Enraged Zakum Cape

I have killed Chaos Zakum with help of many others and have obtained a Enraged Zakum Cape, with such excitement I proceeded to star enhance because of the enhance event that allows 100% success rate on certain numbers of stars, I have been lucky enough to reach 22 stars on this cape as I’m ready to transfer this to a Absolab cape I realize that I’m unable to because of the fact that this cape is level 135, I generally thought that all Chaos Zakum related gear are level 150 since I had obtained a Enraged Zakum Helmet a while ago and also star enhanced it to 22 stars before transferring it to a Absolab Cap, I’m requesting for there to be a level change of this level 135 cape to a level 150 since I think that this was an issue of coding the gear level, I know it is possible to obtain a level 150 Enraged Zakum Cape but why would there be two of the same items but different levels, this also applies to the Enraged Zakum Belt ans Enraged Zakum Helmet, the reason why I think that this was an issue of coding the gear is because I’m unable to transfer the level 135 cape to a level 140 pensalir cape which fits the requirement of hammer transferring gear, the transferring and transferred gear must be in a range of 1-10 levels. I have looked at many wiki’s including orangemushroom, maplestoryfandom and other informative information and they all state that Enraged Zakum gear are level 150. I’m here to suggest and request to have an item level change from 135 to 150 to all Enraged Zakum gear unless of course this was intentional and that there should be the same type of item but different levels.

MapleStory Zakum Guide

calendar_todayPosted on 16th October 2020

Once the most feared boss in MapleStory, Zakum is now one of the easiest bosses in the game for new players to defeat. Zakum has three different modes: Easy Zakum, Normal Zakum and Chaos Zakum. Whilst Zakum does provide some useful gear and items for mid-game players, it is no longer considered an end-game boss. That being said, Zakum is still pretty fun to beat up and provides some useful weekly boss drops.

Originally Zakum was released as the end-game boss during the era when there was no fourth job. Up to 30 players could party up to take him down and earn powerful drops such as Zakum Helmet. Later on, Zakum would end up dropping fourth job skill books, making it a popular boss years after it came out. Zakum was first released in patch 0.23 in MapleStory Global (May 2006!).

Today, the landscape is very different. Zakum was completely revamped in patch v.172 where its art and animations were updated to use MapleStory’s new skeleton engine. The update included brand new attacks for Zakum and a removal of the requirements to summon him (you used to have to do an annoying Jump Quest to obtain the Fire Of Eye item used to summon Zakum. You now get this item by talking to the entrance NPC). There are three different versions of Zakum:

Easy Zakum (Level 50+)

Normal Zakum (Level 90+)

Chaos Zakum (Level 90+)

There are several ways to fight Zakum. You can either queue up using the Party Boss Tab option, or head straight to the Zakum entrance map: El Nath The Door To Zakum.

You can clear Easy and Normal Zakum once per day. Chaos Zakum can be cleared once per week.

Most players solo Zakum as a boss, since player’s damage has grown incredibly high that the boss is easy to defeat even with no gear.

Zakum Prequests

There are no prequests for Zakum anymore. They have removed the annoying jump quest and the mine’s puzzle game that you needed to complete in order to get the Eye Of Fire item.

Instead, you can simply talk to NPC Adobis and get a free Eye Of Fire item whenever you like. The only requirement is level.

To summon Zakum, you’ll need to drop the Eye Of Fire item in the center of the map Final Mission: Zakum’s Altar.

Easy Zakum

Easy Zakum can be taken on at level 50. You head to the map Zakum entrance map: El Nath The Door To Zakum and talk to NPC Adobis to obtain a Eye Of Fire Chunk, which is different to the normal Eye Of Fire (make sure you select Receive an offering for Zakum -> Easy Zakum).

You get a total of 50 lives. It’s the easiest boss in the game!

Total HP: 3,800,000 HP

Phase 1

Arm Smash Down – Zakum will periodically summon his arms to smash down on you. If you get hit, it deals 50% damage

Phase 2

Platform Summon – He will summon 3 platforms either side of him, whilst the floor turns to a fire pit. This deals roughly 20% damage over time.

Platform Summon Handclap – He will also select a random platform on either side to have a laser hit. If you get hit it’s 1hit KO.

After a period of time, you will return to Phase 1.

Phase 3

Phase 3 begins once you have defeated all of Zakum’s arms

Summons Mobs – Periodically summons mobs to attack you

Zakum Energy Explosion – A full map attack that deals 99% damage

Phase 4

Phase 4 begins when Zakum has less than 20% health

Teleport Attack – Zakum will teleport to a random location and a summon a green shield cube. You need to be inside the shield cube before Zakum teleports else you will die.

Stalactites – These will fall from the ceiling and deal damage to you and cause you to be stunned.

Useful Rewards

Zakum Helmet

Normal Zakum

Normal Zakum can be taken on at level 90. In Reboot Worlds, most players will challenge Zakum at around level 100 due to the damage penalties that have against high level monsters. Normal Zakum is a great way to get from level 100-110 as the boss gives great EXP. You should go into Zakum with Rune EXP buff + others if you have them to get the most EXP you can.

You head to the map Zakum entrance map: El Nath The Door To Zakum and talk to NPC Adobis to obtain an Eye Of Fire, (make sure you select Receive an offering for Zakum -> Normal/Chaos Zakum).

You have a total of 5 lives for Normal Zakum.

Total HP: 12,600,000 HP

For the most part, the fight is exactly the same as Easy Zakum, except now his attacks deal more damage.

Phase 1

Arm Smash Down – Zakum will periodically summon his arms to smash down on you. If you get hit, it deals 90% damage!

Phase 2

Platform Summon – He will summon 3 platforms either side of him, whilst the floor turns to a fire pit. This deals roughly 20% damage over time.

Platform Summon Handclap – He will also select a random platform on either side to have a laser hit. If you get hit it’s 1hit KO.

After a period of time, you will return to Phase 1.

Phase 3

Phase 3 begins once you have defeated all of Zakum’s arms

Summons Mobs – Periodically summons mobs to attack you

Zakum Energy Explosion – A full map attack that deals 99% damage

Phase 4

Phase 4 begins when Zakum has less than 20% health

Teleport Attack – Zakum will teleport to a random location and a summon a green shield cube. You need to be inside the shield cube before Zakum teleports else you will die.

Stalactites – These will fall from the ceiling and deal damage to you and cause you to be stunned.

Useful Rewards

Zakum Helmet

Condensed Power Crystal

Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory

Chaos Zakum

Chaos Zakum is where this boss gets a little bit interesting. The HP levels have been increased to Hard Magnus levels, meaning you need to have a decently geared character, despite the requirements needing you to only be level 90 to enter. Chaos Zakum is usually only good for: Power Crystals and Fodder Gear for Transfer Hammer. The equipment he drops isn’t of any use to you once you can take him down.

You head to the map Zakum entrance map: El Nath The Door To Zakum and talk to NPC Adobis to obtain an Eye Of Fire, (make sure you select Receive an offering for Zakum -> Normal/Chaos Zakum).

You have a total of 5 lives for Chaos Zakum.

Total HP: 168,000,00,000 HP!

For the most part, the fight is exactly the same as Normal Zakum, except now his attacks deal more damage.

Phase 1

Arm Smash Down – Zakum will periodically summon his arms to smash down on you. If you get hit, it deals 100% damage!

Zakum’s arms will regenerate over time until Phase 3.

Phase 2

Platform Summon – He will summon 3 platforms either side of him, whilst the floor turns to a fire pit. This deals roughly 20% damage over time.

Platform Summon Handclap – He will also select a random platform on either side to have a laser hit. If you get hit it’s 1hit KO.

After a period of time, you will return to Phase 1.

Phase 3

Phase 3 begins once you have defeated all of Zakum’s arms

Summons Mobs – Periodically summons mobs to attack you

Zakum Energy Explosion – A full map attack that deals 99% damage

Phase 4

Phase 4 begins when Zakum has less than 20% health

Teleport Attack – Zakum will teleport to a random location and a summon a green shield cube. You need to be inside the shield cube before Zakum teleports else you will die.

Stalactites – These will fall from the ceiling and deal damage to you and cause you to be stunned.

Useful Rewards

Intense Power Crystal (Sell for 48million mesos in Reboot World)

Condensed Power Crystal

Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory

Transfer Hammer Gear: Enraged Zakum Cape (for Absolab Cape)

You can of course also get Cubes, Rebirth Flames and other drops from Zakum. Adding it your weekly/daily bosses can be a good way to acquire extra items and mesos.

키워드에 대한 정보 enraged zakum helmet

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