Estj And Enfp | Estj + Enfp Love: 10 Questions About Our Relationship 246 개의 자세한 답변

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d여기에서 ESTJ + ENFP Love: 10 Questions About Our Relationship – estj and enfp 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Wherein Kyle and I answer 10 of the most frequently asked questions from you guys here on YT as well as on Instagram / Snapchat INDIVIDUALLY when the other person wasn’t home 🙂 We discuss love, former relationships, Feminism and Egalitarianism, handling housework, managing money, and dealing with conflict. He is an ENFP, and I am an ESTJ (you can take a version of the Myers Briggs test on
1. How we Met. First Impressions.
2. When did you know you were in love with your partner?
3. How have your former relationships influenced how you behave in your current relationship?
4. What does Feminism and egalitarianism mean to you? How do you implement these concepts in your relationship? In what ways do you think your relationship diverges from the norm?
5. How do you deal with separate “life stuff”? Does separation anxiety exist in your relationship when you want to do something but your partner doesn’t?
6. How do you manage going out to eat with different diets / lifestyle choices?
7. How do you manage housework and the dynamic there? (The politics of housework)
8. How do you handle money as a couple and individually?
9. How do you resolve conflict / handle forgiveness?
10. How do you deal with your parents’ opinions on your feminist partnership?
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estj and enfp 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 ESTJ + ENFP Love: 10 Questions About Our Relationship. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

ESTJ + ENFP Love: 10 Questions About Our Relationship
ESTJ + ENFP Love: 10 Questions About Our Relationship

주제에 대한 기사 평가 estj and enfp

  • Author: Ilyssa Fitness
  • Views: 조회수 27,027회
  • Likes: 좋아요 473개
  • Date Published: 2016. 8. 14.
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ENFP and ESTJ Relationship

People with an ENFP personality type tend to be energetic, adaptable, and inventive in their behavior. They like to think up new, creative ideas and love sharing them with other people. They thrive in group settings and enjoy meeting new people.

People with an ENFP personality type tend to be energetic, adaptable, and inventive in their behavior. They like to think up new, creative ideas and love sharing them with other people. They thrive in group settings and enjoy meeting new people.

What is an ESTJ Personality Type

(The Commander )?

An In-Depth Look at the ENFP and ESTJ Relationship

When you first glance at an ENFP and ESTJ couple, you might think, “What in the WORLD do these two types have in common?” After all, sensors and intuitives can’t enjoy each other’s company, right? Well….wrong…usually.

ENFPs and ESTJs actually have quite a lot in common, but enough of a difference that they can look at each other and think, “hmm….now THAT’S fascinating!” And really…that’s what we want in a relationship, right?

So today let’s explore what draws these two types together and also discuss some of the pitfalls the two can face on their unique path together.

A Look at the Hardware – The ENFP and ESTJ Cognitive Functions:

ENFP Cognitive Functions:

Dominant Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

Auxiliary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Tertiary Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Inferior Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)

ESTJ Cognitive Functions:

Dominant Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Auxiliary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)

Tertiary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

You can also see these functions in the graphic below:

So what do these “cognitive functions” have to do with ESTJs and ENFPs getting along?

Cognitive functions are essentially the mental wiring that each of us is born with. ENFPs are wired up with very powerful Extraverted Intuition, but their weak spot (inferior) would be Introverted Sensing. ESTJs have very powerful Extraverted Thinking, but their weak spot (inferior) would be Introverted Feeling.

ENFPs are feeling types. The brand of feeling they use is Introverted Feeling. When they see ideas and possibilities they narrow them down based on what they feel is morally right for them. They look at their values, emotions, and deeply-felt inner truths and use that as the compass to guide their decisions.

ESTJs have inferior Introverted Feeling. This means that their personal values can seem far away and confusing. Their personal desires and motivations aren’t something they delve into intensely. More than introspection about the nuances of their emotional truths, ESTJs are focused on getting things done in an efficient, logical way. As a result of having inferior introverted feeling, ESTJs can seem overly hasty, tactless, or blind to their own values and emotions.

ESTJs are thinking types. The brand of thinking they use is called Extraverted Thinking. When they make decisions, they base those decisions on what is provable, factual, and logical. They weigh the pros and cons and go with the decision that is the most logically sensible. They step out of situations to see them impersonally – they worry that their feelings would cloud their judgment.

ENFPs have tertiary Extraverted Thinking. This means that sporadically they can have very strong logical insights. They get a sense of relief from organizing their world in a logical way and going after their dreams with a streamlined schedule. However, their ability to use Extraverted Thinking is shaky. Sometimes they are quite skilled here, and other times they falter. They will usually prioritize Introverted Feeling over Extraverted Thinking. The important thing for them isn’t primarily the logical approach, but staying true to their individual values.

ENFPs are intuitive types. The brand of intuition they use is called Extraverted Intuition. When they observe the world around them, they are inundated by possibilities and alternatives. Rather than seeing the one way something is typically used, they see hundreds of ways it could possibly be used. They are experimenters, explorers, and change-agents. They are befuddled when people follow the rules because they see so many exceptions to the rules and so many alternatives that might be better.

ESTJs have tertiary Extraverted Intuition. They enjoy exploring new ideas and alternatives, but only in their free time when all their duties are taken care of. This function becomes stronger in mid-life, which is why at that time many ESTJs enjoy the company of NP personality types. ESTJs can be very innovative and imaginative, but not as naturally as ENFPs. Their skill here is sporadic and fluctuating. They are more likely to follow pre-established rules as long as there is no moral conflict. They see the rules as “shortcuts” so that they don’t waste time experimenting with ideas that don’t work.

ESTJs are sensing types. The brand of sensation they use is called Introverted Sensing. When they observe the world around them, they are inundated by reflections of their past experience. They recall what has worked before and what experience has taught them. They process their physical signals quickly; noticing things like hunger, thirst, or fatigue rapidly. They crave consistency and reliability and especially enjoy peaceful lives.

ENFPs have inferior Introverted Sensing. This means that they can quickly lose track of the signals their body is sending them. In their excitement over new possibilities, they become out of touch with their hunger signals, energy levels, and more. They can trip up over nitty-gritty details that sensing types tend to notice quickly – paying their bills on time, washing the dishes thoroughly, remembering the lessons from a past mistake – all this can get lost in their need for novelty and new ideas. ENFPs are drawn toward change, while introverted sensing dominant types are drawn towards stability.

Now that we’ve taken a look at the mental hardware of each type, let’s look at why this makes a difference!

5 Reasons Why ESTJs and ENFPs Are Compatible:

#1 – They Both Understand Each Other’s Social Needs

ENFPs and ESTJs are both extroverts. They’re going to appreciate the other’s needs for external stimulation, interaction, and participation. Neither is going to stifle the other’s needs for social engagement and activity in the outside world. ESTJs are “make-things-happen” people who like to be active and engaged with projects and events. ENFPs are “dream-it-up” people who are inspired by deep conversation, new sights, sounds, and experiences.

#2 – They Both Provide Relief for Each Other

The tertiary function is often called the “relief” function by typology experts. That’s because using this function can take the load off the often overworked dominant function. It’s a way that we get creative, playful, and decompressed.

And guess what? ESTJs have tertiary Extraverted Intuition, which is the dominant function of the ENFP.

ENFPs have tertiary Extraverted Thinking, which is the dominant function of the ESTJ.

This means that ESTJs often find ENFPs interesting and fun to be around. During relaxed moments they enjoy wandering the fields of the ENFP’s intuitive landscape. They enjoy swapping ideas, brainstorming, and creating together.

ENFPs, as well, enjoy the logical analysis and structure that ESTJs provide. They see how ESTJs can help them create a more logical approach to their plans and a sense of organization to their day. They enjoy working through their thoughts with the ESTJ to get tips and logical feedback.

#3 – ESTJs and ENFPs Motivate Each Other

ENFPs often have so many ideas that they don’t know how to pin one of them down and get it brought to fruition. This is where ESTJs come in. They look at all the ideas, toss the ones that don’t make any sense (sometimes to the ENFP’s dismay), and help the ENFP create a structure and process for bringing that idea to life. This process helps ENFP’s to believe in themselves and realize the strength of their ideas and potential.

ESTJs like to depend on tried-and-true methods when they do something. When they get creative ideas, they sometimes sweep them under the rug for fear of failure. ENFPs pull those ideas back out and breathe life into them with their charisma and interest in experimentation. They teach ESTJs that anything is possible and help them to pursue dreams and adventures they may have otherwise ignored.

#4 – ESTJs Ground ENFPs and ENFPs Raise Up ESTJs

ESTJs can get stuck in a rut very easily. They like stability, and the familiar is comforting to them. Facts and provable experience are essential in their eyes. But ENFPs help them to step out of their (sometimes comfortable) rut and see possibilities they never dreamed of before. They show them new delights, add to their list of favorite hobbies and routines, and make them feel like life is a constant rebirth of new potentialities.

ENFPs can get stuck in a permanent state of instability. Being flexible and constantly introduced to new things is exciting for these types. But in the process, they can forget to take care of themselves and can get into sticky situations from their vagabond lifestyle. ESTJs can help ENFPs to remember the little but crucially important things (like getting enough sleep or drinking enough water), and they can also help them to create a “home” or dependable center in the real world.

#5 – They “Get” Each Other

ENFPs and ESTJs share the same mental wiring, albeit with slightly different priorities.

ENFPs value all the same functions as ESTJs. And vice versa.

When ENFPs and ESTJs use feeling, they use introverted feeling rather than extraverted feeling.

When ENFPs and ESTJs use thinking, they use extraverted thinking instead of introverted thinking.

When ENFPs and ESTJs use intuition, they use extraverted intuition instead of introverted intuition.

When ENFPs and ESTJs use sensation, they use introverted sensing instead of extraverted sensing.

All that to say, even if they prioritize different functions, they still are using the same hardware. When they disagree, they’re likely to “get it” anyway. Whereas an ENFP and an ENFJ, who have completely opposite functions, might have a lot more fiery disputes.

Imagine it like this…

ENFPs and ESTJs are both Apple Products. ENFPs are an Apple Watch and ESTJs are iPads. They work together. Even if they look different on the outside, they still have the same overall structure.

ENFPs and ENFJs would be like the iPhone trying to work with an Android….lots of arguments would ensue…

Did that analogy work? I hope so.

What to Look Out For if You’re in this Relationship:

If you’re in this relationship, try to learn as much about your partner’s type preferences as possible. Arguments will likely happen because of your differences. Realize that your partner’s differences are not always negative. Once the spark of a new relationship wears off, some of the very things that attracted you to each other can grate on your nerves. Remember to show appreciation for your partner’s strength and understanding for their weaknesses.

ESTJs, your ENFP partner won’t be as fond of routine as you are. They also won’t be as detail-aware. Things, like washing the dishes or paying bills on time, can get lost in the shuffle. Your partner will also enjoy theoretical, abstract topics of conversation more than day-to-day discussion. They can feel caged in if their life is too planned-out and structured. Keep this in mind and try to compromise on the areas that you can.

ENFPs, your ESTJ partner needs a plan and a sense of structure in their lives. They’ll get really turned off if you’re not there when you say you’ll be there. Dependability is a BIG deal to ESTJs. They’ll also be more skeptical of untested theories and ideas, and there will be times when they wonder what the point of hypothetical conversations really is. They’re also very direct and can be tactless without meaning to be (or on purpose, if they’re angry). Keep this in mind and try to be understanding and flexible to make space for their way of thinking.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you have any insights or experiences to share for other readers? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

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ENFP The Advocate ESTJ The Supervisor


Personality ENFP The ENFP is caring, creative, quick and impulsive, energised by the possibilities life can bring. They love devising new ways of doing things, and bring a totally unique and fresh perspective to people and situations. People-centred, fresh and spontaneous, they will embrace things with energy and enthusiasm but may not follow through or get into detail as their focus is on ‘what’s next?’ ESTJ Outspoken and organised the ESTJ will take charge, bringing order, structure and focus to situations. Their desire to get things done may mean that they ignore the people issues, as they act on the facts and so are not so tuned in to peoples’ feelings. However everyone will know where they stand and they will use their vast store of knowledge and experience to plan and deliver.


At Work We all bring something different to the team and we all agree that difference and balance are good things. However when someone is different from us we might not understand them so well so in this section we allow you to compare the differences at work, how these might manifest themselves and how best to manage them. Contribution to the team ENFP ENFPs take a warm, genuine interest in others, they can ‘read’ people well, and will act as the catalyst for new initiatives and creative ways of solving problems. They will bring a radical perspective to the team. Contribution to the team ESTJ The ESTJ will be the organiser, of materials, of people, of deadlines and team, making sure tasks are planned and coordinated and that everyone is clear what is expected and what should happen next. Leading ENFP ENFPs are so insightful and people centric they will be caring leaders taking a genuine interest in those in their care. They may not be so good at giving bad news or creating systems and processes though. Leading ESTJ ESTJs are conservative and predictable with great organisational ability, ensuring everyone is clear where they stand. They like a plan and like people to stick to the plan working towards the known. Being managed ENFP ENFPs do not like bureaucracy or rules and regulations and they will argue long and eloquently defending their reasons. They are quick and nimble, working in short bursts of energy and need flexibility. Being managed ESTJ ESTJS need to know exactly where they stand and what is expected of them and then they will work long and hard to get it done. They dislike anything they perceive as woolly and will act on the facts. Attention to detail / focus ENFP ENFPs need variety, stimulus and to be surrounded by people. Solitary tasks, targets, repetition, formal structures or hierarchy don’t suit, as they work best in a flexible workplace where relationships are valued. Attention to detail / focus ESTJ ESTJs have practical common sense and a good deal of self-control and discipline, they work hard and tackle problems in a systematic fashion moving in a straight line from beginning to end. Creativity ENFP The ENFP is creative, quick, and impulsive. They are excellent at devising new ways of doing things, and bring a totally unique and fresh perspective to people, projects and situations. Creativity ESTJ ESTJs have a practical, factual nature, and enjoy hard work, although they may lack flexibility and be unresponsive to new or unproven ideas, as the ESTJ prefers the known and rely on their experience.


Conflict Some people seek harmony, some see conflict as simply robust discussions, some people are emotional, some more factual. So there is no right or wrong about this and what we are trying to do is help two different people each understand how the other might deal with conflict and what it will mean for how they work together. Initial response to conflict situations ENFP The ENFP does not like conflict and will be the one at the heart of the action bringing peace and understanding. Warm, affectionate and disconcertingly spontaneous people will like and trust the ENFP. Initial response to conflict situations ESTJ ESTJs are happy with conflict, as they are essentially impervious to their environment and so would see conflict as simply an element of getting things done, and may not ‘get’ others who are more sensitive. Issues they’ll fight on ENFP ENFPs are by nature very caring and they do not like seeing anything they perceive as unfair or unjust. However their style is to bring it all together in harmony, rather than go into battle. Issues they’ll fight on ESTJ The ESTJ wants to plan the work, work the plan in life as well as work. So if things are not moving forward, as agreed, they will be extremely vocal as driving for closure is what they’re built for. Conflict style / communication ENFP As the ENFP is comfortable with emotions they are fine at using emotional language and being tactile and people will tend to open up to them and this allows conflict to be resolved amicably. Conflict style / communication ESTJ Direct and factual the ESTJ may inadvertently upset others who are more feeling as they see honesty and incredible directness as the same thing and so may at times project an honesty that is brutal. How they feel after ENFP For the ENFP it will depend on if the conflict was resolved and was everyone happy or did the person who was upset get over it. It is because the don’t like conflict that they’re great at diffusing it. How they feel after ESTJ Conflict is all part of getting things done and so the ESTJ will not let it affect them nor harbour ill feelings. It needs to be said, it has been said, we’re all clear so now let’s move on would be their motto.

Personality Central

ENFP – ESTJ Relationship

Joys and Struggles

This section ENFP – ESTJ relationship is about how these two personality types come together in a relationship. Specifically, we will be looking at the joys of this relationship as well as the struggles this relationship may have.

The ENFP – ESTJ relationship has 1 preference similarity and 3 preference differences. Regardless of the number of similarities and differences, each personality combination will have its unique set of challenges. We will look at each of the 4 preferences individually:


Joys Struggles Because both parties enjoy people, they are likely to go for many socializing activities and parties together.

They will likely enjoy each other’s energy and zest for life and have many fun activities and adventures together.

Because of their love for people and socializing, they are likely to have a large network around them, supporting and mediating for the couple in time of need. Because both love to speak, (not so much listen), they may try to compete for air time when conversing with one another. So instead of listening, they may out talk each other in order to be heard.

Hence, they may not feel fulfilled, especially if one party is always doing the talking and the other doing the listening.

One party may turn to outside friends to fill that desire to speak and be heard, and in bad cases, it may lead to extra-marital affair.


Joys Struggles Sensors enjoys the insightful and brilliant Intuitive and seeing things from a big picture, strategic perspective relative to theirs.

Sensors are also likely fascinated by the outlandish imagination of the Intuitive; with big dreams and visions.

Intuitives will appreciate the Sensors attention to detail in everyday living; Sensors bring Intuitives down to earth to common sense.

While not true for all Sensors, Sensors dress themselves and groom themselves relatively well; this is something that Intuitives will appreciate and admire. May find it a challenge to have a common topic for discussion; Sensors enjoy talking about everyday happenings while Intuitive enjoys ideas, trends and theories. These differences in interest may mean the couple may find little or no chemistry.

Sensors are more past and present focused while Intuitives tend to be more future oriented; This means that Sensors will take references from past experiences and present facts to make a decision, while Intuitives are more likely to take into account future possibilities when doing so. – This may lead to different conclusions with available information.

Sensors may find Intuitives’ lack of interest in everyday living and managing household tasks to be frustrating; they don’t understand why Intuitives are always ‘in their heads’, pondering about the deep things of life while they are the ones taking care of the duties of the household.


Joys Struggles Thinker will be attracted to the Feeler’s compassion and warmth toward Thinker and others, which Thinker may find lacking in self.

Feeler is attracted to the objective, tough-minded Thinker who can take and give criticism without taking offense.

The Thinker-Feeler partnership will provide all rounded perspectives, considering people, values and logical consequences when making important decisions. Thinkers may hurt Feelers with their straightforward and sometimes tactless words; Feelers tend to take words personally; so when the Thinker provides negative feedback, it always evokes a larger than expected reaction from the Feeler.

Thinkers may not understand the Feeler’s desire for harmony and hence avoidance of conflict. Thinkers often misinterpret Feeler’s behavior and deem them complicated.

Feelers also tend to show affection much more naturally and sometimes they may feel their Thinking counterparts don’t show enough of it; they may feel unfulfilled in the relationship.


Joys Struggles Judgers enjoy making decisions for the relationship while Perceivers are happy just to let Judgers do so. Perceivers are happy to go with the flow according to the Judger’s opinions, and they are generally okay with most casual decisions.

Because of their organized and scheduled nature, Judgers bring a stability and order to the otherwise messy and spontaneous lives of Perceivers – something that the Perceivers greatly appreciate.

Perceivers, on the other hand, help Judgers to lighten up and see the fun side of life, bidding them to be less serious and uptight about everything – something that the Judgers know they need a reminder of. However, Judgers find Perceivers to be too passive and casual with their indecisiveness – Sometimes this gets on the nerves of Judgers.

Perceivers may find Judgers’ to be too controlling at times; they often react by pushing back because they find it too stifling to their desire for freedom.

Judgers find that Perceivers care little about household organization, something which they value highly. Perceivers are likely to mess up the house because they don’t like to keep things neat and orderly (at least in the Judger’s eyes) – this of course drives Judgers crazy.

Judgers may also find the Perceiver’s lack of planning and scheduling to be irritating; they may try to organize the Perceiver’s life as a result – this of course, is a mistake and something that Perceivers do not always appreciate.

Here’s how ENFPs and ESTJs can relate to each other better:

Reaching out to the ENFP as an ESTJ Give time to share, but always stay focused – Allow your partner airtime to share, but in case your partner digresses, don’t hesitate to bring him/her back into focus.

Give the gist – Your partner can be a rather impatient listener. Give the gist and then let your partner ask the questions on detail.

Be affirming and encouraging – Adopt an affirming, encouraging and enthusiastic approach to engaging your partner. Avoid criticism and be tactful when giving negative feedback.

Expect changes – Your partner is likely to make many changes to plans and schedules spontaneously. Be patient – it will get on your nerves.

Support your partner’s dreams – Your partner will have many ideas he/she hopes to fulfil. Learn about these dreams and find ways you can encourage or practically support it.

Reaching out to the ESTJ as an ENFP Allow each other to share equally – Be aware if you are dominating a conversation. Ask clarifying questions to invite your partner to speak. Likewise, if your partner is dominating the conversation, request for uninterrupted time to speak.

Explain things step by step – When you are explaining an idea, break it down into clear, actionable steps and to-dos, in a step-by-step manner. Use tangible terms and avoid the abstract.

Use objective facts – Passion and emotion do not move your partner, but objective fact and logic does. You don’t need to inspire, but you need to convince.

Find a conclusion – Don’t leave things open and undecided but attempt to get to a conclusion. Make the plan and stick to it.

Give them time to adjust to new ideas – Your partner is not as adaptable or comfortable with change as you are. If change is necessary, give your partner time and space to adapt to the new normal.

This is a summary of the joys and pains of the ENFP – ESTJ relationship.

However, personality dynamics are more complex than this. It does not just extend to the difference or similarity in individual preferences but goes deeper than that.

Are ENFP and ESTJ Compatible? (A Complete Guide)

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In this guide, we will answer the question: Are ENFP and ESTJ Compatible?

Are ENFP and ESTJ Compatible?

The ENFP and ESTJ personality types tend to have some significant differences. These differences might provide them an opportunity to learn and enrich their lives. However, such a relationship is likely to bump into a few rocks, due to their very different approaches to life.

ENFP-ESTJ Compatibility

ENFP translates into Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Perception (P). the ENFP person is an INtuitive Feeling type. These individuals are seeking deep and meaningful connections in their life. They appreciate the quality of sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and empathy in individuals. They seek relationships that will help them to grow as individuals. The ENFP person is in tune with the feelings of others. Their idealism allows them to chart out possibilities to inspire change in the world. They believe each person carries the responsibility to bring about a change in the world. Further, each person has the ability to become better. Their idealism allows them to dream of a better world. They welcome change with open arms when they see it oiling the wheels towards a better tomorrow.

ESTJ essentially stands for Extraversion(E), Sensing(S), Thinking(T), and Judgment(J). These individuals lay emphasis on stability and tradition. While they are concerned with making the world a better place, they do not completely embrace change as a valuable solution. For them, serving people entails a rootedness in consistency and predictability. They may not share their ENFP counterpart’s idealism and vision of possibilities in the future. For the ESTJ, the tried and tested approach sounds viable.

When they get together, the ENFP person can help their ESTJ partner delve into the world of creativity and possibilities, helping them out of the confines of their rigid thinking. The ESTJ person’s approach might help the ENFP view their ideas with the lens of practicality.

Let’s Talk

Both of these personality types tend to differ in their communication styles.

The ENFP communication style takes the abstract route. The ENFP conversation is replete with ideas, theories, and beliefs. They tend to seek the “why” aspect of every situation. They focus on the general idea at hand, rather than the finer nuances and the steps necessary to translate the idea into reality.

ESTJ communication is direct and to the point. They focus on the “what” aspect of the situation. Their conversations are replete with facts, details, and real-life experiences. They convey information based on real-life experiences. They will focus on the finer details and the practicalities of the idea at hand.

The extraverted aspect of their personality allows them both to enjoy the process of engaging in conversations. It paves the way for interesting discussions. However, sometimes they might end up debating on topics. Additionally, it is important for both the partners to focus on listening to each other.

What Matters

The ENFP and ESTJ values might differ to a great extent. There might be some common ground in their interests. However, their view of the world will differ greatly.

For the ENFP, their values are rooted in empathy for others. They are deeply compassionate souls, who are receptive to the needs of other people. They are easily perturbed by distress others are experiencing. Resultantly, this empathy for others seeps into their decision making and other areas of their life. Their actions might stem from this compassion they harbor naturally. Their career choices and the people they engage with might further reflect this aspect of their personality.

While caring for others dominates the ENFP personality, the ESTJ person is different. They will care for people. However, this stems from a sense of social duty. They are not overly concerned with caring, like the ENFP. Their manner of helping generally translates into a more practical and viable solution. They will help out and then move on with their day.

There is potential for conflict between these personality types when it comes to their values. The ENFP person is driven by idealism that sees possibilities in changing the world. The ESTJ may not usually see a big problem with the present state of the world. They may be suspicious of how new ideas may pan out in the real world. They will not shy away from questioning the practicality of the ENFP partner’s ideas. They tend to speak from a place of tradition and experience.

The ENFP person enjoys flexibility. They have a more relaxed path when approaching life. The ESTJ person values stability and structure. They like to have a plan in place. They might consider the ENFP to be lackadaisical, lacking the drive and seriousness.

The Daily Grind

The extroverted aspect of their personality types allows both of them to engage in socialization. They have large groups of friends. The process of engaging with people is not draining for them. They will be equally excited to introduce each other to their families and friends.

This approach to life finds their lives buzzing with activity. They feel energized living and experiencing life in all its glories. They tend to have a packed social schedule, swinging from one engagement to another. In the process of doing so, they might forget to take time out for each other and their relationship. Further, alone time might not be a strong preference for either. Hence, they might miss out on time to introspect and reflect on their lives.

The ENFP partner’s relaxed and flexible approach in daily life might not go down well with the ESTJ partner’s preference for structure and organization in their lives. Thus difference might rear its ugly head when the two partners share space. From tidying the house to sharing responsibilities; the differences might crop up.

The ENFP is unlikely to have a schedule in place while the ESTJ enjoys having a plan in place while planning their day out.

When it comes to engaging in activities, the ENFP partner is likely to explore the known. They will dip their feet in new hobbies, stories, and experiences as a means to develop their understanding and knowledge. On the other hand, the ESTJ partner is likely to engage in activities that stimulate their senses. These might include adventure sports, arts and crafts, etc.

Routines can also give rise to conflict in the ENFP-ESTJ relationship. The ENFP partner might have a low tolerance for the mundane. They are more likely to come up with creative ways to add life to the relationship. The ESTJ person, however, does not find it interesting to make things interesting just for the sake of it.

Despite the many differences in their personality types, the ENFP-ESTJ relationship will provide a space for both partners to learn from each other.


In this blog, we answered the question: “Are ENFP and ESTJ Compatible?”.

FAQs: Are ENFP and ESTJ Compatible?

Who should an ESTJ marry? The dominant function of the ESTJ personality type is Extraverted Thinking (Te). It is best matched with a partner with a dominant function of Introverted Thinking(Ti). Hence, the ESTJ person’s natural partner is ISTP or INTP ( Who is ESTJ attracted to? The ESTJ person is drawn to individuals who are confident about themselves and their goals. They do not like people who are unable to control their feelings and tend to be overly emotional ( Who should an ENFP marry? The INFP personality type’s dominant function is Extraverted Intuition. It is best matched with a partner having a dominant function of Introverted Intuition. Therefore, the ideal match for an ENFP would be INTJ or INFJ ( What do ENFP find attractive? AN ENFP person is attracted to someone who understands them and sees them for who they truly are. They are attracted to passion, intelligence, and depth (


Compatibility of ENFP with ESTJ in Relationships

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