Jack Welch 4E 1P | Jack Welch 4E 18661 투표 이 답변

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d여기에서 Jack Welch 4E – jack welch 4e 1p 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

When Jack welch was a CEo at GE, when he recruited for talents who have these 4 Es; positive Energy, Energize other, Edge and Execute.

jack welch 4e 1p 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Jack Welch GE’s 4 E and one P curve – – StratoServe

Energy: High personal energy of the manager is important. · Energize others: Do you brighten up a co-worker’s mood? · Edge: Are you able to take …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: stratoserve.com

Date Published: 10/24/2021

View: 6659

The Ingredients to Great Leadership: 4Es and a P

Developed by Jack Welch, the 4Es and a P of leadership: energy, energize, edge, execute and passion prove a framework to evaluate great …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: jackwelch.strayer.edu

Date Published: 9/13/2022

View: 7414

The 4E’s and 1P – Live with Jack Welch – LinkedIn

Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for entifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any …

+ 더 읽기

Source: www.linkedin.com

Date Published: 11/21/2021

View: 5023

Jack Welch 4E’s of Leadership – what makes a good leader

Through his tenure at GE, running one of the world’s largest corporations, Jack Welch entified the characteristics of a good leader; these characteristics …

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Source: www.whatmakesagoodleader.com

Date Published: 4/23/2021

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Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring – Abhinav PMP

Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring · jack-welch-ge 1. Endless Energy – · 2. Energize Others – Acts as a catalyst for others to perform, produce …

+ 더 읽기

Source: abhinavpmp.com

Date Published: 3/3/2021

View: 7122

Top 29 Jack Welch 4E 1P The 130 Detailed Answer

Summary of article content: Articles about Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring – Abhinav PMP Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring · jack- …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: 1111.com.vn

Date Published: 4/25/2022

View: 9070


Jack Welch, one of the world’s most respected and celebrated business leaders … JACK WELCH LEADERSHIP FORMULAE ABOUT 4E’S & 1P Abdi J. Putra – GM Digital …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.slideshare.net

Date Published: 11/4/2021

View: 2601

Jack Welch’s 4E’s + 1P – The Web Conferencing Blog

Jack Welch’s 4E’s + 1P · ENERGY (positive energy): ability to go, go go – to thrive in action and relish change. · ENERGIZE (ability to energize …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: davidchao.typepad.com

Date Published: 12/23/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 jack welch 4e 1p

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Jack Welch 4E. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Jack Welch 4E
Jack Welch 4E

주제에 대한 기사 평가 jack welch 4e 1p

  • Author: coachkriengsak
  • Views: 조회수 11,973회
  • Likes: 좋아요 27개
  • Date Published: 2011. 9. 2.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcYGk2_MI_c

Jack Welch GE’s 4 E and one P curve –

This blog had discussed Jack Welch’s 4E’s and one P in an earlier post; given the interest among blog readers here is some more clarification about the concept.

Jack Welch 4E’s and 1 P -StratoServe

To evaluate managers GE started a system of differentiating managers on performance but were hard pressed to identify the characteristics that differentiated managers on the “Vitality” curve which is essentially a “grading” curve or graph for managers. The word “vitality” is confusing because it refers more to being vital or essential to the organization rather than being “vital” in the “having high energy” sense. In fact,”Energy” is one of the 4 E’s but let’s go over the 4 E’s of GE leadership briefly:

Energy: High personal energy of the manager is important. Reminds me of a boss who used to watch the speed at which you walked in the corridor! Sounds weird but someone who is mostly lethargic in walking up and down does give off a “low energy” vibe. Energize others: Do you brighten up a co-worker’s mood? Or do co-workers feel down after interacting with you? Edge: Are you able to take tough decisions that are Yes/No without fear of being disliked?Welch found that many managers have two or even three of the above “E’s”and yet did not seem to click to be put in the top 20% of the curve. “Execution” was this missing 4th E which is this blog’s favorite managerial and leadership ability. Execution: Can you deliver ? Let us say that you are a supply chain manager who is responsible for engaging a few small high tech innovative suppliers for a new component development for a new product project. You asked one of your buyers to send out emails from the supplier data base and perhaps none of the suppliers responded. When you show up for the new product top team meeting you just say that suppliers are not responding. Well you are not “executing.”

The “execution” focused manager would have figured out why suppliers were not responding ( perhaps small suppliers worried about volumes down the road before investing), then would have have put out a “development” financial advance proposal and discussed, offline,how much the new product team was willing to spend in supporting a new supplier. High “ability to execute” is the manger who actually walks in with the prototype of the component into the next meeting, no excuses.

Such managers do not promise anything easily. Once they do, top management or the board knows that it can “consider it done”!

5.Passion: is the “P” in the 4 E’s and one P. A manager who is passionate about her/his job goals normally has some of the first 3 E’s and must focus a great deal on executing.Passion is what holds the 4 E’s together for the top 20% performers.

About StratoServe.

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The 4E’s and 1P – Live with Jack Welch

This is face-to-face with Jack, not so much as the celebrated past chairman and CEO of GE, but rather as a coach and teacher to the students attending Jack Welch Management Institute’s Executive MBA program.

The live call is filled with busy working managers, represented by every type of organization around the world, from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, from family businesses to global conglomerates. The diversity of industries is very broad .The questions are varied and range from topics related to operations, marketing, finance, to learning how to hire people , create winning strategies, to merger and acquisitions.

Credit : Picture provided by Heidi Boyd. My priceless opportunity to speak with Jack on a Live Q&A Call.

One would think that the dialog is quick on such calls, but you are wrong. It’s Jack. He is sharp as a razor. He displays limitless energy. He is curious to know you. He wants to understand your thought process. He is present in the moment, for you. I have had the privilege to chat live with Jack and he absolutely loves meeting students; he is fully committed to helping you become more confident and able as a leader. It is experiencing his passion first hand!

The interactive live Q&A with Jack is like a personalized learning environment. One might not have a direct question for Jack but just by being present and listening into the ongoing calls, it feels like being on a blended learning journey with fellow classmates. Jack is deeply engaged in the school. He hosts quarterly videoconferences with students; he pops up in videos about current business events, interacts with students via email, and is all over the program’s curriculum.

Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for identifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any hiring decision no matter what level the organization. A good candidate or high performance leader is described, by Jack Welch, as someone who has Energy, can articulate a vision and inspire others to perform (Energizes), makes the tough decisions (Edge), has the skill to deliver (Executes) and passion for the job.

The first E – Positive Energy – People with positive energy are usually and extroverted and optimistic.

The Second E – Ability to energize others – People who energize others have enthusiasm, people respond to them, they bring the best people in and bring the best out in people. These Leaders inject people with confidence and give credit when things go right.

The Third E – Edge is all about courage to make tough yes or no decisions. People with edge tackle problems head on. Deal well with change. Identify new ideas, markets and opportunities take calculated risks and take ownership and responsibility for things that go wrong

The Fourth E – Execute refers to getting the job done, it is the ability to deliver results.

The one P – Passion means heartfelt, deep excitement for the work. People with passion cared about their employees, colleagues and tend to be passionate about everything


One can say, passion leads to happiness and happy people would be energetic (the first E or energy) and would energize others and certainly would not pull them down (the second E or energize) and are confident enough to take tough calls (the third E or edge).

The fourth E- Execution, for me is all about emotional intelligence which passion alone cannot achieve even with the other 3 E’s were present. For execution one needs to have self awareness and self regulation. That is understand people needs and wishes in the environment that drives and affects their behavior. Have capability to read others and have the emotional and social radar to sense and influence actions. Execution is also about the ability to learn from mistakes, acknowledging mistakes and learning from them,so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes again.

Jack Welch

How to put GE’S leadership formulae to work in your organisation

By Jeffrey A. Krames

Reviewed by Ian Pratt

Jack Welch did for leadership and business what Tiger Woods is doing for golf – raised the bar and set a new standard in performance; a standard that the stock market recognized and rewarded as GE shares, during his tenure, had a “Welch Premium” with GE shares trading at 40 – 50 times earnings, approximately double the average for a large US company.

Through his tenure at GE, running one of the world’s largest corporations, Jack Welch identified the characteristics of a good leader; these characteristics became known as the 4E’s of GE leadership.

Definition of Leadership – Jack Welch

A good leader or high performance leader is described, by Jack Welch, as someone who.

Has (Energy),

Can articulate a vision and inspire others to perform(Energises),

Makes the tough decisions (Edge),

Has the skill to deliver (Executes),


Never fails to deliver the financials.

Leadership and the 4e’s

Leadership and Energy:

The 4E leader is someone who has considerable personal energy with a bias towards action; they embrace change with enthusiasm. These people have passion.

Jack Welch proposed that to create energy you need to get rid of the things that stifle energy including meetings, ill conceived projects, poor performing products and bureaucracy.

Planned Abandonment: This concept was first made popular by Peter Drucker who used the term “planned abandonment” to describe the act of getting rid of the things that don’t add value – as with the concept of simplification, planned abandonment can play a pivotal role in freeing up energy and raising productivity.

Jack Welch went on to say leaders with energy assume that the status quo is not good enough, last years performance again this year is not good enough, single digit growth is not good enough and business as usual is not good enough.

High energy leaders create an environment where people have a tremendous opportunity to be heard and ultimately for the truth to be heard.

Leadership and Energizing:

The 4E leader energizes others; they inspire their team to act and spark their employees to perform. (They specifically don’t engage in turf wars, operate in silos or tolerate back biting behavior).

Leaders who energize others have enthusiasm, people respond to them, they bring the best people in and bring the best out in people. These leaders inject people with confidence and give credit when things go right.

Rather than having to have their own ideas the 4E leader energizes by encouraging others to voice their ideas, they surface, celebrate and action the ideas.

They achieve results by taking a genuine interest in their employees, making them feel like they are part of a successful team, building on their strengths rather than focusing on their weaknesses.

Goals: To energize the 4E leader does not micro manage, they give their employees a few clear and simple goals and let their employees determine the level of support they need to achieve those goals.

Stretch Vision: The 4E leader has high expectations; they aim high and ask more of their people than they themselves believe that they can deliver, they don’t allow employees to set low expectations and they ask their employees to rise to the challenge. When employees respond and perform the seemingly impossible tasks, the 4E leader rewards them, Jack Welch would also insist they also reward their staff for missing stretch goals by a respectful margin as a 4E leader views a stretch failure as better than an easy success.

Leadership and Edge:

Leaders with edge are competitive and they know the value of speed, they know when to say yes and when to say no.

Edge is also about making the Hiring, Promoting and Firing decisions, hiring passionate leaders, promoting the top performers and firing those who don’t live the values or don’t perform.

Management Talent: As Jack Welch discovered, Leaders with edge understand that real management talent is rare and when you find it you need to hang onto it.

Leaders with edge Make timely decisions (even the tough decisions)

Tackle problems head on

Change their daily plan, when required

Deal well with change

Identify new ideas, markets and opportunities

Remove non-performers

Take calculated risks

Encourage others to take risks, and reward them for trying

Look people in the eye and tell them the truth

Take ownership and responsibility for things that go wrong

Leadership and Executes:

The 4E leader is someone who gets the job done, they consistently deliver – not just meeting their targets but in many cases blowing them away. Without an ability to deliver results all other leadership skills are of little value.

Leaders with edge master the job they are in, Jack Welch was specific about this point; they do their job better than anyone else has done it before – because hitting homes runs is the best way to get noticed in a 4E organization.

Any leader or manager worth their salts should be able to answer the following questions.

What does your competitive environment look like?

In the last three years what have your competitors done?

In the same period what have you done?

How might they attack you business in the future?

What are you plans to beat them?

Knowing the answer to these questions is a prerequisite to execution.

According to Jack Welch the combination of the 4E’s is the complete package, a 4E leader.

Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring

Jack Welch is the former Chairman and CEO of General Electric corporation and he was and is considered as one of the foremost innovative leaders who shook the corporate world with the radical decisions he made.

Jack believed in keeping employees who performed and kicking out those who did not meet the benchmark. This principle was met with disdain at that time, but now is lauded as the path that all companies must imbibe. It was reported that he fired 10% of his managers who failed to perform up to the mark and rewarded the top 20% with hikes and stock options. His mantra was lead more, manage less.

One thing that Jack Welch was touted to be gifted with is an eye to spot talent and hiring the best individuals available in the market. He imparted the secret to the corporate world on how he went about hiring and the formula he applied is popularly called as 4E 1P.

Whenever Jack hires talents, he evaluates individuals from five angles namely :

1. Endless Energy – Individuals with plenty of energy through the day. Those who are filled with dynamism, optimism and enthusiasm. They work through the day with minimum fatigue to show off. They make great relationships at work which help them deliver furthermore.

2. Energize Others – Acts as a catalyst for others to perform, produce and become better at their skill. The person can inspire others and bring in a positive working environment where competition is heralded and back biting is kept at bay side. Persuasion and conflict management are displayed by the individual.

3. Edge – People are expected to take tough decisions at the need of the hour. Every person must act like a leader and take appropriate decision in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Examples are hiring, firing and promotion decisions without bringing personal equation into the mix. Middle level managers who come into category must take the right decisions and stick to it, no matter what kind of pressure is applied from the top as well as from the peers.

4. Execute Decisions – In the previous E, people have the edge to take decision but they have to ensure that they execute the plans and run things as planned. No matter what the circumstances are, execution of decisions, projects or services must be delivered on time. There is bound to be interference, confusion and resistance when execution comes into play and the individual must rise above these to display character in executing decisions.

5. Passion – Individuals are expected to be passionate about what they do, how they do it and their interactions with colleagues and customers. The passion must rub off on others in the organization, thereby creating a positive environment filled with energy. Passion must go beyond self and the person must jubilate when peers succeed as well.

Apart from these five aspects, Jack Welch looked at integrity, intelligence and the maturity of the interview candidate.

Having put down this formula, Jack says that he went with gut feeling while he took the final call on whether to hire a person or not. I believe at the end of the day, hiring should be based on the gut feel and the firing and promotion decision must be taken on facts and figures.

Top 29 Jack Welch 4E 1P The 130 Detailed Answer

Jack Welch 4E

Jack Welch 4E

Jack Welch GE’s 4 E and one P curve –

Article author: stratoserve.com

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Summary of article content: Articles about Jack Welch GE’s 4 E and one P curve – Energy: High personal energy of the manager is important. · Energize others: Do you brighten up a co-worker’s mood? · Edge: Are you able to take … …

Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Jack Welch GE’s 4 E and one P curve – Energy: High personal energy of the manager is important. · Energize others: Do you brighten up a co-worker’s mood? · Edge: Are you able to take …

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Summary of article content: Articles about The Ingredients to Great Leadership: 4Es and a P | Jack Welch MBA Developed by Jack Welch, the 4Es and a P of leadership: energy, energize, edge, execute and passion prove a framework to evaluate great … …

Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for The Ingredients to Great Leadership: 4Es and a P | Jack Welch MBA Developed by Jack Welch, the 4Es and a P of leadership: energy, energize, edge, execute and passion prove a framework to evaluate great … Developed by Jack Welch, the 4Es and a P of leadership: energy, energize, edge, execute and passion provide a framework to evaluate great talent.

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The backbone of the 4Es and a P framework

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The 4E’s and 1P – Live with Jack Welch

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Summary of article content: Articles about The 4E’s and 1P – Live with Jack Welch

Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for entifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any … …

Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for entifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any … … Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for The 4E’s and 1P – Live with Jack Welch

Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for entifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any … This is face-to-face with Jack, not so much as the celebrated past chairman and CEO of GE, but rather as a coach and teacher to the students attending Jack Welch Management Institute’s Executive MBA program. The live call is filled with busy working managers, represented by every type of organizat

Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for entifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any … This is face-to-face with Jack, not so much as the celebrated past chairman and CEO of GE, but rather as a coach and teacher to the students attending Jack Welch Management Institute’s Executive MBA program. The live call is filled with busy working managers, represented by every type of organizat Table of Contents:

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Table of Contents:

Leadership and Energy

Leadership and Energizing

Leadership and Edge

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Summary of article content: Articles about Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring – Abhinav PMP Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring · jack-welch-ge 1. Endless Energy – · 2. Energize Others – Acts as a catalyst for others to perform, produce … …

Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring – Abhinav PMP Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring · jack-welch-ge 1. Endless Energy – · 2. Energize Others – Acts as a catalyst for others to perform, produce …

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Jack Welch’s 4E 1P Formula for Hiring – Abhinav PMP

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Summary of article content: Articles about The Web Conferencing Blog : Jack Welch’s 4E’s + 1P Jack Welch’s 4E’s + 1P · ENERGY (positive energy): ability to go, go go – to thrive in action and relish change. · ENERGIZE (ability to energize … …

Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for The Web Conferencing Blog : Jack Welch’s 4E’s + 1P Jack Welch’s 4E’s + 1P · ENERGY (positive energy): ability to go, go go – to thrive in action and relish change. · ENERGIZE (ability to energize … jack welch, 4E + 1P, 4e’s, jack welch management, ge management, lead more manage less, jack welch 4e + 1p, 4e + 1p jack welch, ge 4e + 1p, 4e + 1p ge,, jack welch hiringJack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric, exercised an inspirational, innovative leadership style that can be seem in some of the top CEO’s today. He embraced change and had an uncanny ability to hire the right people while giving them room to spread their wings under his “Lead more, manage less,” philosophy. “We are constantly amazed by how…

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Jack Welch GE’s 4 E and one P curve –

This blog had discussed Jack Welch’s 4E’s and one P in an earlier post; given the interest among blog readers here is some more clarification about the concept. Jack Welch 4E’s and 1 P -StratoServe To evaluate managers GE started a system of differentiating managers on performance but were hard pressed to identify the characteristics that differentiated managers on the “Vitality” curve which is essentially a “grading” curve or graph for managers. The word “vitality” is confusing because it refers more to being vital or essential to the organization rather than being “vital” in the “having high energy” sense. In fact,”Energy” is one of the 4 E’s but let’s go over the 4 E’s of GE leadership briefly: Energy: High personal energy of the manager is important. Reminds me of a boss who used to watch the speed at which you walked in the corridor! Sounds weird but someone who is mostly lethargic in walking up and down does give off a “low energy” vibe. Energize others: Do you brighten up a co-worker’s mood? Or do co-workers feel down after interacting with you? Edge: Are you able to take tough decisions that are Yes/No without fear of being disliked?Welch found that many managers have two or even three of the above “E’s”and yet did not seem to click to be put in the top 20% of the curve. “Execution” was this missing 4th E which is this blog’s favorite managerial and leadership ability. Execution: Can you deliver ? Let us say that you are a supply chain manager who is responsible for engaging a few small high tech innovative suppliers for a new component development for a new product project. You asked one of your buyers to send out emails from the supplier data base and perhaps none of the suppliers responded. When you show up for the new product top team meeting you just say that suppliers are not responding. Well you are not “executing.” The “execution” focused manager would have figured out why suppliers were not responding ( perhaps small suppliers worried about volumes down the road before investing), then would have have put out a “development” financial advance proposal and discussed, offline,how much the new product team was willing to spend in supporting a new supplier. High “ability to execute” is the manger who actually walks in with the prototype of the component into the next meeting, no excuses. Such managers do not promise anything easily. Once they do, top management or the board knows that it can “consider it done”! 5.Passion: is the “P” in the 4 E’s and one P. A manager who is passionate about her/his job goals normally has some of the first 3 E’s and must focus a great deal on executing.Passion is what holds the 4 E’s together for the top 20% performers. About StratoServe. Share this: Twitter Facebook Reddit LinkedIn Email WhatsApp Pinterest

The Ingredients to Great Leadership: 4Es and a P

Anyone can lead. But not everyone is a great leader. Just ask Jack Welch, one of the world’s most respected and celebrated business leaders of all time who Forbes Magazine coined the “CEO of CEOs.” Under his leadership as chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001, the company’s value rose 4,000%. And during that time, Jack built one of the most successful Human Resource departments the world has ever seen. He used a very “simple” framework to evaluate talent; a framework still being used today based on the following five traits: energy, an ability to energize, edge, an ability to execute and passion—more commonly referred to as the “4Es and a P” of leadership. And while the traits individually may be straightforward enough, it took Jack and his team years to solidify the framework that has proven “to be consistently effective year after year across various types of businesses” as managers evaluate employees and their potential. The backbone of the 4Es and a P framework: ENERGY: “Energy is the ability to go, go, go–to thrive on action and relish change. People with positive energy are generally extroverted and optimistic. They make conversation and friends easily. They’re people who don’t complain about working hard–they love to work. They also love to play and overall just love life.” Ask yourself: Do I bring energy as a manager to my team every day, all day? ENERGIZE: “This is the ability to get others revved up. People who energize can inspire their team to take on the impossible–and enjoy doing it. The ability to energize is apparent in someone with an in-depth knowledge of their business, who sets a powerful personal example, and has strong persuasion skills.” Ask yourself: Do people want to work for me? EDGE: “Having edge means having the courage to make tough “yes or no” decisions. Smart people can assess a situation from every angle–but smart people with edge know when to stop assessing and make a tough call, even without all the information.” Ask yourself: Do I know when to make the gut call? EXECUTE: “Being able to execute means having the ability to get the job done. It turns out a person can have positive energy, energize everyone around them, make hard calls, and still not get over the finish line. Being able to execute is a unique and distinct skill. It means the person knows how to put decisions into action and push them forward to completion, through resistance, chaos, or unexpected obstacles. People who can execute know that winning is about results.” Ask yourself: Do I continually drive results both personally and for my team? PASSION: “People with passion have a heartfelt, deep, authentic excitement about work. They care–really care in their bones–about colleagues, employees, and friends. They love to learn and grow, and they get a huge kick out of people around them doing the same.” Ask yourself: Do I bring an intense enthusiasm towards all aspects of my life? The 4Es and a P framework isn’t just a valuable tool for managers looking to evaluate a member of the team, or for managers looking to assess their own style of leadership. The framework can and should also be used by candidates seeking positions within an organization. Understanding the traits hiring managers are looking for will help job seekers rise to the top during the job consideration phase. Sure, any job seeker will also need to possess the specific skills required for the career, but when there are so many skilled candidates in consideration for a position the 4Es, and a P framework is a valuable tool to master to stand apart. To learn more about how to become a better leader, advance your career and grow a winning team utilizing the 4Es and P framework, click here. References: Welch, J. & Welch, S., 2005. Winning. 1st ed. United States: HarperCollins Publisher.

The 4E’s and 1P – Live with Jack Welch

This is face-to-face with Jack, not so much as the celebrated past chairman and CEO of GE, but rather as a coach and teacher to the students attending Jack Welch Management Institute’s Executive MBA program. The live call is filled with busy working managers, represented by every type of organization around the world, from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, from family businesses to global conglomerates. The diversity of industries is very broad .The questions are varied and range from topics related to operations, marketing, finance, to learning how to hire people , create winning strategies, to merger and acquisitions. Credit : Picture provided by Heidi Boyd. My priceless opportunity to speak with Jack on a Live Q&A Call. One would think that the dialog is quick on such calls, but you are wrong. It’s Jack. He is sharp as a razor. He displays limitless energy. He is curious to know you. He wants to understand your thought process. He is present in the moment, for you. I have had the privilege to chat live with Jack and he absolutely loves meeting students; he is fully committed to helping you become more confident and able as a leader. It is experiencing his passion first hand! The interactive live Q&A with Jack is like a personalized learning environment. One might not have a direct question for Jack but just by being present and listening into the ongoing calls, it feels like being on a blended learning journey with fellow classmates. Jack is deeply engaged in the school. He hosts quarterly videoconferences with students; he pops up in videos about current business events, interacts with students via email, and is all over the program’s curriculum. Jack Welch proposes the 4 Es and 1 P framework for identifying the correct people for building winning teams. The 4E-1P applies to any hiring decision no matter what level the organization. A good candidate or high performance leader is described, by Jack Welch, as someone who has Energy, can articulate a vision and inspire others to perform (Energizes), makes the tough decisions (Edge), has the skill to deliver (Executes) and passion for the job. The first E – Positive Energy – People with positive energy are usually and extroverted and optimistic. The Second E – Ability to energize others – People who energize others have enthusiasm, people respond to them, they bring the best people in and bring the best out in people. These Leaders inject people with confidence and give credit when things go right. The Third E – Edge is all about courage to make tough yes or no decisions. People with edge tackle problems head on. Deal well with change. Identify new ideas, markets and opportunities take calculated risks and take ownership and responsibility for things that go wrong The Fourth E – Execute refers to getting the job done, it is the ability to deliver results. The one P – Passion means heartfelt, deep excitement for the work. People with passion cared about their employees, colleagues and tend to be passionate about everything Conclusion One can say, passion leads to happiness and happy people would be energetic (the first E or energy) and would energize others and certainly would not pull them down (the second E or energize) and are confident enough to take tough calls (the third E or edge). The fourth E- Execution, for me is all about emotional intelligence which passion alone cannot achieve even with the other 3 E’s were present. For execution one needs to have self awareness and self regulation. That is understand people needs and wishes in the environment that drives and affects their behavior. Have capability to read others and have the emotional and social radar to sense and influence actions. Execution is also about the ability to learn from mistakes, acknowledging mistakes and learning from them,so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes again.

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“Anyone can lead. But not everyone is a great leader.”

Jack Welch, one of the world’s most respected and celebrated business leaders of all time who Forbes Magazine coined the “CEO of CEOs.”

Under his leadership as chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001, the company’s value rose 4,000%. And during that time, Jack built one of the most successful Human Resource departments the world has ever seen. He used a very “simple” framework to evaluate talent; a framework still being used today based on the following five traits: energy, an ability to energize, edge, an ability to execute and passion—more commonly referred to as the “4Es and a P” of leadership.

Winning – Jack Welch


Abdi J. Putra (ABIE)

GM Digital Lifestyle Sales & Care Planning Telkomsel

The Web Conferencing Blog

Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric, exercised an inspirational, innovative leadership style that can be seem in some of the top CEO’s today. He embraced change and had an uncanny ability to hire the right people while giving them room to spread their wings under his “Lead more, manage less,” philosophy.

“We are constantly amazed by how much people will do when they are not told what to do by management.”

He was known to get rid of the bottom 10% of his managers and rewarded the top 20% with bonuses and stock options. Jack Welch took care of his employees by rolling out the stock option program to 1/3 his employees. For employees who did not perform or were not team players, he got rid of them.

So what did Jack Welch look for when he was hiring?

INTEGRITY: people with integrity tell the truth and they keep their word.

INTELLIGENCE: strong dose of intellectual curiosity with breadth knowledge to work with or lead intelligent people in today’s complex world.

MATURITY: handle stress and setbacks, and enjoy success with equal parts of joy and humility.

ENERGY (positive energy): ability to go, go go – to thrive in action and relish change. Starts the day with enthusiasm and ends the day with it also. Rarely gets tired. Doesn’t complain about working hard, in fact, they love to work hard. Loves life in general. ENERGIZE (ability to energize others): ability to get people revved up. Inspires the team to take on the impossible. People want to work with these people. EDGE (courage to make the tough yes/no decisions): know when to make tough calls even when all the information is not present. A competitive edge and a will to win. EXECUTE (ability to get the job done): putting decisions into action and pushing them forward to completion, through resistance, chaos, or unexpected obstacles. Winning is about results. PASSION: heartfelt, deep, authentic excitement about work. Care about colleagues winning, Love to learn and grow, and love seeing people around them do the same. Tend to be passionate about everything in life.

“We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don’t quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done.”

It then took years for Jack Welch to create 4E + 1P. A summary of 4E + 1P is below:

The year before Jack Welch left, revenues increased to nearly $130B from $26.8B in 1980. General Electric’s market value also grew from $14 billion to more than $410 billion at the end of 2004, making it the most valuable and largest company in the world. (Today, General Electric is a Fortune #5 company amassing $183B in sales with $17.4B in profit and market value of $633.48B.)

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