Sign Language Interpreter中文 | Wap Signed By Sign Language Interpreter At Lollapalooza 인기 답변 업데이트

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sign language interpreter – 手語翻譯員

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sign language interpreter中文 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 WAP Signed by Sign Language Interpreter at Lollapalooza – sign language interpreter中文 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

This viral video is HILARIOUS. WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion being signed in sign language by an interpreter at Lollapalooza!

sign language interpreter中文 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

sign language interpreter – Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)

大量翻译例句关于”sign language interpreter” – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 9/24/2022

View: 699

sign language interpreter中文是什么意思 – 查查在线词典

sign language interpreter的中文意思:手语翻译…,查阅sign language interpreter的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 5/2/2021

View: 1772

sign language interpreter 中文意思是什麼

sign language interpreter 中文意思是什麼 · sign : n 1 記號,符號。2 信號,暗號。 · language : n 1 語言;(某民族,某國的)國語;語調,措詞。 · interpreter : n. ( …

+ 여기를 클릭


Date Published: 2/24/2021

View: 9250

sign language interpreter 中文意思是什麼 – TerryL

sign language interpreter 中文意思是什麼 · sign: n 1 記號,符號。2 信號,暗號。 · language: n 1 語言;(某民族,某國的)國語;語調,措詞。 · interpreter: n. (fem.

+ 여기에 보기


Date Published: 7/8/2022

View: 2490

sign language interpreter – 翻译成中文, 例子| Glosbe

在英文- 中文字典Glosbe “sign language interpreter” 翻译为: 手语翻译, 手语译员.例句: Number of sign language interpreters↔ 手语译员人数.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 8/22/2022

View: 2820

Sign language interpreter: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词

查看«Sign language interpreter»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Sign language interpreter»的同义词、反义词和发音。

+ 더 읽기


Date Published: 10/12/2022

View: 9887

sign language interpreter中文的推薦與評價 – 居家網紅推薦指南

sign language interpreter中文的推薦與評價,在YOUTUBE和這樣回答,找sign language interpreter中文在在YOUTUBE就來居家網紅推薦指南,有網紅們這樣回答.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 3/3/2022

View: 5724

주제와 관련된 이미지 sign language interpreter中文

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 WAP Signed by Sign Language Interpreter at Lollapalooza. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

WAP Signed by Sign Language Interpreter at Lollapalooza
WAP Signed by Sign Language Interpreter at Lollapalooza

주제에 대한 기사 평가 sign language interpreter中文

  • Author: iBeMe
  • Views: 조회수 563,373회
  • Likes: 좋아요 7,026개
  • Date Published: 2021. 8. 3.
  • Video Url link:

英中 – Linguee词典

The service may be provided by a Labour Market Board consultant, a volunteer (for […] example a family member) or a specialist (for example a […] speech therapist, a sign language interpreter, a psychologist). speech therapissychologist). (比如语言治疗师、手 语 传译人 员 或心 理专家)提供。 这种服务可以由劳动力市场委员会的顾问,志愿者(比 如家人)或专家理专家)提供。

The document contains measures regarding the full observance of rules on the measures taken against persons with disabilities, on providing assistance, to the necessary extent, […] for exercising the rights of persons with disabilities and on […] the employment of a sign language interpreter, if necessary. the employmentnecessary. 供协助 及必 要 时使 用 手 语翻 译 的 法 规。 该文件包含了关于全面遵守下列法规的措施:关于对残疾人采取措施、 在必要程度上对残疾人行使权利提

In 2011, a law on sign language was […] enacted which guarantees deaf people […] the use of a sign language interpreter in contacts with […] public administration authorities and medical rescue units. the useontacts with 2011 年颁布了一项关于手语的法律,保障聋人在与公共行政部门或医疗救 治单位接触时获得手语翻译。 2011 年颁布了一项关于手语的法律,保障聋人在与公共行政部门或医疗救 治单位接触时

14.5 The Police will also provide arrested persons with disabilities who have communication […] difficulties with necessary assistance, such as the […] provision of a sign language interpreter to facilitate […] communication. provisionacilitate 14.5 警方會為有溝通困難的被捕殘疾人士提供所需協 助,如提供手語傳譯員協助溝通。 14.5 警方會為有溝通困難的被捕殘疾人士提供所需協 助,如

The sign language act stipulates that in the […] […] course of court and police proceedings the acting authority shall provide a sign language interpreter if requested by the person with hearing impairment or by a deaf and blind person. course of court and police proceedings the acting authority shall proviequested by the person with hearing impairment or by a deaf and blind person. 手语法规定,在法院审判过程中和警察诉讼过程中,如果有听力障碍的人或 由聋人和盲人提出要求,代理机构将提供手语翻译。 手语法规定,在法院审判过程中和警察诉讼过程中,如果有听力障碍的人或 由聋人和盲人提出要求,代理机构将提供手语翻译。

The costs of the sign language interpreter shall be borne […] by the Service. The costs ofl be borne 雇用手语翻译的费用应由该服务机构承 担。 应由该服务机构承 担。

Regarding article 29 (a) (ii), in connection with the 2009 elections to the European Parliament, the Ministry of the Interior prepared a protocol of measures for cases in […] which a voter with a hearing […] disability requested a sign-language interpreter in order to serve on election […] day as an electoral officer. disability requestrder to serve on election 关于第 29 条 a) ii)款,在 2009 […] 年欧洲议会选举时,内政部制定了一项行动 协议,其中规定在有听力障碍的残疾选举人提出 配 备 手 语 翻 译的 要求 时, 应提供 手语翻译作为选举 委员会成员为听障残疾人在整个选举过程中提供服务。 年欧洲议会选举时,内政部制定了一项行动 协议,其中规定在有听力障碍的残疾选举人提出委员会成员为听障残疾人在整个选举过程中提供服务。

Any individual who requires special […] assistance such as a sign language interpreter or additional […] accommodation to participate in the […] public hearings, or who requires these materials in an alternate format, should contact Danise Peña at 202-962-2511 or TTY: 202-638-3780 as soon as possible in order for Metro to make necessary arrangements. assistance suchdditional 任何要求特殊協助(例如手語翻譯或 附 加便 利設施)才 能參加公眾聽證會的個人或要求用其他格式提供此類資料的人士,請儘快與 […] Danise Peña 接洽, 電話號碼 202-962-2511 或 TTY 202-638-3780,以便華盛頓大都會交通局作出必要的安排。 任何要求特殊協助(利設施)才 能參加公眾聽證會的個人或要求用其他格式提供此類資料的人士,請儘快與

The Committee is concerned about the lack of […] training for and services provided by sign-language interpreters. training for and services provide 對手語翻譯員 的培 訓以 及 手 語 翻譯員提 供的服務都很缺乏。 委員會感到關切的是,訓以供的服務都很缺乏。

The interpreter assured the court that […] she was familiar with, and would abide by, the code of ethics for sign language interpreters and that she would limit her role to that of a “communications facilitator”. she was familiar with, and would abide by, the code of ethicsthat she would limit her role to that of a “communications facilitator”. 守 手 語 傳 譯 者 的 專 業 守 則 , 而 且 , 她 會 將 其 角 色 局 限 於 只 是 一 名 ‚ 溝 通 協 調 員 ‛ 而 已 。 傳 譯 者 向 法 庭 保 證 她 熟 悉 並 會 遵的 專 業 守 則 , 而 且 , 她 會 將 其 角 色 局 限 於 只 是 一 名 ‚ 溝 通

If, in the proceedings conducted by the Legal Assistance Service or the Victim […] Assistance Service, a deaf person or a person with speech impairment […] takes part, a sign language interpreter shall be employed. takes parl be employed. 如果聋人或有语言障碍的人参加法律支助服务机构或受害者支助服务机构进 行的诉讼程序,应雇用一名手语翻译。 如果聋人或有语言障碍的人参加法律支助服务机构或受害者支助服务机构进 行的诉讼程序,应雇

Where current barriers to physical access exist in venues and activities (regardless of whether the organisation affiliates with the Companion Card), these need to be addressed by all venue/activity owners and operators by implementing strategies such as the provision of ramps, lifts, […] accessible toilets, appropriate […] signage, captioning and the provision of Auslan (Australian sign language) interpreters. signage, captioning and the provision of Auslan (Austra 此手冊目的在於協助你理解 Companion Card ( 侍 伴 卡) 計劃的作用。 此手冊目的在於協助你理解 Companion Card ( 侍 伴 卡) 計劃的

Rehabilitation NGOs, in collaboration with Government departments, local communities and groups of persons with hearing impairment also regularly conduct sign language […] training for persons with […] hearing impairment, sign language interpreters, staff of Government […] departments and public organisations […] and members of the public, publish training manuals on Hong Kong Sign Language and organise publicity activities to promote the use of sign language with a view to enhancing the integration of persons with impairment into the community. hearing impairmff of Government 康復界非政府機構與香港特區政 […] 府、社區和聽障人士組織共同協作,定期為聽障人士 、手 語翻譯員、政府 部門和公共機構員工及公眾提供手語訓 練,並出版香港手語訓練手冊和舉辦公眾推廣活動,以推 […] 廣手語的使用,促進聽障人士融入社區。 府、社區和聽障人士組織共同協作,定期為聽障人士部門和公共機構員工及公眾提供手語訓 練,並出版香港手語訓練手冊和舉辦公眾推廣活動,以推

Persons with physical handicaps: Improve the access and related facilities in Church, Service Building, Retreat Houses, Pastoral Centres and all church organizations for those with disabilities, e.g. construction of slopes, elevators, toilets for people with disabilities, Braille Bibles, hymn books and parish […] newsletters, earphones for the hearing impaired to listen to homilies […] during Mass and sign language interpreter during liturgies. during Massng liturgies. 伤残人士:改善通道及有关设施,以加强伤残人士对社会的参与,例如:圣堂、服务大楼、避静所、牧民中心以及 各教会机构应提供伤残人士适用的通道及设施(斜路、凹凸纹胶条的路面、凸点字标记、可供轮椅出入的升降机、 洗手间、凸字圣经、歌书、堂区通讯、以及为弱听人士而设的耳机系统、 辅 助神 父讲 道的无线调频系统等)。 伤残人士:改善通道及有关设施,以加强伤残人士对社会的参与,例如:圣堂、服务大楼、避静所、牧民中心以及 各教会机构应提供伤残人士适用的通道及设施(斜路、凹凸纹胶条的路面、凸点字标记、可供轮椅出入的升降机、 洗手间、凸字圣经、歌书、堂区通讯、以及为弱听人士而设的耳机系统、道的无线调频系统等)。

Rehabilitation NGOs, in collaboration with Government departments, local communities and groups of persons with hearing impairment also regularly conduct sign language […] training for persons […] with hearing impairment, sign language interpreters, staff of Government departments […] and public organisations […] and members of the public, publish training manuals on Hong Kong Sign Language and organise publicity activities to promote the use of sign language with a view to enhancing the integration of persons with impairment into the community. with hearing impairmff of Government departments 同协 作,定期为听障人士、手语翻译员、 政 府部 门和公共机构员工及公众提供手语训 练,并出版香港手语训练手册和举办公众推广活动,以推广手语的使用,促进听 […] 障人士融入社区。 康复界非政府机构与香港特区政府、社区和听障人士组织共期为听障人士门和公共机构员工及公众提供手语训 练,并出版香港手语训练手册和举办公众推广活动,以推广手语的使用,促进听

A working group on Tactual Sign Language (TSL) had been set up in May 2007 comprising […] speech therapists, special […] school teachers, and sign language interpreters from the Ebenezer New […] Hope School, the Caritas […] Lok Yan School, the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf and staff members of our Society. school teachers,the Ebenezer New 由心光恩望學校、明愛賽馬會樂仁學校、香港聾人福利促進會及本會,派出 言 語治 療師 、特殊學校教師、 手 語翻 譯 員及 相關 職員於2007年5月聯合組成觸感手語核心小組。 由心光恩望學校、明愛賽馬會樂仁學校、香港聾人福利促進會及本會,派出、特殊學校教師、職員於2007年5月聯合組成觸感手語核心小組。

Since 2004 all the institutional campaigns of the Ministry of the Interior designed to announce election dates and provide information on the voting procedure and the requirements and […] arrangements for postal votes, when broadcast on television, bear subtitles and carry […] images of an interpreter using sign language. images o 从 2004 […] 年起由内务部通过电视所进行的选举宣传,包括投票日期、投票 方法、邮寄选票的要求及手续,都应在宣传片中配上 字 幕以 及 手 语翻 译。 年起由内务部通过电视所进行的选举宣传,包括投票日期、投票 方法、邮寄选票的要求及手续,都应在宣传片中配上

Persons taking part in a court hearing who have no command […] or an insufficient […] command of the language in which proceedings are taking place are guaranteed the right to the services of an interpreter free of charge. command ofhich proceedings are taking place are guaranteed the right to the services oof charge. 所 使 用 语 言的 法 院受 审之人享 有免费使用译员服务的权利。 保障在未掌握或未完全掌握刑事诉讼程序中审之人享 有免利。

According to him, the trial transcript, […] however, included a mention to the effect that he […] masters the Russian language and refuses to be assisted by an interpreter. masters the Rusrefuses to be assisted b 他 掌握 俄 语,拒 绝求助翻译。 据他讲,审讯记录中有一段话,大意为

He will still be ignored by the medical staff who cannot communicate […] with him in his language or through an interpreter. with him inhroug 的語言或無法透過傳譯員與 他溝 通。 他仍然會被醫護人員忽視,因為他們不懂 得以他通。

, an interpreter qualified for court purposes should be engaged to make a record of the interview in the language used by the relevant person. If necessaryified for court purposes should be engaged to make a record of the interview inby the relevant person. 傳譯員的人 ,以有關人士所採 用 的語言制 定會 晤紀錄。 如有需要,應任用一名合資格就法庭 事務擔當,以有關人士所採晤紀錄。

Three schools use English as the language of instruction, two schools use […] Finnish and one school uses sign language. Finnish and one school 语言, 二所学校用芬兰 语 ,一 所学校 用手势 语。 有三所学校用英语作为教学二所学校用芬兰所学校

for language interpreter services, Keystone […] Mercy will provide the services at no cost to you. If you askices, Keystone 要求译员服务,Keystone Mercy 将免 费为您提供服务。 如果您Keystone Mercy 将免 费为您提供服务。

DR HUANG CHEN-YA asked (in Chinese): In view of the complaints lodged by some deaf people that they have encountered difficulties in the course of criminal investigation and judicial proceedings due to inadequate provision of hand language interpretation service, will the Government inform this Council […] whether consideration would be given to […] creating Hand Language Interpreter posts in the […] Police Force and the Judiciary, and […] to recruiting and training such staff, so that the provision of convenient and prompt interpretation service to the deaf people to criminal investigation and judicial proceedings could be ensured? creatings in the 有 關㆟ 員, 以確 保聾 ㆟在刑事偵訊和司法程序㆖得到 方便和迅速的翻譯服務? 政府可否告知本局,會否考慮在警務處和司法部設立手 語翻譯員的職位,並聘請及訓練㆟在刑事偵訊和司法程序㆖得到 方便和迅速的翻譯服務?

As there is currently no in-house […] capacity for sign language and real-time captioning requirements, these are being met by the recruitment of freelance signlanguage interpreters and rental of […] appropriate equipment. capacityreal-time captioning requirements, these are being met by the recruitment of freelance signlangrental of 满足在 手 语和 实 时字 幕方 面的需要,只能征聘 自由职业手语译员和租赁合适的设备。 另外,由于目前内部没有能力面的需要,只能征聘 自由职适的设备。

(e) Permitted to have without payment the […] assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand the language used at the trial […] of the charge, and […] except with his own consent the trial shall not take place in his absence unless he so conducts himself as to render the continuance of the proceedings in his presence impracticable and the court has ordered him to be removed and the trial to proceed in his absence. assistance oe cannot understandat the trial 判所使用语言的情况下, 被允许无偿 得 到 翻译帮 助; 除非 他 自己同意,否则,审判不得在其缺席的情况下进行;但如果其自己的 行为方式使诉讼在其面前不能继续进行,法院则可命令其离开,而审 […] 判在他不在场的情况下继续进行。 (e) 在不懂审被允许无偿他 自己同意,否则,审判不得在其缺席的情况下进行;但如果其自己的 行为方式使诉讼在其面前不能继续进行,法院则可命令其离开,而审

A person who does not adequately understand […] or speak the language used by the authorities responsible for his arrest, detention or imprisonment is entitled to receive promptly in a language which he understands the information referred to in principle 10, principle 11, paragraph 2, principle 12, paragraph 1, and principle 13 and to have the assistance, free of charge, if necessary, of an interpreter in connection […] with legal proceedings subsequent to this arrest. or speakby the authorities responsible for his arrest, detention or imprisonment is entitled to receive promptlyh he understands the information referred to in principle 10, principle 11, paragraph 2, principle 12, paragraph 1, and principle 13 and to have the assistance, free of charge, if necessary, oonnection 能以口 语使 用 负 责将 其逮捕、拘留或监禁的当局 所用的语言,有权用其所通晓的语言 及 时得 到在原则 10、原则 11 第 2 段、原则 12 第 1 段和原则 13 中所提到的资料,如果必要的话,有权在其被捕后的法律程 序中获得译员的免费协助。 一个人如果不充分通晓或不其逮捕、拘留或监禁的当局 所用其所通到在原则 10、原则 11 第 2 段、原则 12 第 1 段和原则 13 中所提到的资料,如果必要的话,有权在其被捕后的法律程 序助。

sign language interpreter是什么意思

sign language interpreter 中文是什么意思

sign language interpreter的中文翻译,sign language interpreter是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译sign language interpreter,sign language interpreter的中文意思, sign language interpreter的中文 sign language interpreter怎么读 ,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。

sign language interpreter 的中文意思、sign language interpreter 翻譯、sign language interpreter 發音

Because america is the first country where sign language interpreting was professionalized as a profession, this article introduces the beginning of sign language interpreting as a profession in america, the establishment of the first sign language interpreter registration organization and its certification systems, as well as a brief introduction of sign language interpreter education programs.


sign language interpreter – 翻译成 中文, 例子

Hence, it was a struggle for him to travel to meetings and to understand the sign-language interpreter.

因此,搭车参加聚会、看清楚传译员的手语,对他来说都是很吃力的事。 可是他愿意克服困难。

Sign language interpreter: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语

She went up to them, entered into conversation with them, and served as interpreter for the woman, who could not speak any foreign language . 她走到他们跟前,与他们交谈,并为这个不会说任何外语的女人担任翻译。

Perl favors language constructs that are concise and natural for humans to write, even where they complicate the Perl interpreter . Perl 偏爱简洁自然的语言结构,即使它们使 Perl 解释器复杂化,也适合人类编写。

All of the elements of the Perl language—scalars , arrays, hashes, coderefs, file handles—are represented in the interpreter by C structs. Perl 语言的所有元素——标量、数组、散列、代码引用、文件句柄——在解释器中由 C 结构表示。

Instead, the interpreter implements its own lexer, which coordinates with a modified GNU bison parser to resolve ambiguities in the language . 相反,解释器实现了自己的词法分析器,它与修改后的 GNU 野牛解析器协调以解决语言中的歧义。

As a result, the base language is light—the full reference interpreter is only about 247 kB compiled—and easily adaptable to a broad range of applications. 因此,基础语言是轻量级的——完整的参考解释器只有大约 247 kB 编译——并且很容易适应广泛的应用程序。

12K Studio was created and financed in 2011 by the nationwide sign language interpreter company, 12K A/S. 12K Studio 由全国手语翻译公司 12K A/S 于 2011 年创建和资助。

In fact, definition of the eval function led to the first implementation of the language interpreter . 事实上,eval 函数的定义导致了语言解释器的第一个实现。

A self-interpreter is a meta-circular interpreter where the interpreted language is nearly identical to the host language ; the two terms are often used synonymously. 自解释器是一种元循环解释器,其中解释的语言几乎与宿主语言相同;这两个术语经常作为同义词使用。

A self-interpreter is a meta-circular interpreter where the host language is also the language being interpreted . 自解释器是一种元循环解释器,其中宿主语言也是被解释的语言。

A self-interpreter displays a universal function for the language in question, and can be helpful in learning certain aspects of the language . 自译员显示出所讨论语言的通用功能,并且可以帮助学习语言的某些方面。

By having a first interpreter such as this, the system is bootstrapped and new versions of the interpreter can be developed in the language itself. 通过拥有这样的第一个解释器,系统被引导,并且可以用语言本身开发新版本的解释器。

It was in this way that Donald Knuth developed the TANGLE interpreter for the language WEB of the industrial standard TeX typesetting system. Donald Knuth 正是通过这种方式为工业标准 TeX 排版系统的语言 WEB 开发了 TANGLE 解释器。

A language may also be defined by an interpreter in which the semantics of the host language is given. 语言也可以由解释器定义,其中给出了宿主语言的语义。

In general, however, any Turing-complete language allows writing of its own interpreter . 然而,一般而言,任何图灵完备语言都允许编写自己的解释器。

The most recent and up-to-date interpreter for the LOLCODE language is lci, written in C by Justin Meza. LOLCODE 语言的最新解释器是 lci,它由 Justin Meza 用 C 语言编写。

One solution is to use an interpreter which reads the symbolic language a bit at a time, and calls functions to perform the actions. 一种解决方案是使用解释器,一次读取一点符号语言,然后调用函数来执行操作。

Although most users think of the shell as an interactive command interpreter , it is really a programming language in which each statement runs a command. 尽管大多数用户将 shell 视为交互式命令解释器,但它实际上是一种编程语言,其中每个语句都运行一个命令。

In other cases, such a command interpreter can present a highly customised user interface employing the user interface and input/output facilities of the language . 在其他情况下,这样的命令解释器可以使用用户界面和语言的输入/输出设施呈现高度定制的用户界面。

The conventional transformation of these language used an interpreter . 这些语言的常规转换使用了解释器。

Altair BASIC is a discontinued interpreter for the BASIC programming language that ran on the MITS Altair 8800 and subsequent S-100 bus computers. Altair BASIC 是一种已停产的 BASIC 编程语言解释器,在 MITS Altair 8800 和后续的 S – 100 总线计算机上运行。

They also hired an ASL interpreter for deaf actress Simmonds, so that spoken and signed language could be interpreted back and forth on set. 他们还为失聪女演员西蒙兹聘请了 ASL 翻译,以便可以在片场来回翻译口语和手语。

Because about 70% of GNU Emacs is written in the Elisp extension language , one only needs to port the C core which implements the Elisp interpreter . 因为大约 70% 的 GNU Emacs 是用 Elisp 扩展语言编写的,所以只需要移植实现 Elisp 解释器的 C 内核。

Another open-source program called savehd7 uses a sophisticated algorithm, but it also requires the installation of its own programming-language interpreter . 另一个名为 savehd7 的开源程序使用复杂的算法,但它也需要安装自己的编程语言解释器。

This allowed the core interpreter to stabilize, even as it enabled ordinary Perl programmers to add new language features. 这允许核心解释器稳定,即使它使普通 Perl 程序员能够添加新的语言功能。

High-level languages are translated into machine language using a compiler or an interpreter or a combination of the two. 使用编译器或解释器或两者的组合将高级语言翻译成机器语言。

The Ruby programming language interpreter offers an eval function similar to Python or Perl, and also allows a scope, or binding, to be specified. Ruby 编程语言解释器提供类似于 Python 或 Perl 的 eval 函数,还允许指定范围或绑定。

The NAD fights for the right of deaf individuals to be able to use American Sign Language and to be provided an interpreter . NAD 争取聋人使用美国手语和获得翻译的权利。

LIBREP, a Lisp interpreter by John Harper originally based on the Emacs Lisp language , has been embedded in the Sawfish window manager. LIBREP 是 John Harper 的 Lisp 解释器,最初基于 Emacs Lisp 语言,已嵌入 Sawfish 窗口管理器中。

Most commonly, the auxiliary subject is either an object, an interpreter , or a language to which the representation bears some relation. 最常见的是,辅助主语是一个客体、一个解释者,或者是一种与表征有某种关系的语言。

He is also an interpreter of sign language . 他也是一名手语翻译。

In many cases a language implemented by an interpreter may be much slower than a language implemented by a compiler. 在许多情况下,由解释器实现的语言可能比由编译器实现的语言慢得多。

The ten-year-old Eliza, who was conversant in the Cayuse language , served as interpreter during the captivity. 十岁的伊丽莎精通卡尤斯语,在囚禁期间担任翻译。

YS MegaBasic is a BASIC programming language interpreter for the 1982 Sinclair Research ZX Spectrum microcomputer, written by Mike Leaman. YS MegaBasic 是用于 1982 Sinclair Research ZX Spectrum 微型计算机的 BASIC 编程语言解释器,由 Mike Leaman 编写。

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sign language interpreter 中文 意思是什麼 · sign : n 1 記號,符號。2 信號,暗號。 · language : n 1 語言;(某民族,某國的)國語;語調,措詞。 · interpreter : n. ( …

sign language interpreter 中文 意思是什麼 · sign: n 1 記號,符號。2 信號,暗號。 · language: n 1 語言;(某民族,某國的)國語;語調,措詞。 · interpreter: n. (fem.

接受媒體受訪時,李振輝坦承當時聽到BBC記者用英文提問時有點傻眼,平時手語翻譯至少要傳達9成以上資訊,且多以中文為主。 The sign-language interpreter …

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#12. American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters. Washington State law directs courts to obtain certified ASL interpreters through the Office of the Deaf and Hard … 於

#13. A Guide to Remote Interpreting for Sign Language Interpreters If you’re a working sign language interpreter, you’re probably finding yourself doing remote work from your home these days. 於

#14. Sign language 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 The programme involved a sign language interpreter signing to the songs on screen to help deaf … 巴西葡萄牙语: linguagem de sinais surdos; 简体中文: 哑语 … 於

#15. 手语翻译员英文怎么说- 例句 – SCI论文修改 推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español … 中英对照. 手语翻译员. sign language interpreter … 於

#19. Funny Sign Language ASL Interpreter Hand Talking T-Shirt Be kind with this amazing asl gift for your interpreter or sign language teacher who knows hand talking. Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve and … 於

#20. interpret中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 interpret的例句. interpret. Science, like art, is a way of interpreting the world by shaping abstract mediums. 來自Cambridge … 於


#21. ODHH: Sign Language Interpreters These classes include child psychology, American Sign Language (ASL) and interpreting. In the 1990’s, Wisconsin was one of few states that required a license … 於

#23. Sign Language Interpreter Request – New York DMV The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles provides American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters at no cost to those with a hearing disability. 於

#24. American Sign Language – UCLA Health Interpreter Services … UCLA currently has an American Sign Language (ASL) Medical Interpreter on their staff and contracts for other communication support services as needed. If you … 於

#25. Court Language Services To request a spoken language interpreter for a court appearance, please submit a Request … To request an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter or other … 於

#26. 州長交代疫情手譯員在旁豎中指究竟何解? A sign language interpreter was posted on Reddit making a rude gesture (pictured left) while quoting Premier Daniel Andrews Source: ABC. 於

#27. American Sign Language (ASL) : I Want to be a Court Interpreter The ASL Oregon Certified Court Interpreter credential will be awarded to an interpreter who holds a valid Specialist Certificate: Legal (SC:L) from the … 於

#29. ASLIA | Australian Sign Language Interpreters’ Association … The Australian Sign Language Interpreters’ Association (ASLIA) is a not-for-profit body and is the national peak organisation representing the interests of … 於

#30. Sign Language Interpreter Services / Home – All local emergency rooms and police departments have a list of on-call ASL interpreters to call upon during emergencies. What locations does the Mobile … 於

#31. Court Interpreters HOME | NYCOURTS.GOV Pursuant to Part 217 of the Uniform Rules for NYS Trial Courts (and Judiciary Law section 390 regarding sign language interpreters for the deaf or hard of … 於

#32. Sign Language Interpreter安卓下載,安卓版APK | 免費下載 – APK Pure Sign Language Interpreter will convert signs from ASL and ISL to appropriate text and audio. This is a research project, we are still in alpha stage. 於

#33. MSc Sign Language Interpreting (EUMASLI) – Heriot-Watt … An innovative international masters programme that aims to develop the professional field of interpreting between deaf and hearing people in Europe. 於

#34. Sign Language Interpreter Training – I Can Afford College This program provides integrated coursework in American Sign Language (ASL) and ASL-English interpretation to prepare students for entry-level positions. 於

#35. Language Services | HPSM Members – Health Plan of San … Ask for a sign-language interpreter. Members with hearing impairments can get an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter. They will go with you to your … 於

#36. Sign Language Interpretation Services at Conferences Sign -language interpreting services can be provided by Calliope-Interpreters to facilitate communication between spoken and unspoken languages. 於

#37. Equal Educational Opportunities / Sign Language Interpreter Sign Language Interpreter. girl signing Details & Procedures. All requests for Sign Language Interpreters must be made at least ten working days in advance. 於





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