To The Moon Game Quotes | To The Moon- Best Scene 빠른 답변

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Simply the best scene in the whole game.

to the moon game quotes 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

To the Moon – Wikiquote

Dr. Eva RosaleneEdit. The ending isn’t any more important than any of the moments leading to it. The important thing is that over here, they are happy.

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Date Published: 7/13/2021

View: 3194

Top 17 To The Moon Game Best Quotes

Top 17 To The Moon Game Best Quotes … #6. The lions sing and the hills take flight. The moon by day, and the sun by night. Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.

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Date Published: 9/28/2021

View: 1134

The Moon Maze Game Quotes by Larry Niven – Goodreads

1 quote from The Moon Maze Game (Dream Park #4): ‘Every father wants his son to have the advantages he himself was denied. But then, if you prove those…

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Date Published: 7/12/2022

View: 1064

Top 24 To The Moon Game Best Quotes & Sayings

Top To The Moon Game Best Quotes … A forest,” William sa, his expression distant. “Where the ground is dry soil and stone. Where tall trees grow and centuries …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 6/2/2022

View: 221

주제와 관련된 이미지 to the moon game quotes

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 To The Moon- Best Scene. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

To The Moon- Best Scene
To The Moon- Best Scene

주제에 대한 기사 평가 to the moon game quotes

  • Author: BananaManCreations
  • Views: 조회수 44,595회
  • Likes: 좋아요 677개
  • Date Published: 2013. 1. 10.
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To the Moon

To the Moon is a 2011 role-playing adventure video game developed and published by Freebird Games.

Dr. Eva Rosalene [ edit ]

The ending isn’t any more important than any of the moments leading to it. The important thing is that over here, they are happy.

The world would be a lot more beautiful if people just remembered faces more.

When it comes to rain, ‘through’ is better than ‘onto’. I don’t mind it regardless.

Dr. Neil Watts [ edit ]

Putting up a sign when they live in the middle of nowhere is like asking to be robbed.

[to a multi-coloured paper rabbit] Well aren’t you special? Having two colours when all your siblings look like they drowned in bleach. What’s that? You think you’re really creepy? Why yes, I agree!

Well aren’t you special? Having two colours when all your siblings look like they drowned in bleach. What’s that? You think you’re really creepy? Why yes, I agree! Don’t you miss the days when memory-audio-to-MP8 conversion was legal? I think I brought home over two thousand songs during my first year on this job.

Act 1 [ edit ]

Lily: [to Dr. Rosalene] How does it work? Do you just write him another life like a novel? Dr. Rosalene: No. We can’t just make new memories out of thin air. Lily: Then…how do you do it? Dr. Watts: Not us. The machine does most of it. Naturally, since we aren’t paid enough to get our hands dirty. Dr. Rosalene: In a nutshell, we simply travel through his memories to as early as possible. When we do, we would then transfer his registered desire of going to the moon… Dr. Watts: …to the reconstruction of the world and himself at the early state! And with the help of a wiki of data and his own, the machine would then simulate a rerun. Dr. Rosalene: Except this time, he’ll have the motivation of his registered desire with him all his life. Lily: So you’d be depending on him fulfilling his own wish by simply having the desire to? How could that be? Everyone has ambition for things, but most don’t accomplish them. Dr. Rosalene: That’s because in the real world, ambitions fluctuate…and fade. People start things with a passion, but eventually they lose that initial drive and slow down. But imagine if you locked onto that initial push through your entire life, never wavering. [pause] …It’s more powerful than it seems. Dr. Watts: That being said, no ambition’s gonna help a dead man. We’d better go get started. Lily: Oh, of course. Sorry.

[Dr. Rosalene and Watts meet Johnny and Lily at the cliffside by the lighthouse through his memories] Dr. Rosalene: Johnny? John: What a pleasant surprise… We don’t get many visitors around here. Dr. Rosalene: My name is Dr. Eva Rosalene, and this is–… Dr. Watts: Dr. Von Matterhorn… Dr. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn. Dr. Rosalene: …Dr. Neil Watts. [Neil peeves] Are you familiar with the Sigmund Agency of Life Generation? John: Oh, are you two from the agency? How convenient; I’ve just been thinking of calling you. Lily, get us some tea please. [John stares at Lily for a pause] …Lily? Dr. Rosalene: Actually, you’ve already called us. [Lily disappears entirely in front of John; he backs away from Eva and Neil] …We’re here to fulfill our contract from the relative future. Dr. Watts: Careful there. If you slip off the cliff, we’re gonna have to reload this memory. Dr. Rosalene: [hushes] [Watch it Neil, show some respect.] Dr. Watts: [Eh, it’s just a program y’know.] Dr. Rosalene: [I know. But this is his last accessible memory, and we need its co-operation.] Dr. Watts: [Worst comes to worst, we can just reboot it.] Dr. Rosalene: [Why would you waste time like that?]

John: So, can you do it? Can you take me to the moon? Dr. Rosalene: We can’t, but you might be able to. Dr. Watts: Why do want to go there? John: I don’t know. […] Dr. Rosalene: It’s fine, you can tell us. It’s essential for helping us to get you to go there. Dr. Watts: Do you want the fame? The money? You’ve got to have a motive. John: I’m sorry, but I really don’t know. I just…do. Dr. Watts: [I can already tell that this is gonna be a pain in the ass.]

Dr. Watts: Why, is that a bottle of pickled olives you’re sporting? John: Yeah. Are you a fellow olive lover? Dr. Watts: Indeed I am! Just got a fresh bottle of them myself, in fact! Mind if I join you? John: Sure, why don’t you grab a seat? We’ll down a bottle together. Dr. Watts: Oh… Yeah, that sounds just swell. [Eva, disable taste simulation, NOW!!] Dr. Rosalene: [Oh Neil, I don’t think I feel like it.] […] Dr. Watts: […I’m so gonna get you back for this.]

Dr. Watts: [transported on top of lighthouse] CRIKEY NUTCRACKERS! Dr. Rosalene: You aren’t Australian. Dr. Watts: Who cares?! We’re like 20 billion nanometers off the ground and standing on a damn flag pole!! Dr. Rosalene: Just jump down; it’s not like you can be hurt here. Dr. Watts: Are you kidding me? It’s a fricken sky-dive!! You can’t stay on here, you can’t get off, God, I hate it when it happens! I swear if this plac– [gets kicked off by Eva, falls down the lighthouse] EVA, WHAT THE $@%#?! Dr. Rosalene: …Wuss.

Dr. Rosalene: [looks at an old baby grand piano] How the heck did they move this thing upstairs? Dr. Watts: Who knows, but I bet it’d be a piece of cake for the TARDIS. Dr. Rosalene: Not really; you can’t even get it through its door. Dr. Watts: …Mm, true. Well, that settles it: moving pianos is a pain in the arse for everybody. It’d probably take an entire episode to get it inside. [both pause for a beat] Dr. Rosalene: …I wouldn’t mind seeing such an episode. Dr. Watts: Me neither. It sounds pretty epic.

Isabelle: Everyone with it is different, John. Just because she and I share the syndrome, doesn’t mean we share the same head. John: But you must be able to help somehow… Everything was okay at first, but now, she’s more aloof than before. Even when we’re in the same room, she’s never really… there. It’s starting to take a toll on me. I just don’t know how to take it anymore. Isabelle: Well, I can’t speak for her, but many of us do long for connections. …Though, being to articulate it is a different story. Just because she struggles to express it, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel anything. She’s still there, right? Sometimes you just have to have faith that she cares. John: That’s pretty difficult to do, day in and day out. Isabelle: I know. Nicolas: Wait, but why do you seem so normal, Izzy? I mean, don’t you have the same condition? Isabelle: For one, I was diagnosed when I was still young. With effort, it’s not impossible to acquire a guise of social norms systemically. But you know what? I both envy and pity River. Me… I’m an actress, because I’ve been doing it all my life. Not only on-stage, but off-stage… and at practically every moment. I’ve gotten good at it, because acting is the only option I have. It’s the only way for me to be ‘normal’. But River… She never did that. She remained an outcast and refused to learn to step against it. …I don’t know if it was by choice or by limit, whether bravery or cowardice. […] Isabelle: …There are days when I just can’t stand faking it anymore. And then, I realize that it’s too late. The Isabelle that people know is all an act, and the real me has long become a stranger. I think in the end… I just envy her.

Act 2 [ edit ]

John: I have a question. If you could make Lily disappear, that means you can alter this world. Then… can you not simply make things happen, and fulfill my wish here and now? Dr. Watts: That would work, if this were your true set of memories. John: What do you mean? What is this, then? What am I? Dr. Watts: This is just a copy… A canvas for us to work with, if you will. As for you… You are merely an algorithm traced from Johnny. Enough to reflect his likeness, but far from complete. [John pauses] All we can do is to prepare this canvas in a logically consistent way. And then, when we transfer your registered desire to your childhood, the machine will generate your new life, one where the desire dictates your behaviour. The result of that, would then be written to the real John. So you see, even if we satisfy you, you are merely a ‘read-only’ program. I mean, we could reset you over and over again, and– Dr. Rosalene: That’s enough. Dr. Watts: Oh, don’t be so sensitive. He’s not real, you know. Dr. Rosalene: If you truly believed that, why did you even care to explain?

[in the memory between old Johnny, Isabelle and the unfinished house] John: …We can’t afford to finish this house, Isabelle. We can barely afford to pay for her treatme– [Neil pops out of nowhere in front of them] Dr. Watts: But can you afford the LUNAR-TRIP LOTTERY? If you sell this house, YOU SURE CAN!! [transition to John and River in Dr. Lee’s office] John: …Is the diagnosis certain? Dr. Lee: Yes. In fact, we rarely have anyone– [Eva walks into his office] Dr. Rosalene: Did you know that NASA has excellent health-care plans? It’s true! For both you and your spouse! [transition to John and River riding their horses as Neil gallops fast behind them] Dr. Watts: FREE PONY RIDES IN SPAAAAAACE!!! [transition to John and River’s wedding feast; Eva pops in] Dr. Rosalene: Oh look, a wedding. Good for you. But here’s a riddle: Guess where you should go for the honeymoon?

Act 3 [ edit ] [the simulation is being destabilzed with Eva and Neil in it] Dr. Watts: What’s happening to this place?! Dr. Rosalene: …It’s been de-stabilized. [turns to Neil] Get out. Dr. Watts: What? Dr. Rosalene: Get out of his memory. Now. Dr. Watts: What’re you talking about? Dr. Rosalene: If the system doesn’t restabilize soon, the shock might permanently damage whoever’s in here. Dr. Watts: You got to be kidding m… Why aren’t you getting out, then?! Dr. Rosalene: I can’t, Neil! If both of us get out under this state, all our work will be reset… There won’t be enough time to redo all we’ve done before Johnny– Dr. Watts: Oh, you freakin… Don’t pull that contrived crap on me! This ain’t no movie and you’re no hero, you’re just being a moron! Dr. Rosalene: Then why are you being one too? Get the hell out of here! Dr. Watts: Screw that! If you’re gone, they’ll probably pair me up with Alistair! Do you know badly he smells? Worse than the roadkill!! Dr. Rosalene: Damn it, Neil… This is what I get for helping you cheat through the entrance exams.

John: [gazing the moon and stars] So… what do you think they really are? The stars, I mean. River: I… I’ve never told anyone, but… I’ve always thought they were lighthouses. Billions of lighthouses…stuck at the far end of the sky. John: Wow, it must be so lively up there. River: But it isn’t. [John looks to River for a beat] They can see all the other lighthouses out there, and they want to talk to them. But they can’t, because they’re all too far apart to hear what the others are saying. All they can do…is shine their lights for afar. …So that’s what they do. They shine their lights at the other lighthouses, and at me. John: Why you? River: Because one day… I’m going to befriend one of them.

Top 17 To The Moon Game Best Quotes: Famous Quotes & Sayings About To The Moon Game Best

To The Moon Game Best Famous Quotes & Sayings

List of top 17 famous quotes and sayings about to the moon game best to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 17 To The Moon Game Best Quotes

#1. I don’t want to sell my music. I’d like to give it away because where I got it, you didn’t have to pay for it. – Author: Don Van Vliet

#2. I can do anything I set my mind to if I believe and am realistic. – Author: Aleks Paunovic

#3. It was about being wanted, it was about winning, and it was about my passion for the game. I just loved it. I absolutely loved to compete and to step out onto that football field with my teammates. – Author: Warren Moon

#4. In the pale light of the Moon I play the game of you. Whoever I am. Whoever you are. All sense of where I am, of who I am and where I’m going, has been swallowed by the dark. And I walk through the stars and sky … a trinity of dreams beneath the moon. – Author: Neil Gaiman

#5. The first Nintendo game I ever got was ‘Clash at Demonhead.’ I got into anime and manga thanks to that Canadian classic, ‘Sailor Moon.’ – Author: Bryan Lee O’Malley

#6. The lions sing and the hills take flight. The moon by day, and the sun by night. Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool. Let the Lord of Chaos rule.

-chant from a children’s game heard in Great Arvalon, the Fourth Age – Author: Robert Jordan

#7. The game enforces smirks; but we have seen

The moon in lonely alleys make

A grail of laughter of an empty ash can,

And all through the sound of gaiety and quest

Have heard a kitten in the wilderness. – Author: Hart Crane

#8. My pulse pounded in my ears, heat smoldering deep in my belly. I’d never been so tempted. This is a dangerous game. – Author: Lisa Kessler

#9. Varro to Brian: You always think there has to be some grand gesture, but really, there doesn’t even have to be words. Just knowing something should be all the truth you need. – Author: Mary Calmes

#10. I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to. – Author: Bill Bryson

#11. With his arm back around Gavin’s waist, Brad suddenly seemed very determined to get to their destination. Gavin was curious about it until he saw the restaurant. With rainbow flags hanging on either side of the sign mounted on the roof, it sort of looked like home base in a game of gay tag. – Author: Kele Moon

#12. That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquillity. – Author: Rumi

#13. Spirituality is the soul of the spirit. – Author: Lailah Gifty Akita

#14. That was probably one of the things that if I look back at my career and say what is something I would try and do a little bit differently, I’d try and be a little bit more loose playing the game. Have a little more fun doing it. – Author: Warren Moon

#15. It’s all about the find when it comes to love, the moment when you meet the one person in your life you can’t possibly live without, that was – Author: Meghan Quinn

#16. What is a butterfly? At best

He’s but a caterpiller drest.

The gaudy Fop’s his picture just. – Author: Benjamin Franklin

The Moon Maze Game Quotes by Larry Niven

Steven Barnes,

“Every father wants his son to have the advantages he himself was denied. But then, if you provide those advantages, you risk producing a weakling. The core parental paradox.”

To the Moon (Video Game 2011)

Follows Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts (employed by Sigmund Corp.) as they fulfill the lifelong dream of the dying Johnny Wyles.

Follows Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts (employed by Sigmund Corp.) as they fulfill the lifelong dream of the dying Johnny Wyles.

Follows Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts (employed by Sigmund Corp.) as they fulfill the lifelong dream of the dying Johnny Wyles.

Top 24 To The Moon Game Best Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy reading and share 24 famous quotes about To The Moon Game Best with everyone.

If I know a song of Africa, of the giraffe and the African new moon lying on her back, of the plows in the fields and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Will the air over the plain quiver with a color that I have had on, or the children invent a game in which my name is, or the full moon throw a shadow over the gravel of the drive that was like me, or will the eagles of the Ngong Hills look out for me? — Karen Blixen

After that day when I saw the elephant, I let myself see more and believe more. It was a game I played with myself. When I told Alma the things I saw she would laugh and tell me she loved my imagination. For her I changed pebbles into diamonds, shoes into mirrors, I changed glass into water, I gave her wings and pulled birds from her ears and in her pockets she found the feathers, I asked a pear to become a pineapple, a pineapple to become a lightbulb, a lightbulb to become the moon, and the moon to become a coin I flipped for her love, both sides were heads: I knew I couldn’t lose. — Nicole Krauss

I had spent many nights in the jungle looking for game, but this was the first time I had ever spent a night looking for a man-eater. The length of road immediately in front of me was brilliantly lit by the moon, but to right and left the overhanging trees cast dark shadows, and when the night wind agitated the branches and the shadows moved, I saw a dozen tigers advancing on me, and bitterly regretted the impulse that had induced me to place myself at the man-eater’s mercy. I lacked the courage to return to the village and admit I was too frightened to carry out my self-imposed task, and with teeth chattering, as much from fear as from cold, I sat out the long night. As the grey dawn was lighting up the snowy range which I

was facing, I rested my head on my drawn-up knees, and it was in this position my men an hour later found me fast asleep; of the tiger I had neither heard nor seen anything. — Jim Corbett

A forest,” William said, his expression distant. “Where the ground is dry soil and stone. Where tall trees grow and centuries of autumn carpet their roots. Where the wind smells of game and wildflowers.”

“Why, that was lovely, Lord Bill. Do you ever write poetry? Something for your blueblood lady?”


“She doesn’t like poetry?”

“Leave it.”

Hehe. “Oh, so you have a lady. How interes

— Ilona Andrews

The sun rises every morning. I do not rise every morning; but the variation is not due to my activity, but to my inaction. Now, to put the matter in a popular phrase, it might be true that the sun rises regularly because he never gets tired of rising. His routine might be due, not to a lifelessness, but to a rush of life. The thing I mean can be seen, for instance, in children, when they find some game or joke that the specially enjoy. A child kicks his legs rhythmically through excess, not absence, of life. Because children have abounding vitality, they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say “Do it afain”, and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, “Do it again” to the sun; and every evening, “Do it again” to the moon. — G.K. Chesterton

This year there will be an eclipse of the Moon on the fourth day of August.9 Saturn will be retrograde; Venus, direct; Mercury, variable. And a mass of other planets will not proceed as they used to.10 As a result, crabs this year will walk sideways, rope-makers work backwards, stools end up on benches, and pillows be found at the foot of the bed;11 many men’s bollocks will hang down for lack of a game-bag;12 the belly will go in front and the bum be the first to sit down; nobody will find the bean in their Twelfth Night cake; not one ace will turn up in a flush; the dice will never do what you want, however much you may flatter them;13 and the beasts will talk in sundry places. — Francois Rabelais

If I know a song of Africa, – I thought, – of the Giraffe, and the African new moon lying on her back, of the ploughs in the fields, and the sweaty faces of the coffee-pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Would the air over the plain quiver with a colour that I had had on, or the children invent a game in which my name was, or the full moon throw a shadow over the gravel of the drive that was like me, or would the eagles of Ngong look out for me? I — Karen Blixen

It was about being wanted, it was about winning, and it was about my passion for the game. I just loved it. I absolutely loved to compete and to step out onto that football field with my teammates. — Warren Moon

The lions sing and the hills take flight. The moon by day, and the sun by night. Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool. Let the Lord of Chaos rule.

-chant from a children’s game heard in Great Arvalon, the Fourth Age — Robert Jordan

We can do something else,” Paul offered casually, taking another long drink of Danny’s beer, enjoying the game in a way he probably shouldn’t. Seduction was always a challenge, and he had an unfair advantage with knowing Danny as well as he did. It almost felt like cheating. “You may not be a sadist, but you are absolutely a Dom. No question, being in control gets you off. I know it does. — Kele Moon

Women are another race. They are always changing, like the moon. You can only win by being the cool center of their being. You have to represent something solid and loving. The anchor. Even if you are not. You can’t tell them the truth. You have to lie and play games. I’ve never in my entire life been with someone with whom I didn’t have to play a game. I’ve never been with anyone with whom I could be exactly who I am. — Orson Welles

I want to feel calm and at ease. Like someone who lives in Half Moon Bay, California, and makes hummus from scratch. Instead, I feel like I’m a contestant on some awful supermarket game show where I’ve got sixty seconds to hurl my shopping cart down the aisles, piling it with as much as possible before the buzzer goes off. — Augusten Burroughs

The first Nintendo game I ever got was ‘Clash at Demonhead.’ I got into anime and manga thanks to that Canadian classic, ‘Sailor Moon.’ — Bryan Lee O’Malley

In the pale light of the Moon I play the game of you. Whoever I am. Whoever you are. All sense of where I am, of who I am and where I’m going, has been swallowed by the dark. And I walk through the stars and sky … a trinity of dreams beneath the moon. — Neil Gaiman

Some imagine game development as a path that we follow toward our

destination. I disagree with this image. I think it’s more like a dark forest

full of stinging monsters, waiting to inject you with anesthetic poison.

Each time you bump into one, it stings you and the poison makes you

feel warm and content. But under the surface, the stings are stealing your

vigor, dissolving you from the inside. It’s only later, as your strength runs

low and the moon clouds over, that you might realize that the pleasant

feeling you’ve enjoyed all this time wasn’t progress. It was death. — Tynan Sylvester

With his arm back around Gavin’s waist, Brad suddenly seemed very determined to get to their destination. Gavin was curious about it until he saw the restaurant. With rainbow flags hanging on either side of the sign mounted on the roof, it sort of looked like home base in a game of gay tag. — Kele Moon

They could play an endless game of hide-and -seek in so many rooms and up and down the halls that intersected and turned into dead-end porches and rooms full of wax begonias and elephant’s- ears, or rooms full of trunks. She remembered the nights

the moon vine, the everblooming Cape jessamines, the verbena smelling under running feet, the lateness of dancers. — Eudora Welty

Imagine what I could have done in ten years. I could have learned to speak Japanese. I could have played every RPG video game ever created, and if I spoke Japanese I could have played the foreign ones too! Man, I could have built a spaceship in my backyard and flew it to the moon and back, if I wanted. — Kevin James Breaux

My pulse pounded in my ears, heat smoldering deep in my belly. I’d never been so tempted. This is a dangerous game. — Lisa Kessler

That was probably one of the things that if I look back at my career and say what is something I would try and do a little bit differently, I’d try and be a little bit more loose playing the game. Have a little more fun doing it. — Warren Moon

We want freedom. We want freedom from the constraints of the cycles of the sun and the moon. We want freedom from drought and weather, freedom from the movement of game, the growth of plants, freedom from control from mendacious popes and kings, freedom from ideology, freedom from want. This idea of freeing ourselves has become the compass of the human journey. — Terence McKenna

no simple mechanism could do the job as well or better. It might simply be that nobody has yet found the simpler alternative. The Ptolemaic system (with the Earth in the center, orbited by the Sun, the Moon, planets, and stars) represented the state of the art in astronomy for over a thousand years, and its predictive accuracy was improved over the centuries by progressively complicating the model: adding epicycles upon epicycles to the postulated celestial motions. Then the entire system was overthrown by the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, which was simpler and – though only after further elaboration by Kepler – more predictively accurate.63 Artificial intelligence methods are now used in more areas than it would make sense to review here, but mentioning a sampling of them will give an idea of the breadth of applications. Aside from the game AIs — Nick Bostrom

The game enforces smirks; but we have seen

The moon in lonely alleys make

A grail of laughter of an empty ash can,

And all through the sound of gaiety and quest

Have heard a kitten in the wilderness. — Hart Crane

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 To The Moon- Best Scene

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  • John
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To #The #Moon- #Best #Scene

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