Infj With Adhd | Adhd Personality Type Problems (Pt. 3 Of 4) Infj, Estp, Istp, Estj 상위 75개 답변

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d여기에서 ADHD Personality Type Problems (Pt. 3 of 4) INFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ – infj with adhd 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

This video focuses on: INFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ
If you are well informed/familiar with Carl Jung – Myers Briggs 16 Personality Types/ Characteristics, skip to 16:09 in the video.
Intro 00:00
INFJ 16:10
ESTP 25:50
ISTP 33:43
ESTJ 39:39

In this video we look at the different issues that can arise from different personality types when they’re at their worst according to some research (Link below), along with my own experiences and observations whilst working with ADHD clients (along with my own studies/research). These issues vary from person to person and the issues themselves are not exclusive to one personality type, since these issues/difficulties can overlap among the different personality types. Emphasis will be placed on ADHD and the correlation. Let us keep in mind that the different subtypes of ADHD will greatly impact the characteristics and how they are displayed or lack thereof within the individual. Even if your own personality type is not mentioned in this video, I would still advise you give the video a listen. You never know what personality type characteristic issues a family member, friend, or loved one might be facing, and you could be the one to potentially help them out with this knowledge.

LINK to Take The Personality Type Test:

Research Link***
Personality types at their best/work Link

Video I made on ADHD and Supplements


Book I published on Inattentive ADHD and Stages of Development.\u0026dchild=1\u0026keywords=inattentive+adhd\u0026qid=1585113274\u0026s=books\u0026sprefix=INATTen%2Caps%2C199\u0026sr=1-18

Supplements Link

Personality Types Careers etc.

infj with adhd 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

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INFJs are known for being contradictory, but having ADHD, which is uncommon among INFJs, makes me even more contradictory. There are a lot of INFJ traits which …

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Does INFJ = ADHD? – INFJ Forum

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INFJs with ADD/ADHD – Personality Cafe

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INFJ & ADHD – YouTube

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Helping ADD / ADHD / INFJ with Mindset

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INFJ ADHD & ADD: What the INFJs Attention Span is Like … – Pinterest

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The Relationship of Personality Style and Attention Deficit …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 infj with adhd

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 ADHD Personality Type Problems (Pt. 3 of 4) INFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

ADHD Personality Type Problems (Pt. 3 of 4) INFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ
ADHD Personality Type Problems (Pt. 3 of 4) INFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ

주제에 대한 기사 평가 infj with adhd

  • Author: Wilhelm The Esoteric
  • Views: 조회수 2,799회
  • Likes: 좋아요 97개
  • Date Published: 2020. 5. 9.
  • Video Url link:

Do INFJs have a hard time focusing?

As introverts, INFJs prefer their inner world to the outer world. They often find themselves distracted by their own thoughts and ideas and have trouble focusing on what’s going on around them. This is another reason they can often miss details in their environments.

Who are INFJ not compatible with?

For these reasons, the two worst potential matches for an INFJ are the energetic and unemotional ESTP and the always curious and firmly grounded ISTP. Relationships with both types of personalities leave the INFJ feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from their partners.

Does ADHD affect personality?

Previous studies suggested that the presence of ADHD in children and young adolescents may affect the development of personality.

What personality type is most likely to have ADHD?

All children with a verified diagnosis of ADHD seen by the psychologist were enrolled (n = 117). Children were mostly male (78%), with a median age of 10 (interquartile range [IQR] 8 – 12), and were in the 4th grade (IQR 3 – 6). The most common 4-type personality indicator was ISFJ (Table 1).

Do INFJs have short attention spans?

INFJ. INFJs aren’t the type of people to have a short attention span, and are often capable of focusing on something for a while. INFJs can spend hours inside of their own thoughts, just thinking things through and processing information.

Why do INFJ cry so much?

INFJs are sensitive souls who are easily overwhelmed, but they have their limits. If they feel stressed by their environment, or the people in it, they’ll tend to cry or become very quiet and want to be alone.

Who is INFJ soulmate?

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFJ’s natural partner is the ENTP, or the ENFP. INFJ’s dominant function of Introverted Intuition is best matched with a personality type that is dominated by Extraverted Intuition.

Who is INFJ best friend?

ENFP and INFJs love to dive into connections with others, especially if they believe the person will understand them. Once both types feel they can be their true selves, they will go out of their way to strongly nurture that friendship because they know how important it is.

Who hates INFJ?

An INFJ, who is averse to conflict but strong in their own way, hates being vulnerable. The perfectionist in them needs that control, and vulnerability threatens it. They often keep their sensitivities to themselves, so if you ever do glimpse them, it means they’ve trusted you immensely by letting you in.

Why ADHD is a gift?

“Children’s sense of identity is not yet formed at the time of ADHD diagnosis. Reframing the disorder as a gift helps them define themselves by what is working, not by what isn’t working.” Kids with ADHD often have trouble in school. They can’t sit still, and they have trouble focusing their attention on a single task.

Is ADHD a form of autism?

Answer: Autism spectrum disorder and ADHD are related in several ways. ADHD is not on the autism spectrum, but they have some of the same symptoms. And having one of these conditions increases the chances of having the other.

Does ADHD cause selfishness?

The takeaway. Some characteristics of ADHD mimic the traits of selfishness. The symptoms can make you seem as if you are concerned only with yourself, even when this isn’t true. Selfishness normally carries with it the intention that you care only for yourself – symptoms of ADHD do not.

Which MBTI is most likely to be a psychopath?

ISTP – A lot of the things an ISTP enjoys don’t actively involve people, and they may even find it that people get in the way of their goals. As such, their antisocial tendencies make them likely candidates have psychopathic tendencies.

Which personality type is the hardest to understand?

The INFP may be the toughest personality type of all for others to understand. They are seemingly easy-going and carefree, but when it comes to their values, they can become suddenly uncompromising. They’re friendly to a fault, but they frequently find others hard to be around.

Is ADHD just a personality type?

The studies of brain differences are interesting, but they have no bearing at all on the question of whether ADHD is a disorder or a normal personality variation. All personality variations have a basis in the brain.

How INFJ can focus?

INFJs tend to have a lot of focus and determination when it comes to long-term goals that we see as important. When we don’t see the impact of a goal on the long-term future, we lose focus and interest. As an INFJ, you need to feel as if your goal fits into something bigger than yourself.

Do INFJs get distracted easily?

INFJ. INFJs are very internal and introspective people, which can lead them to become distracted by their own thoughts. INFJs are rarely distracted by external things, and instead become drawn inward. They have such rich and active inner minds, and often find their headspace to be a much safer place to be.

Can an INFJ be lazy?

The INFJ. Visionary and imaginative, INFJs have a unique ability to sense others’ inner potential. They are always looking for ways to improve and they thrive best when they can explore the future and anticipate possibilities. Where INFJs get lazy is with the practical realities of day-to-day life.

Are INFJs procrastinators?

INFJs can often procrastinate because they have a deep fear of failure. They put a lot of pressure on themselves to get things done and be perfect with what they do. This desire to perfect everything make it difficult for the INFJ to find the inspiration to really begin sometimes.

INFJ ADHD & ADD: What the INFJs Attention Span is Like

INFJ ADHD & ADD: What the INFJs Attention Span is Like

The struggle with personality types and correlating them to things like ADD or ADHD, is the fact that sometimes it is simply part of their personality. Which types are more likely to have these disorders really isn’t something that can easily be measured, and so it is important to take a step back and analyze accordingly. Diving into the traits and differences can help to understand what might cause these types to be misdiagnosed, or what might make them potentially more prone to certain conditions. It is important to understand each individual on a deeper level before making assumptions, since there is far more complex details than simply pegging a personality type as something without learning more.

While INFJs do lack inspiration in certain subjects, they rarely struggle with being able to focus. As children though INFJs do have a tendency to daydream which can sometimes be misunderstood. They can spend so much time alone and this isn’t always something which others relate to or fully comprehend. While they might have this tendency to spend time inside of their own minds, they often do well in school and can get their work done accordingly. They don’t struggle to focus on getting things done when the time really comes to do so. It is important to understand the INFJ better and on a deeper level before making assumptions.


INFJs are often calmer and more reserved, even as children. They keep to themselves and do their best to avoid too much trouble. They have a lot going on inside of their minds, and have vivid imaginations which can keep them distracted sometimes. While INFJs would often prefer to daydream and spend hours inside of their thoughts, they are also very aware of the emotions and behaviors of those around them. The INFJ can tell when they are being observed and often knows when they need to remain focused to avoid being misunderstood. Most INFJs pick this up at a young age, and do their best to remain focused on their work and the things they need to do when they have to. They are also naturally intelligent people, and can often excel in schooling and intellectual work without much effort. They can keep up in school most of the time without having to really focus 100%. This can help the INFJ to avoid being seen as someone who has ADHD or ADD when they actually don’t.

While INFJs are dreamers, they are also good at focusing on one task when they have to. They might be somewhere else inside of their minds, but it appears as if they are intently focused on what they are doing. INFJs often enjoy things like this because it gives them a chance to let their minds wander, while they are dealing with whatever is in front of them at the time. INFJs know how to multitask in this way, so that they can give themselves the space from interacting with others. While INFJs are often warm people who like connecting with others, but that doesn’t mean they want to do this constantly. Being that they are introverts they need time to themselves, but when they are young the INFJ might realize that they need to hide this from most people. They battle with their desire to please others and their need to have plenty of time to themselves. These struggles can make it challenging for the INFJ when they are younger, as they try to figure out their own needs and boundaries. They can often portray themselves however they want others to see them, since INFJs are in tune with the emotions and expectations of others. While they are capable of this, it can become rather draining and overwhelming after only a short time of doing it. It is important for the INFJ to learn how to be themselves as they develop, even if people misunderstand this.

The INFJ who truly does deal with ADHD symptoms, can be even more misunderstood. The struggle is that INFJs are rare as it is, but being an INFJ who has ADHD is even more uncommon. This puts them in the position of being highly misunderstood, and having people label them as things which are incorrect. INFJs with ADHD can be seen as extroverts (even though they are not), because of their occasionally outward expressions and the way they appear more on edge and even energized. Sometimes their hyperactivity can express itself as OCD, since the INFJ can become obsessive over one thing and find themselves latched onto this. While this is a common INFJ quality, it becomes amplified when they are dealing with ADHD. They become unable to focus on others things and want to continue to analyze this one subject or situation. Their attention span is a bit of a struggle, as they find themselves unable to sit still or focus on something even when they want to. This can be more challenging for the INFJ than for others types, especially since their inner need to please is important to them. For the INFJ dealing with these ADHD symptoms, it can be a constant struggle of feeling misunderstood by those around them. It is important for them to find people who are similar to them, and who won’t judge their behaviors and see them inaccurately.

While being misunderstood is a common theme for the INFJ, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t search for people who are willing to put forth the effort to connect with them and actually understand them on a more personal level. ADHD might not be common for INFJs, but like anything it is not impossible. It is important to analyze the situation and learn more about the INFJ on a personal level in order to really know what is going on inside of their complex minds and souls.

Read More About the INFJ:

Complete INFJ Article Collection

Why INFJs Struggle with Details

Every personality type has its own unique set of gifts and challenges. The INFJ personality type is insightful, empathetic and future-oriented. These gifts allow them to contribute positively to the world in many ways. But this personality type also experiences many challenges as a result of the lesser developed parts of their personality. One of these challenges is paying attention to details.

As a judging type, one may assume that the INFJ is extremely detail-oriented, but this is actually a major misconception. Here are five reasons INFJs struggle with details.

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire!

Why INFJs Struggle with Details

They’re focused on the big picture.

As dominant intuitive types, INFJs are focused on the big picture. This preference for the abstract can cause them to miss the obvious realities in front of them.

With Introverted Intuition as their leading function, INFJs prefer the world of concepts and ideas. They are more likely to have their head in the clouds than their feet on the ground.

Introverted Sensing, the function more often associated with tangible details, is last in the INFJs function stack. The INFJ may feel like the strengths associated with Introverted Sensing types (ISFJs and ISTJs) are blind spots.

For example, I’ve been a writer for nearly my entire life. But I often find myself getting so caught up in the concept I’m explaining or the story I’m telling, that I let typos slip through the cracks. The spelling and grammar are much less essential than the concept or story, and therefore, not a priority during the writing process.

As a writer, this means I have to take extra precautions to proof my work. I use spelling and grammar checkers and have worked with editors to improve this skill. But it will never be something that comes as naturally to me as spreading a big picture message.

They prefer to live in their heads.

As introverts, INFJs prefer their inner world to the outer world. They often find themselves distracted by their own thoughts and ideas and have trouble focusing on what’s going on around them. This is another reason they can often miss details in their environments.

An INFJ may find that a hike through a beautiful forest is an excellent opportunity to have quiet time to think about that idea they had for a novel or how to handle conflict among family members. They may not realize until the hike is nearly over that they haven’t paid any attention to the beauty of their surroundings.

INFJs have to actively focus on being present in the moment to truly enjoy all it has to offer. When I catch myself daydreaming instead of being present, I try to remind myself to focus on something in my environment and what I appreciate about it.

When I’m able to do this, it feels incredibly relaxing; but it is definitely not my normal mode of processing. Just like with editing, it takes intentional focus and effort.

They’re dreamers rather than doers.

INFJs have Extraverted Sensing as their inferior function. Extraverted Sensing perceives and stores information happening in the outside world. At it’s best, Extraverted Sensing is extremely observant and quick to react to what is happening in the person’s environment.

Most INFJs can use their inferior function with some skill in certain areas. However, it tends to show up in more of a child-like way. An INFJ who specializes in editing may actually be exceptional at catching those typos, but find that they frequently miss details in other areas of their life. Without focus and practice, most INFJs will appear clumsy in how they react to their environment.

In interviewing INFJs for my book, The Complete Guide to Understanding the INFJ Personality Type, many mentioned how they were always bumping into things or finding mysterious bruises from an incident they didn’t even notice occurred.

Most INFJs are pretty average when it comes to “doing” things in the outside world. They tend to find more success when focusing on their strong insights and ideas, as well as their abilities to work with and understand people. Neither of these traits requires a strong attention to concrete details.

They’re perfectionists.

INFJs can be perfectionists and have high standards for themselves and others. Most INFJs are extremely aware of the challenges they have when it comes to details. This awareness can sometimes be a great source of insecurity for them.

This is especially true when the INFJ is in a career or life circumstance that requires them to be extremely detail-oriented. To overcompensate for the perceived weakness, the INFJ will instead adopt perfectionist habits of over-checking their work or spending too much time on something small and insignificant until they get it “just right.”

For this reason, INFJs can also be sensitive to criticism as it relates to their lack of spatial awareness. They may feel that because they’ve spent so much time “perfecting” something, it’s unfair to critique it.

It’s not until the INFJ can give themselves well-deserved patience for their lack of focus on the details that they’re able to loosen up and not take every “failure” too seriously.

They’re easily overwhelmed by data.

Most INFJ decision making is led by their Extraverted Feeling process, which absorbs the emotional energies of other people and focuses on group harmony. But they also enjoy and make decisions using their tertiary Introverted Thinking function.

Introverted Thinking excels in understanding vast amounts of information, and INFJs may find themselves attracted to understanding a singular topic or idea from every imaginable angle, using the unique blend of their Introverted Intuition and Thinking functions. (When INFJs get “stuck” in the world of intuition and thinking and begin to disregard the feelings of others, it is called the “Ni-Ti loop.”)

Although many INFJs love to learn new things, they find analyzing data most enjoyable as a low-pressure hobby. This is another reason that INFJs thrive in careers where they can learn without too much expectation to produce external results. The INFJ is much more drawn to the idea of being a philosopher than a knowledge expert in any given topic.

When the INFJ feels like too much data is being thrown at them at once, they can quickly become overwhelmed. They need to understand the big picture, or the “why” behind the information to successfully process it.

The INFJs focus on understanding the “why” can distract from the data at hand. They can tell you the purpose of the work, but will struggle to explain the specifics.

Dealing With Details

When it comes to details, INFJs will find the most peace when they learn to be patient with themselves and open with others about the qualities that they struggle with. Other people admire INFJs for the strengths that they bring, and these usually far outweigh their weaknesses when it comes to the people who matter most.

However, if you’re an INFJ in an environment that regularly expects you to be extremely detail-oriented, you can work on developing skill around the particular task that requires it. With enough focus and limited distractions, even an INFJ can write a fairly typo-free article. (But that doesn’t mean I still won’t run the spell checker.)

About Megan:

Megan Malone’s mission is to help people improve their relationships, careers and quality of life using personality psychology. She is a writer, digital marketing specialist and author of the book The Complete Guide to Understanding the INFJ Personality Type. She is also the founder of INFJ Blog, an online resource for INFJ personality types. Megan lives in Dallas, Texas, with her fiancé and two pups. You can chat with her on Twitter @meganmmalone. You can also check out her Pinterest account here and her INFJBlog Facebook page here.

INFJ Compatibility: Romantic Relationships, Love, and Dating

The INFJ personality type longs to find what they believe is a relationship that is without equal. They are loving and caring, devoting themselves to their partners but tend towards perfectionism.

INFJs seek the same caring, devotion, and perfectionism in their significant others. INFJ tends to do well in relationships with those who have dominant extraverted intuition.

The Best and Worst Matches with Other Personality Types for an INFJ

INFJs are loyal to and solicitous for their romantic partners and expect the same in return. They pair well with types who recognize this and are willing to give and accept affection, such as ENFP and ENTP. They can have problems with less emotional types like ESTP and ISTP.

Best Match for an INFJ

The best matches for an INFJ are the ENFP and the ENTP personality types. Both the ENFP and the ENTP types openly give support to those around them and to those who need affirmation. The extraverted features of the ENFP and the ENTP balance the introverted nature of the INFJ and bring out the best in INFJs.

When it comes to the best matches for the INFJ, it is essential to remember that this personality type thrives on being able to show their partner that they care in tangible ways. So, any partner who warmly appreciates and reciprocates these actions will be the best choice for the INFJ personality type.

Worst Matches for an INFJ

The depth of emotion that INFJs feel, show, and seek makes it difficult for them to sustain relationships with personality types with a strong need to live in the moment or those that are unemotional and aloof.

For these reasons, the two worst potential matches for an INFJ are the energetic and unemotional ESTP and the always curious and firmly grounded ISTP. Relationships with both types of personalities leave the INFJ feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from their partners.

INFJ Compatibility Chart

Better Potential Worse ENFP














The INFJ in Relationships

The INFJ relationship’s hallmark is their inherent need for a solid and deep connection with their partner. They seek to give their love in tangible and helpful ways and require a partner who can reciprocate their intense emotions.

Because INFJ personalities burn so brightly, long-term relationships can sometimes be a challenge. INFJs want their relationship to be immensely satisfying, to the point of perfectionism. They often try to maintain an intensity that can feel almost overwhelming to a romantic partner.

What does an INFJ look for in a relationship?

Presumably, the INFJ is approaching a relationship from a place of healthy functionality. If this is the case, some of the things that an INFJ will find to be vital to a happy relationship include:

Communication – This includes feeling secure enough to share their thoughts and feelings with a romantic partner as well as their partner’s ability or willingness to share.

Honesty – INFJs tend to pick up on nuances in behavior, and many have a keen sense of when a partner is keeping something secret or being dishonest.

Receptiveness – An INFJ will gladly give their partner their time, energy, and talents. Usually, they will go above and beyond ordinary helpfulness to ensure that their partner is happy. However, they need their partner to meet these actions with gratitude, and reciprocity goes a long way as well.

Intellectual compatibility – This helps build communication. Additionally, a shared interest in social issues is a plus.

A genuine friendship – INFJs focus on the success of their relationships, and a good friendship is a necessary foundation for building the relationship.

What an INFJ needs in a relationship

To have a healthy and thriving relationship, INFJs need a few specific attributes.

Communication – A significant level of communication about a variety of topics is essential for an INFJ to be their best self in a relationship.

Trust – Believing that their partner is trustworthy and also that their partner trusts the INFJ.

Affirmation and expressions of love – These do not need to be huge gestures or a constant stream of compliments and gifts.

Time and energy – A partner who is willing to put time and effort into building the relationship is a true necessity for an INFJ.

How an INFJ acts in relationships

An INFJ will do everything within their power to develop their relationship into a soul-deep commitment. Anything less than this pinnacle will leave them frustrated.

Because INFJs pour so much of themselves into cultivating a soul-mate type of relationship, they are usually faithful and honor their promises. For similar reasons, a casual fling is not something that seems appealing to an INFJ.

What does an ideal relationship look like to an INFJ?

Because INFJs seek a deep soul-to-soul-level relationship, they try to find a relationship with a partner who understands them and gladly receives and gives a great deal of warmth, affection, and affirmation. Marked intellectual compatibility, as well as a strong physical connectedness, are necessary for an ideal INFJ relationship.

Communication is paramount to an INFJ, as is a partner who shares feelings and displays honesty and openness. INFJs are continually monitoring the temperature of their relationship and will likely notice secrecy or dishonesty right away.

What does a bad relationship look like for an INFJ?

When an INFJ is in a bad relationship, one of the things they usually notice is a feeling of being drained by their partner. Having a sensitive soul, a craving to connect deeply, and a need to give love make INFJs vulnerable to those who would steadily take in the relationship while offering very little.

Another quality that would be bad in an INFJ relationship is too little time with their partner. Because INFJs place a high premium on time, the notion that their partner is reluctant to share time together is particularly hurtful.

INFJ Love and Romance

Because INFJs are looking for the one great love of their life, this personality type is not likely to hop from one casual hook up to another, nor are they the sort to rush into a romance.

The INFJ will cautiously examine the potential for a relationship in a subtle manner. Sometimes the style is so subtle that the object of an INFJ’s possible affection has no idea any interest exists.

Once in a relationship, an INFJ will put all they have into making their partner happy and making the relationship work. This strategy sometimes can overwhelm a partner, and it also can leave an INFJ drained and resentful if they do not receive what they give so freely.

An INFJ in love

When an INFJ personality is in love, they exhibit several behaviors that demonstrate their feelings:

They have intense feelings and express themselves with a depth that can seem excessive to others.

Time is a crucial factor for INFJs. When in love, they need to share time with their partner and can be severely unhappy when a partner does not make time for them.

An INFJ in love will go to great lengths to care for their partner. Selfless acts that benefit a romantic partner take no thought at all and are not see as sacrifices.

Honesty and authenticity are given and expected in return. The authentic nature and a soul-to-soul connection in a relationship are imperative to an INFJ and are a part of what this personality type craves.

INFJ Males in Love

When an INFJ man is in love, his partner will never go unnoticed. He will pay attention to every detail, like, and dislike, then respond accordingly. He delights in giving gifts and showing affection and is satisfied with sincere displays of appreciation and gratitude in return.

He appreciates time spent one-on-one in quiet situations or small group settings and is not one to enjoy the latest nightclubs or the party scene. Superficial things like status or wealth do not impress an INFJ man.

He is faithful in his relationship and expects the same from his partner. Dishonesty can ruin a relationship with an INFJ, as can taking them for granted.

INFJ Females in Love

An INFJ woman in love gladly gives all of her attention and devotion to her partner. Because she craves intimacy and a soul-mate, she will make every effort to nurture and grow the relationship.

Her significant other will always receive loving care and will never be ignored or overlooked. She is faithful and holds honesty in high esteem. Therefore, she expects these qualities of her partner. She also needs to feel that her actions are valuable and to receive gratitude for her many efforts.

An INFJ woman will not randomly quit on a relationship and will strive to make things work. Occasionally, she will try too hard for too long to her detriment.

How an INFJ Knows They are in Love

An INFJ will know they are in love when they feel that the object of their affection reciprocates their feelings and values the important things to them. These are not the type of people to fall fast for someone, but they will fall hard once they feel that a particular person may be worth their efforts.

How an INFJ Shows Love

INFJs show their love in a number of ways

Helpful acts – When in a relationship, INFJs are more than happy to help their significant other. Whether it is a task like changing the oil or walking the dog, something sweet like a back rub, or anything in between, if it will help a partner, the INFJ is on the case.

Tokens of affection – Partners of INFJs have no shortage of sentimental gifts in their lives.

Time and attention – Since INFJs value these things, they readily give them.

Honesty and fidelity – Both are critical for this personality type.

INFJ Love Language

INFJs speak the language of quality time. They thrive on deep connections, and when their partner turns off the electronic devices to focus on them, they feel loved.

Does an INFJ Fall in Love Easily?

INFJs are slow to fall in love. Frequently, they spend a great deal of time observing and considering potential partners. This is because they need to have a soulmate, not a fast fling.

How to Make an INFJ Fall in Love

While it is not quite possible to ‘make’ anyone fall in love, there are several traits that INFJs will find appealing



Spending time together


Sincere commitment to the relationship

Openness to a deep personal connection

How to Love an INFJ Long Term

Once an INFJ is in a relationship, they are in for the long haul. To make them feel loved, there are a few non-negotiable things to put into play, especially for a long-term relationship.

To be helpful – Helping others is a central part of the INFJs being, and they are happiest when given a chance to help.

Deep conversation – Talking at length about important topics is something this personality type loves.

A plan – Spontaneous activities will not win an INFJ’s heart.

Alone time – As introverts, they need downtime to recharge.

Appreciation – Unfortunately, it is easy to take INFJs for granted because they are usually helpful. Always make sure that you express gratitude for the things they do for you.

Is an INFJ Romantic?

While many INFJs come across as a bit cynical or even aloof, this personality type is secretly incredibly romantic. They do not show this side of themselves to just anyone and must first feel confident in the relationship before displaying their romantic nature.

Is an INFJ a Good Lover?

INFJs approach physical intimacy with the same earnest desire to please their partner they put to all other facets of the relationship. They are not prone to wild experimentation and may like to stick to a schedule.

INFJ Dating

When secure in a dating relationship, the INFJ will let their guard down and show their partner their deep well of romantic emotions. However, this does not happen easily or quickly. Additionally, casual encounters are not something INFJs seek.

INFJ Dating Personality

Dating someone with an INFJ personality type can be very fulfilling. They will be attentive to their dates and not spend time flirting with others or endlessly chattering about superficial things.

This personality type is comfortable one on one or in a small group. They do not enjoy nightclubs, casinos, or rowdy sports bars. They can enjoy an evening at the theater or the movies and like to be the focus of their date’s attention.

INFJ tends to date people who can make them feel comfortable within themselves. They enjoy meaningful relationships and deep conversation. For this reason, they tend to enjoy intellectual individuals.

While there is nothing wrong with dating deep individuals who enjoy conversations and easily express gratitude, adding a bit of fun and spark to a relationship is a good plan. Seeking a compatible individual with some extraverted tendencies is an excellent way to add another dimension of enjoyment to a relationship.

Having an INFJ Boyfriend

An INFJ boyfriend will be loyal, considerate, and helpful. He will remember significant events like birthdays, and also commemorate small but significant moments as well as offer gifts simply to delight his partner.

He will need the same attention that he gives and needs to see gratitude and affirmation. Faithful by nature, he will not flirt with others or stray. He will not tolerate this behavior in his partner and will likely walk away if he suspects it.

Having an INFJ Girlfriend

An INFJ girlfriend will turn herself inside out to be helpful, which can lead to resentment if her partner does not show appreciation. She is romantic, deep down, and happily showers her significant other with tokens of affection.

She is a faithful partner and not prone to infidelity, and she holds her boyfriend to the same standard. She also finds being ignored in favor of technology to be insufferable.

INFJ Compatibility Matches


INFJ would seem to be very compatible with an ENFJ since the only difference in their personality indicators is the INFJ’s introversion as opposed to the ENFJ’s extroversion. They can indeed have a prosperous relationship, as they generally value the same things, but it may take more work than expected. One — or both — of these types may outpace the other and get carried away with their own perspective, leading to difficulties in understanding despite their love of communication.


A relationship between an INFJ and an INTJ can certainly succeed. Due to these two types’ affinity for conceptual discussion, they will have little trouble understanding each other. A potential source of conflict is that an INFJ can seem cold to the INFJ, who needs careful reassurance in any relationship.


Though these two types would seem to have much in common, the ISFJ’s Sensing in place of the INFJ’s Intuition can cause a world of difference. INFJs are imaginative while ISFJs prefer to adhere to structure and immediate fact. These two types are still very similar regarding their daily habits and social tendencies, and they can be very committed to making a relationship succeed, so this match can work out well in spite of their differences.


INFJs and INFPs get along well together when they are both willing to open up. INFP’s emotional outlook is similar to INFJ’s, so the two will have no problem understanding each other. They may run into problems if neither is willing to bridge the gap in order to get past their partner’s introversion.

Personality profiles in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – BMC Psychiatry

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by impaired attention control, impulsiveness and hyperactivity (motor restlessness). This disorder affects 3 to 7 % of children and persists in adulthood in roughly 30 to 60 % of subjects [1]. A deleterious familial environment in childhood as well as perinatal adverse events have been frequently reported in adult ADHD cases and are thought to have a negative impact on personality features [2]. Earlier studies in this field revealed that adults with ADHD tend to be more pessimistic, introverted, rebellious, and aggressive [3], show high levels of psychological distress, dissatisfaction, low capacity to be organized and self-disciplined, and are less sociable, altruistic and sympathetic to others [2, 4].

Among the tools used to assess personality, the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), a self-report questionnaire assessing four dimensions of temperament (novelty seeking (NS), harm avoidance (HA), reward dependence (RD) and persistence (P)) and three dimensions of character (self-directedness (SD), cooperativeness (C) and self-transcendence (ST)), based on the Cloninger’s biopsychosocial theory of personality, has aroused growing interest in ADHD subjects [5]. Its development was based on the assumption that personality construct can be described as a combination of a small number of temperament and character dimensions. Reflecting basic emotional responses to external and/or internal stimuli, temperaments are moderately heritable, and fairly stable throughout life [6, 7]. They have been hypothesized to play a role in the development of psychopathology in several psychiatric disorders including ADHD [8, 9].

Characters are believed to represent more complex cognitive processes and refer to individual differences in goals, self-concepts and values. Being tightly linked to environmental influences, character dimensions may vary as a function of developmental stages during lifespan.

Previous studies on temperaments in adults and children suffering from ADHD led to highly comparable data showing high scores on NS, conceived as the tendency to be impulsive and irritable versus rigid and stoical, high scores on HA, defined as the tendency to be pessimistic and anxious versus optimistic and risk-taking, low scores on P, assessing the tendency to be persevering and ambitious versus easily discouraged and indolent, and low scores on RD defined as the tendency to be sociable and warm versus aloof and cold [4, 10–21].

In terms of character patterns, earlier data reported that ADHD subjects differ from controls by low SD, referring to the tendency to be blaming and inept, low C associated with hostility and opportunism, and high ST describing people who are intuitive and insightful [10–12, 15–18, 21, 22]. Most of these temperament and character changes in ADHD subjects support the idea of low psychological functioning [16].

However, ADHD is not a clinically homogeneous condition. In recent years, three main subtypes (according to DSM-V) have been recognized, the predominantly inattentive presentation if the subject mainly has symptoms of inattention, the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation if mainly symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present, and the combined presentation where both criteria of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity are present. To date, several studies have investigated which personality dimension is associated with specific subtypes of the disorder however leading to controversial data [10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 23–26]. Overall these studies linked deviation in NS to hyperactive/impulsive symptoms and deviation in HA to inattentive symptoms although deviation in almost all of the temperaments and characters have been reported.

Some studies using the Five Factor Model (FFM) of Personality also investigated the link with the severity of ADHD, but this has been poorly explored using the TCI leading to conflicting data [27]. For instance, Salgado et al. [13] found that the combined subtype of ADHD was associated with higher scores in NS and lower scores in C and HA than the predominantly inattentive subtype. They also found an inverse relationship between the number of inattentive symptoms and SD scores and a positive correlation with HA scores, whereas the number of hyperactive/impulsive symptoms were positively correlated with NS and P scores. Lynn et al. [15] found that NS and the character dimension C accounted for the majority of variability in symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity while inattention was mainly predicted by NS. Faraone et al. [17] found that hyperactive/impulsive and inattention symptoms positively correlated with NS and HA scores and negatively with RD, P, SD and C scores. Gomez et al. [23], in a population based study of ADHD, found association between inattention and HA and between hyperactive/impulsive symptoms and P. Wood et al. [24] observed in children a genetic correlation between NS and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. In adolescents, Young et al. [25] showed that attention and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms were mainly explained by NS. Van Dijk et al. [20] in a study comparing subjects suffering from borderline personality disorder to ADHD subjects, found that high NS was associated with the inattention symptoms of ADHD. In a twin study, Merwood et al. [26] found that NS was genetically associated with both symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity and that HA was genetically associated with inattention only. They also found some evidence of genetic association between P and the two ADHD domains (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity) suggesting that different profiles of temperament are genetically linked to ADHD dimensions in adults. Purper-Ouakil et al. [10] also found evidence showing that temperaments and characters were related to specific symptoms of ADHD. In their non-clinical sample of children, attention problems were negatively correlated with SD whereas NS was related to externalized symptoms and less to attentional problems. C was also inversely correlated with externalized symptoms. In the clinical sample (ADHD subjects) NS was linked to impulsivity/hyperactivity whereas SD (low) was associated with inattention.

In conclusion, although concordant results emerged when comparing controls to ADHD subjects, this is not the case when looking at the different subtypes and severity of ADHD. In this perspective, we explored the association between ADHD subtypes and temperament and characters in adult life as well as that between these personality patterns and severity of the disease in a large community-based sample of adult ADHD cases compared to healthy controls. Based on the above-mentioned literature, we were expecting to find high NS, HA and ST scores as well as low SD and C in subjects suffering from ADHD. We also hypothesized that deviation in NS and in HA would be related to hyperactive/impulsive and inattentive symptoms respectively. Finally, we were expecting to find an association between low SD and C scores with severity of ADHD.

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“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” ~Martha Graham

“I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep to find for words.” ~Ruth St. Denis

“the body moves….. the SOUL DANCES”

Why am I making this hard on myself

When there’s so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy


I probably would’ve been diagnosed with it when I was a kid if it had been a thing back then.

It wasn’t that I was unable to focus on anything at all. I just couldn’t focus on what school wanted me to focus on.

My parents were drunks who fought all the time and my intuition felt that processing those experiences was much more important than learning slope-intercept form or whatever was on the agenda that day at school.

Eventually it became apparent to me that the way my attention constellates is largely determined by the language cycling through my system and where my emotional energy has invested itself.

The story I tell myself about myself and what I believe about myself significantly influences how my attention moves and how it focuses.

For a long time I thought it was a matter of trying to learn how to focus or learning how to stabilize my attention. As if attention was a skill that required effort. I would try to learn how to block out distractions. I would try to read a book while ignoring all these little inner gremlins seeking to pull my attention away from what I was reading. I thought that’s how you develop attention, by ignoring the distractions.

I now see that as being an ineffective strategy.

In the absence of de-stabilizing inner influences my attention becomes open, clear, and focused. It’s easy. It’s the default state. It doesn’t require effort or development. It doesn’t require learning a skill. Clarity of attention is what’s already there when all the de-stabilizing influences and inner imbalances have been recognized and addressed and truly resolved.

If there’s a skill to be learned it’s the skill of learning how to resolve the de-stabilizers so they no longer arise or ask for any of my attentional bandwidth.

How am I destabilizing myself? What keeps compelling my attention away from this moment?

When inner conflict is resolved the capacity to intake information and understand new concepts is dramatically increased in my experience.

INFJ with Mindset Skills The Tools You Need

Helping ADD / ADHD / INFJ with Mindset

INFJ Personality with ADD

I was finally diagnosed with ADD in my thirties. The impact this had on me was wonderful, as I finally understood my place in this world, which is full of neurotypical people. Full but not dominated by neurotypical people, of which there will be more a little later. I always knew I was different. My first clue was the dyslexia that I have had my life entire. My inability to navigate school, both academically and socially, had a major impact on me.

The only real anchor I had in life was sport, specifically Athletics and Rugby Union. They were my outlets. Athletics allowed me to indulge my preference for being alone and comfortable with my own company. Rugby Union gave me an outlet for my frustrations on being unable to cope with the other aspects of ‘normal’ life, including school and relating to other people, that I struggled with on a daily basis.

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“The daily videos that Bob Proctor has delivered for Six Minutes to Success has been life enhancing. The videos have connected me with many other like minded individuals, who are striving with the same enthusiasm and passion in their life. It has given me the confidence to not be afraid of rejection and to rise above all difficulties and to find miracles that occur in everyday life. Six Minutes to Success sets me up for the day, and props me up when I have those weak moments.”

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‘Think and Grow Rich’

Then I discovered a piece of phenomenal knowledge and my world changed. I first read ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill when I was 15yrs old. I wasn’t exactly a typical 15yr old but my mind understood immediately the importance of what I was reading. The title is misleading in the sense that it is not about making money, although it is, but is much more than that. In my view and indeed in the view of Bob Proctor and many enormously successful people, this is a blueprint for success in life.

My Mentor Bob Proctor

Bob discovered ‘Think and Grow Rich’ when he was 26yrs old. He was a dysfunctional, undisciplined, uneducated young man with no future. As he said himself, “I was going downhill and gaining speed.” He transformed into a hugely successful and wealthy businessman, now doing business in over 100 countries around the world. How did this happen? He didn’t have an answer. All he knew was that this book was responsible. It took him almost 10yrs to figure out why.

He ended up working with a man by the name of Earl Nightingale, who was the protégé of the author Napoleon Hill, who wrote ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Bob then became Earl’s protégé. He finally understood how it all worked and why it had such an impact on him, a seemingly lost soul. When he understood this, he committed to teaching this to everyone for the rest of his life.

This is what ‘Thinking into Results’ is. It is a blueprint for living your life, successfully. Bob and Sandy have created an incredible 12 Step System, that unlocks half a century of Bob’s research on this blueprint.

Transformational Change

As Sandy told Larry King when she was being interviewed, “Most programs and trainings are based on the educational model of simply giving you more information to gather. The typical results that are experienced come from your conditioned way of thinking.” This conditioned way of thinking is not a catalyst for transformational change. Transformational change is about a new way of behaving and a new way of doing. This is what leads to new results. This understanding is critical. Transformational change emerges like a chick from an egg when you understand how you function internally.

For some reason, I understood this from the word go because this information suited how my brain worked as someone with ADD. So, I have something to share with you. Come closer because I want to whisper it to you. As someone with ADD/ADHD, you have an advantage because of ‘how’ your magnificent brain works with its ability to learn, understand and integrate this information.

We have an advantage over the neurotypicals! There is a reason why up to 30% of all entrepreneurs have ADD/ADHD. We have the ability to hyper focus on what we are interested in. Let that sink in. I will teach you, how to set and achieve goals, to a world class level in a way you never thought possible. We have a special skill set that is perfectly suited for ‘Thinking into Results’. For some reason, at the age of 15, I understood this and I have been using this for the last 38 years. I am now an expert in the art of setting and achieving goals.

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INFJ Personality Type

In other breaking news, I am also an INFJ personality type, based on the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type indicator. For those of you reading this who are typed INFJ, I can assure you that you are extremely lucky to have stumbled across this website, as I know you will have spent many years of introspection trying to figure out who you are and your place in this world. Well, I have some good news for you. Your dominant cognitive function of Introverted Intuition, is beautifully suited to learning and integrating this wonderful program, the 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’.

It gives you the tools to really learn about yourself to a very high level of understanding, which will open up your perception of what is possible in your life. It will also give you the tools to accomplishing your goals by helping you to externalise your carefully crafted internal plans. It will bring dynamism and momentum to your life. The INFJ Mindset is all about finding your vocation in life and then articulating it in your external world, in the form of a career that is both stimulating and satisfying, on all levels.

As an example, Mentoring is a perfect fit for me as an INFJ. When I first discovered Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher had converted, what I had learned all those years ago and have been using all my life, into an easily understood 12 step system called ‘Thinking into Results’, l myself, like Sandy when she first met Bob, was totally fascinated.

This is what I have been doing my whole life and why I am now working with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher as a certified consultant. I left behind a great career in Nutrition in order to teach this full-time. Let me now teach you the art of setting and achieving goals, amongst many other things. They include how to really think, how to switch off the constant background noise of incessant thinking (and the anxiety that goes with it) and channel those thoughts in a very focused way. How to delve into the workshop of your mind and extract the ideas and creativity that will propel you forward in life.

Allow me and my great team here at Mindset Mentoring, along with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher and their wonderful team at the Proctor Gallagher Institute, teach you the 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’. It will change your life forever. It is the best decision you will ever make. Be unstoppable. Be You!

The Proctor Gallagher Institute

Once you have made the decision to ‘Invest in You’, this transformational program will begin. You will be given access to the online campus at the Proctor Gallagher Institute, with your own personal password. This is available to you 24/7 365 days of the year. The 12 Step System of ‘Thinking into Results’, will be taught to you, via a series of video lessons, given by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher themselves. I will be facilitating your learning process personally with a group zoom call every two weeks as we go through each lesson, one step at a time, on each individual call.

These calls will be archived for you to access at your convenience, if you are not available to join us. You will have the benefit of my 38yrs of experience to guide you, as you unlock the workshop of your mind on your journey to the destination of your choice. You will be simply astonished at what you are going to learn.

The Mindset Mentoring Academy

As an expert in the field of Mindset, which is the result of a lifelong fascination with all things related to this topic, I feel myself and my team here at Mindset Mentoring are uniquely placed to guide you to a life of success, whatever that may mean personally to you. You may even have a picture in your mind right now of what that success looks like and indeed feels like to you.

As you learn the 12 Step system ‘Thinking into Results’, you will spend 2 weeks learning and integrating each lesson, culminating in a total of 24 Weeks in the program. However, you will not have to wait 24 Weeks to see changes in your life. You will start to see and feel the change within you and in your life, in the first few weeks.

What you Receive

You will be fully supported in your understanding of each powerful lesson, as you will not be doing this alone. The information is so valuable and inspiring, it is very important to us that you feel fully supported. You will receive an absolutely excellent and fully comprehensive 205 page digital ‘Participant Learning Guide’ to ensure a clear and fully coherent learning experience, as everyone learns at their own pace.

Along with in-depth workbooks for each individual step, additional highly informative written notes exploring the topics included, accountability sheets to help you stay focused on your progress, you will also receive access to all 12 MP3 Audio Files which can be downloaded individually onto your phone to listen to anytime, anywhere.

Monthly Q&A’s

In addition to all this, you will also receive a special and unique invitation, every month, to participate in a group call with Bob Proctor himself, in the format of a Q&A session. These calls are absolutely priceless and invaluable, as Bob answers questions covering all aspects of this phenomenal 12 Step System of Success ‘Thinking into Results. Bob is the master teacher and you will be inspired and guided in so many ways. This alone is worth its weight in gold! You will receive this unique monthly invitation for 36 months.

You will also receive a special and unique invitation from myself, every two weeks, to participate in a group zoom call, in the format of a focused conversation on a particular step. No matter which step you are currently studying, you are encouraged to join us on the call, as each call is a unique learning experience. As Founder and CEO of Mindset Mentoring Ltd, I am very proud of the work that we do here at the academy and our goal is to guide you with as much care and attention as we possibly can.

But there’s more…

Some individuals literally fall in love with this transformational program so much, they go through the entire ‘Thinking into Results’ program several times. This additional option, for the entire 12 Lesson Video Series, is also available for you to do, free of charge, as many times as you like. As I like to say, you can choose to become a ‘master of the material’.

I cannot emphasis enough, the transformational and life enhancing impact that this enhanced learning process of personal integration will have on your ability to fully assimilate this phenomenal life changing system of information, as this knowledge is absolutely invaluable and profoundly life altering.

If you have teenage children, why not Mentor their Mindset yourself and put them through your course after you have finished? ‘Thinking into Results’ is the truly perfect introduction to life for teenagers. It will set them up beautifully from the very start, by teaching them the core skills of thinking, focusing, goal setting and achieving.

Most importantly, it will teach them Super Self Esteem, which is the most valuable characteristic and trait of all to have, when starting out in life. Teach them the gift of having trust and belief in themselves as they start their journey in life. Borrow my belief in you as a phenomenal human being and learn how to become truly unstoppable.

Join us here at The Mindset Mentoring Academy and become the real you that you always knew you were capable of becoming. On completion of your ‘Thinking into Results’ Program, you will receive a certified ‘Thinking into Results’ ‘Certificate of Completion’ from the Proctor Gallagher Institute. The only grades are the results in your life that you will have generated for yourself, your family and/or for your business.

Now for Some Really Amazing News…














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We have taken this decision to add these two packages together, the foundational 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’ along with ‘The Science of Getting Rich Complete Package’, to create what we believe to be the best value offer currently available on the world market in the area of personal and business development.

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Learn How The Mindset Mentoring Academy

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Mindset Mentoring Ltd is an Irish registered corporate entity which will be providing a professional service to you, our client. Our service is designed specifically as an educational training programme, which is geared to maximise the potential of You, your Staff and your Business. In line with issued legislation and the Irish Revenue Commissioners guidelines, if you are a registered Sole Trader, Partnership, Business or Corporate Entity and you avail of our service, this expense which is wholly and exclusively for the purpose of your business will be fully deductible as a business expense in your financial statements.

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Therefore, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to send you a 10% Discount Code in order for you to avail of this phenomenal life changing program. I hope this information is of value to you.

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 ADHD Personality Type Problems (Pt. 3 of 4) INFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ

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