Jqgrid Multiselect Checkbox Example | Jquery : Jqgrid With An Editable Checkbox Column 19342 투표 이 답변

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d여기에서 jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column – jqgrid multiselect checkbox example 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column \r
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jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column \r
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#jQuery:jqGridwithaneditablecheckboxcolumn #jQuery #: #jqGrid #with #an #editable #checkbox #column\r
Guide : [ jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column ]

jqgrid multiselect checkbox example 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

jqgrid: multiselect checkbox values – jquery – Stack Overflow

I develop free jqGr fork and implemented multiPageSelection: true option. One need just fill selarrrow array (which you can do, for example, …

+ 더 읽기

Source: stackoverflow.com

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jQuery Grid Checkbox Selection example – ParamQuery

This example demonstrates use of checkbox selection. Checkboxes and consequently row selections can be programmatically checked/ unchecked …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: paramquery.com

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how to select and deselect a checkbox column in jqgrid – MSDN

Instead of adding the checkbox manually. You could use MutliSelect feature in JqGr to add checkbox to each row. MultiSelect has the checkAll …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: social.msdn.microsoft.com

Date Published: 5/12/2022

View: 6268

jqGrid remains selected when using multiselect to turn pages

Usage scenario: the of the selected row in the jqGr table … checkbox selection box column, you need to add the multiselect attribute.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: programmer.group

Date Published: 10/23/2021

View: 3176

Multiselection – Guriddo jqGrid JS

The cell associated with this column is a checkbox and determine the sate of the row – if it is checked, the row is selected and if not the row is not …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: www.guriddo.net

Date Published: 5/23/2022

View: 7504

CheckBox Selection – jqGrid Loading Data – JeeSite

Category Name. Product Name. Country. Price. Quantity. Page of. 20, 30, 50. Click on the Tabs below the see the relevant code for the example: HTML; Data.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: jeesite.gitee.io

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jqgrid: multiselect and disable check (conditional) – PeakU

jqGr(‘getGrParam’, ‘selarrrow’) give me the selected rows, even if they haven’t been checked. Is there any other way to have checkboxes …

+ 여기에 더 보기

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multiselect checks box when you click on any part of the row

If you have multiselect set to true then you get a checkbox column. … want the rows visually selected as well as checked then add the line.

+ 여기에 보기

Source: www.trirand.com

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주제와 관련된 이미지 jqgrid multiselect checkbox example

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column
jQuery : jqGrid with an editable checkbox column

주제에 대한 기사 평가 jqgrid multiselect checkbox example

  • Author: Knowledge Base
  • Views: 조회수 69회
  • Likes: 좋아요 1개
  • Date Published: 2022. 1. 28.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIEAT9JnmUw

jqgrid: multiselect checkbox values

The answer on your question depends on the fork of jqGrid, which you use. I develop free jqGrid fork and implemented multiPageSelection: true option. One need just fill selarrrow array (which you can do, for example, inside of beforeProcessing based on the data returned from the server). Look at the demo created for the answer. It shows that the selarrrow array contains the ids more as on the current page. On paging or during initial filling free jqGrid set the state of chechboxes based on the selarrrow array. In the way it works effective like custom formatters, rowattr or cellattr .

If you can’t upgrade to free jqGrid then you can call setSelection inside of loadComplete (see the old answer). It will work slower as in case of usage multiPageSelection: true , but it will work.

jQuery Grid Checkbox Selection example

This example demonstrates use of checkbox selection.

Checkboxes and consequently row selections can be programmatically checked/ unchecked by

how to select and deselect a checkbox column in jqgrid

Hi phmaspnet,

Please put a breakpoint in your javascript to confirm you get the correct variables ,such as ids . In addition , as @A2H said , it’s cleaner and simple to use “multiselect: true” mode ,

Please refer to below code sample which provide how to get selected rows also :


Best Regards,

Nan Yu

jqGrid remains selected when using multiselect to turn pages

Usage scenario: the id of the selected row in the jqGrid table needs to be added to the form, while the table needs to turn pages because of too much data, but the selected row disappears every time the checkbox is selected to turn pages and then turn back. So it is necessary to keep the checkbox selected before turning the page and returning.

1. First, to make the table appear in the checkbox selection box column, you need to add the multiselect attribute

2. Second: you need to understand three events: onSelectAll, onSelectRow, and loadComplete

3. Idea: you need to customize the checkArray and pageNum of a globally selected item. When you select a page, you need to save both the page number and the selected rowId into the array. When the table is loaded, find the rowId of the corresponding page according to the records in the array to make it selected.

Note: to keep the checkbox selected just looks good, actually I want to submit the content id of the selected row, so I add three parameters to the array item: page number, rowId, content id: {“pageNum”:pageNum,”rowId”:rowIds[i],”ID”:rowData.warnAreaId};

4. Code

//Set the array and current page number selected by the global variable var checkArray=[]; var pageNum=1; /** * Initialize DataGrid */ function initDataGrid() { $(‘#grid-table’).jqGrid({ url : $.cxt + “/coWarnArea/getAreaPeopleSettingList”, datatype : “json”, postData : { warnType:’4′, }, mtype : “POST”, height : ‘auto’, autowidth : true, colNames : [ ‘Case No’,’Case name’,’City of ownership’,’Case level’,’start time’, ‘End time’ ], colModel : [ { name : ‘warnAreaId’, align : ‘center’, index : ‘warnAreaId’, editable : false, }, { name : ‘warnAreaName’, align : ‘center’, index : ‘warnAreaName’, editable : false, formatter : renderOperation }, { name : ‘areaName’, align : ‘center’, index : ‘areaName’, editable : false }, { name : ‘caseLevel’, align : ‘center’, index : ‘caseLevel’, editable : false }, { name : ‘startDate’, align : ‘center’, index : ‘startDate’, editable : false }, { name : ‘endDate’, align : ‘center’, index : ‘endDate’, search : false, sortable : false, editable : false, } ], viewrecords : true, rowNum : 10, rowList : [ 10, 20, 30 ], pager : ‘#grid-pager’, altRows : true, multiselect : true,//Add this property to display the selection checkbox //multiboxonly : false, onSelectAll:function(rowIds,status){ //Triggered when all is selected. rowIds are all rowIds of the page //Delete all pages in checkArray array for(var i=0;i

Guriddo jqGrid JS

Selection/ Multiselection

Selection in jqGrid is enabled by default, and the user can select some row by a single click. When the row is selected a previously selected row is deselected and the new one is selected. When the selection is done we can query the selected row by row id and by index.

When the row is selected it is colored with another color depending on the settings on styleUI css object definition. The name of this property is highlight and is in common property. For Bootstrap the default class definition is:

styleUI : { … Bootstrap : { common : { … highlight : “success” , … … } … } }

Muti selection is way to select a multiple rows at once and do some actions with the selected rows.

Below are considered all the options and events related to selection and multiselection.

By default jqGrid is configured to select a single row. To get the id of the selected row use the following code:

var selectedRow = $ ( “#grid_id” ). jqGrid ( ‘getGridParam’ , ‘selrow’ );

The code above will return the id of the selected row. If there is no selected row a null is returned.

To get the index of the selected row use the following code.

var selectedRow = $ ( “#grid_id” ). jqGrid ( ‘getGridParam’ , ‘selrow’ ); var selectedIndex $ ( “#grid_id” ). jqGrid ( ‘getInd’ , selectedRow );

To enable multiselection use the following code:

$ ( “#grid_id” ). jqGrid ({ … multiselect : true , … });

When this option is set a new column automatically is added to the colModel. The name of this internally defined column is cb It is displayed at first column at left when the direction is set to ltr and at right if it is set to rtl. The cell associated with this column is a checkbox and determine the sate of the row – if it is checked, the row is selected and if not the row is not selected. Additionally to this a new check box is build at grid header row. When click on this check box all the current visible rows in the grid are selected/deselected at once

This column by default is: not sortable, resizable and searchable. It is fixed, frozen and can be show/hide with the appropriate methods and with columnChooser one.

The default width of this column is 30 pixels. To change it use the option multiselectWidth

$ ( “#grid_id” ). jqGrid ({ … multiselect : true , multiselectWidth : 50 , … });

To get the selected rows when a multiselect is enabled do:

var selectedRows = $ ( “#grid_id” ). jqGrid ( ‘getGridParam’ , ‘selarrrow’ );

The selectedRows variable is array which every element is a selected row id. If notihing is selected the array is empty – i.e selectedRows.length = 0;

Options and events¶

Again with the multiselect and multiselectWidth we have other related options.

multiboxonly if this optiopn is set to true and the multiselect is true the multiselection is possible only when the checkbox for the appropriate row is clicked. Clicking on any row outside this checkbox will deselect all rows and select the current clicked only.

multikey This string parameter makes sense only when the multiselect option is set to true. Defines the key which should be pressed when we make multiselection. The possible values are: shiftKey – the user should press Shift Key, altKey – the user should press Alt Key, and ctrlKey – the user should press Ctrl Key. When this parameter is set multibox parameter does not have effect.

multimail if this options is set to true and the multiselect is on, the selection is like Yahoo and Google mail. Multiselection is done so that the multiboxonly parameter is set to true with additional properties. Select one row. After this click on Shift key and checkbox only cell to select a row below or above of the selected row with two or more positions. All the rows in this interval will be selected. If the user click on another row using the check box this row is selected too. If the click is not on the checkbox all the rows are deselected and the current is selected. It is possible to select multiple groups using the approach described above. To deselect a rows press the shiftKey and click on the one of the previously selected row – the group will be deselected.

When multimail is on it is possible to set multiboxonly parameter to true. In this case when click outside the checkbox and there are selected rows – nothing is happen – the multiselection is done only when a checkbox is click and when shiftKey is pressed and checkbox is clicked.

Caution When multimail is set to true the onSelectRow event is executed only when multiboxonly is true and we click on row outside the checkbox. In all other cases the onSelectRow is not executed.

deselectAfterSort By default this option is true and determine how to process the selected rows (in multiselect mode) when sorting is performed. If it is false the selection is preserved after sorting a column, if it is true the selected rows are reset and sorting is done. This option is valid only if the datatype is local or loadonce parameter is set to true.

onSelectAll( selected, status)

jqGridSelectAll(event, selected, status)

This event fires when multiselect option is true and you click on the header checkbox to select/deselect current grid rows. The parameters are as follow:

array selected – array of the selected rows (rowid’s). This parameter contain the id of the selected rows in case there is selection and is empty array when nothing is selected.

boolean status – variable determining the status of the header check box – true if checked, false if not unchecked.

editselected this parameter is available in editRow method or in navGrid method in editing options. When this option is set to true and multiselect is on too the form editing is possible only on the selected rows. Note that when using navigator buttons in form editing to navigate through the rows only the selected one are selected skipping the not selected one.

Notes and Limitations¶

The following rules are valid when multiselct is on

jqgrid: verificación de selección múltiple y deshabilitación (condicional)

Para las personas (como yo) que terminan con esta respuesta después de buscar en Google, existe una solución muy fácil para este problema desde jqGrid 4.0.0.

Es suficiente agregar la clase css ‘ui-state-disabled’ a la fila que no desea que se seleccione. Consulte el registro de cambios de jqGrid 4.0.0 . Y aún podría combinar eso con ocultar o deshabilitar la casilla de verificación.

jQuery Grid Plugin


If you have multiselect set to true then you get a checkbox column. However, if you click anywhere on the row it checks and unchecks the checkbox.

For me personally, and now for my employeer this is a real usability bug. If you have a link in any column then clicking on the link checks and unchecks the checkbox for that row.

So I fixed and am submitting my fix incase any one wants the same thing or you are interested in incorporating it into the codebase.

I’m not entirely sure how to specify where the code is because suspect that the file is different for everyone based on what you select on download, but I will try.

I guess the method is a click event on the row. In my jquery.jqGrid.src.js it’s line 2385

$(ts).before(grid.hDiv).click(function(e) {

then a ways down you have

in this code scb true if the target of the event was the checkbox

} else if ( !ts.p.multikey ) {

if(ts.p.multiselect && ts.p.multiboxonly) {

// this is good. This is the one we want


else {


frozen column code


// this is bad, this one says even if you did not click on the checkbox

// still select the row.



} else {

// this one is the same as the one above.



so what I did was change it to

} else if ( !ts.p.multikey ) {

if(ts.p.multiselect && ts.p.multiboxonly) {

// this is good. This is the one we want


else {


frozen column code






} else if(!ts.p.multiselectoncheckboxonly){




then in the gridoptions that pass in to the grid I simply set multiselectoncheckboxonly:true,

if you are using some other stuff like the multikey or maybe editing you may have to dig deeper, but this gets me where I need to be.


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