Kerry Carr Bacardi | Rượu Rum Bacardi Nổi Tiếng Thế Giới Của Cuba Với Biểu Tượng Chú Dơi – Biểu Tượng Cho Sự Khéo Léo 인기 답변 업데이트

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “kerry carr bacardi – Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi – biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Đồng hồ 89 Khâm Thiên 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 1,276회 및 좋아요 9개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

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d여기에서 Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi – biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo – kerry carr bacardi 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

“Nước lửa” từ được dùng để diễn tả rượu rum trong thời gian đó – chuyên dùng cho cướp biển và không một tiệm sang nào bán cả.
Trong thời gian rảnh Don Facundo thí nghiệm tại nhà nhiều cách chưng cất với mục đích làm cho rượu đầm lại và từ đó có thể bán tại các quán ăn, nhà hàng …
Don Facunto thí nghiệm với từng giai đoạn trong khâu chế biến, từ chất lượng của nguyên liệu, giai đoạn lên men và phương pháp chưng cất. Cuối cùng ông đưa thêm vào đó phương pháp lọc bằng than gỗ mà cho đến thời gian này chưa ai làm qua. Ông chứa rượu vào trong thùng gỗi sồi với những phương pháp gia giảm riêng. Ông đã viết lại công việc của ông như một nhà khoa học và đánh giá chất lượng như một chuyên gia về rượu. Cuối cùng ông cũng thành công và đã chế ra được một loại rượu có chất lượng như ông nghĩ và đạt được đầy đủ mọi tiêu chuẩn trong thời gian đó.
Rượu của ông dịu và thanh hơn các loại rượu khác nhiều. Khi so sánh trực tiếp thì các loại khá quá nặng và có mùi vị như thuốc. Rượu của ông nhẹ, dễ uống và đã làm mọi người trong thời gian đó rất ngạc nhiên.
Ðể có thể bán rượu rộng ra thị trường – không chỉ bán cho hàng xóm và bạn bè – ông đã mua một máy chưng cất nhỏ với ống bốc hơi bằng đồng (alambique).
Trong lò rượu có sống một loại dơi ăn trái cây. Người ta cho rằng con dơi là dấu hiệu của sự khéo léo, may mắn và dựa trên đó nhãn hiệu của Bacardi ra đời !!
Vào ngày 4 thang 2 năm 1862 công ty Bacardi y Companía ra đời. Không bao lâu sản phẩm Barcadi được các vị vua chúa, các người sành ăn uống, các nhà nghệ thuật khắp thế giới biết đến và yêu chuộng. Don Facundo không chỉ thay đổi rượu rum mà còn thay đổi được cả ý tưởng của mọi người về loại rượu này. Ông ta đã thay đổi chất lượng của rượu và đưa giá trị lên thật cao – một loại rượu rum mới được xuất hiện.
Lên men
Trong quá trình lên men người ta cho vào mật đường loại men và chúng sẽ tạo hương vị riêng biệt cho từng loại rum. Trước khi Don Facundo tạo ra cách chế của ông mật đường được cho lên men tự nhiên và thường hay bị nhiễm khuẩn. Năm 1862 Don Facundo tìm ra được một loại men đặc biệt và loại này vẫn được sử dụng từ thời gian đó đến ngày nay để chế Rum. Con men được trộn chung với nước chưng cất và các chất dinh dưỡng sau đó được cho vào mật đường. Quá trình lên men được diễn ra trong điều kiện kiển soát kỷ và kéo dài khoảng 30 – 35 tiếng.
Chưng cất
Sau khi lên men xong, hỗn hợp được đem đi chưng cất để lấy ra loại “heavy bodied young spirit”và loại “light young spirit”. Rượu được chuyển qua ống bốc hơi bằng đồng – Quá trình này sẽ phân rượu, nước cũng như các mùi vị “không sạch” ra khỏi nhau. Ðây là thời điểm của người hoà rượu – họ bắt đầu chế ra loại rượu nhẹ, nặng tùy theo đòi hỏi các loại rum.
Don Facundo Bacardi là người đầu tiên chế ra phương pháp lọc rum bằng than trong giai đoạn chế rum kế tiếp. Kỹ thuật lọc sau này được con trai ông ta hoàn hảo thêm.
Loại than dùng lọc được đốt từ các loại gỗ được lựa chọn kỹ để có thể tạo ra một lớp than lọc có khả năng hấp thụ tất cả các chất làm giảm chất lượng của rượu. Rượu được lọc với mức độ chính xác rất cao trước khi đưa vào thùng trữ.
Trong tất cả mọi yếu tố ảnh hưởng chất lượng rượu thì dường như những yếu tố đơn giản nhất như dồn rượu vào thùng, trữ rượu trong thùng lại có ảnh hưởng cao nhất. Thùng rượu được lựa chọn kỹtừ các loại thùng gỗ sồi trắng của Mỹ. Thùng được đốt bên trong thành một lớp than mỏng để tạo cho rượu có đặc điểm riêng trong thời gian lưu trữ.
Quá trình trữlà một quá trình trao đổ chất giữa gỗ, rượu và môi trường chung quanh. Trong thời gian này không khí thâm nhập thùng gỗ và rượu cũng như rượu hấp thụ các chất từ gỗ và trở nên đầm, dịu, thơm …
Vì thùng chứa có ảnh hưởng cao nên họ lựa chọn khổ lớn, nhỏ, tình trạng tốt, xấu của thùng rất kỹ. Bên cạnh đó nhiệt độ môi trường, gió, độ cao cũng được tính toán kiểm soát hàng ngày.
Thời gian trong thùng chứa càng lâu thì rượu càng có nhiều hương vị. Các loại rượu đậm được lựa chọn cho riêng gia đình được chứa lại trong các thùng sồi nhỏ và thời gian dự trữ khoảng từ 8 đến 12 năm ! Ðây là những loại rum nổi tiếng và ngon nhất thế giới….
Sau khi rượu đã đủ ngày người ta hoà nhiều thùng rượu chung lại để tạo một lứa rượu có chất lượng mà mùi vị đều đặn – Rượu được đem lọc một lần nữa và được trữ lại vài ngày. Trong thời gian này rượu được thử, kiểm tra thật kỹ. Khi đã đạt được đủ chất lượng như mong muốn rượu mới bắt đầu được đem đóng chai.
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kerry carr bacardi 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Kerry Carr – Senior Vice President – Bacardi | LinkedIn – LinkedIn

Kerry Carr · Senior Vice Present – Global Performance Management, Revenue Growth Management and Shared Services at Bacardi · About · Activity · Experience …

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Bacardi Limited Appoints Kerry Carr to Global Leadership Team

A 30-year veteran of consumer goods companies, Kerry brings expertise in operations, supply chain, organizational design and finance with global brands …

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Date Published: 7/22/2021

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Kerry Carr joins Bacardi’s global leadership team

Spirits giant Bacardi Limited has announced the promotion of Kerry Carr, who joined the company in 2014, to Bacardi’s global leadership team …

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Date Published: 11/15/2021

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Bacardi Limited Appoints Kerry Carr to Global Leadership Team

She reports to Bacardi Limited Executive Vice Present and Chief Financial Officer Tony Latham. Kerry, who joined Bacardi in 2014, has been responsible for …

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Date Published: 10/16/2021

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Bacardi appoints Kerry Carr to global leadership team

Kerry Carr has been promoted to Bacardi’s global leadership team. Carr currently acts as senior vice present global performance management …

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Date Published: 3/22/2022

View: 2015

Bacardi promotes Kerry Carr to global leadership team

Bermudian-based drinks giant Bacardi Ltd has promoted Kerry Carr to the company’s global leadership team. In her expanded role as SVP, …

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Date Published: 3/5/2022

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Kerry Carr – SVP, Global Performance Management at Bacardi

A member of the Global Leadership Team since 2021, Kerry is the expert on standardizing processes, management reporting, and establishing metrics for global …

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Kerry Carr’s email & phone | Bacardi’s Senior Vice President

Kerry Carr’s email address k****** 212496. … Global Performance Management, Revenue Growth Management and Shared Services @ Bacardi.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 11/23/2021

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Kerry Carr elevated as SVP – Global Performance …

In her expanded role as SVP – Global Performance Management, Carr adds Revenue Growth Management and Bacardi Enterprise Services to her existing …

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Date Published: 9/1/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 kerry carr bacardi

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi – biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi - biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo
Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi – biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo

주제에 대한 기사 평가 kerry carr bacardi

  • Author: Đồng hồ 89 Khâm Thiên
  • Views: 조회수 1,276회
  • Likes: 좋아요 9개
  • Date Published: 2020. 5. 30.
  • Video Url link:

Bacardi Limited Appoints Kerry Carr to Global Leadership Team

A 30-year veteran of consumer goods companies, Kerry brings expertise in operations, supply chain, organizational design and finance with global brands including The Walt Disney Company and Avon Products at the local, regional and corporate levels. She spent much of her career executing programs across international operations in Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as at the global level.

Kerry joined Bacardi in 2014 and will continue to be based at the Bacardi global headquarters office in Hamilton, Bermuda.

About Bacardi Limited

Bacardi Limited, the largest privately held spirits company in the world, produces and markets internationally recognized spirits and wines. The Bacardi Limited brand portfolio comprises more than 200 brands and labels, including BACARDÍ® rum, GREY GOOSE® vodka, PATRÓN® tequila, DEWAR’S® Blended Scotch whisky, BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® gin, MARTINI® vermouth and sparkling wines, CAZADORES® 100% blue agave tequila, and other leading and emerging brands including WILLIAM LAWSON’S® Scotch whisky, ST-GERMAIN® elderflower liqueur, and ERISTOFF® vodka. Founded nearly 160 years ago in Santiago de Cuba, family-owned Bacardi Limited currently employs more than 7,000, operates more than 20 production facilities in 11 countries, and sells its brands in more than 170 countries. Bacardi Limited refers to the Bacardi group of companies, including Bacardi International Limited. Visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. Enjoy Responsibly.

Kerry Carr joins Bacardi’s global leadership team


By Lucy Shaw

Spirits giant Bacardi Limited has announced the promotion of Kerry Carr, who joined the company in 2014, to Bacardi’s global leadership team.

Carr is currently senior vice president – global performance management at Bacardi. In her new role she will report to chief financial officer, Tony Latham. She will continue to be based at the Bacardi global headquarters in Bermuda.

“Kerry’s track record for understanding the needs of our company, delivering transformational finance and business performance programmes, along with her embodiment of our unique culture and values makes her a leadership role model across the business,” Latham said.

“Her ingenuity in problem-solving, collaborative approach to managing change, and results-driven leadership make her a valuable addition to our global leadership team,” he added.

Since joining Bacardi in 2014, Carr has been responsible for spearheading global performance management.

In her expanded role she adds revenue growth management and Bacardi Enterprise Services to her existing remit, which already includes strategic projects, global reporting and metrics to drive business performance.

From building analytical tools and frameworks, to understanding drivers of performance, to driving year-end results, Carr has helped to ensure dynamic resource allocation, which was particularly valuable while managing the business during the pandemic.

She also played a key role in the integration of Patrón, following the acquisition of the ultra-premium Tequila brand in 2018.

“Over the years, the team has grown from one site in Costa Rica, dedicated to financial transactions, to centers across the globe supporting a growing portfolio of services.

“It has been such a rewarding journey at Bacardi to help build the foundation for programmes and services that best leverage the skills of our people while driving business effectiveness,” Carr said.

“I get tremendous energy from engaging with others in the service of delivering for our shareholders, our company, and our people, and am excited to be part of the next chapter,” she added.

A 30-year veteran of consumer goods companies, Carr brings expertise in operations, supply chain and finance with global brands including The Walt Disney Company and Avon at the local, regional and corporate levels.

Bacardi Limited Appoints Kerry Carr to Global Leadership Team

(BUSINESS WIRE)– Bacardi Limited, the largest privately held spirits company in the world, today announces the promotion of Kerry Carr to the company’s Global Leadership Team. In her expanded role as SVP Global Performance Management she adds Revenue Growth Management and Bacardi Enterprise Services to her existing portfolio which already includes strategic projects, global reporting and metrics to drive business performance. She reports to Bacardi Limited Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Tony Latham.

Kerry, who joined Bacardi in 2014, has been responsible for spearheading global performance management. From building analytical tools and frameworks, to understanding drivers of performance, to driving year-end results, Kerry has helped ensure dynamic resource allocation, which was particularly valuable while managing the business during a global pandemic. She was also integral in the integration of Patrón, following the 2018 acquisition of the super-premium tequila.

“Kerry’s track record for understanding the needs of our company, delivering transformational finance and business performance programs, along with her embodiment of our unique culture and values makes her a leadership role model across the business,” says Tony Latham. “Her ingenuity in problem-solving, collaborative approach to managing change, and results-driven leadership make her a valuable addition to our Global Leadership Team at Bacardi.”

She is no stranger to the shared services model as she previously helped launch the function at Bacardi with a focus on improving productivity while delivering quality service for internal customers. Over the years, the team has grown from one site in Costa Rica, dedicated to financial transactions, to centers across the globe supporting a growing portfolio of services.

“It has been such a rewarding journey at Bacardi to help build the foundation for programs and services that best leverage the skills of our people while driving business effectiveness. I get tremendous energy from engaging with others in the service of delivering for our shareholders, our company, and our people,” says Kerry Carr. “Every day, I am humbled by the opportunity to contribute to this iconic, family-owned company and am excited to be part of the next chapter.”

A 30-year veteran of consumer goods companies, Kerry brings expertise in operations, supply chain, organizational design and finance with global brands including The Walt Disney Company and Avon Products at the local, regional and corporate levels. She spent much of her career executing programs across international operations in Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as at the global level.

Kerry joined Bacardi in 2014 and will continue to be based at the Bacardi global headquarters office in Hamilton, Bermuda.

About Bacardi Limited

Bacardi Limited, the largest privately held spirits company in the world, produces and markets internationally recognized spirits and wines. The Bacardi Limited brand portfolio comprises more than 200 brands and labels, including BACARDÍ® rum, GREY GOOSE® vodka, PATRÓN® tequila, DEWAR’S® Blended Scotch whisky, BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® gin, MARTINI® vermouth and sparkling wines, CAZADORES® 100% blue agave tequila, and other leading and emerging brands including WILLIAM LAWSON’S® Scotch whisky, ST-GERMAIN® elderflower liqueur, and ERISTOFF® vodka. Founded nearly 160 years ago in Santiago de Cuba, family-owned Bacardi Limited currently employs more than 7,000, operates more than 20 production facilities in 11 countries, and sells its brands in more than 170 countries. Bacardi Limited refers to the Bacardi group of companies, including Bacardi International Limited. Visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. Enjoy Responsibly.

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Bacardi appoints Kerry Carr to global leadership team


By Melita Kiely

Independent company Bacardi has promoted Kerry Carr to its global leadership team to spearhead performance and revenue growth management worldwide.

Carr currently acts as senior vice president global performance management at Bacardi.

Her responsibilities will be extended to include revenue growth management and Bacardi enterprise services, in addition to her existing responsibilities of strategic projects, global reporting and metrics to drive business performance.

She will report to Bacardi executive vice president and chief financial officer Tony Latham.

“Kerry’s track record for understanding the needs of our company, delivering transformational finance and business performance programmes, along with her embodiment of our unique culture and values makes her a leadership role model across the business,” Latham said.

“Her ingenuity in problem-solving, collaborative approach to managing change, and results-driven leadership make her a valuable addition to our global leadership team at Bacardi.”

Carr joined Bacardi in 2014 and has been tasked with driving global performance management.

She has also been credited for being ‘integral’ to the integration of Patrón Tequila, which Bacardi acquired in 2018.

Carr has 30 years’ experience at consumer goods companies, having worked in operations, supply chain, organisational design and finance roles with global brands including The Walt Disney Company and Avon Products.

Carr said: “It has been such a rewarding journey at Bacardi to help build the foundation for programmes and services that best leverage the skills of our people while driving business effectiveness.

“I get tremendous energy from engaging with others in the service of delivering for our shareholders, our company and our people.

“Every day, I am humbled by the opportunity to contribute to this iconic, family-owned company and am excited to be part of the next chapter.”

Bacardi promotes Kerry Carr to global leadership team

Bermudian-based drinks giant Bacardi Ltd has promoted Kerry Carr to the company’s global leadership team.

In her expanded role as SVP, global performance management, Bacardi said Ms Carr adds revenue growth management and Bacardi Enterprise Services to her existing portfolio, which includes “strategic projects, global reporting and metrics to drive business performance”.

She joined Bacardi in 2014 and will continue to be based at the company’s global headquarters office in Hamilton.

Ms Carr reports to Tony Latham, Bacardi Ltd’s executive vice-president and chief financial officer.

Ms Carr has been responsible for spearheading global performance management. Bacardi said: “From building analytical tools and frameworks, to understanding drivers of performance, to driving year-end results, she has helped ensure dynamic resource allocation, which was particularly valuable while managing the business during a global pandemic.”

The company said Ms Carr was also integral in the integration of Patrón, following the 2018 acquisition of the super-premium tequila.

Mr Latham said: “Kerry’s track record for understanding the needs of our company, delivering transformational finance and business performance programmes, along with her embodiment of our unique culture and values makes her a leadership role model across the business.

“Her ingenuity in problem-solving, collaborative approach to managing change, and results-driven leadership make her a valuable addition to our global leadership team at Bacardi.”

Bacardi said Ms Carr is no stranger to the shared services model as she previously helped launch the function at Bacardi with a focus on improving productivity while delivering quality service for internal customers. Over the years, the team has grown from one site in Costa Rica, dedicated to financial transactions, to centres across the globe supporting a growing portfolio of services.

Ms Carr said: “It has been such a rewarding journey at Bacardi to help build the foundation for programmes and services that best leverage the skills of our people while driving business effectiveness. I get tremendous energy from engaging with others in the service of delivering for our shareholders, our company, and our people.

“Every day, I am humbled by the opportunity to contribute to this iconic, family-owned company and am excited to be part of the next chapter.”

Ms Carr is a 30-year veteran of consumer goods companies, with expertise in operations, supply chain, organisational design and finance with global brands including The Walt Disney Company and Avon Products at the local, regional and corporate levels.

The company said she spent much of her career executing programmes across international operations in Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as at the global level.

Kerry Carr, promoted to the global leadership team at Bacardi Ltd (Photograph supplied)

Kerry Carr – SVP, Global Performance Management at Bacardi

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Bacardi’s Senior Vice President – Global Performance Management, Revenue Growth Management and Shared Services email


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Global Performance Management of Bacardi, HR News, ETHRWorld

Spirits company Bacardi has announced the promotion of Kerry Carr to the company’s Global Leadership Team. In her expanded role as SVP – Global Performance Management, Carr adds Revenue Growth Management and Bacardi Enterprise Services to her existing portfolio which includes strategic projects, global reporting and metrics to drive business performance. She reports to Tony Latham, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Bacardi.Carr, who joined Bacardi in 2014, has been responsible for spearheading global performance management, according to a statement. From building analytical tools and frameworks to understanding drivers of performance to driving year-end results, she has helped ensure dynamic resource allocation, which was particularly valuable while managing the business during a global pandemic. She was also integral in the integration of Patrón, following the 2018 acquisition of the super-premium tequila.A 30-year veteran of consumer goods companies, Carr brings expertise in operations, supply chain, organizational design and finance with global brands including The Walt Disney Company and Avon Products at the local, regional and corporate levels. She spent much of her career executing programs across international operations in Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as at the global level.Tony Latham, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Bacardi, said, “Kerry’s track record for understanding the needs of our company, delivering transformational finance and business performance programs, along with her embodiment of our unique culture and values makes her a leadership role model across the business.”“Her ingenuity in a problem-solving, collaborative approach to managing change, and results-driven leadership make her a valuable addition to our Global Leadership Team at Bacardi,” Latham added.Kerry Carr, SVP – Global Performance Management, Bacardi, said, “It has been such a rewarding journey at Bacardi to help build the foundation for programs and services that best leverage the skills of our people while driving business effectiveness. I get tremendous energy from engaging with others in the service of delivering for our shareholders, our company, and our people.”“Every day, I am humbled by the opportunity to contribute to this iconic, family-owned company and am excited to be part of the next chapter,” Carr added.Founded nearly 160 years ago in Santiago de Cuba, family-owned Bacardi Limited currently employs more than 7,000 people, operates more than 20 production facilities in 11 countries, and sells its brands in more than 170 countries. Bacardi Limited refers to the Bacardi group of companies, including Bacardi International Limited.

키워드에 대한 정보 kerry carr bacardi

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이 기사는 인터넷의 다양한 출처에서 편집되었습니다. 이 기사가 유용했기를 바랍니다. 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다!

사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi – biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo

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Rượu #Rum #Bacardi #nổi #tiếng #thế #giới #của #Cuba #với #biểu #tượng #chú #dơi #- #biểu #tượng #cho #sự #khéo #léo

YouTube에서 kerry carr bacardi 주제의 다른 동영상 보기

주제에 대한 기사를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 Rượu Rum Bacardi nổi tiếng thế giới của Cuba với biểu tượng chú dơi – biểu tượng cho sự khéo léo | kerry carr bacardi, 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오, 매우 감사합니다.

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