Kepware Advanced Tags | Kepware – Advanced Tags 55 개의 자세한 답변

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d여기에서 Kepware – Advanced Tags – kepware advanced tags 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Advanced Tags ile OPC tagleriniz arasında matematiksel, trigonometrik veya mantıksal işlemler gerçekleştirin.
Mathematical, trigonometric or logic calculations between your OPC tags with Advanced Tags.

kepware advanced tags 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Advanced Tags Help Advanced Tags Help mind that some OPC client applications may have a limited display window when browsing the tag space of an OPC server.

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View: 7915

Advanced Tags – OPCTurkey

The Advanced Tags plug-in for KEPServerEX offers a convenient, cost effective, and straightforward way to generate new data and aggregate existing data into …

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Date Published: 2/19/2022

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Advanced Tags Plug-in for KEPServerEX® – Kepware | Brochure

Consult Kepware’s Advanced Tags Plug-in for KEPServerEX® brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/2.

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Date Published: 4/5/2022

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Advanced Tags Plug-In for KEPServerEX OPC Server – Foxon

Advanced Tags is a unique KEPServerEX plug-in that allows you to perform an unlimited number of math and logic operations with data from control systems and …

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Advanced Tags – Kepware OPC Server – SSTCOMM

Advanced Tags enables Machine-to-Machine tag linking, logic, and math functions at the connectivity platform level to bring data closer to the source.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 11/25/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 kepware advanced tags

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Kepware – Advanced Tags. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Kepware - Advanced Tags
Kepware – Advanced Tags

주제에 대한 기사 평가 kepware advanced tags

  • Author: OPCTurkey
  • Views: 조회수 5,785회
  • Likes: 좋아요 20개
  • Date Published: 2016. 5. 27.
  • Video Url link:

What is advanced tags in kepware?

Advanced Tags enables Machine to Machine (M2M) tag linking, logic, and math functions for operational communications and analysis. It can link two data tags, set a trigger based on logical states, and calculate new values from raw measures.

What are kepware tags?

Last Update: 11/12/2018. Static Tags. Static Tags are tags that are created by the user in the server. They can be used to give meaning to a device address, to assign a specific data type to the tag, or to scale the raw value of a tag to a different engineering value.

How do I add tags to kepware?

To start, open the KEPServerEX configuration. In the Tree View, select Advanced Tags. Next, create tags using the quick add icons located in the toolbar or by right-clicking on the Advanced Tags icon.

Is Kepware and OPC?

KEPServerEX leverages OPC (the automation industry’s standard for interoperability) and IT-centric communication protocols (such as SNMP, ODBC, and web services) to provide users with a single source for industrial data.

How do I set up kepware?

Click on the “Install Kepware Products” button to open the Products page. Click the product you wish to install. Click the product name or “Install Now”. There are two common ways to obtain Kepware product installation files.

Does kepware use OPC UA?

The OPC Unified Architecture (UA) Server Interface for ThingWorx Kepware Edge provides client applications (such as MES, SCADA, or Industrial IoT solutions) seamless and secure access to industrial automation data.

Is Kepware and OPC server or client?

The OPC Unified Architecture (UA) Server Interface for KEPServerEX provides client applications (such as MES and SCADA systems) seamless and secure access to industrial automation data.

What are OPC tags?

An OPC Tag is a symbolic name that can be applied to the spreadsheet cell of an In-Sight sensor or emulator. The tag can be visible to OPC clients so they can access the In-Sight spreadsheet cell data. In the context of the In-Sight OPC Classic Server, two types of OPC Tags exist: Job Tags and Sensor Tags.

What is OPC DA and UA?

Thus OPC can be considered as language for the communication between machines in industries, in which one of the latest version of OPC that is OPC UA (Unified Architecture) is a cross-platform protocol for machine to machine communication like English and on the other hand the older version of OPC is OPC DA (Data …

What does OPC server stand for?

Open Platform Communications (OPC) is an interoperability standard for the secure exchange of industrial automation data. It is designed to be platform-dependent so devices from different vendors can exchange information.

What is OPC server Siemens?

dataFEED OPC Server Siemens is a dataFEED OPC Suite component and bundles the functionalities for fast and convenient access to process and diagnostic data in Siemens SIMATIC S7 and Siemens-compatible controllers.

What is the OPC server?

OPC is a client/server technology. One application acts as the server providing data, and the other acts as a client using data. OPC is a widely accepted industrial communication standard that enables the exchange of data between multi-vendor devices and control applications without any proprietary restrictions.

Enable M2M Tag Linking, Logic & Math Functions

Product Overview

Advanced Tags enables Machine to Machine (M2M) tag linking, logic, and math functions for operational communications and analysis. It can link two data tags, set a trigger based on logical states, and calculate new values from raw measures. Executing math, logic, or analysis at the connectivity platform level brings data closer to the source.

Advanced Tags provides users the tools needed for proper operational analysis, which requires that industrial control applications deliver an array of data that often needs some form of calculation to identify deficiencies and determine whether operations are functioning correctly. By offering six easy-to-use, pre-defined tags to execute math, logic, or analysis at the tag level, Advanced Tags helps users improve decision-making and efficiency in their industrial control applications.

Customer Resources

Last Update: 11/12/2018

Static Tags

Static Tags are tags that are created by the user in the server. They can be used to give meaning to a device address, to assign a specific data type to the tag, or to scale the raw value of a tag to a different engineering value. The client application can browse the server for Static Tags. Please note the following:

Unless the data type is specified, the default data type for that address location will be used. For more information on the default data type, refer to the “Address Descriptions” topic in the driver’s product manual.

Most OPC clients allow users to specify the data type as part of the request when registering a link for a specific data item. The data type specified by the OPC client is used if it is supported by the communications driver. The @[Data Type] modifier can be useful when ensuring that a communications driver interprets a piece of data exactly as needed.

Non-OPC clients can override the update rate on a per-tag basis by appending @[Update Rate].

The exception is when using Dynamic Tags with a client driver, such as the OPC DA Client and OPC UA Client, which cannot pass a data type override with the dynamic tag request. In client drivers, the data type is unknown to the local server until that point is read, when it is assigned the reported data type in the local instance. Use a static tag defined in the local server project with the named data type in the target server for the data types to match or the data type reported by the target server is used.

Dynamic Tags

Dynamic Tags are tags that the server creates in the project on behalf of the client application’s request for a device address, rather than a Static Tag that represents that address. Users should note the following:

Dynamic Tags can only be added at the device level. For example, users could not create a sub-group X in a device and then add an item in the client called “Channel_1.Device_1.X.R0”

Differences in Performance

Using one tag over another does not impact the performance of the project. The benefits and detriments balance out as well. With Static Tags, users can specify that clients cannot write to a tag; however, two tag databases must be maintained. With Dynamic Tags, users do not need to maintain two tag databases; however, there is no way to ensure that multiple clients request the items in the same fashion.

Note: Users can override a static or dynamic tag update in non-OPC clients by appending the Update Rate to the item request. This value is in milliseconds. For example, “Channel_1.Device_1.R0@1000”. Users can also override this by setting the Update Rate in the alias. To do so, click Edit | Alias Map in the server.

KEPServerEX Connectivity Platform

Product Overview

KEPServerEX is the industry’s leading connectivity platform that provides a single source of industrial automation data to all of your applications. The platform design allows users to connect, manage, monitor, and control diverse automation devices and software applications through one intuitive user interface. KEPServerEX leverages OPC (the automation industry’s standard for interoperability) and IT-centric communication protocols (such as SNMP, ODBC, and web services) to provide users with a single source for industrial data. The platform is developed and tested to meet our customers’ performance, reliability, and ease-of-use requirements.

Watch our two-minute video below to see how KEPServerEX solves common connectivity challenges—providing secure and reliable access to real-time industrial data so everyone from the shop floor to the top floor can make smarter decisions.

Business Value

KEPServerEX provides the connectivity, usability, and performance required by the modern enterprise—offering competitive benefits that can be experienced from the plant floor to IT to the boardroom.

IoT-ready, connecting Operations with IT and enabling Business Intelligence and Operational Excellence across the enterprise

Fully compatible with the ThingWorx Manufacturing Accelerator, including the ThingWorx Controls Advisor app that provides remote real-time visibility into connectivity across all factories

Compatible with leading hypervisors, such as VMware and Hyper-V, for flexible deployment on public and private clouds

Integrates with IT applications for visibility into assets on the plant floor at any time and from any location

Enhanced messaging security via SSL and TLS for secure, authenticated, and encrypted communications across various network topologies

Advanced application security features to meet site security requirements

Sophisticated access control to the server, data source, and data values

Multiple redundancy options to ensure resiliency, high-reliability, and uptime in critical applications

Scalable unified architecture, providing the flexibility to combine drivers and consume multiple protocols in a single server

Streamlined interface for simple installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting


KEPServerEX provides critical technical features that enable accessibility, aggregation, optimization, connectivity, security, and diagnostics. Expand the topics below to learn more about these features. Explore the new features and enhancements that make KEPServerEX Version 6 enterprise-ready and IoT-friendly.

Accessibility KEPServerEX provides data access for client applications (such as MES and SCADA) and IoT and Big Data analytics software via OPC, proprietary protocols (including GE NIO, SuiteLink/FastDDE, and Splunk), IT protocols (including MQTT, REST, ODBC, and SNMP), and flow measurement export to common Oil & Gas industry formats. OPC OPC is the leading standard for industrial automation connectivity. KEPServerEX supports the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) specification and many of the OPC Classic specifications, including OPC Data Access (OPC DA), OPC Alarms and Events (OPC AE), and OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA). View All Supported OPC Specifications Automation Interfaces KEPServerEX offers preferred data access for leading automation software, including iFIX by GE Intelligent Platforms (NIO) and InTouch by Wonderware (SuiteLink/FastDDE). See All Supported Automation Interfaces IT Interfaces KEPServerEX supports multiple interfaces for integration with IT applications, including ODBC for logging information to a database and SNMP for providing information to a Network Management System (NMS). With the advent of IoT and Big Data applications, KEPServerEX now includes the ability to communicate with Splunk software and Cloud services via the Industrial Data Forwarder for Splunk. It also provides data access for the ThingWorx platform, enabling you to develop and deploy smart-connected solutions for the IoT. Explore All Supported IT Interfaces Cloud Interfaces With the IoT Gateway, KEPServerEX can seamlessly stream real-time industrial control data directly into Big Data and analytic software for Business Intelligence and Operational Excellence. Its customizable data format supports most MQTT and REST applications—enabling users to choose the vendors and communication methodologies right for their system. The ThingWorx Native Interface also provides data to the ThingWorx platform using the secure ThingWorx AlwaysOn™ protocol for high throughput. View All Supported Cloud Interfaces Exporters Some applications require information to be made available from a file or database. This information is typically exported at a predefined rate and includes both current and historical data. KEPServerEX has the ability to export historical Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) data (via the EFM Exporter advanced plug-in) or historical trend data (via supported drivers) to files and/or databases. Optimization KEPServerEX optimizes communications and reduces network and device load via data conditioning and reduction, customized load balancing, and protocol-specific optimization. Data Conditioning and Reduction In addition to providing raw values to connected applications, KEPServerEX can perform linear or square root scaling, basic arithmetic expressions, and apply deadbands. These features utilize minimal bandwidth and resources by providing only the most critical updates. Redundancy KEPServerEX is used in critical applications where highly-reliable systems are required for maximum uptime. It includes the ability to define redundant network paths, primary and secondary data sources, and applicable failover criteria. Load Balancing In large networks that have many devices and applications requiring information, flexible control is necessary to allow for customized load-balancing of data collection and information flow. KEPServerEX provides tools to schedule the frequency of communications and throttle the demand across the network. Communications KEPServerEX optimizes communications with devices by aggregating identical requests from different applications whenever possible. Multiple demands on data can be batched together into the fewest requests possible. These optimizations are unique to each protocol, and are designed to reduce network overhead and device processing. Machine-to-Machine Linking In a typical industrial automation network, devices and controllers must communicate with one another even if they are not from the same manufacturer or do not support the same protocol. KEPServerEX provides the ability to establish links between data values in different data sources, allowing Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications as close to the device as possible. Programmatic Changes KEPServerEX provides a REST-based API that enables users to remotely apply programmatic changes to the configuration via third-party client applications (including SCADA, HMI, IoT applications, and simple web applications). These changes include adding, editing, reading, and deleting objects (such as channels, devices, and tags) in the server. The Configuration API enables programmers to create simple webpages where users can identify the properties that change, and then programmatically create the channels, devices, and tags to the company standard. It also enables the use of templates to standardize creation and naming among different types of devices—ensuring consistency and increasing user efficiency. Aggregation KEPServerEX simplifies the configuration of connected applications by providing a single point of entry to all information—eliminating the need to purchase, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain multiple disparate solutions for discrete connectivity. Centralized Platform KEPServerEX can support connections to thousands of data sources and provide information to hundreds of applications. The platform design simplifies the configuration of the connected applications by providing a single point of entry to all information. KEPServerEX also enables troubleshooting and issue diagnosis, provides control to the access of information based on user roles, and the ability to restrict the frequency of communications over bandwidth-limited telemetry-based environments. Unified Configuration KEPServerEX provides a unified configuration for managing connectivity to any data source. Anything can be added, configured, or deleted while the server is on-line and operational. Users can configure projects manually using a step-by-step wizard or programmatically through the export and import of XML and CSV files, and via REST calls over the Configuration API. Data Storage and Retention KEPServerEX is capable of archiving the real-time data it collects to local storage. By leveraging the Local Historian advanced plug-in, applications can access this historical data (via OPC HDA) for future analysis. KEPServerEX can also store information in any ODBC-compliant database using the DataLogger advanced plug-in, which has a store-and-forward capability for when a database is unreachable or unable to process the information fast enough. Connectivity KEPServerEX supports the broadest range of drivers available, including current and legacy devices across various verticals, a variety of wired and wireless network mediums, and connectivity to databases, custom software applications, and other OPC servers. Driver-Based Access KEPServerEX offers the broadest range of drivers available, supporting devices across various verticals within industrial automation. While most drivers act as masters that initiate requests, there are many drivers that can emulate a device where communications are driven by a controller. KEPServerEX drivers also support a variety of wired and wireless network mediums for Ethernet, serial, and proprietary networks. Although most drivers connect directly with hardware devices, some are designed to connect with other applications—such as databases, custom software applications, or other OPC servers. Telemetry Environments Industrial automation equipment can be deployed in a dry and heated factory, but it can also be installed inside a vehicle, on a remote pipeline, or in a well or pump station. In these remote environments, there are often a variety of telemetry solutions in use like cellular, radio, or satellite modems. KEPServerEX supports these telemetry configurations and provides additional ways to optimize communications through virtual networks, timing parameters, device demotion, and by scheduling communications across devices. Rapid Deployment As automation networks have grown from ten controllers to thousands of controllers, tools that aid and accelerate deployment are critical to a solution’s success. KEPServerEX provides many tools that speed the deployment of new devices, including Automatic Tag Generation (ATG) and Device Discovery (when supported by the device and communication protocols). Users can also export, manipulate, and import an XML project file to programmatically define the configuration. Simulation As systems are configured, components must be implemented and tested before the entire system becomes available. KEPServerEX allows any data source to be placed into simulation mode prior to deployment. In addition, the Memory Based driver can be configured to create a range of static and dynamic data points. The Advanced Simulator driver can leverage a database and its contents to drive application-specific simulation data into connected applications. Security KEPServerEX includes a variety of tools that control user access to the server, data source, or data values, regulate read/write access, provide the ability to connect or disconnect client applications, and support the configuration of secure data tunnels. Configuration Access to the KEPServerEX configuration can be restricted through the User Manager. This tool allows the administrator to define user groups and users with restricted access to certain project configuration tasks, and provides the ability to disconnect client applications. KEPServerEX encourages users to set an Administrator Password during installation to strengthen security to application-level settings, preventing non-administrator users from: Stopping the Runtime service

Accessing any of the Administration Settings that configure the KEPServerEX application

Viewing the OPC UA Configuration to create or configure endpoints or accept client or server certificates

Running the License Utility and making changes KEPServerEX also offers the ability to encrypt .opf project files—which often contain proprietary information on an organization’s network and processes—when they are being transferred to other users or other instances of KEPServerEX. Runtime KEPServerEX also offers various features and functionality to control user access to the server, data source, or data values. The Security Policies feature limits access based on OPC UA user credentials while supporting default handling for anonymous users (both OPC UA and other client interfaces). The ability to dynamically address information can be disabled, limiting user access to tags defined within the project. KEPServerEX supports a number of secure client standards including SNMP (v3 security), OPC UA, and OPC DA (DCOM security) to further restrict access to the server, as well as a number of secure device protocols to meet the requirements of DNP3, SNMP, and OPC UA data sources. Secure data tunnels can be configured by leveraging multiple KEPServerEX instances at remote endpoints to pass data through firewalls and meet authentication and encryption requirements across the Internet. Diagnostics KEPServerEX isolates device and application communications for troubleshooting, offering OPC diagnostics for real-time and historical views of OPC events. KEPServerEX also supports communications diagnostics to capture the protocol frames transferred between the server and any device. OPC Diagnostics OPC Diagnostics provide a real-time and historical view of OPC events between any OPC client and the server, including method calls made by the client or callbacks made by the server. The ability to view actual communications and responses is invaluable when troubleshooting client accessibility. The diagnostics tools within KEPServerEX greatly speed deployment and reduce downtime. Communications Diagnostics Communication Diagnostics provide real-time capturing of the protocol frames transferred between the server and any device, as well as indications on the driver’s performance. All read and write operations can be viewed or tracked directly in an OPC client application using built-in diagnostics tags. This is useful when modifying key communication parameter settings (such as baud rate, parity, or Device IDs), because corrections are immediately visible. Third-Party Diagnostics Integration Diagnostics information can be viewed within KEPServerEX and by third-party applications. Diagnostics information is provided through system-defined tags and accessible to the same clients connecting to the data sources. KEPServerEX logs event information, which is accessible within the configuration tool or to any application that supports the OPC Alarms and Events specification.

Case Studies

Advanced Tags

Product Overview

The Advanced Tags plug-in for KEPServerEX offers a convenient, cost effective, and straightforward way to generate new data and aggregate existing data into information suitable for high-level archive and analysis. Using Advanced Tags, users can measure the duration of operations, totalize events, perform averages over a group of sensors, set trigger conditions for data acquisition, and combine machine conditions to generate an overall machine state. These capabilities are extremely valuable for future analytics.

Using Tag Linking, Logic, and Math Functions for Operations Analysis

Proper operations analysis requires that industrial control applications deliver an array of data. This data often needs some form of calculation to identify deficiencies and help determine whether operations are functioning properly. The Advanced Tags plug-in for KEPServerEX will help improve decision-making and efficiency in your industrial control applications. Get started now with easy-to-use, pre-defined tags.


Average Tag – Calculates the average value of a tag over a defined time.

Complex Tag – Groups multiple tags of varying data types as a single complex item or structure.

Link Tag – Links data between different protocols.

Maximum Tag – Reads and persists a tag’s maximum value over a defined time.

Minimum Tag – Reads and persists a tag’s minimum value over a defined time.

Oracle Cumulative Tag – Determines the difference between the current and previous values. This tag is defined by Oracle and is available to all OPC Client applications.

Derived Tag – Uses basic scripting and standard Logic and Math functions to provide calculations exceeding those of pre-defined tags. They have the ability to control the frequency and conditions with which an expression will be evaluated, and also enable users to incorporate more complex equations into their applications. To aid implementation, an expression validation tool is included along with expression examples (located in the Advanced Tags manual).




Use with existing micro, nano, and less capable PLCs. There is no need to purchase expensive PLCs or PACS.


Consistent methodology across all hardware and software platforms. A single application configures Linking, Logic and Math functions.


Reduce network traffic and improve bandwidth by reducing communications between the server and multiple client applications.


Ensure data consistency across all clients with a single data access point.


No special PLC or HMI programming skills are required.

Data Sources

Collect and manipulate data from a variety of applications and devices.

Project Modification

Easily modify and configure new and existing Linking, Logic and Math functions with a straightforward user interface.

For an inexpensive operational analysis tool, consider using the Advanced Tags plug-in for KEPServerEX along with the DataLogger plug-in and any ODBC-supported database. KEPServerEX also supports DDE connectivity, thus allowing the powers of Microsoft Excel and Advanced Tags to combine.

A plug-in is an advanced option that extends the capabilities of the KEPServerEX communications platform. It increases the usefulness of data by transforming it beyond raw data in a device register.

Plug-ins may be licensed individually or in suites. Additional plug-ins can be licensed on demand as connectivity needs evolve.

Advanced Tags Plug-In for KEPServerEX OPC Server

About KEPServerEX

Supported HW/SW








About KEPServerEX

KEPServerEX is the industry’s leading connectivity platform that provides a single source of industrial automation data to all of your applications. The platform design allows users to connect, manage, monitor, and control diverse automation devices and software applications through one intuitive user interface. KEPServerEX leverages OPC (the automation industry’s standard for interoperability) and IT-centric communication protocols (such as SNMP, ODBC, and web services) to provide users with a single source for industrial data. The platform is developed and tested to meet our customers’ performance, reliability, and ease-of-use requirements. KEPServerEX serves as a data aggregator that enables higher applications to perform read/write operations. Write operations can be disabled in KEPServerEX if you want to prevent any higher application from rewriting anything in your PLC systems, etc. KEPServerEX also includes the OPC DA and OPC UA interfaces for transferring data to OPC DA/OPC UA Client programs. KEPServerEX is considered one of the best communications platforms on the market as it offers more than 150 different PLC drivers supporting over 300 different communication protocols. Whenever your project requires new drivers for PLC systems that weren’t originally part of your project, you can easily install them on your KEPServerEX. In other words, KEPServerEX gives you true freedom in that you can extend your project horizontally. This shows that KEPServerEX really is an open platform.

KEPServerEX – Available Languages




Simplified Chinese


Software license supported

Hardware (Dongle USB) license supported

License transfer supported

Emergency license supported, “Emergency ID” license valid for 7 days (In case of PC crash)

Support & Maintenance Contract offers

1-4 years agreement contract

Access to KEPServerEX updates

Access to Drivers updates

Access to Plug-ins updates

Unlimited email support

4 hours phone support monthly

Supported Operating Systems

Windows Server 2019,

Windows Server 2016,

Windows 8 a 10,

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise,

Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2.

Virtualisation Support



System Requirements

2.0 GHz processor

1 GB installed RAM

530 MB available disk space

Ethernet Card

Super VGA (800×600) or higher resolution video

Important: If you install KEPServerEX on a 64-bit operating system, the platform will run without issue in the 32-bit environment (WOW64) of that 64-bit system. The WOW64 is supported by all 64-bit Windows versions. 64-bit Windows versions are supported by KEPServerEX v5.11 and newer.

Important: KEPServerEX v5.9 and newer, LinkMaster v3 and newer and RedundancyMaster v2 and newer do NOT support Windows 2000.

Please note if you have v5.19 (already fixed in v5.20 and newer): In Windows 10, hardware keys are supported by 64-bit systems only. As they’re not supported by 32-bit systems, you need to use a software licence.


KEPServerEX provides critical technical features that enable accessibility, aggregation, optimization, connectivity, security, and diagnostics. Expand the topics below to learn more about these features. Explore the new features and enhancements that make KEPServerEX Version 6 enterprise-ready and IoT-friendly.

KEPServerEX accessibility

KEPServerEX provides data access for client applications (such as MES and SCADA) and IoT and Big Data analytics software via OPC, proprietary protocols (including GE NIO, SuiteLink/FastDDE, and Splunk), IT protocols (including MQTT, REST, ODBC, and SNMP), and flow measurement export to common Oil & Gas industry formats. KEPServerEX passes on data to higher systems through the following interfaces:

OPC DA (Data Access) – Versions 1.0a, 2.05a, 3.0

OPC HDA (Historical Data Access) – Version 1.20

OPC A&E (Alarms and Events) – Versions 1.0, 1.10

OPC UA (Unified Architecture) – Version 1.02

OPC .NET 3.0 WCF (OPC Xi) – Version 1.20.2

DDE Native Interface (Supported Formats: CF_Text, XL_Table, Advanced DDE, Network DDE)

FastDDE/SuiteLink Native Client Interface

iFIX Native Client Interface

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

REST (Representational State Transfer)

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

Splunk API

Thin-Client Terminal Server

ThingWorx Native Interface via the ThingWorx AlwaysOn™ protocol


OPC is the leading standard for industrial automation connectivity. KEPServerEX supports the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) specification and many of the OPC Classic specifications, including OPC Data Access (OPC DA), OPC Alarms and Events (OPC AE), and OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA).

Automation interfaces

KEPServerEX offers preferred data access for leading automation software, including iFIX by GE Intelligent Platforms (NIO) and InTouch by Wonderware (SuiteLink/FastDDE).

IT interfaces

KEPServerEX supports multiple interfaces for integration with IT applications, including ODBC for logging information to a database and SNMP for providing information to a Network Management System (NMS). With the advent of IoT and Big Data applications, KEPServerEX now includes the ability to communicate with Splunk software and Cloud services via the Industrial Data Forwarder for Splunk. It also provides data access for the ThingWorx platform, enabling you to develop and deploy smart-connected solutions for the IoT.

Cloud interfaces

With the IoT Gateway, KEPServerEX can seamlessly stream real-time industrial control data directly into Big Data and analytic software for Business Intelligence and Operational Excellence. Its customizable data format supports most MQTT and REST applications—enabling users to choose the vendors and communication methodologies right for their system. The ThingWorx Native Interface also provides data to the ThingWorx platform using the secure ThingWorx AlwaysOn™ protocol for high throughput.


Some applications require information to be made available from a file or database. This information is typically exported at a predefined rate and includes both current and historical data. KEPServerEX has the ability to export historical Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) data (via the EFM Exporter advanced plug-in) or historical trend data (via supported drivers) to files and/or databases.


KEPServerEX optimizes communications and reduces network and device load via data conditioning and reduction, customized load balancing, and protocol-specific optimization.

Data Conditioning and Reduction

In addition to providing raw values to connected applications, KEPServerEX can perform linear or square root scaling, basic arithmetic expressions, and apply deadbands. These features utilize minimal bandwidth and resources by providing only the most critical updates.


KEPServerEX is used in critical applications where highly-reliable systems are required for maximum uptime. It includes the ability to define redundant network paths, primary and secondary data sources, and applicable failover criteria.

Load Balancing

In large networks that have many devices and applications requiring information, flexible control is necessary to allow for customized load-balancing of data collection and information flow. KEPServerEX provides tools to schedule the frequency of communications and throttle the demand across the network.


KEPServerEX optimizes communications with devices by aggregating identical requests from different applications whenever possible. Multiple demands on data can be batched together into the fewest requests possible. These optimizations are unique to each protocol, and are designed to reduce network overhead and device processing.

Machine-to-Machine Linking

In a typical industrial automation network, devices and controllers must communicate with one another even if they are not from the same manufacturer or do not support the same protocol. KEPServerEX provides the ability to establish links between data values in different data sources, allowing Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications as close to the device as possible.

Programming Changes

KEPServerEX provides a REST-based API that enables users to remotely apply programmatic changes to the configuration via third-party client applications (including SCADA, HMI, IoT applications, and simple web applications). These changes include adding, editing, reading, and deleting objects (such as channels, devices, and tags) in the server. The Configuration API enables programmers to create simple webpages where users can identify the properties that change, and then programmatically create the channels, devices, and tags to the company standard. It also enables the use of templates to standardize creation and naming among different types of devices—ensuring consistency and increasing user efficiency.


KEPServerEX simplifies the configuration of connected applications by providing a single point of entry to all information—eliminating the need to purchase, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain multiple disparate solutions for discrete connectivity.

Centralized Platform

KEPServerEX can support connections to thousands of data sources and provide information to hundreds of applications. The platform design simplifies the configuration of the connected applications by providing a single point of entry to all information. KEPServerEX also enables troubleshooting and issue diagnosis, provides control to the access of information based on user roles, and the ability to restrict the frequency of communications over bandwidth-limited telemetry-based environments.

Unified Configuration

KEPServerEX provides a unified configuration for managing connectivity to any data source. Anything can be added, configured, or deleted while the server is on-line and operational. Users can configure projects manually using a step-by-step wizard or programmatically through the export and import of XML and CSV files, and via REST calls over the Configuration API.

Data Storage and Retention

KEPServerEX is capable of archiving the real-time data it collects to local storage. By leveraging the Local Historian advanced plug-in, applications can access this historical data (via OPC HDA) for future analysis. KEPServerEX can also store information in any ODBC-compliant database using the DataLogger advanced plug-in, which has a store-and-forward capability for when a database is unreachable or unable to process the information fast enough.


KEPServerEX supports the broadest range of drivers available, including current and legacy devices across various verticals, a variety of wired and wireless network mediums, and connectivity to databases, custom software applications, and other OPC servers.

Driver-Based Access

KEPServerEX offers the broadest range of drivers available, supporting devices across various verticals within industrial automation. While most drivers act as masters that initiate requests, there are many drivers that can emulate a device where communications are driven by a controller. KEPServerEX drivers also support a variety of wired and wireless network mediums for Ethernet, serial, and proprietary networks. Although most drivers connect directly with hardware devices, some are designed to connect with other applications—such as databases, custom software applications, or other OPC servers.

Telemetry Environments

Industrial automation equipment can be deployed in a dry and heated factory, but it can also be installed inside a vehicle, on a remote pipeline, or in a well or pump station. In these remote environments, there are often a variety of telemetry solutions in use like cellular, radio, or satellite modems. KEPServerEX supports these telemetry configurations and provides additional ways to optimize communications through virtual networks, timing parameters, device demotion, and by scheduling communications across devices.

Rapid Deployment

As automation networks have grown from ten controllers to thousands of controllers, tools that aid and accelerate deployment are critical to a solution’s success. KEPServerEX provides many tools that speed the deployment of new devices, including Automatic Tag Generation (ATG) and Device Discovery (when supported by the device and communication protocols). Users can also export, manipulate, and import an XML project file to programmatically define the configuration.


As systems are configured, components must be implemented and tested before the entire system becomes available. KEPServerEX allows any data source to be placed into simulation mode prior to deployment. In addition, the Memory Based driver can be configured to create a range of static and dynamic data points. The Advanced Simulator driver can leverage a database and its contents to drive application-specific simulation data into connected applications.


KEPServerEX includes a variety of tools that control user access to the server, data source, or data values, regulate read/write access, provide the ability to connect or disconnect client applications, and support the configuration of secure data tunnels.


Access to the KEPServerEX configuration can be restricted through the User Manager. This tool allows the administrator to define user groups and users with restricted access to certain project configuration tasks, and provides the ability to disconnect client applications. KEPServerEX encourages users to set an Administrator Password during installation to strengthen security to application-level settings, preventing non-administrator users from:

Stopping the Runtime service

Accessing any of the Administration Settings that configure the KEPServerEX application

Viewing the OPC UA Configuration to create or configure endpoints or accept client or server certificates

Running the License Utility and making changes

KEPServerEX also offers the ability to encrypt .opf project files—which often contain proprietary information on an organization’s network and processes—when they are being transferred to other users or other instances of KEPServerEX.


KEPServerEX also offers various features and functionality to control user access to the server, data source, or data values. The Security Policies feature limits access based on OPC UA user credentials while supporting default handling for anonymous users (both OPC UA and other client interfaces). The ability to dynamically address information can be disabled, limiting user access to tags defined within the project. KEPServerEX supports a number of secure client standards including SNMP (v3 security), OPC UA, and OPC DA (DCOM security) to further restrict access to the server, as well as a number of secure device protocols to meet the requirements of DNP3, SNMP, and OPC UA data sources. Secure data tunnels can be configured by leveraging multiple KEPServerEX instances at remote endpoints to pass data through firewalls and meet authentication and encryption requirements across the Internet.

Access to the KEPServerEX configuration can be restricted through the User Manager. This tool allows the administrator to define user groups and users with restricted access to certain project configuration tasks, and provides the ability to disconnect client applications. KEPServerEX encourages users to set an Administrator Password during installation to strengthen security to application-level settings, preventing non-administrator users from:

Stopping the Runtime service

Accessing any of the Administration Settings that configure the KEPServerEX application

Viewing the OPC UA Configuration to create or configure endpoints or accept client or server certificates

Running the License Utility and making changes

KEPServerEX also offers the ability to encrypt .opf project files—which often contain proprietary information on an organization’s network and processes—when they are being transferred to other users or other instances of KEPServerEX.


KEPServerEX isolates device and application communications for troubleshooting, offering OPC diagnostics for real-time and historical views of OPC events. KEPServerEX also supports communications diagnostics to capture the protocol frames transferred between the server and any device.

OPC Diagnostics

OPC Diagnostics provide a real-time and historical view of OPC events between any OPC client and the server, including method calls made by the client or callbacks made by the server. The ability to view actual communications and responses is invaluable when troubleshooting client accessibility. The diagnostics tools within KEPServerEX greatly speed deployment and reduce downtime.

Communication Diagostics

Communication Diagnostics provide real-time capturing of the protocol frames transferred between the server and any device, as well as indications on the driver’s performance. All read and write operations can be viewed or tracked directly in an OPC client application using built-in diagnostics tags. This is useful when modifying key communication parameter settings (such as baud rate, parity, or Device IDs), because corrections are immediately visible.

Third-Party Diagnostics Integration

Diagnostics information can be viewed within KEPServerEX and by third-party applications. Diagnostics information is provided through system-defined tags and accessible to the same clients connecting to the data sources. KEPServerEX logs event information, which is accessible within the configuration tool or to any application that supports the OPC Alarms and Events specification.


Subscription Licensing

Kepware offers Subscription Licensing, a flexible way to access and implement Kepware software solutions by paying for only what you need, when you need it. Other benefits to subscription licensing are as follows:

Lower costs and predictable budgeting, typically resulting in an easier purchase approval process

Enrollment into our Support and Maintenance Program, which includes software updates and upgrades, technical support for an unlimited number of support requests, and license recovery in the event of machine failure or destruction

Flexibility to scale license usage up or down as business needs change

For information regarding auto-renewal policies and term options, please contact FOXON office. Subscription licensing is not available through online orders. If you are interested in our subscription offering please contact FOXON Sales directly.

Perpetual Licensing

Kepware also offers a perpetual model, where customers pay a one-time product list price at purchase. Purchasing a year-one Support & Maintenance Agreement is mandatory to protect customers’ investment and increase their software’s sustainability. Perpetual licensing is available through phone and online orders.

Notice valid for all licenses

All types of licenses are intended for use on one computer at a one time.

Kepware OPC Server

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