Kick Down The Ladder | Kicking Away The Ladder (Part 1) 상위 179개 답변

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d여기에서 Kicking Away The Ladder (Part 1) – kick down the ladder 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

In 1841, Friedrich List, the leading German economist of the mid 19th century, argued that it was in the nature of more developed countries to kick away the ladder with which they climbed to the top and so deny poorer countries the chance to develop. He wrote: \”It is a very common clever device that when anyone has attained the summit of greatness, he kicks away the ladder by which he has climbed up, in order to deprive others of the means of climbing up after him.\” In this video, and subsequent installments of the series, we shall examine how the elites \”kick away the ladder\” from the rest of us. In this video, we start with economics.
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kick down the ladder 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

“Kick down the ladder” nghĩa là gì? – Journey in Life

“Kick (someone or something) down the ladder” = Đá ai/cái gì rớt xuống bậc thang, qua cầu rút ván -> Chối bỏ, loại trừ ai/cái gì đã giúp …

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Date Published: 8/22/2021

View: 7234

Kick Down The Ladder explanation, meaning, origin

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the iom/phrase “kick down the ladder”, English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Tiếng Anh ).

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Date Published: 1/13/2022

View: 1588

To kick down ladder –

To kick down ladder là gì: Thành Ngữ:, to kick down ladder, từ bỏ những người bạn đã giúp mình nên địa vị; từ bỏ nghề nghiệp đã giúp mình có địa vị.

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Date Published: 3/8/2021

View: 331

Kicking down the ladder – The Grammarphobia Blog

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “kick down the ladder” as “sa of persons who repudiate or ignore the friendships or associations by …

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Date Published: 6/18/2021

View: 8282


synonyms for kick down the ladder · burn one’s boats · go for broke · nail one’s colors to the mast.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 6/3/2022

View: 6282

kick someone down the ladder Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

As soon as Harris became manager of the company he kicked down the ladder and turned his back on his former friends.哈里斯一当上经理就翻脸不认人,不理睬 …

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Date Published: 10/2/2021

View: 9145

Kick away the ladder meaning – Idioms –

Meaning: If someone kicks away the ladder, they remove something that was supporting or helping someone.

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Date Published: 2/12/2022

View: 3824

kick down the ladder Idiom, Proverb, slang phrases

Dictionary of similar words, Different wording, Synonyms, Idioms for Idiom, Proverb kick down the ladder.

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Date Published: 2/1/2022

View: 804

주제와 관련된 이미지 kick down the ladder

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Kicking Away The Ladder (Part 1). 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Kicking Away The Ladder (Part 1)
Kicking Away The Ladder (Part 1)

주제에 대한 기사 평가 kick down the ladder

  • Author: The New American Video
  • Views: 조회수 2,618회
  • Likes: 좋아요 268개
  • Date Published: 2021. 6. 8.
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“Kick down the ladder” nghĩa là gì?

Sorry ông bạn, tôi bay trước đây. Photo by Jakob Owens

“Kick (someone or something) down the ladder” = Đá ai/cái gì rớt xuống bậc thang, qua cầu rút ván -> Chối bỏ, loại trừ ai/cái gì đã giúp mình lên được một vị trí/thành công nào đó với mục đích ngăn họ có thành công như mình.

Ví dụ

Another moral risk for investors is the so-called kick-down-the-ladder issue. Entrepreneurs (người khởi nghiệp) forget others when they achieve wealth and fame.

Violet will build a psionic handhold that Mr. Incredible can throw characters up to! Toss someone, and watch out for the Omnidroid blades as you cross the narrow bridge. Kick down the ladder on the other side, and Mr. Incredible can knock down the wall. We’re almost to the goal now!

Other elites (đội quân tinh nhuệ, tầng lớp ưu tú) actively kick down the ladder on which they ascended. All trust Griffith to stem the rising tide. But inequality (bất bình đẳng) sets in motion forces—often of a destructive nature—that ultimately destroys much: lives and huge amounts of wealth as happened in the 1990 aftermath.

“If it wasn’t free I couldn’t have gone to the University of the West Indies. It is painful to see those government ministers who have benefitted from that to now not kick down the ladder but haul up the ladder,” Holder said. “I have a young lady in my constituency (khu vực bầu cử) who had to drop out after doing two years of an accounting programme. This is why the first thing on our agenda is for the state to reinstitute the state paying for university education. It is a priority and it will be done by the BLP under Mia Mottley.”

Bin Kuan

Kick Down The Ladder explanation, meaning, origin

Loại trừ hoặc kéo ai đó hoặc điều gì đó xuống vị trí hoặc địa vị thấp hơn để ngăn họ có được thành công như bạn, đặc biệt là người đã giúp bạn

After becoming the Deputy Director, he has kicked his old friends down the ladder. – Sau khi trở thành Phó Giám đốc, anh ấy đã trở mặt với những người bạn cũ của mình.

Many guys forget others right after obtaining wealth and reputation, they easily kick their advocates down the ladder. – Nhiều chàng trai lãng quên người khác ngay sau khi có được sự giàu có và danh tiếng, họ dễ dàng qua cầu rút ván những người đã ủng hộ mình.

Although I have instructed him in writing scientific research, he kicked me down the ladder by ignoring my begging. – Mặc dù tôi đã hướng dẫn anh ấy viết bài nghiên cứu khoa học, nhưng anh ấy đã qua cầu rút ván, phớt lờ lời van xin giúp đỡ của tôi.

To kick down ladder là gì, Nghĩa của từ To kick down ladder | Từ điển Anh – Việt

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The Grammarphobia Blog: Kicking down the ladder

Q: In reading my mother’s 1931 diary, I’ve noticed the expression “kicking over the lighter,” as in “The boys tried kicking over the lighter.” I can’t believe it should be taken literally. Any thoughts?

A: We aren’t familiar with “kicking over the lighter,” and we haven’t found the expression in slang and etymological dictionaries or in book and newspaper databases.

Perhaps your mother was thinking of “kicking over the ladder,” and either misheard the expression or misspelled it.

In that expression, and the more common “kicking down the ladder,” the word “ladder” is being used figuratively for the means by which one gets ahead in life.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “kick down the ladder” as “said of persons who repudiate or ignore the friendships or associations by means of which they have risen in the world.”

The earliest OED example for the figurative use of “ladder” as a means to get ahead is from the Lambeth Homilies (circa 1175): “Ðis is sunfulla monna leddre” (“This is the ladder of sinful men”).

The dictionary’s first citation for the expression “kick down the ladder” is from a July 18, 1794, letter by Horatio Nelson (Vice Admiral Lord Nelson) to Samuel Hood (Admiral Lord Hood):

“Duncan is, I think, a little altered; there is nothing like kicking down the ladder a man rises by.”

The verb “kick” has been used since the 14th century in various expressions of equine origin that figuratively mean to rebel uselessly and painfully.

The earliest example in the OED is from a religious tract written around 1380 by the English theologian John Wycliffe:

“It is hard to kyke aȝen þe spore” (“It is hard to kick against the spur”). Oxford also has examples for “kick against the prick” (or “pricks”), and “kick against the goad.”

In addition, the dictionary has citations for the equine expression “kick over the traces” used figuratively to mean throw over the usual restraints.

The first example is from Ravenshoe, an 1861 novel by Henry Kingsley: “I’ll go about with the rogue. He is inclined to kick over the traces, but I’ll whip him in a little.”

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KICK DOWN THE LADDER Synonyms: 3 Synonyms & Antonyms for KICK DOWN THE LADDER

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Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

kick someone down the ladder Thành ngữ, tục ngữ, slang phrases

More Idioms/Phrases

– Từ đồng nghĩa, cách dùng từ tương tự Thành ngữ, tục ngữ kick someone down the ladder

Kick Away The Ladder, Meaning & Definition

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See also:

kick down the ladder Idiom, Proverb, slang phrases

kick down the ladder Idiom, Proverb kick down the ladder said of persons who repudiate or ignore the friendship or associations by means of which they have risen in the world忘恩负义;过河拆桥

As soon as Harris became manager of the company he kicked down the ladder and turned his back on his former friends.哈里斯一当上经理就翻脸不认人,不理睬过去的朋友了。

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