Midori Green Advance Dna Stain | Lab Day – Making Midori Green Advance Gel  Nippon Genetics Europe 답을 믿으세요

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d여기에서 Lab Day – Making MIDORI Green Advance gel  NIPPON Genetics EUROPE – midori green advance dna stain 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Dr. Franke is preparing a MIDORI Green Advance Gel in Nippon Genetics’s Lab in Germany.
© Video from NIPPON Genetics EUROPE

midori green advance dna stain 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

MIDORI Green Advance – BioCat GmbH

MIDORIGreen Advance is a safe alternative to the traditional nucleic ac stain ethium brome. It is a non-carcinogenic and less mutagenic dye for …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: www1.biocat.com

Date Published: 9/10/2022

View: 6328

Midori Green Advance — Safe DNA Stain – Bulldog-Bio

MIDORI Green Advance can stain single- and double-stranded nucleic acs with sensitivity similar to that of ethum brome(EtBr). Like EtBr, Mori Green …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.bulldog-bio.com

Date Published: 1/13/2021

View: 8895

Midori Green Advance – Nucleic acid stain – Geneworks

MIDORI Green Advance is a safe alternative to the traditional nucleic ac stain ethium brome. It is a non-carcinogenic and less mutagenic dye for …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: geneworks.com.au

Date Published: 1/11/2022

View: 9844

MIDORI Green Advance Nucleic Acid Staining Solution … – VWR

Mori Green Advance — Safe DNA Stain, a safe alternative to ethium bromeReady-to-use electrophoresis buffers, gels, and powder stains quickly sort …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: us.vwr.com

Date Published: 2/3/2021

View: 7505


Mori Green Advance Nucleic Ac Staining Solution, NonToxic replacement for EtBr for electrpohoresis gel staning. 1ml. Catalog No. NC0434746.

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: www.fishersci.com

Date Published: 11/10/2022

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Staining RNA with Midori Green Advance

Product Description. The Mori Green Advance is a nucleic ac stain which can be used as a safe alternative to Ethium. Brome.

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Source: www.dutscher.com

Date Published: 7/23/2022

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S6-0022 Midori Green Advance DNA Stain (Sufficient for 20L …

Mori Green Advance DNA Stain (Sufficient for 20L Agarose Gel). Safe stain for visualization of double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA, …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: geneflow.co.uk

Date Published: 6/29/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 midori green advance dna stain

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Lab Day – Making MIDORI Green Advance gel  NIPPON Genetics EUROPE. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Lab Day – Making MIDORI Green Advance gel  NIPPON Genetics EUROPE
Lab Day – Making MIDORI Green Advance gel  NIPPON Genetics EUROPE

주제에 대한 기사 평가 midori green advance dna stain

  • Author: Dominique Dutscher
  • Views: 조회수 210회
  • Likes: 좋아요 1개
  • Date Published: 2020. 9. 9.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9oxRHF4qAw


Safer for you and better for your subcloning

By using safe MIDORI Green dyes and safe Blue/Green LED illumination you can improve your subcloning transformation efficiencies by THREE-FOLD . In the example below, a plasmid vector was double digested with suitable restriction enzymes to create two sticky-ended DNA fragments: the lacZ gene (3,536 bp) and the backbone of the vector (4,318 bp). Equal amounts of digested DNA were electrophoresed on 1% agarose gels. The gels were stained with either ethidium bromide or MIDORI Green Direct gel stain according to the corresponding manuals, and then viewed using either a UV transilluminator or the FastGene Blue/Green LED Illuminator, respectively. The two DNA fragments were excised from the gels and purified using a silica membrane based purification kit. The lacZ gene and the vector backbone were re-ligated using T4 DNA ligase transformed into DH5a cells and plated onto selection plates. The total number of blue and white colonies was counted to evaluate cloning efficiency. Each experiment was conducted in triplicate, and the average cloning efficiency was determined. MIDORI Green Direct resulted in a dramatic increase of positive transformants.

Midori Green Can Boost Your Cloning Results!

Ethidium bromide is typically used in conjunction with a strong UV light source to excise DNA bands for purification prior to the ligation reaction. Short-wavelength light is known to cause thymine dimers and damage DNA. The extent of this damage is not always appreciated. High-energy light wreaks havoc on DNA fragments in mere seconds. As can be seen below, cloning efficiency starts to drop after just a 15 second exposure of DNA in a standard agarose gel. After a 30 second exposure, your cloning experiment is all but dead! In contrast, the cloning efficiency of protocols that use blue LEDs or Nippon Genetics’ super-performing Blue/Green LEDs are completely unaffected by this deleterious effect. If your lab can’t to break itself of its ethidium bromide habit, using a Blue/Green LED Illuminator (or imaging system) should still have an immediate positive impact on DNA integrity and cloning efficiency.

UV Transilluminators Kill Cloning Experiments

MIDORI Green Advance Nucleic Acid Staining Solution, Bulldog-bio


MIDORI Green Advance Nucleic Acid Staining Solution, Bulldog-bio

Stains Electrophoresis Stains

Midori Green Advance — Safe DNA Stain, a safe alternative to ethidium bromide

Compatible with UV transilluminators

Compatible with blue LED illuminators

MIDORI Green Advance can stain single- and double-stranded nucleic acids with sensitivity similar to that of ethidum bromide(EtBr). Like EtBr, Midori Green Advance is added directly to molten agarose during the gel pouring step. This makes it a no-brainer as a drop-in replacement for your lab’s current protocols. Not only can you use your existing UV transilluminator and filter sets — MIDORI Green Advance works best when matched with blue LED-, or in particular, Blue/Green LED-based illuminators and gel documentation systems. These environmentally-friendly light tables are the perfect complement for any MIDORI Green stain, as you can work shield-less and goggle-less when excising bands or imaging migration. And because blue or green light does not cross-link DNA, you never need to worry about damaging DNA during cloning and photographing sessions.

MIDORI Green Advance shows a very high sensitivity even for small DNA fragments. The dilution factor of MIDORI Green Advance can be as high as 1:25000. Hence, 4 μL to 6 μL are enough for a 100 mL agarose gel, resulting in about 17 to 25 liters of stained agarose gels per 1 mL tube of MIDORI Green Advance.


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Midori Green Advance DNA Stain (Sufficient for 20L Agarose Gel)

Midori Green Advance DNA Stain was developed to offer a non carcinogenic and less mutagenic dye for agarose electrophoresis. Besides these positive health benefits, this dye shows a very high sensitivity even for small fragments as well as a superior signal to noise ratio. Midori Green Advance DNA Stain is a safe alternative to using ethidium bromide for staining DNA or RNA in agarose gels. Unlike the carcinogenic ethidium bromide, Midori Green Advance DNA isand. It can also be used with UV light as well as with Blue and Blue/Green LED technologyMidori Green Advance is a second generation non-carcinogenic DNA dye. Excitation of DNA or RNA can be made possible with both with UV light and with Blue / Green LED technology. By using a blue / green LED transilluminator, even better results can be achieved compared to ethidium bromide ().Comparison of the DNA band intensity between Midori Green Advance (left) and ethidium bromide (right) when using a Blue / Green LED transilluminator. Midori Green Advance has a very high sensitivity even for very small DNA fragments. For this reason, it can be used with a very high dilution factor of 1: 25,000. 4-5 µL Midori Green Advance is sufficient to stain 100 mL agarose gel, this corresponds to up to 25 liters of stained agarose with only one ml of Midori Green Advance.Midori Green Advance, like ethidium bromide, delivers very strong DNA signals with a high intensity. In contrast to the carcinogenic and toxic ethidium bromide, Midori Green Advance is not harmful to the user or the environment. Several independent tests have confirmed the safety aspects of Midori Green Advance:

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