North Ward Estes Field | 10 Most Dangerous Bugs In The World 27798 투표 이 답변

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10 Most Dangerous Bugs In The World
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We all know insects suck. They also bite, sting, and kiss! You might think that wild animals are
more dangerous than little bugs but even something as tiny as a fly and mosquito can cause way
more deaths than a vicious beast like a bear! Here we have 10 of the most dangerous bugs in the
world. Watch out for the first one as it will give you chills like never before!
Number 10. Bullet ant
Starting with the biggest ant in the world, the bullet ant is the bug you definitely need to avoid!.
This small incest is capable of bites that can trigger an extreme level of pain in the bitten area.
The sting from a bullet ant is perhaps the most painful insect sting ever known to humans. The
venom-filled sting from a bullet ant would feel like being shot. That’s why this deadly ant is
named bullet ant. They are found in the lowland rainforests of Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Paraguay.
They mainly inhabit the bases of trees. bullet ants are also among the largest ants in the world.
Their sting is almost 30 times more painful than a honeybee sting and they use such intensely
painful sting solely for their defense. When threatened, no matter whether it’s a large animal or a
human, bullet ants will sting repeatedly. Their venom causes intense pain, burning, and swelling.
Typically, the pain of bullet ant sting will last for 24 hours.
Number 9. Botflies
Could there be anything more disgusting than flies developing under your skin and then eating
their way out? The larvae of botflies are internal parasites of mammals. The young female bot
flies lay eggs within the skin of mammals. The larvae penetrate through skin and lives in
subdermal zones of human skin for more than 60 days and it can cause dangerous effects to the
human body. The patients could feel the movement of larvae beneath their skin. Once larvae
development gets complete, it leaves out of the body. If you are vacationing south of the U.S.
border, in Mexico, or down through South America and the rainforests, take precautions and
beware of subtle illness after returning home. It has been reported that a person can hear these
parasites when the infestation is around the neck area. How creepy!
Number 8. Fleas
Fleas are just like people whose opinions differ from yours. In other words, they’re small,
wingless, bloodsucking insects. They can also infect you with the plague. In the 14th century
Europe, the Black Plague killed about 25 million people. A flea’s life is spent searching for a
place to call home, where they can enjoy a meal of sweet warm blood. They are external
parasites that suck blood from humans, birds, reptiles, and wild and domestic animals. Fleas only
have the size of the tip of a pen and reproduce very quickly. Every female flea lay 2000 eggs
within their life span. Of the 3,000 types of fleas worldwide, only about a dozen are considered
harmful to humans, causing plague and/or a flea-borne variety of typhus. The most important
species are the rat flea, the human flea, and the cat flea. The best way to stay from them is by
staying clean and vacuuming your carpets. Keeping a check on your pets if they are itching
themselves is very important too.
Number 7. Fire ant
Yes, ants can kill you, although it’s highly unlikely. They can also inflict extremely painful bites.
One of the most painful bites is from the Fire ants. These little ants build their colonies on the
ground in soil and sand, very close to your feet! If you’re not careful, your feet can be covered
in record time and the biting begins before you ever have a chance to getaway. They attack and
kill small animals. Fire ants only bite to get a grip, then they sting and inject a toxic venom
composed of oil alkaloids mixed with small amounts of toxic proteins. The sting, which feels
like being burned by fire, typically swells into a bump quickly, which can cause further pain and
irritation. Some people either are or become allergic to the venom, sometimes to the point of
anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. Fire ants are very protective of their colonies and so
intruders are given NO mercy, so you better watch where you step!

north ward estes field 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Ward Estes North Oil Field – Texas – Mapcarta

Ward Estes North Oil Field is an oilfield in Texas and has an elevation of 2648 feet. Ward Estes North Oil Field is situated nearby to Wagonwheel Ranch.

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Design of a Major CO 2 Flood—North Ward Estes Field, Ward …

A detailed fieldwe geologic study was conducted to characterize the principal Yates reservoirs which consist of very fine grained sandstones …

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Date Published: 5/25/2022

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Event – Permian Basin – North Ward Estes CO2 Flood

The North Ward Estes Field is one of the giants in West Texas covering 58,000 acres in Ward and Winkler counties with over 1.0 billion barrels …

+ 여기를 클릭


Date Published: 10/8/2021

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Whiting Petroleum Sells Its North Ward Estes Asset For $300 …

The North Ward Estes field is an enhanced oil recovery project that uses CO2 flooding to increase oil production. Whiting took a massive $1.7 …

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Date Published: 9/15/2021

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Whiting’s Second Quarter Miss Ends With North Ward Estes Sale

However, on July 27, Whiting closed the sale of its North Ward Estes Field and associated assets to a third party for $300 million, before closing costs and …

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An Overview of the North Ward Estes CO2 Flood | SPE

Introduction The North Ward Estes Field, located in Ward and Winkler Counties, TX (Fig. 1), was discovered in 1929. The field is situated on the western …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 north ward estes field

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 10 Most Dangerous Bugs In The World. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

10 Most Dangerous Bugs In The World
10 Most Dangerous Bugs In The World

주제에 대한 기사 평가 north ward estes field

  • Author: 50M Videos
  • Views: 조회수 5,595,838회
  • Likes: 좋아요 398,681개
  • Date Published: 2020. 12. 10.
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Four Corners Petroleum


FCP’s operations are focused in the Central Basin Platform of the Permian Basin in Ward and Winkler Counties, Texas.

North Ward Estes:

• The mature North Ward Estes Field has been producing since 1929 and spans over a 100 square mile area.

• Approximately 64,000 contiguous acres in Ward and Winkler Counties.

• Utilizing modern technology with secondary recovery techniques to maximize reserve recovery.

• Owned and operated CO2 plant for enhanced oil recovery.

• Large contiguous surface acreage position consisting of approximately 9,026 acres.

Ward Estes North Oil Field

Ward Estes North Oil Field is an oilfield inand has an elevation of 807 metres. Ward Estes North Oil Field is situated nearby to

is a town in, United States. The population was 498 at the 2010 census. Wickett is situated 3 km northwest of Ward Estes North Oil Field.

The Integration of Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics and Petroleum Engineering in Reservoir Delineation, Description and Management

Bima Field, offshore northwest Java, is a sizeable reservoir containing reserves of approximately 700 MM bbls OOIP with a 50 BCF gas cap. At present only the northern 1/3 of the field is developed, with 7 platforms and 54 producing wells, of which 20 are horizontal. The field has multiple drive mechanisms and high viscosity oil (21 cp), resulting in rapid GOR and water-cut increase after 3 years of production. The high stakes (both reserves and facility investments) and the reservoir’s complexities, make an effective reservoir management scheme critical. For this reason an integrated geological, geophysical and engineering description was carried out to provide a 3-D Reservoir Simulation Model to evaluate development options. Geologically, the Oligo-Miocene age Batu Raja Limestone was deposited on the Seribu Platform, a basement-controlled, fault- bounded structure. The Upper Batu Raja carbonate build-up is thickest on the structurally highest parts of the platform where the rock comprises a series of “cleaning upwards” cycles (muddy deposits overlain by progressively more grain-rich sediments). A Lower Miocene drop in sea-level caused subaerial exposure of much of the platform and leaching by meteoric fluids. This diagenetic event resulted in contrasts in the reservoir quality (porosity, permeability, fluid saturations) at various intervals of the Upper Batu Raja. Based on these dissimilarities, the reservoir was zoned into 6 model layers. Once zonation was established, well logs could be calibrated to whole and sidewall core. A dense grid of seismic data were used to map the Batu Raja structure. From these data, color seismic inversion sections were produced and calibrated to the well logs. The calibrated seismic data were then used to map the top of structure, the carbonate build-up’s edges, the total thickness of the Upper Batu Raja (needed to control aquifer size in the model) and the thickness of the main pay zone (layers 1-3). Engineering reservoir description began with a detailed compilation of capillary pressure, relative permeability, production and DST data. The 3-D simulation model required special treatments, including varying the GOC depths to honor separate gas cap closures; making permeability pressure dependent in poorly-consolidated zones; and setting up horizontal well completion treatments. Results suggest that water injection into the oil rim and gas cap is an effective approach toward maximizing recoveries and minimizing gas cap resaturation. However, waterflood reserves are sensitive to injection timing. The synergistic approach of geological, engineering and geophysical input into the Bima reservoir study has had impact by delivering a reservoir management tool that can evaluate future development expansion and possible gas sales. The simulation model can also track fluid migration during the field’s producing life. The geological/geophysical model led to an enhanced understanding of Batu Raja depositional and diagenetic processes that has potential in regional exploration strategies.

North Ward Estes CO2 Flood

Whiting Oil and Gas began injection of CO 2 into the first phase of the North Ward Estes field CO 2 project in May of this year. Full implementation of the project is expected to take over 5 years and will eventually include over 16,000 acres.

The North Ward Estes Field is one of the giants in West Texas covering 58,000 acres in Ward and Winkler counties with over 1.0 billion barrels of oil in-place. The field was discovered in 1929 by Gulf Oil. Since discovery, over 3,000 wells have been added. A successful waterflood was implemented in 1955.

The current CO 2 project is the second tertiary recovery effort implemented at the North Ward Estes field. The first CO 2 flooding project was initiated in 1989 and covered over 3,800 acres. The results of the project were mixed and the flood was terminated in 1998.

The current project is being implemented with state-of-the-art operating practices and facilities and it is hoped that recovery from the project can be improved over the original CO 2 flood.

Whiting Petroleum Sells Its North Ward Estes Asset For $300 Million To $400 Million (NASDAQ:CHRD)

Whiting Petroleum (WLL) announced the sale of its North Ward Estes field assets for $300 million (with up to another $100 million contingent on future oil prices). The North Ward Estes field is an enhanced oil recovery project that uses CO2 flooding to increase oil production. Whiting took a massive $1.7 billion writedown in Q3 2015, mainly attributed to the North Ward Estes field as Whiting stopped expansion plans and it has a large amount of proved undeveloped reserves.

Production Levels

The North Ward Estes field has higher oil production than Whiting’s average production. Its 2015 production was approximately 88% oil compared to Whiting’s 79% average. However, as the North Ward Estes field represents a relatively modest percentage of Whiting’s production, its sale should not impact Whiting’s oil production percentage by that much (less than one percent). The North Ward Estes field have approximately 8.6 MBOE in net daily production, around 6.4% of Whiting’s June 2016 production.


Whiting’s Permian Basin assets (the North Ward Estes field) had a PV-10 of $329 million at the end of 2015 using SEC pricing. By that measure, the $300 million initial price seems fairly low. However, Whiting gets an additional $100,000 for every $0.01 (or $10 million per $1) that the NYMEX WTI oil futures contract average prices for August 2018 to July 2021 is above $50 on June 28, 2018. This is capped at $100 million, which would be reached with a $60 average price. Based on current futures prices, Whiting would receive an extra $26 million. A spot price in the mid to high $50s in June 2018 is probably required for Whiting to receive the full $100 million contingency payment. If Whiting received the full contingency payment, the sale price would be equal to 1.22x PV-10 (based on 2015 SEC pricing). If Whiting gets the full contingency payment, then the total sale price to Whiting would be pretty reasonable (although, $60+ oil futures prices from 2018 to 2021 would mean that the North Ward Estes field would have greater value too). The value of the North Ward Estes field has gone down significantly from last year. JPMorgan estimated that it was worth $524 million in March 2015, although that was a time when oil prices were generally expected to recover more quickly and strongly than is predicted now.

Other Benefits

Despite the relatively middling price that Whiting received for the North Ward Estes field, the deal does have some other advantages to Whiting. The North Ward Estes field was going to languish in a $50 oil environment as Whiting wasn’t going to spend more than its minimal contractual obligations on it. On its Q3 2015 conference call, Whiting mentioned that it had stopped expanding the flood (at five phases out of eight) and wasn’t putting CapEx into further expansion of the flood. The North Ward Estes field was in harvest mode where Whiting attempted to maximize cash flow and was only putting in the minimum CO2 that it was obligated to purchase under its take or pay agreement. This helped reduce the LOE at the North Ward Estes field, but when the field isn’t in harvest mode, it would have a significantly higher LOE than Whiting’s average.

Whiting estimated that it would take $736 million to fully develop the North Ward Estes field reserves, which is 13% of its estimated future development costs related to proved undeveloped reserves. The North Ward Estes field accounts for approximately 11% of Whiting’s proved undeveloped reserves.


Whiting sold its North Ward Estes field for $300 million plus a potential $100 million more in contingency payments. At $300 million, the price for that asset appears relatively mediocre, but if Whiting gets the full contingency payment, the $400 million received would appear pretty decent.

Selling the North Ward Estes field does make sense for Whiting, though, since it is not economical for Whiting to do anything more than harvest it at $50 oil. There is a significant amount of reserves in the North Ward Estes field, but it would require a high amount of capital expenditures to unlock those reserves, while the LOE would increase if it is taken out of harvest mode. As Whiting is not in a position where it should be increasing its debt, it is unlikely that it would further develop the North Ward Estes field without a major increase in oil prices. At least with its other assets (Redtail Niobrara and Bakken), Whiting can continue development via joint ventures at current oil prices and then scale back the joint ventures and focus on developing those asset on its own as oil prices approach $60.

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Whiting’s Second Quarter Miss Ends With North Ward Estes Sale

Whiting Petroleum Corp. (NYSE: WLL) bumped through a ragged second quarter with production missing expectations, but the company closed on a bright spot afterward with the sale of the North Ward Estes Field in Ward and Winkler counties, Texas.

Whiting stayed on budget with a capex of $79.4 million, a 70% improvement from the first quarter. However, production totaled 12.2 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe), an average of 134,245 boe/d.

Daniel P. Katzenberg, senior analyst at Baird Equity Research, said the production missed his expectations by 5% and Wall Street’s by 8%.

However, on July 27, Whiting closed the sale of its North Ward Estes Field and associated assets to a third party for $300 million, before closing costs and adjustments. The deal includes a $100 million contingency payoff. The price equates to a net cash price of $34,900 per boe/d. Whiting used the net proceeds from the sale to repay a portion of the debt outstanding under its credit agreement.

The transaction allows Whiting “to reduce our leverage and thereby strengthen our balance sheet while maintaining our strategic focus on our core properties located in the Williston Basin in North Dakota and Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado,” said James J. Volker, Whiting’s chairman, CEO and president.

In October, Volker seemed reluctant to sell the asset, saying, “I have liked that particular property for a long period of time.”

Katzenberg said the sale of the North Ward Estes was a welcome development, and that the $100 million kicker will continue to pay Whiting should the price reach $50/bbl in June 2018.

Whiting said the properties being sold produce about 8.6 Mboe/d, or 6.4% of the company’s June production.

While the transaction might not seem to make a dent in Whiting’s valuation on a flowing barrel basis, “North Ward is a high-cost EOR asset with weak margins in the commodity environment and investors will be pleased with the forward progress on asset sales,” said Kashy Harrison, an analyst at Piper Jaffray & Co.

The $100 million potential oil price payment will be made at the option of the buyer, either in cash on July 31, 2018, or in the form of a secured promissory note accruing interest at 8% per annum with a maturity of July 29, 2022.

The effective date of the sale is July 1. Whiting will operate the properties under a transition services agreement for three months after the closing date.

Whiting also said that in late June, it restarted operations in the Williston Basin in connection with a 44-well participation agreement announced in the first quarter.

Whiting’s Williston Basin enhanced completions are tracking at a 900 Mboe type curve. The company said it will add 16 completions in the second half of 2016. Plans to reduce its DUC inventory will increase the company’s fiscal year 2016 capex by $50 million.

Darren Barbee can be reached at [email protected].

An Overview of the North Ward Estes CO2 Flood

Abstract A CO2 pattern flood was initiated in a west Texas (Permian Basin), sandstone reservoir as a tertiary recovery process in 1989. This paper is an overview of the development and management of the North Ward Estes CO2 Flood. The primary objective of managing the CO2 flood has been to maximize oil recovery for maximum profitability. This has been accomplished by maintaining a consistent water-alternating-gas (WAG) process, optimizing CO2 utilization, and maintaining a proper balance between patterns. Reservoir modeling, which is emphasized in this paper, has also been critical in the development and management of this flood. Introduction The North Ward Estes Field, located in Ward and Winkler Counties, TX (Fig. 1), was discovered in 1929. The field is situated on the western flank of the Central Basin Platform, approximately 60 miles southwest of Midland, TX. The net productive area of the field is approximately 39,000 acres, and the original oil in place (OOIP) was approximately 1.1 billion bbl. Cumulative oil production is approximately 338 million bbl (30.7% OOIP). Production is from the Yates and Queen Formations. The Yates, which is the dominant producing formation, is composed of up to nine major reservoirs. The individual reservoirs are very fine-grained sandstones to siltstones separated by very dense dolomite beds. The average depth of the Yates is 2,600 ft. The field was initially developed on 20-acre spacing except for the most productive areas. These areas were developed on 10-acre spacing. In 1954 a pilot waterflood was initiated in the southern area of the field. Due to the favorable response of the pilot, approximately 26,000 acres were being waterflooded by 1965. The initial pattern configurations consisted of 40-acre five-spots in areas developed on 20-acre spacing and incomplete nine-spots in areas developed on 10-acre spacing. Additional improved recovery projects have been conducted since 1975. These included in-situ combustion and caustic flood pilots, polymer-injection profile modification, pattern realignments, and infill drilling. Of these projects, drilling infill wells, pattern realignments, and increased water injection were the most economically successful processes. In early 1989 a CO2 pattern flood was initiated in six sections of the Hutchings Stock Association Lease, located in the southern area of the field (Fig. 1). The project area consists of approximately 3,840 acres and is limited to the Yates Formation. Rock and fluid properties of the Yates Formation are shown in Table 1. After six years of CO2 injection, many of the patterns have been switched to chase water, and recycled CO2 is being injected into most of the remaining patterns. This paper describes the development and management of the North Ward Estes CO2 Flood. Geological Description The North Ward Estes Field is associated with an anticlinorium, approximately 18 miles long by 4 miles wide, on the western flank of the Central Basin Platform. Production is from the Yates and Queen Formations. However, the Yates is the primary productive formation within the field. Average reservoir properties of the Yates Formation within the CO2 project area are described in Table 2. The Yates Formation is composed of up to nine major reservoirs (A, B, C, D, E, F, Stray, J1, J2, and J3). The individual reservoirs of the Yates are very fine-grained sandstones to siltstones separated by dense dolomite beds. The general depositional environment was that of a tidal flat to lagoonal setting situated to the east of and behind the shelf margin. P. 293

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