Pe Op S Soft Driver | Config Epsxe With Video Pluging P E Op S Soft Driver 1 18 34 개의 정답

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How Config ePSXe 1.9.25 with Video Pluging P.E.Op S Soft Driver 1.18 for online play
Cómo configurar ePSXe 1.9.25 con Video Pluging P.E.Op S Soft Driver 1.18 para jugar en línea
Emulator Download Link / Enlace de descarga al emulador

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Browse /peopssoftgpu/P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU 1.18 … – SourceForge

The Psx Emulation Open Source project (P.E.Op.S.) contains several open source libraries (plugins) for freeware MSWindows and Linux psx/ps2 emulators.

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Date Published: 3/4/2022

View: 1158

P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver Refresh | Next Generation Emulation

banding on original peops??..dunno.. I’ll have to DL it and check…it COULD be an epsxe thing, but the internal software plugin doesn’t …

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Date Published: 2/30/2021

View: 3021

[Plugin PSX] P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver Refresh v1.18 – Emu-France

[Plugin PSX] P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver Refresh v1.18. Posté le 23/12/2017 à 07:48 par Jets. Un plugin modifié par Jonnyleffe qui ajoute un ensemble consérable …

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Date Published: 7/8/2021

View: 2315


Free download page for Project P.E.Op.S.’s … several open source libraries (plugins) for freeware MSWindows and Linux psx/ps2 emulators.

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Date Published: 8/5/2021

View: 4508

P.E.Op.S Soft GPU | The Emulation64 Network

Download the latest version of P.E.Op.S Soft GPU (1.17). P.E.Op.S. Open Source Soft driver for freeware PSX emus/ZN emus. The P.E.Op.S. soft gpu plugin is …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 1/8/2022

View: 7110

Pete’s PSX GPU plugins

P.E.Op.S./Pete’s MesaGL Linux PSX GPU. V 1.78. April 01, 2009. Linux Emu plugin (Mesa/GL). P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU (Windows). V 1.18b. May 25, 2008.

+ 여기에 더 보기


Date Published: 5/15/2021

View: 8484

P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver Refresh (ePSXe Plugin) : r/emulation

hi johnny i like people giving love to old plugin like peops soft gpu but, but your addition to that plugin is insignificant because other …

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Date Published: 1/8/2021

View: 600

주제와 관련된 이미지 pe op s soft driver

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Config ePSXe with Video Pluging P E Op S Soft Driver 1 18. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Config ePSXe with Video Pluging P E Op S Soft Driver 1 18
Config ePSXe with Video Pluging P E Op S Soft Driver 1 18

주제에 대한 기사 평가 pe op s soft driver

  • Author: El Matón
  • Views: 조회수 654회
  • Likes: 좋아요 11개
  • Date Published: 2020. 8. 2.
  • Video Url link:

Browse /peopssoftgpu/P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU 1.18 at

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[Plugin PSX] P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver Refresh v1.18

Un plugin modifié par Jonnyleffe qui ajoute un ensemble considérable d’améliorations.

Interface changes:

– Cleaned up the resolution combobox

– You can now force 16/15 bits for the backbuffer (use this if you are on windows 8+ and you need more speed)

– Added proper aspect ratio handling

You need to set your monitor aspect ratio and the wanted aspect ratio (default is 16/9 and 4.2/3)

Note: this will work if the fullscreen resolution you choose fill the entire monitor

Example: monitor is 16/9, max res is 1280×720, you set 640×480 (and this fill the entire monitor) -> aspect ratio will work

Example: monitor is 16/9, max res is 1280×720, you set 640×480 (and this gets rendered in 4/3) -> aspect ratio will NOT work

It really depends on gfx card configuration/options for sub-resolutions, but you shuold be able to fix special cases if you play with numbers.

Window mode is always stretched now

– Added overscan top/bottom (pixels removed from the current internal psx resolution)

– Added 6xBRZ

– Removed 1:1 mode, it is silly to mantain imho 🙂

– Removed the transparent menu option -> replaced it with an option to ignore frame limit callbacks (epsxe turn off the plugin FL on startup and every time you press F4)

This can be useful if you want to use the plugin FL/FS, add F4 in the keys to send at startup and the job is done

(the internal audio plugin don’t like this btw, use another plugin if you want to do that)

– Changed some defaults in « Key configuration »

– The gpu infos function (INSERT key default) now show additional debug infos (the internal psx resolution can be useful for users)

– You can now send up to 7 keys to the emulator at startup (for example in epsxe F5 enable analog, F5-F6-F5 enable 2x analog, F4 remove fps limit)

epsxe sometimes ignore keys, try to play with the delay in this case

– Removed the debug option and replaced the F12 function with « cycle aspect ratio modes »

– Removed the scanlines options (they were bugged on my system(s)).

– Replaced fast/nice presets with a reset option

– Removed the copy to clipboard button (it was not mantained/complete anyway)

Internal changes/fixes:

– New registry key for options: « Software\Vision Thing\PSEmu Pro\GPU\PeteSoftMOD2 »

So you can keep other versions without messing up the configuration

(MOD2 was the internal name before release, the code is also full of MOD2!!! comments :p)

– Refactored the blitting code (blitters15.h, blitters16.h, blitters32.h, screenModes.h, *getBlit(), *getResize() needs to be aligned if you want to add new resize modes)

– Menu, gun cursor, messages from the emulators are now blitted in the backbuffer (the old way was slow when i started rising the backbuffer resolution for 3x+ modes)

A nice(?) side effect is that all those stuff gets resized in the blitting pipeline

– Fixed all nonworking resize modes (expecially 3x modes were repeatedly abused 🙂 )

Note: xBRZ works in 32 bit only (15/16 bit -> fallback to 1x)

– Removed the 512 width limit for resize modes (« iS » and other few 640xXXX games are now resized correctly)

(the limit can be changed via #define in the code – i was tempted to make the maximum width an option, so we can save video memory per game – but i feel it is not necessary)

– Removed an unneeded blit when using xBRZ (the last one) and reduced memory allocations in this mode

(i’m able to remove the 16->32 bit conversion too, but the code seems faster in this way… maybe something related to the cache?)

– FPS are shown in the window title now

– Fixed the DPI bugs in both window/fullscreen modes

– Fixed bad exit when you close from « x » or with alt+f4 (i send a virtual « esc » key for this – a bit hacky)

– Fixed alt-enter toggle (there should be no more slowdowns)

It seems that if you esc and after continue from epsxe, i’m no more able to obtain DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN mode

This works correctly in epsxe 1.5.2, so i guess is something related to recent versions of epsxe

– Fixed bugs when you lose focus/alt-tab from fullscreen mode (i automatically switch in windows mode in this case)

Télécharger P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver Refresh (552,1 Ko)

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P.E.Op.S Soft GPU

Project: P.E.Op.S Soft GPU

Developers: P.E.Op.S Development Team

Official Site: Click Here

Source: Open

Status: Active


P.E.Op.S. Open Source Soft driver for freeware PSX emus/ZN emus. The P.E.Op.S. soft gpu plugin is based on Pete’s soft gpus for Windows and Linux.


Any 2 MB video card which can handle DirectDraw with 16 bit color depth should work fine… only 16 and 32 bit color depths are supported, if you are using a 24 bit desktop, switch to a fullscreen mode because in Window mode you will get funny colors.

Note: some (older) gfx cards can’t handle the 16 bit mode properly (screwed display), you have to use the 32 bit mode if that’s happening.

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P.E.Op.S Soft GPU 1.17 (Windows 32-bit)

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1. P.E.Op.S Soft GPU 1.17 (Windows 32-bit) 227.07 KB 15349 2005-06-12 2. P.E.Op.S Soft GPU X 1.17 (Linux 32-bit) 216.85 KB 3965 2005-06-12

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Pete’s PSX GPU plugins

Pete’s OpenGL2 PSX GPU

* This is an hw/accel psx und ZiNc gpu plugin for modern systems! You will need a good gfx card supporting the latest OpenGL extensions to use it. nVidia/ATI cards with at least 64 MB (ZiNc: 128 MB) vram are recommended!

Pete’s OpenGL2 PSX GPU Version 2.9 (172 KByte Zip-File)

– visual rumble feature (epsxe 1.7.0), special game fix ‘fake gpu busy’, adjusted fps limit, wide screen option

Pete’s XGL2 Linux PSX GPU

* This is the Linux port of the OpenGL2 plugin. It needs a modern card and up-to-date Linux drivers (requires FBOs or pbuffers, ATI’s “render-to-texture” ability is also supported)!

Pete’s XGL2 Linux PSX GPU Version 2.9 (170 KByte TAR.GZ-File)

– same features and fixes as the Windows OGL2 version

Pete’s pixel shader files for the OGL2/XGL2 plugins

* It’s possible in the OGL2/XGL2 plugins to use custom pixel shader programs to add certain functionality or display enhancements! It will depend on your gfx hardware/driver, if a specific shader can be used, though… some will need for example GLslang support or more than four texture coord units.

Pete’s “Broken glass” shader (6 KByte Zip-File)

– GLslang program to show how textures can be used in custom GLslang shaders

Pete’s “Multitexture demo” shader (21 KByte Zip-File)

– vertex/fragment program to show how textures can be used in custom shaders

Pete’s “Gray” shader (1 KByte Zip-File)

– vertex/fragment program to create a ‘Black&White’ alike display

Pete’s “Simple Blur” shader (2 KByte Zip-File)

– vertex/fragment program to do a fullscreen blurring

Pete’s “Brightness” shader (2 KByte Zip-File)

– GLslang program to get a brighter display

Pete’s “Rotation” shader (2 KByte Zip-File)

– GLslang program to rotate the screen in 90° steps

Pete’s “Scale2x” shader (3 KByte Zip-File)

– GLslang program to apply the Scale2x algorithm for enhancing the display

Renee Cousins’ “Pseudo Median” shader (2 KByte Zip-File)

– vertex/fragment program from Renee Cousins to improve the display of the OGL2/XGL2 plugins

Renee Cousins’ “Pseudo Median + Luminance” shader (2 KByte Zip-File)

– vertex/fragment program from Renee Cousins to make the display of the OGL2/XGL2 plugins more vibrant

Luigi’s “Blur AA” shader (2 KByte Zip-File) * updated November 07, 2004

– vertex/fragment program from Luigi for a fullscreen smoothing effect

guest(r)’s shader collection (124 KByte Zip-File) * added June 06, 2006

– a very nice shader collection, including cartoon shaders and high-quality filters

And a lotta more very good shaders from ShadX and guest(r) can be found in my messageboards, in the OGL2 Shader section:

Pete’s Messageboard

Pete’s Windows OGL/D3D PSX GPUs

* All of my standard hw/accel. gpu plugins (OpenGL, D3D DX7 and D3D DX6) are available in one zip archive. Please note that the OpenGL plugin is now available as Open Source (see below).

Pete’s PSX GPUs Version 1.77 (525 KByte Zip-File)

– visual rumble feature (epsxe 1.7.0), special game fix ‘fake gpu busy’, adjusted fps limit, screen smoothing crash fix (D3D)

P.E.Op.S./Pete’s OpenGL Windows PSX GPU

* Binary files of my Open Source OpenGL PSX GPU for MS Windows.

P.E.Op.S./Pete’s OpenGL Windows GPU Version 1.78 (240 KByte Zip-File)

– VSync option; Open Source release, check out my P.E.Op.S. page for the sources

P.E.Op.S./P ete’s MesaGL Linux PSX GPU

* Ah, yeah 🙂 My Linux hw/accel. GPU port… it will be running fine at least on nVidias xfree4 glx, but all other cards with hw acceleration could also work. The Linux ports of P©SX and ePSXe are supporting this plugin, and I’ve also done a small test application for the plugin. You can get the source code of the test app from my plugin development page.

P.E.Op.S./Pete’s MesaGL Linux GPU Version 1.78 (194 KByte TAR.GZ-File)

– Open Source release, check out my P.E.Op.S. page for the sources

P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU (Windows)

* The Windows PSX soft gpu emulation plugin, using DirectDraw. You can get the Windows binaries here, for the full sources check out the sourceforge page.

P.E.Op.S. Windows Soft GPU Version 1.18b (369 KByte Zip-File)

– Version 1.18b: small update for users who had crashes with V1.18

– Version 1.18: visual rumble feature (epsxe 1.7.0), special game fix ‘fake gpu busy’, adjusted fps limit, added MxC display filters, save state pic fixed (MS Vista)

P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU (Linux)

* The Linux PSX soft gpu emulation plugin, using X/SDL/DGA2 (depending on the main emu plugin interface). You can get the Linux X (ePSXe/PCSX) binary here, for the full sources (including the DGA2 version from linuzappz and the and SDL-FPSE-version from lu_zero ) check out the sourceforge page.

P.E.Op.S. Linux Soft X GPU Version 1.18 (176 KByte TAR.GZ-File)

– Version 1.18: same features and fixes as the Windows version

Linux GPU configs

* If the Linux PSX emulator of your choice is offering a “gpu configuration” menu item or button, and you activate it, the emu is starting a small configuration utility for the selected GPU plugin. In the archive below you can find the configuration tools for the MesaGL plugin, the XGL2 plugin and the Soft GPU plugin. Simply copy the configuration tools in the “cfg” sub-folder of the PSX emu (same folder where you have placed the “.cfg” configuration files).

Linux GPU configs V2.9, V1.77, V1.18 (59 KByte TAR.GZ-File)

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