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An oldie but a goodie, Shane takes on Peter Stokkebye’s Luxury Twist Flake, and just in time for our upcoming sale.
Shane smokes a Bill Shalosky bent Dublin –

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Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Twist Flake – Tobacco Reviews

This tobacco delivers a sweet, bite-free VA smoke with just a hint of fruity, minty freshness. Unlike most other blends it leaves a remarkably pleasant (fresh) …

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Peter Stokkebye - Luxury Twist Flake - Tasting Notes -
Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Twist Flake – Tasting Notes –

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Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Twist Flake

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2009-04-01 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant If there was an award for best looking tobacco, this would surely be a shoe-in. I like holding these flakes in my hand and staring at them. My wife thinks I’m weird too. Anyway, great smoke with a pretty heavy topping that borders on being over the top. It pushes the limits for me on that level, but stops at a very pleasant sweet complexity. The flakes roll up nicely and splay at the end for an excellent burn. They rub out to nice fine ribbons, but I usually prefer the roll and stuff method, which seems to preserve the sweet vanilla notes better. This is best smoked without relights in my opinion as the flavor drops considerably. Update: I have been smoking this tobacco daily and it has become a favorite. I find the sweet aromatic notes to be extremely pleasant while still providing a good tobacco experience in the traditional sense. 62 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note JimInks (2912) 2014-03-18 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable A sweet, fairly aromatic Virginia cavendish that provides some tart and tangy, acidic citrus, hay, grass, mild wood, bread, and earth. It’s fairly creamy with a light fruity, sugary caramel topping that’s a bit on the perfumy side. I sense a dab of coconut and vanilla as well. The toppings moderately sublimate the tobaccos. The strength is in the center of mild to medium, while the taste is a couple of steps past that mark. The nic-hit is a couple of slots past the mild mark. Can get a little warm on the tongue if puffed fast, but won’t bite. An easily broken apart flake that burns fairly cool and very clean at a reasonable rate with a very consistent sweet and floral, perfume flavor that translates to the lingering after taste and room note. Requires a few relights, and leaves very little moisture at the finish. Can be a starter Virginia aromatic for those looking to break away from straight Virginias. Not really an all day smoke due to the perfume essence. -JimInks 57 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note jgwaltney (4) 2013-08-14 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant First off, the tin note is extraordinary. The high notes of vanilla, honey and hay overlap deeper notes of roasted malt and black tea. And this makes for a very sweet and natural scent that I can’t find in any other Virginia flake I’ve had to date. However, this gave me the suspicion that there was a casing of some sort on the tobacco, and it made me nervous to say the least. The presentation of this tobacco is nothing short of mesmerizing. I could stare at a single flake for several minutes and still be impressed. However, it came a little moist (as is par for the course for Stokkebye) but that was an easy fix. I just left it out for 45 minutes, and voila, great moisture for an easy smoke. But on to the important bit, how it smokes. And that is where many smokers disagree. Let me be the first to say that this is not the traditional Virginia, so don’t expect that from this tobacco. It’s obvious that this is a twist on a Navy flake (no pun intended), and has a slight casing (and yes I do mean slight, not foul and overbearing like many reviewers say) of what I detect to be honey, but I may very well be wrong. It’s definitely not a rum casing that is found on traditional Navy flakes. On the initial light is where the flavor is strongest. Toasted bread with butter and brown sugar is the taste I get. Honey and molasses are present as well. The strength of the flavor and aroma may be what put many Virginia lovers at bay, and may have deterred them from giving this blend what it deserves: a full bowl smoked cool and clean. As you progress more in the bowl, the flavor deepens and broadens and becomes very pleasant. Sweet English tea notes lay beneath high honey and chocolate notes, and this makes for a very cozy smoke. As the bowl progresses, notes of vanilla and raisin start coming in and intermingling with deeper notes of almond and french toast. Keep in mind, this is not an aromatic, and all of these notes taste organic and natural, not syrupy or overbearing. Overall, while not what you’d expect from Stokkebye’s description, it is still a top-notch blend that would be enjoyable by the most discerning pipe smoker. All it takes is an open mind. Side note: this blend does taste a little young, so I can only imagine that it will ripen with age. 36 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2012-02-27 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable As with the LNF, this was a small sample received from a friend. I wasn’t quite as taken with this one as I was LNF, but this is still a very worthy VA. Beautiful presentation – almost artistic. Very well behaved VA which is lighter on the citrus but with some added sweet casing. The casing was not intrusive but I would like to try this without it. Even so, this was a good tasting flake, easy to prepare, and with no faults. I prefer stronger VA’s as a rule but this was a fine smoke with decent complexity that really shone during the last 1/4 bowl or so. Then it became expansive and richer. Recommending this one, as with LNF and LBF, is a no-brainer. Some folks may prefer other VA’s but there is nothing to dislike here. I may buy some more and play around with some additional blending tobaccos, as this has a very solid base. 36 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Pipestud (1829) 2007-11-29 Very Mild Extremely Mild Mild Very Pleasant Only average for me due to the weakness of strength and taste. Still, if you enjoy sweeter, milder Virginia tobacco, then you might personally enjoy this one better than I. The leaf is of great quality but it does have a tendency to burn hot if not smoked very slowly. I also believe there to be some sort of sweetner added to the Cavendish but would not bet my life on it. Similar in some respects tastewise to Astley’s #109. 28 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note StevieB (2050) 2016-07-05 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Twist Flake. I’m slightly surprised that up until now (05/07/16) this has had 33 two star, or less ratings. Okay, it’s not the best blend I’ve piped, but I think it’s a good smoke! Pre-light, the blend reminds me of W.O. Larsen #32 Curly: wavy flakes. As its from bulk the moisture’s good, so I fill and light straight away: there’s no need for drying time. It lights easily and gives a pleasant smoke: there is a honey sweetness from the Cavendish process, but there’s also a kind of oat/bread-like embellishment: it tastes really ‘Homely’. It actually seems, to me, as though it contains a small proportion of Burley and this could be responsible for the oatiness. I can smoke an entire bowl without the slightest bit of tongue-bite, and the smoke is about the perfect temperature. I find the nicotine just below medium, and the room-note very pleasant. Like I said, I think this is good. It wouldn’t get a spot in my favourites list, but it still gets its first ‘highly recommended’! Four stars. Pipe Used: Enricoro Big Freehand Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: Smoking 21 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note TallPuffO’Burley (619) 2015-02-12 Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I like this one. A nice simple Virginia with a light pleasant topping in a most amazingly complicated looking flake. The looks of the flake make it a wonderful tobacco to take with you on the run as the very shape and appearance of these squares will leave onlookers spellbound. They will ask how is that done? You will respond, Hell if I know. lol Stokkebye puts out great Virginias and their luxury line is no exception. The trio is a bargain, particularly for what you are getting. I highly recommend having jars of each stashed in any cellar. They are both distinct and this one would be the aromatic option. The topping, to me, is a light honey type topping that is very complimentary to the taste of the bright Virginias. I bought a pound of this a few years ago. I put away a couple of ounces that I intend to age and just finished the rest yesterday. I got a feeling this will be really special with 10 years on it. I am giving this three stars, but am very close to four stars on it. It is good. 20 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note zulujerk (146) 2011-08-09 Extremely Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant Looks nice, distinctive. Wonderful squares of twisted tobacco, mesmerizing grain. Doesn’t bite. Burns well. Wow. Remarkable in its neutrality. No nicotine kick. Flavorful as a nice tall glass of water. Terribly bland. Criminally bland. Beans and cheese on toast. Rock soup, garnished with celery. Steamed vegetables. Bill Cosby funny. A minivan. Saltine crackers. CSPAN. Movie theater popcorn without butter or salt. Captain Janeway. Watching snails race across the pavement. Ideal for people without a tongue. Makes Captain Black seem like 965. Powerful, powerfully boring. Retirement home happy. Socks for Christmas. 1980s Volvo. Consecutive Powerpoint presentations. On economics. At gunpoint. Fresh air in a closed room. The most uninteresting tobacco in the world. 16 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Tantric (321) 2002-09-03 Mild Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I found this one a very good smoke, similar to PS-Navy Flake, with perhaps a sweeter aftertaste due to the absence of Perique. But in many ways it resembles its near cousin in that smooth, pleasant and distinguished flavour. It burns very well, it has all the quality of good Virginia leaf (even if some of it comes from Zimbabwe), and the cut helps to preserve it fresh. It is not a moist tobacco, but its natural oils and juices provide a rich yet discreet savour that personally I find very agreeable. It is easy to pack and light and burns slowly. The Cavendish process seems to round up the flavours of the different Virginias, and gives the whole tobacco a light brown hue with some birdseye. The aroma is very civilised. Non smokers don?t seem to complaint, though they don?t tend to get specially excited by its smell?Again, plain smoking tobacco, uncomplicated, very enjoyable and virtually no tongue bite. There seems to be no mystery in these blends (Navy Flake included), as if they were not intended to grasp your senses and taste buds in a symphony of contrasts and hidden treasures. Basically, an honest all day smoke (in my case happily accepted at work), designed to keep you happy. A good change of pace, leaving the more complex tobaccos for the evening. 15 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Blackhorse (96) 2002-11-12 Mild Medium Medium Tolerable Adding to the other reviews here: I will say that this is an excellent find for me…I truely enjoy it. The initial pouch/tin aroma seems more floral to me than others have noted. Too, these poor old taste buds pick up a steady assault of cocoa from start to finish – the change of pace from my usual English, Peace-y and Froggy favorites is most welcome. The burn is quite easy, even with flakes rather stuffed into the bowl to allow a slower burn when I am out in the Portland wind and slop (my job requires it so I march along with my left hand cupped over the bowl so it won’t drown…trudging along with a smile on my face in the worst weather. In my poorest excuse of a pipe this tastes and burns well…seems to like my Nording and Stanwell deep-bowled free forms best…isn’t enhanced much in my Meerschaum. Like my beautiful long-suffering wife, respect her and she will treat you well. Let’s see…not fussy, burns well in any bowl, lovely flavor and aroma, yes – a winner indeed! 14 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Darby (15) 2014-04-15 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable As with the Navy Flake, since I already posted a detailed review of the PS Luxury Bullseye Flake, I’ll limit myself here again to a side by side comparison with the LNF & LBF. The PS LTF is a stunningly beautiful med-sized twist flake. Whereas the base of the LBF seems to be predominantly bright virginas mixed with a generous dose of perique, and the LNF seems to be virginias that have been matured and flue cured to enhance their natural sweetness (plus a little perique for balance), the base here seems to be a blend of virginias that were pressed, twisted, and run through the cavendish process. Although not officially listed, I believe a modest caramel topping was added as well, which brings us into the shallow end of aromatic territory. For me, this is a 3 star tobacco whose smoking experience didn’t quite measure up to its visual beauty. The why behind that needs some explanation, so bear with me. Although the modest aromatic topping makes this flake smell sweeter than the LNF, the cavendish process they used seems to have robbed this tobacco of some of its oomph. While it brought out and partially transformed some of the sweetness present, and gave it some subtle hints of vanilla and butterscotch, it also over-mellowed it. Combined with the lack of perique (which adds both spice, complexity and duration), the result is a somewhat short finish that leaves the sweetness unsupported, fails to balance the natural alkalai present {read: slight tongue bite}, and leaves the caramel topping looking like a half-hearted corrective tweak. It’s still a very good flake that many aro fans clearly enjoy, but for me “good” falls well short of “great”, and the result is a pleasantly sweet, if unspectacular, smoke that doesn’t make me fight the urge to puff faster and order more. Personally, I might have taken this flake in a slightly different direction. The easy choice would have been to add some perique to round out and prolong the finish, but that would be redundant with the LBF and LNF in the PS lineup. Instead, I would have lessened the caramel and perhaps tried adding a little Turkish leaf, for a hint of spicy complexity, a whisper of smoke, and a much longer finish. In fact, I’ll probably blend the remainder of my 1 oz sample with some Samsun, to test that out. 3 stars, less 1/2 star for a short unbalanced finish, leaves 2 1/2 stars. Add the half star back if you like aromatics. Pipe Used: Grabow Royalton Age When Smoked: Unknown Purchased From: 13 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Capt (325) 2011-11-26 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant This is a great flake for a smoker venturing into the world of flakes. Prepares very easy, lights and smokes with ease. This will appeal to beginners and veterans alike. Tin note reminds me of some sort of vanilla/maple danish. That same tin note transfers over to the inital light, but diminishes after about the 1/4 mark. Never hints at biting, and smokes dry down to the bottom of the bowl. I give this 4 stars due to the fact it is an awesome flake for all pipe smokers to enjoy. Makes a great morning smoke with coffee. 12 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Gentleman Zombie (729) 2015-05-16 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant The first half of the bowl is like smoking raisin bread. Wonderful flavor. I think it even has a touch of cinnamon spice to it. The topping is sweet and I’m not sure what else. It doesn’t seem to be over applied to me. The second half is more fruity, the bread notes nearly gone at this point. I wish it would remain as that’s my favorite part of this flake. All in all a very nice smoke. Mild to medium in body and flavor. Burns very well. Pipe Used: MM Country Gentleman, Mark Twain, Patriot Age When Smoked: fresh bulk Purchased From: 11 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note redbarchetta (2) 2017-02-08 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Full Very Pleasant Cut: Rolled twist flake, pure Virginia blend. Pressed and cut into rope strands and then rolled into coin and square shapes. This is an aromatic. Moisture: Goldilocks. Smell: Caramel, maple, hay barn, bread. Taste: Light taste of maple, some vanilla, caramel. Very smooth body and mouthfeel. Likes: Wonderful aroma so I assume the room is delightful. Very enjoyable with abundant flavor. No nic hit. Burns well with some caution and cadence. Dislikes: None. A really nice introduction to twist flake. The aroma with this blend is so pleasant. The flavor and taste carry throughout the entire bowl. The maple is very evident about 1/3 of the way in and to the bottom. Sweet but not overly so and delicious. I highly recommend it and will add this to my list of worthy aromatics. Pipe Used: Peterson Kenmare 408 Age When Smoked: 1 month from date of purchase Purchased From: 10 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note crrbassman (12) 2014-10-29 Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This is really, really good tobacco. I bought 4 oz. based on all the favorable reviews I read, and I wasn’t disappointed in the least. Right out of the shipping box, I loaded up one of my larger billiards to almost overflowing and went at it. Must be sipped rather than puffed this early on, as it’s still a bit moist. Can’t wait to see what it’s like after 30 or so days in the jar. Excellent flavor, which changes midway down the bowl. I will be ordering a lot more of this. Pipe Used: Savinelli Stellar 111 Biliard Age When Smoked: Right out of the shipping box Purchased From: 10 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note WillBrown (134) 2013-12-05 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable ====This is a 2014 update==== Considering the other flakes I’ve had this year (2014), Luxury Twist Flake must be reassessed. Sadly, I’ve underestimated this one, and must upgrade it. In short, this is one FANTASTIC tobacco! When set against all the other flakes I’ve tried over the years (especially this year), this one rises close to the top. Last year, this blend fooled me, it came across very low key, mild, yet a nicotine viper nested in this butterscotch-topped grass—if one’s not use to its mysterious ways, one could be put off, but, lo! give it some time, and this veiled beauty will caress you with its wanton ways, it will tease you, yes, but, in the end you’ll go to bed satisfied! Luxury Twist Flake is a work of genius. I’m upgrading this blend from a strong three stars to a full four. Great stuff! Pipe Used: Viprati bent “big bowl” Age When Smoked: ? Purchased From: Pipes&Cigars 9 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note H Gillman (39) 2014-07-28 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable After transferring from the bulk bag to a mason with 30 days untouched, the “tin” note is wonderful. Minute wisps of sweetness with very subtle notes of dried fruit, raisins maybe. Lovely flakes of zig zagging streaks strewn with speckles of pale straw colored bits. I find hand rubbing into the long ribbons then light stuffing to be the easiest means to light and smoke. The flavour is mild and rather monotone to be honest. Not a “wow” flake by any means. But still an enjoyable smoke nonetheless. French inhaling is yet another means to taste this flake. I am hopeful that aging will help this flake grow in flavor. Pipe Used: Several Pete’s Age When Smoked: New – Bulk Purchased From: Smoking Pipes 8 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Stutter818 (51) 2014-06-23 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I enjoyed this flake.. It is on the milder side with no spicy notes. It has a sweet taste to it, and the pouch note is sweet caramel, dried fruit. Very mild without a lot of nicotine. It’s a nice change of pace when you want a milder flake on the sweet side. Pipe Used: Dr Grabow grand duke Age When Smoked: Fresh – 1 month old Purchased From: Smoking Pipes online 8 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note fr_tom (393) 2013-09-21 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant I was gifted about 4 oz of this by a friend. I tried it cubed and rubbed out. I think the cubed was better and smoked most of it this way. I found it a little moist out of the bag, and it needed a little air to dry. My daughter commented that this tobacco was less stinky than what I normally smoke, so it gets a pleasant in the room note. The topping is pleasant and sweet with a hint of vanilla maybe. There is a sweet fuit taste and some honey. It was hard to identify the flavors exactly, but they were good, and a subtle addition. I could taste the virginias, and I was not overpowered by the topping. The flavor profile overall was pretty mild for me, and the greatest hazard for me is puffing it too fast to get some more flavor out. If you are looking for mild and lightly topped Virginia, this is good. The price is appealing as well for what you get. 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Perique (161) 2013-09-10 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant Jar note is typical grassy African Virginia that was totally overwhelmed by a fruit casing: tropical, citrusy, plum, mandarin orange. The casing reminds me of Juicy Fruit – akin to Golden Sliced, but more intensely flavored. Erinmore Flake comes to mind.. I was completely unprepared for this level of flavoring agent. From charring light through the first third of the bowl, I picked up none of the honey or vanilla mentioned in other reviews. As the bowl progressed, the flavors mellowed a bit. But the flavoring agent remained dominant. That’s not necessarily bad, but as a big fan of the other PS “luxury” flakes, I simply was not prepared for this level of fruit casing. The flakes performed well, with no bite or excessive heat. So the casing is well done and doubtless applied to the same fine Virginia that makes up its sister flakes. But the final third of the was a bit ashy, with the remnants of the flavoring agent distorting the Virginias. I was a bit disappointed relative to my expectations, though this would be a great choice as an all-day smoke for fans of Erinmore Flake, OGS, or even University Flake. As always, a great value from PS, though regrettably not to this reviewer’s taste. The fruit casing was simply overdone. Though my opinion is obviously in the minority of reviews and should be taken as such. It pains me to give a PS flake a two-star rating given my love of this label’s other flakes. I’ll jar this one for a year or two and see what some time does for it. Update June 2014: I opened the jar and gave this blend anther try. As is typical with Virginias, a little time has worked wonders. The overt citrus casing has mellowed considerably. I now get delicate mandarin orange with hints of honey and sugar and framed by light plum and grassy Virginias – as opposed to the in-your-face citrus fruit flavors of the fresh product. Can get a bit ashy at times, and smokes a tad hot, another characteristic of African Virginias. But overall a pleasant smoke and a nice change of pace. Would make a good crossover blend for aromatic smokers looking to expand their tastes. My recommendation to those who have acquired this blend, whether you like it or not, is to jar it and let it think about itself for six months or a year. You’ll be impressed, and find a more delicate, subtle flavor. As such, I’m raising my review from two to three stars. 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Room Note Professor (44) 2009-08-16 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant Update: I have downgraded this from three to two stars and then back again to three. The caramel topping had become cloying, but after some time away from this blend I always find myself craving it. Original review: One of the more interesting Virginia tobaccos. The taste is of caramel with a hint of citrus, black currant and anise. This tobacco delivers a sweet, bite-free VA smoke with just a hint of fruity, minty freshness. Unlike most other blends it leaves a remarkably pleasant (fresh) smell in my pipe the next day. Room note is very pleasant for smokers (half the reason I enjoy smoking it) and, on average, mildly pleasant for non-smokers. 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Pipe4ever (204) 2009-02-10 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant This is a delicious, amazingly nice looking Va pressed square Flakes that smell truly wonderful from the pouch and will give you an outstanding earthy/creamy and semi-sweet Virginia flavor with a permanent earthy bass note, the burning is particularly cool and biteless for a Virginia, the smoke is mild and enjoyable, the burnt caramel and hay-orange casing used on it is absolutely delightful. Try Astley’s No.109 Virginia Flake if you prefer the same flavor as this one but more natural and with no casing 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2006-11-19 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant This is one I really like……The cut is a pleasing swirled flake, nice hues of mahagony and black….. Pack as you would any other flake….I fold and stuff myself.. At Char light a great taste not unlike Molasses or Honey and Carmalized Brown sugar with a Virginia back up comes through… Cruising speed to half way point is a nice, tasty, no bite smoke. Just a great taste. Extremly well behaved- More so than P.S. L.N.F. Halkfway point to bottom does pickup the darker flavors. It gets a bit stronger in taste, but not at all unpleasant. I found myself wishing the 1 oz I got to try was more like 3. Great for walks in the fall air. Highly recomended and easily accessable….. Get some and try!!! 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note VBBill (7) 2018-02-06 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant This flake looks beautiful. The smell is very pleasant with caramel, coconut amd vanilla dominating and natural Virgina and hay in the background. Rubbing the flakes is very easy and also easy to pack the thin, ribbon like leaves. In the taste the flavour goes a bit to the background and the high quality Virginia tobaccos show themself. The N level is a bit higher than regular aromatics. Burns well and dry, leaving a fine ash, and keeping the creamy, delicious taste until the end of the bowl. Highly recommended as an all day smoke with some complexity. Pipe Used: Chacom Panache Age When Smoked: Fresh Purchased From: 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note crapgame1967 (61) 2017-09-23 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant Ok ..I admit it..I had a dread fear of VA blend tobaccos going back to the mid 90’s when I tried almost all of the Mac B blends and other blends with a high content of Red VA tobacco. Just within the last 6 months have I started to try some VA blends and have been quite surprised, and this one rates as another of of my favorites! This is one smooth and cool character, if this tobacco was a person it would be that person who would be able pick your pocket if you with him alone in an elevator and when he denied doing it believed him! This tobacco is SMOOTH..not once during the two bowls I smoked last night did I experience anything remotely harsh or notice any bite. The tobacco stayed lit without much effort and it was quite easy to break the flakes and pack my pipe as well. The pouch aroma was something sweet…I was told coconut and I find that pretty much spot on but while smoking it the coconut did not seem out of place at all. A perfect MATCH! Once again I have found another VA blend to add to my growing collection of jars! Pipe Used: MM Diplomat Age When Smoked: fresh Purchased From: P&C 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2011-07-14 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant I’ve been smoking this one for a while now and every time I go back to it, I fall in love with it again, until I run out. Tightley presed square flakes of Pure Red, Orange and toasted brown Virginia, with a very light sweetnes enhancement. The casing is neither over the top or in the way, but perfect. The Virginia comes thru in billows of smoke and the aroma is pleasing to all. Wonerful, wonderful pipe tobacco here. 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Frosty (29) 2008-05-04 Medium Mild Mild Pleasant This is a wonderful flake. I think it is ready to smoke right off the truck, and I smoked through my pound so fast that I don’t know what age does to it. My pound was perfectly dry right from the bag, and I just folded and stuffed it into all manner of briars, though I admittedly prefer big, thick walled briars for everything. The flavor is smooth, creamy and evolves into a bit of caramel to me. The flakes are beautiful and uniform. No tongue bite, easy to deal with, delicious. This is not really a late night contemplative treat smoke, just a steady, dependable good smoke with volumes of creamy smoke. Try it if you like Virginia flakes – I think you will like it. I just talked myself into ordering another few pounds. 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Kokinhenik (90) 2020-05-01 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant First impressions: Ooh very sophisticated. This cavendish treatment on a Virginia is very well done. I’m impressed. Very smooth, no bite, wonderful delicious old timey Cavendish retrohale. It’s really good. I find myself retrohaling almost every puff. The flavoring is subtle but present on every puff. The grassy citrusy Virginia is in some weird space between sun cured and dark fired. Very interesting. It’s great on its own but would work well as a condiment tobacco too. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Goose55 (33) 2018-07-12 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant I began purchasing this tobacco early on in my pipe smoking in 24 ounce boxes whenever pipes & Cigars had a 20% off sale. I packed it away in 1/2 pint Kerr jars. After then discovering McClelland Virginias that I liked a lot more, these 8-10 Kerr jars went to sleep deep in my hall closet “cellar.” I am here today to report that I just dug down and popped the lid on a jar that has been slumbering and fermenting for 2 years. The lid opened with a swoosh, as it had bulged out. I really can’t tell you just how this tobacco has changed with age, I only know that it has, and it’s a great improvement. Some of the other reviewers have said that fresh, there is a sharp citrus quality, and my memory seems to remember that. That citrusy flavor is no longer detectable and I am really enjoying a big bowl full of this as I write this review. I have to agree with PipeStud’s assessment on PSLT. I does lack in the flavor department. Its extremely mild and there is little depth to it. But it is made from quality Virginias so for those that prefer a milder Virginia with a light topping of caramel, it’s perfect, and quite affordable in bulk. I have to change my original 4-star assessment to 3 Pipe Used: A large, bent JAG Scoop. Age When Smoked: 2 years Purchased From: Pipes & Cigars 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note fdcl50 (9) 2018-05-31 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant I am writing this because I think ltf is a great blend for those who want a great fine Virginia flake that is easily found at a more than fair price. The flake cut is flawless and the tin note is lovely. May be a bit moist but this leaf should not be dry or it loses the sweetness inherent in its Virginia roots. May need a few relights but better to smoke slow then to heat this up. Lasts a long time in the bowl if smoked correctly. If you are into the savory sweetness of a pure Virginia flake try a few oz of this. You will not be disappointed Pipe Used: Various Age When Smoked: Fresh to 3 yr Purchased From: CI internationl Similar Blends: Orlich golden sliced. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Mesh (51) 2016-02-16 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable I bought a pound of this by accident during an evening with the bourbon – I was meant to order the Bullseye Flake, one of my regular smokes. Anyway, this ain’t bad. Naturally, I checked as soon I realised my moronic mistake, and was shocked to read about honey and caramel toppings. But as someone who hasn’t smoked an aromatic in years, I can say that the flavourings here are minimal and not unpleasant at all. It does leave a slightly sweet aftertaste in your mouth, but, again, not an unpleasant one. To me, the predominant taste is that of a light-bodied VA flake, a bit too light for me, but I could easily recommend this to someone who’s a fan of that genre. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Jevverrett (97) 2015-12-17 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Another of the bombing gifts. The look of the flake is actually pretty cool. All swirly with different colors. It smells sweet by itself. I wasn’t sure how a fold and stuff would work with this bc of the twists in it so I rubbed it out each time. It’s a bit moist, so I suggest leaving it out to dry a bit. Not too much though or you’ll lose some of the flavor. It burns ok, a few relights were needed to finish each bowl. The flavor is a bit artificial in nature to me. It burns a bit hot if you try to puff away at it to keep it going. Maybe I need to work on this blend a bit more, but I’ve run out now. Otherwise, it’s ok. Sweet, creamy and you can tell the tobacco is in there. It does remind me of macbaren mixture flake somewhat. It doesn’t burn the tongue so much though, so that’s a plus. Give it a try if you get the chance. Not sure it’s going to end up in the cellar for too many people though. Good smoke for a sweet tooth, might go well with a sweeter cocktail or as an after dinner smoke. 2 1/2 stars Pipe Used: MM country gentleman Age When Smoked: Not sure Purchased From: BoB bombing gift Similar Blends: Macbaren mixture flake. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Paddy (127) 2003-05-11 Medium Medium Full Pleasant Whenever I want a sweet flavored tobacco, I reach for Luxury Twist Flake, Sweet Vanilla Honeydew Flake or G&H Rum Flake. These all fall into my range for flavored tobaccos that, in my opinion, still deliver the taste of tobacco. The square flakes are light in color, somewhat dry and can become quite brittle for rubbing out. The tobacco aroma is of a maple liqueur, and that taste carries over into the smoke. The Virginia is excellent quality, mild with no bite. If you are a lover of straight Virginia flavor, the downside with this tobacco is the residual sweetness of the smoke which requires me to have a cup of coffee on hand to clean the palate regularly. Sweet Vanilla Honeydew and Rum Flake require the same treatment. This is good tobacco and it is comforting to know that I have it on hand when my sweet tooth demands a break from Virginia and Perique. Highly recommended as a sweetened, flavored tobacco. Paddy. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Jaybee (77) 2002-09-03 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant What a pleasant surprise this tobacco is!! I’ve had limited success with virginia flakes (probably more my technique than the tobacco)and I tried this one with some apprehension. I was surprised to find that it burns well, smells good, tastes good and is satisfying! What more could I ask for? It smokes well folded, rolled, or rubbed out, although I prefer rubbed. I highly recommend this tobacco. Up side? You may consider this a keeper. Down side? You can critique a really good tobacco.. 4 Stars. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Cleonides (21) 2019-10-18 Mild Medium Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant Well this sort of tastes like tobacco. This is not much better than those so called “tobacco” blends with cavendish and sugary food ingredient toppings such as Autumn Evening, Molto Dolce, Vanilla Cream, 1Q etc. Overly processed and heavily flavored. These types of blends were literally created by marketers so they could sell more tobacco to men with nagging wives by the way. Not because they taste like good tobacco. If you want a good straight virginia, do yourself a favor, skip this, and go for Union Square, Opening Night, Derringer, Pure Virginia, C&D Virginia Flake, Yorktown or even the C&D blending virginias. Those are all infinitely more rewarding and satisfying. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Jorge Soler (196) 2018-03-02 Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant This is a Danish style tobacco with more than a noticeable topping, but but not overtly aromatic. The reason for this is the topping seems to be added more as a compliment to enhance the smoking experience than as something to overtake all the tobacco flavours masking the physical properties of this blend. Having said that, the tin note kind of reminds me of Play-dough, and this shows quite ostensibly in the room note as well. The twist appearance of these flakes is a feast for the eyes, and they are so easy to crumble or pack in your bowl using the folding method. Not overtly sweet despite having a fair amount of gold leaf, but it seems to display very nice virginia properties. The Virginia leaf they use seems to be really good quality, with bread, hay like and citrusy undertones. The smoking experience is rich and mellow, and I can see some cellaring potential here despite the topping. I personally like Luxury Navy Flake a bit more because of the added perique, but these flakes are no mean feat either. On the downside I’d say the topping seems to be so much in the forefront, but it kind of wanes the more you progress with your smoke. It does not bite, but will nip at the tongue depending your smoking cadence. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note aztobaccosavant (12) 2017-06-05 Extremely Mild Medium Medium Very Pleasant What can you say? You either like AROs or you don’t. Do you like sweetened Baccy? If you do this is one of the finest. Is it sweet? You bet. Is is caramel. You bet. Is it vanilla you bet! Is it perfectly prepped Vas in an amazingly easy to use slice. Yeppers little Johnny. Is this good? No. It’s fantastic. Don’t buy if you are a straight VaPer or English. It’s Danish so it’s subtle. There is no tonquin. Danes aren’t fond of it. Pipe Used: Dunhill. Parker. Cob. Age When Smoked: Fresh. Purchased From: P&C 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Hamilton (1) 2016-06-03 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I have been smoking this blend for about two months now and it is always a delightful experience. The flake is moist and rubs out well. It stays lit and i have not yet had any tounge bite from it. Deep mild in richness, light hay and grass notes, sometimes floral. As a bulk, i feel it out surpasses many others and even many tins if jarred. I plan on buying another pound soon. Cheers. Pipe Used: Nording Valhalla Age When Smoked: Probably a year Purchased From: Local B&M Similar Blends: Orlik Golden Sliced , Veermaster. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note WreckingPress (2) 2016-05-28 Very Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant After conversing with one of the guys at Iwan Ries about dedicating one of my Kirsten bowls for Virginia tobacco, he said let me get you something from the back and came forth with a sample pouch of this. Almost love at first sniff what’s the closest thing I can think of describing the smell. I was initially concerned it could be a somewhat overpowering aromatic blend but was pleasantly surprised to find a clean sweet Virginia taste as well. Some of the previous Virginian blends I’ve had have more of a neutral tea like quality. This one brings up a little more something with it. This one brings in a little bit of caramel maybe into vanilla and that sweet taste transfers all the way through the bowl. It tends to develop at the bottom very nicely. Getting it lit can be a little bit of a challenge but once it has a nice char top get smokes quite well and stays lit even when rested for a moment. The flavoring is not very present but it does come through and adds some taste to it. Even the wife was impressed when she gave it a shot in a cob. She’s sometimes intimidated by flake tobacco but found it easy to work with and prefers it over some of the aromatics she likes since that flavor comes through. If you have an aromatic aversion you might not care for this, but as another reviewer noted it’s a great stepping stone to VAPer blends. Pipe Used: Kirsten designer series, cobs. Purchased From: Iwan Ries, but they don’t really list it. Ask for it there. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Pipeologist (27) 2015-11-02 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This is by far my favourite tobacco! Why?…. I smoke lots of this stuff out in India every winter,where all you can get there is fake Captain black or Erinmore.It lights up just dandy first hit and stays lit for along while…Great value for money.An easy going Virginia ,a tad boring,I admit ,if you compare it to the Penzances of this world,but hey ho.This never fails to please.No bite at all and Luxury all the way,with a twist.P.S. This is the slowest burning tobacco I have ever had,so it is great value for money.There are many out there better,but whoosh,they’re out in the blink of a blind bat. Pipe Used: Peterson Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: Cup o ‘Joes 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Leaf Packer (30) 2015-10-07 Mild Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant After smoking PS Navy flake I thought I would try this blend on looks alone, never seen flake “assembled” as this. One great mild smoke this is. Newly venture in to Virginias so far I have not been disappointed . Flake is a bit moist, I rest my flakes under a 60 watt bulb for a few minutes turning once lol. Smoke as soon as I received, dried rubbed out and smoke in a pot bowl Very satisfying, no bite. This very well be my new all day every day smoke Pipe Used: Stanwell Age When Smoked: fresh from mail box Purchased From: Smoking Pipes 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Cochon74 (29) 2013-02-12 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant Only recently branching out into straight Virginia blends (previously being more inclined to English/Balkan blends), I have to say that LTF was somewhat disappointing… The Good – this is a gorgeous flake in appearance… truly beautiful. It breaks up easily enough. It behaved wonderfully and smoked nicely. Completely inoffensive, exhibiting some fine qualities of VA leaf. The Bad – as feared from the mere smell of this tobacco in its sample bag, it is heavily cased with a rather generic, cloyingly sweet flavoring (I’d hazard a guess to include vanilla, maybe honey, baked goods). This casing mutes the natural qualities of the leaf drastically and flattens the entire smoke. Sure, it makes for a lovely aroma, but a rather boring and unsatisfying smoke in my opinion. This is not to say that it is a bad tobacco, just very much not to my liking. And given my experiences with Gawith’s Best Brown Flake, McClelland’s Brindle Flake and Pease’s Union Square, this tobacco strikes me as more of an aromatic than a proper VA flake. I’ve smoked the sample I got and will not be smoking any more. However, to new pipe smokers, Luxury Twist might be an excellent tobacco to start with. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2012-05-10 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant I opened this up and love the smell rich moist sweet, makes my mouth water and want to take a bite. I rubbed it out by rolling in my palm and loaded up. It was moist but burned very well. Rich smooth full sweet taste. I have stocked up with more of this fine tobacco. And I will be adding more to my stash. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Eulenburg (193) 2002-09-05 Very Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant No substantive difference between this and Mac Baren’s DARK TWIST. Quite good. I wonder what will happen now that Zimbabwe’s agriculture, very much including its tobacco plantations, (the finest in the Southern hemisphere) is being completely devastated, owing to the greed of yet another stupid dictator. Argh! 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Slow Triathlete (62) 2021-12-21 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant Now we are moving on to my favorite of the Luxury series. Out of the three, this is the one that I smoke the most often. The bag aroma is intoxicating – I would describe it as hot buttered popcorn with a bit of caramel. That’s just me, but it’s amazing. I’ve also heard someone describe it as French toast with syrup. The appearance of this flake is pretty unique as well. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how they do it. It’s like two squares that have been squished on all sides and then joined with another square into one flake. It’s hard to describe, so if you haven’t experienced this blend, just go out to SP and see for yourself. I always rub this flake out and try to get everything to mingle consistently throughout. Upon lighting I find it to have most of the normal VA tastes. Mainly brown grass/hay, some citrus, with a bit of creaminess on the backside. I also get a hint of vanilla/caramel, but that may just be from the aroma coming out of the bowl. I would definitely put this one in the brighter spectrum of VA’s. Throughout the bowl, I find this to be a pretty mild smoke. No surprises here, but just a good consistent VA taste throughout. The vanilla/caramel aroma goes away after a while and you are left with good old fashioned pipe tobacco aroma. I rate this blend highly for ease of use, price, and taste/aroma. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Leon (67) 2020-06-29 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Everyone has a smell that reminds them of their childhood. You can’t always pin point where it’s from, but once you feel it, it’s a familiar nostalgic aroma. That’s what I get from this tin not. The topping is mild. I don’t get the caramel, but a bit like vanilla and actually it feels more like some type of berry and even some notes of sweet perfume. It’s a pretty incredible tin note and I’d say that putting my nose in the tin is half the fun. The smoke itself is pretty nice. Mild blend that, like other famous P.S. blends feel to me a bit like young Virginia leafs, which makes me think that this, too, deserves some time to age. While I’m not a big fan of P.S.’s Luxury Navy Flake, this one tastes similar with the addition of the flavoring and yet I like it much better. The topping is much milder in the smoke itself and disappears later on. But what is left is just a nice sweet-bread flavor of pure Virginia. It is fairly one-dimensional and hasn’t much to think about. Can easily be an all-day smoke. Arrive in a beautiful flake that on its own deserves some award for looks. Considering the quality and price, this is very recommended. I will order more for aging and hope to get more out of it. But for now, it’s an easy three stars. Pipe Used: Stanwell 242 Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Yerna Fumpf (4) 2020-04-11 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant A presentation in a twisted rope sliced into irregular coin-like joined flakes. Resinous texture, mature fragrance. I like this tobacco, even with the added ritual of breaking down the flakes before twist-loading them into the bowl. Pleasant aroma when lit; not overly cased, but some sweetness present. Burns better when slightly drier. A certain English undertone when aged a year. No one complains about it. I find it a good smoke any time of day. Good body to the smoke. A little tingly but not a biter. There are so many choices and styles out there, for the choosing. PS/LTF ought appeal to many except for the candy- or lat bomb- zealots. If you haven’t tried it, snag a few ounces. It’s very civilised. Thank you Peter Stokkebye. Pipe Used: Smaller Savinelli Auto, Piazzola, Ashton Age When Smoked: newly received and 1 year stored Purchased From: P&C Similar Blends: Not exactly like anything else. Perhaps a resemblance to Dunhill 3-year matured Virginia.. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Gr8tefuldawg (84) 2020-02-07 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Peter Stokkebye- Luxury Twist Flake I’ve had this in a jar since April of 2019, it’s been a blend I first smoked when I picked up the pipe and understood little about the different types of tobacco etc. this blend gave me a serious case of tongue bite the first time as I has no idea about drying or cadence when smoking. Forward to now a good Virginia pressed into a flake, it has a topping of caramel/coconut, which isn’t unwelcome but would have preferred this without it. It smokes great and tastes great also, no re-lights and smoked cool. I recommend this as a beginner Virginia for those who are more inclined to aromatics. Overall it’s good but probably won’t be bought again, much rather smoke bullseye flake. Pipe Used: Bones Age When Smoked: 10 months Purchased From: Liberty tobacco 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note SmokingHawk (54) 2019-11-04 Medium Very Mild Full Pleasant Maybe I’m a fan of Aromatics… but if that is the case I would have smoked those heavily cased tobaccos which are laying with me for the last couple of years. I have smoked SG fvf. But in this case the topping is so well blended that hardly noticeable. I don’t know what that others and misc. in topping but I get occasional whiff of citrus and hay like flavor which is pleasant. Pouch smell creamy caramel and flakes came out moist but smokeable I took one and half flakes folded and squeeze with my fingers to loosen up and filled the pipe. Needed couple of relights burns easily and evenly. All in all a very enjoyable smoke and IMHO a truly Super Luxury Twist flake. P. S My wife didn’t pass any bad comments as in the case of others straight Virginias. Pipe Used: Non filter briar Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Novaki (30) 2019-06-15 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant Oh yeah. This is exactly what I was looking for. I’ve been exploring all different kinds of tobacco trying to find something I really enjoy. I found the world of straight Va’s to be very promising, despite their tendency to get a bit hot. This is something that’s one of those perfect “just right” blends. It’s got a good solid tobacco flavor but also there’s a hint of a nice sweet topping. I started on Aromatics so this is probably the best Va for me. The smell is wonderful. I get a dark fruity smell like raisins and figs making up the body. Then behind that, I get some caramel, vanilla, honey, coconut and maybe some chocolate (though that could be my imagination). There are also some light bready notes. The combination is intoxicating and something I find myself keeping my nose in. In the pipe I get a wonderful sweetness that starts things off. That backs off a touch and the natural Virginias really come through. This ebb and flow takes place throughout the bowl making it not so one dimensional. It’s not exactly complex but I don’t find it boring either. Definitely something I could smoke all day and not tire of. The Virginia that makes up the body is pretty standard with lighter notes of grass, hay, and citrus backed by some darker and earthier flavors that are less discernable. From the topping I get a lot of honey with some vanilla. The coconut is more noticeable at the top of the bowl. Towards the bottom the flavors turn darker where the carmel and earth tones come out from hiding. Will definitely have to stock up on this as I could see it becoming my new go to! Pipe Used: Cobs Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: P&C 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note 2piper (13) 2019-05-11 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant With 180 reviews prior to this one, I won’t bother you with comments on toppings, flavorings et al…… You already know that you don’t want to read my opinions on that! However, I do enjoy this tobacco and recommend it if you’re into Virginias. Try it anyway and you’ll get into Virginias! It’s easy to smoke. No muss, No fuss. Easy to light, burns continuously and gives you a nice, enjoyable Stokkebye experience. This is a nice smoke for when your favorite baseball team is getting beat 6-0 in the bottom of the 2nd inning and you need to find some way to enjoy the rest of the game. Definitely takes the edge off. Age When Smoked: Fresh Purchased From: B&M 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note HeavyMetalPiper (65) 2018-05-30 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Wow. I don’t think there’s an element of this blend I don’t enjoy. The look is incredibly appealing right off the bat. It has a kind of farmlike, hay smell that I really enjoy. The taste is a mellow, grassy Virginia, very smooth and relaxing. As the blend is older, I found the caramel flavor more prevalent. You can view my video review of this blend here: Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Bent Diplomat Apple Age When Smoked: 1 Week Purchased From: Pipes & Cigars 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Kyohan (14) 2017-02-10 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant A very sweet all Virginia blend with hints of honey and caramel. This is one of the best looking flakes I have seen; I love the way this one looks. Very easy to rub out and my bag didn’t require any drying time – the moisture level was just about perfect. The sweetness that you find in the “tin” note goes away quickly after the light and you are left with a really good Virginia taste of hay and grass. I tried it in several pipes and found that it works best (for me) in a bent pot shaped pipe (Peterson’s 01 shape in my case). The nic level was mild to medium and, as with most Virginia’s, it can bite if smoked too fast. This was the first time I tried this one, but really like it and it is one that I will be keeping on hand from now on. Pipe Used: Peterson 01 Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: Pipes & Cigars 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note bigterr (21) 2015-02-06 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant I’ll start this review with a brief reference to PS LNF and LBF the two other PS offerings which I have reviewed previously. The added effect of the casing here is reminiscent of the cavendish centres of LBF but as it is a casing which, although mild, stays present throughout the smoke, I must say I prefer LBF when I completely pulverize the cavendish centre and sprinkle the resultant crumbs after each half of the rubbed out virginas in the coin (most of my pipes will accomadate two coins) so that the sweetness of the cavendish has an intermittent presence. In comparison to LNF, this lacks the gentle zip zip zip from LNF’s perique. As for appearance superb! Burning characteristics – easy and for a cased virginia no tongue bite unless you really puff deep and/or fast keep a easy pace (sipping not required as is the case for Macbaren’s Va#1) and its quite a friendly smoke. Taste – a bit too sweet for me and I really could not find the citrusy tang I get with LNF and other VA’s. I tried this using three methods of preparation: 1) fold and stuff, 2) rubbed out throughly, 3) cut up into tiny cubes. The best smoke (both flavour & burn) was with method 3 while method one was a close second. Method two got a tad hot for my puff rate but still did not result in more than little warnings to slow down from my tongue. I used the same pipe for all three methods – a BC Calabash with a tall narrow bowl and recommend something similar as I imagine a pot and method two could quite likely punish your tongue. To summarize, the casing is ok but I think it is responsible for the masking of the citrus essence I was expecting, actually had a slight hint of butterscotch flavour so for those with a sweet tooth this might make a fine after dinner smoke with way fewer calories than a butterscotch sundae. Room note: No complaints here. Price: WOW!!! If you like VA’s you should give this a try before you spend all your money on more expensive offerings like SG FVF or Escudo. Pipe Used: BC Calabash Age When Smoked: 1 year Purchased From: P & C 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2014-09-23 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I will smoke this stuff all day long. Well that’s kind of a lie, because I only get a bowl or two on a good day, but still, it’s fantastic tobacco. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note beano (7) 2014-06-21 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant You owe it to yourself to try some LTF. Its cheap, it nice to look at, and smokes good. Its got some kind of honey, or vanilla, or something that I just can’t put my finger on, but its suttle, and its good. Grassy. Several ozs in the cellar and I order a few more ozs with every order but it never seems to stack up because its getting burned constantly. Pipe Used: cobs Age When Smoked: fresh, <1y 3 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note bigsmokingwolf (2) 2013-05-29 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Twist Flake. Take it slow “Big Daddy”, real slow now, that's it, what a sweet baby! This tobacco for the money is mighty fine, there, I said it, mighty fine! If you smoke this little flake too fast, it's going to light you up and leave you with a bowl full of ugly, and something so gorgeous and sweet should not be treated that way period. The Virginia's give you that taste, well, it reminds me of days gone by, walking down that dirt road and grabbing that long stalk of grass with the seeds on its end, that you would break off and chew all day. It has an ever so slight kiss of Vanilla and that's it, plain and simple, but if you're smoking Virginia's, what else do you want. I have two ways of smoking this flake, one is to take a single flake, fold it once, then fold it over and tuck it in my 1950 Dunhill Shell Briar “Bulldog” and sip. Second is, take three flakes, rub them out slightly and pack my Neerup Classic Bent Sandblast and settle down for a long relaxing smoke. I will say this, if you don't like Virginia's, then leave this baby where you found it, if you like Virginia's and you can refrain from abusing this sweet little flake, then you are in for a treat. In closing the “Retro-hale” is the best part of this smoking experience. 3 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2011-11-24 Mild to Medium None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant to Tolerable I can hardly taste anything when I smoke this tobacco. It seems to produce a cool smoke, and is quite smooth. It also has a medium level of nicotine. This would be good as an all-day smoke, as you can smoke a lot of it without any ill effects, but it does lack a certain depth. 3 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Kilmarnock Piper (233) 2009-08-17 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant Well, really 2 1/2 stars because, as a couple of reviewers noticed, it can smoke a bit hot and harsh if not treated with respect. But this has to be my favorite (unlit) smelling tobacco of all time. I like to open up the glass jar I keep it in every once in a while and stick my nose in-not sure what the flavor is: Fresh pastries perhaps? I almost detect coconut sometimes but this is probably my imagination. The presentation (appearance) of the flake is Art. I would rather smoke Bullseye and will buy that one by the 1.5 lb. box, but I keep Luxury around for the scent; and yes, if you are careful it can be a good smoke as well. 5-20-10 Smoking a bowl now, nearly an hour in and still some time to go. I have had some of this in a jar for a year, and have gotten no harshness from this bowl, just pure (other than the mild and pleasant topping) Virginia goodness. I used fold-and-stuff on this bowl, and the tobacco is a bit aged. This bowl, for what it's worth, almost earns four stars! 1-5-11 Revisiting this tobacco lately, and ordered some more. I really think you have to keep this one in a jar for a year after you buy it in bulk. I have been getting some good results. The wonderful aromatic smell does not translate to the smoke, which is slightly fragrant Virginia that will bite you if you are not careful. Sipped, this tobacco is sublime. When I get the new stuff, I am going to put it in the jar on top of the older. That way, I will always have a few well-aged flakes. I'm thinking about adding that fourth star... 3 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2008-02-27 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant I must be in my Virginia phase(and loving it)I recently tried all three Stokkebye Luxury offerings. Not a bad blend out of the three. Most everything has been said about the virtues of this fine blend.Presentation is great. As with most tobacco that I recive of late,the moisture level is high. I dried it out a little and it was good. I, by mistake, dried it out to what I thought was "way" to dry. I decided to try it,and what a pleasant surprise. I crunched up a few flakes and put them loosly in my Vipratti POY 2004,lit it up and was rewarded with one of the best smokes in recent memorie. Smoked great,stayed lit,lots of cool dry flavorful smoke,and bite. I'm glad I recently purchased 1.5 pounds of this fine tobacco...some for now,and some for the cellar.My opinion ** 3 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2008-02-10 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant I am revisiting Virginians and to that end am presently comparing this to the Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake and Dunhill Light Flake. This is by far my favorite of the three. It is subtle, rich and beautifully balanced. It lacks the soapiness of the Dunhill and the one-dimensional nature of the Navy Flake. To get all the nuance out of it, try a pipe unsullied by heavy English. It also does very well in meerschaum. The 1.5 lb box price brings it down to everyday smoke level. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes a subtle smoke. 3 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note JCinPA (1) 2021-12-19 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant My first review, and I am not as good as some of you at teasing out nuances, but ... I am looking for blends that I like smoking that the War Department will let me smoke in the house, and this fits that bill! I prefer English blends but of course, but I cannot smoke them in the house--those are relegated to the porch, which is tough in winter. But this blend passes both the wife likes test and the I like to smoke it test. I don't know what it is cased with, but there is definitely a honey note, some dried fruit, maybe raisin or dates, and kind of an Irish soda bread flavor. It is a bit floral. I fold and stuff this in small bent pipes and it burns well, not hot, no bite at all, average number of relights--a blend I really enjoy smoking and which my family likes when I smoke it. That's probably it's biggest drawing point. It's a Virginia that Iike to smoke that the family likes. I prefer Escudo, but the family does not. This is one I will always keep in stock. Pipe Used: small no-name bent Age When Smoked: new Purchased From: Smoking Pipes 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Bushleagueosu (20) 2021-09-20 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant Personally I don't see what all the hype is about. Don't get me wrong these are quality tobaccos and definitely worth buying but I didn't find it that great. It was far more aromatic than I was expecting and the topping is very noticeable. The other issue I had with this blend is that it tastes a little green or immature. This could obviously be just the batch that I received but it was something that stood out to me. I feel like this will be very good after a few years of age once the virginas have time to mature and the topping has faded a bit. This is would be a perfect choice for an aromatic smoking looking to branch out or for someone who likes virginia and doesn't mind a bit of flavor. Personally it was just a bit too much topping for me. I look forward to trying it in a few years. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note TotoPipeDreams (44) 2021-07-17 Mild Very Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant A Haiku Review: Delectable smoke When paired with coffee and cream Bright, sweet, coconut This is Carter Hall’s girlfriend. Pretty to look at, sweet but not sickly so. Occasional argumentative bite, but pleasant to be around almost all of the time. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Cubish70 (3) 2020-08-28 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant Beautiful to look at, wonderful to touch firm and thin flake. Can be rubbed out, but smokes magnificent as a roll and stuff. Smokes and sips very cool. Leaves very little moisture in the bowl. Doesn't bite. Occasionally has the mushroom note in the nose and flavor. Some citrus tang. Has enough topping to make others comment on the pleasant room note, yet not enough to mask the tasty Virginia it covers. A must in a Virginia fans rotation, not enough nicotine to keep it from being an all day smoke. Storing some to cellar. Highly recommended. Pipe Used: Various Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: Smoking Pipes. Com 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Tomcat (196) 2020-07-25 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Unnoticeable PS - LTF . A mild Virginia flake with toasty bread , hay and grass and malt notes. A little buttery cream feel . Added flavorings of coconut , vanilla and caramel and maybe licorice in that order to my tastebuds. It still has that African Virginia flavor . Burns great in a wide bowl . Won’t bite at all but can get a little hot when pushed . I let my 3 oz sample sit in a jar for about 6 months .Good change of pace from the citrus fruity Virginias with a little touch of spice also . There is a little perfume thing going on in the beginning of the bowl but burns off fairly quick . It kind of smells like the lakeland essense but doesn’t have that taste to it .Hardly worth mentioning. 3 -3 1/2 stars for me . Age When Smoked: 6 months 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Pip (80) 2020-03-28 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This is a pretty good bulk Virginian blend although I prefer my Virginian’s with little to no casing. I have only a year of age on this and it could definitely benefit from some more age. The tin note presents sweet, sugar, slight tang, bread, raisins, hay and a touch of earth. The sweet top note from the casing dominates. I break all the flakes up at once jar them up. The moisture level was just fine as is. Be careful with the charring light because it starts out hot, a tad harsh and it will bite. It took a while to get the tobacco lit properly and to settled down and stop biting. For me the middle of the bowl is where all the action is and when I started to enjoy myself as the tobacco presented nice sweet forward grassy, bready and toasty flavors. The aftertaste is pleasant. I think PS Navy Flake is far superior to this blend. Age When Smoked: 1 Year 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note DavyCrockettwashere (29) 2019-12-02 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant This tobacco looks as though it’s been rolled up into a long bar and pieces the size of a matchbook sliced off. As with a lot of pipe tobacco a wee bit of drying time brings this tobacco around to a decent smoke. Smoked new it’s a tongue bite waiting to happen. After drying a bit this blend can still bite if puffed to swiftly as it is a sugary blend. Luxury twist has quite a nice sweet taste with the Virginia coming through. The room note is mild and sweetly fragrant. Pipe Used: Radice pot. Age When Smoked: 3 years old 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note kg5000 (3) 2019-07-23 Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant I feel like I really came to a new understanding of fine tobacco when I tried PS Luxury Twist flake. The sweet citrus/hay flavor was totally welcome, but unexpected. This was my first flake as well as first straight Virginia blend after trying dozens of aromatics. I don't smoke this every day, but it's absolutely a regular part of the rotation. A must for new pipe smokers, in my opinion! Pipe Used: Various Cobs 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note KahveDelisi (72) 2019-07-10 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant I find this blend similar to Peter Heinrich's Reserve Crue No. 4 Flake. Both being caramel topped straight Virginia flakes, the similarity in taste does not precisely reflect to looks or smoke quality. I can't say one is superior to others, both blends having slightly different attributes, one lacking where the other is better at delivering. I wonder how it would taste if I were to blend them. Reserve Crue No. 4 tastes slightly richer, whereas Luxury Twist Flake offers more Caramel flavor. RCN4 lights up easily, whereas LTF needs several relights to get it going. Virginias in RCN4 has a bready taste, whereas LTF Virginias are citrusy and almost non-existent. LTF has superior topping/flavoring and a crowd-pleaser, whereas RCN4 has a tolerable room note. All that said, If I must pick one, then I would pick RCN4 due to better Virginia quality, but I'd pretend that it smells like LTF. Alas, both are all day smokes and very nice beginner, beginner-intermediate blends. Similar Blends: Peter Heinrichs Reserve Crue No. 4. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Gerry P (39) 2019-06-04 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant The flakes are perfectly pressed and sliced. They have a very pleasant, sweet aroma in the bag, which is what roped me in. The blend lights and burns well, one relight and no bite. The way the caramel flavoring, which is applied judiciously, combines with the darker Virginias really hits the spot for me. The gf commented on its pleasant room note. This blend fits the bill when I'm in the mood for a milder straight VA or an aromatic. Another reviewer mentioned price point as a factor in some reviews. While I agree with him, I would consider price as a factor when comparing similar blends that are of the same quality. For example, in a battle between Westminster and London Mixture (R.I.P) , both of which are 4 star blends for me, I'd give the advantage to Westminster since it, was a few bucks cheaper than the Dunhill. I'd like to say that price was a factor in my review of Luxury Twist Flake. However, I paid about 6 bucks an once for it at a b&m so I can't place it in the "great bargain" category. When I consider price as part of a blend's score, I mention it in my notes. Pipe Used: MM Carolina Gent Purchased From: Mayan Import Co., New Orleans LA 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note HabaneroHardy (384) 2019-03-01 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant I bought some of this in bulk at the local brick and mortar pipe store the other day. This has a sweet caramel/coconut smell out of the bag and as mentioned numerous times in other reviews a nice square flake. This smoked a lot milder than it smelled. It is a very good quality tobacco, smooth, sweet tasting with nar a bite but I just do not care that much for the topping. I would like to have tried this more natural so to speak. I would recommend it but not sure if I am going to buy any more. Fun to try and smoke but there are a lot of pipe tobaccos out there I have not tried. Too many to choose from I might add. Pipe Used: Cob Age When Smoked: new 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note geoffc (6) 2018-09-28 Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant Having been a big English blend smoker for so long I have been now on a straight Virginia kick. Luxury Twist Flake has been a favorite for many months now. Easy to fold and stuff in the Peterson Silver Fishtail spigot two flakes is perfect. Easy to light and rarely re-lite. I find the flavor more nuanced then other straight Virginia's. Sweet, but as much as Sutliff 515 RC-1. There are citrus notes in there I would say like the acidity of a Pink Lady apple varietal. A little hay and maybe cedar. Room note is pleasant and welcoming from wife that usually suffers through my latakia blends or perique blends. Pipe Used: Peterson Silver Fishtail spigot Age When Smoked: 0 Purchased From: and Similar Blends: I would say closer to Sutliff 515 RC-1 then Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake or Dunhill Dark Flake. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note ATW (110) 2018-09-19 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant Until I discovered this, I had almost completely given up on Stokkebye. This is a game changer. I'm not an aromatic smoker. Their was only one I enjoyed but it's gone now. I've never noticed a difference with a topping either. But this Flake has been mastered perfectly. Nice sweetness, pure tobacco flavor. and I can actually taste the topping. None of the flavors drowned out down the bowl. Very consistent and satisfying. Hopefully age doesn't wash this blend out. It's great as it is. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Adam Z (18) 2018-05-16 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant Not bad, but not something that's all that amazing either. There's nothing gross about this, but it's just not my thing. If you're looking for a very mild Virginia that has a nice unoffensive (non cigarette-like) room note and can be purchased in bulk, this is your ticket. The bag/jar note implies a more flavorful smoke than what it actually delivers, as the light casing seems to burn off pretty quick, for better or for worse. I smoked an ounce of this before reviewing. I don't find myself being really excited about smoking this particular blend, but apparently others do. I've got 4 more ounces jarred in my closet that I'll probably revisit in a year. Pipe Used: Peterson 68, Savinelli 601 Churchwarden, MM Legend Age When Smoked: unknown (bulk) Purchased From: The Pipe and Pint (Greensboro, NC), 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note JohnnyThousand (5) 2018-03-07 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Tolerable I tried this as a gateway from aromatics into non-aros. So far I’ve enjoyed the Luxury Twist Flake. Undecided which packing method I prefer. Today I went with fold & stuff. I’m not getting the strong flavoring others have mentioned. I’m a less experienced smoker and that said, I’m tasting more of the tobaccos than added caramel. The smoke is a tad sweet, but not overly slow. Stronger nic hit than the aros but not bad at all. I pick up the citrus others mention plus the coconut. I am using a 6mm balsa filter so take that into consideration. I’m smoking as I write this and just did re-light #4 if you count the char light. Tasting more coconut and some spice as I get mid-bowl. Watch the smoking cadence as the Virginias will burn hotter. Overall, I recommend this tobacco for anyone who wants something different than just the heavily flavored aromatics. Pipe Used: Savinelli Venere Age When Smoked: Jarred for a month Purchased From: 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note (224) 2017-12-03 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable When you walk into the grocery store, which section grabs your attention no matter how hard you try to deny it? The bakery! Bread is delicious and sugary, but then we coat it more sugar, and it becomes a confection. Fried bread, sweetened bread, cake, bread drenched in sugar icing... fats and sugars together will always draw our attention. It is easy to see why "Luxury Twist Flake" is so popular. Open up the package, and a delicious scent of grain and sugar wafts toward your nose. Draw out the anomalously soft and very thin flakes, and you might think you are looking at one of those spiral cakes they sell at Randall's. At first light, the caramel-vanilla flavoring jumps at your taste buds, but then you settle in to a mixture of bright Virginia grains and brown Virginia molasses, crested in the gentle nudge of the surprisingly light topping. It is slightly tangy from the lemony brighter Virginias or perhaps a slight citrus topping, but mostly just a gentle sugar-drenched grain like breakfast cereal or a donut. In fact, this blend is best described as a tasty donut. With that it in mind, it is entirely possible to see how this blend is such a favorite. Everyone likes donuts, at least in theory. The only problem here is that this blend is dog day afternoon boring once you get past the sugar blast. Like too many Va/Pers, although this is a Cavendish-roasted pure Virginia flake, it is fairly monodimensional because the overwhelming sweetness crowds out anything else. Oddly enough, that is the same reason that I stopped munching on donuts in the office. Luckily, "Luxury Twist Flake" will not make you fat, and as a mild-flavored low-Nicotine and mostly biteless smoke, can be a companion all day. EDIT: User "Cosmic" over at Pipes Magazine Forums believes that the topping is coconut-based. I have no reason to doubt him, but did not taste anything like what I recognize as coconut. Similar Blends: Orlik Tobacco Company A/S - Golden Sliced (Red Tin), Sutliff Tobacco Company - Virginia Slices #507-C. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note SonofVirginia (2) 2017-11-08 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant This is a beautiful looking tobacco. The flakes are solid, yet easily broken up. I don't detect fruit topping on this one, but do get a relatively strong impression of honey in both aroma and flavor. I do enjoy the flavor here. Grassy and sweet with that honey floating through it. That being said, I will not be buying more of it. This one bit me badly. No matter the dry time, packing method, or smoking cadence. It just doesn't jive with my chemistry. As always, these things are subjective. It is inexpensive enough to try it for yourself. It is good, just not for me. Age When Smoked: new 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Rusty1 (3) 2017-09-07 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant I'm with Korndog on just about everything here. First, this tobacco is just beautiful to hold in the hand, and just the process of rubbing it out enhances the experience. Packs well - nice and dry. Nice sweet hay taste, and then later can taste the caramel just a little, but not overwhelming. Only one light after the charring light, then burned well to the bottom of the bowl. This is a new favorite. Pipe Used: Northern Briars XL billiard Age When Smoked: fresh Purchased From: sample 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note LannarkGent (145) 2016-12-18 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable The is lightly topped Virginia that seems to age well the physical presentation is very nice. This smokes well and is more of a grassy lemon like Virginia base as opposed to a more earthy flavor that one would get from a red virginia. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Col. Stuffinpuff (14) 2016-10-07 Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant A very lovely presentation, somewhat let down by little flavor and impact, though the room note was very enjoyable in itself. I.E. - Where's the beef? Pipe Used: MM, Peterson, Stanwell 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note TwelveAMnTX (28) 2016-07-18 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant I received an aged sample, about .5 oz. of Luxury Twist Flake at a pipe club meeting. The sweet scent was evident even through the ziploc, I was immediately enamored with this tobacco. I had already started on my Virginia adventure when I tried this tobacco, but it made an impact beyond some others. It appealed to my aromatic side/taste in tobacco, I was intrigued enough to buy a 1.5 lb. box. The look of the flake alone is very interesting, it reminds me of a piece of toast, maybe LTF can also mean "Little Toast-shaped Flake". You can see the different twists of tobacco, yet have no clue how they achieved it's shape. It rubs out easily into almost shag with a few small bits. It's pretty much ready to smoke, but I have less relights with just a little dry time. It packs easy, but does expand when set aflame so do not over-pack your pipe. It burns evenly down to ash with very little dottle & no moisture in the bottom of the bowl. The taste, now that is the what is a mystery, to me it has a creamy honey vanilla almost coconut milk flavor. It's not overly sweet like an aromatic, but it's not a straight Virginia tobacco taste either. It is in a class all it's own, mild in all aspects, but not so much that I have to chase the flavor. It's a soothing smoke for when you crave something on the lighter side. It can be an all day smoke, unless you get a craving for something with a bit more nicotine. Pipe Used: Rossi 8320 & MM cobs Age When Smoked: aged sample? & fresh from box Purchased From: 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note ½ bowl (103) 2016-03-14 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Unnoticeable I bought a box of LTF, and it was wrapped in plain cellophane, so I immediately transferred it to half-pint Mason jars. This was both necessary and awkward. The 2mm. thick flakes are 2" squares with a cross-section that is swirled and serpentine-folded Cavendish-cut layers of compressed tobacco. The leaf is mostly brown and golden, and dotted with bright specks that are probably just leaf veins in cross-section. I didn't take notice at the time, but from the jar now, its aroma has a soft grassy sweetness, and vague chocolate smell (that you won't detect again until you get down to the heel of the bowl). Rub out a flake and it separates nicely into a ball of lacy threads that pack quite easily; and you'd almost never know it was a flake. This is a bright, refreshing, somewhat lemony Va. flake that I would put in the family of grassy Va.'s; but it is gentle and not the least bit sharp or sassy. It is only somewhat sweet, and a hint of tartness and spicy zest gives it an edge that keeps me coming back for more. I smoke it often, and when I pick up something else for a change of pace I feel that I'm somehow depriving myself. I smoke this stuff slow and fast and anything in between, and it always delivers a cool, dry smoke with no bite. The best results come from "breath smoking". The soft lemony tartness and the scant spiciness of the tobacco lasts pretty much throughout the smoke, and the sweetness slowly becomes more caramel-like. On occasion I think I taste something resembling vanilla, or perhaps hazelnut, but it's so insubstantial I hesitate to mention it. At the heel of the bowl the smoke begins to echo that vague aroma of chocolate detected in the jar earlier, and before you know it everything has turned to gray ash. I wouldn't call this a mellow blend, but there is good balance between body, flavor and strength. It produces a good volume of luxurious smoke, and I think Va. flake lovers will find it worthy of their finest pipe. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note wmf (14) 2015-07-13 Medium None Detected Full Tolerable Ok. Hated it the day I bought it. Tongue fire. Gave it a couple months in a jar, and low and behold, this stuff is yummy. With a capital YUMMY. Followed others advice packing and realized that this fruity Virginia masterpiece is worth the wait. Smoke it slow and you will be thoroughly enlightened. Solid 3.5. Reserving .5 because I had to age it Pipe Used: Rick Black poker, Dr Grabow billiard Age When Smoked: 3-4 months Purchased From: bm 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note ProtosTelos (1) 2015-05-08 Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Tolerable This one took a while to get used to. I normally don't like Aromatics (I bought it erroneously thinking it was pure virginias), but LTF is much better than most. Visually it looks great, almost like a little artwork. Smell is just fantastic, nice butterscotch, citrusy and rum notes. This can bite and burn hot if if not careful. First few bowls were like that, and I really didn't like it. Then I discovered that this flake, moreso than others, really needs to be spread out. Also packed a bit lighter than normal, puffed a bit lighter than normal, and in a pipe with a slightly bigger then normal draw. Once the above operational issues were resolved, I found this to be a pleasant, delicious and satisfying smoke. Nicotine is a pleasant kick, but not overpowering. The casing works very well and lets the bright virginias really come through. Definitely getting more of this. Pipe Used: Stanwell Bulldog Age When Smoked: 3-6 months Purchased From: 4 noggins 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Perdurabo (26) 2015-02-26 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant Luxury Twist Flake is very soft and very enjoyable in the summer time. A great intro into Virginia's. Flavors of Butterscotch and vanilla especially at the bottom of the bowl. Grassy hay and bready flavors are there too. Highly recommended if you are in need of a break from Your favorite English. Pipe Used: Cobb Age When Smoked: Shrug? Purchased From: Pipes& 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note huffnpuff (53) 2014-12-27 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild Pleasant Open bag smells of sweet hay grass Brown flakes of rectangle shapes .white speckles I cut the flake down to chunks and gravity fed my billiard pipe. Charring took a few time but staying lit was not problem after. Thick clouds of smoke and the perique makes its appearance from time to time . The Virginia is sweet and tangy but neds to be respected or your tongue will get bit. Perique is awesome I could use more of it though. I love spicy peppery tobac . To bad no one puts some ligero leaf from a cigar to add more kick. It is definitely a go to smoke for VaPer and flake smoker On a side note flakes are moist so you may need to dry it for few minutes. But the way I cut into chunks moisture is not an issue. A must try and not to demanding on the wallet. It reminds me of escudo but escudo is way smoother and balanced. Pipe Used: billards grabow Age When Smoked: fresh Purchased From: 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Kunsan (76) 2014-11-27 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable I've smoked this for the first time over the last couple of days. It's very moreish and a very nice smoke indeed. I'll certainly be ordering some more and I suspect it will become something that I'll always want to have in my cupboard. The Virginias have a very attractive sweetness that lingers in the mouth for a long time after a smoke. There's also a little depth of flavor. This tobacco produces enjoyable billows of flavorsome smoke, stays lit all the way to the bottom, and leaves a pure white ash. A real pleasure to smoke this stuff. I'm not usually a flake smoker and cannot compare to others, but I don't care about that because all I want to know is whether this tobacco gives me an enjoyable and satisfying smoke and it achieves that easily and in a memorable way. The fact that it is available at a very attractive low price is icing on the cake. Edit: the more I smoke this and some other Stokkebye tobaccos, the more I get the feeling of 'cheapness' compared to higher priced alternatives. I'm getting the overall impression that some (if not all) Stokkebye tobaccos use cheap components in order to fit a certain price. That might not disturb many people from enjoying this tobacco, but the more I smoke it the less impressed and 'enchanted' I become. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Mochzky (8) 2013-03-04 Extremely Mild Very Mild Very Mild Unnoticeable I obtained LTF 1.5 lbs in bulk. This review is based on my impression after having consumed the half of it, 12 oz. Definitely a slight hint of vanilla note is detectable, which is quite pleasant and mild, not cloying. Casing is modest. The Presentation is superb. The modestly sweet vanilla fragrance matches the underlying grassiness of the mellow VA and often diverts my attention from its subtly tingling, stinging tastes that VA gives. By the 1/3 bowl, however, the fragrance doesn't stay and the taste becomes that of charcoal and ash especially when I re-light my neglected pipe after a brief respite. I'm not saying this is a cheap tobacco. LTF does not bite my tongue. Lights well. Burns well. Only it does not retain its quality to the last puff. So, I recommend emptying the charred tobacco stuck in the bottom when smoking is interrupted a bit through one-third of the bowl. Nothing exciting or unusual, yet far from being bland, LTF is moderate in tone in every aspect. Being moderate is of the essence when smoking in public. It is so far the best tobacco I smoke in the public places ( where, of course, smoking is not inhibited ), with the others around me, smokers or / and non-smokers. I put 3 stars in 4 scales, meaning 75 out of 100. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2011-11-15 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant For someone who is just geting in to virgina flakes this is a great place to start. Alot of flakes when pressed seem to have a greater nicoten punch than other cuts of tabacco this flake doesn't I really enjoy the mapple tast it has but it's still not a wet aromatic it burns slow and great. I say go for it it's a nice flake and it's a good one to try if your new to flakes 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Rodricus (29) 2011-06-25 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable What a handsome tobacco that provides a tasty smoke! Over the years I´ve tried several flakes, though I find them hard to preserve, pack, and smoke. Yet, a few of them deliver such a unique and delicious flavor that they are worth the while. Luxury Twist Flake is one of this tobaccos. Discribe this flake as "light aromatic" can be deceitful. Yes, it is a little aromatic. But this tobacco taste like tobacco in an this-is-virginia way. The taste is zesty, floral with a hint of grass, you can perceive molasses, and fresh barley. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Country Doc (20) 2010-08-29 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant So many reviews already - just a couple notes Quality tobacco, very pleasing flavor, burns nicely. Flavor just not strong enough to give a higher rating. Update 12 Sept 10 Upgrading LTF to 3.5 - I have tried a few bowls rubbing it out before packing and the flavor noticeably intensifies. Slow puffing is the way to do go. Sweet, caramel nutty flavor that seems to have more to do with the tobacco than with any casing. I will be cellaring this one. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note SteelCowboy (685) 2010-08-18 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild Pleasant I really wanted to like this tobacco. The flakes are unique and the smell is sweet reminding me of cookies. Sadly, that where my interest ends. It is just boring. I put some aside and returned to it about six months later with the same result. The cavendish leaves a unwanted coating in my mouth. It's just not for me. Not Recommended. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note KinnScience (30) 2009-12-08 Mild Extremely Mild Mild Pleasant OK, I am completely mystified as to any review under 3 stars on this one. Even if you don't like VA, you have got to give credit where it is due. PS has shown true genius in making this VA blend. There is nothing else quite like it on the market anywhere. I have over 320 lbs of pipe tobacco in my cellar and I have to rate this in the top 5. All tobacco has some casing, so I can't see faulting PS for that. The trick is use as little as possible during the curing, and to marry to the tobacco taste so that it enhances the tobacco, not bury it. PS does the job 100% here IMO. LTF represents PS's skill in curing/blending. LTF provides the smoker with a toasty sweetness. Freshly baked rolls in the bakery at 5:am would be the way I would describe it.. If you have not tried LTF, you have not experienced VA blends. Update: I want to add that if you are comparing this to FVF .. or to 5100, you may end up disappointed. It does not have a flavor that is as robust, especially comparing to FVF. What is good about this flake is that it is subtle and mild. It becomes great as an all day smoke (rubbed out), to add a mild sweetness and tame down a heavy tobacco, or by itself when you want to smoke a subtle tobacco. Lets face it, if every tobacco was heavy, we'd have fewer dimensions to enjoy. I will agree to lower this to 3 stars (I'd do 3.5 if I could) simply because I agree it is not quite up to the level of FVF or 5100 (which are two of my favorite VA's). But this flake is a wonderful flake, and it has its place in my Va rotation. Update 3/31/11 I cracked open a vacuum sealed jar that has been in my cellar for 2 years (vac sealed by heating the jar prior to putting in the tobacco and sealing... works great) The subtle caramel and baked roll aroma was stronger than when the tobacco had initially gone in. Preparing the flake (bend and roll technique) I put it in a Barling African Meer - bent bulldog) The flake lit without issue and relights were rare compared to other flakes. The tobacco burned down to the utopian "white ash" that so often eludes me with other tobaccos. The flavor was a much more obvious fresh baked bread and caramel taste from the start, and continued to grow as I passed the half bowl mark. Lots of delicious white smoke throughout the bowl. The caramel began to surpass the baked rolls after the first 1/3, and I noted a faint vanilla flavor becoming through to a greater extent. The sweetness was not as abundant throughout the bowl as is the case with other VA flakes; it is there, but not as obvious. With this flake, as with all VA's flake or otherwise, I highly recommend obtaining in bulk and aging for at least a year if you can. The flavor of a VA really becomes something to sing about when it is aged. Of all types of tobacco, VA continues to improve more and more with age to a much greater extent. This flake is certainly no exception, and it may even age better than most. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note hambone71 (4) 2009-06-09 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant I discovered something today. VIRGINIAS! Boy, what a treat. This is the first pure VA that I've tried and I'm glad I did. I tasted a delightful sweetness that I have not gotten from any English blend. LTF smelled sweet right from the bag and I couldn't wait to try it. I've been warned about the tongue bite that VAs are know to give but I must be smoking it right because I find it to burn fairly cool. I can give only 3 stars for now because its my first. I am now on a quest for more VA blends. 2 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note cell biologist (21) 2007-09-09 Mild to Medium Medium Mild Pleasant I purchased this from Captain Hunt?s in San Diego. The flakes are beautifully presented in a square swirl. The smell is very sweet, as if the tobacco was soaked in hazelnut liqueur. This topping flavor comes through on first light and lasts for the first third of the bowl. The taste is otherwise somewhat hollow and thin, here, but a richer tobacco flavor builds and by the last third of the bowl it can be quite nice. Not a rich, deep taste, just pleasantly malty and nutty - if you get it going just right. At suboptimal burn rates the taste is hollow and flat. This tobacco seems to work best for me in a briar with a narrow bowl when the flakes are just mashed or rolled into a cylinder. Actually, I like it best mixed with McClelland VIrginia #25, which adds depth. I?m glad to have tried Luxury Twist but I guess I don?t like it well enough to p

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Customer Reviews (149 Total)

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A Sweet & Mild Virginia Flake By: Olmstead Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Update: After trying GH Bob’s Chocolate Flake, I find that Luxury Twist Flake has a topping that’s quite similar – sans the Lakeland essence. This is a great flake with a beautiful presentation; LTF does not disappoint. On the other hand, it is proba… Read More bly not going to please Virginia purists with such a distinctive casing. The pouch/tin note smells like powdered hot cocoa mix and fresh-baked bread. Its room note is pleasant as well. Preparation is easy, and behavior is good. Whether you choose to rub it to ribbons or fold-&-stuff, it’s hard to mess this one up. The smoke is creamy, with a flavor that’s mildy sweet with hints of cocoa and brown sugar, and I find it to be almost entirely bite-free. Additionally, the nicotine level is very low—even a big pipe of this on an empty stomach wont make you dizzy or ill, making it a very agreeable flake. As for aging, blends that are good when fresh—especially Virginias—are a thing of greatness, and this is one of ’em. With that said, it absolutely gets better with age. Still, it’s nice to buy fresh flakes and be able to enjoy them as is. LTF is a perfect blend for those who want a Virginia flake with a sweeter twist, and if you liked Luxury Navy Flake, it’s likely you’ll enjoy this as well. Read Less

Fine Tobacco By: Mark G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk All day smoke, Very good room note. Stays lit well an all around winner!!!

you can smoke it all day By: zaidan Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk so smooth with no bite at all

Easy Choices By: Kurtis K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Updated: I’ve bought four boxes of Luxury Twist Flake and have got to say I can see myself buying more at some point. I’ve come to appreciate flakes more and more as they travel pretty well and this has been the flake I most consistently reach for (a… Read More nd frankly reach for over pretty much everything else at the moment). Aged +1 Year: Still a fantastic smoke; I highly recommend aging this for a few months just to taste the difference. I didn’t notice a huge difference between aging for six months and a year, for what it’s worth. Aged +2 Years: I’ve experimented with several ways of keeping this flake– in an air-tight environment the sweeter notes are more retained as opposed to grassier flavors in a plunger-sealed jar. A box is going into two separate mason jars and I’ll compare that against what I have. Read Less

Delicious Aromatic By: Nightwarden Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk You couldn’t ask for much more in a tobacco than this. The taste of the pure Virginia blend is stronger than a dedicated aromatic, but not overpowering, offering no bite. The aroma is amazing, and the room note seems to appeal to others who stand nea… Read More rby me when I smoke. The twist flake and roll make sure that you get a long smoke every time. Its natural moisture is pretty much perfect, and I stock up on this when I can. Read Less

Nice smell, not much flavour. By: David S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk So this is my first review on here, im a huge fan of the other “luxury” blends stokkebye offers yet i tried this the other day and although it looked aesthetically beautiful, and had a nice sweet smell of honey and vanilla it just didnt do … Read More it for me. It was almost as if the casing was out competing the tobacco and yet the tobacco was competing against the casing and there was no real winner; which just seemed to make the flavour taste very bland. The char light was nice and full of honey, and the very bottom of the bowl had an alright virginia taste to it but almost all of the entire bowl just tasted bland to me. I will age it for a year or so and come back to it, not a horrible tobacco by any means, but not something i will rush to buy again. No bite and an easy smoke with minimal relights gives this a 3.5 but flavour just wasnt there for me. Read Less

Excellent By: Vince D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk My favourite flake. Everything else has been said. Buy it, its so cheap.

Easy going smoke By: Todd p. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This stuff is super easy going. It’s really mild, it’s smooth, it burns well right out of the bag. Honestly the beginning of the bowl is fairly unremarkable. But half way down the bowl this really nice sweetness came through that was really quite nic… Read More e. This stuff is super mild yet still a nice simply tasty smoke that you could reach for at any time. Is there better stuff available? Yes. But for the price it’s pretty damn good. Read Less

Stokkeflake! By: publictakeover Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Yeah, baby! Twist! This is definitely, “The One.” It is magnificent that the Stokkebye clan blended this and perfected the process and now produces this stuff for worldwide consumption. This has a little more concentrated flavor than the… Read More other two kinds of flakes. This is the one! I’ve been smoking Stokkebye’s Luxury Twist Flake for 25 years, and it is still as satisfying as ever. Well-blended, balanced and complex, not sweet and doesn’t burn too hot. Just a hint of sweetness–more in the pouch aroma–and a cool, steady burn. Can easily be rubbed out to very fine consistency, which I highly prefer. Luxury: that’s what they call it–rubs out really fine and has a satisfying, complex, slightly sweet, but not overpowering taste. Apparently, the cut of this flake renders the flavor a little more full and savory than the straight lux flake. The cut of the twist flake delivers the flavor! This flake is consistent, both in flavor and in fortitude. There are some other flakes out there, but this one has the consistency of flavor and quality to always reserve a place in my tobacco supply closet. It’s not overpowering, but it is rather full and complex, so it remains interesting. Not a thin, hot smoke, but a rich cool one. I’m not surprised it is out of stock at the moment, but hopefully that won’t continue, like it has with some Germaine and/or Esoterica brands. Read Less

淡芳香 By: Shiver Frank Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 确实如很多评论所说,PS402有调味芳香味道,但并不很多,浅浅的一层覆盖在弗吉尼亚之上,还好,但如果把它归类为淡芳香族也许更恰当些。对我来说,在一段时间之前也许会打四星半甚至五星,它和我那段时间非常喜欢的菠萝切片有些相似,少许调味料增添了些许其他韵味,并不妨碍甚至提升了烟草原有的香味,这很好但有时却稍显过了一点点。

还不错 By: Jianping S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 总体来说还不错,但是后段缺乏爆发和劲道

Aromatic By: Warren K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk If this was listed as an aromatic, it would have received 4.5 stars, however it is not. Rated against other straight Virginias, it does not compare. It’s like a boxer playing golf, he might be a pro sportsman, but he sucks at golf…this sucks at bei… Read More ng a virginia Read Less

Nice room note but no flavour By: T-bone Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I really wanted to like this blend. I have enjoyed bullseye Flake and now Navy Flake over and over. I tried this at least half a dozen times, filter, no filter, In a Meerschaum, in a briar and in a corncob. Might be good for some but not for others. … Read More The room note is really really nice but I just don’t taste much at all and burns a little warm. Sorry just didn’t cut it for my rotation. I will stick to Luxury Bullseye and Luxury Navy Flake. Read Less

Easy choice By: Junyoung J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk It’s easy to notice that premium tobacco has been used in this flake. The flake maintained adequate moisture all the way to South Korea and was easy to prepare for smoking. Rather mild with a scent of vanilla that persists throughout most of the smok… Read More e. Read Less

The aroma is better than the taste By: Curtis L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I tried this based upon all the positive reviews. It does have an alluring aroma but for me, this blend bites but then again, most all aromatics tend to bite! I tried new from the package 3-years ago and then again last night. I will stick with th… Read More e luxury flake and bullseye. Read Less

Nice By: Mr. G Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This Virginia is really good. It has mild sweet flavor, but you can taste the Virginia as well the pleasant chocolate, cocoa flavor.

A really good smoke By: brooklynpipesmoker Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a really nice smoke.The flake itself might just be one of the prettiest on the market. It has a coconut topping but really don’t let that scare you.The topping really stays in the background and truly only compliments the taste.Some say this … Read More is not a complex blend but I disagree.With one flake in a narrow bowl you can find something really special.I prefer to the bullseye round which has a more simple taste profile. The key oddly enough is that coconut flavor hiding in the background.If your a veteran pipe smoker you probably already know how good this is but if you are new to the hobby you will not go wrong with this. Read Less

Great straight Virginia By: John H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is one of my favorite straight (with some topping) Virginia. It does have a caramel topping but I find it mixes very well with the bready hay notes of the tobacco. Out of the 3 Luxury PS Flakes this is my favorite.

Luxury tobacco with a twist. By: Sean F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Very smooth, mildly sweet, and no noticeable topping. Rubs out nicely, and burns well. Sorry, I’ve wasted too much time in not ordering this sooner. This one will be a permanent member of my rotation. Wife say the room note is pleasent.

Caramel Milk Maid By: James Marc R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk The aesthetic of the flake is beautiful; the marbling of brightly colored leaf throughout a darker background is a wonderful presentation. Luxury twist has a caramel like topping that’s quite sweet and reminds me of the Milk Maid candy with the cara… Read More mel on the outside and cream in the center. Yes, there’s a definite caramel cream taste to this and because of that there’s an artificial flavor and sweetness to this. I also pick up a bit of pastry (bread) and brown sugar, but most of the natural flavor is sublimated by the sugar and flavor of the topping. It’s light-bodied, smooth, sweet and creamy with a light lingering sweet finish. It possesses very low nicotine, and coupled with the body and finish, this is an all-day smoke. If you want a break from the heavier, more natural tasting, and less sweet (albeit naturally sweet) VA flake such as Sam Gawith or Mac Baren HH VA, try Luxury Twist Flake (LTF). Nicotine is 1.5 out of 5. Puff lightly and smoke it cool for best flavor. Read Less

Welcome to the bakery By: BatteryOperatedRobot Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is my go to blend in the morning with a cup of coffee. It gives off a unique smell which almost reminds me of play dough, but when lit its a different story. I get a creamy pastry like flavor which reminds me of dipper a plain donut right into m… Read More y cup of Joe. The flakes almost look like the shape of bread which I feel is very fitting due to the sweet bread flavor this posses. Better stock up in bulk as this stuff goes fast! I know I am glad that I did! Read Less

High quality Virginia By: RMF Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 4 / 5 stars. Though Virginias aren’t my go-to, I do find I like Vaper flakes and coins. This is a high quality Virginia flake. A briar full gets better and better. If you slightly rub it out a bit and let it dry, it needs no relight. Delightful. I ce… Read More llared a jar, I’ll add more thoughts after a year. Read Less

Lindo aroma By: papasotomx Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Deja un lindo aroma avainillado que va bien con libros, biblioteca, va bien con todo lo bueno de la vida!!

香精味道 By: Chao L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 我庆幸我只买了2oz,香精味道,有一点甜,更多的是腻和不自然的味道,就让他静静待在我的玻璃瓶里吧

Sweeeet! By: BudMc Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Opened up a jar of LTF after 14 years in storage. The tobacco was really dark and aromatic. A bit dry but still rubbed out well. I load up a cob and lit it up. My O My was it good. So sweet and flavorful. Really sweet and flavorful. Buy some and… Read More cellar it up for a few years you’ll be in for a real treat. Read Less

Meh By: Adam H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk It’s an immature pure VA topped with a sweet, mild, vanilla-like flavor/aroma. I don’t like it, even with a few years of age. Obviously, many people did like it, so you may too. I didn’t like the topping for sure. However, it would probably be a … Read More good blender. Read Less

It’s Okay. Topping is nice. By: EKG Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Luxury Twist Flake is okay. The flake is very attractive and the “tin” note is very nice; like sweetened pastries or orange glaze. The topping is perhaps my favorite aspect of this flake. Rubs out and packs well. Lights and burns easily and… Read More evenly. The topping is noticeable until the later portions of the bowl. Again, the topping is my favorite part. The virginia’s are smooth, but lacking a lot of flavor. I like this flake much better fresh when the topping is prominent. When aged, and the topping aroma and flavor dissipates. After about a year of storage, without more of the topping flavor, I feel like something is missing. Nothing is bad, but nothing is particularly exciting either. Personally, I won’t choose this over Erinmore or University Flake. Maybe some burley is missing for my tastes. Read Less

와..진심 개맛있다 By: Lee C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 고민하지말고 사라. 진짜 존맛이다. 1온스 삿다가 양 작을거같아서 다시 주문한다

Smooth and satisfying By: Simon B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I bought this already aged from another pipe smoker and it is delicious. The smell of caramel from the mason jar belies the true Virginia flavor of this tobacco. Dry it before you smoke it and rub it out to a broken flake. Gravity fill your bowl and … Read More treat it gently and you will be well rewarded. Read Less

I’m torn By: bushleagueosu Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Personally I don’t see what all the hype is about. Don’t get me wrong these are quality tobaccos and def worth buying but i didn’t find it that great. It was far more aromatic than I was expecting and while the topping is pleasant don’t fool yourself… Read More into thinking that this is a straight virginia blend. It is not a typical aromatic and will not ghost a pipe but it is also not a straight virginia. That all being said my biggest problem is the fact that it tastes a little green or immature. I feel like this will be very good after a couple of years of age once the virginas have time to age and the topping has faded a bit. This is would be a perfect choice for an aro smoking looking to branch out or for someone who likes virginia and doesn’t mind a bit of flavor. Personally it was just a bit too much topping for me. I look forward to trying it in a few years. Read Less

Aeromatic For Sure! By: Benjamin S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Burns hot and is strongly cased.The appearance of the flake is beautiful,but the casing over rides any natural tobacco flavor imo.Will also ghost your pipe so be careful. This is most certainly an areo. I’ll stick with the navy or bullseye flake.

Ditto! By: Ronald M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk It’s aged with licorice, I believe, which gives it an appealing taste that I’d rank with Erinmore Flake or Orlik Flake- at a much lower price. It’s slightly stronger than the two, but more satisfying. Should you inhale it, accidentaly or otherwise,… Read More it won’t sear your windpipe and induce paroxysms of coughing. So far it’s my favorite blend. And,of course, it doesn’t bite. Read Less

调香味比较重 By: Eason Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 抽了一斗新草,感觉调香味比较重,整体抽下来很甜,变化几乎没有,甜食爱好者可以尝试

Number one bulk blend By: Abdullah A. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Since the first experience it’s became number one of all Virginia blend I own

奶油味中带点巧克力 By: Jiang Ming g. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 存了十个月,今天从梅森瓶取出点,奶香味减少了点没有买来时浓,点然之后奶香味更优雅甜味也出来了夹着淡淡巧克力香从鼻尖划过,变化还是有的,就当调味草抽是不错的

Better w age By: JHigh Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Bought in early 2012. The color is now dark brown. Mild taste the flavoring gives a good mouth feel a fullness to the smoke some sharp citrus on the tongue. Excellent!!

A true all day smoke By: Jason G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Delicious and beautiful.

好香 舌头舒服 By: Jason Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 青草香 红糖 奶油 特别甜 扣分地方就是有点辣

Too sweet By: Albert Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk It smells like vanilla and I am wondering if it’s a Virginia or aromatic. After reading something I believe that it is pure Virginia. It tastes sweet, but a little bit too sweet for me. I am a pipe smoker from China and maybe this is you Americans li… Read More ke. I like it, but too sweet. Read Less

PS:LTF By: 巨洲晓季 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 又香又辣,深爱的麻花

Smooth and Creamy By: SmokingPipeBear · 斗熊 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Easy to pack, beginner can also handle this (i think), can get all the best thing about Virginia. Must try.

Old reliable friend By: Michael M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk For me twist flake is 5 stars hands down, one of the best flakes I’ve been smoking twist flake for 16 years & it was my favorite tobacco & flake, I get the sweet smell & taste of caramel,vanilla,& coconut,& that wonder aged taste … Read More you get when you smoke it. I know for me it taste exactly how it smells, just delicious, it’s that good. I buy twist flake & bullseye & now I also buy evening flake, wich has more flavor than navy flake. Read Less

奶香调味v草 By: Xiaodan F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 有v草的醇香,有调味的室韵,很不错啊。

Quite sweet By: jewman22 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Cant really find anything to say other than Iv’e yet to have a bad Peter Stokkebye blend, they are all really good. And this one is quite nice, a little sweeter than I’d prefer, but still very good.

I’m a fan By: Justin Iceguy Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I just keep sniffing it’s jar. It smells so good I need it. Jar note deepens and darkens some after a few months. Some of that comes through the pipe. Sweet, creamy, rich with carmel. Probably my best tobacco.

Sweet and Mild By: Lynnley D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a good flake for low nicotine seeking individuals with uncertainty about smoking flakes and Virginias that have crossed over from the Aromatic world. It’s the first flake I ever smoked and I really enjoyed it and cellared 3 oz. 3 years later,… Read More while my taste have changed and evolved over that time, I still think this is a very good flake. It’s mild, there’s a casing on it that to me, taste like coconut. It’s subtle and not fully present the whole way through the bowl. Taste great with a nice IPA, or a light adult beverages coffee. Seems to enhance the flavors. It burns well when folded or rubbed out. Stays lit, no tongue bite. It won’t blow you away if you’re a Virginia enthusiast. But it’s good for beginners and seasoned alike when you just want to puff on something mild and easy. I recommend aging it though. It does seem to bring out the sweetness more. Read Less

Giver! By: ChurchOfBobAndDoug Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Great quality, great price! Good firm flakes, perfect moisture, rub out and smoke right out of the bag. A little more on the bran/cereal side and mutch less hay and raisin taste. I’m going to invest a bit into this and jar up some for long term stora… Read More ge. Read Less

味道不错 By: jiushibujiaoshui Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 斗温高,有点辣,塞满压实真空抽吸十分香甜。

需要陳年 By: Zhenbone Y. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 第一次抽是朋友賣了醇化8個月的給我,抽起來室韻極佳不抽煙的朋友都狂吸我呼出的二手煙,而且醇養過後口感不錯,不會像新草抽起來只有室韻口感完全不行,不過養過的抽太多會有舌苔感,最明顯是吃辣刺激感減少。總而言之,如果你想要一到貨沒多久馬上抽那這款菸草不適合你,但是如果你願意給他時間陳放醇化他會帶給你新舊完全不同的感受,倒不是變得多頂級就是恢復一般煙草該有的煙感但是有絕佳的香氣。

Mild all day virginia By: Arshman Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Mild virginia. Somewhat sweet. Burns readily. Produces lots of smoke. Easily an all day smoke. I recommend.

Classic lure for over a decade By: Michael A. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is the first flake I tried over a decade ago from a local tobacconist. That natural nutty Virginia and sweet Cavendish is always a pleasure to smoke.

香精的味道 By: 陶 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 抽过了ps400,ps403,都是非常自然的香气,清香而朴实。然而ps402香气却虚假并且做作,明明是纯v,却一大股香精的味道,我重新查看了配方以确定这不是调味。可惜了纯v的香气全被过度的香精覆盖了,后悔买太多了

Like Newminster 400, but… By: Dr Nigro Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This seems to be a knockoff of Newminster 400 Superior Navy Flake. And ya know what? Newminster is indeed superior. Don’t get me wrong, LTF is good too, just not as good as Newminster. You will find the tin notes very similar, and the quality of the … Read More Virginia blend is even similar, but Newminster is fuller bodied and just better overall. Read Less

Cookie Dough🍪 By: Cressy L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Sweet Cream, Cookies, Coconut Cashews, Danish

Enduring Favorite By: Robert R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I’ve smoked Peter Stokkebye: PS402 Luxury Twist Flake for about 18 years now. It remains a standy daily driver for many reasons. I LIVE in VA mixture land 99% of the time and and wander into Burley or English/Balkan lands occasionally. Luxury Twis… Read More t Flake is like no other, both in presentation or in the “is is natural or aromatic” department. My suspicion is that it IS an aromatic although a subtle one. I sense honey and a mild fruit essence, the fruit reminding me exactly of tinned mandarin oranges. These essences are quite sharp in the “tin note” and are fairly evident to me upon lighting, but fade during the smoke. The VA’s are some of the finest anywhere, with all the grassy straw like qualities any VA smoker would expect. You REALLY have to try hard to make this one bite, and when the stars are all in line and smoke goes perfect I wind up with a silly grin on my face. HIGHLY recommended! Read Less

An Outstanding VA By: Chris F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I’m an S.G. FVF guy, and G.H.’s Bob’s Chocolate is a close 2nd (and my favourite desert tobacco); and I definitely agree with the review below in a comparison with the Lakeland VA’s (I reckon due to the Zimbabwean leaf?) without the intrinsic essence… Read More . This stuff is excellent on its own and in its own right (and rite). As a recovering pipe purist (who is quite keen on rethinking all of my old biases), it honestly surprised me with the intrinsic quality of the leaf and of process. When FVF is enveloped back into the fog of unavailability (which again appears to be the case), Stokkebye’s Flake — which again must be taken on its own — will absolutely take a place within my VA rotation, and even allow me to ration my FVF stock. I never thought there would be another VA out there that I could enjoy nearly as much as my beloved SG’s and GH’s. I am excited in how incorrect I was… Sweet fresh hay at first light, VA sweetness-sorcery with growing complexity at 1/3rd, a little spice and deep VA flavours on the soft palate at 2/3rds, and then I’ve found it starts to mellow from there onwards. Burns to a clean white ash and my pipes are also remarkably clean. It seems to benefit from a bit of drying time, but doesn’t need much. Now, I’m smoking this business green as hell — straight out of the bag from And, don’t get me wrong, it’s great. But like any green VA, I reckon she’ll bite you if you piss her off. So technique out the bag is paramount. But, this stuff is going to age beautifully. Have thus far smoked LTF out of a Jimmy Craig XX Ashton, an Askwith billiard, an MM cob, and my favourite Ferndown, and it’s worked really well in all of them. Folding & stuffing works great for a slow burn (allow for some rest-time and relights, especially if it’s green), but I’ve found rubbing out coarsely has been my preferred method. Have paired it with dark roast coffee blends (heavy on the cream), and, my personal favourite when smoking straight VA’s, whole milk. Don’t judge… No judging… Read Less

Sweet and Subtle By: Steven p. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This isn’t anything crazy. It isn’t a smoke you’re going to think too much about. Mild, can smoke it over and over without missing a thing. Sweet and bread-like. Very thin smoke. If it overheats it does not become sharp.

a bit burn By: Shitao Y. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Very nice fruity tin note. Beautiful flake. Nice price. The taste is sweet and mild. But somehow it burns my tongue no matter I use cob or briar. 闻起来很香的果脯味,也很好看,价格优秀。味道比较甜淡。但它会烫我舌头,不管我用玉米还是石楠木斗。

Great flavor, room note makes people nostalgic By: Annaresti Red Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I cannot add much to the reviews below, so I won’t get verbose. I endorse Kurtis K.’s review 100%, I imagine that helps more than my less than poetic prose. I’d call it a Virginia Flake with a hint of topping or the remnants of a sweet casing th… Read More at you can tell is there, but not near enough to call this aromatic. I’ve had a handful of strangers stop to tell me some story the aroma jostled loose from their scent memory. Quite pleasant. To me, I smell the room I’d watch my grandpa tinker in and smoke his pipe. Read Less

Not objectively bad, not for me By: Abrahim R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This behaved a lot more like an aromatic than a straight Virginia in my experience. I found it too much of a hassle to smoke after maybe a half dozen tries, it never seems to burn quite as well as other blends I have (tried folding, rolling, and rubb… Read More ing it out, different pipes, all of it) and the taste wasn’t my favorite when it did burn right. It’s quality stuff though, just not my taste. Read Less

Big 3 By: Matt Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk LNF, LBEF, LTF They are that good. Stock up

Sweet and Mild By: Frank J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A clean, sweet, bright Virginia offered at a price that lends pipe smokers of even the most modest means the ability to stock a nice little cellar. This VA flake is sublime. Fold and stuff works best as it keeps the casing in control. On the other ha… Read More nd, it is probably not going to please Virginia purists with such a distinctive casing. The smoke is creamy with a flavor that’s semi-sweet with hints of cocoa and maple with no bite at all. LTF is a perfect blend for those who want a straight Virginia with a sweet twist. For the price it is well worth it to buy and age for 6 months. This is another winner from Stokkebye, perfect as an all-day smoke. Read Less

PS does it again…. By: Randall R Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This twist flake is another PS high quality,dark,a little less sweet but full enough of VA flavor to impress those who like the spectrum of flavors from VA tobaccos…has that signature PS thing that I have come to enjoy…not a a very s… Read More light tingle on the retro that is excellent…nic hit is pleasing,just enough to satisfy my nic jones…but not excessive…a good smoke to enjoy once or twice per week in my rotation…is gonna get better with age…that’s for sure…definitely recommended. Read Less

Good smoke By: Fred U. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Tin note is wonderful. It smokes good and has a satisfying nicotine hit. There’s something going on that I can’t describe with respect to taste, but I like it. Tastes like a light smokey sweetness. It’s a good all day smoke for sure

Delicious all day VA By: Paul R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk The tin note is so delicious it’s tempting to take a bite. Not quite an aromatic, but there is a definite grassy/chocolatey smell. I typically rub this out and let it sit for a bit before loading, and I do not have any issues. This stays lit to the b… Read More ottom of the bowl. I order this by the pound. Read Less

great traveler By: Humphamm3r Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is the smoke I bring with me on the go. The flakes travel well. The room note isn’t abnoxious to others and there’s little to no bite. Just a great all arounder for a trip to the park!

Zero Flavor By: Brandon P. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I wish I had paid attention to the reviews that mentioned a lack of flavor. No real tobacco taste, very little flavor from the casing/ topping. Almost as bland as the glass of water that accompanied my smoke this morning. I’m very disappointed, a… Read More s I enjoy Luxury Navy Flake. Read Less

Zero Flavor By: Brandon P. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I wish I had paid attention to the reviews that mentioned a lack of flavor. No real tobacco taste, very little flavor from the casing/ topping. Almost as bland as the glass of water that accompanied my smoke this morning. I’m very disappointed, a… Read More s I enjoy Luxury Navy Flake. Read Less

Sweet Butter Taste, Just like butter candy By: Gentleman_H Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk First of all, It’s All-time good VA Tobacco. Can be Daily Smoke. If you draw it fast, It’ll Bite (for me, some Bright VA Bite me with fast draw) But Sweet Butter Taste come Consistently. Good for Price, I can Buy this with no Hesitate.

First impressions By: DK Acolyte Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk First impressions: Ooh very sophisticated. This cavendish treatment on a Virginia is very well done. I’m impressed. Very smooth, no bite, wonderful delicious old timey Cavendish retrohale. It’s really good. I find myself retrohaling almost every puff… Read More . The flavoring is subtle but present on every puff. The grassy citrusy Virginia is in some weird space between sun cured and dark fired. Very interesting. It’s great on its own but would work well as a condiment tobacco too. Read Less

very smooth By: Tim E. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk order a sample to try liked it very much so i order 8oz fell in love with this flake just order 24oz has become one of two of my favorite flakes looking forward to trying after aging for 1 and 2 years

Pleasant By: CretaceousPiper Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I’m very new to non-aromatics, so I’ve tried to be open-minded about the blends I’ve tried thusfar. Luxury twist flake is very, very smooth. Subtle notes of hay and a strong citrus zest taste and aroma from this. My mustache carried around tje smell … Read More of orange peel for several hours after a bowl of this! Loving this so far and consider purchasing again Read Less

Best Virginia By: TobaccoMeister Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is my favorite Virginia blend! Despite not being an aromatic, it has a wonderful caramel sweetness and amazing room note. SmokingPipes needs to have this in stock at all times.

Fantastic By: Hieronymus500 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Top of the line in the flake category.

The best By: Karen M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk The best tobacco ever

Aromatic or Virginia? That is the question. By: Stamper Tamper Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I was worried because of what smelled like coconut/caramel topping or casing, but surprise, it does sit in the background and smoke like a nice Virginia. Once it’s lit up, it compliments the VA’s perfectly. A year aged, I’ve detected a little bit of … Read More honey, vanilla, chocolate, anise and peaches. Read Less

Sweet and Mild smoke By: Jason G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk These are mesmerizing to look at….but once you stuff em in a pipe it’s even better! I rubbed mine out so your mileage may vary a little, but for me this was a sweet and smooth smoke. There is some sort of topping here but it’s overpowering and com… Read More pliments the tobacco nicely. The room note is also good. Read Less

버터향 달달함! By: Jun Young J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 버터향과 달달함이 가득차있는 연초인것같다. 초보인 내가 쉽게 즐기는 것 보면 아주 좋은연초인것같다 다만! 텅바잇은 조심해야될듯하다!

Excellent By: Roy S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Great quality smoke when rubbed out. Near perfect when using the fold and stuff method.

like a fine english pudding By: Carl F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a really enjoyable flake. I could swear that there is some burley going on- really, the characteristics of it in the pipe might be helped with a little burley. I love the top flavor- reminds me of Orlik racing green. Something english abou… Read More t it: tonquin, butterscotch or caramel, like a nice pudding. I save this one for contemplative moments. It likes to go slow.. It is not a forgiving flake when pushed: the taste starts to go off and it’ll burn ya. It’s a little easier when dried out but i don’t get the subtle flavors as much. Really enjoyable anyway though, sometimes I start a bowl of this one early in the morning and come back to it throughout the day.. Also I have to say, as something of a bulk blend adept, this flake (the other ps flakes shine here too) gets points for being such a unique offering, available in bulk, in the american market. If some of the lakeland flakes/blends were easier to get ahold of, it might not matter as much but I appreciate that p.s. has really been stepping up to the market demand.. Read Less

Bakery Fresh! By: Jared Y. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I just ordered 1oz. of this to give it a try and I’m glad that I did!!! This tobacco is without a doubt the best I have ever had. Nice mild smoke with a very delicious flavor! The top of the bowl starts out very sweet with a little of the fresh hay t… Read More aste you would expect out of a Virginia. But as the bowl progresses the taste turns into a very strong and pleasant baked bread. This has become my new favorite tobacco and I will definitely be ordering more. Read Less

Consistent, Tasty Virginia By: bamingioneguev Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk The presentation and aroma are excellent. The tobacco is easily rubbed-out or fold-and-stuffed. It delivers a mild sweetness, baked-goods, and vanilla notes, while being very well behaved. It is a great straight Virginia, which I would consider no… Read More n-aromatic. Read Less

Not bad By: Jugghead Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Smooth flake … worth a try

en iyi yazlık By: Tunç U. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk orlik gs ve luxury twıst flake en iyi yaz tütünlerim

süper By: Goktug B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk harika tütün, kesinlikle hayal kırıklığına uğratmaz

Great to smoke around those who don’t By: Spencer C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a very sweet, borderline aromatic blend, however it serves a purpose. Every time I smoke this in public people go crazy for the smell, even those awful anti-tobacco cretins. But at the end of the day it’s too sweet and too simple.

Deja Vu By: David T. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk When I was a young lad, my great-grandma baked oatmeal-raisin cookies in a wood-fired oven. This tobacco takes me back there. Smokier and not as sweet, to be sure, but all the elements are there. Very pleasant smoke even without the memories. Mild ye… Read More t full-bodied, slightly sweet; Easy to rub out (or stuff) and light; no bite. Delightful break from my normal VaPers. Read Less

Great if aged By: Michael H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I didn’t like this tobacco at all at first. The casing was too strong, it bit hard, and was hard to keep lit. After about 6 months of aging in a sealed Mason jar, what a difference! The casing calmed down considerably, and blending in perfectly. No b… Read More ite after aging, and stays lit great. The taste and aroma are fantastic. For the price it is well worth it to buy and age for 6 months. Sone reviewers said they like it fresh so it probably is just my preferences there, but either way great blend. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy Read Less

Pleasant and simple By: Zachary B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This blend has a nice niche, it provides a pleasant room note while still having a good base tobacco flavor. There’s definitely an added flavor, and on the first light it’s a bit harsh and chemical for my taste. Thankfully that fades after a few mi… Read More nutes and it settles in to a pleasant Virginia breadiness (with an occasional grassy note breaking through). The smoke is very creamy in both taste and smoke texture, which meshes nicely with the sweetness. This would be a daily smoke for me, but it’s in the niche already filled for me by the Country Squire’s blend Merriwether, which is a little more flavorful and has no harshness on the first light. This is still a good blend however, and i’m going to put some back for aging to see if that mellows it further. Read Less

Great By: Grabow john Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Some great stuff

All time favorite By: Jamie T. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I love this tobacco. It smokes well. Burns completely in small or large bowls. Great flavor, smooth with no bite. Good nicotine punch also

A Different Twist By: arpie55 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A nice lightly cased Virginia tobacco with a twist. Topping is not what I would call sweet but does have a very distinctive taste and leaves a pleasant enough room note. Never any issue with tongue bite. Different but good. 6/26/19 Upgrading to 5 st… Read More ars. This has become my preferred blend with early morning coffee. Read Less

Honey, hay, and a touch of malt. By: fedoraguy Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This stuff is soft, warm, and sweet, sort of like honey, hay, and a touch of malt. The room note has a hint of spice, and it burns slowly and evenly, leaving hardly any moisture in the bowl. I was looking for something to replace McClelland’s Fragran… Read More t Mature Cake in my rotation, and I think I’ve found it. Read Less

Wow. I don’t think there’s an element of this blend I don’t enjoy. By: Robert M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk The look is incredibly appealing right off the bat. It has a kind of farmlike, hay smell that I really enjoy. The taste is a mellow, grassy Virginia, very smooth and relaxing. As the blend is older, I found the caramel flavor more prevalent.

Elegance By: Miguel Z. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Very elegant.Virginia flake Suitable for any moment of the day If you concentrate while smoking it you’ll get several nuances of the quality of this tobacco. If you like straight Virginias and have not tried yet…it is about time you do it!

Classy smoke By: PorterHouse Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I love having a ounce or two of this around. It is a nice change from other more pricy virgina flake while still having a distinct pleasureable smoke. However it was initially deceiving in strength. I figured since it was spun and cut from cake it wo… Read More uld have a bit more kick, but I realize all flake is no cake. Read Less

Flakes = Love By: Happy Restorer Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk If you love Virginia’s and subtle flavors of chocolate and hay then you will love this

creme brulee By: Ross M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk sweet, my taste buds are bad but this really reminds me of creme brulee . Very pleasant as well as room note nobody has drawn back in fact most start looking for it because it smells good. Was hoping for a flake for all day, this is good but i prefer… Read More LNF so we switch off.definitely a regular in the rotation Read Less

Great traveler, with a slightly sweet presence. By: Joseph D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I like the convenience of the twisted flake for when I travel. If I’m going out for the day, I can confidently drop three or four flakes into my pouch and know I have enough for the day. This is another winner from Stokkebye, perfect as an all-day … Read More smoke. The smoke is rich and thick, and the taste is light enough for any time. It’s part of my rotation, all year. Read Less

Worth trying By: Whaley Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a very nice looking flake. You get a really sweet smell rush out as soon as you open the bag. It’s a very pleasant one at that. That smell transfers over to taste as you light up and start smoking.i found that it faded away pretty quick and i… Read More t would come and go as I smoked. If your not big on aromatics but want something to keep around for the times you want something that has a bit of flavor but you still want to taste your tobacco then this would be a great one to try in my opinion. It’s a good solid smoke with a light tasty treat. Read Less

Simply delicious By: Jeffrey B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I can hardly label myself a tobacco connoisseur, therefore, I’ll be terse. I simply love this tobacco. It is one of the most delicious Virginias on the retrohale that I have ever smoked. I know of no better way to say it’s great than by stating I ow… Read More n many pounds of it tucked away in half gallon jars and aging nicely for years to come. Read Less

taste better than room note By: mr.smoke Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk if you smoke it outside, you’ll note some extra aroma

Great tobacco By: James H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a great virginia flake. Sweet with hints of hay. It tastes and smells great.

This stuff is good By: Eric K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Another hobbyist described this as a “blissfully sweet and mild Virginia flake.” I couldn’t agree more. Really enjoyed this. I will def order more of this once I run out.

Decent By: Spade Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Mild and no bite at all. I was getting hints of coffee almost. Chocolate as well. It was very mild, but I enjoyed it.

Very nice smoke By: Jimmie R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I’ve been smoking a pipe now for 2 weeks and this is one of the Blends that I have tried. I ordered this in a 4 oz bulk. The tobacco as written and other reviews is beautiful I’ve never seen anything like this, very pleasing to the eye. After rubbing… Read More it out and packing my pipe, I find this a pleasant smoke when smoked slowly with respect. For me this is another blend that I will be ordering again Read Less

A Danish Style Tobacco, but not Overtly Aromatic By: Smeckma Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk It displays very nice virginia properties, but the topping seems to be so much in the forefront.

I like it. By: alexzhou Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I like it.

Nice and smooth By: Turd Furguson Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a nice occasional smoke. It’s easy to prepare, smokes well, and has great flavor. It’s stronger than my regular choices so I don’t smoke it all the time. Tastes great though, one of the more pleasant ones I’ve tried in a while.

wowzers By: poppabear Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk so i made the beautiful mistake of rubbing 2 swuares out for a bowl.. packed it and enjoyed a wonderful almost 2 hours of smoking. this was fantastic and i want it all the time now. its mild and delicate and this will be in constant rotation. get… Read More some you will like it and if you dont ill take it off your hands for cheap!! Read Less

Amazing~ By: Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Excellent quality. Buttery, caramel, vanila scent. I want to take this every day, every night.

Smells like Dessert! By: Denj777 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Bag note is very delicious. Vanilla, and Coconut. You can taste the sweetness, but a very good Virginia. Tad strong if you push it, so, just sip and enjoy 🙂

My new favorite By: Markus Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This flake is of excellent quality, sweet virginia with a coconut and caramel top dressing. The flavoring is gently applied and accents the tobacco perfectly. I rub out enough of the flakes to smoke all day and I’m a happy man. Edit: This has the a… Read More bility to be a little bitey if not dried out properly prior to smoking and is best if not pushed to hard. Read Less

Versatile By: Brian D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A pleasantly buttery tobacco with mild vanilla notes. Burns best for me when allowed to dry just a bit before packing. It’s smooth and mild enough to be an all-day-smoke, but for me, its best quality is its use in experimental blends. The friend who … Read More introduced me to the pleasures of pipe-smoking loves to try his hand at flavoring and aging his tobacco. Most recently, he opened his jar of Stokkebye cube-cut that he’d aged with a shot of Chambord. While the raspberry flavor was nice, it was a bit too strong for my tastes, and the tobacco burned very hot, causing some tongue bite. When blended with some of the Luxury Twist Flake, though, it mellowed into a lovely “dessert” tobacco with all the positive qualities of an aromatic, and none of the gross, sticky, overpowering residue that aromatics so often deposit throughout a pipe. Luxury Twist Flake is now my go-to tobacco when I want to take the edge off of a less-than-perfect experiment. Read Less

Awsome By: savinelliman320 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I love this tobac. I buy it by the pound and it’s a go to smoke for me. The flake is easy to fold and stuff and has a light vanilla taste although not strong enough to overpower the virginias. Would recommend this tobac to aromatic smokers who want t… Read More o branch out to virginias. Read Less

Breakfast By: Michael P. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A very good Virginia, and an interesting little box of a flake. Creamy, smooth, and very little to no bite. Stronger than you would expect, tho. Over the past year, it has become my first leaf of the day…smoked on my commute to work nearly every… Read More morning. Bulk pricing is very affordable, and the taste is superb. When my wife first saw me smoke this blend, she told me the flake looked like breakfast cereal squares, just really flat. So, breakfast it has become. Virginia fans will like this one. Good morning! Read Less

Tastes great but improperly packaged By: Elijah J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is the first order I received from that its outside packaging was a bag instead of a box. My only guess is the UPS used it was a wheel chock because the tobacco was basically ribbon cut when I got it with a flake or two in the m… Read More iddle of the bag. Tasting the tobacco, it is very mellow and smooth. For my tastes, I’m not a big fan of the peppery flavor that comes with a lot of bolder tobaccos and this tobacco hits the mark for me. Not too peppery, but boring either. Read Less

Good as Bullseye By: SmokingPipeBear · 斗熊 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Strength is stronger than I expect, dry smoke, earthy, peppery, like it

The Flake By: Michael G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is one of the nicest smokes I had in a while. May not go back to Bullseye.

First Flake By: Tat2dCaptain Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk My first time trying a flake and it was a great smoke. A very good Virginia. Just bought an ounce to sample but will be buying more to keep on hand.

The most beautiful flake By: Eric G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Each flake looks like a little work of abstract art. This stuff is my favorite VA. It has a light sweet casing that makes for a pleasant room note

Un tabaco agradable By: maurojo Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Esta mezcla no tiene nada de sorprendente, a más del corte y la presentación del tabaco. Fuma seco, el grado de humedad es óptimo y fácil de encender. Lo he fumado en dos pipas diferentes y los sabores y sensaciones fueron los mismos: fuerza media a … Read More alta; aroma herbal; sabor muy similar al tabaco de cigarro con algunas notas de miel en el fondo. En definitiva no es de los mejores virginias que he fumado ¿lo volvería a comprar? posiblemente no. Read Less

butter creamy By: wideshut Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Distinctive, Must try It’s enjoyable it always make me purchase

MD&S: Mild, Delicious and Sweet 🙂 By: Kam D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk First off, I like this tobacco’s presentation, with beautifully pressed rectangular flakes and sweet fruit aroma. The tobacco smokes similar to Escudo Navy Deluxe, with mildly sweet taste of Virginia and spices from the Perique. Rubbing the tobacco … Read More enhances the flavor and makes it is easy to light and burn evenly. I LIKE IT! Read Less

a creamy Virginia Flake By: BIG SMOKE Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A really good flake tobacco. Mild, sweet and creamy. Must have in the Tobacco Cabinet.On my top 5

Good virginia. Not straight. By: Eunrae J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk 빠다사팅맛 느껴집니다. 구수하고 불지피기와 불유지 양호합니다. 1년 숙성 넣어 두었습니다. 연속으러 피기에는 물립니다

Interesting By: Norman L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A unique presentation of flake, with its unusual ‘contorted’ appearance. The flakes can be used with minimal rubbing and once alight, burn well. The product has a very obvious aroma of a Tonka-bean extract topping that is very noticeable. This comes … Read More through clearly in aroma and flavour once alight and may be too much for some, as it was to me. Otherwise, this has very pleasant characteristics including burn, and is stronger than you might expect. Read Less

Sweet and Mellow Virginia Flake By: EricWhitaker Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A Wonderful example of an old fashioned twist Flake of compressed aged Old Belt Virginia’s and some Brights added in, for a high note. Noted: A beguiling Mild butterscotch aroma was detected, and a mellow honey like sweetness was sensed while smoking… Read More . Burns clean. Smoke slowly and tamp often. Great stuff. The 24 ounce box is the way to go. Should cellar well for a couple of years under the right conditions. Highly recommended. Read Less

Flake heaven By: ellenoz1 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is my go to tobacco over every other there it is.

Naturally By: Jung Pil S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk this is classic

Addendum to my previous comments By: George M C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is still my favorite tobacco of all I’ve ever tried in my life. Heaven in a flake, if such be possible! Depending on the size of my pipe and how long I want to smoke, I roll up 1 or 2 of these flakes (rarely 3, unless I intend on sprouting roots… Read More where I sit), stuff them in, and settle back for the best smoke ever. Much better than tobaccos costing several times as much, guaranteed. Get plenty of this, for now and for the cellar — you won’t be sorry! Read Less

Best Virginia Flake! By: Gary E. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I liked this flake when first tried it a few years ago. I aged a 2 lb. jar – now 3 years and this is really something worth waiting for. Time to order a few more lbs. for the cellar.

Just good. By: J W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk There is nothing bad about this blend – no bite, all natural flavour, sweet, and not overly strong. A daily smoke and well worth aging for a few months at least, it really matures.

yummy By: kavman Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Bought a few ounces of this along with the bullseye and navy flake. At first I liked this the least but now its really growing on me and its my favorite. Its a great daily smoke!

Nuff said! By: Vegan Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I just bought 9 pounds. Update 10/21/16 Oh baby!

Best so far… By: George M C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is the best smoke I’ve found yet in this latest renaissance of my pastime of pipe-smoking, the pastime itself beginning some 40-odd years ago. Until the past year, I’d never smoked a flake tobacco, Dunhill’s being my initiation into this wonderf… Read More ul world. I still have many I want to try, the world of VaPer flakes lying yet for me to explore. But so far, this is undoubtedly the finest smoke on hand in my cellar. Read Less

I´m in love!!! By: Fabcuesram Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a real winner! This flake is a piece of art, beautifully structured. First time i tried it i thought it wasn´t for me. But got completely in love after i finished the second bowl of it!!. To me, this is not an aromatic. It´s just an excelle… Read More nt virginia flake with subtle hints of dried fruits.Very fragrant, no tongue bite at all even if you puff it hard; delivers a delicious room note and lefts a great aftertaste. Pretty decent in nicotine kick, but very satisfying. Highly recommended!! Read Less

Surprisingly good By: Maher Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I was interested in trying flake tobacco so I bought 4oz of this stuff based on its reviews by others. I love my aromatics, so this was a leap out of the proverbial box for me. Granted I’ve only been smoking a pipe for the past 2 years on and off, an… Read More d am by no means a connosieur, I can tell when a tobacco/blend is good. This stuff is good. Smooth, easy to pack, sweet and not harsh with very little bite. It does take a few lights to get it going, but when it gets going it just keeps giving. It did get a bit stronger than I like toward the bottom of the bowl, but the flavour was definitely still there amidst that slightly harsher smoke. In all honesty, this is in my humble opinion a great blend that I really enjoy – more than most aromatics I’ve tried. Read Less

A new slot in my rotation By: Ease Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I really like this one. The virginias are sweet, smooth and well rounded. It does have a casing or topping of some sort, smells like butterscotch in the jar, but doesn’t come through except for a sweet flavor in the smoke (which is nice). Not overpow… Read More ering in any way. Due to the type of flake, the ribbons are extremely long if rubbed out, and consequently burns really well. While it is good rubbed out, I find it has a better flavor when folded and stuffed. This one has definitely won a spot in my rotation and will always be on hand. Read Less

One of my all time favorites! By: Astraeus Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is exceptional quality pipe tobacco, mild Virginias and a very light topping, easily an every day smoke. There is something about the flavor and aroma of this tobacco that keeps me coming back for more, it’s sort of haunting to me in a good way:… Read More p (I like the persons comment below about the flavor reminding he and his wife of xmas morning) This is truly one of the best pipe tobaccos that money can buy, enjoy:) Read Less

Love it! By: M. Scott Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Gotta love those straight up Va’s. Smooth, naturally sweet and no bite. An overall everyday, all day smoke.

Excellent By: David F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Excellent flake tobacco at a great price. Lots of enjoyable, flavorsome smoke, deep grassy hay flavors from the virginia, and a very nice sweet virginia aftertaste. Smoke a few bowls of this and it becomes obvious why it is always on the bestseller… Read More list. Great flake tobacco at a bargain price. Read Less

Virginia with a light sweet topping. By: Taxman Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk This is a very smooth soft Virginia with a light honeylike topping. Its mild, smokes clean and the sweetness makes it enjoyable.

Nice By: John p. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk A flavourful pipe tobacco, mildly cased with what – who cares, just a nice care free smoke.

Excellent By: ChristTiger Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk Great, reliable smoke. Cool burning by folding or rubbed. Nice hint of vanilla, with a bit of virginia tang off and on. No casing detected, very clean burn. Definately in my weekly rotation!

My New Favorite By: Ben W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake Bulk I usually smoke both MacBaren and Stokkebye Navy Flake so I tried 4oz of the Luxury Twist Flake. I absolutely loved it so I went back online to purchase another couple of pounds and it was gone. Something that is hard to keep in stock says everything… Read More about this flake. I guess I’ll just have to buy larger quantities so I can keep it in stock here at home. It burns very well and has no bite at all. I enjoy smoking a flake that I can light once and enjoy it. Read Less


A pure Virginia blend from the best fields of Zimbabwe and the Eastern United States. Rolled Twist Flake, then Cavendish pressed and cut.

Strength: Mild to Medium Flavoring: Mild

Taste: Mild to Medium

Room Note: Pleasant

Stokkebye PS402 Luxury Twist Flake, sold by Oz

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We do not sell tobacco products to anyone under 21. If you buy from Cup O’ Joes you are confirming that you are of legal age – note that we reserve the right to age-verify at the time of delivery.

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Peter Stokkebye PS 402 Luxury Twist Flake Pipe Tobacco

5 Stokkebye PS 402 Posted by Eric SHPCBoston on 23rd Mar 2021

I wish I had never bought this tobacco. It started out as a sample given me by a ‘friend’. “Try it, you may like it.” It sat on my desk collecting dust for a year or more. Since it was in a small jar, I knew it would be OK. So I tried it. In a matter of three bowls, one after the other I decided I could not live without it any longer. Now, I’m a Gawith Hoggarth & Co. smoker. I love almost everything from those Lakelanders.. But this hit a sweet spot. Not too full, but full flavored, especially the aftertaste. Smoked right down to the bottom of my Peterson Standard. But in all honesty, I can’t recommend it. Why? Because I want it all to myself. So don’t you buy this. Leave it for me.

Peter Stokkebye PS-402 Luxury Twist Flake

Peter Stokkebye

4oz – Sold out – $14.85 8oz – Sold out – $27.97 16oz – Sold out – $53.54 24oz – Sold out – $77.01

Quantity Decrease quantity for Peter Stokkebye PS-402 Luxury Twist Flake Increase quantity for Peter Stokkebye PS-402 Luxury Twist Flake

A pure Virginia blend from the best fields of Zimbabwe and southeastern United States. Rolled twist flake. The blend is hand-rolled into spun cakes, then pressed and sliced – a one-of-a-kind cut

50g Tin Peter Stokkebeye Luxury Twist Flake Pipe Tobacco

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