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mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade – mRobotics
mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade … This is a very easy upgrade for the GPS unit inse the head of the 3DR Solo. Why I say major is because it …
Source: store.mrobotics.io
Date Published: 12/22/2022
View: 4760
Solo GPS upgrades. Who isn’t sold out? – 3DR Pilots Forum
I’m looking to upgrade the solo GPS but everywhere I look from what everybody says in the forums is all sold out.
Source: 3drpilots.com
Date Published: 5/15/2022
View: 1435
3DR Solo – ArduCopter Master Upgrade – ArduPilot
The 3DR Solo contains, among many things, a Pixhawk 2.0 autopilot. … There are many new features such as boat mode, RTK GPS, enhanced telemetry, ADS-B, …
Source: ardupilot.org
Date Published: 6/26/2021
View: 4840
The NEO-M8N mRo GPS is a professional quality module capable of using the US satellite (GPS), Russian (GLONASS) and European (Galileo) constellations at the …
Source: www.mapir.camera
Date Published: 12/11/2022
View: 7208
Get the Maximum Out of Your 3DR Solo GPS – Hackster.io
All you need to know about how to tune your GPS and how to upgrade to multi-band receivers to achieve faster and more reliable GPS locks.
Source: www.hackster.io
Date Published: 8/20/2021
View: 3053
Firmware Download for 3dr solo gps upgrade 2022
How to 3dr solo gps upgrade Download Firmware for andro – universal version, andro Gingerbread version 2.3 – 2.3 2010 year, andro Ice Cream Sandwich …
Source: gofirmware.com
Date Published: 2/2/2022
View: 7790
3DR Solo GPS/GNSS NEO M8N upgrade – Madhacker.org
3DR Solo GPS upgrade to uBlox M8N – the cheap’n’simple ($15) way: Be sure to buy a GPS that looks like this: several sellers on Ebay sell them …
Source: madhacker.org
Date Published: 6/12/2021
View: 4803
mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed …
MRO GPS U-BLOX Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California] – $79.99. FOR SALE! [Designed & Assembled in California]Check our Solo …
Source: picclick.com
Date Published: 7/27/2022
View: 6661
주제와 관련된 이미지 3dr solo gps upgrade
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 3DR Solo GPS Upgrade Rev B Installation. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 3dr solo gps upgrade
- Author: Drone Worship GY6 FIX
- Views: 조회수 1,035회
- Likes: 좋아요 43개
- Date Published: 2018. 1. 5.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp2Ve4xLkps
mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade
[Manufactured, Tested, Supported, & Shipped from California]Check out our Solo Installation video tutorial here .
Newer revision !
This solution will provide you with an astonishingly accurate position and fast satellite acquisition. Our testing in SOLO gave us an average HDOP of ‘0.6’, which is
. Also, we were able to fix 20 satellites out of the box and with no shield (clear sky conditions, shielding not needed but recommended).
We added a micro USB port that enables you to access all u-Blox features via u-Center and power the device. Please refer to this document if you have driver issues. We also added the latest Taoglas Antenna tuned for GPS + GLONASS, which provides a higher gain compared to any of its predecessors (from 1.5dBi to 5dBi).The mRo GPS NEO-M8N is a professional grade, notably robust GPS system capable of sensing USA (GPS), Russian (GLONASS) and European (Galileo) constellations at the same time. You can optionally enable the Chinese (Bai Du) constellation in exchange of disabling GLONASS.
uBlox helped us with the inspection of this board. We followed all of its recommendations, plus, we added our own criteria to make sure we are providing you with a superb module.
This release does not include cables; we expect you to use the same GPS cable included in your SOLO. This unit can be used in other products as well by using our special adapters indicated at the beginning of the text.
Solo GPS upgrades. Who isn’t sold out?
Although mRobotics website indicated “out of stock”, and after requesting notification when back in stock, I received mine yesterday and installed it today. All started off fine. Acquired 10 sats, take-off, hover, test a little stick input in all axis, yaw, roll, pitch and back to hover……no problems. Then ,with no stick input, she made a hard left roll. I quickly countered with right roll and cut the throttle. Luckily, I was only 3 feet off the ground. Bad landing, but no damage. So after a little research, I found some info that would indicate this module shouldn’t be treated as plug-n-play. From what I gather, it would seem this M8N module is capable of receiving from at least four sat constellations, and if all are enabled, that’s too much for the Solo CPU to handle. Need to turn-off the Chinese and European gps, and use just the US and Russian (GLONASS). Also, I’d recommend IMU and compass calibrations after upgrade and before first flight.
ArduCopter Master Upgrade — Copter documentation
The 3DR Solo contains, among many things, a Pixhawk 2.0 autopilot. It comes with a heavily customized branch of an early ArduCopter 3.3 compiled specifically for the Solo by 3DR. When you do the initial pre-flight update on a new Solo (or after a factory reset), part of that update is this Solo branch of ArduCopter. It is installed on the Pixhawk, and has all the necessary default parameters and customizations baked into it. It is essentially transparent to the user, taking place behind the curtains. Since 3DR is no longer in the consumer UAS business, this custom branch of ArduCopter will not be seeing any further updates. It was last updated in early 2016, and is now very far behind.
Since the Solo uses a Pixhawk autopilot, it is capable of running variations of ArduCopter besides the 3DR customized Solo version. This article will focus on installing, configuring, and operating ArduCopter version 3.5.0 or higher on a 3DR Solo. ArduCopter continues where 3DR left off, keeping the Solo a modern, advanced, and highly capable sUAS. There are countless advances in the autopilot firmware making it a more stable, reliable, and agile aircraft. There are many new features such as boat mode, RTK GPS, enhanced telemetry, ADS-B, lidar laser altimeters, terrain awareness and following, IR precision landing, and even and “indoor GPS”.
Hardware Requirements¶
The Pixhawk 2.1 Green Cube (or a traditional Cube with the internal jumper set for 5 volts) is currently required for safe and reliable use of ArduCopter 3.5.0 and higher on a 3DR Solo. You can purchase the Green Cube from Jesters Drones or directly from ProfiCNC. The Cube has significantly more advanced components. This includes 3 temperature controlled IMUs and the 5 volt signalling the Solo needs to operate safely. If you already have a Cube, you can set an internal solder jumper to 5 volt signalling and use it in your Solo. The Green Cube comes with this jumper pre-set for 5 volts.
You can install ArduCopter master on the stock Pixhawk 2.0, but it is highly discouraged. It will install, and it will fly. But you are at fairly high risk for motors shutting down in flight, leading to a serious crash. This is because of an electrical hardware flaw in the Solo’s motor pods. The old stock firmware has a software patch to mostly mitigate this flaw. This is what you may hear referred to as “slew rate protection”. You can view the code for the slew rate protection in the stock 3DR firmware here on their GitHub site. The production versions of ArduCopter, including ArduCopter 3.5 do not have this slew rate protection. It is severely handicapping and difficult to manage for a world of vehicles that use ArduCopter besides the Solo. The 5 volt signalling used in the Pixhawk 2.1 Green Cube effectively solves the electrical problem on the motor pods.
There are other potential ways to mitigate the electrical problem with the motor pods without buying a new Cube. You could use conventional DIY ESCs and bypass the ones built into the motor pods. Or you could build a level converter that steps the signalling voltage up from 3v to 5v. None of these solutions are commercially available as a kit, but can be done on a DIY basis if you are creative. You would not have the benefit of enhanced hardware in The Cube, but it would be just as safe and reliable to fly.
You cannot use the old stock 3DR Solo firmware on the Cube. It is entirely incompatible. This also means you cannot do a factory reset on the Solo with The Cube still in the Solo. The factory reset tries to reload the old Solo firmware, which is incompatible. If you need to Factory Reset, you will need to put the old stock Pixhawk 2.0 back in, run the full factory reset and update, then put the Green Cube back in. This is annoying, but there is no way around it now or in the foreseeable future. In short, do not need to factory reset. Which also means do not lose your WiFi password! Do not throw away your old stock cube!
Upgraded 3DR SOLO GPS :: mRo NEO-M8N
The NEO-M8N mRo GPS is a professional quality module capable of using the US satellite (GPS), Russian (GLONASS) and European (Galileo) constellations at the same time , greatly increasing accuracy.
This GPS solution will give you a much more precise position and an extremely fast satellite acquisition. The tests performed on SOLO showed an average HDOP of ‘0.6’, which is considered an ideal result . In addition, we were able to fix 20 satellites and without shielding shielding (clear sky conditions // shielding not mandatory but strongly recommended).
U-Blox directly participated in the realization of this module by providing an expert opinion and a design inspection service. mRo followed all their recommendations, and added its own criteria to ensure a very high quality module. This module does not include a cable. If you use it to improve the performance of your 3DR Solo, you simply have to connect it to the cable already in place on the original module, after removing the latter.
This module is widely compatible and can be used with other devices using a suitable cable.
The module also has an auxiliary i2c port for future expansion using a standard JST-GH connector, and a status LED.
Get the Maximum Out of Your 3DR Solo GPS
This hack focuses on the GPS board of the 3DR Solo drone. There has been written plenty of stuff about Solo’s GPS over the past 12 months since its market introduction. This article takes an attempt to distinguish between facts and fiction, and provides a guide on how to improve the reception with your existing GPS board, and how you can boost GPS reception further by using multiband GPS receivers, such as the UBLOX m8n inside Solo.
A word of caution before you proceed: modding the GPS touches one of the core elements of your flight system. All modifications require a great portion of care and good RC building skills are mandatory. And not to forget – warranty will be voided with this hack.
We did not have access yet to the sporadically distributed “Rev B” GPS module from 3DR, so all mentions refer to the “Rev A” GPS board.
You know how to assemble and disassemble the GPS board – see the Solo teardown hack on Hackster .
You know how to analyze 3DR Solo dataflash logs in MissionPlanner .
You are familiar with the UBLOX u-center monitoring software.
Your Solo is running FW 2.4 or higher.
The stock 3DR Solo GPS
3DR Solo uses a UBLOX Neo m7n GPS receiver. The module provides GPS only reception which is fully sufficient in all areas around the world. However, some pilots reported long satellite acquisition times to get a fix even in non-obscured locations. Typically, this should take no longer than 30 sec to a minute in a “known” area where you have been flying before, and no longer than a couple of minutes if you are going to fly at a new location.
Main reason for such long wait times is an improper shielding of the GPS unit inside Solo. Problem is the copper foil used to protect the GPS board. It can interfere and create shortcuts with the electronic components on the board if not applied properly.
Improve Shielding
Resolution is to add some insulation material between the board and the copper foil – the famous “ cardboard-mod ” as you can read about on many internet posts tried to fix this issue. However, instead of cardboard material, which can soak moisture and even worsen the situation, the better solution is to insulate the board with a plastic shield. You can buy such insulating plates from e.g. impconcepts.com or cut them yourself. Easiest option is to go for the new Rev 2 3DR GPS shield which is sold in the 3DR store.
The new shielding is made of Nickel fabric which provides a better attenuation than copper.
You may also create your own shield from copper foil. Such foil can be purchased in your local hobby store for a few cents. Use the drawing attached in the CAD file section below to cut the copper accordingly. Apply adhesive tape on both sides to insulate thoroughly from electric shortcuts. An additional measure is to ground the foil by soldering a cable between the shield and GND.
Added plastic insulation, re-modeled copper shield, grounded to the GND pin of the GPS
Minimize vibrations
An unusual high level of vibrations can cause a loss of GPS lock. The UBLOX GPS is specified to operate at accelerations up to 4G. In case you are using unbalanced props or defective motors, the dynamic accelerations resulting from this can exceed this threshold, causing a subsequent malfunction of the GPS.
In order to verify the vibration levels of your Solo, you can analyze the dataflash log. Therefore, go for a normal flight with Solo and cruise around in either Stabilize, FLY Manual, or FLY mode. Then SSH into Solo and copy the latest dataflash log from the /logs/dataflash directory onto your computer. Open the log in MissionPlanner and select the “Vibrations 3.3” predefined chart.
Max peak values must be lower than 60m/sec2, and should be ideally lower than 30 m/sec2. The VIBE.Clip0-2 parameters count every exceed of the thresholds and should ideally be close to zero and not exceed 100 over the course of a full battery.
Example of high vibrations, but still within threshold
Alternatively, you can measure those values also in flight using the vibe viewer in Tower.
Vibe viewer in Tower for in flight checking of vibrations
With all those measures described, you should be perfectly fine with the stock Rev A GPS of Solo. And you have done everything right to upgrade your GPS board as the next step.
Taking it to the next level with more satellite support
Solo today is one of the very few state-of-the-art drones on the market which relies on GPS only. Many other brands are offering the Russian Glonass, Chinese Beidou, and/or as of recently, the European Galileo satellite systems in addition.
Benefit is that you have more satellites in access, allowing you to get a better and faster fix in situations where not enough GPS satellites are at reach or are hidden by buildings, trees and other obstacles. Beidou for example allows better support in the greater China region, Glonass complements GPS especially in the northern hemisphere.
Due to the close proximity of the GPS board to the battery power lines, there is however a higher potential EMI noise level inside 3DR Solo compared to other drones, which may be an additional challenge for multiband receivers. However, all our experiments and tests have shown that this can be well mitigated by the shielding actions described above in the first chapter.
Also, the board needs to be equipped with high quality antenna and filtering mechanisms. Especially low cost m8n boards may compromise here. Therefore, go only for high end gear, such as e.g. the Drotek GPS boards. Since Solo uses a separate compass, you may go with a GPS only unit, such as the 36x36mm UBLOX NEO-M8N GPS module which fits well inside Solo.
First before we build the new GPS into Solo, we need to configure it properly. The configuration of the GPS unit is done with the U-Center software from UBLOX. Install the U-Center on your computer and connect the board via USB. We recommend to first update the UBLOX firmware to the 3.01 version which added Galileo support in January 2016. Now set the following parameters and store them permanently on the GPS chip (see U-Center manual on how to do this)
PRT: Baud Rate 38400
RATE: Measurement period 200 msec (5 Hz)
GNSS: enable Galileo by checking the box.
NAV5: Dynamic Model Airborne <4G; Fix Mode 3 – Auto 2D/3D All other parameters are kept default. Note: Do not use the m8n parameter file published on the Arducopter wiki page – its outdated. Assembly of the unit You need to adjust the mounting holes a bit to fit the unit in. Drotek m8n placed inside 3DR Solo with Molex CLIK-Mate TM connector To connect, best is to solder a Molex 1.25mm Pitch CLIK-Mate™ Part No: 502386-0670 onto the wiring of the GPS module. Then you do not need to cut the original GPS cable and you have a plug&play solution. Note: never remove the ferrite ring! Wiring: UBLOX GPS side - Solo cable: GND - black cable Vcc - red cable Rx - brown cable Tx - yellow cable After assembling the new unit, ensure the shielding measures described in the first chapter are all in place. Test the GPS There is a powerful method to verify the operation of the GPS remotely by connecting the UBLOX U-Center with Solo via Solo WiFi. Therefore, boot Solo and controller. Then launch Mission Planner on your PC and connect to Solo network using UDP. Press CRTL-F to open the advanced options menu and select the MAV Serial Pass option. With that we establish a Mavlink pass through communication channel to Solo. Setting the MAVLink Pass-through option in Mission Planner. Then open u-center and set up a TCP network connection in the Receiver menu by adding: tcp://localhost:500 . Now U-Center is connected to Solo GPS and we can review the actual settings and GPS performance. Put Solo in an open environment and watch how the GPS is acquiring a fix and how the accuracy improves with the increasing number of satellites connected. The following picture shows the horizontal deviation over time as well as the satellite view. There are many, many more options to examine, please see the manual of u-center for details. 15 sat fix, 0.7 HDOP, 3D accuracy +- 0.89 meters Bottom line: Our experience has been extremely positive over the past 6 months since we performed the described changes of the stock GPS. Very short times to get a reliable fix in “difficult” environments, where the stock 3DR Solo GPS would have struggled, very robust flight performance even between houses and trees, and no loss of GPS signal in many hours of flight.
How to Download 3dr solo gps upgrade firmware
Download and update firmware Coolpad firmware produces very popular mobile phones and tablets that are extremely popular in many countries around the world, hence firmware updates for Coolpad might be useful for every owner of the devices. Just like any other manufacture. LINK Coolpad is trying to keep its products up to date therefore even if you are an owner of a phone for several years it still could be upgraded to increase its working efficiency and capabilities. In this article we will try to explain how to check, download and install the Coolpad firmware. INTERNAL_LINK Quick Access Required Content Check Coolpad firmware versions Download Coolpad Stock ROM (Flash File) Watch Video …
GNSS NEO M8N upgrade – Madhacker.org
3DR Solo GPS upgrade to uBlox M8N – the cheap’n’simple ($15) way:
Be sure to buy a GPS that looks like this:
several sellers on Ebay sell them for less than US$15 including shipping from China.
4 Screws later, inside, strip the wire, and interface with a standard FTDI cable for configuration:
Using uBlox u-Center
Yes, it’s windows-only, that sucks, but it runs just fine in Wine , just make a link to the serial device like:
sudo ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com5
configure NAV5 like this:
remember to store to flash:
Remove Solo’s GPS module, by making two small grooves in the pcb where the two screw-holes are, the PCB if held in place by the two original screws.
Cut off one of the connectors, and solder the wires to the pads:
Yellow to TX
Brown to RX
MRO GPS U-BLOX Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California] $79.99
mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California]
Seller: coilmaglev (1,239) 100%, Location: Yuma, Arizona, US, Ships to: US & many other countries, Item: 201881586655 mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California]. [Designed & Assembled in California]Check our Solo Installation video tutorial here. The mRo GPS NEO-M8N is a professional grade, notably robust GPS system capable of using USA (GPS), Russian (GLONASS) and European (Galileo) constellations at the same time. You can optionally enable the Chinese (Bai Du) constellation in exchange of disabling GLONASS.This solution will provide you with an astonishingly accurate position and fast satellite acquisition. Our testings in SOLO gave us an average HDOP of ‘0.6’, which is considered ideal conditions. Also, we were able to fix 20 satellites out of the box and with no shield (Clear sky conditions, shielding not needed but recommended).uBlox helped us with the inspection of this board; we followed all its recommendations, plus, we added our own criteria to make sure we are providing you with a superb module.This release does not include cables; we expect you to use the same GPS cable included in your SOLO. This unit can be used in other products as well by using our special adapters indicated at the beginning of the text.The module also features an auxiliary i2c port for future expansion using JST-GH connector standard and a status -pink- LED. This revision also features an “extended” hole that allows symmetrical placement of the 4x screw set, without removing SOLO compatibility (which has asymmetrical screw separation).You can read more about all its features on the official u-Blox web page here. Remember we are using NEO-M8N-01, ‘Professional grade.’ Condition: New, Brand: mRo, Compatible Brand: 3DR See More
PicClick Insights – mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California] PicClick Exclusive Popularity – 36 watchers, 1.2 new watchers per day , 30 days for sale on eBay. Super high amount watching. 35 sold, 5 available. More
– , 30 days for sale on eBay. Super high amount watching. 35 sold, 5 available. × Popularity – mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California] 36 watchers, 1.2 new watchers per day, 30 days for sale on eBay. Super high amount watching. 35 sold, 5 available. Best Price –
– × Price – mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California] Seller – 1,239+ items sold. 0% negative feedback. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings. More × Seller – mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade [Designed & Assembled in California] 1,239+ items sold. 0% negative feedback. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings. Recent Feedback
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