Rimworld Psychic Emanator | [60] Psychic Emanator | Nomadic Rimworld 인기 답변 업데이트

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rimworld psychic emanator 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Psychic emanator – RimWorld Wiki

An ancient device that projects a soothing psychic field around itself. This improves the mood of anyone nearby. Works through walls. Base Stats.

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Source: rimworldwiki.com

Date Published: 4/5/2022

View: 8877

Where do you place psychic emanator? : r/RimWorld – Reddit

I put mine in the hospital because I figured that people there will have some tough time being sick and all.

+ 더 읽기

Source: www.reddit.com

Date Published: 1/28/2022

View: 6860

Psychic Emanator Effect Off 1.3 – RimWorld Mod データベース

Psychic Emanator Effect Offの解説・説明 このModは、サイコスード波動器の画面の歪みと点滅効果を削除します。 Modリストの順番(Load Order): 可能 …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: rimworld.2game.info

Date Published: 11/5/2022

View: 1620

Psychic Harmonizers are probably overpowered

For those who don’t know a Psychic Harmonizer is a brain implant that … I don’t remember if psychic emanators stack, but if you can get …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: ludeon.com

Date Published: 3/11/2022

View: 6601

RimWorld – Psychic Modifiers – naguide

Beware! Psychic Soothe Emanator. Mood +5 x Psychic Sensitivity. A handy little structure that you can set up to help your colonists feel better.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.naguide.com

Date Published: 1/8/2022

View: 8810

The worst part about Royalty DLC: It isn’t worth it to kill the …

Royalty DLC was the most unexpected, but best Rimworld updates we have had. … Psychic based faction should occasionally have psychic emanators.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: devtrackers.gg

Date Published: 6/2/2022

View: 9269

RimWorld – Ultimate Psychic Guide – IndieFAQ.com

This nasty little mechano device could cripple your psycasters. Beware! Psychic Soothe Emanator. Mood +5 x Psychic Sensitivity. A ThoughtDef in the game files …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: indiefaq.com

Date Published: 8/14/2021

View: 184

주제와 관련된 이미지 rimworld psychic emanator

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 [60] Psychic Emanator | Nomadic Rimworld. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

[60] Psychic Emanator | Nomadic Rimworld
[60] Psychic Emanator | Nomadic Rimworld

주제에 대한 기사 평가 rimworld psychic emanator

  • Author: Total Timewaster
  • Views: 조회수 2,790회
  • Likes: 좋아요 123개
  • Date Published: 2018. 12. 10.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1V55NAiTkQ

Psychic emanator

Psychic emanator An ancient device that projects a soothing psychic field around itself. This improves the mood of anyone nearby. Works through walls. Base Stats Type Building – Special Market Value 1300 Mass 15 kg Flammability 0% Path Cost 15 Building Size 1 ˣ 1 Cover Effectiveness 20% Power -200 W

The psychic emanator is a special building only found through world quests that provides a mood bonus to all human pawns around it when powered.


Psychic emanators cannot be constructed nor bought from traders. Instead they can only be acquired as a reward for performing quests. Note that quest rewards are selected with a weighted random generator, so there is no way to guarantee access to an emanator in a given play-through. Anecdotally, it is often reported that the increased number of reward options added by the DLC dilute the reward pool with more options.


When provided with 200W of power, a psychic emanator projects an aura in a 14.9-tile radius around itself. This radius is not blocked by any structure, including walls. All human pawns within the radius experience a “Psychic emanator soothe” thought that provides a +5 mood bonus, directly scaled to the psychic sensitivity of the pawn. That is, a psychically hypersensitive pawn, with the resulting 180% sensitivity, will experience a +9 mood bonus, while a psychically deaf pawn with 0% sensitivity will have no change to their mood at all. All humans in range experience the thought – colonist, raider, and guest alike.

The mood bonus only lasts for as long as a pawn remains within its area of effect.

The effects of multiple emanators do not stack.


Due to the combination of its somewhat short range and no lasting effect its advised to place it either in a hospital to help negate some of the negative effects of being bedridden with an illness, near prison cells or a chronically depressive pawns bed/work space. Because of the rarity and high value of the emanator, you can wall to prevent angry pawns from destroying it during a tantrum, or raiders from damaging or stealing it.

If targeted at improving the mood of a specific pawn, consider placing them in eltex clothing to maximize the effect on their mood.

RimWorld Mod データベース MOD紹介・まとめサイト

Psychic Emanator Effect Off


Modリストの順番(Load Order):



Royalty (DLC)

この Mod



Psychic Harmonizers are probably overpowered

+48 mood for all harmonizers.



For those who don’t know a Psychic Harmonizer is a brain implant that provides a mood bonus/penalty to surrounding pawns based on the mood of the person who has it installed. The bonus varies from -10 to +10 from 0-100% mood. The range is roughly circular with a diameter of 31 tiles.You can’t craft a harmonizer meaning you can only be rewarded with one from a quest, or purchase one from a trader.The mood projection and mood received areaffected by psychic sensitivity. A projector with +100% psychic sensitivity projects twice as much mood, and a receiver with +100% sensitivity also receives twice as much mood resulting inthe mood change.The intended use case seems to be to take an individual that is naturally happy (Optimist/Sanguine ect) and coddle them by giving them a nice room, environment, ect so that bonus can be passed on to nearby allies. This totally works and seems reasonably balanced when taking into consideration the downside that when they get ill or injured -unless more drastic steps are taken- they’ll make everyone around them sad.—The problem is that they. And this trivially perpetuates an unbreakable positive mood cycle due to its interactions with psychic sensitivity.For those who don’t know Psyfocus gear increases your psychic sensitivity, as does the Psychic sensitizer implant. The total bonus from a full set (Staff/Shirt/Vest/Robe/Helmet/Implant) is 50+10+15+20+15+25 = +135% psychic sensitivity…This rounds up to +24 mood when the sender is at 100% mood. This also means that a second Harmonizer provides 24 mood to the first harmonizer even if the second has no bonuses to sensitivity.At this point it should be noted that anyone who doesn’t have a harmonizer is now gettingmood combined.If you’re selective about the people you put Harmonizers in (Pawns who already want Psyfocus gear, in relationships,with passions for stationary work like cooking or crafting, optimists, ect) and then coddle them slightly ( Better rooms, food, comfortable furniture while working, high beauty in frequently traveled areas) the effect is extraordinarily consistent.And this is with just two harmonizers.. With 3 the effects are even more pronounced as each individual A buffs B and C which directly buffs A’s mood.The theoretical max with 3 sets of psyfocus gear at this point is +72 mood for all non-harmonizers, andI’m a dummy and those numbers are wrong because as mentioned earlier sensitivity applies to both sent and received mood. The real total for 3 harmonizers should be(10×2.4 = 24 sent, 24×2.4 = 58 received per harmonizer affecting an individual or +116 for 3 harmonizers with gear)—TLDR: Psychic harmonizers stack, are affected by psychic sensitivity, are reaaaaallly god damn strong, and with 2+ might result in unbreakable colonists.Here are some screenshots of my current playthrough where I’m experimenting with them. The install date of the second harmonizer is shownBefore someone comments about the Lovin’/Comfort I included some after the graph with -30 from dev-mode to compensate.

The worst part about Royalty DLC: It isn’t worth it to kill the Imperials

Royalty DLC was the most unexpected, but best Rimworld updates we have had. (Including shift queue, psychite tea.) The rebalance changes, quest changes, and bug/quirk fixes have helped a lot. Despite this, there are some flaws about how the player interacts with the Empire. Notes on each interaction.

Quests/Royal favor and title/pyscast progression. The most fleshed out part of the DLC. No glaring issues. Good job with this. Throne room sharing was the best rebalance. Not sure if the colonist lend quests have been fixed to account for multiple player settlements. Sometimes they can ask for more pawns then what you have at settlement, even with a high faction population. These quests should be tweaked so the player can decide how many to send, and scale rewards appropriately. It could be like tiers, and reach a reward tier by sending enough people. Imperial traders. They are very good early to mid game, but meh extreme late game. They are good source of advanced components, glitterworld medicine, techprints, armor, bionics, and the occasional link weapon. Extreme late game they don’t have enough items you can’t produce yourself. Trader needs pysfocus apparel added to their inventory, and more pystrainers. Post 5 years they should have a greater chance for both archotech body parts and psychic emanator. Trading with imperial settlements. Imperial settlements never have pysfocus apparel either. If you want it, you actually have to trade with outlander factions. I think that’s weird. Item pool should have more pystrainers than outlander factions too. Psychic based faction should occasionally have psychic emanators. Raiding imperial settlements. The in game settlements don’t match the lore, and match the generation of pirate/outlander settlements. This breaks immersion, and it’s boring. As the most advanced faction, they should have largest base, the most complicated base, and the best-defended base.

To fix this:

Increase the size of generated empire settlements.

Empire settlements always have praetor and accompanying requirements.

Empire should have a workshop led by an esquire, and room(s) that meet esquire requirements. * Give the Empire a variant of each: auto charge blaster turrets, minislug turrets, and empire drop beacons. (Like mech drop beacons but for the empire troops.) Not player obtainable/useable.

Empire settlements get 5 mortars, manned by people. 1.1 mortar nerfs make a single mortar laughably bad.

Give empire settlements 3-5 Yeoman pawns. More chances to rip out their implants.

Loot is worth the above. Should be a source of psychic amplifiers.


It is always better to side with the empire. This is because the player gives up a lot to be an enemy of the empire, and has very little to gain.

The player losses:

Chance for royal tile progression.

Opportunity royalty ascent quest

Access to psychic amplifiers

Trading for glitterworld medicine

Calling royal aid.

Specifically, the loss of royal aid and chance title progression is a huge loss compared to the gains from being an enemy of the empire. (See below.) Moreover, giving gold and prisoners to the empire for titles and then sacking the title is the best way to get psychic amplifiers. Even the “free” usage of psycasts/blade link is almost pointless, since the player just lost best way to acquire them. It is senseless to turn on the empire late game when you can support the royal needs, and you give up the ability to use royal aid. Note you don’t lose already acquired titles if you become an enemy of the empire.

Limited direct gains from being an enemy of the empire.

The player gains:

“Free” use of psycasts without the title

“Free” use of blade link weapons

Colonist from the deserter quest.

To incentivize the player to kill the empire outside of memes, enemies of the empire get a higher frequency of imperial deserters quests. Sometimes these colonists will be free, with no raid. These deserters can be former titleholders with physic amplifiers. Bonus points for silly backstories. Like being discovered as a cannibal, and this adds the cannibal trait to imperial pawn we already have encountered. Now that’s a story. Maybe third backstory for these pawns, because this is a major shift in their adult life. Maybe psychic pawns that kill another psychic pawn get an entropy bonus. This would serve as another incentive to kill the empire, and target those pawns.


Lack of bandit camp opportunity quest. I haven’t had one since I started a save with Royalty DLC. Other vanilla quests have showed up. Also it has been more difficult to acquire special items like infinite chemreactor, psychic emanator, vanometric powercell etc. Would love if we could pay faction leaders for an item stash for those like we can do with the AI core. Other vanilla quests have occurred as normal. Not sure if these changes are intended. Stellarch still on the planet and giving quests after the player successfully completely the royalty ascent quest. I thought he as supposed to go to the stars with the colonists. Trading with royal tribute collector. It is possible to overpay the minimum amount of gold necessary for an integer amount of royal favor. It is a lot of clicking to maximize the amount of royal favor with a pile of gold. Royal favor numbers should be apparent. Do NPC pawns with psycasts use them in battle? I have not had any opportunities to see this. Not sure the status of this in game. I understand that this would be time consuming to implement. (This is coming from pathetic Ue4 C++ hobbyist.) Though this varies with the Utility AI framework you are using. It is worth it save scum to re-roll which psychic ability we want when we level up an amplifier. Be nice to let us choose, rather than “force” us picky players to reroll a lot. Some of us want to give our pawns every psychic ability possible. Enemy faction bosses/leaders should have the ability to do psycasts. Would explain why the empire hates them.

Great work as always. Don’t want this post seem to like I hate the DLC. I love it and it is worth it. Additionally, some of Rimworld’s doctor quirks are caused by a far away doctor relieving a nearby doctor from his duties. Was able to see this happen on my save by being vigilant for it. Its particularly apparent when the nearby doctor has rest or hunger needs.

Unrelated notes:

RimWorld – Ultimate Psychic Guide

A handy guide for everything you wanted to know about psycasting!

Into to Psycasting

So you have decided to dig into the wonderful and terrible realm of psychic powers and want to know what you have in store? Or perhaps you want to plan out your perfect psywarrior?

This here is the guide for you!

I will lay out all of the powers here for you as well as the mechanics behind how they work so you can build up your ideal psychic powerhouse!

Now let’s dive right into the good stuff: The Powers. Each power requires a certain level of psychic amplifier to work. Each time a psychic amplifier is installed or upgraded you are given a random ability of the new level. Don’t worry! You can always learn more abilities through the use of psytrainers.

For the slow ones among you the powers are laid out as follows:

Ability Name

In-game description

Range: How far away you can target with the power

Radius: The effect radius from the targeted point

Entropy Gain: The amount of entropy the psycaster will get for using this ability

Cast Time: The amount of seconds needed to use the ability

Duration: The amount of seconds the ability will last

Effect of Ability

Relation Impact: Because some factions don’t like you using your weird powers on their people.

Level 1 Abilities

Here are all the powers that will require at least a tier 1 Psychic Amplifier to use:


In-game description: Block pain pathways in the target’s brain for a short time. This can allow a person to move and act even with grievous injuries which would normally incapacitate them.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 10

Cast Time: 0.25s

Duration: 30s

Target only feels 10% of pain.

Not usable on mechanoids.

It’s simple spell, but quite effective. Best for when you don’t have the silver to shell out for a painstopper and want to make your berserker a more of a tank. Be aware that the lack of pain does not mean that they are invincible. Also good for keeping wimpy colonists in the fight (instead of him collapsing after being grazed by a bullet).

I can confirm that it will work on pawns that have been incapacitated from pain. Instead of taking another gun from the fight to rescue them you can have them drag themselves to the hospital or get back to fighting. Also good for demonstrating the proper way of behaving to pawns who are having a mental break.


In-game description: Momentarily disrupt motor function in the target’s brain, preventing any movement.

Range: 19.9

Entropy Gain: 12

Casting Time: 0.25s

Duration: 3s

Relation Impact -15

A well timed stun can turn the tide of battle. It can mean the difference between a doomsday rocket taking out half of your colonists or giving you a few seconds to fall back. Best used in tying up big threats, like stopping centipede from firing its weapon so you can get your guys into melee range.


In-game description: Slow the target for a short time by suppressing motor activity in the brain.

Range: 29.9

Entropy Gain: 8

Duration: 30s

Casting Time: 0.25s

Max Move Speed 40% (x Target’s Psychic Sensitivity)

Relation Impact -15

Use of this is quite situational.

Hotfix #5 now multiplies the max move speed. See the Sensitivity and Entropy section below.

Most of the time I have used this ability is to help chase down straggling raiders who think they can flee.

Level 2 Abilities

Here are all the powers that will require at least a tier 2 Psychic Amplifier to use:

Blinding Pulse

In-game description: Induce noise in the visual centers of the brain, obscuring vision of everyone near the target point.

Range: 24.9

Radius: 4.9

Entropy Gain: 20

Cast Time: 1s

Duration: 30s

Max Sight 50% (x Target’s Psychic Sensitivity)

Relation Impact -15

Being unable to see well makes shooting anything incredibly difficult. Lure those pesky raiders into a choke point and slap them with this and they will having trouble hitting the broadside of a barn.

Entropy Link

In-game description: Form a psychic link between caster and target, so that gain and loss of psychic entropy is shared between both equally. The link lasts for some time, but will break if the two move far apart.

Range: 3.9

Entropy Gain: 20

Cast Time: 1s

Duration: 60s

Transfer 50% of entropy gained to target.

Max Range (After Link): 10

Relation Impact -15

At first glance this power is useless, but I assure you it is AMAZING. As it turns out you can link to ANYBODY; colonists, animals, mechanoids, even that naked raider with a rusty knife who thought raiding you was a good idea. More details in the Sensitivity and Entropy section if you are curious as to how this works.

Level 3 Abilities

Here are all the powers that will require at least a tier 3 Psychic Amplifier to use:


In-game description: Psychically command the target to approach the caster.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 20

Cast Time: 0.25s

Duration: 10s

Forces target to follow the psycaster.

Not usable on incapacitated targets.

Another one of those powers that look crap at first but are actually quite powerful and very useful. You can target an enemy and they will be forced to stop everything to follow your psycaster. Even better, the target won’t be able to shoot. Why try and Stun that centipede when you can force it to come to you for melee?

This power is also one of the few not seen as harmful, so factions don’t care if you use it on them. With a bit of skill you can get those visitors to attack those insect hives or deal with those pesky mechanoid clusters for you. And if they die, why would their faction get mad? It’s not like its your fault or anything…

Vertigo Pulse

In-game description: Interfere with the spatial orientation sense of everyone near the target point, causing intermittent loss of balance. Flesh creatures will become extremely nauseous as well.

Range: 24.9

Radius: 4.9

Entropy Gain: 25

Cast Time: 1s

Duration: 20s

Targets in affected area wander dizzily (wander radius 3), organic targets will vomit.

Relation Impact -15

This is how a psycaster can disable an entire raiding party, single-handed. The targets will not be able to shoot at you as they are too dizzy to sit still. When they start vomiting they won’t even be able to fight back. Since I picked this power up raids, manhunter packs, and infestations have been mostly trivialized.

Chaos Skip

In-game description: Teleport the target to a random position near where he started.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 18

Cast Time: 0.25s

Target is teleported to a random spot 6.9 to 24.9 away.

After teleporting they are stunned for a second or two.

Relation Impact -15

Might seem neat at first glance, but the random aspect makes this situational. You might just teleport that raider from a sensitive spot right into your killbox. Or he might wind up in your treasury or hospital. Use at your own risk.

Level 4 Abilities

Here are all the powers that will require at least a tier 4 Psychic Amplifier to use:


In-game description: Teleport the target to a desired position not too far from his starting point.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 25

Cast Time: 0.25s

Teleport target to a point of your choosing. Stuns for less than a second.

The only limit to this ability is that you can only skip targets to places that your psycaster can see.

The ultimate control ability. Get those melee soldiers where they need to be in a flash instead of having them wade through all that gunfire. Place that one troublesome raider right in front of your firing squad. Scoop that downed colonist from the clutches of those kidnapping raiders. Teleport those components away from that tantruming colonist. Have your psycaster blink away to safety. This ability is also considered a non-hostile action, so you can even move visitors and traders. The uses of this power is endless.


In-game description: Form a temporary wall by skipping rubble and soil up from deep under the ground.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 25

Cast Time: 1s

Create a wall at target location.

Excellent for plugging holes in your walls in an emergency and creating cover for your colonists. Worry no more about those sappers turning your colony into Swiss cheese and leaving you exposed.


In-game description: Skip dust particles up from under the ground surface to form a thick cloud. This reduces the accuracy of any shot fired through it, and preventing turrets from locking on entirely.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 35

Cast Time: 1s

Smokepop, radius of 3.5, at target location.

Just like a smokepop belt, except you don’t have to get shot at to activate it. The smoke prevents turrets from targeting you, and is incredibly hard for colonists or raiders to shoot through.


In-game description: Psychically focus the target’s mind, boosting their sight, hearing and moving capacities.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 15

Cast Time: 0.25s

Duration: 60s

Sight x1.3

Hearing x1.3

Moving x1.3

Causes target to move a bit faster and shoot a bit better. Also useful for other non-combat related tasks as well, as most crafting, surgery, and research speed is boosted from sight.

Level 5 Abilities

Here are all the powers that will require at least a tier 5 Psychic Amplifier to use:


In-game description: Induce an angry psychosis in the target’s mind, causing them to attack anyone nearby.

Range: 24.9

Entropy Gain: 35

Cast Time: 0.25s

Duration: 30s

Cause the target to go berserk.

Relation Impact -15

Makes delaying raids pretty easy. Also handy for getting your enemies to take each other out. Other lower tiered powers can be just as effective. Best if you want to make sure a particular target dies, bonus points for making his friends do your dirty work.


In-game description: Psychically manipulate the visual centers of everyone nearby, rendering them unable to perceive a particular individual for a short time.

Range: 9.9

Entropy Gain: 30

Cast Time: 1s

Duration: 15s

Makes the target invisible.

Invisible targets can’t be attacked, simple as that. Also note that invisible targets can’t specifically targeted by other powers.

Level 6 Abilities

Here are all the powers that will require at least a tier 6 Psychic Amplifier to use:

Berserk Pulse

In-game description: Generate an overwhelming rush of undirected rage in everyone near the target point.

Range: 24.9

Radius: 2.9

Entropy Gain: 60

Cast Time: 1s

Duration: 60s

Cause the targets to go berserk.

Relation Impact -75

Force a whole group of enemies to kill one another. ‘Nuff said.

Manhunter Pulse

In-game description: Drive nearby animals into a manhunting rage using a psychic pulse.

Range: 24.9

Radius: 29.9

Entropy Gain: 40

Cast Time: 1s

Duration: 60s

Cause the targets to go berserk.

Relation Impact -75

Does not work on humans.

Send some of the local wildlife to soften up your enemy’s defenses.

Mass Chaos Skip

In-game description: Skip everyone near a target point to a random location nearby.

Range: 24.9

Radius: 7.9

Entropy Gain: 40

Cast Time: 1s

Cause everyone in a target area to teleport to a random range between 6.9 to 24.9, and stun them for a few seconds.

Relation Impact -75

Scatter an organized attack force into chaos. As is the case with Chaos Skip, the chances of enemies skipping to a more sensitive location multiply for every enemy targeted. In the worst scenario it could potentially break up an overwhelming force into more manageable chunks.

Sensitivity and Entropy

And now for the nitty-gritty details on how to optimize your psycasting. There are lots factors that go into how powerful the various effects are.

The primary stat that affects abilities is Psychic Sensitivity. The base sensitivity scores are as follows:

Default: 1

Mechanoid: 0.5

Centipede: 0.75

Psychically Hypersensitive: 1.8

Psychically Sensitive: 1.4

Psychically Dull: 0.5

Psychically Deaf: 0

All effects with a duration has it multiplied by the target’s Psychic Sensitivity. Psychically Deaf targets are immune to psychic effects.

A couple of ability effects become multiplied by a target’s sensitivity:

Burden has the speed modifier of 40%, so a Psychically Hypersensitive target will get their move speed reduced to 72%, a Psychically Dull target will get reduced to 20% speed.

Blinding Pulse has the sight modifier of 50%, a Psychically Hypersensitive target will get 90% and a Psychically Dull target will get 25%

Now what is the Psychic Entropy Limit?

It is the amount of entropy a person can safely accrue. There is a built-in safety switch to prevent someone from going over the limit, but that safety can be disabled for an emergency, but it will cause long-lasting damage to your psycaster.

All things have a Psychic Entropy Limit default of 30 multiplied by Psychic Sensitivity (rounded up). For example, a Psychically Hypersensitive person will have a Psychic Entropy Limit boosted to 54, while a Psychically Dull person will have a Psychic Entropy Limit reduced to 15.

Installing a Psychic Amplifier will multiply a colonist’s Psychic Entropy Limit (rounded up) depending on the level.

Psychic Amplifier Level 1: x1 (no change)

Psychic Amplifier Level 2: x1.3334

Psychic Amplifier Level 3: x1.6667

Psychic Amplifier Level 4: x2

Psychic Amplifier Level 5: x2.3334

Psychic Amplifier Level 6: 2.6667

Now how do you get rid of that nasty Psychic Entropy?

Just simply wait it out. Entropy loss rate is calculated on a 30 second basis; the default rate is 5 per 30 seconds. Unfortunately entropy recovery is NOT changed by sensitivity.

All Psychic Amplifiers come with an enhanced entropy recovery rate:

Psychic Amplifier Level 1: +4

Psychic Amplifier Level 2: +4.5

Psychic Amplifier Level 3: +5

Psychic Amplifier Level 4: +5.5

Psychic Amplifier Level 5: +6

Psychic Amplifier Level 6: +6.5

These are NOT cumulative. If you have a normal colonist with a level 1 Psychic Amplifier their recovery rate will be 9 per 30 seconds; one with a level 6 Psychic Amplifier will have a rate of 11.5 per 30 seconds.

Other Psychic Modifiers

You aren’t limited to just traits and Psychic Amplifiers to change a colonist’s Psychic Sensitivity and Entropy Recovery Rate. There is equipment available that can enhance them!

The psyfocus apparel listed here cannot be manufactured and must be traded for.

Here are the different items that a psycaster can benefit from:

Psychic Sensitizer (Brain Implant)

Sensitivity +0.25

Base Market Value 1,200

I consider this implant a must-have for all your psycasters. That slight bump you would get to your Psychic Entropy Limit could mean you can get one more chance to use an ability. Also get a slightly longer duration for ALL effects. It’s also one of the cheaper brain implants and the benefits are well worth the silver.

Psyfocus Helmet

Sensitivity +0.15

Entropy Recovery Rate +2

Base Market Value 500

It offers slightly more protection than a simple helmet and is effective at shedding that nasty entropy.

Psyfocus Shirt

Sensitivity +0.1

Entropy Recovery Rate +1

Base Market Value 400

Another must-have for each of your psycasters. It may look like it doesn’t give as much of a bonus as other psyfocus gear, but it can be worn with ALL kinds of armor, including the coveted Marine Armor or the new Cataphract Armor!

Psyfocus Vest

Sensitivity +0.15

Entropy Recovery Rate +1.5

Base Market Value 500

Not as good as other psyfocus gear, since it takes up the slot for a flak vest, and cant be worn with Marine Armor. If you are like me, you would have everyone wearing a flak vest to protect against any damage they may take.

Psyfocus Robe

Sensitivity +0.2

Entropy Recovery Rate +2.5

Base Market Value 600

It fits comfortably over your flak vest and it provides better heat and cold insulation than a basic parka or duster. If you aren’t fitting your psycaster in heavy armor, it is the best choice of apparel. It also offers the best sensitivity and recovery rate of all the other apparel (but you can see that by the numbers).

Psyfocus Staff

Sensitivity +0.5

Entropy Recovery Rate +2.5

Base Market Value 1,000

This “weapon” offers the best sensitivity and recovery rates available in an item. It also deals less damage than any club, making it the worst weapon. Give this to your psychic wizard who will be away from the front lines.

Psychic Foil Helmet

Sensitivity -0.9

Just… No. Giving this to your psycaster will effectively neuter them. The only reasonable use of this is to protect your psycaster from an extreme psychic drone, but why would you let it get that bad??

Psychic Silencer (Implant)

Slight Pain (0.2)

Makes the Psycaster Undetectable

You little rebel, you. You are feeling naughty and want to use powers and tools without permission from the Empire? Give your psycaster one of these babies. This will keep your secrets safe, and therefore keep the Empire from kicking down your door.

Every time you use an unauthorized ability un-silenced there is a chance for the psycaster’s psychic signature to be picked up by the Empire. If that happens you will be declared an enemy of the Empire, who will then begin sending crusades against you to cleanse your heretic filth from the galaxy.

Miscellaneous Items

Here are the things that are changed by Psychic Sensitivity that don’t fit above.

Psychic Reader (Implant)

Negotiation Ability +0.5 x Psychic Sensitivity

Let’s your colonist read the minds of others. The extra bonus isn’t stated in the description, but it’s there! Kit your negotiator out in full psyfocus gear, plug this implant in and you will be swimming in discounts.

Psychic Suppressor (Mech Cluster Building)

Reduces consciousness based on sensitivity.

This nasty little mechanoid device could cripple your psycasters. Beware!

Psychic Soothe Emanator

Mood +5 x Psychic Sensitivity

A ThoughtDef in the game files that boosts mood slightly, but is not used by anything currently in the game.

Psychic Drone

Soothe: +16 x Psychic Sensitivity

Low Drone: -12 x Psychic Sensitivity

Moderate Drone: -22 x Psychic Sensitivity

High Drone: -30 x Psychic Sensitivity

Extreme Drone: -40 x Psychic Sensitivity

These are triggered by events and mechanoid cluster buildings.

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