Tap Titans 2 Aram Spear | Tap Titans 2: Enchanted Mind, Dagger Is On The Field 상위 292개 베스트 답변

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tap titans 2 aram spear 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Aram Spear – Tap Titans 2 Wiki – Fandom

It belonged to the chief of a legendary horseman tribe who rode into battle with this spear and came out victorious each time.

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Source: tap-titans-2.fandom.com

Date Published: 2/23/2022

View: 1732

Aram Spear ? : r/TapTitans2 – Reddit

It reduces all titan HP, including bosses. The reason it is ranked low because it is not a multiplier. Say you reduce hp to x0.50, it will just …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: www.reddit.com

Date Published: 10/10/2022

View: 1327

Tap Titans 2 Artifacts Guide – Ohana Gamers

This is the ultimate list containing all of the Tap Titans 2 Artifacts. Artifacts are extremely beneificial in increasing the fighting power you and your …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: ohanagamers.com

Date Published: 4/1/2021

View: 8952

Artefakty – Tap Titans 2

Artefakty ; Apollo Orb. A ; Aram Spear. C ; Avian Feather. Avian Fearher. B ; Axe of Muerte. B ; Blade of Damocles. A.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: tt2-poland.blogspot.com

Date Published: 6/25/2021

View: 5164

Tap Titans 2 – Steam Games

Increases damage per owned artifact. No. No Caption Proved. Aram Spear, Decreases all titan health. No.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: steam-games.org

Date Published: 8/13/2021

View: 4378

Tap Titans 2 | DonanımHaber Forum » Sayfa 2

aram spear – titan canının azalmasını sağlar ward of the darkness – boss çıktığında kesmek için gereken zamanın artmasını sağlar (max +60 …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: forum.donanimhaber.com

Date Published: 1/6/2022

View: 1518

Aram Spear — Скромный блог Даниила Попова

Aram Spear. Опубликовано 16 декабря 2017. Aram Spear … Tap Titans 2 гайд 46972. Разработчики сделали переход на новую часть максимально комфортным.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: groog.ru

Date Published: 8/7/2021

View: 9957

주제와 관련된 이미지 tap titans 2 aram spear

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Tap Titans 2: Enchanted Mind, Dagger is on the Field. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Tap Titans 2: Enchanted Mind, Dagger is on the Field
Tap Titans 2: Enchanted Mind, Dagger is on the Field

주제에 대한 기사 평가 tap titans 2 aram spear

  • Author: Craiyn
  • Views: 조회수 1,013회
  • Likes: 좋아요 17개
  • Date Published: 2022. 7. 1.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRZtfwniXkg

Tap Titans 2 Artifacts Guide

This is the ultimate list containing all of the Tap Titans 2 Artifacts.

Artifacts are extremely beneificial in increasing the fighting power you and your heroes have!

Defeating titans fast will come faster with the proper knowledge of artifacts.

Tap Titans 2


Tap Titans 2 is a tap idle game developed by Game Hive. It is the sequel to Tap Titans. The goal of the game is to watch the numbers go up. Equipment obtained, heroes unlocked, pets gained and artifacts found all go towards incrementally increasing the numbers. Ironically, skill points can be spent in the skill trees to eventually not have to tap.


The game tasks you–Sword Master–with killing titans. After a certain amount of titans are killed, a boss appears with exponentially more health points. Killing the boss results in increasing the stage by one. The further you progress, the more titans are required to be killed for a boss to appear.

Killing a titan rewards you with gold which can be used to unlock and level up active skills and heroes. The heroes automatically do damage. Leveling a hero increases their damage and unlocks skills that increase a damage type, gold generation, or mana regeneration. Heroes can be boosted by unlocking hero masteries for weapons and scrolls. Weapon masteries increases hero damage while scroll masteries increases hero skills. Once a point is reached where you are unable to beat a boss, you prestige.

Prestiging will start you back at stage 1 and the climb to the top begins anew. With every prestige, you will receive a skill point for every new 50 stages passed. Skill points can be spent on the four skill trees–Knight, Warlord, Sorcerer, or Rogue–to customize your damage dealing gameplay. Relics are also rewarded which are used to unlock and level up artifacts that boosts damage dealt, mana regeneration, and gold received.

The player’s hero can equip gear to help boost the numbers. Equipment is divided into five slots. Weapons can increase critical damage, tap damage, hero damage or all damage. Helmets increases tap and hero damage. Armor increases gold sources. Slashes increases support damage. Auras increases the bonuses of the previous mentioned equipment. Equipment is dropped every 15 levels. During each prestige, five pieces of equipment drop once the player reaches 80% of their max stage. Equipment sets can be crafted by spending shards. The sets can provide game-changing abilities.

Every four hours, a pet is awarded. Pets are similar to artifacts in that they will also boost damage dealt, mana regeneration and gold received. Pets have their own levels which goes up by getting the same pet again–either through the random pet award, winning a tournament that awards pets, or purchasing them in the premium currency shop. Pets have passive bonuses. When set active, their bonuses will be boosted to 100% and the pet will appear on the screen. Once pets are leveled to 100, they will always provide 100% of their bonus passively. Pets can also be sent on quests to obtain time-limited gameplay bonuses. While the pets are on quests, they cannot be set active.

Three days of the week there are tournaments that pits the player against 99 other players to reach the highest stage in 24 hours. Later on at the higher max stages, tournaments have only 10 players. And in some rare cases, a player could end up as a solo contestant in a tournament. Upon entrance into a tournament, the player will not have access to most stage skipping mechanics. Only after prestiging in the tournament will the player be able to skip stages via their skills or the Portar titan. The top 10 players will receive a reward. Tournament rewards constitute the more difficult to obtain things in the game. One rewards skill points and perks; another rewards regular and fortune hero masteries; the last one rewards crafting shards and pet eggs. All three also reward gems (the premium currency) and tournament points. If a tie occurs for 1st place, the value of rewards given will be between 1st place and 2nd place.

Besides tournaments, the other social aspect of Tap Titans 2 are clans. Clans can be public or private and possibly stage-level gated. The benefits of a clan are an in-game clan chat, stage advancement after prestiging and clan raids. Clan raids are set into motion when an officer spends raid tickets to start one. A raid consists of 1 to 8 raid titans and lasts three days. Attack windows are separated into 12-hour chunks. Players are given 4 chances to attack during each window. The raid titan has eight distinct body parts: head, torso, left shoulder, left hand, right shoulder, right hand, left leg, right leg. Higher tier raid titans also have a layer of armor covering each part. The player has access to raid cards that each deal damage to a certain body part or armor. The player creates an attack set with three cards to target specific parts. If the raid is completed, the players are rewarded with scroll masteries and the currency to purchase and level raid cards called dust. If the raid is completed within the three day limit, the next raid is unlocked and the clan receives raid tickets as a first-time bonus.


Titan Types

Titan Description Non-boss These are the normal filler titans leading up to a boss. The amount to be defeated before the boss appears increases the higher stage the player reaches. Boss These titans have higher health than a non-boss titan and rewards more gold. There is a 90 second time limit to beat bosses. Chesteron These titans look like chests, has a higher health and rewards more gold than non-boss titans. Portar Spawn This floating titan is blue and has an orange eye. Defeating this titan will skip 50 stages. The amount of stages skipped can be increased through passive skills and equipment sets. Manni Mana This titan looks like a flask. Defeating this titan will award the player mana. Snap Spawn This titan looks like a time bomb. Defeating this titan reduces the number of non-boss titans needed to reach the boss. Multi-spawn The appearance is a big titan with four minature versions of itself in front. This group has more health than its non-boss version and skips five non-bosses when defeated. Chesterons can multi-spawn. Portars, Manni Manas, and Snaps cannot.

Damage Types

Damage types can be boosted by abilities, artifacts, equipment and pets.

Damage Type Damage Attribution All damage Affects all damage sources excluding inactive damage. All hero damage Affects all heroes. Critical damage Affects critical hits. Tap damage Affects taps. Pet damage Affects pets. Clan ship damage Affects clan ships. Shadow clone damage Affects shadow clone. Ground damage Affects heroes marked as ground heroes. Flying damage Affects heroes marked as flying heroes. Melee damage Affects heroes marked as melee damage dealing heroes. Ranged damage Affects heroes marked as ranged damage dealing heroes. Spell damage Affects heroes marked as spell damage dealing heroes. Sword Attack damage Affects sword master, heavenly strike and shadow clone. Companion damage Affects pets, clan ship and shadow clone. Inactive damage Affects damage dealt when game is closed. Non-boss damage Affects damage dealt to non-boss titans. Boss damage Affects damage dealt to boss titans. Stealth damage Affects all damage and inactive damage. Fundamental damage Affects tap damage and all hero damage. Splash damage The damage left over after a titan is killed is applied to the next titan. Artifact damage Damage from artifacts.

Gold Sources

The gold used to level heroes come in different flavors.

Gold Source Gold Attribution All gold Gold received from all sources. Boss gold Gold received from boss titan. Chesteron gold Gold received when the titan that appears looks like a chest. Inactive gold Gold received when game is closed. Fairy gold Gold received from clicking on a fairy. Heart of Midas gold Gold received from tapping a glowing pet. Requires skill unlocked in the Knight tree of the same name. Multi-spawn gold Gold received from killing group of titans. Prestige gold Gold received after a prestige. Perk gold Increases prestige gold Hand of Midas gold Active ability that affects gold where tapping is involved. Specialty gold Gold received from fairies and Hand of Midas.

Active Skills

These skills require the player to manually click to activate and has a cooldown once complete.

Icon Name Description Heavenly Strike Deals a multiplicative factor of the player’s tap damage. Deadly Strike Increases critical damage by a multiplicative factor. Hand of Midas Increases gold sources by a multiplicative factor. Fire Sword Increases tap damage by a multiplicative factor. War Cry Increases hero damage by a multiplicative factor. Shadow Clone Summons a clone to automatically attack. Damage is based on player’s tap damage.

Passive Skills

These skills are passively active. Their level increases when certain milestones are met.

Icon Name Description Arcane Bargain Increases strength of other passive skills. Level increases with total dust spent. Power Surge Increases stages pets can splash through. Lightning Burst from the Knight tree is required to splash through bosses. Level increases with total pet levels. Anti-Titan Cannon Increases stages the clan ship can splash through. Aerial Assault from the Warlord tree is required to splash through bosses. Level increases with total hero weapon masteries. Mystical Impact Increases stages the shadow clone can splash through. Eternal Darkness from the Sorcerer tree is required to splash through bosses. Level increases with total tournament points. Intimidating Presence Decreases number of non-boss titans needed to reach the boss. Level increases with total skill points earned. Silent March Increases number of titans that can be snuck by while game is inactive.


These skills cost gems (premium currency) to activate except for Mega Boost which requires watching an ad.

Icon Name Description Time Active Mega Boost Increases damage by a factor of 2. 4 hours Power of Swiping Swiping screen taps at max rate. 12 hours Adrenaline Rush Decreases titan spawn time and increases damage by a factor of 5. 12 hours Make It Rain Delivers gold equivalent to a percentage of max stage worth. Immediate Mana Potion Increases mana regeneration. 12 hours Doom Increases damage up to 100x in 30 seconds. Resets on titan death. 12 hours Clan Crate Immediately gives player MiR equivalent gold. A MiR crate is sent to every other clan member. Each clan ship can hold only 3 crates. Extra ones are automatically used by the recipient. Immediate

Skill Trees

There are four skill trees–Knight, Warlord, Sorcerer and Rogue. Investing skill points in the different trees will boost tap damage, pet damage, clan ship damage, shadow damage and inactive damage. There are also skills that reduce the time to reach max stage. Skills further down the tree requires meeting stage goals, investment in the skill prior on the branch and the total amount of skills spent on the tree.

Knight Skills

The focus of the knight tree is on tap damage, pet damage, and pet gold.

Icon Name Tier Description Knight’s Valor I Increases tap damage. Chivalric Order II Percentage of total hero damage is added to tap damage. Pet Evolution II Increases pet damage and taps reduce wait between pet attack. Heart of Midas II Increases boss gold and clicking the pet when it glows gives gold. Increasing this skill’s level reduces wait time for pet to glow. Cleaving Strike III Increases critical damage while decreasing critical chance. Summon Inferno III Increases fire sword damage and duration active. Lightning Burst III The pet now deals massive damage after charging. Allows the pet to splash through bosses. Barbaric Fury IV Increases tap damage and frequency. Taps can activate other skills. Flash Zip IV A combo tap attack that deals Lightning Burst damage. For 30 seconds afterwards, pet attacks deal more damage and cooldown is reduced for Heart of Midas, Lightning Burst and Flash Zip.

Warlord Skills

The focus of the warlord tree is on hero damage and clan ship damage.

Icon Name Tier Description Master Commander I Increases all hero damage. Spoils of War II Increases Chesteron gold and spawn chance. Heroic Might II Increases War Cry damage and boosts random heroes’ damage. Aerial Assault II Increases clan ship damage and allows said damage to splash through bosses. Tactical Insight III Increases damage and gold multiplicatively. Increases chance occurrences additively. Searing Light III Inspired heroes’ attacks cause the titan to receive more damage from heroes. War Cry damage is increased and activating this skill randomly inspires heroes. Coordinated Offensive III A random clan mate appears next to the player’s hero. Clicking the clan mate will cause it to auto-attack and all hero damage is increased. Astral Awakening IV Increases all hero damage while tapping balls of light. Can be chained 5 times. Anchoring Shot IV Stuns the titan and all sources of damage increase as a result. Boss timer is frozen if stunned.

Sorcerer Skills

The focus of the sorcerer tree is on mana generation, heavenly strike damage, lightning damage and shadow clone damage.

Icon Name Tier Description Limit Break I Increases mana capacity and regeneration. Midas Ultimate II Increases Hand of Midas gold and Fairy gold. Angelic Radiance II Increases Heavenly Strike damage. Phantom Vengeance II Increases shadow clone damage and the rate at which the shadow clone attacks. Fairy Charm III Increases multiple fairy spawn and reduces the spawn cooldown. Mana Siphon III Adds mana regeneration to tapping. Eternal Darkness III Increases shadow clone duration and allows for the shadow clone to splash through bosses. Manni Mana IV Allows for the Manni Mana titan to spawn which rewards mana upon defeat. Lightning Strike IV Reduces titan health by a percentage. The strikes are activated by either tapping or from shadow clone attacks. At least one active skill must be activated for strikes to be triggered. Dimensional Shift IV Increases strength and duration of active skills. Only applies when shadow clone is active.

Rogue Skills

The focus of the rogue tree is on inactive stage skips, active dagger attacks and deadly strike damage.

Icon Name Tier Description Master Thief I Increases all gold and inactive gold generation. Assassinate II Increases deadly strike damage and duration active. Summon Dagger II When the daggers appear on screen, tapping them will deal deadly strike damage. Ambush II Increases multi-spawn count and spawn chance. Stroke of Luck III Chance of receiving x1000 gold and companions will deal deadly strikes when the deadly strike skill is active. Poison Edge III Allows extra damage to be dealt to the titan on dagger strike. Can stack. Cloaking III Allow for chance of stage skip after killing a boss titan. Forbidden Contract IV Runes will appear circling the screen. Tapping them will activate this skill which increases damage dealt for every second it’s active. Mana will be drained and the skill ends when mana runs out. Dagger Storm IV Allows dagger strikes from summon dagger to splash through bosses. Deadly Focus IV Chance to increase deadly strike damage on deadly strike hit.


Heroes can be unlocked and leveled with the gold obtained from killing titans. Once they reach max level, they can evolve to boost their damage and unlock more hero skills.

Icon Name Pre-Evolution Skill Damage Type Maya Muerta the Watcher Increases critical and chesteron abilities Spell Ground Zato the Blind Staff Master Increases chesteron and critical abilities Melee Ground Sophia, Champion of Swords Increases tap damage Melee Ground Lance, Knight of Cobalt Steel Increases melee hero damage Melee Ground Pingo of the Tori Increases mana capacity Ranged Ground Rosabella Bonnie Archer Increases boss gold Ranged Ground Gulbrand the Destroyer Increases chesteron gold Melee Ground Captain Davey Cannon Increases ranged hero damage Ranged Ground Rhys Mage of Order Evetga Increases melee hero damage Melee Ground Kronus, Bringer of Judgement Increases spell hero damage Spell Ground Cosette, Jewel of House Sabre Increases tap damage Melee Ground Kiki the Dragon Rider Increases spell hero damage Spell Ground Maddie, Shadow Thief Increases ranged hero damage Ranged Ground Beany Sprout the 1st Increases mana capacity Spell Ground Sawyer the Wild Gunslinger Increases tap damage Ranged Ground Lil’ Ursa Increases mana regeneration Spell Ground Saje the Garden Keeper Increases ranged hero damage Ranged Ground Wally Wat the Magician Increases spell hero damage Spell Ground Jayce the Ruthless Cutter Increases melee hero damage Melee Ground The Great Pharoah Increases fairy gold Spell Ground Boomoh Doctor Increases 10x gold chance Melee Ground Dex-1000 Increases critical chance Ranged Ground The Great Madame Cass Increases chesteron chance Spell Ground Lala Quickshot Increases boss gold Ranged Ground Aya the Lightning Violet Increases fairy gold Melee Ground Lady Lucy the Night Caster Increases critical damage Spell Ground Jazz Rockerfellow Increases all damage Spell Ground Maple the Autumn Guardian Increases all types of gold Melee Flying Kin the Puffy Beast Increases chesteron gold and chance Ranged Flying Princess Titania of Fay Increases mana capacity and regeneration Spell Flying Miki the Graceful Dancer Increases critical damage and chance Ranged Ground Mina the Priestess of Light Increases all types of hero damage Spell Ground Yzafa the Fearsome Bandit Increases chesteron and fairy gold Melee Ground Zolom Blaster, Space Hunter Increases boss gold and 10x gold chance Ranged Flying Finn the Funny Guard Increases ranged hero damage Ranged Ground Nohni the Spearit Increases melee hero damage Melee Flying Damon of the Darkness Increases spell hero damage Spell Flying

Equipment Sets

Equipment comes in five different grades: Common (gray), Event (purple), Rare (blue), Legendary (Yellow), Mythic (orange). Event equipment drop only during special events. The number of abilities equipment has increases in rarity. Equipment sets have set bonuses. Crafting equipment sets raises Crafting Power. Each level of crafting power increases the benefits from equipment sets.

Mythic Sets

Mythic sets each has a relic multiplier which increases the amount of relics received after a prestige.

Name Set Bonus (and secondary set bonus) Mechanized Sword Decreases milestone amounts to level passive skills and increases damage per mythic set owned. Fatal Samurai Increases active pet level by 25% and fire sword damage. Angelic Guardian Increases max splash count and heavenly strike damage. Ruthless Necromancer Increases the chance for the shadow clone to splash through a boss and shadow clone damage. Treasure Hunter Increases rare+ equipment drops and hand of midas gold. Ancient Warrior Increases war cry companion attack rate and war cry damage. Dark Predator Deadly strike boosts inactive damage and increases deadly strike damage.

Legendary Sets

Legendary sets require shards in order to craft the sets.

Name Set Bonus (and secondary set bonus) Hidden Viper Increases cloaked stages and rogue boost. Nimble Hunter Increases all active skill duration and marksman boost. Anniversary Diamond Increases damage per legendary set owned and gold per sword master level. Bone Mender Decreases companion cooldowns and increases multiple fairy chance. Celestial Enchanter Increases artifact enchantment boost and damage per artifact owned. Noble Fencer Increases advanced start stage and prestige gold. Thundering Deity Increases snap effect stacks and snap spawn chance. Eternal Monk Increases portar skip amount and portar spawn chance. Shadow Disciple Boosts skills in the rogue tree and increases multi-spawn chance. Anniversary Platinum Increases companion damage and splash skip amount. Defiant Spellslinger Boosts skills in the sorcerer tree and increases mana refund when using active skills. Titan Attacker Increases fundamental damage and chesteron spawn chance. Frost Warden Boosts skills in the warlord tree and increases chesteron spawn chance. Chained Clockwork Increases shadow clone damage and shadow clone’s special attempt rate. Captain Titan Boosts skills in the knight tree and increases critical chance. Amazon Princess Increases all equipment primary boost and perk gold. The Sly Wolf Increases inactive damage and inactive advancement speed. Corrupt Emerald Knight Increases legacy pet damage and pet skill cooldowns. Dragon Slayer Increases all active skill effects and mana capacity. Anniversary Gold Increases all damage and all gold.

Rare Sets

Rare sets require shards in order to craft the sets.

Name Set Bonus Blessed Bishop Increases heavenly strike damage. Solar Paragon Increases pet damage. Midnight Raven Increases shadow clone damage. Viking King Increases tap damage. Cybernetic Enhancements Increases all hero damage. Phantom Presence Increases critical damage.

Event Sets

Event set equipment only drops during special events. Missed event equipment can be gained in future events celebrating the same event. (Ex: equipment dropped during the most recent halloween event can also drop gear from previous halloween events)

Name Set Bonus Heir of Light Increases heavenly strike damage. Heir of Shadows Increases shadow clone damage. Sweet and Treats Increases multiple fairy chance. Jack Frost Increases all hero damage. Grim Reaper Increases shadow clone damage. Combo Breaker Increases boss damage. Dedicated Fan Increases fairy gold. Lunar Festival Increases boss gold. Sled Season Increases all hero damage. Toxic Slayer Increases tap damage. Scarecrow Jack Increases shadow clone damage. Surf Strike Increases chesteron gold. Heartly Queen Increases critical damage. The Rockstar Increases clan ship damage. Defender of the Egg Increases pet damage. Snow Master Increases all hero damage.


Pets are divided between legacy pets and exotic pets. Legacy pets are boosted by the artifacts Heart of Storms and Apollo Orb. Exotic pets are not. Pets can be leveled past 100.

Pet Image Name Type Description Basky Legacy Increases melee hero damage. Bubbles Legacy Increases all gold. Cerberus Legacy Increases melee hero damage. Demos Legacy Increases all damage. Fluffers Legacy Increases mana regeneration. Kit Legacy Increases splash damage. Hamy Legacy Increases tap damage. Harker Legacy Increases spell hero damage. Mousy Legacy Increases ranged hero damage. Nova Legacy Increases all damage. Phobos Legacy Increases tap damage. Polly Legacy Increases all gold. Scraps Legacy Increases ranged hero damage. Tempest Legacy Increases all hero damage. Toto Legacy Increases all hero damage. Zero Legacy Increases spell hero damage. Annabelle Exotic Increases sword primary boost. Bash Exotic Increases ground hero damage. Basil Exotic Increases non-boss damage. Cooper Exotic Increases boss gold. Cosmos Exotic Increases aura primary boost. Effie Exotic Increases helmet primary boost. Griff Exotic Increases boss damage. Jaws Exotic Increases fairy gold. Klack Exotic Increases multi-spawn gold. Percy Exotic Increases armor primary boost. Soot Exotic Increases prestige gold. Taffy Exotic Increases slash primary boost. Violet Exotic Increases flying hero damage. Xander Exotic Increases inactive sneak count.


Artifacts are unlocked and leveled with relics. The amount of relics needed to unlock an artifact increases exponentially as more artifacts are unlocked. Book of Shadows is guaranteed to be available to unlock by the 35th artifact. Enchanted artifacts have their effect boosted.

Icon Name Description Enchantable Book of Shadows Increases relic gain after prestige. Yes Charged Card Increases gold by total raid card levels. No Stone of the Valrunes Increases gold by active skills up to 4. No Chest of Contentment Increases chesteron gold. No Heroic Shield Increases boss gold. No Book of Prophecy Increases all gold. Yes Khrysos Bowl Increases stealth gold. No Zakynthos Coin Increases inactive gold. No Great Fay Medallion Increases fairy gold. No Neko Sculpture Increases Heart of Midas gold. No Coins of Ebizu Increases multi-spawn gold. No The Bronzed Compass Increases specialty gold. No Evergrowing Stick Increases damage by total raid card levels. Yes Flute of the Soloist Increases damage by active skills up to 4. No Heavenly Sword Increases artifact damage. No Divine Retribution Increases all damage. Yes Drunken Hammer Increases tap damage. No Samosek Sword Increases sword attack damage. No The Retaliator Increases critical damage. No Stryfe’s Peace Increases fundamental damage. No Hero’s Blade Increases all hero damage. No The Sword of Storms Increases melee hero damage. No Furies Bow Increases ranged hero damage. No Charm of the Ancient Increases spell hero damage. No Tiny Titan Tree Increases ground hero damage. No Helm of Hermes Increases flying hero damage. No Fruit of Eden Increases pet damage. No Influential Elixir Increases clan ship damage. No O’Ryan’s Charm Increases companion damage. No Heart of Storms Increases legacy pets’ damage bonuses. No Apollo Orb Increases legacy pets’ gold bonuses. No Earrings of Portara Increases stealth damage. No Avian Feather Increases strength of sword boost and heavenly strike damage multiplers. No Corrupted Rune Heart Increases splash damage. No Durendal Sword Increases non-boss damage. No Helheim Skull Increases boss damage. No Oath’s Burden Increases tap, pet and fire sword damage multipliers. No Crown of Constellation Increases all hero, clan ship and war cry damage multipliers. No Titana’s Sceptre Increases heavenly strike, hand of midas and shadow clone multipliers. Yes Fagin’s Grip Increases inactive gold, inactive damage and deadly strike multipliers. No Ring of Calisto Increases all equipment primary boost. Yes Blade of Damocles Increases sword primary boost. No Helmet of Madness Increases helmet primary boost. No Titanium Plating Increases armor primary boost. No Moonlight Bracelet Increases aura primary boost. No Amethyst Staff Increases slash primary boost. No Sword of the Royals Increases sword boost and melee hero damage. Yes Spearit’s Vigil Increases helmet boost and flying hero damage. No The Cobalt Plate Increases armor boost and ground hero damage. No Sigil of Judgement Increases aura boost and spell hero damage. Yes Foliage of the Keeper Increases slash boost and ranged hero damage. Yes Invader’s Gjalarhorn Increases all six active skill effects. No Titan’s Mask Increases heavenly strike damage. No Royal Toxin Increases deadly strike damage. No Laborer’s Pendant Increases hand of midas gold. No Bringer of Ragnorak Increases fire sword damage. No Parchment of Foresight Increases war cry damage. No Elixir of Eden Increases shadow clone damage. No Hourglass of the Impatient Decreases active skills cooldown. No Phantom Timepiece Increases active skills duration. No Forbidden Scroll Increases deadly strike duration. No Ring of Fealty Increases hand of midas duration. No Glacial Axe Increases fire sword duration. No Aegis Increases war cry duration. No Swamp Gauntlet Increases shadow clone duration. No Infinity Pendulum Decreases heavenly strike mana cost. No Glove of Kuma Decreases deadly strike mana cost. No Titan Spear Decreases hand of midas mana cost. No Oak Staff Decreases fire sword mana cost. No Arcana Cloak Decreases war cry mana cost. No Hunter’s Ointment Decreases shadow clone mana cost. No Ambrosia Elixir Increases mana capacity. No Mystic Staff Increases mana regeneration. No Mystical Beans of Senzu Refunds mana on active skill use. No Egg of Fortune Increases chesteron spawn chance. No Divine Chalice Increases 10x gold drop chance. No Invader’s Shield Increases multiple fairy spawn chance. No Axe of Muerte Increases critical chance. No Essence of the Kitsune Increases multiple spawn chance. No Boots of Hermes Increases portar spawn chance. No Unbound Gauntlet Increases snap spawn chance. No Oberon Pendant Increases manni mana spawn chance. No Lucky Foot of Al-mi’raj Increases all probabilities (all the chances) No Lost King’s Mask Decreases cost of active skills, heroes and sword master levels. No Staff of Radiance Decreases cost of unlocking and leveling heroes. No Morgelai Sword Increases hero weapon masteries bonus. No Ringing Stone Increases hero weapon mastery sets bonus. No Quill of Scrolls Increases hero scroll masteries bonus. No Old King’s Stamp Increases hero scroll mastery sets bonus. No The Master’s Sword Increases tap damage from heroes. No The Magnifier Increases artifact damage bonuses. No The Treasure of Fergus Increases artifact gold bonuses. No The White Dwarf Increases damage per owned artifact. No Aram Spear Decreases all titan health. No Ward of the Darkness Increases boss timer. No

Raid Bosses

Tier 1 bosses do not have armor. Tier 2 bosses have armor. Tier 3 bosses have armor and negative effects. Check out the forums for visual targeting information when raiding.

Name Color Target Jukk Green All parts except the Legs Lojak Orange All parts except the Left Hand Takedar Blue All parts Terro Red Head, Torso, Left Leg Sterl Pink Head, Torso, Left Leg, Left Hand Mohaca White All parts except the Torso

Raid Cards

Raid cards are purchased and leveled with dust. Dust is awarded when completing raids.

Daftar Lengkap Artifact Tap Titans 2 Terbaru 2020

Juli 24, 2020


Manakah Artifact yang paling penting?

No Artifact Tier Level Efek 1 Book of Shadows (EN) S – Prestige Relics 2 Charged Card (EN) A – Gold Per Total Card Level 3 Stone of the Valrunes (EN) S – Basic Titan Gold 4 Chest of Contentment (EN) B – Chesterson Gold 5 Heroic Shield (EN) B – Boss Gold 6 Book of Prophecy (EN) A – All Gold 7 Khrysos Bowl A – Stealth Gold 8 Zakynthos Coin C – Inactive Gold 9 Great Fay Medallion B – Fairy Gold 10 Neko Sculpture B – Hearth of Midas Gold 11 Coins of Ezibu B – Splash Gold 12 The Bronzed Compass A – Specialty Gold 13 Evergrowing Stack (EN) A – Damage Per Total Card Level 14 Flute of the Soloist S – All Gold 15 Heavenly Sword (EN) A – All Artifact Damage 16 Divine Retribution (EN) A – All Damage 17 Drunken Hammer (EN) A – Tap Damage 18 Samosek Sword B – Sword Attack Damage 19 The Retaliator A – Critical Damage 20 Stryfe’s Peace A – Fundamental Damage 21 Hero’s Blade A – All Hero Damage 22 The Sword of Storms A – Melee Hero Damage 23 Furies Bow A – Ranged Hero Damage 24 Charm of the Ancient A – Spell Hero Damage 25 Tiny Titan Tree A – Ground Helper Damage 26 Helm of Hermes A – Flying Helper Damage 27 Fruit of Eden B – Pet Damage 28 Influential Elixir B – Clan Ship Damage 29 O’Ryan’s Charm A – Companion Damage 30 Heart of Storms S – Pet Damage Bonus 31 Apollo Orb A – Pet Gold Bonus 32 Sticky Fruit A – Exotic Pet Damage 33 Hades Orb A – Exotic Pet Gold 34 Earrings of Portara S – Titan Slayer Damage 35 Avian Feather A – Weapon Expert 36 Corrupted Rune Heart

– Splash Damage 37 Durendal Sword (EN) B – Non-Boss Damage 38 Helheim Skull (EN) A – Boss Damage 39 Oath’s Burden A – Knight Boost 40 Crown of the Constellation A – Warlord Boost 41 Titania’s Sceptre (EN) A – Sorcerer Boost 42 Fagin’s Grip (EN) B – Rogue Boost 43 Ring of Calisto (EN) S – All Equipment Primary Boost 44 Blade of Damocles A – Weapon Primary Boost 45 Helmet of Madness A – Helmet Primary Boost 46 Titanium Plating A – Armor Primary Boost 47 Moonlight Bracelet A – Aura Primary Boost 48 Amethyst Staff A – Slash Primary Boost 49 Sword of the Royals (EN) A – Duelist Boost 50 Spearit’s Vigil (EN) A – Aviator Boost 51 The Cobalt Plate (EN) A – Gladiator Boost 52 Sigils of Judgement (EN) A – Mystic Boost 53 Foliage of the Keeper (EN) A – Marksman Boost 54 Invader’s Gjalarhorn (EN) S – All Active Skill Effect 55 Titan’s Mask B – Heavenly Strike Effect 56 Royal Toxin B – Deadly Strike Effect 57 Laborer’s Pendant A – Hand of Midas Effect 58 Bringer of Ragnarok A – Fire Sword Effect 59 Parchment of Foresight A – War Cry Effect 60 Elixir of Eden (EN) B – Shadow Clone Effect 61 Hourglass of the Impatient B 40 All Active Skill Cooldown 62 Phantom Timepiece B 30 All Active Skills Duration 63 Forbidden Scroll C 30 Deadly Strike Duration 64 Ring of Fealty C 30 Hand of Midas Duration 65 Glacial Axe C 30 Fire Sword Duration 66 Aegis C 30 War Cry Duration 67 Swamp Gauntlet C 30 Shadow Clone Duration 68 Infinity Pendulum B 20 Heavenly Strike Mana Cost 69 Glove of Kuma B 30 Deadly Strike Mana Cost 70 Titan Spear B 40 Hand of Midas Mana Cost 71 Oak Staff B 30 Fire Sword Mana Cost 72 The Arcana Cloak B 40 War Cry Mana Cost 73 Hunter’s Ointment B 40 Shadow Clone Mana Cost 74 Ambrosia Elixir C 40 Mana Capacity 75 Mystic Staff C 40 Mana Regeneration 76 Mystical Beans of Senzu B 40 Mana Refund Percent 77 Egg of Fortune C 40 Chesterson Chance 78 Divine Chalice C 50 10x Gold Chance 79 Invader’s Shield C 50 Multiple Fairy Chance 80 Axe of Muerte B 40 Critical Chance 81 Essence of the Kitsune C 40 Multi-Spawn Chance 82 Boots of Hermes S 40 Portar Chance 83 Unbound Gauntlet A 40 Snap Spawn Chance 84 Oberon Pendant C 40 Manni Manna Chance 85 Lucky Foot of Al-mi’raj S 40 All Probabilities 86 Lost King’s Mask C 40 All Upgrade Cost 87 Staff of Radiance C 40 Hero Upgrade Cost 88 Morgelai Sword A 50 Hero Weapon Boost 89 Ringing Stone A 50 Hero Weaopn Set Boost 90 Quill of Scrolls A 50 Hero Scroll Boost 91 Old King’s Stamp A 50 Hero Scroll Set Boost 92 The Master’s Sword B 40 Tap Damage From Heroes 93 The Magnifier A 40 Artifact Damage Bonuses 94 The Treasure of Fergus A 40 Artifact Gold Bonuses 95 The White Dwarf A 50 Damage Per Owned Artifact 96 Aram Spear C 40 Titan HP 97 Ward of the Darkness C 60 Boss Timer

Agar pengalaman bermain kamu lebih seru diatau TT2, salah satu yang harus diperhatikan adalahyang dimiliki. Sebab,ini akan memberikan bonus dan efek tertentu yang tidak hilang ketikaSword Master melakukanKamu bisa mendapatkandengan menukarkanyang didapatkan setiap kali melakukan. Jumlahyang dibutuhkan untuk membukaakan terus meningkat berdasarkan jumlahyang dimiliki. Perlu diketahui bahwaakan diberikan secara acak.Jikayang didapat tidak sesuai dengan harapan atau merasa tidak begitu berguna untuk gaya permainan maka kamu bisa melakukanatau menjualnya untuk kembali mendapatkan. Untuk melakukan, kamu membutuhkan sejumlahyang tidak sedikit, yaitu 2.000Terlepas dari berguna atau tidaknya sebuahuntuk petualangan kamu di TT2, tetap saja setiapmemberikan tambahan bonus serangan untuk karakter. Jadi, jangan korbankanyang sudah dimiliki karena jika sudah terkumpul semuanya, maka semua itu akan punya perannya sendiri.Yang terbaru,memiliki sistem(EN) yang membuat efeknya semakin kuat dan perlu sejumlahuntuk melakukan. Namun, tidak semuanya memiliki keistimewaan ini. Hanyatertentu dan jumlahnya bertambah seiring denganterbaru. Kamu juga bisa membatalkandengan membayar sejumlahuntuk kembali mendapatkanSebagai catatan, meski didapatkan secara acak. Tapi, jika kamu belum mendapatkan(BoS) hinggake-29, maka yang ke-30 dipastikan mendapat BoS.Artifact dan efeknya di bawah ini.

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Tap Titans 2: Enchanted Mind, Dagger is on the Field

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