Tumour Cell Invasion And Migration Diversity And Escape Mechanisms | Introduction To Cancer Biology (Part 3): Tissue Invasion And Metastasis 3441 투표 이 답변

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Another common mechanism of cancer biology is the ability of malignant cells to migrate from their original site to organs throughout the body. This animation provides a closer look at how the EGFR pathway activates and modulates this process of metastasis. This animation is the third part of the series \”An Introduction to Cancer Biology\”.
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tumour cell invasion and migration diversity and escape mechanisms 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape …

Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms. These include both indivual and collective cell-migration strategies.

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Date Published: 12/9/2022

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and … – Nature

Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms. These include both indivual and collective cell-migration …

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Source: www.nature.com

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: Diversity and escape …

Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms. These include both indivual and collective cell-migration strategies.

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Date Published: 1/20/2021

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms

Key PointsThe process of tumour-cell invasion and metastasis is conventionally understood as the migration of indivual cells that detach from the primary …

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration … – Semantic Scholar

Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms and learning more about the cellular and molecular basis of these …

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape …

ISSN: 1474-175X , 1474-1768 ,. , Nature reviews. , 2003, Vol.3(5), p.362-374 ,. Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms.

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms.-article.

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주제와 관련된 이미지 tumour cell invasion and migration diversity and escape mechanisms

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Introduction to Cancer Biology (Part 3): Tissue Invasion and Metastasis. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Introduction to Cancer Biology (Part 3): Tissue Invasion and Metastasis
Introduction to Cancer Biology (Part 3): Tissue Invasion and Metastasis

주제에 대한 기사 평가 tumour cell invasion and migration diversity and escape mechanisms

  • Author: Mechanisms in Medicine
  • Views: 조회수 343,896회
  • Likes: 좋아요 2,654개
  • Date Published: 2012. 10. 27.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdWRZd19swg

What is cell invasion and migration?

The process of tumour-cell invasion and metastasis is conventionally understood as the migration of individual cells that detach from the primary tumour, enter lymphatic vessels or the bloodstream and seed in distant organs.

How do cancer cells migrate?

Cancer cells can disseminate via amoeboid cell migration, mesenchymal cell migration or collective cell migration. Tumor microenvironment and certain therapeutic challenge can trigger the transitions of migration patterns. Plasticity of cancer cells migration limit efficiency of anti-metastasis therapies.

What is cancer cell invasion?

Invasion refers to the direct extension and penetration by cancer cells into neighbouring tissues. The proliferation of transformed cells and the progressive increase in tumour size eventually leads to a breach in the barriers between tissues, leading to tumour extension into adjacent tissue.

What causes cell migration?

Cells often migrate in response to specific external signals, including chemical signals and mechanical signals. Errors during this process have serious consequences, including intellectual disability, vascular disease, tumor formation and metastasis.

What is the difference between migration and invasion assay?

Definition. Migration assay refers to the methods involved in the determination of cell movement due to a particular stimulus while invasion assay refers to the methods involved in the determination of cell movement through the extracellular matrix. Thus, this is the main difference between migration and invasion assay …

What is migration in cells?

Cell migration is an evolutionarily conserved, multifaceted process which allows individual cells and cell groups to move, change position and build, or maintain tissues and organs for embryonic development as well as homeostasis and regeneration (Sonnemann & Bement, 2011; From: Advances in Cancer Research, 2016.

Why is cell migration important in cancer pathology?

Cancer-cell migration is critical for distant metastases. The cell’s ability to rearrange its cytoskeleton and propel itself forward is necessary before invasion and movement throughout various tissues can occur. Cells that cannot move towards a source of nutrition (blood vessels, for instance) will likely not survive.

What are 3 ways cancer can spread?

There are three primary ways tumors can spread to distant organs: Through the circulatory (blood) system (hematogenous) Through the lymphatic system. Through the body wall into the abdominal and chest cavities (transcoelomic).

What is the difference between invasion and metastasis?

Tissue invasion is the mechanism by which tumor cells expand into nearby environments. Metastasis refers to the process of tumor cells breaking away from the primary tumor, migrating to a new location and establishing a new, or secondary tumor, in the new environment.

Which tumor has power to invade and migrate?

Metastatic tumor cells go through stages of detachment from the primary tumor sites, invasion into circulation, extravasation into the appropriate secondary site, and establishment of a microenvironment supporting their energetic requirements.

How do cancer cells escape from their tissue of origin?

Tumor cells acquire genetic and epigenetic lesions that promote escape from their tissue of origin. Remodeling of the native tissue and formation of aberrant tumor vasculature facilitates tumor cell escape.

Do cancer cells migrate in groups?

Metastasis begins with the invasion of tumor cells into the stroma and migration toward the blood stream. Human pathology studies suggest that tumor cells invade collectively as strands, cords and clusters of cells into the stroma, which is dramatically reorganized during cancer progression.

What are the two types of cell migration?

Roughly speaking, cell migration can be categorized into single-cell migration and collective cell migration. Each migration mode is then further sub-categorized into several different types of migration (Figure 1). Next to migration, cells can also display invasion.

What are the steps in cell migration?

At the level of the light microscope, the cycle can be divided into five steps: (1) extension of the leading edge; (2) adhesion to matrix contacts; (3) contraction of the cytoplasm; (4) release from contact sites; and (5) recycling of membrane receptors from the rear to the front of the cell.

When does cell migration occur?

In a developing embryo, cell migration is the driving factor for various morphogenetic events. For instance, during gastrulation in very early embryos, groups of cells migrate as sheets to form the three germ layers.

How do you study cell migration?

The speed of wound closure and cell migration can be quantified by taking snapshot pictures with a regular inverted microscope at several time intervals. More detailed cell migratory behavior can be documented using the time-lapse microscopy system.

Can humans migrate?

Human migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another. Human patterns of movement reflect the conditions of a changing world and impact the cultural landscapes of both the places people leave and the places they settle.

What is Matrigel used for?

Matrigel has been used in various in vitro assays for angiogenesis, cell invasion, spheroid formation, organoid formation from a single cell, etc. In vivo Matrigel improves/promotes tumor xenograft growth and is used to measure angiogenesis, improve heart and spinal cord repair, increase tissue transplant take, etc.

What cells can proliferate?

Stem cells undergo cell proliferation to produce proliferating “transit amplifying” daughter cells that later differentiate to construct tissues during normal development and tissue growth, during tissue regeneration after damage, or in cancer.

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms

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Invasion and metastasis

A key feature that distinguishes cancer cells from all other cells is the capability to spread throughout the body by two related mechanisms: invasion and metastasis.


Invasion refers to the direct extension and penetration by cancer cells into neighbouring tissues. The proliferation of transformed cells and the progressive increase in tumour size eventually leads to a breach in the barriers between tissues, leading to tumour extension into adjacent tissue. Local invasion is also the first stage in the process that leads to the development of secondary tumours or metastases.4, 7, 10


Metastasis, from the Greek methistanai, meaning to move to another place, describes the ability of cancer cells to penetrate into lymphatic and blood vessels, circulate through these systems and invade normal tissues elsewhere in the body. This process proceeds in an orderly and predictable manner, sometimes termed the ‘metastatic cascade’.4, 7, 10

The ability of cancer cells to migrate from a primary site of disease is attributed to the mutation of genes that regulate the production of proteins that normally tether cells to their surrounding tissues. Decreased synthesis by cancer cells of a number of substances that bind them to neighbouring cells, together with the abnormal synthesis of enzymes capable of degrading the bonds between cells and tissues, allow cancer cells to escape the primary tumour site.4, 7, 10


Angiogenesis has a role in tumour growth, invasiveness and metastasis.32, 33 Tumour angiogenesis refers to the growth of new vessels which develop following stimulation of endothelial cells within existing vascular networks near the tumour, providing a blood supply for that tumour.33 A balance of stimulators and inhibitors tightly control angiogenesis under normal circumstances.2, 26 One specific and potent promoter of angiogenesis is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).26

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

VEGF is a cytokine which exerts its effects on vascular endothelial cells promoting the formation of new blood vessels and is critical to both normal and tumour angiogenesis:26, 34 VEGF is over-expressed in a variety of solid tumours and certain hematologic malignancies. VEGF action involves:26

binding to and activating two structurally related membrane receptor tyrosine kinases (TKs)

switching on of multiple signaling pathways

stimulating the growth, survival, and proliferation of vascular endothelial cells

promoting tumour growth and contributing to tumour invasion and metastasis.

Tyrosine kinases (TK)

Tumour growth and progression is further reliant on the activity of specific cell membrane receptors which control signaling pathways within the cell. Cell signaling or ‘signal transduction’ involves the communication process where messages or signals from outside the cell are transferred to the nucleus inside the cell.26 Tyrosine kinases (TK) are a subgroup of growth receptors involved in the signal transduction process.26 Because TKs are regulators of the signal transduction process, they play a role in cellular processes such as proliferation, migration, metabolism, differentiation and survival.26 Several important growth factors and other TKs have been identified:26

EGFR family

platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGF)



vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

transforming growth factor (TGF)

fibroblast growth factor (FGF).

Learning activities

Access a current text and map the stages of the metastatic cascade, explaining the events in the development of metastases.

Distinguish between the different members of the EGFRs family.

Apart from EGFR components of the TKs involved in signal transduction, list two other TK receptors and the specific cancer they are expressed in.

Distinguish between the different members of the VEGF receptors, including the receptor which leads to the development of anti-angiogenic agents in cancer therapy.

Next: Cancer signs and symptoms

Cell migration

Regulated self-propelled movement of cells from one site to another guided by molecular cues

Cell migration is a central process in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Tissue formation during embryonic development, wound healing and immune responses all require the orchestrated movement of cells in particular directions to specific locations. Cells often migrate in response to specific external signals, including chemical signals and mechanical signals.[1] Errors during this process have serious consequences, including intellectual disability, vascular disease, tumor formation and metastasis. An understanding of the mechanism by which cells migrate may lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies for controlling, for example, invasive tumour cells.

Due to the highly viscous environment (low Reynolds number), cells need to continuously produce forces in order to move. Cells achieve active movement by very different mechanisms. Many less complex prokaryotic organisms (and sperm cells) use flagella or cilia to propel themselves. Eukaryotic cell migration typically is far more complex and can consist of combinations of different migration mechanisms. It generally involves drastic changes in cell shape which are driven by the cytoskeleton. Two very distinct migration scenarios are crawling motion (most commonly studied) and blebbing motility.[2][3] A paradigmatic example of crawling motion is the case of fish epidermal keratocytes, which have been extensively used in research and teaching.[4]

Cell migration studies [ edit ]

The migration of cultured cells attached to a surface or in 3D is commonly studied using microscopy.[5][6][3] As cell movement is very slow, a few µm/minute, time-lapse microscopy videos are recorded of the migrating cells to speed up the movement. Such videos (Figure 1) reveal that the leading cell front is very active, with a characteristic behavior of successive contractions and expansions. It is generally accepted that the leading front is the main motor that pulls the cell forward.

Common features [ edit ]

The processes underlying mammalian cell migration are believed to be consistent with those of (non-spermatozooic) locomotion.[7] Observations in common include:

cytoplasmic displacement at leading edge (front)

laminar removal of dorsally-accumulated debris toward trailing edge (back)

The latter feature is most easily observed when aggregates of a surface molecule are cross-linked with a fluorescent antibody or when small beads become artificially bound to the front of the cell.[8]

Other eukaryotic cells are observed to migrate similarly. The amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is useful to researchers because they consistently exhibit chemotaxis in response to cyclic AMP; they move more quickly than cultured mammalian cells; and they have a haploid genome that simplifies the process of connecting a particular gene product with its effect on cellular behaviour.[9]

Two different models for how cells move. A) Cytoskeletal model. B) Membrane Flow Model

(A) Dynamic microtubules are necessary for tail retraction and are distributed at the rear end in a migrating cell. Green, highly dynamic microtubules; yellow, moderately dynamic microtubules and red, stable microtubules. (B) Stable microtubules act as struts and prevent tail retraction and thereby inhibit cell migration.

Molecular processes of migration [ edit ]

There are two main theories for how the cell advances its front edge: the cytoskeletal model and membrane flow model. It is possible that both underlying processes contribute to cell extension.

Cytoskeletal model (A) [ edit ]

Leading edge [ edit ]

Experimentation has shown that there is rapid actin polymerisation at the cell’s front edge.[10] This observation has led to the hypothesis that formation of actin filaments “push” the leading edge forward and is the main motile force for advancing the cell’s front edge.[11][12] In addition, cytoskeletal elements are able to interact extensively and intimately with a cell’s plasma membrane.[13]

Trailing edge [ edit ]

Other cytoskeletal components (like microtubules) have important functions in cell migration. It has been found that microtubules act as “struts” that counteract the contractile forces that are needed for trailing edge retraction during cell movement. When microtubules in the trailing edge of cell are dynamic, they are able to remodel to allow retraction. When dynamics are suppressed, microtubules cannot remodel and, therefore, oppose the contractile forces.[14] The morphology of cells with suppressed microtubule dynamics indicate that cells can extend the front edge (polarized in the direction of movement), but have difficulty retracting their trailing edge.[15] On the other hand, high drug concentrations, or microtubule mutations that depolymerize the microtubules, can restore cell migration but there is a loss of directionality. It can be concluded that microtubules act both to restrain cell movement and to establish directionality.

Membrane flow model (B) [ edit ]

The front of a migrating cell is also the site at which the membrane from internal membrane pools is returned to the cell surface at the end of the endocytic cycle.[16] [17] This suggests that extension of the leading edge occurs primarily by addition of membrane at the front of the cell. If so, the actin filaments that form there might stabilize the added membrane so that a structured extension, or lamella, is formed — rather than a bubble-like structure (or bleb) at its front.[18] For a cell to move, it is necessary to bring a fresh supply of “feet” (proteins called integrins, which attach a cell to the surface on which it is crawling) to the front. It is likely that these feet are endocytosed [19] toward the rear of the cell and brought to the cell’s front by exocytosis, to be reused to form new attachments to the substrate.

In the case of Dictyostelium amoebae, three conditional temperature sensitive mutants which affect membrane recycling block cell migration at the restrictive (higher) temperature;[20][21][22] they provide additional support for the importance of the endocytic cycle in cell migration. Furthermore, these amoebae move quite quickly — about one cell length in ~5 mins. If they are regarded as cylindrical (which is roughly true whilst chemotaxing), this would require them to recycle the equivalent of one cell surface area each 5 mins, which is approximately what is measured.[23] [24] Rearward membrane flow (red arrows) and vesicle trafficking from back to front (blue arrows) drive adhesion-independent migration.

Mechanistic basis of amoeboid migration [ edit ]

Adhesive crawling is not the only migration mode exhibited by eukaryotic cells. Importantly, several cell types — Dictyostelium amoebae, neutrophils, metastatic cancer cells and macrophages — have been found to be capable of adhesion-independent migration. Historically, the physicist E. M. Purcell theorized (in 1977) that under conditions of low Reynolds number fluid dynamics, which apply at the cellular scale, rearward surface flow could provide a mechanism for microscopic objects to swim forward.[25] After some decades, experimental support for this model of cell movement was provided when it was discovered (in 2010) that amoeboid cells and neutrophils are both able to chemotax towards a chemo-attractant source whilst suspended in an isodense medium.[26] It was subsequently shown, using optogenetics, that cells migrating in an amoeboid fashion without adhesions exhibit plasma membrane flow towards the cell rear that may propel cells by exerting tangential forces on the surrounding fluid.[24][27] Polarized trafficking of membrane-containing vesicles from the rear to the front of the cell helps maintain cell size.[24] Rearward membrane flow was also observed in Dictyostelium discoideum cells.[28] These observations provide strong support for models of cell movement which depend on a rearward cell surface membrane flow (Model B, above). Interestingly, the migration of supracellular clusters has also been found to be supported by a similar mechanism of rearward surface flow.[29] [30] Schematic representation of the collective biomechanical and molecular mechanism of cell motion

Collective biomechanical and molecular mechanism of cell motion [ edit ]

Based on some mathematical models, recent studies hypothesize a novel biological model for collective biomechanical and molecular mechanism of cell motion.[30] It is proposed that microdomains weave the texture of cytoskeleton and their interactions mark the location for formation of new adhesion sites. According to this model, microdomain signaling dynamics organizes cytoskeleton and its interaction with substratum. As microdomains trigger and maintain active polymerization of actin filaments, their propagation and zigzagging motion on the membrane generate a highly interlinked network of curved or linear filaments oriented at a wide spectrum of angles to the cell boundary. It is also proposed that microdomain interaction marks the formation of new focal adhesion sites at the cell periphery. Myosin interaction with the actin network then generate membrane retraction/ruffling, retrograde flow, and contractile forces for forward motion. Finally, continuous application of stress on the old focal adhesion sites could result in the calcium-induced calpain activation, and consequently the detachment of focal adhesions which completes the cycle.

Polarity in migrating cells [ edit ]

Migrating cells have a polarity—a front and a back. Without it, they would move in all directions at once, i.e. spread. How this polarity is formulated at a molecular level inside a cell is unknown. In a cell that is meandering in a random way, the front can easily give way to become passive as some other region, or regions, of the cell form(s) a new front. In chemotaxing cells, the stability of the front appears enhanced as the cell advances toward a higher concentration of the stimulating chemical. This polarity is reflected at a molecular level by a restriction of certain molecules to particular regions of the inner cell surface. Thus, the phospholipid PIP3 and activated Rac and CDC42 are found at the front of the cell, whereas Rho GTPase and PTEN are found toward the rear.[31][32]

It is believed that filamentous actins and microtubules are important for establishing and maintaining a cell’s polarity.[citation needed] Drugs that destroy actin filaments have multiple and complex effects, reflecting the wide role that these filaments play in many cell processes. It may be that, as part of the locomotory process, membrane vesicles are transported along these filaments to the cell’s front. In chemotaxing cells, the increased persistence of migration toward the target may result from an increased stability of the arrangement of the filamentous structures inside the cell and determine its polarity. In turn, these filamentous structures may be arranged inside the cell according to how molecules like PIP3 and PTEN are arranged on the inner cell membrane. And where these are located appears in turn to be determined by the chemoattractant signals as these impinge on specific receptors on the cell’s outer surface.

Although microtubules have been known to influence cell migration for many years, the mechanism by which they do so has remained controversial. On a planar surface, microtubules are not needed for the movement, but they are required to provide directionality to cell movement and efficient protrusion of the leading edge.[15][33] When present, microtubules retard cell movement when their dynamics are suppressed by drug treatment or by tubulin mutations.[15]

Inverse problems in the context of cell motility [ edit ]

An area of research called inverse problems in cell motility has been established. [34][35][30] This approach is based on the idea that behavioral or shape changes of a cell bear information about the underlying mechanisms that generate these changes. Reading cell motion, namely, understanding the underlying biophysical and mechanochemical processes, is of paramount importance. [36] [37] The mathematical models developed in these works determine some physical features and material properties of the cells locally through analysis of live cell image sequences and uses this information to make further inferences about the molecular structures, dynamics, and processes within the cells, such as the actin network, microdomains, chemotaxis, adhesion, and retrograde flow.

See also [ edit ]

References [ edit ]

Tumour-cell invasion and migration: Diversity and escape mechanisms


T1 – Tumour-cell invasion and migration

T2 – Diversity and escape mechanisms

AU – Friedl, Peter

AU – Wolf, Katarina

N1 – Funding Information: We gratefully acknowledge E.-B. Bröcker for continuous support. The work from the authors’ laboratory is supported by current or previous grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Ministry for Education and Research, the Wilhelm-Sander Foundation, Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V., Haus Villigst and the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF), Würzburg.

PY – 2003/5

Y1 – 2003/5

N2 – Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms. These include both individual and collective cell-migration strategies. Cancer therapeutics that are designed to target adhesion receptors or proteases have not proven to be effective in slowing tumour progression in clinical trials – this might be due to the fact that cancer cells can modify their migration mechanisms in response to different conditions. Learning more about the cellular and molecular basis of these different migration/invasion programmes will help us to understand how cancer cells disseminate and lead to new treatment strategies.

AB – Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms. These include both individual and collective cell-migration strategies. Cancer therapeutics that are designed to target adhesion receptors or proteases have not proven to be effective in slowing tumour progression in clinical trials – this might be due to the fact that cancer cells can modify their migration mechanisms in response to different conditions. Learning more about the cellular and molecular basis of these different migration/invasion programmes will help us to understand how cancer cells disseminate and lead to new treatment strategies.

UR – http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?scp=0038049137&partnerID=8YFLogxK

UR – http://www.scopus.com/inward/citedby.url?scp=0038049137&partnerID=8YFLogxK

U2 – 10.1038/nrc1075

DO – 10.1038/nrc1075

M3 – Review article

C2 – 12724734

AN – SCOPUS:0038049137

VL – 3

SP – 362

EP – 374

JO – Nature Reviews Cancer

JF – Nature Reviews Cancer

SN – 1474-175X

IS – 5

ER –

Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms

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Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms

Cancer cells possess a broad spectrum of migration and invasion mechanisms. These include both individual and collective cell-migration strategies. Cancer therapeutics that are designed to target adhesion receptors or proteases have not proven to be effective in slowing tumour progression in clinical trials — this might be due to the fact that cancer cells can modify their migration mechanisms in response to different conditions. Learning more about the cellular and molecular basis of these… Expand

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