당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “away we happened – Away We Happened“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://chewathai27.com/you 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://chewathai27.com/you/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Wong Fu Productions 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 5,334,591회 및 좋아요 46,727개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.
away we happened 주제에 대한 동영상 보기
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d여기에서 Away We Happened – away we happened 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요
Ep 2: http://youtu.be/9Ka0aGyFGOk
Ep 3: http://youtu.be/jh4hjR-s7hY
Ep 4: http://youtu.be/tkPd-alWwmA
Ep 5: http://youtu.be/uNkx6OKoUME
Ep 6: https://youtu.be/u_VaaoJt8Hw
\”Away We Happened\” is a new and unique web series where you help decide what happens! Wong Fu Productions (Wes, Ted, and Phil) has teamed up with AT\u0026T and their friends Victor Kim and Jen FrmHeadToToe for this one of a kind project!
Subscribe to http://youtube.com/wongfuproductions and be sure to check back each week to join the story as it unfolds!
Produced and Directed by Wong Fu Productions http://youtube.com/wongfuproductions
Victor http://youtube.com/victorvictorkim
Jen http://youtube.com/frmheadtotoe
Ki Hong Lee https://twitter.com/kihonglee
Music by Paul Dateh http://youtube.com/pauldateh
Featured song: \”This is a Way\” by David Choi http://youtu.be/rRixejD-kfg
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/WongFuProductions/featured
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/wongfuproductions
INSTAGRAM OFFICIAL: https://www.instagram.com/wongfupro/
TWITTER OFFICIAL: https://twitter.com/wongfupro
STORE: https://www.gianthugs.com/collections/wong-fu-productions
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://wongfuproductions.com
away we happened 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.
Away We Happened (TV Mini Series 2012– ) – IMDb
Away We Happened: With Chris Dinh, Jen Frmheadtotoe, Victor Kim, Ki Hong Lee. After two strangers accentally swap suitcases at the airport, …
Source: www.imdb.com
Date Published: 9/30/2022
View: 1531
Away We Happened: Episode 1! – From Head To Toe
Away We Happened is finally here! The very first episode of the project I have been working on with Wong Fu Productions and AT&T is finally up at …
Source: www.frmheadtotoe.com
Date Published: 8/6/2021
View: 4262
Away We Happened – Home | Facebook
Away We Happened. 912 likes. “Away We Happened” is a new and unique web series where you help dece what happens! Wong Fu Productions (Wes, Ted, and…
Source: www.facebook.com
Date Published: 11/27/2021
View: 9478
Case Study #1: Summary – Away We Happened – Media Factory
What is this veo? It is a web series called ‘Away We Happened’ and it stars celebrity YouTube artists like Victor Kim, Jen Buescher, Ki Hong …
Source: www.mediafactory.org.au
Date Published: 6/16/2022
View: 2756
away we happened | Intertrend Blog
Away We Happened at the Effies … Congratulations to the team of interTrend Communications, Rezonate Media, and AT&T for winning an Effie Award …
Source: www.intertrend.com
Date Published: 7/11/2022
View: 4270
What is the meaning of “away we happened”? – HiNative
It’s meaning is close to “And then we happened”. In this sentence “happened” probably means the people got together or started dating but it …
Source: hinative.com
Date Published: 6/20/2021
View: 9425
Away We Happened Archives – Pop-Culturalist.com
Away We Happened … Actor Ki Hong Lee ran away with our hearts as Minho in The Maze Runner franchise, made us laugh as Dong in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmt, …
Source: pop-culturalist.com
Date Published: 12/13/2021
View: 4936
주제와 관련된 이미지 away we happened
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Away We Happened. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 away we happened
- Author: Wong Fu Productions
- Views: 조회수 5,334,591회
- Likes: 좋아요 46,727개
- Date Published: 2012. 5. 21.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-18osIewxg
Away We Happened (TV Mini Series 2012– )
After two strangers accidentally swap suitcases at the airport, an unlikely cross country relationship develops.
After two strangers accidentally swap suitcases at the airport, an unlikely cross country relationship develops.
After two strangers accidentally swap suitcases at the airport, an unlikely cross country relationship develops.
Away We Happened: Episode 1!
Away We Happened: Episode 1!
Did you enjoy it?? What do you think should happen next?
is finally here! The very first episode of the project I have been working on with Wong Fu Productions and AT&T is finally up at AwayWeHappened.com . This has been a new adventure for me since this is the first time I’ve done any real acting (Does playing “Puck” in A Midsummer Night’s Dream in high school theater count? lol.) and I am so anxious, nervous, and excited to share it with you!To give a bit of insight into the concept of the project, here is the Trailer with the Wong Fu guys explaining how the series will work:You guys watch the video, go to awaywehappened.com and submit your suggestions for what should happen in the next episode, and vote on which plot you like the most! Then our team is going to write, film, edit, and upload the next episode in just a few days. As of this moment, I have no second script in hand and have no idea what will happen next!!!I know you are waiting to see episode 1 so… *drumroll*Here it is!My heart was racinghard watching this video for the first time since it’s as much of a surprise for me as it was for you. Still totally in disbelief and such an honor to be working with such talented and wonderful people.Now I’m leaving Boulder today for a stop overnight in Vegas on my road trip, then onward to LA! I’ll be looking forward to reading all of your comments as I make my way West. :DLet me know down below and I’ll see you guys very soon!
Case Study #1: Summary – Away We Happened – Soo Wei Yun’s Blog
Introducing… Away We Happened (2012) by Wong Fu Productions and AT&T !
Why this video?
I have been a huge fan of Wong Fu Production so I decided to use this film as my case study. Wong Fu consists of three Asian-American who graduated from the same college about ten years ago and they moved to Los Angeles to start a company. They are mainly on YouTube making short skits and some short films – varies from comedy to drama. They have a huge fan base with 2.4 million subscribers. Their audience are mainly young teenagers who spend most of their time on YouTube.
What is this video?
It is a web series called ‘Away We Happened‘ and it stars celebrity YouTube artists like Victor Kim, Jen Buescher, Ki Hong Lee and so on. This mini series is revolves around the relationship of this couple, Daniel and Jean who had their suitcase swapped by accident at a cafe in New York. They met up to return the respective suitcase and their love story bloomed from there.
This show is not fully scripted during pre-production because Wong Fu made this an interactive video so they film the first episode and they give the viewers to continue the story. They will put a list of questions for the people to answer at the end of each episode. At the end of the week, they will vote the best way to continue the film and Wong Fu will post the next video. The series ran for six weeks with six episodes. Each episode is about 5-7 minutes long with the finale running up to 14 minutes long. It is naturally the standard online video duration – short and concise.
Is this series sponsored?
This was a collaboration film of Wong Fu Production with AT&T. It was a low-budget film sponsored by AT&T. Product placement advertising is very heavy here because throughout the video the phones are extremely visible. AT&T used this collaboration as a crowdsourcing tactic as there are plenty of young viewers watching Wong Fu’s films. Within the 6 weeks of the web series, AT&T gathered six million views.
For further analysis, I posted it on my next blog post. Check it our here !
away we happened
Congratulations to the team of interTrend Communications, Rezonate Media, and AT&T for winning an Effie Award for effective marketing! Last night, the Away We Happened crew accepted the prestigious award at Cipriani’s 42nd Street.
Late-comers can catch up with the innovative (and emotional) campaign at awaywehappened.com. You might laugh and you might cry, but you’ll definitely be impressed by the collaboration with Wong Fu Productions, Jen Frmheadtotoe, Victor Kim, and their massive fanbase.
Extra coverage at Medio Bistro and the Long Beach Business Journal!
What is the meaning of “away we happened”? – Question about English (US)
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Away We Happened Archives
Actor Ki Hong Lee ran away with our hearts as Minho in The Maze Runner franchise, made us laugh as Dong in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and guest-starred in shows like
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