Top 36 How Do You Say Cheers In Norwegian Trust The Answer

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Skål – The Norwegian way to cheers is by saying Skål. It common to hear this at most bars as it’s an easy way to stir up a conversation and talk to the locals.Spelled variably as Skål, Skál, Skaal, Skoal, or Skol (depending on country and how it’s transliterated in English), it’s the ubiquitous Scandinavian “cheers” that no drink of aquavit would be complete without.It comes from the word skål, which originated in Scandinavia—Denmark, Norway, and Sweden specifically. “In the Old Norse language, it basically means a toast or salute to a friend’s good health. During this salute, beer is shared among friends, similar to the English ‘cheers’ today.”

20 Ways To Say “Cheers!”
  1. Afrikaans: Gesondheid. Pronounced: Ge-sund-hate. …
  2. Chinese (Mandarin):干杯 / gān bēi. Pronounced: Gan bay. …
  3. Czech: Na zdravi. Pronounced: Naz-drah vi. …
  4. Dutch: Proost. Pronounced: Prohst. …
  5. French: Santé! / À votre santé! …
  6. German: Prost / Zum wohl. …
  7. Greek: ΥΓΕΙΑ …
  8. Irish Gaelic: Sláinte.

How do you toast in Norwegian?

Spelled variably as Skål, Skál, Skaal, Skoal, or Skol (depending on country and how it’s transliterated in English), it’s the ubiquitous Scandinavian “cheers” that no drink of aquavit would be complete without.

What does Skal mean in Norse?

It comes from the word skål, which originated in Scandinavia—Denmark, Norway, and Sweden specifically. “In the Old Norse language, it basically means a toast or salute to a friend’s good health. During this salute, beer is shared among friends, similar to the English ‘cheers’ today.”

What to say instead of cheers when drinking?

When used as a toast, it means good wishes (before drinking). Other synonyms include: here’s to you; good health; your health; and informally, bottoms up!

How do you say cheers?

20 Ways To Say “Cheers!”
  1. Afrikaans: Gesondheid. Pronounced: Ge-sund-hate. …
  2. Chinese (Mandarin):干杯 / gān bēi. Pronounced: Gan bay. …
  3. Czech: Na zdravi. Pronounced: Naz-drah vi. …
  4. Dutch: Proost. Pronounced: Prohst. …
  5. French: Santé! / À votre santé! …
  6. German: Prost / Zum wohl. …
  7. Greek: ΥΓΕΙΑ …
  8. Irish Gaelic: Sláinte.

What does Skoal mean in Norwegian?

From Danish/Norwegian/Swedish skål, which is used when making a toast and also means “bowl”.

What is the difference between Skol and skål?

Skol (written “skål” in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish and “skál” in Faroese and Icelandic or “skaal” in archaic spellings or transliteration of any of those languages) is the Danish-Norwegian-Swedish word for “cheers”, or “good health”, a salute or a toast, as to an admired person or group.

Did Vikings say Skol?

It is the team’s Viking war chant and comes from the Swedish, Danish and Noreigian word “Skål.” A Skål was a bowl that was often filled with beer and shared among friends so the word became a way of saying “Cheers!”

How do you toast like a Viking?

How to Toast like a Viking?
  1. Pick a good drink. Due to the connection with Odin the Allfather, the Mead was very preferred by the Vikings. …
  2. Pick a good cup. Every Viking enjoyed their drink in their drinking horns. …
  3. Pick your words. Toasting was no drinking only. …
  4. Pick a good occasion.

Is Skol still used?

Skol and other Old Norse words used today

Despite being an Old Norse word, skol is still heard today — and fairly often, at that. The Minnesota Vikings football team has adopted the phrase wholeheartedly, even using the word in its official theme song.

What language is Chin Chin for cheers?

In France, Italy and sometimes Britain, the word for “cheers” has Chinese origins. “Cin-cin!” (pronounced chin-chin) is uttered by Italians when they raise and clink their glasses together in a toast before sipping from a flute of spumante sparkling wine as they look each other directly in the eye.

What country says cheers?

This phenomenon is taken by some continental scholars as strong evidence that all Britons are telepathic.” In many places, cheers is actually a very informal word, and its meaning even differs country by country. Australia, New Zealand and in the UK: the meaning varies heavily, but usually thank you.

How do you say cheers in 50 languages?

Always know how to raise a toast …

Booze 101: How to Say “Cheers” in 50+ Languages.
Language Spelling Pronunciation
French Santé (heath) À votre santé (to your health) Sahn-tay Ah la vo-tre sahn-tay
Galician Salud Sa-lood
German Prost Zum wohl Prohst Tsum vohl
Greek ΥΓΕΙΑ Yamas

Does Jambo mean cheers?

Jambo is a Swahili greeting or salutation. It is similar in meaning to the English word Hello.

What does Nostrovia mean?

About. “Nostrovia” is the English mispronunciation of the Russian word, “Na Zdorovie”, meaning “cheers”. Nostrovia is now used as English slang for “let’s get drunk” and as a common drinking toast. Nostrovia!

Does Salut mean cheers?

Cheers in Spanish is Salud, cheers in Italian is Salute, and in Portugal it’s Saude. Skål, meaning health, is used in at least four different countries.

Does Chin Chin mean cheers?

In France, Italy and sometimes Britain, the word for “cheers” has Chinese origins. “Cin-cin!” (pronounced chin-chin) is uttered by Italians when they raise and clink their glasses together in a toast before sipping from a flute of spumante sparkling wine as they look each other directly in the eye.

How do you say cheers in Swedish?

Swedish doesn’t have a separate word for ‘toast’ like English does, so skål! means ‘cheers! ‘ and en skål is ‘a toast’.

How do I say cheers in Finnish?

The Finnish version of the toast “cheers” (or “nazdorovie”) is “kippis”.

What do the Irish say for cheers?

“Cheers” in Irish is sláinte which is pronounced a bit like “slawn-che”. Sláinte means “health”, and if you’re feeling brave, you can say sláinte is táinte (“slawn-che iss toin-che”), meaning “health and wealth”. “Cheers” is one of the words included in lesson 10 of our course.

How to say cheers in Norwegian #shorts
How to say cheers in Norwegian #shorts

How To Say Cheers in Norwegian | The Meaning of Skål

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How To Say Cheers in Norwegian | The Meaning of Skål
How To Say Cheers in Norwegian | The Meaning of Skål

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about SVÖL AQUAVIT BLOG VOL. 4: “SKÅL!” HOW TO SAY CHEERS LIKE A VIKING — Svöl Aquavit Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for SVÖL AQUAVIT BLOG VOL. 4: “SKÅL!” HOW TO SAY CHEERS LIKE A VIKING — Svöl Aquavit Updating “Skål!” is the ubiquitous Scandinavian word for cheers. In this blog post,
    find out the origin of the word and why when you say skål you are truly
    drinking like a Viking!
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Vikings explained: What does Skol mean, where did Skol come from? | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV |

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Vikings explained: What does Skol mean, where did Skol come from? | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV | Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Vikings explained: What does Skol mean, where did Skol come from? | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV | Updating VIKINGS is a historical drama series which is based on history from The Viking Age, and Norse mythology. What does Skol mean?
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Vikings explained: What does Skol mean, where did Skol come from? | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV |

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Various Ways Nations Say ‘Cheers!’ Before Drinking

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  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Various Ways Nations Say ‘Cheers!’ Before Drinking Updating In this article, we at Social Scene will teach you a few words which may just save your life on your next social event.
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Various Ways Nations Say 'Cheers!' Before Drinking
Various Ways Nations Say ‘Cheers!’ Before Drinking

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20 Ways To Say “Cheers!” | Today Translations

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20 Ways To Say “Cheers!” | Today Translations

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How to say cheers in Norwegian

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How to say cheers in Norwegian oppmuntre, oppmuntret ; three cheers ; tre skål ; wild cheers ; vill skål … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How to say cheers in Norwegian oppmuntre, oppmuntret ; three cheers ; tre skål ; wild cheers ; vill skål … Need to translate “cheers” to Norwegian? Here’s how you say it.Norwegian translation translate cheers
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How to say cheers in Norwegian
How to say cheers in Norwegian

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What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”? Are you wondering how to say “Cheers!” in Norwegian ? “Cheers!” is the equivalent to Skål in Norwegian, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”? Are you wondering how to say “Cheers!” in Norwegian ? “Cheers!” is the equivalent to Skål in Norwegian, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times … Are you wondering how to say “Cheers!” in Norwegian ? “Cheers!” is the equivalent to SkÃ¥l in Norwegian, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. It’s also good to know, that Vegetarianer means “Vegetarian” in Norwegian, as well as “What do you recommend?” is Hva anbefaler du?.
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What is the Norwegian word for
What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”?

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What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”? used as a toast when drinking. skål! … ha det! ‘Cheers! See you this evening.’ … takk! ‘Here’s the book you were looking for.’ ‘Cheers!’. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”? used as a toast when drinking. skål! … ha det! ‘Cheers! See you this evening.’ … takk! ‘Here’s the book you were looking for.’ ‘Cheers!’. Are you wondering how to say “Cheers!” in Norwegian ? “Cheers!” is the equivalent to SkÃ¥l in Norwegian, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. It’s also good to know, that Vegetarianer means “Vegetarian” in Norwegian, as well as “What do you recommend?” is Hva anbefaler du?.
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More Eat & Drink Vocabulary in Norwegian

Learn the word for Cheers! in 45 More Languages

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What is the Norwegian word for
What is the Norwegian word for “Cheers!”?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about SVÖL AQUAVIT BLOG VOL. 4: “SKÅL!” HOW TO SAY CHEERS LIKE A VIKING — Svöl Aquavit Skål!” is the ubiquitous Scandinavian word for cheers. In this blog post, find out the origin of the word and why when you say skål you are … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for SVÖL AQUAVIT BLOG VOL. 4: “SKÅL!” HOW TO SAY CHEERS LIKE A VIKING — Svöl Aquavit Skål!” is the ubiquitous Scandinavian word for cheers. In this blog post, find out the origin of the word and why when you say skål you are … “Skål!” is the ubiquitous Scandinavian word for cheers. In this blog post,
    find out the origin of the word and why when you say skål you are truly
    drinking like a Viking!
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cheers in Norwegian | English-Norwegian translation | YourDictionary

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about cheers in Norwegian | English-Norwegian translation | YourDictionary cheers in Norwegian · English. Bokmål · cheers n. skål interjection · cheers n. takk · cheers. vær så snill · Add new translation … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for cheers in Norwegian | English-Norwegian translation | YourDictionary cheers in Norwegian · English. Bokmål · cheers n. skål interjection · cheers n. takk · cheers. vær så snill · Add new translation … Translation of cheers to Norwegian in English-Norwegian dictionary, with synonyms, definitions, pronunciation, example of usage and more.cheers, english, norwegian, dictionary, translation
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how do you say cheers in norwegian

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about how do you say cheers in norwegian How do you say cheers in Norwegian? Norwegian Language: In Norwegian, the word used when making a toast also refers to the drink container. The term derives … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for how do you say cheers in norwegian How do you say cheers in Norwegian? Norwegian Language: In Norwegian, the word used when making a toast also refers to the drink container. The term derives …
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how do you say cheers in norwegian

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How To Say Cheers in Norwegian

Just like the Netherlands, Norway loves their drinking and celebration. They have stuck to their roots dating back to Vikings who often murder their enemies or rivals by poisoning their drinks. To make sure their drink wasn’t deathly they would cheers one another by smashing their glasses together to make sure they got their wine in the other glass. As they stared into each other’s eyes they’d look for a reaction to see if their drink was safe or not.

Skål – The Norwegian way to cheers is by saying Skål. It common to hear this at most bars as it’s an easy way to stir up a conversation and talk to the locals.

Learn how to say cheers in different languages



Spelled variably as Skål, Skál, Skaal, Skoal, or Skol (depending on country and how it’s transliterated in English), it’s the ubiquitous Scandinavian “cheers” that no drink of aquavit would be complete without. If you’re a Minnesota Vikings fan you might recognize this word from “Skol, Vikings”, the fight song that plays when the team scores a touchdown.

But where did it come from?

One of the most popular stories is that Skål derives from the Old Norse word for Skull – and that Vikings celebrated their war victories by drinking from the skulls of their vanquished enemies. As badass (and a bit metal) as that sounds, it’s not quite the truth.

Unfortunately for the Vikings, aquavit didn’t exist until a few hundred years after the end of the Viking Age. However, many modern Scandinavian drinking traditions, including the Skål toast, trace their roots back to the Vikings who drank beer and mead copiously.

Skål comes from the Old Norse word Skál, meaning bowl. Coincidentally it is from the same root as the Old Norse word “skalli”, meaning “bald head”, which eventually morphed into the modern English word skull.

Why bowl? Well, back in the Vikings’ days, drinking at parties and festivals was done from communal ale bowls that looked like the one below. So when a Viking yelled, “Skál”, they were really saying, “pass me the beer!”

Next time you’re downing a shot of ice cold aquavit, don’t forget the “Skål”!

Vikings explained: What does Skol mean? Where did Skol come from?

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Vikings is a popular historical drama which airs on History and Amazon Prime, and it is now in its sixth and final season. The is was based on Viking history and it draws on some popular Norse sagas for inspiration. One of the phrases regularly used by the Vikings is ‘skol’, written skål in Scandinavia, and fans are keen to know what it means.


What does Skol mean? Throughout the series the characters switch between English and traditional Norse phrases. One of the most common phrases used throughout the series is the word ‘skol’, and it is often said around the dinner table. Skol is a friendly expression used before drinking, and it shows friendship and companionship. The Vikings use the phrase while raising their glasses, as a form of toast. According to the Collins English Dictionary, the phrase means ‘good health’. READ MORE: Vikings cast: Is King Harald Finehair based on a real person?

Vikings: Harald and Halfdan have a drink

Vikings: The term Skol is a friendly expression

READ MORE Vikings 5 shows to watch if you like Vikings shows like Vikings The Cambridge Dictionary includes a slightly different meaning, suggesting the term means to drink something all at once, without pausing. Both meanings apply to the way the phrase is used throughout the Vikings series, as it is used in a friendly manner. The phrase is also used in the modern day, particularly during Minnesota Vikings American football games. Culture Trip said: “This popular chant essentially translates to ‘cheers!’ It comes from the word skål, which originated in Scandinavia—Denmark, Norway, and Sweden specifically. “In the Old Norse language, it basically means a toast or salute to a friend’s good health. During this salute, beer is shared among friends, similar to the English ‘cheers’ today.”

Vikings: King Harald raises a toast

Vikings: Aslaug and Lagertha have a civil conversation

In the modern day, the chant is used as part of a pre-battle routine, particularly before sporting events. The chanting and clapping is believed to have once been part of an ancient Viking war chant. Fans of the series have taken to Reddit to discuss the meaning of Skol, and they found an article by Ted Glover which explains an alternative meaning. The article said: “At the end of the battle, Viking warriors would decapitate the king or leader of the tribe/army they had just vanquished and that night would drink from his skull-spelled skoll-as a sign of respect for the fallen opponent. “It was only then, Viking warriors believed, could an opponent who had fought valiantly be allowed into Valhalla. DON’T MISS…

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“In battle, Vikings would urge each other forward by yelling skoll to one another. “By doing so, they were telling each other to keep it up so they could drink from the skull of the vanquished that night.” The cast of Vikings have coined the phrase and they have used it to celebrate different events. The official Vikings Facebook page posted a photo of Bjorn Ironside actor Alexander Ludwig on his birthday. They said: “Skol #Vikings! Let’s wish Alexander Ludwig a happy birthday.”

So you have finished reading the how do you say cheers in norwegian topic article, if you find this article useful, please share it. Thank you very much. See more: how to say cheers in danish, how to say cheers in scandinavian, cheers in norwegian skol, how do you say cheers in german, skål in norwegian, how to say cheers in icelandic, how to pronounce skal in norwegian, cheers in different languages

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