Top 26 How Long Can I Be Left Without Hot Water The 106 Correct Answer

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Reported faults to a hot water supply must be dealt with immediately. A heating engineer would reasonably be expected to visit the property within 24 hours, and the tenant should not be left without hot water for more than two days. A period beyond two days could be critical to the tenants health.The short answer is Yes. Having no hot water is considered an emergency repair by the Residential Tenancies Agreement (RTA). It would be reasonable to expect a delay of approx. 24 – 48 hours to have your hot water system repaired.24 hours. Under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, you have the right to expect your landlord to carry out repairs in a ‘reasonable time’. If it’s an emergency repair as you’ve got no heating or hot water, your landlord should fix this in 24 hours.


Is no hot water an emergency UK?

The short answer is Yes. Having no hot water is considered an emergency repair by the Residential Tenancies Agreement (RTA). It would be reasonable to expect a delay of approx. 24 – 48 hours to have your hot water system repaired.

How long can a landlord leave you without hot water and heating UK?

24 hours. Under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, you have the right to expect your landlord to carry out repairs in a ‘reasonable time’. If it’s an emergency repair as you’ve got no heating or hot water, your landlord should fix this in 24 hours.

How long can a landlord leave you without water UK?

It’s highly unreasonable for your landlord to leave you without running water for more than 48 hours and that accounts for severe problems outside the boundaries in the property. Also, the landlord should not cut your water supply for any other reason than needed repairs in the plumbing or water fittings.

How long does a landlord have to fix hot water Ontario?

Hot Water. Fixing a problem in a tenant’s apartment will usually allow you 30 days or so of time to get the job done yourself.

How long can you be left without heating and hot water UK with a baby?

Unfortunately, unless you are elderly or disabled, or have a baby under 2 in the house, they are able to leave you without heat for 72 hours.

Can my landlord leave me without hot water?

A landlord cannot leave a tenant without running water for more than two days. Running water is essential for the health and wellbeing of a tenant, and a landlord must not restrict the supply of water for any reason other than urgent repairs to the plumbing or water supply fixtures and fittings.

Is boiler not working an emergency?

It’s a good question because let’s face it, if your boiler is working but just isn’t working properly it still feels like an emergency to you. However, it most certainly is an emergency if you experience a full boiler breakdown and have no hot water or heating.

What is the legal temperature for tenants UK?

A cold home is one that cannot be maintained at a temperature between 18°C to 21°C at a reasonable cost to the occupier. Living in cold conditions can cause serious health problems. Landlords must: Supply adequate heating in proper working order.

What can I do if my landlord won’t fix my boiler?

Contact the council

If your landlord refuses to make repairs or does not respond to you after several attempts at contact, you should report them to your local council. Each local council has a private renting team, and you should provide them with evidence such as emails, letters or photos.

What makes a property uninhabitable UK?

A rented home is ‘unfit for habitation’ when conditions or safety issues are so bad that it’s not reasonable for you to live there. This could be because the poor conditions: affect your health seriously. put you at risk of physical harm or injury.

What can I do if my landlord won’t fix things UK?

You can take your landlord to court if they won’t deal with repairs in your home. You should only consider legal action as a last resort. If you do take legal action, the court can order your landlord to: carry out the repair work.

When can a tenant withhold rent UK?

In general, tenants do not have the right to withhold rent if the landlord does not carry out repairs. Doing so could jeopardise the tenant’s right to remain in the accommodation. In certain circumstances, however, a tenant can pay for repairs and deduct the cost from future rent.

Is hot water essential?

Because hot water is considered an essential service and a tenant right, it is always considered a major repair because it is needed to provide habitable conditions. Sometimes hot water can be considered a minor repair because it is being provided, but not in a way that is satisfactory to standards or preferences.

Does landlord have to pay for hotel during repairs Ontario?

Typically, a landlord is not required to pay for the tenant’s hotel stay while the damaged apartment is being repaired if the losses are due to an “act of God.” However, if a property is rendered uninhabitable by a flood, tenants are under no obligation to pay rent to their landlord until the condition has been …

Can you withhold rent for repairs in Ontario?

A tenant should not withhold any part of the rent, even if the tenant feels that maintenance is poor or a necessary repair has not been done. A landlord can apply to evict a tenant if the full rent is not paid on time.

What happens if a boiler runs out of water?

Boiler Failure

If a boiler has enough water, the steel will never reach temperatures high enough to weaken it. In a dry fire accident, there is no water to moderate the temperature. As a result, the boiler’s steel can overheat, warp and crack at the welds.

Why do I have cold water but not hot water?

Partially Closed Valve on Water Heater

If your cold water pressure is fine but your hot isn’t, a partially closed valve is a likely cause. Your hot water heater has a shut off valve that can become partially closed.

Why is my hot water not working but my heating is?

If you’ve got hot water, but no central heating then there are more issues it could be if it’s not the thermostat or the boiler pressure. Common reasons for this particular fault are broken diaphragms and airlocks, or a motorised valve failing.

Why am I not getting hot water from my boiler?

Low pressure may be the reason for your lack of hot water. For your boiler to work at its best, your ideal water pressure should be between 1 and 1.5 bar, which is usually displayed on a gauge known as a ‘Manometer’, usually located where the water supply pipes are connected to the boiler.

Tenants left without hot water, heat for a month
Tenants left without hot water, heat for a month

How Long Can You Leave a Tenant Without Hot Water? – Monoperty

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How Long Can You Leave a Tenant Without Hot Water? – Monoperty Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How Long Can You Leave a Tenant Without Hot Water? – Monoperty Updating If you’re a landlord, you have to understand that there are certain responsibilities that you have towards your tenant. Sometimes, things can malfunction within an…
  • Table of Contents:

Responsibilities Of The Tenant When There Is No Hot Water

Responsibilities Of The Landlord When There Is No Hot Water

Support For Landlords With Fixing Hot Water Supply Faults

How Long Can A Tenant Be Left Without Running Water

Can A Tenant Withhold Rent If There Is No Hot Water

Can Tenants Claim Compensation For The Lack Of Hot Water

Decide What You Will Do Before It Happens

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How Long Can You Leave a Tenant Without Hot Water? – Monoperty
How Long Can You Leave a Tenant Without Hot Water? – Monoperty

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Is NO Hot Water an Emergency Repair?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Is NO Hot Water an Emergency Repair? Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Is NO Hot Water an Emergency Repair? Updating The short answer is yes, no hot water is an emergency repair. Whether
    you’re a property owner or a tenant, find out what your rights are.
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What if the hot water system needs to be replaced

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Is NO Hot Water an Emergency Repair?
Is NO Hot Water an Emergency Repair?

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How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub Updating …
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How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub
How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub

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Baths, sinks and sanitary equipment – Repair of rented properties

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Baths, sinks and sanitary equipment – Repair of rented properties Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Baths, sinks and sanitary equipment – Repair of rented properties Updating Landlords are required to maintain and repair their tenants’ water supply. They must provide you with sanitary equipment to pass the minimum poperty standard.
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How does the law regard the repairs to sanitation facilities

Tenants responsibilities to the repairs to sanitation facilities

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Baths, sinks and sanitary equipment – Repair of rented properties

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Error 403 (Forbidden)

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Error 403 (Forbidden)

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How long can a landlord leave you without heating uk | Urban Jungle

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How long can a landlord leave you without heating uk | Urban Jungle Proving heating and hot water is a legal requirement. If this breaks, the landlord must carry out repairs within a reasonable time frame. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How long can a landlord leave you without heating uk | Urban Jungle Proving heating and hot water is a legal requirement. If this breaks, the landlord must carry out repairs within a reasonable time frame. Proving heating and hot water is a legal requirement. If this breaks, the landlord must carry out repairs within a reasonable time frame. Read on to find out more.
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How long can a landlord leave you without heating uk | Urban Jungle
How long can a landlord leave you without heating uk | Urban Jungle

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How long is acceptable to be left without heating? | Mumsnet

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How long is acceptable to be left without heating? | Mumsnet It obviously isn’t eal, but I think 24 hours is probably an OK time to be asked to wait. Hot water bottles can help to keep you warm, and … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How long is acceptable to be left without heating? | Mumsnet It obviously isn’t eal, but I think 24 hours is probably an OK time to be asked to wait. Hot water bottles can help to keep you warm, and … Living in a housing association property and the heating has broken down this morning. I am more annoyed as it was already leaking brown fluid all ove…
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How long is acceptable to be left without heating? | Mumsnet
How long is acceptable to be left without heating? | Mumsnet

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How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub If it’s an emergency repair as you’ve got no heating or hot water, your landlord should fix this in 24 hours. Is your landlord responsible for the boiler? Yes! …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub If it’s an emergency repair as you’ve got no heating or hot water, your landlord should fix this in 24 hours. Is your landlord responsible for the boiler? Yes!
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How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub
How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler? | MyLegalClub

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Heating and Hot Water – Repair of Rented Properties

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Heating and Hot Water – Repair of Rented Properties If left without heating or hot water, or you’re experiencing malfunctions preventing your access, get in contact with your landlord. You need to do this in … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Heating and Hot Water – Repair of Rented Properties If left without heating or hot water, or you’re experiencing malfunctions preventing your access, get in contact with your landlord. You need to do this in … It is the landlord’s legal responsibility to provide heating and hot water. Lack of these utilities is a hazard for the health and a serious breach of the contract.
  • Table of Contents:

Get repairs for your boiler !

The Landlord is required to provide you with reliable heating and hot water

Tenant’s responsibilities regarding heating and hot water

What to do if heatinghot water is not working properly

Where to go for help


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Heating and Hot Water - Repair of Rented Properties
Heating and Hot Water – Repair of Rented Properties

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How long can they leave you without hot water / heating??

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How long can they leave you without hot water / heating??
How long can they leave you without hot water / heating??

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Quick Answer: How Long Can A House Be Without Hot Water – Worldanything

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How long can you have no hot water

How long can you be left without heating and hot water UK

What do you do if your house has no hot water

How long does it take for hot water to come back in an apartment

How long can you be left without running water UK

How long do landlord’s have to fix problems UK

Is no hot water an emergency UK

Can you still use water if water heater is off

What is wrong when no hot water

Why am I not getting any hot water

How long does it take a 40-gallon hot water heater to heat up

Will turning up water heater make hot water last longer

How long should a 40-gallon hot water tank last

What are my rights if I have no water

Is no cold water an emergency

Is it illegal to have no running water UK

Can I withhold rent for no hot water UK

How often should landlord replace carpet UK

Is landlord liable for water damage UK

Quick Answer: How Long Can A House Be Without Hot Water - Worldanything
Quick Answer: How Long Can A House Be Without Hot Water – Worldanything

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How long can apartments go without hot water?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How long can apartments go without hot water? A heating engineer would reasonably be expected to visit the property within 24 hours, and the tenant should not be left without hot water for more than two … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How long can apartments go without hot water? A heating engineer would reasonably be expected to visit the property within 24 hours, and the tenant should not be left without hot water for more than two …
    • Your hot water will not get hot enough if the lower thermostat is faulty. Fixing your thermostat will help solve your hot water problems. If your water heater has no fault but can’t meet your household hot water needs, you need to know how to avoid such a problem.
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How long can apartments go without hot water

How long can apartments go without hot water

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How long can apartments go without hot water?
How long can apartments go without hot water?

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How Long Can You Leave a Tenant Without Hot Water? – Monoperty

If you’re a landlord, you have to understand that there are certain responsibilities that you have towards your tenant. Sometimes, things can malfunction within an investment property, like any home, and any faults should be addressed urgently. Problems can range from a broken door handle to a broken boiler. It’s your duty as a landlord to take care of these issues and maintain the basic living requirements for your tenant.

So how long can you leave a tenant without hot water if there is a problem with the boiler or hot water cylinder?

Reported faults to a hot water supply must be dealt with immediately. A heating engineer would reasonably be expected to visit the property within 24 hours, and the tenant should not be left without hot water for more than two days. A period beyond two days could be critical to the tenants health.

If there is a problem with the boiler, hot water cylinder or any other part of the plumbing which causes the hot water supply to stop working, landlords are to address this issue as a matter of urgency.

Hot water not working isn’t a real problem – but not fixing the hot water supply would be a real problem.

Whether the property is managed by the landlord directly, or through a property managing agent, either party has the responsibility of ensuring that faults to the hot water supply are fixed as a matter of urgency. Although I would also like to point out that the overall responsibility of any issues always rests with the landlord.

This is plainly and simply defined in Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. The landlord is responsible for: keeping in repair and proper working order the installations in the dwelling for the supply of water, gas, electricity and for sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths and sanitary conveniences), and keeping in repair and proper working order the installation in the dwelling for space heating and heating water.

Responsibilities Of The Tenant When There Is No Hot Water

Tenants have a responsibility to keep their living environment healthy and to report any faults to the landlord or property managing agent as soon as possible.

A lack of hot water is considered an urgent matter as it could have a detrimental effect on the tenants health within a relatively short period of time. For this reason, the tenant is responsible for:

Reporting the fault immediately.

Granting access to the property to allow the landlord or managing agent, and/or, professional tradesmen to carryout repairs.

If the hot water is not working due to damage caused by the tenant, the tenant still has the responsibility of reporting the fault to the landlord or property managing agent.

While it may be reasonable to expect the cost of the repair to fall to the tenant, the landlord still has the responsibility to ensure the repairs are made.

Responsibilities Of The Landlord When There Is No Hot Water

As a lack of hot water can have a serious impact on the tenants health, a landlord is responsible for ensuring:

The fault is attended to within 24 hours

Repairs are made within two days

Problems like lack of hot water, running water and electricity are considered urgent matters and should be taken care of within 24-hours of the landlord being notified of the problem.

Although repairs should be made within two days, landlords cannot be held accountable if parts needed to fix the problem take longer than two days to arrive. Providing all ‘reasonable’ efforts are being made to fix the problem promptly, the landlord will be meeting their obligations to provide a habitable property.

The landlord is responsible for all major repairs to a property, even those caused by the tenant – whether intentionally or not. In which case, the repair will be managed by the landlord, but may be paid for by the tenant depending on the circumstances.

When a landlord has to access a property, they need to serve the tenant with a minimum of a 24-hour notice period and arrange a suitable time for the visit. So communication is key when arranging visits for either yourself or professional trades to visit the property to arrange repairs.

Notify the tenant at the start that you will need to keep lines of communication open until the hot water supply is fixed. Although the tenant can grant permission for the landlord and/or tradesmen to access the property when they are not home, I always do my best to arrange a time when they are at home so they have the opportunity to discover first hand how the fault occurred and to ask any questions that they may have.

Support For Landlords With Fixing Hot Water Supply Faults

If the landlord doesn’t react to the problem, they’re breaching the tenancy agreement on two fronts – keeping the property free from hazards and keeping the property in a good state of repair.

Landlords have a number of options to help them provide a good service for their tenants, and to ensure they always meet their obligations.

Property Maintenance Cover

For a low monthly fee, landlords can get cover for their boiler, central heating systems, plumbing, electrical installation, drainage system and more.

Cover can include both ‘call out fees’ and repairs so landlords never have to worry about receiving unexpected high bills during the time that they have tenants occupying their buy-to-let property.

PlusHeat is a company that I recommend. They provide 24/7 support and advice with the ability to book an engineer 365 days a year. PlusHeat offer four different levels of cover to suit every landlord; Standard, Premium, Platinum and Custom.Their rates are very competitive and they offer fantastic value for money which is why I am happy to recommend them to my friends and family.

Affordable Cover For Landlords

Letting Agent

A reputable letting agent will have a list of approved tradesmen for dealing with faults to the hot water supply.

Depending on the type of service you have hired the letting agent to provide, will depend on their involvement. A ‘part management’ service will give the tenants direct communication to the letting agent to report faults. The letting agent will then likely contact the landlord to relay the message and ask them how they would like to proceed.

This will give the landlord the choice of sourcing their own engineer or requesting the assistance of an engineer who is registered with the letting agent.

A ‘fully managed’ service could allow the letting agent to deal with the fault without the need to contact the landlord first. Although I would expect the letting agent to notify the landlord in slow-time, so they are aware that a fault had been reported by the tenant.

The finer details for addressing faults reported by the tenant, should be agreed and understood before the landlord commits to using the services of a letting agent. I have written an article on 20 Tips When Looking For A Property Managing Agent which explains this in more detail.

One other thing – if a landlord has a cover plan with a third party, they can give the details of that plan to the letting agent. This practice is perfect for ‘armchair’ investors who may not have the time, or are perhaps overseas or are not contactable for any period of time, as they will have systems in place to deal with urgent faults whilst avoiding any unexpected bills.

Sourcing Professional Trades

For landlords who have the time to manage their buy-to-let property themselves, but for whatever reason, are having problems reaching an engineer to attend to a hot water supply fault, I can recommend using RatedPeople.

It’s an online service that is completely free to use. You just simply need to register with an email address, postcode and a telephone number.

Once registered, you select the type of tradesmen you need and the type of job you need them to attend to. RatedPeople will then notify the relevant tradesmen in your area, and those who are available and interested with assisting you, will pay a small fee to obtain your contact details to call you and arrange a quote.

I have used this website a lot in the past. It’s a great way for finding reputable trades for any type of job that needs doing around a home. All registered trades are vetted when joining, and each has a profile page which customers have access to, so that they can read reviews and feedback comments from previous clients before deciding whether to hire them or not.

I think word of mouth is always the best option when searching for a tradesman, but if you find yourself in a pinch, I am happy to recommend RatedPeople.

How Long Can A Tenant Be Left Without Running Water?

A landlord cannot leave a tenant without running water for more than two days. Running water is essential for the health and wellbeing of a tenant, and a landlord must not restrict the supply of water for any reason other than urgent repairs to the plumbing or water supply fixtures and fittings.

That said, with notice and prior approval from the tenant the landlord can arrange for the water supply to be turned off to make improvements to the property.

Whether a new bathroom, en-suite or kitchen is planned to be installed, there will be times when the supply of water will need to be restricted. It would still be rare though to cut the water supply to the whole property when carryout renovation works. It is more likely that the water will only be isolated within the room that the works are being carried out.

For example, it might take five days to install a new bathroom suite. Water to the bathroom will be restricted for a period of time, but water in the kitchen will still be available. With prior notice and approval from the tenant, alternative arrangements can be made for bathing and shower facilities.

Communication is always key to maintaining a good relationship between the tenant and landlord or property managing agent.

Can A Tenant Withhold Rent If There Is No Hot Water?

No. A tenant cannot withhold their rent payment if hot water is not available at the property. If the tenant has reported the fault of the hot water supply to the landlord, and the landlord has failed to act within a reasonable timeframe, the tenant should seek advice from their local council.

Withholding rent can cause additional problems for tenants as landlords will be within their rights to start an eviction process once two monthly payments are missed.

A tenant would be in a stronger position to continue paying their rent as per their tenancy agreement, whilst holding the landlord to account for failing to meet their legal obligations.

If tenants are unable to reach their landlord or property managing agent to report a fault with the hot water supply, or if the landlord or property managing agent do not make arrangements to have the problem seen to within 24 hours, tenants should contact their local authority.

The Environmental Health Department within the local council can assist with complaints about landlords who do not address repairs to the property which would place a tenants health and wellbeing at risk. The local authority will likely serve the landlord with an Improvement Notice, which will force them to carryout the required repairs until the property meets the minimum standard for letting within the private rented sector.

Can Tenants Claim Compensation For The Lack Of Hot Water?

If a tenant reports a fault with the hot water supply, and the landlord fails to act within a reasonable timeframe, the tenant maybe entitled to claim compensation.

The amount of compensation that could be awarded to a tenant will largely depend on the length of time it took to get the hot water supply fixed, and any personal damage that was caused to the tenant.

As I mentioned earlier, a landlord cannot be held accountable if they are making every effort to have the hot water supply fixed at the earliest opportunity. There may well be instances where replacement parts for the boiler or heating system are not available for a few days, or instances where engineers fail to turn up to pre-booked appointments.

This is why it is essential for the landlord to ensure that there is good communication lines between themselves and the tenant. If the tenant is fully aware of the events that the landlord is taking in order to get the problem fixed, they will be rest assured that every effort is being made.

The tenant may also be able to assist if they have a full understanding of the actions being taken to get the hot water supply fixed. They may be in a position and be willing to chase the heating engineer themselves for an update, if the landlord isn’t available and the problem has taken longer to repair than first expected.

Decide What You Will Do Before It Happens

My best advice would be to consider what your preference would be before it happens.

If you are using a letting agent, would you prefer that they deal with the issue before contacting you, or would you prefer to be informed when the fault is reported so you can decide whether to take the reins yourself and arrange for the repairs to be carried out?

In addition, would you prefer to pay for the repairs as and when they are needed, or would you prefer to have cover in place to avoid any unexpected bills?

Everyone is different and everyone will have their own preference when it comes to looking after their customers and investment properties. But knowing your preference in handling an urgent situation before it occurs, will help minimise stress and help make your life as a landlord that little bit easier.

Resources mentioned:



The Landlord And Tenant Act 1985

Is NO Hot Water an Emergency Repair?


The short answer is Yes.

Having no hot water is considered an emergency repair by the Residential Tenancies Agreement (RTA).

It would be reasonable to expect a delay of approx. 24 – 48 hours to have your hot water system repaired.

We recommend that you contact your property manager by phone AND follow up with an email for confirmation in writing. This email will be important if you don’t have the problem resolved quickly.

Under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, you have the right to expect your landlord to carry out repairs in a ‘reasonable time’. If it’s an emergency repair as you’ve got no heating or hot water, your landlord should fix this in 24 – 48 hours.

If you are a home owner and you have no hot water, give Moyle Plumbing a call on our emergency phone number 0447 671 094. We offer same day service and cater to all households located between South Brisbane and the Northern Gold Coast.

As having NO HOT WATER is classified an EMERGENCY repair, your recommended real estate plumber is allowed entry to your home for an emergency repair without an entry notice.

If you hot water system is installed inside the home or garage, the plumber will need access, which will mean you may have to be home when they arrive or authorize them to pick up a key from the agent.

If your hot water system is outside, but behind a locked gate or you have a dog in the yard, the gate will need to be unlocked & dog secured so the plumber can access the area without obstruction.

Not having the area accessible will cause delay of having your hot water repaired.

What if the hot water system needs to be replaced?

If your hot water system cannot be repaired & needs to be replaced, the cost is likely to exceed the 2 weeks rental amount which can obstruct the authority for immediate replacement.

Your plumber will need to submit a quote with the owner may request more than 1 quote delaying the replacement process up to a few days.

There may be extra delays if your landlord does not live locally or is on holiday. Some agents are not able to make a decision on a large item purchase without the owner’s authority.

As a maintenance plumber for over 30 years, we often get immediate authorisation to replace, but it is sometimes not as simple as that, and can may take longer.

If you have no hot water, and your hot water is to be replaced, it may take approx. 2-4 days for this to happen.

As a tenant, you have the right to live in a safe, secure & quite environment that is managed in accordance with the Australian Law.

You also have the responsibility to take good care of the property, pay the rent on time & adhere to the terms of your tenancy agreement.

It I the landlord’s responsibility to maintain the property to a safe and liveable condition, and there are rules for how urgent and non–urgent repairs are carried out.

If you are behind in your rent, or have not looked after the home, you may have extra hurdles to overcome.

RTA – Classification of Emergency Repairs

The tenant should contact the property manager/owner or the nominated repairer (listed on the tenancy agreement) about the problem. It is a good idea to put the request in writing as evidence of notification.

If they cannot be contacted, the tenant can arrange for a qualified person to carry out emergency repairs to a maximum value of 2 weeks rent.

Emergency repairs are:

burst water service or a serious water service leak

blocked or broken toilet

serious roof leak

gas leak

dangerous electrical fault

flooding or serious flood damage

serious storm, fire or impact damage

failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply

failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the property for hot water, cooking or heating

fault or damage that makes the property unsafe or insecure

fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant

serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the property that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the property.

All other repairs are considered routine repairs.

For all advice, recommendations, repairs & replacements of all brands & types of hot water systems, contact Moyle Plumbing & Gasfitting on 0447 671 094.

Servicing Brisbane to the Gold Coast, including Logan City since 1983.

How Long Does A Landlord Have To Fix A Boiler?

What action can you take as a tenant?

In terms of a claim for compensation, this is calculated by deducting a percentage of the rent that you paid to your landlord for the time period whilst the repairs should have been completed. This is like a refund of your rent – usually between 20% and 50% depending upon the severity of the disrepair.

You can also claim for:

-refund of any fees incurred

-refund of any damage to property or items etc

You can of course pursue the landlord yourself irrespective of the period of loss though.

Legal aid options?

Legal Aid is still available for possession claims, homelessness, eviction and unlawful eviction, re-housing, disrepair, judicial review.

If you think you may qualify for legal aid then we would recommend googling “housing solicitor legal aid” and local solicitors with a housing legal aid facility should appear. They would be the best people to speak to in the first instance.

Generally, legal aid can apply to:

Disrepair, where there is a serious risk of harm to the health and safety of a client or their family legal aid, is available to pursue a disrepair claim.

Funding does not cover any claim for damages in civil proceedings.

Legal Aid is therefore only likely to be suitable for very urgent injunction cases where compensation is minimal.

Legal Help can be used to investigate prosecutions under the Environmental Protection Act but alternative funding will have to be used to take the case to Court.

Landlord Responsibilities

Once you have complained to your Landlord / Lettings Agency regarding hot water/boilers they are legally obliged to treat this as an emergency. What SHOULD happen is your Landlord should:

1) Arrange to fix the hot water/boiler urgently and

2) Provide alternative solutions in the meantime

Further information can be found here:

If your landlord refuses to fix the heating problem within your home, then the landlord must provide you with heating equipment that has the capacity to heat your house to around 65 degrees. However, there are instances in which a landlord would refuse to carry this out, in that case, you would be well within your rights to contact the police as they will visit your home, check the temperature and call your landlord with strict orders to carry out his responsibility as a landlord by mending the heating problem. Some may understandably wish to avoid a step such as this in fear of creating a poor relationship with your landlord, therefore it is possible to pay to fix the problem yourself and deduct the cost from future rent fees, provided that the landlord is notified beforehand and proof can be provided. We would recommend obtaining the landlord’s written consent before doing this and reaching a written agreement regarding repayment of these sums or offsetting of rent.

Basically, the advice is to engage with the Landlord and ensure:

a) this is fixed asap and

b) what can be done in the meantime to provide suitable heating and hot water as temporary measures.

You also need to consider how long you want to stay at the property and how your landlord will react to how you react to this problem. That is really unfair but is a reality you should consider before taking action.

Additional Points

If a significant delay, you can also complain to environmental health.

Important points

Keep on top of your landlord. Be polite, reasonable, and ensure you communicate in writing (again email is ideal). If the repairs to the boiler fail, or are temporary and not suitable, continue to update and report these matters to your landlord. Do not withhold rent and keep all rent payments up to date. You must comply with your tenancy agreement.

We hope this helps and please get in touch with us again if the boiler is delayed further and/or fails again

Initial email idea to Landlord / Lettings Agency

As you are aware we are currently without hot water and heating. Whilst we appreciate the difficult circumstances right now in the country there are legal responsibilities to us which are not being adhered to.

We need certainty today as to the a) up to date position on permanent repairs and b) any temporary solutions

We are happy to engage and help in any way we can. You will know that legally this is to be treated as an emergency. We all would like an amicable solution to this as a matter of urgency and would be grateful if you can call us with an update today.

A formal complaint to your Landlord – you would need to substantially amend something like the below to suit your circumstances. If the hot water is unavailable for an unreasonable period of time and you want to formally complain to the Landlord

1) possible complaint letter you can amend if you wish. You may not wish to cause any issues with your Landlord that is for you to consider as a family. See italics below

You are in breach of Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. We have the right to expect you to carry out repairs in a ‘reasonable time’. Hot water and a boiler is classed as an emergency repair as we have got no heating or hot water, therefore under the law of England & Wales, our landlord should fix this in 24 hours.

This has not been the case.

In addition, no temporary solutions have been offered, e.g. electric heaters, alternatives for showers, baths, etc.

Not only does the government consider it hazardous, but it is also a part of the responsibility as a landlord to ensure that these systems are kept in good repair and are regularly working, without any complications.

Our landlord must provide us with heating equipment that has the capacity to heat our house to around 65 degrees. We are within our rights to contact the police as they will visit our home, check the temperature and call our landlord with strict orders to carry out his responsibility as a landlord by solving this heating problem sooner and/or providing us with greater support.


We are entitled to:

1. Temporary solutions to the heating issue today in lieu of permanent repairs being scheduled.

2. The boiler being fixed and us having hot water as a matter of urgency.

3. Compensation. We look forward to you putting forward an offer within 14 days.

So you have finished reading the how long can i be left without hot water topic article, if you find this article useful, please share it. Thank you very much. See more: how long can your landlord leave you without hot water, section 11 landlord and tenant act 1985 hot water, no hot water – tenant rights, how long can a landlord leave you without gas, how long can a landlord leave you without an oven, can you sue landlord for no hot water, i have no heat or hot water in my apartment what can i do, landlord won t fix heat

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