Top 20 How To Address Madame Martin In French Top 96 Best Answers

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How to Pronounce Madame? (FRENCH)
How to Pronounce Madame? (FRENCH)

Reverso Context

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Reverso Context Translations in context of “Madame Martin” in French-English from Reverso Context: Madame Martin, voulez-vous être intubée ? …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Reverso Context Translations in context of “Madame Martin” in French-English from Reverso Context: Madame Martin, voulez-vous être intubée ?
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madame Martin – English translation – Linguee

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about madame Martin – English translation – Linguee Many translated example sentences containing “Madame Martin” – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for madame Martin – English translation – Linguee Many translated example sentences containing “Madame Martin” – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Many translated example sentences containing “madame Martin” – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.madame Martin, Linguee,French,dictionary,translations,french dictionary,english,search engine,translation
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madame Martin - English translation – Linguee
madame Martin – English translation – Linguee

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How to write a letter in French – Lingoda

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How to write a letter in French – Lingoda If you know the name of the person you are addressing, you can begin your letter by writing in the centre: M. Dupont or Mme Martin. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How to write a letter in French – Lingoda If you know the name of the person you are addressing, you can begin your letter by writing in the centre: M. Dupont or Mme Martin. Need to write a letter in French and not sure how? In this blog we’ll go through everything you need to do to write a formal letter in French.
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The format of a formal French letter

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The French alphabet Everything you need to know

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How to write a letter in French – Lingoda

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French Subject (Personal) Pronouns | FrenchLearner Grammar

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about French Subject (Personal) Pronouns | FrenchLearner Grammar In grammatical terms tu is called the “second person singular.” This means you use tu when addressing one single indivual and not two or more. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for French Subject (Personal) Pronouns | FrenchLearner Grammar In grammatical terms tu is called the “second person singular.” This means you use tu when addressing one single indivual and not two or more. Learn the French subject (personal) pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles. Find explanations of each pronoun, especially on and tu. vs. vous.
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personal pronouns chart

personal pronouns – meanings & examples

French Subject (Personal) Pronouns | FrenchLearner Grammar
French Subject (Personal) Pronouns | FrenchLearner Grammar

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Madame Martin à. Elsa et Caroline Julien (un ami) trois femmes et un homme un professeur une étudiante un acteur une copine …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Madame Martin à. Elsa et Caroline Julien (un ami) trois femmes et un homme un professeur une étudiante un acteur une copine
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Delphi Complete Works of Anatole France (Illustrated) – Anatole France – Google Sách

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Delphi Complete Works of Anatole France (Illustrated) – Anatole France – Google Sách Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Delphi Complete Works of Anatole France (Illustrated) – Anatole France – Google Sách Updating Winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize for Literature, Anatole France was a French poet, journalist and novelist, whose works were celebrated for their nobility of style and profound human sympathy. For the first time in publishing history, this comprehensive eBook presents France’s complete fictional works, with numerous illustrations, many rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to France’s life and works* Concise introductions to the novels and other texts* ALL 16 novels, with individual contents tables* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* All the novels, including all four volumes of A CHRONICLE OF OUR OWN TIMES, available in no other collection* Excellent formatting of the texts* All the shorter fiction, with rare tales appearing here for the first time in digital print* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry and the short stories* Easily locate the poems or short stories you want to read* Includes France’s seminal historical study of Joan of Arc* Special criticism section, with 8 essays and articles evaluating France’s contribution to literature* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genresPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting titlesCONTENTS:The NovelsTHE CRIME OF SYLVESTRE BONNARDTHE ASPIRATIONS OF JEAN SERVIENHONEY-BEETHAÏSAT THE SIGN OF THE REINE PÉDAUQUETHE OPINIONS OF JEROME COIGNARDTHE RED LILYA CHRONICLE OF OUR OWN TIMES I: THE ELM-TREE ON THE MALLA CHRONICLE OF OUR OWN TIMES II: THE WICKER-WORK WOMANA CHRONICLE OF OUR OWN TIMES III: THE AMETHYST RINGA CHRONICLE OF OUR OWN TIMES IV: MONSIEUR BERGERET IN PARISA MUMMER’S TALETHE WHITE STONEPENGUIN ISLANDTHE GODS ARE ATHIRSTTHE REVOLT OF THE ANGELSThe Shorter FictionJOCASTA AND THE FAMISHED CATBALTHASAR AND OTHER WORKSMOTHER OF PEARLTHE WELL OF SAINT CLARECLIOCRAINQUEBILLE, PUTOIS, RIQUET AND OTHER PROFITABLE TALESTHE MERRIE TALES OF JACQUES TOURNEBROCHETHE SEVEN WIVES OF BLUEBEARD AND OTHER MARVELLOUS TALESCHILD LIFE IN TOWN AND COUNTRYMISCELLANEOUS STORIESThe Short StoriesLIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERThe PlaysCRAINQUEBILLETHE COMEDY OF A MAN WHO MARRIED A DUMB WIFECOME WHAT MAYThe PoetryLIST OF POETICAL WORKSThe Non-FictionTHE LIFE OF JOAN OF ARCThe CriticismANATOLE FRANCE — 1904 by Joseph ConradANATOLE FRANCE by Arnold BennettHOMAGE TO ANATOLE FRANCE by John GalsworthyANATOLE FRANCE by John Cowper PowysANATOLE FRANCE by Robert LyndTHE WISDOM OF ANATOLE FRANCE by John Middleton MurryANATOLE FRANCE by George BrandesANATOLE FRANCE by Winifred StephensPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting titles 
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Delphi Complete Works of Anatole France (Illustrated) – Anatole France – Google Sách

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Guided Tours of Hell: Novellas – Francine Prose – Google Sách

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Guided Tours of Hell: Novellas – Francine Prose – Google Sách Updating …
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Guided Tours of Hell: Novellas – Francine Prose – Google Sách

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English translation – Linguee

tre, madame Martin. J’aimerais connaître votre avis quant aux véritables motivations et surtout le vô I would like your thoughts, and particularly the doctor’s thoughts, on what the true motivators are.

Madame Martin, vous disiez dans […] votre présentation – je vous avoue que je ne comprends pas bien – que l’incarcération pouvait […] être vue comme une occasion offerte aux détenus d’améliorer leur santé mentale et de changer de vie. s disiez dans Ms. Martin, you said in your […] presentation-I must confess that I do not understand this very well-that incarceration could […] be seen as an opportunity for inmates to improve their mental health and turn their lives around. your

Je suis resté coincé, je ne pouvais plus […] bouger. C’est Madame Martin qui a appelé […] des gens, pour m’aider à me dégager des décombres. bouger. Ca appelé t was Madame Martin who called people over […] to help me get out of the rubble. called people over

Vous avez également mentionné cette […] question, madame Tole ou madame Martin, mais comment fait-on […] pour assurer la continuité des soins? question, madame Tols comment fait-on You touched on this […] topic as well, Ms. Tole or Ms. Martin, but how do […] we get the continuity of care? topic as wow do

Madame Martin, le Solicitor General […] de la Colombie-Britannique, permet-il aux médecins de prescrire de la méthadone aux […] détenus qui ont une accoutumance aux opiacés? Solicitor General Dr. Martin, does the B.C. Solicitor […] General allow physicians to prescribe methadone to the prison population dealing with opiate addictions? C. Solicitor

Certaines de vos remarques sont […] intéressantes, madame Martin. Nous sommes […] allés en Norvège et en Grande-Bretagne. intéressans sommes Some of your comments are […] interesting, Dr. Martin, because we did go to Norway, […] and we did go to Britain. interesting, Dto Norway,

Madame Martin jouit d’une expérience […] de près de trente années en comptabilité, dont dix-sept dans le secteur des services professionnels. t d’une expérience Ms. Martin possesses a strong […] background, drawing on nearly thirty years of experience in accounting, of which seventeen […] were spent in the professional services sector. a strong

À cette occasion, tout le personnel de l’Académie a […] tenu à témoigner à Madame Martin un peu de reconnaissance […] pour tout ce qu’elle a prodigué […] pour chacun de nous, au fil des années. tenu à témoigneu de reconnaissance For that occasion, every Académie employee […] insisted on showing Madam Martin their recognition […] for everything she did for each and […] everyone of us over the years. insisognition

Grâce aux choix musicaux et le […] thème présenté par madame Martin, les élèves ainsi […] que les familles présentes ont fait ensemble […] un voyage vers un monde de paix, dans une ambiance d’amour et de printemps. thème présentéélèves ainsi The choice of music […] and theme presented by Mrs. Martin, the students […] and invited guests brought all families together towards […] a world of peace in a spring and love environment. and themdents

Madame Martin est membre de […] l’Ordre des comptables généraux licenciés (C.G.A.) du Québec et est très active au sein de l’Association […] des administrateurs légaux où elle occupe le poste d’administrateur et de trésorière de la section-Québec. membre de Ms. Martin is a member of the […] Ordre des comptables généraux licenciés (C.G.A.) du Québec and is very active in the Association […] des administrateurs légaux, for which she acts as administrator and treasurer in the Quebec region. r of the

Les nombreux succès que madame Martin a récoltés en […] gestion de campagnes de plusieurs millions de dollars pour des organismes […] prestigieux d’un bout à l’autre des Provinces atlantiques sont attribuables en partie à l’expérience qu’elle a acquise en travaillant avec des employés et des bénévoles. Les nombreux succèscoltés en Ms. Martin’s many successes managing multi-million […] dollar campaigns for prestigious organizations across Atlantic Canada […] are due in part to her experience working with staff and volunteers. es managing multi-million

Très soucieuse de donner le meilleur à ses […] élèves, la directrice de l’Académie, Madame Martin a offert une sortie gratuite le […] 5 mai 2006, au musée des […] BEAUX-ARTS, aux enfants des classes de sixième et de cinquième. élèves, la directrice de l’Acadéfert une sortie gratuite le Ever seeking to provide the […] best to her students, Mrs. Martin, the principle of the Académie, has offered fifth […] and sixth graders a […] free trip to the Museum of Fine Arts on May 5th 2006. best toprinciple of the Acaded fifth

Nous adressons nos sincères […] remerciements à Madame Lalonde-Martin pour tout le temps […] qu’elle a accordé à ce travail si important. remerciementout le temps incerely thank Mrs. Lalonde-Martin for the time she […] has taken to accomplish this important task. We sme she

La coordonnatrice […] du programme, madame Jennifer Martin, communiquera […] avec tous les candidats par courriel pour les aviser […] qu’ils sont convoqués, ou non, à une entrevue. du programuniquera All applicants will be contacted by Jennifer […] Martin, the program coordinator, via email and notified […] as to whether they will be interviewed. Martin, theail and notified

Elle s’intéresse à la vitalité du français au Québec : […] d’où la nomination de madame Sylvia Martin? d’où la nominatio It takes an interest in the vitality of French in Quebec-hence the […] appointment of Sylvia Martin-Laforge to the Conseil […] supérieur de la langue française. appointmenthe Conseil

Si le candidat a […] des questions, il devrait communiquer avec madame Jennifer Martin. Son adresse de courriel est [email protected] des questions, il devrait communiqueradresse de courriel est [email protected] If the applicant has questions he/she should contact Jennifer Martin at: [email protected] If the applicant has questions he/she should contact Jennifer Martin at: [email protected]

Je salue particulièrement […] Monsieur Michel Boivin et Madame Sophie Martin qui ont quitté le Conseil […] en 2005, ainsi que Monsieur André Monsieur Michel Boiviont quitté le Conseil to outgoing Board members Michel […] Boivin and Sophie Martin, as well as André Bourbeau, who was […] Chairman until April. Boivinas well as André Bourbeau, who was

Par conséquent, avec la permission des sénateurs, je […] conclurai mon intervention en félicitant, […] encore une fois, madame le sénateur Martin d’avoir présenté […] cette initiative. encore une fénaoir présenté Therefore, with honourable senators’ permission, I will […] conclude my remarks, again, by congratulating […] the Honourable Senator Martin for bringing this initiative […] to this chamber. the Honourag this initiative

Nous en avons maintenant la version […] anglaise grâce à la générosité et la […] gentillesse de Madame Hélène Lalonde-Martin, avocate à la […] retraite, qui a accepté de faire […] gratuitement ce travail exigeant. gentillessne Lalcate à la The English version of these by-laws is now available thanks […] to the generosity of Mrs. Hélène Lalonde-Martin, a retired […] lawyer who kindly accepted to […] do this very arduous work free of charge. to theetired

Madame le sénateur Martin avait présenté […] les grandes lignes du projet de loi C-6, Loi concernant la sécurité des produits […] de consommation, et quelques-unes des principales modifications qui y ont été apportées. énat présenté enator Martin gave us an outline of Bill […] C-6, An Act respecting the safety of consumer products, and some of the main amendments that had been proposed. outline of Bill

La marraine du projet de loi, […] notre collègue madame le sénateur Martin, a dit que l’adoption […] du projet de loi permettrait notre collénait que l’adoption Our honourable colleague Senator Martin, sponsor of the bill articulated […] its aim as providing Our honourable colleague Sor of the bill articulated

Nous analysons et certifions les comptes de la SA […] ITC depuis 1990 et nous […] avons traversé avec madame Françoise VENDEMIE-MARTIN des périodes économiques […] erratiques dans ces pays en pleine évolution. avons traverséçoise VENDpériodes économiques We analyse and certify the financial accounts of ITC since […] 1990 and we went with Mrs Françoise VENDEMIE-MARTIN through some irregular […] economical periods in […] the countries being developed and she worked for. 1990 anEMIE-Mirregular

Tony Martin: Madame la Présidente, je […] reconnais que nous avons besoin de ces organismes et que nous devons les renforcer […] et nous assurer qu’ils s’acquittent bien du travail dont ils ont été chargés. M.résidente, je Mr. Tony Martin: Madam Speaker, I agree that […] we need these organizations and we need to strengthen them and make sure that […] they actually do the job they were set out to do. gree that

Tony Martin: Madame la présidente, je […] suis déçu de la façon dont le gouvernement s’est présenté ce soir sans dire clairement […] qu’il allait enfin faire quelque chose. M.résidente, je Mr. Tony Martin: Madam Chair, I am disappointed […] in the way the government has come forward tonight with no real clear indication […] that it is actually going to do anything. disappointed

eith Martin: Madame la Présidente, je […] veux donner à ma vis-à-vis de bonnes nouvelles parce que je sais que la construction […] navale est aussi importante pour sa province que pour la mienne, la Colombie-Britannique. résidente, je eith Martin: Madam Speaker, I want to […] give the hon. member across the way some good news because I know how important shipbuilding […] is for her province, as it is for mine of British Columbia. nt to

Pat Martin: Madame la Présidente, je […] ne sais pas s’il faut attribuer cela aux propos du député ou à la traduction, mais […] sa question ne veut rien dire. M.résidente, je Mr. Pat Martin: Madam Speaker, I do not […] know whether it is the hon. member’s comments or the translation but his question did not mean anything to me. o not

eith Martin: Madame la Présidente, le député […] me pose une très bonne question qui va au coeur du défi qu’a constitué l’élaboration de ce projet de loi. résidente, le député eith Martin: Madam Speaker, the hon. member […] asks a very good question that comes to the root of the challenge that we had […] in the construction of this particular bill. on. member

Pat Martin: Madame la Présidente, […] le député devrait employer judicieusement le peu de temps que nous avons à consacrer […] aux questions sérieuses au lieu de poser des questions frivoles comme celle-ci. M.résidente, Mr. Pat Martin: Madam Speaker, I wish […] the hon. member would use what little time we have to deal with serious issues instead […] of frivolous questions like that. I wish

eith Martin: Madame la Présidente, je […] ne m’adressais à personne en particulier. M. Krésidente, je Mr. Keith Martin: Madam Speaker, I was not […] addressing it to any particular individual. as not

How to write a letter in French

Do you want to accompany your CV with a letter, or claim a refund for a product and you don’t know how to write a letter in French? Yes, you will have to go through the delicate task of writing a formal letter. And when it comes to administration and formal written contacts, the French have very strict (and somewhat rigid) rules. Here are the codes to respect, to make sure your letter will be read all the way through!

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The format of a formal French letter

The mail you write should have the shape of an official letter with a French format. That is, even from a distance or blurred, you should be able to recognise the different parts of the formal letter.

At the top left, you will write your first name, last name, then your address below and finally your telephone number and email address.

Then, at the top right, you should write the name and contact details of the addressee.

When you’ve finished this, you’ll still have two things to do to get that formal silhouette: below your contact details, you’ll have to write “objet” (subject) and summarise in a non-verbal sentence the reason why you want to write. And finally, you will only have to write on the next line, but on the right: the place and date you write, like this:

Starting your French letter

The first thing you need to know is how to address the letter in French. This part is called the “formule d’appel” (calling card). If you know the name of the person you are addressing, you can begin your letter by writing in the centre: M. Dupont or Mme Martin. So, “Monsieur” or “Madame” followed by the last name of the person you are writing to.

If you don’t know, as is often the case when you send your CV or a complaint to an after-sales service, just write, still in the centre of the letter: “Madame, Monsieur,”.

But if you are addressing a person with a high professional position, it is absolutely necessary to mention this and write: “Monsieur le Ministre”, “Madame la Présidente”.

Then, in what is called le corps de la lettre (“the body of the letter”), you must explain in the first paragraph the context of your letter or your claim, for example, what happened in order for you to write this letter.

Actuellement… – and you can talk about your personal or business situation depending on the context

Faisant suite à notre conversation téléphonique… – Further to our telephone conversation…

Suite à votre courrier du (+date) – further to your mail of

After you have explained why you want to write, you can skip a line and start a new paragraph by clearly stating your request.

C’est pour cela qu’aujourd’hui je vous écris pour… – That is why I am writing to you today to…

Je me permets de vous écrire concernant… – regarding…

C’est pour toutes ces raisons que je m’adresse à vous pour… – It is for all these reasons that I am addressing you to…

Je vous demande de + infinitive – I’m asking you to…

Je vous saurai gré de + infinitive – I’ll be grateful for…

As you will have noticed, it is unthinkable to write a letter in French and to use anything other than “vous”. We will keep the “tu” for texting family or friends, and the “vous” remains the only way to address your recipient in a letter.

If you have a problem with a product or service (such as a telephone service) that doesn’t conform to what was sold, you can even make threats, such as:

Si vous ne remplacez pas ce produit dans les meilleurs délais, je serai obligée d’en informer l’association des consommateurs. – If you do not replace this product as soon as possible, I will be obliged to inform the consumer association.

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Ending your French letter

This is the part that is called the formule de politesse (“greeting”). Yes, it’s a bit weird, even if you just threatened them, you have to end with a polite greeting!

Before you do that, you have to be open to dialogue and you can add a sentence such as:

Je me tiens à votre disposition pour tout complément d’information. – I am at your disposal for any further information.

And then you must absolutely end with an extremely long but coded polite sentence:

En attendant une réponse de votre part, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur,

En attendant une réponse de votre part, veuillez accepter

Dans l’attente de… veuillez accepter

l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.

mes sentiments distingués.

mes sentiments les meilleurs.

– I look forward to hearing from you, Madam and Sir, with my best regards

All that remains is for you to sign at the bottom right-hand corner of the sheet, possibly with your initials or the initial of your first name and your surname in full. Ideally, your letter should not exceed one side of paper.

You are now ready to write letters in French! But don’t torture yourself too much while writing this letter. They say that your addressee will only give it an average of 6 seconds of attention! Oh la la!

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Audrey has been a French teacher for more than ten years now, and a cheese-lover all her life. She comes from the west of France, and after living 2 years in Spain and 4 years in Oxford in England, she has just settled in the heart of France, in Auvergne, a land of cheese, rugby, Michelin tyres and ancient volcanoes. Audrey definitely prefers the first one. She speaks French, Spanish and English, and just started German, nothing better to understand her students who tremble at the French grammar! When she is not teaching, she tries to find time to cook or sing in a choir. She loves to invite people to her house to feed them and trap them with musical blind tests designed and adapted to her guests! Find out more about her on her website and LinkedIn.

French Subject (Personal) Pronouns

By •

personal pronouns chart

je I nous we tu you (singular familiar) vous you (singular formal + plural) il, elle, on he, she, one ils, elles they (masculine only or mixed, they female only

personal pronouns – meanings & examples

If you’re new to learning French you’ll have to learn the subject or personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles. A subject pronoun is the person who carries out an action on a verb. When formulating sentences, a subject pronoun often starts the sentence, he goes, she eats, etc.

Now let’s learn about the subject pronouns individually and look at some example sentences.

je – I

Je simply means I. In grammatical terms je is called the “first person singular.” When je is the first word of a sentence it needs to be capitalized. However, unlike English, when je appears in the middle of a sentence it doens’t need to be capitalized.

par example:

Je parle français. I speak French.

I speak French. Il ne sait pas quand j’arrive. He doesn’t know when I’m arriving.

tu – you (singular familiar)

Tu is you singular. In grammatical terms tu is called the “second person singular.” This means you use tu when addressing one single individual and not two or more. Familiar means that you use tu with and individual who you know and are comfortable being around or a child. Do not use tu with strangers!

par example:

Est-ce que tu aimes Paris? Do you like Paris?

Do you like Paris? Tu viens d’où? Where are you from?

il/elle/on – he, she, one

Il means he, elle means she and on can me “one” or we. This line is called the “third-person singular.” Examples of il and elle.

C’est Marie. Elle est intelligente. It’s Marie. She’s intelligent.

It’s Marie. She’s intelligent. C’est Martin. Il est professeur. It’s Martin. He’s a teacher.

Unlike English, tangible objects can be referred to with il and elle.

C’est un vélo. Il est bleu. It’s a bike. It’s blue.

It’s a bike. It’s blue. C’est une pizza. Elle est chaude. It’s a pizza. It’s hot.

Here you can find an entire lesson c’est vs. il est/elle est.

The pronoun “on” means one or we. Discussing on is opening a whole can of worms! Here are a few quick examples.

Speed up your learning with the right audio course My friend, Camille, at has helped thousands of students to build a solid base in their French speaking since 1999. She is now offering all of her audio courses at 20% off until Monday, August 8th. Click here to learn more!

On mange à 17h00? Shall we eat at 5pm?

Shall we eat at 5pm? On va chez toi? Shall we go to your place?

Shall we go to your place? En France on parle français. French is spoken in France.

Here you can find an entire lesson on the subject pronoun on.

nous – we

The subject pronoun nous means we and there’s not much to explain. Grammatically, nous is called the “first-person plural”.

par example:

Nous commençons à 18h00 ce soir. We’re starting at 6pm tonight.

We’re starting at 6pm tonight. Nous savons où nous sommes. We know where we are.

vous – (singular formal + plural)

In French you use vous for an individual who you don’t know or know every well or one or more people (you guys or y’all in English).

par example:

Pourriez-vous m’aider? Can you help me?

Can you help me? Est-ce que vous comprennez? Do you understand?

Do you understand? Bonjour madame, comment allez-vous? Hello, ma’am. How are you?

Here you can read an entire article describing the differences between tu and vous.

ils, elles – they

Ils and elles both mean they. These are referred to as the “third-person plural”. Ils is used to refer to a group of males only or a group of males and females. Elles refers to a group of women only. If there are 99 women and one single man, use ils!

par example:

Je connais Marie et Pierre mais je ne sais pas où ils habitent.

I know Marie and Pierre but I don’t know where they live.

I know Marie and Pierre but I don’t know where they live. J’adore l’équipe feminine de rugby. Elles vont gagner!

I love the women’s rugby team. They’re going to win!

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