Top 14 How To Feel Better After Mdma The 175 New Answer

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The MDMA Comedown Guide – \”Never Have a Comedown Again\”
The MDMA Comedown Guide – \”Never Have a Comedown Again\”


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  • Summary of article content: Articles about WHAT CAUSES A COMEDOWN? – AVOIDING & COPING WITH THE POST-PARTY BLUES — Users News (UN) A lot of people experience rollercoaster emotions after partying all weekend and, in particular, MDMA has a reputation for causing savage … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for WHAT CAUSES A COMEDOWN? – AVOIDING & COPING WITH THE POST-PARTY BLUES — Users News (UN) A lot of people experience rollercoaster emotions after partying all weekend and, in particular, MDMA has a reputation for causing savage … A lot of people experience rollercoaster emotions after partying all
    weekend and, in particular, MDMA has a reputation for causing savage

    Here are some of the different methods for bouncing back and avoiding
    comedowns altogether.

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How to Recover From an Ecstasy Hangover: Tips and Cures|Serenity

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about How to Recover From an Ecstasy Hangover: Tips and Cures|Serenity The ecstasy hangover or comedown is a wespread phenomenon for regular users and people who use the drug for the first time. It is typically used by younger … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for How to Recover From an Ecstasy Hangover: Tips and Cures|Serenity The ecstasy hangover or comedown is a wespread phenomenon for regular users and people who use the drug for the first time. It is typically used by younger … The hangover from ecstasy can be really uncomfortable. Learn how to deal with a hangover from ecstasy right here.
  • Table of Contents:

What Is Ecstasy

What Can Be Done to Counter the Effects of an Mdma Hangover

How to Recover From an Ecstasy Hangover: Tips and Cures|Serenity
How to Recover From an Ecstasy Hangover: Tips and Cures|Serenity

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Molly Side Effects, Long-Term Risks, & MDMA Comedown | Greenhouse

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Molly Side Effects, Long-Term Risks, & MDMA Comedown | Greenhouse As a result, Molly drug effects can encompass a we range of symptoms, including those that are desirable, undesirable, and sometimes dangerous. When ecstasy … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Molly Side Effects, Long-Term Risks, & MDMA Comedown | Greenhouse As a result, Molly drug effects can encompass a we range of symptoms, including those that are desirable, undesirable, and sometimes dangerous. When ecstasy … See Molly/MDMA side effects, long-term risks, and comedown symptoms. Learn about how long Molly lasts and more.
  • Table of Contents:

The Effects of Molly on the Brain

The Short-Term Effects of a Molly High

Dangerous Side Effects of Molly

Molly Comedown The Aftereffects

Long-Term Effects of Molly

The Dangers of a Molly Overdose

Why Get Help

Molly Side Effects, Long-Term Risks, & MDMA Comedown | Greenhouse
Molly Side Effects, Long-Term Risks, & MDMA Comedown | Greenhouse

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What to do About a Bad Molly Comedown

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about What to do About a Bad Molly Comedown Molly comedowns are notoriously uncomfortable and even painful at times. But there are steps you can take to make it more tolerable. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for What to do About a Bad Molly Comedown Molly comedowns are notoriously uncomfortable and even painful at times. But there are steps you can take to make it more tolerable. Molly comedowns are notoriously uncomfortable and even painful at times. But there are steps you can take to make it more tolerable. Follow this link for more.
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Here are six tips for coping with a molly comedown

1 Rehydrate Religiously

2 Try to Eat Something

3 Consume Antioxidant-Rich Foods

4 Take a Magnesium Tablet

5 Replenish Your Supply of Neurotransmitters

6 Get Some Rest

Have Painful Molly Comedowns Become Part of Your Life

What to do About a Bad Molly Comedown
What to do About a Bad Molly Comedown

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MDMA (ecstasy) | healthdirect

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about MDMA (ecstasy) | healthdirect MDMA (ecstasy) is an illicit drug which can give a euphoric rush, but which has dangerous se effects. Learn about its physical effects and risks posed by … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for MDMA (ecstasy) | healthdirect MDMA (ecstasy) is an illicit drug which can give a euphoric rush, but which has dangerous se effects. Learn about its physical effects and risks posed by … MDMA (ecstasy) is an illicit drug which can give a euphoric rush, but which has dangerous side effects. Learn about its physical effects and risks posed by MDMA use.
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On this page

What is MDMA

What are the effects of taking MDMA

What can go wrong with MDMA

Can MDMA cause long-term problems

What if I use other drugs or alcohol together with MDMA

Can I become dependent on MDMA

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MDMA (ecstasy) | healthdirect
MDMA (ecstasy) | healthdirect

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After the High | The DEA: The definitive guide to MDMA (molly, ecstasy)

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about After the High | The DEA: The definitive guide to MDMA (molly, ecstasy) After the High: Rest and Recovery. Well, you d it. Swallowed a strange little pill…and something about the world changed. Maybe you danced wildly, … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for After the High | The DEA: The definitive guide to MDMA (molly, ecstasy) After the High: Rest and Recovery. Well, you d it. Swallowed a strange little pill…and something about the world changed. Maybe you danced wildly, …
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After the High | The DEA:  The definitive guide to MDMA (molly, ecstasy)
After the High | The DEA: The definitive guide to MDMA (molly, ecstasy)

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Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment?

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment? MDMA, commonly know as ecstasy or molly, may cause depression or anxiety. But researchers are investigating to see if it might one day be an … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment? MDMA, commonly know as ecstasy or molly, may cause depression or anxiety. But researchers are investigating to see if it might one day be an … MDMA, commonly know as ecstasy or molly, may cause depression or anxiety. But researchers are investigating to see if it might one day be an effective treatment as well.mdma depression
  • Table of Contents:

What is MDMA

Is MDMA legal

Does MDMA cause depression

Does MDMA cause anxiety

Can MDMA be used to treat depression or anxiety

What are the risks of taking MDMA

See your doctor

The bottom line

Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment?
Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment?

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Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment?

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  • Reviews from users: 32671 ⭐ Ratings
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment? Ecstasy AKA E, ex, E and C, eccy, MDMA, adam, XTC, love drug, eggs, pills … them feel good but often people … Tingling feelings in the arms and legs. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment? Ecstasy AKA E, ex, E and C, eccy, MDMA, adam, XTC, love drug, eggs, pills … them feel good but often people … Tingling feelings in the arms and legs. MDMA, commonly know as ecstasy or molly, may cause depression or anxiety. But researchers are investigating to see if it might one day be an effective treatment as well.mdma depression
  • Table of Contents:

What is MDMA

Is MDMA legal

Does MDMA cause depression

Does MDMA cause anxiety

Can MDMA be used to treat depression or anxiety

What are the risks of taking MDMA

See your doctor

The bottom line

Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment?
Does MDMA Cause Depression and Anxiety, or Is It a Future Treatment?

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403 Forbidden

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about 403 Forbidden
    Physical symptoms can include nausea, headaches, exhaustion and reduced appetite while flatness of mood, irritability and stress are common … …
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    Physical symptoms can include nausea, headaches, exhaustion and reduced appetite while flatness of mood, irritability and stress are common …
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 403 Forbidden
403 Forbidden

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The Hangover From MDMA Skips a Day

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about The Hangover From MDMA Skips a Day I’ve always consered myself lucky since I don’t experience the typical MDMA hangover. The day after rolling, I don’t feel depressed like … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for The Hangover From MDMA Skips a Day I’ve always consered myself lucky since I don’t experience the typical MDMA hangover. The day after rolling, I don’t feel depressed like … Can it be eliminated altogether?
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The Hangover From MDMA Skips a Day
The Hangover From MDMA Skips a Day

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Burnt out, crying over spilt milk, swearing you’ll never take drugs again – sounds like you’re coming down! A lot of people experience rollercoaster emotions after partying all weekend and, in particular, MDMA has a reputation for causing savage comedowns.

Below, we’ll look at some of the different methods for bouncing back after a big weekend, and some steps you can take to help avoid comedowns altogether.

Comedowns will differ from person to person. For some, it may be no worse than feeling like you are suffering from a sluggish hangover. Others may experience total emotional ruination that can last up to a week.

When it comes to MDMA comedowns, people like to throw around the age-old one-liner:”what goes up must come down”. Luckily for us, this may not be as true as once thought. Recent research from the Imperial College London has suggested that MDMA can potentially be taken in a way that avoids comedowns. The same study also provided some evidence that MDMA can produce an “afterglow” effect – which is what some people who use it have been saying on internet forums for years.

Why then do so many of us feel like human trash the next day? Well, recent studies supported by anecdotal reports indicate that MDMA comedowns are strongly related to:

Contaminated or impure MDMA

Excessive dosing or certain drug combinations

Sleep loss

Not taking care of your health before and after partying

With this in mind, the following information could help make ‘the Monday blues,’ ‘Suicide Tuesdays’ and ‘Wasted Wednesdays’ a thing of the past for you.


Sleep is super important, and how much of it you get plays a massive part in how you feel both physically and mentally. Anecdotal evidence has long suggested that many of the most common comedown symptoms may be the result of not enough sleep, rather than the MDMA itself.

This belief has been backed-up with evidence in recent clinical trials of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treating alcohol dependence. Preliminary results, shared by Dr. Ben Sessa, found “No post-dosing mood drop in the 7-days after medical MDMA.” He instead suggested that post-party comedowns are “an artefact of sleep loss, excessive exercise and concomitant drug use.”

So what’s the lesson here? To reduce the chance of comedown, avoid mixing drugs, take regular breaks when dancing, and try to get at least 9 hours of sleep the night before, and the night after, taking MDMA.


Supplements can help to reduce comedown symptoms, reduce side effects and even help with neuroprotection. Things like vitamin c, antioxidants and magnesium can all help to fight off the comedown, as they can protect you against drug-induced damage to the brain and body before it occurs.

While there is plenty of information out there about supplements to use with MDMA, it is essential to remember that, primarily due to prohibition, much of this information is anecdotal. Refer to page 32 for our complete MDMA supplements guide.


Although still rare, the most common causes of serious illness surrounding MDMA seem to be severe overheating and (ironically) people drinking far too much water out of fear of that overheating.

Generally, it is recommended that you drink: around 500ml of water per hour if active and around 250ml an hour when inactive. It can be a good idea to supplement some of your water intake with drinks that contain electrolytes (sports drinks and coconut water are good options).

Avoiding dehydration will help to fight off some of those physical comedown symptoms. To know if you are hydrated keep an eye on the colour of your pee – dark yellow means dehydrated, very light yellow or clear means too hydrated. You want it to be straw-coloured, similar to the shade of yellow on this page!


Different people experience different drugs in different ways – so it is vital that you know yourself and your limits. It is important to be smart about your use and practice harm reduction where possible. Some of the most important things to think about:

Get your MDMA tested. Seeing we don’t yet have access to lab-quality testing, get a reagent testing kit to use at home (Head to page 72 for more information about reagent test kits).

Take safer dosages, perhaps less than 180mg total during a session for a male or 120mg for a female/smaller person.

Don’t mix MDMA with other drugs that have comedowns.

Start low, go slow and don’t re-dose for at least 2-3 hours.

Take breaks between consecutive MDMA sessions: at least not more than every 3 weeks, but preferably keeping it to max once every 3 months.


Having a healthy, well-balanced diet is just plain good for you. And it will make you better able to cope with whatever morning-after effects you’re dealing with.

You may not have much of an appetite the next day, so being well-nourished before you start will ease the suffering later. Consider having a hearty and healthy meal about 4 hours before you take MDMA. This way, the food will be digested before you take MDMA, but you will also have food in your system. Eating is particularly important if you’re planning on dancing or being active.

You probably won’t feel like eating directly after rolling, but try getting something down. We suggest drinking your nutrition before crashing – green smoothies are perfect for this. Trust us, you’ll feel better for it.


Even if you do your best to follow all the advice in this article, unfortunately you could still end up an emotional wreck and feeling like your brain is made of mashed potato.

While it might be tempting to fight your comedown with more drugs and keep the party going, doing so isn’t a good idea and won’t help in the long run. This is the time to practice some self-care. What’s your favourite way to chill out? What do you need to recover? Everyone will have something different that works for them, but some of our favourite comedown tips include:

Binge watching some mindless show on Netflix.

Having a bath – maybe use that bath bomb you have had lying around the house for the last 3 years.

Skincare! A hydrating face mask can bring you back to life after big weekend.

Lip balm is great to counteract the last 48 hours of drug-induced lip-licking and sunburn.

Joints shared with friends (if that’s your thing)Cuddling up in bed with someone else who’s coming down.

Emotional support.

Smoothies! Lived experience suggests bananas, berries, peanut butter and soy milk are a good combo.

NOT MAKING LIFE CHANGING-DECISIONS. Trust us, it can wait till later.

Basically, just chill out on the drugs for a bit, be kind to yourself, and try not to be too much of a prick to the people you love around you. Comedowns doesn’t last forever, but the memories of a good night will!

How to Recover From an Ecstasy Hangover (Tips and Cures)

After a hard night of partying, the day after can be brutal. The morning after using ecstasy will often leave a person feeling extremely apathetic, depressed, lethargic, and depleted or empty.

The ecstasy hangover or comedown is a widespread phenomenon for regular users and people who use the drug for the first time. It is typically used by younger people who find that it increases their sociability, makes them more empathetic or sensitive to others’ feelings, increases their energy, and provides a strong sense of euphoria.

It is not just the actions of the drug ecstasy that lead to the harsh comedown the following day, but many individuals who use ecstasy typically use it with other drugs, particularly alcohol. They often spend the night dancing and partying, very often in social situations where there is quite a crowd.

The crowd often results in the venue being extremely hot. People who use ecstasy already have increased their heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature as a result of using the drug. Using the drug in crowded venues where the temperature is high can also lead to dehydration.

What Is Ecstasy?

The book Ecstasy: The Clinical, Pharmacological and Neurotoxicological Effects of the Drug MDMA describes many of the properties of the drug known to many as ecstasy or Molly. It is a complex drug, technically known as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (abbreviated as MDMA), that was initially developed and used in the treatment of individuals who had certain types of mental health disorders.

The drug was not believed to be useful in these situations and was eventually discontinued; however, current clinical trials continue to investigate its treatment potential for psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

When the drug is abused, it produces both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. MDMA became a popular drug of abuse because it was found that it produced significant euphoria, made people feel more sociable, and also increased their energy levels. The drug became very popular on the nightclub scene with adolescents and young adults, but it has since lost some of its popularity.

At one time, Molly was considered to be a purer form of MDMA. The names ecstasy and Molly are often used interchangeably now.

MDMA is synthetically produced. Private individuals manufacture most of the MDMA sold on the street.

Today, the drug sold on the street as ecstasy or Molly is often not pure. It is laced with other substances, including bath salts, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), caffeine, and amphetamines.

Even though there are ongoing clinical trials investigating the use of MDMA as a potential treatment for psychiatric disorders, the substance is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), indicating that it is illegal to produce any amount of the drug, and the drug cannot be obtained legally, even from a physician.

The mechanism of action of MDMA affects several different neurotransmitter systems, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Using MDMA releases these transmitters in vast quantities in the brain and spinal cord.

It is the mechanism of action of MDMA that is responsible for both its desired effects in those who abuse the drug and the crash or hangover that occurs after the effects begin to wear off.

Once the drug is metabolized in the system, the large amounts of neurotransmitters that were released suddenly become depleted, resulting in a crash that can include severe depression, lack of motivation, a feeling of emptiness (apathy), significant energy loss, lethargy, and even feelings of hopelessness and potential suicidal ideation.

When the drug is combined with other drugs like alcohol that also have the potential to produce hangover-type effects, these effects may be increased.

What Can Be Done to Counter the Effects of an Mdma Hangover?

If a person has already taken the drug and is beginning to feel the effects of the crash the following day, the only sure cure for the hangover associated with MDMA is the passing of time.

For most people, within 10 to 24 hours, the drug will be metabolized to a sufficient point, and the effects will have started to wear off. The resulting depletion of neurotransmitters will slowly be reversed, and the person will gradually begin to feel better within a short period.

The actual time that the hangover effects will take to wear off in any person will be variable depending on the individual, how much of the drug they used, if they combined the drug with other substances, and other factors. Typically, most people will find that the intense discomfort is gone within one to two days. Residual effects may continue for several days.

Some methods might help to counter some of the effects of an ecstasy hangover. Some are listed below.

Sleeping it off is one way to deal with the effects of MDMA hangover. Typically, sleeping for eight hours or more may reduce the effects of the comedown. This approach capitalizes on the above-mentioned “time” issue.

Taking smaller doses of the drug may reduce the hangover effects. Taking smaller doses may also reduce the desired effects one wants to achieve when they use the drug. This is considered a dangerous approach without physician supervision.

Do not use MDMA with other drugs that also have the potential to produce hangovers like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or opiates.

Some sources suggest taking supplements, particularly serotonin or tryptophan, to reduce the crash associated with MDMA. There is no scientific research that any type of supplements will achieve this effect, and any endorsements of this method are anecdotal at best.

Hydrating with water or electrolyte-containing fluids may help one’s metabolism to run more smoothly. This may reduce the length of the hangover.

Eating low-fat and low-sugar food may boost metabolism, and this may speed up the recovery process.

Use ecstasy less often to avoid potential hangover effects associated with the drug.

The last recommendation is actually the best one to avoid experiencing any detrimental effects associated with using MDMA. The best way to avoid an ecstasy hangover is not to use the drug. People who believe they have developed a substance use disorder as a result of their ecstasy use should seek professional treatment.

Molly Side Effects, Long-Term Risks, & MDMA Comedown

Molly may have an innocent-enough sounding name, but this synthetic drug is guilty of having both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties.

It’s often sold as a powder-filled capsule, and this form of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA/ecstasy) is supposedly the “purest” form of MDMA; however, Molly capsules often contain adulterant substances and, in some cases, may contain no MDMA at all.1 As a result, Molly drug effects can encompass a wide range of symptoms, including those that are desirable, undesirable, and sometimes dangerous.

The Effects of Molly on the Brain

Most of Molly’s effects are thought to primarily result from increases in the activity of 3 neurotransmitters in the brain:1




Dopamine release is associated with pleasurable feelings and the reinforcement of behaviors that led to them. The effects of MDMA, ecstasy, and Molly on this neurotransmitter can increase feelings of energy and happiness while activating the brain’s reward system encouraging repeated use.1 While increases in dopamine levels can lead to psychological changes, increased activity of norepinephrine can raise blood pressure and heart rate.1

Many of the effects of Molly (both desirable and unwanted) are also said to be the result of its influence on the serotonin system, which is involved with regulating not just mood, but sexual behavior, aggression, sensitivity to pain, sleep, and memory.1,2

Most often, users will ingest Molly orally. Many people begin to feel a euphoric high in about 20 to 40 minutes, with effects peaking in intensity within approximately 90 minutes of ingestion.3

The Short-Term Effects of a Molly High

The high from ecstasy, or Molly, is often characterized by a series of pleasurable symptoms for users.

Some common Molly high effects include:1

Elevated mood.

Increased sense of alertness.

Heightened energy.

Enhanced sense of physical touch.

Most notably, Molly is associated with heightened feelings of love, trust, empathy, and sexual desire. This may be due to the increased serotonin activity that Molly initiates throughout specific brain systems.1 The initial Molly high typically lasts between 3 and 6 hours.1

Dangerous Side Effects of Molly

While the ecstasy high may bring on feelings of love and desire, not all the effects are so pleasurable. A person can experience numerous adverse effects while intoxicated by MDMA.2

Some potential Molly side effects include:2,3

Blurry vision.

Abnormal eye movements (nystagmus).


Hypertension (high blood pressure).

Rapid pulse and breathing rates.

Tense muscles.

Jaw and/or teeth clenching.



Hyperthermia (especially when dancing) which may result in life-threatening problems with the kidneys, heart, or liver.

Heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Severe dehydration (increased risk when alcohol is consumed in combination with Molly).

Electrolyte imbalances from excessive water consumption to combat dehydration.

Molly Comedown: The Aftereffects

As Molly wears off, the user may be faced with the dreaded MDMA comedown, a series of Molly aftereffects that often include negative and uncomfortable symptoms.

During a Molly comedown, users may experience a variety of symptoms, including:1

Feelings of depression.


Irritability and aggression.


Loss of appetite.



Memory problems.

Impaired ability to pay attention.

Loss of interest in sex.

Some users describe coming down from Molly as “suicide Tuesday” due to the associated anxiety and depression.4 Ecstasy use is particularly troubling in the adolescent population, as evidence has shown that young people who use ecstasy attempt suicide at higher rates than adolescents who use drugs other than MDMA or those who don’t use drugs at all.

Long-Term Effects of Molly

Along with the short-term aftereffects of Molly, repeated use of this drug may also lead to long-term consequences.

Possible long-term effects of Molly use include:2,3,5

Impulsive behaviors.


Cognitive impairment, including memory problems.

Disrupted sleep.


Drug cravings.


Severe anxiety.


Risky sexual behavior resulting in unwanted pregnancy or STDs.

Impaired ability to perform sexually.

Dental problems due to teeth clenching.

A relative depletion of serotonin in the brain.

Many substances influence the activity of serotonin, but Molly is unique in the rapid changes to this neurotransmitter system its use results in, which may result in particularly long-lasting decreases in serotonin activity.6

Primates exposed only briefly to MDMA were shown to have a lowered number of serotonergic neurons 7 years later. Reduced serotonin is thought to play a role in the depression, anxiety, memory impairment, and confusion commonly seen with chronic users of MDMA.6

The Dangers of a Molly Overdose

Along with the potential short-term side effects and long-term risks, overdosing on MDMA, Molly, or ecstasy is possible. Even a “normal” dose of Molly could be too much, leading to acute health conditions including:1-3

Heat stroke.

Dangerous dehydration.

Heart damage.

Heat Stroke

One potentially lethal complication associated with MDMA use is heat stroke. MDMA-based drugs have been known to elevate body temperature up to 108 degrees Fahrenheit.3 For adults, a body temperature around 100 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a fever while 103 is a high-grade fever; hyperpyrexia, or dangerously high fever, begins at 106 degrees.7

When Molly elevates the core body temperature enough, serious adverse health events including muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), failure of the kidneys, or even deadly brain swelling (often in women) have been reported.5


Hyponatremia may develop when Molly users attempt to counter dehydration by drinking a lot of water. The intake of too much water can essentially dilute electrolyte levels—leading to dangerously low serum sodium concentrations which could lead to numerous problems such as confusion, nausea, muscle cramps, seizures, and death.8

Why Get Help?

Even taking the drug just once can be deadly, and if a person uses Molly consistently, they may be at risk of developing persistent neurochemical changes that could lead to chronic depression and other mental health issues.

Prolonged abstinence from this drug may lessen or reverse the negative effects of long-term Molly use. If you struggle with an addiction to MDMA, a rehabilitation program can help you take the first step toward your recovery.

At Greenhouse Treatment Center, our inpatient rehab in Dallas has experienced and licensed medical staff to help patients undergo treatment specific to their needs. Together we can help you reach long-term sobriety while avoiding the dangers of an overdose and the pain from the aftereffects of Molly. If you or a loved one are seeking help for an addiction to Molly, call today to speak with an admissions navigator and start treatment.

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