Four Whole Numbers Are Rounded To The Nearest 10? 287 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “four whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 711 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

77 rounded to the nearest ten is 80.So 67 is rounded up to 70. So the height of the book is 70 cm when we round it to the nearest 10 cm.

Four whole numbers are each rounded to the nearest 10, which means each number can go +5 or -5.

And then the maximum number is 90 + (5 x 4) is equal to 110.
  • Or if the rounded up no. were 10,20,30,30.
  • The sum of these numbers is 90.
  • They can go up to 15,25,35,35.
  • So the sum of this is 110.
4 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line
  • Determine the two consecutive multiples of 10 that bracket 4.
  • 4 is between 0 and 10.
  • 5 is the midpoint between 0 and 10.
  • As illustrated on the number line, 4 is less than the midpoint (5)
  • Therefore, 4 rounded to the nearest ten = 0.

Whats 4 rounded to the nearest 10?

4 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line
  • Determine the two consecutive multiples of 10 that bracket 4.
  • 4 is between 0 and 10.
  • 5 is the midpoint between 0 and 10.
  • As illustrated on the number line, 4 is less than the midpoint (5)
  • Therefore, 4 rounded to the nearest ten = 0.

What is 77 to the nearest 10?

77 rounded to the nearest ten is 80.

What is round 67 to the nearest 10?

So 67 is rounded up to 70. So the height of the book is 70 cm when we round it to the nearest 10 cm.

How do you round 338 to the nearest 10?

338 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line
  1. Determine the two consecutive multiples of 10 that bracket 338.
  2. 338 is between 330 and 340.
  3. 335 is the midpoint between 330 and 340.
  4. As illustrated on the number line, 338 is greater than the midpoint (335)
  5. Therefore, 338 rounded to the nearest ten = 340.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

« Previous 1 / 1 Next » Rounds to the nearest ten Rounds to the nearest ten | 3rd class | Khan Academy rounding on a number line « Previous 1 / 1 Next »

What is 23718 rounded to the nearest ten thousand calculator?

Rounding 23718 to the nearest ten thousand will give 20000 .

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

This rounding to the nearest thousand calculator actually consists of three calculators:

A round to the nearest thousand calculator;

Calculator; A round to the nearest ten thousand calculator; and

Calculator; and Rounding to the nearest hundred thousand calculator.

To use them, enter your number and all three will appear to you instantly. In addition, you can switch between different rounding types in advanced mode.

Read on to learn more about rounding. First of all, what does rounding mean? Rounding is a technique used to reduce the precision of a number so you just have to treat it in a simpler form. For example, the number 125,673 is probably not very helpful most of the time. Therefore, it would make sense to round to the nearest thousand – 126,000.

Don’t worry if this still sounds confusing, we have prepared some examples to demonstrate how rounding to the nearest thousand works.

What is the nearest ten of 125?

125 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line
  • Determine the two consecutive multiples of 10 that bracket 125.
  • 125 is between 120 and 130.
  • As illustrated on the number line, 125 is the midpoint between 120 and 130.
  • Therefore, 125 rounded to the nearest ten = 130.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

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What is 30 to the nearest 10?

30 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line
  • As illustrated on the number line, 30 is a multiple of 10.
  • Therefore, 30 rounded to the nearest ten = 30.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

« Previous 1 / 1 Next » Rounds to the nearest ten Rounds to the nearest ten | 3rd class | Khan Academy rounding on a number line « Previous 1 / 1 Next »

What is 78 to the nearest 10?

78 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line
  • Determine the two consecutive multiples of 10 that bracket 78.
  • 78 is between 70 and 80.
  • 75 is the midpoint between 70 and 80.
  • As illustrated on the number line, 78 is greater than the midpoint (75)
  • Therefore, 78 rounded to the nearest ten = 80.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

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What is 46 to the nearest 10?

To the nearest tens, 46 rounded to 50 .

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

round numbers

We can round numbers to a specified precision or to a specified unit place. This is used to make calculations easier to perform and results easier to understand when exact values ​​are not that important.

First you need to remember your place values.

rounding of whole numbers

Numbers can be rounded to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.

When rounding a number, first identify the rounding digit. Then follow the following two rules.

(a) If the number to the right of the rounding digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (i.e. less than 5), keep the rounding digit and change the remaining digits to the right to the rounding digit down to zero.

Example: Round 234 to the nearest hundred. First identify the rounding digit. 2 34 Now look at the digit directly to the right of it. The number in the hundreds place is 2 and the number to the right of 2 is 3 . Since 3 is less than 5, keep 2 as is and change the remaining digits on the right to zero. So, to the nearest hundreds, 234 is rounded to 200.

Example: To the nearest tens, 43 rounded to 40. To the nearest hundreds, 619 rounded to 600. To the nearest thousands, 3367 rounded to 3000.

( b ) If the number to the right of the rounding digit is 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 or 9 (i.e. greater than or equal to 5 ), then add one to the rounding digit and change the remaining digits up to the rounding digit to zero.

Example: Round 261 to the nearest hundred. First identify the rounding digit. 2 61 Now look at the number directly to the right of it. The number in the hundreds place is 2 and the number to the right of 2 is 6 . Since 6 is greater than 5, add 1 to 2 and change the remaining digits on the right to zero. So, to the nearest hundred, 261 is rounded to 300.

Example: To the nearest tens, 46 rounded to 50. To the nearest hundreds, 353 is rounded to 400. To the nearest thousands, 4732 rounded to 5000.

See also rounding decimal places.

What is 5 rounded to the nearest tenth?

Rounding To the Nearest Tenth

Then, if it is 5 or higher, you get to add one to the tenths digit. If it is 4 or lower, the tenths digit remains the same. For example, 3.58 can be rounded to 3.6 because the hundredths place digit, 8 is greater than or equal to 5.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

Once you get the hang of rounding numbers, you’ll start using it every day, from balancing your checkbook to estimating your grocery bill. In this post, we will show you how to round to the nearest tenth (or any decimal place).

What does rounding numbers mean?

Rounding numbers makes it easier to work with a number, but is still close to the original value. However, since you are changing the place value of some digits, the rounded number is only a guess – not the exact correct answer.

The same applies to rounding decimals or numbers after the decimal point.

Let’s see what each place value digit represents:

The ones place represents the whole numbers you typically use to count something, like apples (4.0 apples = four apples).

The tenth digit represents one tenth of an item, as if you were to divide a pizza into 10 equal slices to share (0.2 of a pizza = two slices of a 10 slice pizza).

The hundredths place represents one hundredth of something. In the United States, our currency is set up so that a penny or cent is worth one-hundredth of a dollar (1 penny = $0.01).

Round to the nearest tenth

If you want to round a number to a specific digit, just look at the digit immediately to the right of it. For example, if you want to round to the nearest tenth, look to the right of the tenths place: this would be the hundredths place. Then if it’s 5 or higher, you can add one to the tenths digit. If it’s 4 or lower, the tenths place stays the same.

For example, 3.58 can be rounded to 3.6 because the hundreds digit 8 is greater than or equal to 5.

3.32 would be rounded to 3.3 because the hundredths place 2 is less than 5.

Rounding to the nearest hundredth

The same applies to rounding to the nearest hundredth. For example, take the number 14,225.

The hundreds digit is 2, and we want to determine whether to keep it the same or round it up.

The thousandths place is 5. Because it’s 5 or greater, 14.225 is rounded to 14.23.

Rounding over the decimal place

Does this also apply to the decimal place? You bet. If you want to round to the nearest whole number—another way of saying unity or units—look at the first digit to the right of the decimal point. Right, that’s the tenth digit.

4.0 is rounded to 4 because 0 is less than 5.

4.3 also rounds to 4 because 3 is less than 5.

4.6 is rounded to 5 because 6 is greater than or equal to 5.

A rule to remember

Whether you’re to the left or right of the decimal point, or using slightly different definitions of rounding, the only digit you really need to pay attention to is the digit immediately to the right of the digit place you want to round to. When rounding to the tens place, look at the ones place. If you’re rounding to the nearest thousandth, look at the ten-thousandths.

And that’s it! Go forward with confidence and round it off no matter where you are on the number line.

What is the nearest ten of 3?

Since this number is less than 5, we round down the number, i.e. we round it off to the nearest 10 that comes before this number. So, 3 becomes 0 which by adding to 2 at the ten’s place, becomes 20. Hence, the number 23 after being rounded off to the nearest 10 is 20.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers


Numbers are used very frequently in our daily life. In general, we don’t have to give the exact number in response to the question that asks us to say how many. In other words, to simplify our calculations, we often approximate the numbers to some extent. It helps us give approximate answers when exact values ​​are not required. For example we can say that there are about 600 students in a school. This does not necessarily mean that a school has exactly 600 students. The exact number of students in the school may be around 600, which we have rounded to 600 for simplicity. Rounding up is also known as the abbreviation method. Another example can be if you are planning an event at home, you can simply estimate the number of guests to attend the event. A rough estimate of the number of people can be said to be 200. This does not mean that exactly 200 people will attend the event. This means we can round numbers to the nearest place value, say 10, 100, 1000, etc.

Let’s learn what we mean by rounding to the nearest 10. Let’s find out.

How do we round a number to the nearest 10?

Imagine two numbers, 22 and 29. If we plot these numbers on a number line, we find that both 22 and 29 are between 20 and 30. Also, 22 is closer to 20 while 29 is closer to 30. So we round 22 to 20. Correct to the nearest tens. If we account for 29, we round it down to the nearest 10, which equals 30. So we round 29 down to the nearest 30.

So we can say that rounding to the nearest 10 means we want to round the last two digits of a number, i.e. H. up to the tens place of a number.

From the above discussion we can see that there are two ways to round a number to the nearest 10. The two methods are –

Round up Round down

Let’s understand both methods one by one.

Round up

If the number in the tens place is followed by a 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, the number is rounded up.

Example – We want to round 5489 to the nearest 10.

Look for the digit in the tens place. it is 8

Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 9

3. Since this number is greater than 5, we round the number up, i. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 after that number. So 9 becomes 10, which when added to 8 in the tens place gives 90.

Therefore, the number 5489, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 5490

Note: Here we’ve raised the number to the nearest ten, which is why it’s called rounding up.

Let’s take another example.

Example – We want to round 7136 to the nearest 10.

Look for the digit in the tens place. it is 3

Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 6

3. Since this number is greater than 5, we round the number up, i. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 after that number. So 7 becomes 10, which when added to 6 in the tens place results in 70.

Therefore, the number 7136, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 71400

Now that we understand what we mean by rounding up, let’s understand what rounding down means.

round off

If the hundreds digit is followed by a 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, the number is rounded up.

Example – We want to round 2461 to the nearest 10.

Look for the digit in the tens place. it is 6

2. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 1.

3. Since this number is less than 5, we round the number down, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 before that number. So 1 becomes 0, which when added to 6 in the tens place results in 60.

Therefore, the number 2461, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 2460.

Note: Here we’ve moved the number down to the nearest ten, which is why it’s called rounding down.

Let’s consider another example

Example – We want to round 473 to the nearest 10.

Look for the digit in the tens place. it is 7

2. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 3.

3. Since this number is less than 5, we round the number down, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 before that number. So 3 becomes 0, which when added to 7 in the tens place results in 70.

Therefore, the number 473, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 470.

Graphic representation

Rounding to the nearest 10 can also be understood graphically, as shown below

First, it should be clear that when rounding to the nearest 10, the digit in the hundreds place must be examined.

Let’s take a number 74

This number is between 70 and 80. To round this number down, we either take it back to 70 or move it to 80. How do we decide where to go?

Look at the number line below –

The numbers that are in the red areas are rounded down to 70. Likewise, the numbers that fall within the blue areas are rounded up to 80. This is because the numbers are in the red areas, meaning the numbers between 71 and 74 are closer to 70 than they are to 80, so they are rounded down.

However, the numbers that fall between 75 and 79 are closer to 80, so they would be rounded up to 80.

So what are the rules for rounding a number to the nearest 10?

So what are the steps involved in rounding a number to the nearest 10? let’s find out

Steps to round a number down to the nearest 10

The following steps are required to round a number to the nearest 10 –

Get the number. Examine the digit in the ones place of the given number. If the digit in the ones place of the given number is less than 5, then replace the ones place with 0 and keep the other digits to the left of the tens place as they are. If the digit in the ones place of the given number is greater than or equal to 5, then replace the ones place with 0 and increment the tens place by 1 and keep the other digits to the left of the tens place as they are. If the digit in the tens place adds up to 10, then keep the 0 in the tens place and put the 1 in the hundreds place and add it to the digit in the hundreds place, similar to how you add it. The number thus obtained is the number formed by rounding a number to the nearest 10.

Rules for rounding a number to the nearest 10

Based on what we learned above, we can say that there are two rules for rounding a number to the nearest 10. These two rules are –

When rounding to the nearest ten, if the digit in the ones place is between 0 and 4, meaning that the ones place is 0 or less than or equal to 4, then the ones place is replaced with 0. which means that the ones digit is greater than or equal to 5 but less than or equal to 9, then the ones digit is replaced by ‘0’ and the tens digit is increased by 1.

So we can sum it up as –

We learned how to round whole numbers to the nearest 10. But what if we want to round a decimal number to the nearest 10? Do the same rules apply or do we do something different? let’s find out

Rounding decimals to the nearest 10

There are no special rules for rounding decimals to the nearest 10. This means that regardless of the number of digits after the decimal point, we round the number to the nearest 10, just like a whole number. Let’s understand it with an example.


Suppose we want to round the number 149,278 to the nearest tens place. How do we do that? let’s find out


Carefully note the given number 149.278. What number is in the tens place? The number is 4. Now let’s look at the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 9. We follow the same rule as for whole numbers.

Since this number is greater than 5, we round the number up, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 after that number. So 9 becomes 10, which when added to 4 in the tens place gives 50.

Therefore, the number 149.278, after being rounded to the nearest ten, is 71150.

Let’s consider another example.


Suppose we want to round the number 2153.189 to the nearest tens place. How do we do that? let’s find out


Pay close attention to the given number 2153.189. What number is in the tens place? The number is 5. Now let’s look at the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 3. We follow the same rule as for integers.

Since this number is less than 5, we round the number down, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 before that number. So 3 becomes 0, which when added to 5 in the tens place gives 50.

Therefore, the number 2153,189, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 2150.

Solved examples

Example 1 Round the integer 23 to the nearest 10

Solution We’ve been given the integer 23 and need to round it to the nearest 10. Let’s see how to do it based on what we learned above.

Examine the number 23. Look for the digit in the tens place. The number is 2. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 3.

Since this number is less than 5, we round the number down, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 before that number. So 3 becomes 0, which when added to 2 in the tens place results in 20.

Therefore, the number 23, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 20.

Graphically we can represent it as –

Example 2 Round the integer 57 to the nearest 10

Solution We’ve been given the integer 57, and we need to round it to the nearest 10. Let’s see how to do that based on what we learned above.

Examine the number 57. Look for the digit in the tens place. The number is 5. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 7.

Since this number is greater than 5, we round the number up, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 after that number. So 7 becomes 10, which when added to 5 in the tens place gives 60.

Therefore, the number 57, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 60.

Graphically we can represent it as –

Example 3 Round the integer 364 to the nearest 10

Solution We’ve been given the integer 364 and need to round it to the nearest 10. Let’s see how to do that based on what we learned above.

Examine the number 364. Look for the digit in the tens place. The number is 6. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 4.

Since this number is less than 5, we round the number down, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 before that number. So 4 becomes 0, which when added to 6 in the tens place results in 60.

Therefore, the number 364, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 360.

Graphically we can represent it as –

Example 4 Round the numbers 458 and 651 to the nearest 10. Find the sum of these numbers before you round after that as well. Also find the difference between the two sums.

Solution We received the numbers 458 and 651. We need to run the following –

Find the sum of 458 and 651 before rounding. Round the numbers 458 and 651 to the nearest 10. After rounding, find the sum of 458 and 651. Find the difference between the two totals.

Let’s do them one by one.

First let’s find the sum of the given numbers.

We have 458 + 651 = 1109 ……………………………… ( 1 )

Next we will round the numbers 458 and 651 to the nearest 10. We have,

Examine the number 651. Look for the digit in the tens place. The number is 5. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 1.

Since this number is less than 5, we round the number down, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 before that number. So 1 becomes 0, which, when added to 52, results in 50 in the tens place.

Therefore, the number 651, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 650.

Now let’s round 458 to the nearest 10.

Examine the number 458. Look for the digit in the tens place. The number is 5. Now find the digit to the right of the digit in the tens place. The number is 8.

Since this number is greater than 5, we round the number up, i.e. H. we round it up to the nearest 10 after that number. So 8 becomes 10, which when added to 5 in the tens place gives 60.

Therefore, the number 458, after being rounded to the nearest 10, is 460.

So we have,

Round 651 to the nearest tens place = 650

458 round down to the nearest 10 = 460 ………………………………… ( 2 )

Now let’s find the sum of the numbers obtained after rounding. We have,

650 + 450 = 1100 ……………………. (3)

Finally we find the difference between the sums obtained before and after rounding. Hence from (1) and (3) we have

1109 – 1100 = 9

Therefore, the difference between the sums obtained before and after rounding = 9

Key facts and summary

When rounding a number to the nearest tens, look at the UNITS DIGIT of the number.

Rounding to the nearest ten means that we want to round the last two digits of a number, i.e. to the tens of a number. If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round down to the nearest tens. (Round down) If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round up to the nearest ten. (Summarize)

Recommended worksheets

Rounding Whole Numbers (Tens and Hundreds) Worksheets (Sea Animals).

Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimal Numbers Worksheets (Basketball Themes).

Rounding whole numbers to the nearest tens and hundreds 3rd grade math worksheets

What is 2 rounded to the nearest tenth?

Rounding to Nearest Tenth Examples
Number Rounded to Nearest 10th
1.96 2
1.97 2
1.98 2
1.99 2

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

How do you calculate rounding to the nearest tenth?

If the digit after the tenth is greater than or equal to 5, add 1 to the tenth. Otherwise, remove the digit. example


The first decimal place is 5

The second digit after the decimal point is 8, which is greater than 5

So add 1 to 5

Result = 124.6

What is the rule for rounding to the nearest 10?

If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 40. If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30.

four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

A rounded number has approximately the same value as the number you start with, but is less precise.

For example, 341 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300. This is because the value of 341 is closer to 300 than 400. When rounded to the nearest dollar, $1.89 becomes $2.00 because $1.89 is closer to $2.00 than $1.00

rounding rules

Here is the general rule for rounding:

If the number to be rounded is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 40 1

Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten equals 40 If the number to be rounded is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30

What do you round to?

When rounding a number, you must first ask: What are you rounding it to? Numbers can be rounded to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, etc.

Consider the number 4,827.

4,827 rounded to the nearest ten equals 4,830

4,827 rounded to the nearest hundred is 4,800

4,827 rounded to the nearest thousand equals 5,000

All numbers to the right of where you round become zeros. Here are some more examples:

34 rounded to the nearest ten is 30

6,809 rounded to the nearest hundred is 6,800

1,951 rounded to the nearest thousand is 2,000

rounds and fractions

Rounding fractions works just like rounding whole numbers. The only difference is that instead of rounding to tens, hundreds, thousands, etc., you round to tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.

7.8199 rounded to the nearest tenth is 7.8

1.0621 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 1.06

3.8792 rounded to the nearest thousandth is 3.879

Here’s a tip: to avoid getting confused when rounding long decimals, just look at the number you’re rounding to and the number that follows it. For example, to round 5.3824791401 to the nearest hundredth, just look at the number in the hundredths place – 8 – and the number that follows – 2. Then you can easily round it to 5.38.

rounds and sums

Rounding can simplify totals. For example, at a grocery store, you can pick up items with the following prices:




If you want to know how much they would cost you can add up the prices with pen and paper or try to add them up in your head. Or you could do it the easy way – you could estimate by rounding to the nearest dollar, like this:




If you round up, you can easily calculate that it would take you about $6.00 to pay for your groceries. This is pretty close to the exact figure of $5.82.

As you can see, when working out a round sum, the quickest way is to round the numbers before adding them.

1. Some statisticians prefer to round 5 to the nearest even number. As a result, about half the time 5 is rounded up and about half the time is rounded down. That way, 26.5 rounded to the nearest even number would be 26 – it would be rounded down. And 77.5 rounded to the nearest even number would be 78 – it would be rounded up.

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Rounding to the Nearest 10

Rounding to the Nearest 10
Rounding to the Nearest 10

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Four whole numbers are each rounded to the nearest 10 , the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90 , what is the maximum possible sum of the original four …

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Four whole numbers are each rounded to the nearest 10 , the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90 , what is the maximum …

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4 rounded to the nearest ten with a number line

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four whole number are rounded to the nearest 10 . the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

Four whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10. the sum of the four rounded numbers is 90. what is the maximum possible sum of the original four numbers

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