Community Weight Loss Challenge? Best 267 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “community weight loss challenge“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

How do you do the weight loss challenge with friends?

How it works: Gather a group of friends and either set a pound or percentage weight-loss goal. Everyone in the challenge uses his or her own scale to weigh in daily, and then enters weights online using the honor system. If everyone loses the weight-loss wager, everyone pays.

How do you organize a group weight loss challenge?

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge
  1. Set the dates for the challenge. …
  2. Determine how to measure success. …
  3. Decide whether participants will enter the challenge individually or as teams. …
  4. Set the entry fee, if you’re going to have one. …
  5. Choose the prize.

What is the 30 day weight loss challenge?

The 30 Day Shred is a workout program designed by celebrity personal trainer Jillian Michaels. It consists of daily, 20-minute, high-intensity workouts done 30 days in a row and is claimed to help you lose up to 20 pounds (9 kg) in a month.

How do you do the weight loss challenge with coworkers?

Create a team-based fitness competition that brings coworkers together. Set up a company wide challenge with one common goal to build camaraderie (check out this secret to creating engaging fitness challenges) Provide a vending machine with healthy snacks. Encourage people to take walking meetings when they can.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

Wellness challenges are a great way to encourage healthy living habits, but not all challenge ideas will work. In particular, weight loss challenges should not be included in your wellness program.

Wellness is a very broad term and doesn’t just refer to losing weight through diet and exercise. In fact, wellness has 8 distinct dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, financial, and professional wellbeing. Focusing on all 8 dimensions in the workplace can create opportunities that motivate people to engage in healthy behaviors, which is the ultimate goal of any wellness program.

Read on to learn more about weight loss challenges and why not include them in your next wellness challenge. Click on the sections below to jump directly to your specific question.

What is a Weight Loss Challenge at Work?

A weight loss challenge at work can look different for everyone. They usually have a set time frame, weekly check-ins on the scales, and an overall winner. The main goal of weight loss challenges is to encourage people to eat healthier and exercise more. In most cases, the winner is based on the overall weight loss percentage, not the amount of pounds lost. Resources such as healthy meals, portion control tips, healthy snacks, different forms of exercise, etc. are also usually provided during the challenge. Some employers believe that weight loss challenges allow people to set personal goals and change their daily habits to make a difference in their own lives. However, this type of competition can make workers do whatever it takes to shed those extra pounds before they start to weigh in and develop bad behavioral habits.

As an employer, losing weight may seem harmless, but there are many other ways to motivate employees to make better lifestyle choices and improve their health.

Fast history of dieting/weight loss

In the 1900s, the idea of ​​dieting to lose weight emerged. It started with a businessman creating his own “chewing diet,” or chewing his food until it became runny to keep himself from overeating. Since then, dieting to shed a few extra pounds and extreme weight loss tactics have become a very prominent part of today’s world. Rather than focusing on behavior changes, the idea of ​​dieting has evolved into counting every calorie, restricting certain foods or food groups, and getting vigorous exercise.

The biggest problem with the word “diet” or “dieting” is the negative impact it can have on a person’s mental health. Bringing it to the workplace can increase employee stress levels. Instead of doing monthly weight loss challenges, look at other programs that contribute to healthy eating and exercise, but also involve other areas of life. Read on to learn more about how to prioritize employee health without hosting a weight loss contest!

Why Are Weight Loss Challenges Bad?

Weight loss challenges naturally focus on people trying to lose weight, but that’s not always a good approach for the office. Offering employees an incentive to lose weight causes people to develop unsustainable habits to achieve a certain weight and compete with peers. Promoting weight loss can result in participants damaging their relationship with their bodies, diet, exercise, and overall mental health. They foster a hostile environment that encourages weight distortion and stigma, and ends up doing more harm than good.

Weight loss challenges can also lower office morale and discourage people from participating in the company’s wellness program. In a Forbes article titled “4 reasons why weight loss challenges don’t belong at work,” weight loss challenges negatively impact people no matter where they are on the scale. According to this article, they normalize discrimination based on weight and height, create more stress than team building, can be triggers for people with disordered eating, and last but not least, negatively impact women in the workplace. They encourage participants to make a drastic change in their lives in a short period of time, leading people to develop unsustainable actions. For example, constantly tracking their diet, eating only low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, and low-fat foods, and exercising intensely.

More than ever, the stigma surrounding a person’s weight or height has drastically impacted people’s mental health and the way they view their bodies. No employer should put their employees in a position that forces them to lose weight or look a certain way. It is possible for a weight loss contest to ultimately damage a contestant’s emotional and physical health. Company wellness programs should be desirable for employees.

Alternatives to weight loss challenges at work

There are a number of different ways that employers can encourage healthy behavior changes without a weight loss challenge. In fact, these alternatives will have more commitment, higher morale, and overall better luck. Here is a list of 9 ideas that can be incorporated into any wellness regimen:

A complete health and fitness challenge focused on healthy eating and exercise

Challenge focuses on hydration and nutrition (just make sure you choose attractive Challenge prizes)

Simple step challenges that motivate employees to take more steps every day

Reward your employees every time they engage in a healthy activity, such as

Create a team-based fitness competition that brings employees together

Set up a company-wide challenge with a common goal to build camaraderie (check out this secret to creating engaging fitness challenges)

Provide a vending machine with healthy snacks

Encourage people to walk to meetings when they can

Hang wellness flyers around the office that promote the importance of healthy eating, being active, focusing on mental health and more

The more opportunities employees are given, the more excited they will be about participating in a wellness program. It is important to educate employees about the benefits of physical activity, healthy eating habits, sleep, hydration, sticking to a routine and taking care of their mental health. As an employer, remember that wellness is not one size fits all and looks different for everyone.

How a focus on wellness fits better

What exactly is wellness? Wellness is the practice of increasing personal health and well-being through a series of daily choices and activities. However, this practice is not defined by one thing. As already mentioned, there are 8 dimensions of wellness! These dimensions are all interconnected, meaning that what happens in one area can improve or affect another area. The dimensions are physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, financial and professional. For a better understanding of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing, you can read our blog post entitled What Does Wellness Mean?

Whether you’re senior management or a new hire, everyone benefits from a workplace that focuses on wellness. When a workplace fosters a culture that supports employee well-being, individuals are more productive and happier at work. A healthy environment contributes to the motivation of healthy employees. Healthy employees communicate better and boost morale in the office. Providing employees with resources that focus on all 8 dimensions of wellbeing creates a program that everyone can participate in and makes all employees feel supported.

Read more

Read this article to learn how to implement a wellness challenge in your workplace.

Interested in what wellness benefits look like? Check out the Definitive Corporate Wellness Landscape for an overview of all the options on the market! (Pro tip: Check out the comparison chart to see which products are most common among companies your size.)

Would you like to learn more about corporate wellness? Join our three-part webinar series, Wellness Foundations for HR Managers. It’s a kickstart for anyone who wants (or needs) to dive headfirst into the industry.

Would you like to speak to a benefits expert for more personal support? Arrange an introductory meeting with IncentFit. We’ll learn a little more about your company’s unique needs and point you in the right direction.

What are some weight loss challenge ideas?

Weight Loss Challenge Prize Ideas
  • Fruit infuser water bottle.
  • Sports tracker.
  • Healthy recipe books.
  • Sports clothing.
  • Experiences like a weekend away (maybe to a location related to a distance challenge)
  • In-house spa days.
  • Pampering vouchers.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

Looking for fun weight loss challenge ideas that your members will love? Running challenges is a great way to motivate fitness clients and help them achieve their goals. Whether you’re a gym manager, personal trainer, or online coach, you can increase leads, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll explain how to complete successful challenges, including fun (but effective!) ideas and prizes that will maximize participation.

Start with your goal

Defining your goal is the first step. Why do you even want to run a challenge? Is it meant to build a sense of community and increase bonding? Or is it the first part of a sales funnel that leads to a paid program? Depending on your overall goal, the structure of your challenge may differ.

If your goal is loyalty, facilitate social interaction between participants. Members love being part of a community and keep coming back for that reason. Add more group activities or use social media.

If your goal is to lure attendees into a paid program afterwards, add snippets or previews to entice them. Get them to make small wins to show you’re delivering results. Make it short (7-14 days) as people tend to be more enthusiastic closer to the start and therefore convert more easily…

Once you know your goal, the next step is to choose the right challenge. It should be difficult enough that it requires some effort, but not so unrealistic that people don’t want to sign up. It also needs to be themed on something that will appeal to your target audience.

If you’re using it as a marketing funnel, consider including an element that requires fitness expertise rather than letting them do it alone. This will help them see the value of your professional guidance.

Fitness Business Templates

Fun ideas for weight loss challenges

Here are some challenge ideas you can do at your gym, PT studio, or online…

Healthy Habit Challenge Activity Challenge Hydration Challenge Distance Challenge Loss Inch Challenge Calorie Challenge

Now let’s take a closer look at these…

#1 – Healthy Habits Challenge

In our humble opinion, a weight loss challenge should be about adopting a healthy lifestyle, not encouraging extreme behavior. Quick fixes don’t work in the long run, so developing healthy habits is a more effective option.

Challenge them to develop a new healthy habit each week and practice it daily. That could be eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, swapping out sugar-sweetened beverages for healthier alternatives, or walking a mile every lunchtime.

Alternatively, you can give them a list of 14, 21, or 28 healthy habits and ask them to complete a new one each day. This encourages them to try new habits or activities, some of which will inevitably stick. This is also a good source of weekly challenge ideas if you plan to run competitions throughout the year.

#2 – Activity Challenge

Fitness challenges can relate to a variety of different activities. You can challenge almost anything, from specific exercises to everyday actions. Doing 100 walking burpees every day, going for a walk every lunchtime, or trying three new classes a week can all work very well.

It’s important to remember that the activity should be tailored for someone who is overweight. High-impact or high-intensity exercises (like star jumps and burpees) may not be comfortable for someone who is overweight, so including these exercises may discourage them from training altogether.

#3 – Fluid Challenge

Hydration is the cornerstone of healthy eating, but it’s often overlooked when brainstorming challenge ideas.

The premise is simple – drink 8 glasses of water every day. In practice, people find this quite difficult, so you can support them. Offer tips on how to increase intake, education on the downsides of soda or caffeinated drinks, recipes for infused water (and maybe even give away bottled water).

This works well as a 7 day weight loss challenge, so it’s ideal if you want to do one for a short time. It’s also an easy marketing challenge as you can address people’s desire for clearer skin and more energy, as well as the weight loss aspect.

#4 – Distance Challenge

Distance-related challenges are easy to track and measure. You can focus on the distance between two points, e.g. B. between your city and a famous place. Or it can be a vertical distance, such as the height of the Eiffel Tower.

Many cardio manufacturers integrate workout classes like this into their machines, making setup super easy. If your device does not have these functions, you can also track it visually on a display.

Distance-themed contests are perfect ideas for group competitive challenges. When you combine the training distances of multiple participants or an entire club, they quickly add up.

The focus on distance takes the emphasis away from the “weight” that can appeal to a different demographic while achieving the same goal. The distance theme works well as a 14 or 21 day challenge.

#5 – Inch Loss Challenge

Instead of framing the challenge in terms of weight loss, you can position it in terms of losing inches.

Stepping on the scale can be daunting for some people, which can discourage them from participating. They may not want others to know their weight and hate the idea of ​​a “public weigh-in”.

Measuring body mass with a tape measure can be a more convenient option and encourage broader participation from members.

You can also set a group goal that relates total inches lost to a longer distance. As a club, you can decide to lose 100 inches between you or more depending on the number of participants. This works well as a 30 day challenge as it takes time to lose inches from body parts.

#6 – Calorie Challenge

Calories can be controversial, so this idea may not be for everyone. The calorie intake vs. calorie output model is sometimes described as oversimplified, and many nutritionists would argue that calories are not an accurate representation of nutrients. However, calories are a familiar concept to many people, making them easy to use in a weight loss challenge.

A simple challenge is to simply ask people to track their calorie intake. Don’t ask them to adjust or limit it, just note what they consume. Many people have no idea how many calories they are eating and drinking and will be shocked by just that knowledge.

You can take it a step further by asking them to cut down on calories, either from a specific food group like sweets, or as a whole. Alternatively, you can challenge them to burn more calories than usual and use the cardio machines’ gauges to track their totals. This works well as a 30 day weight loss challenge.

How to do a weight loss challenge

Now that you have some ideas, let’s talk about how to do a weight loss challenge in a practical way. Knowing how to organize and nurture them for maximum impact can be difficult.

The key is to treat it like any other gym event. Start by writing a simple project plan that includes a checklist of everything you need to do. Here is an example…

Agree on goals and get stakeholder approval. Set the format, duration and dates of the challenge. Define how the challenge should work in detail, including the rules. Order promotional materials. Create promotional materials. Start registering the challenge

Top Tip – Time your challenge to coincide with health and fitness awareness days such as

Promotion of your challenge

Use a combination of in-club promotional materials, email and social media to promote your challenge. Make sure all your staff understand the details and that they encourage members to participate.

When marketing the challenge, focus on the benefits first so people understand why they should participate.

Then explain the mechanics of how it will actually work in practice. It’s exactly the same benefit-function approach that we should be using to market other products and services.

Brainstorm different weight loss challenge name ideas before deciding on a favorite. Make a list of related words, then use a site like thesaurus to find similar words. Rearrange them in different combinations until you find a name you like (it’s a similar process to coming up with a creative name for a gym).

Don’t limit your search to fitness-related words either. For example, the “Centurion Challenge” can be used for anything that involves a goal of 100, such as: B. Lost 100 inches or 100 miles of training.

You also need to define challenge rules that make it clear what’s legal and what’s not. Competition rules must usually include an explanation of how to win and all criteria are used to judge.

Remember to make it a fair challenge by ensuring a level playing field for all participants. This can mean that success is defined proportionally rather than absolutely. Wondering if it’s fairer to judge a winner based on total weight lost or a percentage?

You also need to add standard disclaimers like consulting a doctor before exercising.

Fitness Business Templates

Supporting Challenge Participants

Supporting your challenge participants is critical to their success. This can be broken down into three areas…

#1 – Education

For your challenge to be valuable, it must teach them something new. It can’t be a challenge they can handle alone, otherwise why do they need you or your gym?

Educate them with fascinating facts, scientific research, and practical tips they can actually implement. Regular emails, a challenge recipe book, or mini workshops are great ways to do this.

#2 – Tracking

By tracking, participants can see their progress, which motivates them to keep going. The key is to focus on the inputs rather than the outputs.

Get members to track the changes they make to their exercise or diet habits, as these are the most controllable. Provide a checklist template to make this super easy. When they complete the challenge, they’ll see a neat chain of ticks build up, and they won’t want to break the chain.

Tracking things like this on a daily basis is much more motivating than tracking an achievement (e.g. weight).

#3 – Community

Participating in a challenge is about more than the results. It’s about the friends you make along the way.

Building a community will make the challenge more enjoyable and also provide a support network. Create a Facebook or WhatsApp group so participants can share their achievements and motivate each other.

Weight Loss Challenge Prize Ideas

The best weight loss challenge prize ideas relate directly to the topic. Here are a few to get you started (As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases)…

Whatever you choose, try to think of prices that will appeal to your target audience or ideal attendee.

With some careful planning, your challenge can be an effective marketing activity that brings results to members as well. Every gym is different, so brainstorming your own ideas for challenges can be a good place to start.

Use our six concepts as a starting point and develop your own based on them. Then follow the implementation checklist to turn your challenge ideas into reality!

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Whether you run a health club, gym, or personal training business, these templates will save you time and effort. They help you to plan and organize your advertising activities so that you generate more sales. You get 40+ templates covering sales, marketing, and business creation resources.

Fitness Business Templates

What is the most fair way to do a weight loss challenge?

Set up specific times that participants must weigh-in or have their fat measured each week. For instance, set the weigh-in on Monday nights between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. By setting up weigh-ins at a specific time, everyone is given the exact same amount of time between weigh-ins to workout.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

Consider providing prizes along the way when you meet certain standards or goals. That way, even those who are lagging behind feel like they have something to gain individually for their hard work.

In addition to friendly competition, focus on individual success.

How can I reduce my tummy in 30 days?

Revving up your metabolism to burn belly fat in 30 days is going to require exercises that use multiple muscle groups at once. Full-body strength movements, such as push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, deadlifts, overhead shoulder presses, dumbbell bench press or goblet squats, use more than one set of muscles at once.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

How to Lose Belly Fat in 30 Days with Exercise Credit: Ersler Dmitry/Hemera/Getty Images

Combining exercise and diet is the only way to lose belly fat. If you’re trying to lose belly fat, the first thing you need to do is make sure you’re in control of your diet — that means you can’t fight back milkshakes, double cheeseburgers, and potato chips. Instead, eating more lean protein, leafy green vegetables, and heart-healthy whole grains will give you the energy you need to boost your metabolism through exercise over the next 30 days.


video of the day

exercise to lose fat

Boosting your metabolism to burn belly fat in 30 days requires exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at once. Full-body strength exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, deadlifts, overhead presses, dumbbell bench presses, or cup squats engage more than one muscle set at a time. The more muscle you engage, the more calories you burn. With just 30 days to lose belly fat, the more calories you burn, the more fat you lose.

Read more: Total Body Strength Training Program


Chalice Squats

Cup Squat Credit: blanaru/iStock/Getty Images

Goblet squats are a powerful exercise that targets your hamstrings, hamstrings, glutes and core.


Step 1 Hold a dumbbell at chest height with your hands under one end as if you are holding a cup of liquid. Step 2 Keep your forearms parallel to each other. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the weight through your heels. Step 3 Squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight and chest upright. From the bottom of the squat, push through your heels and stand in the starting position. Step 4 Do 10 reps of squats for three sets.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Rowing exercises target the back, arms, and shoulders. Like the goblet squats, they require multiple muscle groups to work together, increasing the calories you burn.

Step 1 Grab two medium-weight dumbbells and position your palms so they face your body at all times. Step 2 Slightly bend your knees and push your butt back toward the wall. This will bring your chest forward as you bend at the waist. Make sure you keep your back straight in this position. Let the dumbbells hang directly in front of you and keep your arms perpendicular to the floor. Step 3 Tighten your abs and core to maintain a straight posture and pull the dumbbells to your side. Your elbows should stay close to your body. Once you reach the top position, tighten your back muscles and slowly lower the weight back toward the floor. Step 4 Perform three sets of 10 reps of dumbbell rows

cardiovascular training

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that you should engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week to control weight.

Moderate intensity means you notice you’re breathing heavier and your heart rate is faster, but you can still have a conversation. Brisk walking, playing with children, light gardening, or a slow pace on a bicycle would be considered moderately intense.

High intensity means your heart rate has increased significantly and you are unable to hold a conversation due to your accelerated breathing. Running, swimming laps, speed skating, or jumping rope would be considered intense intensity.

Interval Training

If banging on the treadmill sounds boring to you, interval training — alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity — increases your calorie burn. Interval sessions require you to work at a higher intensity than steady-state cardio; These interval sessions may only take 20-30 minutes.

Go slim your way

If you combine strength training and cardio but still find that you don’t have any activity one or two days a week but want to stay active to keep the calorie burn going, there’s no better way to burn fat and have a healthy one promote regeneration than walking. According to the American Heart Association, walking offers the same benefits as running, such as: B. reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, improving blood pressure, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and improving mental well-being. As a rule of thumb, about 100 calories are burned per kilometer walked.

If you have a few more steps to take, walk the dog. Credit: Rohappy/iStock/Getty Images

If the average walking pace is 4 miles per hour, you’ll burn an extra 400 calories or more, even on the days you’re not in the gym. To add more steps to your daily total, try parking further away from your work or grocery store, take the dog for an extra evening walk, plan walks, or opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator.


There’s another neat way to increase calorie burn. It’s what scientists call NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis. These are the activities you do every day that don’t require time to work out. Typing on the computer, cleaning the kitchen, clearing out the garage, gardening, yard work, and even fidgeting are all examples of how to move your body and burn calories without exercising. If you’re trying to burn belly fat in a short amount of time, take this opportunity to declutter the garage or attic, spend some time in the garden, or give your home a deep clean.

How can I reduce my stomach fat?

19 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science)
  1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. …
  2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. …
  3. Don’t drink too much alcohol. …
  4. Eat a high protein diet. …
  5. Reduce your stress levels. …
  6. Don’t eat a lot of sugary foods. …
  7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) …
  8. Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

We include products that we believe will be useful to our readers. If you make a purchase through links on this site, we may receive a small commission. Here is our process.

Belly fat is more than a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight. It is seriously harmful. One type of abdominal fat — known as visceral fat — is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions (1). Many health organizations use body mass index (BMI) to classify weight and predict risk of metabolic diseases. However, this is misleading as people with excess belly fat are at increased risk even if they appear skinny (2). Although losing fat in this area can be difficult, there are several things you can do to reduce excess belly fat. Here are 19 effective tips to lose belly fat, backed by scientific studies. Share on Pinterest Photography by Aya Brackett

1. Eat lots of soluble fiber Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that helps slow food as it passes through your digestive system. Studies show that this type of fiber promotes weight loss by helping you feel full, so you eat less naturally. It can also decrease the number of calories your body absorbs from food (3, 4, 5). In addition, soluble fiber can help fight belly fat. An observational study of over 1,100 adults found that for every 10 grams increase in soluble fiber intake, abdominal fat gain decreased by 3.7% over a 5-year period (6). Make an effort to eat high-fiber foods every day. Excellent sources of soluble fiber include: Flaxseed

Shirataki noodles




Blackberries SUMMARY Soluble fiber may help you lose weight by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing calorie intake. Try to include plenty of high-fiber foods in your weight loss diet.

2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fats like soybean oil. They are found in some margarines and spreads, and are also often added to packaged foods, but many food manufacturers no longer use them. These fats have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance, and abdominal fat gain in observational and animal studies (7, 8, 9). A 6-year study found that monkeys eating a diet high in trans fat gained 33% more belly fat than monkeys eating a diet high in monounsaturated fat (10). To reduce belly fat and protect your health, read ingredient labels carefully and stay away from products that contain trans fats. These are often listed as partially hydrogenated fats. SUMMARY Some studies have linked high intakes of trans fats to increased abdominal fat gain. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to limit your trans fat intake.

3. Don’t drink too much alcohol Alcohol can have health benefits in small amounts, but it is seriously harmful if you drink too much. Research suggests that drinking too much alcohol can also cause you to gain belly fat. Observational studies link heavy drinking to a significantly increased risk of developing central obesity — that is, excess fat storage around the waist (11, 12). Cutting back on alcohol can help reduce your waist size. You don’t have to give it up entirely, but limiting the amount you drink in a single day can help. A study on alcohol consumption involved more than 2,000 people. The results showed that those who drank alcohol daily but drank less than one drink per day on average had less belly fat than those who drank less frequently but consumed more alcohol on the days they drank (12). . SUMMARY Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to increased abdominal fat. If you need to reduce your waistline, you should drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether.

4. Eat a high-protein diet Protein is an extremely important nutrient for weight management. A high protein intake increases the release of the satiety hormone PYY, which reduces appetite and promotes a feeling of fullness. Protein also increases your metabolic rate, helping you maintain muscle mass during weight loss (13, 14, 15). Many observational studies show that people who eat more protein tend to have less belly fat than those who eat lower-protein diets (16, 17, 18). Make sure you add a good source of protein to every meal, e.g. E.g. meat




whey protein

Beans SUMMARY Protein-rich foods like fish, lean meats, and beans are ideal when trying to shed a few extra pounds from around your waist.

5. Reduce Your Stress Levels Stress can cause you to gain belly fat by stimulating the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Research shows that high cortisol levels increase appetite and increase abdominal fat storage (19, 20). Additionally, women who already have a large waist tend to produce more cortisol in response to stress. Elevated cortisol further contributes to fat gain around the middle (21). To reduce belly fat, engage in enjoyable activities that reduce stress. Practicing yoga or meditation can be effective methods. SUMMARY Stress can promote fat gain around your waist. Minimizing stress should be one of your priorities when trying to lose weight.

6. Don’t eat lots of sugary foods Sugar contains fructose, which when consumed in excess has been linked to several chronic diseases. These include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver disease (22, 23, 24). Observational studies show a relationship between high sugar intake and increased belly fat (25, 26). It’s important to realize that eating more than just refined sugar can lead to an increase in belly fat. Healthier sugars, like real honey, should also be used sparingly. SUMMARY Excessive sugar consumption is a leading cause of weight gain for many people. Limit your intake of sweets and processed foods high in added sugars.

7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) Aerobic exercise (cardio) is an effective way to improve your health and burn calories. Studies also show that it is one of the most effective forms of exercise to reduce belly fat. However, results are mixed on whether moderate or high-intensity exercise is more beneficial (27, 28, 29). In any case, the frequency and duration of your exercise program are more important than its intensity. One study found that postmenopausal women lost more fat in all areas when they did 300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week compared to women who exercised 150 minutes per week ( 30Trusted Source ). SUMMARY Aerobic exercise is an effective method for weight loss. Studies suggest it’s particularly effective for slimming your waistline.

8. Cut down on carbs – especially refined carbs Reducing your carb intake can be very beneficial for fat loss, including belly fat. Diets with fewer than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day cause abdominal fat loss in obese people, those at risk for type 2 diabetes, and women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (31, 32, 33). You don’t have to follow a strict low-carb diet. Some research suggests that simply replacing refined carbohydrates with unprocessed starchy carbohydrates can improve metabolic health and reduce belly fat (34, 35). In the famous Framingham Heart Study, people with the highest consumption of whole grains were 17% less likely to have excess belly fat than those who ate a diet high in refined grains (36). SUMMARY A high intake of refined carbohydrates has been linked to excess belly fat. Consider reducing your carbohydrate intake or replacing refined carbohydrates in your diet with healthy carbohydrate sources such as whole grains, legumes, or vegetables.

9. Do Resistance Training (Lifting Weights) Resistance training, also known as weight lifting or strength training, is important for maintaining and building muscle mass. Based on studies of people with prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease, strength training may also be beneficial for losing belly fat (37, 38). In fact, a study of overweight teenagers showed that a combination of strength training and aerobic exercise led to the greatest reduction in visceral fat (39). If you decide to start weightlifting, it’s a good idea to seek advice from a certified personal trainer. SUMMARY Strength training can be an important weight loss strategy and can help reduce belly fat. Studies suggest that it is even more effective when combined with aerobic exercise.

10. Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Sugar-sweetened drinks are loaded with liquid fructose, which can make you gain belly fat. Studies show that sugary drinks lead to more fat in the liver. A 10-week study found a significant increase in belly fat in people who consumed high-fructose beverages (40, 41, 42). Sugary drinks seem to be even worse than sugary foods. Because your brain doesn’t process liquid calories the way it does solid calories, you’re more likely to overeat later and store them as fat (43, 44). To lose belly fat, it is best to avoid sugar-sweetened beverages such as B. To avoid soda completely


sweet tea

alcohol-based mixers with sugar SUMMARY Eliminating all liquid forms of sugar, such as B. sugar-sweetened drinks is very important when trying to shed a few extra pounds.

11. Get enough restful sleep Sleep is important for many aspects of your health, including weight. Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep tend to gain more weight, which can include belly fat (45, 46). A 16-year study of more than 68,000 women found that those who slept less than 5 hours a night were significantly more likely to gain weight than those who slept 7 hours or more a night ( 47Trusted Source ). The condition known as sleep apnea, in which breathing stops intermittently throughout the night, has also been linked to excess visceral fat (48). Along with getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, make sure you’re getting enough good quality sleep. If you suspect you have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder, talk to a doctor and get treatment. SUMMARY Sleep deprivation is associated with an increased risk of weight gain. Getting enough quality sleep should be one of your top priorities if you plan to lose weight and improve your health.

12. Track your food intake and exercise Many things can help you lose weight and belly fat, but consuming fewer calories than your body needs to maintain the weight is key (49). Keeping a food journal or using an online food tracker or app can help you monitor your calorie intake. This strategy has been shown to be beneficial for weight loss (50, 51). In addition, food tracking tools help you see your protein, carbohydrate, fiber and micronutrient intake. Many also allow you to record your workouts and physical activity. On this page you will find five free apps/websites to track nutrient and calorie intake. SUMMARY As general weight loss advice, it’s always a good idea to keep track of what you eat. Keeping a food journal or using an online food tracker are two of the most popular ways to do this.

13. Eat oily fish every week Oily fish is incredibly healthy. They’re high in high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect you from disease (52, 53). Some evidence suggests that these omega-3 fats may also help reduce visceral fat. Studies in adults and children with fatty liver disease show that fish oil supplements can significantly reduce liver and belly fat (54, 55, 56). Try to eat 2-3 servings of oily fish per week. Good choices are: Salmon




Anchovies SUMMARY Eating oily fish or taking omega-3 supplements can improve your overall health. Some evidence also suggests that it may reduce belly fat in people with fatty liver disease.

14. Stop drinking fruit juice Although fruit juice provides vitamins and minerals, it is just as high in sugar as soda and other sweetened beverages. Drinking large amounts can carry the same risk of belly fat (57). A 8-ounce (240-mL) serving of unsweetened apple juice contains 24 grams of sugar, half of which is fructose (58). To reduce excess belly fat, replace fruit juice with water, unsweetened iced tea or soda with a lemon or lime wedge. SUMMARY When it comes to fat gain, fruit juices can be just as bad as sugary sodas. Consider avoiding all sources of liquid sugar to increase your chances of successful weight loss.

16. Eat probiotic foods or take a probiotic supplement Probiotics are bacteria found in some foods and supplements. They have many health benefits, including improving gut health and boosting immune function (64). Researchers have found that different types of bacteria play a role in weight regulation and that getting the balance right can help with weight loss, including belly fat loss. Those that have been shown to reduce belly fat include members of the Lactobacillus family, such as Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus, and particularly Lactobacillus gasseri (65, 66, 67, 68). Probiotic supplements usually contain multiple types of bacteria, so make sure you buy one that contains one or more of these strains of bacteria. Buy probiotic supplements online. SUMMARY Taking probiotic supplements can help promote a healthy digestive system. Studies also suggest that beneficial gut bacteria may contribute to weight loss.

17. Try Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting has recently become very popular as a weight loss method. It’s an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting (69). A popular method involves 24-hour fasting once or twice a week. Another is to fast for 16 hours every day and eat all your foods within 8 hours. In a review of studies of intermittent fasting and second-day fasting, people experienced a 4–7% decrease in abdominal fat within 6–24 weeks (70). There is some evidence that intermittent fasting and fasting in general may not be as beneficial for women as it is for men. Although certain modified intermittent fasting methods seem to be better options, if you notice any adverse effects, stop fasting immediately. SUMMARY Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting. Studies suggest it can be one of the most effective ways to lose weight and belly fat.

18. Drink Green Tea Green tea is an exceptionally healthy beverage. It contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), both of which appear to boost metabolism (71, 72). EGCG is a catechin that several studies suggest may help you lose belly fat. The effects can be enhanced when green tea consumption is combined with exercise (73, 74, 75). SUMMARY Regular drinking of green tea has been linked to weight loss, although it is probably not as effective and is best combined with exercise.

19. Change your lifestyle and combine different methods. Doing just one of the items on this list will not have much of an impact on its own. If you want to get good results, you need to combine different methods that have proven to be effective. Interestingly, many of these methods are commonly associated with healthy eating and an overall healthy lifestyle. Therefore, making long-term lifestyle changes is key to losing and keeping your belly fat. When you have healthy habits and eat real foods, fat loss usually follows as a natural side effect. SUMMARY Losing weight and maintaining it is difficult unless you make permanent changes to your diet and lifestyle.

What do you eat during the 30 day challenge?

On Whole30, you can eat meat, vegetables, fruit, tree nuts and seeds, and healthy fats. However, you must avoid sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, and processed food additives. Although it would be difficult and very restrictive to maintain long term, the Whole30 is designed to be done only for 30 days.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

We include products that we believe will be useful to our readers. If you make a purchase through links on this site, we may receive a small commission. Here is our process.

The Whole30 Diet is a strict 30-day elimination diet that many people use for weight loss or to help with digestive problems. The program encourages you to eliminate alcohol, sugar, grains, legumes, dairy and additives from your diet for 30 days. It is advertised as a complete lifestyle change rather than a simple diet. Whole30 supporters rave about its health benefits, while critics claim it’s just another unsustainable diet fad. So it works and should you try it? This article explains everything you need to know about the Whole30 Diet.

What is the Whole30 Diet? The Whole30 Diet is a strict 30-day elimination diet that promises a variety of health and emotional benefits. It was developed in 2009 by two board-certified sports nutritionists who promoted it as a way to reset your metabolism and reshape your relationship with food. The program focuses on the idea that certain foods ⁠ — like sugar, grains, legumes, alcohol, and dairy ⁠ — can negatively impact your health and fitness. Eliminating these foods from your diet is said to help your body recover from these negative effects and promote long-term health. Many people follow this diet hoping to lose weight. Some may use the program to identify food intolerances or achieve some of the proposed health benefits. Summary The Whole30 Diet is a month-long nutritional program designed to help you lose weight, improve your relationship with food, and achieve better long-term health.

How to Follow the Whole30 Diet The idea behind the Whole30 program is simple: you completely eliminate foods that could be harmful to your health for 30 days. After the first 30 days, slowly reintroduce some foods while monitoring the effects they have on your body. This is a pretty intense elimination diet, so it has a strict set of rules. It also provides you with a list of allowed foods as well as a list of prohibited foods. Cheating is not allowed during the one-month elimination period. It is recommended to start the challenge over from the beginning if you go off the track. The founders claim that strict adherence to the diet allows your body to isolate itself from certain foods that can cause inflammation, intestinal disorders or hormonal imbalances. Unlike many other diets, it doesn’t require tracking calories, measuring portions, or counting points. Weigh-in is also strictly reserved for days 1 and 30 of the program. Summary Following the Whole30 diet involves eating as much as you want from the approved list of foods while avoiding certain foods for a month.

Proposed Benefits of the Whole30 Diet According to proponents, following the Whole30 diet perfectly for 30 days is said to have many health benefits. These include: Fat loss

higher energy levels

better sleep

reduced desire for food

Improved Athletic Performance The diet’s founders promise that the Whole30 program will transform the way you think about food as well as your tastes. Proponents of the diet go on to claim that it can transform the emotional relationship you have with food and your body. While these claimed benefits may seem very attractive, one should keep in mind that no scientific studies support them. Summary The Whole30 Diet is designed to provide you with physical and mental health benefits that go beyond simple weight loss. However, there is no solid evidence to support these claims.

Foods allowed in the Whole30 diet consist primarily of minimally processed foods including: Meat, eggs and poultry: beef, veal, pork, horse, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, etc.

Beef, veal, pork, horse, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, etc. Seafood: fish, anchovies, shrimp, calamari, scallops, crab, lobster, etc.

Fish, anchovies, shrimp, calamari, scallops, crab, lobster, etc. Fruit: fresh and dried fruit

Fresh and dried fruit Vegetables: all types of vegetables

All Vegetables Nuts and Seeds: All nuts and seeds, nut milks, nut butters and nut flours (except peanuts as they are legumes)

all nuts and seeds, nut milks, nut butters, and nut flours (except peanuts since they are legumes) Some fats: olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, avocado oil, tallow, lard, duck fat Summary The Whole30 diet encourages the use of fresh, minimally processed foods.

Foods to Avoid During the 30 Day Diet, you need to eliminate certain foods from your diet. These include: Sugar and artificial sweeteners: raw sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, artificial sweeteners and any products containing them

Raw sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, artificial sweeteners and all products containing them Alcohol: all beers, wines, liqueurs and spirits

all types of beer, wine, liquor, and spirits Grains: all grains, including wheat, corn, oats, and rice

all grains, including wheat, corn, oats and rice legumes and pulses: peas, lentils, beans, peanuts (excluding green beans, snow peas and snow peas)

Peas, lentils, beans, peanuts (excluding green beans, snow peas, and snow peas) Soy: all soy products, including tofu, tempeh, edamame, and all soy-derived products such as miso and soy sauce

all soy products, including tofu, tempeh, edamame, and all soy-based products such as miso and soy sauce Dairy products: cow, goat, and sheep milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and other dairy-based products

Cow, goat, and sheep’s milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and other dairy-based products Processed additives: carrageenan, MSG, or sulphites Additionally, the diet recommends that you avoid re-cooking your favorite baked goods, snacks, or similar treats — even with those from Whole30 approved ingredients. Therefore, foods like cauliflower pizza crust and paleo pancakes must be avoided. There is also no cheat meal in this program. Instead, you are encouraged to strictly adhere to the guidelines at all times. If you make a mistake, the founders of the diet strongly recommend that you start the entire program over from Day 1. Summary The Whole30 Diet eliminates sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, soy, dairy, and processed foods for 30 days.

Additional Rules The Whole30 Diet promotes some additional rules that have nothing to do with diet. For example, smoking is prohibited for the duration of the diet. You are also not allowed to step on the scale or participate in any form of body measurement on any day other than Day 1 and Day 30. The reasoning behind these additional rules is that the Whole30 program is about more than just weight loss. Following these rules is promoted as a way to change the way you think and promote long-term health. Summary The Whole30 Diet is advertised as more than a simple weight loss diet. You are encouraged to smoke and not weigh yourself for the duration of the program.

The reintroduction phase After you have successfully completed the Whole30 program, it’s time to focus on step two – the reintroduction phase. In this phase, you slowly reintroduce certain foods into your diet. They assess how you feel about your metabolism, digestive tract, immune system, and relationship with food. The proposed method of reintroducing banned foods is to add only one food group at a time. For example, dairy products can be reintroduced on the first day after the Whole30 program is completed. You are then encouraged to return to the Whole30 diet and avoid milk on days 2 through 4 while you watch for any symptoms you may have. If all goes well, you can reintroduce another food group on day 5 and repeat the process. The reintroduction of just one food group at a time, while keeping the rest of the diet the same, is being promoted to better identify which foods are causing negative symptoms such as bloating, skin breakouts or achy joints. After each food group has been tested individually, you can reintroduce those that your body tolerates well into your regular diet. Of course, individuals do not have to re-introduce all foods. In fact, you are strongly advised to avoid reintroducing foods that you are not missing. Summary After the first 30 days, you can slowly reintroduce taboo foods to see how they affect your health and fit into your new eating habits.

Sample 7-Day Menu If you’re interested in trying out the Whole30 diet, you can start with the following one-week menu suggestions. Monday Breakfast: hash with eggs, potatoes and ground beef

Hash with Eggs, Potatoes and Ground Beef Lunch: Chicken salad with homemade mayonnaise served on baby spinach

Chicken salad with homemade mayonnaise served on baby spinach Dinner: Prawns in paprika sauce on zucchini noodles Tuesday Breakfast: Fried egg sandwich served on a portobello mushroom cap

Fried Egg Sandwich Served on a Portobello Mushroom Hat Lunch: Homemade Meatball Soup with Vegetables

homemade meatball soup with vegetables Dinner: Chili with beef and sweet potatoes served with avocado Wednesday Breakfast: Avocado and banana smoothie sweetened with dates

Avocado Banana Smoothie Sweetened with Dates Lunch: Bunless burger with a side salad

Bunless burger with side salad Dinner: Stuffed peppers with ground beef and veggies Thursday Breakfast: Soft-boiled eggs and asparagus wrapped in prosciutto

soft-boiled eggs and asparagus wrapped in prosciutto Lunch: Asian pork in salad boats

Asian pork in salad boats Dinner: baked fish and roasted broccolini Friday Breakfast: green smoothie sweetened with dates

Green Smoothie Sweetened with Dates Lunch: Smoked Salmon and Asparagus Frittata

Smoked Salmon Asparagus Frittata Dinner: Roast Chicken with Side Salad Saturday Breakfast: Poached Eggs over Vegetable Saute

poached eggs over vegetable saute Lunch: Grilled chicken “nuggets” with kale chips

grilled chicken “nuggets” with kale chips Dinner: Ribeye steak with mushrooms and Brussels sprouts Sunday Breakfast: Egg baked in half an avocado

Egg Baked in Avocado Half Lunch: Zucchini Pizza “Boats” with no cheese

Zucchini Boats Pizza No Cheese Dinner: Beef and Vegetable Stew For recipes, tons of sites are sharing Whole30-compliant ideas. Additionally, ready meals like The Good Kitchen have Whole30 ready-to-eat meals if you need more convenient options. Remember to vary your protein and vegetable sources throughout the day to provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Summary The food suggestions above are a good introduction to the Whole30 diet. Check out the Whole30 website and Instagram for more recipes.

Whole30 Snack Ideas Snacks are a great way to stay energized throughout the day and keep hunger pangs at bay between meals. Whole30-approved options include: plantain chips with salsa or guacamole

Apple with hazelnut butter

Banana ice cream made from mixed frozen bananas

seaweed snacks

Trail mix (without peanuts)

Almond Milk Latte

ham and melon

Almond butter carrots sprinkled with cayenne pepper

hard boiled eggs

Figs stuffed with walnuts

Frozen Fruit and Coconut Milk Smoothie Summary These Whole30-approved snacks are convenient options aimed at keeping your energy levels up and minimizing hunger pangs between meals.

Potential Disadvantages Several aspects of the Whole30 program are consistent with a nutritious diet. For example, the diet encourages consumption of minimally processed foods and high intakes of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, avoiding nutrient-dense foods like legumes, soy, and dairy can make it harder to follow all of your daily nutrient recommendations. This can have adverse health effects if the diet is continued for more than 30 days. Although rigid rules can be a good way for some people to change their eating habits, restrictive diets without allowance for indulgences are generally unsustainable. Those considering following this diet long-term are encouraged to log their meals for a few days in an online food journal such as Cronometer. This can help ensure that daily nutrient recommendations continue to be met. Summary The restrictive nature of the Whole30 diet can make it difficult to meet daily nutrient recommendations or sustain the diet over the long term.

Should You Try the Whole30 Diet? A calorie deficit is required to lose weight. Because of its restrictive nature, the Whole30 diet will likely help create that calorie deficit. However, if the food choices you make on this diet don’t become a habit, the weight loss you experience may not be sustainable. As for the claimed benefits, there are no scientific studies to support the claims. There is also no good reason to limit dairy, grains or legumes (1). Still, it’s true that some people unknowingly have food sensitivities that cause digestive symptoms that can be identified through the reintroduction phase of the diet. Overall, this diet can be helpful if you want to completely reset your eating habits. But if you’re simply looking to improve your diet and overall health, a more balanced and long-term approach that focuses on whole food choices while minimizing — not necessarily eliminating — less healthy choices.

How do I create a fitness challenge with my friends?

Fitness Competitions with Devices
  1. Share activities and notifications with friends by opening the Activity app, clicking sharing, and adding in friends from your contact list.
  2. To start a competition, open the Activity app on your watch, swipe left, and select friends.
  3. Tap on compete, then invite.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

Fitness apps and wearable devices offer many useful features for everyone from the couch potato trying to get more active to serious amateur athletes and coaches. Almost everyone can get something out of them.

But if you limit your device and app usage to your own individual fitness goals, you’re missing out on a great feature: using apps and trackers to make fitness social, competitive, and fun.

Most of us are naturally competitive to some degree. This feeling of competing with ourselves and with others drives ambition and motivation. A little healthy competition between friends, co-workers, or trainers and clients is a great way to keep pushing fitness goals. Here’s how to do it.

Why set up activity tracker competitions with friends?

Above all, it’s fun. But of course there are many other reasons to think about setting up such competitions. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, competing with friends or fellow fitness enthusiasts is a great way to motivate, inspire, and hold one another accountable.

Make workouts more fun

Some of us live to exercise, but for many people, exercise is a form of exercise. You can make it more fun by making it a game. Everyone likes a game, and that’s what a competition is. Win or lose, you improve your fitness and health, and that’s always a win.

Hold each other accountable and stay motivated

One of the hardest parts of getting fit and healthy is sticking to the plan and avoiding falling back into old, bad habits. Training with friends will motivate you. You don’t want to let them down and show up at the gym, do you? And you can hold each other accountable too. At a competition, you check in and make sure everyone is participating and doing their best.

Are you struggling to keep your customers motivated? Check out this helpful post on the ISSA blog for some tips.

Use activity tracker competitions with friends to inspire each other

A contest is a great way to get the best out of participants. And that can inspire everyone. Seeing one of your friends achieve a goal they’ve been trying to achieve for months feels great. It inspires you to keep working towards your own goals and to work even harder.

What about trainers?

Activity trackers and app contests aren’t just for groups of friends. If you are a trainer, a competition among your clients can be a great tool. Here are some ways to use it:

Use contests to hold customers accountable

Did your weight-loss client really get their cardio in one run over the weekend? You can be sure using trackers, apps and friend competitions. Accountability is a hard part of training. Getting your customers to do what they know they should do can be difficult. These games and apps can really improve results with increased accountability.

Track customer progress with apps and trackers

Contests in your customer groups can also be a great way to track progress. With everyone using the same app, you can keep things like workout counts, weigh-ins, and even heart rates organized and in one place. Monitoring progress is important to see results and getting your clients to follow it with an app or game will make it easier for you as a trainer.

Help customers achieve their goals

Ultimately, your job as a trainer is to help your clients achieve their goals. Friendly competitions are a fun way to set clear goals for all of your customers. And with a push from you via the app, or a chance to win the contest, they’re more likely to meet them sooner.

Fitness competitions with equipment

If you plan to use wearable devices and step and fitness trackers in your competitions, there are a few things to consider. If everyone in a challenge group has the same or compatible devices, you can sync and see each other’s results. For example, with the Apple Watch, you can use the iPhone’s activity feature to set up seven-day competitions:

Share activities and notifications with friends by opening the Activities app, clicking Share and adding friends from your contact list.

To start a competition, open the Activity app on your watch, swipe left and select Friends.

Tap Compete, then tap Invite.

Once your friends accept the invitation, you’re good to go.

You get one point for every percent you earn in the activity rings per day.

Whoever has the most points at the end of the week wins.

Setting up the Apple Watch is an easy way to motivate a group of people to be more active, regardless of activity. The downside is that this can only be used between Apple users. It will not sync with Fitbit or other devices.

Fitbit is a common device. So if most of the people you want to contest with have it, you might be able to make it work. Those with a different type of device can still download the Fitbit app and track basic metrics, including number of steps, calories burned, and total distance. This allows you to set up some more basic challenge groups.

To connect different types of devices, you need a shortcut app. Check out, designed to help work teams compete in fitness challenges. Basic functions like connecting devices, a leaderboard and notifications are free. The app also allows for different types of activities within the same challenge.

Read this ISSA blog post on the best fitness trackers to help choose your next device or make recommendations for your clients.

Best apps for fitness competitions

Another option is to use apps on smartphones to connect with Challenge members. Each individual’s devices may not sync or connect directly, but the right app connects each user’s device to the app on their phone. From there you can track each other and your competition status. Here are some apps to consider:

stride kick Stridekick is free for up to ten people per challenge group. It connects to any tracking device and allows you to participate in existing challenges or create your own. The free version includes four different challenge modes. The streak counts the days it takes to reach a fitness goal; Leaderboard shows challenge members, ranked; Journey is a virtual travel challenge; and Goal tracks your pace in reaching step goals. You also get data for analysis, which is great for trainers.

Motivation. Motivade provides more detail on how to set up challenge groups, so this is a good solution for trainers and clients. When creating a challenge, you can set parameters including the type of exercise, the metric you use to measure progress and achievements, and the duration. You can even set prizes or awards for more motivation.

challenge dog. This is a great challenge app for coaches who love data and metrics. It offers some of the best and most in-depth analysis of fitness information. Whichever tracker each person uses, information is automatically uploaded and graphs and charts updated.

charity miles. Try Charity Miles for anyone motivated to help others, or if your group just wants to be a little less self-centered. This free app easily tracks kilometers traveled, regardless of the type of exercise. For every mile traveled, the app’s corporate sponsorship pool donates money to a charity in your group. Select your charity as a group and set a goal for the amount of money you want to raise. What could be more inspiring?

Strava. For your running enthusiasts, Strava is hard to beat. With this social app you can connect with friends and share your activities, but also set up private challenges and participate in public challenges. Track mileage, time spent running, elevation, pace improvement, or set specific distance goals you want to achieve. Use more metrics like heart rate with the paid premium edition.

When it comes to creating and sharing fitness challenges and activity tracker competitions with friends and clients, the only limit is your imagination. This is a great way to make workouts more fun and provide motivation that we all need to some degree.

Are you inspired to change your career? Help people get fit? make fitness your life? Check out the ISSA’s comprehensive personal training certification course.

Click HERE to download this handout and share it with your client!

Is there an app for weight loss challenge?

Our fat loss challenge app can help you achieve your goals when you do the challenge for weight loss with friends & family. Follow our weight loss fun game where you will find daily step counter challenges & water tracker set your desired goals for weight loss.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

Losing weight is BetterTogether! See who’s the biggest loser

Nominated for Best Weight Loss App by Quins – Sports Business Magazine.

Losing weight is BetterTogether! See Who’s the Biggest Loser Nominated for Top Weight Loss App by Quins – Sports Business Magazine.

Make losing weight fun with your friends, family and colleagues in Water Tracker!

—- Join over 150,000 users who have lost weight with friends and family —-

Are you worried about how you can lose weight together or do you want to get in the best shape of your life with diet challenges? Let’s lose weight together with your friends and family using a weight loss challenge, pedometer and weight loss competition app. Our fun weight loss game is designed to make you feel better about your life by completing group weight loss and pedometer challenges and getting motivated to eat by close friends and family in a 7-minute workout.

Set goals and lose weight fast together with Weight Loss app

● Social fitness with friends is fun and effective. Most players lost 5% of their weight in a month using pedometers and calorie counters. Define your own goal.

● People who participate in the daily challenges with a calorie counter and water tracker lose weight 30% faster than people who don’t.

● Our Fat Loss Challenge app can help you achieve your goals when you do the weight loss challenge with friends and family.

● Follow our fun weight loss game find daily pedometer challenges and water tracker set your desired weight loss goals. Shape your life and turn weight loss into fun times with pedometer.

Features of BetterTogether – Pedometer App:

● Get the weight loss prize only for those who achieve the goals.

● Receive daily notifications informing you about the daily water tracker challenge.

● Water Remembrance Countdown will announce the winner for the weekly ceremony.

● Weight Loss & 7 Minute Workout also has the function to chat with your friends and teammates to let them know your pedometer progress.

● Daily medals will be awarded and notifications will be sent for calorie counter, water reminder, floor climbing and number of steps walked.

Key aspects of BetterTogether – Workout Planner App:

● Better Together & Create a Challenge for Friends:

You may have experienced other fitness, calorie counter, water tracker apps and followed other weight loss challenge calendars, but now you have a new water reminder, pedometer and fitness where you will find many things that will shape your body. Better together means create best body shape challenge with pedometer and challenge your friends online by inviting them to lose weight game fun. Set your desired goals, pedometer percentage, calorie counter and duration to achieve your goal to lose weight easily.

● Weekly Pedometer:

Water Reminder Challenge is an opportunity to find the best way to lose weight together as a team with weekly calorie counter calculations to achieve your weight loss goals. Aside from being a pedometer and a water reminder, this is fun for weight loss groups where you can compare how you’re making progress toward your weekly water tracker goals.

● Get in shape with friends – add daily information for Water Tracker:

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BetterTogether lets you get fit with calorie counters and fitness challenges with friends. Water Tracker is one of the best and fastest ways to lose weight and you can enter the number of glasses of water per day in our app. Also, count my steps for water tracker & floor climb counter tracking your daily steps and win the water tracker, pedometer & fitness competition with your friends and family.

A long list is available for you to access and take with you the best weight loss diet tips, pedometer and water reminder for your friends and family. Download BetterTogether for FREE now.

You can find our privacy policy here:


The power of the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge online community

The power of the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge online community
The power of the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge online community

See some more details on the topic community weight loss challenge here:

Community weight loss challenges – County Health Rankings

Community weight loss challenges are temporary programs that aim to energize participating community members to lose weight.

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Date Published: 12/2/2021

View: 5194

Community Weight Loss Challenge – JCH HealthCare

Community Weight Loss Challenge. Begins October 10th – December 6th. This is an 8-week weight loss challenge for all ages & fitness levels.

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Date Published: 11/11/2022

View: 9529

Community Weight loss Challenge – Home – Facebook

Community Weight loss Challenge Promoting to start a Healthy Active Life in Our Community, We are helping each other to reach our goal to be healthy:).

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Date Published: 6/7/2021

View: 6756

Join the Community Weight Loss Challenge – Christian Hospital

Join the Community Weight Loss Challenge … Here’s a chance to make the healthy life changes you have been meaning to make. In the 12-week Just Lose It …

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Date Published: 2/6/2022

View: 7950

Fort HealthCare Community Weight Loss Challenge

Sign up for Fort HealthCare’s ninth annual Slimdown Challenge. This community challenge is FREE to anyone 18 years or older.

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Date Published: 2/5/2022

View: 143

Organizing a Community “Biggest Loser” Weight Loss …

The program described here shows how Extension can be a strong collaborative partner in a rural setting in improving the overall health of the co.

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Date Published: 5/5/2021

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population-level impact of the LOSE IT to WIN IT challenge

Adult weight management across the community: population-level impact of the … low intensity weight management challenge programs in defined populations.

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Date Published: 1/6/2022

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Free Community Weight-Loss Challenge


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Date Published: 5/5/2021

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Weight loss and weight gain among participants in a …

To describe the characteristics of participants who registered for multiple annual offerings of a community-based weight loss program called …

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Date Published: 6/30/2021

View: 4668

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Community Weight Loss Challenges is a suggested strategy to increase physical activity, improve diet, and increase weight loss. Available evidence suggests that collaborative weight loss challenges can result in modest weight loss among participants, and completing more annual challenges is associated with greater cumulative weight loss than completing fewer annual challenges. In one study, men appeared to lose more weight than women, and participants who enrolled as individuals lost more weight than those who enrolled as part of a group, possibly due to their previously established support networks. Additional evidence is needed to confirm the effects.

Community weight loss challenges that offer group support and weekly check-ins, use food journals or online tracking and performance feedback and last at least 3-4 months can result in behavior change and weight loss for communities as a whole, ; However, to affect weight gain rates at the community level, challenges need to reach more members of the participating communities. Case studies suggest that nutrition education, portion control, physical activity, weight maintenance and long-term well-being are important components of these challenges , . To improve the effectiveness of large-scale community weight-loss programs, experts recommend maintaining contact with participants, providing incentives to return to the last weigh-in and maintaining weight loss long-term, and helping participants develop lifestyle skills and social support in the context of the local environment.

7 Ways to Wager on Weight Loss

A beach vacation, a wedding, a class reunion: many dieters look for big events to help them stay accountable for their weight loss and fitness routines. As dieters look for new ways to stay on track, a new trend has materialized: sites that encourage you to lose weight or pay – literally.

Depending on the site, you can register with a group of friends or as an individual. If you skip the gym, miss your goals, or don’t lose the weight you promised, you pay a predetermined penalty. Most sites donate profits to charity, but some pay them out to users who have achieved their goals.

Whether this approach works for long-term weight loss is still up for debate. A recent 32-week study from Carnegie Mellon University found that participants with a financial incentive actually lost more weight than a control group. But after an eight-week weight loss streak, those who were concerned about money were unable to maintain their new weight, so there was no long-term difference between the incentivized dieters and the control group.

But if you’re sure you can lose weight and make a few bucks, or if you need an extra kick to stay on track, check out this list of lively new weight loss betting sites.

How to Set Up a Weight Loss Challenge

Determine how to measure success. The most accurate way is the percentage of body fat lost during competition. Pounds lost are often an inaccurate estimate since the weight could be water or muscle tissue instead of fat. Building muscle – which weighs more than fat – and shedding body fat is the healthiest way to lose weight. Therefore, encourage participants to combine a balanced diet with exercise. However, measuring body fat by a human can be inaccurate, and other methods, such as underwater hydrostatic weighing, can be costly. For accurate results, have all measurements taken at the beginning and end of the challenge by the same professional, e.g. B. a personal trainer perform. This reduces the error rate.

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