I Have No Feet To Dance? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “i have no feet to dance“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

What can dance but has no legs?

No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I to live or die And yet I do all three. What am I? Answer: I am a fire.

What can run but can never walk?

Riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A river.

What Am I

If a fun riddle is like a smarter version of a cheesy joke, hard riddles with answers are like super challenging brain teasers that reward kids with laughs at the end.

We not only want to teach our children empathy, cooperation, patience and the like, but also involve their intellect. But that doesn’t mean they have to take vocabulary tests at the dinner table — or rely solely on silly jokes to keep them laughing. Books, activities, and puzzles are all fun (emphasis on fun) ways to stimulate kids and get them involved in problem solving. But you don’t want to insult your child’s intelligence by giving them riddles that are too easy for them to solve. As they get older, you’ll have to work harder to keep them busy with even harder puzzles.

Think about how their brain works as they brainstorm tricky riddles with answers that will blow your mind away. The best part about these tricky riddles with answers is that they reward each kid depending on what riddle you give them: there are the number games for the math nerds, the word game for the book lovers, and the absurd riddles for the creative thinkers. Below are the best tricky riddles with answers that your kid might be able to figure out on their own… with enough patience.

Riddle: What is so fragile that saying its name will break it? Answer: silence. Riddle: What can run but never walk, has a mouth but never speaks, has a head but never cries, has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A river. Riddle: What two things can you never eat for breakfast? Answer: lunch and dinner. Riddle: What can fill a room but doesn’t take up space? Answer: light. Riddle: If you drop me I’ll sure crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile back. What am I? Answer: A mirror. Riddle: What is the capital of France? Answer: The letter F is the only capital letter in France. Riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are you? Answer: steps. Riddle: I turn around once, what’s inside doesn’t come in. I turn around again, what’s in won’t come out. What am I? Answer: A key. Riddle: A man calls his dog from across the river. The dog crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or boat. How Answer: The river was frozen. Riddle: What breaks but never falls, and what falls never breaks? Answer: day and night. Riddle: What goes through towns and fields but never moves? Answer: A street. Riddle: I am always hungry and will die if I have nothing to eat, but everything I touch will soon turn red. What am I? Answer: fire. Riddle: The person making it doesn’t need it; the person buying it has no use for it. The person using it cannot see or feel it. What is it? Answer: A coffin. Riddle: A man looks at a painting in a museum and says, “Brothers and sisters, I don’t have any, but this man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the painting? Answer: The man’s son. Riddle: With sharp fangs I sit and wait; with penetrating power I crunch fate; grab victims, proclaim power; physically connect with a single bite. What am I? Answer: A stapler. Riddles: I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stones, and cities with no buildings. What am I? Answer: A card. Riddle: What does man love more than life, what does he hate more than death or death throes; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich demand; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves? Answer: nothing. Riddle: Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have six daughters and each daughter has a brother. How many people are in the mustard family? Answer: There are nine mustards in the family. Since each daughter has the same brother, there are six girls, one boy, and Mr. and Mrs. Mustard. Riddle: I’m something that people either love or hate. I change people’s looks and thoughts. If a person takes care of himself, I will rise even higher. Some people might want to hide me, but I’ll show it. No matter how hard people try, I’ll never go down. What am I? Answer: age. Riddle: Only one color but no size. Stuck on the ground but easily flies. Present in the sun but not in the rain. Do no harm and feel no pain. What is it? Answer: A shadow. Riddle: who is that with a neck and no head, with two arms and no hands? Answer: A shirt. Riddle: If 11 plus two equals one, what is nine plus five? Answer: 11 am plus two hours = 1 pm, 9 am plus five hours = 2 pm Riddle: Can you write eight eights so that they make one thousand? Answer: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000 riddles: You can’t see, feel, hear or smell it. It lies behind stars and beneath hills, filling empty holes. It comes first and follows after, ending life and killing laughter. What is it? Answer: The darkness. Riddle: Which English word keeps the same pronunciation even if you take away four of its five letters? Answer: queue. Riddle: Three playing cards in a row. Can you name them with these clues? To the right of the king is a two. A diamond is found to the left of a spade. An ace is to the left of a heart. A heart is to the left of a spade. Now identify all three cards. Answer: Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades. Riddle: What is it that in a given you have either two or none? Answer: A choice. Riddle: George, Helen and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen and Dave drink lemonade. Logically, does Elizabeth drink coffee or soda? Answer: Elizabeth drinks coffee. The letter E appears twice in her name, as well as in the names of others who drink coffee. Riddle: I have branches, but I have no leaves, trunk or fruit. What am I? Answer: A bank. Riddle: What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs? Answer: One cent. Riddle: If I’m used, I’m useless. Once offered, soon rejected. I am often voiced in desperation. What am I? Answer: An excuse. Riddle: I have four legs but no hair. People ride me for hours but go nowhere. Without being pulled or turned on, I always manage to get ready for work. What am I? Answer: A desk. Riddle: Which of the following words does not belong in the group and why? CORSET, COSTER, SECTOR, ESCORT, COURTS. Answer: courts. All others are anagrams of each other. Riddle: When John was 6 years old, he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark its size. Ten years later, at the age of 16, John returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew 2 inches each year, how much taller would the nail be? Answer: The nail would be at the same level as trees grow at their tops. Riddle: I am four times my daughter’s age. In 20 years I’ll be twice her age. how old are we now Answer: I am 40 and my daughter is 10. Riddle: There was a man who was born before his father, killed his mother and married his sister. Still, there was nothing wrong with what he had done. Why? Answer: His father was before him when he was born, so he was born before him. His mother died giving birth to him. Eventually he became a minister and married his sister at her ceremony. Puzzle: Lily is a lily pad in a small pond. Lily is doubling her size every day. On the 20th day it covers the whole pond. What day was Lily half the size of the pond? Answer: Day 19, it’s not 10 because it doubled on the 20th day of day 19, so 19 must be half the size of the pond. Riddle: Which common English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its letters? Answer: Eat and eat. Riddle: When asked how old she was, Suzie replied, “In two years, I’ll be twice as old as I was five years ago.” How old is she? Answer: She’s 12. Riddle: Lighter than what I’m made of, more of me is hidden than is visible. What am I? Answer: An iceberg. Riddle: It’s shorter than the others, but if you’re lucky, lift it like it’s for the best. What is it? Answer: A thumb. Riddle: The man who bought it doesn’t want it for himself. The man who buys it does not buy it for himself. And the man who needs it doesn’t know he needs it. What is it? Answer: A coffin. Riddle: I have cities but no houses. I have mountains but no trees. I have water but no fish. What am I? Answer: A card. Riddle: A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has half as many brothers as sisters. How many siblings are there in the family? Answer: Four sisters and three brothers. Riddle: First, think of the color of the clouds. Next, think of the color of the snow. Now think of the color of a bright full moon. Now answer quickly: What do cows drink? Answer: water. Riddle: Different lights make me weird so I’ll switch to different sizes. What am I Answer: I am the pupil of an eye. Riddle: What has a tail and a head but no body? Answer: A coin. Riddle: I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I’ll be even. What number am I? Answer: seven. Riddle: If a red house is made of red bricks and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of? Answer: All greenhouses are made of glass. Riddle: What should never be put in a saucepan? Answer: It’s the lid. Riddle: What can you catch but never throw? Answer: A cold. Riddle: I’m an established band, but I’ve never played a note. What am I? Answer: A rubber band. Riddle: I’m covered with eyes but I can’t see and mostly live in the dark. What am I? Answer: A potato. Riddle: I have one eye, but I can’t see. What am I? Answer: A needle. Riddle: what can travel around the world without moving from its corner? Answer: A stamp. Riddle: What kind of room has no walls or corners? Answer: A mushroom. Riddle: What was the tallest mountain in the world before Mount Everest was discovered? Answer: It was still Mt. Everest. Riddle: What has a bottom at the top? Answer: your legs. Riddle: How far can you go in the forest? Answer: Half way. After that you go out. Riddle: When is a door no longer a door? Answer: When it’s ajar. Riddles: Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I? Answer: The letter “R.” Riddle: Written forwards I’m what you do every day, backwards I’m something you hate. What am I? Answer: life. Puzzles: A room contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What do you light first? Answer: The game. Riddle: What is yours but everyone else is using it? Answer: Your name. Riddle: If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt, how is she related to you? Answer: your mother. Riddle: Which is heavier: a ton of sand or a ton of feathers? Answer: They are the same: they both weigh a ton. Riddle: Take one out and scratch my head. I’m black now, but once was red. What am I? Answer: A match. Riddle: Until I am measured, I am not known. But how do you miss me when I’ve flown. What am I? Answer: time. Riddle: What starts with an “e” and contains only one letter? Answer: An envelope. Riddle: Which word in the dictionary is misspelled? Answer: “False.” Riddle: You measure my life in hours, and I serve you by running out. I’m fast when I’m skinny and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. Answer: candle. Riddle: You see a boat full of people. It hasn’t sunk, but if you look again, you don’t see a single person on the ship. Why? Answer: They were all married. Riddle: What can be seen in mid-March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of each month? Answer: The letter R. Riddle: Which English word has three consecutive double letters? Answer: accountant. Riddle: I have keys but no locks and space and no rooms. You can enter, but you cannot go outside. What am I? Answer: A keyboard. Riddle: Which four-letter word can be spelled forward, backward, or upside down and still be read left-to-right? Answer: noon. Riddle: What’s at the end of the rainbow? Answer: The letter W! Riddle: Which letter of the alphabet has the most water? Answer: The “C.” Riddle: Where does today come before yesterday? Answer: In the dictionary. Riddle: Which two words together contain the most letters? Answer: mail. Riddle: You drive on red and stop on green. What am I? Answer: A watermelon. Riddle: I’m higher without a head. What am I? Answer: A pillow. Riddle: I’m easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I? Answer: A feather. Riddle: Which type of cheese is made backwards? Answer: Edam Riddle: An electric train is going east. Where is the smoke going? Answer: Electric trains don’t smoke!

What stronger than a boulder but weaker than a flying insect?

The correct answer to the Riddle is “Gravity”.

What Am I

Solving puzzles is fun!

Puzzles, riddles and challenges have gone viral in no time as people have been looking for different and fun ways to connect during lockdown. Such tricky puzzles are making the rounds in WhatsApp groups and social media. During lockdown and self-quarantine, people are finding ways to pass the time. Many people spend time on their hobbies like reading, cooking, indoor games, etc.

Solving riddles, jigsaw puzzles, and brain teasers online is one of the many things people have identified to fill their time with some productivity. These puzzles help develop critical and analytical skills, and sometimes they’re fun to solve too. Amid the lockdown, more and more riddles are being shared and one of them is What’s stronger than a boulder but weaker than a flying insect? Riddle is making the rounds on social media.

Read What is stronger than a boulder but weaker than a flying insect? puzzle

Take a look at the riddle. The riddle goes as follows:

“What is stronger than a boulder, but weaker than a flying insect?”

Check the solution to the riddle!

The correct answer to the riddle is “gravity”.


The solution to the riddle is gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls a body towards the center of the earth or any other physical body with mass. Therefore we can say that gravity is stronger than a boulder. Gravity cannot harm a tiny insect. Therefore, gravity is weaker than a flying insect.

Follow our FreshersLive page for more fun and tricky riddles and riddles to stay relaxed and active! We update fun riddles, riddles for the day, riddles for adults on our site every day, right here!

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What has 1000 eyes but Cannot see?

Riddle answer: What has an eye but cannot see? The answer to the “what has an eye but cannot see” riddle is a needle.

What Am I

What has an eye but cannot see? With many more mysteries popping up on social media, let’s answer this one.

It’s been a few months now since everything changed with Boris Johnson’s pivotal statement. In his speech, he instructed us all to only leave the house for work in an absolute emergency, to shop for essentials as seldom as possible and to do a little sport.

This has saved many more lives and reduced the colossal burden on the NHS.

Still, these have been incredibly difficult times and it’s important to stay healthy and entertained.

Many have taken up exercise to keep fit and busy, but it’s important to exercise your brain as well. You can read a book, or if you fancy a quick test, riddles are always a fun way to put on your thinking cap.

We’ve seen a lot shared on social media, so let’s take a moment to highlight one.

Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What has an eye but cannot see?

Well, let’s get into that…

What has an eye but cannot see?

Before you rush off and look at the answer, stop for a few seconds and think again. you have that!

Think outside the box and it can come to you.

If not, don’t worry. Scroll to find the answer below.

This content failed to load See More 🤔🤔 What has an eye.. but can’t see?! @MissKav thinks she knows but wants to know what YOU think..? — Asian FX (@AsianFXRadio) May 1, 2020

Riddle Answer: What has an eye but cannot see?

The answer to the riddle “What has an eye but cannot see” is a needle.

Get it… the eye of the needle.

There are many classic puzzles floating around at the moment, but this can be considered a lesser-known gem.

Make sure you ask around on your social media to see if any of your friends can get it. If you think you might already know, we have another one for you to think about:

What word in the English language means the following: the first two letters mean a man, the first three letters mean a woman, the first four letters mean a great woman while the whole world means a great woman. what is the word

Try that too!

In other news, the government is preparing major cycling roadmaps.

What is dirty when it’s white?

Explanation: Blackboard is Black in Colour and we write it on with the help of White Chalk. When we overwrite things with white chalk on the blackboard or the Blackboard is totally full then, it looks Dirty. So, Blackboard becomes dirty when it is turned White.

What Am I

Why should you play this interesting What Becomes White When It Is Dirty? puzzle

Riddles and jigsaw puzzles increase our productivity. There are several studies that suggest that finding the answer to the riddles helps us increase our productivity. Playing riddles and jigsaw puzzles subconsciously improves our vital skills that later help us increase our productivity. Take a look and read the answer along with an explanation of this memorable What becomes white when dirty? Puzzle.

What turns white when dirty? mystery about everything?

This Amazing What Turns White When Dirty? Riddle is as follows:

What turns white when dirty?

What is the answer to the question what becomes white when it is dirty? puzzle

The answer to this interesting question: what becomes white when it’s dirty? Puzzle is blackboard.


The board is black in color and we write it with white chalk. When we write over things on the blackboard with white chalk or when the blackboard is completely full, it looks dirty. So the blackboard gets dirty when it turns white.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What has 2 banks but no money?

What has two banks but no money? Answer: A river bank.

What Am I

Ready for a riddle? We have 50 to guard, solving each money-themed puzzle.

This collection of riddles will not only challenge children’s critical thinking, develop problem-solving skills and hone their listening skills, but some of the riddles require nifty sum work. If these get your brain cells begging for more, say goodbye to summer and wave to Halloween with even more puzzles.

There’s no better way to challenge kids than to give them a brain teaser that might even keep them busy all day beating their parents with their wisdom. So, grab pen and paper and encourage the kids to get lost in some good old-fashioned puzzle fun.

If you want to read other amazing puzzle articles after money puzzles, you can check out water puzzles.

Head scratcher money puzzle

Familiarize yourself with these money puzzles.

1. What kind of shore contains nothing but water? Answer: A snow bank.

2. When did money start growing on trees? Answer: Once upon a time, countries started using paper money (paper is made from trees).

3. What kind of money does a vampire use? Answer: blood money.

4. What has two banks but no money? Answer: A river bank.

5. What kind of food is crazy about money? Answer: A cash ew.

6. What do the dollar and the moon have in common? Answer: Both have quarters.

7. What kind of book can make money? Answer: A checkbook.

8. Which animal always has a buck? Answer: A stag (a buck is a male stag).

9. What is the richest part of the river? Answer: The river bank.

10. What is the easiest way to double your money? Answer: Use a mirror.

11. Which bank has no money? Answer: A blood bank.

12. What has 100 heads and 100 tails? Answer: 100 coins.

13. What goes further the slower it goes? Answer: money.

14. Which five letter word has only one left when two letters are removed? Answer: money (take away the ‘m’ and ‘y’).

15. Which animal has a dime? Answer: A skunk (a scent/cent).

Solve these sums

This collection of riddles will leave you scratching your head. But how fast can you solve these clever money puzzles?

16. A duck received $7, an ant $21, and a spider $28. What sum was given to the cat? Answer: $14 ($3.50 each way).

17. Tuesday, Kelly and Tess went to the coffee shop. They split the $6 bill equally. What did they each pay? Answer: $2 (Tuesday is her boyfriend’s name).

18. Eggs cost $0.12 per dozen. How many eggs can I get for $1? Answer: 100 (a dozen eggs is 12, so 1 cent per egg).

19. Jana went to the store to get ice cream. She had two quarters, eight dimes, three nickels and a penny. She bought an ice cream cone for $0.95 and paid with all but three of her coins. What coins did she pay with? Answer: Eight dimes and three nickels.

20. A bat and a ball together cost $1.10. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much money does the ball cost? Answer: Five cents (the bat costs $1 more, so the remaining 10 cents must be split equally between the bat and the ball).

What am I? money puzzle

Can you solve these money puzzles before everyone else?

21. I have branches but no stem or leaves. Answer: A bank.

22. People fear me but pay me to fill holes with silver and make gold caps. Answer: A dentist.

23. Sometimes I stink. Sometimes I’m dirty. Still, everyone wants me. Answer: money.

24. I am pushed, folded, opened and sat on. Answer: A wallet.

25. I can be harder than stone, light as air and everyone wants me. Answer: money.

26. I have a tail and a head. But no arms or legs. Answer: A coin.

27. I have every color. But no gold. Answer: A rainbow.

28. My rings aren’t worth money, but they show my age. Answer: A tree.

29. People need me, but they always give me away. Answer: money.

30. I can be found on a busy street and if you don’t pay rent I’ll tell you. Answer: A parking meter.

31. Whoever does it doesn’t say it. Whoever takes it does not know it. Anyone who knows it doesn’t want it. Answer: counterfeit money.

Riddles for money lovers

Can you find the answer to each of these money riddles with this collection of tricky money riddles?

32. A wise lady left her fortune to the person who kissed her on the forehead half as many times as she had days left to live. Who did she leave her fortune to? Answer: The girl she kissed every other day.

33. A man walks into a store and steals a $100 bill. Then he buys $70 worth of stuff and the store owner gives him $30 in change. How much does the shopkeeper lose? Answer: $100 (he sold $70 worth of items).

34. Simon had $200,000. Fiona has $10,000. Mark will have $35,000. Who has the most money? Answer: Fiona (she currently has her money).

35. My first is on the doorstep. My second is a muesli. My third is what most people want. My whole is one of the United States. Answer: marriage (matte rye money, and marriage is a united state).

36. How to remove a coin from a corked bottle without breaking it? Answer: Push in the cork and shake out the coin.

37. A mother agreed to pay her son 5 cents for every math problem he solved and fine him 8 cents for every wrong answer. After 26 problems, no one owes the other anything. How many problems did the boy solve correctly? Answer: 16 (the amount they owed each other (80c) canceled each other out).

38. I give away half my money and spend half of what I have left. I lose $5. I have 5 dollars left. How much did I start with? Answer: $40

39. Would you have more money if you had a million dollars today, or a penny today that doubles in value every day for 30 days? Answer: One penny (after 30 days it would be worth $5,368,709.12).

40. An orange costs 18 cents, a pineapple costs 27 cents and a grape costs 15 cents. How much does a mango cost? Answer: 15c (3c for each letter of the name).

41. How can you give someone $63 if you use six bills but no dollar bills? Answer: $50, $5 and four $2.

42. I had $2. My mother gives me a $10 loan. I asked my father for $40. On my birthday, my uncle sent me $50. I put $1 in my purse. Then I find $8 today. How much did I have? Answer: $2 (what you originally had, not what you have or will have now).

43. A rich man agreed to pay a poor man $100 if he could sing a song that included his daughter’s name. What did the beggar sing? Answer: Happy Birthday.

More money puzzles for kids

These money riddles are easy once you know them. Why not share your favorite riddle with a friend?

44. Where is money guaranteed to be found? Answer: The dictionary.

45. When does it rain money? Answer: When the weather changes.

46. ​​If money grew on trees, what would be everyone’s favorite time of year? Answer: autumn.

47. A man drives his car into a hotel and is instantly broke. Why? Answer: He played Monopoly.

48. Why is a river rich? Answer: Because it has two banks.

49. How many coins fit in my empty piggy bank? Answer: One (once a coin goes in, it is no longer empty).

The famous money riddle

This riddle has swept the internet – but can you solve the perplexing riddle?

50. Three guests check into a hotel. The receptionist charges a total of $30, so each guest pays $10. Later, the receptionist realizes it should have only been $25 and gives the bellhop $5 to give back to the guests. Realizing that $5 cannot be split between three, he gives each guest $1 and keeps $2. $9 x 3 = $27 plus $2 for the bellhop = $29. Where’s the extra dollar gone? Answer: The $2 for the bellboy is already included in the $27 the men paid, so they only ever spent $25, which was on the hotel bill.

What is the fastest animal without legs?

The fastest land animal is the cheetah. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, and the fastest member of the animal kingdom, with a diving speed of 389 km/h (242 mph).

List of animals by speed.
Rank 1
Animal Peregrine falcon
Maximum speed 389 km/h (242 mph) 108 m/s (354 ft/s)
Class Flight-diving

What Am I

This is a list of the world’s fastest animals by animal species.

Fastest Organism[ edit ]

The fastest land animal is the cheetah. With a diving speed of 389 km/h (242 mph), the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird and the fastest member of the animal kingdom.[1] Among the fastest animals in the sea is the black marlin, with uncertain and conflicting reports of recorded speeds.[2][3]

When comparing between different classes of animals, an alternative unit is used for organisms: body length per second. The fastest organism on earth relative to its body length is the Southern California mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis with a speed of 322 body lengths per second.[4] The equivalent speed for a human running as fast as this mite would be 1,300 mph (2,092 km/h).[5] The speed of P. macropalpis far exceeds the previous record holder, the Australian tiger beetle Cicindela eburneola, which is the world’s fastest insect-for-body size with a record speed of 1.86 meters per second (6.7 km/h). H; 4.2 mph) or 171 body lengths per second.[6] The cheetah, the fastest land mammal, reaches only 16 body lengths per second,[4] while Anna’s hummingbird has the highest known length-specific speed of any vertebrate.

invertebrates [ edit ]

Animal Maximum recorded speed Notes Brake 145 km/h (90 mph)

[36][ unreliable source? ] The pursuit maneuver of the male Hybomitra hinei wrighti measured by interpolation of slow-motion cinematography. Members of the Loliginidae and Ommastrephidae 36 km/h (22 mph) Many of these species “fly” out of the water to avoid danger. The Japanese flying squid can glide over 30 meters for 3 seconds. Paratarsotomus macropalpis 22 cm/s (8.7 in/s)

800 m/h (730 ft/ks) 0.7 mm long mite endemic to Southern California that runs at up to 322 body lengths per second, equivalent to a human running at about 2,092 km/h (1,300 mph). Because of this feat, it is considered the fastest animal in the world relative to its body size. It can also withstand temperatures of 60 °C (140 °F), which are lethal to many animals.[5][37] Tiger Beetle 6.8 km/h (4.2 mph)

[6] The Australian tiger beetle, Cicindela eburneola, is one of the fastest running insects in the world relative to body size, which has been recorded at 6.8 km/h (4.2 mph) or 171 body lengths per second. It can fly at 43 km/h (27 mph).

fish [edit]

Due to physical limitations, fish may not be able to exceed swimming speeds of 36 km/h (22 mph).[2][3] Larger reported numbers are therefore highly questionable.

Animal Maximum Recorded Speed ​​Notes Black Marlin 132 km/h (82 mph) [citation needed] [dubious discussion] . Sailfish 109.19 km/h (67.85 mph) [citation needed] [dubious discussion] In a series of tests conducted in a fishing camera in Long Key, Florida, USA, Sailfish swam and jumped 91 meters (300 feet) in 3 seconds, which equates to a speed of 109 km/h (68 mph), although that speed includes leaps out of the water, which are not necessarily considered swimming speeds. Swordfish 97 km/h (60 mph) [citation needed] [dubious discussion] The figure of 60 mph (97 km/h) listed for the Swordfish is based on a corrupted version of calculations made by Sir James Gray to estimate the impact speed required for a hypothetical 600-pound (270 kg) swordfish embedding its sword 3 feet in the wood of ships, as is known to occur; The character seems to have entered the literature without question, as if someone actually timed a swordfish at that speed. Yellowfin tuna 76 km/h (47 mph)

[38][discuss dubious] Many tuna species are capable of swimming at high speeds, colloquially around 80 km/h (50 mph). The tuna tails move fast enough to cause cavitation, which slows them down as steam builds up.[3] Tuna have bony fins with no nerve endings, which prevents the fish from feeling the pain of cavitation but does not completely protect them from the implosive damage. Shortfin Mako Shark 72 km/h (45 mph) [citation needed] [dubious discussion] Under water and unimpeded by a fishing line, the shortfin mako has been clocked reliably at 31 miles (50 kilometers) per hour, and it is claimed that one Individuals of this species reached a top speed of 46 miles (74 kilometers) per hour. But getting a fish in the wild to swim in a straight line over a measured distance is extremely difficult. Laboratory measurements of numerous fish species – representing a wide range of body sizes – swimming against an artificial current have found a surprisingly consistent maximum burst speed of about 10 times body length per second. Therefore, the theoretical top speed of an average-sized 6.5-foot (2-meter) shortfin could be about 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour. However, some estimates of a Shortfin Mako’s top speed are considerably higher.


Animal Maximum recorded speed Notes Nauta Salamander 24.14 km/h (15.00 mph)

Also known as the Andean salamander, it is the fastest recorded amphibian.[39][40]

Reptiles[ edit ]

birds [edit]

^ In strong downwind conditions during an Antarctic storm, maintain ground speed without rest for approximately nine hours.


See also[edit]

Notes [edit]

What has a head but no hair?

Bottle’s Lid is referred to as Head Without Hair.

What Am I

Why should you try this interesting riddle?

Solving puzzles and riddles affects both hemispheres of our brain. The right brain is responsible for creative, intuitive, and emotional thinking, while the left brain is responsible for logical, objective, and methodical thinking. To get to the final correct answer of the riddle, both hemispheres must work together as a single team. This helps both hemispheres of our brain.

Learn more about With Head Without Hair. With a mouth without a tooth riddle

This amazing one with a head without hair. The mouth-without-tooth riddle is as follows:

With a head without hair. With a mouth without a tooth.

Answer to that, with a head without hair. With a mouth without a tooth riddle

The answer to this amazing head with no hair. With a toothless mouth the puzzle is a bottle.

Still wondering why?


Bottle cap is referred to as a head without hair. Then when we open the cap of the bottle we will find an opening through which we will pour water or something else into the water bottle. This opening is called the mouth without teeth.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

I’ve Got the Rhythm | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

I’ve Got the Rhythm | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children
I’ve Got the Rhythm | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

See some more details on the topic i have no feet to dance here:

I Have No Feet To Dance, I Have No Eyes To See, I Have No …

The answer for I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die but yet I do all three. What am I? Rdle is “Fire.

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Source: latestnews.fresherslive.com

Date Published: 4/9/2022

View: 2511

I have no feet to dance riddle answer – Puzzle Paheliyan

Answer: The answer to the I have no feet to dance Rdle is fire. Fire is the correct answer to this Rdle because as we know that the fire …

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Source: puzzlepaheliyan.com

Date Published: 4/16/2022

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What Am I – Riddles.com

Rdle: I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I hav eno life to live or die but yet I do all three. What am I? Answer: Fire.

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Source: www.riddles.com

Date Published: 8/21/2021

View: 7119

30+ I Have No Feet To Dance I Have No Eyes To See I Have …

Fun i have no feet to dance i have no eyes to see i have no life to live or die but yet i do all three what am i rdles and answers.

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Source: www.riddlesandanswers.com

Date Published: 12/13/2022

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I have no feet to dance i have no eyes to see riddle

Rdle: I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die but yet I do all three. What am I?

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Source: www.imlearningmath.com

Date Published: 11/7/2022

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I Have No Feet To Dance – King Dancer

I Have No Feet To Dance Answer, I Have No Eyes To See Answer, I Have No Life To Live Answer Or Die But Yet I Do All Three. What Am I? Rdle …

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Source: www.kingdancer.com

Date Published: 3/2/2021

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I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I hav eno life to …

I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I hav eno life to live or die but yet I do all three. What am I? Show answer. Fire. Submitted by: admin …

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Source: www.madlogics.com

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‘No Legs Have I to Dance’ Riddle – Braingle

A Rdle: No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I that dies And yet I do all three. What am I? :: Difficulty:2.1/4.

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Source: www.braingle.com

Date Published: 2/26/2022

View: 4354

I Have No Feet To Dance, I Have No Eyes To See, I Have No Life To Live Or Die But Yet I Do All Three. What Am I? Riddle Answer

Try, I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but still I do all three. What am I? puzzle

Amid the COVID-19 epidemic, people are trying to fight stress and relieve anxiety, many things to kill the boredom. People try some ways by solving jigsaw puzzles, riddles and quizzes. Some riddles make us giggle because they’re so dumb. The puzzles on our website are entertaining. The best jokes for kids, the very best riddles for kids, are difficult, fun phrase puzzles that will get them testing their faith. These riddles will keep your mind sharp. Try to solve entertaining puzzles that could be topical on our website day by day.

Here’s the I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but I still do all three. What am I? riddles for you!

Read the article I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but I still do all three. What am I? Puzzle given below and solve the puzzle. It’s really fun!

“I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but I still do all three. What am I?”

Can you guess the riddle?

What is the answer to the question I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but I still do all three. What am I? Puzzle?

Check if the answer you guessed is the one given below:

The answer, because I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or to die, but I still do all three. What am I? Puzzle is “fire”.


In this puzzle, the one trying to solve it has to read between the lines carefully. Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical combustion process, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. That is why fire has no feet to dance to and eyes to see in. Also it has no life to live or die, but it can dance, see and live or die.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

I have no feet to dance riddle answer

We’re back with a new interesting puzzle for you. Can you guess the answer to this riddle below?

Riddle: I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but still I do all three. What am I?

Answer: The answer to the riddle I don’t have feet to dance on is fire.

Fire is the correct answer to this riddle because as we know fire has no feet to dance, no eye to see and it has no life, but it can still do all these things.

Did you find this puzzle interesting, let me know in the comments. You can find more interesting puzzles on our website puzzlepaheliyan.com.

What Am I

What am I
Riddle: I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die, but still I do all three. What am I?
Answer: fire.
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