Grandma Birthday Party Ideas? The 230 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “grandma birthday party ideas“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

How do you celebrate your grandma’s birthday?

Theme Ideas for Grandma’s Birthday Party
  1. A Fancy Afternoon Tea. A tea party is a wonderful choice for a birthday celebration for a grandmother. …
  2. Skydiving (For The One Who Always Wanted To) …
  3. A Day Trip with the family somewhere local. …
  4. Break out the Karaoke. …
  5. A Dance Class for All Ages. …
  6. A Private Cooking Class.

How can I make my grandma feel special on her birthday?

Read further to know some amazing grandparents day celebration ideas and how to make them feel special.
  1. Celebrate with a Cake. The cake is an essential part of every small or big celebration. …
  2. Cook For Them. …
  3. Plan a Picnic. …
  4. Take Them on a Date. …
  5. Surprise with a Gift. …
  6. Spend Time with Them.

What do seniors do for their birthday?

8 Ways to Make Seniors Feel Special on their Brithday
  1. Put a Happy Birthday sign on their door. …
  2. Decorate their room with balloons.
  3. Offer them a “It’s My Birthday” badge for them to wear for the day.
  4. Bring in a cake when everyone is in the dining room and sing happy birthday and get them to blow out a candle.

How do you celebrate your 80th birthday?

80th Birthday Party Themes
  • 80th Tea Party. Tea parties are perfect party themes for a parent or grandparent who loves an excuse to dress up for an elegant affair. …
  • Cheers to 80 Years. …
  • Garden Party. …
  • Vintage Birthday Party. …
  • Outdoor Evening Celebration. …
  • Still Rock’n It Party. …
  • Their Favorite Restaurant. …
  • 1980’s Party.

How do you make your grandma feel special?

  1. Send your grandparents letters. …
  2. Send them pictures. …
  3. Send your grandparents flowers. …
  4. Set up a bi-weekly or monthly planned phone call. …
  5. Send them a gift card for their favorite fast food or coffee. …
  6. Make them freezer meals. …
  7. Ask them if you can help clean their house. …
  8. Frame some art work for them.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

I corresponded with an elderly lady not long ago. I told her about this list I had made. I wanted to better serve my aging grandparents and wasn’t sure how. She shared her story of how her family used to come home all the time. All her children and grandchildren came home on every holiday. Then her grandchildren started having children. She said everything seemed to change. Soon their adult children and grandchildren were vacationing together. But very rarely did anyone come back to see her on vacation.

I completely understood what she was saying and I can see the same happening in our family.

All of my grandparents (my children’s great-grandparents) are in their 80’s. My ideas changed when I thought about my grandparents in their 80s. You can’t get out much. They get very tired very quickly and one of my grandfathers is not very healthy. They all still live at home.

Hopefully, here are some ideas on how to show love and respect to your grandparents as they age.

(Update 1/4/2017.)

An Amazon Echo

My husband got an Amazon Echo for Christmas this year and after setting it all up he expressed how great one would be for my aging grandmother. Two things to consider first: 1. Your grandparents must have decent hearing. 2. You must also have internet.

Once you get the hang of the basics and setup, here are some benefits:

1. You can control the Echo in your home using an app on your own phone.2. You can create a playlist of their favorite music for them to play, or you can play for them.

3. You can play the scriptures or an audio book to them.

4. Everything is voice controlled for them. When they get tired of hearing the music you’ve turned on for them, all they have to do is say, “Echo, stop it.”

5. Here’s an article on how it can help your aging grandparents.

6. You can ask about the weather, time, temperature, etc. at any time of the day and Echo will answer.

7. You can turn on the lights in your home with voice activation.

8. You can do everything you can do through the app on your phone with their voice, but sometimes aging grandparents have trouble keeping everything in order. So you can always fix it from your phone.

(End update.)

1. Send letters to your grandparents

Going to the mailbox is something most octogenarians can do. It can be part of their afternoon ritual. Spice up the afternoon walk outside to the mailbox by sending them a letter.

While I feel that a handwritten letter is much more personable, sometimes a clear and large font is easier for the elderly to read. 2. Send them pictures Grandparents love pictures. These do not have to be removed professionally. Take photos of your kids playing with their toys or eating their lunch. Take photos of the normal things in life. You can print them out and mail them yourself.

Or I found it handy to use You can save your grandparents’ address in their system. Upload a few pictures to’s photo center and you can quickly request the system to send them straight to your grandparents’ address. 3. Send flowers to your grandparents

I have learned that my grandparents no longer need “stuff”. You don’t need new clothes or new home decorations. Flowers are beautiful for a short time and then can be thrown away. Especially in the middle of winter, flowers can quickly brighten a day and bring a little of the outside world inside on a cold day. 4. Set up a bi-weekly or monthly scheduled phone call

Everyone likes something to look forward to and I find my grandparents don’t always have a calendar full of social events. Schedule a Tuesday evening call every two weeks or once a month. Make it a priority and your grandparents will love talking to you and their great-grandchildren. You will look forward to that call. 5. Send them a gift card for their favorite fast food or coffee. My grandparents live downtown, just a block from Hardees. While I don’t find fast food to be a great place to eat, taking that walk and having a coffee in the morning is a big deal for them. Give them a good reason to take a short walk when the weather is nice. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you buying their coffee. 6. Make them meals from the freezer My grandparents appreciate it when I bring them ready meals. They don’t always have the energy to cook and they don’t always make it to the grocery store every week. Also, Empty Nests told me that motivation is sometimes hard when you’re only cooking for two people, especially after cooking for a family for years. Bring them food in portion-sized containers. Frozen soup, lasagna, and frozen burritos are some of my grandparents’ favorites. 7. Ask them if you can help them clean their house. I recommend planning this ahead of time so you don’t just walk in and seem to be like, “Oh dear, we need to clean your house!” My grandparents have become much more receptive to my help when we plan to clean ahead of time. 8. Frame a work of art for them Take a drawing or picture of your children’s art and send it to them. Or give them a specific framework for children’s art. Change the artwork in it every time you go. Your grandparents will have updated artwork to look at after each visit.

9. Take them to their doctor’s appointments Ever asked your grandma how her doctor’s appointment went and she can’t give you a straight answer? If your grandparents have serious medical complications, find out when their appointments are and ask if you can accompany them. Talking to your doctor can clear up a lot of confusion. This is good for your grandparents and other affected family members. 10. Ask if you can pick up groceries for them My grandparents run out of energy quickly. When I’m ready to pick up their groceries, they always take me up on the offer. If you choose to accompany them to the store instead of replacing them, always be patient. 11. Take them on a historic ride in their hometown If your grandparents’ hometown is near where they currently live, take them on a Sunday afternoon ride to the historic district. I guarantee they will be happy to tell you stories about the old roller rink or the old ride at the cinema. 12. Help Them Garden Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems that mowing a garden is one of the last projects a grandpa wants to give up. I love that my grandpa still wants to mow his garden and I think it’s a task that gives him a sense of accomplishment. Pulling weeds and trimming shrubs can take a lot more energy. Ask if you can help clean up the flower bed at the end of the season and I think your grandparents will willingly let you push the wheelbarrow. 13. Help them choose Christmas gifts for family members This is a fine line to walk. My grandma is a gift giver. She always has been. However, in recent years, her ability to select gifts has declined significantly. She has a really hard time making a decision and still orders through catalogues. Giving and offering some ideas, picking up some gifts at the local mall has made Christmas gifts a lot more fun for them again. 14. Send Flower Bulbs Rural life seemed much more common in my grandparents’ younger years. They all seem to have a special flower that their grandma used to plant. Find out which flowers are important to your grandma. In the spring, send her a bag of flower bulbs to plant. Add a note remembering the stories you’ve heard about that particular flower. 15. Ask your grandparents about the Great Depression or the War The number of people who experienced the Great Depression or World War II is decreasing. My grandpa still tells stories about the war. He was in the Navy and is the only one left of his ship. His mind is slowly fading, but he still remembers everything about the war. 16. Give them a houseplant or a potted tomato plant Once again, give your grandparents gifts that don’t accumulate. A tomato plant is a great idea for spring. My grandparents used to have a huge garden. They no longer have the energy for it, but a potted tomato plant still provides them with the fresh, garden flavor of a tomato. 17. Sending cookies Do you remember baking cookies with your grandma? Do you have cookies that used to be made for each Christmas season? Make a batch and send them off. Plan ahead so you can get to the post office the same day they are baked. Add a note about the good old days of baking cookies together.

18. Offer to split the cost of a plane ticket What!?! Why!?! I have a grandma who lives nine hours away. It is impractical for me to take my young children and drive nine hours to stay with my grandmother. We would overwhelm their small apartment. Instead, we offer to share the cost of an airline ticket. We take all reservations and organize a wheelchair to pick you up at all gates. We only did this once and the airport staff took great care of her. She stayed with us for three days and flew back home. By our standards, this was an ideal plan. 19. Looking through old family photos When I first met my husband, his grandmother showed me ALL the old family photos. And I mean old old family pictures. I was someone new and someone willing to listen, who hadn’t seen all of these images before. My new grandmother loved showing me pictures of her grandmother. I began to appreciate time and learned to appreciate my husband’s family history. 20. Visit your grandparents Make it a priority to visit your grandparents. They LOVE seeing you and your great-grandchildren. We have learned that short visits are better than long visits. Sometimes unannounced visits are good too. My grandma doesn’t bother cleaning the house if she doesn’t know we’re coming. Above all, listen to them. Be patient with them. serve them. I hope these ideas can serve as a little reminder to honor and respect our grandparents!

What every Grandma needs?

8 items every new Grandma needs at her house
  • Diapering Essentials. …
  • Play yard. …
  • Safety/Babyproofing Items. …
  • Thermometer. …
  • Outdoor Protection. …
  • Baby Laundry Detergent. …
  • Toys and Books. …
  • Highchair.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

There’s a new baby on the way for your family and it’s been a while since a little baby walked around your house. You may be wondering what you need for your home to make visiting your family with the new baby easier for everyone. Maybe your family is coming to town for the holidays and you want to know how to accommodate you. Traveling can be stressful, so I’ve made a list of items and ideas that will make everyone want to visit grandma’s house.

Disclaimer: This listing was created for a visiting grandparent, not a full-time caregiver situation. If the baby visits the grandparents frequently, you may want to invest in more items.

1. Diaper Essentials

As a mom who has found herself in desperate diaper situations (car breakdown, sudden illness, bad weather), it’s very nice to have a supply of diapers and wipes at Grandma’s. Pay attention to the size of the diapers and ask the parents before a visit what size the child wears. Every baby is different but in our home our babies wear a size Newborn, 1 or 2 not very long. My mom even keeps a supply of adjustable cloth diapers at her house in case I’m in a tight spot.

In my home I created diaper bins for each floor. Each caddy contains nappies, a pack of wipes, nappy cream, a changing pad and antibacterial gel in one pump. Having a caddy to carry around Grandma’s house instead of lugging around my diaper bag was lovely. You could even use a plastic shower caddy. Here’s a link to an example of the caddy I’m using. Click here.

I even have one in the truck of my car.

2. Playground

This product is essential for babies and toddlers to sleep safely. Having one in the grandparents’ house helps the family pack less and gives the mobile toddler a place to play.

3. Safety/Baby Safety Items

It is very important to make sure these cute babies stay safe in your home. They don’t want their memories of vacationing at Grandma’s to be associated with a visit to the ER. Every house is different, but I would take that very seriously. Gratings for stairs are a must and sharp corners on tables and counters should be covered. Household chemicals should be kept under lock and key. You can visit your local Target store for inexpensive outlets, doorknobs, and corner covers. There is a small price to pay to ensure no little ones are injured. Click here to read an article from AARP on keeping your grandchildren safe at home. Consider collecting important phone numbers like the Poison Control Center and local pharmacies and keeping them handy. I posted my address and directions to my house on the side of my fridge in case someone needs to call 911.

4. Clinical thermometer

Get a digital ear or temple thermometer. I promise you will use it even if the kids are not around. It will be so helpful in case someone is uncomfortable in your house. You can even monitor the baby while he’s sleeping. Infant and/or child Tylenol is also good to have in case the baby gets a fever in the middle of the night.

5. Outdoor protection

Seasonal items like sunscreen and bug repellent that are safe for babies are a big help for mom and dad. Parents literally have to pack half the house to take the baby anywhere, and that’s an item that’s easy to forget. For our children with sensitive skin, we use Aveeno Baby products.

6. Baby detergent

It’s nice to have a few extra clothes at Grandma’s when possible (my mum loves to buy extra clothes for her house at the flea market), but with babies growing so fast it’s sometimes difficult to step with the right size to keep. Having baby-sensitive detergents like Dreft or Fragrant Free Tide on hand is a quick way to wash soiled clothes while mom and baby are napping.

7. Toys and books

Another reason to hit the next flea market you see. A basket of toys and books at Grandma’s can help keep a young child entertained while the adults chat and prepare meals. Toys at Grandma’s are different than at home, so they will be appealing.

8. High chair

At 6 months, or sometimes earlier, a baby can start solid foods. This means that the baby needs some kind of high chair for family meals. With our first child, my mother bought a large high chair that was very impractical and bulky. She often mentioned that it got in her way at home. With our second baby we bought a Ciao Baby Chair, a portable folding high chair that folds up like a camp chair. It is very easy to use and clean. Not only can it be used at the dinner table, we also bring it to the park, restaurants and the porch. Best of all, the Ciao Baby Chair folded up nicely and was easy to store in Grandma’s closet or under a bed. It comes in many colors including neutrals for grandmas with lots of grandchildren. They even have Mossy Oak and Collegiate Sports teams.

A few extra bowls, cups, and spoons are also helpful.

There are many other things that you can buy to have conveniently in your home, but this has been a list of essentials for occasional visits that will be of great help to new parents. I’m a frugal mom trying to be very efficient and not break the bank. We think these are great ways to make it easier for your kids to take their kids to grandma’s house.

I hope you make many fond memories with your grandchildren this holiday season.

How do I entertain my grandmother?

15 fun activities for any child to do with their grandparents:
  1. Play cards. …
  2. Solve crosswords, puzzles or riddles. …
  3. Interview each other! …
  4. Draw a family tree, and discuss its branches. …
  5. Share old photos and talk about the stories behind them. …
  6. Go on a walk. …
  7. Have a tea party. …
  8. Take turns reading a book.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes


15 fun activities for visiting grandparents

Memories of Grandma and Grandpa are something your child will cherish for the rest of their life. It can often be difficult to find something fun to do. To find a cure for the lack of things both parties could enjoy, we’ve put together a list of fun activities for your kids to take part in when they visit their grandparents.

15 fun activities for every child to do with their grandparents:

Playing cards.

Who doesn’t like a good deck of cards? Card games like UNO, Old Maid or Go Fish are great for all ages!

Solve crosswords, riddles or riddles.

Puzzles are great because they challenge the mind and require teamwork from both sides.

Interview each other! Take notes or record it with your smartphone.

Give your child something to look back on by letting them interview Grandma or Grandpa! Who knows, you might discover something new yourself.

Draw a family tree and discuss its branches.

Most families are much larger than we assume. Have your child sit with their grandparents and go through a little family history.

Share old photos and talk about the stories behind them.

Each photo is worth a thousand words, but often we don’t know the real story behind the photos we see.

To go for a walk.

Depending on the location, you might be able to send your child on a short walk with Grandma or Grandpa to do a bit of sightseeing.

Have a tea party.

Putting on a big fancy hat and doing a bit of acting is a great way to escape from reality and have a little fun.

Take turns reading a book.

Whether it’s a bedtime story or a chapter from a favorite book, it’s a great way to teach the importance of reading.

Draw pictures of each other.

Who would have thought that grandma or grandpa were artists? Drawings make great keepsakes for grandchildren and grandparents.

Watch a movie together.

Movies are a great pastime and relaxation! Pick a favorite movie to share and enjoy a healthy snack.

Have breakfast or dinner together.

Getting out of the house and heading out to dinner is a great way for any grandparent to show off their most prized possession.

Baking cookies.

Sharing the secret cookie recipe is a great way to connect and have a little fun in the kitchen.

Sing and dance karaoke!

Do you want to see grandma and grandpa dance? Ask her for her favorite growing up song and throw it up for a little dance party.

Color or paint picture frames.

Create something that will always have a special place in your child’s heart by decorating a photo frame with Grandma and Grandpa.

Play a game on a smartphone or tablet.

If your child shows grandma or grandpa how to play their favorite game on their smartphone or tablet, this is just the thing for your child.

Are you looking for more activities with grandma and grandpa?

Check out our blog for 12 more fun things to do when you visit your grandparents!

Memories are created every hour of every day! If your grandparents need a little help and could benefit from assisted living or independent living, contact us today and find out why we’re more than just a residential facility, we’re a community of friends!

How do I make my grandparent like a pro?

Here’s how to be the best grandparent you can be.
  1. Ask rather than answer. As a grandparent, you have years of parenting experience. …
  2. Get silly. …
  3. Beware grandparent rivalry. …
  4. Be mellow about mess. …
  5. Don’t be a burden. …
  6. Avoid playing favorites. …
  7. Take the lead. …
  8. Be your grandchild’s confidante.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

Being a gorgeous grandma or grandpa is fun, sure — but it also takes time and effort. How to become the best grandparent you can be.

Ask instead of answering

As grandparents, you have years of parenting experience. You may feel like an expert and see that your child – the new parent – needs your guidance. But in this direction lies a catastrophe.

“As hard as it is, you have to realize that it’s their turn to make parenting decisions. Grandparents shouldn’t get in the way,” says Sharon O’Neill, a New York family therapist.

If you offer advice and opinion, no matter how well-intentioned, you risk making already nervous new parents feel like you don’t trust them or don’t respect their judgement, O’Neill says. Instead, flip the equation and let your curiosity guide you.

Ask her about your grandchild’s likes and dislikes, latest achievements and fun tricks. Use caution when asking about diet, health issues, or sleeping habits — you don’t want to be intrusive. Gentle, non-judgmental questions show your care and allow you to support your child through any challenges.

get silly

Grandparents can mean all the fun of the kids without all the responsibility. So enjoy! Lay down on the floor and play with your new grandchild. Act out silly scenes with finger puppets, invent stories and make faces. Save jokes for older kids and watch fun movies together.

Grandmother Sarah Williams invented a special language with her granddaughters when they were young, replacing words so no one else could understand what they were talking about. Now that the girls are older they have started sharing funny video clips with her on Facebook.

“It’s a hoot. My friends see these crazy things that Amelia and Lily post on my page and just laugh,” says Williams.

Beware of grandparent rivalry

Avoid the trap of having to keep up with Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josie – it only leads to uncomfortable feelings.

“It’s inevitable that one pair of grandparents will spend more time with the child than the other, but that doesn’t say anything about the closeness of the relationships,” said Amy Goyer, AARP’s multigenerational family expert and author of Things to Do Now , since you are grandparents.

Keep your grandson’s needs in mind. After all, there is no such thing as too much love, and a close relationship with a pair of grandparents doesn’t diminish your importance—unless you let it.

Be gentle about chaos

Let’s face it, kids are messy. You may have forgotten how messy! It’s best to plan ahead so you’re not dismayed when a piece of toast lands jam-side down on your white couch.

It’s okay to designate some areas as off-limits and make others kid-friendly. Since you don’t want to chase your grandchildren with a sponge, set up a children’s dining area where crumbs can fall at will. You can use a wipe clean tablecloth and even protect carpets with a floor mat.

You should protect young grandchildren by cordoning off dangerous areas and keeping valuables and potential poisons out of reach. Our video shows you how you can childproof your home or at least parts of it.

Doing things, not just giving things

It’s tempting to buy the latest toy or game and see your grandchild’s face light up, and that’s okay. But experiences you share are often far more meaningful — and will create memories that will last a lifetime.

“My grandchildren are eagerly opening birthday and Christmas cards to see what experiences we will share. Two of my grandchildren love trains, so we took a three-hour ride on Amtrak and headed back home for some fun adventures in the small town of Sedalia, Missouri,” says Cathy Svacina, a 12-year-old grandmother.

Document these experiences so that your grandchildren will remember them. “I took photos and notes and put together a little picture book for them, and they relived that journey over and over again,” says Svacina.

Even a day of babysitting is worth remembering, she adds. “I take photos and we make up a funny story that we turn into a book. And when we read the book together, we laugh and have so much fun again.”

Don’t be a burden

Beware of the common pitfall of overzealous grandparents: making more work for the new parents instead of less.

AARP’s Amy Goyer says she hears from many disappointed grandparents who are wondering why they are not receiving more invitations to visit their adult children and grandchildren, seeming unaware of their expectations and the amount of effort and work they have put in spend others .

As your grandchildren grow older, think of ways to spend quality time with them that are helpful to the parents, are not intrusive, or require a lot of organization and planning on their part.

“Come up with fun experiences that just need them to show up,” says Goyer.

Avoid playing favorites

Fondling the dimpled baby while ignoring—or worse, snapping at—the boisterous 3-year-old sibling is a classic grandparent faux pas.

It’s almost impossible not to be amazed by the grace of the grandchild who is in the sweetest phase. But every child will go through difficult and angelic times, and your job is to love them either way.

“Kids are really smart. If you only seem to like them when they are at their best or when they are in a ‘light’ phase, they will know and be wary. It’s the grandparents’ version of the fair-weather friend,” says Göyer.

The best way to combat favoritism is to ensure your visits include one-on-one meetings with each grandchild. Kids tend to do their best when they’re away from sibling competition, and it’s a lot easier to get to know a shy kid when you’re the only one to talk to.

To make the most of your time together, tailor your activities to your grandchild’s interests. Take a truck-mad 4-year-old to a nearby construction site; take a princess-like 6-year-old to tea.

Take the lead

It is your job to keep in touch with your grandchild or grandchildren. If you expect them to, you will be disappointed and frustrated.

“It’s age-appropriate for kids to mindlessly keep in touch. If you want the relationship, you have to be willing to do the work,” says New York therapist Sharon O’Neill.

Think of birthdays, of course, but celebrate other special occasions as well. Send Valentine’s and Halloween cards, or host a Valentine’s Day or costume craft day if you live nearby. Document these and other experiences with photos and videos for your grandchild to remember.

Keep close track of your grandchild’s milestones and ask to be included if possible. (“He just walked? Can I come over and see it?” for example.) Recognize achievements, from learning to ride a tricycle to fifth grade science fair, and request demonstrations.

Ask if you can take artwork home to put on the fridge. Attend sports games, plays and dance performances. Cheer loudly, bring flowers, and then take everyone out for ice cream.

“When your granddaughter grows up, she will remember you as the grandparents who were always there to cheer her on, and that’s priceless,” says O’Neill. Remember this is your chance to redo it all with only the fun parts.

Be your grandchild’s confidante

You are an important outlet for your grandchildren because you offer their parents an alternative perspective. Listen and encourage her to open up to you as much as possible. Don’t limit phone calls to specific events like birthdays and holidays. Instead, keep calling year-round and keep it light and fun.

The first day of school, a tryout, a big game, or a play date with a new friend is reason enough to call. Use video calls when you can – it can be more fun if you can see each other.

Keep track of your grandchildren’s interests, the names they give new dolls or stuffed animals, books they’ve read – anything to ask about in the next conversation so they know you’ve been paying attention.

Save and share family memories

The stereotype of the boring grandpa who keeps talking about the good old days has unjustly scared many older people about talking about family history, and it’s a loss for everyone.

Instead, be proud of your role as family historian—you provide important continuity between past, present, and future. Spice up your stories with humor and adventure and keep them short and sweet and the grandchildren will love them.

Talk about your own life, but also talk about your adult child’s early years. As your grandson grows older, they will love hearing fun stories about their mother or father as a child – including scratches, exploits and what life was like back then.

“Think about what you can contribute from your own culture, history and personality – what can you pass on to the next generation?” says family therapist Christine Lawlor.

And when the grandkids are doing history projects for school, beware – they’ll want to hear all about your life “a long time ago” and what it was like to experience events they’ve only read about in books.

How do you celebrate your 90th birthday?

90th Birthday Ideas – Top 30 Ways to Celebrate a 90th Birthday
  • Throw a party! …
  • Make a Scrapbook or Album. …
  • Check-off a Bucket List Item. …
  • Revisit Favorite Sites. …
  • Organize a Card Campaign from Family and Friends. …
  • Have the President Send a Birthday Card. …
  • Make a Memory Quilt. …
  • Make a Photo Bouquet.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

Turning 90 is a big deal, so let’s celebrate it in style! Planning a special birthday can be difficult, so we’ve got everything you need from party ideas and decorations to cake ideas, gift ideas and more.

Browse our website now and find everything you need for an unforgettable 90th birthday celebration.

gift ideas

party ideas

More birthday fun

90th Birthday Ideas – Top 30 ways to celebrate a 90th birthday

A milestone birthday like the 90th calls for a memorable celebration! Here are a few ideas for celebrating your favorite senior’s 90th birthday:

1. Throw a party!

If the birthday man or woman is up for it (some 90-year-olds aren’t that energetic anymore), then consider throwing a 90th birthday party. It can be as small as just immediate family members, or it can be a lavish celebration.

Be sure to talk to the birthday girl about what he or she would prefer. That way, they can plan the party with joy and look forward to the event. Think twice before planning a surprise party for someone your age.

2. Create a scrapbook or album

A 90th birthday is a time to reflect on the amazing events of a lifetime. Help them by creating a scrapbook or photo album filled with some of the highlights of their lives.

Use email and Facebook or other social media sites to request pictures from scattered friends and family members. The celebrant will enjoy seeing long lost faces and images!

3. Check a bucket list item

What has he or she always dreamed of but never got around to? This is a great time to fill in as many of those bucket list items as possible.

4. Visit favorite sites again

At this age there are probably many places that were important to the birthday boy at some point in his life. If possible, take them back to some of the meaningful places – the house they grew up in, their old schools, workplaces.

Most seniors really enjoy a trip down memory lane! And you will enjoy hearing the stories about what their life was like all those years ago. For an extra treat, you can rent a sedan or large van and take family members on this commemorative tour.

5. Organize a card campaign from family and friends

Who doesn’t love receiving birthday cards in the mail? Make their 90th extra special by having so many family and friends send them a birthday card. Ideally, having 90 cards would be wonderful.

A card action requires some organization, but the joy it will bring to the celebrant is well worth it. Read details on how to organize a card campaign here.

6. Have the President send a birthday card

Put your tax dollars to use and order a birthday card from the White House (read the details here). It’s free (well, you’ve already paid for it through taxes) and is sure to delight the senior.

It takes at least 6 weeks, but the more you can cancel the better.

7. Make a memory quilt

This is another great use for a lifetime’s worth of photos! You can transfer images onto squares of fabric and sew a quilt filled with memories and love. A fun idea is to send blocks of fabric to family and loved ones and ask them to write a message on the fabric and then sew those blocks into the quilt as well.

Instructions for sewing a memory quilt can be found here.

8. Create a bouquet of photos

Surround your favorite senior with flowers that feature the pictures of their loved ones. It’s a cheerful decoration that will brighten up any room. And they will love having so many pictures of their favorite people!

9. 90 Day Love Letters in a Jar

This is a wonderful 90th birthday idea that will keep the excitement and joy of 90th birthday long after the actual birthday!

Write 90 small notes of appreciation or reminders on decorative paper, then place them in a pretty jar or vase. You can make all the notes yourself or ask other loved ones to write notes.

Then your manager can look forward to opening a note every day for the next 90 days.

10. Play a Favorite Game (or Two)

Playing games together is a wonderful way to enjoy being with your favorite senior—and it can be fun if the kids join in too.

Consider games from their childhood, such as checkers, dominoes, or card games. Games that could be fun for the whole family would be Trivial Pursuit, Bingo or Corn Hole.

11. Drink champagne

An event like this certainly deserves a toast or two! Why not open a special bottle of champagne and celebrate your 90th birthday in style?

Dancing on the tables is absolutely optional.

12. Listen to music from the last 90 years

Listening to music is a wonderful way to recall favorite memories. Download some of his or her favorite songs from his or her childhood and youth to listen to together.

13. Watch a favorite childhood movie together

Did he or she like to go to the cinema as a child? My mother had wonderful memories of going to the movies every Saturday (she paid a nickel for her ticket!)

Order some of their favorite childhood movies to watch together. Chances are you haven’t seen any movies from those days long gone – you’ll enjoy seeing how much technology has changed!

Don’t forget the popcorn!

14. Planting flowers together

Plant a windowsill garden full of herbs, plants or other flowers. Then he can still enjoy the sight of nature long after his 90th birthday.

If you have small children in the family, let them decorate flower pots with their handprints and names. It’s a great way to get kids involved in the 90th birthday celebration!

15. Decorate t-shirts or sweatshirts

This is another fun activity that both seniors and children can enjoy together. Decorate t-shirts with fabric paints – find easy ideas on Pinterest.

16. Decorate their yard

Surprise them when they wake up in the morning with garden decorations – the bigger the better! I’m sure you’ve seen all those giant “Happy Birthday” signs that are so popular right now.

17. Make a 90th birthday candy gram

Fun, easy to make and inexpensive to put together, birthday candies are a wonderful way to celebrate that big birthday!

18. Taking photos together

When the whole family gets together to celebrate, make time for a photo session during the day. If possible, have the pictures taken by a professional—these are the types of pictures that become family heirlooms.

You don’t have to be too serious though – bring some photo props to capture those silly moments!

19. Taking a family vacation together

Bring the whole family together for a vacation they’ll always remember – and cherish! Look for something that appeals to all generations, such as B. a cruise or a resort vacation.

20. Enjoy a milkshake or malt

I’m sure your senior has fond memories of milkshakes at the soda fountain at the drugstore! If you find another one, take him or her there.

Or mix your own milkshake at home for a special birthday treat.

21. Go to a classic car show

Checking out vintage cars would be a great 90th birthday idea for dad, grandpa or any other car enthusiast. Check your local newspaper or Twitter feed to find a classic car show near you.

22. Have a picnic

If the weather is good, take them outside for al fresco dining. Choose a park near a playground so the kids can enjoy it. Most seniors would enjoy watching the children play.

23. Karaoke

Because everyone should sing badly in public at least once in their life.

24. Go to a casino

Cards, free drinks, buffet… and a chance to win a big jackpot on her birthday.

25. Make a money tree

Keep in mind that this is the generation that went through the Great Depression, so money is usually pretty important to them!

Just attach 90 $1 bills to a small tree standing in a coffee can… festive and impressive.,

26. Give 90 small gifts

Instead of one big gift, why not give 90 small gifts? Small candies, stamps, flowers, beads are just a few ideas.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren will definitely enjoy thinking about (and counting) the 90 gifts.

27. Go to an elegant tea

If you’re looking for a special way to celebrate mom or grandma’s 90th birthday, invite them over for an elegant tea. She will enjoy dressing up and being pampered and cared for at high tea.

28. Make a video of her life

Scan all those old pictures onto a disc to play as a movie. Serve popcorn and sweets like in a real cinema!

29. Decorate with 90 balloons

Who doesn’t like balloons on their birthday? Fill your house or room with 90 balloons in your favorite color.

Attach small pictures of everyone throughout their lives to the dangling ends for an impressive look. Details can be found here.

30. Celebrate for 90 days

One of the most creative ways to celebrate a 90th birthday is to plan 90 days of celebrations.

This requires a little coordination with family and friends. Assign each of them one of the 90 days before their actual birthday to send a card, drop off a gift, or celebrate their birthday in a small way.

What a great way to celebrate a ninetieth!

Most importantly, share time with your loved one

Many seniors don’t really want a birthday party, even for a milestone event like turning 90. What he or she may enjoy most is just spending time with you. It can be as simple as going out to a favorite meal, playing a game or putting together a puzzle, or reminiscing about family photos.

He or she may enjoy watching one of their old favorite movies or TV shows, or going to church with you. A more active senior may enjoy fishing, visiting a museum or park, or shopping.

Keep in mind that many seniors can get a bit lonely, and by the time they’re 90, there’s a good chance he or she won’t be able to reach as many of their favorite places as they once did. Create a memory you’ll both cherish by enjoying time with the birthday girl or girl!

What are good party themes for adults?

Here are even more party themes for adults…
  • Pirate Party.
  • Spy Party.
  • Pool Party.
  • Murder Mystery Party.
  • Neon/Glow Party.
  • Toga Party.
  • Decade Parties (20s party, 30s party, 40s party, 50s party, 60s party, 70s party, 80s party, Sock-Hop party, Throwback 90s party)
  • Spa Party.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

If you’re looking for great adult themed party ideas, you’ve come to the right place! In fact, sharing my own themed parties from my post-grad school days is what first gave me the idea to start a blog – and here we are, over a decade later!

The best adult party themes

I have compiled the very best list of adult party themes. Theme parties aren’t just for the little ones! You’ll find some party themes that work well with couples, some for girls, and some for both! I hope these help give you some party ideas for upcoming adult birthdays, milestone birthdays, girls night out, get togethers and more!

If you’re just looking for party ideas for the boys <- this list has some great ones! I hope you save and share this list (broken down by category below) next time you need a list of the best adult party themes! Happy party planning! Party themes inspired by food & drink Host a wine tasting party What could be nicer than enjoying appetizers and wine with your best friends in the open air? Wine tastings are a fabulous party themed idea for your best friends. You have time to sit back and catch up, but you also have an "activity" to keep things exciting! See more from the College Housewife's Wine Tasting Party HERE! Host a beer tasting party Yes, you can throw a beer tasting party just as fabulously as the more popular wine tasting theme! The Beer Tasting is the perfect party theme party for couples or any mix of men and women. Choose from a variety of beers, choose a color scheme and create a fabulous tablescape! More ideas HERE! fondue party I love this retro party theme and think we should bring fondue parties back don't we?! This is the perfect party theme for cozy autumn nights with friends! See more of the Kitchen Confidante fondue party HERE! Host a Scotch tasting party Yes, we've got beer and wine covered, but have you ever attended a Scotch tasting party? I surprised my husband with a Scotch bar at our wedding and I can tell you it was the hit of the night. So if you're looking for a slightly more creative party theme than beer or wine, go for scotch (or whiskey...or bourbon...or get the idea). More Scotch Tasting Party Ideas HERE! Afternoon tea Yes, this one is a little better suited to girls, but bring out your inner Bridgerton fan and dress up for a change! Host a "High Tea" and yes, drink tea, wear your favorite costume, eat a pretty scone and swap stories with your friends! Get all the details for this Tea Party Tablescape! Host a New England Clam Bake If you want to bring a new twist to the quintessential Backyard BBQ theme, then host a New England Clam Bake! Sip on rosé and enjoy with your friends surrounded by a large table full of clam cheeks: clams, lobster, corn, potatoes! Let the food serve as decor with a clam cake centerpiece runner. Delicious! See more HERE! Sports Inspired Party Themes (Viewing Parties) Masters viewing party Host for boys and girls? Pick a theme like The Masters or The Kentucky Derby (more on that below) because you'll instantly have a unique cocktail idea (Arnold Palmers with spikes) and the menu will be DELICIOUS (think the famous Green Jacket Salad, Pimento Cheese Ball, Eggs with Pimento Cheese Devils). Get more ideas for your Masters Viewing Party! Kentucky Derby Viewing Party Yes, another fabulous adult party theme - the Kentucky Derby! Serve a punch bowl of my favorite mint julep punch on silver platters, or set up a make your own mint julep bar! dress code? Dresses and derby hats of course! Check out more Kentucky Derby ideas here! Host an Olympics viewing party Go for the GOLD! While this theme doesn't work every year, it's still great when the timing is right! Host Tip: Assign each guest a different country and encourage them to bring an appetizer or dessert from that country! More tips for an Olympics Viewing Party HERE! Party themes inspired by celebrations/occasions carnival party A classic party theme, a Mardi Gras party is definitely a good time! Let the good times roll, right? Serve up Hurricanes to drink and classic New Orleans favorites to eat! Be sure to order lots of Mardi Gras beads to decorate and wear. You can find more carnival party tips here! Oscars/Golden Globes/Award Show Viewing Parties Awards ceremonies are much more fun with friends! Make your own Oscars bingo printables, pop the popcorn and enjoy the show! More party themes… Cinco de Mayo party Taco Tuesday Party April fools party Party themes inspired by cultures/cuisine Italian dinner party Host a Taste of Tuscany Italian themed dinner party! Have each guest bring a different course of their favorite Italian dishes. Host an English pub party The perfect party theme if you love all things British! Serve Fish & Chips, British Chocolate Bars, Pint Glasses of Beer! See more of this English pub party here! Host a Mexican fiesta Sip on coconut grapefruit margaritas and throw a Mexican themed party! Create an appealing Steak Fajitas Board for the perfect Mexican-inspired dinner! Hawaiian luau Whip up the famous Hawaiian Mai Tai and throw a luau-themed party! Buy Hawaiian leis to swoon! Decorate with lots of palm trees and Hawaiian flowers! Picture above from Catch My Party! Party themes inspired by Movies/TV/Books James Bond Party Shaken not stirred! Invite guests to "go dead" for this fun party theme! A color palette of gold and black with red accents is perfect for a 007 themed party! See more of this James Bond tablescape here! Great Gatsby Party Encourage your party guests to wear flapper dresses and throw a 1920s themed party with a Great Gatsby Party theme! This is such an epic theme! Gold and black with silver accents make this fabulous party theme pop! See more of this party here! Mad Men Party If you love AMC's Mad Men, throw a retro 1960s and 1970s party with lots - cocktails! See more from this Mad Men party here! Find more adult themed parties inspired by books, movies, and TV below! Game of Thrones party caddyshack party Soprano Party Harry Potter Party friends party The office party Star Wars party Lord of the Rings Party Indiana Jones party Even more adult party themes Casino night party Host a Poker Night Party or go all out with a full casino party theme! Game nights are always a blast! Check out more of this Casino Night Party hosted by my friend Mariah Leeson HERE! Host an outdoor movie night party Set up an outdoor movie night in your backyard! String lights, comfy pillows, delicious food... this party themed idea is so much fun! Learn more about Sugar & Charm here! Flower Arrangement Party If you're looking for a party theme that doubles as an activity and a favor, flower arranging is so much fun! Grab your girlfriends for a girls night out, make a champagne punch and set up your own bouquet table! This is a great party theme for a bridal shower or birthday. See more of this floral arrangement party from It Girl Weddings here! Host a rooftop BBQ party Blow up the inflatables and fire up the BBQ! Whether it's throwing one last summer hooray or ringing in the warm season, a cookout is always a popular adult party theme! More from this fabulous summer cookout here! A Favorite Things Party Ask each guest to bring one of their favorite things (and enough for each party guest). Everyone goes with one of everything! This is the best way to discover new favorite finds too! See more HERE! Holiday Theme Party: Adult Gingerbread House Party Holiday season? The kids don't have all the fun. Make gingerbread martinis and throw a grown-up gingerbread house party! It's a great way to combine a typical Christmas party with a fun activity that will have your party guests leaving with a pretty gingerbread house. Details and other tips can be found here! picnic theme Whether it's in the park, on the beach, by the lake, or even in your own backyard, throwing a picnic party is a perfect party theme! Bring all the fixings for a charcuterie board and enjoy! See more of the Darling Down South picnic here! Tropical game night Host a game night, but make it TROPICAL! This is such a fun topic. Use pineapples as vases, whip up a Bay Breeze or Mai Tai cocktail, and play everything from bunco to bingo! Party games are perfect set around a tropical tablescape. More details on this tropical game night here! Let's flame Show off all the flamingo decorations with this party theme that's perfect for a birthday party, bachelorette party, or just a summer soiree! Be sure to serve this Flamingo Punch Cocktail! See more HERE! Here are more adult party themes… pirate party Spy Party pool party Murder Mystery Party Neon/glow party toga party Decade Parties (20's Party, 30's Party, 40's Party, 50's Party, 60's Party, 70's Party, 80's Party, Sock Hop Party, Throwback 90's Party) spa party rock star Bollywood party masked ball karaoke party Next time you're throwing a party, throwing a milestone birthday party, or just want a fun theme idea, bookmark this list of the best adult party themes!

How do we celebrate the elderly?

  1. 6 Ways to Celebrate Senior Citizens’ Day. …
  2. Spend time with elderly loved ones. …
  3. Visit local area nursing homes. …
  4. Take advantage of discounts. …
  5. Start a family history project. …
  6. Volunteer for projects that benefit elderly. …
  7. Host a party or luncheon to celebrate.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

The world’s elderly population is huge and is expected to continue to grow. Experts estimate that by 2025 over a billion people will be over 65 years old. Because of their experience, their expertise and their will to live, these people deserve recognition for their achievements. Luckily, August 21st is Senior Citizens Day, a national holiday designed to honor and appreciate the older adults in our lives.

Established by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, this holiday celebrates the 40.3 million seniors living in the United States. Many of these seniors are still active and independent, with 28 percent of those over 65 still living alone and 16.2 percent still in employment. Older people carry with them the wisdom and knowledge that will take a lifetime to acquire, so it’s important not to just brush them aside when they reach a certain age. There are many different ways to celebrate Seniors’ Day; Here are just a few ideas to help you plan your own unique celebration.

1. Spend time with elderly loved ones

This is perhaps the most obvious but most overlooked idea. Daily life is hectic which means you may not always have time for your family members. They could live remotely or even in another state. However, visiting your elderly loved ones is essential to their mental health and well-being. The isolation of older people increases the risk of poor health, cognitive decline, dementia and early mortality. Therefore, make it your mission to spend some quality time with your loved ones today. Plan a surprise visit, take them out for a day on the town, or just stay home and reminisce over a cup of tea. It will make their day!

2. Visit local nursing homes

Not all seniors are lucky enough to have caring family members nearby. Some have no family nearby to visit; others are safely shipped to nursing and retirement homes and never receive a visit or call from the people who placed them there. Visiting a local nursing home or assisted living community like Cedar Hill can seriously brighten a senior’s day and have a positive impact on their health. They may feel lost and forgotten, but when someone comes over to talk to them and listen to them, they feel valuable and cared for again. To make the day even more special, give out some homemade cookies or other gifts.

3. Take advantage of discounts

There are many good things about being a senior, but one of the most important things is the discounts! Many companies offer special savings only for older adults. Many of these discounts are not advertised, so seniors are encouraged to ask for them when going into a store to make a purchase. Keep an eye out for Senior Days at local businesses and remember to use your AARP card to qualify for special offers.

4. Start a family history project

Your older family members are likely to have a lot of knowledge about your family history, so why not use that knowledge to learn more about yourself? Start a family research project with them! Ask your elderly loved one about their memories and experiences to get a better insight into their life. It’s a great way to keep yourself busy and spend time with them at the same time. Hear stories about their parents and grandparents that you may not know. Go through old photos and create a memory book that can be passed down through generations.

5. Volunteer for projects that benefit older people

There are many different things you can do in your community to help seniors. Become a companion to seniors in your neighborhood and schedule weekly visits to check them up. There are also programs that help seniors run errands they can no longer do on their own, such as picking up groceries or medicine. Contact your local Meals on Wheels headquarters as they may need help delivering or preparing meals. Finally, many libraries and community centers host events just for seniors – see if they need help organizing their next outing!

6. Host a party or lunch to celebrate

Show your elderly loved ones that you really care with a party that’s all about them! Having a party in their honor makes them feel special and worthwhile and can do wonders for their self-esteem. Invite all your friends and family. You can even turn it into some sort of celebration if you have multiple people to honor. Prepare her favorite meal, play her favorite music, bake a cake and spend the whole day with it.

What is your 90th birthday called?

Nonagenarian is often used to be fancy or funny when referring to 90-somethings.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

What does Nonagenarian mean?

A nonagenarian is someone in their 90s (90 to 99 years old) or someone who is 90 years old.

Nonagenarian can also be used as an adjective to describe someone in their 90s, as in Our audience is mostly nonagenarian women, or things related to such a person, as in I have entered my nonagenarian years.

It is one of several similar terms used to refer to a person of a certain age, including forties (40s), fifteen (50s), sixties (60s), seventies (70s), eighties (80s), and centenarians (100 or older). .

Example: Today is my last day as a ninety-year-old – tomorrow I will be 100!

What is the color of 80th birthday?

There are no official colors for an 80th birthday celebration! Traditional colors, flowers, gifts and gemstones are for anniversaries, not birthdays. So feel free to use any colors you like when planning your 80th birthday party!

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

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If you’re looking for some fun 80th birthday party ideas, you’ve come to the right place! No matter who you’re planning a celebration for – your mom, dad, boyfriend or grandparents – you’ll find plenty of easy and fun 80th birthday party ideas and themes here.

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Personalized 80th Birthday Party Themes and Accessories

Looking for a super easy way to make your party unforgettable? Just add the guest of honor’s name or picture to the party supplies and decorations.

Personalized party supplies don’t cost much more than regular supplies, but it really does look like they went the extra mile!

Pink, Black & Gold 80th Birthday Theme for Women

Planning an 80th birthday party for a woman? It’s so easy to impress your guests with this chic, feminine party theme!

Amazon has everything you need from invitations to party favors.

They’ll even show you matching balloons and party supplies, so you can quickly get everything you need for your party in one order. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, many of the decorations ship for free!

80th birthday ideas in black and gold

These festive black and gold party decorations are suitable for both men and women.

From outdoor decorations to photo booth props, Amazon has everything you need to create the perfect party. The little details like water bottle wrappers and wine bottle labels show your honoree how much you care!

Cheers to 80 years! Black and Gold Party Theme

Anyone turning 80 definitely deserves a toast to their big day, and the party theme, Cheers to 80 Years, underscores that! There are many options for this theme – check out this post for full decorating ideas.

Aged to Perfection 80th Birthday Ideas for Men

If you’re planning an 80th birthday party for dad, grandpa or another man, check out these super fun Aged to Perfection party supplies from Amazon.

They offer everything from invitations to beer and wine labels to party favors, all in a masculine black, silver and gold check theme. Be sure to check out her fun photo props for Instagram-worthy pics.

In just a few minutes, plan a fabulous party that is sure to be unforgettable!

Best 80th Party Theme Ever – Choose your colors

This is by far the most versatile 80th birthday party theme I’ve ever seen… There are 48 different color schemes to choose from, so it’s easy to plan a party in your favorite colors.

To customize your colors, just select the Images & Backgrounds button on the Personalization page. You can then preview your design before selecting it so you can make sure it’s perfect.

At Shindigz you will find everything you need for this party. These party favors can be personalized specifically for your occasion by adding a name or picture to many of the party favors.

I love that you can add a picture to the plates for a really unique look.

Be sure to check out their all-in-one party packs – they make it so easy (and affordable) to order exactly what you need.

The modern design is suitable for both men and women – a perfect choice for any 80th birthday party!

Happy 80th Birthday Party Theme

How festive are these colorful polka dot and stripe party favors? Shindigz offers 3 different party packs in this theme; 2 include a personalized 80th birthday banner.

You can also order inexpensive matching invitations to fill out. Look for the personalized table runner for that special touch.

Add a solid color tablecloth and balloons and you’ve quickly put together a fabulous and fun party for any man or woman!

Vintage dude party theme for men

Set a humorous tone for your celebration with Vintage Dude’s clever 80th birthday party ideas from Shindigz.

The bold black and white detailing has the look of a vintage whiskey bottle label. You can choose from all-in-one party packs or simply order the individual items you would like.

This is a fun choice for the manly man who has a great sense of humor about turning 80!

World’s most fabulous 80 year theme for women

If you’re planning a party for an 80-year-old woman who likes a bit of glamor and glitz, this ultra-feminine pink party theme is a fun choice!

You can order the invitations, paper plates and napkins, and gift bags online.

Then get additional decorations like streamers and tablecloths at your local party store.

Personalized party supplies for the world’s greatest 80 year olds

A great vintage themed theme is a fun way to celebrate your favorite senior!

Choose from a wide range of gifts and party favors including invitations, plates, napkins, favor boxes and more.

Personalized 80th Birthday Balloon Party Supplies

These bright and cheerful balloon themed party favors are great for both men and women!

You can order matching plates, napkins, invitations, posters, signage and other party favors and gifts.

To save money, order some of the personalized items and then complete the decoration by using coordinating solid color tablecloths, balloons and streamers.

80th Birthday Vintage Rose Theme

Are you looking for 80th birthday party ideas for mom, grandma or another special lady?

An elegant and slightly vintage theme, these beautiful rose themed party favors are perfect for a garden party, tea party or any woman who likes roses!

Non Personalized 80th Birthday Party Ideas

Looking for some bright and happy 80th birthday party themes for your favorite senior? These festive party packs are the perfect affordable choice!

These colorful party favors all feature the number ’80’ prominently. Just mix in some coordinating balloons and other decorations to quickly put together a festive celebration.

Celebrate 80! party supplies

Bright and cheerful 80th birthday party favors will add a brilliant pop of color to the big day! Matching napkins, plates and confetti can be found on Amazon; Then simply fill it out with balloons and a tablecloth in your favorite matching colour.

Black and Gold 80th Birthday Party Decorations

Add a little sparkle to your celebration with these glittery gold and black decorations! Order matching centerpieces, plates and napkins from Amazon; then dazzle your guests with black and gold balloons.


What are the colors for an 80th birthday party?

There are no official colors for an 80th birthday party! Traditional colors, flowers, gifts and gems are for anniversaries, not birthdays.

So feel free to use whatever colors you like when planning your 80th birthday party!

What do you call an 80th birthday?

Someone who turns 80 is referred to as an octogenarian. An octogenarian is someone between the ages of 80 and 89.

DIY 80th Birthday Party Ideas

If you’re the creative type, you’ll probably have fun designing and putting together your own unique 80th birthday party theme. Here are some of my favorite themes that you might want to try for a little inspiration!

Pam Am themed birthday party

Your favorite 80-year-old surely remembers the golden age of air travel – when planes were glamorous, exciting and fun. Take your favorite senior back to the heyday of luxury air travel with a fabulous Pam An themed party.

Lynlee from Lynlee’s Petite Cakes went out of her way for her mum’s birthday and wrote an amazing post (with lots of inspirational photos). If you’re planning a travel-themed party, this is a great place for inspiration!

Beer Tasting Party

A beer tasting party is the perfect choice for the man who loves a brewski or two! It’s a very flexible party theme that works well both indoors and outdoors.

Jessica from Mad in Crafts has some easy suggestions and tips on how to throw a stylish beer tasting party at home.

Grumpy Old Man Birthday Party Theme

Looking for a fun party theme for the man with a sense of humor about turning eighty?

Hostess with the Mostess has a full day of fun activities – starting with breakfast and continuing throughout the day.

Vintage Baseball Party Theme

Planning a party for a man who is a lifelong baseball fan?

Kara’s Party Ideas has put together a vintage baseball party that’s sure to be a hit!

80th Birthday Bingo Party Theme

Who doesn’t love a rousing game of bingo? Catch My Party has some great pictures that will give you lots of ideas if you are thinking of a bingo themed party.

I especially love the Happy Birthday banner made from bingo cards!

80th Birthday Golf Party Ideas

What’s more perfect than a golf birthday party for the man or woman with a passion for golf?

If you want a little inspiration, check out ideas on Re-Invented Style… she put together a fabulous gold 80th birthday party for her dad – including making many of the decorations herself.

These are some of my favorite topics

Design a party based on the celebrant’s favorite things – it’s a great way to combine multiple interests into a fun theme!

Like the chevron theme? Check out the mix and match chevron party decorations over at Shindigz.

Golf Party Theme

Another great article to read if you are making a golf theme is Hostess with the Mostess.

She presents several great easy-to-make party ideas, including using powdered sugar donut holes for balls and pretzel sticks for hole flags.

How to plan a fabulous 80th birthday party

If you need some tips for planning an amazing party, read this article – it will definitely save you some stress!

Birthday Tea Party Ideas

A birthday tea party is a fabulous idea for many women! There are so many fun recipes – from little teacakes to scones to sweet sandwiches.

You can host a tea party in your home, in a garden, in a hotel or tea house – there are many different options. It’s perfect for winter or summer birthdays.

Check out this article for great tips and ideas!

Retro BBQ Party Theme

If you’re lucky enough to party during the warm months, a cookout is always a popular idea.

Pinterest is full of party ideas, including decorating ideas and recipes.

I love this adorable retro style grill in a brilliant red and white color scheme – and great party ideas – and free printables – can be found here.

Champagne Birthday Party Theme

80th birthdays are definitely a toast to be celebrated – and a champagne birthday party is an exciting way to celebrate the occasion!

A Blissful Nest provides inspiration for a festive champagne birthday party – you can always swap out the pink for a more masculine color if you’re throwing a party for a man.

Through the decade party theme

It’s always fun to see how much everything has changed in 80 years. This decade-long party theme is a fabulous way to showcase all 8 decades of the honoree’s life!

The blogger designed a different table for each decade of her father’s life, with each table featuring personal memorabilia as well as decorations from that decade (the ’60s table is pictured here).

Very time consuming but what a fabulous memory for her dad!

How to plan a cocktail party

If you’re planning an adults-only event, a cocktail party is a wonderful idea! You can focus on a specific style of cocktails like margaritas or mojitos, or you can go for a more traditional cocktail theme.

If you’re looking for some tips on planning a cocktail party, check out this article by Beau-coup.

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What is the symbol for 80th birthday?

80th Anniversary – Oak-Diamond/Pearl.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

80th Anniversary – Oak Diamond/Pearl

Your eightieth wedding anniversary is a major milestone and a very meaningful time in your life – it’s celebrated with a traditional oak gift or a modern gift of diamonds and pearls.

The oak is considered a sacred tree in many religions and mythologies, including Greek, Baltic and Slavic. It is a well-known symbol of strength and perseverance and reflects the lifelong relationship you have built over eighty years.

Celebrate this noble milestone with a romantic oak photo frame filled with your favorite photo of the two of you.

Perhaps you prefer the modern approach, namely diamonds and pearls. These are some of the most beautiful and valuable gemstones out there; Words to use to describe your other half and your relationship! We have a beautiful and extensive range of diamond and pearl jewelery to suit every style and budget, making it the ultimate gift for you and your loved one.

What is 80th birthday called?

Wedding Anniversaries Gifts and Names by Year
Year Anniversary Name Modern Gift or Present
60th Diamond Diamond
65th Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire
70th Platinum Platinum
80th Oak Oak

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

Wedding anniversary names

Ever wanted to know the wedding anniversary names and gifts by year? Here is a list of suitable gifts for each of the anniversaries. We’ve included a full list of all the traditional names and equivalent gift suggestions for each of the anniversary years from the first anniversary to the eightieth. We also have fun and interesting facts about anniversaries and their history. Wedding Anniversaries Gifts and Names by Year Year Anniversary Name Modern Gift or Present 1st (first) paper watch 2nd (second) cotton china 3rd (third) leather crystal or glass 4th (fourth) linen fruit or flowers 5th (fifth) wooden cutlery 6th (6th) iron sugar 7th (7th) copper, copper or wool 8th (8th) bronze, bronze or pottery 9th (9th) willow linen or lace 10th (10th) pewter diamond 11th steel jewelry 12th Silk Pearls 13 Lace Textiles 14 Ivory Gold Jewelry 15 Crystal Watches 20 China Platinum 25 Silver Silver 30 Pearl Ivory or Diamond 35 Coral Jade 40 Ruby Ruby 45 Sapphire Sapphire 50 Gold Gold 55 Emerald Emerald 60 Diamond Diamond 65. Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire 70th Platinum Platinum 80th Oak Oak Popular Products Personalized Congratulations Cake Anniversary Photo Cake Personalized Message Cake Anniversary Cupcakes

The name of a first year anniversary is paper. Gifts can be stationery and a modern alternative is a watch.

For the 2nd year it is cotton, but it is also acceptable to give china.

Year 3 is called Leather and a gift can contain crystal or glass gifts.

Year 4 is linen, the traditional gift, but modern equivalents are fruit and flowers.

For 5th grade, the name is wood, but a gift of silver might be more welcome.

Year 6 is iron, but sugar or confectionery makes a tastier gift – a perfect occasion to celebrate with cake or cupcakes!

Year 7 is copper and a woolen or knitted garment is also suitable.

The name for the 8th year is Bronze with gifts including pottery.

Year 9 is Willow, but if you’re not planning on making a gift for the garden then linen or lace are good ideas.

Year 10 is called Tin, so something like a line of designer storage containers could work. The modern version is diamond.

Year 11 is steel and you might find steel jewelry or an ornament.

For 12th grade, you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a silk gift.

Year 13’s name is Lace, but gifts may include other textiles such as table linens.

On to year 14 and this one is called Ivory. Obviously, one wouldn’t expect to be gifting real ivory these days, so the answer is to either choose something ivory colored or choose gold jewelry instead.

Year 15 is quite a milestone and the name is Crystal with an alternative gift of a pair of watches.

There are no official names for years 16, 17, 18 and 19, so the next milestone is 20 years. The name is porcelain, so tableware or a piece of platinum jewelry is an obvious choice for those on a bigger budget.

The anniversaries are now only called every 5 years and the next is 25. This is probably the most well known as the Silver Jubilee.

This is followed by Pearl for 30th year, Coral for 35th year, Ruby for 40th year, Sapphire for 45th year, Gold for 50th year, Diamond for 60th year, Blue Sapphire for 65th year. year, Platinum for the 70th year, and finally Oak for the 80th year.

There is no name for a 90th anniversary yet, but maybe one day there will be!

History of Jubilee Celebrations

The celebration of wedding anniversaries dates back to Roman times when husbands gave their wives a silver wreath for 25 years of marriage and a gold wreath for 50 years. Twentieth-century commercialism then led to more gifts being added to represent colors and names for other years. In the 1930’s there was a material or symbol that represented the year as a gift suggestion for first year and milestone years like 10th, 20th, 25th and 50th. Over the years more have been added and the gift list updated and modernized by various American and UK greeting card companies.

British couples can receive a message from the Queen on their 60th, 65th and 70th anniversaries and every year thereafter. The end of World War II is reflected in the number of messages sent – in 2005, due to the large number of marriages, thousands more diamond wedding messages were sent as soldiers returned home from the war.

Long marriage register

Some British couples have held Guinness World Records for marriage. In 2006, Mr and Mrs Jones of South Wales, who married 83 years ago in 1923, were the world’s longest living married couple. In 2015, the record for the longest marriage was held by a British couple – Mr and Mrs Chand from Bradford, who were married for almost 91 years.

What is the 80th birthday called?

What is an 80th birthday called? Someone turning 80 is called an octogenarian.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

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If you’re looking for some fun 80th birthday party ideas, you’ve come to the right place! No matter who you’re planning a celebration for – your mom, dad, boyfriend or grandparents – you’ll find plenty of easy and fun 80th birthday party ideas and themes here.

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Personalized 80th Birthday Party Themes and Accessories

Looking for a super easy way to make your party unforgettable? Just add the guest of honor’s name or picture to the party supplies and decorations.

Personalized party supplies don’t cost much more than regular supplies, but it really does look like they went the extra mile!

Pink, Black & Gold 80th Birthday Theme for Women

Planning an 80th birthday party for a woman? It’s so easy to impress your guests with this chic, feminine party theme!

Amazon has everything you need from invitations to party favors.

They’ll even show you matching balloons and party supplies, so you can quickly get everything you need for your party in one order. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, many of the decorations ship for free!

80th birthday ideas in black and gold

These festive black and gold party decorations are suitable for both men and women.

From outdoor decorations to photo booth props, Amazon has everything you need to create the perfect party. The little details like water bottle wrappers and wine bottle labels show your honoree how much you care!

Cheers to 80 years! Black and Gold Party Theme

Anyone turning 80 definitely deserves a toast to their big day, and the party theme, Cheers to 80 Years, underscores that! There are many options for this theme – check out this post for full decorating ideas.

Aged to Perfection 80th Birthday Ideas for Men

If you’re planning an 80th birthday party for dad, grandpa or another man, check out these super fun Aged to Perfection party supplies from Amazon.

They offer everything from invitations to beer and wine labels to party favors, all in a masculine black, silver and gold check theme. Be sure to check out her fun photo props for Instagram-worthy pics.

In just a few minutes, plan a fabulous party that is sure to be unforgettable!

Best 80th Party Theme Ever – Choose your colors

This is by far the most versatile 80th birthday party theme I’ve ever seen… There are 48 different color schemes to choose from, so it’s easy to plan a party in your favorite colors.

To customize your colors, just select the Images & Backgrounds button on the Personalization page. You can then preview your design before selecting it so you can make sure it’s perfect.

At Shindigz you will find everything you need for this party. These party favors can be personalized specifically for your occasion by adding a name or picture to many of the party favors.

I love that you can add a picture to the plates for a really unique look.

Be sure to check out their all-in-one party packs – they make it so easy (and affordable) to order exactly what you need.

The modern design is suitable for both men and women – a perfect choice for any 80th birthday party!

Happy 80th Birthday Party Theme

How festive are these colorful polka dot and stripe party favors? Shindigz offers 3 different party packs in this theme; 2 include a personalized 80th birthday banner.

You can also order inexpensive matching invitations to fill out. Look for the personalized table runner for that special touch.

Add a solid color tablecloth and balloons and you’ve quickly put together a fabulous and fun party for any man or woman!

Vintage dude party theme for men

Set a humorous tone for your celebration with Vintage Dude’s clever 80th birthday party ideas from Shindigz.

The bold black and white detailing has the look of a vintage whiskey bottle label. You can choose from all-in-one party packs or simply order the individual items you would like.

This is a fun choice for the manly man who has a great sense of humor about turning 80!

World’s most fabulous 80 year theme for women

If you’re planning a party for an 80-year-old woman who likes a bit of glamor and glitz, this ultra-feminine pink party theme is a fun choice!

You can order the invitations, paper plates and napkins, and gift bags online.

Then get additional decorations like streamers and tablecloths at your local party store.

Personalized party supplies for the world’s greatest 80 year olds

A great vintage themed theme is a fun way to celebrate your favorite senior!

Choose from a wide range of gifts and party favors including invitations, plates, napkins, favor boxes and more.

Personalized 80th Birthday Balloon Party Supplies

These bright and cheerful balloon themed party favors are great for both men and women!

You can order matching plates, napkins, invitations, posters, signage and other party favors and gifts.

To save money, order some of the personalized items and then complete the decoration by using coordinating solid color tablecloths, balloons and streamers.

80th Birthday Vintage Rose Theme

Are you looking for 80th birthday party ideas for mom, grandma or another special lady?

An elegant and slightly vintage theme, these beautiful rose themed party favors are perfect for a garden party, tea party or any woman who likes roses!

Non Personalized 80th Birthday Party Ideas

Looking for some bright and happy 80th birthday party themes for your favorite senior? These festive party packs are the perfect affordable choice!

These colorful party favors all feature the number ’80’ prominently. Just mix in some coordinating balloons and other decorations to quickly put together a festive celebration.

Celebrate 80! party supplies

Bright and cheerful 80th birthday party favors will add a brilliant pop of color to the big day! Matching napkins, plates and confetti can be found on Amazon; Then simply fill it out with balloons and a tablecloth in your favorite matching colour.

Black and Gold 80th Birthday Party Decorations

Add a little sparkle to your celebration with these glittery gold and black decorations! Order matching centerpieces, plates and napkins from Amazon; then dazzle your guests with black and gold balloons.


What are the colors for an 80th birthday party?

There are no official colors for an 80th birthday party! Traditional colors, flowers, gifts and gems are for anniversaries, not birthdays.

So feel free to use whatever colors you like when planning your 80th birthday party!

What do you call an 80th birthday?

Someone who turns 80 is referred to as an octogenarian. An octogenarian is someone between the ages of 80 and 89.

DIY 80th Birthday Party Ideas

If you’re the creative type, you’ll probably have fun designing and putting together your own unique 80th birthday party theme. Here are some of my favorite themes that you might want to try for a little inspiration!

Pam Am themed birthday party

Your favorite 80-year-old surely remembers the golden age of air travel – when planes were glamorous, exciting and fun. Take your favorite senior back to the heyday of luxury air travel with a fabulous Pam An themed party.

Lynlee from Lynlee’s Petite Cakes went out of her way for her mum’s birthday and wrote an amazing post (with lots of inspirational photos). If you’re planning a travel-themed party, this is a great place for inspiration!

Beer Tasting Party

A beer tasting party is the perfect choice for the man who loves a brewski or two! It’s a very flexible party theme that works well both indoors and outdoors.

Jessica from Mad in Crafts has some easy suggestions and tips on how to throw a stylish beer tasting party at home.

Grumpy Old Man Birthday Party Theme

Looking for a fun party theme for the man with a sense of humor about turning eighty?

Hostess with the Mostess has a full day of fun activities – starting with breakfast and continuing throughout the day.

Vintage Baseball Party Theme

Planning a party for a man who is a lifelong baseball fan?

Kara’s Party Ideas has put together a vintage baseball party that’s sure to be a hit!

80th Birthday Bingo Party Theme

Who doesn’t love a rousing game of bingo? Catch My Party has some great pictures that will give you lots of ideas if you are thinking of a bingo themed party.

I especially love the Happy Birthday banner made from bingo cards!

80th Birthday Golf Party Ideas

What’s more perfect than a golf birthday party for the man or woman with a passion for golf?

If you want a little inspiration, check out ideas on Re-Invented Style… she put together a fabulous gold 80th birthday party for her dad – including making many of the decorations herself.

These are some of my favorite topics

Design a party based on the celebrant’s favorite things – it’s a great way to combine multiple interests into a fun theme!

Like the chevron theme? Check out the mix and match chevron party decorations over at Shindigz.

Golf Party Theme

Another great article to read if you are making a golf theme is Hostess with the Mostess.

She presents several great easy-to-make party ideas, including using powdered sugar donut holes for balls and pretzel sticks for hole flags.

How to plan a fabulous 80th birthday party

If you need some tips for planning an amazing party, read this article – it will definitely save you some stress!

Birthday Tea Party Ideas

A birthday tea party is a fabulous idea for many women! There are so many fun recipes – from little teacakes to scones to sweet sandwiches.

You can host a tea party in your home, in a garden, in a hotel or tea house – there are many different options. It’s perfect for winter or summer birthdays.

Check out this article for great tips and ideas!

Retro BBQ Party Theme

If you’re lucky enough to party during the warm months, a cookout is always a popular idea.

Pinterest is full of party ideas, including decorating ideas and recipes.

I love this adorable retro style grill in a brilliant red and white color scheme – and great party ideas – and free printables – can be found here.

Champagne Birthday Party Theme

80th birthdays are definitely a toast to be celebrated – and a champagne birthday party is an exciting way to celebrate the occasion!

A Blissful Nest provides inspiration for a festive champagne birthday party – you can always swap out the pink for a more masculine color if you’re throwing a party for a man.

Through the decade party theme

It’s always fun to see how much everything has changed in 80 years. This decade-long party theme is a fabulous way to showcase all 8 decades of the honoree’s life!

The blogger designed a different table for each decade of her father’s life, with each table featuring personal memorabilia as well as decorations from that decade (the ’60s table is pictured here).

Very time consuming but what a fabulous memory for her dad!

How to plan a cocktail party

If you’re planning an adults-only event, a cocktail party is a wonderful idea! You can focus on a specific style of cocktails like margaritas or mojitos, or you can go for a more traditional cocktail theme.

If you’re looking for some tips on planning a cocktail party, check out this article by Beau-coup.

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How do I wish my grandparents birthday?

Sweet Birthday Wishes for your Grandfather
  1. Happy Birthday, Grandpa! You are loved by all of your grandchildren! Enjoy your day!
  2. You are a beloved grandpa! I hope your birthday is terrific!
  3. Grandpa, you mean the world to our family! With love, respect, and joy, we wish you a very, Happy Birthday!

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

A grandfather’s birthday is something very special! It marks the date a strong male role model was born! Over the years, a grandpa provides laughter, advice and guidance. A grandpa has the qualities of both having a strong presence in the lives of his grandchildren and having a kind heart. He serves as an example of what his grandchildren could be like.

Because a grandpa gives so much to his grandchildren, there are a variety of birthday wishes that can be sent to him. The birthday wishes can be funny to celebrate his humorous side, sweet to show him love, express gratitude for everything he has done, or encourage him to stay who he really is. No matter what kind of wish you would like to send your grandpa for his birthday, you will find the right one here.

Happy Birthday Grandpa. Your presence in my world makes it umpteen times brighter than the sun. I love you so much!

Wishing a truly fabulous grandfather a fantastic birthday celebration. Grandpa, celebrate this great occasion knowing that my love for you is one of my greatest possessions in life. God bless you grandpa.

May every single day of your life bring you new blessings and wonderful things to smile about. Happy birthday my sweet grandpa.

You are the only one I can count on to be there for me even in the darkest of times. Grandpa, that’s why you’re the special person for me. Happy birthday, my guardian angel.

Grandpa, even though I’m not physically close to you, you are always on my mind and in the special place in my heart. I love you so much for countless reasons. Happy Birthday.

I want to follow in your footsteps and be like you, grandpa, because you are a great role model for me. Happy Birthday.

I may be an adult today, but I still rely on your timeless advice. Thanks to your wise advice, I can overcome all of life’s obstacles. You are super wonderful! Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday to my beloved grandfather and best friend. Grandpa, no matter what happens in life, I promise to always be by your side to support you. I will never let you face this cold world alone because you are so dear to me.

Dearest Grandpa, your incredible love, support and guidance have made me the person I am today. Thank you for being an extraordinarily amazing person in my life. happy anniversary

Grandpa, I love you so much that you love me for who I really am. I can’t begin to thank you for all the amazing things you’ve done in my life. Only God can reward you for all the love you showered on me. Happy Birthday.

My beloved grandpa, being by your side is always a heavenly experience for me. As long as the sky stays above us, I will love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday.

Grandpa, on your birthday I pray that you get two things no amount of money can ever give – true happiness and peace. May these priceless gifts of God never leave you in life. Enjoy every moment of your birthday.

Grandfather, even if I had lived a million years, I still would not be able to repay you for the incredible love and support you have shown me since I was a baby. Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Grandpa. May your blessings in life be more plentiful than the fish in the sea.

Grandfather, on your big day, I just want to thank you for playing a vital role in helping me reach my full potential. Thanks to you I can be proud of who I am today. Happy Birthday Grandpa. You will always be my shining star.

If you weren’t my grandfather, surely I would have been so jealous of your grandchildren. You are such a wonderful man Grandpa and I’m so glad you’re mine! Happy Birthday.

On your birthday grandpa, I wish you an eternity of happiness and health. I love you so much. Enjoy your big day.

My amazing grandfather, as we celebrate your wonderful life today, I pray that your amazing light will continue to shine and brighten the lives of those around you. I will forever be proud to be your grandson.

It is no ordinary blessing to be your grandchild – it is an extraordinary blessing! I wish you a truly wonderful anniversary accompanied by happiness galore. Enjoy your day.

Congratulations to the winner of the “World’s Greatest Granddad” award. You will always be my number grandpa! Love you lots.

This is your big day, grandpa. I will stop at nothing to celebrate you and your achievements every single second of this special day because you deserve it. Have a fabulous anniversary.

Thank you for filling my world with the colors of the rainbow and for teaching me all the important things in life. I love you very much for that, grandfather. Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Grandpa. Your presence always makes everything in my life beautiful and magical.

Grandpa, you make me so happy every day. As you celebrate this important day in your life, I wish you an abundance of the greatest treasure on earth – true happiness. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this priceless treasure. Happy Birthday.

For me you are the most valuable of all grandpas under the sun. Thank you for making my life shine brighter and more beautiful than a sunflower in summer. Happy Birthday.

Life has been really good to me because life gave me an angel as a grandfather. Happy Birthday Grandpa.

You have the most beautiful heart and soul in the world. I really love everything about you grandpa. Happy Birthday.

No matter how tight my money is, I still feel like the richest man/woman in the world because I’ve been blessed with the most wonderful grandfather a grandson could ever wish for. Happy Birthday Grandpa.

Happy birthday to my great grandpa. My world shines brighter than a diamond whenever I’m near you. I thank God everyday for blessing this family with your life.

I may not have the opportunity to see or speak to you every day, but thoughts of you always decorate my mind and bring a smile to my face. Happy Birthday Grandpa.

Happy birthday to an amazing fabulous grandpa who was always there to support me with a selfless heart full of unconditional love. I truly am the happiest granddaughter/grandson in the world.

Happy birthday, dear grandpa. I pray that you may live in joy and good health for many more years to come.

You have been a kind, loving, and supportive figure to me my entire life. I’m so lucky to have met you in this life. Happy Birthday.

How do you celebrate your 90th birthday?

90th Birthday Ideas – Top 30 Ways to Celebrate a 90th Birthday
  • Throw a party! …
  • Make a Scrapbook or Album. …
  • Check-off a Bucket List Item. …
  • Revisit Favorite Sites. …
  • Organize a Card Campaign from Family and Friends. …
  • Have the President Send a Birthday Card. …
  • Make a Memory Quilt. …
  • Make a Photo Bouquet.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

Turning 90 is a big deal, so let’s celebrate it in style! Planning a special birthday can be difficult, so we’ve got everything you need from party ideas and decorations to cake ideas, gift ideas and more.

Browse our website now and find everything you need for an unforgettable 90th birthday celebration.

gift ideas

party ideas

More birthday fun

90th Birthday Ideas – Top 30 ways to celebrate a 90th birthday

A milestone birthday like the 90th calls for a memorable celebration! Here are a few ideas for celebrating your favorite senior’s 90th birthday:

1. Throw a party!

If the birthday man or woman is up for it (some 90-year-olds aren’t that energetic anymore), then consider throwing a 90th birthday party. It can be as small as just immediate family members, or it can be a lavish celebration.

Be sure to talk to the birthday girl about what he or she would prefer. That way, they can plan the party with joy and look forward to the event. Think twice before planning a surprise party for someone your age.

2. Create a scrapbook or album

A 90th birthday is a time to reflect on the amazing events of a lifetime. Help them by creating a scrapbook or photo album filled with some of the highlights of their lives.

Use email and Facebook or other social media sites to request pictures from scattered friends and family members. The celebrant will enjoy seeing long lost faces and images!

3. Check a bucket list item

What has he or she always dreamed of but never got around to? This is a great time to fill in as many of those bucket list items as possible.

4. Visit favorite sites again

At this age there are probably many places that were important to the birthday boy at some point in his life. If possible, take them back to some of the meaningful places – the house they grew up in, their old schools, workplaces.

Most seniors really enjoy a trip down memory lane! And you will enjoy hearing the stories about what their life was like all those years ago. For an extra treat, you can rent a sedan or large van and take family members on this commemorative tour.

5. Organize a card campaign from family and friends

Who doesn’t love receiving birthday cards in the mail? Make their 90th extra special by having so many family and friends send them a birthday card. Ideally, having 90 cards would be wonderful.

A card action requires some organization, but the joy it will bring to the celebrant is well worth it. Read details on how to organize a card campaign here.

6. Have the President send a birthday card

Put your tax dollars to use and order a birthday card from the White House (read the details here). It’s free (well, you’ve already paid for it through taxes) and is sure to delight the senior.

It takes at least 6 weeks, but the more you can cancel the better.

7. Make a memory quilt

This is another great use for a lifetime’s worth of photos! You can transfer images onto squares of fabric and sew a quilt filled with memories and love. A fun idea is to send blocks of fabric to family and loved ones and ask them to write a message on the fabric and then sew those blocks into the quilt as well.

Instructions for sewing a memory quilt can be found here.

8. Create a bouquet of photos

Surround your favorite senior with flowers that feature the pictures of their loved ones. It’s a cheerful decoration that will brighten up any room. And they will love having so many pictures of their favorite people!

9. 90 Day Love Letters in a Jar

This is a wonderful 90th birthday idea that will keep the excitement and joy of 90th birthday long after the actual birthday!

Write 90 small notes of appreciation or reminders on decorative paper, then place them in a pretty jar or vase. You can make all the notes yourself or ask other loved ones to write notes.

Then your manager can look forward to opening a note every day for the next 90 days.

10. Play a Favorite Game (or Two)

Playing games together is a wonderful way to enjoy being with your favorite senior—and it can be fun if the kids join in too.

Consider games from their childhood, such as checkers, dominoes, or card games. Games that could be fun for the whole family would be Trivial Pursuit, Bingo or Corn Hole.

11. Drink champagne

An event like this certainly deserves a toast or two! Why not open a special bottle of champagne and celebrate your 90th birthday in style?

Dancing on the tables is absolutely optional.

12. Listen to music from the last 90 years

Listening to music is a wonderful way to recall favorite memories. Download some of his or her favorite songs from his or her childhood and youth to listen to together.

13. Watch a favorite childhood movie together

Did he or she like to go to the cinema as a child? My mother had wonderful memories of going to the movies every Saturday (she paid a nickel for her ticket!)

Order some of their favorite childhood movies to watch together. Chances are you haven’t seen any movies from those days long gone – you’ll enjoy seeing how much technology has changed!

Don’t forget the popcorn!

14. Planting flowers together

Plant a windowsill garden full of herbs, plants or other flowers. Then he can still enjoy the sight of nature long after his 90th birthday.

If you have small children in the family, let them decorate flower pots with their handprints and names. It’s a great way to get kids involved in the 90th birthday celebration!

15. Decorate t-shirts or sweatshirts

This is another fun activity that both seniors and children can enjoy together. Decorate t-shirts with fabric paints – find easy ideas on Pinterest.

16. Decorate their yard

Surprise them when they wake up in the morning with garden decorations – the bigger the better! I’m sure you’ve seen all those giant “Happy Birthday” signs that are so popular right now.

17. Make a 90th birthday candy gram

Fun, easy to make and inexpensive to put together, birthday candies are a wonderful way to celebrate that big birthday!

18. Taking photos together

When the whole family gets together to celebrate, make time for a photo session during the day. If possible, have the pictures taken by a professional—these are the types of pictures that become family heirlooms.

You don’t have to be too serious though – bring some photo props to capture those silly moments!

19. Taking a family vacation together

Bring the whole family together for a vacation they’ll always remember – and cherish! Look for something that appeals to all generations, such as B. a cruise or a resort vacation.

20. Enjoy a milkshake or malt

I’m sure your senior has fond memories of milkshakes at the soda fountain at the drugstore! If you find another one, take him or her there.

Or mix your own milkshake at home for a special birthday treat.

21. Go to a classic car show

Checking out vintage cars would be a great 90th birthday idea for dad, grandpa or any other car enthusiast. Check your local newspaper or Twitter feed to find a classic car show near you.

22. Have a picnic

If the weather is good, take them outside for al fresco dining. Choose a park near a playground so the kids can enjoy it. Most seniors would enjoy watching the children play.

23. Karaoke

Because everyone should sing badly in public at least once in their life.

24. Go to a casino

Cards, free drinks, buffet… and a chance to win a big jackpot on her birthday.

25. Make a money tree

Keep in mind that this is the generation that went through the Great Depression, so money is usually pretty important to them!

Just attach 90 $1 bills to a small tree standing in a coffee can… festive and impressive.,

26. Give 90 small gifts

Instead of one big gift, why not give 90 small gifts? Small candies, stamps, flowers, beads are just a few ideas.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren will definitely enjoy thinking about (and counting) the 90 gifts.

27. Go to an elegant tea

If you’re looking for a special way to celebrate mom or grandma’s 90th birthday, invite them over for an elegant tea. She will enjoy dressing up and being pampered and cared for at high tea.

28. Make a video of her life

Scan all those old pictures onto a disc to play as a movie. Serve popcorn and sweets like in a real cinema!

29. Decorate with 90 balloons

Who doesn’t like balloons on their birthday? Fill your house or room with 90 balloons in your favorite color.

Attach small pictures of everyone throughout their lives to the dangling ends for an impressive look. Details can be found here.

30. Celebrate for 90 days

One of the most creative ways to celebrate a 90th birthday is to plan 90 days of celebrations.

This requires a little coordination with family and friends. Assign each of them one of the 90 days before their actual birthday to send a card, drop off a gift, or celebrate their birthday in a small way.

What a great way to celebrate a ninetieth!

Most importantly, share time with your loved one

Many seniors don’t really want a birthday party, even for a milestone event like turning 90. What he or she may enjoy most is just spending time with you. It can be as simple as going out to a favorite meal, playing a game or putting together a puzzle, or reminiscing about family photos.

He or she may enjoy watching one of their old favorite movies or TV shows, or going to church with you. A more active senior may enjoy fishing, visiting a museum or park, or shopping.

Keep in mind that many seniors can get a bit lonely, and by the time they’re 90, there’s a good chance he or she won’t be able to reach as many of their favorite places as they once did. Create a memory you’ll both cherish by enjoying time with the birthday girl or girl!

What color represents a 90th birthday?

90th Birthday Color Options

Purple, Silver, and White. Gold. Pastels.

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

A 90th birthday is an important milestone that needs to be celebrated. Whether it’s celebrating with friends and family at home, going to a nice restaurant, or something else, you want your loved ones to feel special. So if you’re looking for some fun 90th birthday party ideas, we’re here to help. Check out our top ideas below to start your party planning.

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90th Birthday Party Ideas

From elegant dinner parties to a midday tea party with loved ones, we’ve rounded up our top 90th birthday picks below:

1. A meaningful gift

Give them something special for their 90th. From personalized keepsake boxes to custom jewelry, there’s something for everyone. For specific ideas, be sure to check out our personalized gifts or visit our unique birthday gift ideas resource.

2. Fun party games

Party games help everyone enjoy the party, so choosing the right ones is important. Visit our resource on 40 Fun Party Games to find the perfect games for your 90th birthday.

3. Dinner party

Planning a dinner party is perfect when the guest of honor prefers a meal with their loved ones to a larger party. Fill the menu with their favorite dishes and desserts for a birthday they’re sure to love.

4. Unique Birthday Cake

Change up the traditional birthday cake for something more personalized for the guest of honor. For example, if they love donuts, make a donut bar and display it. Or if they’re more of a cake fanatic, make sure you have a selection of pastries and cakes on the dessert table.

5. Flowers

Flowers are a popular gift for everyone, as well as an elegant decoration. Adding a bouquet or two for your 90th birthday will help brighten the room and the guest of honor is sure to appreciate it. Just make sure you buy flowers that are appropriate for the occasion. Some types of flowers have unintended meanings that are not appropriate for a celebration.

6th Birthday Photoshoot

Capture the joy of the 90th celebration with a fun photo shoot. Consider setting up a photo book with fun props and signs, or simply fill the frame with all of the award winner’s loved ones. These photos will definitely make it into an upcoming family photo album.

7. Family face time

A video calling service lets you catch up with family and friends who couldn’t make it to the party. It’s a great way to bring people into the party virtually, and the guest of honor will appreciate the extra friendly faces.

8. Tea Party

If you are planning the 90th birthday party during the day, consider throwing a tea party. This elegant party theme is a perfect way to celebrate a loved one in a relaxed setting. Ask guests to dress up, offer a variety of their favorite teas, and enjoy!

9. Photo Book

Present a photo book full of memories and highlights of the guest of honor’s life achievements and family events. Both the honoree and guests will love looking through the memories, making it a great conversation starter.

10. From the grandchildren

Let the grandkids help decorate. Giving them the opportunity to add their own special touch is sure to make grandpa or grandma’s day. Whether it’s hand-picked flowers, a card or a special gift, your contribution is greatly appreciated.

11th Garden Party

If the weather permits, throw a garden party. Garden parties make for fun, casual settings for loved ones to celebrate together. Add plenty of hors d’oeuvres, refreshing drinks and cheerful party decorations for a fun event everyone will love.

90th birthday decorations

Once you’ve chosen your location, date, and guest list, it’s time to choose your party decorations. So we’ve found our favorite color options, centerpieces and decorations for you below:

12. 90th Birthday Color Options

When you are ready to start decorating, you need to choose a color to use in the party decorations. The following colors look great on everything from streamers, balloons, banners to table runners:

Purple, Silver and White



Her favourite color

13. Elegant 90th Birthday Decorations

Do you celebrate more elegantly? Check out our elegant 90th birthday decoration recommendations below for ideas on what to include in your party:

fairy lights

Lace table runner



14. 90th Birthday Centerpieces

When it comes to centerpieces, keep it relatively simple and cheerful. Great centerpieces for birthdays include flowers, cake or desserts, and lights. Memory boards, gifts, and seasonal items also make great centerpiece additions.

Other 90th Birthday Party Supplies

Before the party starts, make sure you have all the birthday party supplies you need. Below are our top picks for 90th birthday party invitations and favors.

15. 90th Birthday Invitation Ideas

The birthday invitation is the first look at your party, so you’ll want to make sure it’s spot on. Make sure all important information such as date, location, time and requests are clearly stated on the invitations. Also, make sure your invitation matches your party theme by choosing the perfect 90th birthday party invitations.

16. 90th Birthday Favors

When it’s time to send guests home, it’s important to leave them a memento of the party. Check out the following 90th birthday party favor ideas below. Choose your favorite or use them to inspire an idea of ​​your own.

Resources related to 90th Birthday Party Ideas

If you enjoyed this resource on 90th birthday party ideas and are looking for more, be sure to check out the following related resources:

85th Birthday Celebration Highlight #2

85th Birthday Celebration Highlight #2
85th Birthday Celebration Highlight #2

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The best would be a box of chocolate candy, all creams. Most older ladies have lost a lot of teeth. A nice throw that is very soft.

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17 Unique Birthday Party Ideas for Grandma

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Check out these beautiful and fun birthday party ideas for grandma to celebrate her special day – after all, seniors love a good party as much as anyone, and who deserves it more than them!

This post may contain affiliate links. As a member of Amazon Associates and other affiliate programs, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases.

Whether you call her Gram, Nana, Mimi or Gigi, a grandmother is often the center of the family. She is generally the one who keeps family traditions alive and keeps the family together.

This year, make Grandma feel just as special as everyone else does with a wonderful birthday party centered around her likes or interests.

Also see: How to host themed parties on a budget

Theme ideas for grandma’s birthday party

Seniors come in all types and have different interests, so what makes a good grandma’s themed party may not work for everyone. Some like elegance – others may be drawn to the thrill!

If you have an adventurous grandma, then you could take a lesson from this 101-year-old Guinness World Record holder and celebrate her birthday with a tandem paraglide.

While a sweet and quiet get-together might seem like the only option, remember to keep each topic in mind when brainstorming the birthday party.

Bucket List Item Birthday Theme Ideas for Grandma

Is there something you always wanted to experience or a place you always wanted to visit? Even if they can’t travel to a destination on the wish list, bring it to them with themed decor and food.

There are many things to do on grandma’s birthday that will help her tick things off her wish list or give her an experience of a lifetime.

Some experience-based birthday ideas might include:

1. A fancy afternoon tea

A tea party is a wonderful choice for a grandmother’s birthday party. Not only does it give family and friends a chance to spend time together and chat, it also makes the birthday girl – or grandma – feel extra special with fancy teacups and miniature treats.

2. Skydiving (for those who always wanted to)

If your grandparents always wanted to know what it feels like to have the wind blow through their hair as they hurtle down towards the earth at high speed, treat them to making their dream of the ultimate free fall a reality.

Just be prepared to jump yourself – once you see Grandma skydiving, you’ll have few excuses not to!

3. A family day trip somewhere nearby

For a less extreme adventure, plan a local excursion or day trip that the whole family can take part in. Just exploring her hometown with family in tow is a special experience, and traveling with grandparents always leads to great memories and tales of memories from times long past.

4. Break out the karaoke

For the grandma who has music running through her veins, plan a karaoke-themed party with the greatest hits from her past (you have plenty to choose from!)

The party can be as simple as setting up a machine at a party at home or reserving time at the local karaoke bar. Costumes and accessories add to the fun!

5. A dance class for all ages

Grandmas are staunch supporters of their grandchildren’s extracurricular activities and have probably attended countless shows and dance concerts. But maybe she wants to try jazz or hip hop herself!

Book a private dance teacher to teach a lesson at your home, book some time in the studio or sign up for a special event class. The more family members join, the better!

6. A private cooking class

While grannies tend to always cook the best food and may not need a lesson, having a private chef oversee a gourmet meal is a fun and unique experience for everyone. Whether you’re gifting her a cooking demonstration at a local restaurant or bringing a private chef into your home, cooking always brings the family together.

You might learn some of her secret recipes as you hear her compare techniques to the chef!

Travel destination themed birthday ideas

Stay home to party? Bring the world to grandma with a themed party featuring her favorite location or a dream vacation.

Decorations, food and music can recreate the most beautiful and interesting places in the world right at home!

Here are some ideas for bringing these places home:

Rome – complete with spaghetti, Italian music and a miniature Coliseum

– complete with spaghetti, Italian music and a miniature Hawaii Coliseum – a backyard luau with paper flowers, grass skirts and fruity drinks

– a backyard luau with paper flowers, grass skirts and fruity drinks Athens – a home Olympics where family competes in fun events for the coveted olive leaf crown

– an Olympics at home where the family competes in fun events for the coveted crown of African olive leaves – a safari affair with the Big 5 made of balloons and cardboard, a pair of binoculars and a glamping tent in the backyard.

– a safari affair with the Big 5 made of balloons and cardboard, binoculars and a glamping tent in the backyard. Antarctica – perfect for winter! Wrap up and throw the party outside in winter (or use tissue paper and foam to create a snow effect. Stuffed penguins or paper penguins and a virtual dog sledding video add to the realism of the frozen continent.

A celebration of colour

Certainly one of the easiest party ideas to center the decor on one color, so choosing grandma’s favorite color is sure to be a win.

Color coordinated decorations are easy to find at party stores or the dollar store.

For a more natural look, a party can be made lavish with flowers and pretty crockery and décor that matches the color of your choice.

For a color-based party, the theme color should also accent the birthday cake or be used to decorate treats and gifts.

Party ideas for seniors based on favorite music

Often someone’s favorite music can become the theme of a birthday party.

If the birthday lady is a fan of American Idol or even TikTok, there are all kinds of party favors featuring the logo, videos to play, and favors that can be found online or in party stores.

If grandma is more into country music, a western-themed party could be fun, complete with line dancing and cowboy hats. Bales of hay are quite cheap in pet food stores and really help

Does grandma like musicals?

A family in Cerritos, California (who prefers to remain anonymous) threw a Sound of Music party for grandma on her 60th (almost older) birthday.

The family members put together an abridged version of the musical and reenacted the various film highlights, accompanied by the edited audio track.

The little ones performed the puppet show with the “lonely goatherd” and the cake was designed in the style of the Austrian mountains. The theme was a total surprise and a big hit.

Planning a glam makeover or a spa birthday for grandma

For a chic senior or lady who doesn’t often get the chance to be pampered, a day at a spa with friends might be just the ticket.

Even adult children and even the youngest in the family can take part in a complete family outing.

A good idea for a senior spa party is to ask for a senior and/or group discount. If money isn’t an issue, go all out and plan a full day of pampering and relaxation that ends with hair and makeup. Of course, all of this comes at a cost, so the DIY route might be more viable (and maybe even more enjoyable).

All sorts of similar spa treatments can be set up at home for those on a budget. Set up different rooms in the house for hair, nails and makeup, or end the tour with a jewelry gift or fun accessory.

For extra fun, let the littlest grandchild do Grandma’s makeup – if she’s a good girl!

When thinking of special birthday party ideas for grandma, one simply has to keep her interests, joys and hobbies in mind.

A grandmother’s birthday party doesn’t have to be extravagant—just being together is probably enough. But if you can find a way to make her day extra special, then why not give it a try?

If you think outside the box of the normal ‘senior’, you can have an extra exciting party and some fun family memories too!

17 Unique Birthday Party Ideas for Grandma

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Check out these beautiful and fun birthday party ideas for grandma to celebrate her special day – after all, seniors love a good party as much as anyone, and who deserves it more than them!

This post may contain affiliate links. As a member of Amazon Associates and other affiliate programs, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases.

Whether you call her Gram, Nana, Mimi or Gigi, a grandmother is often the center of the family. She is generally the one who keeps family traditions alive and keeps the family together.

This year, make Grandma feel just as special as everyone else does with a wonderful birthday party centered around her likes or interests.

Also see: How to host themed parties on a budget

Theme ideas for grandma’s birthday party

Seniors come in all types and have different interests, so what makes a good grandma’s themed party may not work for everyone. Some like elegance – others may be drawn to the thrill!

If you have an adventurous grandma, then you could take a lesson from this 101-year-old Guinness World Record holder and celebrate her birthday with a tandem paraglide.

While a sweet and quiet get-together might seem like the only option, remember to keep each topic in mind when brainstorming the birthday party.

Bucket List Item Birthday Theme Ideas for Grandma

Is there something you always wanted to experience or a place you always wanted to visit? Even if they can’t travel to a destination on the wish list, bring it to them with themed decor and food.

There are many things to do on grandma’s birthday that will help her tick things off her wish list or give her an experience of a lifetime.

Some experience-based birthday ideas might include:

1. A fancy afternoon tea

A tea party is a wonderful choice for a grandmother’s birthday party. Not only does it give family and friends a chance to spend time together and chat, it also makes the birthday girl – or grandma – feel extra special with fancy teacups and miniature treats.

2. Skydiving (for those who always wanted to)

If your grandparents always wanted to know what it feels like to have the wind blow through their hair as they hurtle down towards the earth at high speed, treat them to making their dream of the ultimate free fall a reality.

Just be prepared to jump yourself – once you see Grandma skydiving, you’ll have few excuses not to!

3. A family day trip somewhere nearby

For a less extreme adventure, plan a local excursion or day trip that the whole family can take part in. Just exploring her hometown with family in tow is a special experience, and traveling with grandparents always leads to great memories and tales of memories from times long past.

4. Break out the karaoke

For the grandma who has music running through her veins, plan a karaoke-themed party with the greatest hits from her past (you have plenty to choose from!)

The party can be as simple as setting up a machine at a party at home or reserving time at the local karaoke bar. Costumes and accessories add to the fun!

5. A dance class for all ages

Grandmas are staunch supporters of their grandchildren’s extracurricular activities and have probably attended countless shows and dance concerts. But maybe she wants to try jazz or hip hop herself!

Book a private dance teacher to teach a lesson at your home, book some time in the studio or sign up for a special event class. The more family members join, the better!

6. A private cooking class

While grannies tend to always cook the best food and may not need a lesson, having a private chef oversee a gourmet meal is a fun and unique experience for everyone. Whether you’re gifting her a cooking demonstration at a local restaurant or bringing a private chef into your home, cooking always brings the family together.

You might learn some of her secret recipes as you hear her compare techniques to the chef!

Travel destination themed birthday ideas

Stay home to party? Bring the world to grandma with a themed party featuring her favorite location or a dream vacation.

Decorations, food and music can recreate the most beautiful and interesting places in the world right at home!

Here are some ideas for bringing these places home:

Rome – complete with spaghetti, Italian music and a miniature Coliseum

– complete with spaghetti, Italian music and a miniature Hawaii Coliseum – a backyard luau with paper flowers, grass skirts and fruity drinks

– a backyard luau with paper flowers, grass skirts and fruity drinks Athens – a home Olympics where family competes in fun events for the coveted olive leaf crown

– an Olympics at home where the family competes in fun events for the coveted crown of African olive leaves – a safari affair with the Big 5 made of balloons and cardboard, a pair of binoculars and a glamping tent in the backyard.

– a safari affair with the Big 5 made of balloons and cardboard, binoculars and a glamping tent in the backyard. Antarctica – perfect for winter! Wrap up and throw the party outside in winter (or use tissue paper and foam to create a snow effect. Stuffed penguins or paper penguins and a virtual dog sledding video add to the realism of the frozen continent.

A celebration of colour

Certainly one of the easiest party ideas to center the decor on one color, so choosing grandma’s favorite color is sure to be a win.

Color coordinated decorations are easy to find at party stores or the dollar store.

For a more natural look, a party can be made lavish with flowers and pretty crockery and décor that matches the color of your choice.

For a color-based party, the theme color should also accent the birthday cake or be used to decorate treats and gifts.

Party ideas for seniors based on favorite music

Often someone’s favorite music can become the theme of a birthday party.

If the birthday lady is a fan of American Idol or even TikTok, there are all kinds of party favors featuring the logo, videos to play, and favors that can be found online or in party stores.

If grandma is more into country music, a western-themed party could be fun, complete with line dancing and cowboy hats. Bales of hay are quite cheap in pet food stores and really help

Does grandma like musicals?

A family in Cerritos, California (who prefers to remain anonymous) threw a Sound of Music party for grandma on her 60th (almost older) birthday.

The family members put together an abridged version of the musical and reenacted the various film highlights, accompanied by the edited audio track.

The little ones performed the puppet show with the “lonely goatherd” and the cake was designed in the style of the Austrian mountains. The theme was a total surprise and a big hit.

Planning a glam makeover or a spa birthday for grandma

For a chic senior or lady who doesn’t often get the chance to be pampered, a day at a spa with friends might be just the ticket.

Even adult children and even the youngest in the family can take part in a complete family outing.

A good idea for a senior spa party is to ask for a senior and/or group discount. If money isn’t an issue, go all out and plan a full day of pampering and relaxation that ends with hair and makeup. Of course, all of this comes at a cost, so the DIY route might be more viable (and maybe even more enjoyable).

All sorts of similar spa treatments can be set up at home for those on a budget. Set up different rooms in the house for hair, nails and makeup, or end the tour with a jewelry gift or fun accessory.

For extra fun, let the littlest grandchild do Grandma’s makeup – if she’s a good girl!

When thinking of special birthday party ideas for grandma, one simply has to keep her interests, joys and hobbies in mind.

A grandmother’s birthday party doesn’t have to be extravagant—just being together is probably enough. But if you can find a way to make her day extra special, then why not give it a try?

If you think outside the box of the normal ‘senior’, you can have an extra exciting party and some fun family memories too!

8 Ways to Celebrate Birthdays in Senior Care Homes

Birthday parties provide an opportunity to honor older customers and let them know that they are valued and valued.

The Western tradition of celebrating birthdays with cake and candles has certainly spread to other parts of the world. In some cultures, however, they make less of a fuss. The Chinese, for example, celebrate by eating a plate of long noodles to symbolize longevity. The Vietnamese do not give the exact day of their birth and everyone celebrates their birthday on New Year’s Day.

When planning birthday parties, it’s important to consider your customers’ cultural backgrounds and personal preferences.

What does the resident want?

Aside from cultural considerations, it’s important to remember that birthdays are about being what they want, not what we want. Worry for those who like to fuss and quietly congratulate those who don’t. It is important that the birthday person is involved in the planning of their birthday party; it is a personal decision.

We tend to plan big parties for milestone birthdays, but does the customer agree? Remember that the client’s energy level and health are important factors to consider when planning celebrations. Find out as much as you can by consulting the customer and their family.

Do you like large or small gatherings?

Do you like surprise parties?

Do you prefer quiet time with family?

If the customer hesitates at a party, offer other options:

A champagne lunch with people you care about

A high tea with friends and family

A picnic in a park or beach

A happy hour celebration

A BBQ lunch or a celebratory dinner

A trip to a museum or art gallery and an al fresco lunch

Some customers find birthdays rather depressing and prefer not to celebrate; we should respect their wishes when this is the case.

Monthly Birthday Celebrations

Many institutions hold a party every month to celebrate birthdays. This is sometimes an afternoon tea or lunch reserved exclusively for residents who celebrate their birthdays that month and their family members.

Alternatively, some establishments host all-inclusive parties each month, where birthday revelers wear sparkly hats, help cut the cake, and have their picture taken.

Celebrate with the family

For some families, celebrating the birthday of a loved one who is in long-term care is an opportunity to bring the family together. Support and assist families with their plans wherever you can.

8 ways to make seniors feel special on their birthday

There are a number of ways you can make seniors feel special on their birthday, depending on their preferences.

Put a Happy Birthday sign on their door. So everyone knows it’s their birthday and gets birthday wishes all day long!

Decorate her room with balloons

Offer them a “It’s My Birthday” badge to wear throughout the day

Bring a cake when everyone is in the dining room, sing Happy Birthday, and blow out a candle.

If the customer is from a different background, then play Happy Birthday in their native language on an iPad.

Invite family members to visit. If family members are unable to attend, suggest a Skype or Facetime call to convey your birthday wishes.

Ask local school children to make a birthday card or make a card in a craft class

Give them a token gift (see gift suggestions below)

How to plan a birthday party

All parties should have a little planning and be well organized so that they are stress free when the time comes!

Make sure your budget is reasonable.

Remember to cater to sugar-free diets and diabetics if necessary.

What decorations are planned? How many sessions does it take to make them?

Be careful not to interfere with other activities already planned for the day.

Pick a few fun activities; a game or quiz to include in the celebration

Who takes care of invitations? How are they shipped? Telephone, e-mail, post?

What gifts did you organize? Homemade gifts from peers or a useful giveaway?

Find someone with a guitar or a piano player to accompany the “Happy Birthday” chant.

Organize a game or two! Sticking the tail on the ass usually gets a good giggle. A balloon race between the knees between employees can also provide hilarious fun.

Tips for celebrating centenarians’ birthdays

Centenarians used to be a rarity, but not anymore. Queen Elizabeth of England had to hire additional staff to cope with the flood of centenarians. The Whitehall ‘Birthday Card Team’ reported that the number of people turning 100 has increased by 70% in the last decade!

Turning 100 is a milestone that should be celebrated! Remember, if the birthday customer has dementia, avoid over-stimulating. Watch their body language and, if necessary, take them away from the party for a quiet time in their bedroom or elsewhere.

Compile an image gallery of photos for each decade of their lives. Alternatively, choose photos of important dates in their lives: marriage, graduation, birth of grandchildren. Photos are a wonderful way to evoke memories. Organize a cake and toast to a life well lived. Create a slideshow of photos that plays continuously throughout the party. Play songs from their favorite decade of music; It’s great for setting the mood. Let the chef prepare his favorite dishes. Also offer traditional food for birthday party like fairy bread, ice cream and jelly cup. Take photos of them with friends, family and co-workers for posterity. Present a basket with 100 cookies or decorate the room with 100 balloons. Video-record guests during the party and ask them to share their favorite centenarian memory. Prepare a large card with birthday wishes from friends, co-workers and family. Ask the centenarian his secret to longevity – write it down. Present a tree planted in their honor. Provide entertainment: Research the year they were born and come up with some fun facts to read aloud, including things like the cost of a house, a car, or average income, to entertain guests. Write to your local newspaper with a little biography of the centenarian and attach a photo – they may well get it published! If the resident is religious, facilitate a visit from a minister of religion. If you invite family and friends, ask them to bring a written memento of an event or achievement to put in the client’s scrapbook.

Suitable gift ideas for seniors

An address book with the phone numbers of friends and family

Non-slip slippers

A low-maintenance plant like a succulent

chocolate (if allowed)

hand cream

coloring book

Homemade cookies

Large print game books (crossword puzzles, sudoku)

face washer

lavender bags


wind chimes

We appreciate your feedback!

How do you celebrate resident birthdays at your workplace?

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