How To Be A Confident Submissive? The 127 Detailed Answer

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How do I look submissive?

This can include hunching down, bowing, kneeling or even prostration. It is no surprise that these are typically used in formal greetings of a superior person. Even in sitting, a submissive person will choose a lower chair or slump in order to be lower that others.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

Submissive Body Language Techniques > Using Body Language > Submissive Body Language Postures | gestures | See also A significant accumulation of body movement is used to signal fear and submission. This is common among animals, where fights (which could fatally harm any animal) are avoided through aggression or submission. Postures The body in fear poses is generally closed and may include additional aspects as well. Self-protection Bending inwards reduces height, reduces the risk of being hit and protects vital areas such as the neck. B. Hands covering crotch or chin down to protect neck. In a natural setting, being small can also reduce the chance of being seen. The arms are held. A squatting position can be assumed, even slightly with slightly bent knees. This approximates the curled-up regressive fetal position. Lower Lowering your body shows the other person that you are not a physical threat. This may include bending, bowing, kneeling, or even prostrating. It’s no surprise that these are typically used in formal greetings from a superior person. Even when seated, a submissive person chooses a lower chair or beanbag to be lower than others. Stillness Keeping still reduces the chance of being seen in a natural setting (this is why many animals freeze when frightened). When exposed, it also reduces the likelihood of inadvertently sending signals that can be interpreted as aggressive. It also signals submission by making you ready to be hit and not going to fight back. Head Head Down Rotating the chin and head down protects the vulnerable neck from attack. It also avoids staring at the other person (staring is a sign of aggression). Eyes Widening of the eyes makes you look more like a baby and thus signals your vulnerability. A careful look at the other person shows that you are hanging on their every word. Mouth Submissive people are more likely to smile at more dominant people, but they often smile with their mouths rather than their eyes. Gestures Gestures of Submission There are many gestures that aim primarily to show submission and have no intention of harming the other person. Hands up and palms up shows no weapons are held and is a common pleading gesture. Other gestures and actions that indicate tension can indicate the state of anxiety. These include hair pulling, face touching, and jerky movements. There may also be signs such as white face and sweating. Small gestures When the submissive needs to move, small gestures are often made. These can be slow so as not to alarm the other person, although tension can make them jerky. See also emotions, aggressive body language, limp speech

How do I change my submissive personality?

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine
  1. Develop their level of awareness and judgment.
  2. Give them space to express themselves.
  3. Help them differentiate disagreement from hostility.
  4. Give examples of non-submissive behavior.
  5. Find a good therapist.

What are submissive behaviors?

submissive (or passive) behavior means shying away from saying what you really mean and not seeking to achieve your needs, particularly when someone else has conflicting needs. A submissive person is a shrinking violet, avoiding upsetting others either because they fear them or they fear to hurt their feelings.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

Submissive Behavior Techniques > Assertiveness > Description of Submissive Behavior | Example | Discussion | See also Description Submissive (or passive) behavior means being afraid to say what you really mean and not trying to meet your needs, especially when someone else has conflicting needs. A submissive person is a shrinking violet who avoids upsetting others, either because they fear them or because they are afraid of hurting their feelings. When things go wrong, the submissive person is likely to assume that they are to blame in some way and accept blame if others single them out. You can often identify subservience in the use of floppy language, qualifiers, and submissive body language, although this is not always indicative of submissive behavior. Example A child is bullied at school but does not fight back or tell the teachers. They may wish they could be stronger, like the tyrant. A manager tends to avoid giving complex tasks to one of his subordinates who will complain when things get difficult. Sorry, that’s not what I meant to say. I should have realized you wanted to go somewhere else. Discussion The core premise of submissive behavior is that you are in some way inferior to others and therefore other people have greater rights and more valid truths than you. In transactional analysis, the adaptive child can become submissive when dealing with the controlling parent. The submissive person will typically suppress their feelings and repress memories of being dominated, especially early triggers that led them to their submissive state. They can also deal with the disappointment of not getting what they want by trivializing it. The result of submissive behavior is that you get little of what you want while losing other people’s respect. You are also likely to get caught in a spiral of falling self-esteem, inner anger, and psychosomatic problems. Also see Sloppy Speech, Qualifiers, Submissive Body Language, Coping Mechanisms, Fear, Distress

How do you mentally dominate someone?

4 Ways To Psychologically Manipulate Someone
  1. Use Body Language To Your Advantage. The way the brain stimulates physical movements and reactions during day-to-day interactions is almost uncontrollable. …
  2. Change The Perspective. …
  3. Leverage Your Knowledge Of Others. …
  4. Be Aware Of Proper Timing and Opportunity.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

Have you ever considered using psychology to your advantage in your daily interactions with others? You don’t need a degree in psychology or mind reading skills. In our myriad interactions with friends, coworkers, and bosses, we have the ability to manipulate the situation and capitalize on this social exchange.

When I say manipulate, I don’t necessarily mean it in a negative way. Manipulation can be used for good – convincing someone to take a vacation or doing whatever it takes to get that promotion at work. Below are some ways that just being aware of the psychology behind our interactions can help us benefit more than we could ever expect.

1. Use body language to your advantage

The way the brain stimulates bodily movements and responses during daily interactions is almost uncontrollable. This type of movement can signal a lot to those around you. What does that mean? It means you can use body language to understand things that words can’t tell you, or even influence someone with more than just words.

I’m sure you’ve heard that 90 percent of communication is nonverbal (hard to believe, but it’s actually 93 percent), which means so much can get lost in our interactions just because we asked for that promotion with our folded their arms and looked at the floor.

Learning to read body language is just as important as getting it right — it will tell you if someone genuinely agrees with you, is actively participating in what you’re saying, or if they think you’re a complete idiot. Persistently listening to the body language of others will help you hone your own skills and identify opportunities and dead ends in every interaction.

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Things like mimicking postures, gestures, and movements can help get someone to like or agree with you. Nodding your head “yes” when you really mean “no” can be distressing — interrogators routinely rely on body language to establish guilt. We are all animals and behave as such when we detach from our more sophisticated form of communication. The trick is to use this unconscious interaction to your advantage.

Some interesting facts about body language:

Open palms inspire trust: Legoland employees are not allowed to point. Instead, they offer directions using upward hand gestures.

Shaking hands palm down signifies dominance and palm up signifies submission.

When you’re laughing in a group, the first person you make eye contact with is the one you trust the most

2. Change the perspective

Shroud the reality of those you are trying to manipulate with a reality you have woven – get into their minds. It’s all about tact, cunning and, above all, rhetoric.

“My car has only x mileage, not to mention the rust spots…”

“My poor grades and academic probation in my sophomore year compared to better grades in my senior year show how much I’ve improved since then.”

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And the classic: “This house is a real fixer-upper – think of the potential.”

We do this every day – turning half-empty glasses on their side. Often perspective can really make a world of difference in the way someone looks at something. This perspective itself can be influenced by your descriptions. Rhetoric is a crucial factor underlying this term as it encompasses so many aspects beyond what was said and how it was said. It draws on tone, content and appeals to reason, character or emotion. Use rhetoric to be as persuasive as possible, exaggerate when practical, and shift focus where necessary.

Think about how your arguments are structured and presented, whether they appeal to a person’s emotions or logic. Do you sound like you know what you’re talking about, even if you don’t? If you can’t convince someone to waste paper for environmental reasons, can you use a flawlessly logical argument to convince them that less paper means less work? Thinking outside the box and looking at a particular situation anew can help you see things for yourself and can also build on the effectiveness of each argument you make.

Some facts to put this in perspective:

Convincing yourself that you slept well last night tricks your mind into believing you did (aka “placebo sleep”).

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Smart people tend to underestimate themselves, while ignorant people tend to think they are brilliant.

Studies have proven that your favorite song is likely connected to an emotional event in your past.

3. Use what you know about others

Rely on people’s psychological needs and use them as a pressure point. This can be a need to fit in, be accepted, or included, or the complete opposite – a need to stand out and go against the grain. The risky decision-maker can be lured into making a bad decision, the quiet mass-dweller can be dissuaded from pursuing anything that would take him away from the comforts of conformity.

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Your weakness is your strength, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to use that to your advantage. Do they tend to overconfidence that can cause them to stumble? Are you unsure about something that can help you make a persuasive argument? Everyone has their kryptonite.

The more you learn about a person’s psychological tendencies, ways of thinking, and characteristics, the more advantage you can gain over their thoughts and your overall influence over those thoughts. The key to success here is knowledge. As with any other point, understanding your own pressure points can be more crucial. A solid defense involves acknowledging your own insecurities and vulnerabilities

Psychologist Jim Sniechowski describes in his article: Emotional Leveraging: It’s Really Not Manipulation? In it, he provides three basic guidelines for getting the most out of using a person’s emotions against them:

Be aware that their vision is the product of an emotional base, and no matter how they rationalize their position, they cling to it for some emotional reason;

You see, if you want them to move your way, it’s your job to discover the emotional value that drives their vision – their sweet spot;

Understand that once you know her emotional sweet spot, you can develop an approach that blends her needs with yours so you can both feel successful.

4. Be mindful of the right timing and opportunity

The jaguar is an effective and calculated hunter. The ancestral legacy of success and failure has given him the biological ability of great timing. It knows when to strike, when to strike hardest, and when to stop chasing.

Know when to make your moves. We learn that from a young age (don’t tell mom what you want for your birthday when she’s in a bad mood). The trick is to actively maintain an awareness and keep your eyes constantly searching for opportunities. For example, try asking for certain favors when someone is tired or busy (they will expend less energy contradicting or rejecting you).

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Don’t force opportunities, instead embrace them and keep your eyes peeled. If you’ve been waiting to talk to your boss, don’t force the conversation. This may require waiting for weeks before you get a good opportunity, but once you do, don’t screw it up. When we meet someone with a suggestion, half the battle may be won or lost, depending on the mood of the moment.

Fact: A recent study of more than a thousand court decisions found that judges, who should be our rational-thinking role models, are as susceptible to this notion as anyone. The study confirmed that prisoners are far more likely (up to 65 percent more likely) to be paroled early in the day or just after a lunch break.

Endless Possibilities

The wonders of psychology are endless. It’s a field worth exploring, but it’s only useful if you make the effort to learn and implement it first. The aforementioned ways of exploiting psychology barely scratch the surface and require little more than mere awareness to employ.

Each of the above factors is tremendously useful on its own. For example, kinesics (the study of body language) can turn you into a walking lie detector if you choose. If you don’t care about picking up on the impulses or tendencies of others, not exposing yourself to situations to your advantage, not becoming aware of the body language you are engaging in and that others are sending you, then you are blinding yourself to a very interesting path , to maximize your exchanges throughout life.

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How do you know if you are dominant?

What Is Dominant Behavior?
  1. You make worthy goals and take daily, purposeful action to meet them.
  2. You leave the people you love in no doubt of your regard for them.
  3. You go after what you want with single-minded, dauntless determination.
  4. You make good things happen for people you love (including yourself).

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

There are times when a person’s dominant behavior puts you at ease – not because they are literally dominating you, but because their strength of character and presence makes them feel safe – and connect with them safely.

They were warned about bullying or manipulative partners.

But dominance isn’t always about getting another person to submit to you.

And if you’ve ever found yourself attracted to a dominant man, you know that few things are as compelling as someone using their power for good.

How exactly does that look?

What is dominant behavior?

Look up “how to be a dominant man” and you’ll likely find a mix of attitudes about what it means to be dominant and how dominant a man should be.

Dominant behavior in itself does not make someone a leader or someone to admire or emulate.

At best, dominance is a means to an end that does as much good as possible; it is not an end in itself. It’s a tool.

The person wearing them should try not to be one if possible.

Because some women want a more dominant man and some don’t, it’s important to know the signs of dominance and how they contribute to a man’s overall character.

What are the best possible outcomes of dominant behavior?

They set worthy goals and take purposeful actions every day to achieve them.

You leave the people you love in no doubt about your appreciation for them.

Pursue what you want with single-minded, unflinching determination.

You do good things for people you love (including yourself).

You get your points across clearly, calmly and memorable.

11 signs of a dominant man

How do you know if someone is dominating you? Or what are the signs of dominance in a relationship?

And when can they be more beneficial than harmful?

As you will see in the following examples, dominance, in the best sense of the word, can improve relationships.

1. He shows self-control and self-discipline.

The dominant male is not a slave to his passions or appetites. He exercises self-discipline to control his own body and tendencies, knowing that it is necessary for his success and happiness.

Because of this, the dominant male is more likely to be physically fit and strong than someone who just thinks of himself as dominant but has no real self-control or self-discipline.

If the dominant man treats himself to something, then always with careful moderation.

2. He knows (and uses) the power of body language.

He recognizes and appreciates body language, which puts others at ease and makes them feel valued. Pay attention to the following body language cues from someone comfortable in a dominant role:

Strong, confident posture (no drooping or tucking your neck)

A calm, confident smile

A firm but respectful handshake

A smooth, confident step (no bragging, rumbling, or stomping)

A thoughtful and attentive but unconcerned look around the room

3. He knows he’s a work in progress and he gets the job done.

The dominant man does not pretend to have understood everything. He doesn’t lead others because he knows everything, but because he’s constantly learning and improving. And following him is the best way to learn how he does it.

He knows he’s not perfect, and he doesn’t expect others to be either. However, he has high expectations of himself, and he strives to meet them.

But he’s not obsessed with how he compares to other men. He doesn’t have to.

He knows that most people do their best to learn and grow, and he respects those who are humble enough to admit when they’re wrong and learn from their mistakes.

4. He doesn’t waste time or energy complaining.

If he stumbles or is knocked down, he gets back up. And instead of wasting time complaining or blaming someone else for the obstacles he faces, he just gets to work.

He knows when to move towards the same goal and when to turn around. And when he makes mistakes, he learns from them and moves on. He expects others, including his partner, to dust themselves off and do the same.

And he respects those who can do it with humor.

5. He knows what he wants.

He has goals, and he takes specific actions every day to achieve them. Once he’s figured out what he wants, he creates a plan and breaks it down into tasks he can carry out.

He will also identify people to learn from and who can help him along the way.

However, the dominant male does not use people without regard for their well-being. Whenever possible, he will find a way to return and pass on the favor. He knows the value of gratitude and shows it in his words and behavior.

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6. He is patient but relentless.

He doesn’t give up or let setbacks weaken his resolve. He sees meaning in every detour and obstacle (not defeat or “bad luck”). If anything, he’ll smile, wink at the universe, and find new ways to get where he wants to be.

He doesn’t expect instant gratification, nor does he need it. He gets the ball rolling and patiently guides it in the direction you want it to go.

He doesn’t take setbacks personally or talk like the world is against him. He simply re-evaluates the landscape and finds another way to win.

7. He leads by example.

As he enters the room, his presence draws attention. He exudes confidence, good humor, and wisdom acquired by being observant and humble enough to learn from others.

He can spot false bravery a mile away and call it what it is – a pathetic bauble.

People follow him because they see in him what they want to see in themselves. He takes everything that happens with composure and quickly intervenes when help is needed. Many would like to be like him, but few are willing to do what is necessary.

8. He takes risks.

He would rather be wrong than sit back and watch others take risks.

He overcomes his fears by facing and ultimately defeating every fear. He would rather face a fear than let it hold him back or stand in the way of one of his goals.

And when he’s in a relationship, he’d rather take the risk of showing the person he loves how he feels than faking nonchalance and “keeping cool” to protect his ego. He will risk humiliation to pursue what – or who – he wants in his life.

9. He knows when (and how) to say no.

No one can pressure or manipulate him into doing anything he doesn’t intend to do. He will give each request due attention and provide a clear, decisive response.

Getting him to change his mind rarely (if ever) produces encouraging results. He thinks about his answers and if others might be wringing their hands, he’s already further along.

He keeps track of the time he has and honors his commitments to others and to himself. He will not sacrifice them or go after anyone to please someone else.

10. He speaks with clarity, confidence and calm.

If he has something to say, he says it. And he says it without haste and without raising his voice unnecessarily. Each sentence is measured, thoughtful and clear.

He also knows how to use silent pauses and facial expressions to his advantage. Others may notice that he has a way of getting people to talk without pressuring or intimidating them.

People open up to it naturally and only later wonder why it was so easy (or so hard to quit).

He not only draws people to his side, but also makes them want to impress or amuse him. And while he’s kind, he also knows when it’s time to go.

11. He has zero tolerance for bullies.

He is not a bully himself and has zero tolerance for those who use quasi-dominant behaviors to bully others.

He sees them for what they are: weak, insecure, loud-mouthed baby boys (i.e., losers).

The only people who mistake such bullies for dominant men are wimps who don’t know the difference between healthy masculinity and its poisonous fake.

The truly dominant man doesn’t have to point the finger and compare himself to the bully to draw people away from him; all he has to do is set an excellent example by walking into the room and being himself.

Do you recognize any of these signs of a dominant male?

If you’re reading this to learn what it means to be a truly dominant man, we hope you’ve noticed some of these traits in yourself. Now you know which ones to work on.

If you’re reading this because you’re attracted to dominant men (not egocentric wannabes), we hope this post has helped you see the traits that make them so attractive and difficult to ignore.

What qualities do you admire most? And which ones will you grow this week?

How does a woman show submission?

To Be Submissive, Cultivate The Ability To Sit With Uncertainty. This is where being submissive is especially powerful and strong, on the woman’s part. To be submissive, a woman has to be OK with being uncertain. She has to let her guard down, peel off the mask and look of ‘steel’ and be free.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

How to be submissive in a relationship

Modern women sometimes forget the value of the ability to be submissive.

First, don’t let the flashy title fool you. I don’t encourage women to play dumb, to be stuck in the “housewife” role, or to have no opinion.

It’s not about being submissive to a man at all.

I also don’t encourage women to be submissive all the time. Being submissive is just another role that a woman can play every now and then in her relationship with a high-quality, masculine man.

The reason I speak about being submissive is because it can bring more passion, strength and life into a healthy relationship.

IF your submissiveness is received by a man with love and respect. The key point here is that you need to do this in a healthy relationship.

If you want to know if your relationship is healthy, here are 10 ultimate signs of a healthy relationship.

Being submissive is NOT something you do with an abusive man.

Being submissive in a relationship is just another part of you

… Another part of you that you might sometimes want to bring out.

Being submissive—whether jokingly or seriously—can evoke the manliest yet most tender character in a man.

Being a submissive woman almost never means admitting that you are “wrong” or less than a man. Being submissive allows a man to feel more like a man around you and – as a result – have that extra bit of passion for you.

Part of being in touch with your femininity is feeling all the different parts of you that you can feel in your body.

This is about accepting that there are many different parts of you. You are not just one type of woman!

When you know this, you begin to explore and begin to know how to “go” (be submissive) if you want. Submission is also part of learning to become more feminine.

So the question of how to be submissive leads me to address a few things that you need to understand in order for you to be able to be submissive at times.

The “how” will come to you by understanding the reason behind it.

Case Study: Learn how our member Alison managed to consistently attract abusive relationships… …ultimately learning the skill to weed out the wrong types of men and passing the toughest test of all…an accidental pregnancy after a month of dating! (…All by learning a simple skill.)

Being in control all the time doesn’t help your relationship with a man

Our society has encouraged women to maintain vigilance and wear masks (instead of being comfortable in their feminine core/essence).

A lot of us naturally female women got the message that we need to hide them. Rather than being female, we often choose to “be in control”.

At the very least, we prefer to give the impression that we are in control.

This need to be in control is one of the biggest things that not only turns men off but also makes it harder for women to find and keep a good boyfriend!

It’s also important to remember that attending school from an early age teaches us that being “right” is high on the list of importance. We women now have to be right, be smart and also be intelligent.

There is nothing wrong with all of this. Personally, I went to law school and got a law degree.

However, I quickly realized that it didn’t help my relationship at all!

Many women have also learned that they must be like steel in the face of conflict. You are definitely not submissive like that.

(What is the one specific emotional trigger in every single man in this world that inspires him to commit to a woman, to care, to adore her and only her? Click here to find out now…)

CLICK HERE to LEARN the one specific emotional trigger in every manly man that inspires him to care, adore, and be deeply committed to you.

Being submissive in a relationship makes you erotic and passionate

I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again. A man really wants his woman to be open with him and let him in (emotionally, mentally, sexually, spiritually).

This is because it is erotic for a man to feel that a woman is beginning to open up and trust him and his guidance.

Opening up in the bedroom, surrendering to a man’s masculine guidance and trusting him naturally allows him to feel our feminine energy.

He also feels more like a man as he senses your subservience and dominates you (hopefully from a place of love).

Modern society and traditional education transform women into dominant creatures

The problem with the way we are raised (or not raised) in school is that many women have become these intensely dominating creatures that completely emasculate the men around them. (Read my article on how to learn to be open)

The problem with this arises when you face conflict within a relationship. Conflicts always exist and always will, they are natural and good.

Yet in the face of conflict, many women often use these steel masks to cover up the natural parts of themselves that would come out in moments of connection with a man.

Women can feel the most vulnerable.

Women are the most vulnerable in many ways.

As a result, they must use masks above all else to survive in a world that doesn’t always appreciate sensibilities.

Our world doesn’t always allow us the luxury of being sensitive to how people treat us, how others feel, and how we feel.

Instead, our society seems to value being socially acceptable.

Nothing wrong with that. Until we’ve practiced it long enough that we bring the same need to be “acceptable” and wrong into our intimate relationships.

In the face of a conflict, a woman can decide to open up to her man and take off the mask.

Choices shape your future, and it’s so easy to make a decision and focus on the positives instead of focusing on the comfort of doing things the way you’ve always done them.

Allow a man to give you his masculine direction

The best part about learning to surrender to a man’s masculine direction is that it gives him a safe place to be the dark masculine parts of him!

So let him in and try to let him lead – try to trust him, even if it feels unfamiliar to trust him.

If you’re scared, just say something like:

“I’m scared, but I’m willing to trust you.”

(Apologies in advance if you feel like I’m making a bunch of generalizations – but for the purpose of this post, they’re useful).

The truth, in general, is that men are naturally more physically built than women.

And they function differently mentally than women, too (think of a woman’s purse and how it magically fits the contents of an entire HOUSE; as opposed to a man who only carries a wallet with a few cards and some money.

Deep down, all women have weaknesses. All women have deep fears and feelings of insecurity, especially in the face of violence.

Many of us also fear abandonment. If this is you, you might be interested in reading my article on how fear of abandonment can make you more beautiful…

A trustworthy man wants you to show him your weaknesses!

It’s a simple word like “I’m scared” or “This scares me”.

(Click here to take the How Naturally Female Am I? quiz.)

QUIZZEIT: Do you really live in your feminine energy? CLICK HERE to find out with my specially designed 9 question quiz!

How does submitting a woman benefit? Why would you want to “submit” to a man?

A lady asked this great question in my Facebook group:

Here are the reasons to submit to a good man:

In my own relationship, I “submit” for the following reasons:

He has earned my trust. For enjoying the polarity in the relationship. Because it has passed every possible test under the sun and in the right context deserves nothing less than that. Because I believe that as a woman without submission in certain contexts you cannot really live an infinite life. You may live a good life, but not an infinite one. And that’s because submission to a good man allows you to fully express yourself (dark and light feminine energy) rather than just superficial interactions.

I don’t submit to my husband all day… I mean, we have responsibilities and a family to raise and support.

But I don’t think most men are worthy of women submitting to them right off the bat, if at all.

For a man to be worth submitting to, he has to be very intelligent, resourceful, and genuine when it comes to investing in you and caring about your feelings. All of this has to come about over time.

I wouldn’t submit to a lazy doorknob (nor would I advise any woman to).

As such, “subduing” your man is really a gradual process where you test him, he tests you, and over time you become more open and trust him.

A submissive woman: trust him to take you places you cannot go alone

Why should you be a submissive woman in a relationship?

Because it gives you the gift of surrendering to a man and trusting him to take you places you’ve never been before. Places you can never go alone.

Places only a strong manly man can take you!

Places where only with the confidence of a feminine woman can a man take her!

The trends in our society have also caused women to trust men less; one feminist even claims that “all men are rapists”. *raises eyebrows*

If you find that you have trouble trusting men, or even people in general, I understand. You have every right to feel that way.

I also have an article that can help you distinguish who you trust and who you don’t. You can read it here: Why You Can’t Trust People & 6 Hidden Signs They’re Untrustworthy.

There are 7 common signs that all men see a woman as low because men simply perceive value differently than women. Do you know these signs and how to avoid them like the plague? CLICK HERE to download this special report.

Most men just want to do the right thing

Despite how many times men have hurt you, try to remember that there are men who are heroic every day. Every day there are men out there who stand up for what is right.

These are men who take care of people and protect them.

Most men, when they’re brought up reasonably well, actually want to do the right thing.

If you always suspect bad intentions in a man and let your resentment limit your feminine love, how can a man around you ever be a man?

Examples of being submissive in a relationship

Example 1: Being submissive also means trusting your husband enough to sometimes let him lead the way. Many women ask how not to get bored in their relationship.

And guess what, that’s just one of the ways not to get bored. Surrender and grant your husband the gift of your subservience!

Example 2: You can also ask him for help. Asking him for his opinion or asking for solutions is another way you can be submissive in a relationship.

Many men who are in touch with their masculinity at their core would jump at the chance to help a woman with something – really! It makes him feel needed and useful. Not to mention male 🙂

So ask him for help, even with the smallest things like bringing groceries, opening a jar, carrying something heavy, untying a knot, etc.

Put your trust where you know it’s deserved, and do it without question.

The male energy wants to be trusted. Doubting your husband all the time makes it hurt. It flows from the relationship bank!

Example 3: Know that he wants good direction to add to your life, so thank him verbally and appreciate him for giving you direction.

What does that mean? That means you can thank him for sharing a solution with you.

Thank him for driving you somewhere (to a new place) for the first time.

Be generous with their suggestions, solutions, and thoughts.

QUIZ ZEIT: Is your husband serious about committing to you? CLICK HERE to find out with this specially designed quiz! (All the answers you seek about him lie in these 8 questions.)

Good men work hard to trust a woman

A good man will work very hard to be trusted by you.

However, when there is a cycle where you are not willing to TRY to trust him, it makes it difficult to BECOME more trustworthy.

That’s because any distrust could potentially rob him of hope and rob him of his trust in you (and the relationship)!

Well, it’s not just about trusting him not to cheat on you. That can be part of it.

However, it is more about learning to try and trust your direction in life.

So, even if you have a man who isn’t very smart, developed, or manly, or even correct in his direction, you don’t HAVE to pretend he’s right. You just express your fear when you know he might be wrong.

You just have to act like a woman who’s willing to show you’re open with him, even when he’s wrong.

To be a submissive woman, don’t tell him he’s wrong

It’s not always terrible to tell a man he’s wrong. In some contexts, telling him he’s wrong might be more efficient and produce better results.

What you want to avoid is fighting to be the best dog in the relationship. In other words, you don’t want to be up against him on who has the better male direction.

For example, your husband wants to invest every last penny in a stock that you already know isn’t looking good.

Are you telling him he’s WRONG and it’s a terrible decision? That would crush his manly soul.

To boost your relationship, would you instead suggest to him that it makes you anxious and nervous for (list of reasons)?

As a woman learning to give a man the gift of submissiveness, you would naturally choose the second option. As it shows, you are willing to TRY to trust him and still be open with him.

This is what it looks like to be a submissive woman.

Of course, if this is a man who constantly makes bad decisions, you might not want to stick with him long-term.

However, the principle of learning to be more submissive and open in your feminine energy is the same. Choose to value openness MORE than putting him down and emasculating him.

Value frankness more than putting him down

Ultimately, in a healthy relationship, you should value openness more than value belittling him.


Because openness and commitment contribute to passion, emotional attraction and emotional connection within a relationship.

Whereas dominance only takes away the value of the relationship and ruins the connection.

Question: Have you seen men with their little girls/daughters? They don’t want to let anything hurt their little girl! (Okay, unless he’s someone like Joseph Fritzl).

The same protective instinct applies to your wife or girlfriend if she could just show a little innocence and submission – and look up to him as a leader.

Innocence is precious.

Innocence can also erode with a very high number of sexual partners as well as the number of toxic relationships you have been in.

By the way, here’s a video I made about the 10 seemingly harmless signs of a toxic relationship.

To be more submissive, keep your innocence as much as possible

We live in a society that doesn’t value innocence.

From a young age we are encouraged to do things that ruin our innocence. That’s why some women (and men) end up being pretty jaded — but that can be fixed.

Just imagine the innocence and purity of a happy little girl.

A girl who is loved very much and feels pretty and beautiful. How does their energy feel? Is her warm or cold? Is she hyperactive or calm? Is she vengeful or vulnerable?

Despite your potentially traumatic upbringing, can you find it within you to connect with an innocent and pure girl inside?

She could be your gateway to greater openness and feminine energy.

You see, no high-ranking, masculine man wants to fail at leadership, especially with his wife.

And so, if you can give him the gift of feeling successful around you, he will WANT to be around you and he will find value in being with you. (Read my article on how to make a man successful)

To be submissive, cultivate the ability to sit with insecurity

Here subservience on the part of the woman is particularly strong and strong. To be submissive, a woman must be okay with being insecure.

She must drop her vigilance, take off the mask and look like “steel” and be free. Just look at your man as a possible source of strength for you if you could need it.

That’s incredibly strong on the woman’s part.

Many people think they are strong, independent, and smart when they don’t trust people.

But where does a lack of trust really get us?

It brings us a whole world of pain, that’s what it does.

We walk around holding back, unable to be free and let go and fully enjoy what life has to offer.

We’re no longer able to give people the opportunity to show their better side (often when you trust someone, they want to please you MORE).

(Read my article on what a strong woman is)

The happiness and freedom you can experience in your life now and in the future is DIRECTLY RELATED to the level of UNCERTAINTY you are comfortable with.

The same goes for your intimate relationship!

The quality of your relationship with your husband is in direct proportion to the level of uncertainty you can handle.

SECRETS REVEALED… Discover how you too can use this little-known “dark feminine art” to weed out the toxic men while cultivating genuine emotional attraction with high-quality, valued men. (CLICK HERE to sign up for this free class before it’s gone.)

Surrender and be submissive

Part of knowing how to be submissive and knowing that it doesn’t mean you’re inferior is understanding that surrendering to a man’s guidance and strength at times allows your relationship to flow.

By surrendering, you give your relationship a chance to be more genuine and just free. Without the pent-up anger and negative connotations that plague many modern marriages and relationships.

Men can get annoyed with a woman who is always fighting to be more important than him.

Women who always want to be the expert, want to be dominant, want to be “enough” – they often struggle in relationships or anything else, let alone with a manly man.

As my What Men Think report revealed, most of the men who took the survey said they most respected and admired a woman who was comfortable with her femininity and able to let her guard down to let.

By letting go of her guard, a woman can begin the process of letting him in: being open to him. Make a man’s role real and worthy.

Also, the ability to give yourself shows that you have a lot of self-confidence and appreciation as a woman. That means you’re not the kind of woman who just needs to prove herself and be in control all the time).

You can also be charming if you “indulge” at the right time and with the right person.

CLICK HERE to discover the ONE PHRASE to say to ANY man that will capture his attention, pique his curiosity and make him hold on to every word you say! (Works like magic in a non-needy way in High Valley!)

Learn how to be a woman of value and add real value to your man

The root of our fear in a relationship with a man and the root of our conflict with men is not being able to understand them.

What men perceive as valuable is often very different from what we as women perceive as value. If you want to learn how to add value to men, check out Understanding Men.

There’s a follow-up post to my article on Surrendering to Masculine Energy – check it out if you want!

(By the way, I want to teach you 5 secrets to make your man fall deeply in love with you and ask you to be his be-all and end-all. These 5 secrets are included in my brand new program. Click HERE to grab a copy)

I hope you enjoyed this. If you have any concerns or thoughts, be sure to let me know! 🙂

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What is a true submissive woman?

A submissive wife is: someone who does what she does out of love for her husband. someone who helps her husband as they work together to achieve their goals. a godly woman who is upholding the laws of the church. a strong woman who chooses to be her husband’s helper.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

I can already tell that some of you want to leave the site. However, this article is not exactly what you think. After all, who wants to be submissive and follow someone else’s rules these days?

Before you give this up, listen to me. Continue reading.

What is a submissive wife?

Let’s look at the word “submissive” first. It means being willing to be under someone else’s authority.

If you think about it, many of us are under someone at some point. We have bosses at work. When we were in school, no matter how smart we were, we had to follow the rules and obey our teachers.

If we violate the hierarchy of authority, we end up in a lot of chaos. Department heads are there for a reason – to organize and consolidate. They should all be working towards something – a goal. If each person has their own plan without consulting the others, they may not reach the goal.

You will also know if the authority is abusive. They will just order you to do something without asking how you feel about the task. Submissive wives can also leave if they find themselves in an abusive relationship.

In this article we will examine the biblical meaning of what a submissive wife is.

A submissive woman is not a doormat. We should make this fact clear. However, she is someone who can be a submissive wife to her husband in the biblical sense. That means she has to follow his plans, even if she doesn’t entirely agree with him.

However, a submissive woman is more than that. According to the Bible, God does not give rules just for women. The husband also has his own role to play.

A good husband must respect and cherish his wife, just as God does his church. So his submissive wife doesn’t just obey blindly. She knows she is in safe hands and that she can take his lead.

To be clear, a submissive wife is not someone who:

does not speak. Instead, the submissive woman can speak her mind because a reasonable man wants to understand her feelings.

is controlled by a dominant husband. She’s a partner, but a willing one.

A submissive wife is:

someone who does what she does for love of her husband.

someone who will help her husband as they work together to achieve their goals.

a godly woman who keeps the laws of the Church.

a strong woman who chooses to be her husband’s helpmate.

someone who thrives in mutual respect.

Biblical submission is not about inequality. Instead, Christian marriage is about mutual respect. Submission here means obeying God’s Word and living a life of true love. The husband is not greater than the wife. Instead, the Christian husband values ​​his wife and follows only divine counsel, not the need for male dominance.

Pros and cons of a submissive wife

Now that you are clear on what a submissive wife is, here are the benefits and challenges of being one:


You will live your married life in a biblical way.

You know that the Holy Ghost will provide you and your husband with divine counsel.

There are no violent arguments. The home front is peaceful.

The headache of making the final decision rests on your husband.

The home lives from mutual respect.

A loving husband will return his appreciation.

There is less chance of infidelity when you practice mutual submission.


There is a strong potential for abuse if your husband is not a truly good Christian man.

Maybe sometimes you want to take control.

You may need to repress a strong personality.

It may be easier for you to let your husband manipulate you as you naturally step back for him.

The modern world may not understand what you and your spouse have decided to do.

is it for you

Before we get to the part where you can learn how to be a submissive wife, it’s time to examine yourself. Is this path something for you at all? It must be clear that this path is not suitable for everyone and not for every situation.

First of all, how did you and your husband meet? Are you both equally involved in your church? Are you both committed to following God’s rules for love and partnership?

After all, you make a covenant when you marry, just as God made a covenant with mankind. If this is the case, you should try the size.

Second, does your potential husband tend to be domineering? Is domestic violence a strong possibility when you’re tied the knot with this guy? Doesn’t he respect you as a woman? Then stay away not only from the submissive woman role, but also from this man.

I’m pretty sure a man who subjects you to an abusive relationship is not a Christian – not at all. Well, if you’re already married, you can gauge how he behaves at home. How does he react to pressure? Does he suddenly show his true face? Then you should check your position. Is it even safe to stay in this marriage?

Third, are you in a healthy marriage? Then you can be sure that both sides contribute to a happy biblical marriage. This means that you can safely take on the role of a submissive woman.

Finally, do you think your husband is so pleasant and kind that you end up overpowering and overshadowing him? Her strong personality can control him and leave him weak and shy. Then, yes, you must proceed to the submissive wife guide that follows below.

(Please remember that this is in no way a means of censoring and belittling you. Your personality can still shine through without making your husband feel invisible.)

How to become a submissive wife

A godly wife intends to fulfill her husband’s desires.

Yes, it will be difficult for sure. They live in the modern world and this setup is mocked and questioned.

Again, just to be clear, this doesn’t mean to say you will stifle your own voice. You are only honestly expected to go through with it when your husband is doing what he should be doing.

serve him first

An easy way to do this is to serve him his food before you serve anyone else in the house. Yes, you love your children, but your partner is the person you will be with even after your children move on as adults.

If there are guests at home, you can decide together to serve them first. However, you need to make sure that your husband is okay.

Make him comfortable in his home

Some men hesitate to go home because they don’t even have the opportunity to say peace. Some wives start nagging from the moment their foot steps on the doorstep.

Being a Christian wife means you have to give him a chance to explain. He may be tired from work and need his meal. He must be comfortable in his own home. You will see that in this case he is more likely to stay at home.

listen to each other

In a godly marriage there should be a willingness to listen to one another. Although a Christian woman is taught to practice submission, it does not mean that she has to be a slave. Her opinion should also be heard, just as she listens to her husband.

Pray together for guidance and everything else

Praying together is another aspect of a godly marriage. Both parties will respect each other and be more patient with each other when both are open to divine support and intervention.

Share your thoughts and opinions, but let him have the final say

Both sides should be able to discuss important matters. However, while you should tell him your side, as the head of the family you should let him have the last word. If he loves you enough, he will make a fair final decision for both of you.

Find a verse to use as a mantra

Sometimes a Bible verse can serve as a mantra to remind you of your role as a wife. You can do this by being a Proverbs 31 wife.

The wife of Proverbs 31 has a “noble character… She is far more than rubies.” The verse describes what such a woman entails. It is a dynamic, respectable wife who honors her husband by being steadfast in character.

Put him in front of your children

Your children came from your womb. However, you and your husband became one because of the sanctity of marriage. So it’s like putting a part of yourself first. You made a vow to love and serve him.

In the end, when your children go into holy marriage to their own spouses, you are both left alone again. Your children should see this facility as a normal part of family life. You should still know that both you and your man love and care about you.

Their children should be brought up according to God’s plan. From a young age, they must get used to praying and reading the Bible.

Please make suggestions

Biblical submission does not mean having no opinion. It has been said before. If you make a suggestion, make sure you do it politely. It shouldn’t sound like a condescending command. Recommendations should be made with mutual respect.

Let him protect you and your children

While you can protect yourself and your children, let your husband feel the brunt of his role as head of the family and make him feel like a hero to your family.

Give him that responsibility. He must love and appreciate you and your children. Show him that he can provide security in many forms.

It will give him a sense of accomplishment and joy. Remember that you and your children are the best he has ever had. So he will want to do this voluntarily. Let him do what he enjoys.

let him defend you

Again, it doesn’t mean you’re too helpless to defend yourself. let him defend you Let him feel his role as your husband. You may find that telling other people how special you are to him is also a good thing.

Pray constantly – alone and together

Prayers will continue to strengthen you and your marriage. Your faith will give a new meaning to a submissive marriage. Without God in your life, your man will end up dominating you because you let him.

He might not reciprocate by giving you the devotion you deserve. The prayer will remind you both that you are in a marriage where mutual respect is a daily part.

Ephesians verse 22, “Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as to the Lord.”

Ephesians verse 22 contains what you must follow to be a faithful Christian wife. This submission to your husband is also submission to God’s Word. A Christian marriage respects the role of the other in its success.

You will realize that if you follow all the steps above, you can give yourself a chance to become a real Proverbs 31 woman. Let this biblical chapter guide you. Read the Bible with your husband so that you both can see God’s will for your marriage.

The devotion system

Amy North’s Devotion System can help you attract the right type of man. The system will teach you how to make a Christian man fall in love with you through a series of online based programs. You can also download all of the content so you can browse it offline as well.

The Devotion System will help you find the right man to submit to. Not everyone is ready to submit to each other. So you need to make sure you have a man who loves you enough to be part of a loving Christian marriage.


Submission in marriage isn’t always how people see it. When done in the right context of a godly marriage, it can be done right. It’s not just about knowing the scriptures. It’s also about being fair and respecting each other’s roles.

Modern men and women have become so independent that they don’t care if the other is separated from them. It becomes easy to separate or divorce because the spouses have not truly become one. By being a submissive wife, you can demonstrate your willingness to be a dedicated partner. Of course, you also need to find someone who is willing to take on his role as a Christian husband.

So, do people frown because you’ve indulged as a submissive wife? If they’re willing to listen, you can talk about how the setup works. The give and take in this marriage is what makes it work.

What is extremely submissive?

adjective. inclined or ready to submit or yield to the authority of another; unresistingly or humbly obedient: submissive servants. marked by or indicating submission or a yielding to the authority of another: a submissive reply. noun. Also called, Informal, sub .

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel



We have a challenge that will make you blush: do you know the many words and ways to describe the opposite of red?

Question 1 of 7

Which of the following colors is used to symbolize AIR?

How do I stop being a submissive personality?

Be taken more seriously, be more assertive WITHOUT being aggressive, gain cooperation, no longer say ‘Yes’ when you want to say ‘No’, speak with integrity, have more confidence to speak up, stand up for yourself to difficult people without antagonising them.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

A practical guide – how to avoid subservience

How Emotional Intelligence Can Help You Avoid Submission

In the Skills with People training course, we teach you a range of emotional intelligence and help you practice them over and over until you become confident and fluent. You will be able to avoid being submissive when you learn to give your own feelings an honest voice, even if you are not used to it. On the course you will get a lot of practice and coaching to say things like:-

“I feel bad for not supporting you, and I don’t mean disrespect to you, but I’m not at all comfortable with what you’re asking of me. I believe it risks damaging our relationship with this customer.”

They usually take you seriously if you’re open and confident, but not disrespectful, towards people. But let’s assume they don’t. Suppose they say:-

“I don’t care how you feel — you’re going to do what I want anyway.”

Once again, we encourage you to trust your feelings and put them openly into words:-

“Now I’m even more worried because you don’t seem to take the risk to the business seriously.”

Of course, this approach doesn’t always work, but nine times out of ten it brings them to their senses.

Points to note about this way of avoiding subservience

The key is to be able to put your feelings into words. The words we are going to teach you will be very precise and honest. They contain three elements:-

First describe simply and precisely how you are feeling (e.g. “I feel bad”, “I don’t feel well at all”). Second, be specific about what the feeling is about (e.g., “about not supporting you,” “about what you’re asking of me”). Third, state why you feel that way, i.e. what is really important to you (e.g. “because I think it will damage our relationship with the customer”, “because I see that we are taking a big risk if I do that”).

Feelings are facts, and you are the world’s leading authority on how you feel. Nobody can contradict you. So one of the results and benefits of speaking this way is that it makes an argument extremely unlikely. You can speak with honest conviction that way and people will take you seriously.

As you practice this approach to avoid subservience and hold firmly to your beliefs and beliefs, your confidence and assertiveness will increase.

What is difficult about this way of avoiding submission?

The great difficulty most people face when it comes to being assertive and avoiding submissiveness is that they are not used to putting their feelings into words. It’s not that you can’t, it’s that you were raised or conditioned to avoid it. You may have an unconscious fear of doing this. Throughout your life, you may have carried around some misconceptions about the best way to deal with feelings, such as that expressing feelings is a sign of weakness or that people will take advantage of you if you do it. If so, the People Skills course will develop your emotional intelligence and help you shed old mental habits that get in your way.

What you will discover on the course is that far from being a sign of weakness, your feelings are the source of your personal power, authority and integrity that you are perfectly capable of expressing , and that people will take you if you do this seriously. Once you master this idea, you no longer have to be submissive when what someone else wants from you goes against what is important to you.

For more information on this site that is relevant to avoiding subservience, you may also find our Conflict Management and Negotiation pages relevant and helpful.

Is submissive positive or negative?

Furthermore, it can also be seen as a way of showing self-control and restraint. After all, it takes a great deal of self-discipline to give up control to another person willfully. As such, submissive behavior can be seen as a positive trait rather than a negative one.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

It’s not easy to answer the question, “What is submissive behavior?” It’s a complex and often misunderstood aspect of human interaction. Some examples of submissive behavior can include physical actions like bowing or kneeling in front of more subtle signals like body language or non-verbal communication.

Whatever form it takes, submission is a part of human interaction and should be treated with respect and understanding. By respecting the needs and wants of others, we not only strengthen our relationships, but also give meaning and purpose to our own lives.

So the next time you encounter someone who appears submissive, try to remind yourself that this type of behavior can be much more than meets the eye. Take a moment to appreciate the richness and complexity of our human experience.

Key Points What is submissive behavior

What are the benefits of submissive behavior?

Main Differences Between Dominant and Submissive Personality

How to help a submissive person develop their self-esteem? Help your partner develop good awareness and discernment. Create a positive environment and allow him to express himself. Help him explain the difference between hostility and disagreement. Give your partner some examples of disobedient behavior. Find a therapist or learn more about the psychology of submissive and dominant behavior

Our snack

What is submissive behavior?

Submissive behavior can be a sign of respect or obedience. Regarding respect, submissive behavior is often seen as a sign of respect towards authority figures such as parents, teachers, or bosses. In some cases, submissive behavior can be a way to signal appeasement or obedience to avoid conflict. In other cases, it may be a form of flirting or sexual roleplay.

However, another interpretation of social submissive behavior is strength. In this regard, submission to another person demonstrates confidence and trust, as well as respect for authority. Additionally, it can also be seen as a way of showing self-control and restraint. After all, it takes a lot of self-discipline to willingly hand over control to someone else. Therefore, submissive behavior can be viewed as a positive rather than a negative trait.

What are the benefits of submissive behavior?

Submissive behavior has many benefits, both for the individual and for the relationship. When it comes to the individual, submissive behavior can be a way to show respect for authority figures or to signal appeasement or obedience.

Relationship-wise, submissive behavior can help build trust and intimacy, and strengthen bonds between partners. It can also be a form of communication and expression, and can help encourage an open and honest dialogue between individuals. In addition, it can help us to better understand ourselves, our needs and our desires. In this way, submissive behavior can be seen as both a tool and a virtue.

Main Differences Between Dominant and Submissive Personality

People often think of dominant vs submissive in terms of black and white, but the reality is there are a lot of gray areas. Some people identify as dominant, submissive, or a switch (someone who is both dominant and submissive).

Dominant personality types tend to be assertive, confident, and analytical. They like to be in control and take on situations. They are often good at making decisions and tend to be natural leaders. Submissive personality types are typically more shy and introverted. They prefer to follow rather than lead and often leave decisions to others. Switches are people who enjoy both dominant and submissive roles. They can be equally comfortable taking responsibility or being directed, and they usually enjoy the flexibility that this type of relationship offers.

While there is no right or wrong, some people find that their personality type doesn’t exactly fit into one category. For these people, the answer might be to experiment with different roles until they find one that feels comfortable. Ultimately, the key is to communicate openly with your partner so you can figure out what works best for both of you.

How to help a submissive person develop their self-esteem?

Submissive individuals often require a different approach when it comes to developing their self-esteem. The first step is to help them understand that their submissive desires are nothing to be ashamed of. Once they have accepted their desires, building a healthy relationship with a submissive person can begin. This includes teaching them how to communicate their needs, set boundaries, and respect their boundaries.

Additionally, it’s important to encourage your partner with a submissive personality to explore their sexuality and express their preferences safely and consensually. Ultimately, by helping them build a positive relationship with their template, you can help build their self-esteem. You can also set short-term and long-term goals together. These can relate to your relationship, work or other areas of life. Celebrate every time your partner achieves one of their goals, even if it’s just a small step.

Finally, you should regularly praise your partner. A simple “thank you” or “I appreciate it” can go a long way.

Help your partner develop good awareness and discernment

When it comes to submission, it’s important to know your own limitations and trust your judgment. That means being honest with yourself about what you’re comfortable with and what’s not.

In addition, it means being able to assess a situation and make a decision that is best for you. If you’re unsure about something, it’s always better to be safe. It’s imperative in any relationship to communicate your concerns to your partner and make sure you’re both on the same page. It’s also important to be aware of red flags. If something makes you uncomfortable, insecure, or compelled, don’t do it. Always trust your gut, and if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

Socially submissive behavior is a personal choice and you should always do what is best for you. By being aware of your own limitations and trusting your judgment, you can ensure you feel safe and comfortable in your role.

Create a positive environment and let it express you

One of the most important things you can do for a submissive is allow them to express themselves. This means giving them the space to share their thoughts, feelings and desires. It also means listening to them without judgment and respecting their wishes.

It’s important to remember that everyone expresses their submission differently. Some people may enjoy being more submissive in their everyday lives, while others may just want it in the context of their relationship. There is no right or wrong way to be a submissive as long as it is consensual and everyone involved is happy.

If your partner has trouble expressing themselves, you can try to help them by asking questions and encouraging them. Ultimately, it’s up to your partner to feel comfortable enough to share what they need. By creating an open and supportive environment, you can help them feel more comfortable exploring their submission.

Help them tell the difference between hostility and disagreement

It can be challenging for submissive individuals to differentiate between hostility and disagreement. This is because they are often used to people being in control and may not be used to assertive behavior.

It’s important to remember that disagreements are healthy and normal. It doesn’t mean someone is angry or trying to harm you. Rather, it is simply an expression of different opinions or perspectives. To help your partner distinguish between hostility and disagreement, you can try to be clear about your intentions. Avoid attacking them personally or making them feel uncomfortable. Instead, try to have a respectful dialogue that allows both sides to be heard. You can also work on building trust between the two of you. This will help your partner feel more secure in their relationship and less likely to interpret disagreements as hostility.

Give your partner some examples of disobedient behavior

Some examples of disobedient behavior might include speaking your mind, standing up for yourself, and taking a different point of view than others believe. It can also involve making decisions based on their own wants and needs, rather than simply doing what others expect them to do. Ultimately, disobedient behavior is about asserting autonomy and independence.

Of course, there is a line between disobedient behavior and open disobedience. Disobedience usually occurs when someone willfully ignores or challenges an authority figure. This can be detrimental to both parties involved and is not usually considered a healthy form of expression.

Well, for the submissive, if you are unsure whether your behavior will be considered disobedience or disobedience, it is best to be cautious. If you are unsure whether something is acceptable, it is always best to ask permission or clarification first. This ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and avoids potential conflicts.

Find a therapist or learn more about the psychology of submissive and dominant behavior

If you or your partner are struggling to navigate the world of submission and domination, it may help to seek professional help. A therapist can provide you with guidance and support as you work through difficult emotions or challenges. They can also offer advice on how to communicate better, set boundaries, and resolve conflicts.

Many therapists specialize in working with people who identify as submissive or dominant. In addition, you should consider reaching out to support groups or online resources that may provide additional guidance. Whichever approach you choose, know that help is available when you need it.


There are a few important things to consider when submitting. First of all, there is no single definition of submissive behavior. Second, it is important to remember that submission is not about weakness. In fact, many people find strength in surrendering to another person. Also, submission isn’t about giving up control. Instead, it’s about giving control to someone you implicitly trust.

Finally, submission does not necessarily equate to sexual activity. While many people have submissive sexual experiences, submission can also be expressed in nonsexual ways. Whether you want to add a little spice to your sex life or explore a new way of relating to others, submission can be a fulfilling and empowering experience.

frequently asked Questions

How to Be a Better Submissive [BDSM]

How to Be a Better Submissive [BDSM]
How to Be a Better Submissive [BDSM]

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Why Confidence is Important to Submission

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Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel – EN

Ways to strengthen a submissive person’s self-esteem · 1. Develop their level of awareness and judgment · 2. Give them space to express themselves.

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Your Beginner’s Guide To How Be Submissive During Sex

Here’s Everything You Need To Know About How To Be Submissive When It … You are expected to constantly act confent and even a little …

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Date Published: 8/4/2022

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9 Ways To Experiment With Submission – Bustle

1. Have A Conversation About Submission. If you’re curious about trying out submissiveness, talk to your partner and see if they’re on board.

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Date Published: 12/16/2021

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How to be Submissive In A Relationship – The Feminine Woman

This article will show you exactly how to be a submissive woman in a … A woman can be strong, assertive, competent, and confent, without being “manly.

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Date Published: 12/10/2021

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Of course you can be confident and submissive at the same time

Submissive men who actually give a shit what their partners want are rare and precious, of fucking course they should feel confent that they …

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Date Published: 11/5/2021

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The Ultimate Guide to Being a Submissive – Dom Sub Living

A submissive can be a confent, independent, and strong indivual and still be a sub. Just remember: subs are not weak. They are the ones choosing this …

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Date Published: 5/8/2021

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How to Build Up a Submissive’s Confidence – Blog

How to Build Up a Submissive’s Confence. Posted in Submissives on 8th April 2015 … How do you make a woman feel confent and sexy?

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Building Her Up!: Nurturing A Confident, Vivacious Sensual …

Building Her Up!: Nurturing A Confent, Vivacious Sensual Submissive. There are many misconceptions about Sensual Domination and BDSM.

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Date Published: 2/2/2021

View: 4822

Why Confidence is Important to Submission

First, I originally had something else planned for my next article, but for some reason the word confidence keeps popping into my head. Not one of those normal, passing thoughts, but one of those thoughts that still lingers and I can’t shake to save my life. So I figured the only way to clear my head was to forego my original article idea and write about it.

There was a point where I wondered why it was important to have confidence as a slave or submissive. The reason I’ve asked myself this question, and honestly asked myself at least a few hundred million times, is because I don’t have a lot of confidence. I will be the first to admit that I struggle a lot with my self esteem and self worth and as such it affects every area of ​​my life. I’m not exaggerating as I’m sure so many of you can relate to this. My lack of confidence makes me question and question almost everything I do. With every article I write, with every new recipe I try, even when I look at myself in the mirror, I keep asking myself if what I’m writing is good enough, if I’m going to screw up dinner, or if I it really do look like the lard that i feel that i am. I may not know at this point that my thought process feels like this 90% of the time, but it’s still happening in the back of my mind.

I know you’re probably sitting here thinking, “okay tequila, what, if anything, does this have to do with submission?” It has a lot to do with submission. The amount of confidence we have or don’t have plays a big part in our relationships. Some people may believe that and others may not, but I know for me it’s a big factor. If I pay a euro (having a dollar doesn’t do me much good considering I can’t spend it here in Germany) for every time I remarked to Daddy, to others and to myself about how it was I’m not well enough to be his slave as I honestly have a feeling deep down that he could find someone better than me, someone prettier, someone who can cook better, who can take more pain who is more emotionally stable how much happier he would be with someone else. I know I’m not the only one who had these thoughts. You may not have spoken them out to others, but that doesn’t make them any less real.

There are times when my lack of confidence takes hold of me and takes over everything, especially my common sense, and when my common sense goes out the window I start to unravel. If I start to unravel, my relationship with daddy will start to unravel. Communication breaks down because I’m afraid to open up to Him, afraid of being judged or ridiculed for the thoughts going on in my head. I get extremely jealous when there is no reason to be jealous. Jealousy then turns into anger and resentment and nothing good comes of it.

I know some of you might be reading this and shaking your head, thinking there’s no way a lack of confidence can have that kind of impact on your relationship with your Dominant. It can. What happens can be different depending on how you approach and deal with things. But I do know that ultimately no dominant wants someone to badmouth their property, especially their own property. This is one of those things that you need to fix, and it’s not one of those easy-to-fix problems. You have to figure out what the cause is, what the trigger is, and sit down and pick it all apart in your head. Yes, your dominant can help, but there’s only so much he or she can do for you. You must be willing to make the necessary changes and learn how to break all of those past behaviors that are just tearing you down. As I write this I have taken steps to work on it. Brainstorming with your dominant is a great way to get some ideas and don’t hesitate to contact me as I’m happy to help if I can. Building your confidence is a great thing, not only for you but for the people around you as well.

Submissive Training! A Confident Submissive

Build them up! Cultivating a confident, lively, sensual submissiveness

There are many misconceptions about BDSM and sensual dominance. One of the main concerns vanilla people have about dominance is that it’s all about demeaning and abusing the women, which isn’t true. If you look at D/’s relationship from the outside, you might see it as an abusive and obnoxious relationship unless you understand the nature of that relationship. Women become more confident and desirable than ever in a D/s relationship. Let’s get to the point and see what you can do for your sub to build their confidence.

Trust is the key to a successful relationship, it’s either a kinky relationship or vanilla. Regardless of your sub’s sexual desires, you need to build her confidence before proceeding. Here are some simple tips you can use to make your sub feel confident and wanted.

scars from your past

Sometimes our family members, friends, and exes scare us with their words. These words continue to damage your confidence, sex appeal, weight, body, sexual prowess, and appearance. As a result, you lose more and more of your confidence over time.

Read more: How to get your submissive to forget the past?

On the other hand, if you have a good sensual Dom, you can break down the psychological barriers and become a woman who is very confident, very desirable, and very sexual.

Let your sub watch her beauty through your eyes

A great way to change a sub’s self-perception is to take them shopping for special outfits to dress up for you, including hot lingerie, CFM heels, makeup, stockings, jewelry, and more. Spending time together while shopping will excite them for many days.

It is a common phenomenon that dressing up women always makes them feel very confident, desired, beautiful and aroused. Once she’s dressed in lingerie, grab a camera and take erotic photos so she can see herself through your eyes. This is a perfect way to boost their confidence and improve their sexual energy.

In the last one you can play a sexy game with your partner, asking her to adopt very sensual poses. These poses will make you horny and then you can put down the camera to snap them.

Results of this beautiful RPG

Having your sub captured in exotic photos will make her feel more beautiful and sexy than ever.

She finds a way out of the mental shackles of her past life to become a confident and expressive woman.

Read more: How to train a submissive

She remains mentally agitated for many days because of the whole process; it will make her experience the powerful orgasms.

Now you both have extremely wild and erotic photos in mind, which makes you both happy to do it again.

long-term commitment

There is no magic trick that will restore a person’s confidence in a short period of time. It takes consistent attention, caring, love, encouragement and support to build their confidence. It doesn’t cost you a dime to pay attention to your submissive, but it’s priceless to her. Remember that this is a long-term commitment and you need to show your positivity so they can bounce back quickly.

With improved sexual confidence, she will find it easy to express her sexual desires. Now you should understand that domination is not an act of abuse or humiliation. It is actually an act of great caring and showing love to a woman.

Submissive people: 5 tips to help them shine » ifeel

Submissive people are primarily characterized by low self-esteem and therefore pose significant problems when it comes to building a healthy and mature relationship. This is reflected in their behavior and mood, although generally their behavior is more self-indulgent and their mood tends to be negative.

Some people are submissive in a very general way. Others, however, can be fully mature in some aspects of their lives and fully submissive in others, even being very authoritarian in some relationships and very submissive in others.

Given its complexity, human beings are very contradictory, so we must carefully determine what we call submission, in which area of ​​a particular person’s life we ​​see it, and also consider whether or not that person has the same perception as we do. Of course, it’s important to be clear that when we talk about submissive people and their personality traits in this article, we’re not referring to those people who act in a responsible, assertive, and agreed-upon manner (i.e., very unsubmissive in the sense we defined at the outset). have) adopt submissive roles in their sex life to gain pleasure.

How we become submissive people

Submission is a behavior pattern – and also a communication or relationship style – that has its roots in a lack of self-esteem and thus in a lack of assertiveness.

No one has 100% healthy self-esteem, so no one is completely confident in every aspect and situation of their life. Therefore, we all end up being submissive to someone at some point because we are unable to withstand pressure and perfectly defend our needs or viewpoints for various reasons. The problem arises when someone is submissive in many areas of their life, or is always submissive in one area (e.g. in their relationships with their partner/friend or family or at work etc.).

A person with healthy self-esteem is someone who generally feels good about themselves without having to belittle others and is confident of being accepted by others. Because of this, they tend to behave confidently: defending and expressing their likes, opinions and needs firmly but respectfully without bullying others or being a toxic person, thus promoting healthy and balanced relationships.

When a person doesn’t have a healthy sense of self-esteem, it’s harder for them to interact in this way. Sometimes it’s because they see others as a threat against which they have to defend themselves, even preemptively. Sometimes it is because they do not see themselves positively and think that their needs, their views or their rights are not important and do not need to be taken into account, and in order not to be left out it is better to give priority to others. Then they become submissive people.

Anyone who sees threats everywhere and defends himself through attacks is an authoritarian person: he imposes his position on others. Those who back down, remain silent, and systematically put others first because they believe they don’t matter are submissive people.

Both styles have an impact on people’s well-being. When someone doesn’t give importance to their needs and viewpoints, they find it difficult to develop and satisfy them, and this can lead to toxic relationships and risky behaviors caused by not valuing their well-being or integrity as as he deserves.

Also, the more subservient we behave, the more we reinforce a vital state of helplessness and hopelessness and low self-esteem: every time we give in unnecessarily, we reinforce the idea that we don’t matter, that we shouldn’t be respected , or that others are reckless and selfish people eating up all of our space. Therefore, the mood of the person is affected.

How to fix the submission that is harming us

Beyond ad hoc or inevitable submissions, we must not engage in this wholesale functioning, especially when the submission we are demonstrating is very extreme.

Nobody has perfect self-esteem, we have to keep in mind that we can be people who evaluate themselves negatively in some areas of our life and still live a normal and even satisfying life. This is possible as long as we view ourselves positively in other facets that balance each other out.

However, when we are unable to behave properly as adults because of our self-esteem, we must try to correct this, if possible with the help of a psychologist who can guide us through therapy. This allows us to see which areas of our self-esteem are most damaged and why we train basic social skills that allow our needs and rights to be taken into account, and learn about appropriate relationship models to know what compromises are sensible and inevitable, so that Relationships flow, and we don’t mistake them for a permanent pattern of submission to others.

Ways to boost the self-esteem of a submissive person

1. Develop their awareness and discernment

Help find out what they are feeling, needing and liking when they are not entirely sure about it. It is often easier to imitate what the other is doing so as not to have to think or decide what you want or not to face the responsibility of doing it. When this gets too intense, the submissive person doesn’t know what they’re thinking or what they want, so they have to train it.

2. Give them space to express themselves

Don’t overwhelm. Take an interest in them. Ask them what they think about things and what they feel like, listen to them, support them, reinforce the positions on which we agree with them so they know that what is happening to them or what they are want, has value and that sometimes it is an experience shared with us.

3. Help them distinguish disagreement from hostility

To show them that they may have different opinions than we do, but that it doesn’t affect our affection for them. The root of submission is the fear of not being accepted if I show myself as I am or if I disagree with what someone wants. The submissive person must reinforce a sufficient experience of unconditionality in affections.

4. Give examples of non-submissive behavior

Offer them enforcement models that expand their social and communicative skills. This is what happens when we educate children and young people and teach them how to go shopping, ask for things, apologize, conduct leadership, etc. We can also transfer this to an adult without infantilizing them, but at as simple a level as necessary. It’s about giving them tools that complement the necessary background work on a psychological level.

5. Find a good therapist

Suggest that if we have enough confidence in this person and if we find that their pattern of behavior negatively affects their well-being to a significant extent, it might be interesting to talk to a psychologist who can help you see what happens, why and how to start changing it step by step. A convenient, inexpensive and absolutely professional option is online therapy via the ifeel platform, where you can have an information session completely free of charge before you are assigned the most suitable psychologist for your case.

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