Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes.? The 230 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “graph each line below on the same set of axes.“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

What does it mean to graph on the same set of axes?

In a python program, graphing something on the same set of axes means that it will show up on the same graph.

What are the lines in a graph called?

Constructing a Line Graph

Line graphs consist of two axes: x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). Each axis represents a different data type, and the points at which they intersect is (0,0). The x-axis is the independent axis because its values are not dependent on anything measured.

What is it called when a graph stays the same?

negligibly. You can also describe the graph staying the same using the verb phrases ‘remain unchanged‘ or ‘remain constant’. Small changes up and down are called ‘fluctuations’.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

When you give presentations, you may need to describe charts. Sometimes you also need to describe charts in TOEFL and IELTS tests.

bar charts

Let’s look at bar charts first. This is the most common type of chart to appear in tests and in business or news media.

It is normal to compare figures for different years or different products. It is best to use comparatives (“higher than”, “lower than”) and superlatives (“the highest”, “the lowest”).

We could describe this bar chart as follows:

The Faroe Islands have the highest rainfall at over 4500mm, while Burundi has the lowest at around 700mm; The Faroe Islands have about six times as much rain as Burundi. Canada and Denmark have roughly equal rainfall at around 3200mm, while Albania, Estonia and Greece have around 2000mm, 1500mm and 900mm, respectively.

line charts

Line charts usually describe trends or changes. With these, it is quite common to use different words to describe increases or decreases.

increase decrease increase increase decrease grow decrease rocket plunge rise fall fall evolve fall

These changes can be used with adverbs to describe the extent of the change.

strong weak significant slightly aggressive gentle dramatic negligible

You can also describe the constant graph with the verb expressions “remain unchanged” or “remain constant”.

Small changes up and down are called “fluctuations”.

We can describe this graph as follows:

Revenue increases slightly in the first quarter (January to March) while developing into a loss. Between March and April, revenue increases significantly and there is a corresponding profit. Growth slows down between April and June and there is also an earnings swing. However, earnings are on an upward trend, plateauing in the fall and picking up again in November, albeit less dramatically than previous increases. Earnings are also flat, showing negligible fluctuations in the final quarter of the year.

What is an axis used for?

An axis in mathematics is defined as a line that is used to make or mark measurements. The x and y-axis are two important lines of the coordinate plane. The x-axis is a horizontal number line and the y-axis is a vertical number line. These two axes intersect perpendicularly to form the coordinate plane.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

An axis is defined in mathematics as a line used to make or mark measurements. The x and y axes are two important lines of the coordinate plane. The x-axis is a horizontal number line and the y-axis is a vertical number line. These two axes intersect perpendicularly to form the coordinate plane. The x-axis is also referred to as the abscissa and the y-axis as the ordinate.

Any point on the coordinate plane can be located or represented with these two axes in terms of an ordered pair of the form (x,y). Here, x represents the position of the point with respect to the x-axis and y represents the position of the point with respect to the y-axis.

The origin is the intersection of the two axes and is written as (0,0).

Drawing points on the X and Y axes

Let’s learn how to draw a point on the graph using the X and Y axis.

For example: Let’s try to plot the point B(3,4) on the graph.

Here the x-coordinate of B is 3. So we start at the origin and move 3 units to the right on the x-axis.

Now the y-coordinate of B(3,4) is 4, so we go up 4 places from that point.

And so we plotted our point B(3,4) on the graph using the axes.

Representation of a linear equation on the X and Y axis

To understand how to graph a linear equation using the X and Y axes,

Let’s consider a linear equation, y = x + 1.

Now let’s create a table to represent the corresponding values ​​of y for different values ​​of x and create their ordered pairs:

x y ordered pair 0 1 (0.1) 1 2 (1.2) 2 3 (2.3) 3 4 (3.4)

The next step is to plot these ordered pairs on the coordinate plane graph.

As a final step, we will connect these points into a straight line and that will be the representation of the equation y = x + 1.

Resolved Questions

Question 1: Which of the following points are on the x-axis?

(0, 1) (4, 0) (7, 7) (−5, 0) (−4, 4) (0, −5) (8, 0) (6, 0)

Answer: Because the coordinates that lie on the x-axis have their y-coordinate zero (0), the following points lie on the x-axis:

(4, 0) (−5, 0) (8, 0) (6, 0)

Task 2: Two different points are to be plotted on a graph. If the given points are (3,2) and (2,3), plot these two points on the X and Y axes. Also find the point where the straight line going through these points meets the x-axis.

Answer: As we can see, for (3,2) the x-coordinate point is 3 and the y-coordinate point is 2.

Similarly, we can draw the point (2,3).

Now we can connect both points with a straight line when we have drawn both points. After extending the straight line, we see that this line intersects the x-axis at point (5,0).

Question 3: For a linear equation y = 2x + 6, find the point where the straight line meets the y-axis on the plot.

Answer: On the y-axis, the x-coordinate of the point is 0. Therefore, we can find the intersection of the y-axis and y = 2x + 6 by simply setting the value of x as 0 and finding the value of y. y = 2(0)+6 = 0 + 6 = 6.

The straight line of the equation y = 2x + 6 meets the y-axis at (0,6).

exercise problems

X and Y axis Take this quiz and test your knowledge. 1 What is the name of the x-axis? Ordinate Abscissa Apply None of the above True False Correct answer is: Abscissa

x – axis is also referred to as the abscissa. 2 How do you correctly represent a point in a graph? (X coordinate, X coordinate) (Y coordinate, X coordinate) (Y coordinate, Y coordinate) (X coordinate, Y coordinate) True False Correct answer is: (X coordinate, Y coordinate )

(X coordinate, Y coordinate) is the correct representation of a point. 3 How is the origin point represented in a diagram? (0,0) (0,x) (y,0) (x,y) True False Correct answer is: (0,0)

(0, 0) are the origin coordinates of the chart. 4 A point (0.5) will lie on the X axis Y axis Origin None of the above True False Correct answer is: Y axis

Since the abscissa (x-coordinate) is 0, the given point lies on the y-axis.

frequently asked Questions

What is the difference between axes and axis?

Axis is the axis of the plot, the thing that gets ticks and tick labels. The axes is the area your plot appears in.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

This figure from the documentation answers your question:

You can find this image here (in the matplotlib 1.x documentation); It has actually been superseded in the Matplotlib 2.x docs.

How many axis are there in mathematics?

In the cartesian plane, there are two axes. One is the horizontal axis, called the x-axis and the other is a vertical axis, which is called the y-axis. In the cartesian plane, the point at which the x-axis and y-axis intersect is called the origin.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

Cartesian plane

In mathematics, the Cartesian plane is defined as a two-dimensional coordinate plane formed by the intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis and y-axis intersect perpendicularly at the point called the origin. In this article, we will discuss what is a Cartesian plane and the different parts of the Cartesian plane with many solved examples.

Table of Contents:

Definition of the Cartesian plane

The Cartesian plane is a two-dimensional coordinate plane formed by the intersection of two perpendicular lines. The horizontal line is called the X-axis and the vertical line is called the Y-axis. The coordinate point (x,y) on the Cartesian plane says that the horizontal distance of the point from the origin is x and the vertical distance is y. If the sign of x is positive, the point is to the right of the origin; otherwise it is left. Similarly, if the sign for y is positive, the point is y points above the origin, otherwise y points below.


There are two axes in the Cartesian plane. One is the horizontal axis called the x-axis and the other is a vertical axis called the y-axis.


In the Cartesian plane, the point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect is called the origin. In the Cartesian plane, the origin is represented by an ordered pair or Cartesian coordinate (0, 0).

Quadrants of the Cartesian plane

The X-axis and the Y-axis divide the plane into four parts called quadrants. Quadrants are labeled I, II, III, and IV counterclockwise. The axes in the plane are called the Cartesian axes and the plane is known as the Cartesian plane.

take the beam

OX = positive x-axis,

OX’ = negative x-axis

OY = Positive y-axis

OY’ = negative y-axis.

Thus, the quadrants are characterized by the following signs of abscissa and ordinate:

quadrant x > 0 , y > 0 or (+,+)

quadrant x < 0 , y > 0 or (-,+)

quadrant x < 0 , y < 0 or ( -,-) Quadrant x > 0 , y < 0 or (+,-) The points lying on the axis have one of the coordinate forms like (x, 0) or (0, y). If the coordinate is of the form (x, 0), the point is on the x-axis, and if the coordinate is of the form (0, y), the point is on the y-axis. In this case, the point does not lie in any of the quadrants. Note: First quadrant (upper right) Second quadrant (upper left) Third quadrant (bottom left) Fourth quadrant (lower right). Cartesian coordinates The ordered pair in the Cartesian plane is called Cartesian coordinates. The Cartesian coordinates have the form (x, y). The ordered pairs in the two-dimensional plane are denoted as abscissa and ordinate. Abscissa: The first number in the ordered pair is called the abscissa. In other words, the value of x in the ordered pair is called the abscissa. It is the distance of any point on the plane from the y-axis. Ordinate: The second number in the ordered pair is called the ordinate. It takes the value of y. The ordinate is the distance of any point on the plane from the x-axis. For example, if the Cartesian coordinate is (2, 3), 2 represents the abscissa and 3 represents the ordinate. one-dimensional plane For the Cartesian coordinate system in one dimension, draw a straight line and choose a point O as the origin in the middle of the line. The distance to the right of the origin O is positive, the distance to the left of the origin is negative. So give each point the sign as "+" and "-" when we locate it on the number line. The line chosen to determine the points in a dimension is called a number line. Origin: The center from which the distances are marked is called the origin. In the two-dimensional plane, the point where the X-axis and Y-axis intersect is called the origin. three-dimensional plane The 3D Cartesian plane has another axis perpendicular to the normal Cartesian plane. For the XY plane, there is an axis Z, which is perpendicular to the XY plane. Each point lying on this plane is defined by the set of three points (x, y, z). Where x represents the position along the X-axis, y defines the position along the Y-axis and z denotes the position along the Z-axis. The given diagram shows the 3D Cartesian plane with three axes X, Y and Z. Cartesian representation of complex numbers A complex number is a mixture of real and imaginary numbers. We know that an imaginary number cannot be represented on a number line or a Cartesian plane. Therefore, they are presented on a complex level. A complex plane is like any other two-dimensional Cartesian plane. But here one axis represents the real part of the number and the other axis represents the imaginary part of the number. For a complex number a + ib, the point represented on the complex plane is (a, b). For example: Take a number 2 + 5i. The graph given will be as given here. How to draw the points in the Cartesian plane? Let's take a Cartesian coordinate (2, 3). To draw the point (2, 3) in the Cartesian plane, First, identify the abscissa (x-value) and ordinate (y-value) from the given ordered pair. Here abscissa = 2 and ordinate = 3. Next, plot the value of x (i.e.) "2" on the x-axis. Plot the number, moving 2 units to the right from the origin, since the value of x is positive. Next, plot the value of y, (i.e.) "3" on the y-axis. Draw the number and shift it 3 units from the origin up on the y-axis since it takes the positive value. Finally, the point (2, 3) is in the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane. Stay up to date with BYJU'S - The Learning App and download the app to learn more articles about mathematics. Exercises on the Cartesian plane Draw the following ordered pairs in the Cartesian plane: (7, 4) (-5, 2) (4, -5) (-6, -3)

What are the 4 types of lines?

They are:
  • Horizontal Lines.
  • Vertical Lines.
  • Parallel Lines.
  • Perpendicular Lines.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

A line is a one-dimensional figure that has length but no width. A line consists of a set of points extending infinitely in opposite directions. It is determined by two points in a two-dimensional plane. The two points that lie on the same line are called collinear points.

There are different types of lines in geometry such as horizontal and vertical lines, parallel and perpendicular lines. These lines play an important role in constructing different types of polygons. For example, a square is formed by connecting four lines of equal length, while a triangle is formed by connecting three lines end to end.

what is a line

A line can be defined as a straight set of points extending in opposite directions

It has no ends in either direction (infinity)

It has no thickness

it is one dimensional

For more information about lines, see the following video:

points, lines and angles

Points, lines, and angles are the fundamentals of geometry that together define the shapes of an object.

An example of a combination of points, lines, and angles is a rectangle that has four vertices defined by a point, four sides represented by lines, and four angles equal to 90 degrees.

Similarly, with these three basic figures, we can define other shapes such as rhombus, parallelogram, square, kite, cube, cuboid, etc.

Also read:

What is a line segment?

A line segment is part of a line that has defined endpoints

It has a beginning and an ending point

What is a ray?

A ray is a portion of a line that has an end point (i.e., start point) and extends indefinitely in one direction.

types of lines

There are basically four types of lines in geometry. They are:

horizontal lines

If a line moves in a straight line from left to right, it is a horizontal line.

vertical lines

If a line runs straight from top to bottom, it is a vertical line.

parallel lines

If two straight lines do not meet or intersect at any point, even at infinity, then they are parallel to each other.

Assuming two lines PQ and RS are parallel, this is represented as PQ||RS.

vertical lines

When two lines meet or intersect at a 90 degree angle or at a right angle, they are perpendicular to each other.

If PQ and RS are two perpendicular lines, then it is represented as PQ ⊥ RS.

Some other types of rows in mathematics

1.Tangent Lines

The tangent is a straight line that just touches the curve at a given point. The normal is a straight line perpendicular to the tangent. To calculate the equations of these lines, we use the fact that the equation of a straight line passing through the point with coordinates (x 1 , y 1 ) and slope m is given by

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{y-y_{1}}{x-x_{1}}=1\end{array} \)

We also use the fact that if two straight lines with slopes m 1 and m 2 are perpendicular, then m 1 m 2 = −1.

Example: Suppose we want to find points on the curve y(x) divided by \(\begin{array}{l}x^{3} – 6x^{2} + x + 3 \end{array} \) is given, where the tangents are parallel to the line y = x + 5.

Solution: If the tangents must be parallel to the line, they must have the same slope. The standard equation for a straight line is y = mx + c, where m is the slope. So if we look at this standard equation and compare it to the line y = x + 5, we find that the slope m is equal to 1. Therefore the slopes of the tangents we are trying to find must also have a slope of 1.

We know that if we differentiate y(x) we can get an expression for the slopes of the tangents to y(x) and set it equal to 1. Differentiating and making equal to 1, we find:

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{dy}{dx}=3x^{2}-12x+1=1\end{array} \)

from which

\(\begin{array}{l}3x^{2} – 12x = 0\end{array} \)

This is a quadratic equation that we can solve by factoring.

\(\begin{array}{l}3x^{2} – 12x = 0\end{array} \)

\(\begin{array}{l}3x (x-4) = 0\end{array} \)

\(\begin{array}{l}\Rightarrow 3x = 0 \;\; or \;\; (x-4) = 0\end{array} \)

\(\begin{array}{l}\Rightarrow x = 0 \;\; or x = 4\end{array} \)

Now that we have found these two values ​​of x, we can calculate the corresponding y coordinates. We do this from the equation of the curve: \(\begin{array}{l}y = x^{3} – 6x^{2} + x + 3 \end{array} \) .

if x = 0: y = \(\begin{array}{l}(0)^{3} – 6(0)^{2} + 0 + 3 = 3\end{array} \)

if x = 4: y = \(\begin{array}{l}(4)^{3} – 6(4)^{2} + 4 + 3= -25 \end{array} \)

So the two points are (0, 3) and (4, −25)

These are the two points where the slopes of the tangent equal 1, so the tangents are parallel to the line we started with, i.e. y = x + 5.

2. Secant Lines

A line in the plane is a secant to a circle if it intersects the circle at exactly two points. It also equals the average rate of change, or simply the slope between two points. The average rate of change of a function between two points and the slope between two points are the same.

In the left figure above

\(\begin{array}{l}\theta =\frac{1}{2}\end{array} \)

while in the right figure,

\(\begin{array}{l}\phi =\frac{1}{2}\end{array} \) (arc R T – arc S Q),

Where arc AB denotes the angular measure of arc AB.

What are the 7 types of lines?

The different types of lines are as mentioned below:
  • Straight line.
  • Curved line.
  • Horizontal line.
  • Vertical line.
  • Parallel lines.
  • Intersecting lines.
  • Perpendicular lines.
  • Transversal line.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

Everything in the world, from a small flower to an area on the map, is made up of a series of dots assembled into different shapes. The most basic and elementary form of geometry is the line.

It is a one-dimensional figure that has no thickness and extends infinitely from the extreme ends. It is also known as a straight line, or a right to emphasize the fact that there are no curves along its length. They have the ability to be embedded in higher dimensional spaces.

In ancient times, mathematicians introduced the concept of a line with the sole purpose of denoting objects that had no curves or were straight with negligible depth and width. A famous mathematician defined the line as “infinite length”.

A line has a starting point and an ending point. Let’s assume the points are A and B.

We represent a line by placing two arrows pointing in opposite directions at both endpoints. It symbolizes that the line extends in both directions.

types of lines

There are different types of lines. Let’s discuss the formulas, numbers, and definitions of each one of them.

There are five types of lines, they are:

Vertical line Horizontal line Parallel line Inclined line Perpendicular lines

vertical line

A vertical line is a straight line, or in layman’s terms, a standing line. This linetype has an undefined slope.

We can draw a graph for a vertical line by plotting x = n. Here n is equivalent to any kind of real number. All points in the vertical line have the same x-coordinate. It is parallel to the y-axis of the coordinate plane.

The vertical line equation is x = a. Here x is any point on the coordinate line x and a is the x-intercept.

Horizontal line

A horizontal line is one of the types of lines where all points have the same y-coordinate. It is also known as the sleep line. It is parallel to the x-axis of the plane. The slope of the horizontal line is zero.

The horizontal line equation is y = b. Here y is any point in the x-coordinate line, and b is the y-intercept. It is independent of x.


Two lines are parallel if the distance between the two lines is the same at all points. These two lines do not intersect at any point in space. They never meet.

vertical line

Vertical lines are formed when a horizontal and a vertical line meet at a point. They are two lines that form a congruent secondary angle to each other. The angle formed between the vertical and horizontal lines is ninety degrees.

Some basic definitions

Line segment: A line segment has two fixed-length endpoints.

Ray: A ray has an endpoint and the other end extends infinitely in one direction.

Straight line: A straight line has neither a start nor an end point and is infinitely long.

The equation of a line

The standard form of the line equation is Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are real numbers, A > 0, and x, y are variables. The standard form of the line equation can also be written as Ax + By – C = 0.

Standard form of the equation of a line

The standard form of a line is of the form Ax + By = C, where A, B and C are integers, it all gives the same information as the slope intercept, y = mx + c.

The equation of a straight line parallel to the x-axis

The line y = k is parallel to the x-axis and is above or below the x-axis depending on whether k is positive or negative.

The equation of the straight line parallel to the x-axis is independent of x.

The equation of a straight line parallel to the y-axis

The line x = k is parallel to the y-axis and is to the right or left of the y-axis depending on whether k is positive or negative. The equation of the straight line parallel to the y-axis is independent of y.

The slope cut shape

The equation of the straight line is y = mx + c. It has a slope “m” and forms an intersection point c on the y-axis.

The point-slope equation of a straight line

The equation of a straight line that goes through a fixed point and has a given slope m is called the point-slope form.

(y−y1)= m(x−x1), is the general equation of the straight line that runs through the fixed point (x1, y1) and has the slope m.

The equation of the line from two points

The equation of a straight line that goes through two fixed points is also called a two-point form.

(y−y1)= m(x−x1) is the general equation of a straight line that runs through the fixed points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and has the gradient m.

where \[m = y_{2} – y_{1}/x_{2} – x_{1}\]

What are the two types of line graph?

The following are the types of the line graph. They are: Simple Line Graph: Only one line is plotted on the graph. Multiple Line Graph: More than one line is plotted on the same set of axes.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

A line chart is a unique chart that is commonly used in statistics. It represents the change in one quantity in relation to another quantity. For example, the price of different chocolate flavors varies, which we can depict using this graph. This variation is usually plotted in a two-dimensional XY plane. If the relationship involving any two measures can be expressed by a straight line on a graph, then such graphs are called linear graphs. Therefore, the line chart is also called a linear chart. Here we will discuss in detail what a line graph is, its types, the procedure of drawing a line graph and examples.

Table of Contents:

Line Chart Definition

A line chart or line graph or line chart is a graph that uses points and lines to show changes over time. It is a chart showing a line connecting multiple points or a line showing the relationship between the points. The chart represents quantitative data between two changing variables with a line or curve connecting a series of consecutive data points. Linear charts compare these two variables on a vertical axis and a horizontal axis.

Types of line charts

The following are the types of line chart. They are:

Simple Line Chart: Only one line is drawn on the chart. Multi-Line Chart: More than one line is drawn on the same set of axes. A multi-line chart can effectively compare similar items over the same time period. Compound Line Chart: When information can be broken down into two or more data types. This type of line chart is called a composite line chart. Lines are drawn to represent the component of a total. The top line shows the total and the line below shows part of the total. The space between every two lines shows the size of each part.

Vertical Line Chart

Vertical line charts are charts in which a vertical line extends from each data point down to the horizontal axis. Vertical line chart is also sometimes referred to as column chart. A line parallel to the y-axis is called a vertical line.

Horizontal Line Chart

Horizontal line charts are charts where each data point has a horizontal line extending parallel to the earth. Horizontal line chart is also sometimes referred to as line chart. A line parallel to the x-axis is called a vertical line

Straight Line Chart

A line chart is a chart made up of segments of straight lines connecting the plotted points that represent specific data. The line chart is used to solve for changing conditions, often over a specific time interval. A general linear function has the form y = mx + c, where m and c are constants.

The basic rule at the end of sketching a linear graph is that we only need two points to draw a straight line. The procedure for drawing linear graphs is as follows:

By substituting two different values ​​for x in the equation y = mx + c, we get two values ​​for y. Thus we get two points (x 1 , y 1 ) and (x 2 , y 2 ) on the line.

, y ) and (x , y ) on the line. Draw the horizontal and vertical lines and choose the appropriate scale for both axes.

. If the table values ​​given are large, choose the scale for that particular value. It depends on the specified value.

Draw the two points in the Cartesian plane of the paper. Connect the two points with a line segment and extend them in two directions. The closed figure obtained is the required linear graph.

Different parts of the line chart

Title: The title explains which graph is to be drawn.

Scale: The scale are the numbers that explain the units used on the linear chart.

Labels: Both the side and bottom of the linear chart have a label that indicates what type of data is being plotted on the chart. The X-axis describes the data points on the line and the Y-axis shows the numeric value for each point on the line.

Bars: They measure the number of data.

Data Values: These are the actual numbers for each data point.

How do I create a line chart?

When we have created data tables, we draw linear charts using the data tables. These charts are presented as a series of dots that are later connected with straight lines to provide an easy way to review data collected over time. It provides an excellent visual format of results data collected over time.

Complete the following steps to draw a linear/line chart:

Use the data from the data table to select an appropriate scale. Draw and label the scale on the vertical (y-axis) and horizontal (x-axis) axes. List each item and place the dots on the graph. Connect the points with line segments.

double line chart

A double line chart is a line chart with two lines. A chart that compares two different subjects over a period of time. A double line chart shows how things are changing over a period of time. The double line chart shows two line charts within one chart. Double line charts are used to compare trends and patterns between two subjects.

Steps to create a double line chart:

Use the data from the table to select an appropriate scale.

Draw and label the scale on the vertical and horizontal axes.

List each item and find the points on the chart for both lines.

Connect the points with line segments separate from both lines.

Draw two line charts within one chart.

Example: See graphic below.

The dots on the double line chart show the average monthly rainfall in the two cities (City 1, City 2). The individual lines created by connecting the dots for each city.

Use of line charts

The important use of line charts is to track the changes over short and long time periods. It is also used to compare changes over the same period for different groups. It is always better to use the line than the bar chart when there are small changes. For example, a company’s finance team may want to graphically display changes in the amount of cash the company has on hand over time. In this case, they use the line chart, which plots the points across the horizontal and vertical axes. It usually represents the time period of the data.

Line chart example

Task: Sketch the solution on the number line |x + 2| ≤ 5


Given inequality |x + 2| ≤ 5

Step 1: Convert the inequality into a compound inequality

– 5 ≤ x + 2 ≤ 5

Step 2: Subtract 2 from all three sides to get

– 5 – 2 ≤ x + 2 – 2 ≤ 5 – 2

= – 7 ≤ x ≤ 3

Step 3: Place this value on a number line

To learn different types of charts used in statistics, register with BYJU’S – The Learning App and download the app to get math-related videos.

What is a double line graph?

A double line graph is a line graph with two lines. A graph that compares two different subjects over a period of time. A double line graph shows how things change over a period of time. The double line graph shows two line graphs within one chart.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

A line chart is a unique chart that is commonly used in statistics. It represents the change in one quantity in relation to another quantity. For example, the price of different chocolate flavors varies, which we can depict using this graph. This variation is usually plotted in a two-dimensional XY plane. If the relationship involving any two measures can be expressed by a straight line on a graph, then such graphs are called linear graphs. Therefore, the line chart is also called a linear chart. Here we will discuss in detail what a line graph is, its types, the procedure of drawing a line graph and examples.

Table of Contents:

Line Chart Definition

A line chart or line graph or line chart is a graph that uses points and lines to show changes over time. It is a chart showing a line connecting multiple points or a line showing the relationship between the points. The chart represents quantitative data between two changing variables with a line or curve connecting a series of consecutive data points. Linear charts compare these two variables on a vertical axis and a horizontal axis.

Types of line charts

The following are the types of line chart. They are:

Simple Line Chart: Only one line is drawn on the chart. Multi-Line Chart: More than one line is drawn on the same set of axes. A multi-line chart can effectively compare similar items over the same time period. Compound Line Chart: When information can be broken down into two or more data types. This type of line chart is called a composite line chart. Lines are drawn to represent the component of a total. The top line shows the total and the line below shows part of the total. The space between every two lines shows the size of each part.

Vertical Line Chart

Vertical line charts are charts in which a vertical line extends from each data point down to the horizontal axis. Vertical line chart is also sometimes referred to as column chart. A line parallel to the y-axis is called a vertical line.

Horizontal Line Chart

Horizontal line charts are charts where each data point has a horizontal line extending parallel to the earth. Horizontal line chart is also sometimes referred to as line chart. A line parallel to the x-axis is called a vertical line

Straight Line Chart

A line chart is a chart made up of segments of straight lines connecting the plotted points that represent specific data. The line chart is used to solve for changing conditions, often over a specific time interval. A general linear function has the form y = mx + c, where m and c are constants.

The basic rule at the end of sketching a linear graph is that we only need two points to draw a straight line. The procedure for drawing linear graphs is as follows:

By substituting two different values ​​for x in the equation y = mx + c, we get two values ​​for y. Thus we get two points (x 1 , y 1 ) and (x 2 , y 2 ) on the line.

, y ) and (x , y ) on the line. Draw the horizontal and vertical lines and choose the appropriate scale for both axes.

. If the table values ​​given are large, choose the scale for that particular value. It depends on the specified value.

Draw the two points in the Cartesian plane of the paper. Connect the two points with a line segment and extend them in two directions. The closed figure obtained is the required linear graph.

Different parts of the line chart

Title: The title explains which graph is to be drawn.

Scale: The scale are the numbers that explain the units used on the linear chart.

Labels: Both the side and bottom of the linear chart have a label that indicates what type of data is being plotted on the chart. The X-axis describes the data points on the line and the Y-axis shows the numeric value for each point on the line.

Bars: They measure the number of data.

Data Values: These are the actual numbers for each data point.

How do I create a line chart?

When we have created data tables, we draw linear charts using the data tables. These charts are presented as a series of dots that are later connected with straight lines to provide an easy way to review data collected over time. It provides an excellent visual format of results data collected over time.

Complete the following steps to draw a linear/line chart:

Use the data from the data table to select an appropriate scale. Draw and label the scale on the vertical (y-axis) and horizontal (x-axis) axes. List each item and place the dots on the graph. Connect the points with line segments.

double line chart

A double line chart is a line chart with two lines. A chart that compares two different subjects over a period of time. A double line chart shows how things are changing over a period of time. The double line chart shows two line charts within one chart. Double line charts are used to compare trends and patterns between two subjects.

Steps to create a double line chart:

Use the data from the table to select an appropriate scale.

Draw and label the scale on the vertical and horizontal axes.

List each item and find the points on the chart for both lines.

Connect the points with line segments separate from both lines.

Draw two line charts within one chart.

Example: See graphic below.

The dots on the double line chart show the average monthly rainfall in the two cities (City 1, City 2). The individual lines created by connecting the dots for each city.

Use of line charts

The important use of line charts is to track the changes over short and long time periods. It is also used to compare changes over the same period for different groups. It is always better to use the line than the bar chart when there are small changes. For example, a company’s finance team may want to graphically display changes in the amount of cash the company has on hand over time. In this case, they use the line chart, which plots the points across the horizontal and vertical axes. It usually represents the time period of the data.

Line chart example

Task: Sketch the solution on the number line |x + 2| ≤ 5


Given inequality |x + 2| ≤ 5

Step 1: Convert the inequality into a compound inequality

– 5 ≤ x + 2 ≤ 5

Step 2: Subtract 2 from all three sides to get

– 5 – 2 ≤ x + 2 – 2 ≤ 5 – 2

= – 7 ≤ x ≤ 3

Step 3: Place this value on a number line

To learn different types of charts used in statistics, register with BYJU’S – The Learning App and download the app to get math-related videos.

How do you create a line graph?

To draw a line graph, first draw a horizontal and a vertical axis. Age should be plotted on the horizontal axis because it is independent. Height should be plotted on the vertical axis. Then look for the given data and plot a point for each pair of values.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

A line chart displays data using line segments. Line charts are mainly used to show data that changes over a period of time.


The table shows Russel’s height at 3-year intervals. Create a line chart to show the data.

Age 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Height (feet) 1.9 2.4 2.7 3 4.6 5.5 6.1 6.2

To draw a line chart, first draw a horizontal and a vertical axis. Age should be plotted on the horizontal axis as it is independent. Height should be plotted on the vertical axis.

Then look for the given data and plot a point for each pair of values. Draw a line connecting each pair of consecutive points. Then name the chart and label the horizontal and vertical axes.

How do you start a line graph at the y-axis?

Select the Chart and go to the Layout tab (that is visible only when you select a chart). Click the Axes button and go to Primary Vertical Axis and then More Primary Vertical Axis Options… You will now be in the Format Axis window. Hit Close and that’s it!

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

Make the Y-axis start at 0 in charts in Excel

How to start the Y-axis in charts in Excel at 0. This is a simple formatting problem.

Select the chart and go to the Layout tab (which is only visible when you select a chart).

Click on the Axis button and go to Primary Vertical Axis and then More Primary Vertical Axis Options…

You are now in the Format Axis window.

Look up and next to Minimum, click the circle for Fixed and type a 0 (zero). (If your window doesn’t look like this, make sure you’ve selected the Axis Options category on the left side of the Format Axis window.)

Click close and that’s it!

Note: You can start the Y-axis at any number; Instead of entering a zero for step 3, enter the desired number.


This is a simple but important thing to know about how to do in Excel. That’s because Excel will guess what the starting units for the Y axis should be, and it doesn’t always know what you want.

Be sure to download the Excel file that accompanies this tutorial to view this example in the spreadsheet.

How do you make a line graph on Excel with data?

Select the data that you want to plot in the line chart. Click the Insert tab, and then click Insert Line or Area Chart. Click Line with Markers. Click the chart area of the chart to display the Design and Format tabs.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

The main difference between scatter and line charts is the way they plot data on the horizontal axis. For example, if you use the following worksheet data to create a scatter chart and a line chart, you can see that the data is distributed differently.

A scatterplot shows the daily precipitation values ​​from column A as x-values ​​on the horizontal (x) axis and the particle values ​​from column B as values ​​on the vertical (y) axis. A scatter chart, often referred to as an xy chart, never shows categories on the horizontal axis.

A scatterplot always has two value axes to show one set of numeric data along a horizontal (value) axis and another set of numeric values ​​along a vertical (value) axis. The chart displays points at the intersection of a numeric x and y value and combines those values ​​into single data points. These data points can be evenly or unevenly spaced across the horizontal axis, depending on the data.

The first data point that appears in the scatterplot represents both a y-value of 137 (particles) and an x-value of 1.9 (daily precipitation). These numbers represent the values ​​in cells A9 and B9 on the worksheet .

A line chart, on the other hand, shows the same daily precipitation and particulate matter values ​​as two separate data points, evenly spaced along the horizontal axis. This is because a line chart has only one value axis (the vertical axis). The horizontal axis of a line chart shows only evenly spaced groupings (categories) of data. Since no categories were provided in the data, they were generated automatically, e.g. e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.

This is a good example of when not to use a line chart.

A line chart evenly distributes category data along a horizontal (category) axis and distributes all numeric value data along a vertical (value) axis.

The particle y-value of 137 (cell B9) and the daily precipitation x-value of 1.9 (cell A9) are shown as separate data points on the line graph. Neither of these data points is the first data point displayed in the chart—instead, the first data point for each data series refers to the values ​​in the first row of data on the worksheet (cells A2 and B2).

Axis type and scaling differences

Because the horizontal axis of a scatterplot is always a value axis, it can display numeric values ​​or date values ​​(such as days or hours) represented as numeric values. For more flexibility in displaying numeric values ​​along the horizontal axis, you can change the scaling options on that axis in the same way you can change the scaling options on a vertical axis.

Because the horizontal axis of a line chart is a category axis, it can only be a text axis or a date axis. A text axis displays only text (non-numeric data or non-value numeric categories) at evenly spaced intervals. A date axis displays dates in chronological order at specified intervals or base units, such as For example, the number of days, months, or years, even if the dates on the worksheet are not in order or in the same base units.

The scaling options of a category axis are limited compared to the scaling options of a value axis. The available scaling options also depend on the axis type used.

graphing parallel and perpendicular lines (KristaKingMath)

graphing parallel and perpendicular lines (KristaKingMath)
graphing parallel and perpendicular lines (KristaKingMath)

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Line Graph Definition

What is a line chart?

A line chart — also known as a line graph or line graph — is a chart that uses lines to connect individual data points. A line chart displays quantitative values ​​over a specified time interval. Line charts are commonly used in finance to show the historical price movement of an asset or security.

Line charts can be compared to other visualizations of data, including but not limited to bar charts, pie charts, and (in trading) candlestick charts.

KEY FINDINGS A line chart connects individual data points, typically showing quantitative values ​​over a specified interval of time.

Line charts consist of two axes: x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical), graphically denoted as (x,y).

When investing in the field of technical analysis, line charts are very informative as they allow the user to visualize trends.

While line charts are used in many different fields for different purposes, their most common function is to provide a graphical representation of changes in values ​​over time.

In finance, line charts are used to create visual representations of values ​​over time, including changes in security prices.

Understand line charts

Line charts use data point “markers” connected by straight lines. These data points connected by straight lines help with visualization. While line charts are used in many different fields for different purposes, they are particularly useful when there is a need to create a graphical representation of value changes over time.

Line charts are widely used in finance to create visual representations of values ​​over time, including changes in security prices, company earnings lists, and histories of major stock indexes. They are also useful for comparing different stocks.

In investing, especially in the field of technical analysis, line charts are used by investors to visualize trends, which can help them a lot in their analyses.

There are some limitations for line charts. For example, line charts often lose clarity when there are too many data points. It’s also easy to manipulate them visually to create specific effects. For example, the apparent rate of change can be manipulated visually by adjusting the range of the data points on the axes.

Line charts can be created manually or using software such as Microsoft Excel, greatly improving the speed and accuracy of the final product.

Creating a line chart

Line charts consist of two axes: x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). Each axis represents a different data type, and the points where they intersect are (0,0). The x-axis is the independent axis because its values ​​do not depend on anything measured. The y-axis is the dependent axis because its values ​​depend on the x-axis values.

Each axis should be labeled according to the data measured along that axis. Then each axis should be divided into appropriate increments (e.g. day one, day two, etc.). For example, if you are measuring a stock’s price changes over the past two weeks, the x-axis would represent the measured time (trading days within the period) and the y-axis would represent the stock prices.

When using line charts to track stock price, the most commonly used data point is the stock’s closing price.

For example, let’s assume that the price of a particular stock was $30 on the first day of trading, resulting in a data point at ($1.30). On the second day of trading, the stock’s price traded at $35 which resulted in a data point at ($2.35).

Each data point is plotted and connected by a line that visually represents the changes in values ​​over time. If the value of the stock increased daily, the line would slope up and to the right. On the other hand, if the stock’s price steadily declines, the line would slope down and to the right.

What is a line chart used for? Line charts are used to track changes over different time periods. Line charts can also be used as a comparison tool: to compare changes over the same period for more than one group.

How do you explain a line chart? A line chart is a graphical representation of information that changes continuously over time. Within a line chart, there are several data points that are connected by a straight line that shows a continuous change in the values ​​represented by the data points.

How is a line chart useful in finance? Line charts are useful in finance because they are very effective in creating visual representations of trends over time. Because of this, they are often used to show how a stock performs over a period of time.

What is the line graph in graph theory? Graph theory is a mathematical discipline. Graph theory specifically studies graphs, mathematical structures used to model pairwise relationships between objects. In graph theory, a line chart is also known as a cover chart, derivative, edge-to-vertex dual, conjugate representative chart, edge chart, exchange chart, adjoint chart, and derived chart. This is the formal definition of a line graph: Given a graph (G), its line graph (L(G)) is a graph where each vertex of L(G) represents an edge of G and two vertices of L( G ) are adjacent if their corresponding edges share a common endpoint in G. A line graph is the intersection graph of the edges of G, representing each edge by the set of its two endpoints.

How to create a line chart in Excel? You can use a line chart in Excel to show trends over time. In Excel, line charts are appropriate when you have text labels, dates, or some numeric labels on the horizontal (X) axis. Here are the steps to create a line chart in Excel. (If you’re using numeric labels, empty cell A1 before creating the line chart): After you’ve entered your values, select the range (whatever range encompasses those values). Example: A1:D7. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the line icon (“Insert line chart”) Click “Line with marks”

Example of an Excel line chart.

Graph Each Line Below On The Same Set Of Axes Homework Help – MADE CR

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