I Spoke In Tongues For The First Time? Top 73 Best Answers

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What happens when you start speaking in tongues?

Speaking in tongues stimulates faith and helps us learn how to trust God more fully. For example, faith must be exercised to speak with tongues because the Holy Spirit specifically directs the words we speak. We don’t know what the next word will be.

How do you speak in tongues for the first time?

To activate speaking in tongues, simply switch over from praying in your native language, to praying in your heavenly language by speaking out loud the syllables coming from your spirit. It may sound foolish at first, but that’s OK. Keep going. The more you pray in tongues, the more developed the language will become.

What causes someone to speak in tongues?

Glossolalists and cessationists generally agree that the primary purpose of the gift of speaking in tongues was to mark the Holy Spirit being poured out.

What happens to the brain when you speak in tongues?

The part of the brain that normally makes them feel in control has been essentially shut down.” Another notable change was increased activity in the parietal region–the part of the brain that “takes sensory information and tries to create a sense of self and how you relate to the rest of the world,” Newberg says.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

For a practice that has been around for thousands of years, scientists understand very little about what happens when people “speak in tongues.” Currently, glossolalia – as it is called – is found in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian sects, where those affected believe they are speaking a message directly from God. Now scientists say they’ve picked up glossolalia on brain scans that link decreased frontal lobe activity to a loss of self-control.

To conduct the study, psychiatrist Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia and his colleagues recruited five African-American women who belong to a local Pentecostal church. Everyone has had a habit of speaking in tongues “almost every day” for the last 5 years, says Newberg. As a control activity, subjects stood up and sang gospel songs with musical accompaniment, moving their arms, and swaying. They were then asked to repeat the behavior, but this time the researchers encouraged them to speak in tongues instead of singing.

In each case, the scientists gave the subjects an intravenous injection of a radioactive tracer that effectively gave a freeze frame of which brain areas were most active during the behavior, indicated by increased blood flow. This was recorded by subsequently scanning the women’s brains in a single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanner.

Glossolalia produced a significantly different pattern of brain activity than singing, the team reports in the November issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. Perhaps the most important difference was a decrease in frontal lobe function, Newberg says. “The part of the brain that normally makes them feel in control has essentially been shut down.” Another notable change was the increased activity in the parietal region — the part of the brain that “takes in sensory information and tries to make a Creating a sense of himself and his relationship with the rest of the world,” says Newberg. The results make sense, Newberg says, because speaking in tongues means relinquishing control while having a “very intense experience of how the self relates to God.” Interestingly, he notes, the glossolalia responses were the opposite of those observed in subjects in a meditative state. When people meditate on a specific sacred object, Newberg found that their frontal lobe activity increases while their parietal activity decreases. This corresponds to the idea that in meditation one has a controlled focus while losing the sense of self.

It’s an excellent study, says psychologist Michael Persinger of Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada, who has conducted brainwave research involving glossolalia. “Each of the results of Dr. Newberg has specific implications,” he says. For example, increased parietal activity would be associated with a feeling of being “touched by the Spirit.”

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How do you receive the gift of tongues?

The only prerequisite to receiving the gift of speaking in tongues is that you receive salvation and become a born again Christian. This means that you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This means that you believe He is the Son of God, and that He came in the flesh and died for you sins.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

The gift of tongues is a powerful gift from God that enables us to communicate with God directly from our spirit, without the hindrances of the flesh. Jesus made this gift available to us when he rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God.

This gift of tongues is for every individual Christian. The Lord never intended that His people should forego this precious gift under the New Covenant. In fact, it was even prophesied in the book of Isaiah.

For with stammering lips and another tongue he will speak to this people, Isaiah 28:11

To receive the gift of tongues, ask the Lord for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The gift of tongues comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The only requirement is that you are a born again Christian.

When we speak in tongues, we are speaking directly to God from our spirit man, and we are praying to the hidden wisdom of God. For more information on the amazing benefits of speaking in tongues, visit Is Tongues Real?

For whoever speaks in tongues does not speak to men, but to God, for no one understands him; but in the spirit he speaks mysteries 1 Corinthians 14:2

Receive salvation before you speak in tongues

The only requirement to receive the gift of speaking in tongues is that you receive salvation and become a born again Christian.

This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. That means you believe that He is the Son of God and that He came in the flesh and died for your sins. It also means you believe that God raised him from the dead.

When you receive salvation, your spirit person is immediately recreated as holy, righteous, and born of God. You literally become a child of God. You become an entirely new creation. Your old spirit dies and you become brand new.

So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are gone; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

The Bible says that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. This means no matter where you are from, what nationality you are, or what background you are, if you call on the name of the Lord you will be saved.

For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”. Romans 10:13

that if you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

There is no sin too bad to be forgiven and receive salvation. There is nothing that can disqualify you. When Jesus took upon himself the sin of the world on the cross, he also took upon himself every bit of your sin.

If you have not already taken this step, you must become a Christian before you can receive the gift of speaking in tongues. To read more about salvation, including a sample prayer to receive salvation, read Salvation by Faith: Exactly What It Means.

How to pray for the gift of tongues

Once you have received salvation, you can now ask Jesus for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is a separate experience from salvation, but should be your immediate next step. John the Baptist prophesied that the baptism of the Holy Spirit would be given by Jesus.

I baptize you with water to repentance, but he who comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to wear. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Matthew 3:11

When you pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, believe that when you pray you receive. Just as you received salvation as a gift, you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost as a gift. This requires faith, just like everything else we receive from God.

So if you are wicked and know how to give your children good gifts, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:13

You may not feel anything when you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Some people feel and some don’t. It doesn’t matter if you feel something. You can be assured that you will receive it when you ask for it.

For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds, and to everyone who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:8

The ability to pray in tongues is given to each individual who receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In Acts we see that the ability to speak in tongues always came with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit expressed them. Acts 2:4

And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:6

If someone who has already been baptized in the Holy Ghost is available to pray with you and lay hands on you, that’s wonderful, but it’s not a requirement to receive the Holy Ghost and the gift of speaking in tongues. If you are alone, that is totally fine. You can still receive from God yourself.

Well, that’s the trust we have in Him to hear us when we ask anything of His will. And when we know that whatever we ask, he hears us, we know we have the requests we asked him to make. 1 John 5:14-15

It is always God’s will that you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Once you have received salvation and become a new creation, you have a brand new spirit that is forever perfectly holy and righteous and ready to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

After you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the ability to speak in tongues is there, but sometimes you don’t automatically start speaking. The language is available but requires your cooperation. To learn more about how to start speaking in tongues, read How to enable speaking in tongues.

What is water baptism?

Water baptism is a separate experience from the baptism of the Holy Spirit. At some point after you become a follower of Jesus Christ, you want to be water baptized. This is not a requirement for salvation, but simply an outward expression of what happened inside you.

Being submerged in a water baptism is an outward sign that your old man was crucified with Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ; I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

When you come out of the water, it is an outward sign that you are risen with Christ.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly kingdoms in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:6

Your old man has died and the new spirit has risen. Your new spirit is alive to God, free from sin and contamination. In fact, the Holy Spirit has sealed your new spirit forever so that sin can never touch it! It’s really amazing.

In Him you also trusted, after hearing the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, after believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13

What does it feel like to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

For them, the Holy Ghost may produce a subtle feeling of gratitude, peace, reverence, or love (see Galatians 5:22–23). The scriptures also describe the Holy Ghost as a “burning” in the bosom (see Doctrine and Covenants 9:8–9). But the intensity or degree of that “burning” can be different for everyone.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

You’ve probably heard people say, “I’m feeling the Spirit strongly right now.”

Maybe you feel something at this moment too. But is there something wrong with you if you don’t?

Short answer: not at all.

Because people experience the influence of the Holy Spirit differently. That’s the wonderful thing about the messages of the Holy Spirit: They are made just for you.

For some people, the Holy Ghost can cause them to feel overwhelmed with emotion and moved to tears. For others, tears rarely or never come. And that’s okay. For them, the Holy Ghost can inspire a subtle sense of gratitude, peace, awe, or love (see Galatians 5:22–23).

The scriptures also describe the Holy Ghost as a “burning” in the bosom (see Doctrine and Covenants 9:8–9). But the intensity or degree of this “burn” can be different for everyone. Sometimes it’s like a small glowing ember instead of a raging bonfire.

Or perhaps you have heard the Holy Ghost described as “a still, still voice” (see Doctrine and Covenants 85:6). And you immediately thought, “But I didn’t HEAR a voice. Is something wrong with me?”

Again not at all. This biblical description does not necessarily mean that we all hear a literal voice. Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “The Spirit speaks words that we feel. These feelings are gentle, a nudge to act, to do something, to say something, to react in a certain way.”1

The point is, each of us will experience the Holy Spirit differently. And to varying degrees. What matters is that we live worthy of receiving it and knowing it when it comes. As we do so, we will begin to notice that His influence in our lives is far greater than we expected.


1. Ronald A. Rasband, “Let the Holy Spirit Guide,” Apr. 2017 general conference.

How can I receive the Holy Ghost?

The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed only after proper and authorized baptism and by the laying on of hands by those holding the Melchizedek Priesthood.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

These four words – “receive the Holy Spirit” – are not a passive utterance; rather, they represent an interim injunction of the priesthood—an authoritative exhortation to act, not simply be obeyed.

My message focuses on the importance of striving to actually receive the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. I pray for the Spirit of the Lord and invite Him to teach and edify each of us.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost In December 1839, when Joseph Smith and Elias Higbee were living in Washington, D.C. to obtain redress for the wrongs done to the Saints of Missouri, they wrote to Hyrum Smith: “In our conversation with the President [of the United States] he questioned us about how we differed in our religion from the other religions of the time . Brother Joseph said we differed in the style of baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. We held that all other considerations are contained in the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 97). The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead; He is a personality of the spirit and bears witness to all truth. The scriptures refer to the Holy Ghost as the Comforter (see John 14:16–27; Moroni 8:26), Teacher (see John 14:26; D&C 50:14), and Revealer (see 2 Nephi 32) :5) . Revelations from the Father and the Son are transmitted through the Holy Spirit. He is the messenger and witness of the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is revealed to men and women on earth as both the power and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Power can come upon a person before baptism; it is the convincing testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, sincere investigators can gain conviction that the Savior’s gospel, the Book of Mormon, the Restoration, and the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith are true. The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed only upon proper and authorized baptism and the laying on of hands of Melchizedek Priesthood holders. The Lord declared: “Yes, repent and be baptized, every one of you, for the forgiveness of your sins; yea, even be baptized with water, and then comes the baptism of fire and of the Holy Spirit. … “And whoever has faith ye shall confirm in my church by the laying on of hands, and I will give them the gift of the Holy Ghost” (D&C 33:11, 15). The apostle Paul made this practice clear to the Ephesians when he asked, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? And they said to him, We have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit. “And he said to them, What was it then that you were baptized for? And they said: At the baptism of John. “Then Paul said, John was baptizing, verily, with the baptism of repentance, and saying to the people that they should believe on him who is to come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. “And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them” (Acts 19:2-6). Baptism by immersion is “the preliminary ordinance of the gospel, and must be followed by the baptism of the Spirit to be complete” (Bible Dictionary, “Baptism”). The Prophet Joseph Smith taught: “Baptism is an ordinance preparing for the receipt of the Holy Ghost; it is the channel and key through which the Holy Spirit is administered. The gift of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands cannot be received by any principle other than the principle of righteousness” (Teachings: Joseph Smith, pp. 95–95). The ordinance of confirming a new member of the Church and imparting the gift of the Holy Ghost bestow is both simple and profound. Worthy Melchizedek Priesthood holders place their hands on a person’s head and call him or her by name. Then, by the authority of the holy priesthood and in the name of the Savior, that individual is confirmed as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and this important phrase is pronounced: “Receive the Holy Ghost.” that we overlook their importance. These four words – “receive the Holy Spirit” – are not a passive utterance; rather, they represent an interim injunction of the priesthood—an obligatory exhortation to act, not simply be obeyed (see 2 Nephi 2:26). The Holy Spirit does not work in our lives just because hands are laid on us and these four important words are spoken. When we receive this ordinance, each of us assumes a sacred and ongoing responsibility to desire, strive, work, and live to actually receive “the Holy Ghost” and the spiritual gifts that come with it. “For of what use is it to a man if he is given a gift and he does not accept the gift? Behold, he does not rejoice in that which is given unto him, nor does he rejoice in him that gives the gift” (D&C 88:33.) What should we do about this authorized admonition, the society of the third member of the to seek deity, to make it an ongoing reality? Let me suggest that we must (1) sincerely desire to receive the Holy Spirit, (2) appropriately invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, and (3) be faithful to God’s commandments.

Sincerely Desiring We should first desire, yearn, and seek to have the Holy Spirit with us. You and I can learn a great lesson about righteous desires from the Master’s faithful disciples described in the Book of Mormon: “And the twelve taught the multitude; and behold, they caused the multitude to kneel on the ground and pray to the Father in Jesus’ name. … “And they prayed for that which they desired most; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them” (3 Nephi 19:6–9). Do we also remember to pray earnestly and constantly for that which we should desire most, which is the Holy Spirit? Or do we allow ourselves to be distracted by the worries of the world and the routine of daily life, taking for granted or even neglecting this most precious of gifts? Receiving the Holy Spirit begins with our sincere and constant desire for His company in our lives.

Inviting Appropriately We receive and recognize the Spirit of the Lord more easily when we appropriately invite Him into our lives. We cannot coerce, coerce, or command the Holy Spirit. Rather, we should invite Him into our lives with the same kindness and tenderness that He supplicates (see D&C 42:14). Our invitations to the companionship of the Holy Ghost come in many ways: through covenant making and keeping; by sincere prayer as individuals and as families; by diligent study of the scriptures; by strengthening appropriate relationships with family members and friends; by searching for virtuous thoughts, deeds and speech; and by worshiping in our homes, in the holy temple, and in the church. Conversely, laxity or breaking of covenants and commitments, failure to pray and study the scriptures, and inappropriate thoughts, actions, and expressions cause the Spirit to withdraw from or avoid us altogether. As King Benjamin taught his people: “And now I say unto you, my brethren, after ye have known and been taught all these things, if ye should transgress and contradict what has been said, withdraw yourselves from the Spirit of the Lord, lest he have place in you to direct you in the paths of wisdom, that ye may be blessed, prosperous, and kept” (Mosiah 2:36).

Faithful Obeying Faithful obedience to God’s commandments is essential to receiving the Holy Ghost. We are reminded of this truth each week as we listen to sacrament prayers and worthily partake of the bread and water. As we pledge our willingness to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments, we are promised that His Spirit may be with us always (see D&C 20:77). So everything we are to do and become in the Savior’s gospel is to bless us with the company of the Holy Ghost. Ponder why we pray and study the scriptures. Yes, we long to pray with Heavenly Father in the name of His Son. And yes, we wish to preserve the light and knowledge that is available in the standard works. But please remember that these sacred habits are primarily ways by which we always remember Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son and are prerequisites for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Ponder why we worship in the house of the Lord and in our Sabbath meetings. Yes, we serve our deceased relatives in the temple—and our families and friends in the wards and branches where we live. And yes, we enjoy the righteous companionship we find among our brothers and sisters. But first and foremost we gather in unity to seek the blessings and direction of the Holy Spirit. Prayer, learn, gather, worship, serve, and obedience are not isolated and independent items on a long gospel checklist. Rather, each of these righteous practices is an important element in an overall spiritual quest to fulfill the commission to receive the Holy Ghost. The commandments of God we obey and the inspired counsel we follow from Church leaders focus primarily on obtaining the companionship of the Spirit. Basically, all gospel teachings and activities focus on coming unto Christ by receiving the Holy Spirit in our lives. You and I should strive to become like the young warriors described in the Book of Mormon, who “worked out every commandment with accuracy; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them. … “…And they are keen to remember the Lord their God day by day; yea, they are careful to keep his statutes and his judgments and his commandments continually” (Alma 57:21; 58:40).

How do you become filled in tongues with Holy Spirit?

Place faith in God’s salvation plan at the forefront of your mind. Focus your mind on God and the holy spirit that God has filled you with. Speaking in tongues is believed to be an act of strong faith, so focusing your mind in this way makes it much easier to successfully speak in tongues.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

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Can anyone talk in tongues?

For most of Christian America, this is not an age of baptism. Among Southern Baptists, the country’s largest evangelical Protestant denomination, the ritual has been in steady and steep decline.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

For most of Christian America, this is not an age of baptism. Among the Southern Baptists, the country’s largest Evangelical Protestant denomination, the ritual has steadily and sharply declined. The same goes for the major denominations, which are generally shrinking; Presbyterian churches, for example, have seen a slow move away from the rite for children and adults, at least in recent years. The trend is clearest in the Catholic world: According to this year’s Official Catholic Directory, there were about half as many adult baptisms and about 25 percent fewer infant baptisms than a decade ago.

Not so in the assemblies of God. The Pentecostal church, which had approximately 3.1 million members in the United States in 2013, has seen a steady increase in water baptisms over the past two and a half decades. But there has also been constant participation in another type of ritual: baptisms with the “Holy Spirit,” or an encounter with the divine that causes one to speak in tongues. The Assemblies of God website describes the ritual as “a special work of the Spirit beyond salvation.” The site cites several passages in the Bible, including the experiences of Paul and Peter at Pentecost in Acts, when the Holy Spirit is said to have descended on the apostles. And, the site says, it can happen to anyone: “We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the initial physical evidence of speaking other languages, is the promise of the Father to every Christian who desires that experience.”

Last year, about 2.7 percent of Assemblies of God members reported experiencing this type of encounter with the Holy Spirit. Although cases of this type of baptism have decreased somewhat since 1997, they have remained largely constant.

Baptisms in US Assemblies of God, 1979-2013

Source: General Secretariat of the Assemblies of God

There can be many reasons why baptismal rites are declining in certain Christian denominations while thriving in others: it could have to do with individual church leaders, general attendance, or even the social environment in Pentecostal churches, which often involves lively prayer and song. This is interesting from a religious point of view, but also fascinating sociologically – as is the Holy Spirit baptism itself.

In academia, the word for tongues is glossolalia. According to a 1972 article by William J. Samarin in the journal Language in Society, the linguistic definition is “unintelligible spontaneous speech after babbling… lacking consistent syntagmatic structure and which is not systematically derived from or related to known languages. ” (In case you don’t have a dictionary next to your computer or your fingers are broken and you’re not very good at using Google, “syntagmatic structure” means a combination of words that follow the logical rules of any language.)

Although this type of speaking is referred to as “parroting,” it has some surprising properties. People are more likely to speak in sounds common to their language, Samarin writes, but they also tend to steer clear of sounds too similar to their native dialect. For example, “a speaker of one of the most readily recognizable regional dialects in the United States, such as ‘Southern,’ seems to avoid the diphthongs that characterize that language.”

This means that people who are part of churches associated with the Assemblies of God in other countries (about 66 million people worldwide) probably all sound different when speaking in tongues – it may not sound like Spanish or Hindi or Portuguese, but it won’t sound like Tennessee English either.

What could be the same in all countries is the power of experience. The purpose of the recitation greatly influences how it comes out, Samarin writes — the speech will sound different if it’s supposed to be a message from God or if it’s a personal prayer said privately.

Is speaking in tongues voluntary?

Nancy Wintering, a clinical social worker in Penn’s Department of Nuclear Medicine, said the movements and utterances of people speaking in tongues are not completely voluntary. However, they are not entirely beyond the control of the practitioner, either.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

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The Neuroscience of Tongues Penn researchers say the mystical practice is based on an altered state of consciousness

Members of some Christian sects have been known to utter meaningless speech of sounds they say are divinely inspired.

According to some Penn researchers, these people are actually experiencing an altered consciousness.

Mark Waldman, Associate Fellow at Penn’s Center for Spirituality and the Mind, and Penn Professor Andrew Newberg performed brain scans on five Pentecostal Christian women who claim to be able to speak in tongues and found changes in mental activity in the first study, the scientifically suggested legitimate basis for this behavior.

“By reducing activity in the frontal lobes, where our sense of everyday consciousness can be generated, the brain is free to perceive information in new ways,” Waldman wrote in an email.

Waldman wrote that while the sensations of people speaking in tongues feel like a religious experience, “there is no god part of the brain.”

Rather, Waldman’s studies show that when people think about an intense religious experience, they can shape their brains over the course of their lives so that they are more likely to have such an experience.

“Long-term thinking about an idea or experience can produce permanent changes in the brain that make the experience seem physiologically real,” he wrote. “Such a person might be constantly imbued with a very real sense of connectedness to God, or to the universe, or to some moral virtue or ideal.”

Nancy Wintering, a clinical social worker at Penn’s Department of Nuclear Medicine, said the movements and utterances of people who speak in tongues are not entirely voluntary. However, they are not entirely beyond the practitioner’s control either.

The subjects were “cognitively aware” of the activity, Wintering said.

Wintering said studying altered states of consciousness could yield more scientific breakthroughs.

She plans to study the effects of routine meditation on early-stage Alzheimer’s disease to see if it can help them retain memory longer.

The phenomenon of tongues, scientifically called “glossolalia,” can be traced back to early Christian teaching, Wintering said.

“The apostles said it was one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost,” Wintering said. Practitioners, she added, find “personal meaning” in speaking in tongues.

Waldman said practitioners today typically engage in the activity “to solicit guidance in their lives.”

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Traditionally, people who speak in tongues have not been well received by other Christian groups.

“Some ministers have even called it a work of the devil,” Waldman said.

Waldman co-authored a book with Newberg called Why We Believe What We Believe, which focuses in part on glossolalia. It was released in September.


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What happens when you pray in tongues?

3) Praying in tongues edifies you.

The Holy Spirit resides in your spirit and edifies you from within. The word ‘edify’ means to improve, build up (like building a house), strengthen, encourage, activate or stir up. It also means to charge.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

(1). Praying in tongues brings forth the leading of the Holy Spirit

“So also the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and sustains us in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer, nor how worthily to offer it, as we should, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplications, and supplicates for us with inexpressible longings and sighs too deep to utter .” (Rom. 8:26 AMP ).

“I still have a lot to say to you, but you can’t bear it or take it upon yourself or understand it now. But when He, the Spirit of truth (the truth-giving Spirit), comes, He will lead you into all truth (all, full truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will say all He hears [from the Father; He will pass on the message that was given to Him], and He will announce and explain to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. He will honor and glorify me, for he will take (receive, draw from) what is mine and will reveal (explain, reveal, transmit) it to you” (John 16:12-14AMP).

Exactly six years ago, in 2013, I felt the urge to pray (I don’t know if you get what I mean) at school, so I spent the night in one of the classrooms. Not knowing exactly what to pray about, I decided to pray in other languages. As I prayed, these words came to my lips: “My mother will not die; she will live to declare the works of God.” Although I did not understand why I should say such words about my mother since I left her on the farm to return to school that morning, I kept repeating it, because I knew it came from the Holy Spirit. When I left her, she was doing very well.

When I got home four days later she told me that moments after I said goodbye to her to go back to school her body system had changed and for the next 3 days a neighbor of ours brought food for her and himself she took care of bed. She could not move out of bed for 3 days.

But thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit. While I was miles away from her with no prior knowledge of her situation, the Holy Spirit led me to pray specifically for her, according to the will of God.

(2). Praying in tongues brings about a revelation of God’s plans and purposes for our lives.

“For whoever speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands or understands its meaning, because he speaks in the [Holy] Spirit secret truths and hidden things [not evident to the mind]” ( 1Cor.14:2).

When Spirit-filled believers come to me to share God’s will regarding personal matters, my response is usually, “Go, spend time praying in tongues and let God reveal His will to you.” I believe when Spirit-filled believers spend time praying in tongues daily, they will have clarity about God’s plans for their lives.

My calling is NOT to tell people how to live their lives. I don’t want people coming to me to find out God’s will for their lives. My job is to teach people how to follow Jesus through a daily and constant walk with the Holy Spirit.

I believe there are many things about us and the issues in our lives that God wants to reveal to us. The problem most often is that we don’t want to seek God for ourselves to find His plans and purposes for our life, business, career, church and nation.

We’d rather run after someone else than God. In Jeremiah 33:3, God offers this suggestion: “Call upon me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not” (King James Version). If you seek God, he will reveal things to you. The means by which God brings about the revelation of His will is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said in John. 16:12-14: “I still have much to say to you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will lead you into all truth: for he will not speak of himself; but what he hears he will speak, and he will tell you what is to come. He will glorify me, for he will receive from me and show you.”

This is why it is important to pray in other languages ​​often, as the revelations you seek will not come from a physical agent or outside source. It comes from the Holy Spirit through your Spirit. For this reason, in his Spirit-inspired prayer, Paul prayed that “…the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, might grant you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and mysteries] in [the deep and intimate]. ] Knowledge of Him. By letting the eyes of your heart flood with light so that you may know and understand the hope to which He has called you and how rich His glorious inheritance is in the saints (His elect) [AMP].

Here’s what happens: I’ve found that when I seek God on certain matters and start praying in other languages, sometimes my mind becomes so enlightened that, although I can’t explain it, I know exactly what God is what I am should do or what step should I take. At other times, I find myself speaking through the Spirit a special message from God about the circumstances.

Jesus said the Holy Spirit “… will LEAD you into all truth and He will SHOW (reveal) things to you (about the future).

Beloved, believe that the Holy Spirit will do exactly what Jesus will do for you and in you. Trust in it and expect it to lead you into all truth and reveal the future to you.

Encourage His ministry and activate your spirit by constantly praying in tongues. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, he will help you by revealing God’s will to you. “He will not speak of his own will or authority, but whatever He hears here from God or Jesus, He will reveal to you.”

Don’t forget the Word of God in 1 Corinthians. 2:9-10, “But, as it is written, “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor man’s heart divined, which God has prepared for those who love him.” These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit . For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God”.

3) Praying in tongues builds you up.

“Whoever speaks in unknown tongues builds himself up…” (1 Corinthians 14:4)

Another important benefit of praying in tongues is that it produces spiritual edification. Man has no spirit. Man is a spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in your spirit and builds you up from within. The word “edify” means to improve, build up (like building a house), strengthen, encourage, activate, or stir up. It also means charging. So, in light of the above, speaking or praying in tongues:

improves your life.

build you up like a building.

strengthens you mentally.

encourages you by encouraging or enhancing the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

awakens or activates your inherent gifts and potential.

charges you.

No wonder Paul, writing to Timothy, urged him to “kindle (kindle) the gift of God that is in you by the laying on of my hands” (2 Tim. 1:6). The way to do this is to pray in the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Jude also confirmed this spiritual principle when he said: “Beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [progress, rise higher and higher like a building] and pray in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 1:20AMP). . .

We encourage the ministry of the Holy Spirit and activate our spirits for greater works of the Holy Spirit by praying in tongues.

Beloved, the promise and work of the Holy Spirit “belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off, as many as the LORD our God calls” (Acts 2:39). Jesus became a curse for you by hanging on the cross so that you “receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:14). Do you believe it?

Have you been blessed? I would like to hear from you.

Have a nice day in the Holy Spirit.

What is the Holy Spirit activate sound from?

The song actually comes from a recent episode of the American quiz show Celebrity Family Feud. Back in September, the members of the American pop group Wilson Phillips appeared on the show and provided us with one of the most hilarious moments in the show’s history.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

New sounds pop up on TikTok every day, and they can come from almost anything.

Chart-topping songs, commercials, kids’ TV shows, movie quotes, theme tunes, video games. You name it, there’s probably a TikTok sound of it.

The latest song to hit everyone’s For You page is “Holy Spirit Activate,” but where did it come from? let’s find out

The song “Holy Spirit Activate” pops up on TikTok

A new sound called Holy Spirit Activate appeared on TikTok this month.

The whimsically catchy song keeps saying the words “Holy Spirit activate” in a weird melody.

It’s being used as part of TikTok’s latest viral trend of people doing funny skits about invoking the Holy Spirit.

For example, when taking an exam or going to a job interview, TikTok users joke that they will activate the Holy Spirit for good luck.

Where does it come from?

The song actually comes from a recent episode of the American quiz show Celebrity Family Feud.

Back in September, the members of American pop group Wilson Phillips performed on the show, giving us one of the most hilarious moments in the show’s history.

When it was Chynna Phillips’ turn to play Family Feud, she turned to religion and began invoking the Holy Spirit to help her find good answers.

She started dancing and invented her own “Holy Spirit Activate” song, which has now gone viral on TikTok.

The singing certainly worked as well, as the team managed to raise $25,000 for charity.

Steve Harvey found it hilarious

Family Feud host Steve Harvey couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“11 years, that’s never happened before,” he said in disbelief.

However, once he got over the shock, he joined in the singing and started dancing around.

Also, “Remembering Diane Ronnau” passes away a “fearless” CBS producer

What religion do they speak in tongues?

Speaking In Tongues: Why Do People Do It? Glossolalia is very common in Pentecostal Christian worship services, but it has also occurred in other sects of Christianity, as well as in other religions (and cults), such as paganism, shamanism and Japan’s God Light Association.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

You may not have heard the word “Glossolalia” before, but you’ve probably heard the colloquial version of this term: speaking in tongues. Most often, the phenomenon emerges in a religious context, and you may even have seen clips on TV or YouTube videos of believers squirming on the floor and mumbling what appears to be gibberish. This is glossolalia in action. And while it’s not very widespread, you may encounter people speaking in tongues in churches across the United States and around the world.

Speaking in Tongues: Why Do People Do This?

Glossolalia is very common in Pentecostal Christian services, but has also appeared in other sects of Christianity, as well as other religions (and cults) such as paganism, shamanism, and Japan’s God Light Association.

People tend to speak in tongues during intense religious experiences, and Christians often attribute glossolalia to a divine gift of the Holy Spirit. We’ll discuss scientific findings later in this article, but there appears to be a link between glossolalia and specific brain activity. It has also been claimed that glossolalia is a manifestation of anxiety or some type of psychosis, a stress reliever, or perhaps entirely made up.

The Linguistics of Glossolalia

When we first started looking into glossolalia, our first question was: What are people actually saying when they speak in tongues? Is there a language component? While various religious leaders throughout history have professed to believe that glossolalia is actually just speaking a foreign language, the reality is that it’s just a series of meaningless sounds, and often the speaker isn’t even aware of what they’re saying.

However, research by University of Toronto linguist William J. Samarin suggests that glossolalia, while gibberish, resembles human speech in some ways, e.g. B. in the use of intonation, rhythm and pauses to separate groups of syllables. But when Samarin challenged a group of students to invent an artificial language on-site, what they found was very similar to glossolalia, leading him to conclude that glossolalia is an invented language that anyone can produce.

What Science Says

Linguistics aside, some scientific studies have been done to determine what happens in the brain when someone starts speaking in tongues.

One such study, conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, examined changes in cerebral activity during bouts of glossolalia and found that activity in the frontal lobes was reduced. These are the parts of the brain associated with controlling our behavior, meaning people experience a loss of control when speaking in tongues. The study also found that tongues speakers had no control over the usual language centers that would be activated during normal speech, suggesting that calling glossolalia a type of “speech” would be disingenuous.

But if there is no language and no controlled utterance of sounds, then what is glossolalia? It may take many more studies to find out.

What language did the Jesus speak?

Most religious scholars and historians agree with Pope Francis that the historical Jesus principally spoke a Galilean dialect of Aramaic. Through trade, invasions and conquest, the Aramaic language had spread far afield by the 7th century B.C., and would become the lingua franca in much of the Middle East.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

While scholars generally agree that Jesus was a genuine historical figure, there has long been debate about the events and circumstances of his life as presented in the Bible.

In particular, there was some confusion in the past as to what language Jesus spoke as a man living in the first century AD in the kingdom of Judea, located in what is now southern Palestine.

WATCH: Jesus: His Life in the HISTORY Vault

The question of Jesus’ preferred language memorably came up in 2014 during a public meeting in Jerusalem between Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, and Pope Francis during the Pope’s tour of the Holy Land. Netanyahu spoke to the Pope through an interpreter: “Jesus was here, in this country. He spoke Hebrew.”

Francis intervened and corrected him. “Aramaic,” he said, referring to the ancient Semitic language, now largely extinct, originating with a people known as the Arameans around the late 11th century B.C. was known. As the Washington Post reports, a version of this is still spoken today by communities of Chaldean Christians in Iraq and Syria.

A first-century AD burial box with an Aramaic inscription reading “James son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” Archaeologists say this box may have contained the remains of James, brother of Jesus of Nazareth, dating back to AD 63. Biblical Archeology Society of Washington, D.C./Getty Images

“He spoke Aramaic, but he knew Hebrew,” Netanyahu replied quickly.

News of the language disagreement made headlines, but it turns out that both the Prime Minister and the Pope were probably right.

READ MORE: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Jesus was probably multilingual

Most religious scholars and historians agree with Pope Francis that the historical Jesus spoke primarily a Galilean dialect of Aramaic. By the 7th century BC, the Aramaic language had spread through trade, invasions and conquests. and became the lingua franca in much of the Middle East.

In the first century AD it would have been the language most commonly used among ordinary Jews, as opposed to the religious elite, and most likely used among Jesus and his disciples in their daily lives.

But Netanyahu was also technically correct. Hebrew, which comes from the same family of languages ​​as Aramaic, was also in use in Jesus’ day. Much like Latin today, Hebrew was the language of choice for religious scholars and the scriptures, including the Bible (although part of the Old Testament was written in Aramaic).

Jesus probably understood Hebrew, although his everyday life would have been conducted in Aramaic. Of the first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels of Matthew and Mark record Jesus using Aramaic terms and phrases while reading the Bible in Hebrew in a synagogue at Luke 4:16.

Alexander the Great brought Greek to Mesopotamia

Alexander the Great. CM Dixon/Print Collector/Getty Images

In addition to Aramaic and Hebrew, Greek and Latin were also spoken at the time of Jesus. After the conquest of Mesopotamia and the rest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C. Greek supplanted other languages ​​as the official language in large parts of the region. In the first century AD, Judea was part of the Eastern Roman Empire, which adopted Greek as the lingua franca and reserved Latin for legal and military matters.

As Jonathan Katz, a lecturer in classical subjects at Oxford University, told BBC News, Jesus probably knew no more than a few words of Latin. He probably knew more Greek, but it wasn’t a common language among the people he spoke to regularly and he probably wasn’t very good. He definitely did not speak Arabic, another Semitic language that did not reach Palestine until after the first century AD.

Although Jesus’ most commonly spoken language was Aramaic, he was conversant—though not fluent or even proficient—in three or four different languages. As with many multilingual people, the question he spoke to probably depended on the context of his words as well as the audience he was addressing.

READ MORE: The Bible says Jesus was real. What other evidence is there?

Can anyone talk in tongues?

For most of Christian America, this is not an age of baptism. Among Southern Baptists, the country’s largest evangelical Protestant denomination, the ritual has been in steady and steep decline.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

For most of Christian America, this is not an age of baptism. Among the Southern Baptists, the country’s largest Evangelical Protestant denomination, the ritual has steadily and sharply declined. The same goes for the major denominations, which are generally shrinking; Presbyterian churches, for example, have seen a slow move away from the rite for children and adults, at least in recent years. The trend is clearest in the Catholic world: According to this year’s Official Catholic Directory, there were about half as many adult baptisms and about 25 percent fewer infant baptisms than a decade ago.

Not so in the assemblies of God. The Pentecostal church, which had approximately 3.1 million members in the United States in 2013, has seen a steady increase in water baptisms over the past two and a half decades. But there has also been constant participation in another type of ritual: baptisms with the “Holy Spirit,” or an encounter with the divine that causes one to speak in tongues. The Assemblies of God website describes the ritual as “a special work of the Spirit beyond salvation.” The site cites several passages in the Bible, including the experiences of Paul and Peter at Pentecost in Acts, when the Holy Spirit is said to have descended on the apostles. And, the site says, it can happen to anyone: “We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the initial physical evidence of speaking other languages, is the promise of the Father to every Christian who desires that experience.”

Last year, about 2.7 percent of Assemblies of God members reported experiencing this type of encounter with the Holy Spirit. Although cases of this type of baptism have decreased somewhat since 1997, they have remained largely constant.

Baptisms in US Assemblies of God, 1979-2013

Source: General Secretariat of the Assemblies of God

There can be many reasons why baptismal rites are declining in certain Christian denominations while thriving in others: it could have to do with individual church leaders, general attendance, or even the social environment in Pentecostal churches, which often involves lively prayer and song. This is interesting from a religious point of view, but also fascinating sociologically – as is the Holy Spirit baptism itself.

In academia, the word for tongues is glossolalia. According to a 1972 article by William J. Samarin in the journal Language in Society, the linguistic definition is “unintelligible spontaneous speech after babbling… lacking consistent syntagmatic structure and which is not systematically derived from or related to known languages. ” (In case you don’t have a dictionary next to your computer or your fingers are broken and you’re not very good at using Google, “syntagmatic structure” means a combination of words that follow the logical rules of any language.)

Although this type of speaking is referred to as “parroting,” it has some surprising properties. People are more likely to speak in sounds common to their language, Samarin writes, but they also tend to steer clear of sounds too similar to their native dialect. For example, “a speaker of one of the most readily recognizable regional dialects in the United States, such as ‘Southern,’ seems to avoid the diphthongs that characterize that language.”

This means that people who are part of churches associated with the Assemblies of God in other countries (about 66 million people worldwide) probably all sound different when speaking in tongues – it may not sound like Spanish or Hindi or Portuguese, but it won’t sound like Tennessee English either.

What could be the same in all countries is the power of experience. The purpose of the recitation greatly influences how it comes out, Samarin writes — the speech will sound different if it’s supposed to be a message from God or if it’s a personal prayer said privately.

What is the Holy Spirit activate sound from?

The song actually comes from a recent episode of the American quiz show Celebrity Family Feud. Back in September, the members of the American pop group Wilson Phillips appeared on the show and provided us with one of the most hilarious moments in the show’s history.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

New sounds pop up on TikTok every day, and they can come from almost anything.

Chart-topping songs, commercials, kids’ TV shows, movie quotes, theme tunes, video games. You name it, there’s probably a TikTok sound of it.

The latest song to hit everyone’s For You page is “Holy Spirit Activate,” but where did it come from? let’s find out

The song “Holy Spirit Activate” pops up on TikTok

A new sound called Holy Spirit Activate appeared on TikTok this month.

The whimsically catchy song keeps saying the words “Holy Spirit activate” in a weird melody.

It’s being used as part of TikTok’s latest viral trend of people doing funny skits about invoking the Holy Spirit.

For example, when taking an exam or going to a job interview, TikTok users joke that they will activate the Holy Spirit for good luck.

Where does it come from?

The song actually comes from a recent episode of the American quiz show Celebrity Family Feud.

Back in September, the members of American pop group Wilson Phillips performed on the show, giving us one of the most hilarious moments in the show’s history.

When it was Chynna Phillips’ turn to play Family Feud, she turned to religion and began invoking the Holy Spirit to help her find good answers.

She started dancing and invented her own “Holy Spirit Activate” song, which has now gone viral on TikTok.

The singing certainly worked as well, as the team managed to raise $25,000 for charity.

Steve Harvey found it hilarious

Family Feud host Steve Harvey couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“11 years, that’s never happened before,” he said in disbelief.

However, once he got over the shock, he joined in the singing and started dancing around.

Also, “Remembering Diane Ronnau” passes away a “fearless” CBS producer



See some more details on the topic i spoke in tongues for the first time here:

The first time I ever spoke in tongues

I have read many opinions on this subject but I want to talk about my first experience speaking in my prayer language. Many people use the terms …

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Source: beautyinworship.com

Date Published: 11/22/2022

View: 5504

What is the first time experience of speaking in tongues like?

The first time I spoke in tongues was in my truck returning from a Christian Businessmen’s conference. I was alone listening to worship music and singing.

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Source: www.quora.com

Date Published: 2/9/2022

View: 4959

Part 1: The First Time I Prayed In Tongues. A Supernatural …

Tongues is a spiritual language therefore we push our bodies more than usual. Your tongue has been activated and it will remain so in Jesus name …

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Source: thecurlychristiangirl.com

Date Published: 7/11/2022

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Spoke in tongues for the first time : r/Christianity – Reddit

The Spirit must reveal how Christ fulfilled the ancient mysteries (cf 2:10, 13). Elsewhere, Paul named specific “mysteries” the Spirit taught …

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Source: www.reddit.com

Date Published: 7/26/2021

View: 2277

What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?

Jesus foretold of speaking in tongues: “And these signs will follow those who believe… they will speak with new tongues.” Mark 16:17. The first time anybody …

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Source: activechristianity.org

Date Published: 4/10/2021

View: 3846

Spoke in tongues for the first time tonight 😀 – Christian Forums

I felt in my spirit “speak with your mouth and move your lips.” Phrases started coming into my mind and I began speaking. Pretty soon, my mouth …

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Source: www.christianforums.com

Date Published: 4/20/2021

View: 6198

The first time I ever spoke in tongues – WordPress

I saw a question on Facebook the other day that inspired this post. It’s such a beautiful thought to think back to the day I received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. That’s such a controversial statement. Didn’t I receive the Holy Spirit when I first gave my life to the Lord? Didn’t He (the Holy Spirit) dwell in me then? That’s a different conversation. I have read many opinions on this subject, but I would like to share my first experience of speaking in my prayer language. Many people use the terms “speaking in tongues” and “praying in tongues” interchangeably.

When I was in college, I gave my life to Jesus. I was like most new converts. Hungry for the things of God. Go to different conferences. Be deeply involved with various ministries in the church. That was also at the time when there were many Christian forums. Back then, Juanita Bynum was very popular. I loved their website and they had a forum with moderators. I loved reading your reading on various topics related to the Christian faith.

I was very hungry for the Holy Spirit. I was with a few people who talked a lot about the Holy Spirit. I started reading books about the Holy Spirit. I read Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn. I remember buying a 3 volume audio series by Bishop TD Jakes Ministry called This is That – The Outgoing of the Holy Spirit. I was constantly reading websites and books about the Holy Spirit. I wanted to have a real relationship with Him. I wanted him to be separate from my life in a very real way. So that was where I was in my Christian walk before I experienced my heavenly language. I was hungry for the things of God. I didn’t necessarily want to speak in tongues per se, I just wanted the Holy Spirit in my life. I wanted a relationship with Him because I knew He was the steward in the Godhead. What I mean is that He is the one working with us to get things done on earth today. I wanted to be used by God. I wanted to be able to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. I knew these things were done by the Holy Spirit. I wanted to experience the wonderful.

During this time, my stepfather, Mr. Charles, had a problem with his leg. I had brought some prayer towels that a ministry I belonged to had made for him and I would lay hands on him with the prayer towels. I kept praying for him because the doctor said his leg would have to be amputated if it didn’t get better. My faith was sky high. I had read about healings and miracles performed by the Holy Spirit. God had done some wondrous things in my life during this time.

On a Friday evening our church experienced a revival. Don’t many great things happen in revivals? Anyway, we had a guest preacher there preaching on the bones of dead men in dead churches, referring to the book of Ezekiel chapter 37. I didn’t want to be like the bones of dead men. I wanted to be alive while the Spirit of God was working in me. He later began to minister by being so sure of his salvation that he believed that after we died we would go to heaven. He said that many Christians don’t believe they will go to heaven if they die if you ask them. Their answer was sometimes, “I hope I can make it.” “I think I’ll go to heaven.” But no certainty that they would be in heaven after they died. He said if you believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will go to heaven after you die, come to the altar.

So I went to the altar because I believed without a shadow of a doubt that when I died I would go to heaven. Unfortunately, not everyone in the church crowded around the altar. When I was there, he began to minister to the people and told them to ask God for what they needed. I had no needs so I just started asking God to heal my stepdad’s leg. After the worship that took place around the altar, I went home still fired up about being alive after hearing the message about the bones of the dead.

When I got home that night I was just in prayer and worship all night. I remember being on my bedroom floor worshiping God. I told him how great and wonderful he is. How much I loved HIM. I was there for hours but it didn’t really seem like it. I know it was hours because it was around 4 or 5 when the miracle happened. I worshiped God and said hallelujah thank you Jesus. I just kept saying that while praising Him. And before I knew it, I was still saying hallelujah, thank you Jesus, but that wasn’t what I heard my mouth say. My mouth said Hallelyjush, thank you Jesus, but my ears heard words that didn’t sound like English. My words had strong R’s and Z’s every time I opened my mouth. It was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced. I just believed that God would heal my stepfather and thanked him because I believed he had done it. I kept trying to say hallelujah, thank Jesus and worship Him, but it was like I ran out of English words at the moment. My mouth didn’t speak English. I spoke in tongues. I remember wondering if I would speak English again because I couldn’t at the time. My words just weren’t in English. I was wondering if I was answering the phone, if I was speaking in English or in tongues. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t wait to tell Mrs. Donna. It was early in the morning and I had to wait for a reasonable time to call her. When I called her before I could say anything, she said, “You got your gift.” I said how do you know, and she said the Holy Spirit just told me.

I was hungry for God and His promises and He gave himself to me that late evening/early morning. All I did was worship him that night and he showed up. The Bible says He indwells the praise of His people. love on him Writing this post just reminds me how much God loves us and wants to give us our hearts desires. My desire was to have a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit. My wish was to see my stepfather healed. My desire was to see my family members saved. He gave me these desires and He does these things. That was about 17 years ago and a lot has happened in that time. My desire is still to include Him in my life. My desire is still to serve Him

Seven reasons why every believer should speak in tongues

staff writer

The Gadsden times

The apostle Paul wrote and spoke much about speaking in “other tongues.” And he apparently practiced what he preached. He said, “I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than all of you” – 1 Corinthians 14:18. The purpose of this particular article is to provide seven reasons why every Christian should speak in tongues and to help believers see the blessings they can receive as they appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives daily.

REASON ONE: The Word of God teaches that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we speak in other tongues as the Spirit of God speaks to us. Speaking in tongues is a first proof or sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. “And they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak” – Acts 2:4.

SECOND REASON: Paul encouraged the Christians in Corinth to continue speaking in other tongues in their worship of God. He also encouraged them to speak in tongues in their individual prayer lives as a means of spiritual edification or edification. The Bible says, “He who speaks in unknown tongues builds himself up”—1 Corinthians 14:14. Paul also continues in the same passage, “For when I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays.” The Amplified Bible says, “My spirit prays by the Holy Spirit within me.” God is spirit. When you pray in tongues, your spirit is in direct contact with God who is spirit. When you speak in tongues, you are speaking to Him by divine supernatural means.

REASON THREE: Speaking in other tongues keeps us constantly aware of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Every day it will inevitably affect the way you think and live.

FOURTH REASON: Speaking in tongues eliminates the possibility of selfishness entering your prayer life. For example, if I pray a prayer out of my own mind, it can be unbiblical and selfish. Paul wrote to the church in Rome, “We do not know what we ought to pray for” – Romans 8:26. He didn’t say we don’t know how to pray. We are instructed to pray to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:23-24). But just because I know how to pray doesn’t mean I know what to pray for, how I should. So Paul said, “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself (Itself) makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be spoken to” – Romans 8:26. The Holy Spirit will not do our prayers for us. He is sent to help us pray. Speaking in other tongues is praying while the Spirit is uttering. It is Spirit-led prayer and removes the possibility of selfishness in our prayers.

REASON FIVE: It helps believers learn to trust God. The Bible says, “Establish yourselves on your most holy faith, and pray in the Holy Spirit” – Jude 20. Speaking in tongues inspires faith and helps us learn how to trust God more fully. For example, faith must be exercised to speak in tongues because the Holy Spirit specifically directs the words we speak. We don’t know what the next word will be. For that we have to trust God. Trusting God in one area helps us learn to trust Him in other areas.

REASON SIX: It offers you a way to pray about things you wouldn’t think about or aren’t even aware of. We already know that the Holy Spirit helps us pray for certain situations when we don’t know how to pray for them. In addition, the Holy Spirit, who knows everything and everywhere, can pray for things that our natural minds do not know.

REASON SEVEN: James 3:8 says, “But the tongue cannot be tamed by any man; it is a rebellious evil, full of deadly poison.” Giving your tongue to the Holy Spirit to speak with other tongues is a big step to surrender all your members completely to God. If you can surrender your tongue, you can surrender every limb of your body to God. Speaking in tongues is the first evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit. God has given us this wonderful spiritual gift to bless, edify, and refresh us throughout our lives on this earth. Let us remember what God has provided and enjoy the benefits of speaking in tongues.

Pastor Willie Wilson teaches “Faith Lessons” on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. at the Tabernacle, 1301 S. 11th St., Gadsden, AL 35904 (just off Black Creek Parkway). Everyone is invited. Please call 543-9317 for more information.

How to Activate Speaking in Tongues – Walk with the Wise

After being baptized in the Holy Spirit, how do you activate speaking in tongues?

A heavenly prayer language is available to every believer baptized in the Holy Spirit.

This language is referred to as praying in the spirit, praying in tongues, or speaking in tongues. So how do you start speaking in tongues?

Speaking in tongues can be activated anytime after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. To activate speaking in tongues, simply switch from praying in your native tongue to praying in your heavenly language by saying aloud the syllables that come from your mind.

It might sound stupid at first, but it’s ok. Keep going.

The more you pray in tongues, the more developed the language becomes. It’s getting easier and easier to transition to praying in tongues. It literally becomes a second language to you.

This spiritual language exists in every believer who has been filled with the Holy Spirit. Don’t doubt it’s in you.

The ability to pray in tongues is there, but you must activate it. you must speak The Holy Spirit will not take control of your mouth. You have to move your jaw and tongue and pronounce the syllables of your mind.

If you have never prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, stop now and ask the Lord for this incredible gift!

Prayer for the baptism in the Holy Spirit

How do you activate the gift of tongues?

Some people begin praying in tongues as soon as they are filled with the Holy Spirit. This is ideal and immediately available to everyone. But some people have trouble using their prayer language right away because they have received bad teachings about speaking in tongues in the past. If that’s you, then that’s fine.

Here are some tips to help you activate speaking in tongues:

Start thanking God for giving you the ability to speak in tongues. Keep praising and thanking Him in your native language. When you hear certain sounds coming out of your mind, start saying them.

Turn on the worship music and start worshiping God. Relax your tongue and let the syllables come up.

Read the written word until you feel another language spring up. Start saying that out loud.

Listen to someone else praying in tongues and try to “imitate” their language until your own language comes out. Yours won’t be the same as theirs, but sometimes that helps.

Pray in your native language until you feel another language appear. Relax your tongue and jaw and start saying it.

Ask another Spirit-filled believer to pray in tongues with you

The more you practice speaking in tongues, the more natural it becomes. It’s like learning another language. At first it just sounds like a few broken syllables, but eventually you will become fluent. Keep it up! The present is here.

Can speaking in tongues be taught?

Speaking in tongues cannot be taught because every Spirit-filled believer has their own unique prayer language.

This language comes from the Holy Spirit, not from man. There is no one who can teach you this language. However, if you are having trouble activating the gift, listening to someone else pray in tongues may help.

You can mimic another person’s tongue at first if that helps, but eventually your prayer language will sound different from theirs. You will know when your own language has taken over.

How do I know if I’m speaking in tongues?

At first, you may not be sure if the sounds coming out of your mouth are actually tongues. You will have thoughts like “I’m just making this up”. That’s common. Just go on. Your brain cannot understand what is going on. Just keep practicing and sooner or later you will know for sure that this is your prayer language.

It is your own unique language, so praying in tongues will not sound like other people. But it will sound like your language.

You’ll know you’re speaking in tongues because it starts to sound like a language.

Each time you pray in tongues, it will sound very similar, if not exactly the same, as the last time you spoke in tongues. This is your unique language and you speak directly to God!

For whoever speaks in tongues does not speak to men, but to God, for no one understands him; in spirit, however, he speaks mysteries. 1 Corinthians 14:2

You don’t have to wait until you have a strong anointing that overwhelms you to pray in tongues. You can pray in the Spirit anytime, anywhere. You can turn it on and off at any time.

If you’re bilingual, you know you can switch from one language to another at will. It is the same with your heavenly language.

There may be times when you feel particularly impressed about praying in tongues. Follow this impression and pray! But you don’t have to wait for that feeling to pray in the Spirit. The Bible encourages us to pray in the spirit all the time!

always praying with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, watching with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Ephesians 6:18

Who Can Interpret Tongues?

Paul encourages us to pray for the interpretation of our personal prayer language.

Therefore let him who speaks in tongues pray that he may interpret. For when I pray in tongues, my spirit prays, but my mind is barren. 1 Corinthians 14:13-14

When we pray in tongues we do not understand what is being said, but when we interpret this hidden wisdom becomes a revelation for our minds to receive. The interpretation may not come right now, but it will come in different forms if we believe in it.

This differs from the public use of tongues for the edification of the church. This is when someone speaks a message in tongues and someone else interprets it. When someone speaks a message in tongues in a church service, it has to be interpreted. This interpretation is a gift of the Holy Spirit. This is different from our own personal prayer language.

If anyone speaks in tongues, it may be two or three at most, each in turn, and one translates. But if there is no interpreter, he should be silent in church and speak to himself and to God. 1 Corinthians 14:27-28

Why is speaking in tongues important?

Speaking in tongues is important because it allows direct communication between your spirit and God. It should be a part of everyday life for a Christian. Paul said he prayed in tongues more than all the Corinthians.

I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than you all; 1 Corinthians 14:18

Probably Paul received so many revelations! When you pray in tongues you edify yourself until your spirit is able to receive spiritual revelation. You will be able to understand spiritual things and understand the written word like never before.

He who speaks in tongues builds himself up, but he who prophesies builds up the church. 1 Corinthians 14:4

When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit inspires the words and allows you to communicate with the Father directly from your spirit, without the interference of your natural mind. This gift of tongues allows you to pray perfect prayers! It builds you up in your most sacred faith and releases the hidden wisdom of God.

But you, beloved, build upon your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit, Jude 20

Isaiah prophesied that God would speak to his people in this language of the spirit.

For with stammering lips and another tongue he will speak to this people, to whom he said: “This is the rest with which you can put the weary to rest” and: “This is refreshment”; But they didn’t want to listen. Isaiah 28:11-12

Note that speaking in tongues will bring calm and refreshment! Regular prayer in the Spirit will strengthen your immune system, keep you in tune with the Holy Spirit, and protect you from being deceived by misleading teachings and untruths.

When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit can reveal God’s personal plan for your life! The Holy Spirit is our guide into all truth.

However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will lead you into all truth; for he will not speak of his own accord, but whatever he hears he will speak; and he will tell you things that are to come. John 16:13

There are so many reasons why praying in tongues is important that I have devoted an entire article to discussing it entitled 9 Reasons We Need to Pray in Tongues.

Is praying in tongues for everyone?

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