I Will Disappear Every Time You Say My Name? 126 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “i will disappear every time you say my name“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

Table of Contents

What disappears every time you say my name?

Riddle answer: What disappears as soon as you say its name? The answer to the “what disappears as soon as you say its name” riddle is silence. Of course, by simply saying the word “silence” you disrupt it.

Who has lots of eyes but Cannot see?

A Potato Has Lots Of Eyes But Cannot See.

What jump when it walk and sit when it stand?

A Kangaroo is what jumps when walking and sit when it is in standing.

What gets larger as you take more from it?

The answer to this riddle is just one word. The correct answer is ‘HOLE‘. A hole in any kind of substance, may it be cloth, wall, wood or anything else, will only get bigger and bigger if you keep taking away more from it.

When you say my name I break what am I?

Your comment on this answer:

Silence. Welp, I broke the silence.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine (use a parent/guardian if under 13):

Email me if a comment is added after mine (use a parent/guardian if under 13).

What has 1000 eyes but Cannot see?

Riddle answer: What has an eye but cannot see? The answer to the “what has an eye but cannot see” riddle is a needle.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

What has an eye but cannot see? With many more mysteries popping up on social media, let’s answer this one.

It’s been a few months now since everything changed with Boris Johnson’s pivotal statement. In his speech, he instructed us all to only leave the house for work in an absolute emergency, to shop for essentials as seldom as possible and to do a little sport.

This has saved many more lives and reduced the colossal burden on the NHS.

Still, these have been incredibly difficult times and it’s important to stay healthy and entertained.

Many have taken up exercise to keep fit and busy, but it’s important to exercise your brain as well. You can read a book, or if you fancy a quick test, riddles are always a fun way to put on your thinking cap.

We’ve seen a lot shared on social media, so let’s take a moment to highlight one.

Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What has an eye but cannot see?

Well, let’s get into that…

What has an eye but cannot see?

Before you rush off and look at the answer, stop for a few seconds and think again. you have that!

Think outside the box and it can come to you.

If not, don’t worry. Scroll to find the answer below.

This content failed to load See More 🤔🤔 What has an eye.. but can’t see?! @MissKav thinks she knows but wants to know what YOU think..? — Asian FX (@AsianFXRadio) May 1, 2020

Riddle Answer: What has an eye but cannot see?

The answer to the riddle “What has an eye but cannot see” is a needle.

Get it… the eye of the needle.

There are many classic puzzles floating around at the moment, but this can be considered a lesser-known gem.

Make sure you ask around on your social media to see if any of your friends can get it. If you think you might already know, we have another one for you to think about:

What word in the English language means the following: the first two letters mean a man, the first three letters mean a woman, the first four letters mean a great woman while the whole world means a great woman. what is the word

Try that too!

In other news, the government is preparing major cycling roadmaps.

What has foot but not legs?

1. What has a foot but no leg? The answer is Ruler.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

riddles and riddles

A riddle is actually framed in the form of a sentence, question, or statement that can have two or more meanings. People love and enjoy solving the puzzles. Riddles were actually questions whose effect was based on puns in the question or answers, and riddles were problems. They are formulated in metaphorical or allegorical language and require careful thought to resolve. People use whatsapp groups to share many challenges, games and puzzles. With these games you can interact with friends, colleagues or anyone. You may have received a variety of riddles and quizzes through social media. Due to the COVID-19 shutdown across the country, the puzzles keep people engaged and it helps you brush up on your skills. Here is a popular riddle called “What has a foot but no leg?”.

There are variety of puzzles like math riddles, comic riddles, brain teasers and jigsaw puzzles. You can find puzzles on the internet. You will surely exercise your brain. Everyone can solve puzzles and there is no age limit for that. What has a foot but no leg? Riddle, these types of puzzles will increase your sharpness. Solving these types of puzzles can become addicting as they are really fun to solve. Discover our new collection of riddles and brain teasers. Everyone loves solving riddles and brain teasers, and if you think you’re already a pro at solving hard riddles, put these to the test and try What has a foot but no leg? Puzzle.

“What has a foot but no leg? Riddle” Riddle seems easy, but for some people it’s not. Check the answer for What has a foot but no leg? Puzzle.

Riddle: What has a foot but no leg? What am I?

Answer: The answer is ruler.

The answer for What has a foot but no leg? What am I?.” Riddle is a ruler. One can easily find the answer from the given riddle. Riddles are fun and more useful. You will think of more than one way to solve this kind of riddle. Is not the answer for What has a foot but no leg? What am I?” Riddle is fun? Yes! Sometimes the complicated question of the riddle ends in a simple way like this riddle. There are more logic brain riddles like this one for you to crack on our website can.

Benefits of Puzzles

It was not easy to precisely define puzzles. The riddle could potentially be broken down into many other parts, such as charades, doodles, and jokes. Solving puzzles will put a smile on your face once solved. It makes us laugh and relaxes our brain and body. It helps us reduce stress and promote positive mental health. Puzzles also help children develop their problem-solving, logical and critical thinking skills. Trying to solve a puzzle for a certain amount of time will increase your concentration and make your focus stable. Puzzles are an amazing way to stay motivated. Puzzles will also improve children’s creativity and understanding. You can learn new words and also how to pronounce them. Puzzles help everyone keep digging until the problem is solved, which builds a never giving up attitude in you.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What has four eyes but doesn’t see?

MISSISSIPPI,Because mississippi has four ‘i’s. But it cant see as its only a word.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there all day and only caught 3 fish. A father said that’s enough for all of us, we’ll each have one. How can this be possible?

What type of dress Cannot be worn?

The answer for What type of dress can never be worn? Riddle is “Address.”

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Try what kind of dress can never be worn? puzzle

Amid the COVID-19 epidemic, people are trying to fight stress and relieve anxiety, many things to kill the boredom. People try some ways by solving jigsaw puzzles, riddles and quizzes. Some riddles make us giggle because they’re so dumb. The puzzles on our website are entertaining. The best jokes for kids, the very best riddles for kids, are difficult, fun phrase puzzles that will get them testing their faith. These riddles will keep your mind sharp. Try to solve entertaining puzzles that could be topical on our website day by day. Here’s the riddle for you to solve: “What kind of dress can never be worn?” Riddle.” Share and challenge your friends and family. Have a look!

Here is the What kind of dress can never be worn? riddles for you!

Read the What Kind of Dress Can You Never Wear? Puzzle given below and solve the puzzle. It’s really fun!

“What kind of dress can never be worn?”

Can you guess the riddle?

What is the answer to What kind of dress can you never wear? Puzzle?

Check if the answer you guessed is the one given below:

The answer to What kind of dress can never be worn? Riddle is “address”.


In this puzzle, the one trying to solve it has to read between the lines carefully. The address is the indication of the place where someone lives or an organization is located. So it cannot be worn by anyone. It’s really funny.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What has 88 and can’t open a door?

The answer to What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? Riddle is “A Piano.”

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Riddles for teenagers

Children should be encouraged with things like riddles, trivia questions that give them the opportunity to guess. Experts advocate puzzles for children because they can help them guess, giggle, perceive, and interpret vocabulary. Sharing and solving puzzles with kids allows them to connect with you. These puzzles will help them leave their territory and mingle with others. These puzzles will develop artistic skills and reflect on the potential of their younger minds. These humorous riddles for little ones give them a chance to giggle at the humor contained in the riddles. Read the full article to find the answer to What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? Puzzle and challenge your friends and family. Also solving riddles or jigsaw puzzles will test your brain and by challenging others you can also get to know their intelligence in solving the riddles.

Test your skills on What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? puzzle

There are many types of puzzles like math puzzles, comic puzzles, brain teasers and jigsaw puzzles. Many riddles can be found on the internet, but they will surely give your brain a workout. Puzzles challenge you to solve these difficult riddles designed for everyone. Go on! Try all new brain teasers that combine logic and math to test your mental prowess. Discover our new collection of easy riddles and brain teasers. Almost everyone loves brain teasers and solving challenging riddles, right? If you think you’re already a pro at solving tricky riddles, put yourself to the test with these What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? Puzzle?

What is What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? Puzzle?

Look at the question!

“What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door?”

What is the answer to What has 88 keys but cannot open a single door? Puzzle?

The answer to What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? Riddle is “a piano”.


The explanation for What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door? The mystery is that the piano is an acoustic stringed instrument that contains many keys but cannot be opened.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What can fly without wings?

These include fish, squid, spiders and snakes, as well as the more familiar birds, bats and insects.
  • Ballooning Spiders. …
  • 10 Deadliest Animals on the Planet. …
  • Flying Squid. …
  • Flying Fish. …
  • Flying Squirrel. …
  • Colugos (Flying Lemur) …
  • Gliding Possum. …
  • Flying Snake.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

The author has been active in nature conservation and forest management for many years.

Read on to learn all about 7 Animals That Fly Without Wings!

Many animals find ways to fly considerable distances. These include fish, squid, spiders and snakes, as well as the more familiar birds, bats and insects.

Reasons range from a desperate attempt to escape predators to a desire to discover new places to live and breed.

Some of the creatures on this page will surely surprise you.

It was tempting to include creatures like the jumping spider pictured below. Jumping spiders can jump over objects fifty times their own body length. A remarkable achievement!

Finally, I decided to only include the animals that use aerodynamics to get where they want to go.

7 Amazing Animals That Can Fly Without Wings

Ballooning Spider Flying Squid Flying Fish Flying Squirrel Colugos (Flying Lemur) Gliding Opossum Flying Snake

Jumping spiders fly in the air, but don’t travel far. Opotersian

1. Balloon Spiders

Jumping spiders are impressive, but it’s the balloon spiders that set the flight records.

Balloon spiders can travel thousands of kilometers through the air. They routinely show up in Antarctica, the most remote place on earth. They are often the first creatures to reach these new volcanic islands that emerge from the oceans from time to time.

The crab spider (Xysticus species) pictured above is a good example of a balloon spider that can travel great distances.

The spider climbs to the top of a rock or plant and waits for a gust of wind. It then shoots out a gossamer beam (very fine, silk-like material usually used to create a web). This catches a current of air and lifts the spider skyward.

Often the webs that the spiders produce resemble open parachutes or balloons. These fill with air and create a large catchment area for the wind.

If you head out into the spider-friendly country at the right time of day, you can see thousands of spiders blowing up this way. Often the spiders try to fly just a few hundred meters to meet unsuspecting prey, but in strong winds they travel much further.

World records for spider balloon flights include the ability to fly for 25 days without food and reach altitudes of over two miles above the ground.

Are flying spiders always a good thing?

Not when your town is suddenly taken over by spiders falling from the sky.

Residents in Goulburn, Australia, recently woke up to find their town was covered in snow-like webs that got caught in their hair and groceries, with nasty consequences.

Sheep stopped eating and dogs also seemed to become irritable.

Web Covered Field

2. Flying Squid

Japanese fishermen say mid-air neon squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) are a regular sight on their voyages, but few scientists have studied the phenomenon.

The motive to fly seems to be the same that drives fish into the air. A large predator like a shark appears and the octopus confuses and stuns its pursuer by jumping right out of the predator’s world.

These squid can glide about twenty meters after using some kind of jet propulsion to get airborne. Large muscles push high-pressure water through a narrow opening and hiss; They take off like a bottle rocket.

The presence of wing-like fin lobes at the rear end of the squid plus feeding apparatus that can be used as stabilizers help the squid in the air.

Squid are surprisingly well equipped for gliding

Jumbo flying squid

Occasionally Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) fly in the eastern Pacific. These are large creatures and can knock you out of a boat if you are unlucky.

Also known as the “flying jumbo squid,” the Humboldt squid is a creature to avoid when flying. fish guy

A four-winged flying fish

3. Flying fish

Flying fish are a common sight for seafarers and can be found in all oceans.

They usually live near the surface of the water and are often seen flying in flocks when fleeing from predators.

Species like the tropical two-winged flying fish (Exocoetus volitans) pictured below are highly evolved to glide. The backbone of the fish is partially fused, making it very stiff, and the fins are very large and stabilized by powerful muscles.

The highly developed Exocoetus volitans

How far can a flying fish fly?

There are impressive records. Catching a favorable wind, flying fish can glide up to four hundred yards, although they typically fly about fifty yards.

Speeds of 70 kpm (40 mph) are not uncommon. For that they would get a speeding ticket in most cities.

Flsh has been seen flying up to 6 meters (nearly twenty feet), more than enough to fly over a one story house.

Flying fish from the Triassic period. ghedochedo

How long has this been going on?

Flying fish have been around for a very long time. The following fossil is from an extinct species called Thoracopterus magnificus. It was common in the time of the dinosaurs about 250 million years ago.

Early illustration of a pair of hairy flying squirrels. The artist seems to think they are talking.

4. Flying squirrel

Animals that live in forest trees can have trouble moving. The forest floor is a dangerous place, especially for animals like squirrels. Many predators lurk in the undergrowth.

It’s also hard, exhausting work, climbing to the ground and then climbing back up to reach a fruit or insect snack in the nearest tree.

Flying squirrels have the perfect solution. They glide from tree to tree for the best meal while gravity-bound predators can only watch in awe. Flaps of skin between the animals’ bodies and limbs create a wing-like surface that the squirrel skillfully controls.

The video above shows how much control a flying squirrel has. Flying squirrels can make 90-degree turns in the air and land effortlessly, using their skin folds like an airplane’s flaps to brake before impact.

All flying squirrels are from the Sciuridae family. Old World species can be found in places like India, China, the Philippines and Vietnam.

The wonderfully named flying squirrel (Belomys pearsonii) pictured below lives in Taiwan.

Northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) 1/2

New World flying squirrels

There are two types of flying squirrels in North America. Both belong to the genus Glaucomys.

The northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) pictured above likes coniferous forests and can be found as far north as Alaska (see map below).

The southern flying squirrel lives more in deciduous forests in the eastern half of the US from the Canadian border to east Texas and Florida.

An artist’s rendering of the complex and voluminous skin of the colugos.

5. Colugos (Flying Maki)

Colugos are very rare animals but worth mentioning because they are particularly good at gliding. They have huge and complex flaps of skin between their limbs that allow them to expertly control flights and cover long distances.

They are found in Southeast Asia.

They are often referred to as “flying lemurs” because of their appearance. They are not related to true lemurs, which are only found in Madagascar.

The Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis)

6. Sliding Possum

Possums are marsupials, a type of mammal that includes kangaroos and wallabies. There are several species that can glide, including sugar gliders, which are sometimes kept as pets.

All gliding opossums originate from Australia or New Zealand. Unfortunately, many have become endangered species as their forest homes have been cleared.

Ornate flying snake, Chrysopelea ornata, in a more relaxed moment. Tonton Travel

7. Flying Serpent

Flying snakes of the Chrysopelea genus are conscious and dexterous gliders, making maximum use of the unpromising shape of their bodies.

On the whole, long, skinny objects like snakes don’t fly well, but these snakes adopt a J-shape and undulate their bodies to maximize the lift created when air flows over a concave surface. Boomerangs fly similarly.

Flying snakes carefully choose their desired landing spot before launching themselves into the air, and they’re surprisingly accurate.

These snakes are found throughout Southeast Asia and southern China. They are poisonous, but dangerous only for small animal prey.

Scientists have been studying this unusual way of flying to help develop flying robots. I kind of hope that doesn’t work.

Sources and further reading

To the best of the author’s knowledge, this content is correct and truthful and does not replace formal and individual advice from a qualified professional.

678 on March 13, 2017:


Will Apse (author) on Jul 09, 2016:

Glad you liked the site, Jodah. I was delighted to find the snake video. You can clearly see how the snake works. It first descends to gain speed, then uses the air flowing over its carefully sculpted body to generate lift.

Solaras was horrified, I am equally intrigued and horrified.

John Hansen from Gondwana Land on July 09, 2016:

A well written and informative article Will. Living in Australia I have seen flying possums/sugar gliders and flying fish. I had never heard of flying squid, but the fact that they have jet-like propulsion and some sort of wing makes a lot of sense that they can. I also heard about the flying spider plague at Goulburn but thought the flying snakes were just a fairy tale. I guess I’m wrong.

Barbara Fitzgerald from Georgia on June 26, 2016:

I’ve only seen him once. It appeared to be stuck to a screen on the window so we got very close to examine it (three of us must have been pretty scary). Then the squirrel ran up the brick wall and over the gutter. It disappeared pretty quickly. We all looked at each other – “Did you see that?”

Will Apse (author) on Jun 26, 2016:

You are lucky to have it close to your home. We have flying squirrels where I am but I’ve only seen a few flies, all of these while visiting the nearby national park. They are incredibly fast and surprisingly nimble. However, what impressed me the most was that as soon as they land, they go about their business as if nothing remarkable happened! I need a cup of calming tea…

Barbara Fitzgerald from Georgia on June 26, 2016:

Another well-written article! We had a flying squirrel on our house a few years ago. I was amazed at its ability to drive down the driveway, over our heads and into the hedge 30 feet away. The flying snakes and spiders horrify me.

What gets wet while drying?

The answer to What gets wet while Drying Riddle is A Bath Towel. As it dries other things or people while absorbing water, it gets wetter.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Why you should solve puzzles

Puzzles are not only fun, but they can also help develop your child’s verbal familiarity and inventive reasoning. Puzzles usually depend on sharp new points to glimpse something normal, or words with hidden or numerous implications. So, in order to answer the question, your child needs to recognize what the words in the puzzle mean and what different uses they have. Puzzles promote memory and thinking skills as well as concentration. It is much more pleasant to illuminate these mysteries in a large gathering of individuals where there will be different conclusions. Also, don’t be alarmed by how many numbers there are in this arrangement. With these puzzles, being able to understand what’s happening is far more important than being able to verify it.

What gets wet when Riddle dries?

So the riddle is

“What gets wet when it dries?”

Thinking in a funnier way will give you an answer to this riddle. So try to find out the answer and share it with your loved ones and let them try too.

What gets wet when it dries Puzzle solution

The answer to the riddle What gets wet when it dries is a bath towel. If it dries other things or people while absorbing water, it becomes wetter. See I told you it’s so easy and fun.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What gets wetter as it dries?

A TOWEL! Gahh, got ya!

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Question mark conceptual background, 3D rendering

If you’re in the mood for a devilish riddle, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, the old Internet is filled with disturbingly difficult mysteries, be they visual or mathematical.

However, sometimes the simpler the puzzle, the more confusing it can be, and this one is a prime example.

If you feel ready to try your hand at this question, just see if you can answer this simple question below. Then scroll down for the answer…

can you calculate that (Image: Getty)

“What gets wetter as it dries?”


Psyduck is very confused (Image: Giphy)

Yes, it’s a tough nut to crack. We’re sorry.

And you’ll kick yourself when we tell you to.

Because the answer is pretty simple when you think about it.

The puzzle is just a case of simple wordplay.

And whatever gets wetter the more it dries is…


Gahh got you!

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What is broken if you mention its name?

The answer is pretty easy and straightforward, it is the letter ‘R’. Looking into the letter of MARCH and APRIL, R is the middlemost letter.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Why bother with the what is so fragile that if you say its name break it riddle?

This pandemic due to COVID 19 has proved very boring after the first few days of lockdown. It’s too boring and monotonous to watch Netflix and Amazon Prime and several other over-the-top platforms. But social media seems to be going crazy as several trending jokes, riddles, puzzles and challenges go viral. WhatsApp family groups are proving to be very active with everyone participating enthusiastically. One of the puzzles that has been trending recently is the what is so fragile that if you say its name, you break it. Read this brainstorming riddle and challenge your friends and family

What’s the riddle What’s so fragile that if you say its name you break it?

Here is the most interesting What is so fragile that if you say its name, you will break it riddles for you!

“What is so fragile that you break it when you say its name?”

What is the answer to the riddle What is so fragile that if you say its name you break it?

It is one of the most important things to follow when in anger – silence

Hooray if you got it right!


The silence itself says there is no noise and the person should not open their mouth to speak. But when someone utters the word silence, he himself breaks the silence to say that word.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

What goes away when you talk about it?

What goes away as soon as you talk about it? Answer: Silence.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Many of us can agree: the triumph that comes with solving a difficult puzzle is an incomparable feeling. And chances are your kid will love puzzles too! There are many reasons to introduce puzzles to your child. Puzzles are a great way to stimulate children’s minds. Plus, they’re a fun activity to keep kids occupied and learning at home. We’ve collected the 43 best riddles for kids (and adults too!) to keep your kid entertained and their brain working. Try them below! What is a riddle? A riddle is a fun type of brain teaser that consists of a question or statement to solve. Usually puzzles are formulated in a confusing or misleading way. Many have a double or hidden meaning that requires creative thinking outside the box. Their answers are often unexpected, so the reader must think very carefully when solving them. 43 Fun Riddles For Kids Put on your thinking caps and see how many you can solve with your kid. Be sure to scroll slowly so you don’t spoil the answers! PS Would you like to print these out to use later? Download our PDF version of the puzzle list!

Easy Riddles for Kids These riddles will keep your child busy without causing too much frustration. Perfect to warm up their brains so they can solve more and more! 1. How many months in the year have 28 days? Answer: All! Each month has *at least* 28 days. 2. What has hands and a face but can’t hold anything or smile? Answer: A clock. 3. It’s yours, but your friends use it more. What is it? Answer: Your name. 4. Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___? Answer: Kate! After all, it’s Kate’s mother. (This is a good example of how puzzles use your existing expectations to trick you. Even if the answer is right in front of you, you’re tempted to continue the pattern instead.)

Image source: PopIcon

5. If you don’t keep me, I will break. What am I? Answer: A promise. 6. There is only one word in the dictionary that is misspelled. What is it? Answer: The word “wrong”. It’s the only word written W-R-O-N-G. 7. You race and end up overtaking the person in 2nd place. In what place did you finish the race? Answer: You took 2nd place. 8. I have a tail and a head but no body. What am I? Answer: A coin. 9. What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast? Answer: lunch and dinner.

10. Which word gets shorter if you add 2 letters? Answer: The word “short”. 11. What is the capital of France? Answer: The letter “F.” It is the only capital letter in France.

Math Puzzles for Kids Math puzzles are a great way to introduce your child to math practice while having fun. They must use their math knowledge and problem solving skills to find the answer to these puzzles. Tip: Combine your math puzzles with math riddles and math jokes to keep your kid math entertained forever! 1. When Grant was 8 years old, his brother was half his age. Now Grant is 14. How old is his brother? Answer: His brother is 10. Half of 8 is 4, so Grant’s brother is 4 years younger. That means when Grant is 14 his brother is 4 years younger so he is 10. 2. Two fathers and two sons spent the day fishing but only caught three fish. That was enough for each of them to have a fish. How is that possible? Answer: There were only 3 people fishing. There was a father, his son and his son’s son. That means there were 2 fathers and 2 sons since one of them is a father and a son.

Want math learning to be fun and engaging? Parents and teachers can use Prodigy Math to help kids learn curriculum-ready math skills and increase their love of learning – while having fun! See how it works

3. Liam was 11 the day before yesterday and next year he will be 14. How is that possible? Answer: Today is January 1st and Liam’s birthday is December 31st. Liam was 11 years old the day before yesterday (12/30) and turned 12 the next day. This year he will be 13 on December 31st, so next year he will be 14. 4. Mrs. Brown has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters has a brother. How many children does Mrs Brown have? Answer: You have 6 children. Every daughter has the same brother. There are 5 daughters and 1 son. 5. It rains at midnight, but the forecast for tomorrow and the day after is clear. Will there be sunny weather in 48 hours? Answer: No, it won’t be sunny because it will be dark outside. In 48 hours it will be midnight again. 6. There are 3 apples in the basket and you take them away. 2. How many apples do you have now? Answer: You have 2 apples. You took away 2 apples and left 1 in the basket.

7. What can you put between 7 and 8 to make the result greater than 7 but less than 8? Answer: A decimal point. Your result would be 7.8, which is between 7 and 8. 8. A new clothing store has a unique method of pricing items. A vest is $20, a tie is $15, a blouse is $30, and underwear is $45. How much would a pair of pants cost? Answer: $25. The pricing method charges $5 for each letter needed to spell the item. 9. 81 x 9 = 801 What must you do to make this equation true? Answer: Turn it upside down. 108 = 6 x 18. 10. Double it and multiply it by 4. Then divide it by 8 and you have it again. What number is it? Answer: Any number. When a number is doubled and multiplied by 4, it has actually been multiplied by 8, so dividing by 8 gives you back the original number. 11. Which 3 numbers give the same result when multiplied and added? Answer: 1, 2 and 3 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6). 12. Zoey has a very large family. She has 20 aunts, 20 uncles and 50 cousins. Each of her cousins ​​has an aunt who is not Zoey’s aunt. How is that possible? Answer: Your aunt is Zoey’s mother!

Hard Riddles for Kids Did your child pass the last two categories with flying colors? Try to overpower them with these tricky riddles that are a little more challenging. 1. I travel all over the world but never leave the corner. What am I? Answer: A stamp. 2. You will find me on Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not on Venus or Neptune. What am I? Answer: The letter “R.”

3. What can go up a chimney but not up a chimney? Answer: An umbrella. If your umbrella is “down” it will fit through a chimney, but if it’s “up” it won’t! 4. I make a loud noise when changing. As I change, I grow taller but weigh less. What am I? Answer: popcorn. 5. A bus driver drove down a busy city street. He passed three stop signs without stopping, drove the wrong way down a one-way street, and answered a message on his phone. But the bus driver didn’t break any traffic rules. As? Answer: He walked, he didn’t drive. (This riddle adds extraneous information to trick the reader. You’d expect him to be driving the bus since he’s a bus driver – but it never actually says that!) 6. It has keys but no locks. It has space, but no space. You can enter but not go inside. What is it? Answer: A keyboard. 7. I can fill a space, but I don’t take up space. What am I? Answer: light. 8. It’s the only place in the world where today precedes yesterday. Where is it? Answer: The dictionary.

9. If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it? Answer: A secret. 10. What disappears as soon as you talk about it? Answer: silence. 11. A railroad crossing without cars. Can you write that without an R? Answer: T-H-A-T (This one’s tricky! It makes readers think they should describe the scenario without using the letter “R”. But the first sentence was actually used to distract the reader from the actual question.)

Funny Riddles for Kids Do you want to make your kid laugh? Show them these riddles that double as a joke! The answers may not be what you expect, as each contains a fun punch line for the solution. 1. What can jump higher than a building? Answer: Anything that can jump – buildings don’t jump, dumbass! 2. An elephant in Africa is called Lala. An elephant in Asia is called Lulu. What do you call an elephant in Antarctica? Answer: Lost. 3. Imagine you are in a room with no windows or doors. how do you get out Answer: Stop imagining. 4. A group of rabbits had a birthday party. What music did they hear? Answer: hip hop music. 5. Where would you take a sick boat? Answer: To the dock. 6. What type of room has no doors or windows? Answer: A mushroom. 7. I’m orange, wear a green hat and sound like a parrot. What am I? Answer: A carrot.

8. What fruit can you never cheer up about? Answer: A blueberry. 9. What did the zero say to the eight? Answer: “Nice belt!”

Benefits of Riddles for Kids Children of all ages love solving riddles. But do you know how many great benefits they have for your child’s learning and development? Riddles for kids can: Improve reading comprehension

Help children focus and pay attention

Increase problem solving and critical thinking

Strengthen language skills and language awareness

Encourage analytical thinking and reasoning. Puzzles can also improve your child’s mood, make them laugh and make them feel accomplished.

And best of all, it gives you the ability to connect. Work together to solve each puzzle as a fun family activity! How to help your child create their own puzzles Once your child has completed our puzzles list, take their skills to the next level with homemade puzzles! Encourage your child to create their own puzzles using the following steps: 1. Start with the answer First come up with the solution to your puzzle, then work backwards to create your question. Your solution can be almost anything, but choosing a physical object is an easy way to get started. Ex. The answer to my riddle is “carrot”. 2. Brainstorm Write down any words or phrases that could be associated with your answer. Consider: synonyms

Similar things

things it does

properties it has

How to describe it Ex. Carrots are orange with green leaves on top. 3. Think Like Your Answer If your answer were a person, what would they think? What would you do? How would you describe yourself? How would they see the world around them? Ex. If I were a carrot I might think I’m wearing a green hat. 4. Think beyond the sentence Use figurative language—like a metaphor, simile, personification, or exaggeration—to make comparisons or describe your answer in new ways. This often makes the puzzle difficult for the reader to solve. Ex. A carrot sounds like “a parrot”. 5. Write your riddle! Now that you have the backbone of your puzzle, all you have to do is write! Use clear, descriptive language to write down your riddle, then share it with friends and family to see if they can solve it. Ex. I’m orange, wear a green hat and sound like a parrot. What am I? A carrot! How many puzzles did your child solve correctly? Which was your favourite? Inspire your child with self-paced learning they will love. More than 50 million teachers and kids around the world love Prodigy – the game-based math platform for grades 1-8 that makes learning fun! With your parent account, you can track progress, set goals, and send rewards as your child explores the world of Prodigy. And you can boost the math practice even more! Optional premium membership unlocks exclusive in-game rewards for your child. This will make them more motivated to play, giving you more helpful data to back them up. Sign up for your free parent account today or sign up.

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What are the next 3 letters in this riddle Ottffss _ _ _?

The correct OTTFFSS riddle answer is ENT.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Due to the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic around the world, several countries are in full lockdown to stop the spread of the virus. India is also in an extended lockdown. People are staying at home to prevent the virus from spreading. During this time, many people have devoted themselves to their hobbies like reading, cooking, indoor games, etc. During this time, many people spend their time on social media solving puzzles and riddles online and sharing them on social media.

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While people are also seen interacting with friends and family through social media, they have also been challenging their friends and loved ones on various puzzles and riddles. These puzzles and riddles are an essential part of entertainment for many people during lockdown. One of the riddles making the rounds on social media is the OTTFFSS riddle or What are the next three letters in this combination of OTTFFSS riddles. Let’s take a look at the OTTFFSS puzzle and know what are the next three letters in this combination

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OTTFFSS puzzle

The OTTFFSS riddle is going viral on social media. Let’s take a look at the OTTFFSS conundrum.

OTTFFS _ _ _?

In this riddle you should find the answer to a question. The question is: “What are the next three letters in this combination?”

Think about the riddle before scrolling down for OTTFFSS riddle answer and logical explanation for OTTFFSS riddle answer. The OTTFFSS puzzle is a simple one when you think about it.

Answer to the OTTFFSS riddle

The correct OTTFFSS puzzle answer is ENT.

OTTFFSS riddle answer and logical explanation

The answer of the OTTFFSS puzzle is ENT because each letter of the OTTFSS puzzle represents the first letter of each number, starting with one. Because of this,

O – one

T – Two

T – Three

F – Four

F – Five

S – Six

S – seven

E – Eight

N – Nine

T – Ten

According to this explanation, the answer of the OTTFFSS puzzle and the answer to What are the next three letters in this combination question is ENT as they represent the numbers eight, nine and ten.

[Vietsub+Lyrics] I Miss You – Czarina

[Vietsub+Lyrics] I Miss You – Czarina
[Vietsub+Lyrics] I Miss You – Czarina

See some more details on the topic i will disappear every time you say my name here:

I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? Riddle

I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? – Answer: silence.

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Source: www.brainzilla.com

Date Published: 1/16/2022

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I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? Riddle

The answer to the rdle is Silence. Silence is a period when nobody speaks or makes a noise. Silence will disappear every time you say Silence …

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Source: latestnews.fresherslive.com

Date Published: 11/13/2021

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I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?

If you are looking for I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? answer then this is the right place.

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Source: riddles.net

Date Published: 2/30/2022

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I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?

Please find below the answer for I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? . This is a very popular brain-logic app game developed by ThinkCube …

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Source: www.answersking.com

Date Published: 10/10/2021

View: 867

I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?

I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? … Can you solve this rdle without clicking that tempting answer button? View Rdle Answer. Silence …

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Source: logiclovely.com

Date Published: 5/24/2021

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I Will Disappear Every Time You Say My Name What Am I ….?

I will disappear every time you say my name what am i? Reveal Answer. silence. Statistics. 503 people have viewed this rdle.

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Source: www.riddlewot.com

Date Published: 12/7/2022

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I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?

Check out the answer of the rdle: What disappears the moment you say its name?

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Source: www.brainteasingriddles.com

Date Published: 1/9/2021

View: 3577

I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?

I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? · AC Odyssey Sphinx Rdles (22) · Ancient Rdles (40) · Anglo Saxon Rdles (17) · Animal Rdles (566).

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30+ I Will Disappear Every Time You Say My Name What Am I …

Fun i will disappear every time you say my name what am i rdles and answers. Use your brain to solve these puzzles and trick questions before the timer …

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Source: www.riddlesandanswers.com

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Say My Name – Riddles and Brain Teasers

Say my name and I disappear. What am I? … i love this rdle my friends were stumped when another friend of mone sa it i was stumped too until she told …

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Source: riddlesbrainteasers.com

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What disappears as soon as you say its name? Riddle answer!

A riddle is back: what disappears as soon as you say its name? Don’t know the answer? Don’t worry, we have it here…

Many weeks ago, Boris Johnson issued a pivotal statement addressing the precautionary measures that need to be taken to prevent the virus from spreading further. We have been instructed not to leave the house for work unless absolutely necessary, to shop for essentials as little as possible, and to move around briefly.

Since then we’ve all done our best to adapt to new and rather surreal lifestyles. Of course, many of us had much more free time on our hands and turned to more entertainment, cooking, exercise, and so on.

It was also very important to give our brain an important workout.

Riddles have been shared on social media for weeks to give us a kind of daily check. So, let’s shut down one of the latest…

Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What disappears as soon as you say its name?

Here goes.

What disappears as soon as you say its name?

Think about it before scrolling down for the answer. What could this possibly describe?

It’s important to think outside the box. Don’t just think about objects or the physical…

Still don’t have it? Well, no sweat. We have the answer right below!

This content could not be loaded. More Riddle Me This: What Disappears Once You Say Its Name? — Your NightCap (@yournightcap) April 22, 2020

Riddle Answer: What disappears as soon as you say its name?

The answer to the riddle “What disappears as soon as you say its name” is silence.

Of course, you interrupt it just by saying the word “silence.”

This is a bit of a classic, but it’s definitely worth asking your family and friends if they can crack it.

In the meantime, let’s throw up another conundrum to chew on.

“A woman shoots her husband and then holds him under water for five minutes. Next she hangs him. Immediately afterwards they enjoy a nice dinner. To explain.”

In other news, the government is preparing major cycling roadmaps.

What Has Lots Of Eyes But Cannot See Riddle Answer: Check Here With Explanation Here

Which has many eyes but cannot see riddles

Puzzles are the most exciting and amusing factor to add more fun in the scenario. Aside from the word game and entertainment, we can learn many things by randomly throwing puzzles. Our minds will think more creatively to find the answer, which is the most important skill today to excel phenomenally in this competitive scenario. Here you will get the answer and the explanation for the prominent What Has Many Eyes But Cannot See riddle. People are excited for the answer to What Has Many Eyes But Cannot See a Mystery. The question itself is more exciting and arouses the curiosity of the person to see the solution to it. Therefore, people are eager and more conscious to know the answers to such riddles. Read on for the answer to What Has Many Eyes But Cannot See a Mystery.

What has many eyes but cannot see a riddle – answer

The answer to the riddle What has many eyes but cannot see is given below.

Riddle: What has many eyes but cannot see?

Answer: A potato

Are you still confused about what has many eyes but Riddle can’t see even after getting the answer? Scroll down to find out more.

What has many eyes but cannot see Puzzle solution – explanation

There are many tubers on its outer surface, these tubers are referred to as the eyes in the potato. The tubers grow at the end of underground stems under the roots of the plant, the tubers have the terminal buds and we call them eyes in the potato. So a potato has many eyes but cannot see. This is how we can justify the answer to the riddle What has many eyes but cannot see. Scroll down to find out more.

Why are puzzles important?

Riddles are the trickiest and fun riddles that can be easily solved by innovative thinking and you can develop logical thinking skills. In this competitive scenario, people need to think more creatively and with dignity in order to raise the standard of the enterprise. The implementation of the innovation in commerce will make them phenomenal among the competitors. By sending the puzzles to the kids, they will acquire logical thinking and innovative skills and become successful people in life. Therefore, puzzles are important to develop the person’s thinking skills.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on the website is provided in good faith, however we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website.

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?


I’m black if you buy me, red if you use me, and gray if you throw me away? What am I?

I am black gold, i.e. charcoal. It is black when not in use and when in use it is red due to fire and when in use it is gray in color as it turns to ash.

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