Gyno Before And After Working Out? Best 173 Answer

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Can Gyno go away with exercise?

Can gynecomastia go away with exercise? Unfortunately, not really. Although patients will find plenty of health benefits from lifestyle changes like working out or eating well, a change in gynecomastia symptoms won’t be one of them.

Does working out make gyno worse?

Some men with gynecomastia notice that exercise in fact makes the condition look worse. As the chest muscles get stronger with targeted strength movements, the muscles can push the tissue out farther from the chest, causing the breasts to protrude or look tuberous.

Can lifting weights get rid of gyno?

Exercising a certain area doesn’t allow you to target fat loss; you lose fat all over the body in small increments. So this means that chest exercise doesn’t allow you to lose fatty tissue in the targeted area, and it’s not possible to eliminate glandular tissue with this strategy either.

How soon can you workout after gyno surgery?

Patients who undergo gynecomastia surgery can expect to be healed enough to resume a light exercise routine approximately one month after surgery. At first, the scope of workouts should be limited to cardio and non-chest exercises (this means shoulders and arms, too).

Will push-ups make gyno worse?

No, push-ups or any other exercise that increases your muscle mass will not worsen gynecomastia. If you remain concerned about the appearance of your chest wall seek consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons who can demonstrate significant experience achieving the types of outcomes you will be pleased with.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

The male breast consists of glandular tissue and fatty tissue. An excess in both tissue types can cause the breast to take on the appearance of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can affect men of all body types. There are different types of #gynecomastia. According to official statistics, 36% of adult young men and 57% of older adult men in the United States have one of the four grades of this condition. About 200,000 to 3 million cases of #gynecomastia are reported each year. So if you have a #breast augmentation and feel exceptional, please understand that 1 in 3 young adult #men and 1 in 2 older adult #men are just like you and will have a #breast augmentation. Several common factors can cause gynecomastia including excessive #estrogen levels, natural #hormone changes, use of recreational drugs or alcohol, medication and its associated side effects, and various health issues. There are also different types of #gynecomastia. There are three types of surgical #treatment options that can be used to treat gynecomastia. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will recommend the type that is most suitable for you. The most important decision to make before undergoing any surgical procedure is determining if you are an ideal #candidate.

How can I fix my gyno naturally?

Non-surgical Treatment Options
  1. Dieting and exercising. Maintaining a proper diet and exercise can help balance hormones and burn fat tissue.
  2. Stopping the use of drugs or steroids. Steroids and certain drugs can increase the risk of male breast enlargement.
  3. Reducing alcohol intake. …
  4. Hormone treatments. …
  5. Losing weight.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

Posted on in Gynecomastia

Male breast enlargement, known as gynecomastia, is a condition in which men develop excess breast tissue that is more breast-like in nature. This condition is usually treated with surgery to reduce the mass of tissue in the breasts. Although there are some non-surgical options for treating gynecomastia, they don’t always fix the problem. On the other hand, surgery for gynecomastia offers an immediate solution and can remove the breast tissue, improving the masculine appearance of the breast.

Non-surgical treatment options

There are several non-surgical approaches to male breast reduction. Some of the methods include:

diet and exercise. Maintaining a proper diet and exercise can help balance hormones and burn fatty tissue.

Maintaining a proper diet and exercise can help balance hormones and burn fatty tissue. Stop using any medication or steroids. Steroids and certain medications can increase the risk of breast augmentation in men.

Steroids and certain medications can increase the risk of breast augmentation in men. reducing alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption can increase the risk of male breast enlargement.

Alcohol consumption can increase the risk of male breast enlargement. hormone treatments. Hormonal imbalances lead to male breast development, and hormone-balancing treatment options can help minimize the occurrence of breast enlargement.

Hormonal imbalances lead to male breast development, and hormone-balancing treatment options can help minimize the occurrence of breast enlargement. Lose weight. Losing weight can help reduce breast size. This can work well for men who need to lose a lot of weight but may not be able to remove all of the excess breast tissue.

For some men, these non-invasive treatment options can help reduce the appearance of the breast. However, many men suffering from moderate to severe gynecomastia may find these options unsuccessful in correcting the excess tissue.

Weight loss doesn’t just result in breast fat loss. Men with gynecomastia are often able to lose weight but do not see a significant reduction in their breast size. Because the excess breast tissue consists not only of fat, but also of muscle and glandular tissue.

Gynecomastia Surgery

If you suffer from a female breast and want to completely remove excess breast tissue, you need to undergo breast reduction surgery. This surgery provides permanent results and is very effective in contouring and making the breast appear more masculine. There are different types of operations and types of cuts, depending on your individual condition and the desired result.

One of the most common treatments for this condition is liposuction. Other treatment options include excision, which involves removing larger amounts of glandular tissue. Regardless of which technique is used, the surgery will help contour a more masculine chest. Men who have undergone these different treatments report less anxiety and embarrassment and a more positive body image.

Gynecomastia Treatment in Troy

If you are looking for a surgical or non-surgical treatment option for your gynecomastia, call Dr. Ellen A. Janetzke today. She is very experienced with gynecomastia. When you make an appointment for a consultation, she will discuss exactly what your options are and what to expect after recovery. dr Ellen and the dedicated team at Ellen Plastic Surgery will ease your fears and show you how an effective gynecomastia treatment plan can help you look like the man you are.

Does cardio get rid of gyno?

Exercises to Help Gynecomastia. It’s not possible to specifically target an area for fat loss. As a result, there are two main types of exercises to reduce the appearance of gynecomastia: cardio exercises to help burn general body fat, and chest exercises to help increase the size of the pectoral muscles.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

bench press

The bench press is one of the most common activities to build chest muscles.

Step 1: Lie on a weight bench with the barbell hanging overhead facing the bar.

Step 2: Place your hands on the bar about two to three feet apart.

Step 3: Squeeze your shoulder blades together, then straighten your arms and lift the bar off the rack.

Step 4: Slowly lower the bar until it just touches your chest.

Step 5: Raise the bar again until your arms are straight.

You can aim for ten reps per set, with three to five sets per workout. Increase the barbell weight when it no longer feels challenging to complete a set.


If you don’t have access to a barbell, push-ups are an easy bodyweight exercise to strengthen your chest muscles.

Step 1: Lie flat on your stomach with your hands on the floor, right next to your shoulders.

How do bodybuilders get rid of gyno?

Surgical removal is the only effective treatment for fully developed gynecomastia.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

If you’re into bodybuilding, you may be concerned about developing gynecomastia. For bodybuilders, gynecomastia is a particular concern as the sport revolves around aesthetic appearance. These athletes often take anabolic steroids to maximize muscle growth, which can lead to gynecomastia due to subsequent hormonal imbalances. This article contains everything you need to know about gynecomastia in bodybuilders. Share on Pinterest Westend61/Getty Images

What is gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue in men. It can result in a swollen, puffy, and breast-like appearance in the breast and nipple area. The condition is usually harmless, although it can cause psychological and social distress in those affected. According to published research, gynecomastia is mainly caused by an elevated circulating estrogen to androgen ratio (1). Depending on the progression of the condition, gynecomastia can be reversed in the early stages. However, if the condition persists, the development of lean breast tissue around the nipple area will require surgery to remove or is otherwise permanent. It’s worth noting that gynecomastia refers specifically to the development of glandular tissue around your nipple area, although it can be confused with fat storage in the breast area. While gynecomastia can be accompanied by body fat in the chest area, it is not the result of excess fatty tissue. It’s a specific condition that can affect men of all fitness and body fat levels. Summary Gynecomastia is the physically harmless development of breast tissue in men. If it is persistent, it becomes permanent and surgery is required to remove it.

What are the symptoms of gynecomastia? Clinical studies list the symptoms of gynecomastia as an enlargement of breast tissue around the breast and nipple area, with the presence of a firm, symmetrical rubbery mass that extends concentrically from the nipple. This development is accompanied by the benign overgrowth of the glandular tissue of the breast (2). As mentioned earlier, gynecomastia can accompany body fat deposition in the same area. However, this is not a defining symptom of the condition. Summary Symptoms of gynecomastia include rubbery breast tissue in the nipple area and the growth of glandular breast tissue.

How common is gynecomastia in bodybuilders? While it’s difficult to know exactly how common gynecomastia is among bodybuilders, it’s far from an isolated phenomenon. A study of gynecomastia in bodybuilders claims that between 1980 and 2013 in the United States, 1,574 bodybuilders received surgical treatment for the condition (3). According to additional research, an estimated 30-40% of men in the general population suffer from this condition (2). Overall, it’s safe to say that gynecomastia is not an isolated phenomenon and is likely to be experienced by many male bodybuilders, particularly those using anabolic steroids. Summary Gynecomastia commonly affects bodybuilders, although the exact frequency of occurrence is difficult to determine.

What Causes Gynecomastia in Bodybuilders? Studies suggest that there are many causes of gynecomastia, including several different prescription drugs (4). As mentioned earlier, when gynecomastia occurs in bodybuilders, it is typically caused by the use of anabolic steroids such as exogenous testosterone derivatives. Gynecomastia occurs due to the body’s attempt to remove circulating testosterone in response. One of the byproducts of testosterone breakdown is estradiol, a type of estrogen hormone that leads to the development of female secondary sex characteristics. In men with high estradiol levels, the result includes the development and enlargement of breast tissue. Gynecomastia can also be caused by certain medications and over-the-counter supplements. However, not all people experience these side effects. Summary Gynecomastia in bodybuilders is primarily a side effect of anabolic steroid use.

Are There Exercises That Reduce Gynecomastia? Exercise is sometimes used to treat gynecomastia. However, this approach is largely ineffective if you suffer from gynecomastia caused by the growth of glandular tissue, which is common when the condition is a side effect of anabolic steroid use. Clinical gynecomastia involves the development of glandular tissue that cannot be reduced through diet or exercise and must be addressed through medical intervention. Gynecomastia is primarily a medical condition and is not an indicator that you are out of shape or deconditioned. As such, exercise is not usually recommended as a specific treatment, although there are many other benefits of exercise. Be aware that excess fatty tissue in the breast area can lead to the appearance of gynecomastia even if you don’t have clinical gynecomastia. In this case, reducing total body fat through a calorie deficit can be an effective approach. Exercise can help increase calorie expenditure and support weight loss in conjunction with dietary interventions. In this regard, performing chest exercises can increase chest muscle mass, which can help develop a more angular chest appearance, provided your body fat percentage is sufficiently low. However, most bodybuilders with gynecomastia already perform chest exercises and have significant amounts of pecs. Summary Exercise is not an effective treatment for clinical gynecomastia.

Are There Supplements That Reduce Gynecomastia? Many over-the-counter supplements are marketed as useful for reducing gynecomastia. The main purported mechanisms are increased estrogen processing, meaning it prevents gynecomastia in the first place. These supplements include: Indole-3-Carbinol

White Mushroom Extract

mucus itching


Vitamin E To date, there is little peer-reviewed research on the effectiveness of these supplements for treating steroid-induced gynecomastia. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States does not regulate dietary supplements in the same manner as prescription drugs, and most claims about the effectiveness of dietary supplements are not supported by evidence. Always consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, especially if your goal is to treat a medical condition. Summary There are no FDA-approved dietary supplements to treat gynecomastia.

How Is Gynecomastia Treated? Treatment for gynecomastia depends on the underlying cause and the degree of breast development. For gynecomastia caused by anabolic steroid use, research supports the use of anti-estrogen drugs like tamoxifen to reduce the amount of estradiol caused by the breakdown of the anabolic steroid (1). However, once gynecomastia has been identified, only surgical removal of breast tissue will result in a complete reversal of the condition. This treatment must be performed by a qualified surgeon and will include removal of glandular tissue and liposuction of additional fat tissue if necessary. Overall, surgical treatment of gynecomastia in bodybuilders is usually successful, with research showing that 98% of patients were satisfied with the aesthetic outcome of the surgery (5). Given that gynecomastia from anabolic steroid use is not a life-threatening condition, the primary goal is patient satisfaction with the final appearance of treatment. Note that gynecomastia is only a side effect of anabolic steroid use and other steroid side effects may be of more physical health concern. Summary Early-stage gynecomastia can be treated with certain prescription medications. Surgical removal is the only effective treatment for full-blown gynecomastia.

Are there any bodybuilders with gynecomastia who have had success? Gynecomastia can lead to significant psychological problems, especially in physical athletes. Fortunately, the surgical procedures discussed previously have high success rates. Additionally, a number of notable bodybuilders with gynecomastia have reached the top of the sport. For example, Lee Haney, the 1987 Mr. Olympia, had notable gynecomastia and yet was immensely successful in the sport. Franco Columbu, the 1981 Mr. Olympia, also struggled with significant gynecomastia during his career. More recently, Ronnie Coleman, one of the most successful bodybuilders in the history of the sport, had significant gynecomastia that was very noticeable around his left nipple when zoomed in on during his pose. Note that when bodybuilders achieve the low levels of body fat required for competition, gynecomastia manifests itself primarily as swollen nipples as opposed to pronounced breast growth. Regardless, given the effectiveness of surgical treatments for bodybuilders with gynecomastia, there is no reason why the condition will prevent success in the sport of bodybuilding. Summary Several successful bodybuilders have had notable cases of gynecomastia.

How do you tell if it’s fat or gyno?

Chest fat is typically soft to the touch, while gynecomastia is much firmer. Some patients describe gynecomastia as feeling hard or rubbery. In fact, you may even feel a solid lump underneath your skin, which does not typically occur with chest fat.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

Breast Fat Vs Gynecomastia: How to Tell the Difference

Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of tissues and glands in the male breast. This sometimes occurs during adolescence and clears up on its own over time, but some men experience gynecomastia later in life. This can be due to anything from hormonal imbalances to taking certain medications.

Gynecomastia differs from normal breast fat in that it is caused by excess mammary gland tissue in the breast region. Fat can accumulate in the breast due to weight gain and — unlike gynecomastia — responds to diet and exercise. However, gynecomastia often requires surgical treatment.

If you’re unsure whether you have gynecomastia or normal breast fat, seeing a professional is the best way to determine the cause. Below we go over some of the common ways to tell the difference between breast fat and gynecomastia.

Breast Fat Vs Gynecomastia: Assessment of Symptoms

Do you have pain?

Gynecomastia can cause mild to significant chest pain and tenderness. Your breast may feel swollen, constantly sore, and painful to the touch. This is much less likely when the chest is fast.

That being said, breast fat can certainly be painful for a variety of reasons unrelated to gynecomastia. Because of this, it is important to assess more than one factor when trying to distinguish between the two.

How does the fat feel?

Breast fat usually feels like fat anywhere in the body, e.g. B. Fat on the stomach, thighs or arms. Breast fat is typically soft to the touch, while gynecomastia is much firmer.

Some patients describe gynecomastia as a hard or rubbery feeling. In fact, you may even feel a tight lump under your skin, which isn’t usually the case with breast fat.

how does your chest look

Breast fat often looks limp or sagging and doesn’t have a very defined shape. However, gynecomastia tends to be more rounded and proportioned. It may resemble a woman’s breasts. In cases with smaller amounts of tissue, the areola complex of the nipple may protrude more than the rest of the breast.

How does your body respond to diet and exercise?

One of the biggest indicators of whether you have breast fat or gynecomastia is how your body responds to diet and exercise. While everyone’s body carries fat differently and you may lose fat faster in certain areas, you should see at least some reduction in the size of your chest region as you lose weight.

If you notice little or no change even after significant weight loss, it is a telltale sign of gynecomastia. Sometimes the glandular tissue becomes more apparent with weight loss because the fat around it that may have been hiding it is reduced.

Gynecomastia Treatment

While gynecomastia sometimes goes away on its own, it usually requires surgical treatment. The surgery can be performed under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s needs.

In many cases, in addition to excising the glandular tissue, liposuction may be required to properly contour the breast. In these cases, your surgeon will make a small cut in your skin and insert a thin tube, called a cannula. Then fat is removed from the body by suction. The glandular tissue can often be removed from the same incision. Even in mild cases, liposuction alone is rarely effective.

In more severe cases, your surgeon may need to use what are known as “excision techniques,” in which they remove both glandular tissue and excess skin through a larger incision. This is also sometimes necessary if you wish to reposition the nipple or areola during surgery to create a more natural looking contour.

In many cases, a reduction in breast volume can cause the skin to sag. In many of these cases, skin tightening therapies such as Renuvion can be effective.

Before the treatment, your surgeon will discuss with you the aftercare instructions that you should follow carefully to avoid complications. Most patients require at least a week or two of downtime after surgery.

treatment of breast fat

Sometimes, due to genetics, fat tends to accumulate in certain areas of the body and therefore does not respond to diet and exercise. In these cases, liposuction is still a viable option. In most cases, however, diet and exercise alone can treat breast fat.

As you lose weight, you should notice a reduction in fat in all areas of your body, including your chest. While reducing blemishes is a myth, toning your chest through weight training can reduce the appearance of fat. Incorporating exercises like chest fly and bench press into your workout routine can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Breast Fat Vs Gynecomastia: The Bottom Line

It can be difficult to distinguish between breast fat and gynecomastia, but there are some key indicators that can help you tell them apart. However, always make an appointment with a professional for an official diagnosis, especially if you have troubling symptoms like pain.

Are you looking for Gynecomastia Treatment? Leif Rogers is an Ivy League-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon and a permanent member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. If you are considering surgery, contact his team to set up a consultation.

Will Nolvadex get rid of gyno?

Can Nolvadex get rid of gyno? Yes, Nolvadex has been known to reverse gyno. Nolvadex reduces breast volume in the case of gynecomastia. But it cannot completely remove breast tissue.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

1. Does Nolvadex Lower Estrogen?

Receptors on breast cancer cells are blocked by Nolvadex. It prevents estrogen from causing cancer cells to divide and grow. It shows anti-estrogen activity for breast cancer cells but acts like estrogen for other tissues of the uterus and bones.

2. Is Nolvadex legal?

Nolvadex, an estrogen receptor modulator, was considered the gold standard for breast cancer treatment. It’s not a controlled substance, but it’s not sold as an over-the-counter drug. A doctor’s prescription is required. It is legal to sell or buy it.

3. Is Nolvadex safe?

Nolvadex, an anti-estrogen drug sold under the brand name tamoxifen citrate, is also prescribed for men with breast cancer. The literature reports that the level of safety is the same for both women and men. It is not known if it is safe for children.

4. When to take Nolvadex?

The dosage of Nolvadex is determined by the doctor. It should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. The tablets should not be chewed or crushed. It must be taken at the same time of the day and can be taken before or after meals. If the dose is missed, make sure to take the dose with 12 hours difference between each dose.

5. Can Nolvadex get rid of Gyno?

Yes, Nolvadex is known to reverse gyno. Nolvadex reduces breast volume in gynecomastia. But it cannot completely remove breast tissue. This Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM), Nolvadex, is commonly used to treat painful and severe gynecomastia.

6. Can Nolvadex Increase Testosterone?

Nolvadex works by preventing negative feedback of estrogen from the pituitary and hypothalamus. It causes the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, which play a crucial role in the production of endogenous testosterone biosynthesis and spermatogenesis.

7. Does Nolvadex cause acne?

Consumption of Nolvadex causes rashes and bumps and rashes on the forearms and trunk in some people at the beginning of treatment. They become infected when scratched, as these rashes are itchy.

8. What does Nolvadex do for men?

Some men develop a condition known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition in which the breast develops in men. Nolvadex blocks estrogen and helps reduce breast size.

9. Is Nolvadex an estrogen blocker?

Nolvadex is a hormone therapy used to block receptors for estrogen. It is therefore used to prevent the development and growth of breast cancer cells.

10. Can Nolvadex cause erectile dysfunction?

Which exercise is best for gynecomastia?

Pushups, butterflies, bench press, and various other workout techniques designed to target the chest can help reduce fat in the breasts while also strengthening the pectoral muscles.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

September 20, 2016

A question that is often asked by men with gynecomastia is whether or not exercise can successfully resolve the condition. The answer to this question often depends on a variety of different factors, the most important of which is the specific underlying cause of the enlarged breasts.

If the main cause of developing oversized breasts is obesity (a condition actually known as pseudogynecomastia), exercise may prove to be an effective treatment option for many people. Push-ups, butterflies, bench presses, and various other training techniques that target the chest can help reduce fat in the breasts while strengthening the pecs. Combined with a healthy diet and regular aerobic activity (e.g. jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.), these exercises can often help men achieve a tighter and more masculine appearance of the chest, as there is no doubt that the refinement of the chest muscles can be a part of the ” Fats” on the chest and help build muscle.

However, if the appearance of abnormally large breasts is caused by an accumulation of glandular tissue (which is the cause of “true” gynecomastia), exercise alone is not enough to fully resolve the problem. In these cases, direct tissue excision is generally the most effective option for the majority of men. Our plastic surgeon in Houston – Dr. James F. Boynton – can achieve this during male breast reduction surgery, which may involve some degree of fat reduction in addition to removing the glandular tissue. In most patients, Dr. Boynton removes fat with small cannula liposuction and then uses a “pull-through” excision technique to remove excess glandular tissue in tiny “strips” across the 3mm liposuction incision. His specialized approach is far less invasive than traditional male breast reduction techniques, often resulting in less downtime while still delivering exceptional results.

Finally, it’s important to note that while exercise and weight loss can produce a slight improvement in some overweight men, these efforts alone will not usually completely solve the problem of enlarged male breasts. Consequently, male breast reduction is considered the most effective and comprehensive treatment for the vast majority of men with gynecomastia.

To learn more about gynecomastia and male breast reduction, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Boynton by contacting our office today.

Can I do cardio after gyno surgery?

You should be able to resume exercise after about one month. As you return to the gym, you will need to limit the scope of your workout to cardio exercises and other activities that don’t interfere with the healing process. It’s crucial that you refrain from chest and arm workouts until you are fully healed.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

When can I exercise after male breast reduction?

Gynecomastia is a common condition that affects about half of the male population. It leads to the development of excess male breast tissue. If you suffer from gynecomastia and feel unsafe about the condition, you may benefit from male breast reduction surgery.

As with all surgical procedures, there is a recovery period after male breast reduction surgery, during which you must refrain from strenuous physical activity. The exact schedule for resuming exercise varies by patient and depends on a variety of factors, including:

Your body’s innate ability to heal

The scope of your procedure (liposuction alone or surgical excision in addition to liposuction)

While some men are able to resume all normal activities within a few weeks, others need more time to heal before being able to exercise again. dr Lee will carefully monitor your recovery and advise you on when to incorporate different exercises back into your routine. However, the following guidelines will give you a sense of what to expect in terms of exercise after gynecomastia surgery.

Limit initial activity to light walking

dr Lee encourages you to resume easy walking as soon as you feel ready. This facilitates proper blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clots. Limit your exertion to light walking for the first week or two of recovery. dr Lee will notify you when you can resume other routine activities, including returning to work. In most cases you should be able to return to work after 1-2 weeks.

As you begin to heal, Dr. Lee allow you to gradually increase your training effort. However, you must be patient at this early stage of your recovery. Resuming your exercise routine before you’ve sufficiently healed can negatively impact your results and increase your risk of complications.

Resume your exercise routine

Exercising and an active lifestyle are one of the most effective ways to maintain your results after gynecomastia surgery. dr Lee encourages all of his male breast reduction patients to exercise regularly once they have sufficiently healed.

You should be able to exercise again after about a month. When you return to the gym, you need to limit the amount of exercise you do to cardio and other activities that don’t interfere with the healing process. It is crucial that you refrain from chest and arm training until you are fully healed. This usually occurs after about six weeks.

Once you can resume chest and arm exercises, you should start using machines instead of free weights. Your body won’t be as strong as it was before the surgery, meaning you’ll be more prone to injury. Machines offer a more controlled workout that helps reduce your risk of injury. After your strength returns to pre-surgery levels, you can return to incorporating free weights into your training routine.

Contact our Plastic Surgeon in Newport Beach

If you are interested in learning more about male breast reduction surgery, please contact Dr. Richard Lee or call 949-548-9312 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Newport Beach, Irvine, Santa Ana and throughout Orange County, California.

When do men grow breasts?

Gynaecomastia (sometimes referred to as “man boobs”) is a common condition that causes boys’ and men’s breasts to swell and become larger than normal. It is most common in teenage boys and older men.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia (sometimes referred to as “man boobs”) is a common condition that causes boys and men’s breasts to swell and become larger than normal. It is most common in teenagers and older men.

Sometimes breast tissue can be tender or painful, but this is not always the case.

Signs vary from a small amount of extra tissue around the nipples to protruding breasts. It can affect one or both breasts.

Causes of Gynecomastia

Hormonal imbalance

Gynecomastia can be caused by an imbalance between the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen causes breast tissue to grow. While all men produce some estrogen, they typically have much higher levels of testosterone, which prevents estrogen from growing breast tissue.

If the hormonal balance in the body changes, this can cause a man’s breasts to grow. Sometimes the cause of this imbalance is unknown.


Being very overweight (obese) is a common cause of gynecomastia – because being overweight can increase estrogen levels, which can lead to breast tissue growth. If you’re overweight, you’re also more likely to have excess fat, which can increase breast tissue. Losing weight or exercising more can help some people, but it doesn’t always improve the condition.

newborn boys

Gynecomastia can affect newborn boys because estrogen passes from mother to baby through the placenta. This is temporary and will go away a few weeks after the baby is born.


Hormone levels in boys fluctuate during puberty. When testosterone levels drop, estrogen can cause breast tissue to grow. Many teenagers have some degree of breast augmentation. Puberty gynecomastia usually goes away as boys get older and their hormone levels become more stable.

Older age

As men get older, they produce less testosterone. Older men also tend to have more body fat, which can lead to more estrogen being produced. These changes in hormone levels can lead to overgrowth of breast tissue.

other causes

Other rare causes of gynecomastia include:

Can gynecomastia go away naturally?

Generally, gynecomastia isn’t a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with the condition. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have pain in their breasts and may feel embarrassed. Gynecomastia may go away on its own. If it persists, medication or surgery may help.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction


Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia) Open pop-up dialog Close Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia) Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia) Gynecomastia causes tissue to grow in the mammary glands. This can lead to feminine looking breasts.

Gynecomastia (guy-nuh-koh-MAS-tee-uh) is an increase in breast tissue in boys or men caused by an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.

Pseudogynecomastia refers to an increase in fatty tissue but not glandular tissue in the male breast.

Newborns, boys going through puberty, and older men can develop gynecomastia due to normal changes in hormone levels, although there are other causes as well.

In general, gynecomastia is not a serious problem, but the condition can be difficult to manage. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes experience pain in their breasts and may feel embarrassed.

Gynecomastia can go away on its own. If it persists, medication or surgery may help.


Most adult men with gynecomastia report no symptoms. Signs and symptoms of the disease can include:

Pain, especially in adolescents

Swollen breast tissue

breast tenderness

Nipple tenderness when rubbed against clothing

When to the doctor

See your doctor if you:


pain or tenderness

Nipple discharge in one or both breasts

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Gynecomastia is triggered by a decrease in the hormone testosterone compared to estrogen. The decrease can be caused by conditions that block the effects of testosterone, reduce testosterone, or increase your estrogen levels.

Several things can disrupt hormone balance, including the following.

Natural hormonal changes

The hormones testosterone and estrogen control sexual characteristics in both men and women. Testosterone controls male traits like muscle mass and body hair. Estrogen controls female characteristics, including breast growth.

Most people think of estrogen as a female-only hormone, but men also produce it, albeit in small amounts. Male estrogen levels that are too high or out of balance with testosterone levels can cause gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia in Infants. More than half of male infants are born with enlarged breasts due to the effects of their mother’s estrogen. Generally, the swollen breast tissue goes away within two to three weeks after birth.

More than half of male infants are born with enlarged breasts due to the effects of their mother’s estrogen. Generally, the swollen breast tissue goes away within two to three weeks after birth. Gynecomastia during puberty. Gynecomastia, which is caused by hormonal changes during puberty, is relatively common. In most cases, the swollen breast tissue goes away without treatment within six months to two years.

Gynecomastia, which is caused by hormonal changes during puberty, is relatively common. In most cases, the swollen breast tissue goes away without treatment within six months to two years. Gynecomastia in adults. Researchers have estimated that the prevalence ranges from 24% to 65% in males aged 50 to 80 years. However, most men with this condition have no symptoms.


A number of medications can cause gynecomastia. These include:

Antiandrogens used to treat enlarged prostate, prostate cancer and other diseases. Examples are flutamide, finasteride (Proscar, Propecia), and spironolactone (Aldactone, Carospir).

Anabolic steroids and androgens used to treat hormone deficiencies, delayed puberty, or muscle wasting due to another medical condition.

AIDS drugs. The estrogen-like properties of some HIV drugs can cause gynecomastia, particularly efavirenz (Sustiva).

ADHD medications that contain amphetamines, such as Adderall.

Anti-anxiety medications such as diazepam (Valium).

Tricyclic antidepressants.


Anti-ulcer medications, such as the over-the-counter drug cimetidine (Tagamet HB).

chemotherapy to treat cancer.

Heart medications such as digoxin (Lanoxin) and calcium channel blockers.

Gastric emptying medications such as metoclopramide (Reglan).

Recreational drugs, illegal drugs and alcohol

Substances that can cause gynecomastia include:


Anabolic steroids for building muscle and increasing athletic performance




Methadone (Methadose)

health conditions

Several health conditions can cause gynecomastia by affecting the balance of hormones. These include:

hypogonadism. Conditions that decrease testosterone production, such as Klinefelter syndrome or pituitary insufficiency, can be associated with gynecomastia.

Conditions that decrease testosterone production, such as Klinefelter syndrome or pituitary insufficiency, can be associated with gynecomastia. Aging. Hormone changes that occur with age can cause gynecomastia, especially in overweight men.

Hormone changes that occur with age can cause gynecomastia, especially in overweight men. tumors. Some tumors, such as those affecting the testicles, the adrenal glands, or the pituitary gland, can produce hormones that alter the male-female hormonal balance.

Some tumors, such as those affecting the testicles, the adrenal glands, or the pituitary gland, can produce hormones that alter the male-female hormonal balance. hyperthyroidism. In this condition, the thyroid produces too much of the hormone thyroxine.

In this condition, the thyroid produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. kidney failure. About half of the people who are treated with dialysis experience gynecomastia due to hormonal changes.

About half of the people who are treated with dialysis experience gynecomastia due to hormonal changes. liver failure and cirrhosis. Changes in hormone levels related to liver problems and cirrhosis medications are linked to gynecomastia.

Changes in hormone levels related to liver problems and cirrhosis medications are linked to gynecomastia. malnutrition and hunger. When your body isn’t adequately nourished, testosterone levels drop while estrogen levels remain the same, leading to hormonal imbalance. Gynecomastia can also occur when normal eating is resumed.

Vegetable Products

Vegetable oils like tea tree or lavender used in shampoos, soaps, or lotions have been linked to gynecomastia. This is probably due to their weak estrogenic activity.

risk factors

Risk factors for gynecomastia include:


Older age

Anabolic steroid use to enhance athletic performance

Certain health conditions, including liver and kidney disease, thyroid disease, hormonally active tumors, and Klinefelter syndrome


Gynecomastia has few physical complications, but it can cause psychological or emotional problems related to appearance.


There are some factors you can control to reduce your risk of gynecomastia:

How long does gyno take to go away?

Most cases of gynecomastia happen during puberty. The condition usually gets better on its own without treatment. This may take from 6 months to 2 or 3 years.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition of overdevelopment or enlargement of breast tissue in men or boys. The breasts get bigger. They can grow unevenly.

Gynecomastia often occurs when a teenage or teenage boy is going through the hormonal changes of puberty. But it can also happen to newborns and men as they get older.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is usually a benign (noncancerous) condition. It can be linked to many different causes of hormone changes. In many cases the cause is not known.

Gynecomastia is often caused by changes in the female hormone (estrogen) and male hormone (testosterone). But it can also be caused by other things.

Gynecomastia can be a side effect of certain medicines, such as antidepressants, antibiotics, chemotherapy, medicines for prostate cancer, medicines for ulcers or cardiovascular diseases. Illegal drugs such as anabolic steroids, heroin or marijuana can also cause gynecomastia.

Some diseases and conditions can also cause gynecomastia. These include:

liver diseases

kidney disease

lung cancer

testicular cancer

Tumors of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland

Some Conditions A Baby Is Born With (Congenital Disorders)

thyroid disorders

injury or trauma


Newborns can have a short-term form of gynecomastia. This is often because a mother’s estrogen lingers in a baby’s blood for a while after birth.

Gynecomastia is not linked to breast cancer. It is rare for men to get breast cancer. However, your provider may do some tests to rule out breast cancer.

What are the symptoms of gynecomastia?

You may have gynecomastia in one or both breasts. It can start as a lump or fatty tissue under the nipple, which can be sore. The breasts often grow unevenly.

Symptoms of gynecomastia can look like other conditions or problems. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

How Is Gynecomastia Diagnosed?

Your provider will take your health and medical history and physically examine you.

To rule out other diseases or conditions, you may also have tests, including:

Blood tests, including liver function tests and hormone studies

urine tests

A low-dose X-ray of your breast (mammography)

A small sample of breast tissue (a biopsy) may be taken and examined for cancer cells

In some cases, no tests are needed to diagnose the condition

Your provider may suggest you see a provider who specializes in hormones and how they affect many organs (an endocrinologist).

How Is Gynecomastia Treated?

Your doctor will determine the best treatment for you based on:

How old are you?

Your overall health and past health

how sick you are

How well you are handling certain medications, treatments or therapies

How long the condition is expected to last

your opinion or preference

Most cases of gynecomastia occur during puberty. The condition usually gets better on its own without treatment. This can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 or 3 years.

If a medicine is causing your breast enlargement, you may need to stop taking the medicine. That can solve the problem. If an illness is causing the condition, the illness must be treated.

Hormone therapy can be used to treat gynecomastia.

In rare cases, surgery may be done to remove the excess tissue.

Important points about gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is an overdevelopment or enlargement of breast tissue in men or boys.

The breasts get bigger. They often grow unevenly.

It is often caused by changes in the female hormone (estrogen) and male hormone (testosterone). Other things can also cause it.

Most cases occur when a preteen or teenage boy is going through puberty. But it can also happen to newborns and older men.

It often goes away on its own. In some cases, hormone therapy is required. Surgery can also help treat the condition.

Next Steps

Find out why you are visiting and what you want to achieve.

Before your visit, make a note of any questions you would like answered.

Bring someone to help you ask questions and remember what your provider tells you.

At the visit, write down the name of any new diagnosis and any new medications, treatments, or tests. Also, make a note of any new instructions your provider gives you.

Learn why a new medicine or treatment is being prescribed and how it will help you. Also find out about the side effects.

Ask if your condition can be treated in other ways.

Knowing why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean.

Know what to expect if you are not taking the medicine or undergoing the test or procedure.

If you have a follow-up appointment, write down the date, time, and purpose of that visit.

Know how to contact your provider if you have any questions.

Tips to help you get the most out of a visit to your healthcare provider:

What can I take to reduce gyno?

Tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, is effective for recent-onset and tender gynecomastia when used in doses of 10-20 mg twice daily. Up to 80% of patients report partial to complete resolution. Tamoxifen is typically used for 3 months before referral to a surgeon.

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

Clomiphene, [31] an antiestrogen, can be tried at a dose of 50-100 mg per day for up to 6 months. About 50% of patients achieve a partial reduction in breast size and about 20% of patients experience complete regression. Side effects, although rare, include vision problems, skin rash, and nausea.

Tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, is effective for new onset and painful gynecomastia when used in doses of 10-20 mg twice a day. [32] Up to 80% of patients report partial to complete resolution. Tamoxifen is usually used for 3 months before being referred to a surgeon. Nausea and upper abdominal discomfort are the main side effects. [34]

Other less commonly used drugs are danazol. [35] Danazol, a synthetic derivative of testosterone, inhibits pituitary secretion of LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which decreases estrogen synthesis from the testes. The dose used for gynecomastia is 200 mg twice a day. Complete regression of breast augmentation was reported in 23% of cases. Side effects include weight gain, acne, muscle cramps, fluid retention, nausea, and abnormal liver function test results.

The last gyno video you need to watch?

The last gyno video you need to watch?
The last gyno video you need to watch?

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Can Gynecomastia Go Away with Exercise?

Gynecomastia is a physical condition that only affects natural males. It is characterized by a swollen, soft-appearing breast that resembles breasts. Although gynecomastia is not dangerous, many sufferers experience psychological distress, gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, or bullying as a result of their condition. These can impact mental health and sometimes lead patients to seek ways to manage their gynecomastia symptoms.

When researching treatment options, many men ask themselves, “Can gynecomastia go away with exercise or a healthy diet?” After all, the gym and cooking nutritious meals are widely believed to be the fastest routes to a lean body. However, since gynecomastia is the result of excess glandular and stromal tissue and not actual fat, this answer is less simple than one might imagine.

dr Lapuerta has been working with gynecomastia patients for years – and we love to share our knowledge of the condition with you. Read on to learn more about exercising with gynecomastia and the most effective ways to treat the condition.

Can You Get Rid of Gynecomastia Through Exercise?

Can gynecomastia go away with exercise? Unfortunately not really. Although patients will see many health benefits from lifestyle changes such as exercising or eating healthily, changing gynecomastia symptoms will not be one of them. This is because the cause of gynecomastia is not related to one’s weight at all – it is usually caused by hormones. This is the key difference between gynecomastia and a similar condition called pseudogynecomastia. While the former is caused by a number of factors, from hormones to certain medical conditions, the sole cause of pseudogynecomastia is obesity.

Many patients do not know if they have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, and without this information it is less clear how to treat their condition. Although the primary symptom of both conditions is the outward appearance of the breasts, there are important ways to differentiate between the two.

Symptoms of gynecomastia include:

The physical appearance of the breasts

Puffy or swollen nipples

Tender or painful areola

tenderness in nipples

A firm-to-the-touch mound or disk of glandular tissue in the breast – the patient will generally be able to feel this

Sometimes the presence of soft fatty tissue under the breast – with mixed gynecomastia

Symptoms of pseudogynecomastia include:

A bilateral breast-like appearance of the breast

Just fatty tissue under the breasts, nothing firm to the touch

Are There Ways To Avoid Gynecomastia?

While weight gain or low activity levels aren’t the cause of gynecomastia, the condition has a number of causes — some of which may indicate a more serious health problem. Some can be avoided while others are simply medical or genetic. The most common causes of gynecomastia are:

Medications: Quite a few types of medications can lead to gynecomastia, especially those with high estrogen levels. Certain medications for heart problems, ulcers, and prostate problems, as well as antidepressants and steroids are all linked to gynecomastia. Some antibiotics can also cause symptoms.

Substance Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption has been cited as a cause of gynecomastia, as has use of certain narcotics such as cannabis and heroin.

Liver problems: Gynecomastia is sometimes caused by cirrhosis of the liver, a condition often caused by excessive drinking.

Kidney failure: In some (rare) cases, gynecomastia is a symptom of kidney failure. This is a very serious condition. Patients showing symptoms of kidney failure need to seek medical help immediately.

Testicular problems: Although uncommon, gynecomastia can sometimes indicate larger problems with the testicles, including infection or cancer. If a patient notices testicular failure symptoms in addition to gynecomastia, see a doctor.

Klinefelter Syndrome: Gynecomastia is sometimes present in men with Klinefelter syndrome, a rare condition in which patients have an extra X chromosome.

Gynecomastia Treatments

Once the patient has a clear understanding of whether they have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, they can consider their treatment options.

For those looking to treat pseudogynecomastia, we recommend trying a new fitness routine and switching to a more nutritious diet. Most often this turns out to be the most effective method of treating pseudogynecomastia. If the patient still has enlarged breasts after reaching her goal body weight, she may find that she actually has gynecomastia. At that point, they might consider other treatment options.

For patients with gynecomastia, there are two primary options for treating their condition:

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is minimally invasive and is generally performed in a single operation. Typically, this procedure involves the surgical removal of tissue and fat from the breast. There are two main types of surgical techniques in treating gynecomastia; which a patient receives depends on the severity of their case.

For milder forms of gynecomastia, a surgeon will make an incision around the areola before liposuction. For more severe cases of gynecomastia, the procedure involves making an incision along the lower border of the areola and surgically removing tissue. In both procedures, the incisions are closed with sutures.


In some cases, gynecomastia can be effectively treated with medication. However, many of the drugs used have been approved by the FDA to treat breast cancer and not gynecomastia.

Some gynecomastia patients also find success with hormone treatments. Patches, injections, and topical gels are common ways to treat the low testosterone levels that sometimes cause gynecomastia.

Training with gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia

Exercise is always a good choice – and it’s the ideal way to banish pseudogynecomastia. However, for those with “true gynecomastia,” surgery or medication are the best options for effective treatment. That being said, most plastic surgeons recommend that gynecomastia patients try to lose some weight before their surgery. Exercising with gynecomastia can be a great way to both achieve pre-surgery goals and form good habits for life after recovery.

When to Have Gynecomastia Surgery

The decision to have gynecomastia surgery is a personal choice. Although anyone with gynecomastia can be a great candidate for surgery, it’s important to consider timing and personal health before undertaking any procedure. The best gynecomastia surgery patients are healthy, already at their “goal weight” and their breasts are not growing.

Since gynecomastia is common in teenage boys, we are often asked if they are good candidates for surgery. Although teenagers sometimes undergo this procedure, revisions or additional treatments may be needed as they progress over time.

Before gynecomastia surgery, patients visit their surgeon and undergo an examination. This involves a breast exam and, in some cases, a biopsy or an ultrasound. This is to rule out any possibility of breast cancer, which can sometimes occur in men. Once the patient has been diagnosed with gynecomastia and cleared for surgery, a procedural plan will be drawn up.

Going to the Gym After Gynecomastia Surgery: When Can I Work Out?

So, can gynecomastia go away with exercise? no Does this mean women with gynecomastia shouldn’t exercise? Of course not. Exercise and staying fit is always a good idea. After surgery, however, it’s best to wait a while before hitting the gym — recovery from gynecomastia surgery takes about six weeks.

Recovery from gynecomastia surgery is fairly easy and not very painful. Postoperative patients are given painkillers and compression garments to wear for about six weeks or until the swelling has subsided. Two weeks after the operation, the patient visits his surgeon for a check-up and removal of the sutures. Most patients are already back to work by this time.

Regarding going to the gym after gynecomastia surgery, we advise patients to wait. Although light activity (like going to work or running errands) is fine, we do not recommend strenuous activity for the first six weeks after this procedure. Around this six week mark, most patients have healed well enough to start exercising again – and are comfortable going shirtless in the locker rooms afterwards! However, it can take up to six months for the results to fully manifest.

Book your gynecomastia surgery today

dr Leo Lapuerta has been serving the needs of plastic surgery in Southeast Texas for over 20 years. Gynecomastia patients can rest assured that they are in experienced hands with our team.

Contact us today for a consultation with Dr. Lapuerta on her possible gynecomastia surgery. We can’t wait to meet you and help you achieve your goals.

Can Gynecomastia Be Corrected with Exercise?

dr Khalil responds to a question from a potential patient.

Dear Dr. khalil,

As a man, I am ashamed of my enlarged female breasts. I try to hide my chest under baggy clothes, and I don’t like going to the pool or the beach. Dating is out of the question. I’m wondering if an exercise routine would help improve my protruding breasts or do I need surgical correction?

{name edited}

Dear {edited},

Thanks for your question. Before I get into the treatment, let me first explain why some men like you develop large, woman-like breasts.

A likely answer is that you suffer from a condition known as gynecomastia. If that’s true, it means your breasts are made up of dense glandular tissue that’s swollen due to a hormonal imbalance. The glandular tissue is likely behind your areolae and may also be surrounded by excess fatty tissue.

Although gynecomastia isn’t usually painful, as you’ve noticed, large breasts can seriously affect a man’s confidence. Men struggling with gynecomastia may experience stress, anxiety, or depression because of their appearance and may withdraw from social activities.

Unfortunately, glandular tissue (and hence true gynecomastia) does not respond to movement. Some men with gynecomastia find that exercising actually makes the condition worse. As the pecs get stronger with targeted strength exercises, the muscles can push the tissue further out of the breast, causing the breasts to protrude or appear bulbous.

The only solution to true gynecomastia is surgery to remove excess tissue (and excess skin if necessary) and reshape the breast to create a flatter and firmer contour.

However, without examining you personally, it is impossible to diagnose you with true gynecomastia. You may actually have a similar condition known as pseudogynecomastia, which would mean your breasts are made up of only fatty tissue. Perhaps you struggle with being overweight or obese, and your breasts reflect that. If this is the case, increasing the frequency and intensity of your exercise can help. Exercise will reduce excess fat and build pectoral muscles, giving the chest a more sculpted appearance.

Without the opinion of a professional, it is difficult to determine the composition of your overdeveloped breasts and recommend the appropriate treatment. It is best to seek the expertise of a plastic surgeon who can examine your breasts and determine whether they are made up of glandular tissue, fatty tissue, or both. Based on this information, the surgeon can recommend the best treatment plan – be it a male breast reduction or a fat reduction method.

If you would like to discuss your case personally, please make an appointment for a consultation in my practice. I am glad to help. Call us today at 310.385.8601 or email our office to schedule an appointment.

Kind regards,

dr khalil

Working Out After Male Breast Reduction

Training after male breast reduction

Gynecomastia may not be a well-known term yet, but the condition it describes certainly is. Many people know it as “man boobs”. According to statistics, up to half of the male population can struggle with persistent breast enlargement. Gynecomastia is not uncommon in teenagers due to the correlation between breast tissue and hormonal fluctuations. In many cases of juvenile gynecomastia, the male breast reduces to a more masculine shape as testosterone and estrogen become imbalanced. However, this is not a matter of course.

For the adult male whose breast augmentation is ongoing, quality of life can suffer. It doesn’t have to. Experienced cosmetic surgeons have developed special techniques for reducing male breasts. The mechanical removal of fatty tissue and, if necessary, glandular tissue can permanently solve the problem of gynecomastia. Without enlarged breasts, a man can live fuller, more confident and actually see the results of his diet and exercise habits.

One of the questions many men have when approaching gynecomastia surgery is when will they be able to get back to the gym. As with all surgical procedures, male breast reduction requires some downtime to recover. The word “downtime” shouldn’t feel stressful; it simply means that some rest and relaxation is needed for some time. How much time depends on a few factors. These include:

Scope of breast reduction (fat reduction or surgical removal)

The body’s natural healing processes

Strict adherence to postoperative guidelines

Physical activity guidelines after male breast reduction surgery

Does “rest and relaxation” mean bedridden? Absolutely not. Patients undergoing surgery are advised to get up and walk as soon as they are stable on their feet. In order to ensure adequate blood circulation in the lower extremities, it is necessary to walk even short distances several times a day. In short, walking reduces the risk of postoperative blood clots.

In the first week after male breast reduction, physical activity should be limited to light walking. This shouldn’t be a concern. Many men are able to return to work at the end of this first week. That is, if their work is not strenuous. The return to normal activities, particularly those involving the chest muscles, must be done slowly and with the involvement of the surgical team. Too much too soon can increase the risk of complications and poor healing.

Patients undergoing gynecomastia surgery can expect to have healed enough to resume a light exercise routine approximately a month after surgery. The scope of training should initially be limited to cardio and non-chest exercises (including shoulders and arms). After about six weeks, the chest muscles are usually sufficiently healed for light chest and arm exercises. However, it is crucial that strength exercises be continued lightly. The muscles are not as strong as they were before the surgery and are therefore prone to injury.

Take the first step

The first step in getting the desired male breast is to consult an experienced plastic surgeon. To schedule our consultation at our Houston or Sugar Land offices, call 713.271.9000.

Posted in: Gynecomastia

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