How To Get A Girlfriend In Super City? The 13 New Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to get a girlfriend in super city“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What does alchemy do in Super City?

Alchemy : Lets you change the item that you’re holding by pressing S. Manifestation : Lets you spawn items in midair. Telepathy : Lets you know other characters secret identity (superhuman form’s name) what side they are on and who owns the place.

How do you play Super City Mdickie?

Super City Tips, Tricks & Strategy Guide: 6 Hints Every Player Should Know
  1. Basic Controls Have Been Changed. …
  2. Pay Up For Maximum Flexibility. …
  3. Know Your Enemies. …
  4. The Basics Of Becoming A Superhuman. …
  5. Even Superhumans Need To Eat And Sleep. …
  6. Always Be On The Attack In One-On-One Situations.

How to kiss In Super City

Mat Dickie, or MDickie for short, is the one-man mobile gaming entity that previously gave us games like School Days and Hard Time, as well as Wrestling Revolution 3D and Weekend Warriors. Now he’s back with another game for Android and iOS called Super City, and in terms of mechanics, it has something for those who are familiar with all the games mentioned above. The game puts you in the role of an ordinary person, who can become a superhero or supervillain depending on your orientation, as you fight for control of the eponymous Super City and all of its individual zones. Wrestling Revolution’s combat system returns in this game, although of course there are a few minor creases that make this game more superhero/supervillain oriented.

This is a fairly new game that we’ve been playing quite a bit over the past few days and while we hope to give you a comprehensive list of intermediate and advanced tips, let’s start from scratch and get your superhero/ Get your Super Villain career on the right foot with this newbie Super City strategy guide.

1. Basic controls have been changed

MDickie says it all in the game description, but if this isn’t your first time playing his games (School Days, Hard Time, etc.) you’ll notice that some changes have been made. The “G” key for grappling has been replaced with a “B” key, which allows you to block enemy attacks. If you want to hold someone down to prepare a wrestling move, e.g. A suplex requires you to press “A” (attack) and “B” at the same time, then press the appropriate action button or directional button once you’ve locked the other person in. It’s, we’d say, trickier than the previous grappling system, but it is what it is and it’s something you’ll have to get used to.

2. Pay for maximum flexibility

In the free version you can only use one character, and that’s Bart Crane, aka Dragonfly. You cannot edit his stats or name, nor his alignment, which counts as a hero. However, if you pay $5 for the Special Edition, you can make one of the game’s characters your own and edit and customize those characters to your liking. You can also create your own battle scenes to practice your fighting skills. Furthermore, you can play the game without having to deal with ads. And while we can understand if you’d rather not pay to enjoy a free title even more, it’s worth paying that $5 if you’re willing to jump for it.

3. Know your enemies

Regardless of whether you start out as a hero (you will always do so if you’re playing the free version) or as a villain, it’s important that you know who’s good and who’s bad and fight against characters of opposing factions; You don’t want people on your side accusing you of “starting a civil war.”

Basic knowledge of Marvel, DC and other comic-based franchises will be helpful – for example, there are parodied versions of Wolverine (“Claws”) and Wonder Woman (“Miss America”), which are always geared towards heroes, while parodied versions Riddler (“Conundrum”) and Mystique (“Majestic”) always start out as villains. Knowing who’s a face (good guy) and a heel (bad guy) in WWE also helps, as MDickie still loves his pro-wrestling credentials. Then again, it’s not always an exact science – for example, Hit Girl from the Kickass series is parodied as “It Girl” in this game, but she always starts out as a villain.

4. The basics of becoming a superman

Whether you’re a hero or a villain in Super City, you’ll be dubbed “Superman” once you activate your special powers and secret identity. Simply tap your character portrait in the top left of the screen to transform from a mortal into a superhuman, and tap the “S” button on the bottom right next to the usual controls to launch your superpowers/special abilities. e.g. eye lasers, chest lasers, ninja stars etc. Keep an eye on the second yellow bar below your health bar; In previous MDickie games, this would have been your health bar, but this time it shows you how much longer you can use your superpowers before going back to normal.

As such, you don’t want to transform into a superhuman unless your yellow bar is even half full; If the bar goes blank and someone from the opposite direction sees you turn back into a normal person, he or she may have you higher up on their hit list and make you a new enemy! As in School Days and other MDickie titles, those designated as your “enemies” will immediately act aggressively when you are in their presence.

5. Even supermen need to eat and sleep

You’ll find leftover food scattered randomly around the different parts of Super City. Go ahead and pick up those food pieces and eat them; In most cases, this fills up your health bar and super power meter slightly. However, there are some seemingly random occasions where you eat something, only to throw it up when you drop the piece of food. This will affect your health, but you can always resume eating and eat it to restore your health. Of course, sleeping (better if it’s on a bed, but you can sleep wherever you like) is the best way to replenish your health, and it can also help replenish the superpower yellow bar.

6. Always be aggressive in one-on-one situations

Especially when dealing with someone from an opposing alignment, you want to attack as often as possible. This is especially true when it’s a clear one-on-one situation, but when you’re going up against two villains as a hero, you should avoid starting or joining a fight unless you have someone out of your alignment that helps you out. In fact, you should avoid those chaotic, multi-person fights, since there’s always a chance that your friendly fire, i.e., punches, kicks, or grabs, will accidentally hit someone who’s on your side. Still, the benefits of combat are very clear – if you do well, you can enjoy modest gains in all three important stats – your power, speed, and defense.

Want more Super City tips and tricks? Be sure to check out our second strategy guide for the game for even more hints!

How to fly in Super city game?

As long as your character has the ability to do so as a Superhuman, you can fly in the game – this is explained in the game description, but just in case you missed it, you can simply double-tap and hold on the “R” button to fly as a Superhuman.

How to kiss In Super City

As promised, we have another list of Super City tips, tricks and strategies, but in case this is your first time reading this and learning about this game, let us update you. Super City is the latest title from MDickie, the same guy who brought us titles like School Days, Hard Time and Wrestling Revolution/Wrestling Revolution 3D. This game combines the mechanics of MDickie’s school/prison simulators and his wrestling/MMA simulators, but this time you’re in control of a superhero or, should you switch allegiances, a supervillain.

They live in a place called Super City, and it’s here that you can interact with a quirky cast of parody superheroes/supervillains, including many inspired by real Marvel and DC characters, and some inspired by pro wrestlers and MMA… fighters are inspired. Should you fight for the side of good or for the side of evil? It’s entirely up to you, as long as you can shift the balance to your side of the moral fence.

We had previously given you some basic tips for this game, which is mainly designed for beginners. But now we want to give you a new strategy guide for Super City, this time with tips for advanced players. With that said, let us bring you to these tips.

1. What does the third bar do?

You may have wondered about that purple bar just below the green health bar and yellow superpower bar. As it turns out, that yardstick measures your respect in Super City – are you a brave and successful hero who instills fear in the bad guys, an evil genius who can easily wipe out the heroes, or a best-known sucker for his/her ineptitude?

Your success in battles will determine how far this respect meter goes, but if you end up on the losing side your respect will go down. As we’ve found, more respect also means it takes longer for your superpowers to wear off.

Respect will really go down if you throw up the food you eat or end up soiling yourself (yes, that MDickie mechanic again), so you might want to do some fighting to build it back up. Playing an instrument also helps build your respect, although it may take time before you see the effects.

2. Learn to fly

As long as your superhuman character is capable of doing so, you can fly in the game – this is explained in the game description, but in case you missed it, you can just double-tap and hold the “R” key to to fly as superman. But even if you can’t fly or are in normal human mode, you can still fly and use the same double-tap-then-hold action if you’re able to jetpack.

Flying is a good way to avoid contact with your enemies, but if you fly too low they can lift you out of the air and send you crashing down with an impact. Speaking of things like that, you should make a good landing and release the “R” key at the right time, because a bad landing can cost you some health and sometimes some stat points.

3. Accept these random quests

Just like in other MDickie games, characters will sometimes come up to you and ask you to do something for them. For example, a character may ask you to bring him a shovel within five minutes.

We advise you to follow these quests and complete them because it will give you a valuable ally when you are in a fight while being in the same room together. As part of your friendship, you may also be taught some new special abilities. However, keep in mind that the new skill you learn would override the current one.

4. Control lasers and projectiles with arrows

As we explained in the tip above, you can learn new special abilities by accepting the friendship of others and their offers to teach you their abilities. If you’re lucky enough to learn an eye or chest laser ability, we recommend using it at range as it’s safer (and more effective) than fighting at close range and risking physical harm. For better usability, we recommend controlling the laser with the up or down arrow keys.

For example, you can point your laser up to drop a flying character, or point it down to continue hurting other characters while they’re prone. As for projectiles, you can also use your arrow keys to properly aim them at your chosen enemy. This is especially helpful if you have the Special Edition of the game, which allows you to edit characters and choose different characters than those provided by the game.

5. Get a buddy

Tired of being allied by the enemy faction? Occasionally, your friends (or characters who see you as an ally) will ask you if you’d like to take them on as a sidekick. If so, we advise you to say yes – your buddy will follow you everywhere, whether you’re human or superhuman, and help you in battle.

The help doesn’t seem like much at times, as sidekicks (due to gameplay mechanics) often tend to mind their own business and focus on their direct opponent rather than getting you out of trouble. But two against three is always better than you, and you alone fight with several characters at the same time.

6. Other benefits of making new friends

Aside from sidekicks following you everywhere and fighting by your side in every fight, there are other reasons besides learning new skills why you should befriend game characters of the same alignment should they ask for your friendship. (This also applies to characters who become your boyfriend or girlfriend in the game.)

With more friends, you have more allies and more people to help you in battle, and some friendships start when characters happen to give some helpful tips on how to play the game, allowing you to learn something new and make a new friend at the same time.

7. Use the new weapons

Forget the pistol or machine gun you might have used in Hard Time to finish off our enemies faster than you would with your punches, kicks and grappling moves. Super City has introduced several new weapon types that you can use in battle, whether you’re human or superhuman.

Our personal favorite is the laser gun, which works like the eye and chest lasers. We suggest sticking with this while you’re human, since blasting enemies from enemy alignments while humans can fill up that yellow bar quickly.

8. How to fill up your yellow superpower bar

Do you need to stay super for a longer period of time? If so, then you want that yellow bar to fill up as much as possible. You can do this by attacking other characters (preferably those with opposite alignment, of course) while still human, and the bar seems to go up a bit (emphasis on a bit) when you co-attack others in Superhuman mode your bare hands or feet.

As we said in the original guide, sleeping helps replenish the super power bar, so get some rest every now and then to make sure your super powers don’t fade away anytime soon.

9. Kick them (or blast them) while they’re down

We’ve learned this the hard way several times; Characters from opposing alignment will smack you on your butt, and they’ll string together some sort of combo by putting you in a submission (they really hurt this time, especially when made by a Superman) or by stepping on you so that you don’t get up

Of course you can do the same and make your enemies go down and stay down; A neat trick would be to hit them with a laser (be it super powered or with a laser gun) and then press the down arrow to aim it at your fallen enemy.

10. You can play it offline and there are no leaderboards, so stop raging

Quite a few console game makers have taken action against giving up on anger or giving up on a losing battle lest your loss be credited to your name or handwriting. But since there’s no such thing as a leaderboard in Super City, and you can play the game offline, it’s okay to stop the rage if you’re on the brink of death or heavily outnumbered.

This allows you to extend your character’s lifespan and quickly regroup and develop a different strategy against the enemy.

11. Bored with being a hero or villain? change allegiance

Assuming your character is still alive, Super City can be an endless game. But we admit that it can get boring if, for example, you started out as a hero and eliminated all the villains, thereby controlling more rooms. This might get a bit monotonous. So if you get bored of being so dominant as a hero or villain, you can attack someone with the same alignment as you. In most cases, you will then be asked to answer whether you want to stay in your current alignment or become a traitor and join the other side.

Accept that offer, and while you make a whole new set of enemies, the other side will at least know you’re supporting them, and at least things won’t get too monotonous.

And that ends our second guide to MDickie’s mobile game, Super City. Have you discovered any other tips or tricks that we don’t know about? If so, please let us know in the comments below!

Is Super City on PC?

Play in your browser on PC, Mac, iPad or android tablet!

As a mayor of your own city you will get access to hundreds of unique buildings and decorations to make your architectural dreams come true!

How to kiss In Super City

Super City is a free simulation city building game 2022 with multiplayer

Play in your browser on PC, Mac, iPad or Android tablet!

You have an amazing opportunity to create a global city with skyscrapers where you will see beautiful skylines. Or you may choose to build a small, quiet community with vegetable and fruit farms, small cabins, trail parks, and a zoo.

As the mayor of your own city, you’ll gain access to hundreds of unique buildings and decorations to make your architectural dreams come true!

Is it boring to be a city tycoon and just build houses? No problem! You can take a break from city building and join the adventure game mode with seasonal expeditions.

How do you get hard time in 3d?

  1. control panel.
  2. click Turn Windows features on or off.
  3. select Legacy Componets also select Direct Play then ok.
  4. select Hard Time (Windowed) exe.

How to kiss In Super City

Hardtime 3D for windows 10

Can anyone help me to get the 3D Windows 10 version of Hardtime. I’m really struggling to get the game to work. The error I’m getting is an application error.

How do you play school days?

School Days Tips & Hints: 5 Advanced Tricks You Never Heard…
  1. Play The Game Online. …
  2. Have The Right Equipment For Certain Classes. …
  3. Make Sure You Don’t Have These Requisite Items Too Early. …
  4. Don’t Dump Potential Partners. …
  5. Spend Your Free Time Usefully.

How to kiss In Super City

Developer MDickie (Mat Dickie) is known for its wrestling-based mobile titles, as well as the prison simulator Hard Time. His new game School Days is now available for both iOS and Android devices. The game, as we told you before, picks up where Hard Time left off and the prison of the first game is now a school in the second. It’s a school with the worst types of students, not to mention the worst types of teachers who, like the students, are not afraid to mess it up physically. And if you pay close attention to the characters, you’ll find that Dickie isn’t shy about dropping pop culture references — you’ve got students who look (and are similarly named) like Miley Cyrus, WWE Superstar John Cena, and even Jimmy Hopkins, protagonist of Rockstar’s controversial video game Bully.

Now that we’ve primed you for the game, let’s continue with our list of Back to School tips and tricks that we think we missed the first time – though this time we’re going to get a little more advanced.

1. Play the game online

Sure, you’re probably used to us telling you to play with your wifi or data to help the developers take a break. But there is another benefit of playing School Days online. Since not all of us can remember what we learned in school, it’s a good idea to be online while playing so you can Google the answers to the quizzes and avoid losing your health gauge , if you answer the teacher’s questions wrong and get a thing on your report card.

2. Have the right gear for specific classes

For music classes, you need a musical instrument, for physical education classes, you need some kind of sports gear, while for cooking classes, you need to take some food or drink with you. With that in mind, make sure you have this gear around 1-3 hours before these classes – you’ll find musical instruments in the theater, exercise equipment in the gym, and food/drinks in the cafeteria. Not bringing gear will automatically lower your grade and, as mentioned above, your sanity as well.

3. Make sure you don’t have these required items too early

Referring to the tip above, you also don’t want to have these articles ready much sooner than you should. For example, if you have a dumbbell for your gym class that’s scheduled for 3:00 p.m. From the very first lesson, you are more vulnerable to the item being stolen by another student… or teacher. And when that happens, your health meter will take a beating.

4. Don’t let potential partners fall

Occasionally a student will come up to you and tell you that someone they know has something for you. If you agree to meet this guy or girl, you’ll get a boyfriend, which could be good for your mental health. But if you think that person isn’t your type, said guy or girl will immediately become your enemy and will probably start a fight with you as soon as he/she sees you!

5. Spend your free time wisely

Unless you have a music or physical education class planned, you might want to pick up a musical instrument or dumbbell if you see them lying around. Playing this instrument or flexing this dumbbell will cause your health meter to increase and at the same time your popularity will increase.

How do I download super city on my computer?

How to Download and Install Super City on PC
  1. Launch LDPlayer and search Super City on the search bar.
  2. Enjoy playing Super City on your PC with LDPlayer.

How to kiss In Super City

Create your own superhuman and cross paths with up to 150 other heroes and villains in the ultimate shared universe! Decide where your allegiance lies and fight for control of every corner of Super City as your own unique story unfolds. This game inherits an above-average combat system from the wrestling series and supercharges the action with new powers, technologies, costumes and locations!

Refresh to save your changes to all characters and make the world your own. This includes starting with a character of your choice and never ending until you decide to do so. You’re also welcome to set up your own “battle scenes” to let off steam without any pressure!


Pay attention to in-game hints, but the basic controls are as follows:

A = Attack (alone to aim low, with a direction to aim high)

G = gripper

A+G = lock

R = run (tap twice to jump or fly)

A+R = Big Attack

P = Pick-Up / Drop (with direction of throw)

R+P = set fire

T = Taunt, use prop, release hold

S = special power

* Tap on the portrait to transform (once activated).

* Touch the clock (or the bottom of the screen) to pause the game.

* Tap on the speech bubbles to speed up the conversations.

* Pinch the center of the display to zoom in or out.

Super City depicts a fictional universe. Any resemblance to real characters, past or present, is purely coincidental.


What is Super City?

a large, heavily populated urban area that includes several cities; megalopolis.

How to kiss In Super City



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how to get GF in super city
how to get GF in super city

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Super City Answers for iPhone

iPhone – iPad Games

Super City Answers for iPhone – iPad Home / iPhone – iPad /

Developer: Mdickie

Mdickie Publisher: Mdickie

Mdickie Genre: Action

Action Release: June 4, 2016

June 4, 2016 Platform: iPhone – iPad

iPhone – iPad ESRB: Not set

Question & Answers

How to get a girlfriend? Hello, I’ve been trying to get a girlfriend but can’t crash, February 14, 2021


Answer from: Kamikazeceej10

They must be asked by someone in Super City, just like back in school. Posted on: April 22, 2021

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Answer: Nickname:

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How to kiss In Super City

00:00 Everyone, my name is Alexis and welcome

00:04 back to Super City

00:06 and here we go, we save him

00:12 send people let’s come in

00:16 story let me continue story oh we are

00:24 here here how nice

00:28 God, something is so sluggish here

00:38 oh we’re going down, don’t sit up

00:44 or through your streets

00:51 sure yes yes Wendy Kobe Kobe it was it

01:06 made sure your mother didn’t start anything

01:08 you can’t finish what here i’m digging i’m not

01:26 even save

01:28 where is the girl

01:33 where they kobe okay what’s coming and

01:42 We save you

01:43 Doors open man I got your back yeah thanks

01:46 you

01:49 no i need you you get the two and

01:53 you’re just going to fight there, yeah

01:59 easier you know what happens oh my

02:03 special flowers i can’t go further 02:04 yes we we ya here my god ah that we 02:13 already won oh hey mixer why are you 02:30 so loud 02:32 what oh hey hey look look look , I’m calling your dog right now, you’re shivering like hell 02:50, your mixer, hey, you mixer, yeah, you, 03:03, what are you doing now, 03:06, here, wow, oh, nobody’s gonna die, yes, 03:11, thank you, look oh no mr. headmaster you are 03:16 not much thank you they are all 03:18 help dora blender i live in discord 03:25 yes yes you want what 03:33 no visible guru stay out of my way you are 03:40 crouched a crab cake oh my god why are you 03:45 you are still sisters oh yeah get her 03:48 she 03:48 get him borrower get him aah 03:55 what happened to me okay i’m going with fireman 03:59 this stinks to take away for one minute 04:05 oh is it oh blender ass no i asked you a question 04:09 man stop blender you we’re a pretty good team 04:18 04:19 why don’t you film a little what you can be my 04 :26 [music] 04:34 [music] 04:42 Advertisement Oh my god listen Clara she did you 04:52 to do something for the greater good 04:55 Make us clean up the desert 04:58 but to get there and the same is also true 05:01 05:04 i try not to be let me 05:06 black why she likes the target and 05:13 reducers in every year where let me go 05:18 short oh no – she’s fun slow 05:28 she is yes but i need i don’t need ti me 05:43 very suspicious 05:52 you need to be hung on a beach and me 05: 59 let go in the desert because it said that 06:02 in hunger ok just let me fly and 06:09 make it easier to cum at 06:12 what the heck is that go in that thing 06:16 yeah desert desert rishi 06:48 no i’m not trying i’m trying to get a ticket 06:52 oh no oh my god i hate you 07:11 still a hero 07:25 where you yourself are invisible people are coming 07:32 on cara be so hard 07:41 [music] 07:45 help close your healing 07:51 you are better off because of my scar 07:55 [music] 08 :03 ma’am, like 08:08 good man, tamil myself if i actually 08:29 what 08:34 killed them oh my god 08:38 [music] 08:43 yes small pox virus 08:51 oh those are awkward questions and other 08:56 you stink better Mar z you are a 08:59 good person 09:04 yes hello what is your problem 09:20 yes 09:30 you you buddy 09:39 still a hero what i need for this 09:45 grows grows grows grows grows 09:49 heaps okay 10:01 okay 10:04 yes wish 10:08 i was so close 10:15 [music] 10:19 okay leave our school in addiction because 10:32 i have to take over evil so that we 10: 38 can finish okay 10:42 oh my god 10:46 me oh my god oMG okay 10:57 you are chosen to run oh we probably will 11:00 mistress s brother okay 11:02 dude what i so big thanks guys that 11:15 is so embarrassing face um i guess my 11:19 friend 11:23 no well probably i can sir sighs you are 11:34 look so press the 11:44 hey looking how strict sherman sherman 11:50 sherman 11 :55 [music] 12:08 this is the hero this is our person 12:16 let me understand i know it probably she is the 12:20 dirt you i start strong where is dr. 12:42 Barry died 12:44 You were so deep Dietsch Punch that’s it 12:51 Man shut up 12:56 God I’m gonna die yeah 12:59 Thanks Sherman I really appreciate it 13: 03 ok i will take this thing and then stop 13:06 him yes kill you he kill me you may kill 13:15 it you hack it 13:19 ah why did you do that 13:29 [music] 13: 34 yes this bob probably cooked time 13:44 machine do something 13:50 oh what is her name rally yes would you 14:11 shut up yes spiderman go with 14:24 your adam diego i hope you can still 14 :28 break down danish 14:38 what the hell is your problem 14:51 please goddamn this girl 15:15 my god i am so weak 15:18 ah why am i so tall

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