Invitation To Prayer Examples? The 139 Latest Answer

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How do you invite someone to a prayer?

A warm and pleasant morning to one and all. First of all let’s invoke the blessings of the almighty. Let me invite —– for prayer. Everyone please raise for the prayer.

How do you invite Jesus to prayer?

Here is a simple prayer if you have not yet given your life to Jesus and invited him into yours: Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to restore me to the Father.

How do you write a prayer request?

Generally, prayer requests should follow this simple structure:
  1. A catchy opening line.
  2. Detailing the problem/prayer focus.
  3. Thanking people for the help.

How do you introduce a prayer in a meeting?

Heavenly Father, We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community.

How do I start prayer anchoring?

Anchoring script for prayer

With great respect & profound regards, respected Principal Sir/Madam, Hardworking teachers & my dear brothers and sisters, I whole heartedly welcome you all in this beautiful galaxy. My name is {YOUR NAME} from class { YOUR CLASS} and I am going to host today’s morning assembly.

Board Meeting Prayer

So without further ado

Let’s start…

first let us know

A presenter is a person who moderates programs in schools, colleges and universities.

If you have been chosen to be the moderator for the morning meeting program, congratulations. It will help you boost your confidence. It will also give you an edge over others in communication skills. Don’t let this valuable opportunity pass you by. It can completely change your life in the long run.

Good and inspirational quotes can spice up our day. It increases our self-confidence and courage. So, to inspire us with a Thought of the Day, I’d like to invite Mr. ABC.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Maybe tomorrow, if not today.”

With great respect and profound greetings, dear Headmistress, diligent teachers and my dear brothers and sisters, I wholeheartedly welcome you all to this beautiful galaxy. My name is {YOUR NAME} of { YOUR CLASS} and I will be conducting this morning meeting.

As we all know, we begin every event and occasion with prayer. Prayer means the purification of one’s soul. It takes negative thoughts out of our mind. It helps us achieve our goals and dreams. I would like to ask you, Mr. ABC & XYZ, please come forward and start this auspicious day with nice prayers.

Deposit anchor script

A pledge is a way to show your love and respect for our nation. So I beg (DISPIPENT’S NAME) please step forward and lead us with the promise.

Thank you (ABC) for reading the pledge.

Message anchor script

It’s a good habit to keep us up to date on what’s going on. It broadens our perspective and knowledge. For updates I would like to call (student name) from class (class name), please come forward and update us on current events.

Anchor script for special days

Today is May 22nd, which is celebrated around the world as World Biodiversity Day. To shed light on this topic, I would like to invite (student’s name).

What do you say before starting a prayer?

We open the prayer by addressing God because he is the one we are praying to. Start by saying “Father in Heaven” or “Heavenly Father.” We address Him as our Heavenly Father, because He is the father of our spirits. He is our creator and the one to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives.

Board Meeting Prayer

Prayer is the way we communicate with God. That’s how he sometimes communicates with us. He has commanded us to pray. The following may help you learn how to pray.

The prayer consists of four simple steps

A prayer consists of four simple steps. They are evident in the Lord’s Prayer at Matthew 6:9-13:

Turn to Heavenly Father. Thank him for blessings. ask him for blessings. Close in the name of Jesus Christ.

The prayer can be said in your mind or out loud. Praying out loud can sometimes focus the mind. Prayers can be said at any time. For meaningful prayer, it is best to find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

Step 1: Reach out to Heavenly Father

We open prayer by turning to God because He is the one we are praying to. Begin by saying “Heavenly Father” or “Heavenly Father.”

We address Him as our Heavenly Father because He is the Father of our spirits. He is our Creator and the one to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives.

Step 2: Thank Heavenly Father

After we open the prayer, we tell our Heavenly Father what we are thankful for. You can start by saying, “Thank you…” or “I’m grateful for…”. We show our gratitude to our Father by telling Him in our prayer what we are thankful for; like our home, family, health, the earth and other blessings.

Be sure to include general blessings like health and safety as well as specific blessings like divine protection during a particular journey.

Step 3: Ask Heavenly Father

After we thank our Father in Heaven, we can ask Him for help. Some of the ways you can do this are:

“I beg you…”

“I need…”

“Please help me…”

We can ask Him to bless us with the things we need like knowledge, comfort, guidance, peace, health, etc.

Remember that when we ask for the strength needed to face life’s challenges, we are more likely to receive answers and blessings than to ask for the challenges to be removed.

Step 4: Close in the name of Jesus Christ

We close the prayer with the words “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen”. We do this because Jesus is our Savior, our mediator between death (physical and spiritual) and eternal life. We also close with Amen because it means that we accept or agree with what has been said.

A simple prayer might go like this:

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your guidance in my life. I am especially thankful for my safe journey when shopping today. As I try to keep your commandments, please help me always remember to pray. Please help me read the scriptures daily. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Pray in a group

When praying with a group of people, only the person saying the prayer speaks. The person praying should say the prayer in the plural, such as “We thank you” and “We ask you.”

In the end, when the person says amen, the rest of the group also says amen. This shows our approval or acceptance of what they prayed for.

Always pray, with sincerity and with faith in Christ

Jesus Christ taught us to always pray. He also taught us to pray sincerely and avoid unnecessary repetition. We must pray with unshakable faith and real intent.

One of the most important things we should pray for is to learn the truth about God and His plan for us.

Prayers are always answered

Prayer can be answered in a variety of ways, sometimes as feelings from the Holy Spirit or thoughts that come to mind.

Sometimes a feeling of peace or warmth comes to our hearts as we read the scriptures. Events that we experience can also be answers to our prayers.

Preparing for personal revelation will also help us receive answers to prayer. God loves us and is our Father in heaven. He hears and answers prayers.

Updated by Krista Cook.

How do you invite Jesus?

You need to invite Jesus Christ into your heart.

Next Steps in Your New Walk with Jesus…
  1. Start reading the Bible daily to get to know God. If you don’t have one, I recommend the YouVersion, Bible. …
  2. Pray every day. Talk to God. …
  3. Find and join a Bible-believing church — preferably a non-denominational one and be baptized!

Board Meeting Prayer

Do you feel like something is missing in your life? It’s a relationship with Jesus. You must invite Jesus Christ into your heart. He wants to be your friend! He wants a relationship with YOU!

Jesus said…

Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart! It’s time to let him in!

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together as friends.” Revelation 3:20 NLT

That is, He is waiting for YOU to invite HIM into YOUR life. He won’t force himself on you. You have to open the door of your heart and welcome him.

Look at the picture on the left. Note that the door does not have a doorknob on the outside. He is knocking and waiting for you to open the door and let Him into your life!

Jesus didn’t suffer and died on the cross so we could have religion! No! Jesus sacrificed his life so that YOU could have a personal relationship with him!

Are you ready?

How to invite Jesus into your life

If you are unsure whether you are saved or not, if you truly want to be born again and have the assurance of salvation, receive the Holy Spirit and receive a one-way, non-stop ticket to heaven after you die, or that you won’t be left behind in the rapture, which could happen at any moment, that’s what you have to do…

Answer these questions:

Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the cross and took away your sins once and for all?

Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father?

Do you (sorry) regret your sins? will you stop sinning

Do you want Jesus to forgive you your sins once and for all?

Will you give your whole life to Him and Him alone? Will you ONLY follow Jesus, not a church, not Mary and not the saints?

If you answered YES! everyone, then you are ready to ask Jesus into your life. Then jump to the next heading.

If not, then you need to read some more articles on this site and ask God to reveal the truth of the gospel to you. However, you must ask God to open your eyes, mind and heart to the truth and you will find it.

Prayer to invite Jesus into your heart

Pray this prayer humbly and with all your heart…

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I believe you died for my sins. Please forgive me. Right now I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and my life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. I surrender my whole life to you and will only follow you for the rest of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. In the name of Jesus, amen.”

Next steps in your new walk with Jesus…

Start reading the Bible daily to get to know God. If you don’t have one, I recommend the YouVersion,, and Through the Word app – both are free and have lots of great Bible studies. Pray every day. talk to god Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you daily. Find and join a Bible-believing congregation—preferably non-denominational—and get baptized!

Which version of the Bible should I get?

Here are 2 study bibles that I recommend. (Partner of Christianbook)

Welcome to the family!

God so loved the world

How do I invite Jesus in my life?

Through prayer, invite Jesus into your heart to become your personal Lord and Savior.
  1. “For with the heart (core being) man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” ( Romans 10:10)
  2. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” ( Romans 10:13)

Board Meeting Prayer

The Bible says there is only one way to heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) That one way is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and to follow God’s plans for our lives as laid down in the Bible.

Good works cannot save you. Only faith in Jesus can save you.

“For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

How do I invite God into my life?

Inviting God Into Your Life
  1. Sincerely confess the things that you have done wrong in your life and ask for his forgiveness.
  2. Thank him for sending his son to die for you so that you can be forgiven.
  3. Tell him you are ready to trust him and invite him to enter all of your thoughts, words, and deeds.

Board Meeting Prayer

A relationship with God is the most life-giving relationship possible. If you have never done this, we encourage you to invite God into your life. If you’ve done this once but the relationship is stale, we encourage you to renew this invitation. When God sees you moving toward Him, He will find you and the rest of your relationship will come naturally. This process of inviting God into your life and letting Him meet you may seem strange and confusing, but you just have to trust us until you experience it for yourself.

While this is not the only way, here is a short prayer to open your heart to him:

Sincerely confess the things you did wrong in your life and ask His forgiveness. Thank him for sending his son to die for you so that you can be forgiven. Tell him you are willing to trust him and invite him to step into your every thought, word and deed.

If you sincerely prayed this prayer, congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward a life-saving relationship with God! Watch for his presence now. It could be a thought in your head that you know is not your own, a message you read or hear that turns out to be a purely good answer to your prayers, or a peaceful, warm, or tingly feeling . Repeat this prayer every day or even several times a day until you feel its presence.

As you begin to experience God, you continue to invite Him into all of your hurts, fears, and dark places. This brings you deeper into a relationship with him and allows him to heal and change you more comprehensively. Keep talking to him in prayer and keep listening to him, especially in quiet times. It will also help to connect with other believers who can encourage you, help you better understand and grow in this new relationship, and keep the relationship on track. If you are not already part of a church, we offer some suggestions on how to find and connect with a church on our Find a Church page.

How do I write a prayer request for my family?

Dear God,

I’m calling on you to revive me and give me the strength I need to care for my family. You know I love them, but keeping everything together can be overwhelming. Teach me ways to better relate to my family and to guide them as I should. Comfort me, guide me, and give me the strength I need to keep going.

Board Meeting Prayer

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Supporting and caring for our family is an important part of our lives. Whether your family consists of children, a spouse, or an extended family, you may feel the need to pray for those close to you.

Praying for your family means making requests to God on their behalf and being thankful for answered prayers.

In the difficult times that many of us are facing right now, you probably have many concerns regarding your family. Maybe you’re worried about finances and not being able to pay your bills on time. There may be health issues that you need strength to confront and deal with. Your concerns could include general fears for the safety of your family.

No matter how specific or general your concerns, saying prayers for your family involves interceding for those who mean the most to you. Bringing your fears or worries to God can give you peace of mind and help you through difficult times. You can choose to pray silently or aloud. Sometimes, speaking our concerns out loud is a good way to express our feelings.

Below are 21 prayers for your family that can bring strength and comfort as you try to overcome adversity or just get through the struggles of daily life. You can say these prayers individually or together as a family.

1. Dear Sir,

Our family struggles with fear and confusion. We need your strength and power in our lives. We need to feel your comfort and peace. Put your arms around us and fill us with your love. I pray for my spouse and children. I pray for every member of my family. You know each of our individual fears and needs. Provide us all with the strength we need to carry on and comfort us as we continue on in life.

Thank you God,


2. Dear God,

Give us wisdom to make the best decisions for our families.

Grant us the grace to trust you even when we don’t see immediate answers.

Give us hope to keep going despite the circumstances around us.

Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer.

Thank you for your constant care and peace.

On your behalf, amen.

3. Heavenly Father,

We call on you father in these difficult times. When people are sick and struggling to make ends meet, it’s easy to lose hope. Give us the strength and power to carry on despite everything that is happening around us. Help us keep an eye on you, not our problems. Comfort and strengthen us to get through.


4. Dear Jesus,

My loved ones struggle to get together as a family. We all seem torn in so many directions. I ask you to bring us back together as we should be. Give us the strength to rely on each other and above all on you. I pray for each member of our family. Help each of us individually and as a family.

On your behalf, amen.

5. Lord God,

My family really needs help now. We find it very difficult to continue in such difficult circumstances. There are so many things in our lives that go wrong all at once. Give us the strength to carry on. Give each of us a desire to keep going. I will remember your promises in Proverbs 18:10. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run in and are safe. Help me to remember that I can always count on my God during these difficult times.

Thank you God,


6. Dear God,

I am erased I am completely exhausted and ready to give up. I ask you to revive me and give me the strength I need to take care of my family. You know I love her, but keeping it all together can be overwhelming. Show me how to build a better relationship with my family and lead them the way I should. Comfort me, guide me and give me the strength I need to go on.


7. Dear Jesus,

Always remind us of who you are and what you can do. You are greater than any of our problems or worries. You have provided the perfect example of strength in the midst of extreme adversity. Give our family your strength to come together as a family should. Give comfort to each of us and help us to comfort one another.

On your behalf, amen

8. father,

Our family seems to be facing one battle after another. There are so many things we are dealing with at the same time. We need your strength and guidance in these difficult times. Surround us with your comfort, pour out your spirit on us and give us the strength to go on. We not only pray that you will lift us all up, but also help us to support one another. Help us have real empathy for what each of us is experiencing right now. We thank you and love you.


9. Almighty God,

We are so concerned about what the future holds for this family. We struggle through so many different things. It’s so easy to be overcome by fear and despair. We will rest in your promises of power and salvation. In Isaiah 12:2 you tell us: Verily God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Thank you God for these incredible words of comfort.


10. Dear Lord,

Our family comes before you asking for strength, comfort and protection. As each of us goes about our daily routines in our lives, we ask you to guide us every step of the way. We don’t know what each of our lives holds in store, but you do. Go ahead of us and make our paths straight. Give us the wisdom to make the right decisions. Give us the strength to carry on when life gets difficult. We will rely on who you are and that nothing is too difficult for you. Thank you for everything you have done and will do for us.


11. Dear Lord,

I call on you to help my children. They are young and scared and scared of what is happening in the world around them. May your strength and power be upon my children. Comfort them in this time of fear and confusion. Give them the strength to live each day with peace and confidence. In 1 Peter 5:7 you tell us cast all your cares on him because he cares for you. We trust in the power of your words and rest in the knowledge that you really care about us.


12. god,

I come to you on behalf of my family. There are so many needs that each of us has. You know and understand them all. surround me with your love Help me to console myself in your power and greatness. Renew my strength and the strength of my family. Help us always be grateful for all the things you have already done and the things we believe you will do.


13. Almighty God,

Our family is looking for answers at this difficult time. We are not even sure what to ask or how to pray. They know exactly what we are experiencing and what each of us needs. We know we need you to guide us, care for us and give us the wisdom to make the right decisions. Our strength is fading so we rely on you and your strength and love to see us through.


14. Dear Lord,

Our family needs strength and support to get through each day. We all come to take refuge in you. We will speak your words out loud and believe them and take comfort in them. You tell us in Psalm 62:1:2 My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, i will never be shaken. We choose to believe these words. Please continue to comfort us, support us and give us the strength we need to get through each day. Thank you God.


15. Dear Jesus,

While we are weak, you are always strong. You lived a life that is the perfect example for all of us. As our family gathers, bless us with your presence. We’re grateful to be together as a family, but sometimes we don’t always get along like we should. Help us to love one another as you have loved us. Bless us with power that will meet all our needs. Bless us with the comfort only you can provide.

In your name we pray, amen.

16. Heavenly Father,

Our family is struggling with health problems. We need our strength to be renewed. We ask that you guide us and be close to us as we seek to regain our health. Strengthen our bodies and minds as we battle our way through this season of life. Help us support and take care of each other as we should during this time of illness.


17. Dear Lord,

We bring all of our family concerns to you in prayer. There are so many worries that each of us has. We pray for protection from job loss and illness. We pray that you will protect us every day and guide our steps. We pray that you will bless our family with everything we need.

Our family will speak your words out loud when we are weak or frightened. In Psalm 32:7-8 we are reminded: You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with deliverance songs.

Thank you Lord for your words of comfort and strength. Amen

18. god,

We thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on our family. I pray for everyone in our family and extended family. I pray for all sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. Give us all the strength and patience we need to reach out and support each other. I pray for the grandparents that they will be able to share their wisdom and that the younger ones will listen and respect their advice. I pray for sisters and brothers that you will give everyone the strength to care for and support one another as we should. Thank you for all of us who brought you together into one big family. We ask you to bless, protect and strengthen us.

In your name,


19. Heavenly Father,

Our family needs your presence in our lives. Each of our family members is at a different place in life. Some live at home and some live far from us. Some struggle with work and finances, while others worry about their health or personal relationships. We are reminded of one of your many promises in Philippians 4:12–13.

I know what it means to be needy and I know what it means to have much. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation, whether full or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I can do all this through the one who gives me strength.

We thank you for this incredible promise and ask you to remind us when we tire. We ask that you meet each of our family members where they are and meet their individual needs. Thank you for the power and strength that lies in your love for us.


20. god,

My children are in dire need of your comfort. You are confused and looking for answers. I pray that you will give us more opportunities to spend time together as a family. We all seem to be drifting apart. I ask you to strengthen our family bonds and help us truly appreciate one another as we should.


21. Dear Lord,

Our family comes before you with gratitude and thanksgiving. We know you have gotten us through so many storms in the past and that you can do it again. We are now struggling again with many problems that seem to overwhelm us. In all these areas of our lives we are looking for your help.


Final thoughts on prayers for your family

It can be difficult to stay strong and confident in tough times. Praying for your family can give you the peace of mind and strength you need to get through difficult situations. Prayer can be a key element in helping your family live a more joyful and happier life.

Keep these family prayers on your laptop, your phone, or even a piece of paper. Pray them alone or with a family member whenever you need to connect with God.

And if you want to see more prayers and Bible verses then check out these articles:

How do you say short prayer?

Short Prayers for Beginners
  1. Dear God, are you there? …
  2. Dear Heavenly Father, I feel in my heart that you might be real, but my mind fills me with doubt. …
  3. Dear Creator, I believe I exist only because of you and I want to thank you for the gift of life. …
  4. Dear Lord, I’m struggling with name your struggle].

Board Meeting Prayer

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How do you write prayer intentions?

General Prayer for a Special Intention

I seek Your wisdom and I seek your favor as I come before you with this prayer request. (Mention your special intention.) If this will be best for me, I pray that You grant me this desire.

Board Meeting Prayer

Here are the 10 most powerful prayers for special needs.

Prayer for spouse

Heavenly Father, I seek Your favor and ask Your will as I am now at a point where I hope to finally find my lifelong companion. I am looking for the person you wish for me, so that I can give this person all my loving, heartfelt affection. The person with whom I will share special moments and who will be my companion through times of happiness and seasons of challenge. I pray that you will grant me this wish and lead me to that special person that you have chosen to be the best for me. Amen.

New home prayer

Dear Father, we need your wisdom and guidance as we search for a new place to call home. I pray guide us to make the best decisions as to which area is most accessible for our needs and which location falls within our budget. Help us find a neighborhood that will welcome us and accept us as friends. Guide us to the right people who can best assist us in our search and who will conduct our business honestly and uphold our best interests. Amen.

New job prayer

Our great and mighty God, You are incomparably wise and You direct things accordingly through Your perfect plans. I seek your will to find a job that best suits me and allows me to be a valued member of the team. Lead me, I pray, to the venture that you know will be best for me as I begin a new phase in my career and where I can make new friends. Grant me, O Lord, my dream job where I can develop my skills and become better at what I do. Amen.

Diligence as a staff prayer

Our glorious Father, you commanded us to honor you in all we do, for it is for your will and glory that we live. I pray that you will make me live by this principle. As I go about my daily duties, teach me to be diligent in my work at all times and to work as I would for You, my God. Help me build a positive impact and divine influence on my peers so I can glorify you in my work and honor you with my life. Amen.

Prayer for student exams

Dear Lord, You are the great Master Teacher and from You I humbly ask for clarity and presence of mind as I prepare for my upcoming exams. I pray that you will allow me to study without interruption and that you will clear my mind of any distractions that might distract me from the things I need to learn. Let my mind and body be well rested for the day of my exams, that I may have mental alertness and a clear memory for all that I have learned. Amen.

healing from sickness prayer

Our Almighty God, you are the giver of life and you are the great healer. Praiseworthy are Your wonderful works and mighty miracles. Nothing is truly impossible for your mighty hands. I come before you humbly and pray that you will grant my request for physical healing. If it is Your will, please grant me complete healing from my affliction and complete relief from the pain of my illness. Help me, O Lord, to have a full physical recovery and let my life be a testimony of Your goodness and grace. Amen.

Prayer to Heal Emotional Pain

Our loving Father, You have faithfully provided for us, constantly lifting us up when we are down and constantly comforting us when we are in pain. I come into your loving arms for comfort and seek healing from my emotional pain. Flood my aching heart with the truth of your omnipresent and limitless love and fill it with joy and confidence in the hope of your promises. Wake me up with your comforting companionship, fill my day with your joyful presence and let my night be peaceful in your promises. Amen.

Prayer for financial difficulties

Our gracious Father, you are the great provider who provides us with everything we need according to your glorious bounty. I kneel before you and humbly ask for your gracious hand at this time of financial difficulty. Give us the wisdom to better manage our finances and guide us to ways to increase our income so we can meet our financial obligations. Help us to get our priorities right and not waste your blessings. We thank you, our Lord, for despite our difficulties, you have never failed to meet our needs. Amen.

Prayer to resolve personal conflicts

Heavenly Father, you are a just God, fair in your dealings and impartial in your judgments. I pray for your wisdom and guidance as I try to resolve a personal conflict I have with someone. Guide my words gently and reassuringly and not confrontationally. Teach me to overcome evil with constant kindness. Help me to patiently show persistent kindness even when hostility is meted out to me. Bless me, O God, with the patience to resolve this conflict graciously with kindness. Amen.

General prayer for a specific purpose

Generous and promise-keeping God, you are filled with goodness and grace. You bless unfailingly. You respond in our best interests. I seek your wisdom and I seek your favor as I come before you with this prayer request. (Mention your specific intention.) If this is what is best for me, I pray that you will grant me this wish. If this is something that can truly improve my life and bring joy and fulfillment into my life, then give me the resources and ability to make it happen. Do not refuse your favor and do not hesitate. Amen.

How do you say prayer in public?

  1. 1 Pray privately. Pray privately. …
  2. 2 Consider the specific needs. Consider the specific needs of the group in front of whom you will be praying. …
  3. 3 Write out a prayer. Write out a prayer if you prefer. …
  4. 4 Focus. Focus on God as your audience rather than the people in the room. …
  5. 5 Read instructions on prayer from the Bible.

Board Meeting Prayer

Public speaking in general paralyzes many people with fear. Praying in public can be even more unnerving due to the intensely personal nature of prayer. If you are asked to pray in public, there are ways you can accomplish this task so you can reduce your fear and say what you need to say. With a little preparation and practice, praying in public can become a positive, worshipworthy experience.

1 Pray in private Pray in private. If you are not used to praying at all, it can be very intimidating to do so in public. However, if you regularly pray alone, praying in public will not seem so alien or strange.

2 Consider the Specific Needs Consider the specific needs of the group you will be praying to. Public prayer is a means of representing the needs of others in prayer. For example, if you are asked to lead a prayer at a parents’ meeting at church, you may want to pray for wisdom, patience, and love for the parents present and for the well-being of all children.

3 Write a prayer. Write a prayer if you prefer. Some people prefer to pray without notes, as is the practice in many churches. However, others choose to use notes or even read the entire prayer. Depending on your background, it may be more familiar and reassuring to use notes or a written prayer. If you don’t need notes and praying on the spot seems more sincere, use this type of prayer instead.

4 Focus Focus on God as your audience and not the people in the room. The purpose of prayer is to commune with God. Therefore, try to shift your focus to talking to him, which can lessen your nervousness about being in front of people.

How do you lead a small group prayer meeting?

How to Encourage Prayer in Small Groups

Board Meeting Prayer

This post is an excerpt from Kelly D. King’s new book, Ministry to Women—A Guide for Women to Lead in Ministry to Women. Click here to pre-order the book today and learn more about this new release!

Spending time praying in your small group is extremely important, but it can also lead to distractions, gossip, and not enough time to complete your study discussion. Here are some ways you can better manage your prayer time during Bible study.


Explain to the group that you have set aside a specific time for prayer requests and actual prayer time. Setting a limit helps ensure you can achieve what you prioritized.


Some women are reluctant to pray together in a group, and many have never prayed aloud in front of others. Instead, find creative ways to get everyone involved. Assign each member a specific verse to pray aloud. Invite them to take time to praise and say the names of God out loud. Spend time in thanksgiving and let each woman say something she is grateful for.


It’s important to pray for your neighbor’s stepbrother who just had surgery, but if you are limited in time, ask everyone to share prayer requests that relate to their personal needs or how they can personally minister to someone else.


Consistent with setting boundaries, consider prayer requests that can be listed in bulleted form on a board and quickly shared without much explanation. If you see someone veering off into a conversation that leads to gossip, gently guide the person back to the request and help keep the discussion going.


Lead everyone to share their concerns, and then take a few minutes to pray silently for one another. Encourage the women not only to bring their requests to the Lord, but also to allow the Holy Ghost to speak to their hearts.


Set that boundary from the start so women feel like they can share their needs openly and without judgment. If a situation involving verbal/physical abuse or illegal activity arises, raise the situation with church leadership. This may also include contacting law enforcement and asking for guidance on next steps.


You may not have time to pray for each person in the group. If this is the case, divide the women into smaller groups of two or three and encourage them to pray for one another and share concerns within the smaller group. Vary your approach from week to week to keep it fresh.


When a need arises in the middle of your Bible study, don’t be afraid to stop and pray right away.


Praying for those in physical need is important, but even more urgent is praying for family and friends who need to come unto Christ. Keeping these requests in mind, encourage your group to look for opportunities not only to pray for unbelievers, but also for opportunities to share their faith with others.


As a group leader, keep a small notebook of requests shared by people. Over the next week, review specific needs and continue to pray for one another until God hears prayer. Encourage everyone in the group to keep a prayer journal so they can visually see how God has been working in the group over a period of time.

These tools are meant to be helpful guides, but remember that ultimately you are striving to love these women well, point them to Christ, and accompany them through the ups and downs of their spiritual journey. If a prayer time gets long or the dynamic of your Bible study isn’t exactly how you envisioned it, don’t worry – you’re all growing together. Be faithful, trust God and He will enable you to bear fruit.

Kelly King is the Women’s Department’s Specialist on Women in the Life Path. She and her husband Vic have been married for more than 28 years and have enjoyed serving in the ministry together, both teaching student ministry for 25 years and teaching young married adults. They have two young adult children, Conner and Courtney, and a son-in-law, Gaige. They enjoy kayaking, having people over their house, and cheering on the Oklahoma City Thunder. A good day includes mocha lattes, Mexican food, and shopping for bargains.

Want to read more from Kelly? You can pre-order her new book Ministry to Women here!

How do you start a prayer in assembly?

Dear Lord of all grace, we come to thee this morning. Thank you for the day you gave us and enabled us to gather here. We bring all the students of this school to you. May you bless them in a great way.

Board Meeting Prayer

Every school has meetings in the morning. The assemblies bring together students and teachers to conduct various activities such as transmitting information, conducting attendance checks, and conducting special programs. Opening prayers for school meetings are a sure way to start the day with God’s guidance.

A group of praying children. Photo: @benwhitephotography

Source: UGC

Prayer is one of the best ways a school can transmit morals and values ​​to its students. As they become accustomed to closing and opening prayers for school meetings, students will find that without teachers they cannot fail to do the right thing.

Opening prayers for the school assembly

It is the best tradition for every school to start the day with prayer. The prayers enable every school member to start the day positively. In addition, the words of wisdom or motivational passages read during the gathering play a large role in promoting the spiritual well-being of each individual.

School prayer for students

Prayer is a sure way to teach students to always look to God for wisdom, guidance, and direction. A school prayer for students trains them to submit everything to God. These prayers play a vital role in a student’s spiritual life.

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Dear Lord of all Graces, we come to you this morning. Thank you for the day you gave us and made it possible for us to gather here. We bring all the students of this school to you. May you bless them in great ways. We pray that you can help them get to know you better. Lord, may you give them the knowledge to realize that only you can solve their problems. For every single problem in their life, let them learn to recognize Your power over them. God, don’t let them stumble and rely on people. Father, may you set their eyes to see the good in everyone, their hands to touch only what pleases you, their legs to reach places that honor you, and their hearts to love you without a doubt . We [radiate that you can be the author and finisher of your life. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Heavenly Lord, in Jesus name we submit to Your will. Dear God, these students have woken up with great hope for another day. We pray that you will grant them a good day’s notice. Embrace a calm composure that will hold you through the bumps and falls of this day. Please give them wisdom, peace, love and grace for every moment. Father, help these students understand everything they are about to learn today. May You give them the ability to capture and keep all that is meant for them. Help them, dear God, to choose their friends wisely so that together they can prosper. Please Lord, may You protect them from today’s accidents and incidents. Hide them under your wings where the devil can’t touch them. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Almighty King of all glory, we bow to you to worship and praise your name. We recognize Your power and presence in our lives. Thank you to every student in this school. May You help them shine and grow as good citizens of this country. We offer you their studies so you can make them the head and not the tail. May You bless their parents in great ways. Lord may you bless them physically, emotionally and spiritually. Almighty King, may you help them excel in their studies. Make them winners and not victims of any circumstance. Create in them a pure heart that will fear you and wait patiently for you. May you fulfill their wishes in your name and power, amen.

A group of children hold hands next to a Bible. Photo: @brookecagle

Source: UGC

Jehovah Thou who stands above all, we bow before Thy presence. As a school we declare that there is no one like you. We have chosen to trust you against all odds. We introduce you to all the students of this school. May you bless them and protect them always. Lord, may You prepare them well for the upcoming trials. May You enable them to remember everything their teachers taught them. Lord, may you give them the courage to face any question with confidence and the assurance that they will succeed. We pray for good health for her. May they experience Your favor that is beyond human imagination. Give them victory and remind them to thank you. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Teacher’s prayer before class

Teachers play an important role in the education of students. To be effective, every teacher must say a prayer before coming to class to seek wisdom and guidance while teaching. In addition, prayer gives them an extra impetus to deal with other teachers and students.

Dear God, as I come to class to teach the students, I pray that you will direct my thoughts to your Word. May you guard my mind and capture all the negative thoughts as I deal with them. Make every word that comes out of my mouth powerful in the life of every student. Help me to think before speaking to a student, so that my words will bring life and not death to every student and everyone I meet. Purify my heart from all discrimination, hatred and evil thoughts. May you help me to be an instrument of peace for my students. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Father Lord, Creator of heaven and earth. Thank you for making me a teacher who cares about these lovely students. When I come to any class today, I pray for your wisdom. When I deliver content, help me do it with ease and allow your mind to help students understand it. Lord, capture all discouragements, bad thoughts and negativity from my students. I pray that You will give me favor with every student. Lord, use me as the best instrument, finding what I lay my hands on and working through me as I instruct my students. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Loving Father, in the name of Jesus, may You command my steps as I deal with each student today. Send me your Holy Spirit to guide me as I instruct them. May You give me guidance on how to lead each of them. May your ultimate lesson plan override all other plans. Lord, I realize that without you I may not be able to deal well with my students. Therefore, I pray that you will empower every student that passes through my hands to be a strong, healthy, and well-disciplined person. Lord, please equip, strengthen and encourage me in my teaching career so that I can have a great impact in their lives. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Morning prayer for the college assembly

children pray. Photo: @alexisrbrown

Source: UGC

Students and teachers need prayer to start their day. As adults, college students can experience issues that can affect their studies and lives. During the morning meeting, you can capture their thoughts through prayer.

What do you say before you begin prayer in school assembly? You can begin by encouraging students and explaining why they should trust God in their situation. Later, use these powerful prayers for students.

Heavenly Father, the giver of life, thank you for your wonderful blessings in our lives. Thank you for giving us life, good health, and protection from the devil’s harm. We pray that you will strengthen us in our learning journey. As we study the courses we have taken, may you help us to achieve what lies ahead. Father, give us the insight to know what is required of us. Please Lord, may You endow us with the greatest skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable us to boldly enter the career world. Lord, may our decision to study this course be cemented by You. We fully trust in your guidance today and forever. Amen.

Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords. In Your presence we lay our lives. Thank you for allowing us to be members of this college for a reason. We pray that you can establish yourself in our lives. We go through so much strain and stress, but we pray for encouragement. This morning we remind ourselves that we have problems with fees. May You provide for them in Jesus name. May you encourage those who may be going through difficult times. Lord, remember those who left families and protect those families for them. We pray that as this day begins, nothing will stop us from achieving our goals. Encourage the discouraged and uplift the downtrodden. We pray that you can help our tutors to deliver the best content helpful for our studies. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

O Lord, perfecter and finisher of our faith and plans, today we glorify your name on high. Before we begin this day’s activities, we seek your guidance, control and guidance. Be in our eyes to control what we should and shouldn’t see. Be in our hands that we only touch what pleases you. Be in our thoughts to control what we think about. Be in our hearts to fill us with your love for all around us. Allow us to begin, continue and end this day within you. Lord, may you help us to put our hope in you. God, let the blessings of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit follow us through this day. For every practical activity we are going to engage in that day, may you take the lead in Jesus name. Amen

Prayer is an expression of total faith in God. Therefore, the brief opening prayers for the school assembly play an important role in the development of the student’s personality. Also, a new morning means a new beginning. The devotionals build a thoughtful and meditative mind that helps students quiet their minds and focus on the day. shared an interesting article on the best prayers for Sunday school teachers and students. One of the most critical things for believers is prayer because it is a way of communicating with God. So prayer is very useful for Sunday School leaders to teach youth how to pray.

A church cannot function without prayer for Sunday School teachers and students. These prayers teach children and new church members how to pray well. As expected, a prayer structure with an introduction, body and conclusion must follow.


How do I invite people to church program?

5 Do’s (and 2 Don’ts) When Inviting Friends to Church
  1. Do It Out of Love. Why are you inviting them? …
  2. Do Invite Them to Worship with You. …
  3. Don’t Take “No” Personally. …
  4. Do Help Your Friends Know What to Expect. …
  5. Do Replace Info with Intros. …
  6. Do Welcome Everyone. …
  7. Don’t Force; Follow Up. …
  8. The Most Important Invitation.

Board Meeting Prayer

Image Argentina: church visit

Inviting others to worship with us in sacrament meeting is a great way to share the Savior’s light and love with family and friends. But sometimes we make it harder than necessary.

Here are seven ways we can help friends feel more comfortable about accepting invitations to come to church:

1. Do it for love Why are you inviting her over? Is it for you or for her? When you have their best interests in mind, they will sense your sincerity. If they can see that you care about them, they may be more willing to learn about what else is important to you.

2. Invite Them to Worship Ask your friends if they have a place to worship the Savior and invite them to worship with you, especially at times like Christmas and Easter. If they are not Christians, ask them if they would like to learn more about Jesus Christ and invite them to experience a Christian service with you. Remember to show their beliefs the same respect that you would want them to show.

3. Don’t take “no” personally If your friend declines, accept “no” graciously. But don’t think that saying “no” to going to church means “no” to you. There are many reasons they might have said no that have nothing to do with how they feel about you. If you don’t let saying “no” change your relationship, you may later have the opportunity to better understand her feelings.

4. Help Your Friends Know What to Expect When your friends accept an invitation to come to church, help them understand what to expect: how they might dress, the purpose and length of each meeting, and what will happen in the meetings – or not happen (e.g. no donations will be collected during our meetings). You should also explain to them what the sacrament is and what it means. This can help them feel more comfortable coming to church. Here are a few videos to share so they know what to expect: “This Is Church”

“What is a church community?”

“Warm welcome”

“What to Expect at Worship”

5. Replace information with intros. People are usually less interested in our teaching (at least in the beginning) than in our fellowship and good works. Help them connect with people and share how we engage in the community, serve together, and care for one another. A good way to introduce someone to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is to begin sharing the blessings the gospel has to offer. For example, you could try to show them how the Church can help them find their roots in their families, strengthen their families, become more self-reliant, provide meaningful service, and provide a quality living for their children. Discussion of specific doctrines and beliefs may come later. Some people you might want to introduce include the bishop, the Relief Society president, a temple and family history adviser, or the Primary teacher for children in the family.

6. Say hello to everyone When your friends attend, do what you can to make them feel welcome and meet their needs. If you see someone you don’t know at church, be just as friendly and welcoming. Let her know how great it was to have her there. Try to see through their eyes, invite questions, and help them understand their experiences.

7. Don’t force; Follow-up Some who might be interested in attending are afraid of being pushed into something. If you’re trying to have a good experience where your friends can feel the Holy Spirit, share thoughts and feelings, but don’t feel like you have to force a spiritual experience. Trust God and let the Spirit do its work. And if your friends don’t have time to stay for the entire schedule or to stay after church to talk, thank them for coming and create an opportunity to follow up.

How do you pray for someone to come to church?

Lord, I ask that when people enter our church they feel you all around them. I ask that we remain hospitable to each other and to outsiders, and I ask for your grace and forgiveness when we slip up. And Lord, I ask for the blessing of wisdom on our church leaders.

Board Meeting Prayer

While most denominations believe that Christ is the head of the church, we all know that they are led by people who are imperfect. That is why our churches need our prayers. They must be raised by us, and we need God’s grace and attention to lead our church leaders in His direction. We need our churches to be energized and Spirit filled. God is the one who provides, whether for an individual or a group of people, and he calls us to come together in prayer for one another and for the church itself. Here is a simple prayer for your church to get you started.

The prayer

Lord, thank you for everything you do in our lives. I am truly grateful for everything you have given me. From my friends to my family, you always bless me in ways I cannot imagine or fully understand. But I feel blessed. Lord, today I lift up my church to you. It’s where I go to worship you. I’ll meet you there. Here you are present for the group, and so I ask your blessing for it.

My church is more than a building to me, Lord. We are a mutually empowering group and I ask that you give us the courage to continue. Lord, I ask you to bless us with a desire to do more for the world around us and for each other. I ask that those in need be identified and helped by the Church. I ask that we reach out to the community where you see fit to help. Most of all, I ask that you bless us with the resources to fulfill your mission for our church. I ask you to give us the ability to be great stewards of these resources and to help us use them.

Lord, I also ask that You give us a strong sense of Your Spirit in our church. I ask you to fill our hearts with all that you are and to guide us in such a way that we always live in your will. I ask you to bless us in our direction and show us how we can do more in you. Lord, I ask that people feel you all around them as they enter our church. I ask that we remain hospitable to one another and to outsiders, and I ask for your mercy and forgiveness if we make a mistake.

And Lord, I ask the blessing of wisdom upon our church leaders. I ask you to direct the messages that come from the mouth of our leader. I ask that the words uttered among parishioners be those that honor you and do more to spread your word than to damage relationships with you. I ask that we be honest yet uplifting. I ask you to guide our leaders to be examples to others. I ask that you continue to bless them with servant hearts and a sense of responsibility to those they lead.

I also ask that you continue to bless the ministries of our church. From Bible studies to youth groups to childcare, I ask that we be able to speak to each church in the ways that they need. I ask that the ministries be led by those you have chosen and that we all learn to be more of the leaders you have provided.

Lord, my church is one of the most important things in my life because it brings me closer to you. I ask your blessing on it and I lift it up to you. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a part of this gathering – and a part of you.

In your holy name, amen.

How do you invite someone to a program?

Two Friendly Ways to Invite Someone in English
  1. Are you free to…? → Are you free to catch up for coffee after class?
  2. Are you doing anything…? → Are you doing anything on Sunday? …
  3. Would you like to…? …
  4. Do you want to…? …
  5. Why don’t we…? …
  6. Do you wanna…? …
  7. Do you feel like…? …
  8. How about…?

Board Meeting Prayer

Whether you live in a new city or country, or you just want to get out more and meet more people in the area where you live, an invitation is the door to active social life and potential new friendships.

Inviting an acquaintance, colleague or neighbor over can be a big step forward in getting to know them better and building a friendship.

So today you’ll learn how to confidently invite someone over in English, whether it’s for coffee, a dinner party or a run together. You will learn the 2 main ways we invite people to do things and I will give you many great examples to prepare you for any invitation you need to make.

An Invitation to Prayer

An Invitation to Prayer
An Invitation to Prayer

See some more details on the topic invitation to prayer examples here:

An Invitation to Pray – FaithGateway Store

Come to Me. Come soon. Come anytime. Come as you are. The door’s open. I am waiting for you. Let’s make time to be together. Let’s open our hearts to one …

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Date Published: 6/30/2021

View: 1724

We invite you all to join us as we gather for prayer this …

We invite you all to join us as we gather for prayer this Saturday evening, May 29, 2021, from 6:00-7:00 pm, at our All Church Prayer Meeting at …

+ View Here


Date Published: 3/18/2022

View: 7528

Invitation to Prayer – Lausanne Movement

Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time of drawing near to you in prayer together. Help us to be focused on the truth of the Gospel and your …

+ Read More Here


Date Published: 9/12/2022

View: 7037

invitation to prayer – ergofabulous

Prayer is the path God proves whereby our lives can be taken over by love. Love is freely given with no strings, but in being loved, we are changed. Example …

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Date Published: 10/7/2021

View: 7277

An Invitation to Join our Prayer Meeting – Cornerstone Church

I feel the need to seek God for his power, provision and direction. I’m excited about ministry opportunities and I want to ask the Lord to step …

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Date Published: 8/6/2021

View: 8791

An Invitation To Pray – Gather Women

Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek” (Psalm 27 …

+ Read More


Date Published: 3/1/2021

View: 2984

A Special Invitation to Prayer from Pastor Biggs

Dear KCPC Congregation of Jesus, This is an important invitation. Would you read it prayerfully and carefully with your family? I love you.

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Date Published: 12/13/2022

View: 7811

An Invitation to an Online Prayer Gathering – Max Lucado

We will join our hearts and ask God to help us. Can you join us for prayer? Can you help get the word out? Ask your church to announce it. Use your social media …

+ View Here


Date Published: 9/3/2022

View: 6683

An Invitation to Prayer – Grace Bible Church: Pleasant Hill, CA

An Invitation to Prayer … Prayer is a dialogue with God that reveals what matters to us the most. You can discover a person’s chief ambitions, …

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Date Published: 9/19/2021

View: 1225

Prayer to Receive Jesus Christ as Savior

The most important relationship for each of us is our relationship with Jesus Christ. To believe that He is who He claimed to be—the Son of God and the only way to salvation—and to accept Him by faith as your Lord and Savior is the most important act anyone will ever do. We want life. he is life We need a cleaning. He is the living water.

Here is a simple prayer if you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus and invited Him into your life:

Jesus, I believe that you are the son of God, that you died on the cross to save me from sin and death and to bring me back to the father. I choose now to turn away from my sins, my selfishness, and any part of my life that you don’t like. I choose you. I give myself to you I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Savior and Lord. Come, reign in my heart, fill me with Your love and Your life and help me to become a truly loving person – a person like You. Restore me, Jesus. live in me love through me Thank you God. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Prayer Request 101: A Complete Guide To Writing and Sending Requests

The power of prayer cannot be underestimated. Many people find their spirits lifted when they ask their faith for answers. Praying alone is an effective way to deal with any issues in your life and share them with God. You put your life in his hands and trust that a solution will come about. There is an emotional release that comes with prayer, almost as if you put your problems aside knowing that they are dealt with by God.

The best thing about prayer is that it doesn’t have to be an individual thing. In fact, the power of prayer is greater when several people are praying for the same purposes. As a church leader, you can encourage members to pray for different things or people. When a member is struggling with an illness, invite your members to pray together for a speedy recovery.

To do this, you need to send out prayer requests. Immediately you have a few pressing questions:

What is a prayer request?

How do you write a prayer request?

How can you send prayer requests?

All three of these questions – and more – are answered in this guide.

What is a prayer request?

Simply put, a prayer request is a call to action for members of your church to pray for a common cause. You have already seen an example above, but another could be praying for a specific event that happened recently. For example, if there is a storm or mass flooding, ask for prayers for all affected people and pray that they are well and that the event will pass.

The purpose of prayer requests is to get more people to pray. Prayer is more powerful when many people are praying for the same things. It’s also a great way to show your support to other church members. Especially when you are all praying for someone at church – it makes them feel loved and cared for. As a result, this also builds your community and increases many people’s sense of belonging.

What do you write in a prayer request?

How do you write prayer requests? First, understand that this doesn’t have to be a long thing. There’s no need to write paragraph by paragraph — it should get to the point and ask for support. In general, prayer requests should follow this simple structure:

A catchy opening line

Detailing the problem/prayer focus

Thank people for the help

This should already help your prayer request take shape. Still, there are many things to consider, so let’s delve deeper into what to write about…

The opening line

Think of this as a headline — it’s the first thing people see when they see your request, and it needs to grab their attention. This should only be one sentence of two long and the main focus is on the issue/problem.

The best opening lines serve as a summary of the prayer request. They will get straight to the point and state the main reason for your request. Ideally, people should understand the purpose of your prayer request without having to read anything else. Below is an example to give you an idea of ​​what to write:

My child is ill. Help me to pray for her health.

Here the focus of your prayer is visible to all. Anyone reading this will find out why you need their support. It is also an important cause that will encourage more people to pray with you. The headline is short and straight to the point, which is exactly what you are looking for.

Briefly expand the heading

Next, you should expand on the first sentence by providing more context. In the example above, you can further explain why your child is sick and why you need God’s help to heal them. This is the hardest part of the query as you tend to dig deep. You want to explain all your fears and worries and encourage people to help you.

Realistically, this will have the opposite effect. It may sound harsh, but people don’t have the time to read an essay about your life troubles. Instead, you need to be brief – go into detail and talk about the main points. You want to clearly communicate your message while explaining why it means so much to you.

There’s no specific word count you need to stick to, but our advice is the fewer words the better. Summarize the problem and put the headline in a larger context.

End with some positivity and thanks

In most cases, prayer requests relate to negative scenarios. Essentially they are a cry for help – asking God to support you and make things better. As a result, it’s very easy to be negative throughout your request. You are not expected to make the request as if you would be pleased, but you should avoid conveying a message of doom and darkness.

Again, it sounds harsh, but people are turned off by negativity. If you act like you’ve already given up and have no more hope, it drives people away. In contrast, you should end the request with some positive comments. Address the fact that the problem is affecting you negatively, but think about it positively. For example, after your description, say something like this:

Although things are difficult at the moment, I am confident that prayer and the work of God will help us get through!

This is perfect as you try to stay positive by relying on your beliefs. People will admire that, which means they are happy to help and join you in prayer. Negativity suggests that you have no faith, and that’s not good at all.

You should also end the request with a few words of thanks. One line is all you need – just express your extreme gratitude for any help you will receive. It’s polite, but it also shows people how grateful you are for their help. This can encourage more people to respond to your query as they realize how much it means to you.

Ironically, the first and last lines of your query are the most important. Yes, the description is important, but the first line draws people in and summarizes the main issue. It determines whether people will actually continue reading and get more context. The last line expresses gratitude, which can convince more people to reply. Still, make sure you have all of these elements in your prayer request if you want to see positive responses.

How do you ask for a prayer?

Once you’ve learned how to write a prayer request, your next stop is figuring out how to ask for it. Where are you sending it to? How do you reach as many people as possible with your message?

Realistically, the best option is to use a bulk messaging service like Text-Em-All. Our service has many features and an intuitive interface that makes it easy to use. We have helped many church leaders send church requests to entire congregations with the click of a button.

How does bulk messaging work?

First and foremost, the idea is that you send text messages to every member of your church. If you have a prayer request, compose it as above and then click send. The software includes all the contact information you need, so everyone gets a message right away.

You can already see the advantage of such a system. It’s a convenient way to get the message out to as many people as possible. Therefore, you have a higher chance of getting responses to the query. The opening movement also becomes more critical here. Most smartphones show the first line of a message in the notification preview before someone opens it. So, a good headline will make more people open the text right away.

This is essentially the essence of how a mass messaging service can broadcast prayer requests. However, there is another thing to consider: how to collect prayer requests?

How to receive prayer requests from members

As a church leader, you can write your own prayer requests if you wish. These requests can be linked to specific events or people in the Church. You can also send requests from other members, but how do you receive them?

Some people may come to you after a service and share a problem and ask for your prayers. In that case, you can write a prayer request for them and send it through the message service. Alternatively, you can have a prayer request form on your website for people to fill out. You write the request, then accept it and send it off. You can also encourage people to text or email you with prayer requests. Regardless, once you have the requests, you can use your messaging service to spread them as widely as possible.

There you have it; Prayer Requests 101. The power of prayer is extremely helpful in troubled times. As such, you need to set up a system where members can make requests and send them out to the entire community. Then everyone can come together to pray for the same cause, using faith to unite everyone.

Board Meeting Prayer

Prayers at the meetings of

Xavier’s board of trustees

Covid Theology of the Body Remix

Dear Risen Lord,

Today we ask you to unmask the gift that is manifested in every life.

Let us celebrate the joy of being children of God and the dignity of each unique and unrepeatable life created in his image and likeness.

Grant us the humility to know that we are loved beyond measure by you.

Infect us with the passion and courage to share God’s love with all around us.

We pray for immunity from evil; especially hate, prejudice, negativity and despair.

Help us use our gifts to be a part of your mission.

Let’s be super propagators of love.

Written and offered by Tim Reillly

Inspired by the Universal Apostolic Preferences

I wanted to start with a very brief summary of why Xavier is so important to me as a person of the Islamic faith. One of my earliest memories as a child growing up in Lahore, Pakistan, was of a lovely Catholic family where the father was a colleague of my father’s at the major university there after they received their PhDs together from Indiana University. These ingrained, loving memories were reinforced by taking a closer look at the work and values ​​of the Jesuits. Though it was with much deliberation, our two boys decided without hesitation to attend St. Xavier High School with full blessing to be for and with men for others. Knowing Father Graham, working with the Brueggeman Center and meeting a number of people at Xavier have only strengthened the connection between shared values ​​and much of my intended mission in life. In attempting to summarize the connection of these shared values ​​and desired work to my belief in Islam, I had to look no further than Xavier’s universal apostolic preferences for the next decade.

I begin this prayer in the name of God, the most merciful, the most charitable –

Oh my God

As we at Xavier strive to “show the way to God through spiritual practice and discernment,” I am reminded of my favorite saying from Prophet Muhammad.

God says:

“I am as my servant thinks I am, and I am with him when he remembers me. If he remembers me inside, I also remember him inside me; and when he remembers me in a group of people, I remember him in a group better than them; and if he comes a span nearer to Me, I go a cubit nearer to him; and if he comes a cubit closer to Me, I move two outstretched arms closer to him; and if he comes walking to me, I will come running to him.”

As Xavier asks us to “walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice.”

Let’s remember what we have and who we are thanks to God’s blessing and mercy.

Let us remember that it is our duty to serve those in need, since they may be loved by God more than we are.

In Chapter 4 of the Qur’an entitled “Women” we are told: “O you who believe! Stand firm for righteousness, as witnesses of God, even against yourselves or your parents or your relatives, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both.”

Oh my God,

As Xavier ambassadors, we strive to “support young people in shaping a future of hope.”

Let us remember that once we were young, we relied on the love, compassion, and support of our elders to lift us up, give us hope, and show us a path to a better future. God reminds us not to be empty vessels of prayer and chapter 107 of the Qur’an says:

“Have you thought of the one who denies religion?

It is he who abuses the orphan.

And does not promote the feeding of the poor.

So woe to those who pray.

Those who ignore their prayers.

The ones that make it seem.

And without the help.”

Our gracious God

We see many signs compelling us to “collaborate in tending to our common home.”

Let us remember that God created nature in balance (“al-mizan”) and humanity’s responsibility is to maintain this fragile balance through wise leadership and healthy personal conduct.

The Qur’an also describes believing men and women as those who “walk the earth in humility”. (Question 25:63)

Let’s remember that even the earth has inalienable rights bestowed by her Creator.

Finally, let us remember the loved ones who passed far too quickly, even for the short time on this earth.

We in Islam say “inna lilla wainna illaihi rajaioon”, “From God they came and until God returns!”

Let’s remember, our dear colleague Jodi Allan, the innocent people who tragically died at the hands of those charged with protecting them and the lives of 500,000 people (grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, children, daughters, sons and friends) who lost their lives this year in an unprecedented pandemic. May God show them all His just mercy.

May we remember her legacy as we seek God’s guidance and strive to create a better world, not just for our children, but for all of our children to come.

amen amen

Written and presented by Ms. Shakila Ahmad, 02/25/21

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A Corona prayer

Loving God, Your desire is for our wholeness and well-being.

We hold in tenderness and prayer the collective suffering of our world at this time.

We mourn precious lives lost and endangered.

We mourn the loss of ourselves and our neighbors and face an uncertain future.

We pray: instead of fear, may love go viral.

Inspire our leaders to discern and choose wisely, centered on the common good.

Help us practice social distancing and show us new and creative ways to come together in spirit and solidarity.

Call us to deep trust in your faithful presence,

You, the God who does not give up.

Offered by Mike McCaw

What I have experienced in the last year

Dear God – What I have experienced over the past year has challenged my strength – physically, emotionally and spiritually – it has made me question “why me?”, it has made me ask what the hell? – May I use Hell in a prayer – well… I think I just did – but what I learned from it is amazing.

The most important thing I learned is that people – many, many, many, many people – are really, really good. My family was there for me in ways I never thought I would need. My love for them has grown deeper than I ever thought possible. I learned that I married the right man and that he really thought about sickness and about health. I have learned that there is nothing more beautiful in life than having 4 sisters who will surround you with love when you need it.

And then there were the many friends and colleagues, including many in this room — friends I hadn’t spoken to in 30 years and friends I speak to every week — finding pathways through their notes, their texts, theirs Phone calls, their visits make me laugh, cry, make fun of myself and realize how truly blessed I am – and most importantly, remind me that people are good – really…really good…they care , they love, they support, they help .

I’m not usually one who’s asked for help a lot in my life – I thought I figured it out for the most part. i was tough i was strong So my second big learning was learning how to let go and ask for help – especially from you God – it’s profound. It changed my life and the way I think about things, the way I think about life. We should ask for help. We should help. It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.

I also learned that prayer works. I’m so thankful for all the people who have prayed for me…many I don’t even know! It’s amazing how many people are willing to put you on their prayer list. Even now that I’m better, people still say…well, I still pray for you. And I’m sooooo grateful. There’s something really cool about prayer power

I’m not going to lie – the last year has been scary – it still is scary – and if you believe the internet – which no sick person should ever rely on – chances are not good. I’m a very objective, data-driven practitioner. You can’t deny the facts… odds are against you. But God…I believe more than ever…that you have a plan. And so I give myself to you. I will follow your will. I will put all my energies into making this a great cause – for me, for my family, for my friends, for my colleagues – and frankly… for everyone who will listen. I promise to love every day…every minute. I promise to be thankful for the people I met, the experiences I had, the beautiful places I got to see. Every day is a day to be enjoyed! To love, to laugh, to care, to give, to be thankful and to praise you to God!

And while it’s very easy from afar to think that what happened to me is a bad thing, I like to think of it as the best, the very best thing that’s ever happened to me. What I’ve learned about myself, about others, and most importantly about you, God, is just… the very best.

So let’s remember this Advent season that people are good, really, really good. Let’s remind ourselves that the love and care we give to others matters so much more than we think… so give more. Let’s remember that prayer works. say more Let’s show gratitude. Gratitude is a gift. Let’s realize that we all have things in our lives that are scary – let’s look to God for strength and comfort. And let’s thank God for every minute of every day that we have to live life! AMEN!

Written and offered by Jodi Allen

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Thank you for this day

Good and merciful God,

We thank you for this time and for this beautiful day in Cincinnati,

We ask that you bless us with your Spirit of Wisdom as we share our strengths and weaknesses here at Xavier’s.

Help us as trustees to always keep our Jesuit and Catholic mission in mind,

and enlighten us with the spirit of Ignatius,

Help us to truly find God in all things,

Celebrate our diversity despite our differences,

and boldly lead Xavier into a bright and healthy future.

We pray all this in the name of the God who created us, who redeems us and who sanctifies us in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Written and offered by Fr. John Thiede, SJ

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prayer for gratitude

Morning Reflection: One of the habits of Jesuit graduates that emerged yesterday was gratitude. So as we come to rest, I would prayerfully lead us into the fourth week of the retreat. I invite us to close our eyes and step into God’s presence. …

In a spirit of gratitude, we remember something from our time yesterday or today that we are grateful for…a new insight, someone’s reflection, a person who inspires…take a few seconds, to pray for this moment, person, thing… what happened to our hearts in this moment of gratitude… we thanked God for this moment, this person, this event… And for those who can , let’s say the Ignatian farewell prayer together… Take Lord, take all our freedom, memory, understanding, all will… Give us only your love and grace, that’s enough for us, dispose of all our gifts and talents according to your will. .. in gratitude, amen.

Written and offered by Fr. John Thiede, SJ

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Today’s performance


Thank you for every seat that was filled here today. For every mind and heart that fills the presence of this space, we thank you. Only you really know what we are trying to accomplish today. We have an idea, a vision, hints and daily instructions. We have talent, skills and time to work. However, only You can see the end of every beginning in perfect detail. Every project, every season, every life. Nothing is ever wasted, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good.

Your justice is beyond all our efforts and understanding. forgive us our pride The pride that puffs us up and the pride that threatens to make us unqualified. Strengthen our faith in what you have made us to be. Free us from comparisons to work together efficiently.

Bless this gathering today, all present, and the lives of those we will meet afterwards. Get ready to make every moment count.

in jesus name,

Offered by Penny K. Pomeranz

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This holiday season


At this festive holiday season, we pray that you will be with us in all we do and plan.

And today we especially want to ask you to bless the holiday celebrations that we will be attending.

We pray that your love shines during this time and that we reflect you in our actions, attitudes and behavior at the event. We pray to avoid any discord and may we be united in love and fellowship in Your praise and glory.

-Offered by Jodi Allen

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Call us together

holy god,

We gather here as members of that board

and we thank you for calling us together.

It is our privilege and our responsibility

to support, encourage and advance

the mission of Xavier University.

We undertake this task in complete dependence on you,

for it is you who began this work

You who direct it and will bring it to completion.

Send your creative spirit to us:

open our hearts to recognize your presence among us;

open our minds to respond to your calling.

Allow us to draw on yesterday’s wisdom and experience

how we react to the questions and concerns of tomorrow.

Give us freedom to speak the truth boldly and kindly;

Give us the patience to listen openly and without prejudice;

Give us the confidence to discover and explore new opportunities;

Give us wisdom to know what is right and good and just;

Give us courage to participate in your ongoing work of creation.

We ask for the intercession of St. Ignatius to confirm our prayer

and support our efforts.

All glory, honor and glory are yours, holy God, forever.

Offered by John Maydonovitch

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Lord, Lord, open yourself to me

Open yourself to me, light for my darkness

Open yourself to me, courage for my fear

Open up to me, hope for my despair

Open me, peace to my turmoil

Open to me, joy for my sorrow

Open yourself to me, strength for my weakness

Open me wisdom to my confusion

Open to me the forgiveness of my sins

Open yourself to me, tenderness for my toughness

Open yourself to me, love for my hate

Open your self to me

Lord, Lord, open me!

– Offered by Damon Jones

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leadership in our lives


we are your lover

even in our unfinished state,

They enjoy what we are

and what we become.

Help us to claim Your gentle guidance in our lives,

help us to know that you always hope for more for us

and from us.

Give us the strength and peace of heart

be filled with your power.

– Offered by Dr. Michael Fortin

– Unknown author

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Our invisible work

good and loving God,

Thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.

We thank you for the memory that allows us to build on the experiences of the past;

for the imagination that lets us into a wide world

than we could otherwise know;

and foresight with which we plan for the future.

Bless this unseen work we are doing on behalf of Xavier’s many students who

strive to make a difference in the world through their Jesuit education.

We ask this on your behalf,

– Offered by John Maydonovitch

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thanks and gratitude

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

In the name of God the Most Gracious the Merciful.

O breadwinner and provider of all things.

We offer our thanks and gratitude for this meal and for those who prepared it.

In a world where so many are starving, may we eat this food with humble hearts.

We thank the Xavier community and the opportunity we all have as students, administrators and trustees to come together for the good of Xavier.

Dear God, may you bless our efforts and help us to sit presently and know our destiny.

Bismillahi’wa’ ala Barakatillah In the name of God and with the blessing of God let’s begin.

– Tamara Mahmoud ’17 offered at Trustee Dinner with students

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Let’s pray for the Xavier community

Dear Sir,

As we look at a world that sees growing division, anger and fear…

Let us pray for tolerance so that we can listen more carefully and thoughtfully to alternative points of view, so that together we can find solutions that benefit all people.

Let us pray for patience as we get through these difficult and turbulent times

Let us pray for continued protection and equal opportunities for all people to enjoy our constitutional liberties and to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as core to our democratic values.

Let us live up to the ideals of Jesus and our Jesuit heritage to reach out to all people, especially our Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters, to welcome them and offer them a safe haven.

In these uncertain and turbulent times, let us pray for peace in the world.

Let’s find time to reflect on all the good in this world and reflect with gratitude on all that we have been given in life – our family, our friends and the community here at Xavier.

Let’s look forward to a world where people don’t use their time and talents to divide and make fools of themselves, but to innovate, progress and endless possibilities.

And while we’re pondering this…

Let us pray for the health and happiness of our Xavier community.

Let’s pray for support in our mission to make Xavier a great university – one that produces the next generation of thinkers and leaders who have a strong calling to make the world a better place.

Finally, let’s continue to use our time, talents and resources to make a difference in the world.

– Deb Henetta

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honoring our unity

Lord, as we gather we recognize our differences in beliefs, values, and traditions of faith, but we honor our unity here tonight with gratitude. Thank you for giving us the ability to love and be loved, for helping us see those little “God moments” in the beauty in the vastness of your creation, and for being the ladder of life around me tonight worked around. The leaders of our clubs, retreats, student affairs and athletics, among so many others. Thank you for inspiring her to make a positive impact on the people and world around us.

Lord, I am also grateful for Xavier University and for the Jesuit values ​​we are taught here. Because of these values, we will strive for excellence personally and professionally, we will become agents of change and we will live in a way that cares for the whole person.

Let’s remember that this mission requires action and a lot of work on our part. Lord, inspire us to be real men and women for and with others at all times: not just when it is convenient for us. And let us be united in our struggle for and with the marginalized, the poor and the oppressed, for this is what you have called us to do. Thank you for opening our hearts to this mission and I ask you to help us on our journey to come together and live it as a university.

Lord, bless the work we have done and the unseen work we will do through this Jesuit mission as we strive to make a difference in the world. Fill us with enthusiasm and wonder as we receive these gifts with an open mind, a generous heart, and a willing spirit.

-Brandon Luipold

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As we make decisions

Heavenly Father,

We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom and support as we begin this gathering.

Help us have a meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer together as a group and nurture the bonds of community.

Fill us with Your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that may affect this university’s students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends.

And continue to remind us that everything we do here today, everything we achieve, is in the pursuit of truth, your greater honor, and the service of humanity.

We ask these things on your behalf.

-Ted Torbeck

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Thinking about the new year

Dear Sir,

As we approach the holiday season and look forward to the new year quickly approaching, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the year.

Let’s look back with gratitude on all that we have been given in life – our family, our friends and the community here at Xavier.

Let us reflect with sadness on the recent terrorist attacks that have put so many people at risk.

Let us reflect with joy on all that is good and beautiful and kind and giving in the world.

Let’s reflect with hope on the changing times we live in – full of innovation, advancement and endless possibilities.

And while we’re pondering this…

Let’s pray for peace in the world.

Let us pray for the health and happiness of our Xavier community.

Let’s pray for support in our mission to make Xavier a great university – one that produces the next generation of thinkers and leaders who have a strong calling to make the world a better place.

Finally, let us face the new year with a renewed sense of purpose, hope, and giving. Whether our impact is large or small, affecting many or just one, let us use our time, talents and treasures to make a difference in the world.

– Deb Henetta

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May there be inner peace today

May there be peace in you today.

May you trust God that you are right where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that come from faith.

May you use these gifts you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be confident in knowing that you are a child of God.

Let that presence rest in your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each of us.

-Tommy Sedler

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The fast life

Almost stopped judging others;

Rejoice in Christ dwelling in them.

fasting for fear of illness;

Bask in the healing power of God.

Fast from words that pollute;

Indulge in language that purifies.

Quick from dissatisfaction;

Revel in gratitude.

Quick with rage;

Indulge in patience.

Almost from pessimism;

Look forward to hope.

Fast from negatives;

Look forward to encouragement.

almost from bitterness;

Look forward to forgiveness.

Quick from self-concern;

Look forward to compassion.

Quick from suspicion;

Firm on the truth.

Quick from gossip;

Revel in purposeful silence.

Fast from problems that overwhelm;

Delight in prayer that carries.

quick with fear;

Look forward to the belief.

– Unknown author

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We are looking for you

Loving and gracious God, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts and we gather today to seek your wisdom, guidance, courage and strength. Join us in our reflections and help us be wise in the choices we make

Xavier University and the well-being of all those who have placed their trust in our leadership. Give us insight to lead with integrity so our decisions reflect what is right and good. Save us from short-sightedness. Help us make decisions that benefit everyone while protecting us from blind self-interest. Finally, dear Lord, grant us the humility to always seek your will in everything we do and say. All glory be to you, loving God, now and forever.

– Gary Robinette

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Journey to the Frontiers of Education O Yahweh, Al-Elah, O Almighty God, though we seek you in many ways, guide us to serve as one this great institution of your creation. Always grant us, as Father Arrupe asked so many years ago, to see everything with new eyes now, to discern and examine the spirits that help us to read the signs of the times, to enjoy the things that come from the Lord of the universe and share them with others. Give us the clarity of understanding you gave to Saint Ignatius, in whose heritage we walk and conduct our business. Now, help us build a culture of encounter and mutual recognition and respect as we journey to the frontiers of education and society as part of the Xavier Way. Back to Top Inspire us Loving God, just as the Xavier Fellowship gathered on September 9th to invoke your Holy Spirit to lead Xavier University this year, we also invoke that Spirit, this Board of Directors in making decisions that we will meet and the impact it will have on the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of this university. Inspire us in our conversation; grant us the humility to be perceptive in our listening and attentive to the stirrings of our hearts. We pray in thanksgiving for Fr. Graham’s leadership and for his team; for all of the dedicated faculty and staff who enliven the spirit of our mission on a daily basis; and for our students, that they truly cultivate lives of reflection, compassion, and informed action. Remember that whatever we do, we do it for your greater glory! Keep us mindful and grateful for your many blessings! We pray this through the intercessions of our Founder St Ignatius and our Patron St Francis Xavier. – Fr. Bill Verbyke, SJ Back to top We gather in gratitude Good and gracious God, we gather in gratitude on this Founder’s Day as we recognize the spirit of generosity on which this institution was founded and the spirit of generosity that sustains us today to remain true to our mission: the mission to educate every student intellectually, morally and spiritually; by preparing students for an increasingly diverse, complex and interdependent world; by striving to challenge and support students as they cultivate lives of reflection, compassion and informed action. We pray in gratitude for the many people who bring this mission to life every day: faculty, staff and students. But tonight we give special recognition to the members of our community who donate in a philanthropic way to support Xavier University, members of the 1831 Society. We gather in a very special way tonight to recognize the many ways in which Xavier has been blessed by the generosity of time, talent and treasure of Mr. Joseph A. Pichler, whom we honor tonight with the 2013 Founders Day Award. And we thank his wonderful wife Susan for her many years of dedication and support! We ask your blessings for the food we are about to eat. May this meal and our time together symbolize for us the many ways we experience your goodness. And may you also bless each of us and our families; and bless our world with peace. Always keep us aware of your great love as we see you in creation and experience you in each other. We pray to you, most loving and giving God. – Fr. Bill Verbryke, SJ Back to top St. Ignatius’ Prayer for Generosity

Lord, teach me to be generous. Prayer of St. Ignatius for generosity

Teach me to serve you as you deserve;

to give and not to count the cost,

to fight and ignore the wounds

struggle and seek no rest,

to work and not to ask for wages,

Except knowing that I will do your will.

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strengthen us

Good and merciful God,

Wir danken Ihnen für die gesegnete Gelegenheit, Ihre Mission im Board of Trustees, Educators und Administrators der Xavier University zu unterstützen. Wir bitten Sie demütig, das Wissen und die Weisheit, die Sie St. Ignatius und St. Frances Xavier verliehen haben, mit uns zu teilen, damit wir dieses kostbare Gefäß des institutionellen Lernens mit glaubensbasiertem Wachstum leiten und pflegen können. Bitte stärken Sie uns, um angemessene, von Herzen kommende Entscheidungen zu treffen, die der Mission der großartigen Universität zugute kommen. Lassen Sie uns Ihrer Liebe nacheifern, indem wir unsere Liebe und Großzügigkeit für die Entwicklung dieser katholischen Institution teilen und unsere Pflichten mit Enthusiasmus und großem Eifer erfüllen.

Bitte segne alle unsere Studenten, das Lebenselixier der Xavier University. Helfen Sie ihnen, die geeigneten Werkzeuge zu lernen, zu erfahren und zu begreifen, die sie benötigen, um in ihrem Leben erfolgreich zu sein und das Vermächtnis dieser katholischen Institution zu fördern.

Stärke uns alle in dieser Fastenzeit, in deinem Namen zu opfern. Lassen Sie uns durch diese Werke Gott finden und uns durch seinen Heiligen Geist befähigen, unsere Pflichten zu erfüllen.

Im Namen Jesu beten wir.

-Robert Heidt

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Wir danken Ihnen

Lassen Sie mich zunächst sagen, dass ich für diese Gelegenheit als evangelischer Student dankbar bin. Xavier leistet großartige Arbeit, damit sich Nicht-Katholiken willkommen fühlen. Neigen Sie jetzt bitte Ihre Häupter, während wir uns im Gebet an Gott wenden. Ich werde in der christlichen Tradition beten.

Herr, wir danken dir für die Gelegenheit, als Studenten, Dozenten, Verwaltungs- und Vorstandsmitglieder zusammenzukommen. Wir danken Ihnen für die diesjährigen Erfolge und Wachstumsbereiche. Gib uns die Kraft, als Universität, die von unseren jesuitischen Werten und Mission geprägt ist, weiter voranzukommen. Segne das Essen und diejenigen, die es zubereitet haben. All diese Dinge bitten wir im Namen Jesu.

– Lauren Weiß

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Lass alles, was wir tun, durch dich geschehen

Vater im Himmel:

In dieser heiligen Adventszeit sehnen wir uns nach der Fülle des Heils,

für uns selbst und für unsere Welt;

in die Dunkelheit des Winters,

sende das Licht deines Sohnes.

Führe uns heute in unserem Treffen,

damit alles, was wir tun, mit Ihrer Inspiration beginnt,

und ausgeführt werden durch deine Gnade,

damit alle unsere Absichten und Handlungen nur Ihren Dienst suchen und

Wohlergehen der uns anvertrauten Schülerinnen und Schüler.

Through Christ our Lord.

– Tim Howe, S.J.

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Das Geschenk des Lebens

Dear Heavenly Father,

Wir danken Ihnen für das Geschenk des Lebens und für das Geschenk jener Leben, die ihre Bemühungen in der ignatianischen Tradition darauf verwenden, sowohl den Geist als auch den Geist zu nähren. Wir bitten Sie, dass Ihr Geist heute unter uns ist, wenn wir unsere Verantwortung gegenüber unseren jesuitischen Institutionen, unserem Präsidenten, unserer Fakultät und unseren Studenten betrachten.

Im Namen Christi beten wir.

– Stefan Cuntz

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Sei bei uns

Gott der Liebe,

Wir treffen uns heute zu ordentlichen und außerordentlichen Angelegenheiten der Xavier University. Angelegenheiten, die letztendlich die Schüler betreffen werden, die Xavier anvertraut haben, sie intellektuell, moralisch und spirituell zu engagieren.

Begleiten Sie uns in unseren Diskussionen.

Gib uns Einsicht und Mut, deinen Willen mit Mitgefühl und Ehrfurcht zu tun, als Verwalter und Begleiter zum Wohle der gesamten Campus-Gemeinschaft und darüber hinaus.

Helfen Sie uns, die Gaben zu kennen und an sie zu glauben, die Sie uns als Treuhänder gegeben haben, sowohl individuell als auch kollektiv.

Inspirieren Sie uns, die Herausforderungen zu meistern, denen wir möglicherweise gegenüberstehen, und uns an unseren gemeinsamen Triumphen zu erfreuen, sowohl weltlichen als auch großen.

In Glauben und Hoffnung vertrauen wir heute auf Ihre Gegenwart und Führung.

-Debra Mooney

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Lass es du sein

Sei bei uns gegenwärtig, o Heiliger Geist, denn in deinem Namen sind wir besonders versammelt.

Kommen Sie, uns in unseren Angelegenheiten zu helfen, und nehmen Sie gerne an unseren Beratungen teil.

Lassen Sie sich zuallererst von Ihnen zu unseren Vorschlägen inspirieren.

Gewähre, dass wir im Dienst an der Xavier University weise handeln.

Halte uns durch das Geschenk deiner Gnade im Einklang mit deinem Willen, damit wir mit dir eins handeln können.

-Donna Jones Baker

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let’s pray

Gott der Weisheit,

Wir sind heute hier versammelt, um Ihnen zu dienen und die Angelegenheiten der Xavier University zu führen.

Gib uns Wissen und Kraft, um deinen Willen mit einem angemessenen Gleichgewicht zwischen ewigen Werten und unseren gegenwärtigen Bedürfnissen zu tun.

Mögen wir unsere Verantwortung übernehmen, mutig handeln und die Ausbildung der Führungskräfte von morgen fördern.

Gewähre uns jetzt und für immer einen Sinn für Gerechtigkeit und weise Haushalterschaft.

-James Wainscott

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Wenn wir auf die Zukunft der Xavier University blicken und planen – und unsere eigene persönliche Zukunft –, lassen Sie uns die Gefühle, die tief in jedem von uns, den Teilnehmern an der fortwährenden kreativen Aktivität Gottes, tief in uns schlummern, an Gott übergeben.

Heiliger Schöpfer,

gib uns Geduld, auf Dein Langsames und Beständiges zu vertrauen

creative power.

Wir sind ganz natürlich in allem ungeduldig

um das Ende ohne Verzögerung zu erreichen.

Die Zwischenstufen möchten wir überspringen.

Wir sind ungeduldig unterwegs zu sein

zu etwas Unbekanntem, etwas Neuem.

Und doch ist es das Gesetz allen Fortschritts

dass die neue Schöpfung im Durchgang entsteht

einige Stadien der Instabilität?

und dass es sehr lange dauern kann.

Helfen Sie uns, geduldig zu sein

and understand Your ideas mature gradually within us.

Enable us to let them grow,

let them shape themselves, without undue haste.

Help us not to force the future

as though we could be today

what time, grace, and circumstances

will make of us tomorrow.

Only You can say what this new spirit,

Gradually forming within us, will be.

We give to You, Loving Creator, our faith

and trust that the benefit of our believing

is a deeper realization

that Your hand is leading us

when we accept the anxiety of felling ourselves

in suspense and incomplete,

waiting for Your plan to unfold in its own time,

We trust in Your creative power,

Source of all that is and all that will ever be.

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

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Give Us

Holy God,

We gather here as members of this Board

and we thank you for calling us together.

It is our privilege and our responsibility

to support, foster, and advance

the mission of Xavier University.

We accept this task in total dependence upon you,

for it is you who began this work

you who guide it and will bring it to fulfillment.

Send your creative spirit upon us:

open our hearts to recognize Your presence among us;

open our minds to respond to Your calling.

Enable us to draw upon the wisdom and experience of yesterday

as we respond to the questions and concerns of tomorrow.

Give us freedom to speak the truth boldly and with kindness;

Give us patience to listen openly, without prejudice;

Give us confidence to discover and explore new possibilities;

Give us wisdom to discern what is right and good and just;

Give us courage to participate in your ongoing work of creation.

We call upon the intercession of St. Ignatius to confirm our prayer

and to support our endeavors.

All glory, honor, and praise are yours, Holy God, for all ages.

Read by: Ann Hoffman

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Bless our Work

Good and Loving God,

We thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.

We thank you for memory, which enables us to build on the experiences of the past;

for imagination, which admits us to a wider world than we could otherwise know;

and for foresight, by which we plan for the future.

Bless this unseen work that we do on behalf of Xavier’s many students who,

through their Jesuit education,

will strive to make a difference in the world.

– Joe Shadle

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Through Faith and Hope

God of Love,

We are meeting today regarding ordinary and extraordinary matters of Xavier University, matters which will ultimately affect the students who have entrusted Xavier to engage them intellectually, morally and spiritually.

Be with us in our discussions.

Give us insight and courage to do Your will with compassion and reverence, as stewards and companions for the benefit of the entire campus community and beyond.

Help us to know and believe in the gifts you have given us as Trustees, both individually and collectively.

Inspire us to solve the challenges we may face and to take joy in our shared triumphs, both mundane and grand.

In faith and hope, we trust in your presence and guidance today.

– Debra Mooney

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Opening Prayer for the Meeting of Xavier’s Jesuit Identity Committee


let’s pray


Good and loving God,

We gather this morning in your name.

The gifts of our Ignatian heritage invite us to be part of a tradition

that builds on the wisdom of the past

with a vision open to the opportunities of the future.

Bless this vital work that we do on behalf of Xavier’s students

who, through their Jesuit education,

are challenged to make a difference in the world.

Give us the grace to serve you well.

Instill in us the humility to discern your will

and the generosity to carry it out.

– The staff of the Center for Mission and Identity

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