How To Lose 20Kg In A Week? Top 99 Best Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to lose 20kg in a week“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Losing 20 kilograms — or 44 pounds — is a major goal, but it won’t happen overnight. You can lose this weight safely in about five to five-and-a-half months with dedication and effort. Keep the weight off by making simple lifestyle changes. Maintain these lifestyle changes, and you will keep off the weight for good.On average (again, on average), a person needs to burn 3,500 calories more than he or she consumes to lose 1 lb (450 g). To lose 20 pounds (9 kg) in two weeks, you will need to lose a little under 1.5 lbs (675 g) every day. That means burning a little over 5,000 calories more than you consume each day.Here are a few tips that will help you:- Exercise 40-45 minutes 4-5 times a week. Eat small frequent meals every 2 -3 hours Eat protein rich diet (especially post workout, it will help in building muscle) and improve metabolism. Eat proper breakfast, as 40% of day’s energy comes from breakfast.

Weight loss plan to lose 20 kgs –
  1. “Drink lots and lots of water — even when I am not thirsty. Staying hydrated as multiple health benefits and also aids weight loss.
  2. Cut 500 calories from my diet plan. …
  3. Do cardio exercises — 5 days a week and strength training workouts for 3-4 days a week.
How To Lose 20 Kilograms
  1. 1) Swap Binge Snacking With An Interactive Activity. …
  2. 2) Walk A Little More. …
  3. 3) Don’t Skip Your Breakfast. …
  4. 4) Stay Hydrated. …
  5. 5) Go For Protein. …
  6. 6) Perform Lunges. …
  7. 7) Cardio. …
  8. Identify your binge eating triggers (and stop them)

How fast can I lose 20 kg?

Losing 20 kilograms — or 44 pounds — is a major goal, but it won’t happen overnight. You can lose this weight safely in about five to five-and-a-half months with dedication and effort. Keep the weight off by making simple lifestyle changes. Maintain these lifestyle changes, and you will keep off the weight for good.

Can I lose 20 kgs in 2 weeks?

On average (again, on average), a person needs to burn 3,500 calories more than he or she consumes to lose 1 lb (450 g). To lose 20 pounds (9 kg) in two weeks, you will need to lose a little under 1.5 lbs (675 g) every day. That means burning a little over 5,000 calories more than you consume each day.

How can I lose 20kg in 15 days?

Here are a few tips that will help you:- Exercise 40-45 minutes 4-5 times a week. Eat small frequent meals every 2 -3 hours Eat protein rich diet (especially post workout, it will help in building muscle) and improve metabolism. Eat proper breakfast, as 40% of day’s energy comes from breakfast.

How can I lose 20kgs?

How To Lose 20 Kilograms
  1. 1) Swap Binge Snacking With An Interactive Activity. …
  2. 2) Walk A Little More. …
  3. 3) Don’t Skip Your Breakfast. …
  4. 4) Stay Hydrated. …
  5. 5) Go For Protein. …
  6. 6) Perform Lunges. …
  7. 7) Cardio. …
  8. Identify your binge eating triggers (and stop them)

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

How to lose 20 kg, 30 kg or even 40 kg the smart way

If you’re tired of carrying around extra fat and want to get rid of it fast, here are a set of proven weight loss guidelines to help.

In the following article you will find lifestyle tips, diet guidelines and exercise ideas – all of which will help you in your weight loss goals.

In this article, we’re going to share some more specific tips if you have a large amount of weight, such as: B. 20 kg, 30 kg or even 40 kg or more that you want to lose.

The best strategies for losing weight

How to lose 20 kg

1) Swap binge snacking with an interactive activity

If you have a habit of eating junk food when you’re lonely or stressed, here’s the deal – trade it in for a fun, interactive activity. Often touted as emotional eating, this terrible tendency can lead to significant weight gain because your body doesn’t need that energy (from your unhealthy food) and ultimately turns it into stored fat.

One of the best ways to change this habit is to turn your attention to something fun! Whether it’s watching a movie, talking to a friend, or listening to good music, as long as it makes you happy, it’s definitely worth a try. Eat better!

Another simple strategy is to drink a tall glass of water whenever you feel the urge to snack. You’ll be surprised how much your appetite will be surprised just by the feeling of satiety that a glass of water can give.

2) Walk a bit more

Walking, even just 20-30 more minutes a day, can help you lose weight faster. The extra 100-200 calories burned on each short walk really adds up over time. It’s about consistency!

3) Don’t skip your breakfast

Whether on the way to work, university or school – always make sure you have a healthy, protein and fiber-rich breakfast. Not only will this help you gain less weight, but it will also help you shed those pounds faster by cutting out on pre-lunch snacks. Eating an early morning meal also gets your metabolism going. Even grabbing an apple is a better option than nothing.

4) Stay hydrated

As we mentioned earlier, water not only keeps you hydrated, it also suppresses your appetite. And what does suppressed appetite mean? Well, it simply means you stop resorting to unnecessary binge snacking.

5) Go for protein

While most of us manage to get our fair share of protein, there are others who may not be getting enough to meet their body’s individual needs. This is exactly why you need to add small amounts of protein in the form of lean meat, chicken, legumes or fish.

Protein has less energy per gram than fat and carbs, and it’s harder for your body to break down and store it as fat, making it a great alternative to high-carb foods.

6) Do lunges

Forward lunges are probably one of the best ways to lose weight because they effectively work your large leg muscles. The great thing about training large muscle groups like the quads is that they burn a lot of calories both during and more importantly after a workout. After a workout, you’re actually burning some “free” calories as your body works to strengthen and replenish the muscles in your legs that are being worked.

7) heart

Your weight loss plan is absolutely incomplete without a proper cardio session. Whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling, each of these exercises will target your excess fat and help you lose weight faster. That’s one of the best things about working out in the gym – you have so many options to choose from!

There you have it – 8 fat loss tips. It’s time to start!

Being dramatically overweight can naturally affect your mind and make you feel comfortable in your own body. But beyond that, obesity is dangerous for your health. If you are willing to lose a large amount of weight, e.g. 70 pounds, below are some sensible weight loss tips to get you started.

This is how you quickly lose 30 kilograms

lifestyle tips

1. Identify Your Binge Eating Triggers (And Stop Them)

There are certain activities people engage in on a daily basis that can make them more prone to binge eating. For example, when you’re feeling bored, tired, or sad, you may want to munch on high-calorie snacks, which can lead to uncontrolled weight gain.

To prevent such a situation, you can replace the snacks with healthier foods (nuts, seeds or fruits) and of course avoid having unhealthy foods in the house.

2. Walk home from work instead of driving

If you live within walking distance of your workplace, you can burn a significant amount of calories per day by simply walking home at night instead of taking a car. Also, when you go to your office in the morning, try to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Little tricks like this really add up over time.

3. Avoid watching too much TV

The average person in Australia spends around 5 hours a day in front of the television. You can replace some of this time with other productive activities, such as B. Get outside and exercise, even if it’s just a leisurely walk. Simply devoting 30 minutes a day to doing something more productive than TV is a good start. Every bit helps!

Diet Tips

4. Reduce your sugar and starch consumption

By reducing carbohydrates, you can better control your appetite and end up consuming fewer calories. Likewise, your body begins to feed on its stored fat content instead of directly burning carbohydrates for energy, resulting in significant weight loss.

5. Eat more vegetables and high-protein foods

Your daily meals should include low-carb proteins and vegetables. Studies show that eating a high-protein breakfast can significantly reduce your cravings and calorie intake for the rest of the day. Eating foods like eggs, fish, pork, or lamb can reduce your cravings by up to 60 percent. Vegetables are also a good source of fiber, which can lower your hunger pangs.

6. Avoid sodas and artificial juices

Soft drinks and artificial juices are packed with lots of processed sugars that have no nutritional value and just add more carbs to your body. Instead, sticking to water when you’re thirsty can significantly reduce your calorie intake throughout the day while still keeping you refreshed and hydrated.

exercise tips

7. While seated, use an exercise ball

This simple ball can help you burn a lot of calories a day as you’ll be burning a ton of fat bouncing up and down, rolling around and balancing on the ball! Your legs, back, and core will also get a great workout in the process as you use them continuously to maintain balance.

8. Try resistance training

You can either develop your own custom weight lifters at home or visit the nearest gym for some lifting sessions. Not only can lifting weights burn a lot of calories during exercise, but it also boosts your metabolism outside of exercise, which is a huge benefit for weight loss.

Below are some specific weight loss tips to help you lose 40kg as fast as possible.

How to lose 40 pounds

Diet and nutrition tips

1. Eat smaller portions

A big reason we tend to deviate from our normal diet is that we find it really hard to control our temptations. After sticking to a healthy diet for several days, we find it extremely difficult to give up junk food or unhealthy treats.

Additionally, many of us lack the willpower to stick to the strict diet and avoid eating until we feel incredibly full at every meal. Try to eat as small portions as possible. Even if it’s an unhealthy snack or treat, instead of eating our usual portion, cut it back so you don’t blow your diet completely out of the water.

2. Prepare your own meals

We all tend to lead a hectic lifestyle that doesn’t allow us to spend a lot of time preparing our own meals. However, if you want to lose weight fast, cooking your own meals is an ideal solution because you know exactly what you are putting into your body. This is also a great way for you to try and experiment with different low calorie recipes.

3. Never give up

As mentioned before, we often find it very difficult to resist temptation. Additionally, when attending a party or special event, we tend to overeat, or at least eat without consciously thinking about our intake.

The reality is that there will be times when you make a mistake, but it’s important to know that mistakes are okay. Never give up, keep sticking to your diet instead of throwing in the towel.

training tips

4. Keep it short and sweaty

When it comes to training, quality over quantity. If you’re short on time, keep your workouts short, explosive, and intense. This allows us to get the best results in a short amount of time because you’re burning maximum calories in any time you have.

So when you go for a walk, walk fast. If you go jogging you will find some hills. Anything you can do to add some extra intensity will be of great help.

5. Train with a buddy

Team up with friends or family who have fitness goals similar to yours. You might also want to try Group Personal Training or Group Fitness – training with like-minded people is fantastic for motivation!

lifestyle tips

6. Get proper sleep

It is well known to all of us that the human system produces growth hormones that help improve metabolism and also repair tissues. However, this activity is severely hampered by insufficient sleep, which also makes the body quite lethargic, so we are unable to focus on any type of mental or physical activity at all.

Therefore, we should always make it a goal to sleep 8 hours a night to boost metabolism and lose weight effectively.

7. Reduce alcohol consumption and smoking

Smoking disrupts the production of enzymes, which in turn hinders our digestive process to a great extent. In addition, limiting alcohol consumption can also make a big difference in weight loss. You’d be surprised how many calories a typical drink has.

Do you love a gin? A single shot of gin contains 70 calories. red wine lover? That’s 85 calories per glass. Beer has similar total calories, so 4 or 5 drinks over a weekend can basically add up to the same amount of calories in an extra meal!

What is the quickest way to lose 20kg?

Here are 10 of the best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.
  1. Count Calories. …
  2. Drink More Water. …
  3. Increase Your Protein Intake. …
  4. Cut Your Carb Consumption. …
  5. Start Lifting Weights. …
  6. Eat More Fiber. …
  7. Set a Sleep Schedule. …
  8. Stay Accountable.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Losing weight can be an incredible challenge, whether your goal is to lose five pounds or 20. It requires not only diet and lifestyle changes, but also quite a bit of patience. Luckily, using a mix of proven strategies can make weight loss easier and faster. Here are 10 of the best ways to lose 20 pounds quickly and safely. Share on Pinterest

1. Count Calories It might sound like a no-brainer, but counting calories is one of the easiest and most effective ways to start losing weight fast. Weight loss occurs when you expend more calories than you take in, either by reducing your intake or by increasing your physical activity. While cutting calories alone is not generally considered a sustainable way to lose weight, counting calories can be an effective weight loss tool when combined with other diet and lifestyle changes. Keeping track of your calorie intake can increase your awareness of what’s on your plate and give you the knowledge you need to make healthier choices. Interestingly, a review of 37 studies found that weight loss programs that included calorie counting resulted in 7.3 pounds (3.3 kg) more weight loss than those that didn’t (1). Try tracking your calorie intake with an app or food journal. Summary In combination with other diet and lifestyle

Making changes, counting calories can help you make healthier choices to gain weight

weight loss.

2. Drink more water Increasing your water intake is an easy way to increase weight loss with minimal effort. In fact, one study found that combining a low-calorie diet with increased water intake before meals resulted in 44% more weight loss over a 12-week period (2). Research shows that water can improve weight loss by boosting metabolism and temporarily increasing the calories your body burns after eating. According to a study of 14 adults, drinking 16.9 fluid ounces (500 mL) of water increased metabolism by 30% after 30-40 minutes (3). Drinking water with meals can also make you feel full and reduce your appetite and intake. For example, one small study showed that drinking 16.9 fluid ounces (500 mL) of water before a meal reduced subsequent calorie expenditure by 13% (4). For best results, drink at least 34-68 fluid ounces (1-2 liters) of water per day to maximize weight loss. Summary Drinking water can temporarily increase

metabolism and reduces appetite to enhance weight loss. Drink for best results

at least 34-68 fluid ounces (1-2 liters) of water per day.

3. Increase your protein intake In order to lose 20 pounds fast, it is absolutely necessary to add more high-protein foods to your diet. A high-protein diet has been associated with reduced abdominal fat and preserved muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss (5, 6). Protein can also help reduce appetite and decrease calorie intake. A study of 19 adults found that increasing protein intake by just 15% increased satiety and significantly reduced calorie intake, belly fat, and body weight (7). Another study showed that eating a high-protein breakfast reduced levels of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger, much more than a high-carb breakfast (8). Meat, seafood, poultry, legumes, eggs, nuts and seeds are some healthy sources of protein that you can easily add to your diet. Summary Protein has been shown to reduce belly fat

and body weight. It can also promote feelings of fullness to reduce calories


4. Reduce your carbohydrate intake Reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates is another useful strategy for speeding up weight loss. Refined carbohydrates have been stripped of their nutritional and fiber content during processing, resulting in a nutrient-poor end product. Additionally, they typically have a high glycemic index, meaning they are digested and absorbed quickly. Rapid digestion leads to spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, followed by increased hunger (9). Consuming high numbers of refined carbohydrates has also been linked to increases in body fat and weight gain. For example, a study of 2,834 people found that higher intakes of refined carbohydrates were linked to increased belly fat, while higher intakes of whole grains were linked to less belly fat ( 10Trusted Source ). Another small study had similar results, reporting that a diet high in whole grains decreased both body weight and calorie intake compared to a diet focused on refined grains (11). To start, simply replace refined grains in pasta, white bread, cereal, and pre-packaged products with wholesome whole grain alternatives like couscous, quinoa, brown rice, or barley. Summary Refined carbohydrates can increase hunger and

may be associated with increased belly fat and weight gain compared to whole foods


5. Start lifting weights Resistance training is a type of exercise that works against a force to increase muscle strength and endurance. Adding resistance training to your routine can boost fat burning and metabolism so you burn more calories, even at rest. One review showed that 10 weeks of resistance training can increase metabolism by 7%, stabilize blood sugar in diabetics, and lead to 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of fat loss in adults (12). Meanwhile, another study of 94 women suggested that resistance training preserved lean mass and metabolism after weight loss and allowed the body to burn more calories throughout the day (13). Start by going to the gym or doing bodyweight exercises like squats, planks, and lunges at home. Summary Resistance training can help increase

metabolism and maintain lean mass, which helps you burn more calories

in the course of the day.

6. Eat more fiber Fiber moves slowly and undigested through your gastrointestinal tract, slowing the emptying of your stomach, helping you feel fuller longer (14, 15). A study in healthy men found that eating 33 grams of insoluble fiber, which is commonly found in wheat and vegetables, was effective in reducing both appetite and food intake ( 16Trusted Source ). The satiety-promoting effects of fiber could have major weight-control benefits. One review reported that increasing fiber intake by 14 grams per day was associated with a 10% reduction in calorie intake and 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) of weight loss over a four-month period, even without other diet or lifestyle changes (17). Additionally, a 20-month study of 252 women found that every gram of fiber consumed was linked to 0.5 pounds (0.25 kg) less body weight and 0.25% less body fat ( 18Trusted Source ). Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are excellent sources of fiber, which is an essential part of a healthy weight loss diet. Summary Fiber keeps you feeling full while cutting down

Appetite and food intake, which can promote weight loss.

7. Establish a sleep schedule While there’s no doubt that changing your diet and your exercise program are the top two ways to lose 20 pounds, the amount you sleep could also play a role. In fact, a study of 245 women showed that both sleeping at least seven hours a night and getting better quality sleep increased the likelihood of weight loss by 33% ( 19Trusted Source ). And just as getting enough sleep can put you on the road to success, sleep deprivation can cause the pounds to slowly gain over time. A study of 68,183 women over the age of 16 found that those who slept five hours or less gained an average of 2.5 pounds (1.14 kg) more than women who slept at least seven hours a night ( 20Trusted Source ). Another study showed that even a single night of sleep deprivation can increase levels of hunger hormones, which can lead to increased appetite and weight gain (21). Try practicing a bedtime ritual every night, sticking to a routine, and minimizing caffeine intake before bed to establish a healthy sleep cycle and promote weight loss. Summary Getting enough sleep and improving sleep

Quality could promote weight loss. Conversely, sleep deprivation can lead to this

increased hunger and weight gain.

8. Stay Accountable Staying accountable for your weight loss goals is key to long-term success. There are many different ways to do this. For example, daily weighing has been associated with increased weight loss and a lower risk of weight gain compared to weighing less frequently ( 22Trusted Source ). Research also suggests that keeping a food journal to self-monitor your intake and progress can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer (23, 24). You can also try working with a friend or joining an online weight loss community to increase your motivation and stay on track towards your goals. Summary Staying responsible can help you gain weight

Loss. Weigh yourself daily, keep a food journal, and mate with a

Friend are all effective strategies to enhance weight loss.

9. Add cardio to your routine Whether you want to lose 1 pound or 20, adding cardio to your routine is a must. Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is a form of physical activity that increases your heart rate and helps strengthen your heart and lungs. In addition, it increases the calories your body burns to aid in fat and weight loss. A study of 141 overweight and obese participants showed that cardio exercise alone was effective in inducing significant weight loss. In fact, performing cardio to burn either 400 calories or 600 calories five times a week for 10 months resulted in an average weight loss of 8.6 pounds (3.9 kg) and 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg), respectively. (25). Another study had similar results, reporting that six months of cardio exercise alone reduced body weight by 9% in 141 obese older adults ( 26Trusted Source ). To maximize weight loss, get 150–300 minutes of cardio every week, or about 20–40 minutes every day (27). Walking, running, skipping, rowing, and boxing are some easy and fun cardio workouts that can boost weight loss. Summary Cardio can increase your body’s fitness

Calorie burn rate to increase both weight and fat loss.

10. Eat slowly and mindfully Mindfulness is a practice in which you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings while shifting your focus to the present moment. Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can help increase weight loss and decrease intake while still allowing you to enjoy your food. For example, one small study showed that eating slowly led to greater increases in satiety hormones and feelings of fullness than eating faster ( 28Trusted Source ). Similarly, a study of 30 healthy women showed that eating slowly resulted in lower calorie intake and greater feelings of satiety compared to eating faster ( 29Trusted Source ). Another review of 19 studies found that mindfulness interventions significantly increased weight loss in 68% of the studies (30). Try to minimize distractions while eating, chew your food more thoroughly, and drink water with your meal so you can slow down and enjoy. Summary Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness

increase satiety, reduce calorie intake and promote weight loss.

How much should I walk to lose 20kg?

Dieting does not burn fat, so sufficient physical exercise is important. As you have very long working hours, you need to make sure you squeeze in 30 minutes for a brisk walk every day. If you have to travel very short distances, walk. You need to walk at least five days a week.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Get Ahead reader Priyanka J wants to lose 40 pounds by December. Is your fitness goal realistic? We asked Get Ahead expert and fitness coach Brinda Sapat to review Priyanka’s profile and recommend a good diet/exercise program for her.

Priyanka’s profile

Age: 25

Weight: 71.08kg

Profession: film journalist

Working hours: 8:00 a.m. to midnight

Daily routine: I get up at 7:30 am, drink a glass of water, a cup of tea, a HerbalLife slimming shake. After two hours I have an apple for breakfast around 11am, then tea/juice/apple/idlis. Lunch consists of a rotis or two, a vegetable, some rice, a papad, a salad and some cottage cheese. I have tea at 3 or 4 p.m. and sometimes a fruit plate around 5 p.m. Dinner is not fixed. 70 percent of my work is on the desk. I spend the rest of my time traveling. I go to the doctor once a year and have had no problems so far. However, sometimes I get very bad headaches. Sometimes I feel too weak and drained and my stamina has decreased a lot in the last few months. I tend to be lethargic and sleep a lot. I don’t do much sport apart from a little walk.

My fitness goal: Lose 20 kg by December.

Brinda’s verdict

Hi Priyanka, congratulations on your step towards weight loss and a healthy body! Let’s start.

When it comes to losing weight, you need to set realistic goals. Losing 20 kilos by December is not! Weight loss must be gradual. The slower you lose it, the more likely you are to keep it away. Drastic weight loss has harmful side effects because you don’t get enough nutrients from fad diets. A nutrition plan should be as natural as possible so that it is easy to follow over a long period of time. Let’s revise your fitness goal to a realistic 5kg by December. For weight loss to occur, you need to burn off excess calories through exercise and make sure you’re eating fewer calories. Stored fat is the excess calories and needs to be burned. Dieting doesn’t burn fat, so getting enough exercise is important.

Go, go, go

Since you work very long hours, you need to make sure you schedule 30 minutes for a brisk walk every day. If you have very short distances to cover, walk. You must run at least five days a week. The pace needs to be brisk and get your heart rate up. Wear appropriate shoes to protect your knees and ankles from impact. Apart from that, try to keep moving as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Get things you need yourself instead of calling them.

Train at your desk

1. Head Circles: Drop your head to your right shoulder and slowly make a semi-circle down the front to your left shoulder and vice versa. Do this four to five times.

2. Shoulder Rolls: Raise your shoulders, then roll them back. Repeat eight times.

3. Arm Extension: Interlace your fingers behind your hips and gently raise your arms as high as you can without leaning your torso forward. do that twice It stretches your arms, shoulders and chest.

4. Chair Squats: Sit in your chair, feet on the floor, legs hip-width apart. Put your hands on your waist. Push yourself into a standing position. Slowly lower yourself back down and as soon as your hips touch the chair, raise again. Don’t rest in the chair, keep moving. Repeat 12 times.

5. Knee Extension: Sit on the chair, arms beside you, feet on the floor. Straighten your knee and lift your feet off the floor until your legs are even with your hips. Lower your feet and raise them again as soon as they touch the floor. Do 12 repetitions.

6. Footwork: Extend your legs, then alternately pointing and flexing your toes. Do four repetitions. Next, circle your toes clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do four repetitions.

Do these exercises about twice a day to keep your body active. You can find many more desk exercises online.


Your diet will require small changes as you eat fairly sensibly.

When you wake up

Drink a glass of water. Please no slimming shakes. Losing weight has to be natural and healthy.

Breakfast (must be eaten BEFORE going to work)

Idli or muesli


fruit juice

Late morning


Having lunch

2 rotis

1 vegetable (2 servings, cooked in olive oil)

1 salad

No rice or papad

evening snack

Fruit platter or a handful of nuts

Dinner (eat three hours BEFORE bedtime)

1 roti

1 vegetable






1 whole grain toast

to eat out

Indian: all tandoori, salad

Continental: soup, salad

Chinese: Anything steamed or fried

health tip

With long hours at work and not moving, it’s only natural to feel exhausted. Once you start this exercise and diet program, you should feel better in a few weeks. Walking will help increase your stamina and make you feel more active and fresh. Ask your doctor about taking multivitamins.

Try to follow this plan as closely as possible to achieve your goal. Much luck!

Would you like Brinda to review your profile? Post your data.

Make sure you provide the following information:



Vital Statistics:


My fitness goal:



Working time:

Daily routine:

— Brinda is the Head of Group Exercise at Gold’s Gym, Napean Sea Road, where she also conducts her classes. Certified by Training Zone & Progressive Fitness (USA), she has been a fitness trainer for nine and a half years.

How can I lose 1kg in a day?

Consume sufficient amount of protein such as egg whites, meat, pulses which are low in carbs etc. Exercise for at least 40 minutes a day, because only a diet is not going to help you achieve your goal. Your exercises could be interspersed with your daily activities such as walking or jogging.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Losing weight is not always easy. If you’ve ever looked up how to lose weight only to find multiple options that confuse you even more and make you want to give up before you’ve even tried. The most effective ways to lose weight and burn fat are those that require you to spend time exercising or following a vigorous diet, but you can lose weight quickly and effectively without breaking a sweat in the gym. And we’re not talking about the keto diet or any other diet that will help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. You can also follow a systematic weight loss plan where you can lose a pound every day until you reach your goal. All you have to do is set a realistic goal and follow the Lemonade Fast Diet to help you achieve it. Just make sure you don’t continue this process for long and stop after reaching an achievable goal.

How to Lose Weight: Lose a kilo in a day

According to studies, lemon helps burn fat faster from the body. So if you’re wondering how to lose weight fast, a fast soda pop diet isn’t a bad idea. The Lemonade Fast Diet, also known as the “Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet,” has a ton of health benefits for the body. It is a detox diet that helps the body eliminate toxins and boost the immune system. Other lemon health benefits include aiding in digestion, supporting the cardiovascular system, maintaining clear skin and also delaying aging. But it’s even better when you mix honey with lemonade, making it the perfect diet combo. Honey provides the body with the energy it needs, curbs cravings for sweets, aids digestion and also provides the body with many nutrients that give you the energy to move.

Recipe and structure of the lemonade diet

This diet consists mostly of lemons and requires you to drink four glasses of soda throughout the day. During the lemonade diet, you must not consume any commercially available sweets, sugar or juices. And make absolutely sure that the lemonade is freshly prepared at home with honey and not with sugar.

Ingredients: o 8 cups water o Squeezed lemon juice (6 lemons) o 1/2 cup honey o A few ice cubes o 10 mint leaves

When making lemonade or any other drink with lemon or honey, do not let the water boil; the water must be lukewarm. Just add all the ingredients to the water and let the mixture chill in the fridge for a couple of hours. After taking it out, strain it and combine it with your meals.

Breakfast: Drink a glass of lemonade on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before breakfast in the morning. Your breakfast should only consist of fruit salad.

Mid-morning snack: Around 11am, have another glass of lemonade, a banana and 50g of almonds.

How can I lose 10 kilos in 10 days?

Top 10 tips to reboot your body and kick start weight loss
  1. Start Your Day With A Workout. Set up your alarm 20 minutes early and schedule your workout first thing in the morning. …
  2. Skip the Scale. …
  3. Carry Your Own Snacks. …
  4. Eat An Apple. …
  5. Try To Eat Meals At Home. …
  6. Become a Water Baby. …
  7. Eat Slowly. …
  8. Eat Protein.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Weight Loss: If you’re trying to shed the weight you gained over the holidays, or fit back into your bathing suit for summer, or simply leading a healthier lifestyle, you know it’s a task that will take time and patience. We’ve all tried all sorts of diets and fitness tips to shed those extra pounds. While some have successfully achieved their goals with extreme measures, others have fought and fought to the point where they have given up hope. The truth is that losing weight is easy, but only if done the right way. You can’t give up midway because of the lack of instant results. So here are my top 10 secrets to help you reach your goal weight this year, and not only that, these daily exercises would also help you live a healthier life.

Top 10 tips to reboot your body and start losing weight

1. Start your day with a workout

Set your alarm 20 minutes earlier and plan your workout first thing in the morning. Studies suggest that people who exercise in the morning are relatively leaner and healthier than those who exercise later in the day. Carry the feel-good hormones and energy through the day by exercising in the morning.

2. Skip the scale

Don’t weigh yourself daily, sometimes it just makes you panic unnecessarily and can be demotivating. Also, the scale can be deceiving as it ignores the fact that you may be adding muscle weight. Weigh yourself once a week, preferably in the morning.

3. Carry your own snacks

Counseling clients, I have found that while their main meals are well organized, snacking is an area where most of them are consuming unnecessary food and putting their weight loss at risk. It’s a great idea to pack your own snack for work or on the go. Make small packets of nuts and seeds, fruit, plain yogurt, chaach, sprouts, dark chocolate, chilli, diced paneer or cheese.

4. Eat an apple

This is my favorite, and I tell most of my customers, “Eat an apple or imagine it. If you’re not hungry enough to eat a whole apple, you’re not hungry, just bored!”. Engage in fun activities or hobbies like singing, reading, or whatever you like. Constantly thinking about food can be extremely taxing on your weight loss efforts.

5. Try to eat at home

Try to eat as many meals at home as possible over the next 10 days. This gives you complete control over ingredients like sugar, fat, oil and salt that end up in your food. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll shed all those extra flab when you do this.

6. Become a water baby

Go swimming and increase your fluid intake, drinking plenty of water and green vegetable juices. Each season offers us an abundance of water-rich fruits; In summer there are fruits like melons, in the winter months amla water or warm nimbu paani. Opt for the incredible summer fruits and vegetables that are 96% water. In fact, one study showed how 14 men and women increased their metabolism by 30% simply by increasing their daily water intake.

7. Eat slowly

We all know this, but put it into practice now. You will be amazed at how your portions are reduced and your food is better absorbed. Eat in a state of complete relaxation for optimal absorption and digestion.

8. Eat protein

Increase your protein intake as it helps burn fat and build muscle. Eat cheese, eggs, sprouts, lentils, chicken, fish or meat. Protein also keeps you full as your body needs time to digest protein hence you are full.

9. Don’t store unhealthy foods at home

It’s impossible to resist temptation when it’s on your kitchen shelf. Don’t get bad food, don’t eat bad food. Nobody in your family needs processed, unhealthy, packaged foods. The only way around this is not to buy them.

10. Think about your ideal weight

Imagine your dream weight. Imagine wearing an outfit you dreamed of and seeing yourself slim. Everything that exists started with the right thought. Give yourself positive encouragement and say to yourself, “I’m going to hit xyz weight in 10 days, don’t doubt your thought. Give it the right energy and see yourself happier and slimmer, not just in your thoughts but in reality.

Nutrition chart for 10 days

What you eat plays an important role in your weight loss. Here is my chart –

Day 1:

7 a.m.: Methi water or tea and 8 almonds

9:00 a.m.: 1 bowl of poha for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: A glass of buttermilk as a snack

13:30-15:00: Lunch 1 roti + 1 bowl of vegetables + 1 bowl of dal + cucumber salad

4-6 p.m.: As a snack, 1 cup of watermelon

7pm-9pm: For dinner, 1 bowl of Ghia Raita

Day 2:

7am: Methi water or tea and 4 walnuts

9:00 a.m.: 1 bowl of Veg Daliya for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: A bowl of grapes as a snack

13:30-15:00: Lunch 1 roti + 1 bowl of vegetables + 1 bowl of dal + cucumber salad

4-6 p.m.: As a snack, 1 cup of watermelon

7pm-9pm: For dinner, 1 bowl of Ghia Raita

Day 3:

7 a.m.: Green tea + 8 almonds

9:00 a.m.: 1 moong dal chilla + quark for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: 1 bowl of papaya as a snack

1:30-3:00pm: For lunch, 1 roti + green veg + cucumber raita

4-6 p.m.: 1 bowl of sprout salad as a snack

7-9pm – For dinner, 200g paneer bhurji (add vegetables) or fried yellow and green zucchini + mint raita

Day 4:

7 a.m.: apple cider vinegar + water, 4 walnuts + 4 almonds

9:00 am: For breakfast, 2 idli + chaach

12:00 p.m.: 2 slices of mango as a snack

1:30pm-3:00pm: Cooked Chana Salad for lunch

4pm-6pm: For snacks, cold coffee or 1 banana

7-9pm – For dinner 1 Oat Chila/ Moong Dal Chilla + Cucumber Salad

Day 5:

7 a.m.: apple cider vinegar + water, nuts

9:00 a.m.: 1 bowl of papaya for breakfast

12.00 p.m.: As a snack, sprout salad

1:30-3:00 p.m.: For lunch, 1 roti + vegetables + onion-tomato raita

4-6 p.m.: As a snack, tea + 70% dark chocolate (small piece)

7:00pm – 9:00pm – For dinner, omelette with 2 eggs and vegetables

Day 6:

7am: Methi water, nuts

9 am: 1 Besan Chilla for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: For snacks, chaach

13:30-15:00: For lunch, dal + 1 cup of rice + vegetables + salad

4-6 p.m.: As a snack, 1 cup of grapes + coconut water

7-9pm: For dinner, chicken tikka (5-6 pieces) + salad or paneer tikka (120 g) + salad

Day 7:

7am: Methi water

9:00 a.m.: Vegetable poha for breakfast

12 p.m.: As a snack, 1 cup of watermelon

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: For lunch 1 roti + vegetables + quark

4pm-6pm: As a snack tea + 1/2 katori peanuts

7-9pm: For dinner, 2 Egg Bhurji or Paneer Bhurji (120g)

Day 8:

7am: Methi water

9 a.m.: 1 toast + 1 egg for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: For snacks, chaach

1:30pm-3:00pm: For lunch, 1 bowl of Vegetable Daliya

4-6 p.m.: 1 bowl of watermelon as a snack

7-9pm: For dinner, 1 bowl of Ghia Raita or 1 Moong Dal Chilla

Day 9:

7am: Methi water or tea and nuts

9:00 a.m.: 1 bowl of Daliya for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: 1 bowl of papaya as a snack

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: 1 vegetable-filled roti + quark for lunch

4-6pm: As a snack, 1 cup of tea + 1/2 bowl of peanuts

7pm-9pm: For dinner 1 grilled fish + 1 cup steamed vegetables or 1 cup sprout salad

Day 10:

7am: Methi water or tea and nuts

9:00 a.m.: 1 bowl of poha for breakfast

12:00 p.m.: A glass of buttermilk as a snack

1:30-3:00pm: For lunch, 1 roti + 1 bowl of veg + 1 bowl of dal + salad

4-6pm: As a snack, 1 cup of grapes or 1 cup of tea and 2-3 cubes of 70% dark chocolate

7-9pm: For dinner, 5-6 pieces of chicken/fish tikka + salad or 1 moong dal chila + cottage cheese

About the author:

Shilpa Arora ND is a renowned Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and Certified Macrobiotic Health Coach. She has a doctorate in naturopathy to thank. Currently residing in the Delhi NCR area, she successfully runs her nutrition studio offering individual consultations and lifestyle programs supported by the latest clinical research.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability or validity of any information in this article. All information is provided “as is”. The information, fact or opinion contained in this article does not represent the views of NDTV and NDTV assumes no responsibility or liability therefor.

How can I lose 5 kg in 7 days?

Three simple tips you should follow to lose 5 kg weight in 1 week
  1. More Proteins and fewer Carbs. Research has shown that eating a low-carb diet can help you lose weight fast. …
  2. Intermittent Fasting. Intermittent fasting, or IF, is another effective trick that has been shown to lose body fat. …
  3. Avoid Junk Food.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Weight Loss: 3 Simple Tips to Lose 5kg and Reduce Belly Fat in Just 1 Week Without Exercising or Dieting | Photo credit: Thinkstock

New Delhi: Losing weight, especially visceral fat or deep belly fat is not that easy, but not that hard either. With the right tricks and strategies, you can lose a good amount of weight in a short amount of time. In fact, it is claimed that you can lose up to 10 pounds, around 4-5 kg, in a week. Of course, in order for you to lose weight faster, you need to follow an effective weight loss plan.

While this isn’t a long-term solution, the plan can certainly help kick-start your weight-loss journey and motivate long-term healthy lifestyle changes. If you’re trying to shed pounds fast and get leaner before an important event, here’s a three-step weight loss plan to help you shed that ugly belly fat in just a week. Read – Weight Loss: 5 Healthy Snack Recipes for a Flat Stomach and Flat Abs

Three simple tips to follow to lose 5kg weight in 1 week

More proteins and less carbohydrates

Research has shown that a low-carb diet can help you lose weight quickly. In fact, short-term reductions in carbohydrate intake can help reduce water weight and bloating. As a result, many people go low-carb when trying to lose weight. Eating lots of protein, especially lean sources of protein, is associated with increased metabolism and decreased appetite, which can effectively aid in weight loss.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting or IF is another effective trick that has been proven to lose body fat. The fact is that by including time-restricted eating, you reduce your overall calorie intake, which allows you to lose weight quickly. There are different types of intermittent fasting such as: E.g. the 16/8 method, the 5:2 diet, etc. It should be noted that limiting calorie intake is one of the most successful weight loss tips. Read – 1 Day Detox Diet Plan for Weight Loss: Morning ’til Night Routine to Cleanse Your Body and Mind

Avoid unhealthy food

Anyone trying to lose body fat wants to eliminate highly processed junk from their diet. Junk foods are high in fat, sugar and/or salt. Junk food offers a high number of calories in a small volume. It’s low in fiber and low in satiety, meaning you won’t feel as full if you eat junk, which leads to overeating.

Instead, opt for whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, which are high in nutrients and fiber and are incredibly filling. Focusing on lean protein and low-carb vegetables can help you feel full without adding too many calories.

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions mentioned in this article are for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a nutritionist before beginning any fitness program or changing your diet.

How can I lose 10 kgs in 7 days?

Here are 7 simple steps to follow to lose weight in 7 days:
  1. Reduce carbs, increase proteins. …
  2. Avoid processed junk food, eat whole foods. …
  3. Reduce calorie intake. …
  4. Incorporate HIIT in your fitness regime and lift weights. …
  5. Stay active even outside the gym. …
  6. Try Intermittent Fasting. …
  7. Reduce water retention with these tips.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

If you’ve been wondering how to lose weight in 2018, we’re here to help you answer it. Since the new year always calls for a fresh start, which is what New Year’s resolutions are all about, this is a good time to ditch old habits and pick up some healthy new ones. Most of the time, the things you want to accomplish in the next 12 months are unfinished business from 2017 that you carried into 2018. One of those things is no doubt your never-ending quest for numbers on how to lose weight. To help you hit your weight loss goal for the year as early as possible, we’ll let you be initiated into an exercise and diet routine that could change your life for the better. Not only will it help you lose weight, but it will also help you achieve your fitness goals much sooner than you ever thought possible.

How to lose weight: 7 steps to lose 10 pounds in 7 days

If you want to know how to lose weight quickly and effectively, you have to stick to a strict fitness program. This plan works wonders, especially for people who want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. While not a long-term sustainable solution, this can help start 2018 on a positive note and provide some motivation to lose (more) weight. You will be able to see results after just following these simple tips for a week.

But before you embark on following this weight loss program, you should know that you will not lose pure body fat. Because of the calorie deficit it takes to burn every pound of fat, it’s not possible to lose 10 pounds of pure body fat in just one week. Although much of the weight you lose is certainly body fat, you will tend to shed pounds by removing excess water from your body. This is because the plan involves lowering your insulin levels and ridding your body of stored carbohydrates that hold water.

Your body can store about 300-500 grams of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, which is known to hold about three times the weight of water. A reduction in insulin levels in your body also causes your kidneys to excrete excess sodium, which ultimately leads to decreased water retention. Aside from reducing body fat and water weight, your body may also lose a few pounds from undigested food and fiber, as well as less intestinal waste in your digestive system. Here are 7 easy steps to lose weight in 7 days:

1. Reduce carbohydrates, increase proteins

A low-carb diet could play a big role in shedding pounds from your body quickly. There are various studies that support the fact that a low-carb diet is extremely effective in losing weight and improving your overall health. You can also reduce water weight and bloating with a short-term reduction in carbohydrate intake. If you choose a low-carb diet, you can see results on the scale the very next morning after you start your diet.

Can I lose 5kg in a week?

You can further lose up to five kgs in a week by following a calorie deficit diet, though experts suggest that it is best to target losing 1-2kgs per week. The key is to keep the body in fat-burning mode with the combination of restrictive eating and increased physical activity.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Are you looking for ways to lose weight fast? Here is a diet plan that can help you lose 5 kg in 5 days. Find out how it works, along with expert tips that will help you stick to the diet with ease. You can also integrate these strategies into your everyday life and lead a sustainably healthier life.

NOTE: It is advisable to follow this diet under expert supervision.

Weight loss diet plan to lose 5 kg in 5 days

A quick weight loss plan, such as B. Losing 5kg in 5 days is not impossible, but you must proceed with caution, ideally under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist. Fast diets will help reset your system and chances are you’ll feel refreshed; however, they are not sustainable. Diets that promise rapid weight loss can also have harmful side effects.

Expert advice will help you determine if the diet meets your specific health and lifestyle needs.

Read on to make an informed choice.

How it works?

In a fast weight loss plan, your body is detoxified and starts by losing a lot of water weight. You can continue to lose up to ten pounds in a week by following a calorie deficit diet, although experts recommend that losing 3-4 pounds per week is best. The key is to keep the body in fat burning mode through the combination of restrictive eating and increased physical activity. Losing about 1kg of fat may be unattainable, but losing 1kg of water weight is practical and possible. The body breaks down water retention quickly, especially when beginning a new weight loss regimen.

Must Read: High Protein Diet for Weight Loss

Weight loss diet chart to lose 5 kg in 5 days

Here is an example diet plan to lose 5 kg in 5 days. You can consult an expert and adapt it to the needs of your body and lifestyle.

day 1

Breakfast: Make sure your total calorie count is 250 at breakfast. Start with lemon detox water, then eat two boiled or poached eggs or a bowl of chickpea salad.

Lunch: Your lunch should be around 300 calories or less. You can have lentils (without tadka) along with brown rice and some green salad.

Snacks: A medium apple or orange or other fruit of your choice.

Dinner: Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Add 1 cup brown rice with 3/4 cup cooked chicken along with a green salad. Finish it off with a cup of chamomile tea.

day 2

Breakfast: Start your day with chia seed detox water and then eat oatmeal with skim milk.

Lunch: Have a bowl of mixed fruits like berries and oranges with a cup of green tea.

Snack: A cup of green tea with a boiled egg without the yolk or two multigrain crackers.

Dinner: One cup of spinach and broccoli soup with a slice of toasted multigrain bread.

day 3

Breakfast: Have cinnamon detox water. For breakfast, add a cup of poha with herbs and a cup of green tea.

Lunch: Add a bowl of chicken soup with shredded chicken. If you want a vegetarian option, you can eat baked mushrooms with some cheddar cheese on a bed of half a cup of rice.

Snacks: A cucumber and tomato veggie sandwich with a drizzle of olive oil.

Dinner: Half a small baked fish or half a cup of grilled tofu with a cup of brown rice.

day 4

Breakfast: Start with lemon detox water, then eat a bowl of oatmeal made with about 75g of non-dairy oatmeal for breakfast.

Lunch: A bowl of soup with chicken or tofu, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli.

Snack: A bowl of pineapple and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Yellow lentil dal without tadka, or boiled chicken with baby spinach, which you can eat with two multigrain rotis or a cup of brown rice and a green salad.

day 5

Breakfast: Start your morning with lemon and honey in hot water. Eat a bowl of oatmeal without milk for breakfast.

Lunch: Have a cup of Greek yogurt with mixed berries and chopped nuts.

Snacks: A bowl of papaya and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Have a cup of egg curry with a tablespoon of oil and two boiled eggs with a cup of brown rice. Your vegetarian option may be black lentil and brown rice khichdi.

Must Read: How to Burn Calories Fast?

Expert tips to follow during weight loss diet plan

Here are 9 expert tips to make the most of your weight loss diet plan and lose 5 kg in 5 days:

Watch what you eat:

Avoid refined carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and high-protein foods like baked goods, snack foods like potato chips, starchy vegetables, red meat, and oily fish. Stay away from hydrogenated oils and opt for healthy oils like olive oil. Choose lean protein sources and explore grass-fed poultry options. Avoid foods high in sugar and salt, such as sodas, carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages, processed or packaged meats, and candy.

Include more fiber in your diet: Consuming more soluble fiber will keep you full and satisfied for longer. You can consume fruits and vegetables high in fiber and antioxidants, which help speed up weight loss by reducing frequent cravings.

Track Your Calories: Create a calorie deficit diet by reducing your calorie consumption to 500-800 calories per day as it will help you lose weight faster. One tip for doing this is to track the foods you eat in an app or journal.

Mindful Snack: It’s best to avoid unhealthy, packaged and processed snacks that contain extra calories that defeat the purpose of the weight loss plan. Instead, try eating healthy snacks like chickpea salad, kale chips, or sprouts packed with fiber and healthy protein.

Chew your food slowly: By chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you further reduce your calorie intake. Slow eaters feel more full and have less appetite than fast eaters.

Drink more water:

Hydrate yourself thoroughly and be sure to drink up to 10 glasses of water to aid in the body’s detoxification process. You can infuse water with fruit or squeeze a lemon to make it delicious. Also, drinking water fills you up. Avoid packaged fruit juices as they are high in sugar.

Exercise control:

One of the best ways to cut down on calories is with portion control. Eat small portions of your meals or serve them on smaller plates. Also, be sure to drink some water right before you eat, as this will help limit excessive calorie intake.

Move your body: Along with diet changes, make sure you’re physically active. Walking is the best form of exercise and will help you burn calories faster. The goal is to complete around 10,000 steps every day. You could take a flight of stairs instead of an elevator and try walking to the parking lot or do some shopping.

Add cardio to your routine: Add about 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity per week to your routine to boost your metabolism and burn calories faster. You can try cardio exercises like squat jumps or burpees, which are great for overall health and calorie burn.

Must Read: How to Lose Weight Without Exercising?


We now know that fast weight loss where you can lose 5kg in 5 days is achievable through a diet plan. However, keep in mind that this may not be a sustainable or long-term weight loss solution. Including physical activity in your everyday life helps to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

If you are struggling to lose weight and are overwhelmed by the amount of information on the internet, visit Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic. Top industry experts create customized nutrition and fitness plans that are right for your individual health needs.

How many calories is 1 kg?

There are 7,700kcals (kcal=calorie) worth of energy in 1kg of fat. That means in order to burn 1kg of fat, you must have a calorie deficit of 7,700. Considering the average daily intake can be anywhere from 1,800-2,400kcals, it takes some time to burn that fat.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

training science

The “true” facts about burning body fat

In this age of information and so-called Insta Fitness “experts,” there’s so much B.S. around when it comes to burning body fat. While methods and ideas are constantly changing, we thought we’d take the moral high ground and bring you the facts. Please understand that this information is not the latest “Get Skinny Fast” gimmick, but facts that have not changed in decades.

So let us give you some REAL fat burning facts to help you on your journey.

1 kg of fat contains 7,700 kcal (kcal = calorie) of energy. That means to burn 1kg of fat you need to be in a 7,700 calorie deficit. When you consider that the average daily intake can range from 1,800 to 2,400 kcal, it takes time to burn off that fat. The biggest mistake people make is not giving time to the changes in the body. Health and fitness is a lifestyle, not a temporary quick fix. Creating too large a calorie deficit to speed up the process will lead to injury or illness.

Here are some quick calculations to help you understand the fat loss process:

John, 35, burns 2,400 calories a day without exercising. His main goal is to lose weight. He does three reboots a week and burns an average of 700kcal per session. He chooses a healthy daily deficit of 500 calories to reach his goals. So John burns 1,900 calories on his non-training days and 2,500 calories on his restart days (2,400 + 700 = 3,100 – 500 = 2,500). John adheres to it religiously for 6 weeks. How much fat has he lost? Almost 3 pounds of fat. Go John! Well, that doesn’t count the weight he’ll lose from fluid retention by cleaning up his diet. Yes, he also reduced his alcohol intake and consumed cleaner foods during this time to meet his daily goals (the type of calories you put into your body also affects body composition, but that’s a whole different conversation).

Remember, you can’t beat a bad diet!

Math for those who like it: 500 daily deficit x 7 days a week = 3,500 x 6 weeks = 21,000/7,700 kcal in 1 kg of fat = 2.75 kg.

Now I’m hearing some of you say ‘3 kilos? That’s not a lot for 6 weeks of work…” But it’s not just three pounds, it’s three pounds of pure FAT. As mentioned above, eating cleaner foods has other effects on your body such as: B. a reduction in bloating, a cleaner digestive system and an increase in energy. That means the overall weight loss could actually be higher. Look at this picture of 2kg fat vs 2kg muscle and tell me 3kg fat loss isn’t much.

For anyone struggling to understand the above information, speak to one of our expert trainers here at One Fitness and they will be happy to help you on your weight loss journey.

How can I lose 10kg fast?

If you need to lose 10 kg quickly, start by cutting 500 calories from your diet per day. Then, replace high-carb food items like bread with produce and lean proteins like fish, vegetables, and eggs. Instead of snacking, drink water to curb your hunger pangs throughout the day.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

You’ve probably seen fad diets and workout plans all over the internet that are all about restriction and punishment, but the truth is, you don’t have to live it to see results. We’re here to show you that you can lose weight simply by eating healthy, portioned meals and doing exercises that burn calories and tone your muscles. By making sustainable lifestyle changes that you can actually stick to, you stand a much better chance of keeping the weight off once it’s gone!

Can you lose 20 kgs in 3 months?

With discipline, hard work and healthy eating habits, I managed to lose 20 kg in 3 months. I have always been an early morning riser. I continued to wake up at 5 am and sleep at 10 pm. I cut down on social evenings, avoided drink and dine parties to begin with.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

He was a teetotaler who never exercised and weighed 92 kg.

Today he can run up to 36 hours. In 2018, he completed three 100-mile marathons in a six-month period.

Rediff reader Shajan Samuel, 43 from Bengaluru, shares his incredible weight loss story. You can share yours too.

Earlier in this series: This guy lost 41 kg in 10 months

IMAGE: Shajan Samuel went from 92 kg to 72 kg in three months. Photo: Courtesy of Shajan Samuel

I had never actively played sports in school. The closest I came to playing was as a backup goalkeeper for the school team, where I could barely play.

I am currently working for Aptech Ltd in a managerial role.

My job profile includes extensive travel. I travel 10 days a month.

Over time I gained weight due to unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity.

I weighed 92 kg.

I was 36 when I started running in 2013.

I could barely walk a few meters. Also, I didn’t understand the science of losing weight at the time.

My algorithm was buggy.

I used to burn 400 calories and eat 2,000 calories in one day.

Realizing the futility of my efforts, I made it my mission to burn more and use fewer calories to make more conscious choices.

When I decided to become an ultra runner (running a distance of over 42.195 km), I knew I had to be light.

How I lost weight

My transformation started in October 2017.

With discipline, hard work and healthy eating habits, I managed to lose 20 kg in 3 months.

I’ve always been an early riser. I kept waking up at 5am and sleeping at 10pm. I scaled back social nights, avoiding drink-and-dine parties from the start.

Here is my daily routine:

I run 5 days a week and ride 50km every week.

I eat half a banana before I run. After running, I finish the other half.

Breakfast: Two eggs, muesli or idlis with a glass of coconut water.

At 11 o’clock green tea.

Lunch at 1pm: Two rotis, 3 teaspoons of rice, dal or a salad.

Between 3pm and 4pm: nuts and green tea.

Dinner at 6:30 p.m.: Grilled fish, salad, soup or boiled vegetables.

I completely gave up white sugar 18 months ago. No carbonated beverage, no cakes, pastries, chocolates, french fries and burgers.

I’ve always been a teetotaler. Today I believe that the best drink is water. I have at least 3 liters of water a day.

I do my own training, but I did an extensive blood test before I started ultra running.

success story

I ran my first 100-mile run for 36 hours without two nights of sleep.

In 2018, I completed three 100-mile runs in six months.

I run 50 km a week. When preparing for a 100 mile run, I aim for about 70 km in a week.

I also do strength training and work on my core and glutes.

It took me just three focused months to lose 20kg and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

When I check into hotels, I carry my own luggage to my room.

Even if I have an appointment on the 20th floor, I go up the stairs. After lunch I go for a 2km walk.


The hardest part was not eating between 6am and 8am.

Sometimes I felt like eating the sheets, but I never had anything to eat at home.

Even if I woke up hungry in the middle of the night, there was nothing to tempt me.

My body has now fully embraced the transition.

Over time I have learned the art of resisting temptation.

To learn

Our mind can be so powerful that it can undermine the body.

There is a direct relationship between our mind and what we can achieve in life.

My goal is to complete the Khardungla Ultramarathon (72km), the highest ultramarathon in the world, this September.

This race is only for the fittest and very experienced runners. The harsh conditions make this extremely difficult as you will be running approximately 60km of the race at over 4000m (14,000ft)!

invite readers

Have you recently lost weight? We want you to share your weight loss story with us.

Share your detailed nutrition plan, tips and advice with our readers.

Write to [email protected] (subject line: ‘Fat to Fit’) with a before and after photo if possible and we’ll feature the best entries right here!

Can I lose 20 kgs in 2 months?

You need to take high fiber low fat diet followed by detox diet. Drink lot of water everyday. Take small and frequent meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hrs. Avoid outside food completely.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Hello, first of all, follow a proper diet. Avoid junk food and sweets and artificial sweeteners. Drink plenty of water. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. You need to exercise for at least an hour every day. rest well Get adequate sleep Avoid stress

Next Steps

We create customized diet plans for PCOD. Feel free to contact. Regards


Tag this answer

How can I lose 20kg in 4 months?

Drink lots of water during the day. Stick to your healthy diet plan, no matter what. NEVER crash-diet. Better still, get your diet checked the physician to make sure you are getting complete nutrition.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

We asked you, dear readers, to share your fitness tips.

Gaurav Laha from Delhi shares his inspirational journey to lose weight.

Gaurav Laha, before and after losing weight.

Photos: Courtesy of Gaurav Laha

I’m Gaurav Laha, a 25 year old radio jockey, motivational speaker and business trainer from Delhi.

In April 2017 I weighed 89 kg. My weight had stayed the same for many years.

I remember how difficult it was for me to run for more than a minute without getting tired.

In April 2017, I worked for one of Asia’s most prestigious airlines, where I trained flight attendants in English and communication skills.

I used to hear my students talk about how they lost weight to work for the airlines. Your stories really inspired me.

My students have always looked up to me as a motivator and mentor. I couldn’t come to terms with not being able to motivate myself enough to lose weight and get fit.

I also wanted to be a role model for health and fitness.

This is how my journey began.

I’d always dismissed the idea of ​​running on a treadmill by saying I’d rather run outside, outdoors. I didn’t apologize this time. I started running outside instead of going to the gym.

Here is the routine I followed:


At first I could only walk for 2 to 3 minutes. Later I picked up the pace.

I did freehand exercises and also took the stairs (rather than the elevator) whenever the opportunity presented itself.

I ran every morning before I went to work.

A month later, after losing 10-10 pounds, I went to the gym because I wanted to lose more calories, but in a relaxed environment.

“I’m glad I’m a real-life role model,” says Kaushal Laha.


I did extensive research keeping in mind my own past experiences and the diets I was able to stick to.

I came up with a perfect diet to lose weight.

I wanted to lose weight and never lose it again, so I took it one step at a time.

This is my nutrition plan:

Breakfast: Sandwiches with green vegetables/cornflakes, tea/coffee, apple, orange etc.

Lunch: Brown rice, dal, green vegetables or chicken (for non-vegetarians)

Favorite fruit between lunch and dinner: papaya, oranges, apples, etc.

Dinner: soup, chapati, fish (for non-vegetarians)

During the day I drank green tea and lots of water.

I avoided ice cream, soft drinks, oily and starchy foods, and packaged items like chips, etc.


The hardest time was when I was stuck in a weight loss plateau, i.e. a point where you stop losing weight for a while and then start losing it again.

I did my research and knew I had to keep working harder to get over this.

I continued to stick to my diet, monitor my weight, and exercise, which helped me lose weight.

At first I checked my weight every day (because I was too excited), but later once a week.

In 4 months I lost 20 kilos. My weight went down by 150 pounds. My waist went from 40” to 30″.

My mother is relieved that I am fit now and have been able to maintain this weight for many months. She still jokes that I was cuter when I was fatter!

When my old students see me on board an airplane, they are amazed and can’t believe it’s really me! You also feel inspired.

I am happy that I am a real role model for many around me.

In fact, many colleagues (who are pretty heavy as I used to be) still stop me and ask how I managed this journey of resisting temptation.

My Answer: Hard work, dedication and belief in yourself coupled with an amazing diet and exercise plan.

Today I motivate and help others achieve their weight loss goals by helping them adopt a healthy lifestyle and dietary changes.


Drink plenty of water during the day.

Stick to your healthy eating plan no matter what.

NEVER crash diet. Better yet, have your diet checked by a doctor to ensure you are getting complete nutrition.

Always carry healthy food with you.

Constantly remind yourself of the day when you won’t have those extra pounds anymore. You will be so proud of yourself.

invite readers

Have you recently lost weight? We want you to share your weight loss story with us.

Share your detailed nutrition plan, tips and advice with our readers.

Write to [email protected] (subject line: ‘Fat to Fit’) with a before and after photo if possible and we’ll feature the best entries right here!

Earlier in the series: How Shah Rukh inspired Aru Verma to lose weight

Is it possible to lose 10kg in a month?

It is unhealthy to lose 10kgs in a month; for it, you will have to starve yourself and once you start eating again, you will gain more weight than you lost, said Dehra. How many hours does one need to workout to lose weight? An hour of workout most days is more than enough.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

Many want to lose weight in the shortest possible time by trying different diets and exercises. But it is extremely important to understand that weight loss is a journey that takes time and equal effort.

Nutritionist Nancy Dehra recently took to Instagram to answer the few most frequently asked questions about weight loss.

Also Read | Three tests you can do at home to gauge fitness level

Check out this post on Instagram A post shared by nutritionist Nancy Dehra

Is it advisable to lose 10 kilos a month?

It is unhealthy to lose 10 kg in a month; you have to starve yourself to do that, and once you start eating again, you’ll gain more weight than you lost, Dehra said.

Instant Weight Loss. (Source: Getty Images) Instant weight loss. (Source: Getty Images)

Also Read | Simple tips to improve hair and skin quality when losing weight

How many hours do you have to exercise to lose weight?

One hour of training is more than enough most days. “Prefer strength training to build/maintain muscle mass,” she recommended.

To the uninitiated, strength training, also known as strength training or resistance training, involves pitting the body against any type of resistance, including your own bodyweight, barbells, or other weights. Resistance as part of the workout helps build muscle endurance.

Also Read | Three tests you can do at home to gauge fitness level

Tried everything but can’t lose weight

“You jump from one solution to another. Stick to the basics and take your time,” she noted.

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(Real Situation) 20kg Weight Loss Challenge in Two Days

(Real Situation) 20kg Weight Loss Challenge in Two Days
(Real Situation) 20kg Weight Loss Challenge in Two Days

See some more details on the topic how to lose 20kg in a week here:

Is it possible to lose 20kg in a week? – Quora

Eat a nutritious diet in a modest deficit. Supplement with regular exercise. · Eat lots of vegetables, fruit and lean protein. Include healthy fats and modest …

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Date Published: 8/14/2022

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How to Lose 20kg in a Week: A Diet Plan for Rapid Weight …

This method was devised by, Dean Ornish and others as a fast, safe, and efficient method of weight loss. To lose 20kg in a week you will …

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Date Published: 5/27/2022

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2021 Best Appetite Suppressant How To Lose 20kg In A Week …

How to lose 20kg in a week ? Best way to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks; Best weight loss pills for black women; Dhea 50 mg dietary supplement para que serve …

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Date Published: 12/28/2022

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How to Lose 20kg in a Week | Weight loss and Gain Tips

Make walking a mile per day your routine if you want to lose weigh in a week. Walking on a daily basis burns calories amount. Jogging and …

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Date Published: 7/26/2021

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How To Lose 20kg, 30kg or Even 40kg The Smart Way

How To Lose 20 Kilograms · 1) Swap Binge Snacking With An Interactive Activity · 2) Walk A Little More · 3) Don’t Skip Your Breakfast · 4) Stay …

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Date Published: 8/16/2022

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Quick Answer: How Can I Lose 20 Kgs In 10 Days?

Weight loss plan to lose 20 kgs -“Drink lots and lots of water — even when I am not thirsty. Staying hydrated as multiple …

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Date Published: 2/14/2021

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I Wanna Lose 20kg In At Least Less Than A Month. No Pills Or …

Do yourself a favour, and go onto a balanced diet eating less and exercising more … that way you’ll lose about 1/2 to 1 kilo per week. This is a diet for life …

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Date Published: 1/11/2022

View: 2048

How to lose weight like this guy who lost 20 kgs by following a simple 3-step plan

To lose weight, the first thing you have to do is believe! Sounds strange right? But it is true. A little faith will take you far. 24-year-old Srinivas Ravi tells us that at 99.5 kg, when he decided to lose weight after being shocked by his body’s high cholesterol levels and unstable blood pressure levels, he believed he could lose weight, and this Energy into creating a simple 3-Step Weight Loss Plan to trim to a healthy 79.5 kg.

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve been overweight. But other than that, I’ve always loved sports, especially cricket. Unfortunately, for years, I was never the first to be picked for either team that played a game. In fact, I was always picked in the last 5 places. While that didn’t bother me much, over the years I’ve become an easy target for ridicule and my BMI just kept climbing to new heights. When I finished college and started working, I weighed 99.5 kg,” he recalls.

“This weight gain was heavily influenced by genetics and stress eating. I remember that one time I went out with my best friend to celebrate his birthday and let me just say my tummy was very pleased with everything we ate that night. But the moment I got home I passed out and passed out. After I regained consciousness, I couldn’t understand what just happened for about 30 seconds. All I knew was that something was wrong with my body. Now, scared and anxious, I rushed to get checked out and found I was at high risk for a cholesterol problem along with unstable blood pressure levels. That was my turning point,” he says.

“In that moment, I realized that only health is the true wealth and immediately decided to do something to prevent my wealth from being snatched away from me.” Consequently, Ravi created the following weight loss plan to lose 20 kg and get fit !

Weight loss plan to lose 20 kg –

“In order to lose weight, I decided to change my routine and track my daily food intake. Within a week I realized that my diet was just laden with stubborn fat. So how do I get rid of it – was my next thought!”

“After a little research, I made three simple promises to myself about losing weight, which also became the outline of my weight loss plan. These goods”:

How to Lose 20 Kilos Fast

Losing 20 kilograms – or 44 pounds – is a big goal, but it won’t happen overnight. You can safely lose that weight with dedication and effort in about five to five and a half months. Maintain the weight by making simple lifestyle changes. Keep making these lifestyle changes and you’ll keep the weight off forever.

Step 1 Reduce your calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that calorie loss results in losses of between 1 and 2 pounds — 0.453 and 0.907 kilograms — per week. According to the National Institutes of Health, women should not reduce their calorie intake below 1,000 calories per day, while men should stay around 1,200 calories per day.

Step 2 Eat healthy foods to ensure you’re meeting nutritional needs while staying within your calorie limit. Emphasize fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Include lean protein sources such as poultry, fish, lean cuts of meat, beans and eggs.

Step 3 Avoid refined carbohydrates with a high glycemic index — foods like sugar, white flour, and white rice that can spike your blood sugar levels. A 2012 study by the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that low-carbohydrate or low-glycemic index diets are more effective than low-fat diets get to achieve permanent weight loss.

Step 4 Increase your physical activity. The National Institutes of Health recommends 60 to 90 minutes of moderate physical activity daily to maintain weight loss. Moderate physical activities include aqua aerobics, playing basketball and ballroom dancing.

Step 5 Incorporate high-intensity interval training into your exercise routine. High-intensity interval training is a form of exercise that alternates between high-intensity and low-intensity activities. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that participants burned more fat after just two weeks of high-intensity interval training. According to Columbia Health’s “Go Ask Alice!” Website, high-intensity interval training can prime the mitochondria to burn fat calories before carbohydrate calories.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (with Pictures)

It’s extremely difficult to lose 20 pounds in two short weeks, and losing that much weight that quickly is often not safe. Surgery and weight loss pills are among the options many people use to lose such a large amount of weight so quickly, but making changes to your diet and lifestyle can help with your weight loss goals and are a healthier option in the long run if done right . It’s important to note that any diet that sheds this much weight is highly unconventional, however, and you should discuss your plans with a doctor before proceeding.

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